Montecito CDD
How to Submit a Maintenance Request
On the landing page, click on “Report a CDD Issue”
This will take you to the Vesta Log in where you will either Log On or need to
complete a one time Registration process.
You will select the term which best describes you:
Enter your First and Last name and click Continue:
The website will guide you through the Verication process by conrming your
identity and sending you an email verication.
Once this is completed, you will select your password and log on credentials.
You will then enter the Homeowner Landing page shown below:
To enter a maintenance request, Click on “Online Forms” this will take you to a link
“Submit a Maintenance Request”.
You will then enter the information regarding the maintenance needed.
Please add pictures, as they assist in determining the location and item needing
Once your ticket has been submitted, you will receive a conrmation email and
follow up emails informing you of the status of your ticket.