Electronic Facility Request Form
Submit a Facilities Request Form for the
Use of common space during the school
day (see REMINDERS for list of common
Building use after 5:00 PM on school
days and at any time on non-school
7-day minimum notice required
Westside High School
Building Operations
The building is open to staff from 6:00 AM-5:00
PM on school days, and includes the main build-
ing and the field house. We are closed after 5:00
PM on school days, and closed on weekends and
holidays. Exceptions include:
Pre-Approved events submitted on the
Facilities Request Form and athletic events sched-
uled by the District
Occasional Saturday access is available for staff
from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM with pre-approval :
Email request to Mr. Davis by Friday at
3:00 PM; and
Sign in and out in the Main Office.
Occasional Saturday access is available for
teacher with students (such as practices and
rehearsals) from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM with pre-
approval :
Email Mr. Davis by Wednesday prior
to Saturday activity; and
Receive email confirmation back from
Mr. Davis approving activity; and
Sign in and out of Main Office; and
Sign students in and out of your ac-
tivity and turn in the roster to the Main
Office when you check out.
Building Schedule & Use
Student Before & After School Hours
7:15 AM-Students may enter building
3:30 PM-Buses roll and students clear campus
4:00 PM-Students who remained in tutorials and de-
tention clear campus
After 4:00 PM-Only students engaged in school ac-
tivities with staff supervision (such as rehearsals and
practices) may remain on campus after 4 PM.
School Day 7:45 AM3:25 PM
Office Hours 7:30 AM 4:00 PM
Maintenance Requests
Emergency issues that require immediate
action to restore safe operations & services
should be communicated ASAP to the near-
est Administrator .
Routine requests may be submitted via the
Maintenance Request Form.
Plant Operators
Jose Jimenez: jjim[email protected]
James Green: jgreen[email protected]
Athletic Games: Athletic game
schedules are submitted by
email in lieu of using electronic
Facilities Request Forms. Sched-
ules must be submitted to Gail
Paschall a minimum of (3) weeks
prior to the start of the season.
Schedules will be posted on our
website and calendars. If you
need to make updates or chang-
es to your original schedule you
must notify Gail Paschall and
copy Mr. Davis . All Non-District
Tournaments require a Facilities
Request Form.
Athletic Practices: Practices
during regular building hours
should be scheduled with the
Athletic Coordinator,
Coach Mason; no further notifi-
cation is required. These practic-
es are governed by guidelines of
UIL rules.
Performing Arts: Rehearsals in
the Mini-Theatre, Auditorium or
Black Box during regular build-
ing hours should be scheduled
with the Curriculum Director,
Shenoa Cramer and submitted
via the Facilities Request Form to
be posted on the facility calen-
dar. These practices are gov-
erned by guidelines of UIL Rules.
Common Space: includes Auditorium, Mini-Theatre, Black Box, Auxiliary
Gym, Performance Gym, Commons, Library, S-100, Natatorium, Faculty &
Students Lots, Pavilion, Courtyard and Horseshoe Driveway.
Changes and Cancelations: Facilities Requests and Game Schedules must be
accurate. The calendar is the used to assign dean duty, police coverage, and
custodial staff, and is published to the public to check date, location and time
of events. If you change or cancel without notifying us, you may inconven-
ience others and create unnecessary expense.
Technology Requests: It is the responsibility of the person who makes a
reservation to request and follow up with Bryan Hoang regarding technology
Event Requiring Classroom Use: Please indicate the number of classrooms
needed on the Electronic Facilities Request Form. Mr. Davis will designate
specific classrooms and notify affected teachers via email on the Monday
prior to the event. Classroom teachers should sketch their classroom set-up
and post on the back of their classroom door. It is the responsibility of the
event sponsor to reset classrooms as found. Issues or concerns should be
addressed to Mr. Davis immediately via email.
HISD Building & Rentals: requests for the Natatorium and other facilities for
non-Westside events go through HISD. Requests of this nature are cleared
with Westside staff as needed prior to booking.
Requests for Tables in the Commons During Lunch: Please request tables
48-hours in advance via email to the Plant Operators and copy Mr. Davis.
Expenses: Event sponsor is responsible for supplies, custodian and/or police
coverage related to your event. These will be noted on the electronic Facilities
Request Form.
Piggybacking: You may NOT “piggyback” your event on a scheduled build-
ing reservation without following the proper protocol.
Facility Calendar: view on three-month calendar in the Main Office.
Updated 8/1/19
Communicaons on Westside ra-
dios (Channel 10) should be re-
served for emergencies and as a
secondary opon for other im-
portant communicaons aer you
have aempted to iniate contact
via phone. Roune facilitaon of
bus & parking lot duty should be
conducted on channel 4 or 8.
Notes for Proper Radio Use:
Communicaon should be
brief ;
Set volume halfway or lower;
Do not ask for locaon of
recipient, but you may ask to
meet up or if there is an ex-
tension you can call them on;
Use a low-volume voice; and
Refrain from using student
Yield radio trac to designated
sta under special circumstances:
Emergency Drills—Bryce Barry
Fights/Intruder Alert
Radio Caller
Morning Sub Coverage
Cindy Le
Tesng—Schandra Holloway
Other Situaons as Needed—
Ms. Wipenn & Mr. Davis
Radio Etiquette