Maintenance Mission
Maintenance Department supports learning
consistently maintaining the
physical environment
customer requirements
student achievement, as
possible, with minimal distractions
Department Overview
Office Number
Maintenance Central Kelvin Mack
Ryan Plate
Thoua Nealey
Maintenance East
Hector Santiago
Henry Lagunes
Maintenance West James Dieringer
Bobby Wright
Roberto Martinez
General Maintenance Repairs:
Property Damage and Loss Report (PDLR-100)
This form is used whenever there is property damage or vandalism at your site.
Its location is found in New Ideas:
District Icon -> District Forms Icon -> Property Loss & Damage Report Folder -> click on Always Update Your Settings File,
then open PDLR-100.
* Begin a New Report
Once this report is completed a number will be assigned, which you will provide in your work order. A copy of the report
should be maintained at your site.
If the area has been damaged or vandalized to the point that it will cause a danger to the staff or students, please close or
secure the area, until repairs can be made or removed.
Ceiling Tiles
Glazing (broken glass)
Locksmith doors & frames
Plumbing /Water Coolers Bottle Fillers
Fuel delivery for blowers & pressure
Gas Fixtures & pipes inside facilities
Except boilers & gas water heaters (see HVAC)
MOC/ Facilities Maintenance
Ben Moore- Manager
Todd Cooper
Stefany Aceves
Jasmine Tramel- Asst. Manager
Jay Houghton
Daniel Stermer
MOC/ Roofing
Stephen Ellis
Todd Lopez
General Maintenance Repairs:
Roof leak repairs on built-up, shingle and metal roofs.
Serves as support inspectors for re- roofing projects.
Bid document development and contractor support.
Develops district standards as it relates to the three
maintenance areas.
Performs engineering work as it relates to design,
inspection, maintenance support and operation of electrical
Facilities assessment.
Develops the district’s Five-Year-Plan.
Orchestrates contracted services with
A&E firms as it pertains to facility
Performs preventative maintenance,
yearly inspections including
certification on all district elevators.
Portable and shed moves, set-up, and
special events like the fair and graduation.
Assist the General Manager of
Maintenance with unique projects
Sites and Utilities Department (S&U):
Janssen Gingras- Manager
Danny Hill- Irrigation, Fencing, Fields
James Sturgeon-Trees
Carlos Cintron- Asst. Manager
Doug Mill- Playground/ pest control
Ryan Hoover- Waste Water
Derek Maple- Asst. Manager
Doug Maytum- Mowing
General Maintenance Repairs:
Small pavement and erosion repairs
Contracted mowing program
Lift stations
Fuel delivery (If not in the Contracted
Mowing Program)
Tree Trimming
Trash & debris collection
Pest Control
Play courts
Playground equipment
Athletic fields
Potholes in pavement
Recycling program
Playground mulch
Parking lot striping
Backflow preventers
Communications and Electronics, CMMS/IT (C&E):
Issac Walker- Manager
Justin Miller- Specialist
Francisco Arriaga- Specialist
Shannon Hodge- Asst. Manager
Joseph Lopez- Specialist
General Maintenance Repairs:
Telecommunication systems
Facilities technology support
Intercom systems
Stage lighting systems
Fire alarm (Life Safety) systems
Scoreboard systems
Security systems
Video surveillance systems
Public address systems
Access Control Systems
Computerized maintenance management
system (TMA)
Bells/master clock systems
HVAC Department (AC)/Energy Management:
Kenny Otero- Manager
David Gay- Specialist
John Frese -Specialist
Victor Flecher- Asst. Manager
Chris McLaughlin- Specialist
General Maintenance Repairs:
Heating & cooling issues
Exhaust fans
Indoor air quality
Ice Machines
HVAC controls & scheduling
Energy conservation program
Custodial Operations (CO):
Harlan Ware- Manager
Immaculee D'Haiti
Area 1 & 2
Johnny Williams- Area 1 & 2
Shirley Williams- Area 3-8
Gilbert Perez- Area 3-8
Jorge Vasquez- Area 3-8
General Maintenance Repairs:
Logistics Operations (LO)/Furniture Refinishing:
Big cleanups
Custodial equipment repair
Substitute custodians
Custodial equipment supplies & chemicals.
Custodial training
Brandon Courtney- Manager
813-744-8260 ext. 236
Tammy Curls
813-744-8260 ext. 226
Dereck Graham
General Maintenance Repairs:
Logistics Operations (LO): Furniture Refinishing:
Central warehouse management *Furniture refinishing
Instructional materials *Upholstery
Disposal of furniture *Cabinet repair & new cabinets
Mail Service *Set up special events.
Disposal of student & employee records
Site to site move of furniture.
School and Project Planning Overview
FISH (Florida Inventory of School Houses)
Official numbers of rooms and building
Five-year plan and process
Plan developed annually
Planning process for both new facilities and major repairs
Major repairs driven by facility assessment and District’s available budget
Principal has opportunity for input in the spring via appropriate maintenance area,
(Send written request)
Plan includes list of identified needs, and projected cost (not everything in the plan
is necessarily funded)
Major renovations
Stimulated by Five Year Plan (Availability of funds may alter this plan)
Priority for repairs and renovations (Roof #1, Air conditioning (HVAC) #2, Health, Life
and Safety #3 etc.)
Funding Considerations
District provides facilities; maintains and repairs; and provides utility services at no
cost to the school or Area Director
Damages caused to facility or related property, unserviceable, or otherwise in need
of repair is considered maintenance
Capital Outlay (CO) represents new item (not a repair). CO requires capital
outlay funding.
Funding for CO must be submitted via a Capital Outlay to the Chief Facilities
Officer (CFO) for consideration and written approval. The CFO will consider cost,
need and other factors before approving.
Capital Outlay (CO) can be generated by TMA.
Example - Requiring capital outlay: additional fencing; additional parking;
landscaping; classroom conversions; additional signs; new electrical service or
outlets; assembly of park benches, picnic tables
Matching fund program exists for major improvements (i.e., covered play court).
See section in this document, MATCHING FUNDS PROCESS
Cleaning supplies and landscaping materials (and services) are the responsibility of
the school
Schools can earn money through leasing facilities; a portion gets paid to HCPS for
energy use
Energy conservation incentive program provides opportunity to earn money as well
How to get maintenance service:
Scheduled Services (no action required – report problems or one-time requirements
Via TMA Maintenance
Pest control
Field striping
Athletic/play field fertilization and pest control
Trash collection
for a guide to getting started in TMA and process flow please send an email to .
TMA Maintenance Request System
Avoid duplication; it will not get something done sooner.
If repairs are not addressed in a timely manner send email to appropriate
Department manager and reference the request number along with some details
about the concern. This process will alleviate multiple work orders and stimulate
quicker response.
Vandalism Requires a PDR100 form.
How to get maintenance service (continued):
Call your area maintenance department and follow up with a TMA Maintenance Request. If it is
after hours, weekends or holidays, contact School Security on 623-3996. For true urgent concerns contact
911 first and then contact School Security as needs dictate.
Priority of TMA Maintenance Request
Emergency – Work till finished
Urgent – Three-day time frame to repair
Routine – 30-day window
Deferred – Set up scheduled date in future / waiting for funds
Life Safety – From Safety Report
Health, Life and Safety Inspections (HLS)
District Safety and local fire marshal will inspect
School must correct operational deficiencies (exits blocked improper use of
extension cord, too much paper on walls, etc.)
Maintenance items (existing items needing repair) will be addressed, without need
of a TMA Maintenance Request
Forward local fire department inspections to the District Safety Office, and
appropriate maintenance area if broken items are identified
Some capital outlay requests, due to complexity or cost, may be scheduled for
future renovation projects, unless capital outlay is approved and funded by Chief
Facilities Officer.
Example of HLS: extension cord used for permanent wiring - must stop using
extension cord, until capital outlay funding is approved for permanent outlet.
Capital Outlay
Use District Capital Outlay request
Location New Ideas -> District -> District Forms
Capital Outlay WebTMA System (on the right-side list)
Follow directions to generate a Capital Outlay which will be submitted to the Chief
Facilities Officer.
School Responsibilities
TMA Maintenance Requests
Send TMA maintenance request to appropriate department; we cannot repair or
replace it if we don’t know about it (no duplicates!)
Assist workers and contractors with sign in and sign out process
Direct repair people to the concern in a timely manner
Give the repair person details about the problem
Have someone check the work when completed, to ensure satisfaction
Please have work order signed-off upon acceptable completion
Cleaning and Landscape Maintenance
School hires and supervises Custodians, Crew leaders and Head Custodians.
Custodial Operations will assist and make recommendations.
Head Custodians are interviewed by school personnel. Top candidates for the
position are screened by Custodial Operations. Head Custodians need to have
completed the Preparing New Head Custodian Program or sign an agreement to
Units determined by allocation formula; grounds maintenance is applicable where
school-based custodians maintain grounds
Custodial staff is responsible for all cleaning and minor maintenance duties
District conducts training via scheduled courses and one-on-one counseling on
Schools are to purchase needed supplies for cleaning and maintenance through
Lawson (for playground mulch contact Sites and Utilities)
Custodial and lawn equipment replacements funded by Essential Furniture and
Equipment List (EFE) quantity, when not abused, and not economically repairable.
Custodial Management
Minimize overlap of custodians’ duties while students are present
Let custodians clean (and not move projectors, monitor lunchrooms, open rooms
for substitutes, etc.)
The more detailed and specific the schedule, the more productivity you will get from
the employee
Checklists available through Custodial Operations or accessible from the Custodial
Icon on your Staff Hub desktop – using them will help with efficiency.
Rule of thumb:
Average classroom: 15 minutes
Classroom w/restroom: 20 minutes
Community restroom: 20 – 30 minutes based on the number of fixtures.
Floor Care Tips
Dirt does the damage
Have walk off mats at all entrances to collect dirt, vacuum daily
Install furniture glides or tips where needed
Dust mop daily (brooms are ineffective)
Wet mop with a neutral cleaner (all-purpose cleaners remove wax)
Classrooms mopped weekly, spot mopped daily
Cafeterias and corridors are mopped daily.
Strip and apply finish (4 coats) in the summer or scrub and recoat; apply finish (2
coats) burnish with high-speed buffer after 48 hours
Routinely buff, particularly high-traffic areas
Substitute Custodian
School personnel completes substitute request form located on Custodial Icon and
sends to Area Director
Schools receiving approval for a substitute are responsible to place job in SEMS
Energy Conservation
(Schools should measure and publicize energy consumption)
Opportunity to earn incentive funds for your school through good stewardship, or lose funds
through wasteful operation
Read the handbook
Work closely with your energy mentor
Take control of temperature settings and occupancy schedules
Create an Energy Awareness Atmosphere at your site
Establish a Conservation Chairperson and Committee
Monitor and publicize school energy consumption (demonstration)
Energy Management Services Supervisor is always available for consultation
Energy Conservation Strategies
Review HVAC start and stop times, and schedule for special days (weekends, summer,
holidays), and take control. The energy mentor and Energy Management Department are
available for assistance.
Don’t open facilities during weekends
Reduce areas being cooled to occupied settings on non-instructional days
Turn lights off when not needed; ensure exterior lights are off during daylight hours
Keep all doors and windows closed when HVAC is operating
Maintain temperatures in the following ranges during occupied times:
Cooling season: 76° and 60% RH
ting season: 68°
Turn off computers when not needed, set systems to sleep
Don’t open large spaces (auditorium, gym, etc.) for small groups
Have custodians work as a group (per building, area, etc.)
Schedule HVAC accordingly and turn off lights after each room is cleaned.
Replace ALL missing ceiling tiles
Follow recycling protocol
Power Outages
If you have an electrical outage (partial or full site)
Contact your area’s maintenance department and follow up with a maintenance request
if possible.
After hours, weekends, or during holidays, contact School Security 623-3996
Contact your Area Director
You may also contact TECO EMERGENCY at 813-314-4200 (Commercial Accounts)
After electrical services have been restored, contact 813-635-1276 who will notify the HVAC
Department to validate heating and air conditioning equipment for start up
Water Outages
Contact your Area Maintenance Department
For supply line breakage, notify Sites and Utilities
Boil Water Notice: contact Sites and Utilities if water is needed due to a boil water notice.
Special Issues and Consideration
LightsLED lighting schools purchase and replace accessible bulbs; ensure bulbs are
changed before submitting a TMA Maintenance Request; contact Area Maintenance when
access requires special equipment
Ceiling Tile - request tile via a TMA Maintenance Request (MR); school responsibility to
replace unless it’s a tile that requires a special cut, then maintenance department will
replace; include number from back of tile on TMA Maintenance Request
Mold - contact the Safety Office for an evaluation
Courts - submit MR for court refinishing when needed
HVAC operation - override of control systems must be reported via a TMA Maintenance
Trash collection - ensure the dumpster is accessible to the trash truck
Compactors for lunchroom – if you have one, use it; your trash capacity is likely reduced
based on the existence of a compactor; it is a money saver
Boxes must be broken down before disposal
Contractors – do NOT delay them; do NOT request other work than what they were sent to
Customer Assessment
Conducted annually, in April
One response per school required