M-F: 8am5pm
Closed Monday,
January 17th, 2022
Insert Renewal
Main Office
Maintenance Tips
Events and
And so much
M-F: 8am5pm
January 5 Family documents due by this date
January 5 Deadline to replace roommates in renewal offers
January 12 KEY DEADLINE: Room Draw application closes
January 19 Successful Room Draw list posted. Summer Housing application opens
January 22 Apartment offers sent on a rolling basis, students have 7 days to accept
February 21 GC/Annex online room selection takes place
April 15 Deadline for extension requests. Extensions are only permitted for academic purpos-
es, which extend beyond the end of current housing contracts.
All residents moving out prior to or on June 30, whether you are graduang, taking a leave of absence,
etc. must submit an intent to vacate noce in your My Housingportal.
All keys must be returned the Main Oce at Lakeside (NOT Grad Housing or New South). Envelopes and a
drop box are available to residents to complete and submit with their keys outside our oce area for key
return at any me whether the oce is opened or not.
All residents must cleaned and remove all belongings from their unit prior to move out. Anything le be-
hind will be removed and ned.
Furniture cannot be le in the bedroom/unit for the next resident. Any furniture le behind will be re-
moved and ned.
Residents can email our oce for move out instrucons ahead of their move out date.
Please check and remove any mail and packages from the mail lobby areas and mailboxes. Mailboxes can-
not be accessed aer you move out. USPS are the only permied to remove anything from inside your
mailbox per Federal Law.
Please submit a change of address to USPS and any other delivery service/company (ex. Amazon, Chewy,
etc.) prior to move out. Any mail and/or packages can be sent back aer your move out.
Severe Subfreezing Weather Announcement and Tips
As the weather changes and low temperatures are expected in our area, please keep in mind the following
will need to take place:
Because of the possible severe subfreezing weather, water pipes in our apartment community may freeze
and burst if we do not take immediate acon.
The damage from frozen pipes can be substanal. If the pipes in your dwelling unit freeze and burst, water
may damage your clothes, furniture, stereos, TV and other property such as the carpet, walls and ceilings.
Please take the following precauons as soon as you read this noce.
Please do not turn your heat completely o. Instead, leave the heat on and do not set below 65 degrees. Be
sure to leave cabinet doors open under the sink and bathroom sink to allow heat to the plumbing.
If you are gone, management may enter your apartment for the above purposes in order to avoid potenal
property damage from burst water pipes.
Maintenance Requests:
To submit maintenance requests online, please try using the following link: Lakeside Maintenance Request
Portal . Please use your Princeton email for login. For inial setup, please click on the Forgot Passwordlink
to provided email instrucons to set up a password. If you have any quesons, email us or give us a call at
Trash & Recycling
Please make sure all household trash and recycling is placed in the designated areas behind the wooden fence
Any resident trash/recycling found in the wrong areas will be subject to nes.
Please help us keep our community clean and green!
Clothing Drive: Week of January 16th-19thEnding
with a small recepon at Lakeside Commons Jan. 19th 5pm-
6pm; Acceptable donaons are: Clothes and Shoes( New slightly use
but clean) school supplies, children toys/boardgames and new hygiene
January 29th—Family
Game Night : Join us for a night of board game fun for all ages!
Whether you're new to board games or a seasoned player, stop by to
play an old classic or nd a new favorite. Snacks and game boards are
Join us on Monday, January 22, from 8am-5pm in the Commons
for mental health resources, ps, light refreshments (snacks,
coee, etc.) green ribbon pins, color the Jeremiah the frog,etc.
As a reminder, all residents must park in the parking garage. Temporary unloading and loading areas are for
30 minute intervals. Overnight parking in these designated areas are not permied. Any vehicle parked in
these areas past the permied mes is subject to ckeng. All vehicles must be registered with the Depart-
ment of Parking and Transportaon Services and obtain a current, virtual permit in order to park.
Any overnight guests with vehicles must park in the parking garage with the proper registraon with Park-
ing and Transportaon Services.
Parking Garage Tips
When driving inside the garage, please observe the following:
Speed limit not to exceed 15mph
Turn on your headlights
Drive on the right side only
Do not drive too close to parked vehicles
Use turn signals
Park your vehicle in the center of the parking space and not impede access to vehicles next to you.
Do not park long vehicles on inner secon, especially by turns
Maintain safe speed
Watch for pedestrians
Follow posted parking signs
Noise Reminder
This a reminder that there is a 24 hour courtesy policy at Lakeside. Please be courte-
ous to your neighbors while you work, conduct online meengs, speaking with others,
and schooling inside your unit and/or the Commons, and also when walking in and
around Lakeside, as each resident has dierent work and school hours.
As a reminder, as outlined in the Lakeside Pet Friendly Acknowledgement
Form, the Municipality of Princeton township requires dogs to be on leashes at
all mes when in public. In addion, all pet owners must clean up aer their
pets. Fines will be issued if pet waste is not properly cleaned up.
Main Oce Upcoming Modied Hours
The Main Oce will be closed on:
New Years Day : Monday January 1st, 2024
Monday, January 15th, 2024 in observance of Marn Luther King, Jr. Day.
MLK Jr. Day:
Oce closed
2 c. milk
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon, plus more
for garnish
1/2 tsp.ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
6 large egg yolks
1/2 c. granulated sugar
1 c. heavy cream
1 c. bourbon or rum (oponal)
Whipped cream, for serving
Step 1In a small saucepan over low heat, combine milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla and slowly bring mixture to a low boil.
Step 2Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk egg yolks with sugar unl yolks are pale in color. Slowly add hot milk mixture to egg
yolks in batches to temper the eggs and whisk unl combined.
Step 3Return mixture to saucepan and cook over medium heat unl slightly thick (and coats the back of a spoon) but does not
boil. (If using a candy thermometer, mixture should reach 160º.)
Step 4Remove from heat and sr in heavy cream and, if using, bourbon. Refrigerate unl chilled.
Step 5When ready to serve, garnish with whipped cream and cinnamon.
Western Pest Control will be at Lakeside every Wednesday to address any pest issues.
Issues should be submitted prior to the day of service so that they can be addressed in a
timely manner.
Pest Tip of the Month:
Regular cleaning and eliminating dust and dirt will help eliminate pests.
To prevent your kitchen sink and dishwasher
from clogging, please remove all food from your
dishes into the trash and/or use the sink stopper
when rinsing your dishes to prevent a built up of
food clogging your pipes.
Have a work order? Call the office at
609.642.2861 or submit through your account at
Lakeside Maintenance Request Portal .
Make sure to clean out your fridge
and freezer of any unwanted food or
An overfilled fridge or freezer can
cause it to work harder to keep your
food and other items cool.