Document Delivery (Email/Online)
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
Direct Travel is excited to announce that we are launching our Itinerary/Document Delivery, Direct2U!
In this guide you will find highlights and details on your new itinerary to help you navigate through our innovative solution
and the new features you will have access to.
Embedded HTML format with attached PDF
Calendar Sync
Links to airline for check-in and baggage
Quick Links for weather, airport status,
passport/visa requirements, and currency
Ticket and service fee invoice information
included in the body of the email
Full exchange ticket details for all airlines
Customizable client itinerary templates (fee
Additional information accessible via online
itinerary - flight status, map of departing
airport or hotel, weather for destination
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
Itinerary Features Email Version
“Check-in” link - Will take you directly to the airline
website where you can enter your Airline Check-in ID
and complete the check in process.
Use this link to access the online version of your
itinerary. See page 7 for additional details.
Quick Links are provided for useful information -
Visa and Passport: CIBT is the default source
Airport Status: FAA Air Traffic Control System
Weather: Weather Channel
Currency Converter: XE (trusted currency authority)
Calendar Attachments Click on each calendar icon to
open. Make any desired changes (e.g., add a
reminder, add/change information). Then “save &
close” to add the event to your calendar.
Note Calendar attachments may be disabled for
some clients.
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
Travel Segment Details
Airline Information:
Car Rental:
Departure/Arrival times
Terminal Information
Class of Service
Seat Assignment
Status (e.g., Confirmed,
Airline check-in ID for
all airlines (including
Southwest Airlines)
Frequent Traveler
Special Requests/Flight
Additional links for
airline specific
information (check-in,
baggage) and more
flight information.
Pick Up/Drop Off Date
and time
Rental Location
Car Type
Confirmation Number
Phone # of rental
Corporate ID
Frequent Renter ID
Special Requests and
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
Check-in and Duration
Phone and Fax
Room/Rate Description
Confirmation Number
Guaranteed Arrival
Corporate ID
Frequent Guest ID
Special Information
Cancellation Policy
Pick up and Drop of
Date and time
Company Name and
Telephone Number
Confirmation number
Additional Remarks
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
Ticket and Invoice Section
Example - Single ticket issued, point of sale Service Fee applies.
Traveler Name and
Client Reference data (if applicable)
Ticket details
Service Fee details (if applicable)
Total charges
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
Example Outbound flight is on United, return is on American. Separate tickets issued.
Details for United ticket
Details for American ticket
Total for both Tickets
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
Exchange Transactions
Direct2U offers the flexibility to display the ticket information for exchanges two different ways depending on the needs of our clients:
1. Display the original ticket transaction as well as the exchange transaction, and provide a running total cost for the trip.
2. Display the exchange transaction only.
Examples of both methods are below.
Scenario - Ticket was issued 08May for $413.00. The outbound flight was changed on 20May, and the cost of the new ticket was $463.00. The airline charged a
$200.00 change penalty.
Example containing both the original ticket transaction and the exchange.
Details for the original ticket issued
08May display above the gray line
New ticket
- Original/Exchanged ticket
Total charges for the trip
Original/Exchanged Ticket
+ Airline Change Penalty
Original/Exchanged Ticket
= Total charge to change the ticket
Original/Exchanged Ticket
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
Example containing the exchange transaction only.
New ticket
- Original/Exchanged ticket
+ Airline Change Penalty
Original/Exchanged Ticket
= Total charge to change the ticket
Original/Exchanged Ticket
= Total charge to change the ticket
Original/Exchanged Ticket
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
IItinerary Features Online Version
When you click on the grey bar “Click to view your Direct Itinerary online”, your itinerary will open in your web browser.
(Note: When you receive your email you may need to select “click here to download pictures” within the message in order
to see the grey bar.)
This online version of your itinerary contains all of the same travel segment information that you see on your emailed
itinerary. It also contains:
Links to the airline’s website for baggage allowance information and flight check in
Currency converter
Flight status
Map of departing airport or hotel location
Weather for destination
Example of online itinerary containing flights and hotel:
To view details for a different travel
segment, select the segment in the
itinerary banner at the top.
Direct2U Itinerary Solution
Scroll down the page to view flight status, map of departing airport or hotel, weather for destination: