BigTech in Financial Services:
Regulatory Approaches
and Architecture
Parma Bains, Nobuyasu Sugimoto, and Christopher Wilson
BigTech in Financial Services:
Regulatory Approaches
and Architecture
Prepared by Parma Bains, Nobuyasu Sugimoto, and Christopher Wilson
January 2022
©2022 International Monetary Fund
BigTech in Financial Services:
Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
Note 2022/002
Prepared by Parma Bains, Nobuyasu Sugimoto, and Christopher Wilson
Names: Bains, Parma, author. | Sugimoto, Nobuyasu, author. | Wilson, Christopher (Christopher Lindsay),
author. | International Monetary Fund, publisher.
Title: BigTech in financial services : regulatory approaches and architecture / prepared by Parma Bains,
Nobuyasu Sugimoto, and Christopher Wilson.
Other titles: Regulatory approaches and architecture. | FinTech notes (International Monetary Fund).
Description: Washington, DC : International Monetary Fund, 2022. | January 2022. | Note 2022/002 |
Fintech notes. | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: ISBN 9781557756756 (paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Financial services industry -- Law and legislation. | Financial services industry --
Technological innovations. | Finance -- Technological innovations. | Banks and banking -- Information
Classification: LCC K1397.F56 B35 2022
Fintech Notes oer practical advice from IMF sta members to policymakers on important issues. The
views expressed in Fintech Notes are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views
of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.
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BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
BigTech firms are gradually entering the financial sector and becoming important service providers, particu-
larly in emerging markets. BigTechs have entered financial services using platform-based technology to
facilitate payments and more recently expanded into other areas, such as lending, asset management,
and insurance services. They accumulate data from their nonfinancial and financial activities and draw on
consumer data held in dierent parts of their business (such as via social media). BigTechs are applying new
approaches to existing financial services products and services such as underwriting using big data and are
also applying machine learning for their key business decisions, such as pricing and risk management across
multiple financial sectors. Incumbent financial firms have also increased their reliance on BigTech firms to
host core IT systems (for example, cloud-based services, which have the potential to improve eciency and
security). This rapid and significant expansion of BigTechs in financial services and their interconnectedness
with financial service firms are potentially creating new channels of systemic risks.
To achieve eective implementation and multiple objectives of financial regulation and supervision, a
hybrid approach, combining a mix of entity- and activity-based approaches, is needed. Home supervisors
should establish an entity-based approach to cover the global activities of a BigTech group, while host
supervisors could in principle address local risks and concerns mainly through activity-based regulations.
Cross-sector and cross-border cooperation are key in determining the future of the regulatory architecture.
However, it can take several years before regulators have achieved a suciently robust legal and regulatory
framework to address all risks arising from BigTech in financial services, and short-term solutions may be
needed. In the interim, regulatory authorities should actively use all existing regulatory powers to manage
risks, while BigTech should adopt and improve governance frameworks through industry codes of conduct
and enhanced disclosures. Options should be explored to promote global consistency in the treatment
of BigTechs, through existing or new global bodies with a broad mandate. We recommend that the 2012
Principles for the Supervision of Financial Conglomerates be reviewed to address regulatory gaps.
This note was prepared by Parma Bains, Nobuyasu Sugimoto and Christopher Wilson, with inputs from Fabiana Melo and
Anastasiia Morozova (all MCM).
iv International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iii
I. Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
II. BigTech in Financial Services—Key Elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Reversing the Unbundling—Faster, Higher, Stronger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Interconnectedness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Concentration of Cloud Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
III. Key Considerations in Regulatory Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
The Existing Regulatory Frameworks and BigTechs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
IV. Regulating BigTechs—Now and Later . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Implications for Regulatory Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Potential Regulatory Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Key Challenges along the Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
V. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
VI. Annex 1: Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
VII. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Box 1. Dierent Trends of BigTech Expansion into Financial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Box 2. Disclosure of BigTech Financial Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Box 3. Case Studies of Current Entity- and Activity-Based Regulatory Approaches to BigTech. . . . . . . . . . .18
Table 1. Key Risks of BigTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Figure 1. Short, Medium, and Long Term Regulatory Frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
vi International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
I. Executive Summary
International Monetary Fund and The World Bank sta developed the agenda in 2018 (International Monetary Fund [IMF]
and The World Bank 2018).
Fintech is changing the ways in which financial services are delivered, and rapid advances in technology
pose new challenges to financial regulation. Fintech developments have typically been characterized by the
unbundling and decentralization of services, rapid changes of technologies and business models, strong
economies of scale and cross-border and cross-sectoral expansion, and a focus on retail services. These
developments present challenges for regulators: Traditionally, entities are granted permission to provide
financial services based on a supervisory assessment where they need to meet certain minimum standards.
Therefore, financial intermediation has traditionally been provided by regulated financial service firms,
and regulation is put in place to mitigate excessive risk taking. Fintech has upended this traditional link
between provision of financial services and regulation of risk taking. Regulatory authorities have aimed at
safeguarding financial stability while not stifling innovation and more recently have focused on the chal-
lenges brought on by BigTech.
With strong and diverse business models, BigTechs are increasing their presence and market share in
financial services. These larger firms are able to utilize their existing user base and big data; advanced analyt-
ical technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning; cross-subsidization; and economies of
scale to deliver new technologies and innovative products and services. In particular, BigTech firms benefit
from competitive advantages stemming from the so-called data analytics, network externalities, and inter-
woven activities loop (Crisanto, Ehrentaud, and Fabian 2021). This business model enables BigTech firms to
quickly increase their market share in financial services and become, directly or indirectly, important players
in financial intermediation.
The expansion of BigTech into financial services has the potential to bring both benefits and risks (Adrian
2021). The presence of BigTech entities in a market can potentially increase financial inclusion, lower costs of
products and services, and create greater consumer choice in the short term. However, BigTech expansion
in financial services has the potential to create risks to financial stability in three broad ways: (1) by carrying
out several activities that increase risk when carried out cumulatively, (2) through operational interconnect-
edness with financial incumbents, and (3) through financial interconnectedness with financial incumbents. In
addition, BigTech expansion to financial services is creating risks from the unique combinations of financial
and nonfinancial services. Even if traditional financial risks may not be material in their global business model,
other risks (such as concentration, contagion, and reputation risks) when combined may have systemic impli-
cations in local financial markets.
The Bali Fintech Agenda (BFA)
provides a framework for regulatory authorities to help them harness
the benets of fintech while mitigating risks. The BFA consists of 12 policy elements that can help authori-
ties capture the benefits that BigTech operations can bring into financial markets, such as embracing the
promise of fintech; ensuring open competition and a commitment to open, free, and contestable markets;
fostering fintech to increase financial inclusion; and developing robust financial and data infrastructure to
sustain those benefits. It can also guide authorities toward mitigating the risks of BigTech by better moni-
toring developments in the market, adapting regulatory frameworks for the stability of the financial system,
and encouraging regulatory cooperation across borders.
Financial regulators need to consider both short- and long-term impacts on the provision of financial
services. The impact of BigTech on incumbent financial firms is mixed so far: In some cases, BigTech is disrupting
markets, and in others, it is partnering with incumbents. Experience suggests that regulatory approaches that
allow for the emergence of fintech start-ups across jurisdictions foster competition in the short term. However,
2 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
same regulatory environment may favor the participation of BigTechs in financial services, allowing them
to leverage new data sets and their own proprietary data to promote cross-subsidization and potentially lead
to monopolistic structures that could hinder competition in the long term. Careful consideration of longer
term eects is needed to develop new, or adjust existing, regulation to provide a level p laying eld for
incumbents, fintech start-ups, and BigTech, while mitigating risks to financial stability, market integrity, and
consumer protection.
To achieve these policies in the long term, a hybrid approach to regulation is needed whereby home
supervisors establish entity-based regulation complemented with host supervi-sors employing activity-
based regulations. The entity-based approach allows the regulatory framework to be principle based, flexible,
and proportionate to the risks of the entity and its wider group. The activity-based approach may facilitate a
level playing field by applying specified rules equally to all firms in a given activity. In most jurisdictions, an
entity-based approach is deployed for prudential regulation, whereas an activity-based approach is more
common for market conduct regulation. BigTech business models are creating new complex risks, and
neither of these approaches on their own can fully address the potential risks associated with the global
reach of BigTechs. A hybrid approach is indispensable to address the risks of BigTechs, where home
supervisors establish a proportionate entity-based regulatory approach to cover BigTech as a group, while
host supervisors apply an activity-based approach supplemented with additional groupwide supervision
by the home. Broader coordination with nonfinancial regulators and competition authorities will be
required, particularly for home regulators, to mitigate systemic risks generated from BigTech activity.
Even though there are several options to implement regulations for BigTech, implementation is not
straightforward. While new regulatory frameworks may be warranted for BigTech (such as entity-based regu-
lation that reflects the unique risks of BigTech for home regulators), it will likely be several years before legal
and regulatory adjustments are concluded.
In the interim, regulatory authorities should actively use all
available existing regulatory powers. For example, financial regulators could undertake indirect supervision
through regulated entities in the group and by proper implementation of nonbank and conduct regulations.
It will be important to actively coordinate with other authorities to prepare and address risks of potential
entrance of BigTech in multiple jurisdictions, activities, and business lines. Meanwhile, BigTechs should be
encouraged through public-private collaboration to adopt and improve governance frameworks through
industry codes and enhanced disclosure.
Options should be explored to promote global consistency in the treatment of BigTechs through existing
or new global bodies. Any international coordination body would need to have a broad mandate to address
some of the issues discussed here, especially those that lie outside the remit of the financial sector standard
setters. We recommend that the 2012 Principles for the Supervision of Financial Conglomerates be reviewed
to address regulatory gaps and mitigate new risks (including systemic risk) arising from conglomerates, such
as B igTech g roups.
Promising work on data policy has begun (Carriere-Swallow and Haksar 2019; Haksar and others 2021).
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
II. BigTech in Financial Services—Key Elements
The Financial Stability Board defines BigTech as “large companies with established technology platforms” (Financial
Stability Board [FSB] 2019). In addition, the Financial Stability Institute has defined BigTech as “large technology companies
(Crisanto, Ehrentaud, and Fabian 2021).
There is no agreed-upon definition of BigTech,
but generally, these platform-based business models focus
on maximizing interactions between a large number of mainly retail users. BigTech entities are typically
large technology conglomerates with extensive customer networks and core businesses across markets, for
example, in social media, internet search, and e-commerce. An outcome of their operation is the creation,
capture, storage, and utilization of user data. This data drives a further range of services that generates even
greater user activity and, ultimately, the creation of more data.
BigTechs rely on these strong network eects to grow their business and services. These services generate
network eects through interaction, user activity, and the generation of ever greater amounts of data. The
more users interact with the services oered by BigTechs, the more attractive the services become to other
users. The data can be sold to third parties or analyzed in-house to improve existing services or generate
new service propositions and additional revenue streams.
The use of technology in financial services to generate innovation has, in many countries, been driven by
smaller firms, better known as financial technology (fintech) start-ups. Initially, fintech start-ups were the key
drivers of innovation in financial services, unbundling services by large financial institutions and delivering
greater consumer choice. These fintech start-ups have driven innovation in areas such as payments, credit
referencing, asset management, and insurance services. Many of these start-ups have benefited from regu-
lations intended to foster competition (for example, the European Union’s Payments System Directive and
various regulatory sandboxes). However, fintech is not just provided by start-ups; it can also be provided by
financial incumbents, especially through partnership with fintech start-ups.
More recently, the expansion of BigTech into financial services has been observed. In many circum-
stances, major fintech start-ups that achieve scale have been acquired by BigTech groups and continue
to oer innovative financial services through BigTech platforms. While the emergence of fintech already
presented challenges to the regulatory and supervisory community to promote the safety and soundness
of the financial system, the entrance of BigTech in financial services brings additional layers of complications
given its characteristics (Table 1).
Large technology conglomerates utilize their existing user base, cross-subsidization, and economies of
scale to deliver new technologies and innovative products and services. The key aspects that distinguish
BigTech from fintech start-ups are the number of users, the number of jurisdictions in which they operate,
and the revenue and scope of activities. Fintech delivered by BigTech tends to be more impactful on the
market given the size of the entities. It can drive greater change and bring new ideas and technologies to
market faster, more cheaply, and with greater coverage and availability than incumbent financial institutions.
BigTech expansion to financial services shows unique characteristics, especially when compared to the
entry of fintech start-ups. The entry of fintech start-ups into financial services has normally been charac-
terized by the unbundling and decentralization of services, rapid changes of technologies and business
models, a strong economy of scale, a predominant retail and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
focus, and a clear cross-border and cross-sectoral expansion. BigTech’s expansion to the financial sector
reverses the first two characteristics: unbundling and decentralization.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend toward digitalization of retail financial services and
changes in market structure. During the pandemic, most market participants have attempted to adopt a
more online business model. In turn, the pandemic strengthened the role of BigTechs, larger fintech-driven
4 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
firms, and digitally prepared incumbents. Market shares of BigTechs and larger fintech-driven firms increased
during the pandemic at the expense of smaller fintech start-ups and less digitally prepared incumbents.
These changes in market structure result in benefits and risks. Benefits include improved financial inclusion
for underserved populations, cost savings, and eciencies leading to improved consumer welfare. Risks
include consumer abuse owing to low levels of financial literacy, potential monopolistic behavior, and
financial instability.
The pace and scale of BigTech expansion within financial services has the potential to create risks to
financial stability in three broad ways: (1) through expansion across financial services sectors carrying out
several activities that in isolation might not create systemic risk but can increase risk when carried out
cumulatively, partially due to lack of eective cross-sectoral regulation; (2) through interconnectedness
with financial incumbents (for example, between loan-originating BigTech and commercial banks that are
providing funding); and (3) through the provision of single systemically important activities like the cloud
or systemic payments infrastructures. Taken together, these three risks can create scenarios where BigTech
becomes “too big to fail.”
New technologies have enabled fintech start-ups to unbundle financial services by taking part in a small
number of activities. These include payments, account aggregation, lending, saving, and so on. These
start-ups utilize a low-cost base, a lack of legacy systems, and new technologies to deploy these individual
products or services globally, which has allowed them to achieve rapid growth. This generally increases
competition in financial services and provides consumers with greater choice and, often, cheaper and more
tailored products.
BigTechs have access to large proprietary data sets as well as the experience, talent, and technology
to control and act on large data sets, which have allowed them to reverse the unbundling delivered by
fintech start-ups. BigTechs already have a large global user base through the provision of products and
services outside of financial services, such as e-commerce, social media, instant messaging, and telecom-
munications. BigTechs can leverage these data sets more cheaply and in a more tailored way with the
benefits that cross-subsidization and economies of scale can bring. BigTechs can use their knowledge of
consumer preferences obtained through their other business areas, such as consumer spending habits
and credit worthiness, to oer financial services to customers who may be underserved by traditional
lenders. These advantages are leading to BigTechs reversing the unbundling that fintech start-ups have
achieved, providing a wide range of financial services within the group. The economic and social benefits
of financial deepening, such as encouraging financial inclusion, can be compelling in the short term, but
bundling can also limit consumer choice in the long term.
The expansion of BigTech into financial services has initially been focused on payments and proprietary
systems but has gradually incorporated companies and services. Payments form an important component
in the core services oered by BigTechs. Digital payments are a significant growth area in financial services
in general, and many BigTechs had existing platforms that could be utilized to quickly oer digital payment
services to a large user base (for example, Facebook Pay). Some BigTech entities (like Amazon and Alibaba)
began operations as e-commerce platforms that bring together buyers and sellers, and so expanding into
payments was a natural progression. Additionally, in some jurisdictions, for many years payments regula-
tion has been focused on supporting new entrants, ultimately facilitating the entrance of BigTechs. BigTechs
have developed their own proprietary systems in financial services but have also acquired smaller fintech
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
start-ups. In 2020, BigTechs invested over $2 billion in fintech companies, with Google’s parent Alphabet
alone generating 23 fintech investments.
BigTechs are able to leverage their knowledge of consumer preferences through their other business
areas, as well as consumer spending habits and credit worthiness, to oer lending services to customers
who may be underserved by traditional lenders. This can be useful in countries where consumers might
lack documentation to prove income or creditworthiness or where otherwise traditional credit informa-
tion might be less reliable. Moreover, BigTechs can utilize existing relationships with SMEs, as well as
knowledge of their business obtained through core services (such as providing an e-commerce platform
for these firms), to provide lending services to entities that incumbent financial institutions might consider
risky. BigTech lending to SMEs is largest in Asia but is gaining traction globally.
BigTechs are achieving a level of integration across sectoral services that could be more attractive to
users than the “one-stop service” oered by traditional financial conglomerates. Traditionally, financial
service providers that oered only limited services (such as lending firms) and limited integration of cross-
sectoral services were not attractive to customers. Even though traditional financial conglomerates have
sought to provide multiple services at one stop, data sharing and integration of services have often been
limited to each sector and service. While BigTechs still form a relatively small part in the total provision of
payments, insurance, and lending, strong network eects and a large existing base mean their share in
each sector can rapidly grow with much higher integration and the provision of attractive services across
the sectors.
Proposed BigTech-led initiatives such as so-called global stablecoins could expand BigTech coverage in
this space further. Given the large existing user base and potential for strong network eects, the launch of
new initiatives in the payments space could lead to products and services that might be potentially systemic
at launch. In addition, in low-income and emerging markets, stablecoins issued by BigTech and denomi-
nated in advanced economies’ hard currencies could become attractive as investment products. Where
these initiatives are based on closed networks with high barriers to entry or limited ability for others to
participate, such initiatives could lead to greater market power for infrastructure owners/administrators and
fragmentation of existing payment infrastructures (FSB 2020).
Insurance is another sector within financial services where BigTechs have naturally expanded and where
they may have several competitive advantages. They are able to build on existing services of product
protection and warranties provided in core operations and use these experiences to oer tailored insurance
products, competing with (and at times partnering with) established insurers and newer InsurTechs. BigTechs
often have several competitive advantages when it comes to the provision of insurance. For example, they
are able to leverage access to proprietary data from social media, chat functions, and other businesses that
allow them to better determine risks of consumers and firms in ways that financial incumbents and fintech
start-ups aren’t able to do. Importantly, research suggests that consumers are increasingly more likely to
purchase insurance from BigTechs, with the share of consumers growing from 27 percent to 44 percent
between 2016 and 2020 (World InsurTech Report 2020).
For example, the 2021 acquisition of Pring, a Japanese payments processor, is the latest in a line of payments acquisitions,
including Softcard, Zetawire, and TxVia, providing Alphabet with a stronger presence in payments networks and payments
6 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
BOX 1. Dierent Trends of BigTech Expansion into Financial Services
The expansion of BigTech into financial services has occurred simultaneously in dierent countries,
although in dierent ways. In advanced economies, the expansion tends to focus on payment and
lending services where other nonbank entities are also actively expanding. Robust and comprehen-
sive regulation in banking and insurance services seems to be a factor behind this route of expansion.
In emerging markets, the scope of BigTechs’ expansion seems to be wider and includes banking,
insurance, and investment services.
In the United States, BigTechs with large market capitalization are expanding payment and credit
business both domestically and globally. Entities like Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, and Microsoft
have all expanded into financial services, with the largest presence in payments and credit. Three
of these firms (Alphabet, Amazon, and Microsoft) also provide cloud services for regulated entities.
In other advanced economies, BigTech expansion is still in early stages. In Japan, entities like NTT
docomo and Rakuten are entering financial services, such as payments, securities, and insurance,
although at a slower pace compared with the United States.
In China, BigTech has a greater presence in financial services across banking, payments, lending,
insurance, and investment. BigTech operations in financial services are more established and of
greater systemic importance since these entities often provide direct financial services to retail
customers but also partner extensively with commercial banks. Alibaba (through Ant Group),
Tencent, and Baidu are the Chinese BigTech entities with greatest reach.
In other emerging markets, BigTech is also making inroads into financial services in South America
(through Mercado Libre) and in east Africa and the Indian subcontinent through telecommuni-
cations firms Safaricom and Jio. In all these instances, BigTechs are able to outcompete smaller
fintech start-ups and sometimes benefit from regulatory frameworks that allow them to outcompete
incumbent financial institutions.
For further reading regarding BigTech expansion into financial services, see two publications by the FSB: BigTech in
Finance: Market Developments and Potential Financial Stability Implications (FSB 2019) and BigTech Firms in Finance in
Emerging Market and Developing Economies (FSB 2020).
When providing consumer loans, some BigTechs are partnering with commercial banks. While BigTechs can
compete with financial institutions, in most cases a cooperative arrangement is observed, particularly in low-
margin banking services. This has allowed BigTechs to gather further customer data and open new revenue
streams, while allowing fintech start-ups and incumbents to connect with new customers. BigTechs leverage
their large user base to deliver consumer lending to individuals who might be underserved or excluded, with
the potential eect of improving financial inclusion. BigTechs can reduce their risk exposure by delivering
loans in conjunction with a commercial bank and by providing only the consumer interface. Commercial
banks may also benefit from a more diversified loan portfolio with dierent segments and locations of clients.
Another example includes the proposed Diem Network, in which Meta plays a potentially key role as a network
member and wallet service provider, but financial institutions are partners that fulfill critical functions, such as
issuance, redemption, and market making.
However, partnership arrangements could create moral hazards and result in excessive risk taking by
BigTech lenders. In some cases, the direct risk exposure of BigTechs compared to the commercial bank may
look very small. Some examples indicate BigTech participation to be as low as 2 percent of a loan, where
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
98 percent of the loan, and risk, is borne by the partnering commercial bank. BigTechs can also charge
transaction fees to the commercial bank, which further increases their share of the revenue while keeping
risk exposure to a minimum. In such arrangements, BigTechs could have biased incentives to increase the
volume of lending with lower credit quality if commercial banks don’t conduct proper credit risk manage-
ment and establish appropriate data and loss-sharing arrangements.
Interconnections in the investment space can also give rise to systemic risk. The provision of money
market funds (MMF) is an area that has seen significant BigTech interest in recent years, particularly in east
Asia. MMFs are required to invest customers’ funds in high-quality and short-term assets such as short-
term government bonds or other highly rated issuers’ bonds. In the second half of the last decade, with
interest rates at historic lows, some MMFs oered by BigTechs began oering higher returns than bank
deposits. Those products are generally integrated into payment services, where excess balances are auto-
matically allocated to MMF investments and users can easily shift back and forth between using the balance
for payment or MMF investments.
BigTech-related MMFs in emerging markets are exposed to additional risks. BigTech services that
integrate payment and MMF seamlessly allow the investors to quickly withdraw cash on demand and
pay for goods and services. However, assets invested by MMFs may not be as liquid as cash and highly
liquid securities, even in advanced economies. Thus, the product is exposed to higher liquidity mismatch
risks than those of advanced economies. In addition, safety nets, such as central bank liquidity facilities
and deposit insurance, are generally not available to MMFs oered by BigTechs. Retail MMF investments
integrated with payment services, which require full and immediate redemption to cash, can create new
risks and contribute to concerns around contagion and interconnectedness, a key reason why regulatory
authorities have begun tightening their rules around the practice.
Systemic risk can also arise from the increasing interconnectedness of BigTech with other market partici-
pants such as financial market infrastructures (FMIs) and central counterparties (CCPs). Payment systems and
investment services developed and operated by BigTechs could have increasing exposures and potential
contagion to FMIs and CCPs. For example, Alipay and WeChat Pay are interconnected with NetsUnion
Clearing Corporation in China, and Google Pay has a direct connection with Unified Payments Interface and
Immediate Payment Service in India.
The cloud is the virtual delivery of computing services, including servers and storage, analytics, and intel-
ligence, and poses unique systemic risks given the industrywide services provided. It powers many services
that consumers take for granted, such as content streaming (including music and television), media storage
on smartphones, and online games. It also powers the operations of entities across financial services,
including banks, insurers, investment managers, and start-ups.
There are normally three general functions
of the cloud: software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and platforms as a service (PaaS).
SaaS allows the hosting and delivery of applications that are managed by third-party vendors; IaaS allows
access to storage, networking, and virtualization; and PaaS provides software and hardware applications
that the user can build upon. The Bank of England, in a 2020 survey, estimated that more than 70 percent of
banks and 80 percent of insurers rely on just two cloud providers for IaaS (Bank of England 2020). Globally, 52
percent of cloud services are provided by just two BigTechs, while over two-thirds of services are provided
by the top four BigTechs (Richter 2021).
This concentration highlights the reliance of the financial sector on the services provided by BigTechs.
Interruptions or delays in the service have the potential to create large-scale issues in financial services.
For a comprehensive discussion of cloud employment in financial services, see Cloud Computer: A Vital Enabler in Times
of Disruption (Pujazon and Carr 2020).
8 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
The failure of a service or one of these firms could create a significant event in financial services with poor
outcomes for markets, consumers, and financial stability. Cloud services are also provided to nonfinancial
sector firms, and in these sectors the provision of cloud is also deeply concentrated. Operational disruption
of large cloud service providers could have material contagion impacts not only to the financial sector but
also to the wider economy. There is clear concentration in critical services provided by BigTechs to financial
institutions and the potential for excessive reliance on a small number of cloud providers without viable
alternative options. The importance of these services means that, in some respects, BigTechs are already
“too big to fail.
Table 1. Key Risks of BigTech
Financial stability
y Expansion across financial sectors carrying out several activities that in
isolation might not create systemic risk but can increase risk when carried out
y Interconnectedness with financial incumbents
y Carrying out a single systemically important activity, such as cloud provision
or operating payments infrastructure
Consumer protection
y Reduced consumer choice through “rebundling”
y Market dominance that could lead to innovation being replaced by markups
y Lack of appropriate disclosure of activities, partnerships, or regulatory
y Free/cheaper services provided through capturing/storing consumer data
Market integrity
y Challenges of regulation, supervision, and enforcement
» against BigTechs located in other jurisdictions
» against BigTechs with core businesses in nonfinancial sectors (for example,
Financial integrity
y BigTech platforms that could facilitate cross-border fraud, theft, and money
y End-user unawareness where BigTechs operate blockchain-based propositions
Source: IMF sta .
* Financial integrity risks are beyond the scope of this paper, but for completeness some of the key impacts on financial integrity
of BigTech expansion to financial services have been added.
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
III. Key Considerations in
Regulatory Approaches
Some regulators are exploring interim measures to overcome the inherent limitations of the activity-based approach.
For example, UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) conducts market studies across industry price caps, which can be an
alternative to enforcement.
The Bali Fintech Agenda is a framework for helping authorities harness the benets of new technologies and
business models while mitigating risks. In relation to BigTech, several BFA policy elements are particularly
important. Policy Element I (embracing the promise of fintech) and Element II (enabling new technologies to
enhance financial services provision) speak to the potential benefits BigTech can generate. Policy Element III
(reinforcing competition and commitment to open, free, and contestable markets), Element IV (ensuring the
stability of domestic monetary and financial systems), Element VI (adapting regulatory frameworks and super-
visory practices), and Element XI (encouraging international cooperating and information sharing) can all be
used as guidelines to mitigate against the risks generated by BigTech.
A robust regulatory framework should lay the foundation for eective supervision of financial institutions,
and while approaches dier across jurisdictions, two approaches are prevalent: entity-based regulation and
activity-based regulation.
y Entity-based approach is when regulations are applied to licensed entities or groups that engage
in regulated activities (such as deposit taking, payment facilitation, lending, and securities under-
writing). Requirements are imposed at the entity level and may include governance, prudential, and
conduct requirements. Implementation of those regulations is supported by a number of supervisory
activities (such as osite monitoring and onsite inspections). The entity-based approach can be built
on principle-based regulations that allow more flexibility, relying on governance arrangements and
oversight. Importantly, a continuous engagement between supervised firms and supervisors allows
for the monitoring of the buildup of risks and the evolution of business models. Supervisors normally
have a range of early actions that can be taken to modify firms’ behavior that could lead to excessive
risk taking and instability. Supervisors can take enforcement actions (such as fines and revocation of
licenses), but there is usually a ladder of interventions to achieve supervisory goals.
y Activity-based approach is when regulations are applied to any person or firm that engages in
certain regulated activities, for example, facilitating the buying and selling of investments or operating
lending activities. Those regulations are typically used for market conduct purposes and are generally
prescriptive, and compliance is ensured by fines and other enforcement actions. Many regulations
prohibit certain activities under specified conditions. In some respects, the activity-based approach
may encourage competition by requiring that only relevant regulatory permissions are needed to carry
out certain activities. However, the approach needs to define activities very precisely, which could
create regulatory arbitrage opportunitiesand may not be able to capture rapidly changing fintech
activities. It could have negative impacts on innovation, as the prescribed rules may not be technology
neutral. Supervisors may issue warnings before taking enforcement actions, but other than that there
is less room for supervisors to take actions before proceeding to enforcement.
Because of the heavy
reliance on enforcement, the activity-based approach is not generally suitable for early supervisory
action to modify risky behavior by the firms. It is also not very eective for cross-border activities,
unless global regulators consider regulatory approaches that are closely aligned, and international
agreements allow for cross-border enforcement actions.
10 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
y Hybrid approach combines elements of both activity- and entity-based regulation depending on the
nature of each jurisdiction’s regulatory structure and whether the jurisdiction houses the headquar-
ters of a firm or hosts their activities. A hybrid approach would use both activity- and entity-based
regulations with clear allocation of the responsibilities between home and host jurisdictions and close
cooperation among the regulators so that it may reap the benefits of the two approaches. Entities
would be subject to licensing by home jurisdictions and would be subject to other requirements,
including activity-based requirements imposed by host regulators. Close cooperation between home
and host supervisors would enable regulators to ultimately implement and enforce both global and
local requirements. Monitoring and risk identification with close cooperation among supervisors
would allow the detection of systemic risks arising from the combination of activities generated across
the group. The hybrid approach is necessary to achieve the underlying principle of “same services/
activities, same risks, same rules, and same supervision.
Most financial institutions are subject to both entity- and activity-based regulations. Banking andto a
lesser extent—insurance regulations are built with an entity-based approach. On the other hand, securi-
ties regulations have been developed with a more activity-based approach. In traditional financial markets
where banks and insurers are the main players, those activities are subject to both entity- and activity-based
regulations. In practice, the distinction between activity- and entity-based approaches is blurred, with regu-
lators often using entity-based measures (such as business improvement orders, intensive inspections, and
enhanced monitoring) to enforce activity-based regulations.
The IMF had previously (IMF 2014) recommended a “mixed approach”—similar to the suggested hybrid
approach—to address systemic risks posed by shadow banking. There are some similarities between shadow
banking and BigTech. For example, both have grown outside the regulatory perimeters to have potential
systemic implications. While each individual entity and service may not pose systemic issues, the combina-
tion of the entities and services create systemic risks. Some entities and functions of both shadow banking
and the BigTech ecosystem can easily relocate their headquarters and main activities to other jurisdictions
where regulations are less robust.
All regulatory approaches involve inherent policy trade-os. There is sometimes a trade-o between
eciency and stability in financial regulation. Competitive markets are ecient but may pose risks to
financial stability because tougher competition depletes margins and prevents banks from building buers.
Regarding BigTech, there are additional trade-os, for example, between anonymity (privacy) and allowing
data access to private providers (eciency) as well as between anonymity (privacy) and data sharing for
prudential purpose (stability; Feyen and others 2021). The entity-based approach can be principle based
and flexible. It helps supervisors develop an understanding of risks across activities. It can be more tailored
to cover risks arising from a combination of activities (such as deposit taking and lending, which enables
maturity and liquidity transformation). Therefore, entity-based regulation works better for financial stability
and prudential requirements, although it can be problematic where the regulatory perimeter is not clear.
On the other hand, the activity-based approach is applicable to any individual or firm who conducts partic-
ular activities, regardless of their licensing status, and enforcement tools are traditionally limited to fines.
Therefore, activity-based regulation can be simpler and more prescriptive, which may help to ensure a level
playing field among the entities conducting the same activities.
A hybrid approach could provide supervisors with additional flexibility in tailoring the regulatory
framework to suit the new contours of the financial system. While conceptually appealing, successful imple-
mentation requires close coordination between prudential and conduct regulators. In the hybrid approach,
both approaches can complement each other to achieve the competing objectives of financial regulation.
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
However, this approach needs close coordination between prudential and conduct regulators, which is not
always easy regardless of regulatory architecture.
Dierences in mandates and objectives between prudential and conduct regulators pose additional chal-
lenges for closer coordination. Prudential and conduct regulators face dierent challenges. On the one
hand, prudential regulators tend to be proportionate to systemwide risks and focus more heavily on large
firms and large transactions to assess firm and systemwide risks. On the other hand, for conduct regulators,
the most serious conduct incidents could emerge in the smallest transactions (such as SME loans and sales
to seniors). Equally, too much activity-focused supervision may fail to identify the systemwide risks (not
seeing the woods for the trees). Therefore, although both prudential and conduct regulators are shifting
toward risk-based supervision, prudential risk and conduct risk often require dierent skills and supervi-
sory frameworks. Coordination between prudential and conduct regulators can be challenging given their
dierent mandates, and it is important to keep in mind that conduct regulations are also crucial for the safety
and soundness of the financial systemas the subprime loan crisis in 2008 clearly demonstrated.
Existing regulatory frameworks can aect competition by creating an unlevel playing field between
financial incumbents and BigTechs. Deposit-taking institutions (banks) are subject to comprehensive regu-
latory obligations (macro- and microprudential, conduct, anti–money laundering/countering financing of
terrorism (AML/CFT),
reporting, and so on). This is because they typically provide three fundamentally
important servicesdeposit taking, lending, and payment infrastructure servicesand as a result they may
play a systemic role in many jurisdictions. The regulatory requirements address potential systemic risks,
which require significant investments by firms to develop adequate governance and risk-management
arrangements. In several jurisdictions, these institutions with systemic risk impact are subject to explicit
systemic risk charges, such as additional loss-absorbency capacity, resolution, and crisis management
requirements. Typically, these prudential requirements are applied to the entire group and often extend to
the unregulated activities of the group (such as enterprise-wide approaches to risk management).
Many BigTechs have financial entities that are subject to nonbank financial regulation. For example,
Amazon Pay has a money transmitter license in many US states. However, there are no deposit taking or
insurance activities within the group, which would require groupwide prudential regulation and supervision.
Nonbank or noninsurance regulations are mainly built with activity-based regulations; therefore, BigTechs
can avoid comprehensive groupwide entity-based regulation as long as they can avoid financial activities
that require banking (deposit taking) or insurance underwriting activities. Where rules on some BigTech
activities (such as cloud provision) are enacted, requirements tend to fall on financial institutions that are
already subject to existing regulations. This indirect approach could pose significant challenges on eective
supervision, especially when BigTechs are oering such services cross-border.
Emerging new financial conglomerates created by BigTech could pose additional challenges to financial
regulators. Current regulation and supervision on financial conglomerates are built mainly on sectoral
conduct and prudential rules. While the Joint Forum updated its Principles for the Supervision of Financial
Conglomerates in 2012 to reflect the lessons learned from the 2008 global financial crisis, it did not make
fundamental changes in the recommendations on regulatory architecture for the regulation of financial
conglomerates. Sectoral regulations remain the binding requirements for financial conglomerates, with
an expectation that integration and intragroup transactions are usually limited and so group-specific risks
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations, which are the international standards on AML/CFT, apply to
institutions that engage in a range of activities, including deposit taking, lending, and money or value transfers. BigTechs
will be captured if they carry out the covered activities. In practice, however, many jurisdictions may not yet subject
BigTechs that engage in the covered activities to AML/CFT obligations due to the rapid evolvement of the sector and the
business model. Such gaps may give rise to regulatory arbitrage.
12 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
would not have systemic implications. However, the new business models of BigTech conglomerates may
change this assumption. Given their size, many products or services have the potential to be systemic at
launch. Furthermore, while in isolation these individual activities might not give rise to systemic risk, when
highly integrated they could create risks not addressed by sectoral regulation, which could result in financial
stability implications in the long term.
Over the longer term, concentration risks need to be considered in the context of BigTech. Existing
regulatory frameworks ultimately could result in concentrated markets, where BigTech firms are able to
outcompete incumbents and start-up entrants. In particular, BigTech conglomerates may provide better or
faster financial services with cross subsidies from their core business in the short term, which would enable
them to increase their market share in multiple financial sectors and create dominating powers in the long
term. While this will bring some benefits to users, market dominance for platform-based business models
could lead to new conduct and market integrity risks, where BigTech might rely on markups rather than inno-
vation to increase revenues, resulting in lower overall innovation and greater costs to end users. Merchant
fees in payment services are one example where increased market power may lead to higher costs that
might then be passed on to end users.
BigTech expansion to the financial services sector might also change the power balance between regula-
tors and regulated firms. In the existing financial ecosystem, systemically important banks have a relatively
influential position in relation to financial regulators (to balance that, supervisors have ample access to the
board and senior management and are able to closely follow and monitor the business). However, even
those big banks’ activities derive implicit benets from the safety net of central banks, particularly that of
their home jurisdiction. Therefore, while scope for regulatory arbitrage exists (such as on a cross-border
basis), group supervision predicated on global standards (such as Basel III) helps narrow the scope for
arbitrage. BigTech’s expansion will shift the power dynamic toward the operators and technologies from
the regulators (especially host regulators). BigTech is less reliant on regulated financial services since the
revenue from regulated financial services still accounts for a small percentage of its total revenue. Those
firms with platform-based businesses are less exposed to credit and liquidity risks, thus they don’t have
material financial or safety net needs. In addition, due to the global nature of their business, they can more
easily relocate headquarters and main activities abroad.
New conduct risks are arising from BigTech’s predominantly retail-focused business model. BigTech activ-
ities are heavily skewed to retail business, and a number of anticompetitive behaviors have been observed
in their nonfinancial services (such as e-commerce). Market conduct regulation in advanced economies has
comprehensive regulations to address conflict of interests, and so some anticompetitive behaviors might be
prohibited by existing financial regulations. However, conduct regulations may not have been implemented
or strictly enforced in many low-income and emerging markets.
A regulatory framework that favors one type of entity over another will generate unfair outcomes and
create regulatory arbitrages and a distorted market. Policies such as open banking, and more broadly open
finance, have reduced barriers to entry, with the aim of increasing competition in financial services such as
payments. While the implementation of open banking and/or open finance policies diers across jurisdic-
tions, those policies will commonly require banks and regulated firms to share limited data, including certain
account and transaction data, to authorized third-party providers, with the consent of the consumer. In
practice, the requirement means the transfer of data from financial incumbents to new entrants like fintech
start-ups and BigTech. This requirement may have the consequence of reducing competition in the longer
term, creating too-big-to-fail entities and resulting in worse outcomes for consumers, markets, and financial
In line with the BFA, authorities should adapt regulatory frameworks and supervisory practices for the
orderly development and stability of the financial system. These frameworks can facilitate the safe entry
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
of new products, activities, and intermediaries; sustain trust and confidence; and respond to risks. Some
jurisdictions have created specialized licensing regimes like charter-lite licenses and phased authorization,
which may provide a proportionate and controlled regulatory regimen for fintech start-ups. Other jurisdic-
tions facilitate the entrance of these entities by providing specific licenses for individual activities. Some
approaches waive certain requirements, and others provide flexible interpretation of existing regulations.
The BFA generally supports approaches that embrace the promise of fintech and enable new technologies
to enhance financial service provision while keeping risks in check.
To address the risks from the range of financial services BigTech provides and the growing concerns
about their potential systemic importance, holistic policy responses may be needed. Despite the wide
range of financial activities provided by BigTechs, a lack of groupwide regulation potentially provides these
firms with a competitive advantagenot always through innovation and better products, but through regula-
tory arbitrage. Unlike banks, where ancillary activities might fall under group regulation, the consumer data
consolidated by BigTech, for example, is not usually covered by financial services regulation. This means that
some modification and adaptation of regulatory frameworks may be needed to contain risks of arbitrage,
while recognizing that regulation should remain proportionate to the risks. Holistic policy responses may be
needed at the national level, building on guidance provided by standard-setting bodies.
14 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
IV. Regulating BigTechsNow and Later
Figure 1. Short, Medium, and Long Term Regulatory Frameworks
Source: IMF Sta.
Existing regulatory frameworks are often fragmented across jurisdictions, which can lead to regulatory
arbitrage, policy gaps, and a buildup of financial stability risks across borders. BigTech operations are cross-
border by nature. The BFA identifies the importance of international regulatory cooperation and information
sharing as a way of mitigating these cross-border risks while reducing regulatory friction for entities to scale
across markets. Sharing experiences and best practices with the private sector and with the public at large
can help to catalyze discussions on the most eective regulatory response to BigTech, considering country
circumstances, and to build a global consensus on the way forward.
The regulatory community is looking to tackle the unique challenges associated with regulating BigTech.
Many of the existing approaches to regulation are relevant and appropriate for BigTech, such as conduct
requirements applicable to securities transactions. The existing approaches of activity-based and entity-
based regulation could be applicable once the regulatory perimeter is expanded to cover BigTech entities
and groups.
Yet these adaptions cannot easily be implemented immediately, leaving a potential gap in regulation. In
the meantime, it would be useful for authorities, with close coordination globally and ideally with support
from the relevant standard-setting bodies, to encourage BigTechs to develop codes of conduct that address
the spillover risks from unregulated activities to the financial sector. While this could create better gover-
nance and oversight across the whole entity and require fewer resources from supervisors, enforcement
and early action involving the unregulated activities of BigTech groups would still be limited. To address
the lack of enforcement and early action by supervisors, BigTechs should be encouraged or required to
enhance disclosure of their financial services to foster market discipline and improve their provision of
financial services.
Greater disclosures can provide more information to markets and consumers to help them make better
informed decisions. However, the current disclosure by BigTechs does not describe their financial services
and associated risks in detail (see Box 2 for more detail). This in turn may trigger an unsustainable shift in
risk from BigTechs to financial institutions which may cause excessive risk taking. Dierent jurisdictions have
dierent approaches to the type and level of disclosures required by entities, and such disclosures can be
mandatory (through regulation) or voluntary (through certain types of codes of conduct or best practice).
They can cover a range of issues, such as dierent activities being carried out by the entity, partnerships with
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
other firms, and risk of activities being provided. While in many jurisdictions such disclosures can be imple-
mented quicklyespecially when done voluntarilythey are most impactful where disclosure is mandatory
and the type of disclosure is standardized across firms. In many instances, disclosure can be an eective first
step in leveling the playing field, as long as authorities and market participants are aware of its limitations.
Some jurisdictions use industry codes as an important regulatory tool that can provide some market
protections while saving regulatory resources. Industry codes can assist authorities that have either stretched
resources or limited powers in relation to certain market actors. For example, in securities regulations, many
authorities make active use of self-regulatory organizations, which form an important complement to the
regulator in achieving the regulatory objectives, especially regarding investors’ protection. Such collabora-
tion between the regulators and industries could usefully be applicable to fintech and BigTech regulation.
In fact, in some jurisdictions, industry codes may be recognized by the regulatory authority (such as the
UK FCA and the Monetary Authority of Singapore), providing greater certainty to markets and consumers.
These codes are best developed and implemented when there is public-private collaboration between
BigTech, incumbent financial institutions and authorities allowing areas of mutual concern to be covered,
with public consultation for transparency. Such codes should focus on delivering good outcomes rather
than prescribing detailed rules.
Industry codes may help regulatory authorities improve certain outcomes from BigTech expansion into
financial services. Industry codes can focus on dierent market behaviors of BigTech but could be useful to
limit the spillover risks from unregulated parts of the business. They could be used to prescribe outcomes
regulators would like to achieve (for example, clearer communication, managed risk taking, protecting and
safeguarding consumer funds or data). They are generally quicker to implement than larger scale policy
changes (for example, implementing a home/host regulatory split based on entity- and activities-based
regulation). However, industry codes of conduct are not a perfect substitution for a robust regulatory
framework. Codes may give rise to “halo eects” where users believe entities are regulated and may be
under the false assumption that there are regulatory protections in place. This could lead to reputational risk
for authorities should these entities fail or if certain risks crystalize.
16 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
BOX 2. Disclosure of BigTech Financial Services
BigTech financial services are growing via partnerships with incumbents. As with their nonfinan-
cial services business lines, BigTech firms remain platform-based business models that facilitate
financial transactions between incumbents and end users. Therefore, BigTech firms don’t normally
provide funding or take credit and liquidity risks from the provision of financial services. Funding
and financial risks are usually taken by partnering banks and other financial institutions.
Disclosures by BigTech firms until now have not included critical information on risk sharing
between BigTechs and incumbent financial institutions. Many large BigTech firms are oering
payment services, for example, which could inherit certain credit and liquidity risks of merchants
and the end users, unless those risks are taken or guaranteed by the partnering financial
Some BigTech firms are actively providing lending services themselves. BigTech firms that have
grown from e-commerce business often have significant lending activities with their merchants and
buyers. They often disclose these activities under “account receivables” without any information on
credit quality. In one situation, one firm seems to have had extensive credit support from a related-
party bank, but the bank is outside the group consolidation. In general, there is not much disclosure
by the BigTech firms on information and risks of their lending activities.
BigTech financial businesses are exposed to contagion and reputational risks, which should
warrant a more comprehensive disclosure. While BigTechs may not be currently exposed to credit
and liquidity risks related to financial services, end users may be using these services based on their
trust in the service quality and reputation of the BigTech firms. If systematically important BigTechs
collapse, banks that use BigTech platforms or cloud services will face large operational challenges,
which may potentially require exceptional rescue interventions. Currently, because of the lack of
transparency, the costs of this type of disruption are largely unknown. In the scenario where the
partnering financial institution becomes impaired, a BigTech might need to step in and provide
continuity to its financial services by taking on credit and liquidity risks. To help mitigate these risks,
BigTech firms should be required to enhance their disclosure regarding financial services (including
those risks such as step-in and reputational risks, which may be less quantifiable).
Longer term solutions may require more substantive changes, such as regulators reevaluating their roles as
home and host supervisors. For instance, host jurisdictions may consider activity-based regulations supple-
mented by groupwide supervision tailored to a BigTech’s specific risks. This can be built within existing
regulatory frameworks and can be implemented with fewer additional resources. Supplementary group
supervision can help impose prudential requirements across a BigTech group’s financial activities, but the
eectiveness of such requirements could be limited. Over the longer term, a better solution would be that
home jurisdictions consider entity-based regulation of large tech conglomerates through entirely new regu-
latory frameworks designed specifically to capture the risks of BigTechfor example, a “BigTech license” or
systemic designation for large tech conglomerates that conduct certain activities within financial services.
This approach can capture risks from across financial activities but would likely require significant supervi-
sory resources.
Home supervisors of BigTech groups will need to strengthen coordination eorts with governmental agencies,
other domestic regulators, and host regulators globally. If BigTechs grow to systemic levels, it is more likely that
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
home supervisors will need an entity-based approach. They will need to significantly improve domestic coordi-
nation with relevant authorities (such as data, privacy, competition, and consumer protection agencies). They will
need to work more closely with domestic regulators from other sectors in which BigTech entities are conducting
business. Home regulators will also need to allocate resources into international coordination. A robust regula-
tory architecture (such as clear and eective coordination arrangements among the relevant financial regulators
or integration of regulatory authorities) will help to pool scarce resources for new tasks.
For host supervisors, a suitable regulatory approach will be best determined by the country context. Host
supervisors may potentially rely on home supervisors and focus on activity-based regulations if home super-
visors have implemented robust regulations. However, if actions taken by home supervisors are slower than
BigTech growth in host jurisdictions, host supervisors may need to take more concrete actions. This could
have significant resource implications to the host supervisors, which may require substantial reform of regu-
latory architecture, and smaller jurisdictions might find it more dicult to enforce than larger jurisdictions.
Home authorities have several options when implementing an entity-based approach to regulation. Some
home jurisdictions might require BigTechs to create financial holding companies for their financial services
activities, allowing those authorities to supervise the holding companies on an entity basis. Others may
create more general BigTech licenses and regulate not only the financial entities but also the entire group.
Other jurisdictions might decide to designate BigTechs in financial services as systemically important infra-
structures. Current regulatory approaches are summarized in Box 3.
While those options are theoretically appealing, implementation of an entity-based approach is not
straightforward. To implement an entity-based approach, the most important first step is to identify the
lead/home supervisor. However, identifying a suitable nexus for home regulation might not always be easy,
particularly in instances where a BigTech might be headquartered in one jurisdiction, delegate certain key
decision-making functions in another jurisdiction, and carry out most of its financial services activities in a
third jurisdiction. Even with a suitable nexus, dierent jurisdictions might approach entity-based regulation
for BigTechs dierently depending on their legislative frameworks and the nature of BigTech activities.
Financial regulators may not always take the lead in conducting entity-wide regulation for BigTech.
Financial activities of BigTech and their systemic implications may not be the first priorities of BigTech regu-
lation as the biggest concerns would remain fair competition. It is likely that in some jurisdictions, close
collaboration among financial authorities and other domestic authorities will be required given the cross-
sectoral nature of BigTech. In these instances, other authorities, including competition authorities, might
take the lead in ensuring entity-wide oversight of BigTech firms.
When a jurisdiction chooses a designation approach, suitable metrics underpinning the designation
would need to be agreed across borders. Metrics may include the degree of concentration and intercon-
nectedness, market share of their related financial services (including the services provided by partnering
entities), and degree of cross-border and cross-sectoral activities. Such metrics should be developed in
close cooperation with foreign authorities where BigTechs have material financial activities.
An activities-based approach for host authorities can be easier to implement, although there will be
some challenges. While defining relevant activities is likely to be dicult—particularly where these are
either new activities or current activities carried out through new technologies or business models—an
activities-based approach for host jurisdictions might be easier to implement. BigTechs, much as they do
now in many jurisdictions, are likely to need specific licenses or permissions to conduct specific activities
within a jurisdiction. In certain instances, the host jurisdiction may implement or update existing regula-
tion to reflect the growth of BigTechs, for example, by strengthening some operational, cyber, capital, or
liquidity requirements.
18 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
BOX 3. Case Studies of Current Entity- and Activity-Based Regulatory Approaches to
Chinese authorities have taken steps toward an entity-based approach through expanding their
regulatory perimeter to bring BigTech conglomerates under their regulation and supervision.
BigTechs in China have grown to account for a significant market share in payment services and were
rapidly increasing their presence in lending and asset management services. To address growing
concerns on systemic risks, Chinese authorities required BigTech entities to set up a financial
holding company where each line of the business (for example, consumer finance and insurance)
will be subject to relevant prudential and governance requirements. However, since many of the
specific requirements for the financial holding companies are yet to be defined, actual impact on the
BigTechs’ business models is yet to be determined.
Chinese authorities have also deployed indirect supervision through existing commercial banks
to align incentives between BigTechs and partnering banks. Regulations require commercial banks
to carry out independent loan risk assessment; to cap co-lending with internet platforms or other
partners at no more than 50 percent of outstanding loans; to limit co-lending with one platform to
25 percent of the bank’s tier-1 net capital; and to conduct online lending only within the jurisdiction
of their registration. Internet platforms are also required to provide at least 30 percent of the funding
in any single joint loan with a bank. Regulations clarify that regional banks would not be able to raise
cross-regional deposits from platforms, leading the platform to remove bank-deposit products.
Those requirements should also help to address excessive interconnectedness and contagion risks
from BigTech financial services to incumbent financial entities.
European authorities are also taking steps to mitigate the risks that arise from BigTech; however,
the focus is on activities-based regulation as a primarily host jurisdiction. The Digital Services Act and
the Digital Markets Act contain targeted powers to leverage against platform providers and online
gatekeepers, which will cover many BigTech entities. An online gatekeeper is an entity that acts as a
conduit between several groups of users. Where gatekeepers attract a large share of users, they can
become gatekeepers to certain markets, potentially with monopolistic powers. Both Acts include
measures to mitigate abusive market practices, including improving disclosures and provisions
around complaints handling, mitigating risks from combining end-user data from dierent sources
without consent, self-preferencing, and ensuring data portability and interoperability of ancillary
services. The Acts also grant authorities more targeted enforcement powers to leverage against
platform providers and gatekeepers.
European authorities are also discussing how to bring BigTech conglomerates within the financial
regulatory perimeter. Separately, the Financial Conglomerates Directive (FICOD) is a framework
that could cover BigTech through a broad scope that includes entities that operate in financial
markets and are regulated subsidiaries of larger parent companies, provided the financial activities
are material. FICOD aims to mitigate risks related to size, complexity, concentration, and contagion
through stress testing and an enhanced information exchange program between the entity and regu-
latory authorities. However, the framework was not designed for BigTech entities with a narrow scope
of financial activities and a limited number of entities identified as financial undertakings. Therefore,
the framework might not capture all the nuanced risks that these entities bring on a cross-border and
cross-sectoral basis. The European Commission requested the technical advice on this matter from
the European Supervisory Authorities.
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
Box 3
European authorities have also enhanced their indirect supervision through incumbent financial
institutions and are considering direct powers over critical providers. The Digital Operational
Resilience Act is a new regulatory framework where, if a BigTech entity is considered a critical third-
party provider (for example, cloud services), it will come under the regulatory framework. In such a
scenario, EU authorities would have direct capacity to oversee the service provider over the provision
of that specific activity.
While US financial authorities have not taken concrete actions to regulate BigTech financial activi-
ties, a recent report on stablecoins implies that US authorities recognize potential systemic risks
arising from BigTech. The US President’s Working Group on Financial Markets issued a report on
stablecoins’ regulation, which describes rapid growth, systemic risk, and concentration of economic
power of stablecoin arrangements. While the report does not use the term “BigTech,” it describes
a number of features of BigTech, such as “access to existing customer bases” and “combination of a
stablecoin issuer or wallet provider and a commercial firm.”
The report makes a number of recommendations to address excessive concentration of economic
power. They include (1) limits on aliation with commercial entities, (2) limits on use of users’ transac-
tion data, and (3) appropriate risk-management requirements on any entities that perform activities
critical to the functioning. The report also recommends that the Financial Stability Oversight Council
(FSOC) consider the designation of stablecoin arrangements as systemically important activities,
utilities, or entities as an interim measure. Designation would permit the appropriate agency to
establish risk-management standards for engaged financial institutions.
The necessity of international regulatory cooperation, monitoring new developments, and
adjusting regulatory frameworks in response to new technological risks are all important aspects
of the BFA. Chinese and EU authorities have both taken steps to mitigate risks that can arise when
BigTechs enter domestic financial services and create new risks through new developments. Both
approaches look to create a more holistic, entity-based approach to capture risks across the entity.
On the other hand, US approaches implied in the President’s Working Group report are a mixture
of entity-based (FSOC designation) and activity-based (restriction of certain activities such as data
sharing) regulations. The Chinese approach is focused more greatly on financial subsidiaries with
oversight of BigTechs led by financial regulatory authorities, while the EU approach takes a broader
look at the activities of BigTechs across their operations, with the regulatory lead not necessarily
taken by financial regulatory authorities. The Chinese approach mirrors its circumstances as a “home”
regulator for many of the BigTech entities operating within its jurisdiction, while the EU approach
mirrors its circumstances as a “host” regulator where BigTechs operating within its jurisdiction are
likely headquartered elsewhere.
The biggest challenge for home supervisors is likely to be the designation of BigTechs as systemically
important. Nonbank Systemically Important Financial Institution designation (to large asset managers
and insurers) has become stranded by strong industry pushback. As an example, the US Financial Stability
Oversight Committee is subject to significant administrative burdens to prove systemic risk of the desig-
nating group and needs to conduct comprehensive cost benet analysis. As a consequence, any designation
20 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
(which may be necessary for the home supervisor to implement entity-based regulations) of a BigTech as
systemically important may take substantial time.
It might be dicult to coordinate between regulatory agencies across domestic sectors where a BigTech
entity is considered systemically important. While the risks of BigTech activities might give rise to systemic
risks in an industry, it does not necessarily follow that similar risks might arise in other industries, and therefore
regulatory appetite might dier. A unified governmental strategy might be one way of ensuring cross-sector
collaboration. Supervisory colleges of a network of domestic regulators might also help improve collabo-
ration across sectors—for example, in the United Kingdom, the UK Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum
brings together regulators from dierent industries to discuss common challenges.
As major risksand their locationmay be dicult to identify and quantify, it might be challenging to
achieve a clear understanding between home and host supervisors on their respective roles. Some of the
key risks that BigTechs generate are operational, contagion, and reputation risks, which can be dicult to
quantify. Key decision-making relevant to such risks may not always be taking place in the group’s ocial
headquarters. Many home supervisors would be reluctant to take such a dicult job, in particular when
most of the activities and risks are elsewhere, and there could be little reward to be the first mover. This can
make the establishment of international coordination mechanisms extremely challenging.
The development of robust regulatory measures and their implementation would also be dicult and
may take a number of years to be established. For existing entities, some prudential regulations (capital,
liquidity, leverage) are binding. However, as BigTechs are currently less exposed to traditional risks (such
as credit, market, and liquidity risks), those regulatory measures are neither binding nor eective. New
regulatory measures may need to be developed to address material risks brought by BigTech (operational,
contagion, and reputation risks).
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
V. Conclusion
The expansion of BigTech into financial services is happening at a rapid pace, and on a cross-border and
cross-sectoral basis. Given the global footprint of BigTechs, combined with their large customer base,
policymakers need to tackle the question of regulating BigTech. Regulators need to collaborate with a
view to understanding the cross-border implications of regulatory approaches. For example, BigTech
expansion is significant in some emerging market economies, creating new risks, including to financial
stability. As highlighted in the Bali Fintech Agenda, international cooperation between home and host
jurisdictions is becoming even more critical to ensuring eective policy responses that foster opportuni-
ties and limit risks arising from BigTech in financial services.
There are strengths and weaknesses to both activity-based and entity-based regulatory approaches, so
a hybrid approach is ultimately needed to address the potential risks of BigTech. In line with the Bali Fintech
Agenda, regulatory frameworks should deliver free, open, and contestable markets that enable the devel-
opment of new technologies, while safeguarding the integrity of financial systems and ensuring financial
stability. Where firms generate systemic risks (that is, through the provision of systemically important tech-
nology like cloud services or through the cumulative impact of carrying out several activities), such BigTechs
should be subject to regulation that covers groupwide riskswhere entity-based regulation is more eective.
Nevertheless, activity-based regulation is also needed to address conduct risks (abusive and monopolistic
behavior), which could potentially cause systemic risk in the long term. Therefore, the hybrid approach,
combining the benefits of both activity- and entity-based regulatory approaches, is the most suitable to
address the potential risks of BigTech.
By combining entity- and activity-based approaches, the hybrid approach can help achieve multiple
objectives of home and host jurisdictions eectively. Some jurisdictions (such as China) are moving to entity-
based regulations, while others (such as the EU) are primarily focusing on activity-based regulations. Ideally,
home supervisors should establish an entity-based approach to cover global activities of a BigTech group,
while host supervisors could in principle address local risks and concerns mainly through activity-based
regulations. Strong coordination would be necessary between home and host supervisors, based on a clear
allocation of responsibilities.
While a quick global response is clearly needed, it is likely that short-term solutions may also need to play
a role. Putting in place the necessary robust regulatory framework for BigTech may entail lengthy legislative
and regulatory processes in various jurisdictions. For example, it can take time to designate certain BigTechs
as systemic (if required), to develop new legal frameworks to reflect the impact of BigTechs, as well as to
adjust regulatory and supervisory approaches to better reflect the unique risks generated by BigTechs.
While a faster global response would be desirable to the public, it is understandable that, in the meantime,
short-term solutions may need to play a role. Regulatory authorities should actively use all of their existing
regulatory powers (such as indirect supervision through regulated entities and proper implementation of
nonbank and conduct regulations) with active coordination with other authorities, to address the risks of
BigTech in multiple jurisdictions, across multiple activities and business lines. It would also be eective for
regulators to encourage BigTech to adopt and improve governance frameworks through industry codes of
conduct and enhanced disclosures.
Options should be explored to promote global consistency in treatment of BigTechs through existing or
new global bodies. The G7 calls for further ways to mitigate the risk of regulatory fragmentation and to facili-
tate coherency of emerging technology ecosystems, which are a welcome step forward. Any international
coordination body would need to have a broad mandate to address some of the issues discussed here,
especially those that lie outside the remit of the financial sector standard setters. We recommend that the
22 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
2012 Principles for the Supervision of Financial Conglomerates be reviewed to address regulatory gaps and
mitigate new risks (including systemic risk) arising from conglomerates, such as BigTech groups. The IMF
can help in facilitating the global dialogue, sharing information, reviewing existing international standards,
and implementing new standards.
BigTech in Financial Services: Regulatory Approaches and Architecture
VI. Annex 1: Definitions
Activity-based regulation: applied to any person or entity that engages in certain regulated activities, for
example, facilitating the buying and selling of investments or operating lending activities.
BigTech: platform-based business model focused on maximizing interactions between a large number
of mainly retail users. BigTechs are usually large technology conglomerates with extensive customer
networks and core businesses across markets, for example, in social media, internet search, and
Entity-based regulation: applied to licensed entities or groups that engage in regulated activities (such
as deposit taking, payment facilitation, lending, and securities issuance). Requirements are imposed at
the entity level and may include governance, prudential, and conduct requirements.
Fintech: technologically enabled innovation in financial services that could result in new business models,
applications, processes, or products with an associated material eect on financial markets and institu-
tions and the provision of financial services.
Fintech start-up or Fintech-driven entity: firms that are primarily driven by technology-enabled innova-
tion in financial services.
Home authority: the financial regulatory authority that oversees the jurisdiction where a BigTech entity
has its headquarters.
Host authority: the financial regulatory authority that oversees the jurisdiction where a BigTech entity
oers its services but does not house its headquarters.
Hybrid regulation: combines elements of both activity- and entity-based regulation depending on the
nature of each jurisdiction’s regulatory structure and whether the jurisdiction houses the headquarters
of a firm or hosts its activities.
24 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes
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26 International Monetary Fund—Fintech Notes