An ecosystem
to reducing
2 Strategy&
Evan Hirsh
PwC’s Strategy&
Principal, PwC US
Andrew Higashi
PwC’s Strategy&
Director, PwC US
Ramesh Telang
Partner, U.S. Automotive Leader,
Brandon Mason
Director, U.S. Mobility Leader,
This report was produced with the participation of the National Parking
Association (NPA), and its contents have been approved by the NPA and by
Strategy&, PwC’s strategy consulting business.
About the authors
Evan Hirsh is an advisor to executives in the automotive and industrials
industries for Strategy&, PwCs strategy consulting practice. Based in
Chicago, he is a principal with PwC US.
Andrew Higashi is a director with PwC US in the automotive and
industrials practice and a thought leader for Strategy&. He works with
executives to develop strategies that drive profitable growth, and has
experience working with OEMs, suppliers, and technology companies
looking to enter the evolving mobility landscape.
Brandon Mason is a director in the automotive practice with PwC US.
In this role, he serves as an active industry participant and spokesperson,
continually monitoring global automotive developments and
technology-driven trends, including the connected car, autonomous
driving, ride- and car-sharing, digital and data management,
infrastructure, and mobility.
Tim Catts is a thought leadership researcher and editor specializing
in mobility and the future of transportation.Based in New York, he
is a manager at PwC US.
4 Strategy&
Executive summary
The challenge of congestion is a perennial issue for cities around
the world, and is rapidly worsening. In recent years, a number of trends
have exacerbated urban congestion. These include economic expansion
and increased urbanization; the rise of both ride-hailing services,
which puts more cars on the roads, and e-commerce, which adds to the
number of delivery vehicles; the deterioration of existing infrastructure;
and the mixed success of some eorts to reduce congestion.
Based on research sponsored by the National Parking Association (NPA)
in the U.S., this study explores the drivers of congestion and potential
solutions in an evolving mobility landscape, including how parking can
be an asset within the transportation ecosystem and implications on
eective policy planning in an eort to create livable cities of the future.
The research encompasses analysis of publicly available information,
as well as observations and interviews with people from diverse
backgrounds: technologists, parking operators, developers, policy
planners, academics, venture capitalists and other investors, the
startup community, and infrastructure investors.
Numerous options for reducing congestion are available to
municipalities, but some are more eective than others. The
most successful tend to take a comprehensive ecosystem approach,
recognizing from the start that all the elements of trac design
aect one another and should be designed and developed in an
integrated way. This means considering both near-term and long-range
measures that aect both transportation supply (e.g., new roads
and rail infrastructure) and demand (e.g., incentives for travel at
non-peak times).
These approaches include fostering innovation in an experimental, agile
fashion so that city planners can learn while developing new solutions;
seeking a wide range of financing from public–private partnerships and
other sources; and tailoring the approach to each citys unique trac
layout. There are seven archetypal city patterns — some with dense,
non-grid cores (e.g., Singapore and Amsterdam); some with grid-based
urban hubs (e.g., New York, London, and Toronto); and some with
spread-out layouts and multiple hubs (e.g., Los Angeles and Paris).
Each city requires its own mix of measures to reduce congestion, and
can choose from a wide array of options. These range from encouraging
alternative modes of transportation (e.g., more opportunities for
walking and travel by bicycle and motor scooter) to raising the real
costs of inner-city access with measures like congestion pricing and
variable parking fees to improving infrastructure for rail travel, bus
service, or parking. (Motor scooter is the term used in this paper for all
variants of powered scooters, including electric scooters and dockless
scooters.) City planners can make more eective decisions about access
to transportation network companies (TNCs), including ride-hailing and
taxi services; establish new innovative approaches to double parking
and last-mile deliveries; and prepare for new technologies, including
machine learning-based analytics that can redirect trac flows, vehicle-
to-vehicle connectivity that can increase highway utilization, and
futuristic ventures such as drones and Hyperloop.
To take a fully holistic ecosystem approach, city planners need to
consider the interrelationships among all these measures. Some eorts
simply attract more vehicle trac, while others reduce congestion by
giving people multiple attractive alternatives and easy ways to switch
among them. Pioneering “mobility hub” approaches, which coordinate
parking, mass transit, and commuting, are now being implemented in
cities around the world. Urban government and business leaders can
learn from these leading-edge examples, and put new, improved
innovations into practice.
6 Strategy&
Congestion costs
the U.S. between
US$230 billion
and $300 billion
each year, about
four times the
amount spent
on public transit
and double
the spending
on roads and
After World War II, the United States experienced substantial economic
and population growth — from 151 million people in 1950 to 326
million people in 2018. Suburbs were created, urban sprawl increased,
and a car-oriented culture developed. The number of motor vehicles on
the road increased, from 68 million in 1958 to more than 270 million
in 2018. By the mid-1980s, 85 percent of commuters were driving or
carpooling to work, a trend that has remained consistent for 40 years.
The result has been a steady increase in debilitating trac congestion.
Congestion is the breakdown in trac flow, reduction in speed, and
increase in crowding that occur when a roads capacity is exceeded.
Capacity is so consistently strained on America’s roads that congestion is
a chronic problem throughout the country. In 2017, the average person
spent 41 hours in congestion, an increase of 8 percent over 2010.
Among major U.S. cities, the situation is even worse. In Los Angeles and
New York, time spent in trac is more than twice the national average.
Congestion costs the U.S. between US$230 billion and $300 billion each
year, about four times the amount spent on public transit and double
the spending on roads and highways. Nearly 75 percent of the cost takes
the form of direct costs, such as excess fuel consumption and harm to
people’s health from air pollution. Lost time may be the direct cost that
Americans feel most acutely. Indirect costs, including higher prices,
account for the remaining 25 percent of economic impact.
This report focuses on the United States, but the same dynamic exists
in most other countries, in both industrialized and developing
economies. For nearly every country with large cities, including
emerging economies, congestion represents a major social and
economic cost. Congested lanes and hard-to-find parking create a
disincentive for employees and tourists to enter a city — a phenomenon
known as trip avoidance. Cities rely on employment, tourism, and
corporate investment to fuel livability and economic vibrancy, and
all of these are diminished by trac congestion.
With the U.S. population projected to hit 390 million by 2050, the
implications of continued growth for congestion are urgent. The goal of
this report is to provide analytical insights on the most relevant trends,
innovations, and case studies to inform public and private plans for
reducing congestion.
8 Strategy&
The problem with congestion is expected to worsen during the next few
years, driven by six main factors:
1. Economic expansion
Economists have long understood the strong correlation between an
economys performance and the overall vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
in that region. VMT, which is also aected by gas prices, serves
as a reasonable proxy for potential congestion. In the U.S., given
expectations for GDP growth, we expect a 1 percent CAGR for VMTs
through 2030 — a 14 percent gain, or a 500 billion mile increase.
2. Demographic changes and urbanization
The U.S. population continues to grow, and to shift from rural to urban
areas. From 2010 to 2030, the U.S. population is expected to increase
15 percent, from 309 million to 355 million, and the percentage living
in urban areas is expected to rise from 81 percent in 2010 to 89 percent
by 2050 (see Exhibit 1, next page). This will exacerbate an existing trend
— a 160 percent gain in the U.S. urban population since 1980 — that
has significantly increased VMT in cities. At the same time, motor
vehicles remain the dominant transportation mode; for example, the
percentage of commuters driving to work, rather than taking public
transportation, has remained largely constant.
3. Transportation disruption: TNC and ride-hailing
Ride-hailing has grown, substituting for mass transit, putting more cars
on the street, and contributing to congestion at the curb. Transportation
network companies (TNCs) such as Uber, Lyft, Gett, and Easy Taxi tend
to oer both ride-hailing and ride-sharing (the dierence is that ride-
sharing involves two or more independent passengers on a trip). TNCs
have experienced explosive growth, from just a handful of trips in 2012
Six major trends fueling
to about 2.6 billion trips in 2017. The VMT from these TNCs grew
from 30 million in December 2013 to 500 million in December 2016,
a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 150 percent.
Ride-hailing services have become a valuable part of the current
transportation ecosystem. Their cost and convenience benefit many
consumers. Nonetheless, TNCs remain a small part of the overall
transportation picture in the United States. While nearly 10 percent
of all Americans use TNCs in any given month, their rides only account
for 0.5 percent of total trips taken.
The economics of TNCs favor cities, where parking expenses add to the
costs of private car travel. Within cities, shorter trips favor ride-hailing
over private vehicles; but the longer the trip, the more cost-eective a
Exhibit 1
Past and expected U.S. urban and rural population growth, 1980–2050
Source: United Nations,
World Urbanization
Prospects, 2018 revision
2000 20402020 2050
US urban and rural population growth
10 Strategy&
private car is. In all cases, the cost of public transportation tends to be
less — if public transport is available (see Exhibit 2).
TNCs add to congestion within cities in four ways: (1) They increase
overall travel demand; (2) take rides away from public transit; (3) add
to VMTs with nonproductive “deadhead” miles (miles spent circling
Exhibit 2
Cost of transportation modes by distance in New York and Chicago
USA Today; Strategy&
Public transport is always cheaper, but shorter trips favor ride-hail over private vehicle
while longer trips favor private vehicle
New York
Clear price advantage
Public transport
Shared TNC
Private vehicle (used)
Private vehicle (new)
Public transport
Shared TNC
Private vehicle (used)
Private vehicle (new)
6-mile trip cost/mile 10-mile trip cost/mile 40-mile trip cost/mile
1. Public transit assumes cost of single-ride ticket ($3 and $2.50) and zone 4 fares for NYC
(18–22 mile distance).
2. Private vehicle ownership is based on AAA estimates and an average of 15,000 miles,
assumed to be the same for NYC and Chicago.
3. NYC parking of $541 per month (20 days).
It once seemed
likely that on-
demand delivery
would prompt
consumers to
reduce trips to
malls and retail
stores. But the
expected drop
in vehicle miles
travelled never
without a passenger account for 20–50 percent of the miles they travel);
and (4) contribute to trac violations and obstructions.
By embracing forward-looking technologies, such as autonomous
vehicles (AVs), pooled vehicles, e-bikes, motor scooters, and robo-taxis,
TNCs might mitigate some of these concerns or even relieve congestion.
In the meantime, congestion from TNCs will continue to increase unless
steps are taken to reduce their impact.
4. E-commerce and on-demand delivery
Internet-based purchasing is on a rapid growth trajectory, rising in the
U.S. from 0.3 percent of retail spending in 1998 to 8.7 percent in 2014.
Estimates suggest that this share could rise by as much as 1.2 percent a
year through 2030.
Oers of ever-faster shipping have given rise to numerous on-demand
delivery services enabled by TNCs and e-commerce platforms. The 2014
launch of Amazon’s Prime Now service provides shoppers near-instant
gratification with one-hour delivery in select markets. With consumer
expectations reset, other retailers need comparable oerings to remain
competitive. It isn’t enough to provide delivery service; they must do so
at a reasonable cost. They are scaling up e-commerce and delivery
platforms to drive down shipping costs, further accelerating adoption.
It once seemed likely that on-demand delivery would prompt consumers
to reduce trips to malls and retail stores. But the expected drop in VMT
never materialized due to three operational considerations: First, both
free shipping and on-demand delivery have increased single-package
deliveries and smaller vehicle loads, inflating the number of delivery
trips. Second, failed first deliveries are estimated to range between 10
percent and 30 percent, driving repeat visits. Third, at least 30 percent
of e-commerce orders are returned, compared with about 9 percent of
traditional sales, increasing the number of trips by delivery vans to pick
up the item being returned and to redeliver replacements.
Delivery companies also contribute to congestion at the curb through
double parking and illegal turns. Moreover, some city policies do not
discourage this. For example, New York’s controversial stipulated fine
program, launched in 2004, allows delivery companies to reduce or
eliminate fines for certain citations by waiving their right to contest
them in court.
12 Strategy&
vehicle (HOV)
and bus-only
lanes are
supposed to
justify their
costs by
discouraging the
use of private
vehicles for
commuting, but
they often don’t.
5. Underinvestment in infrastructure
To limit congestion, good transportation infrastructure is critical.
Roads, bridges, and tunnels must be well maintained and expanded
at a pace that is in sync with overall mobility demandgrowth.
Unfortunately, the movement back into cities has overtaxed
transportation infrastructure. This has been particularly problematic
for the U.S., where roads, bridges, and tunnels already suer from lack
of upgrades and upkeep. The American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2017
infrastructure report card awarded U.S. systems an overall grade of D+.
A primary reason for this is the backlog of unmet capital investment for
highways and bridges: about $836 billion, according to a 2015 U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT) report. The federal gasoline tax,
which funds a great deal of transportation infrastructure expenditures,
has not been raised since 1993. In light of a 2.2 percent annualized rate
of inflation from 1993 to 2017, this suggests that funds essential for
infrastructure have fallen short of where they used to be by as much
as 73 percent.
According to the Federal Transit Administration, more than 40 percent
of buses and 25 percent of rail transit assets are in marginal or poor
condition. Nearly 25 percent of bridges are structurally deficient or
functionally obsolete, and about 33 percent of roads are in poor or
mediocre condition. Budgetary restrictions and short-term planning
exacerbate budgetary problems. Inecient use of allocated funds often
forces cities to “patch and maintain,” leading to wasteful spending and
Maintaining public transit is a particular challenge for U.S. cities.
Annual spending is about $17.7 billion; U.S. Bureau of Transportation
Statistics (BTS) data shows that the need is two-and-a-half times
greater. Additionally, the BTS estimates that the country has a backlog
of about $90 billion in deferred public transit maintenance and
replacement projects.
6. Mixed eectiveness of policies and programs
Cities have embraced a variety of mobility solutions, with mixed
eectiveness. For example, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) and bus-only
lanes are supposed to justify their capital-project costs by discouraging
the use of private vehicles for commuting, but they often don’t. Because
of challenges with enforcement and other operational issues, these
solutions tend to lead to more, not less, congestion.
When they first appear, the special lanes attract drivers; in fact, a 2016
study conducted in California found that unauthorized drivers using
Some studies
have found that
up to 30 percent
of vehicles in a
particular area
were looking for
a parking space
to open up.
HOV lanes accounted for about 24 percent of the total drivers during
peak hours, and 19 percent in o-peak times. Their availability provides
an incentive for a portion of public transit riders to drive cars instead.
The end result is that congestion in both special and general-purpose
lanes increases, a lose-lose situation for commuters.
Bus-only lanes can lead to increased congestion for three main reasons:
First, a lack of enforcement has led to congested bus lanes. Cameras
installed to monitor unauthorized use of New Yorks bus-only lanes
detected 133,000 violations in 2017; that same year, the citys police
wrote a mere 2,020 summonses. Along with trac signals and
passenger boarding, other trac in the bus lane reduces the average
speed of public buses to nearly 40 percent of private vehicles running
on the same street. Second, there are many dedicated lanes in highly
congested streets, reducing overall capacity. Third, an increasing
number of commuters opt for private vehicles, ride-hailing services,
or other options due to relative cost and convenience. According to the
U.S. DOT, bus ridership has declined at a CAGR of about 1 percent from
2007 to 2016.
City parking policies also contribute to congestion. Regulations,
sometimes dating back to the 1930s, specify that buildings include
parking spaces, which often produces an overabundance of parking.
In eect, this bundles parking subsidies into the prices of real estate
and other goods and services, thus favoring driving over other
transport modes.
Subsidized on-street parking also reinforces the behavior of circling.
Some studies have found that up to 30 percent of vehicles in a particular
area were looking for a parking space to open up. That estimate may
be too high, but this behavior remains a problem. Not charging, or
charging very little, for on-street parking increases demand and
contributes to congestion.
14 Strategy&
Some observers believe that the growing number of shared, electric,
and autonomous vehicles (AVs) could help eliminate congestion and
reduce emissions. After all, these new forms of transport will be
radically disruptive. They will change automotive ownership models,
urban layouts, and the look and feel of passenger vehicles. They may
use the roads in a far more ecient way, through connected-car
technologies that synchronize multiple vehicles on the same road.
However, if consumers are unwilling to pool rides (and the data
suggests this is the case), the future could be bleak. In fact, congestion
could worsen as AVs increase VMT, interact with human drivers, and
induce demand.
Part of the problem involves the slow rate of adoption. Fully autonomous
vehicles will likely not be common in most cities until at least after
2030; they will require considerable design changes, repurposing of
parking facilities and locations, and changes in laws. Extensive testing
and validation of necessary advances in sensor and computing
technology for commercialization will be required. After technological
challenges are overcome, the high cost of AV adoption will limit buyers
and fleets. It will also take a while to replace the large installed base
of millions of legacy vehicles, which have an average age of more than
12 years. Furthermore, legal and ethical questions about liability for
accidents, injuries, and deaths are still unresolved. All of these issues
have to be dealt with before AVs can become mainstream.
In the meantime, roads will increasingly carry partially autonomous
vehicles, where a human driver handles some of the vehicle
management. This conversion to a new way of life could add to existing
congestion problems, especially in the short term. Convenient and
aordable robo-taxis may lessen the appeal of public transportation,
prompting more individual car trips and crowding the roads. AVs and
non-AV drivers may not mix well; for example, AVs may stop suddenly
if cut o by cars with human drivers, slowing network speeds.
Autonomous vehicles:
Slow adoption, uncertain impact
If ride-sharing
proves more
palatable to
more people, it
would change
the economics
of transport
drastically and
help reduce
To mitigate the future negative eects, there are several measures
that could be considered now. These include investments in related
infrastructure (including charging and docking stations), development
of public transit that interacts eectively with AVs, and information
technology (IT) advances. Another key measure is the promotion of
ride-sharing. If ride-sharing proves more palatable to more people, it
would change the economics of transport drastically and help reduce
congestion. Taxes, fees, and regulations will also aect the comparative
cost and convenience of AVs, contributing to their impact on congestion.
As we explore how autonomous vehicles could aect the congestion
and quality of life in cities, questions to consider include: How could
AVs complement current public transportation networks? How should
streetscapes evolve (if at all) to accommodate them? Are dedicated
lanes for AVs optimal? Could on-street parking evolve to accommodate
bus, bicycle, or AV lanes? What about expanding package deliveries and
making them easier to live with? Answers to questions like these can
help drive long-range planning and potentially spark some shorter-term
16 Strategy&
If you are an urban policymaker, then you are inevitably engaged in
managing trac congestion. Increasingly, your citys competitive
advantages depend on finding a comprehensive, holistic solution to
this problem. Look more broadly toward the overall quality of the
urban ecosystem. A livable city is one with convenient, clean, and
cost-eective transportation even as congestion and growth increase.
A seemingly narrow lever — for example, parking policy — can be
deployed on behalf of a full mobility hub: a system of multiple forms
of transportation that eciently and eectively move people where
they need to go.
The number of levers that policymakers have at their disposal increases
the challenges of planning. So does the need for rapid innovation and
change, which may be counterintuitive for existing organizational
cultures and may strain a citys limited human and budgetary resources.
Policymakers must also manage new modes of transport (i.e., motor
scooters and e-bikes), ride-hailing, and package-delivery growth.
Given these complexities, we propose five guiding principles for
developing congestion solutions:
1. Consider near- and long-term supply and demand levers.
A combination of policies is required to drive sustainable change
to reduce trac density. Near-term solutions, such as altering
regulations, are often quicker and cheaper to implement. But
infrastructure investments like bus rapid transit require significant
investment over a long period of time. Similarly, your solutions must
address both demand, or the needs that people have for
transportation, and supply, or the facilities and infrastructure
available to oer. (See Appendix, page 32, for specific examples.)
2. Take an ecosystem view to drive city livability. When planning is
conducted for all aspects of transportation at once, you can integrate
multiple forms of leverage — public transit, private vehicles, and
parking — and reduce the tradeos among them. This ecosystem
view should include an interplay of multi-modal transport options
Guiding principles for change
in your city
style solutions
include the
redesign of city
“inner rings”
as a connection
point between
urban and
suburban travel;
that integrate
bus, rail, auto,
and pedestrian
activity; and
parking systems
that mitigate
congestion at the
and dierent modes of travel designed to work together: Buses
and trains should be accessible from most locations; protected lanes
for bicycles and motor scooters should be encouraged for shorter
commutes; pedestrian walkways and bridges should be encouraged
as well; and switching from one mode to another should be easy
and convenient.
At the ride-hailing level, consumers will become accustomed to
sharing rides. Over time, autonomous trucks, shuttles, buses, and
shared robo-taxis will begin operating, generally on roadways
designed for them, providing convenient, safe, and cost-eective
travel on demand.
Ecosystem-style solutions include the redesign of city “inner rings” as
a connection point between urban and suburban travel; mobility hubs,
where a variety of transit modes come together with smart parking
approaches; streetscapes that integrate bus, rail, auto, and pedestrian
activity; and parking systems that mitigate congestion at the curb,
with short-term drop-o points and flexible ride-hailing stands.
Solutions like these require regulatory and planning changes. Strong
parking and auto travel policies (such as congestion pricing and TNC
drop-o and pickup lanes) can help mitigate competition for space
along the curb. Street and roadway designs must incorporate new
modes of transport (for example, e-bikes, motor scooters, and robo-
taxis) and constrain congestion at curbside from ride-hailing and
package deliveries — all under strict budgetary limitations.
3. Foster innovation through collaboration, pilots, and agile
policymaking. Innovation in the transportation space is evolving
at a rapid pace. The eects of new technologies and new transit are
unproven and often unknown. When you experiment with new
approaches through pilot projects, it allows you to learn from these
trial experiments without having to jump into a full commitment
headfirst. Once you see the value of an approach, then scale it
through the broader municipality.
Encourage collaboration with various stakeholders in your
community. Hospitals, universities, corporate campuses, and event
venues are microcosms of transportation systems that might explore
multi-modal transportation options.
When setting up experiments or collaborative eorts, clearly outline
your objectives and the potential value you hope to create. This
helps to focus the scope and better understand when pilots are
benefiting the city. Break down the scope of your eort into clearly
defined phases with timelines. Since these are pilots, part of your
18 Strategy&
goal will be learning, and some aspects will not be clear at the start.
Revisit your scope and objectives as necessary. At the same time,
identify your criteria for success and key milestones as specifically as
you can up front. This keeps your pilots focused and aligns you with
others in the community. As you proceed, continuously collect data
to monitor your progress and better recognize the potential value
that these new programs can create. Use this to gather evidence to
demonstrate your ongoing track record.
4. Develop an innovative financing plan. Many options for fighting
congestion are expensive, especially those that involve construction
of new roads or bridges or expansion of public transit networks. If
federal and state government support is elusive, think regionally. If
suburban commuters account for a large share of demand, seek
suburban sources of funding. Technology companies and investors
sometimes fund cutting-edge infrastructure projects to boost their
brand. For example, the Boring Company (founded by Elon Musk)
is expected to cover costs of a proposed Hyperloop tunnel between
downtown Chicago and O’Hare International Airport.
Use referendums to seek funding for broad-based improvements.
In 2016, Los Angeles County voters passed a ballot initiative,
“Measure M,” that raised the sales tax by half a cent until 2039 and
by a full cent thereafter, bringing in an added $121 billion in
revenue through 2057 to fund transit improvements. In the San
Francisco Bay area, voters in nine counties approved a measure in
June 2018 to raise bridge tolls by $3 over a period of seven years.
Some 62 percent of the $4.45 billion of additional revenue raised
over a 25-year period will go to transit projects.
Public–private partnerships (P3s) can also help you attract multiple
participants and reduce the cost of new programs. P3s can help cities
undertake sustainable transit projects less expensively than if they
relied completely on public-sector resources. A recent example is
Toronto’s Finch West light rail line, which will be built by a private
consortium that won the contract in May 2018. When completed,
the line will be operated by the Toronto Transit Commission.
5. Design eorts to match your city archetype. Cities can learn
the most from peers with similar history, built environment, and
transportation infrastructure usage patterns. Your city will tend to
fit one of seven overarching models: Multi-Modal Core, Walking
Core, Urban Hub Community, Mixed Hub Community, Suburban
Hub Community, Driving Metropolis, or EcientMetropolis
(see Which archetype fits your city?, next page).
Every citys transportation needs are unique, shaped by its layout and
past infrastructure investments. Most cities can be grouped into one
of seven archetypes, falling into three broad categories (see Exhibit 3,
next page). These archetypes explain the flow of people and goods
between the urban centers of activity where people work and
congregate (downtowns) and the outlying areas where many people
live (suburbs). Each of the seven models represents a dierent pattern
of downtown-to-suburb trac flow; each model has its own congestion
challenges and future parking design implications that reflect its
inherent constraints and opportunities. Understanding your citys
model can help you identify the solutions that will work best.
To decide which archetype fits your city, look at four key characteristics.
The first is the citys layout and infrastructure patterns. For example,
how are roads set up between the city and its suburbs? Do its streets
form a grid or a circular layout? Are its origins medieval or modern?
The second comprises the travel and commute patterns that take place
every day, based on the habits of inhabitants and visitors, which in turn
are based on where they live, work, and travel for leisure. The third
characteristic is maturity of public transit: the overall robustness of
train and bus infrastructure, including ease of access, general
attractiveness, reliability, convenience, safety, cleanliness, and comfort.
The fourth is the relative cost of driving. After considering the cost of
tolls, parking, and trac violations, is it more expensive to drive rather
than to take public transit?
Non-grid cities with a compact core
Two of the city archetypes share a compact core, non-grid layout form.
Often founded in medieval times, these cities have circular, non-grid
layouts and narrow streets, designed for travel by horse and on foot.
There are no “compact core” cities in the United States, although some
multi-modal cities like Boston and New York have urban centers with
non-grid sections.
Which archetype fits your city?
20 Strategy&
In the Multi-Modal Core archetype, public transit (primarily rail) is
relatively mature, robust, and attractive. High population density,
narrow streets, and limited parking increase driving expense. Parking is
time-consuming, and driving is inconvenient and costly. Congestion
challenges are grounded in the historic layout of the city, which is not
conducive to driving. The solutions would include the maintenance of a
robust subway or train infrastructure system as travel demand grows
and the encouragement of other mobility options, such as bicycles,
Exhibit 3
The seven archetypes of 21st-century cities
A. Compact core
and non-grid layout
A high-population density core
where bulk of mobility takes place;
medieval origins; circular city layout;
narrow streets conducive to walking
B. Urban and suburban
Rings of suburban establishments
outside dense urban core with
mobility taking place at all levels;
primarily a grid layout
C. Sprawling metropolis
Relatively uniform population
density across entire grid layout
area with small hubs of increased
activity; mobility takes place
between high-activity areas
Mixed hub
Suburban hub
Urban hub
Chicago DetroitNew YorkFlorenceMunich TokyoLos Angeles
Applicable to U.S. cities
City layout and commuting patterns
Example cities
Medium LowHighLowHigh HighLow
Level of public transit maturity
Medium LowHighHighHigh HighLow
Relative cost of driving
Source: Strategy& analysis
While Multi-
Modal Core
cities developed
a robust public
transit system,
Walking Core
cities have not.
For residents
of these cities,
travel on foot,
bicycle, or
waterway is the
preferred way to
get around.
motor scooters, minibuses, or shuttles. As an example of a core
archetype city, we looked at Singapore.
Singapore is a multi-modal core city, with a population of 5.6
million and an average annual time spent in congestion of 10 hours
— the smallest congestion time, by far, for all cities profiled in this
report. A number of measures contribute to this low number.
Singapore was a pioneer of congestion pricing, which started in
1998, and which is fully automatic; prices vary by route, time of day,
and travel direction. The initial investment for this was $110
million; operating costs are $18.5 million per year, with annual
revenues from fees at $100 million. The city layout is also designed
to reduce congestion, with widened sidewalks where bicycles can
travel and numerous pedestrian bridges. Single-car ownership is
limited to those who hold certificates of entitlement, which are no
longer issued, forcing new drivers to bid on existing certificates
starting in February 2018. The city also invests heavily in
transportation infrastructure, and expects to double the reach
of its train network by 2030.
The Walking Core cities are even more inconvenient and costly for
automobiles. They have an ancient heritage, with a circular center that
often features centuries-old manmade barriers like fortifications or
canals and narrow, winding streets seemingly better suited for a horse-
drawn cart than a modern automobile. Driving is dicult and
expensive, and finding parking is time-consuming. While Multi-Modal
Core cities developed a robust public transit system, Walking Core cities
have not. For residents of these cities, travel on foot, bicycle, or
waterway is the preferred way to get around. Examples include
Amsterdam, Florence, and Venice. Given its unfriendliness to motor
vehicles and relative lack of good public transportation, the congestion
focus here is to regulate the number of motor vehicles, and encourage
options such as walking and biking that align with the layout of the city.
In addition to options like motorcycles, motor scooters, mini-buses, and
shuttles, some Walking Core cities have developed distinctive forms of
transit, such as the canal boats in Amsterdam and Venice.
Urban grids with suburban rings
Three city archetypes fit a broader pattern we call Urban and Suburban
Communities. They have small, densely populated urban cores
surrounded by rings of less dense suburbs. People tend to commute
between the suburban rings and the dense core. The urban core grid is
formed by rectangular city blocks, with straight streets at right angles.
Though ancient grid cities have been found dating back to 2600 BC,
most were laid out in the 17th century or later. The first grid city in the
22 Strategy&
United States was Philadelphia. The three variations are urban, mixed,
and suburban.
Urban Hub Communities have a dense urban center with suburbs
surrounding the core. Most people commute to the center for work or
leisure. Public transit is relatively mature and robust. The cost of
parking is high, since many people drive their own vehicles. The key
congestion challenge right now is the high density and volume of for-
hire vehicles (FHVs), which include taxis and transportation network
companies (TNCs). The best solution is streamlining TNC environments.
In practice, this will mean clearing up the curb by reducing on-street
parking, designing designated drop-o and pickup areas, regulating
TNC driving violations, and incentivizing o-hour delivery programs.
This means that Urban Hub Communities may reduce overall TNC
demand and supply. From a demand perspective, they may focus on
enhancing other enablers of mobility such as bike-sharing, car-sharing
(Zipcar and Enterprise), new bus routes, special bus lanes, and
expanded train systems. From a supply perspective, they may restrict
the number of TNC licenses and how many TNC vehicles are permitted
in certain areas during peak times. They may also consider a congestion
tax. London and New York are urban hub communities with well-known
congestion problems.
New York’s population is 8.6 million, and annual time spent
in congestion per person is 91 hours, up 54 percent since 2010.
(According to the 2017 global trac scorecard published by the
transportation analytics firm INRIX, New York is tied with Moscow
in second place for this unfortunate measure; only Los Angeles ranks
higher.) Congestion costs New York about $33.7 billion per year, and is
worsening because of new corporate arrivals (such as,
the growth of travel by taxi and TNC (which logged 19 percent of
total miles driven in 2016, an increase of nearly 40 percent since
2013), and the rise of e-commerce. New York has initiated a number
of approaches: a one-year freeze on ride-sharing registrations, a
surcharge on cab and TNC rides, increases in its Citi Bike (bike-
sharing) program and Zipcar parking, and increases in parking
meter rates. Other potential solutions will be needed, including the
use of advanced vehicle connectivity technology and further
investment in mass transit.
Mixed Hub Communities have high-activity areas in both urban cores
and suburban rings, reflected in their travel and commuting patterns.
To accommodate the significant demand for transportation from the
outer rings to the center, Mixed Hub Communities generally have some
level of public transit. However, these systems are not as robust as is
typical for an Urban Hub Community. The cost of parking is moderate,
stimulating driving. The key congestion challenge that these cities face
is that their transportation networks have failed to keep pace with
mobility demand growth as their populations and economies expand.
People have plenty of options to move around in the city, but all have
capacity constraints. As a result, Mixed Hub Communities have to
think about enhancing their entire mobility ecosystem. Among the
mixed-hub cities we studied are Chicago, San Francisco, Toronto,
and Washington, D.C.
Toronto, with 2.7 million people, is Canadas largest and most
congested city. Its time spent in congestion is 47 hours, up 22
percent since 2013. Though the population continues to rise,
alternatives to driving remain relatively unpopular. Toronto has
developed a reputation as an unsafe city for pedestrians and cyclists,
and reliability issues have dogged its transit system. Toronto is
investing in improving its train and bus systems and bolstering its
bicycling infrastructure. In 2016, the Toronto City Council voted in
favor of implementing tolls on the citys Gardiner Expressway and
Don Valley Parkway. A hypothetical fare of $2 per vehicle was
estimated to raise about $200 million to fund transit projects. The
provincial government rejected the proposal, instead increasing the
gasoline tax revenue that is transferred to municipalities.
Suburban Hub Communities have an urban core, but most people live
and work outside of the core in the sprawling suburbs. Public transit is
immature. People rely on their own vehicles to get around, and the cost
of driving is relatively low. Parking is limited in the urban core, the
inflow of vehicles is limited, and tepid demand keeps prices down.
Parking needs are relatively high, but space is plentiful and relatively
cheap. Prices tend to stay low in these communities as well. The key
congestion challenge is that the urban core can’t enhance public transit
due to a lack of political will, economic strength, or both. Suburbs, with
stronger local economies and policymaking wherewithal, lack the
incentive to build public transit into the urban core. To control
congestion, this type of city focuses on maintaining high-capacity roads
and highways.
Large grids with scattered hubs
There are two forms of Sprawling Metropolises: those relatively
dependent on automobiles, and those with more varied means of
transportation available. Both the “driving” and the “ecient
metropolises have relatively low population density and small, scattered
hubs of high activity. People mostly travel among hubs — near or far.
The origins of such cities are relatively recent, and the overall layout is
primarily a grid.
24 Strategy&
To combat trac
congestion, city
may build
new roads
and highways
and expand
existing ones.
This strategy
may improve
trac flow in
the short term,
but often leads
to increasing
In Driving Metropolises, people tend to travel great distances for work
and leisure. Driving is the preferred mobility method. Public
transportation options are limited, and the cost of parking is relatively
low; there is ample parking and an overall low-to-medium population
density. The key congestion challenges are city sprawl, with long
commuting distances, and lack of transportation alternatives. Thus, as
city populations and GDP grow, so do the number of vehicles on the
streets. To combat trac congestion, city governments may build new
roads and highways and expand existing ones. This strategy may
improve trac flow in the short term, but often leads to increasing
congestion as higher capacity and faster travel speeds induce more
people to drive (usually at the expense of an anemic public transit
system). Such cities tend to put HOV or HOT lanes in place to increase
trac flow and eciency. The key solution combines short-term levers
to mitigate congestion with long-range investment in public
transportation. Doing this will decrease dependence on driving and
decrease the number of vehicles on the roads.
Los Angeles has ranked as the world’s most congested city every
year since 2012. With a population of 4 million, its time spent in
congestion is 102 hours, up 67 percent since 2010. Its cost of
congestion is $19.2 billion. This is primarily driven by three factors:
considerable urban sprawl, rising rates of car ownership, and a lack
of a strong public transportation system. Ridership on the countys
bus lines has fallen by about 16 percent since 2012. Rail usage has
remained about flat, indicating an increased reliance on cars. Eorts
to mitigate congestion include LA Express Park, a demand-based
parking program that fuses sensor-based technology with real-time
updates to adjust parking rates to meet changing demand. There is
also a high-occupancy toll lane program on some expressways, as
well as an expanded bike-sharing program.
The Ecient Metropolises represent a more eective approach to
similar topography. As with Driving Metropolises, people travel among
small hubs located on a larger grid, but motor vehicles are not the only
mobility method. Even over long distances, people have a multitude of
options. The mobility patterns are complex and spread over a larger
territory in these cities. Public transportation is mature and robust. The
cost of parking is relatively high, and the demand for parking is high.
The key congestion challenge faced by this archetype is that as the city
population and GDP grow, so does mobility demand. People need to
travel longer distances, and the city must maintain strong multi-modal
mobility options. As a result, the focus area for the Ecient Metropolis
is to maintain leadership in mobility research and have legislation in
place to drive transportation innovation.
These examples
all have several
things in
common. None
of them can treat
congestion as
a problem that
can be solved
purely with
Paris is our example of an Ecient Metropolis — with a serious
congestion problem. Its population is 2.2 million, and its time spent
in congestion is 69 hours, up 26 percent since 2013. An old city, Paris
has parking for only 1 million vehicles, but more than 1.5 million
vehicles enter the central business district every day. This results in
illegal parking on the citys narrow streets, increasing congestion.
The city plans to extend its train and Metro network, and oer
incentives for using public transportation, such as waiving fares
when pollution levels peak. Paris is trying to pass legislation to ban
cars in certain areas, especially around tourist spots, and has
responded to air-quality crises by restricting driving for cars with
odd and even final license plate digits on alternating days. The city
will also spend €150 million (about US$170 million) to develop new
cycling routes, pass policies to lower speed limits for cars to as low
as 18 mph, and construct parking spots for bikes. Lastly, it will
promote ride-sharing and implement trac management measures
such as ramp metering and dynamic speed limits on highways to
reduce congestion and rush-hour travel times.
In looking at these examples, you’ll note that they all have several
things in common. None of them can treat congestion as a problem that
can be solved purely with single-owner automobiles. There have to be
attractive (or at least palatable) alternatives to motor vehicles. Second,
managing parking and driver access fees provides leverage, especially
in the short term, and cities adjust. Third, as suggested earlier, the mix
of short-term and long-range remedies, along with attention to both
supply and demand, is critical. In the next section, we look at these
solutions in more detail.
26 Strategy&
Many groups have tried to relieve congestion through simple solutions.
But to create accessible, livable cities, policymakers must address
congestion holistically. For example, charging a high roadway toll
without developing convenient, reliable, safe, and aordable public
transportation will hurt a citys livability and economy. The most
comprehensive approaches are known as ecosystem solutions, because
they consider the interrelationships among all the elements that aect
congestion: infrastructure,nance, public transportation, private
vehicles, and new forms of transit including ride-sharing, urban design,
fees, and regulations. Each participant in the ecosystem plays a key role
in distributing the transit load for the movement of goods, services,
and people.
City planners face many significant questions, but one is paramount:
whether motor vehicles, particularly single-driver passenger cars, will
have unfettered dominance over the streets of tomorrow, or whether
these streets should be designed to accommodate a broader, more
sustainable array of transportation modes. Beyond that, the planners
will have to consider how much priority to give each form of
transportation, whether to set up dedicated lanes for bicycles or buses,
how to accommodate dedicated drop-o and pickup zones for TNCs and
delivery companies, and how best to provide parking on streets and
elsewhere. There isn’t necessarily one right answer, and the outcome
should be tailored with a comprehensive city strategy in mind. Without
an ecosystem approach, it is not possible to develop this strategy.
Ecosystem approaches convene multiple players to work together, often
to tackle solutions they haven’t considered in the past. One example is
the trend of TNCs entering the motor scooter business as a way to fill
the need for cheap, convenient urban transport for short distances.
Another is the involvement of multiple industries to provide charging
infrastructure for electric vehicles.
An ecosystem approach is not static; it varies by city, and changes with
the changing needs of the population. It considers the interdependencies
of the city, including infrastructure wear and tear and trac flow, and it
Taking an ecosystem approach
evaluates tradeos such as short-term versus long-range investments,
cost versus convenience, and consumer choice versus policy-driven
solutions. Modeling solutions at a city-planning level is critical. For
example, advanced analytics can help determine the impact of ride-
hailing and robo-taxis on dierent neighborhoods, informing decisions
on investment and restrictions.
Sidewalk Labs’ smart city project in Toronto takes an ecosystem
approach to streetscape design. In August 2018, the Alphabet subsidiary
proposed a new multi-modal street grid that gives priority to public
transit, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The proposed approach, developed
with support from Strategy&, involves pickup and drop-o bays,
pedestrian bridges, bicycle and motor-scooter lanes, and lanes devoted
to trucks with connected vehicle sensors (see Exhibit 4). One advantage
Sidewalk Labs has is a relatively clean slate; it’s planning to remake an
industrial area near Lake Ontario, not an already-bustling downtown
The mobility hub
One example of an ecosystem approach involves solving the problem of
the “last mile”: the distance between the end of the mass transit hub
Exhibit 4
View of a better street design
Today Future
Note: These are illustrative
streetscape concepts, and
are not meant to advocate
for a particular mode of
Source: PwC
28 Strategy&
and the final destination. Even in cities with excellent transit networks,
buses and trains can’t go everywhere. The mobility hub concept
addresses this problem by aggregating a variety of solutions where
they’re most needed. They place bike, motor-scooter, and car-sharing
services, along with smart parking and easy rentals, at key transit
nodes. These hubs pair well with parking structures that may have
spare capacity, and that reduce congestion by moving vehicles o
the street.
The concept is being embraced in San Diego by a regional consortium
of government bodies called the San Diego Association of Governments
(SANDAG). The consortium has identified eight locations for mobility
hub prototypes, each with unique demographics and infrastructure. The
goal is to oer a number of services within a five-minute walk, bike ride,
or drive of the transit center. The prototypes will provide services such
as bike-share, car-share, neighborhood electric vehicles, bike parking,
dynamic parking management strategies, real-time traveler
information, real-time ride-sharing, and micro-transit services, among
others. Development of the sites will begin in 2019.
Mobility hubs lend themselves to adaptive technologies and design
solutions. These could include shared parking logistics lanes, designated
cashless ticket lanes, enhanced waynding navigation, and advanced
reservations to find parking spaces quickly. Future designs will likely
feature retail stores with innovative delivery options, personal facilities
for showering and changing clothes after a bike ride, and valet amenity
services for dry cleaning and package delivery directly to one’s vehicle.
Innovative parking facilities
Although its congestion-fighting potential hasn’t always been
recognized, parking is important to the smooth functioning of a citys
transportation ecosystem. When there isn’t the right type or amount of
parking, or prices aren’t appropriately set, travelers have more incentive
to circle, cars clog streets looking for elusive spaces, and delivery trucks,
taxis, and TNCs cause chaos at the curb. We’ve already discussed some
parking improvements currently available to cities, but others require
more innovation and perhaps more time to develop.
Parking could potentially be used in new and innovative ways to
mitigate congestion, mainly at the curb. For example, short-term
parking for ride-hailing services and other TNCs could help reduce
circling in highly congested areas, and provide convenient pickup points
where riders could find their cars. Long-term agreements, optimizing
short-term pricing and/or design changes, may be required to enable
this solution. During peak hours, cities might require designated areas
Parking can
also serve as a
hub for shared
vehicle pick-up
and return— a
way for drivers
to choose
from multiple
car models.
This would be
welcomed by the
growing number
of consumers
who use car-
sharing services
like Zipcar.
for ride-hailing vehicles to stop, which could provide congestion relief.
Other opportunities would include partnering for large special events
like concerts, which are logistical nightmares and significant profit
opportunities for TNCs. Parking can be used to increase the eciency
and generate substantially higher profits.
Parking can also serve as a hub for shared vehicle pick-up and return —
a way for drivers to choose from multiple car models. This would be
welcomed by the growing number of consumers who use car-sharing
services like Zipcar. Automakers could also participate; some, like
Porsche, are already entering the sharing economy through shared
There is also a great potential for synergy with delivery or valet-parking
services. Cities without alleys such as New York especially suer from
double parking. In some areas, parking may be designated for use by
delivery companies to prevent their vehicles from clogging the street.
Parking facilities may increasingly be used for shared bicycles and
motor scooters. Dockless e-mobility solutions can clutter the curb and
sidewalks, but the first floor of parking facilities could provide easy yet
nonintrusive access.
In the future, automated parking technologies (or mechanical arms) can
be used to pack vehicles more tightly, increasing the parking density of
current facilities. This could further help in the planning process as less
real estate would be needed to create the same amount of parking
Collaborative pilot projects
As new technologies for managing congestion become available, some
cities are initiating comprehensive pilot projects that bring together
many separate elements. These are model eorts with the same end
goal: to increase livability for citizens while reducing congestion.
One such pilot is Boston 2030: a test of next-generation mobility
platforms, including autonomous vehicle deployment, through the
Mayor’s Oce of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM). Two participating
companies, Optimus Ride and nuTonomy (both of which were spun out
of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), are piloting robo-taxi
services and high-definition mapping in areas of Boston. nuTonomy was
approved for on-street testing in December 2016; Optimus Ride was
approved in June 2017. Boston is exploring additional partnerships to
address the unique layout of the city and to build a broader connected
transportation infrastructure.
30 Strategy&
Another pilot is called the City of Tomorrow Challenge. Launched in
June 2018, it involves three cities: Grand Rapids, Miami (Dade County),
and Pittsburgh. Companies can submit proposals to address mobility
issues and receive funding through a combination of public and private
resources. Ford, Dell Technologies, AT&T, and Microsoft are among the
business sponsors. The program actively seeks citizen input through
crowdsourcing forums. Winners of the Challenge awards are provided
with funding and required to submit a report to city planners
summarizing their findings. Early proposed solutions include Integrated
Transportation System (ITS) displays for Miami-Dade’s bus system,
public-road autonomous delivery vans for last- and middle-mile delivery
in Grand Rapids, and expansion of the Port Authoritys ConnectCard
service by allowing users to add credits to their accounts via the use
of smart meters in Pittsburgh.
The trends that exacerbate congestion show no signs of weakening, and
most cities have not yet fully articulated the steps they’ll need to take
to improve. Nonetheless, as we’ve shown in this report, plenty of tools
are available that can help reduce congestion, and numerous forward-
thinking cities are implementing them in the U.S. and around the world.
To most eectively combat congestion, government leaders,
planners, and other stakeholders should keep in mind a few key points:
Technology is no panacea, but can be a powerful tool. Weigh solutions
that aect supply and demand in both the near and long term. Parking
is an important tool, and has the ability to reduce congestion. Consider
the entire transportation ecosystem to drive city livability. Foster
innovation through collaboration, pilots, and agile policymaking.
The mix of solutions applied will vary across city archetypes.
You can take a proactive approach to congestion by shifting the
trajectory of mobility and making cities far more livable, with
convenient, clean, and cost-eective mobility solutions. Ill-considered
and reactive choices that don’t consider the entire transportation
ecosystem, including parking, are likely to exacerbate congestion.
Public–private collaboration — with a focus on citizen-centered
mobility — is an ecosystem-oriented approach that can lead us to a
future where we want to live.
32 Strategy&
Policymakers have numerous levers to mitigate congestion.
The challenge is to put them together in a way that helps your
particular city.
To organize this comprehensive list of levers, we used the framework
from our first guiding principle (on page 16): supply versus demand,
and near-term (i.e., between 2019 and 2024) versus long-term
(i.e., investing now for improvements that may not be usable until
2024 or later).
Near-term supply
These measures don’t require high levels of capital investment, can be
implemented in relatively short order, and can also help route trac in
more eective ways.
Reduce on-street spaces: Repurpose them for ride-hail pickups,
delivery spaces, or dedicated bus or bike lanes.
Establish more dedicated bus lanes: These have helped some cities
achieve reductions in congestion and commute times. Alas, this has
not been the case everywhere. In the U.S., the data is generally
Improve bicycle routing: Residents are more likely to use bikes if
lanes are available throughout the city and protected from car trac
— often by separating them from city streets. Allow bicycles on
sidewalks in some areas.
Create bicycle parking: Secure places for commuter bike parking
can attract cyclists who cannot bring their bikes to work.
Appendix: Levers
for reducing congestion
Near-term demand
These solutions are relatively easy to implement, are mainly policy
driven, and can have an immediate impact by providing incentives to
switch to less congested modes of travel.
Manage transportation demand: Partner with businesses to
promote alternatives to passenger-car commuting. Set targets for
employers by transportation mode; implement incentives for
alternative commutes; use flextime and work-at-home programs to
reduce travel demand.
Regulate taxis and TNCs: As New York has done, reduce the supply
of for-hire vehicles by limiting licenses or capping the number of
pickups in particular areas. Implement fines for low utilization,
which could reduce deadhead miles. Restrict curbside drop-os and
pickups or designate specific staging areas. Consider the downside of
higher prices and longer wait times before implementing these
Tighten restrictions on double parking: Reconsider arrangements
that permit delivery vehicles to stop in the street away from the curb.
Enforce double-parking laws more strictly and increase fines for
violations. Establish more designated stopping areas for deliveries.
Reduce parking minimums: Reconsider regulations that require
real estate developers to include minimum levels of o-street
parking. Instead, allow the market to set the right number of stalls.
This will reduce excess supply and promote more aordable real
Use market pricing to improve on-street parking: Increase
parking-space prices, thus encouraging spaces to turn over more
frequently during peak periods. Remove discounted spaces, so
drivers will no longer circle blocks looking for them. Reinvest the
revenue in the transportation system.
Install smart parking technologies: Sensors in parking lots can
monitor parking-stall availability, making it easier for drivers to
locate open stalls and reducing circling. Frictionless technologies for
street and parking-lot payment can allow drivers to pay with their
phones, raising compliance rates and making enforcement easier.
Web- and app-based technologies, including better coordination with
navigation apps, can help disseminate information about parking
availability and prices.
34 Strategy&
Rethink taxes, tolls, and congestion pricing: These economic
incentives are well understood and can target specific, highly
congested areas or roadways to aect the demand for transport.
Long-term supply
Many of these solutions could be considered today, but due to the long
investment horizon (i.e., infrastructure), the results will not be felt for
years. Other solutions are based on unproven and experimental
technologies, and maturation should be monitored over the next
few years.
Improve public transit infrastructure: Public transit has the
potential to increase ridership and reduce the number of private
vehicles on the roads. Design for ease of access, making it less
dicult to get into and out of city hub areas quickly and
conveniently. Promote general attractiveness, reliability,
convenience, safety, cleanliness, and comfort.
Maintain road and highway capacity: Monitor the amount of
trac on roadways and bridges, and plan in advance for necessary
flow-through increases. Do this with care: Increased capacity may
decrease commute times in the short term, but may induce greater
demand in the long term.
Deploy smart lanes, motorways, and analytics: Implement “smart
motorway concepts, which use sensor-based technologies to respond
to trac conditions. These include variable speed limits, dynamic
opening and closing of highway shoulders, optimization of trac
lights (using machine-learning algorithms), reverse-flow throughput
lanes that switch direction when commutes change, and advanced
navigation technologies that reroute trac to optimize travel times.
Prepare for platooning technologies: Improvements in
autonomous driving technology and vehicle-to-vehicle
communication could soon allow tractor-trailers to safely drive much
closer together at highway speeds. It won’t reduce the number of the
vehicles on the road, but it could improve their use of the
infrastructure. With platooning, the gap between two trucks can
be reduced from ~1.4 seconds (for manually controlled trucks) to
~0.4 seconds, which could increase road capacity by more than
30 percent.
Consider Hyperloop: A successful implementation of this rapid
tunnel-travel technology would theoretically reduce travel times by
50–90 percent, according to the results of some feasibility studies
and simulations. However, there are still significant technological
and commercial hurdles to clear before any Hyperloop project
becomes operational.
Long-term demand
Innovations in managing demand could help reduce congestion. They
typically involve major shifts in trac patterns or improvements in
technology on the horizon.
Design for delivery drones: Some companies, notably Amazon, are
investing in drones to solve the challenges of “last mile” delivery to
the home. Recently, the company has been granted a U.S. patent for a
delivery drone that can respond to human gestures. When this
technology is ready, local communities will need to be prepared with
the right regulations and infrastructure support.
Provide o-peak delivery incentives: To reduce congestion caused
by double-parked delivery trucks during periods of high road trac,
consider mandating that deliveries occur during o-peak times. Pilot
programs in certain cities, including New York, have shown early
signs of success, but they can create other challenges (receiving sta
at commercial buildings may not normally work at night, for
Rethink last-mile routing: In The Rise of the Last-Mile Exchange,
Strategy& authors Tim Laseter, Andrew Tipping, and Fred Duiven
propose a new business model for delivery companies: platform
systems where they share pickups and drop-os, thus reducing
congestion and costs.
Build out the inner ring: In the U.S., 85 percent of the 150 million
people who commute every day nationwide use a motor vehicle to
enter a dense inner city. Much of this congestion could be avoided
by converting the “long trip” all the way in to a “short trip,” where
residents park at the edge of the inner ring and use other modes of
transportation to get around the city.
36 Strategy&
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