Instruction Bulletin 5.1
Release M, Effective July 2014 (Replaces L, Oct '12)
See Bulletin Change Summary at end of Bulletin
Select and Prepare Substrates for Graphic Application
For the most current 3M Technical Information available to successfully use this product, please view this Bulletin electronically and
click on the blue underlined links to view the relevant documents.
1. Table of Contents
2. How to Use this Bulletin Effectively 1...............................
3. Health and Safety 2...........................................
4. Substrate Requirements 2......................................
5. Cleaning Methods 3..........................................
A. Method 1: General Cleaning 3................................
B. Method 2: Solvent Cleaning 3.................................
C. Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning 4..........................
D. Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning 4.......................
6. Substrate Cleaning and Application Tips 4...........................
7. 3M Graphics: Application over Existing Graphic 4......................
B. Building Materials 5........................................
C. Composites 6............................................
D. Flexible Substrates 6.......................................
E. Glass 6................................................
F. Metals 6................................................
G. Painted or Primed Substrates 8................................
H. Plastics and Rubber 9......................................
I. Poster Board 9...........................................
J. Wood Products 10..........................................
8. Special Testing or Surface Preparation 11.............................
A. Flame Treating 11..........................................
B. Outgassing Test 11.........................................
C. Tape Snap Test 11.........................................
9. Disclaimer 12.................................................
10. Limitation of Liability 12.........................................
11. Bulletin Change Summary 12.....................................
2. How to Use this Bulletin
The techniques described in this Bulletin are required when applying a 3M warranted graphic,
but are also practical recommendations when using promotional materials for non-warranted
How to select and prepare a substrate so that the 3M film or sheeting will adhere well.
How to apply film or sheeting to specific types of substrates.
Use this Bulletin in conjunction with other applicable 3M Product and Instruction Bulletins
for your graphic application. Several Bulletins are linked within this Bulletin. For others
you may need, please go to our technical information library at
Read Substrate Requirements
, which helps you determine the general types of
substrates that can be used. Refer to the film or sheeting Product Bulletin for specific
substrate recommendations.
Review the cleaning methods starting on page 3. All recommended substrates can be
cleaned with one or more of these methods.
Locate the type of substrate you plan to use and review the preparation and application
techniques provided.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 2
3. Health and Safety
When handling any chemical products, read the manufacturers' container labels and the
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for important health, safety and environmental information. To ob
tain SDS sheets for 3M products go to
, or by mail or in case of an emer
gency, call 1-800-364-3577 or 1-651-737-6501.
When using any equipment, always follow the manufacturers' instructions for safe operation.
B. Air Quality Regulations
State Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) regulations may prohibit the use of certain cleaning
chemicals with VOC's in graphic arts coatings and printing operations. For example, the
California South Coast Air Quality Management District prohibits use of certain solvent-based
solutions without a permit and other California AQMD's prohibit use of certain solutions
without a permit or a regulatory exemption. Check with your State environmental authorities
to determine whether use of this solution may be restricted or prohibited.
C. Ergonomics
Any activity performed for a long period of time in an awkward position or with a high amount
of force is potentially a risk for causing musculoskeletal strain, pain or injury. When applying
graphics, follow these practices to improve comfort and avoid injury:
Alternate your tasks during the application.
Schedule regular breaks.
Perform stretches or do exercises to improve circulation.
Avoid awkward reaching.
4. Substrate Requirements
To obtain a high-quality, long-lasting graphic, use the proper preparation and application
techniques for each type of substrate.
Important Note!
Also read to 3M Instruction Bulletin 5.37, A Guide to Understanding and Applying Graphics to
Common Interior Wall Surfaces, which contains important considerations and techniques.
Films can be applied to most substrates that are:
Clean. All substrates must be considered contaminated and must be cleaned prior to
application of film or sheeting, with the last cleaning step being done immediately before
application. A freshly cleaned or painted substrate can quickly collect dust.
- For wall applications: Be sure to clean the edges under the ceiling and all corners.
These areas are easily overlooked.
Dry. Any moisture trapped beneath the graphic can cause the graphic to fail prematurely.
Moisture prevents the adhesive from adhering correctly, can cause bubbles, and can
freeze in cold environments.
Moisture results from:
- Inadequate drying after cleaning.
- Failure to pre-dry some substrates such as polycarbonate sheeting.
- Condensation at low temperatures.
- High humidity environments.
It is impossible to keep the substrate dry if there is condensation or high humidity.
Because of the difficulty removing all of the moisture, wet application is not
recommended on vehicles or non-flat surfaces. Moisture is also difficult to remove from
beneath 3M™ Controltac™ Graphic Films and 3M™ Scotchlite™ Graphic Films with or
without Comply™ Adhesive.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 3
Relatively non-porous. Porous materials absorb moisture that affects the ability of the
film or sheeting to adhere to the surface.
Smooth. It is more difficult for the adhesive to make good contact with textured surfaces
rougher than 150 grit sandpaper. Refer to 3M Instruction Bulletin 5.5
, General Proce
dures for Interior and Exterior Dry Applications, for application techniques to rough sur
5. Cleaning Methods
Read Health and Safety on page 2 before continuing.
The type of substrate determines which of the four basic cleaning methods to use.
Improperly prepared substrates void any 3M warranty.
Test cleaners in an inconspicuous area before using. Some cleaners may dull the sub
strate or leave contaminants on it. Cleaners with low solvent content may not remove the
type of contaminants you have.
Important Note!
Clean the substrate immediately before applying film. Dust and other contaminants can
collect quickly on the substrate and prevent the film from adhering properly.
A. Method 1: General Cleaning
1. Use detergent and water to clean the substrate.
For most surfaces, interior or exterior:
Wash the substrate with 1 ounce of synthetic
detergent per gallon of lukewarm water. Avoid soaps or preparations that contain
waxes, oils or lotions. Be aware that some window cleaners contain waxes.
Be aware that the chemicals used in some automated vehicle washing equipment
may interfere with adhesion.
For interior walls where grease and/or oil is present on the substrate: Wash the
substrate with a solution of trisodium phosphate (TSP) and lukewarm water. Prepare
the solution according to the manufacturer's written instructions.
2. Dry thoroughly with clean, lint-free paper towels.
Note: Porous materials absorb moisture. Provide adequate time and conditions to dry.
B. Method 2: Solvent Cleaning
This list of cleaners is provided for your convenience; other acceptable cleaners may be
available. 3M does not endorse any particular chemical manufacturer or supplier.
(1) Cleaners with Low Solvent
3M™ Prep Solvent *
- 16 oz. (0.5 L) spray applicator, 08973
- 1 gal. (3.8 L) container, 08983
Several other products are available from your local building products store.
(2) Cleaners with Petroleum
3M™ General Purpose Adhesive Cleaner *
- 1 qt. (0.95 L) container, 08984
- 5 gal. (19 L) pail, 08986
- 20 oz. (0.6 L) aerosol can, 08987
DuPont Prep-Sol™ Solvent Cleaner 3919S **
Sherwin Williams R7K156 or R7K158 Sher-Will-Clean™ **
Xylol, lacquer thinner, or VM&P Naphtha ***
* 3M Automotive Aftermarket Division.
** Auto parts suppliers handling DuPont or Sherwin Williams products.
*** Look up “Solvents" in the Yellow Pages. If not available locally, small quantities can be
mail-ordered from companies such as E. H. Sargent and Co. and Fisher Scientific.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 4
(3) Cleaning Procedure Clean the substrate immediately before applying film. Grease and oils prevent the film from
adhering properly.
1. Saturate a clean paper towel with a solvent.
2. Wipe with a lint-free paper towel before the solvent evaporates from the substrate. As the
paper towel becomes dirty, discard it. A dirty towel does not remove dirt.
3. Make sure the substrate is completely dry. If necessary, use a heat gun to dry any
retained moisture.
4. Apply the graphic immediately. Dust and contaminants prevent the adhesive from
performing as expected.
C. Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol
Note: Isopropyl alcohol evaporates quickly: you must wipe the substrate before it
evaporates. The evaporation rate increases in warm and/or windy environments.
1. Saturate a clean paper towel with isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
If you are using industrial grade IPA, mix it in a ratio of 2 parts IPA to 1 part water.
If you are using 70% rubbing alcohol, do not dilute it.
2. Wipe with a lint-free paper towel before the IPA evaporates from the substrate. As the
paper towel becomes dirty, discard it. A dirty towel does not remove dirt.
3. Make sure the substrate is completely dry. If necessary, use a heat gun to dry out any
retained moisture.
4. Apply the graphic immediately. Dust and contaminants prevent the adhesive from
performing as expected.
D. Method 4: Dust and Dry
Particle Cleaning
Use this method when the surface has no contamination other than dust or other loose
particles or debris. Dust and loose particles may interfere with film adhesion.
(1) Smooth Surfaces Wipe down the entire surface with a clean Scotch-Bright™ High Performance Cleaning Cloth.
Follow the product directions for cleaning the cloth.
(2) Rough or Textured Surfaces Preferred Method: Vacuum the entire surface with a soft-bristled vacuum head to dis
lodge and remove any loose particles or dust.
Alternate Method: Sweep the entire surface with a soft-bristled broom to dislodge any
loose particles or dust.
6. Substrate Cleaning and
Application Tips
Methods for cleaning start on page 3.
When given more than one option, read the descriptions for each method and select the most
appropriate for your circumstances.
7. 3M Graphics: Application
over Existing Graphic
Except in interior wallboard applications, you can apply one 3M graphic (which could be a
single layer of film or a fabricated multi-layer construction) on top of one existing new or old
3M graphic as long as the application meets the requirements below.
A. Requirements
(1) Condition of Bottom Graphic
The bottom graphic must be in good condition and well adhered to the substrate.
(2) Size and Edge Gap One of the following two statements must be true:
The top graphic is larger than the bottom graphic, and it extends beyond the edge of
the bottom graphic by at least 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) along the entire edge of the bottom
The top graphic is smaller than the bottom graphic and all its edges are at least 1/2
inch (1.3 cm) inside the edges of the bottom graphic.
Refer to 3M Instruction Bulletin 6.5
before removing part or all of an existing graphic.
(3) Compatibility with Substrate
The bottom graphic must be recommended for application to the substrate.
If the top graphic is larger than the bottom graphic, the top graphic must also be
recommended for application to the primary substrate.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 5
(4) Compatibility with Substrate
The top and bottom graphic must both be recommended for application to the shape of the
application surface (e.g., corrugated surfaces).
(5) Warranty and Removal Specific warranty details and limitations for each film is in its Product Bulletin. If the
requirements above are not met, no finished graphic warranty will be honored.
Removal of only the top film in this type of application is not warranted unless:
The top film is changeable, and
The bottom film is removable with heat and/or chemicals or is permanent.
(6) Cleaning Procedure Clean the surface.
Fleet applications:
Method 1: General Cleaning; followed by Method 2: Solvent Cleaning; AND then,
followed by Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, followed by Method 3: Isopropyl
Alcohol Cleaning.
B. Building Materials
(1) Exterior Brick 1. Prepare a muriatic acid solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. Muriatic
acid can be found in most home improvement stores.
2. When using muriatic acid, follow the manufacturer's safe handling instructions, including
wearing appropriate protective equipment such as rubber gloves and safety goggles.
(2) Interior Brick Method 1: General Cleaning
OR Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning
(3) Ceramic Tile, Countertop
Laminate, Marble, Decorating
Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning
OR Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning
(4) Concrete, Bare Note: If you are applying 3M™ Sidewalk Signs, refer to 3M Instruction Bulletin 5.33
1. Allow new concrete to cure 6 to 12 months. Curing is necessary to remove the strong
alkali in fresh concrete.
2. Brush with a wire brush to remove loose debris.
3. Use the same steps recommended for Brick substrates.
Methods for cleaning start on page 3.
(5) Concrete, Sealed and Painted Method 1: General Cleaning
OR Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning.
(6) Indoor Flooring See 3M Instruction Bulletin 5.19
(formerly IB 5.26).
(7) Interior Wallboard and Wall
See 3M Instruction Bulletin 5.37
, A Guide to Understanding and Applying Graphics to
Common Indoor and Outdoor Wall Surfaces, which contains important considerations and
techniques for interior wall graphics.
Removing even changeable graphics may damage wallboard, especially if the wallboard is cut
during application.
1. Paint or prime the substrate. Then follow the cleaning and preparation recommendations
in Painted or Primed Substrates, page 8.
2. Test for substrate integrity with the Tape Snap Test, page 11.
3. Clean the surface. Use Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning.
(8) Wall Coverings All seams and edges must have good adhesion to the wall. Clean the surface using:
Method 1: General Cleaning
OR Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 6
C. Composites
Some composites require special consideration to ensure that the graphic performs as
(1) Body Fillers Because most plastic type body fillers are porous, they can absorb moisture. Before installing
the film, apply an epoxy-based primer on the body filler to help seal surface.
(2) FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced
Gelcoat that cracks will also crack the film or sheeting.
Perform the Outgassing Test, page 11.
If the gel coat has chalked, use a mild abrasive or buffing wheel to remove any residue.
Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, followed by Method 2: Solvent Cleaning.
(3) Urethane Foam-filled Trailer
Sides and Doors
Perform the Outgassing Test, page 11.
Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, followed by Method 2: Solvent Cleaning.
D. Flexible Substrates
(1) Banners Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, followed by Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol
(2) 3M Flexible Awnings
and Sign Faces
Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, followed by Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol
For additional application instructions, see 3M Instruction Bulletin 5.7
E. Glass
3M accepts no liability for glass breakage due to temperature differences across the glass,
which can be caused by sunlight on dark areas of the graphic. Glass size, thickness, quality
of cut, edge treatment, tinting and frame design also greatly affect the likelihood of breakage.
(1) Waxes and Other Coatings on
Many glass surfaces have wax or other invisible coatings on them that interfere with
adhesion. Perform the following procedure to identify and eliminate any coatings.
1. Place drops of water on several regions of the glass.
2. If the water forms into beads, there is a coating that must be removed. Use a cleaner
such as Bon Ami Glass Cleaner or Soft Scrub to remove the coating. Follow the
manufacturer's instructions. Return to step 1
3. If the water does not form into beads, there is no coating that needs to be removed.
4. Use Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
F. Metals
Any painted surface with bare metal or rust spots should be entirely resurfaced as
recommended for the following metals.
(1) Aluminum For the best results, use etched and degreased aluminum or anodized aluminum.
Use Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
For other types of aluminum, follow these additional procedures prior to cleaning.
- Badly Pitted or Oxidized Substrate
Use a commercial acid-brightener.
- Uncoated and Unetched
1. Remove white rust (oxidation).
2. Smooth with 150 grit or finer abrasive.
3. Degrease the metal.
4. Etch the surface or prepare it with an amorphous chromate or non-chrome
conversion coating.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 7
- Conversion Coated
1. Coating should meet one of the following requirements:
- Chromate: ASTM B 449, Class 2
- Non-chromate: ASTM B 449, Class 1
- Air-dried, acrylic on non-chrome coated: ASTM D 3359 for tape snap
adhesion or ASTM D 4541 for adhesion the same as a chromate coated
aluminum of the same alloy.
2. Remove white rust (oxidation).
3. Be sure that coating adheres tightly to the aluminum and is free of any powdery
(2) Chrome Method 1: General Cleaning; followed by Method 2: Solvent Cleaning; AND then,
followed by Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
(3) Stainless Steel The film or sheeting used must be recommended for stainless steel. Refer to the film's
Product Bulletin.
Method 1: General Cleaning; followed by Method 2: Solvent Cleaning; AND then,
followed by Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
For vehicles, also:
- Make sure that there is no moisture remaining on the substrate, underneath the
rivets, or in body seams.
- Special consideration must be given to the lower panel on all panel seams. Use a
3M™ Plastic Applicator PA-1 wrapped with a clean paper towel to clean difficult to
reach areas.
(4) Steel Do not apply film directly to unpainted steel. Any painted surface with bare metal or rust spots
should be entirely refinished. After painting, follow the preparation recommendations in
Painted or Primed Substrates, page 8.
Untreated or Electro-Galvanized. Includes bare metal, zinc electroplated, cold rolled,
hot rolled pickled and black iron.
1. Contact metal treatment suppliers for recommendations on treatment and finishing.
2. Prime and paint.
Phosphate-Coated Galvanized
1. Remove white rust (oxidation) with a 3M™ Scotch-Brite™ Cleaning Pad.
2. Rinse with water and dry. All moisture must be removed.
3. Check for moisture by applying a piece of film to the steel. Bake in a 300°F (149°C)
oven for 5 minutes. Check for blisters in the film.
4. Prime and paint.
1. Abrade the substrate lightly with a right angle grinder or random orbital sander. Use a
3M™ Scotch-Brite™ Surface Conditioning Disc (super fine-gray) of appropriate size
or 3M™ Scotch-Brite™ Cleaning Pad.
2. Use Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
3. Test the cleaned substrate by wiping with a clean paper towel. If there is any
evidence of dust or solvent film on the paper towel, return to step 2
4. Prime and paint the substrate. Apply a fast-dry paint to any bare-metal areas and
allow to cure thoroughly.
(5) Unwarranted Metals Brass
Tin, tin plate or alloys
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 8
G. Painted or Primed
All surface treatments, primers and topcoats must adhere well to the base material. If the
paint is not firmly attached to the base material, the graphic and the paint may pull away from
the substrate. Any visible signs of peeling, lifting, or bubbling of the paint indicates poor
paint-to-substrate adhesion. Original paint may not have adequate adhesion to some
substrates. Even removing changeable films may pull off paint that is not firmly attached to
the base material.
Avoid finish paints that tend to chalk. Chalked paint on weathered surfaces must be
removed by mechanical buffing. Chalked paint that is on the interior must be re-primed.
Test for chalking with the Tape Snap Test, page 11.
Be aware that some tinted paints may bleed through some films.
Be aware that some graphic materials may bleed through onto the paint.
Avoid paints that contain migratory agents or agents that are difficult to adhere to. Some
paints, especially those sold as graffiti-resistant, may contain high concentrations of
ingredients such as silicones or chlorinated waxes. It may not be possible to obtain
adequate adhesion to these types of paint.
Follow the drying and curing times recommended by the paint manufacturer. Under-
cured paint may outgas, prevent the adhesive from adhering adequately, or prevent a
removable or changeable product from removing as expected.
3M recommends using an epoxy-based primer. Primer surfacers do not provide a good
base for adhering film.
The primer and the paint should be produced by the same manufacturer and formulated
as companion products to ensure good adhesion between the paint layers.
(1) Baked Enamel Paint Bake according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Cool to room temperature.
Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, either followed by:
- For weathered paint: Method 2: Solvent Cleaning
- For new paint: Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning
(2) Enamel or Oil-Based Paint Method 1: General Cleaning
OR Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning.
(3) Latex Paint For better results, use high quality gloss or semi-gloss paints. Low luster or matte paints
contain matting agents that may contribute to poor film adhesion.
Some paints do not allow films to adhere well. Paint testing is available from 3M. Call
Technical Service at 1-800-328-3908 for information.
Although most paints are usually dry to the touch within one hour, you cannot apply the
graphic immediately after painting. Paint manufacturers typically recommend waiting one
week. Even latex paint contains solvents that continue to evaporate for a period of time. If the
paint is not thoroughly cured, the graphic may not adhere or its edges may curl. If you must
apply the graphic sooner, perform the Tape Snap Test, page 11, in several locations.
Method 1: General Cleaning
OR Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning.
(4) Two-part Urethane Paint Cure two-part urethane paints before applying a graphic. If the paint has not thoroughly
cured, bubbles will form under the applied graphic. Follow the paint manufacturer's
Proper curing generally requires temperatures above 70° F (21° C). This type of paint does
not cure at temperatures below 50° F (9° C).
Perform the Outgassing Test, page 11.
Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, followed by Method 2: Solvent Cleaning.
(5) Powder-coated Paint Waxes used in powder coatings can negatively affect adhesion; always test for acceptable
paint adhesion. Paint testing is also available from 3M. Call Technical Service at
1-800-328-3908 for information.
Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, followed by Method 2: Solvent Cleaning.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 9
(6) Textured Paints Method 1: General Cleaning.
Test for substrate integrity with the Tape Snap Test, page 11.
If any dust comes off on the tape, clean the surface again.
H. Plastics and Rubber
Because of the wide variety of plastic and rubber materials, it is important that you clean an
inconspicuous area before cleaning the entire substrate to be sure the method does not
damage the material.
For rigid plastic sheets that will be thermoformed, dry the material according to the
manufacturer's instructions. Use the method recommended by the plastic manufacturer.
Failure to properly dry the plastic can cause bubbling within the plastic sheet or under the
applied film during thermoforming.
PETG sheeting and some acrylic sheeting may not need pre-drying. Consult the plastic
Common types of plastic are listed below. Contact 3M Technical Service at 1-800-328-3908
for unlisted plastics.
(1) Acrylonitrile Butadiene
Styrene (ABS)
Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, followed by Method 2: Solvent Cleaning.
(2) Acrylic (such as Lucite
Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
(3) Fiberglass 1. Perform the Outgassing Test, page 11. Time factors for this test should duplicate the
time involved between production of the fiberglass and the application of film.
2. If bubbles appear under the film, cure the fiberglass 1 week or bake for 2 hours at 150°F
(65°C) and retest.
3. If no bubbles appear:
Method 1: General Cleaning; followed by Method 2: Solvent Cleaning; AND then,
followed by Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
(4) Copolyester Sign Sheet Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
(5) Polycarbonate (such as
The mechanical strength of molded safety products, such as sports helmets, may be reduced
if certain films are applied. Therefore, 3M does not warrant such applications.
Follow the fabrication and handling procedures recommended by the resin manufacturer.
Molding and filling techniques, surface preparation and handling also affect the mechanical
Perform the Outgassing Test, page 11. If there is bubbling, do not use the substrate;
outgassing can continue for extended periods and may take weeks to show up in the field.
See 3M Instruction Bulletin 5.16
for specific instructions on thermoforming.
Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
(6) Polypropylene and
If the film is not specifically recommended for these substrates, flame treat the substrate,
(see Flame Treating on page 11).
Method 1: General Cleaning AND then, followed Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning.
(7) Polystyrene, Styrene Do not use for exterior applications.
Use Method 1: General Cleaning.
I. Rubber and Caulking
Not warranted or recommended. Films have poor adhesion to these materials.
J. Poster Board
(1) Expanded PVC (such as
and Lustra
Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning
OR Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 10
(2) Paper-based Poster Board
(such as Fome-cor
Method 3: Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning
OR Method 4: Dust and Dry Particle Cleaning.
K. Wood Products
Because wood absorbs moisture, it must have a thick, smooth coating of high-quality paint
on both sides and all edges.
All faces of exterior surfaces must be primed and painted with high-quality exterior wood
All faces of interior surfaces require only a prime coat.
Some substrates listed below require edge sealing. Two examples of appropriate sealers are
aluminized, urethane edge sealer or polysilicone paint.
(3) Fiberboard or Oriented Strand
1. Test for paint coating integrity with the Tape Snap Test, page 11.
2. Clean the surface as outlined in Painted or Primed Substrates, page 8.
(4) Hardboard 1. Use material that is fused or tempered and is smooth on both sides.
2. Fill voids with wood filler and sand with fine-grit sandpaper.
3. Prime and paint.
4. Clean the surface as outlined in Painted or Primed Substrates, page 8.
(5) Plywood Surface must be smooth, impermeable and weatherproof.
1. Fill voids with wood filler and sand with fine-grit sandpaper.
2. Coat the edges multiple times with an edge sealer.
3. Remove any loose debris.
4. Clean the surface as outlined in Painted or Primed Substrates, page 8.
(6) High Density Overlaid
U.S. Product Standard PS 1
General use or sign grade
1. Seal the edges.
2. Scuff the face with 200 grit or finer sandpaper.
3. Lightly wipe with a tack cloth to remove any dust.
4. Clean the surface as outlined in Painted or Primed Substrates, page 8.
(7) Medium Density Overlay
Exterior Grade Plywood
(fir only, not oil treated)
1. Seal the edges.
2. Prime and paint the substrate.
3. Clean the surface as outlined in Painted or Primed Substrates, page 8.
(8) Simpson HighwayR HDO
Panels or Equivalent,
U.S. Product Standard PS 1
1. Seal the edges.
2. This has an overlay on both faces and does not require sanding or solvent wiping.
3. Lightly wipe with a tack cloth to remove any dust.
4. Clean the surface as outlined in Painted or Primed Substrates, page 8.
(9) Other Wood Products Avoid heavy resin-coated woods. Follow the wood supplier's surface preparation
1. Seal the edges.
2. Prime and paint the substrate.
3. Clean the surface as outlined in Painted or Primed Substrates, page 8.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 11
8. Special Testing or
Surface Preparation
Heat or open flames may contribute to a flash fire or burns. Follow these precautions when
using a heat source for flame treating.
Read and follow the instructions supplied with the heat source.
Avoid personal contact with the heat source. Wear heat-resistant gloves and safety
Do not use heat sources near solvent mixtures or residues, or where solvent vapors may
be present.
Always provide adequate ventilation to remove emissions that result from the heat of flame
treating. Failure to provide adequate ventilation can result in operator exposure.
A. Flame Treating
Flame treating changes the molecular structure of the substrate. It oxidizes a very thin layer of
the substrate allowing the adhesive to wet the surface and make a good bond.
1. Clean the substrate so that it is free of dirt and oil.
2. Use a burner designed to produce a continuous, straight or curved ribbon of flame, or use
a series of small burners, as appropriate for the shape of the substrate.
3. Obtain a volumetric air to natural gas ratio of 11 or 12 to 1, or an air to propane gas ratio
of 24 to 1.
4. Touch the tip of the flame's outer blue envelope (not the inner, yellow or red cone) to the
material for 1 second. Longer exposure can deform or soften the material. Flame treating
is not heat treating.
5. Check for proper treatment by pouring water on the substrate. If the water forms into
beads, the surface is not adequately treated. If the water does not form into beads, the
surface is adequately treated.
6. Thoroughly dry the surface, but do not touch it with your bare hands.
7. Apply the film to the substrate soon after flame treating. The surface oxidation will
disappear within minutes after treatment.
B. Outgassing Test
3M assumes no liability for bubbling of films due to outgassing
1. Apply a 5 by 5 inch (135 by 135 cm) piece of polyester film or the film or sheeting used
to make the graphic. Films vary in their ability to allow the gas to escape. Use reflective
film 680 or polyester for greatest assurance that the substrate will not outgas.
2. Wait for 24 hours or, if possible, oven bake for 2 hours at 150°F (65°C) or 5 minutes at
350°F (176°C).
3. If bubbles appear under the film, the substrate is outgassing: repeat the test daily until
bubbles do not appear. If outgassing continues after repeated tests, contact the
manufacturer for assistance.
4. If no bubbles appear, the material is not outgassing.
C. Tape Snap Test
This test can be used to help determine if a substrate appears to have sufficient integrity to
remain intact during eventual graphic removal, but passing the test does not mean that
non-damaging removal is warranted. If a substrate is damaged during removal of removable
or changeable products because of failure of the substrate's integrity, substrate damage is
not covered by the 3M warranty.
1. Using 3M™ Plastic Applicator PA-1, firmly apply a 1 inch strip of aggressive,
pressure-sensitive tape (ScotchR Tape 610) over the area.
Note: Plastic applicator PA-1 is available from 3M Commercial Graphics. Tape 610 is
available through most film or tape distributors.
Continued on the next page.
Instruction Bulletin 5.1 - 12
2. Remove the tape by pulling it back upon itself at a 135° angle using a rapid, firm pull.
3. No separation should occur between the top coating and the layers underneath. No paint
or chalking should be present on the tape.
4. If separation occurs, removal without damage is not warranted for removable or
changeable products.
Pull of masking tape at 135° angle
9. Disclaimer
The information contained and techniques described herein are believed to be reliable, but
3M makes no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty
of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
The 3M Graphics Warranties Brochure
, along with the applicable film Product Bulletins,
provide the details to any warranty offered for the 3M graphics products described in this
10. Limitation of Liability
Except where prohibited by law, 3M SHALL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE LIABLE
BULLETIN. This limitation of liability applies regardless of the legal or equitable theory under
which such losses or damages are sought including breach of contract, breach of warranty,
negligence, strict liability, or any other legal or equitable theory.
11. Bulletin Change Summary
Section 7.E.(1), page 6, regarding cleaning glass erroneously referred to Method 3 as
“Solvent Cleaning. It should say “Isopropyl Alcohol Cleaning”.
3M, Comply, Controltac, Scotch, Scotch-Brite, Scotchcal and Scotchlite are trademarks of 3M.
Bon Ami is a registered trademark of Faultless Starch/Bon Ami Company. Fome-cor is a registered trademark of International Paper Company. Highway is a registered trademark of Simpson-Plywood.
Lexan is a registered trademark of General Electric Corporation. Lucite is a registered trademark of Ineos Acrylics, Inc. Lustra is a registered trademark of Dyrotech Industries, Inc. Plexiglas is a registered
trademark of Atofina Chemicals, Inc. Prep-Sol is a trademark of the Dupont Company. Sher-Will-Clean is a trademark of Sherwin Williams Company. Sintra is a registered trademark of Swiss Aluminum Ltd.
Soft Scrub is a registered trademark of The Clorox Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
E3M 2014. All rights reserved.
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