Please type or print legibly and complete all sections in full.
You will need to submit a separate request for each additional recipient.
KM 09/2020
Student Information:
Student ID or last four digits of Social Security Number: _____________________________ Date of Birth: ________________
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Last First Middle (Previous Name)
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Street City State Zip Code
Current email: _____________________________________________________________Phone:(______)_________________
Institutional Information: Some State of Florida public colleges and universities allow us to submit transcripts at no charge
via the statewide FASTER (Florida Automated System for Transferring Educational Records) system. FASTER is an electronic
mail system that provides school districts, community colleges, and universities with the means to exchange transcripts and other
student records electronically.
Note: No official transcripts will be furnished until your financial obligations to the college have been satisfied. The college is not
responsible for transcripts once they leave our office. Please print legibly; failure to do so may result in a lengthy delay or
incomplete transcripts.
Name of institution: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Release authorization: Once received transcripts are generally processed between 5 and 10 business days.
Student’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
(written or electronic digital signature is mandatory for release of transcripts typed name is not acceptable)
Return form to the Office of Enrollment Services
The College of the Florida Keys
5901 College Rd
Key West, FL 33040
Fax: 305-292-5163
For Enrollment Services Office Use Only:
Date Received: ____________ Date Entered in SZAFAST: ______________ Initials: _______