MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
This document contains release notes for the changes in each release of MySQL 8.0, up through MySQL 8.0.40.
For information about changes in a different MySQL series, see the release notes for that series.
For additional MySQL 8.0 documentation, see the MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual, which includes an overview
of features added in MySQL 8.0 (What Is New in MySQL 8.0), and discussion of upgrade issues that you may
encounter for upgrades from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 (Changes in MySQL 8.0).
Before upgrading to MySQL 8.0, review the information in
upgrading.html and perform any recommended actions. Perform the upgrade on a test system first to make sure
everything works smoothly, and then on the production system.
Downgrade from MySQL 8.0 to MySQL 5.7, or from a MySQL 8.0 release to a previous MySQL 8.0 release, is not
supported. The only supported alternative is to restore a backup taken before upgrading. It is therefore imperative
that you back up your data before starting the upgrade process.
MySQL platform support evolves over time; please refer to
database.html for the latest updates.
Updates to these notes occur as new product features are added, so that everybody can follow the development
process. If a recent version is listed here that you cannot find on the download page (
downloads/), the version has not yet been released.
The documentation included in source and binary distributions may not be fully up to date with respect to release
note entries because integration of the documentation occurs at release build time. For the most up-to-date
release notes, please refer to the online documentation instead.
For legal information, see the Legal Notices.
For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with other
MySQL users.
Document generated on: 2024-09-04 (revision: 28935)
Table of Contents
Preface and Legal Notices ............................................................................................................ 2
Changes in MySQL 8.0.40 (Not yet released, General Availability) .................................................. 3
Changes in MySQL 8.0.39 (2024-07-23, General Availability) ......................................................... 4
Changes in MySQL 8.0.38 (2024-07-01, General Availability) ......................................................... 4
Changes in MySQL 8.0.37 (2024-04-30, General Availability) ......................................................... 8
Changes in MySQL 8.0.36 (2024-01-16, General Availability) ....................................................... 13
Changes in MySQL 8.0.35 (2023-10-25, General Availability) ....................................................... 17
Changes in MySQL 8.0.34 (2023-07-18, General Availability) ....................................................... 22
Changes in MySQL 8.0.33 (2023-04-18, General Availability) ....................................................... 33
Changes in MySQL 8.0.32 (2023-01-17, General Availability) ....................................................... 41
Changes in MySQL 8.0.31 (2022-10-11, General Availability) ....................................................... 53
Changes in MySQL 8.0.30 (2022-07-26, General Availability) ....................................................... 67
Changes in MySQL 8.0.29 (2022-04-26, General Availability) ....................................................... 82
Changes in MySQL 8.0.28 (2022-01-18, General Availability) ....................................................... 98
Changes in MySQL 8.0.27 (2021-10-19, General Availability) ...................................................... 116
Changes in MySQL 8.0.26 (2021-07-20, General Availability) ...................................................... 136
Changes in MySQL 8.0.25 (2021-05-11, General Availability) ...................................................... 158
Changes in MySQL 8.0.24 (2021-04-20, General Availability) ...................................................... 159
Changes in MySQL 8.0.23 (2021-01-18, General Availability) ...................................................... 174
Changes in MySQL 8.0.22 (2020-10-19, General Availability) ...................................................... 190
Changes in MySQL 8.0.21 (2020-07-13, General Availability) ...................................................... 208
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Changes in MySQL 8.0.20 (2020-04-27, General Availability) ...................................................... 229
Changes in MySQL 8.0.19 (2020-01-13, General Availability) ...................................................... 248
Changes in MySQL 8.0.18 (2019-10-14, General Availability) ...................................................... 271
Changes in MySQL 8.0.17 (2019-07-22, General Availability) ...................................................... 290
Changes in MySQL 8.0.16 (2019-04-25, General Availability) ...................................................... 315
Changes in MySQL 8.0.15 (2019-02-01, General Availability) ...................................................... 339
Changes in MySQL 8.0.14 (2019-01-21, General Availability) ...................................................... 339
Changes in MySQL 8.0.13 (2018-10-22, General Availability) ...................................................... 360
Changes in MySQL 8.0.12 (2018-07-27, General Availability) ...................................................... 383
Changes in MySQL 8.0.11 (2018-04-19, General Availability) ...................................................... 399
Changes in MySQL 8.0.5 - 8.0.10 (Skipped version numbers) ..................................................... 421
Changes in MySQL 8.0.4 (2018-01-23, Release Candidate) ........................................................ 421
Changes in MySQL 8.0.3 (2017-09-21, Release Candidate) ........................................................ 455
Changes in MySQL 8.0.2 (2017-07-17, Development Milestone) ................................................. 475
Changes in MySQL 8.0.1 (2017-04-10, Development Milestone) ................................................. 499
Changes in MySQL 8.0.0 (2016-09-12, Development Milestone) ................................................. 540
Index ........................................................................................................................................ 571
Preface and Legal Notices
This document contains release notes for the changes in each release of MySQL 8.0, up through
MySQL 8.0.40.
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MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
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Changes in MySQL 8.0.40 (Not yet released, General Availability)
Version 8.0.40 has no release notes, or they have not been published because the product version has
not been released.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Changes in MySQL 8.0.39 (2024-07-23, General Availability)
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: In some cases, following the creation of a very large number of tables (8001 or more), the
server could not be restarted successfully. (Bug #36808732)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33398681.
InnoDB: Improved tablespace file scan performance at startup. (Bug #110402, Bug #35200385)
Group Replication: Running a CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement on a source coming from
an asynchronous channel to Group Replication led to errors on the replica. (Bug #36784284)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.38 (2024-07-01, General Availability)
This release is no longer available for download. It was removed due to a critical
issue that could stop the server from restarting following the creation of a very
large number of tables (8001, or more). Please upgrade to MySQL 8.0.39
Audit Log Notes
C API Notes
Compilation Notes
Connection Management Notes
Data Dictionary Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Thread Pool Notes
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
Audit log pruning did not function after removing or renaming a file from the audit log. Now pruning
continues in such cases, but with a warning printed in the error log stating that it was not possible to
delete the missing audit log file. (Bug #35902913)
C API Notes
C API applications stalled while receiving results for server side prepared statements.
Compilation Notes
Upgraded the bundled googletest and googlemock sources to version 1.14.0. (Bug #36562482)
Added a missing dependency on GenError. (Bug #36551721)
It is now possible on Linux systems to build MySQL using a bundled tcmalloc library that is
provided with the source by specifying -DWITH_TCMALLOC=BUNDLED. This is supported on Linux
only. (Bug #36313839)
The bundled tcmalloc() is now used when building MySQL on Enterprise Linux 8. (Bug #114844,
Bug #35674008)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Linux aarch64 platform binaries are now built using patchelf --page-size=65536 for
compatibility with systems using either 4k or 64k for the page size. (Bug #114233, Bug #36393794)
Connection Management Notes
The conn_delay/Waiting in connection_control plugin stage was not reset after a
delay introduced by the connection control plugin which resulted in incorrect monitoring information.
(Bug #35205358)
Data Dictionary Notes
Attempting to upgrade a MyISAM table containing a mix of regular columns and generated columns
from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 or later led to table corruption. (Bug #105301, Bug #33503328)
Pluggable Authentication
The deprecation warning issued when authenticating with the mysql_native_password plugin is
now issued only once. (Bug #35792948)
Thread Pool Notes
Connecting to a thread group that had no connection handler threads stalled. We fix this by making
sure that connection handler threads terminate only if there is at least one connection thread left.
(Bug #36550125)
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: MySQL unexpectedly halted on an UPDATE after an ALTER TABLE operation. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #35183686.
InnoDB: The log index size calculation now accounts for column order changes. (Bug #36526369)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #35183686.
InnoDB: File system operations performed by InnoDB now consistently fsync the parent directory
when performing directory altering tasks. (Bug #36174938)
InnoDB: In debug builds, setting the innodb_interpreter_output debug variable would cause
the server to unexpectedly halt. This is now a read-only variable. (Bug #36041032)
InnoDB: For tables created with an index on a column that was too wide for the redundant
row format (allowed before MySQL 5.7.35), an in-place upgrade silently imported the table but
it was not accessible, which interfered with making backups. Now all operations that involve
using the invalid index are rejected with ER_INDEX_CORRUPT until the index is dropped. An
ER_IB_INDEX_PART_TOO_LONG error is also reported in the error log. (Bug #35869747)
References: See also: Bug #34826861.
InnoDB: An InnoDB assertion error referencing an invalid column index was triggered when the
column index was valid. (Bug #34800754)
InnoDB: With an empty XA transaction, shutting the server down after an XA START would cause
the server to halt unexpectedly. (Bug #32416819)
InnoDB: Shutting down the replication applier or binlog applier while processing an empty XA
transaction caused the system to unexpectedly halt. (Bug #32416819)
InnoDB: Removed unnecessary heap usage in the Validate_files::check() function.
Our thanks to Huaxiong Song for the contribution. (Bug #115041, Bug #36626203)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: If a partition table was read with innodb_parallel_read_threads=1, read
performance greatly decreased from any table after 256 reads. InnoDB behaved as if it reached the
maximum capacity of parallel read threads despite not using any.
Our thanks to Ke Yu for the contribution. (Bug #114154, Bug #36347408)
InnoDB: The result from a spatial index containing a column with a spatial reference identifier (SRID)
attribute was empty. In addition, using FORCE INDEX to force a covering index scan on a spatial
index led to an assertion. (Bug #112676, Bug #114200, Bug #35894664, Bug #36361834)
InnoDB: Fixed performance issues related to querying the data_lock and data_lock_waits
tables when thousands of read-only transactions were present. (Bug #109539, Bug #34951273)
Replication: If a source contained a stored, generated column populated by a JSON function and
binlog_row_image was set to MINIMAL, any subsequent update or deletion on the underlying
column failed with the following error:
Invalid JSON text in argument 1 to function json_extract: 'The document is empty.'
The replica attempted to re-evaluate the generated column and failed with that error because
the underlying column was unavailable. As of this release, stored, generated columns are not re-
evaluated when the underlying columns are unavailable. (Bug #36515172)
Replication: When running GTID-based replication with relay_log_space_limit enabled, a
restart of the auto positioning protocol sometimes resulted in an infinite loop, leading to a deadlock
in replication. This was because relay_log_space_limit was not honoured, not only for
transactions whose size exceed this limit, but when the replica could not purge previous logs as well.
To fix this issue, we make the following changes:
The receiver respects relay_log_space_limit as set by the user, unless a transaction
received by the receiver cannot fit into the purged relay log. Before queueing the received
transaction, receiver now checks whether scheduling a full transaction is possible. If not, the
receiver performs the following actions:
Sets the flag indicating that receiver is waiting
Rotates the relay log
Waits until it is notified that relay log purge was executed and that the applier has purged all
available relay logs; after this, the receiver may queue a transaction without checking the limit
Before moving to the next file, the coordinator checks whether the receiver is waiting for available
relay log space. If so, the coordinator forcibly purges the applied logs, including the current relay
log file. To purge the current relay log file safely, the coordinator must do the following:
Synchronize all of its workers before moving to the next file
Forcibly update group positions, which is necessary to allow current purging of the relay log
Update the variable read by the receiver which contains relay log filename to which applier was
These operations are allowed because we know that receiver waits at a transaction boundary and
rotates the relay log before waiting.
(Bug #36507020)
Replication: Worker jobs now contain information about the relay log file which initiated the
transaction, instead of using the default defined by relay_log. (Bug #36395631)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: Handling an incident while transactions were being committed to the binary log caused
MySQL to wait indefinitely. (Bug #35671897)
Group Replication: Removed a memory leak from /xcom/ (Bug
Group Replication: Under certain circumstances, if a primary's host experienced network inactivity
of 20 seconds or more, the secondaries could stop unexpectedly. (Bug #36306144)
Group Replication: Under certain circumstances, if garbage collection occurred just before a relay
log rotation, it could cause the applier to stop applying new transactions on the secondary members.
This was caused by garbage collection incrementing the relay log's last_committed and
sequence_number, creating a gap in the recorded sequence_number after the log rotation. The
applier was unaffected if the gap occurred anywhere else in the relay log.
As of this release, only last_committed is updated during garbage collection. (Bug #36280130,
Bug #36446250)
JSON: Added missing checks for error handling to NULLIF(), COALESCE(), and the shift (>>)
operator. (Bug #113668, Bug #35513196, Bug #36198403)
References: See also: Bug #31358416.
MySQL NDB ClusterJ: Running the ClusterJ test suite resulted in an error message saying a
number of threads did not exist. That was due to some wrong handling of threads and connections,
which was corrected by this patch. (Bug #36086735)
Averages of certain numbers were not always computed correctly. (Bug #36563773)
The following files in strings contained incorrect license information:
(Bug #36506181)
In certain unusual cases, the UpdateXML() function did not process all of its arguments correctly.
(Bug #36479091)
Explaining a query which used FORCE INDEX on a spatial index containing a column with SRID
attributes led to an unplanned exit. (Bug #36418426)
When incrementing the reference count for an expression, underlying expressions within this
expression are not looked at. While removing an expression, after decrementing the reference count,
even the underlying expressions were examined, which led to unintentional deletion of the underlying
expressions. This issue manifested in Item_ref::real_item() as well as in an assert in sql/
item.h. We fix this by not looking at the underlying expression unless the current expression
contains the only remaining reference. (Bug #36204344, Bug #36356279)
Under certain conditions, EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON FOR CONNECTION sometimes led to an
unplanned exit. (Bug #36189820)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Under certain conditions, a race condition could result in the amount of RAM used by
TABLE_HANDLES increasing to a maximum of 9GB. (Bug #36170903)
Some CREATE USER statements were not handled correctly. (Bug #36022885)
For a SELECT with ORDER BY and LIMIT, the optimizer first chose a full table scan with a very
expensive cost, then performed another check and used the perform_order_index type of path,
but this was not reflected by the cost in the optimizer plan. (Bug #35930969)
Client connections were not alway terminated correctly during shutdown. (Bug #35854919)
All internal ACL bitmask variables are now explicitly 32 bits (uint32_t). (Bug #35507223)
It was not possible to add a functional index on FIND_IN_SET(). (Bug #35352161)
Running two concurrent OPTIMIZE TABLE statements on the same table with fulltext indexes
and innodb_optimize_fulltext_only enabled sometimes caused the server to exit. (Bug
Removed a memory leak observed while running authentication_kerberos under Valgrind.
(Bug #34482788, Bug #36570929)
The gen_range() function as implemented by the (deprecated) data masking plugin did not always
return the correct result.
This issue affected the data masking plugin only, and did not affect the data masking component
which supersedes it. (Bug #34163992)
Fixed an erroneous comment in include/my_command.h.
Our thanks to Sho Nakazono for the contribution. (Bug #114507, Bug #36455468)
It was possible for a deterministic stored function to return an incorrect result when the function
used JOIN ON inside the return statement. If the query needed to be reprepared due to a table
metadata caused by, for example, FLUSH TABLES between two executions, the ON clause was
sometimes lost. (Bug #114235, Bug #36379879)
The PROCESSLIST_INFO column of THREADS was not updated when executing a prepared
Thanks to Daniel Lenski and Amazon for the contribution. (Bug #104121, Bug #33057164)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.37 (2024-04-30, General Availability)
Audit Log Notes
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Component Notes
Optimizer Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
MySQL now calls plugin->deinit() with a valid plugin struct as an argument regardless of the
plugin's type.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Our thanks to Martin Alderete for the contribution.
Character Set Support
When the character_set_server system variable was set using SET PERSIST or SET GLOBAL,
it did not take effect for new client sessions or for a client establishing a connection to the server after
the server was restarted. The only workaround was to set the corresponding command-line option
when starting the server.
To fix this, we now make sure that, at the time of server restart, the configuration data is read in the
correct order so that the variable setting takes effect as expected. (Bug #35529604)
Compilation Notes
Warnings for unused variables are turned into compilation errors when compiling with -
such errors. (Bug #113662, Bug #36198423)
Improved the cycle timer for the s390x architecture.
Our thanks to Jonathan Albrecht for the contribution. (Bug #112845, Bug #35949958)
Component Notes
The values for component options set using the --loose prefix were not read when the component
was installed. (Bug #28341329)
Optimizer Notes
The multi-range read (MRR) optimization did not perform as well as in previous releases. (Bug
#113711, Bug #36220640)
Performance Schema Notes
User variables assigned decimal values were rounded up in the user_variables_by_thread
table. (Bug #35781732)
Executing SELECT * from performance_schema.data_locks on a server under heavy load
could cause MySQL to consume too much memory and close unexpectedly.
As of this release, memory used executing such a query is now instrumented with memory/
performance_schema/data_container, enabling you to observe memory consumption. (Bug
Executing SELECT * from performance_schema.data_locks on a server under heavy load
could cause a deadlock in InnoDB. (Bug #35068461)
References: See also: Bug #35240825.
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change; Group Replication: When issued with group_replication_consistency
set to BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER, the MySQL KILL statement now ignores any consistency
guarantees, with any interrupted transactions now being rolled back.
Important Change: For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL
library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 3.0.13. Issues fixed in OpenSSL version
3.0.13 are described at (Bug #36261675)
Packaging: Added support for Fedora 40 and Ubuntu 24.04.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Microsoft Windows: MySQL Windows binary files (.exe and .dll files) now display additional
information when their properties are viewed. (Bug #36379291)
Clone plugin version requirements have been relaxed to allow cloning between different point
releases in the same series. In other words, only the major and minor version numbers must match
when previously the release number also had to match.
For example, cloning of MySQL 8.0.37 to (a future) MySQL 8.0.42, or the reverse, is supported.
Previous restrictions still apply to versions older than 8.0.37, for example, so cloning of MySQL
8.0.36 to any other MySQL release (or from a different MySQL release to 8.0.36) remains
For more information, see The Clone Plugin. (Bug #36293529, WL #15989)
Bugs Fixed
Important Change: The Robin Hood hashing library has been replaced with unordered_dense.
(Bug #36158022)
InnoDB; Microsoft Windows: Improved redo log performance on Windows by opening redo log
files in overlapped mode. (Bug #36154818)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #12527.
InnoDB: The log writer calls functions that temporarily release log.writer_mutex; when
innodb_log_writer_threads=OFF, this potentially led to other threads writing to the redo log in
between these times. (Bug #36425219)
InnoDB: Some FTS operations on tables with FTS indexes led to inconsistent results. For example,
if the server terminated while synchronizing the FTS cache or when synchronization occurred
concurrently with another FTS operation.
Our thanks to Yin Peng and the Tencent team for the contribution. (Bug #36347647)
InnoDB: When creating an index on a table containing data, valgrind occasionally reported reads
of uninitialized memory from ddl::Builder::bulk_add_row(). (Bug #36342792)
InnoDB: On Windows, keeping a file open without a shared write lock and attempting to acquire the
fil_shard mutex caused a deadlock with another thread that had acquired the fil_shard mutex
and was attempting to access the same file. (Bug #36159317)
References: See also: Bug #32808809.
InnoDB: Fixed a potential redo log rotation issue that could emit a "Found existing redo log files, but
at least one is missing" error during recovery. (Bug #36124625)
InnoDB: Improved os_innodb_umask handling, and made it read-only. (Bug #35932118)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29472125.
InnoDB: Found and fixed an assertion failure related to full-text indexes. (Bug #35836581)
InnoDB: Improved buffer handling during the tablespace deletion process, a situation that could
have potentially caused an assertion failure. (Bug #35676106, Bug #36343647)
InnoDB: If a MySQL table in a system schema had an INSTANT ADD column that was added before
8.0.29 (they are not allowed as of that version), and after MySQL was upgraded to a version greater
than 8.0.29, DMLs on these tables would result in the server unexpectedly closing.
Our thanks to Richard Dang for the contribution. (Bug #35625510, Bug #35981565, Bug #36180360)
InnoDB: The redo log would potentially not log a column order change with instant DDL, which could
cause an incorrect log replay during recovery. (Bug #35183686)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Results for SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS showed an invalid value (NULL) as the first
result. (Bug #113819, Bug #36118112)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #34992157.
InnoDB: With innodb_parallel_read_threads set to a value greater than 1, InnoDB
unnecessarily disabled read-ahead heuristics which resulted in stalls when pages were not already in
the buffer pool. (Bug #113482, Bug #36142806)
InnoDB: Running a query that used a unique hash index with the TempTable storage engine could
take significantly more time compared to running the query with the MEMORY engine.
Our thanks to xiaoyang chen for the contribution. (Bug #113178, Bug #36037224, Bug #36224958)
InnoDB: In debug builds, there was an assertion failure in InnoDB's background when a transaction
it wanted to acquire an MDL lock on was no longer active.
This fix is based on a patch from Genze Wu with Alibaba, thank you for the contribution. (Bug
#112424, Bug #35835864)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33700835.
InnoDB: With innodb_parallel_read_threads set to a value greater than 1, InnoDB
would unnecessarily request asynchronous reads which required more synchronization
during I/O completion and created a bottleneck due to the limited number of available threads
(innodb_read_io_threads) for handling I/O operations. Now this performs synchronous instead
of asynchronous reads. (Bug #112137, Bug #35740866)
InnoDB: A trx would unexpectedly halt after encountering an incorrect trx->in_innodb value.
Our thanks to Shaohua Wang for the contribution. (Bug #110652, Bug #35277407)
InnoDB: SELECT ... GROUP BY queries were at least twice as slow with the TempTable engine
than the Memory engine. (Bug #107700, Bug #34338001)
InnoDB: MySQL no longer ignores the optimizer hint to use a secondary index scan, which instead
forced a clustered (parallel) index scan. (Bug #100597, Bug #112767, Bug #31791868, Bug
Group Replication: Problems arose when members M1 and M2 were in a group, with M1 using u1
as its recovery user and M2 using u2 as its own recovery user, and both users u1 and u2 existing
on M1 and M2 with all necessary privileges, and when a new member M3 joined the group using u2
as its recovery user. M3 knew only of user u2, but did not know of user u1, leading START GROUP
REPLICATION on M2 to be rejected since M1 was unable to connect to M2. This also generated a
new view_id listing the group members as M1 and M2, but M1 nevertheless continued trying to
connect to M3, with M1 logging Error in establishing mysql connection and M3 logging
Access denied errors for the connection attempts from M1.
By design, XCom stores the last three known configurations, including references to physical
connections shared among all past and present configurations. This is done to facilitate quick
reconnections by nodes rejoining the group, explicitly or implicitly, and that were already present in
any of those configurations.
A side effect of this was that we might keep attempting to connect to a node that was currently
not in the group. To solve this problem, we inhibit error logging if the node is not in the current
configuration, in order to avoid false negatives which might lead a DBA or an operator to think
mistakenly that there is a problem in the system. (Bug #36210988)
References: See also: Bug #32592027.
Group Replication: Improved handling of GTID sets. (Bug #36093405)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group Replication: Two cases were found in which a member exited the
group and moved to the ERROR state, but did not honor the action specified by
group_replication_exit_state_action; these are listed here:
When an error occurred while enabling super_read_only
When member join recovery was not possible, due to missing binary logs and clone groups on
group members
Example: When the value of group_replication_exit_state_action was OFFLINE_MODE
and one of these events took place, offline mode was not enabled as expected. (Bug #36076308)
Group Replication: After successfully setting a new primary,
group_replication_set_as_primary() in some cases waited indefinitely for the operation to
complete. (Bug #36059098)
JSON: JOIN and GROUP BY handled some JSON column values differently. (Bug #101048, Bug
MySQL NDB ClusterJ: The setLimits() method can now be chained to
deletePersistentAll() to limit the number of items to delete. See the description of
deletePersistentAll() for details. (Bug #36049906)
Updated BuildRequire rules to align with versions now required for CMake and Bison. (Bug
SET GLOBAL offline_mode=ON did not always perform correctly when issued under high loads.
(Bug #36275182)
References: See also: Bug #36405894.
Upgraded curl to version 8.6.0. (Bug #36267545)
mysqldump did not always interpret the server version correctly. (Bug #36248967)
References: See also: Bug #36405879.
Condition pushdown to a view was rejected with a collation mismatch if the view was created with a
different character set than the character set used when querying the view. (Bug #36246859)
Use of the deprecated exec_program() command has been replaced by execute_process() to
provide compatibility with CMake 3.28.1 and later. (Bug #36220656)
Upgraded the protobuf library to version 25.1. (Bug #36108397)
For building Enterprise Linux RPMs, the build scripts now point to a newer strip command (under
/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-12), and they now check that the corresponding dwz tool is available.
Previously this was only implemented for EL8. (Bug #36090069)
We now look for gcc-ar and gcc-ranlib when building on Oracle Linux with link-time
optimization. (Bug #36089900)
The server sometimes terminated unexpectedly in response to a specific query. (Bug #35957627)
Improved view and trigger definer handling by view and table DDL. (Bug #35942937)
The server did not always return metadata to the client correctly for certain queries. (Bug
When running queries against a table with a multi-value index, the server sometimes exited
unexpectedly, often while executing a complex SELECT query which used this index. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Improved code in sql/ (Bug #35733778, Bug #35738531, Bug #35779012)
CREATE USER IF EXISTS was not always logged correctly. (Bug #35530823)
The server did not disallow subqueries in partition expressions properly. These are invalid, and
should cause a syntax error. (Bug #35476172)
Some RANK() ... OVER() queries raised an assertion in sql/ (Bug
When successive ALTER TABLE ... ALGORITHM=COPY statements were issued within 10
seconds of one another, the n_rows value became 0. (Bug #35127747)
Updated the URL used for downloading the Boost C++ libraries. (Bug #113576, Bug #36164514)
The fix for a previous issue, first addressed in MySQL 8.0.30, was incomplete.
Our thanks to Hao Lu for the contribution. (Bug #113174, Bug #36035044)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #110801, Bug #35328028.
On s390x, we now compile the FMA test with -O2 to avoid overoptimization.
Our thanks to Jonathan Albrecht for the contribution. (Bug #113096, Bug #36016140)
Although s390x is a big-endian platform, the little-endian ICU data directory was used for compiling.
Our thanks to Jonathan Albrecht for the contribution. (Bug #113095, Bug #36016141)
Incorrect results were sometimes obtained from a query that used a group by loose index scan. (Bug
#112541, Bug #35854362)
An assertion failed in debug builds when inserting data with a zero-length column, such as CHAR(0)
or BINARY(0), into a table. Now, a less strict assertion more accurately fails only if it detects that
a non-zero number of bytes copied from a source is identical to the target. (Bug #111450, Bug
A VALUES statement in a correlated lateral or (other) dependent subquery yielded an incorrect result.
(Bug #109252, Bug #110076, Bug #34852090, Bug #35087820)
IN should return NULL not only if the expression on the left hand side is NULL, but when no match
is found in the list and one of the expressions in the list is NULL as well. In some cases, it was found
that adding rows to a table caused a subsequent prepared SELECT NULL IN (SELECT ...)
query to return a different result when the result should have remained the same. (Bug #94857, Bug
Changes in MySQL 8.0.36 (2024-01-16, General Availability)
Audit Log Notes
Compilation Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Audit Log Notes
In some cases, calling audit_log_read( audit_log_read_bookmark() ) led to an Out of
memory error. (Bug #35957453)
Compilation Notes
Microsoft Windows: MySQL did not compile correctly using Visual Studio 2022. (Bug #35967676)
Improved the -DWITH_ZLIB=system check. (Bug #35968195)
For compiling on Linux, changed the no-error=deprecated-declarations flag to no-
deprecated-declarations for the OpenSSL 3 library.
Our thanks to karry zhang for the contribution. (Bug #112209, Bug #35755328)
Optimizer Notes
The hashing algorithm employed yielded poor performance when using a HASH field to check for
uniqueness. (Bug #109548, Bug #34959356)
Packaging Notes
Important Change: The GnuPG build key (A8D3785C) used to sign MySQL downloadable
packages has been updated. The previous GnuPG build key (3A79BD29) expired on 2023-12-14.
For information about verifying the integrity and authenticity of MySQL downloadable packages
using GnuPG signature checking, or to obtain a copy of our public GnuPG build key, see Signature
Checking Using GnuPG.
Due to the GnuPG key update, systems configured to use may report a signature
verification error when upgrading to MySQL 8.0.36 and higher or to MySQL 8.3.0 and higher using
apt or yum. Use one of the following methods to resolve this issue:
1. Manually reinstall the MySQL APT or YUM repository setup package from
2. Download the MySQL GnuPG public key and add it your system GPG keyring.
Performance Schema Notes
When executing a stored program, the Performance Schema instrumentation caused some
unnecessary overhead.
As of this release, all stored procedure micro instructions (statement/sp/%), except statement/
sp/stmt, are disabled by default. (Bug #27934653)
The performance of the Performance Schema statement instrumentation has been improved.
Specifically, collecting MESSAGE_TEXT data is now more efficient. (Bug #112621, Bug #35916912)
Pluggable Authentication
Beginning with this release, the behavior of the AUTHENTICATION_PAM_LOG environment variable
used in debugging the PAM authentication plugin is changed as follows:
Setting AUTHENTICATION_PAM_LOG to an arbitrary value (except as noted in the next item) no
longer includes passwords in its diagnostic messages.
To include passwords in the diagnostic messages, set
For more information, see PAM Authentication Debugging. (Bug #74313, Bug #20042010)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change: For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL
library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 3.0.12. Issues fixed in OpenSSL version
3.0.12 are described at (Bug #36033684)
Bugs Fixed
Performance; InnoDB: The hashing function used by the InnoDB adaptive hash index became
more expensive as an unintended result of refactoring done in MySQL 8.0.30. (Bug #111538, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #81814, Bug #16739204, Bug #23584861.
InnoDB: The hash function used by the adaptive hash index (AHI) was improved to increase
performance. (Bug #35449386)
InnoDB: If change buffer entries are present during startup, a disabled
innodb_validate_tablespace_paths option will no longer be enforced and instead the
MySQL server will proceed to validate all tablespaces. Otherwise, secondary indexes could end up
corrupted. (Bug #35208990)
InnoDB: During concurrent DDL and DML operations, DDL could fail if the online log grew too large.
Buffer handling was improved to prevent this issue. (Bug #35115601)
Replication: An issue with calculating the current number of bytes used for Log_event events in
Performance Schema memory instrumentation made it appear as though the sql/replica_sql
thread on the replica grew endlessly and never decreased in size. (Bug #35546877)
Replication: Stopping replication while replicating CREATE TABLE AS SELECT caused the server
to exit. (Bug #33934013)
Group Replication: A forced START GROUP_REPLICATION while a replication channel was in an
error state could lead to an unplanned server exit. (Bug #34724344)
For building Enterprise Linux 8 RPMs, the build scripts now point to a newer strip command (under
/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-12), and they now check that the corresponding dwz tool is available.
(Bug #36086236)
In some cases, calling a loadable function installed by an improperly initialized plugin caused an
unplanned shutdown. (Bug #35889261)
Found and fixed an assertion failure at handler::ha_index_end() in (Bug
When the MYSQL_FIREWALL plugin failed to initialize properly during server startup, this led to errors
in the server log and sometimes unplanned termination of mysqld. (Bug #35853298)
Some nested queries with GROUP BY were not handled correctly. (Bug #35846402, Bug #35945822)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32918400.
In limited cases, passing data to the MD5() encryption function could halt the server. (Bug
Some subselects from views were not always handled correctly. (Bug #35738548)
While performing an operation such as the bulk renaming of many tables, simultaneously executing
a data definition statement similar to CREATE TABLE ... SELECT could stop the server
unexpectedly. (Bug #35735937)
UPDATE HISTOGRAM did not behave as expected in all cases.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
UPDATE HISTOGRAM did not behave as expected in all cases. (Bug #35710404)
EXPLAIN ANALYZE did not always produce the expected result. (Bug #35710383)
An error occurred during subquery resolution. (Bug #35710373)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #35184353.
Refreshing of used table information is now postponed to the start of the next execution, just
after tables have been opened, when we know that all table objects are in a proper state. (Bug
#35710213, Bug #36030073)
Some HAVING queries did not produce expected results. (Bug #35710183)
Some recursive CTEs did not function as expected. (Bug #35654240)
Some queries using OVER (PARTITION ...) were not always executed successfully. (Bug
Some subqueries with ROLLUP were not always handled correctly. (Bug #35621842, Bug
Removed the CPACK_COMPONENT_GROUP_INFO_DISPLAY_NAME configuration option from the
Windows installation MSI interface. Now the INFO_BIN and INFO_SRC files are always installed.
(Bug #35529968)
Some queries using windowing functions were not always handled correctly. (Bug #35471471)
In debug builds, a case-altered column name could cause the server to exit. (Bug #35449266)
MySQL Server installation packages contained two copies of the INFO_SRC file. (Bug #35400142)
A SELECT statement within a prepared statement unexpectedly returned different results on
successive executions. (Bug #35340987, Bug #35846585, Bug #35846873)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #35060385.
Some SELECT DISTINCT queries were not always handled correctly. (Bug #33725447)
Removed an assertion failure in sql/ (Bug #112503, Bug #35846221)
Sme queries having the form SELECT AVG(...) OVER (PARTITION BY ...) were not always
handled correctly. (Bug #112460, Bug #35710179, Bug #35845413)
Upgrading MySQL using an official MySQL Yum or SUSE repository always enables the MySQL
service. Now it enables the service only after installing, and preserves (and does not edit) the
existing value while upgrading. (Bug #112382, Bug #35823558)
For a query with a derived condition pushdown where a column in the condition needs to be
replaced, a matching item could not found, even when known to be present, when the replacement
item was wrapped in a ROLLUP while the matching item was not. (Bug #111665, Bug #35498378,
Bug #35570065, Bug #35826171)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33349994.
Ordering a nested block where the ORDER BY contained a window function raised an assert in sql/ (Bug #111306, Bug #34856256, Bug #35471522)
Performing an arithmetic operation on the result over a window function in a stored procedure gave
the correct result the first time the procedure was executed, but returned an incorrect result on all
subsequent invocations. (Bug #110983, Bug #35380604)
References: See also: Bug #110847, Bug #35340987.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL did not build correctly using the musl version of libc.
Our thanks to Sam James for the contribution. (Bug #110808, Bug #35330950)
In some cases, selecting from a view leaked a small amount of memory. (Bug #103133, Bug
Changes in MySQL 8.0.35 (2023-10-25, General Availability)
Audit Log Notes
Authentication Notes
C API Notes
Compilation Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Packaging Notes
Security Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
Added the new audit_log_filter_uninstall.sql script to simplify removing MySQL
Enterprise Audit. For information about this plugin, see MySQL Enterprise Audit. (Bug #35611072)
Authentication Notes
The pluggable FIDO authentication method is deprecated and subject to removal in a future MySQL
release. (WL #15006)
C API Notes
Earlier distributions, such as MySQL 5.1 and MySQL 5.0, included servers that did not advertise
pluggable authentication. When a newer client using any pluggable authentication method attempted
to connect to one of these older servers, the server emitted a “bad handshake” error message. This
fix now ensures that client-side authentication (specifically, the --default-auth option) works
properly for all servers, including those that do not support pluggable authentication. In addition,
mysql_native_password now replaces caching_sha2_password as the default authentication
method when the server does not support pluggable authentication. (Bug #90994, Bug #28082093)
The mysql_ssl_set() C API function is deprecated and subject to removal in a future MySQL
release. There are equivalent mysql_options() TLS options for all mysql_ssl_set()
parameters. (WL #11091)
Compilation Notes
Fixed the WITH_DEVELOPER_ENTITLEMENTS macOS CMake option; it did not activate due to a
typo. (Bug #35374026)
Fixed a string concatenation warning produced when compiling with Clang 12. (Bug #111614, Bug
Made additional improvements to WITH_ZLIB functionality.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Thanks to Nikolai Kostrigin for the contribution. (Bug #111549, Bug #35534309)
Building with WITH_PROTOBUF=system failed with Protobuf 22 or newer due to Protobuf 22 adding
the Abseil dependency. (Bug #111469, Bug #111623, Bug #35546459, Bug #35550389)
Building with WITH_ZLIB="system" would break the MySQL build as it failed to find ZLIB.
Our thanks to Meng-Hsiu Chiang and the team at Amazon for contributing to this fix. (Bug #111467,
Bug #35511210)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #35057542.
On EL7 aarch64-based platforms, fixed an issue related to how fetching the CPU cache line size
returned 0 that caused the MySQL server to unexpectedly halt. (Bug #110752, Bug #35479763)
References: See also: Bug #107081, Bug #34095278.
The C++ Standardization Committee's Library Working Group recently resolved an issue (LWG-3865
Sorting a range of pairs) which changes how the comparison operators are defined for std::pair.
This fix updates the equality operator used in two files in sql/auth to align with this change.
Based on a suggestion by the Microsoft Visual Studio team. (Bug #110254, Bug #35137978)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Replication: The binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking server system variable is now
deprecated, and subject to removal in a future version of MySQL. Setting or retrieving the value
of this variable now triggers a warning, as does using the equivalent startup option --binlog-
transaction-dependency-tracking. Applications depending on this variable (or option) should
begin migrating away from it as soon as possible. No replacement for this variable or its functionality
is planned or needed. (WL #13964)
The old and new server system variables are now deprecated, and a warning is now issued
whenever either of these variables is set or read. Expect these variables are to be removed
in a future version of MySQL; applications which rely on them should migrate away from such
dependencies as soon as possible. (WL #8609)
The --character-set-client-handshake server option, originally intended for use with
upgrades from very old versions of MySQL, is now deprecated, and a warning is issued whenever
it is used. You should expect this option to be removed in a future version of MySQL; applications
depending on this option should begin migration away from it as soon as possible. (WL #13220)
Two changes in this release affect granting of privileges in MySQL. One of these changes impacts
database grants; the other concerns host names used in grants. These changes are listed here:
1. Database-level grants. The use of the characters % and _ as wildcards in database-level
grants is now deprecated, and you should expect for this wildcard functionality to be removed in a
future MySQL release. The intent is for these characters always to be treated as literals, as they
are already whenever the value of the partial_revokes server system variable is ON.
For example, with partial_revokes set to ON, GRANT SELECT ON db_.* TO user1 allows
user1 to select from any table in a database named db_, but does not allow user1 to select
from tables in databases db1, db2, dbx, dby, and so on. You should expect this always to be the
case once support for wildcards in database names in grants is removed.
2. Host name '%' in grants. The treatment of % by the server as a synonym for localhost
when checking privileges is now also deprecated and thus also subject to removal in a future
version of MySQL.
Currently, privileges granted to 'user1'@'%' are also granted to 'user1'@'localhost'.
This automatic assignment is now deprecated; once the behavior is removed, it will be necessary
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
always to grant privileges to 'user1'@'localhost' explicitly, using the localhost host
In both of the cases listed, no warnings or errors are raised in the user
session or logs, since doing so could very quickly produce a great many such
(WL #14280, WL #15676)
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST is deprecated and subject to removal in a future MySQL
release. As such, the implementation of SHOW PROCESSLIST which uses that table is also
It is recommended to use the Performance Schema implementation of SHOW PROCESSLIST instead.
As such, performance_schema_show_processlist is also deprecated and subject to removal
in a future MySQL release. (WL #15915)
Support for the TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256 ciphersuite now is deprecated and subject to
removal in a future version of MySQL. Any attempt to set it using either the tls_ciphersuites
or admin_tls_ciphersuites system variable now returns a warning. By default, both system
variables accept these ciphersuites:
Several previously supported ciphers now are deprecated and subject to removal in a future
version of MySQL. If the deprecated ciphers are specified using either the ssl_cipher or
admin_ssl_cipher system variable, then a warning now is issued. The following ciphers continue
to be supported without emitting a deprecation warning:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(WL #15800)
SQL Function and Operator Notes
The STR_TO_DATE() function did not perform complete range checking on the string to be
converted, so that it was possible to pass to it a string which would yield an invalid date, such as
'2021-11-31'. (Bug #108782, Bug #34704094)
Packaging Notes
On Windows, the MSI package definition files were updated to work with the Windows Installer XML
(WiX) toolset version 4. Note that they can no longer be used with previous versions of the toolset.
(Bug #35613791)
The bundled libedit library was upgraded to version 20221030-3.1. (Bug #35489173)
Security Notes
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been upgraded
to use curl 8.4.0. Important issues fixed in curl version 8.4.0 are described at
security.html. (Bug #35897778)
References: See also: Bug #35709229.
Functionality Added or Changed
Incompatible Change: Upgraded the bundled libfido2 library to libfido2 v1.13.0. This
libfido2 version requires OpenSSL 1.1.1 or higher, which means the authentication_fido and
authentication_fido_client authentication plugins are no longer available on the following platforms:
Enterprise Linux 6 and 7, Solaris 11, and SLES 12. (Bug #35685515)
Important Change; Group Replication: Version requirements for groups are relaxed beginning with
this release, as follows:
A server running any MySQL 8.0 release of version 8.0.35 or newer can join the same group.
A group member running any MySQL 8.0 release newer than 8.0.35 can be downgraded in place
to the previous release.
This change does not affect the requirement that, when selected, the primary must be running
the lowest MySQL version present in the group; this remains true whether this is automatic, or is
performed by executing group_replication_set_as_primary(). (Bug #35397276)
Important Change: For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL
library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 3.0.10. Issues fixed in OpenSSL version
3.0.10 are described at (Bug #35702863, Bug #35732474)
Bugs Fixed
Performance: records_in_range performed an excessive number of disk reads for insert
Our thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #109595, Bug #34976138)
InnoDB: Fixed processing of single character tokens by a FTS parser plugin.
Our thanks to Shaohua Wang for the contribution. (Bug #35432973)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: On Windows, the redo log file was not flushed even with
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1. (Bug #112078, Bug #35713721)
InnoDB: Fixed a potential transaction rollback issue stemming from the ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE
PARTITIONS statement. (Bug #110869, Bug #35352168)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33700835.
InnoDB: When creating full-text indexes spanning multiple columns, index creation could fail with
an error similar to "ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'NULL-NULL'." (Bug #109242, Bug
#33542939, Bug #34846823)
InnoDB: The last detected deadlock section of the engine status log was only showing 1024
characters for the combined thread and query information. Fixing by removing the printed query
string limit. (Bug #80927, Bug #23036096)
Replication: Memory used by binary log compression was not instrumented. (Bug #35290223)
Replication: To detect dependencies and conflicts among transactions, MySQL Replication
uses writesets which are extracted from keys that are NOT NULL (primary keys by definition, as
well as unique and foreign keys which are NOT NULL) whenever binlog_format is ROW and
transaction_write_set_extraction is enabled (the default in both cases). In the case of
multi-column unique keys using only the leading parts of column values (see Column Prefix Key
Parts), the writesets were not properly generated, which sometimes led to spurious duplicate key
errors; this was due to the fact that the whole values of referenced key columns were added to the
writeset in such cases, even though the keys themselves referenced only the column prefix. (Bug
#111027, Bug #35404584)
Following a change made in MySQL 8.0.23, in some cases where GROUP_CONCAT() had previously
returned NULL, it did so no longer. (Bug #35730982)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32053547.
When no rows matched the WHERE condition of a query, the results of the query as prepared (using
PREPARE) differed from those of the same query when run directly. (Bug #35689804)
Some queries using INTERSECT were not always processed correctly. (Bug #35504625)
References: See also: Bug #35362424.
In some cases, the QUOTE() function returned binary data rather than the expected NULL. (Bug
Previously, executing audit_log_rotate() manually could cause the function to appear
unresponsive when the output performance was low, the workload on the server was heavy, and the
audit_log_strategy system variable had a write strategy of ASYNCHRONOUS or PERFORMANCE.
(Bug #35397216)
In some cases the QUOTE() function returned NULL even though it had previously been resolved as
non-nullable. (Bug #35381715)
References: See also: Bug #35145246, Bug #35195181.
A previous fix in MySQL 8.0.30 for a stored program that was not executed correctly following the
first invocation did not cover the case where it contained a SET statement.
Our thanks to Hao Lu for the contribution. (Bug #35328028)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33754993.
An issue with stored functions was found to be a regression from work done previously to improve
internal functions that are used in copying values between columns. (Bug #35150382)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32742537.
Some cached queries were not always handled correctly.
Thanks to Nicholas Othieno and Amazon for the contribution. (Bug #35105404, Bug #35511208)
Updated the Kerberos library bundled with commercial builds to version 1.21.2. (Bug #35001935)
Some inserts on tables with triggers were not always handled correctly. (Bug #34920120)
References: See also: Bug #35178672, Bug #35195079.
Some DESCRIBE statements using FORMAT = JSON were not always processed correctly, and
sometimes raised assertions in debug builds. (Bug #34909766)
Some complex queries using multiple common table expressions were not always handled correctly.
(Bug #34900334)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #34377854.
Some queries with window functions were not pushed down correctly. (Bug #34778435)
Some complex queries using multiple common table expressions were not always handled correctly.
(Bug #112021, Bug #35284734, Bug #35694546)
References: See also: Bug #111994, Bug #35686058. This issue is a regression of: Bug #34377854.
For Enterprise Linux, changed the krb5-devel build requirement from commercial to all builds. (Bug
#111596, Bug #35546449)
CREATE ROLE and DROP ROLE statements were not handled correctly when checking for orphaned
SQL objects. (Bug #111303, Bug #35471453)
Clone_Snapshot::extend_and_flush_files() always created files of type
OS_CLONE_DATA_FILE. This function uses flush_redo() to handle redo log files, which must be
of type OS_CLONE_LOG_FILE, which could sometimes lead to errors in os_file_set_size().
This problem is now fixed by ensuring that the type is set correctly when creating the new file.
Our thanks to Tencent for the contribution. (Bug #110569, Bug #35240055)
The low limit heuristic did not work well for ORDER BY DESC due to choosing the wrong index. (Bug
#107626, Bug #34306497)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.34 (2023-07-18, General Availability)
Account Management Notes
Audit Log Notes
Binary Logging
C API Notes
Compilation Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Performance Schema Notes
SQL Syntax Notes
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
A new password-validation system variable now permits the configuration and enforcement of a
minimum number of characters that users must change when attempting to replace their own MySQL
account passwords. This new verification setting is a percentage of the total characters in the current
password. For example, if validate_password.changed_characters_percentage has a
value of 50, at least half of the characters in the replacement account password must not be present
in the current password, or the password is rejected.
This new capability is one several that provide DBAs more complete control over password
management. For more information, see Password Management. (WL #15751)
Audit Log Notes
In MySQL 8.0.33, the audit_log plugin added support for choosing which database to use to store
JSON filter tables. It is now possible to specify an alternative to the default system database, mysql,
when running the plugin installation script. Use the audit_log_database server system variable
(or -D database_name) on the command line together with the alternative database name, for
$> mysql -u root -D database_name -p < audit_log_filter_linux_install.sql
For additional information about using audit_log plugin installation scripts, see Installing or
Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Audit. (Bug #35252268)
MySQL Enterprise Audit now supports using the scheduler component to configure and execute a
recurring task to flush the in-memory cache. For setup instructions, see Enabling the Audit Log Flush
Task. (WL #15567)
Binary Logging
Several functions now are added to the shared library that enable developers
to access a MySQL server binary log: mysql_binlog_open(), mysql_binlog_fetch(), and
Our thanks to Yura Sorokin for the contribution. (Bug #110658, Bug #35282154)
C API Notes
In the calling function, len is initialized to 0 and never changed if net->vio is null. This fix adds a
check of net before dereferencing vio.
Our thanks to Meta for the contribution. (Bug #30809590)
A variable in the async client was uninitialized in certain code paths. It is fixed by always initializing
the variable.
Our thanks to Meta for the contribution. (Bug #30809568)
Compilation Notes
Microsoft Windows: For Windows, improved MSVC_CPPCHECK support; and check for MSVC
warnings similar to "maintainer" mode. For example, check after all third party configurations are
complete. (Bug #35283401)
References: See also: Bug #34828882.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Microsoft Windows: For Windows builds, improved WIN_DEBUG_NO_INLINE=1 support; usage
would exceed the library limit of 65535 objects. (Bug #35259704)
Upgraded the bundled robin-hood-hashing from v3.8.1 to v3.11.5. (Bug #35448980)
Removed the unused extra/libcbor/doc/ directory as extra/libcbor/doc/source/
requirements.txt inspired bogus pull requests on GitHub. (Bug #35433370)
Updated the bundled ICU files from version 69.1 to version 73 for the icu-data-files package.
(Bug #35353708)
ZSTD sources bundled in the source tree were upgraded to ZSTD 1.5.5 from 1.5.0. (Bug
Initialize the internal MEM_ROOT class memory with garbage using the TRASH macro to make
easier to reproduce bugs caused by reading initialized memory allocated from MEM_ROOT. (Bug
We now determine stack direction at runtime rather than at configure time. (Bug #35181008)
Added the OPTIMIZE_SANITIZER_BUILDS CMake option that adds -O1 -fno-inline to
sanitizer builds. It defaults to ON. (Bug #35158758)
Changed the minimum Bison version requirement from v2.1 to v3.0.4. For macOS, this may require
installing Bison via a package manager such as Homebrew. (Bug #35154645, Bug #35191333)
MySQL now sets LANG=C in the environment when executing readelf to avoid problems with non-
ASCII output.
Our thanks to Kento Takeuchi for the contribution. (Bug #111190, Bug #35442825)
On macOS, MySQL would not compile if rapidjson was installed via Homebrew. The workaround
was to brew unlink rapidjson. (Bug #110736, Bug #35311140)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #35006191.
MySQL would not build with -DWITH_ZLIB=system; it'd complain about not finding the system zlib
library despite finding it. (Bug #110727, Bug #110745, Bug #35307674, Bug #35312227)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Important Change: Since MySQL provides other means of performing database dumps and
backups with the same or additional functionality, including mysqldump and MySQL Shell Utilities,
the mysqlpump client utility program has become redundant, and is now deprecated. Invocation
of this program now produces a warning. You should keep in mind that mysqlpump is subject to
removal in a future version of MySQL, and move applications depending on it to another solution,
such as those mentioned previously. (WL #15652)
Replication: The sync_relay_log_info server system variable is deprecated in this release, and
getting or setting this variable or its equivalent startup option --sync-relay-log-info now raises
a warning.
Expect this variable to be removed in a future version of MySQL; applications which make use of it
should be rewritten not to depend on it before this happens. (Bug #35367005, WL #13968)
Replication: The binlog_format server system variable is now deprecated, and subject to
removal in a future version of MySQL. The functionality associated with this variable, that of
changing the binary logging format, is also deprecated.
The implication of this change is that, when binlog_format is removed, only row-based binary
logging, already the default in MySQL 8.0, will be supported by the MySQL server. For this reason,
new installations should use only row-based binary logging, and existing ones using the statement-
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
based or mixed logging format should be migrated to the row-based format. See Replication
Formats, for more information.
The system variables log_bin_trust_function_creators and
log_statements_unsafe_for_binlog, being useful only in the context of statement-based
logging, are now also deprecated, and are thus also subject to removal in a future release of MySQL.
Setting or selecting the values of any of the variables just mentioned now raises a warning. (WL
#13966, WL #15669)
Group Replication: The group_replication_recovery_complete_at server system variable
is now deprecated, and setting it produces a warning. You should expect its removal in a future
release of MySQL. (WL #15460)
The mysql_native_password authentication plugin now is deprecated and subject to removal
in a future version of MySQL. CREATE USER, ALTER USER, and SET PASSWORD operations now
insert a deprecation warning into the server error log if an account attempts to authenticate using
mysql_native_password as an authentication method. (Bug #35336317)
Previously, if the audit_log plugin was installed without the accompanying audit tables and
functions needed for rule-based filtering, the plugin operated in legacy filtering mode. Now, legacy
filtering mode is deprecated. New deprecation warnings are emitted for legacy audit log filtering
system variables. These deprecated variables are either read-only or dynamic.
(Read-only) audit_log_policy now writes a warning message to the MySQL server error log
during server startup when the value is not ALL (default value).
(Dynamic) audit_log_include_accounts, audit_log_exclude_accounts,
audit_log_statement_policy, and audit_log_connection_policy. Dynamic variables
print a warning message based on usage:
Passing in a non-NULL value to audit_log_include_accounts or
audit_log_exclude_accounts during MySQL server startup now writes a warning message to
the server error log.
Passing in a non-default value to audit_log_statement_policy or
audit_log_connection_policy during MySQL server startup now writes a warning message
to the server error log. ALL is the default value for both variables.
Changing an existing value using SET syntax during a MySQL client session now writes a warning
message to the client log.
Persisting a variable using SET PERSIST syntax during a MySQL client session now writes a
warning message to the client log.
(WL #11248)
MySQL enables control of FIPS mode on the server side and the client side using a system variable
and client option. Application programs can use the MYSQL_OPT_SSL_FIPS_MODE option to
mysql_options() to enable FIPS mode on the client. Alternatively, it is possible to handle FIPS
mode directly through OpenSSL configuration files rather than using the current server-side system
variable and client-side options. When MySQL is compiled using OpenSSL 3.0, and an OpenSSL
library and FIPS Object Module are available at runtime, the server reads the OpenSSL configuration
file and respects the preference to use a FIPS provider, if one is set. OpenSSL 3.0 is certified for use
with FIPS.
To favor the OpenSSL alternative, the ssl_fips_mode server system variable, --ssl-fips-
mode client option, and the MYSQL_OPT_SSL_FIPS_MODE option now are deprecated and subject
to removal in a future version of MySQL. A deprecation warning prints to standard error output when
an application uses the MYSQL_OPT_SSL_FIPS_MODE option or when a client user specifies the --
ssl-fips-mode option on the command line, through option files, or both.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Prior to being deprecated, the ssl_fips_mode server-side system variable was dynamically
settable. It is now a read-only variable (accepts SET PERSIST_ONLY, but not SET PERSIST or SET
GLOBAL). When specified on the command line or in the mysqld-auto.cnf option file (with SET
PERSIST_ONLY) a deprecation warning prints to the server error log. (WL #15631)
The mysql_ssl_rsa_setup program originally provided a simple way for community
users to generate certificates manually, if OpenSSL was installed on the system. Now,
mysql_ssl_rsa_setup is deprecated because MySQL Community Edition no longer supports
using yaSSL as the SSL library, and source distributions no longer include yaSSL. Instead, use
MySQL server to generate missing SSL and RSA files automatically at startup (see Automatic SSL
and RSA File Generation). (WL #15668)
The keyring_file and keyring_encrypted_file plugins now are deprecated.
These keyring plugins are superseded by the component_keyring_file and
component_keyring_encrypted_file components. For a concise comparison of keyring
components and plugins, see Keyring Components Versus Keyring Plugins. (WL #15659)
Previously, the MySQL server processed a version-specific comment without regard as to whether
any whitespace followed the MySQL version number contained within it. For example, the comments
/*!80034KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=1024*/ and /*!80034 KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=1024*/ were handled
identically. Beginning with this release, when the next character following the version number in
such a comment is neither a whitespace character nor the end of the comment, the server issues a
warning: Immediately starting the version comment after the version number
is deprecated and may change behavior in a future release. Please insert a
whitespace character after the version number.
You should expect the whitespace requirement for version-specific comments to become strictly
enforced in a future version of MySQL.
See Comments, for more information. (WL #15686)
The MySQL client library currently supports performing an automatic reconnection to the server if it
finds that the connection is down and an application attempts to send a statement to the server to be
executed. Now, this feature is deprecated and subject to removal in a future release of MySQL.
The related MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT option is still available but it is also deprecated. C API
functions mysql_get_option() and mysql_options() now write a deprecation warning to the
standard error output when an application specifies MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT. (WL #15766)
Performance Schema Notes
The type used for the Performance Schema clone_status table's gtid_executed column has
been changed from VARCHAR(4096) to LONGTEXT. (Bug #109171, Bug #34828542)
SQL Syntax Notes
CURRENT_USER() can now be used as a default value for VARCHAR and TEXT columns in CREATE
TABLE and ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN statements.
The functions SESSION_USER(), USER(), and SYSTEM_USER() are also supported in all of the
cases just mentioned. By way of example, the following sequence of statements now works similarly
to what is shown here, with the precise output dependent on your environment:
| sakila@localhost |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
mysql> CREATE TABLE t (
> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> TABLE t;
| c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 |
| sakila@localhost | sakila@localhost | sakila@localhost | sakila@localhost |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
When used in this way, these functions are also included in the output of SHOW CREATE TABLE
and SHOW COLUMNS, and referenced in the COLUMN_DEFAULT column of the Information Schema
COLUMNS table where applicable.
If you need to insure that values having the maximum possible length can be stored in such a
column, you should make sure that the column can accommodate at least 288 characters (255 for
the user name and 32 for the host name, plus 1 for the separator @). For this reason—while it is
possible to use one of these functions as the default for a CHAR column, it is not recommended due
to the risk of errors or truncation of values. (Bug #17809, Bug #11745618)
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change: For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL
library for MySQL Server has been updated from OpenSSL 1.1.1 to OpenSSL 3.0. The exact
version is now 3.0.9. More information on changes from 1.1.1 to 3.0 can be found at https:// (Bug #35475140, WL #15614)
Packaging: Beginning with this release, binary archive packages previously named using -
el7-x86_64.tar and -el7-x86_64.tar.gz are now named using -linux-glibc2.17-
x86_64.tar and -linux-glibc2.17-x86_64.tar.gz, respectively. For example, if you
used mysql-8.0.33-el7-x86_64.tar to install or upgrade to MySQL 8.0.33, you should use
mysql-8.0.34-linux-glibc2.17-x86_64.tar for installing or upgrading to MySQL 8.0.34.
The naming change reflects the fact that these binaries are intended to be compatible with any Linux
system using glibc2.17 or newer; this includes Enterprise Linux 7, EL8, and EL9.
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been upgraded to
use curl 8.1.2. (Bug #35329529)
Bugs Fixed
Important Change: The default value of the connection_memory_chunk_size server system
variable, when introduced in MySQL 8.0.28, was mistakenly set at 8912. This fix changes the default
to 8192, which is the value originally intended. (Bug #35218020)
NDB Cluster: The fix for a previous issue introduced a slight possibility of unequal string values
comparing as equal, if any Unicode 9.0 collations were in use, and the collation hash methods
calculated identical hash keys for two unequal strings. (Bug #35168702)
References: See also: Bug #27522732. This issue is a regression of: Bug #30884622.
InnoDB: Purging a large number of system threads sometimes led to congestion. (Bug #35289390,
Bug #110685)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: ddl::Aligned_buffer() now uses the standard memory allocator rather than kernel
memory management. (Bug #35194732, Bug #110411)
InnoDB: An upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0.32 or 8.0.33 sometimes failed due to use of the
deprecated system variables innodb_log_file_size, innodb_log_files_in_group, or both.
To work around this problem prior to upgrading to MySQL 8.0.34, start the server with --innodb-
redo-log-capacity=206158430208. (Bug #35155280)
InnoDB: Changes in hashing functions made in MySQL 8.0.30 had an adverse effect on
performance. (Bug #34870256)
InnoDB: The rules used for aggregating entries in the redo log have been improved. (Bug
#34752625, Bug #108944)
InnoDB: In some cases, tablespace deletion caused issues with the buffer pool. (Bug #34330475,
Bug #107689)
Packaging; Group Replication: The group replication plugin from the Generic Linux packages did
not load on some platforms that lacked a compatible version of tirpc. (Bug #35323208)
Replication: Changes in session_track_gtids were not always propagated correctly. (Bug
Replication: By design, all DDL operations (including binary log operations such as purging the
binary log) acquire a shared lock on the BACKUP_LOCK object, which helps to prevent simultaneous
backup and DDL operations. For binary log operations, we checked whether any locks existed
on BACKUP_LOCK but did not check the types of any such locks. This caused problems due to
the fact that binary log operations should be prevented only when an exclusive lock is held on the
BACKUP_LOCK object, that is, only when a backup is actually in progress, and backups should be
prevented when purging the binary log.
Now in such cases, instead of checking for locks held on the BACKUP_LOCK object, we acquire a
shared lock on BACKUP_LOCK while purging the binary log. (Bug #35342521)
Replication: In all cases except one, when mysqlbinlog encountered an error while reading
an event, it wrote an error message and returned a nonzero exit code, the exception being for
the active binary log file (or any binary log where the format_description_log_event had the
LOG_EVENT_BINLOG_IN_USE_F flag set), in which case it did not write a message, and returned
exit code 0, thus hiding the error.
Now mysqlbinlog suppresses only those errors which are related to truncated events, and when
doing so, prints a comment rather than an error message. This fix also improves the help text for the
--force-if-open option. (Bug #35083373)
Replication: Compressed binary log event handling was improved. (Bug #33666652)
Replication: A transaction consisting of events each smaller than 1 GiB, but whose total size was
larger than 1 GiB, and where compression did not make it smaller than 1 GiB, was still written to
the binary log as one event bigger than 1 GiB. This made the binary log unusable; in effect, it was
corrupted since neither the server nor other tools such as mysqlbinlog could read it.
Now, when the compressed data grows larger than 1 GiB, we fall back to processing the transaction
without any compression. (Bug #33588473)
Group Replication: In a group replication setup, when there was a source of transactions other than
the applier channel, the following sequence of events was possible:
1. Several transactions being applied locally were already certified, and so were associated with
a ticket, which we refer to as Ticket 2, but had not yet been committed. These could be local or
nonlocal transactions.
2. A view is created with Ticket 3, and must wait on transactions from Ticket 2.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
3. The view change (VC1) entered the GR applier channel applier and waited for the ticket to
change to 3.
4. Another group change, and another view change (VC2), occurred while the transactions from
Ticket 2 were still completing.
This gave rise to the following issue: There was a window wherein the last transaction from Ticket
2 had already marked itself as being executed but had not yet popped the ticket; VC2 popped
the ticket instead but never notified any of the participants. This meant that VC1 continued to wait
indefinitely for the ticket to change, and with the additional effect that the worker could not be killed.
We fix this by checking for the need to break each second so that this loop is responsive to changes
in the loop condition; we also register a new stage, so that the loop is more responsive to kill signals.
(Bug #35392640)
References: See also: Bug #35206392, Bug #35374425.
Group Replication: Removed a memory leak discovered in
Network_provider_manager::open_xcom_connection(). (Bug #34991101)
Group Replication: When a group action was sent to the group and the connection was killed
on the coordinator, group members were in different states, with members which received the
coordinated action waiting for the member that executed it, and the member which started execution
having nothing to process, which caused problems with coordination of the group.
Now in such cases, we prevent this issue from occurring by causing group actions to wait until all
members have completed the action. (Bug #34815537)
Group Replication: Cleanup of resources used by OpenSSL connections created indirectly
by group replication was not carried out as expected at all times. We fix this by adding cleanup
functionality that can be called at any time such connections are created by group replication. (Bug
JSON: When the result of JSON_VALUE() was an empty string and was assigned to a user variable,
the user variable could in some cases be set to NULL instead, as shown here:
mysql> SELECT JSON_VALUE('{"fname": "Joe", "lname": ""}', '$.lname') INTO @myvar;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> SELECT @myvar = '', @myvar IS NULL;
| @myvar = '' | @myvar IS NULL |
| NULL | 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
With this fix, the query just shown now returns (1, 0), as expected. (Bug #35206138)
JSON: Some JSON schemas were not always processed correctly by JSON_SCHEMA_VALID().
(Bug #109296, Bug #34867398)
In rare cases, MySQL server could exit rather than emit an error message as expected. (Bug
The internal resource-group enhancement added in MySQL 8.0.31 and refactored in MySQL 8.0.32
is now reverted. (Bug #35434219)
References: Reverted patches: Bug #34702833.
An in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, without a server restart, could result in
unexpected errors when executing queries on tables. This fix eliminates the need to restart the
server between the upgrade and queries. (Bug #35410528)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A fix in MySQL 8.0.33 made a change for ORDER BY items already resolved so as not to resolve
them again (as is usually the case when a derived table is merged), but this did not handle the case
in which an ORDER BY item was itself a reference. (Bug #35410465)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #34890862.
Changes in session_track_gtids were not always handled correctly. (Bug #35401212)
Some pointers were not always released following statement execution. (Bug #35395965)
Some instances of subqueries within stored routines were not always handled correctly. (Bug
Fortified parsing of the network packet data sent by the server to the client. (Bug #35374491)
Encryption enhancements now strengthen compliance and remove the use of deprecated APIs. (Bug
When a column reference given by table name and column name was looked up in the function
find_item_in_list(), we ignored that the item searched for might not have a table name, as it
was not yet resolved. We fix this by making an explicit check for a null table name in the sought-after
item. (Bug #35338776)
Deprecated the lz4_decompress and zlib_decompress command-line utilities that exist to
support the deprecated mysqlpump command-line utility. (Bug #35328235)
Queries using LIKE '%...%' ran more poorly than in previous versions of MySQL. (Bug
In Bounded_queue::push(), when Key_generator::make_sortkey() returns UINT_MAX
(error), then no key has been produced; now when this occurs, we no longer update the internal
As part of this fix, push() now returns true on error. (Bug #35237721)
The authentication_oci plugin is fixed to allow federated and provisioned users to connect to a
DB System as a mapped Proxy User using an ephemeral key-pair generated through the OCI CLI.
(Bug #35232697)
Some queries using common table expressions were not always processed correctly. (Bug
The internal function compare_pair_for_nulls() did not always set an explicit return value.
(Bug #35217471)
Removed the clang-tidy checks that clash with the MySQL coding style. (Bug #35208735)
Some subqueries using EXISTS in both the inner and outer parts of the query were not handled
correctly. (Bug #35201901)
Rotated audit log files now always reset the ID value of the bookmark to zero, rather than continuing
the value from the previous file. (Bug #35200070)
Errors were not always propagated correctly when evaluating items to be sorted by filesort. (Bug
References: See also: Bug #35145246.
The fix for a previous issue with ROLLUP led to a premature server exit in debug builds. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33830659.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Simplified the implementation of Item_func_make_set::val_str() to make sure that we never
try to reuse any of the input arguments, always using the local string buffer instead. (Bug #35154335,
Bug #35158340)
When transforming subqueries to a join with derived tables, with the containing query being grouped,
we created an extra derived table in which to do the grouping. This process moved the initial select
list items from the containing query into the extra derived table, replacing all of the original select list
items (other than subqueries, which get their own derived tables) with columns from the extra derived
This logic did not handle DEFAULT correctly due to the manner in which default values were
modelled internally. This fix adds support for DEFAULT(expression) in queries undergoing the
transform previously mentioned. This fix also solves an issue with item names in metadata whereby
two occurrences of the same column in the select list were given the same item name as a result of
this same transform. (Bug #35150085, Bug #35101169)
A query of the form SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (SELECT a FROM t2 WHERE t2.a=t1.a +
ABS(t2.b)) > 0 should be rejected with Subquery returns more than 1 row, but when the
subquery_to_derived optimization was enabled, the transform was erroneously applied and the
query returned an incorrect result. (Bug #35101630)
Handling of certain potentially conflicting GRANT statements has been improved. (Bug #35089304)
A query using both MEMBER OF() and ORDER BY DESC returned only a partial result set
following the creation of a multi-valued index on a JSON column. This is similar to an issue fixed in
MySQL 8.0.30, but with the addition of the ORDER BY DESC clause to the prblematic query. (Bug
References: See also: Bug #106621, Bug #33917625.
The debug server asserted on certain operations involving DECIMAL values. (Bug #34973932)
All instances of adding and replacing expressions in the select list when transforming subqueries
to use derived tables and joins have been changed so that their reference counts are maintained
properly. (Bug #34927110)
Index Merge (see Index Merge Optimization) should favor ROR-union plans (that is, using RowID
Ordered Retrieval) over sort-union plans if they have similar costs, since sort-union requires
additionally sorting of the rows by row ID whereas ROR-union does not.
For each part of a WHERE clause containing an OR condition, the range optimizer gets the best
range scan possible and uses all these range scans to build an index merge scan (that is, a sort-
union scan). If it finds that all the best range scans are also ROR-scans, the range optimizer
always proposes a ROR-union scan because it is always cheaper than a sort-union scan. Problems
arose when the best range scan for any one part of an OR condition is not a ROR-scan, in which
case, the range optimizer always chose sort-union. This was true even in cases, where it might be
advantageous to choose a ROR-scan (even though it might not be the best range scan to handle
one part of the OR condition), since this would eleminate any need to sort the rows by row ID.
Now, in such cases, when determining the best range scan, the range optimizer also detects whether
there is any possible ROR-scan, and uses this information to see whether each part of the OR
condition has at least one possible ROR-scan. If so, we rerun the range optimizer to obtain the best
ROR-scan for handling each part of the OR condition, and to make a ROR-union path. We then
compare this cost with the cost of a sort-union when proposing the final plan. (Bug #34826692, Bug
Selecting from a view sometimes raised the error Illegal mix of collations ... for
operation '=' when the collation used in the table or tables from which the view definition
selected did not match the current session value of collation_connection. (Bug #34801210)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Valid MySQL commands (use and status) and C API functions (mysql_refresh,
mysql_stat, mysql_dump_debug_info, mysql_ping, mysql_set_server_option,
mysql_list_processes, and mysql_reset_connection) could write an error message to
the audit log, even though running the command or calling the function emitted no such error. (Bug
Increased the maximum fixed array size to 8192 instead of 512. This fixes an issue with
mysqladmin extended status requests, which can exceed 512 entries.
Our thanks to Meta for the contribution. (Bug #30810617)
The mysqldump --column-statistics option attempted to select from
information_schema.column_statistics against MySQL versions before 8.0.2, but this now
generates the warning column statistics not supported by the server and sets the
option to false.
Our thanks to Meta for the contribution. (Bug #28782417)
The function used by MySQL to get the length of a directory name was enhanced. (Bug #28047376)
Executing a query with an implicit aggregation should return exactly one row, unless the query has a
HAVING clause that filters out the row, but a query with a HAVING clause which evaluated to FALSE
sometimes ignored this, and returned a row regardless. (Bug #14272020)
The presence of an unused window function in a query, along with an ORDER BY that could have
been eliminated, led to an unplanned server exit. (Bug #111585, Bug #35168639, Bug #35204224,
Bug #35545377)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #35118579.
ORDER BY RANDOM_BYTES() had no effect on query output. (Bug #111252, Bug #35148945, Bug
Fixed an issue which could occur when loading user-defined functions. (Bug #110576, Bug
Concurrent execution of FLUSH STATUS, COM_CHANGE_USER, and SELECT FROM
I_S.PROCESSLIST could result in a deadlock. A similar issue was observed for concurrent
Our thanks to Dmitry Lenev for the contribution. (Bug #110494, Bug #35218030)
The mysqldump utility could generate invalid INSERT statements for generated columns. (Bug
#110462, Bug #35208605)
During optimization, range-select tree creation uses logic which differs based on the left-hand side
of the IN() predicate. For a field item, each value on the right-hand side is added to an OR tree to
create the necessary expression. In the case of a row item comparison (example: WHERE (a,b)
IN ((n1,m1), (n2, m2), ...)), an expression in disjunctive normal form (DNF) is needed. A
DNF expression is created by adding an AND tree with column values to an OR tree for each set of
RHS values, but instead the OR tree was added to the AND tree causing the tree merge to require
exponential time due to O(n
) runtime complexity. (Bug #108963, Bug #34758905)
When using SELECT to create a table and the statement has an expression of type GEOMETRY,
MySQL could generate an empty string as the column value by default. To resolve this issue, MySQL
no longer generates default values for columns of type GEOMETRY under these circumstances. Our
thanks to Tencent for the contribution. (Bug #107996, Bug #34426943)
For index skip scans, the first range read set an end-of-range value to indicate the end of the first
range, but the next range read did not clear the stale end-of-range value and applies this stale value
to the current range. Since the indicated end-of-range boundary had already been crossed in the
previous range read, this caused the reads to stop, causing multiple rows to be missed in the result.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
We fix this by making sure in such cases that the old end-of-range value is cleared. (Bug #107460,
Bug #34235624, Bug #34982949)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.33 (2023-04-18, General Availability)
Audit Log Notes
Compilation Notes
Component Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
MySQL Enterprise Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
MySQL Enterprise Audit previously used tables in the mysql system database for persistent storage
of filter and user account data. For enhanced flexibility, the new audit_log_database server
system variable now permits specifying other databases in the global schema namespace at server
startup. The mysql system database is the default setting for table storage. (WL #15500)
Compilation Notes
Microsoft Windows: Added MSVC Code Analysis support for Visual Studio 2017 and higher. This
adds a new MSVC_CPPCHECK (defaults to OFF) CMake option that either enables or disables this
analysis on the current directory and its subdirectories. (Bug #34828882)
Downgraded curl deprecation warnings to -Wno-error for curl versions greater than 7.86 when
MySQL is built with a GNU compiler or clang. (Bug #35111625)
On macOS, added -framework CoreFoundation and -framework SystemConfiguration when linking
the curl interface to link with shared system libraries as needed. (Bug #35104962)
Replaced the MY_INCLUDE_SYSTEM_DIRECTORIES macro with library interfaces. (Bug #35018072,
Bug #35028089, Bug #35072295)
Improved CMake code to support alternative linkers. (Bug #34963568)
Removed the deprecated Docs/ file from the build system. (Bug #34960126)
Added a top-level .clang-tidy file and associated .clang.tidy files in the strings/ and
mysys/ directories. Also enabled compdb support to enable clang-tidy usage on header files. (Bug
Removed several unmaintained or unused C++ source files for functionality such as uca-dump and
uctypedump. (Bug #34898978)
Added a CMake build option to enable colorized compiler output for GCC and Clang when compiling
on the command line. To enable, pass -DFORCE_COLORED_OUTPUT=1 to CMake. (Bug #34897192)
On Windows, also install .pdb files for associated .dll files if they are found for 3rd-party libraries.
(Bug #34863555)
Enterprise Linux 8 and Enterprise Linux 9 builds now use GCC 12 instead of GCC 11. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Building with -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ now also builds the bundled protobuf with static libraries,
as required.
Thanks to Alex Xing for the contribution. (Bug #110216, Bug #35123848)
Component Notes
INSTALL COMPONENT now includes the SET clause, which sets the values of component system
variables while installing one or more components. The new clause reduces the inconvenience and
limitations associated with the other ways of assigning variable values. For usage information, see
INSTALL COMPONENT Statement. (WL #10916)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
User-defined collations (see Adding a Collation to a Character Set) are now deprecated. Either of the
following now causes a warning to be written to the log:
Any occurrence of COLLATE followed by the name of a user-defined collation in an SQL statement
Use of the name of a user-defined collation as the value of collation_server,
collation_database, or collation_connection
You should expect support for user-defined collations to be removed in a future version of MySQL.
(WL #14277)
MySQL Enterprise Notes
MySQL Enterprise Edition now provides data masking and de-identification capabilities based on
components, rather than being based on a plugin library that was introduced in MySQL 8.0.13. The
component implementation provides dedicated privileges to manage dictionaries and extends the list
of specific types to include:
Canada Social Insurance Number
United Kingdom National Insurance Number
International Bank Account Number
Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
An improved table-based dictionary registry replaces the file-based dictionary used by the plugin.
For a summary of the differences between the component and plugin implementations, see Data-
Masking Components Versus the Data-Masking Plugin. Existing plugin users should uninstall the
server-side plugin and drop its loadable functions before installing the new MySQL Enterprise Data
Masking and De-Identification components. (Bug #33851601, WL #12641)
Performance Schema Notes
The Performance Schema Server Telemetry Traces service is added in this release. An interface
which provides plugins and components a way to retrieve notifications related to SQL statements'
For more information on this interface, see the Server telemetry traces service section in the MySQL
Source Code documentation.
The following were added:
Status variable Telemetry_traces_supported. Whether server telemetry traces is supported.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
TELEMETRY_ACTIVE column was added to the threads table. Indicates whether the thread has
an active telemetry session attached.
(WL #15059)
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change: For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL
library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 1.1.1t. Issues fixed in OpenSSL version 1.1.1t
are described at (Bug #35092429)
Replication: As part of ongoing work to change old terminology used in MySQL products, the
terms “master”, “slave”, and “MTS” have been replaced in error messages relating to MySQL
Replication by “source”, “replica”, and “MTA”, respectively. This includes all error messages listed
in messages_to_clients.txt and messages_to_error_log.txt relating to replication; the
present task does not perform this replacement for messages used in other contexts.
See the MySQL 8.0 Error Message Reference, for more information. (Bug #108422, Bug #34594819,
WL #14191)
Replication: mysqlbinlog --start-position now accepts values up to
18446744073709551615, unless the --read-from-remote-server or --read-from-remote-
source option is also used, in which case the maximum is 4294967295. (Bug #77818, Bug
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been upgraded to
use curl 7.88.1. (Bug #34828111)
The use of a generated column with DEFAULT(col_name) to specify the default value for a named
column is not permitted and now emits an error message. (Bug #34463652, Bug #34369580)
The new TELEMETRY_LOG_ADMIN privilege now enables telemetry log configuration. This privilege
is defined by the telemetry_log plugin, which is deployed exclusively through MySQL HeatWave
on AWS. (Bug #111395, Bug #35494180)
It is now possible to return the Statement ID to the client for successfully executed
statements. To enable this per session, add statement_id to the value of
session_track_system_variables, or set session_track_system_variables to the
special value * (asterisk). (WL #15418)
Bugs Fixed
NDB Cluster: Occasional temporary errors which could occur when opening a table from the
NDB dictionary while repeatedly performing concurrent schema operations were not retried. (Bug
NDB Cluster: During iteration, ordered index scans retain a cursor position within each concurrently
scanned ordered index fragment. Ordered index fragments are modified and balanced as a result
of committing DML transactions, which can require scan cursors to be moved within the tree. When
running with query threads configured (AutomaticThreadConfig set to 1), multiple threads can
access the same index fragment tree structure, and the scans of multiple threads can have their
cursors present in the same structure.
The current issue arose due to an assumption in the logic for moving scan cursors when committing
DML operations that all scan cursors belonged to the LDM thread owning the index fragment, which
did not allow for the possibility that such fragments might belong to query threads. (Bug #33379702)
References: See also: Bug #32257063.
InnoDB: Error messages related to innodb_doublewrite now appear in the error log. (Bug
#34883045, Bug #109330)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Prevent online DDL operations from accessing out-of-bounds memory. (Bug #34750489,
Bug #108925)
InnoDB: ALTER TABLE ... AUTO_INCREMENT could be set to less than MAX + 1 and not forced
to MAX + 1. (Bug #33419246, Bug #105092)
InnoDB: Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs could show extremely high inaccurate values because
of a variable overflow. (Bug #30133150)
Partitioning: Some IN() queries on partitioned tables were not always handled correctly. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32311183.
Partitioning: Queries using the INDEX_MERGE optimizer hint was not handled correctly in all cases.
(Bug #34797257)
Replication: XA transactions whose XIDs contained null bytes could not be recovered. (Bug
Replication: When binlog_order_commits was set equal to 1, for any two transactions and
for any sub-step of the commit phase, the transaction that was written to the binary log first did not
always execute the sub-step first, as expected. (Bug #34703698)
Replication: Some binary log events were not always handled correctly. (Bug #34617506)
Replication: The binary log recovery process did not report all possible error states. (Bug
SOURCE_CONNECTION_AUTO_FAILOVER=1, failover generated a number of misleading warnings
in the log that implied there were problems when in fact conditions were those expected for such a
failover. These log messages have been updated accordingly. (Bug #32135376)
Replication: When a transaction failed, as a side effect, extraneous error messages relating the
replication data repositories were written to the log. Now in such cases, we suppress such error
messages, which are not directly related to the issue of the failed transaction or its cause. (Bug
Replication: Setting binlog_order_commits to OFF could lead to a missed GTID in the next
binary log file's Previous_gtids event.
Our thanks to Yewei Xu and the Tencent team for the contribution. (Bug #109485, Bug #34930969)
Replication: Corrected the SQL statements suggested in the error message text for
Our thanks to Dan McCombs for the contribution. (Bug #109154, Bug #34822612)
Replication: A hash scan builds a hash of changes, scans the target table or index, and applies any
matching change for the current entry. In the build phase, it uses only the before image, and skips
any after image. Problems arose in some cases because generated columns were computed for the
(skipped) after image, leading to replication errors. This is fixed by not computing generated columns
any longer for seek-only calls such as hash scans.
Our thanks to dc huang for the contribution. (Bug #107366, Bug #34198907)
Replication: In certain rare cases, it was possible to set gtid_mode=OFF for one session while
another session, after WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET() was issued by a user in this second
session, was still waiting for the next GTID set from the first session. This could result in the second
session waiting indefinitely for the function to return. (Bug #99921, Bug #31505993)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group Replication: Accessing the Performance Schema
replication_group_communication_information and
replication_group_member_stats tables in parallel sometimes caused subsequent group
replication operations to hang. (Bug #34870181)
Group Replication: In certain cases, the group replication secondary node unexpectedly shut down
while purging the relay log. (Bug #34397106)
Group Replication: When shutting down the Group Replication plugin, the order in which
the associated events were reported the error log sometimes led to confusion. To remove
any doubts, we now make sure that Plugin group_replication reported: 'Plugin
'group_replication' has been stopped. is in fact the last log message relating to the
shutdown, written only when all other events associated with shutting down the plugin have been
logged. (Bug #109345, Bug #34887491)
Microsoft Windows: The authentication_fido_client plugin stopped responding during
the authentication process if it was unable to find a FIDO device on the Windows client host. (Bug
In certain cases, CONVERT(utf8mb3_column USING UTF16) was rejected with the error Cannot
convert string '\x--...' from binary to utf16. (Bug #35129361)
When joining two tables on a string column, and the column from one of the tables has an additional
predicate comparing it with a temporal literal, constant propagation in some cases incorrectly caused
the join condition to be modified such that it used temporal rather than string semantics when
comparing the strings. This caused incorrect results to be returned from the join. (Bug #35115909)
Error messages returned after calling the mysql_reset_connection() C API function in a
prepared statement did not identify the function name properly. (Bug #35107280)
Fixed a regression in a previous fix for an issue with windowing functions.
Our thanks to Dmitry Lenev for the contribution. (Bug #35061924)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #34572136.
When replacing subqueries in transforms, the internal flag showing whether a given query block
contains any subqueries (PROP_SUBQUERY) was not updated afterwards. (Bug #35060385)
A client setting the character set to an impermissible client character set (ucs2, utf16, utf16le,
or utf32) could cause unexpected behavior when the client used an authentication plugin. (Bug
EXPLAIN ANALYZE displayed 0 when the average number of rows was less than 1. To fix this, we
now format numbers in the output of EXPLAIN ANALYZE and EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE such that
numbers in the range 0.001-999999.5 are printed as decimal numbers, and numbers outside this
range are printed using engineering notation (for example: 1.23e+9, 934e-6). In addition, trailing
zeroes are no longer printed, and numbers less than 1e-12 are printed as 0.
This helps ensure consistent precision regardless of the number's value and improve readability,
while producing minimal rounding errors. (Bug #34990948)
The NTILE() function did not work correctly in all cases. (Bug #34986665)
Some joins on views did not perform correctly. (Bug #34985359)
Transforming a correlated scalar subquery to a derived table led to a wrong result for InnoDB tables
when the subquery included duplicate predicates. An example of a query which could be affected by
this issue is shown here:
WHERE t2.a = t1.a AND t2.a = t1.a
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
) > 0;
(Bug #34973220)
Fixed an assert in sql/ that could potentially lead to issues with the SPACE()
function. (Bug #34962821)
Using ROW_COUNT() as the length argument to LPAD() or RPAD() did not perform as expected.
(Bug #34961236)
A query with a window function having an expression with a CASE function in its ORDER BY clause
could lead to a server exit. (Bug #34933045)
The fix for a previous issue introduced an assertion in debug builds when optimizing a HAVING
clause. (Bug #34923792)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33725415.
When using mysqld_multi, the system that obscures "--password" usage as "--password=*****"
would also match "--password-history" and "--password-require-current" definitions as "--password",
but now explicitly checks for "--password=" instead. (Bug #34918740)
In some cases, calling the mysql_bind_param() C API function could cause the server to become
unresponsive. (Bug #34869076)
The authentication_oci_client plugin was unable to open a valid configuration file if any of
its entries contained an equals sign character separated by spaces (for example, key_file = /
home/user/.oci/oci_api_key.pem). Now, both 'key=value' and 'key = value' entry formats
are supported. (Bug #34864078)
Incorrect results were returned when the result of an INTERSECT or EXCEPT operation was joined
with another table. This issue affected these operations in such cases when used with either
DISTINCT or ALL. (Bug #34843764)
When preparing a view query, the operation used the system character set (instead of the character
set stored in data dictionary) and then reported an invalid character-string error. (Bug #34800905)
Prepared statements that operate on derived tables, including views, could stop unexpectedly due to
problems with the code for reopening tables after an error. (Bug #34798403)
Removed an assertion raised in certain cases by the RANDOM_BYTES() function in debug builds.
(Bug #34781507)
There was an issue in how persisted variables were set on startup, causing certain variables not to
get properly set to their persisted value. (Bug #34751419)
The MAKETIME() function did not perform correctly in all cases. (Bug #34745241)
Some functions with multiple arguments did not produce the expected results. (Bug #34741801)
A table reference in an ORDER BY outside the parenthesized query block in which the table
was used, and which query block had no LIMIT or ORDER BY of its own, raised an error. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #103954, Bug #32980249.
A left join with an impossible condition as part of an ON clause was not optimized as in MySQL 5.7,
so that, in later versions, the query executed more quickly without the impossible condition than with
it. An example of such a query, impossible condition included, is SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2
ON t1.c1=t2.c1 AND 1=2. (Bug #34668756)
When a user defined function was part of a derived table that was merged into the outer query block,
or was part of a subquery converted to a semi-join, knowledge of whether this UDF was deterministic
(or not) was lost during processing. (Bug #34666531)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
With JSON logging enabled and an event subclass specified in the audit log filter definition, an empty
item ("" : { }) was appended to the end of the logged event. (Bug #34659904)
Some subqueries did not execute properly. (Bug #34616553)
After the asymmetric_encrypt() component function in a SELECT query encountered a NULL
field to decrypt, it could return NULL values for other non-NULL encrypted fields. (Bug #34598912)
The server did not always shut down cleanly after uninstalling the audit log plugin. (Bug #34594035)
Certain antijoins were not handled correctly by the server. (Bug #34370673)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30573446.
When the MySQL 5.7 Optimizer has 2 choices for an index to filter rows, one primary and one
secondary, it picks a range scan on the secondary index because the range scan uses more key
parts. MySQL 8.0 did not use this logic, instead choosing the primary index to filter rows with WHERE
clause filtering. Primary key use is not suitable in such cases due to the presence of LIMIT, and due
to the nature of data distribution. The secondary index was not considered while resolving order by
due to constant elimination. This resulted in much different query plans in MySQL 5.7 and MySQL
8.0 for the same query.
We solve this issue in MySQL 8.0 by skipping the constant key parts of the index during order-by
evaluation only if the query is constant-optimized, which can be done at this time, but not during
LIMIT analysis. (Bug #34291261)
The MySQL data dictionary caches failed lookups of se_private_id values (IDs which are not
found), which speeds up execution of code specific to InnoDB, relying on the fact that InnoDB does
not reuse these IDs. This assumption does not necessarily hold for other storage engines, most
notably NDB, where this problem was resolved previously by not using this cache.
We extend the previous fix made for NDB so that the cache lookup is now employed only when the
table uses the InnoDB storage engine. (Bug #34145006)
References: See also: Bug #33824058.
Unexpected results were seen in some queries using DENSE_RANK(), possibly with the addition of
WITH ROLLUP. (Bug #34099408)
Fixed an assert raised in sql/ following work done previously to reimplement
ROLLUP processing. (Bug #33830659)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30969045.
Some CTEs that did not use any tables were not always handled correctly. (Bug #33725542)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27062031.
Accessing rows from a window frame of a window function call present only in the query's ORDER BY
list raised an error. (Bug #33069747)
PERCENT_RANK() used with ORDER BY column did not return the correct result. (Bug #33064174)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27484133.
The --exclude-tables and --include-tables mysqlpump options did not handle views. (Bug
Changed the MySQL systemd service unit configuration from to to ensure that all configured network devices are available and
have an IP address assigned before the service is started. (Bug #109996, Bug #35068274)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the correct result. (Bug #109725, Bug #35013880)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #108008, Bug #34431996.
A query of the form SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE NOT EXISTS (VALUES ROW(1), ROW(2))
caused an assert in debug builds when the subquery_to_derived optimizer switch was enabled.
(Bug #109723, Bug #35014318)
References: See also: Bug #108910, Bug #34746261.
mysqlimport did not escape reserved word table names when used with the --delete option.
(Bug #109711, Bug #34999015)
When cloning a condition to push down to a derived table, characters in strings representing
conditions were converted to utfmb4 correctly only for values less than 128 (the ASCII subset), and
code points outside the ASCII subset were converted to invalid characters, causing the resulting
character strings to become invalid. For derived tables without UNION, this led to problems when a
column name from the derived table used characters outside the ASCII subset, and was used in the
WHERE condition. For derived tables with UNION, it created problems when a character outside the
ASCII subset was present in a WHERE condition.
We fix these issues by initializing the string used for representing the condition in such cases to the
connection character set. (Bug #109699, Bug #34996488)
Using --single-transaction with mysqldump version 8.0.32 required either the RELOAD or
FLUSH_TABLES privilege. This requirement now applies only when both gtid_mode=ON (default
OFF) and with --set-gtid-purged = ON|AUTO (default AUTO). (Bug #109685, Bug #109701,
Bug #34993824, Bug #34998910, Bug #35020512)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #105761, Bug #33630199.
Fixed a number of issues present in the internal documentation for the scramble generator algorithm
in and
Our thanks to Niklas Keller for the contribution. (Bug #109576, Bug #34967141)
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS added a password history entry even when the user already
existed and the password was not updated. This caused a subsequent ALTER USER statement to be
rejected. (Bug #109415, Bug #34906592)
Many joins using eq_ref access did not perform as well as in previous versions. This issue was first
reported in MySQL 8.0.29. (Bug #109361, Bug #34891365)
A hash outer join sometimes incorrectly matched NULL with a decimal zero or an empty string that
used a non-padding collation, leading to erroneous results. (Bug #109211, Bug #34837464)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33794977.
An object used internally by ALTER INSTANCE RELOAD TLS was not freed until the number
of readers reached 0, under the assumption is that the number of readers should reach 0 fairly
frequently. The read lock held during an SSL handshake is generally an expensive operation, with
network calls, so when roundtrips between the client and the server took excessively long, the lock
was held for a relatively long amount of time. This meant that, when changing the value of this object
and there were a sufficient number of incoming SSL connections being made, the number of readers
might not reach 0 in a reasonable length of time, leaving the thread holding the lock using 100% of
the CPU until the lock was released.
We fix this by adding a wait after setting the pointer to this object to a new value, but before releasing
the old object.
Our thanks to Sinisa Milivojevic for the contribution. (Bug #107567, Bug #34284186)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
If mysqldump or mysqlpump could not convert a field's default value to UTF-8 (for instance, if the
field was of type BINARY and the default value did not coincide with valid UTF-8), the operation
produced results that were not valid to import. Further, using the --hex-blob option did not resolve
the issue. We now convert the default value to the system character set. If this fails, the server sends
the value as hexadecimal instead to make it more human-readable. (Bug #104840, Bug #33322551)
A connection using the C API (libmysqlclient) client library could fail with the FUTURE crypto
policy. (Bug #104778, Bug #33316709)
While cloning a temporary table for a common table expression which used shared materialization,
the cloned temp table was not marked as using hash deduplication, leading to wrong results. We
now set the hash field for the cloned temporary table correctly, and update the hidden field count to
take this into account. (Bug #102251, Bug #32383712)
References: See also: Bug #103052, Bug #32659629.
CREATE EVENT and ALTER EVENT assumed that all values passed to them (other than in a DO
clause) resolved as scalars without actually checking the values. This led to assertions when any
such values actually rows.
We now perform an explicit check for the number of columns when resolving such items, and report
an error when one produces a row and not a scalar value. (Bug #57552, Bug #11764690)
A view reference whose underlying field is a constant is not marked as constant when the reference
is part of an inner table of an outer join. It was found that, when pushing a condition down to a
derived table, the reference was stripped off and only the underlying field was cloned, which made it
a constant, and led to wrong results.
To fix this problem, we ensure that we do not push such a condition down to the derived table by
adding a check to see first whether the table used by the condition matches the derived table or is
a constant expression; only when it is one or the other of these do we actually push the condition
down. (Bug #34661, Bug #11747971)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.32 (2023-01-17, General Availability)
Authentication Notes
C API Notes
Compilation Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Generated Invisible Primary Keys (GIPKs)
Keyring Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Spatial Data Support
SQL Syntax Notes
Thread Pool Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Authentication Notes
The server could return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR for LDAP authentication failures, rather than
only for actual LDAP server errors such as when an AD domain is not accessible. Now, the server
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
returns LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_ERROR, a MySQL-specific error code, to indicate authentication
errors. (Bug #100333, Bug #31680279)
C API Notes
The sha256_password_auth_client_nonblocking() function always returned an error, even
when the public key was available. (See the MySQL Server Doxygen documentation, available at Our thanks to Facebook for the several fixes in this
patch. (Bug #34556764)
Compilation Notes
Microsoft Windows: The authentication_ldap_sasl server plugin is no longer built for
Windows as only the client is supported for SASL-based LDAP authentication. (Bug #34448155)
On Windows, compiling MySQL server using VS 2022 would emit an error about two projects named
"parser-t" if tests and the NDB storage engine were enabled. The tests were renamed to avoid
conflict on case-insensitive operating systems. (Bug #34790413)
On MacOS, silenced deprecation warnings generated by Xcode 14; this includes suggestions to
use snprintf(3) instead of sprintf(3), and warnings about possible loss of precision from 64 to 32 bit
integers. (Bug #34776172)
Removed the boost library usage from the plugins. (Bug #34694419)
Removed all 3rd party files named 'Makefile' as they were not used. (Bug #34648199)
Added clang 15 support. (Bug #34638573)
Located and removed unused code; located it using fastcov. (Bug #34583577)
Improved code related to building the ndbcluster plugin by fixing warnings generated with 'gcc 11.2.0
RelWithDebInfo on Ubuntu 22.04' and 'gcc 8.3.1 on el6'. (Bug #34384889)
Now use full file paths for the Bison and Flex source files to help simplify debugging and gcov
reports. (Bug #109022, Bug #34776151)
Building MySQL would fail if the building user lacked access to the mysqld temporary directory. Now
--no-defaults is used when creating the INFO_BIN file. (Bug #108947, Bug #34756282)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Use of the dollar sign ($) as the first character of an unquoted identifier is now deprecated, raises
a warning (ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_SYNTAX_NO_REPLACEMENT), and is subject to removal in a
future release.
This affects statements using such an identifier for the name of any database, table, view, column,
stored program, or alias. Identifiers beginning with a dollar sign are still permitted only when they are
quoted—that is, delimited by single or double quote marks (' or "), or by backtick characters (`),
depending on the server SQL mode. Example:
mysql> TABLE $t; # Unquoted, produces warning
| a |
| 1 |
| 2 |
2 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Level: Warning
Code: 1681
Message: '$ as the first character of an unquoted identifier' is deprecated and
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
will be removed in a future release.
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> TABLE `$t`; # Quoted, no warning
| a |
| 1 |
| 2 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
User variables are not affected by this change. For example, the statement SELECT 1 INTO @$x
does not produce a warning.
See Schema Object Names, for more information. (Bug #34785775, WL #15422)
References: See also: Bug #34684193.
The CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA flag is deprecated. Client programs that specify CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA
as the client_flag argument to mysql_real_connect() can now omit the flag and the db
argument to have the connection set the database value to the current (or default) database. The
libmysqlclient library now prints a warning on standard error when mysql_real_connect()
is called with CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA. In addition, the server adds a deprecation warning for every non-
prepared query executed, if the connection has CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA. (WL #13128)
Previously, legacy compression-control parameters were deprecated and replaced with new
configuration parameters for greater control over the use of compression in connections to the
server. The new and deprecated parameters are:
The --compression-algorithms client option enables deprecation of the legacy --compress
client option and the Compression status variable.
The MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS C API option enables deprecation of the legacy
enables deprecation of the legacy slave_compressed_protocol system variable.
The deprecated parameters will be removed in a future MySQL version.
Now, the following client programs print a deprecation warning to standard error when a client user
invokes one of the programs with --compress (or -C, if applicable): mysqlpump, mysqlcheck,
mysql, mysqladmin, mysqlbinlog, mysqldump, mysqlimport, mysqlshow, mysqlslap,
mysql_upgrade, and mysqltest.
The mysqlbackup --compress option has different capabilities and is not deprecated. (WL
Generated Invisible Primary Keys (GIPKs)
Replication: It is now possible to cause a replica to add a generated invisible primary key to
any InnoDB table that otherwise, as replicated, has no primary key. This is implemented by
adding GENERATE as a possible value for the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement's
REQUIRE_TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY_CHECK = GENERATE can be used on a per-channel basis.
Suppose the replica is configured with two replication channels, named ch1 and ch2, and you
execute the statements shown here:
SET @@sql_require_primary_key = ON;
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The effect of these statements is that the replica now adds an invisible primary key for tables whose
creation is replicated by channel ch1, but does not do so for any keyless table that is created in the
context of ch2.
A replica ignores any setting for sql_generate_invisible_primary_key that has been
made on the source, and this variable is not replicated. (This behavior is unchanged from previous
Replication, where ON, OFF, and STREAM are the only supported values for this option.
See CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO Statement, and Generated Invisible Primary Keys, for
further information. (WL #15419)
Keyring Notes
Host names of endpoints specified in component_keyring_oci configuration files, and obtained
from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console or by querying the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API,
now can retain the https:// prefix that previously had to be removed when generating a MySQL
configuration for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault keyring component. (Bug #34636297)
Pluggable Authentication
On Windows, the client-side Kerberos authentication plugin now supports GSSAPI through the
MIT Kerberos library. It is possible to choose between SSPI and GSSAPI at runtime using a new
plugin option supported by the authentication_kerberos_client authentication plugin on
Windows. Client users invoke mysql or mysqldump with the --plugin-authentication-
kerberos-client-mode command-line option to set the mode to GSSAPI. The default mode
of the authentication_kerberos_client plugin is SSPI, previously the only authentication
method on Windows.
For more information, see Connection Commands for Windows Clients in GSSAPI Mode. (WL
Spatial Data Support
The MySQL ST_Transform() function now supports all Cartesian projections, with the exceptions
of EPSG 1042 (Krovak Modified), EPSG 1043 (Krovak Modified (North Orientated)), EPSG 9816
(Tunisia Mining Grid), and EPSG 9826 (Lambert Conic Conformal (West Orientated)). (Bug
#27272733, Bug #34495023, WL #15164)
SQL Syntax Notes
Important Change: Previously, MySQL supported the use of “full” as the name of a table, column,
view, stored procedure, or stored function, as well as for the alias of a table, view, or column.
Beginning with this release, using “full” (regardless of letter case) in this fashion as an unquoted
identifier is now deprecated, and raises a warning. This is to align more closely with the SQL
standard, in which FULL is reserved as a keyword.
For example, the following CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE statements now raise warnings, as
shown here:
mysql> CREATE TABLE full (c1 INT, c2 INT);
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.03 sec)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Level: Warning
Code: 4119
Message: Using FULL as unquoted identifier is deprecated, please use quotes or
rename the identifier.
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE full;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.01 sec)
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Level: Warning
Code: 4119
Message: Using FULL as unquoted identifier is deprecated, please use quotes or
rename the identifier.
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
To execute the statements without the warnings, encase the table name in each of them with
backtick characters (`), like this:
mysql> CREATE TABLE `full` (c1 INT, c2 INT);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> DROP TABLE `full`;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
The use of FULL in the right hand side of a value assignment is not affected by this change. For
example, the SET statement shown here remains valid:
mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%metadata%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| binlog_row_metadata | MINIMAL |
| innodb_stats_on_metadata | OFF |
| performance_schema_max_metadata_locks | -1 |
| resultset_metadata | FULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SET @@global.binlog_row_metadata=FULL;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%metadata%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| binlog_row_metadata | FULL |
| innodb_stats_on_metadata | OFF |
| performance_schema_max_metadata_locks | -1 |
| resultset_metadata | FULL |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
For more information, see Keywords and Reserved Words. (WL #15241)
It is now possible to set the default format for the output of any EXPLAIN statement which obtains
a query execution plan, and which has no FORMAT option, using the explain_format system
variable added in this release. Like the FORMAT option, this variable can take any of the values
TRADITIONAL, JSON, or TREE. DEFAULT is also supported as a synonym for TRADITIONAL.
(DEFAULT is not supported with the FORMAT option for EXPLAIN.) Suppose the value of
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
explain_format is TREE; in this case, the output from any such EXPLAIN statement uses the
tree-based format, as though FORMAT=TREE had been specified as part of the EXPLAIN statement.
Any value set for explain_format is overridden by a FORMAT option. This means that, if
explain_format is set to TREE, supplying FORMAT=JSON when invoking EXPLAIN causes the
value of explain_format to be ignored, and the result is displayed using the JSON format.
explain_format also affects the behavior of EXPLAIN ANALYZE; since this statement supports
only the TREE format, if the value of explain_format is not TREE, this means that any EXPLAIN
ANALYZE statement that does not specify the TREE format explicitly raises the error This version
of MySQL doesn't yet support 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE with format format'.
The new system variable has both global and session scope, can be persisted, and can be set from
the command line (as --explain-format) or in a my.cnf option file.
See the description of explain_format. See also Obtaining Execution Plan Information, and
Obtaining Information with EXPLAIN ANALYZE, for further information and examples. (WL #15040)
References: See also: Bug #33629360.
Thread Pool Notes
Whenever a connection was terminated due to inactivity, the thread pool plugin printed only a
generic message about connections timing out; this often made analysis of such timeouts more
difficult than necessary. A new INFO_LEVEL message makes it clear that a connection has been
terminated due to inactivity in the thread pool, as well as which timeout value was used to make this
determination. (Bug #34767607)
Two columns added to the Performance Schema tp_thread_state table in this release make
it possible to identify a thread's type, and to map threads in this table to those in the Performance
Schema threads table. The type of thread is now shown in the tp_thread_state table's
TP_THREAD_TYPE column, and the thread's unique ID in the THREAD_ID column. For more
information, see The tp_thread_state Table. (Bug #34020058)
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change: For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL
library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 1.1.1s. Issues fixed in OpenSSL version
1.1.1s are described at (Bug #34828308)
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been upgraded to
use curl 7.86.0. (Bug #34828111)
The internal resource-group enhancement added in MySQL 8.0.31 is refactored, but it continues to
support the Resource_group_supported status variable. (Bug #34702833, Bug #34699751)
References: Reverted patches: Bug #34264356.
Bugs Fixed
Important Change: The implementation of the max_join_size system variable, although
documented as a maximum number of rows or disk seeks, did not check the number of rows or disk
seeks directly, but instead treated max_join_size as the maximum estimated cost to permit. While
cost and row count are correlated, they are not the same, and this could lead to unexpected results
when some large queries were allowed to proceed.
In this release, we change how max_join_size is used, so that it now actually limits the maximum
number of row accesses in base tables. If the estimate indicates that a greater number of rows must
be read from the base tables, an error is raised. This makes the actual behavior better reflect what is
documented. (Bug #83885, Bug #25118903)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Undetectable problems after upgrade from 8.0.28, crash and corruption.
Any new row inserted after upgrade will have all columns added with ALGORITHM=INSTANT
materialized and have version=0.
In the new implementation, a column added with ALGORITHM=INSTANT will fail if the
maximum possible size of a row exceeds the row size limit. So new rows with materialized
ALGORITHM=INSTANT columns will always be within row size limit. (Bug #34558510)
InnoDB: No more garbled UTF characters in SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS (Bug #34486877,
Bug #108111)
InnoDB: Alter handler adjusted so that adding more than 1024 columns with ALGORITHM=INSTANT
no longer causes a crash. (Bug #34378513, Bug #107854)
InnoDB: After a column added with ALGORITHM=INSTANT, an online rebuild DDL no longer
crashes. (Bug #33788578, Bug #106279)
InnoDB: Several adaptive hash index (AHI) code optimizations and improvements were
implemented, addressing various issues including potential race conditions. (Bug #33601434)
Replication: When SOURCE_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD was set to a very small value (such as 1
microsecond) on the server using CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO, and the mysqlbinlog
client program was started with --read-from-remote-server and --stop-never=1, it was
possible for the binary log dump thread to send an EOF packet to the client before all events had
been sent. (Bug #34860923)
Replication: Removed an assert from sql/ which triggered a false
error in testing. (Bug #34619134)
Replication: After MySQL was started with --server-id=0, trying to change the server ID by
using SET PERSIST server_id=N (where N is an integer greater than zero) and restarting the
server had the following results:
SELECT @@server_id returned N.
Any replication SQL statement such as START REPLICA was rejected with
To fix this problem, we now ensure that such checks use the value of the server variable rather than
the value passed to the startup option. (Bug #34412816)
Replication: When replicating compressed binary log events generated by the NDB binary log
injector, relay log positions were not updated in the multithreaded applier, thus causing replication to
hang. (Bug #33889030)
References: See also: Bug #33784241.
Replication: Issuing STOP REPLICA SQL_THREAD while the SQL thread was handling a
transaction caused replication to stop immediately, instead of waiting 60 seconds for the event group
to complete before shutting down the SQL thread as expected.
The root cause of this issue was due to the internal variable storing the last event start time not being
reset after the SQL thread was restarted.
We fix this by resetting the variable holding the last event start time whenever the SQL thread is
started. (Bug #33646899)
Replication: While their wording might imply otherwise, the log messages Setting
super_read_only=ON (ER_GRP_RPL_SUPER_READ_ON) and Setting super_read_only=OFF
(ER_GRP_RPL_SUPER_READ_OFF) were written only after the operations were attempted, and not
beforehand, or while the operations were ongoing. This sometimes led to confusion when setting
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the variable was rejected, and this was logged prior to the set attempt itself being logged. To keep
this from happening, these messages are now logged just prior to attempting the operation. (Bug
#108843, Bug #34728079)
Replication: The relay_log_space_limit system variable is a 64-bit value, but its valid
maximum was specified internally as that of a 32-bit value. (Bug #106323, Bug #33799840)
Replication: Eliminated an unnecessary update of the gtid_executed table which was performed
when rotating the binary logs. (Bug #106116, Bug #33759477)
Group Replication: The WRITE_CONSENSUS_SINGLE_LEADER_CAPABLE column of the MySQL
Performance Schema's replication_group_communication_information table reflects
the runtime value of a Paxos Single Leader setup in a group, letting users know what the value of
group_replication_paxos_single_leader must be on joining members.
A group that was bootstrapped with single-leader enabled but with its protocol version downgraded
to one that did not support it reported WRITE_CONSENSUS_SINGLE_LEADER_CAPABLE
equal to 0, as expected, but attempting to join an instance to the group using
group_replication_paxos_single_leader = 0 was not possible.
To solve this problem, we change the behaviour and make the value of
group_replication_paxos_single_leader consistent with the communication version that
the group is running. Since this variable was introduced in MySQL 8.0.27, it is not known or used in
any previous version, and so we now enforce the following rules:
When a node tries to join a group that is running MySQL 8.0.26 or earlier and
we are version 8.0.27 or later, we reject the attempt with an error stating that
group_replication_paxos_single_leader must be OFF before joining the group
When we try to use group_replication_set_communication_protocol() to set a
version less than 8.0.27 and we are of version 8.0.27 or later, we reject the function call if
group_replication_paxos_single_leader is not OFF.
In addition, we also change the value checked to determine whether changing the group
leader is allowed after running group_replication_set_communication_protocol().
Previously, this was the runtime value of group_replication_paxos_single_leader,
which takes effect only after a group reboot. Instead, when we run
group_replication_set_communication_protocol(), we now use the value
shown by the replication_group_communication_information table's
WRITE_CONSENSUS_SINGLE_LEADER_CAPABLE column, described previously. (Bug #34555045,
Bug #34828311)
Group Replication: In a 3 node cluster, all nodes were killed due to running out of memory.
Subsequently, after all nodes were restarted successfully, attempting to bring the cluster back online
caused the node that had been the primary to hang.
For more information, see Rebooting a Cluster from a Major Outage. (Bug #108339, Bug
Group Replication: When a group was run with group_replication_consistency = AFTER
and a secondary failed due to external conditions such as an unstable network, the secondary
could sometimes encounter the error Transaction 'GTID' does not exist on Group
Replication consistency manager while receiving remote transaction prepare.
The root cause of this issue was that the primary might log out of order the
View_change_log_event with which the secondary rejoined; when the secondary used the
primary as the group donor, this could cause the secondary to catch up with the group improperly
and, eventually, generate incorrect GTIDs for the group transactions. The group replication primary
ensures that the View_change_log_event is logged after all preceding transactions, but there
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
was a window during which transactions ordered after the View_change_log_event on the group
global order could be logged before the event.
To solve this issue, we now make sure that transactions ordered before a view are always logged
before the View_change_log_event, and that transactions ordered after a view are always logged
after this event. This is now done by the binary log ticket manager, which guarantees the order in
which transactions in the binary log group commit are committed. (Bug #104980, Bug #33405699)
References: See also: Bug #34746357.
Microsoft Windows: When compiling MySQL on Windows platforms, the CMake -
DWITH_WIN_JEMALLOC option was not always handled correctly. (Bug #108341, Bug #34698376)
JSON: While saving the result of JSON_ARRAYAGG() or JSON_OBJECTAGG() in a column, the
data type information was lost due to the result being an item of type SUM_FUNC_ITEM. To fix this,
we remove the type check and this way retain the original type information. (Bug #108326, Bug
Some remote connections to the server were not handled correctly. This issue arose as the result of
a previous fix for an issue with require_secure_transport. (Bug #34857411)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #34094706.
Some query plans were not stable due to nondeterministic sorting of Key_use_array in; now we sort it with std::stable_sort() instead of std::sort(). (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25965593.
Binary packages that include OpenLDAP rather than linking to the system OpenLDAP library were
upgraded to use version 2.5.13. (Bug #34815046)
In some cases, an unexpected packet sent by the server to a MySQL client program during
authentication could result in an infinite loop. (Bug #34805922)
GIS data was not always handled correctly in windowing functions. (Bug #34778646)
A thread remained bound to the CPU of a dropped resource group even after it was assigned to the
user default resource group (USR_default). USR_default has 0 CPU priority and no CPU affinity,
so with this fix, the thread now is able to run any CPU with USR_default. (Bug #34748973)
With JSON logging enabled, calling the audit_log_rotate() function did not rotate the file as
expected. A rotated file name consists of the timestamp from the last event logged into the file. When
the file is empty, last timestamp is the same as the timestamp in the already created file. To fix this
issue, the function now uses the current time to name the file if the file is empty. (Bug #34733508)
Some queries having multiple lateral derived tables did not produce the expected result. (Bug
The bundled zlib library has been upgraded to zlib 1.2.13; zlib 1.2.13 is now the minimum zlib version
supported. (Bug #34711762, Bug #34711758)
Certain INTERSECT queries were not handled correctly. (Bug #34642435)
Using the MAX_EXECUTION_TIME optimizer hint with a value greater than the stated maximum kept
an upgrade to MySQL 8.0.30 from completing; this caused the server to report a warning which was
interpreted by the upgrade process as an unrecoverable error. (Bug #34607401)
In certain cases, evaluation of window functions was not performed correctly. (Bug #34572136)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32644631, Bug #32802301.
Some CTEs were not processed correctly. (Bug #34572040, Bug #34634469)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33856374.
Values returned from functions or operators that convert a value to FLOAT (CAST(... AS FLOAT),
CONVERT(..., FLOAT), JSON_VALUE(... RETURNING FLOAT)) may have extra precision
in their internal representation, since they are stored in double precision internally. This sometimes
caused unexpected results when checking such values for equality, such as SELECT DISTINCT
returning duplicates and comparison operators incorrectly reporting two equal values as unequal.
We fix this problem by stripping off the extra double precision from the values before returning them,
and by making any conversion from float to string in these conversion operators use float format
instead of double format. (Bug #34554755)
Removed an assertion in query_expression::assert_not_fully_clean(). (Bug
Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 with a very large number of tables in a single database
caused the server to consume excessive memory. It was found that, during the process of checking
whether tables could be upgraded, we fetched all the data dictionary Table objects upfront,
processing each and fetching its name, then performed CHECK TABLE ... FOR UPGRADE on
the list. Fetching all objects beforehand was not necessary in this case, and contributed greatly to
memory consumption.
To correct this problem, we now fetch one Table object at a time in such cases, performing any
required checks, fetching its name, and releasing the object, before proceeding with the next one.
(Bug #34526001)
When creating natural join columns, a hidden column added as part of a materialized derived table
is used in constructing the join condition, which is later used to check whether the join eligible for
pushdown to derived tables. The current issue arose when this column was not retrieved from the
derived table due to it being hidden; this occurred even when the condition pushdown optimization
was not enabled. We solve this problem by rejecting all hidden columns added internally, and not
merely for hidden columns added for functional indexes. (Bug #34523627)
Types were not derived consistently from user variables. This could be seen, for example, by
executing the following statements repeatedly:
In this particular case, the output of the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement showed
`@max_error_count` text the first time, and `@max_error_count` mediumblob in
successive iterations. (The second is correct.) (Bug #34523475)
Following work done in MySQL 8.0.23 to improve host resolution for user accounts, the time
needed for CREATE USER to complete increased significantly, particularly when running many such
statements in close succession.
Prior to upgrading to this release, you can work around this issue when issuing many such
statements in succession by preceding them with a single CREATE USER 'fakeuser' ACCOUNT
LOCK (you can use any user name that does not conflict with existing ones for this). When finished,
you can (and should) clean up by issuing the following statements:
DROP USER 'fakeuser';
For more information, see Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification. (Bug #34449016)
The data_masking server-side plugin could emit a runtime error and halt unexpectedly. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Stack overruns could be erroneously reported when using the thread pool under heavy load. The
race condition causing this in the thread pool has been avoided with an additional thread group ID
check. (Bug #34414959)
Some multiply nested queries were not performed correctly. (Bug #34377854)
When merging a derived table, a nested join condition is added to the derived table and the
underlying tables are added to this join nest. In addition, the join condition is associated with the
derived table.
Evaluation for range access is skipped if the table is an inner table of an outer join or if the table
is an inner table and the join is not a semijoin. For a derived table, the underlying base table was
treated as being of the latter kind, range analysis was skipped, and the range access method was
thus unavailable.
To fix this problem, we now evaluate for range access when the embedding table is a derived
table, and ensure that the join condition associated with the derived table is used for the range
optimization. (Bug #34347116)
A LOAD DATA INFILE statement issued with a subquery could cause the server to return an
incorrect warning (Subquery returns more than 1 row). (Bug #34336033)
Improved handling of resource allocation for internal temporary tables. (Bug #34174001)
A specific column added after a drop using the INSTANT algorithm could cause a data error and a
server exit. (Bug #34122122)
A query such as SELECT 1 AS one FROM t WHERE 1=(SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2) is
transformed to this:
JOIN ( SELECT 1 AS col1 UNION SELECT 2) derived
WHERE 1 = derived.col1;
The optimizer in this case pushed down 1 = derived.col1 into the union, removing the
contribution from SELECT 2, which led to an erroneous result. We now no longer push the condition
down in such cases. (Bug #33910786)
Some parenthesized query expressions with either or both of ORDER BY and LIMIT were not always
handled correctly. (Bug #33725530)
Reimplemented retention of item trees having multiple references, by using a reference count in
every Item object. Also removed old code no longer needed due to this change. (Bug #33725415)
An assert occurred in InnoDB during upgrade of the data dictionary when the definition of the
innodb_ddl_log table changed, even when such changes were effectively null operations, such
as updating utf8 and utf8_bin in table and column definitions to utf8mb3 and utf8mb3_bin,
respectively. (Bug #33688509)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33787300.
Data and GTIDs backed up by mysqldump were inconsistent when the options --single-
transaction and --set-gtid-purged=ON were both used. This was because, between the
start of the transaction by mysqldump and the fetching of GTID_EXECUTED, GTIDs on the server
could have increased already. With this fix, a FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK is performed
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
before fetching GTID_EXECUTED, to ensure that its value is consistent with the snapshot taken by
Our thanks to Marcelo Altmann for the contribution.
Limitation: This fix adds a requirement for the RELOAD privilege when using --single-
transaction to execute FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; the MySQL team is investigating a
solution. (Bug #33630199, Bug #105761)
SET PERSIST accepted dot-separated names of variables registered by components as well
as MyISAM multiple key cache variables, but RESET PERSIST rejected the same names with a
syntax error. To fix this discrepancy, we add support in this to RESET PERSIST for variable names
containing a dot character (.). (Bug #33417357)
Some grouped queries were not always handled correctly. (Bug #33294005, Bug #33349994)
When multifactor authentication used the auth_socket authentication plugin for the first factor, the
server executed the wrong code during the second-factor authentication workflow and returned an
error message. The second factor could be any authentication plugin. (Bug #33192223)
Use of a wild card as a column identifier in an INSERT statement was allowed by the parser even
though the syntax is not supported, which led to an assert in debug builds and a silent rejection
of the statement in release builds. This construction has been removed as a possibility from the
grammar, and is now handled strictly as a syntax error. (Bug #33142665)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30528450.
In prepared statements, some types of subqueries could cause a server exit. (Bug #33100586)
Some floating-point literals were not always handled correctly. (Bug #32824429)
A DELETE statement with a table alias could result in an intermittent server exit. (Bug #32762229)
Moved INFO_SRC and INFO_BIN from the mysql-common package to the mysql-community-
server-core package, the same package as mysqld and more consistent with RPM packaging. (Bug
Some queries making use of MATCH() within a HAVING clause were not handled correctly. (Bug
#32616816, Bug #32934558, Bug #34782389)
A CREATE VIEW statement that contained a subquery sometimes led to an assertion in debug
builds. (Bug #108783, Bug #34703610)
The deduction of data types for dynamic parameters passed as parameters to a user-defined SQL
function was correct only for a single parameter; with more than one parameter, no such deduction
was performed for the second and following parameters, with the result that their types were always
reported erroneously to clients as MYSQL_TYPE_INVALID. (Bug #108545, Bug #34629157)
The internal function clone_os_copy_file_to_buf() did not advance the buffer position in the
event of a partial read.
Our thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the contribution. (Bug #108317, Bug #34543194)
Views that access system views could encounter an access-denied error during normal use if the
pushdown condition included expressions that used native functions from the system view. (Bug
#108202, Bug #34515868)
When using window functions, the current row could reevaluate itself based on the wrong record in
some cases. (Bug #108008, Bug #34431996)
A condition pushdown into a UNION of queries having LIKE clauses did not preserve the correct
character set, leading to an (erroneous) empty result.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
We solve this problem in two parts:
1. By refactoring resolution of LIKE expressions, in which character set determination and
propagation were previously performed in two separate blocks of the code that were not always
consistent with one another.
2. By adding, in the internal parse_expression() function, a character set prefix to any literal
character string that is cloned.
(Bug #107787, Bug #34359297, Bug #34589153)
The audit_log server-side plugin always logged an entire multiple query, rather than logging only
the specific part of the query that was executed. Changing when the query length is set resolves the
issue. (Bug #107390, Bug #34207811)
Following an upgrade to MySQL 8.0.27 a specific query started consuming comparatively high
amounts of memory whenever it was run within a stored procedure. (Bug #107327, Bug #34190122)
When a mysqld startup option was used with the maximum- prefix, the upper bound for the
corresponding system variable was set but its current value was not checked against or adjusted
according to the new limit and thus could in some cases be greater than the stated maximum. We
fix this by adjusting the current value if it is larger than the new user defined maximum value. (Bug
#99029, Bug #31072098)
The mysql_stmt_close() C API function could stop responding after a prepared statement was
canceled using KILL QUERY. (Bug #84470, Bug #25584097)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.31 (2022-10-11, General Availability)
Audit Log Notes
Compilation Notes
Component Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Keyring Notes
Optimizer Notes
Performance Schema Notes
SQL Syntax Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
The audit_log_rotate() function simplifies audit log file rotation. Previously, audit log file
rotation required renaming the file manually and setting audit_log_flush = ON to close the file
and open a new log file with the original name. The audit_log_rotate() function renames the
current file and creates a new one. Manually renaming the audit log file is no longer necessary.
The audit_log_flush variable is deprecated as of MySQL 8.0.31; expect support for it to be
removed in a future version of MySQL. (WL #15249)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Compilation Notes
Microsoft Windows: Fixed all C++ deprecation warnings by not using deprecated C++ STL
features. (Bug #33985941)
Renamed internal Performance Schema functions from _utf8* to _utf8mb4* as they've used utf8mb4
since v8.0.11. (Bug #34351301)
References: See also: Bug #27407745.
Fixed linker flags for clang/ubsan to workaround a LLVM/Clang related integer issue as described in
LLVM bug #16404. (Bug #34311325)
Updated helper scripts to use 'utf8mb3' for charsets/collations instead of 'utf8' for future compatibility.
Renamed functions and data structures used to handle utf8mb3 character sets and collations to help
clarify their utf8mb3 usage. (Bug #34263480, Bug #34025412)
Cleaned up CMake code, and simplified INFO_BIN and INFO_SRC. (Bug #34139084)
Component Notes
New component services now enable server components and plugins to query within the local
server. The new MySQL command services are similar to C API functions in libmysql, except they
do not expose protocol internals to the client. For information about these services, see the MySQL
Server Doxygen documentation, available at Search for:
(WL #14293)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The keyring_oci plugin is deprecated and subject to removal in a future release of MySQL.
Instead, consider using the component_keyring_oci component for storing keyring data (see
Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault Keyring Component). (WL #14943)
Keyring Notes
MySQL Keyring previously implemented Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault Keyring keystore
capabilities using a server plugin, but now is transitioning to use the MySQL component
infrastructure. The new keyring component has similarities to the existing keyring_oci plugin, but
is configured differently and can access keys that were created using the keyring_oci plugin when
a similar set of configuration options are used to initialize the new component. For configuration
details, see Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault Keyring Component.
component_keyring_oci is not loaded using the --early-plugin-load server option during
startup or configured during startup or at runtime using system variables:
During startup, the server determines which keyring component to load using a manifest file,
and the loaded component consults its own configuration file when it initializes. See Keyring
Component Installation.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
At runtime, the ALTER INSTANCE RELOAD KEYRING statement enables reconfiguring an
installed keyring component after changes to its configuration file. See ALTER INSTANCE
If a keyring component is installed, the Performance Schema keyring_component_status table
provides status information about it. See The keyring_component_status Table. (WL #14943)
Optimizer Notes
Important Change: The MySQL Optimizer's internal management of set operations has been
improved, with the following effects:
Bodies of parenthesized query expressions can now be nested to in combination with UNION. For
example, the query shown here, previously rejected with error ER_NOT_SUPPORTED_YET, is now
When collapsing parenthesized expression bodies, MySQL now follows the semantics specified in
the SQL standard, so that a higher outer limit cannot override an inner lower one. This means that
the expression (SELECT ... LIMIT 3) LIMIT 5 can return at most three rows.
UNION DISTINCT and UNION ALL can now be nested in arbitrary combinations.
The maximum nesting level supported in all the cases just listed is 63; this follows any simplifications
or merging performed by the parser. See Parenthesized Query Expressions, for more information.
(Bug #103954, WL #11350)
An outer reference in a derived table pointing to a table in a JOIN operation that was not available for
the subquery to be reported (incorrectly) as valid, whereas such a reference without a derived table
was correctly reported as invalid.
In a related issue, an outer reference to a derived table placed inside the VALUES clause of an
INSERT statement was not recognized as valid, whereas a similar reference without a derived table
was so recognized. Now such a reference to a derived table is accepted within VALUES.
In both cases, we fix the problem by making sure that the correct name resolution context is used for
the outer reference. (Bug #32678303, Bug #34131822)
Performance Schema Notes
The Performance and sys schemas now expose metrics for the global and session memory limits
introduced in MySQL 8.0.28.
The following columns were added to tables of the Performance Schema:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Statement Summary Tables:
Performance Schema Connection Tables:
The following columns were added to the sys schema STATEMENT_ANALYSIS and X
The PROPERTIES column of the SETUP_INSTRUMENTS table was updated with the
controlled_by_default flag.
You can also add, or remove, non-global memory instruments to the set of controlled-memory
instruments by setting the value of the FLAGS column of SETUP_INSTRUMENTS.For example:
WHERE NAME='memory/sql/NET::buff';
(WL #14432)
SQL Syntax Notes
It is now possible to set a column histogram to a user-specified JSON value. This can be useful
when sampling leaves out important values. This also means that a secondary (replica) MySQL
server can assume the work of sampling the data and building the histogram, which can then be
used on the primary (source) without impacting its performance.
This capability is provided through an extension to ANALYZE TABLE ... UPDATE HISTOGRAM.
The following statement sets the histogram for column col_name of table tbl_name to the
histogram's JSON representation json_data:
USING DATA 'json_data'
You can confirm afterwards this by checking the value of the HISTOGRAM column of the Information
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
See Histogram Statistics Analysis, for more information and examples.
Our thanks to Kaiwang Chen for this contribution to MySQL. (Bug #104040, Bug #33012389, WL
In this release MySQL adds support for the SQL standard INTERSECT and EXCEPT table operators.
query_a INTERSECT query_b includes only rows appearing in both result sets.
query_a EXCEPT query_b returns any rows from the result set of query_a which are not in the
result of query_b.
INTERSECT and EXCEPT both support DISTINCT and ALL, with DISTINCT the default in both
cases. (This is the same as for UNION).
See INTERSECT Clause, and EXCEPT Clause, for additional information and examples. (Bug
#1309, Bug #31336, Bug #11747209, Bug #11744757, WL #349)
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change; Replication: The Rewriter plugin rewrites SQL queries according to a table
of rewriter rules. Previously, all queries were subject to rewrites, including those from any user
regardless of privileges, as well as internal system queries like those performed by the replication
applier thread, by bootstrapping the MySQL Server, and by storage engines. This MySQL release
provides a mechanism for allowing the plugin to skip rewrites for certain queries, such as those
executed by system threads, and those from designated users.
We do this by implementing a new privilege SKIP_QUERY_REWRITE, which
indicates a user whose queries are not rewritten. A new system variable
rewriter_enabled_for_threads_without_privilege_checks controls whether rewrites
are skipped for threads executing with privilege checks disabled. Such threads include upgrade
threads, initialisation threads, and replication threads which have PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER as
NULL. To preserve backward compatibility, the default setting for this variable is variable is ON,
although the recommended setting is OFF.
rewriter_enabled_for_threads_without_privilege_checks are available only if the
Rewriter plugin is installed.
For more information, see The Rewriter Query Rewrite Plugin. (WL #14527)
Important Change: For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL
library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 1.1.1q. Issues fixed in OpenSSL version
1.1.1q are described at and
vulnerabilities.html. (Bug #34414695)
InnoDB: Two new status variables are provided for monitoring online buffer pool resizing
operations. The Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status_code status variable
reports a status code indicating the stage of an online buffer pool resizing operation. The
Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status_progress status variable reports a percentage value
indicating the progress of each stage.
For more information, see Configuring InnoDB Buffer Pool Size. (WL #15175)
Replication: When replication filtering is in use, a replica no longer raises replication errors related
to privilege checks or require_row_format validation for events which are filtered out. Previously,
all privileges were checked in the applier, with some being checked before applying filters and others
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
not until after; with this release, privilege checks are now deferred until after all replication filters have
been applied. In addition, prior to this release, checks for require_row_format equal to 1 took
place on both the receiver and the applier; now the applier alone performs this check, before any
filters are evaluated.
This makes it possible to filter out any transactions that fail validation, using existing replication
filters, and for the replica to accept only that part of the database to which a given user has been
granted access, as long as updates to this part of the database are replicated only in row-based
format. Another instance in which this might be desirable is when migrating to MySQL Database
Service from on-premise or cloud services which use administration tables to which the inbound
replication user does not have access.
Privilege checks protect against updating critical tables on the replica. Checking
require_row_format protects against replicating unsafe operations; this is used in conjunction
with privilege checks, because the guaranteed absence of unsafe operations removes the need for
some session context initialization and cleanup actions, which in turn removes the need to grant
privileges for those operations.
Other behavior changes associated with this work are noted in the following list:
The receiver thread no longer errors out when an event that violates require row format validation
is received; the applier thread no longer errors out when an event that violates require row format
validation is handled and subsequently filtered out due to replication filters.
The applier thread no longer errors out for Query log events that are filtered out due to lack of
privileges for setting any of the system variables listed here:
This is because setting the variable and checking whether the applier is authorized to set it are
now performed only after filtering takes place. If an event is filtered out, the applier does not try to
set the variable, and thus never fails a check whether it has the necessary privileges to do so.
The applier thread no longer errors out on privilege checks when an Execute_load_query
event is handled and ends up being filtered out due to replication filters. This is also the
case when an Append_block or Begin_load_query event is applied, and a subsequent
Execute_load_query event is handled and then filtered out.
The applier thread no longer errors out on privilege checks or require_row_format checks
for Delete_file events. These events are not filterable, because they do not contain the table
name or database name, so we assume they are filtered out. We assume this to be safe because
Delete_file events do not alter database state.
The applier thread no longer creates or deletes files in the filesystem during the
handling of Append_block or Delete_file events, when there is a user account
configured by PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER and it does not have the FILE privilege, nor if
require_row_format is enabled.
For a replication event altered by --replicate-rewrite-db, any privilege checks apply to the
rewritten database.
See How Servers Evaluate Replication Filtering Rules, and Replica Errors During Replication, for
more information. (Bug #33704306, Bug #33733677, WL #15032)
The new Resource_group_supported status variable is added to indicate whether a server
supports the resource group feature. (Bug #34264356)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been upgraded to
use curl 7.85.0. (Bug #34138733, Bug #34614578)
The new thread_pool_transaction_delay system variable permits specifying a delay period,
in milliseconds, before worker threads start executing a new transaction. The maximum value is
300000 (5 minutes).
A transaction delay can be used in cases where parallel transactions affect the performance of other
operations due to resource contention. For example, if parallel transactions affect index creation or
an online buffer pool resizing operation, you can configure a transaction delay to reduce resource
contention while those operations are running. (WL #15277)
The new thread_pool_query_threads_per_group system variable lets you increase the
number of query threads in a thread group, from the default of a single query thread. When you
are using the high concurrency thread pool algorithm (thread_pool_algorithm=1), consider
increasing the value if you experience slower response times due to long-running transactions. It
cannot exceed the value of thread_pool_max_transactions_limit. (WL #15330)
Thread pool plugin features previously only available with MySQL Database Service, are now
available in MySQL Enterprise Edition.
The thread_pool_max_transactions_limit variable defines the maximum number of
transactions permitted by the thread pool plugin. Defining a transaction limit binds a thread to a
transaction until it commits, which helps stabilize throughput during high concurrency.
The thread_pool_dedicated_listeners variable dedicates a listener thread in each thread
group to listen for incoming statements from connections assigned to the group. This variable is
only useful when a transaction limit is defined by thread_pool_max_transactions_limit.
Having an additional dedicated listener thread in each thread group consumes more resources
and affects thread pool performance. thread_pool_dedicated_listeners should therefore
be used cautiously.
The TP_CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege enables a user to access the server with a privileged
connection. When the limit defined by thread_pool_max_transactions_limit has been
reached, new connections cannot access the server. A privileged connection ignores the limit
defined by thread_pool_max_transactions_limit and permits connecting to the server to
increase the transaction limit, remove the limit, or kill running transactions.
(WL #15293)
The new field WRITE_CONSENSUS_SINGLE_LEADER_CAPABLE in the Performance
Schema table replication_group_communication_information shows
whether the replication group supports the use of a single consensus leader, even if
group_replication_paxos_single_leader is currently set to OFF on the queried member.
The field is set to 1 if the group was started with group_replication_paxos_single_leader
set to ON, and its communication protocol version is MySQL 8.0.27 or above. (WL #15203)
Activating MySQL Server’s offline mode, which is done by changing the value of the offline_mode
system variable to ON, now requires the CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege in addition to the
SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege (or the deprecated SUPER privilege, which covers both these
privileges). Sessions whose users have the CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege remain connected when
offline mode is activated, and users with that privilege can make new connections to an offline server
instance. The new requirement means that administrators who can activate offline mode cannot
inadvertently lock themselves out by doing so. (WL #13400)
Added the read-only build_id system variable. On Linux systems, a 160-bit SHA1 signature is
generated at compile time; this value, converted to a hexadecimal string, provides a unique identifier
for the build. This value is written in the server log at startup.
This variable is not supported on platforms other than Linux. (WL #15161)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Added Ubuntu 22.10 support.
Bugs Fixed
Incompatible Change: The service pfs_plugin_table, deprecated since MySQL 8.0.14, is
removed in this release.
Plugins or components using this service must be updated to use pfs_plugin_table_v1 and
pfs_plugin_column_* instead. (Bug #34361827)
Important Change; Replication: Query log events filtered by the default database whenever --
replicate-do-db or --replicate-ignore-db was used included XA START, XA END, XA
COMMIT, and XA ROLLBACK (but not XA PREPARE or XA COMMIT ONE_PHASE), regardless of the
binary log format.
This can lead to one of the issues listed here:
When XA START or XA END was filtered out, the sequence of XA statements within the first part of
the transaction were rendered invalid, which made the replica stop with an error.
When XA START and XA END were preserved while XA COMMIT or XA ROLLBACK was filtered
out, then a transaction could remain in the prepared state indefinitely on the replica.
To prevent either of these problems from occurring, we no longer filter XA START, XA END, XA
COMMIT, or XA ROLLBACK statements by the default database with --replicate-do-db or --
replica-ignore-db. (Bug #106201, Bug #33764808)
InnoDB: After upgrading to a release that supports row versions for columns added or dropped
using ALGORITHM-INSTANT, a failure occurred during an instant ADD COLUMN operation on a table
with a nullable column and an instantly added column. (Bug #34488482)
InnoDB: Adding a virtual column and dropping a column in the same ALTER TABLE statement
raised an invalid debug assertion failure. (Bug #34467592)
InnoDB: The physical position of columns were not set correctly after dropping a column and
renaming an existing column to the name of the dropped column. (Bug #34463089)
InnoDB: A Valgrind error detected in mtr_t::start() was corrected. (Bug #34327575)
InnoDB: A DDL operation on a corrupted partitioned table raised an assertion failure. (Bug
InnoDB: An index block latch order violation during histogram sampling blocked concurrent inserts
and could cause a deadlock failure. (Bug #34282448, Bug #34174927, Bug #107299)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation executed while a data load operation was in progress raised
an assertion failure. (Bug #34267618)
InnoDB: InnoDB memory leaks during MySQL server initialization, identified by Address Sanitizer
(ASAN) builds, were fixed. (Bug #34156050)
InnoDB: During recovery, a tablespace object associated with encrypted undo tablespace pages
that were fetched from disk did not contain the encryption keys required to decrypt the pages,
resulting in a failure. (Bug #34148143)
InnoDB: In debug builds, a descending b-tree scan raised a debug assertion failure. (Bug
InnoDB: The innodb_redo_log_consumer_advance() function failed to handle an invalid
argument. (Bug #34052884)
InnoDB: A column added using ALGORITHM=INSTANT was visible in read views created before the
DDL operation that added the column. (Bug #33937504)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A failure occurred while upgrading a MySQL instance with a MySQL 5.6 data directory
containing user-created table with a particular table ID. Assignment of that table ID resulted in
assignment of conflicting data dictionary table IDs while upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0.
Thanks to Rahul Malik for the contribution. (Bug #33919635)
InnoDB: A buffer block containing intrinsic temporary table page was relocated during page
traversal, causing an assertion failure. (Bug #33715694)
InnoDB: Dropping a table with a discarded tablespace caused an assertion failure. (Bug #33232978)
InnoDB: Page I/O reads not completed before shutdown reached the flush phase caused an
assertion failure in cases where pages had change buffer merges to be completed after the I/O read.
(Bug #33192496)
InnoDB: An index latch order violation in dict_table_x_lock_indexes() caused an assertion
failure. (Bug #32912868)
InnoDB: A TRUNCATE TABLE operation failed to free an acquired mutex in specific cases. (Bug
#107858, Bug #34380370)
InnoDB: In debug builds, importing a tablespace without a .cfg file for table with an instantly added
or dropped column raised an assertion failure. (Bug #107517, Bug #34307874)
InnoDB: A potential memory leak in the trx_undo_prev_version_build() function was
Thanks to Alex Xing for the contribution. (Bug #106952, Bug #34051207)
InnoDB: A debug assertion failure occurred while redoing a space deletion during recovery. (Bug
#103482, Bug #32819101)
InnoDB: An InnoDB startup message that specified the number of object pools was removed to
avoid confusion with the number of buffer pool instances. (Bug #80248, Bug #22653060)
Partitioning: A partitioned table was not repartitioned as expected when an ALTER TABLE
statement acted to change the character set of any of its columns. The root cause of this was that,
when determining whether a change in character set could be done as an in-place alter operation,
we did not consider whether any columns affected by the character set change were part of the
table's partitioning expression. Since such a change might lead to a repartitioning of the table, it
could not be done in place. Now when a change in character set is planned, we also check whether
this affects any columns that are part of a partitioning expression; if not, then we can perform the
operation in place. (Bug #106884, Bug #34031693)
Replication: Corrected an internal error in replication information handling. (Bug #34214416)
Replication: When a single event caused multiple updates to the same row of a table on a replica,
the change could not be applied if the replica had a primary key on the table that did not exist in the
source. The hash-based row lookup algorithm now operates in this situation even if a primary key is
present in the replica’s table. (Bug #34114296)
Replication: When a single statement generated multiple write events for different tables on a
replica, extra auto-increment columns in the replica’s tables were only cleaned up for the last event
generated. They were not cleaned up at all if the last event did not involve a table with an extra auto-
increment column. The cleanup process now always takes place for multiple write events. (Bug
Replication: A misleading error was returned to the client if the
group_replication_force_members system variable was set, and the wait for the view change
timed out. The error, and associated errors, have been updated so they do not suggest that the
values given for the system variable were incorrect. (Bug #34091087)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: The FILTER_RULE column in the Performance Schema table
replication_applier_filters showed incorrect data for filters whose rule did not exist. The
table now displays the empty string in this situation. (Bug #33885484)
Replication: It was possible in some rare instances of flushing or synchronization errors for the
server to attempt an update of the endpoint of the binary log using invalid values for both the file and
position within the file, leading to undefined behavior.
To solve this issue, we now call the internal function update_binlog_end_pos(binlog_file,
pos) only when both the file and position parameters are known to be valid. (Bug #33818238)
Replication: Operations using the SID of a invalid GTID log event sometimes led to undefined
We solve this issue by ensuring that the SID is always initialized, even when it belongs to an invalid
GTID log event. (Bug #33784022)
Replication: Calculation of the maximum length of status variables
(MAX_SIZE_LOG_EVENT_STATUS) was not performed correctly.
Issues corrected in this fix are listed here:
sql_require_primary_key and default_table_encryption require 2 bytes (one for type
ID, one for the variable)
The maximum length of time_zone was calculated as 255 instead of
An additional byte (each) is required to save the length of the user variable, the number of
database IDs stored in binlog_accessed_db_names, and the type of microseconds
In addition, master_data_written, which was not actually used, has been removed. (Bug
Replication: On 32-bit platforms, setting binlog_expire_logs_seconds to 2147483648 (2
or more had the effect of causing all binary logs to be purged before the specified time had elapsed.
(Bug #33670457)
Replication: If a group configuration change is in progress, new members cannot join. The error
message issued in this scenario now states what operation is in progress, such as a primary
election, a swap between single primary mode and multi-primary mode, or a change of group
communication protocol. (Bug #32766981)
Replication: When the binary log sender thread waited for updates with heartbeats enabled, it
sometimes missed update signals, so that changes were not replicated until the next signal was
issued and noticed by the thread.
Our thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #104491, Bug #33176377)
Group Replication: The START REPLICA and STOP REPLICA statements were permitted for the
Group Replication applier channel (group_replication_applier), but stopping and starting the
channel manually can leave online members of the replication group incapable of committing remote
transactions. These statements can no longer be used for the channel when Group Replication is
running. (Bug #34231291)
Group Replication: A deadlock could occur when Group Replication was started on a server
instance, but errors such as incompatible configuration caused the member to leave immediately.
The service registry now manages the registration and deregistration of services by an alternative
process that avoids the issue. (Bug #34194893)
Group Replication: In an InnoDB ClusterSet, in the event of a commit order deadlock and
subsequent retry, Group Replication could roll back a transaction during certification with an error
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
stating that the GTID for the transaction had already been used. The error is now only returned if the
GTID has been used on the server instance as well as in the group. (Bug #34157846)
Group Replication: After checking a transaction commit has no conflicts and is in the correct order,
Group Replication reports back to the committing session. When the event scheduler thread was
started, Group Replication was not able to find the committing session, resulting in the member
entering ERROR state and leaving the group. The procedure to locate the committing session was
extended to find daemon threads, as used to start the event scheduler thread. Thanks to Lou Shuai
for the contribution. (Bug #107635, Bug #34312482)
Calling many stored procedures from the same connection led the server to consume an ever-
increasing amount of virtual memory. (Bug #35110491)
When the system variable replication_optimize_for_static_plugin_config was enabled
to improve performance for semisynchronous replication, the RAPID plugin could not be used in the
server due to issues with notification handling. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #34549470)
Strings containing many leading zeros were incorrectly marked as overflowing when converting them
to decimal, causing the value returned to be the maximum decimal value for the given precision and
We fix this by replacing all leading zeros in such cases with a single 0, prior to conversion. (Bug
Differences between the WSAPoll function on Windows and the poll() function on Unix-like
systems caused thread pool code on Windows to consider invalid file descriptors or sockets as ready
for I/O. (Bug #34478731)
If a MySQL instance at MySQL 8.0.27 or above joined a replication group running at MySQL
8.0.26, the member action mysql_start_failover_channels_if_primary was
removed to match the member actions configuration for to the rest of the group. However, if
the instances were upgraded to run at MySQL 8.0.27 or above, the member action was not
reinstated unless group_replication_reset_member_actions() was issued on a
server that then bootstrapped the group. Joining members now check if the member action
mysql_start_failover_channels_if_primary is available to them, and add it to their
member actions configuration if it is. (Bug #34464526)
A constant expression used in the SELECT list of a query was not always handled correctly by the
server. (Bug #34418412)
Added a missing error check in Json_table_column::fill_column(). (Bug #34416304)
Some string functions accepting multiple arguments did not process all of the arguments properly.
(Bug #34393009)
Columns of type YEAR created for temporary tables holding UNION results were not always
guaranteed to be of the correct length. (Bug #34370933)
If a view (v1) accessed another view (v2), and if v2 was recreated, then SHOW COLUMNS FROM
v1 reported an invalid view error. This issue could occur only when the user was granted global
privileges with roles, but not table-level privileges. It is fixed by checking for global privileges if table-
level privileges are absent. (Bug #34341533)
Queries on the Performance Schema table replication_group_member_actions could fail due
to conflicts between threads. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #34337673)
Added a missing error check after an item evaluation when reading const tables. (Bug #34327798)
Reparsing and cloning of derived tables was not always handled correctly in certain cases. (Bug
#34317258, Bug #34408241)
Pushing a condition down to a derived table with set operations when multiple query blocks were
present was not always handled correctly. (Bug #34306361)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A startup failure during RSA key creation resulted in empty or incomplete keys. Keys are now
generated in a fail-safe manner. (Bug #34274914)
When comparing two string values with explicit COLLATE clauses, these should have the same
collation, else the comparison should be rejected, but this was not always enforced.
For more information, see Collation Coercibility in Expressions. (Bug #34274525)
A CREATE USER operation read from binary log failed to execute on a replica server due to an
unexpected syntax error. (Bug #34178823)
A precision mismatch could sometimes occur in a CAST to FLOAT operation on an integer value,
when using SQL_SMALL_RESULT as opposed to SQL_BIG_RESULT (see SELECT Statement).
For SQL_BIG_RESULT, the value was truncated according to the inherent precision of an IEEE 32 bit
floating point value, which is the correct behavior. With SQL_SMALL_RESULT, the precision from the
original integer value was preserved; this happened because the value was copied to a temporary
table which supported only double precision values, and these values were later copied back to the
We fix this by distinguishing the type of floating point value when copying such values to a temporary
table, so that double precision values are stored as type double and single precision values are
stored as type float. (Bug #34167787)
Executed codespell on the majority of source code, and fixed the reported spelling errors in the
code comments. (Bug #34163323)
In certain cases, when checking an internal function pointer before it was called, the wrong pointer
was validated. (Bug #34134738)
Both the access path and the iterator for eq_ref access had a use_order member for determining
whether to use an ordered index scan. Since eq_ref always returns at most one row, ordering it is
not necessary; thus, use_order serves no purpose here, and has been removed from the access
path and the corresponding iterator. (Bug #34122706)
Improved the ADD_GDB_INDEX CMake option to also function when loading unit tests. (Bug
References: See also: Bug #29925009.
Removed GNU 'gold' linker support, including the associated USE_LD_GOLD CMake option. (Bug
Manually created directories in a MySQL 5.7 data directory (treated as schema directories in MySQL
5.7) with special characters in the directory name or schemas and tables created with special
characters in their name using a `#mysql50#` prefix caused DDL failures after upgrading to
MySQL 8.0. In MYSQL 8.0, the special characters are replaced with question mark characters
(?) when the object names are added to the data dictionary. The name mismatch caused DDL
operations on the affected objects to fail. Upgrade now stops with an error if invalid schema and
table names are encountered.
In MySQL 5.7, you can update invalid schema and table names to a valid encoding using
mysqlcheck. To identify invalid names, run:
mysqlcheck --check-upgrade --all-databases
To fix invalid names, run:
mysqlcheck --fix-db-names --fix-table-names --all-databases
In MySQL 5.7, directory names that have special characters can also be updated to use valid
encoding using the following SQL syntax:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(Bug #34066605)
Conditions using the null-safe equals operator (<=>) can now considered by the executor as equijoin
conditions. Predicates using such conditions are not considered as equijoin predicates, but rather as
extra predicates to evaluate following the join. (Bug #34063499)
Support was added for compiling the MySQL Enterprise Encryption component with OpenSSL 3.
(Bug #34043029)
Executed codespell on the source code and fixed the reported spelling errors in the code
comments. (Bug #34006439)
When one or more arguments to GREATEST() were temporal values, the order in which they were
passed to the function could affect the result. (Bug #33996054)
A SELECT with a LEFT JOIN on a derived table containing a nested subquery as part of a WHERE
clause with an IN predicate returned incorrect results. (Bug #33971286)
Calls to ERR_clear_error() in the vio_ssl_write() and ssl_handshake_loop() functions
caused errors when compiling with OpenSSL 3.0. (Bug #33967647)
The server did not always process nested views as expected. (Bug #33876690)
mysqlpump might not be given the correct permissions to use derived tables (tables that are
generated by a query FROM clause), causing the dump process to stop if these were present. Derived
tables are now handled separately and privileges are set for them. (Bug #33866103)
Repeated execution of a stored routine having as a subquery a SELECT containing multiple AND, OR,
or XOR conditions led to excessive consumption and possibly eventual exhaustion of virtual memory.
(Bug #33852530)
EXPLAIN ANALYZE provides information about the estimated cost and elapsed time for each iterator
in the query plan. We expect these numbers to be cumulative, so that the cost (or time) for a given
iterator includes the cost of any iterators on which this iterator depends. For example, the estimated
cost of joining table t1 with table t2, using a table scan of t1 followed by a primary key lookup on
t2, should be no less than the cost of scanning t1 plus the cost of the cardinality lookups on t2.
For some queries involving materialization or temporary tables, these numbers were not cumulative.
In addition, cost estimates were incorrect when materializing the result of a UNION operation and
subsequently performing a table scan on the temporary (materialized) table. (Bug #33834146, Bug
Coercion of collations for comparisons of two string values was dependent upon the order of
the operands. Given one string using the utf8mb4 character set and one using utf8mb3, the
comparison was carried out using the utf8mb4 collation when the left operand was utf8mb4, and
utf8mb3 when the left operand was utf8mb3.
The root of the problem was with the special handling used for coercion of ASCII strings; since both
strings were literals, they were scanned for ASCII and non-ASCII characters, and the repertoire
property set according to this. This meant that it was possible for one string to be treated as ASCII
while the other string was not; when the utf8mb4 string was considered ASCII and thus compatible
with the utf8mb3 string it was (wrongly) converted prior to the comparison.
We fix this by using the internal MY_CS_PUREASCII property rather than MY_REPERTOIRE_ASCII;
MY_CS_PUREASCII is derived strictly from the character set, and not the actual string, which makes
determination of collation deterministic. Now in such cases, neither string is identified as ASCII,
which leads to conversion of the utf8mb3 to utf8mb4 before the comparison is performed, as
expected. (Bug #33801312)
The scope of the connect_timeout limit was extended to full-packet reads. (Bug #33723597)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: See also: Bug #34574013.
New validation was added to ensure that the Event Scheduler restarts automatically on the server as
expected. (Bug #33711304)
References: See also: Bug #33539082.
When a prepared statement was executed with no cursor, it could return the wrong result if the
previous execution used a cursor. This issue is fixed by creating and saving two query result objects,
one for use with a cursor and one for use without a cursor. The objects are created on demand, so
if a prepared statement is never used with cursors, the cursor-specific query result object is never
created. (Bug #33535746)
A prepared statement with parameters could fail to update a row, but the same statement with the
same data did update the row when issued as a query. The fix for the problem is to assign a default
data type to the parameters, although this can be inefficient because there is no context available for
data type propagation and a character string type is given implicitly. In this case, the best practice
is to wrap such parameter declarations in CAST clauses that supply the desired data types. (Bug
For a table using the FEDERATED storage engine, if consecutive queries on the local server had
a delay between them that exceeded the remote server’s wait timeout (wait_timeout setting),
a packet error was returned on the local server. The timeout error from the remote server is now
handled correctly by the local server, and it reconnects and executes the statement again. (Bug
Handled an unexpected condition which could arise during join optimization. (Bug #31401468)
References: See also: Bug #34350945.
Following execution of SET @@character_set_client = @@character_set_system,
optimizer hints were not parsed correctly. (Bug #107820, Bug #34370403)
A query performing a full-text search in boolean mode on a column of a MyISAM table led to an
assertion in debug builds when the column was not of a string type. This was due to the fact that
MyISAM allows MATCH columns without indexes in boolean mode, and therefore also allows integer
columns, which are subject to constant propagation. Such queries on tables using any storage
engine other than MyISAM were not affected by this issue.
This is fixed by disabling constant propagation on the MATCH clause when the column is not of a
string type, so that we can safely assume that it contains only column references. (Bug #107638,
Bug #34311472)
Corrected errors in comments in Our thanks to Dimitry Kudryavtsev for the
contribution. (Bug #107633, Bug #34308417)
Following changes to connection error handling in MySQL 8.0.24, if an error such as exceeding
max_allowed_packet caused the mysql client to disconnect from the server, the error was
not reset afterwards to indicate the disconnect. On subsequent queries, the original error was
returned, and automatic reconnection did not take place because the mysql client did not have a
disconnection error. The error is now reset to indicate disconnection and allow clients to reconnect.
(Bug #107605, Bug #34303841)
Following a bug fix in MySQL 8.0.29, if the password was provided in an option file, the mysql
client did not prompt for a password if the -p option was specified at login. The client now always
prompts for a password when the -p option is specified and uses the specified password, even if an
alternative was populated from an option file. (Bug #107205, Bug #34134984)
The alternative for the deprecated --ssl=off server option to disable the use of encrypted
connections was not working as documented, or as presented in the deprecation warning. Setting
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the tls_version system variable to the empty value (tls_version='') now works correctly for
this purpose. (Bug #106459, Bug #33858646)
An aggregate query on a BIT column returned a value that was formatted as a bit string, but also
had the BINARY flag added automatically. New validation now checks for and skips setting the
BINARY flag for BIT results. (Bug #106241, Bug #33781442)
SHOW SLAVE STATUS and SHOW SLAVE HOSTS used more CPU following the introduction of SHOW
REPLICA STATUS and SHOW REPLICA HOSTS than previously. (Bug #105924, Bug #33684069)
When a NO_SKIP_SCAN hint referred to a specific index not to be used for a table skip scan, all
other possible indexes were also ignored, and, thus, a skip scan was not used for any indexes on the
This occurred because processing was not performed for all possible keys for a skip scan if the
NO_SKIP_SCAN hint was not applicable to all indexes. (Bug #104670, Bug #33251616)
Queries using WHERE column IN (list) took an increasingly excess amount of CPU time as the
list of values grew in length. (Bug #102037, Bug #32311183)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.30 (2022-07-26, General Availability)
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Generated Invisible Primary Keys (GIPKs)
Keyring Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
SQL Syntax Notes
XA Transaction Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Character Set Support
Important Change: A previous change renamed character sets having deprecated names prefixed
with utf8_ to use utf8mb3_ instead. In this release, we rename the utf8_ collations as well,
using the utf8mb3_ prefix; this is to make the collation names consistent with those of the character
sets, not to rely any longer on the deprecated collation names, and to clarify the distinction between
utf8mb3 and utf8mb4. The names using the utf8mb3_ prefix are now used exclusively for these
collations in the output of SHOW statements such as SHOW CREATE TABLE, as well as in the values
displayed in the columns of Information Schema tables including the COLLATIONS and COLUMNS
tables. (Bug #33787300)
References: See also: Bug #30624990.
Important Change: When more than one language had the same collation definition, MySQL
implemented collations for only one of the languages. This meant that some languages were covered
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
only by utf8mb4 Unicode 9.0 collations that are specific to other languages. This release fixes such
issues by adding language-specific collations for those languages that were previously covered only
by language-specific collations for other languages. The new collations are listed here:
(Bokmål) utf8mb4_nb_0900_ai_ci
(Bokmål) utf8mb4_nb_0900_as_cs
(Nynorsk) utf8mb4_nn_0900_ai_ci
(Nynorsk) utf8mb4_nn_0900_as_cs
Serbian with Latin characters:
Bosnian with Latin characters:
Mongolian with Cyrillic letters:
For more information, see Language-Specific Collations. (Bug #31885256, WL #14307)
Compilation Notes
On Enterprise Linux, fixed ADD_LINUX_RPM_FLAGS so that the initial values of
CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS are used before modifying them. (Bug #34131794)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33730302.
Added a new SHOW_SUPPRESSED_COMPILER_WARNINGS CMake option. Enable it to show
suppressed compiler warnings, and do so without failing with -Werror. It defaults to OFF. (Bug
Added macOS/ARM support. (Bug #34017614)
On Windows, deprecation warnings (C4996) were globally disabled with the /wd4996 command-
line option; now deprecation warnings are disabled on the localized level where appropriate. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
On Windows, improved the generated INFO_BIN and INFO_SRC files. (Bug #33972317, Bug
Improved GCC 8 support to include -lstdc++fs in order to use std::filesystem. (Bug #33939798)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Replication: Setting the replica_parallel_workers system variable (or the equivalent server
option --replica-parallel-workers) to 0 is now deprecated, and doing so now raises a
To achieve the same result (that is, use single threading) without the warning, set
replica_parallel_workers=1 instead. (WL #13956)
The --skip-host-cache server option is now deprecated, and subject to removal in a future
Use a statement such as SET GLOBAL host_cache_size = 0, or set host_cache_size in the
my.cnf file, instead. (WL #14359)
The --old-style-user-limits option causes the server to enforce user limits as they were prior
to MySQL 5.0.3, and is intended for backwards compatibility with very old releases. This option is
now deprecated, and using it now raises a warning. You should expect this option to be removed in
a future release of MySQL, and so you are advised to begin now to remove any dependency your
MySQL applications might have on this option. (WL #13228)
Generated Invisible Primary Keys (GIPKs)
MySQL 8.0.30 now supports GIPK mode, which causes a generated invisible primary key (GIPK)
to be added to any InnoDB table that is created without an explicit primary key. This enhancement
applies to InnoDB tables only.
The definition of the generated key column added to an InnoDB table by GIPK mode is shown here:
The name of the generated primary key is always my_row_id; you cannot, while GIPK mode is in
effect, use this as a column name in a CREATE TABLE statement that creates a new InnoDB table
unless it includes an explicit primary key.
GIPKs are not enabled by default. To enable them, set the
sql_generate_invisible_primary_key server system variable (also introduced in this
release) to ON. This setting has no effect on replication applier threads; this means that a replica
never generates a primary key for a replicated table that was not created on the source with a
primary key.
You cannot alter a generated invisible primary key while GIPKs are in effect, with one exception: You
can toggle the visibility of the GIPK using ALTER TABLE tbl CHANGE COLUMN my_row_id SET
By default, generated invisible primary keys can be seen in the output of SHOW CREATE
TABLE and SHOW INDEX; they are also visible in MySQL Information Schema tables such
as the COLUMNS and STATISTICS tables. You can make them hidden instead by setting
show_gipk_in_create_table_and_information_schema to OFF.
You can exclude generated invisible primary keys from the output of mysqldump using the --
skip-generated-invisible-primary-key option added in this release. mysqlpump also now
supports a --skip-generated-invisible-primary-key option which excludes GIPKs from its
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For more information and examples, see Generated Invisible Primary Keys. For general information
on invisible column support in MySQL, see Invisible Columns. (Bug #34092605, WL #13784)
Keyring Notes
The keyring_aws plugin has been updated to use the latest AWS Encryption SDK for C (version
The keyring_aws_region variable supports the additional AWS regions supported by the new
SDK. Refer to the variable description for a list of supported AWS regions. (WL #14547)
Performance Schema Notes
InnoDB: In the Performance Schema instrumentation for InnoDB read-write locks, lock acquisition
failures and successes for TRY (no-wait) operations were instrumented incorrectly. (Bug #34131395)
Group Replication: Performance Schema now provides instrumentation for performance monitoring
of Group Replication memory usage.
See Monitoring Group Replication Memory Usage with Performance Schema Memory
Instrumentation. (WL #14726)
Pluggable Authentication
The SASL LDAP plugin failed to properly parse Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) host
information read from the Kerberos configuration file, resulting in SASL authentication error. (Bug
Security Notes
It is now possible to compile the MySQL server package (mysqld + libmysql + client tools) using
OpenSSL 3.0 on supported platforms, which should not change the behavior of the server or client
programs. For additional information, see (WL
Spatial Data Support
Previously, the ST_TRANSFORM() function added in MySQL 8.0.13 did not support Cartesian Spatial
Reference Systems. Beginning with this release, support is provided by this function for the Popular
Visualisation Pseudo Mercator (EPSG 1024) projection method, used for WGS 84 Pseudo-Mercator
(SRID 3857). (WL #11961)
SQL Syntax Notes
It is now possible to determine whether a REVOKE statement which cannot be executed raises an
error or a warning. This is implemented with the addition of two new statement options, listed here
with brief descriptions:
IF EXISTS causes REVOKE to raise a warning rather than an error as long as the target user or
role does not exist.
IGNORE UNKNOWN USER causes REVOKE to raise a warning instead of an error if the target user
or role is not known, but the statement would otherwise succeed.
For a single target user or role and a given privilege or role to be removed, using the IF EXISTS
and IGNORE UNKNOWN USER options together in the same REVOKE statement means that the
statement succeeds (albeit doing nothing, and with a warning), even if both the target user or role
and the privilege or role to be removed are unknown, as long as the statement is otherwise valid.
In the case of multiple targets, multiple privileges or roles to be removed, or both, the statement
succeeds, performing those removals which are valid, and issuing warnings for those which are not.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For more information, see REVOKE Statement. (Bug #102232, Bug #32495441, WL #14690)
XA Transaction Notes
Replication; Group Replication: Previously, recovery was not guaranteed when a server node
in a replication topology unexpectedly halted while executing XA PREPARE, XA COMMIT, or XA
ROLLBACK. To address this problem, MySQL now maintains consistent XA transaction state across
a topology using either MySQL “classic” Replication or MySQL Group Replication when a server
node is lost from the topology and then regained. This also means that XA transaction state is now
propagated so that nodes do not diverge while doing work within a given transaction in the event that
a server node halts, recovers, and rejoins the topology.
For any multi-server replication topology (including one using Group Replication), the XA transaction
state propagates consistently, so that all servers remain in the same state at all times. For any
such topology of any size (including a single server, as long as binary logging is enabled), it is now
possible to recover any server to a consistent state after it has halted unexpectedly and been made
to rejoin the topology after dropping out.
This enhancement is implemented for the case of a single server by adding support for a two-
phase XA prepare between the storage engine and the server's internal transaction coordinator
(ITC), with the state of the prepare retained by both. This means that the ITC can purge its internal
logs safely, without the risk of losing state, should the server halt following the purge. In the single-
node case, imposing order of execution between the storage engine and the binary log prevents
externalization of GTIDs before the corresponding changes become visible to the storage engine;
in a topology comprising multiple servers, this keeps the transaction state from being broadcast to
the topology before it is guaranteed to be locally consistent and persistent. In all cases, the state of
the XA transaction is extracted from the last binary log file to be written and synchronized with the
transaction state obtained from the storage engine.
A known issue in this release can be encountered when the same transaction XID has been used
to execute XA transactions sequentially. If there a disruption in operation occurs while the server
is processing XA COMMIT ... ONE PHASE using this same XID, after the transaction has been
prepared in the storage engine, the state between the binary log and the storage engine can no
longer be reliably synchronized.
For more information, see XA Transactions. (WL #11300)
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change: Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library
have been upgraded to use curl 7.83.1. (Bug #34138733)
Important Change: For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL
library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 1.1.1o. Issues fixed in OpenSSL version
1.1.1o are described at and
vulnerabilities.html. (Bug #34133985)
Important Change: The fido2 library included with MySQL, used with the
authentication_fido plugin, has been upgraded to version 1.8.0. (Previously, version 1.5.0 was
included with MySQL.)
For more information, see FIDO Pluggable Authentication. (WL #15111)
InnoDB: The innodb_doublewrite system variable, which enables or disables the doublewrite
buffer, has two new settings, DETECT_ONLY and DETECT_AND_RECOVER. With the DETECT_ONLY
setting, database page content is not written to the doublewrite buffer, and recovery does not use
the doublewrite buffer to fix incomplete page writes. This lightweight setting is intended for detecting
incomplete page writes only. The DETECT_AND_RECOVER setting is equivalent to the existing ON
setting. For more information, see Doublewrite Buffer.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #32727919, Bug #103211, WL #14719)
InnoDB: InnoDB now supports dynamic configuration of redo log capacity. The
innodb_redo_log_capacity system variable can be set at runtime to increase or decrease the
total amount of disk space occupied by redo log files.
With this change, the number of redo log files and their default location has also changed. From
MySQL 8.0.30, InnoDB maintains 32 redo log files in the #innodb_redo directory in the data
directory. Previously, InnoDB created two redo log files in the data directory by default, and the
number and size of redo log files were controlled by the innodb_log_files_in_group and
innodb_log_file_size variables. These two variables are now deprecated.
When the innodb_redo_log_capacity setting is defined, innodb_log_files_in_group
and innodb_log_file_size settings are ignored; otherwise, those settings are used to
compute the innodb_redo_log_capacity setting (innodb_log_files_in_group *
innodb_log_file_size = innodb_redo_log_capacity). If none of those variables are set,
redo log capacity is set to the innodb_redo_log_capacity default value, which is 104857600
bytes (100MB).
Several status variables are provided for monitoring the redo log and redo log capacity resize
As is generally required for any upgrade, this change requires a clean shutdown before upgrading.
For more information about this feature, see Redo Log. (WL #12527)
Added Ubuntu 22.04 support. (Bug #34123545)
The order of the columns in the primary key definition for a few tables in the mysql schema has
been changed, so that the columns containing the host name and user name are together in
sequence at the start of the primary key. ACL queries on these tables are performed using only the
host name and user name, and if those columns are not together in sequence, a full table scan must
be performed to identify the relevant record. Placing the host name and user name together means
that index lookup can be used, which improves performance for CREATE USER, DROP USER, and
RENAME USER statements, and for ACL checks for multiple users with multiple privileges.
The changed tables are mysql.db, mysql.tables_priv, mysql.columns_priv and
mysql.procs_priv. When you upgrade to MySQL 8.0.30 or later, these tables are modified in the
second step of the MySQL upgrade process. Use the --upgrade=FORCE option when performing
logical upgrades using a backup or export utility such as mysqldump or mysqlpump, which ensures
that the table structures are checked and rebuilt with the new column order. (Bug #33644645, Bug
#33637244, WL #14965)
The myisam_repair_threads system variable and myisamchk --parallel-recover option
were removed. (Bug #31052408, WL #14938)
A new mysqldump option --mysqld-long-query-time lets you set a custom value of the
long_query_time system variable for mysqldump’s session. Use the new option to increase the
elapsed time allowed for mysqldump’s queries before they are written to the slow query log file, in
order to avoid unnecessary logging. Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #96369, Bug
#96369, Bug #30110717, WL #13447)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Error log components can now be loaded implicitly at startup before the InnoDB storage engine
is available. This new method of loading error log components loads and enables the components
defined by the log_error_services variable.
Previously, error log components had to be installed first using INSTALL COMPONENT and were
only loaded after InnoDB was fully available, as the list of components to load was read from the
mysql.components table, which is an InnoDB table.
Implicit load of error log components has these advantages:
Log components are loaded early in the startup sequence, making logged information available
It helps avoid loss of buffered log information should a failure occur during startup.
Loading log components using INSTALL COMPONENT is not required, simplifying error log
For more information about this feature, see Error Log Configuration.
If you have previously installed loadable log components using INSTALL COMPONENT and you list
those components in a log_error_services setting that is read at startup (from an option file, for
example), your configuration should be updated to avoid startup warnings. For more information, see
Error Log Configuration Methods. (WL #14793)
MySQL Enterprise Audit’s audit log file can now be extended with optional data fields to show
the query time, the number of bytes sent and received, the number of rows returned to the client,
and the number of rows examined. This data is available in the slow query log for qualifying
queries, and in the context of the audit log it similarly helps to detect outliers for activity analysis.
It is delivered to the audit log through new component services that you set up as an audit log
filtering function. The extended data fields can only be added when the audit log is in JSON format
(audit_log_format=JSON), which is not the default setting. (WL #14921)
MySQL Server’s AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() functions now support the use of a key
derivation function (KDF) to create a cryptographically strong secret key from information such as
a password or a passphrase that you pass to the function. The derived key is used to encrypt and
decrypt the data, and it remains in the MySQL Server instance and is not accessible to users. Using
a KDF is highly recommended, as it provides better security than specifying your own premade key
or deriving it by a simpler method when you use the function. The functions support HKDF (available
from OpenSSL 1.1.0), for which you can specify an optional salt and context-specific information
to include in the keying material, and PBKDF2 (available from OpenSSL 1.0.2), for which you can
specify an optional salt and set the number of iterations used to produce the key. (WL #12669, WL
A new system status variable Tls_library_version shows the runtime version of the OpenSSL
library that is in use for the MySQL instance. The version of OpenSSL affects features such as
support for TLSv1.3. (WL #13407)
From MySQL 8.0.30, MySQL Enterprise Encryption’s functions are provided by a component, rather
than being installed from the openssl_udf shared library. The new functions provided by the
component use only the generally preferred RSA algorithm, not the DSA algorithm or the Diffie-
Hellman key exchange method, and they follow current best practice on minimum key size. The
component functions also add support for SHA3 for digests (provided that OpenSSL 1.1.1 is in use),
and do not require digests for signatures, although they support them.
If you upgrade to MySQL 8.0.30 from an earlier release where the functions are installed manually
from the openssl_udf shared library file, the functions you created remain available and
are supported. However, these legacy functions are deprecated from this release, and it is
recommended that you install the component instead. The component functions are backward
compatible, so RSA public and private keys, encrypted data, and signatures that were produced
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
by the legacy functions can be used with the component functions. For the component functions to
support decryption and verification for content produced by the legacy functions, you must set the
new system variable enterprise_encryption.rsa_support_legacy_padding to ON (the
default is OFF).
The component functions generate public and private RSA keys in PKCS #8 format. They
allow a minimum key size of 2048 bits, which is a suitable minimum RSA key length for current
best practice. You can set a maximum key size up to 16384 bits using the system variable
enterprise_encryption.maximum_rsa_key_size, which defaults to a maximum key size of
4096 bits. (WL #15024)
Connections whose users have the CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege are not terminated when MySQL
Server is set to offline mode, which is done by changing the value of the offline_mode system
variable to ON. Previously, checking for connections that had the CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege
could cause a race condition because it involved accessing other threads. Now, a flag for each
thread caches whether or not the user for the thread has the CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege. The
flag is updated if the user privilege changes. When offline mode is activated for the server, this flag is
checked for each thread, rather than the security context of another thread. This change makes the
operation threadsafe.
In addition, when offline mode is activated, connections whose users have the SYSTEM_USER
privilege are now only terminated if the user that runs the operation also has the SYSTEM_USER
privilege. Users that only have the SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege, and do not have the
SYSTEM_USER privilege, can set the offline_mode system variable to ON to activate offline mode.
However, when they run the operation, any sessions whose users have the SYSTEM_USER privilege
remain connected, in addition to any sessions whose users have the CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege.
This only applies to existing connections at the time of the operation; users with the SYSTEM_USER
privilege but without the CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege cannot make new connections to a system in
offline mode. (WL #14317)
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: A TRUNCATE TABLE operation failed to remove data dictionary entries for columns that
were dropped using ALGORITHM=INSTANT.
Thanks to Marcelo Altmann for the contribution. (Bug #34302445)
InnoDB: An incorrect nullable column calculation on tables with instantly added columns caused
data to be interpreted incorrectly. (Bug #34243694)
InnoDB: After upgrading to MySQL 8.0.29, a failure occurred when attempting to access a table with
an instantly added column. (Bug #34233264)
InnoDB: Only the physical position of instantly added columns was logged, which was not sufficient
for index recovery. The logical position of columns was also required. (Bug #34181432)
InnoDB: The field_phy_pos debug variable in the InnoDB sources was not updated for child
tables during a cascading update operation. (Bug #34181419)
InnoDB: Some instances of the rec_get_instant_row_version_old() function in the InnoDB
sources did not check for row versioning. (Bug #34173616)
InnoDB: The read_2_bytes() function in the InnoDB sources, which reads bytes from the log
buffer, returned a null pointer. (Bug #34173425)
InnoDB: In a specific locking scenario, an implicit lock was not converted to an explicit lock as
expected, triggering a lock_rec_has_expl(LOCK_X | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP, block,
heap_no, trx) debug assertion failure. (Bug #34123159)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A check that determines if a table has instantly added columns was performed for each
column, which affected the performance of ADD and DROP COLUMN operations on tables with
numerous columns. The check is now performed once per table. (Bug #34112147)
InnoDB: A workload that generated a large number of lock requests and numerous timeouts caused
a long semaphore wait failure. To address this issue, optimizations were implemented to reduce the
number of exclusive global lock system latches. (Bug #34097862)
InnoDB: The m_flush_bit in the redo log block header, which was set for the first block of multiple
blocks written in a single log write call, provided no benefit and has been removed. (Bug #34091444)
InnoDB: Fixed clang-tidy and cppcheck warnings, which included the removal of unused code and
unnecessary checks. (Bug #33957087)
InnoDB: Recovery of a redo log file mini-transaction (mtr) caused a debug assertion failure on a
MySQL Server instance with a small innodb_log_buffer_size setting.
Thanks to Mengchu Shi for the contribution. (Bug #33945602)
InnoDB: Compiling with the WITH_VALGRIND source configuration option produced Wunused-
variable warnings. (Bug #33899862)
InnoDB: Multiple issues with the lock-free hash table (ut_lock_free_hash_t) were addressed.
(Bug #33830934)
InnoDB: A query on a generated column with a secondary index caused a failure. The field number
representing the position of the generated column was not valid. (Bug #33825077)
InnoDB: Memory consumption was greater than expected when updating and inserting rows with
multi-valued index columns. The memory allocated for multi-valued columns for each row update
was held until the file handle was released. (Bug #33766482)
InnoDB: The UT_LOCATION_HERE structure in the InnoDB sources was not used consistently. (Bug
InnoDB: A table object needed to retrieve an array of values from a multi-valued index column when
computing the value of a generated column was unavailable. (Bug #32725063)
InnoDB: A 4GB tablespace file size limit on Windows 32-bit systems has been removed. The limit
was due to an incorrect calculation performed while extending the tablespace. (Bug #28934351)
InnoDB: Hash and random generator functions in the InnoDB sources were improved. (Bug
#16739204, Bug #23584861)
InnoDB: A DROP TABLE operation on a table with a discarded tablespace caused an unnecessary
assertion failure. (Bug #107207, Bug #34135187)
InnoDB: A query on a table with a JSON column returned only a partial result set after adding a
multi-valued index. (Bug #106621, Bug #33917625)
InnoDB: Purging a record with multiple binary large object values raised an insertion failure due to a
mini-transaction (mtr) conflict. (Bug #105592, Bug #33574272)
InnoDB: Enabling the adaptive hash index (AHI) on a high-concurrency instance caused temporary
AHI search latch contention while the hash index was being built.
Thanks to Zhou Xinjing from CDB Team at Tencent for the patch. (Bug #100512, Bug #31750840)
Packaging: The SASL LDAP clientside plugin was missing from the MySQL Community packages
for Windows.
Replication: When a table definition diverged between the source and the replica because the
replica had an extra primary key, updates and deletes on the replica would fail if that table had an
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
index that was present both on the source and the replica. Primary keys for an InnoDB table are
automatically included in all indexes, and the replication applier needs values for all parts of the
key to be included in an event in order to search the index. Previously, the applier checked that all
the user-defined key parts were present, but the check did not cover hidden primary keys that were
automatically included. The applier now validates that both user-defined and automatically included
key parts are present in an event before using the index to search the data. (Bug #34122738)
Replication: The write sets extracted by MySQL Replication from transactions when the
transaction_write_set_extraction system variable is enabled (which is the default) are
extracted from primary keys, unique keys, and foreign keys. They are used to detect dependencies
and conflicts between transactions. Previously, write sets involving multi-column foreign keys were
incorrectly identifying each column as a separate foreign key. The issue has now been fixed and
foreign key write sets include all referenced key columns. (Bug #34095747, Bug #34144531)
Replication: When row-based replication was in use, a replica could sometimes override the SQL
mode value that was sent by the source, in an attempt to avoid issues with additional columns on the
slave. In extreme cases this could lead to data divergence. The problem has been corrected so the
replica now preserves the source’s SQL mode wherever possible. (Bug #33945038)
Replication: MySQL’s semisynchronous replication did not respect the value of the
net_read_timeout system variable and forced a read timeout of one millisecond. This could
result in the function experiencing partial reads of acknowledgment messages and packets arriving
out of order, while other connections in the MySQL system were functioning correctly. The value
of the net_read_timeout system variable is now applied to connections for semisynchronous
replication. (Bug #101056, Bug #31976209)
Replication: When the --replicate-same-server-id option was used to make the replica not
skip events that have its own server ID, if the log file was rotated, replication stopped with an error.
The log rotation event now checks and applies the current value of the option. (Bug #89375, Bug
the Performance Schema table replication_group_member_stats could persistently show
transactions related to view change events (View_change_log_event) that had already been
applied. These events are queued in the Group Replication applier channel but applied in the Group
Replication recovery channel, causing a race condition that could result in the counter decrement
being lost. The increment of the count now takes place at a more suitable point, and the counter for
COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_REMOTE_IN_APPLIER_QUEUE is also now set to zero when the applier is
not busy. (Bug #33602354, Bug #33674059)
Group Replication: A deadlock could occur in Group Replication when a member was interacting
with the service infrastructure, such as a joining member checking for incompatible configuration and
then leaving the group due to it. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #32688091)
Group Replication: The message logged when a member tries to rejoin a Group Replication
topology when there is an old incarnation of the same server still present has been upgraded from an
informational note to a warning message. (Bug #32651024)
API: Applications that previously used the MySQL client library to perform an automatic reconnection
to the server received the following mysql_query error after the server was upgraded:
[4031] The client was disconnected by the server because of inactivity. See wait_timeout and
interactive_timeout for configuring this behavior. (Bug #105229, Bug #34007830)
Pushing a condition down to a derived table was not handled correctly in all cases. (Bug #34311090)
After pushing down a condition to a derived table having a set operation, while folding an always
true boolean condition, the rewrite was not correct due to not setting abort_on_null to true for
the cloned condition when making a copy during condition pushdown to a derived table with a set
operation. (Bug #34298238)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A missing error return when processing an invalid ORDER BY expression in a view definition led to an
assert in debug builds. (Bug #34239456)
MySQL Server would not compile with the latest version of Visual Studio 2022. (Bug #34231639)
While attempting to clone a system variable during condition pushdown, the server sometimes could
not determine the correct context of the cloned expression.
To prevent this, we disallow condition pushdown to derived tables when they use system variables,
or if the underlying expressions in the derived table contain system variables. (Bug #34205559)
Added Enterprise Linux 9 (EL9) support. (Bug #34190004)
On macOS 11, MySQL Server did not have the correct entitlement to generate a core dump in the
event of an unexpected server halt. A build option WITH_DEVELOPER_ENTITLEMENTS has been
added to allow a build to generate core dumps. (Bug #34163987)
Improved error handling for '-DWITH_LIBEVENT=system' and '-DWITH_EDITLINE=system' on
systems missing libevent-devel or libedit-devel. (Bug #34131334, Bug #34123545)
The fix for Bug #33830493 in MySQL 8.0.29 addressed the situation where if a MySQL instance
stopped unexpectedly or was restarted shortly after a SET PERSIST statement was used to record
system variable settings, the configuration file mysqld-auto.cnf could be left empty, in which case
the server restart could not proceed. The persisted system variables are now written to a backup
file, which is only renamed to mysqld-auto.cnf after the success of the write has been verified,
leaving the original mysqld-auto.cnf file still available. On a restart, if a backup file with valid
contents is found, the server reads from that file. Otherwise the mysqld-auto.cnf file is used and
the backup file is deleted. The file was not flushed to disk by this fix, so it was still possible for the
issue to occur. This patch adds those operations. (Bug #34122866)
Fixed the -DENABLE_GCOV CMake option. (Bug #34113243)
The SENSITIVE_VARIABLES_OBSERVER privilege, introduced in MySQL 8.0.29, is now granted to
users with the SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege during upgrade. Previously, the privilege was
not granted to any database user during upgrade. (Bug #34068378)
A select from a view that used left joins did not return any results. (Bug #34060289)
Under certain circumstances TRUNCATE performance_schema.accounts caused duplicated
counts in global_status.
This occurred if some hosts were not instrumented. For example, if
performance_schema_hosts_size was set to a low value.
Our thanks to Yuxiang Jiang and the Tencent team for the contribution. (Bug #34057013, Bug
It was possible under certain conditions for EXPLAIN ANALYZE to attempt access of an iterator that
did not exist. (Bug #34051681)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33905399.
Support was added for compiling the keyring_oci plugin with OpenSSL 3. (Bug #34043013)
Corrected two issues found with EXPLAIN ANALYZE:
Timings displayed as actual time were not cumulative.
For a materialized table, the output now show the number of rows materialized, rather than the
number of rows read from the materialized table.
(Bug #34025798, Bug #34135465)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: See also: Bug #33834146, Bug #34678179.
Events recorded in the Performance Schema tables for thread creation and deletion were retained
until server shutdown, instead of being removed when the client connection ended. Thread creation
and deletion now takes place after the Performance Schema instrumentation is created for the user
session, so it is cleaned up when the session ends. (Bug #34019988)
Upgraded the bundled zlib library to zlib 1.2.12. Also made zlib 1.2.12 the minimum zlib version
supported, and removed WITH_ZLIB from the WITH_SYSTEM_LIBS CMake option. (Bug
The CONNECTION_ID() function, since it returns a session ID which remains constant for
the lifetime of the session, was treated as a constant function. This caused issues when
CONNECTION_ID() was used inside a trigger attached to a table which might be reused by other
sessions. We fix this by making the function const for execution, and returning the actual session ID
when the function is evaluated. (Bug #34009876)
Executed codespell on the source code and fixed the reported spelling errors in the code
comments. (Bug #34006439)
The MySQL Enterprise Encryption openssl_udf function library plugin was reimplemented to use
OpenSSL 3 APIs. (Bug #33992115)
FEDERATED storage engine code was revised to address NULL pointer and variable access issues.
(Bug #33962357)
Histograms in MySQL returned a selectivity estimate of 0 for values that outside buckets. This meant
that values might be missing from the histogram because they were missed during sampling, or
because the histogram had grown stale. To prevent this, we introduce a constant lower bound of
0.001 on the selectivity estimates produced by histograms. This choice of lower bound corresponds
to the selectivity of a value or range that we are likely to miss during sampling.
Using a constant lower bound rather than a statistical estimate for the selectivity of a missing
value has the advantage of simplicity and predictability, and provides some protection against
underestimating the selectivity due to stale histograms and within-bucket heuristics.
For more information about histograms in MySQL, see Optimizer Statistics. (Bug #33935417)
For certain queries using a common table expression (CTE), EXPLAIN ANALYZE did not provide
any profiling data for the CTE even when the CTE was known to be executed. This happened when
the following conditions were met:
The CTE was referenced more than once in the query plan.
The first reference to the CTE (in the order of the output of EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE) was never
At least one of the subsequent references was executed at least once.
The problem was that the CTE plan was always printed when encountering the first reference to the
CTE; if that reference was never executed, the CTE was not materialized there; and thus there was
no profiling data to print.
The fix for this issue ensures that we print the CTE plan when it is first executed, that is, the point
at which it is materialized. The output then includes profiling data. If the CTE is never executed, we
print the plan at the last reference, when there is no profiling data. (Bug #33905399)
The output from the command mysqld --verbose --help previously showed plugin load options
as ON even when they were off by default, or turned off using an option. The output now shows the
current value for the plugin. (Bug #33870892)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The Server now bundles curl (7.83.1) and only uses it when alternative SSL systems are used, such
as openssl11 on EL7. (Bug #33859507, Bug #34154806)
Debug MySQL binaries can now be built using -0g and -fno-inline. (Bug #33855533)
The FIREWALL_EXEMPT privilege, introduced in MySQL 8.0.27, is now granted to users with the
SYSTEM_USER during upgrade. Previously, the privilege was not granted to any database user
during upgrade. (Bug #33854409)
A correlated subquery did not use a functional index as expected. This occurred when an outer
column reference used inside the subquery was not considered as constant for subquery execution,
which allowed consideration of the functional index to be skipped.
We fix this problem by making sure to consider the outer column reference as constant while
executing the subquery. (Bug #33851055)
Added alternate OpenSSL system package support by passing in openssl11 on EL7 or openssl3
on EL8 to the WITH_SSL Cmake option. Authentication plugins, such as LDAP and Kerberos, are
disabled as they do not support these alternative versions of OpenSSL. (Bug #33835934)
Prepared statements with subqueries that accessed no tables, but the subquery evaluation raised an
error, triggered an assert failure in debug builds. (Bug #33773799)
Some stored functions were not executed correctly following the first invocation. (Bug #33754993)
When performing a query using a recursive common table expression (CTE) with a removal of a
query expression after constant predicate elimination, it is expected that when the reference count of
table objects for the CTE temporary table reaches zero, it should be possible once again to recreate
the table, but in certain cases one of the table references was not properly recorded as attached to
the CTE. (Bug #33725503)
References: See also: Bug #32962511.
Added a missing error return to the parser. (Bug #33725502)
A number of issues with pushdown of conditions making use of outer references, relating to work
done in MySQL 8.0.22 to implement condition pushdown for materialized derived tables, have been
identified and resolved. (Bug #33725403, Bug #33725500, Bug #33725508, Bug #33725534, Bug
The plan generated for a SELECT using a common table expression involves table materialization
and an index scan on the materialized table. Because the temptable engine does not yet support
all index scan methods, such queries might not always execute correctly.
With other MySQL engines, the materialization access path has special handling when the access
path is not considered basic; for temptable, an index scan was not considered basic, which led to
undefined behavior.
We fix this issue by considering the index scan access path basic, and thus avoiding use of any
index scan access methods on temptable tables. (Bug #33700735)
The Data_free column in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table was not updated after adding
a new data file to the InnoDB system tablespace. (Bug #33508534)
If a plugin attempted to register a system variable with a name that duplicated that of an existing
system variable, the existing static system variable might be overwritten, and uninstalling the plugin
might leave pointers to the freed memory. The issues have now been fixed. (Bug #33451101)
from the Performance Schema if the user had access privileges on individual Performance Schema
tables, only. (Bug #33283709)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Calling a function relating to the data_masking plugin without first installing the plugin led to an
unplanned server shutdown. Functions relating to this plugin are initialized by calling init functions
which in turn access the UDF metadata service, but this is valid only when the data masking plugin is
installed. We fix this problem by adding a check to verify that the plugin is installed before initializing
such functions, and to return an appropriate error message if the plugin providing them is not
installed. (Bug #33234046)
Under certain conditions, the server did not handle the expiration of max_execution_time or the
execution of a KILL statement correctly. (Bug #33218625)
mysqlslap, which uses multiple threads to connect to the server, could not run with a user account
that used FIDO authentication. The issue has been fixed by an update to the FIDO library allowing
the authentication to be performed on multiple threads. (Bug #33067183)
If an incorrect value was set for the binlog_checksum system variable during a session, a
COM_BINLOG_DUMP command made in the same session to request a binary log stream from a
source failed. The server now validates the specified checksum value before starting the checksum
algorithm setup process. (Bug #32442749)
For slow query logging, the Slow_queries status variable was not implemented unless the slow
query log was enabled, contrary to the documentation. (Bug #28268680, Bug #91496)
New parameters (examined_row_count, affected_row_count, and return_row_count)
were added to the audit plugin. Our thanks to J D for the contribution. (Bug #110628, Bug
A prepared statement could accept an empty string as a valid float value, which represents a
regression from 8.0.27 behavior. This fix explicitly checks that the length of an interpreted string is
non-empty and fully interpreted as a (float) number. In addition, new verification now ensures that:
All numeric values are supported with empty strings and strings that are all spaces.
Regular numeric values are supported, as well as numeric values with leading and trailing spaces.
(Bug #107399, Bug #34213338)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32213576.
Upgrading to MySQL 8.0.29 led to issues with existing spatial indexes (see Creating Spatial
Indexes). The root cause of the problem was a change in how geographic area computations were
performed by the included Boost library, which was upgraded to version 1.77.0 in MySQL 8.0.29.
We fix this by ensuring that we accommodate the new method whenever such computations are
performed. (Bug #107320, Bug #34184111)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33353637.
When pushing a condition down to derived table for prepared statements, we clone a condition which
also includes parameters when a derived table contains unions. When a statement needed to be
reprepared during execution—for example, when the signedness of the value specified did not match
that of the actual datatype—the parameter was not cloned correctly resulting in errors. This occurred
because the value specified for the parameter was used to print the string for reparsing, instead of a
literal ? placeholder character.
Now in such cases we set a flag QT_NO_DATA_EXPANSION for printing parameters for reparsing
which, when enabled, causes the ? placeholder to be printed, rather than the actual value. (Bug
#107230, Bug #34148712)
On MacOS, improved Boost library detection logic for Homebrew as a potentially incompatible
system's Boost version could get used even with -DWITH_BOOST set. (Bug #107151, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33769505.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
On RHEL 7.x, fetching the CPU cache line size returned 0 on s390x RHEL 7.x which caused
rpl_commit_order_queue and integrals_lockfree_queue to fail.
Our thanks to Namrata Bhave for the contribution. (Bug #107081, Bug #34095278)
When the mysql client was unable to reconnect to the server following an unexpected server halt,
the process of building the completion hash allocated memory that was not freed. The reconnection
operation now does not build the completion hash if the client fails to reconnect, and the memory
concerned is freed if the client is disconnected. (Bug #106864, Bug #34019571)
Added a cycle timer for the s390x architecture.
Our thanks to Namrata Bhave for the contribution. (Bug #106824, Bug #33997819)
In certain cases, incorrect results could result from execution of a semijoin with materialization, when
the WHERE clause of the subquery contained an equality. In some cases, such as when one side
of such an equality was an IN or NOT IN subquery, the equality was neither pushed down to the
materialized subquery, nor evaluated as part of the semijoin. This also caused issues with some
inner hash joins. (Bug #106710, Bug #106718, Bug #33952115, Bug #33957233)
References: See also: Bug #84705, Bug #25466100.
Comparator functions for queries like (<date column> <non-date column>) IN ((val1,
val2), (val3, val4), …) could return the wrong results. (Bug #106567, Bug #33897969)
Fixed an assert definition in SetOsLimitMaxOpenFiles; our thanks to hongyuan li for the contribution.
(Bug #106555, Bug #33893197)
Previously, it was assumed that, when the same non-nullable expression was used as both the first
and second arguments to LIKE, the result was always true, and so could be optimized away. This
assumption turns out not to be valid, due to the fact that LIKE treats the backslash (\) as an escape
character, even when ESCAPE is not specified. This led to different results when the condition was
used in the SELECT list as opposed to the WHERE clause. To fix the problem, we no longer perform
this optimization with LIKE, with or without an ESCAPE clause. (Bug #106444, Bug #33852756)
In some cases, when arguments other than global transaction IDs (such as column values) were
passed to GTID_SUBSET(), the function returned values other than the expected NULL. (Bug
#106298, Bug #33793942)
A problem with evaluation of general quantified comparison predicates occurred when the
left-hand side of the predicate was NULL. In such cases, the value of the subquery evaluation
from the last current row is saved, so that it does not need re-evaluation, but the cached value
(result_for_null_param) was not cleared between executions, so that the next execution could
re-use the result from the previous execution. One consequence of this was that, when a subquery
execution first caused zero rows to match from the subquery—which for an ALL predicate should
return TRUE—a subsequent execution causing at least one row to match also returned TRUE, even
though FALSE was expected.
To solve this issue, we now make sure to clear result_for_null_param while cleaning up the
subquery predicate following execution. (Bug #106164, Bug #33755139)
Test cases executed with the --async-client option and shutdown commands caused
mysqltest to halt unexpectedly. (Bug #105797, Bug #33643149)
MySQL supports the use of equiheight histograms to improve selectivity estimates. Each bucket in
an equiheight histogram for a column should contain roughly the same number of values (rows);
keeping the buckets small helps minimize any error.
When constructing an equiheight histogram, too many values were sometime placed in the same
bucket, which could result in substantial errors in selectivity estimation. We fix this by introducing a
new equiheight construction algorithm that guarantees low error, and adapts to the distribution of
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the data to make efficient use of its buckets. In addition, a new estimator for the number of distinct
values in histogram buckets provides improved worst-case error guarantees.
See The INFORMATION_SCHEMA COLUMN_STATISTICS Table, and Optimizer Statistics, for
more information. (Bug #104789, Bug #33302021)
Deprecation warnings returned to client programs were sent to stdout rather than stderr, which in
the case of mysqldump could mean that the dump file no longer worked because the warnings were
included in it. The issue has now been fixed and the warnings are sent to stderr. (Bug #104769,
Bug #33733529)
Extended support for chained SSL certificates. (Bug #54158, Bug #27491518)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.29 (2022-04-26, General Availability)
This release is no longer available for download. It was removed due to a critical
issue that could cause data in InnoDB tables having added columns to be
interpreted incorrectly. Please upgrade to MySQL 8.0.30 instead.
Authentication Notes
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Optimizer Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Security Notes
SQL Syntax Notes
Test Suite Notes
XA Transaction Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Authentication Notes
The maximum size of FIDO authenticator data was increased. (Bug #33655192)
Character Set Support
Important Note: The server now uses utf8mb3 rather than utf8 in the following cases:
When reporting invalid strings.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(Bug #33385252, Bug #33395007)
The server now uses utf8mb3 in place of the alias utf8 for character set names when populating
data dictionary tables from built-in character sets. This affects the display of character set and related
information in the MySQL Information Schema tables listed here:
This change also affects the output of the SQL SHOW CHARACTER SET, SHOW COLLATION, SHOW
CREATE DATABASE, and SHOW CREATE TABLE statements. (Bug #30624990)
Compilation Notes
InnoDB: After addressing the associated issues, the C4100, C4127, C4245 and C4389 MSVC++
level 4 compiler warnings were re-enabled. (Bug #33437498, Bug #33571677)
GCC 11 is now a supported compiler for building MySQL on EL7 or EL8. This compiler is available
in the devtoolset-11 (EL7) or gcc-toolset-11 (EL8) package. It is also recommended to
use GCC 11 when building third-party applications that are based on the libmysqlclient C API
library. (Bug #33730302)
The server could not be compiled with Bison 3.8.1 or newer. (Bug #33488047)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Important Change: Previously, MySQL allowed arbitrary delimiters and an arbitrary number of them
in TIME, DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP literals, as well as an arbitrary number of whitespaces
before, after, and between the date and time values in DATETIME and TIMESTAMP literals. This
behavior is now deprecated, and you should expect it to be removed in a future version of MySQL.
With this release, the use of any nonstandard or excess delimiter or whitespace characters now
triggers a warning of the form Delimiter 'char' in position pos in datetime value
'value' at row rownum is superfluous and is deprecated, followed by Please
remove, or in cases in which a suitable replacement can be suggested, Prefer the standard
A deprecation warning is returned only for the first nonstandard delimiter or whitespace character
encountered in the literal value. An example is shown here:
mysql> SELECT DATE"2020/02/20";
| DATE"2020/02/20" |
| 2020-02-20 |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Level: Warning
Code: 4095
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Message: Delimiter '/' in position 4 in datetime value '2020/02/20' at row 1 is
deprecated. Prefer the standard '-'.
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Such warnings are not elevated to errors in strict mode.
For more information and examples, see String and Numeric Literals in Date and Time Context. (WL
Replication: The replica_parallel_type system variable is now deprecated; whenever this
variable is read or set, or the equivalent option is set in my.cnf, the server now issues a deprecation
warning, as shown here:
mysql> SELECT @@replica_parallel_type; SHOW WARNINGS\G
| @@replica_parallel_type |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Level: Warning
Code: 1287
Message: '@@replica_parallel_type' is deprecated and will be removed in a future
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
You should expect this variable and the equivalent server option --replica-parallel-type to
be removed in a future MySQL release.
The myisam_repair_threads system variable and myisamchk --parallel-recover option
are deprecated; expect support for both to be removed in a future release of MySQL.
Values other than 1 (the default) for myisam_repair_threads produce a warning. (WL #14937)
The server system variables query_prealloc_size and transaction_prealloc_size are
now deprecated, and setting either or both of these no longer has any effect in the MySQL server.
Expect them to be removed in a future MySQL release.
For more information, see the descriptions of these variables in the documentation (Server System
Variables). (WL #13720)
References: See also: Bug #26940369.
The --abort-slave-event-count and --disconnect-slave-event-count options for
mysqld, previously used in testing, and not normally required in a production setting, have been
deprecated. Expect them to be removed in a future version of MySQL. (WL #14526)
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Aggregate functions based on expressions comparing values with a NULL were not ignoring the
NULL correctly. (Bug #33624777, Bug #105762)
When an aggregation function is evaluated during optimization, it is presumed that the WHERE
condition has already been evaluated; thus, it can be removed. Before the removal, the optimizer
verifies whether the WHERE condition has any table-independent conditions by making a call to
make_cond_for_table(). When a condition was considered expensive (for example, it used a
stored procedure), it was incorrectly assumed that there was a table-independent condition. We fix
this by excluding expensive conditions in the call to make_cond_for_table().
In addition, a constant condition which was expensive to evaluate, such as f() = 1 where
function f() did not use any tables, often led to incorrect results. In most cases, if a condition
is constant for execution, it is evaluated when optimizing the WHERE condition, skipping it if it is
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
considered too expensive. The present issue arose due to skipping the condition while optimizing an
implicitly grouped query. To avoid this, we now evaluate such conditions prior to aggregation. (Bug
Columns used by the DEFAULT() function were not marked internally as READ when fixing its
arguments. (Bug #33142135)
Optimizer Notes
If the column of a table being loaded using LOAD DATA was used in the WHERE clause of a subquery
used inside a SET statement, the column was reported as unknown. (Bug #33714885)
Aggregated queries that performed an index lookup (eq_ref) could in some cases return wrong
results. This was seen when the execution plan used streaming aggregation instead of aggregation
in temporary tables.
We fix this by disabling eq_ref caching below aggregate nodes. (Bug #33491183)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #100614, Bug #31790217.
The derived materialized table condition pushdown optimization can now be used with most unions.
This means that an outer WHERE condition can now be pushed down to every query block of the
query expression of the materialized derived table or view.
Suppose we create tables t1 and t2, and then the view v based on these two tables, using the SQL
statements shown here:
c1 INT,
KEY i1 (c1)
c1 INT,
KEY i1 (c1)
SELECT id, c1 FROM t1
SELECT id, c1 FROM t2;
Now, when the query SELECT * FROM v WHERE c1 = 12 is executed, the condition c1 = 12 is
pushed down to both query blocks of view v, as shown here in the output of EXPLAIN:
*************************** 1. row ***************************
EXPLAIN: -> Table scan on v (cost=1.26..2.52 rows=2)
-> Union materialize (cost=2.16..3.42 rows=2)
-> Covering index lookup on t1 using i1 (c1=12) (cost=0.35 rows=1)
-> Covering index lookup on t2 using i1 (c1=12) (cost=0.35 rows=1)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
This can now be done for most UNION queries. For exceptions, and additional information,
see Derived Condition Pushdown Optimization. (Bug #24012, Bug #36802, Bug #106006, Bug
#11746156, Bug #11748590, Bug #13650627, Bug #30587347, Bug #33318096, Bug #33738597,
WL #13730)
Performance Schema Notes
New Performance Schema instrumentation collects information about whether a query was
processed on the PRIMARY or SECONDARY engine, where the PRIMARY engine is InnoDB and the
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
SECONDARY engine is HeatWave. This instrumentation is intended for use with MySQL Database
Service with HeatWave.
Two new Performance Schema table columns were added:
An EXECUTION_ENGINE column that indicates whether a query was processed on the PRIMARY
or SECONDARY engine was added to the Performance Schema statement event tables (see
Performance Schema Statement Event Tables), and to the performance_scema.threads and
performance_scema.processlist tables.
A COUNT_SECONDARY column that indicates the number of times a query was processed on the
SECONDARY engine was added to the Performance Schema statement summary tables (see
Statement Summary Tables).
An execution_engine column was also added to the sys.processlist and sys.x
$processlist views in the MySQL sys Schema. (WL #14346)
Security Notes
For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL library for MySQL
Server has been updated to version 1.1.1n from 1.1.1l. Issues fixed in OpenSSL are described at and at (Bug
#33840722, Bug #33970835)
SQL Syntax Notes
An IF NOT EXISTS option is now supported for the statements CREATE FUNCTION, CREATE
For CREATE FUNCTION, when used to create a stored function, and for CREATE PROCEDURE,
this option prevents an error from occurring if there is already a routine having the same name. For
CREATE FUNCTION, when used to create a loadable function, the option prevents an error in the
event there already exists a loadable function having that name. For CREATE TRIGGER, the option
prevents an error from occurring if there is already a trigger with the same name, on the same table,
and in the same schema. This is intended to improve ease of use for these statements in scripting,
rapid (re)deployment, replication, and other instances of potential repeated use.
This enhancement makes the syntax of these statements more consistent with that of CREATE
DATABASE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE USER, and CREATE EVENT, all of which already support IF
NOT EXISTS. This also provides a complement to the IF EXISTS option already supported by
For more information, see Stored Objects, as well as Function Name Resolution. See also
Replication of CREATE TABLE ... SELECT Statements. (Bug #15287, Bug #11745440, WL #14722)
References: See also: Bug #33301931.
Test Suite Notes
Null pointers now are checked to reduce heap-use-after-free errors under Valgrind with the --
async-client option. (Bug #33702755)
XA Transaction Notes
Group Replication: Group replication in some scenarios faced problems because it was not
possible to commit an XA transaction prepared on another connection. To address such issues,
MySQL now supports detached XA transactions; once prepared, an XA transaction is no longer
connected to the current session. This happens as part of executing XA PREPARE. The prepared XA
transaction can be committed or rolled back by another connection, and the current session can then
initiate another XA or local transaction without waiting for the prepared XA transaction to complete.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Support for this feature can be disabled, and the classic behavior reinstated, by setting the
xa_detach_on_prepare system variable introduced in this release to OFF. The default is ON,
which is recommended, especially in a replication setting.
You should be aware that, when detached XA transaction support is enabled
(xa_detach_on_prepare = ON), it is not possible to use temporary tables within XA transactions.
For more information, see XA Transaction States, as well as Server Instance Configuration. (Bug
#100163, Bug #31599926, WL #14700)
X Plugin Notes
A difference in format between Unix socket lock files for classic MySQL protocol and X Protocol
meant that the server could not start if the file for the other protocol was present. For the benefit of
instances where it is not possible to remove the file manually, such as MySQL Database Service
instances, the protocols now use the same format for the file. (Bug #31468581)
Functionality Added or Changed
Incompatible Change: MySQL Server now has the capability to store securely persisted system
variable values containing sensitive data such as private keys or passwords, and to restrict viewing
of the values. No MySQL Server system variables are currently marked as sensitive, but the new
capability allows system variables containing sensitive data to be persisted securely in the future. A
keyring component must be enabled on the MySQL Server instance to support secure storage for
persisted system variable values, rather than a keyring plugin, which do not support the function.
As part of this this change, component keyring files are now loaded prior to
initializing the MySQL Server data directory. This means that it is no longer
possible to keep such files in the MySQL data directory.
In the operating system file where persisted system variables are stored, the names and values
of sensitive system variables are stored in an encrypted format, along with a generated file key
to decrypt them. The generated file key is in turn encrypted using a master key that is stored in a
keyring. After upgrading to MySQL 8.0.29, the format of the mysqld-auto.cnf option file remains
the same until the first time a SET PERSIST or SET PERSIST ONLY statement is issued, and at
that point it is changed to a new format, even if the system variable involved is not sensitive. An
option file using the new format cannot be read by older releases of MySQL Server.
The new system variable persist_sensitive_variables_in_plaintext controls whether
the server is permitted to store the values of sensitive system variables in an unencrypted format,
if keyring component support is not available at the time when SET PERSIST is used to set the
value. The default setting, ON, encrypts the values if keyring component support is available, and
persists them unencrypted (with a warning) if it is not. This setting also allows the server to start
if encrypted system variable values cannot be decrypted, in which case their defaults are used.
When persist_sensitive_variables_in_plaintext is set to OFF, which is the most
secure setting, sensitive system variable values cannot be persisted if keyring component support is
unavailable, and the server does not start if encrypted system variable values cannot be decrypted.
The values of sensitive system variables are also protected when they are handled. If a
SET statement is issued for a sensitive system variable, the query is rewritten to replace its
value with redacted before it is logged to the general log and audit log. The new privilege
SENSITIVE_VARIABLES_OBSERVER allows a holder to view the values of sensitive system
variables in the Performance Schema tables global_variables, session_variables,
variables_by_thread, and persisted_variables, to issue SELECT statements to return their
values, and to track changes to them in session trackers for connections. Users without this privilege
cannot view those system variable values. (WL #13469)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: To improve code quality and facilitate debugging, instances of #define in the InnoDB
sources were replaced by constexpr specifiers or inline functions. (WL #14680)
InnoDB: InnoDB now supports ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN operations using
Operations that support ALGORITHM=INSTANT only modify metadata in the data dictionary.
Table data is unaffected, making the operations instantaneous. If not specified explicitly,
ALGORITHM=INSTANT is used by default by DDL operations that support it.
Prior to MySQL 8.0.29, an instantly added column could only be added as the last column of the
table. From MySQL 8.0.29, an instantly added column can be added to any position in the table.
Instantly added or dropped columns create a new row version. Up to 64 row
versions are permitted. A new TOTAL_ROW_VERSIONS column was added to the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLES table to track the number of row versions.
For more information about DDL operations that support ALGORITHM=INSTANT, see Online DDL
Operations. (WL #13899)
Replication: Automatic purging of binary log files by the server is now controlled using the
binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge system variable introduced in this release. By default,
automatic purging is enabled (binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge set to ON); to disable it, set the
value of this variable to OFF.
The interval to wait before purging is controlled by binlog_expire_logs_seconds and
expire_logs_days. Setting both of these system variables to 0 stops automatic purging from
taking place, even when binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge is set to ON. (WL #14930)
Microsoft Windows: Added jemalloc support on Windows, and enabled it for official MySQL
binaries. The new WITH_WIN_JEMALLOC CMake option accepts a directory containing
jemalloc.dll that's copied to the same directory as mysqld.exe and/or mysqld-debug.exe
and utilizes it for memory management operations. Standard memory functions are used if
jemalloc.dll is not found or does not export the required functions. An INFORMATION level log
message records whether or not jemalloc is found and used. (WL #14633)
The new clone_delay_after_data_drop variable permits specifying a delay period immediately
after removing existing data on the recipient MySQL Server instance at the start of a remote cloning
operation. The delay is intended to provide enough time for the file system on the recipient host to
free space before data is cloned from the donor MySQL Server instance. Certain file systems free
space asynchronously in a background process. On these file systems, cloning data too soon after
dropping existing data can result in clone operation failures due to insufficient space. The maximum
delay period is 3600 seconds (1 hour). The default setting is 0 (no delay). (Bug #32826134, WL
The group_replication_set_as_primary function appoints a specified group member as
the new primary and overrides the election process. Previously, the function waited for all active
transactions on the existing primary to end, including incoming transactions after the function was
used, before making the current primary read only and changing to the new primary. There was no
upper limit to the wait time.
An optional timeout parameter is now available to let you set a timeout for running transactions.
You can set a timeout from 0 seconds (immediately) up to 3600 seconds (60 minutes) for
transactions that are running when you use the function. There is no default setting for the timeout,
so if you do not set it the former behavior of the function still applies, with no upper limit to the wait
time. When the timeout expires, for any transactions that did not yet reach their commit phase,
the client session is disconnected so that the transaction does not proceed. Transactions that
reached their commit phase are allowed to complete. When you set a timeout, it also prevents
new transactions starting on the primary from that point on. Explicitly defined transactions (with a
START TRANSACTION or BEGIN statement) are subject to the timeout, disconnection, and incoming
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
transaction blocking even if they do not modify any data. To allow inspection of the primary while the
function is operating, single statements that do not modify data, as listed in Permitted Queries Under
Consistency Rules, are permitted to proceed. (WL #14585)
The keyring_okv keyring plugin, which uses the Key Management Interoperability Protocol
(KMIP) to communicate securely, is used with MySQL’s keyring service to store keyring data in a
KMIP-compatible back end keyring storage product such as Oracle Key Vault, Gemalto SafeNet
KeySecure Appliance, Townsend Alliance Key Manager, and Entrust KeyControl. The plugin now
allows you to specify more than one standby server to provide backup connections to the back end
keyring storage product if the primary server is unavailable. You can add up to 64 standby servers
by editing the okvclient.ora file to specify the IP addresses and port numbers of the servers
as a comma-separated list in the value of the STANDBY_SERVER variable. The plugin iterates over
the standby servers until it can establish a connection, with a 20-second wait for each connection
attempt. You should therefore ensure that the list of standby servers is kept short, accurate, and
up to date, and servers that are no longer valid are removed, as they can significantly affect the
keyring_okv plugin’s connection time and therefore the server startup time. (WL #14363)
Isolation of access to system variables is now better enforced in the server code that parses,
resolves, and executes SQL statements accessing or updating such variables. (WL #14529)
MySQL Server now supports SSL session reuse by default with a timeout setting to control how long
the server maintains a session cache that establishes the period during which a client is permitted to
request session reuse for new connections. All MySQL client programs support session reuse. For
server-side and client-side configuration information, see Reusing SSL Sessions.
In addition, C applications now can use the C API capabilities to enable session reuse for encrypted
connections (see SSL Session Reuse). (WL #13075)
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: A failure occurred when attempting to purge undo records for a table with an instantly
added column. (Bug #33924532)
InnoDB: High-priority transactions were not permitted to stop waiting when interrupted or to timeout
while waiting for a lock, preventing deadlocks from being resolved. In cases where the blocking
transaction is also high-priority, high-priority transactions are now permitted to stop waiting when
interrupted or timeout when exceeding the lock wait timeout period. If a blocking transaction is not
high-priority, high-priority transactions wait for the blocking transaction to release its locks. (Bug
InnoDB: The AIO synchronization queue used on Windows was removed. The synchronous file I/O
read-write function (SyncFileIO::execute) was revised to handle files opened for both normal
and overlapped I/O, as it does on Linux. (Bug #33840645)
InnoDB: Table version metadata was not reset after truncating all partitions of a table with an
instantly added column. (Bug #33822729)
InnoDB: The srv_error_monitor_thread() function, which prints warnings about semaphore
waits, failed to handle a long semaphore wait as expected. To address this issue, a blocking call was
moved to a more appropriate location. Related monitor thread code was simplified and improved,
and missing shutdown signals were added for several server threads.
Enabling and disabling of the standard monitor by InnoDB is now performed independently of the
user-settable innodb_status_output variable. This change addresses an issue in which the
monitor was enabled by InnoDB in a particular scenario but not set back to its previous value.
Thanks to Yuhui Wang for the contribution. (Bug #33789526, Bug #93878)
InnoDB: Valgrind testing identified an off-by-one error in rec_convert_dtuple_to_rec_old()
in the InnoDB sources. (Bug #33784672)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: The UNIV_DEBUG variant of the mem_heap_alloc() function in the InnoDB sources was
modified to improve Valgrind error detection. (Bug #33783709)
InnoDB: A fast shutdown did not wait for all active I/O operations to finish before closing all files.
(Bug #33768584)
InnoDB: A Clang warning reported an incorrectly placed @return command. (Bug #33734011)
InnoDB: Values of the new record locks array (m_prebuilt->new_rec_locks[]) were not
properly synchronized when switching between partitions, causing an assertion failure due to locks
being freed or not freed as expected. (Bug #33724166)
InnoDB: A race condition in the function that updates the double write buffer when a write request is
completed caused a long semaphore wait error. (Bug #33712370)
InnoDB: A function wrongly assumed that changing a record in an indexed column always requires
creating a new record in the secondary index, resulting in an lock-related assertion failure. To
address this and other similar cases, the lock_rec_convert_impl_to_expl() function that
converts an implicit record lock to an explicit record lock is now used only when an implicit record
lock is actually held. (Bug #33657235)
InnoDB: A number of Doxygen issues in the InnoDB sources were addressed. (Bug #33603036)
InnoDB: A missing null pointer check for an index instance caused a failure. (Bug #33600109)
InnoDB: Starting the server after an incremental backup failed with an error indicating that page
tracking was unusable. (Bug #33521528)
InnoDB: An assertion failure was raised during InnoDB recovery. The failure was due to a server
exit that occurred after pages were freed in a local mini-transaction before the free list and index list
could be reset. The free list and index list, which spanned the freed pages, were traversed during
recovery. (Bug #33454557)
InnoDB: The btr_insert_into_right_sibling() B-tree function, which is inserts a tuple into
the right sibling page when the cursor is at the end of a page, caused an ACID violation due to an
incorrect lock function call. (Bug #33405696)
InnoDB: When using COMPACT or REDUNDANT row format, it was possible to create a table that
exceeded the maximum row size, which could eventually result in 'Row size too large' errors when
inserting data. BLOB prefixes were not included in the record size check performed during the
CREATE TABLE operation. (Bug #33399379)
InnoDB: A function that retrieves the master encryption key (get_master_key()) tried to acquire
the master key ID mutex (master_key_id_mutex), which was not yet initialized. (Bug #33067891)
InnoDB: A redundant and costly check was removed from the
lock_sec_rec_read_check_and_lock lock system function, which is used to place a lock on a
secondary index record. (Bug #33059387)
InnoDB: The TempTable storage engine did not properly handle a file-full error. (Bug #32929392)
InnoDB: A DDL log error encountered during an ALTER TABLE ... ALGORITHM=COPY operation
was not handled, causing a failure during a subsequent ALTER TABLE ... ALGORITHM=INPLACE
operation. (Bug #32716838)
InnoDB: Purge threads processed undo records of an encrypted table for which the tablespace was
not loaded, causing a failure. (Bug #32586721)
InnoDB: A thread posted an asynchronous I/O operation and closed itself, resulting in an operating
system file operation error. (Bug #30567295)
InnoDB: Incorrect AUTO_INCREMENT values were generated when the maximum integer column
value was exceeded. The error was due to the maximum column value not being considered. The
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
previous valid AUTO_INCREMENT value should have been returned in this case, causing a duplicate
key error. (Bug #87926, Bug #26906787)
InnoDB: Transaction lock priority was modified so that a transaction holding a shared lock and
waiting to upgrade to an exclusive lock is prioritized ahead of a another transaction waiting for an
exclusive lock on the same row. In other words, the transaction that already holds a shared lock is
granted an exclusive lock first. Some other transaction holding a shared lock on the same row can
still prevent an exclusive lock from being a granted in this scenario.
The lock_rec_find_set_bit and lock_rec_has_expl functions in the transaction lock system
sources were optimized. (Bug #21356, Bug #11745929)
Partitioning: In some cases, establishing a connection to MySQL server could fail if the .ibd file for
a partition was missing. (Bug #33459653)
Partitioning: Following work done in MySQL 8.0.17 to cause all NOT IN and NOT EXISTS
subqueries to be transformed into antijoins, the inner part of a nested outer join produced by this
transformation was not considered while pruning table partitions. (Bug #33060953)
Replication: In a replication group with group_replication_consistency=AFTER set, if a new
primary was elected and then the previous primary was restarted, the new primary left the group
with an error message. The handling of delayed view changes and transaction prepares has been
adjusted to prevent this situation. (Bug #33755920)
Replication: A deadlock caused when the network provider was being stopped could cause STOP
GROUP_REPLICATION to wait indefinitely on some group members. (Bug #33044886)
Group Replication: Group Replication checked too late in the auto-rejoin process that a rejoining
member was the only type of instance allowed to enter a group while in an error state. The issue has
now been fixed. (Bug #33615493)
Group Replication: Group Replication could log a warning message about a member joining while
a group configuration operation was running, in situations where there was no joining member, just a
view change. The message is now only logged when appropriate. (Bug #33378364)
Group Replication: Group Replication now logs operating system errors returned when there is a
problem connecting to the local XCom instance, so it is easier to resolve issues such as a firewall
blocking the connection. (Bug #33189767, Bug #104523)
Group Replication: To help prevent a primary election from hanging, Group Replication stops
waiting for a confirmation from any members that leave the group during the election. If all the
members for which confirmation was pending leave, Group Replication declares that the primary
election completed successfully. Previously, if the primary member was one of the members that left,
a primary change was incorrectly stated as having happened when that had not been able to take
place. Now, if the primary member leaves during an election, Group Replication declares the primary
election as an unsuccessful election with no primary change. (Bug #33059773)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, added WinFlexBison support. (Bug #33788290)
On EL6/EL7, a mysql-community-server-debug installation was not obsoleted by installing
commercial packages. (Bug #33956760)
MySQL Server would not build EL7 on ARM when building against shared libraries that are copied
by the cmake build system, such as a non-system OpenSSL. Now --page-size is set as reported by
getconf. (Bug #33904267)
An anonymous user with the PROCESS privilege could not select rows from the processlist table.
(Bug #33869388)
The range optimizer did not take into account the session memory limit. (Bug #33869004)
When sorting subqueries, the same filesort operation may be executed many times, with different
input, and so the longest add-on column may change between executions, but the buffer for this
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
column was not reallocated when necessary. Now, when the previously allocated buffer is sufficiently
large, we reuse it, otherwise we allocate a new one. (Bug #33865094)
An invalid result was obtained from a common table expression that was materialized and used
in multiple query blocks, where, in the first query block that used the CTE, there were multiple
possible key definitions, which caused the internal function JOIN::finalize_derived_keys()
to move the definition of the key used into position zero, and the second query block using the CTE
manipulated an index that occupied the same position as the original position for the key chosen for
the first query block. This happened as an unintended side effect of work done in MySQL 8.0.22 to
prepare DML statements once only.
For more information, see WITH (Common Table Expressions). (Bug #33856374)
Improved error handling when executing stored procedures and stored functions. (Bug #33851256)
A trigger that selected from a view did not always yield the expected result. (Bug #33847722)
Computations performed while loading time zone information require negative values of
my_time_t. Normally, that type's minimum value is zero, corresponding to the start of the
UNIX Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00, with no time zone offset), which is reflected in the
constant MYTIME_MIN_VALUE. This minimum value did not work correctly for setting up the
TIME_ZONE_INFO data structures in all cases, since some time zone offsets are negative. This fix
permits negative values for my_time_t while populating the time zone information database cache.
(Bug #33837691)
If a MySQL instance stopped unexpectedly or was restarted shortly after a SET PERSIST statement
was used to record system variable settings, the configuration file mysqld-auto.cnf could be left
empty, in which case the server restart could not proceed. The persisted system variables are now
written to a backup file, which is only renamed to mysqld-auto.cnf after the success of the write
has been verified, leaving the original mysqld-auto.cnf file still available. On a restart, if a backup
file with valid contents is found, the server reads from that file. Otherwise the mysqld-auto.cnf file
is used and the backup file is deleted. (Bug #33830493)
filesort did not always check the lengths of string values properly when calculating sort keys.
(Bug #33830073)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29739778.
A primary key comprising the GROUP_ID and MEMBER_ID columns was added to the
mysql.firewall_membership table. (Bug #33824544)
A fix made in MySQL 8.0.20 for an inconsistency in the rows matched value when updating an
updatable view having WITH CHECK OPTION handled this issue for an update of a single table only.
In this release, we fix the issue for multi-table UPDATE statements as well. (Bug #33815426)
References: See also: Bug #30158954.
The linked ProtoBuf library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 3.19.4. Issues fixed in
the new Protobuf version are described at (Bug
It was possible to insert invalid characters into a utf32 column. (Bug #33810558)
Reinstalling the MySQL Enterprise Firewall plugin caused a failure. The failure was due to a call to
update a previously persisted firewall system variable before the plugin was fully initialized. (Bug
Hash joins using VARCHAR or DECIMAL join columns returned an excessive number of rows. An
example using VARCHAR is shown here:
# Create and populate table
INSERT INTO t VALUES ('x', 'xx'), ('xx', 'x');
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
# No indexes, so uses a hash join
SELECT * FROM t AS t1, t AS t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a AND t1.b = t2.b;
Prior to the fix, the query just shown returned four rows; now it returns two rows as expected. (Bug
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table did not list invisible key columns. (Bug
The server did not perform proper cleanup after accessing a view created from a view. (Bug
In a grouped query using WITH ROLLUP and a window function which ordered on an aggregate
already present in the SELECT list, an extra (and unnecessary) aggregate was added as a hidden
column when resolving the window's ordering clause. (Bug #33769911)
The data masking mask_ssn() function returned a 'String argument width too large'
error for a valid non-constant value (data read from a database row as opposed to a hard-coded
value). Additionally, validation was not performed for zero-length constant and non-constant values
(empty strings) or for constant values that are too small. These issues were addressed for all data
masking functions that string inputs with length boundaries. (Bug #33759276)
ROLLUP was not handled correctly in some cases with ORDER BY and a window function. (Bug
Corrected a number of issues in Doxygen comments. (Bug #33734001, Bug #33734035, Bug
#33734062, Bug #33734075, Bug #33734104, Bug #33734117, Bug #33734129, Bug #33734143,
Bug #33734155, Bug #33734181, Bug #33734188, Bug #33734206)
Statements that cannot be parsed (due, for example, to syntax errors) are no longer written to the
slow query log. (Bug #33732907)
The message describing MySQL Enterprise Thread Pool’s initial configuration is now issued as a
SYSTEM message rather than informational, so that it is visible at the default logging level. (Bug
A pre-locking optimization related to session tracking caused recursive locking in some scenarios.
(Bug #33728209)
A union involving an IN subquery was not always handled properly when it also used an ORDER BY
clause. (Bug #33725507)
The mysqlpump client utility could stop unexpectedly when a password prompt was requested using
command line options. If an error is encountered during this process an appropriate error message is
now returned before the client exits. (Bug #33688141)
Implemented standard package policy to ship separate debuginfo RPMs for the following platforms:
SLES/openSUSE, and community EL6 and EL7. Commercial versions of EL6 and EL7 are now
built with the RelWithDebInfo build type instead of Debug, which greatly decreases their size. (Bug
#33663811, Bug #33684418, Bug #33664929)
It was not possible to run mysqld with the trace log enabled. (Bug #33653824)
When the --fido-register-factor option was used at startup for FIDO device registration, the
mysql client could use incorrect syntax in the ALTER USER statement, resulting in a failure. The
issue has now been fixed. (Bug #33650498)
When searching a SET column value, a user variable passed as the first argument to
FIND_IN_SET() did not produce the same result as a constant value used in the same manner.
Example: Consider the table t1 created and populated as shown here:
CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 SET('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'));
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES ('a, c, d'), ('c');
The values shown for var and str should be the same in both rows of the output from the following
query, but were not:
SET @a = 'c';
SELECT FIND_IN_SET(@a, c1) AS var, FIND_IN_SET('c', c1) AS str FROM t1;
Now we make sure in such cases to return the position of the match within the set used for the
column definition whether the value sought is a constant or a column value. (Bug #33635637)
A SET PASSWORD operation using an authentication method that does support it produced a warning
instead of an expected error. (Bug #33635445)
If the plugin directory was not specified at MySQL Server startup, and a user attempted FIDO device
registration, the mysql client stopped unexpectedly. The situation is now handled and an appropriate
error is reported. (Bug #33631144)
A change made in MySQL 8.0.27 moved the EXPLAIN output for composite access paths including
filter and sort from inside the table path to the MATERIALIZE access path, but did not include
INDEX_RANGE_SCAN among the composite access paths. This could in some cases result in
undefined behavior. (Bug #33611545)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32788576.
It was not possible to revoke the DROP privilege on the Performance Schema. (Bug #33578113)
The internal CreateIteratorFromAccessPath() function has been rewritten so that it is no
longer employs recursion; this is expected to reduce stack usage significantly when executing
queries. (Bug #33569770)
The mysql client could stop unexpectedly when attempting FIDO device registration with a
challenge-response error. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #33568944)
prepared statement or stored function returned stale data. Cached data was reported after the data
had changed. (Bug #33538106, Bug #105450)
A query returned an incorrect result when it met all of the following conditions:
The result set contained a column with a nondeterministic element.
The column did not refer to a table.
There was implicit grouping.
The query plan used aggregation from a temporary table. This temporary table was empty.
Given an empty table t with column c1, the statement INSERT INTO t SELECT MAX(t.c1),
RAND(0) AS x FROM t provides an example of such a query; by inserting into the same table, we
ensure that the query plan aggregates from a temporary table. The temporary table has a column
for c1, and the (single) result row picks c1 from the first row of the temporary table. If the temporary
table was empty, there was no first row, and c1 became 0; this led to the insertion of (NULL, 0)
rather than, for example, (NULL, 0.155) into t.
We fix this by not storing such columns in the temporary table. (Bug #33535379)
References: See also: Bug #32384355.
Following changes in password handling in MySQL 8.0.27, if the mysql client was interrupted with
Ctrl + C, a password prompt could be issued requiring the user’s password in order to action the
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
interrupt. The password is now recorded when it is provided in response to a prompt (as well as
when it is provided on the command line at startup), so it can be used automatically by the new
connection that is established for the interrupt. (Bug #33514253)
The internal keyread flag indicates reading only index entries and not full rows. When this flag
was set for an index merge scan during initialization, it was subsequently reset when initializing the
individual range scans picked as part of the index merge scan, which indicated reading rows instead
of index entries. We fix this by setting the indexes chosen as covering indexes while reading the
index entries. (Bug #33499071)
Data copying stalled when cloning page-compressed tables where the compressed data size on the
donor host was equivalent to the available disk space on the recipient host. The holes punched on
the recipient host were smaller than the page size, resulting in disk fragmentation that limited the
amount of space available for cloned data. The process for handling page-compressed tables on the
recipient host was modified to reduce fragmentation and improve data copying speed.
To improve the rate of flushing, the clone plugin now uses the fsync flush method when flushing
page-compressed tables on file systems that support hole punching. (Bug #33482747)
It was possible, when creating a view, for a subquery to be evaluated during resolution when it was
deemed constant. (Bug #33438883)
Nominally, in EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE output, we write a number of rows only as an integer. For
a result of zero, it was difficult to determine whether this was 0.49 or 0.00001, so we add enough
precision to get one leading digit in such cases. (Bug #33426283)
VALUES in some instances did not function as specified. (Bug #33414289)
In debug builds, certain combinations of user variables of type MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE hit an assert
when used in the context of CAST() or CONVERT(). (Bug #33406728)
When setting up multiple equalities, the optimizer added an outer reference when it was not required.
(Bug #33394701)
The minimum supported version of the Boost library for MySQL builds has now been raised to
1.77.0. (Bug #33353637)
References: See also: Bug #33052171.
Redundant init and checkout_access_maps function code was removed from the
Security_context class. (Bug #33339129, Bug #104915)
The sys schema view schema_unused_indexes did not update correctly.
schema_unused_indexes retrieves unused index information from
table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage, returning no data if the index was used to query a
row which is not present in the table.
As of this release, schema_unused_indexes is updated even if the row is not found. (Bug
Some queries using common table expressions were not handled correctly by EXPLAIN. (Bug
The server did not obtain index statistics correctly for certain complex queries. (Bug #33270516)
Under certain circumstances, when executing TRUNCATE TABLE
performance_schema.status_by_thread; a race condition could occur.
Our thanks to Facebook for their contribution to this fix. (Bug #33165726)
A page cleaner thread timed out as it waited for an exclusive lock on an index page held by a full-text
index creation operation on a large table. (Bug #33101844)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For an InnoDB table, a secondary index is extended to include the table's primary key; that is, all
columns that are part of the primary key are marked as being part of all secondary indexes. An
exception to this is when a secondary index is defined as unique, server does not use the primary
key extension. This could lead to problems while setting up the read sets for dynamic range scan.
We fix this issue by making sure in the case of a unique seconary index to include all primary key
parts in the read set. (Bug #33101025)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30417361.
An existing foreign key constraint that referenced a non-existing table could result in a connection
error after the table was created or renamed. (Bug #33054071)
While creating a value list for an empty VALUES during execution of an INSERT statement, a hidden
element was added, which subsequently led to an assertion in debug builds. To fix the problem, we
now skip any hidden elements when the VALUES list is created.
See INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Statement, for more information. (Bug #32774799)
Aliases to SELECT list items in ORDER BY which were part of expressions were not resolved in the
same way as standalone aliases, so that ORDER BY alias was resolved correctly, but ORDER BY
function(alias) was not. (Bug #32695670)
An offline keyring migration from an empty or non-existing keyring source (specified by
keyring_file_data) appeared to complete successfully, without warning. The keyring migration
process now checks for errors when fetching keys. If no keys are found at the specified keyring
source, a warning message is written to the error log indicating that the keyring has no keys. (Bug
When removing a condition which was always true, a subquery referring to a view was removed
even though the subquery was itself referred to elsewhere in the query. (Bug #31946448)
References: See also: Bug #31216115.
An EXPLAIN statement, if used with multiple-table UPDATE statements that contained derived tables,
could cause the server to exit. (Bug #31884434)
A memory leak occurred if mysqldump was used on more than one table with the --order-by-
primary option. The memory allocated for sorting each table’s rows is now freed after every table,
rather than only once. (Bug #30042589, Bug #96178)
mysqld_safe log message textual errors were corrected. Thanks to Bin Wang at China Mobile for
the contribution. (Bug #106590, Bug #33903639)
Equivalent queries could return different results because the execution paths differed slightly. For
example, Item::val_int_from_string() and Item_string::val_int() should use the
same algorithm for string to integer conversion. (Bug #106517, Bug #33881339)
Updated CMake rules to handle the deprecated PermissionsStartOnly systemd option. The
alternative executable prefix was added in systemd 231 (July 2016) while PermissionsStartOnly
was deprecated in systemd 240 (Dec 2018). The preferred executable prefix is now used where
available. (Bug #106468, Bug #33862323)
Following work done in MySQL 8.0.22 to implement condition pushdown for materialized derived
tables, an implicitly grouped query with an aggregation function in some cases returned an empty set
instead of NULL. (Bug #106414, Bug #33838439)
A prepared and executed query like 'SELECT ?' with a DATE, TIME, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP as
the bound argument could return the wrong column type. The issue is fixed by restoring the previous
logic that reprepared such queries to give each dynamic parameter its literal value. (Bug #106352,
Bug #33813951)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32915973.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A null-safe comparison (=>) did not evaluate correctly for a TIMESTAMP column in a trigger. (Bug
#106286, Bug #33790919)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32942327.
When writing DECIMAL values to the hash join buffer, the values were first normalized. This
normalization could in some cases unintentionally alter the values, which made the values fall into
the wrong hash bucket and caused incorrect results to be returned from the join.
The problem was that the normalization removed leading zeros in a manner which caused some
values to lose some of their least significant digits. We fix this by calculating the desired precision
and passing the calculated value instead of changing the original value. (Bug #106272, Bug
A query having a WHERE condition of the form c NOT BETWEEN NULL AND COALESCE(a, b),
having DATETIME columns a, b, and c, with columns a and c created as NOT NULL, did not return
correct results. Further investigation showed that, in such cases, when the second or third argument
to BETWEEN was NULL, the comparison results were inverted, causing it to evaluate as NULL for
FALSE, and FALSE for NULL. (Bug #106267, Bug #33788832)
A NULL-safe comparison between 0 (FALSE) and NULL could return TRUE, even though the
implementation responsible for evaluating an object of this type can never result in NULL and should
always return FALSE. (Bug #105773, Bug #33630225)
The QUICK_RANGE constructor used the main thread memory root for allocating keys, rather than
the same memory root as used for allocating the QUICK_RANGE object itself. This resulted in
unexpectedly high memory usage when executing multiple queries using a range check for the query
plan. (Bug #105331, Bug #33516707)
References: See also: Bug #28805105, Bug #28857990.
SELECT DISTINCT on a VARCHAR column returned 2 distinct values when the column contained an
empty string and a string consisting of a single whitespace character when the TempTable storage
engine was used (internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine = TempTable). This behavior was
incorrect when using a utf8_bin collation with PAD SPACE; trailing spaces should have been
ignored when selecting distinct values.
For temporary tables created using the TempTable storage engine, the two strings were hashed to
different values, since the TempTable hashing function always hashed zero-length data to 0. (In the
case just described, the empty string was hashed to 0 while the space character from the other string
was used to generate a nonzero hash value.)
This is now fixed by removing any special handling for zero-length data in the TempTable storage
engine's hashing function.
Our thanks to Brian Yue for the contribution. (Bug #105316, Bug #33506241)
SELECT COUNT(*) using a multi-valued index reported the wrong number of rows. (Bug #104898,
Bug #33334928)
The test program main.ssl-big failed with Too many connections.
Our thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #104377, Bug #33139204, Bug #33165693)
The two types of histograms supported by MySQL, singleton and equi-height, previously stored their
collections of buckets in a map and a set, respectively. This release changes both histogram types
such that they now store buckets in dynamic arrays instead, which reduces space overhead and
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
speeds up selectivity estimation due to reduced indirection when performing binary search on the
Because both types of histograms are constructed by inserting buckets in sorted order, and buckets
are serialized to JSON in sorted order, there is no additional work involved in switching to a dynamic
array. (Bug #104109, Bug #33045204)
An invalid conversion between signed and unsigned variables led to incorrect result from a query of
the form SELECT ALL t1.c1,t2.c1 FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.c1 > t2.c1. (Bug #102025,
Bug #32302724)
As of this release, the Performance Schema is collation-aware (Bug #98545, Bug #30881109)
An assert error could occur when inserting data larger than 32 bytes in the ROLE column of
setup_actors. As of this release, the ROLE column is increased from CHAR(32) to CHAR(96).
(Bug #74678, Bug #19947842)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.28 (2022-01-18, General Availability)
Audit Log Notes
C API Notes
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Data Type Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Event Scheduler Notes
Full-Text Search Notes
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
The new audit_log_disable system variable permits disabling audit logging for all connecting
and connected sessions. See Disabling Audit Logging. (WL #14699)
C API Notes
Building C API client programs on Windows using Clang as the compiler returned various compiler
warnings, including an unused variable warning. (Bug #33520805, Bug #33520861)
Character Set Support
Incompatible Change: CONVERT(string USING charset) did not compute the correct
maximum length for its return value, which should be the same as that calculated for CAST(string
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
AS charset). This meant that some conversions of strings from BINARY to nonbinary character
sets which should have been rejected as invalid returned values instead.
Prior to upgrading, applications that may rely on the previous CONVERT() behavior should
be checked and updated as necessary. In particular, for indexes on generated columns using
CONVERT() with invalid values, you should correct such values, drop the index, then re-create it
before upgrading to this release. In some cases, it may be simpler to rebuild the table using ALTER
TABLE table FORCE, rather than dropping and re-creating the index. See SQL Changes, for more
information. (Bug #33199145)
The output from EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE hex-encoded ranges for multi-valued indexes, even when
the data type was not a binary one. In addition, ranges using string types were also printed with hex-
encoded values, when they had a binary collation. The latter issue also affected regular indexes, but
was more visible with multi-valued indexes, since these always use utf8mb4_0900_bin collation.
Now, hex-encoding is used only for string types having a binary character set. Strings with non-
binary character sets are now printed in EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE output as plain text, with escaping
for any special characters. (Bug #33343948)
For some functions, the resolved character set was not always the same as the character set of the
first argument. (Bug #32668730, Bug #33238711)
Compilation Notes
InnoDB: Compilation issues associated with the following MSVC++ level 4 compiler warnings were
addressed: C4201, C4701, C4702, C4703, C4706. The compiler warnings, which were previously
disabled, are now enabled. (Bug #33464699)
InnoDB: MSVC++ level 4 compiler warnings were enabled. (Bug #33437498)
InnoDB: An access violation occurred when building a debug version of MySQL using Visual Studio
2019 version 16.10 or version 16.11. The violation was due to an STL iterator bug. (Bug #33223243)
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been upgraded to
use curl 7.80.0. (Bug #33576431)
Data Type Notes
This release fixes the following two issues relating to date and time values:
Inserting a CHAR value such as '12:00:00' into a DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP
column raised the wrong error. In the case of a DATE column, this error was similar to Data
truncation: Incorrect date value: '2012-00-00' for column 'd' at row 1.
This occurred for both the binary and text protocols.
Inserting a value with an offset into a DATE or TIME column using the binary protocol gave a wrong
result. For example, when the connection time zone was set to GMT-5, inserting '2021-10-10
00:00:00.123+01:00' into a TIME column yielded '18:00:00'; that is, the value was
converted to the connection time zone (this should be done only with respect to DATETIME
We fix these by recognizing and adjusting for time zone offsets whenever a TIMESTAMP value with a
time zone offset is inserted into a TIME or DATE column. (Bug #33616957, Bug #33649009)
References: See also: Bug #33539844.
A fix in MySQL 8.0.27 for a previous issue changed the resolved type of a boolean expression from
signed INT to unsigned BIGINT in order to simplify type handling, but what appeared then as a
harmless metadata change turned out to cause problems for some of the MySQL Connectors.
We now revert the metadata change and provide a different fix for the original problem, by adjusting
the max_length for the negation of an integer to at least two characters. (Bug #33516898)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33117410.
Sorts of some column types, including JSON and TEXT, sometimes exhausted the sort buffer if its
size was not at least 15 times that of the largest row in the sort. Now the sort buffer need only be
only 15 times as large as the largest sort key. (Bug #103325, Bug #105532, Bug #32738705, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30400985, Bug #30804356.
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Support for the TLS v1.0 and TLS v1.1 connection protocols is removed as of MySQL 8.0.28.
The protocols were deprecated from MySQL 8.0.26. For background, refer to the IETF memo
Deprecating TLS v1.0 and TLSv 1.1. Make connections using the more-secure TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3
protocols. TLSv1.3 requires that both the MySQL Server software and the client application were
compiled with OpenSSL 1.1.1 or higher.
From MySQL 8.0.28, client programs, including MySQL Shell, that support a --tls-version
option for specifying TLS protocols for connections to the MySQL server cannot make a TLS/SSL
connection with the protocol set to TLSv1 or TLSv1.1. If a client attempts to connect using these
protocols, for TCP connections, the connection fails, and an error is returned to the client. For socket
connections, if --ssl-mode is set to REQUIRED, the connection fails, otherwise the connection is
made but with TLS/SSL disabled.
On the server side, the following settings are changed from MySQL 8.0.28:
Permitted values for tls_version and admin_tls_version no longer include TLSv1 or
Permitted values for group_replication_recovery_tls_version no longer include TLSv1
or TLSv1.1.
For asynchronous replication, replicas can no longer set the protocol for connections to the source
(WL #14775)
The shortcuts ASCII for CHARACTER SET latin1 and UNICODE for CHARACTER SET ucs2 are
now deprecated, and you should expect their removal in a future version of MySQL. Using either of
these now raises a warning; use CHARACTER SET instead. (WL #13146)
The character sets listed here, along with all of their collations, are now deprecated, and subject to
removal in a subsequent release of MySQL:
macroman and macce
The use of any of these character sets or their collations in SQL statements or elsewhere in the
MySQL server now produces a deprecation warning.
You should use utf8mb4 instead of any of the character sets just listed. See also The ucs2
Character Set (UCS-2 Unicode Encoding), West European Character Sets, and Central European
Character Sets. (WL #13594, WL #13595, WL #13596, WL #13597)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Event Scheduler Notes
As a previous convenience, the server automatically restarted the Event Scheduler as needed
when the super_read_only system variable was disabled. Now this same convenience is applied
independently when the read_only system variable is disabled. Prior to this update, disabling
read_only could also disable super_read_only if needed, but because the code was separate,
the Event Scheduler was not restarted. (Bug #33539082)
Full-Text Search Notes
Due to the fact that, as implemented, MATCH() does not act as a function of its arguments, but rather
as a function of the row ID of the current row in the underlying scan of the base table, a query using
a rollup column as the argument to this function tended to perform poorly, and with unreliable results.
This being the case, the use of a rollup column with MATCH() is no longer permitted whenever the
following conditions are true:
MATCH() appears in the SELECT list, GROUP BY clause, HAVING clause, or ORDER BY clause.
The query uses GROUP BY ... WITH ROLLUP.
A grouping column is used as the argument to MATCH().
Any such queries are now rejected with ER_FULLTEXT_WITH_ROLLUP. (The use of MATCH() with a
rollup column in the WHERE clause is not affected by this change, and is still permitted.)
For more information, see Full-Text Search Functions. (Bug #32565923, Bug #32996762, WL
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Important Change: When using prepared statements, the DATE_ADD() and DATE_SUB() functions
returned DATETIME values, even when calculations involved combinations of YEAR, MONTH, or DAY
parts only (that is, no time parts).
Previous to implementing single preparation of prepared statements in MySQL 8.0.22, TIME values
were returned in such cases; before this was done, values used as arguments and their types
were used to determine the result type of certain temporal functions at resolution time, such as
DATE_ADD(), DATE_SUB(), and ADDTIME(). Afterwards, user variable references and dynamic
parameters are considered constant for the lifetime of one execution only, requiring that the return
type be determined in another fashion, in this case from the function type. For example, the default
resolved type for DATE_ADD() was deemed to be DATETIME if the first argument was a dynamic
parameter, since DATETIME accomodates all temporal values and thus an implicit reprepare can be
The change just described represents a regression; the problem is better solved by deriving a
more precise resolved data type, and performing a reprepare only if that does not match the actual
value of the parameter. (Such functionality was already in use in the MySQL server for numeric
parameters.) This solution is implemented by this fix.
We now parse string and numeric values when temporal values are expected. When a valid temporal
value is found, the value is converted. This fix also improves determination of resolved data types for
temporal functions.
With this fix, the DATE_ADD() and DATE_SUB() functions (and their synonyms functions
ADDDATE() and SUBDATE()) resolve types as follows:
If the first argument is a dynamic parameter, its resolved type is DATE if the second argument is an
interval that contains some combination of YEAR, MONTH, or DAY values only; otherwise, its type is
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
If the first argument is resolved as DATETIME, the resolved type of the function is also DATETIME.
If the first argument is a DATE, the resolved type of the function is also DATE, unless the interval
argument uses HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND, in which case it is DATETIME.
If the first argument is a TIME value, the resolved type is also TIME, unless the interval argument
uses any of YEAR, MONTH, or DAY, in which case the resolved type of the function is DATETIME.
If none of the preceding conditions are met, the function is resolved as VARCHAR (as in MySQL
8.0.21 and earlier).
The ADDTIME() and SUBTIME() functions now resolve types as follows:
If the first argument is a dynamic parameter, the resolved type is TIME, rather than DATETIME.
Otherwise, the resolved type of the function is derived from the resolved type of the first argument.
In addition, for DATE_ADD() and DATE_SUB(), if the resolved type of the first argument is DATE,
and a DATETIME value is provided, the statement is reprepared so that the function has the resolved
type DATETIME. Behavior is unchanged when a TIME value is provided.
For ADDTIME() and SUBTIME(), there are no forced reprepares. (Bug #103781, Bug #32915973,
Bug #33477883, Bug #33539844)
Previously, loadable functions and stored functions shared the same namespace and could not
have the same name. A subsequent implementation change eliminated the reason to share the
same namespace and permitted a stored function to be created with the same name as an existing
loadable function. To invoke the stored function, it is necessary to qualify it with a schema name.
The server now generates a warning if the stored function name collides with an existing loadable
function name. (Bug #33301931)
Queries making use of the MBRContains() function did not employ all available spatial indexes.
(Bug #32975221)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29770705.
The FORMAT() function returned a formatted number without showing the thousands separator
and grouping between separators when either the es_ES or es_MX locale was specified. (Bug
The result length of the GROUP_CONCAT() function was wrong when the value of
group_concat_max_len was increased. With a small group_concat_max_len value, the result
was correct. This issue was caused by arithmetic overflow.
Our thanks to Hope Lee for the contribution. (Bug #105380, Bug #33521497)
Optimizer Notes
For a query, a range scan can be picked first and the optimizer decide that the same range scan
can be used to skip ordering. In some cases, when the requested order is not the same as the index
order, a reverse index scan is required. If the requested ordering is on the key part that is not already
used by the range scan, we update the number of used key parts for the range scan to reflect the
change. The issue occurred because the key part information was not also updated, and when it was
necessary to access key part information based on the number of key parts used.
We also now note when a reverse scan uses extended key parts, and set the correct flags for
evaluation accordingly. (Bug #33615893)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33037007.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
In both optimizer trace and EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE output, date ranges were printed as binary.
Now in such cases we print temporal values as quoted strings. (Bug #33335079)
When a condition was pushed down, the result of evaluating assignments to user variables in the
SELECT list of the subquery were sometimes affected. For this reason, we now prevent condition
pushdown for statements with assignments to user variables.
Our thanks to Casa Zhang and the Tencent team for the contribution. (Bug #104918, Bug
When the join buffer was set to certain arbitrary sizes, the number of chunk files created for hash
joins was too small. This meant that each file contained more rows than could fit in the join buffer,
so that the probe chunks needed to be read multiple times. This was caused by using integer
division when computing how many chunk files are needed; we fix this by using floating-point division
Our thanks to Øystein Grøvlen for the contribution. (Bug #104186, Bug #33073354)
A query using aggregation on a BIT type could return different results depending on the indexes
or join type employed. This was due to the fact that a DML statement using such an aggregation
caches the BIT values using an integer type, and later looks up and converts to a string format for
output. The current issue arose because this lookup treated the BIT value as an integer, resulting in
an incorrect string value.
This is fixed by adding a new internal class for cached BIT values which can convert bit values to
string formats correctly.
Our thanks to Hope Lee for the contribution. (Bug #100859, Bug #31894023)
When a DML statement containing an outer DISTINCT query with a subquery inside a HAVING
clause, the inner subquery attempts to use a column reference for a column from the outer
DISTINCT query, but this should be allowed only if the subquery is used somewhere outside of the
HAVING, or if the outer SELECT does not use grouping. The current issue came about because such
a query was allowed to run even though neither of these conditions were met.
To fix this, the column reference check is expanded to detect an invalid column reference of this sort,
and to return an error if it does.
Our thanks to Song Zhibai for the contribution. (Bug #97742, Bug #30617496)
Packaging Notes
The GnuPG build key used to sign MySQL downloadable packages has been updated. The previous
GnuPG build key is set to expire on 2022-02-16. For information about verifying the integrity and
authenticity of MySQL downloadable packages using GnuPG signature checking, or to obtain a copy
of our public GnuPG build key, see Signature Checking Using GnuPG.
Due to the GnuPG key update, systems configured to use may report a signature
verification error when upgrading to MySQL 5.7.37 and higher or to MySQL 8.0.28 and higher using
apt or yum. Use one of the following methods to resolve this issue:
1. Manually reinstall the MySQL APT or YUM repository setup package from
2. Download the MySQL GnuPG public key and add it your system GPG keyring.
For MySQL APT repository instructions, see Appendix A: Adding and Configuring the MySQL
APT Repository Manually.
For MySQL YUM repository instructions, see Upgrading MySQL with the MySQL Yum
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(Bug #33587308)
The bundled libedit library was upgraded to version 20210910-3.1. (Bug #33568767)
Performance Schema Notes
A new statement metric, CPU_TIME, is now available, enabling you to measure the CPU time spent
on a query.
The following changes were made to support this:
A timer, THREAD_CPU, was added to the Performance Schema PERFORMANCE_TIMERS table.
A consumer, events_statements_cpu was added to the Performance Schema
setup_consumers table.
events_statements_cpu is disabled by default.
A Performance Schema command option, performance-schema-consumer-events-
statements-cpu to enable or disable the consumer, events_statements_cpu.
See Performance Schema Command Options for more information.
The following columns were added:
CPU_TIME column was added to the following Performance Schema tables:
CPU_TIME is the time spent on CPU for the current thread, expressed in picoseconds.
SUM_CPU_TIME column was added to the following Performance Schema tables:
SUM_CPU_TIME is the CPU time spent on the current thread, expressed in picoseconds, for
the corresponding aggregations.
CPU_LATENCY column was added to the following sys schema tables:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
CPU latency is the CPU time spent on the current thread, expressed in human-readable form.
CPU_LATENCY column was added to the following sys schema x$ tables:
CPU latency is the CPU time spent on the current thread, expressed in picoseconds.
Our thanks to Facebook for their contribution to this fix. (Bug #32202060, Bug #101764, WL #14779)
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change: The number of distinct windows which can appear in a given SELECT is now
limited to 127. The number of distinct windows is the sum of the named windows and the implicit
windows specified as part of any window function's OVER clause.
In order to use a large number of windows, it may be necessary to increase the value of the
thread_stack server system variable. (Bug #33279604)
InnoDB: InnoDB now supports ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN operations using
Operations that support ALGORITHM=INSTANT only modify metadata in the data dictionary.
Table data is unaffected, making the operations instantaneous. If not specified explicitly,
ALGORITHM=INSTANT is used by default by DDL operations that support it.
For more information about this and other DDL operations that support ALGORITHM=INSTANT, see
Online DDL Operations. (WL #14785)
It is theoretically possible for a user with sufficient permissions using MySQL Enterprise Audit
to mistakenly create an “abort” item in the audit log filter that prevents themselves and other
administrators from accessing the system. From MySQL 8.0.28, the AUDIT_ABORT_EXEMPT
privilege is available to permit a user account’s queries to always be executed even if an “abort” item
would block them. Accounts with this privilege can therefore be used to regain access to a system
following an audit misconfiguration. The query is still logged in the audit log, but instead of being
rejected, it is permitted due to the privilege.
Accounts created in MySQL 8.0.28 or later with the SYSTEM_USER privilege have the
AUDIT_ABORT_EXEMPT privilege assigned automatically when they are created. The
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
AUDIT_ABORT_EXEMPT privilege is also assigned to existing accounts with the SYSTEM_USER
privilege when you carry out an upgrade procedure with MySQL 8.0.28 or later, if no existing
accounts have that privilege assigned. (WL #14670)
The tmp_table_size variable now defines the maximum size of individual in-memory internal
temporary tables created by the TempTable storage engine. An appropriate size limit prevents
individual queries from consuming an inordinate amount global TempTable resources. See Internal
Temporary Table Storage Engine. (WL #14647)
The innodb_open_files variable, which defines the number of files InnoDB can have open at
one time, can now be set at runtime using a SELECT innodb_set_open_files_limit(N)
statement. The statement executes a stored procedure that sets the new limit.
To prevent non-LRU manged files from consuming the entire innodb_open_files limit, non-LRU
managed files are now limited to 90 percent of the innodb_open_files limit, which reserves 10
percent of the innodb_open_files limit for LRU managed files.
The innodb_open_files limit now includes temporary tablespace files, which were not counted
toward the limit previously. (WL #14591)
The functions FROM_UNIXTIME(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), and CONVERT_TZ() now handle 64-bit
values on platforms that support them, including 64-bit versions of Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
On compatible platforms, FROM_UNIXTIME() now accepts a maximum argument of
32536771199.999999 seconds, corresponding to '3001-01-18 23:59:59.999999' UTC
(including the optional fraction of up to 6 digits). If the argument is larger than this, the function
returns NULL.
On compatible platforms, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() now accepts a maximum value of '3001-01-18
23:59:59.999999' UTC, corresponding to 32536771199.999999 seconds since the Unix Epoch.
If the argument is larger than this, the function returns 0.
In addition, on compatible platforms, CONVERT_TZ() now performs time zone conversion beyond
2038, up to '3001-01-18 23:59:59.999999' UTC. If the datetime argument exceeds this value,
the argument is returned unchanged. This “no-op” behavior is the same as previously with values
beyond '2038-01-19 03:14:07.999999' UTC.
The behavior of these 3 functions on 32-bit platforms is unchanged.
The behavior of the TIMESTAMP type is also unaffected by this change; its maximum allowed value
remains '2038-01-19 03:14:07.999999' UTC, regardless of platform. For dates futureward of
this, use the MySQL DATETIME type instead. (WL #14630)
This release introduces monitoring and limiting of memory allocation on a global and per-user
basis. You can now observe the total memory consumed by all user connections by checking the
value of the Global_connection_memory status variable, which must be enabled by setting
global_connection_memory_tracking = 1.
The total includes memory used by system processes, or by the MySQL root user, although these
users are not subject to disconnection due to memory usage.
Memory used by the InnoDB buffer pool is not included in the total.
You can control indirectly how often the status variable is updated by adjusting
connection_memory_chunk_size; Global_connection_memory is updated only when the
total memory usage varies by more than this amount.
You can specify limits on resource consumption per user connection by setting
connection_memory_limit; any user whose memory usage exceeds this amount
cannot issue additional queries. You can also impose a global memory limit by setting
global_connection_memory_limit. Whenever Global_connection_memory exceeds the
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
global limit, no regular users can issue new queries requiring memory usage. System users such as
MySQL root are not bound by these limits. (WL #13458)
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: The minimum I/O buffer size calculated during an index creation operation did not align with
the I/O block size, permitting a record to exceed the buffer boundary. (Bug #33570629)
InnoDB: The sync_array_detect_deadlock algorithm used by the semaphore deadlock
checker in debug builds was simplified in terms of code and time complexity, and an implementation
of the algorithm was introduced for use in release builds. (Bug #33538505)
InnoDB: The ut::make_unique library function in the InnoDB sources now permits specifying the
type of field allocated. (Bug #33538461)
InnoDB: A Performance Schema instrumentation was added for tracking redo log buffer memory
allocations. (Bug #33527660)
InnoDB: Warnings printed to the error log for long semaphore waits did not provide information
about the latch owner. (Bug #33509386)
InnoDB: A latch release and reacquisition mechanism was introduced to reduce the amount of time
that threads spend in critical sections protected by a global lock system latch. (Bug #33502610, Bug
InnoDB: A hole punch operation on Windows caused a failure. The operation was performed as an
overlapped (asynchronous) operation, which requires a OVERLAPPED structure containing a handle
to an event object. The OVERLAPPED structure was not provided. (Bug #33496778)
InnoDB: The ut_time() infrastructure in the InnoDB sources was replaced with a type-checked
standard library implementation. (Bug #33460092)
InnoDB: Numerous Trying to access missing tablespace errors were printed to the error
log following a restore operation. (Bug #33437625)
InnoDB: Performance Schema aware ut::make_unique and ut::make_shared
memory management library functions were added to the InnoDB sources. Similar functions
(ut::make_unique_aligned and ut::make_shared_aligned) were added for types with
extended alignment. (Bug #33420694)
InnoDB: The buf_validate() function in the InnoDB sources was optimized, improving
performance on debug builds.
Thanks to Hobert Lu for the contribution. (Bug #33417058, Bug #104967)
InnoDB: On a NUMA-enabled system, the page size of memory chunks allocated to the buffer pool
did not align with the system page size in certain scenarios, causing in the following error: Failed
to set NUMA memory policy of buffer pool page frames to MPOL_INTERLEAVE.
(Bug #33406701)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32714144.
InnoDB: Two instances of std::unique_ptr with mem_heap in the InnoDB sources now use the
Scoped_heap() wrapper, which uses a stateless function object instead of a pointer to a function.
(Bug #33405520)
InnoDB: The m_end_range flag in the prebuilt struct, which is set to true when the end of the
range is exceeded while populating the prefetch cache, was not set to false when the prefetch cache
was reset (initialized). As a result, in cases where the end of the range is not exceeded and the
handler is reused, the m_end_range flag could be set incorrectly the next time the prefect cache is
used. (Bug #33384537)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Column metadata in the data dictionary was not updated when a new table ID was
assigned to a table after discarding the table's tablespace during a table import operation. (Bug
InnoDB: Setting the innodb_interpreter debug-only system variable to NULL caused a failure.
(Bug #33316661)
InnoDB: Full-text index creation file management was improved. (Bug #33270893)
InnoDB: An update operation that inserted a new row into a temporary table used for aggregation
caused the temporary table to be moved to disk and the update operation to be retried on the new
on-disk temporary table. A BLOB pointer in the record data prepared before the temporary table was
moved to disk was rendered stale, causing a failure. (Bug #33242407)
InnoDB: Memory allocation is now performed by a new standards-compliant custom memory
allocator which is compatible with Performance Schema. (Bug #33159210)
InnoDB: A race condition between threads attempting to deinitialize and initialize statistics for the
same table raised and assertion failure. (Bug #33135425)
InnoDB: An innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit setting other than 1 or a long running
transaction could have resulted in an inconsistent rate of redo log flushing. (Bug #33128461)
InnoDB: Allocation of large pages is now handled by a library designed to handle this. In cases
where the large page allocation mechanism cannot be used, a fallback mechanism allocates regular
aligned pages. Fallback can occur when large page address space is exhausted, when large page
support is disabled by the underlying hardware or operating system architecture, or when large
page support in MySQL is disabled explicitly (--large-pages=0). Occurrences of ut_allocator
functions for allocation and deallocation of large pages have been replaced by the new library
functions. (Bug #33119009, Bug #33118309, Bug #33149501, Bug #32135935)
InnoDB: Handling of regular 4K page-aligned allocations is now performed by a self-contained
library which is compatible with Performance Schema. (Bug #33118362)
InnoDB: Functions belonging to a new InnoDB library responsible for dynamic storage management
of suitably aligned types has replaced the functions previously used for this purpose. (Bug
InnoDB: Dynamic allocation of suitably aligned types is now handled by a library which is compatible
with Performance Schema. (Bug #33110312)
InnoDB: While a purge thread was freeing LOB pages at end of a purge batch, a required index data
structure was freed, causing a failure. (Bug #32918325)
InnoDB: Inconsistencies in Performance Schema instrumentation logic for dynamic memory
management functions (ut_* functions) were addressed. (Bug #32715466)
InnoDB: InnoDB dynamic allocation routine limitations prevented dynamic allocation of an array
of constructible types. The limitations have been addressed, permitting allocation of default
constructible types, non-default constructible types, and types that are both default and non-default
constructible. (Bug #32714047)
InnoDB: When using READ COMMITTED or READ UNCOMMITTED, certain queries executed on
a table inside of a trigger or function prevented concurrent transactions on the same table. The
acquired locks were too restrictive. (Bug #32636792)
InnoDB: Hole punch functionality was not working as expected for tablespace pages that were
encrypted and compressed, for most pages on Windows, and for Windows volumes that do not
implement Microsoft volume management functions. (Bug #32136255)
InnoDB: Replacing the ut_time() infrastructure with a type-checked standard library (std)
implementation in MySQL 8.0.28 caused a performance regression. The regression was due the
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
time library used by std clocks, which generates system calls. Low resolution clocks are now used
instead. (Bug #107763, Bug #34352870)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33460092.
Packaging: Added an icu-data-files RPM that was separated from the server package. This
is a package of ICU data files needed by MySQL regular expressions. (Bug #35162346)
Partitioning: Creating a table with nondeterministic functions in generated column expressions
should not be possible, but this was not enforced in all cases; a series of one or more ALTER TABLE
statements could be employed to arrive at a partitioned table with one or more such generated
columns. When attempting to execute the CREATE TABLE statement obtained by running SHOW
CREATE TABLE against this table, MySQL rejected the statement with a misleading error message
referring to the partitioning expression rather than to the problematic column, despite the fact that the
partitioning expression itself was legal.
This was caused by the result of a check for any unsafe expressions defined for a generated column
(in the internal variable thd->safe_to_cache_query), which was later checked again without
being cleared while parsing the partition expression, leading to an error even when the partition
expression did not refer to the problematic generated column expression. Now in such cases, we
reset thd->safe_to_cache_query before parsing the partition function.
The issue of allowing the use of certain nondeterminstic functions (AES_ENCRYPT(),
AES_DECRYPT(), RANDOM_BYTES()) in generated columns is handled separately. (Bug
References: See also: Bug #32592320.
Partitioning: A query using an index other than the primary key of a partitioned table sometimes
resulted in excessive CPU load. (Bug #104576, Bug #33238010)
Replication: A PURGE BINARY LOGS statement could be issued while the instance was locked
for backup, which contravened the rules of the backup lock by removing files from the server. The
statement now cannot be used while a LOCK INSTANCE FOR BACKUP statement is in effect. (Bug
Replication: Replication stopped with an error when reading a table map event if the name of the
table or database was over 64 bytes – the limit is 64 characters, so the use of multi-byte characters
could cause this situation. The replica now no longer checks the size of the table and database
names, and supports the transmission of longer names. (Bug #33305975, Bug #104798)
Replication: A lock conflict could occur if the Performance Schema table
replication_applier_status_by_worker was queried while a STOP REPLICA command
was in progress. The issue has now been resolved. (Bug #33290947)
Replication: From MySQL 8.0.26, new versions of the plugins that implement semisynchronous
replication are supplied to replace the terms “master” and “slave” with “source” and “replica”.
Following this, the UNINSTALL PLUGIN statement incorrectly allowed the old versions of the
plugins, rpl_semi_sync_master and rpl_semi_sync_slave, to be uninstalled when replication
channels were currently using them. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #33270401)
Replication: When the PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH SQL mode was enabled on a replica
server, trailing spaces could be added to a replication channel’s name in the replication metadata
repository tables, resulting in errors in replication operations that identified the channel using that
data. The issue has now been fixed in MySQL 8.0 by using VARCHAR for character columns, and in
MySQL 5.7 by disabling the SQL mode when reading from those tables. Thanks to Brian Yue for the
contribution. (Bug #33213841)
Replication: If a replica was disconnecting while a SHOW REPLICAS statement was being issued,
the server was able to access deleted data. (Bug #33206343, Bug #104566)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: If a replica server with the system variable replica_preserve_commit_order =
1 set was used under intensive load for a long period, the instance could run out of commit order
sequence tickets. Incorrect behavior after the maximum value was exceeded caused the applier
to hang and the applier worker threads to wait indefinitely on the commit order queue. The commit
order sequence ticket generator now wraps around correctly. Thanks to Zhai Weixiang for the
contribution. (Bug #32891221, Bug #103636)
Replication: The replication receiver thread stopped with an error if the replication source server
sent a heartbeat event containing a binary log file position that was above the 4GB offset, due to the
large size of the binary log file. A new heartbeat event (Heartbeat_log_event_v2, log event type 41)
that handles the larger value correctly has been added for use in this situation. (Bug #29913991)
Group Replication: Group Replication could stop unexpectedly during the auto-rejoin procedure
while the Performance Schema replication group member statistics table was being checked. The
concurrency of the operations is now handled correctly. (Bug #33609089)
Group Replication: Group Replication's selection process for a group member to be the donor
for distributed recovery involves the use of the standard random selector defined for the operating
system. If this random device was not available and an exception was thrown, the member's joining
process stopped. Group Replication now takes this possibility into account and uses a fallback
random selector if the one on the operating system returns an error. (Bug #33596124)
Group Replication: The STOP GROUP_REPLICATION statement stops asynchronous replication
channels on the group member, but it does not implicitly commit transactions that are in progress
on them like STOP REPLICA does. This is because on a Group Replication group member,
an additional transaction committed during the shutdown operation would leave the member
inconsistent with the group and cause an issue with rejoining. The server is left in a read-only state
after the operation is completed. This situation leads to failed commits for transactions that are in
progress while stopping Group Replication, so to avoid these, the STOP GROUP_REPLICATION
statement now cannot be issued while a GTID is assigned as the value of the gtid_next system
variable. (Bug #33412483)
Group Replication: An expelled group member using the Group Replication auto-rejoin procedure
reported its state as RECOVERING too early on, while it was still collecting information from other
group members and before the compatibility checks were complete. The state change is now carried
out while the view is being installed, which is the point where the rejoining member is actually
accepted as a group member. (Bug #33380840)
Group Replication: Disabling the Group Replication plugin in a MySQL source distribution using
the CMake option DWITH_GROUP_REPLICATION=0 did not disable applications and tests related to
Group Replication, which caused them to build incorrectly. (Bug #33308513)
Group Replication: In Group Replication, if a SET gtid_next statement is used on a group
member to set the GTID for the next transaction, it is possible for the same GTID to be used for
a transaction that starts concurrently on another member. If both transactions reach the commit
stage, the second one in the total order is rolled back, resolving the situation. However, when the
transaction consistency level for Group Replication (the group_replication_consistency
system variable) was set to BEFORE or BEFORE_AND_AFTER, members could reach a deadlock
with one holding ownership of a GTID in the gtid_owned set, and another waiting for ownership
to be released before committing the transaction. The wait function now only considers the GTIDs
for committed transactions and not the GTIDs that are owned but not committed, except where a
session owns a GTID that is concurrently committed, in which case the executing session errors out.
(Bug #33051454, Bug #104096)
Group Replication: The group communication engine for Group Replication (XCom, a Paxos
variant) now logs more information in the situation where the existing group members have difficulty
in communicating with a joining member, for example due to network issues. This can result in the
group remembering an old incarnation of the joining member and not allowing it to attempt to join
again. (Bug #32873315)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group Replication: Group Replication's Group Communication System (GCS) now differentiates
in its records of expelled members between those that had successfully joined the group, and those
that never did manage to join the group. (Bug #32630484)
Group Replication: A race condition occurred if the Group Replication group member statistics in
the Performance Schema were queried when Group Replication was being started or stopped. (Bug
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, added missing debug and test suite binaries for MySQL Server
(commercial) and MySQL NDB Cluster (commercial and community). (Bug #32713189)
JSON: When the first argument passed to JSON_TABLE() was a row instead of a single JSON
value, an assertion was raised while trying to evaluate the row expression. We fix this by raising an
error during function resolution if the first argument is a row, so that the row expression itself is never
evaluated. (Bug #33414235)
Using LPAD() or RPAD() in the expression for a generated column led to corrupted indexes on the
parent table. (Bug #33661337)
References: See also: Bug #32668730, Bug #33238711.
In some cases where warnings were issued, rows were missing from the results of aggregation using
a temporary table. (Bug #33603911)
For openSUSE 15, added the libtirpc rpcgen build requirement in mysql.spec to now use TI-RPC.
(Bug #33582982)
An UPDATE statement acting on multiple tables sometimes adds elements to a list each time it is
executed. Elements were never removed from this list, which increased the memory footprint for
each execution of the statement. We fix this by clearing the element list following execution. (Bug
The size of the HOST column of the Performance Schema processlist table is increased from
VARCHAR(255) to VARCHAR(261). (Bug #33570218)
A keyring migration failure due to an OpenSSL error raised an assertion. The SSL error state was
not flushed from the thread's OpenSSL error queue. (Bug #33546207)
A process listing function call caused a failure. (Bug #33511690)
The commercial Debian server packages contained two testing plugins
( and; they
were moved to the separate and optional testing package. (Bug #33504443)
For Fedora, increased the release package version number from 1 to 10; this to help eliminate
potential installation related problems with native Fedora dnf/yum packages of the same version.
(Bug #33504443)
Increased compat level to 11 for Debian-based packages as the previous level of 9 is deprecated;
and replaced calls to dh_systemd_enable + dh_systemd_start with dh_installsystemd to satisfy
requirements for compatibility level 10+. (Bug #33458752)
A delete operation involving a full-text search query caused a failure. (Bug #33455243)
An improperly handled error caused a startup failure when using the keyring_okv plugin. (Bug
For Debian, added a mysql-community-server dependency to the mysql-community-
server-debug package so as to pull in all required packages needed by the debug build. (Bug
For virtual generated columns of type DECIMAL, we now always store some data, so that we avoid
undefined behavior when trying to convert the field buffer to a decimal value. (Bug #33424846)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL now supports pushing a condition down to a derived table when an expression from the
underlying derived table contains a variable set by a stored procedure. (Bug #33423394)
tls_version and admin_tls_version settings are now validated server startup. (Bug
The admin_tls_version variable accepted an invalid value. (Bug #33389818)
If two or more deprecated system variables were persisted using a SET PERSIST statement, when
the server was restarted, a deprecation warning was only logged for the first of the deprecated
system variables. (Bug #33388488)
For an index range scan whose key parts are equal, the range is now shown as an equality.
For example, a = 3 is now displayed, instead of 3 <= a <= 3 previous to this change. (Bug
Replaced /var/run references with /run as /var/run usage is deprecated for tmpfiles.d
configuration files. The symlink from /var/run to /run remains to keep current setups functional.
(Bug #33351110, Bug #33588618)
with a specific configuration caused a failure. (Bug #33341623)
Added a mapping from ICU error code U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR to the new MySQL error code
A failed keyring function argument validation check caused a failure. (Bug #33319782)
The index range scan iterator did not always increment the number of rows examined as expected.
(Bug #33305632)
Enabling the create_admin_listener_thread system variable on the command line could
cause a server exit during startup under specific error conditions. (Bug #33300587)
The SUBSTR() function did not always correctly handle errors raised when trying to evaluate its
arguments. (Bug #33290160)
International Components for Unicode version 67 introduced a new implementation for \X (match a
grapheme cluster), which requires locale data not currently included with MySQL.
This means that, when using the version of ICU bundled with MySQL, a query using \X raises
the error ER_REGEXP_MISSING_RESOURCE; when using ICU supplied by the system, we report
ER_WARN_REGEXP_USING_DEFAULT as a Note. (Bug #33290090)
A full-text search query on a table stored in the BLACKHOLE storage engine where the chosen
query plan used a full-text index scan caused an error instead of returning an empty result set. (Bug
The LOCK_TIME returned by the performance schema was under evaluated, missing time spent in
rows locks, and time spent when locking multiple tables. As of this release, LOCK_TIME accounts for:
all the time waited on SQL TABLES
all the time waited on DATA locks
LOCK_TIME is now reported consistently in the slow log and the performance schema. (Bug
A new option \T for the mysql client prompt prints an asterisk (*) if the current session is inside a
transaction block. You can use the option with the --prompt command-line option, in a MySQL
option file, or with the MYSQL_PS1 environment variable. Thanks to Murakami Kohei for the
contribution. (Bug #33214862, Bug #104598)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Constant subqueries in RANGE INTERVAL expressions were not always handled correctly. (Bug
Decimal expressions which evaluated as NULL were not always handled correctly. (Bug #33169048)
A user account that was granted a MySQL role with a global SELECT privilege was denied access
to the mysql database. The user account's global privileges were not checked when the role was
granted. (Bug #33159353, Bug #104423)
When setting up an Item_ref to a SELECT alias, its cached properties are copied (including
whether it is part of a ROLLUP expression or not). However, these might not yet be correctly
computed, so the computation should to be done first or the values could be wrong. Having the
wrong value could cause certain expressions to be materialized in an intermediate step when they
should not (because they contain ROLLUP expressions that are not ready for computation, but
having the wrong value is unknown at this point). The issue is fixed by forcing cached values to be
recomputed when an item is designated as a rollup item. (Bug #33149402, Bug #104394)
An invalid comment string detected while upgrading a table from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 caused
the upgrade to fail with errors that did not provide sufficient contextual information. (Bug #33148961)
It was possible in some cases to create a generated column of type SERIAL, which is not allowed.
See Numeric Data Type Syntax, and CREATE TABLE and Generated Columns, for more information
(Bug #33141966)
Statements which commit a transaction implicitly or explicitly are not allowed inside a trigger
or a stored function. Both CREATE TRIGGER and CREATE FUNCTION should report an error
(ER_COMMIT_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_SF_OR_TRG) in this case, but did not correctly handle DROP
TABLESPACE. (Bug #33141958)
A SHOW TABLE STATUS operation raised an assertion failure when run on a table defined with a
very large AVG_ROW_LENGTH value. (Bug #33114368)
When calculating the maximum number of rows likely to be read from a scan, the intermediate result
was a double that could become greater than the maximum allowed value for a 64-bit unsigned
integer. This triggered undefined behavior when converting the intermediate double value to an
integer, which in some cases could lead to assert failures.
We fix this by clamping the result in the range [1, UINT64_MAX]. (Bug #33066458)
Queries using both UNION and LIMIT 0 triggered an assert failure in debug builds. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32302724.
Renaming an event using ALTER EVENT ... RENAME TO did not delete the Performance Schema
instrumentation for the original event. (Bug #33059358)
An SSL handshake assertion was raised on debug builds when using the thread pool plugin. (Bug
Some prepared statements using either GROUP BY WITH ROLLUP or one or more window functions
could be executed successfully only once. (Bug #33007266)
An error occurred for statements of the form INSERT INTO view VALUE(tuple) AS
row_alias(id_list). When executing such statements, the server calls the internal function
Sql_cmd_insert_base::prepare_values_table() in order to prepare the derived table
created as a VALUES alias; this function populates Sql_cmd_insert_base.values_field_list
with Item_field objects pointing to the columns of the underlying table. When inserting into a view
rather than a table, an expected real_item() transform, needed to map from an Item_view_ref
referencing the view column to an Item_field representing the corresponding column in the
underlying table, was not performed. (Bug #32858783)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Some multiply-nested subselects were not handled correctly, and could lead to an unplanned
shutdown of the server. (Bug #32547812)
Inspection of a session thread object during a SHOW PROCESSLIST operation and a concurrent
change to the thread's security context resulted in a race condition. (Bug #32320541, Bug #102052)
In cases where there are no operations to be performed on the result of a UNION, the rows are
streamed without storing them in a temporary table, although a placeholder for the temporary table
still exists in the query block. Since this table is not instantiated, a check for estimates of the cost
of reading the rows from the table while calculating the access cost and optimizing for range based
access had unpredictable results.
We fix this by skipping retrieval of such row estimates in the case of an uninstantiated temporary
table. (Bug #32255904)
A multi-table DELETE statement using common table expressions was not always handled correctly.
(Bug #32238558)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #98330, Bug #30796015.
If a CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR was to be sent to a client, an exception could occur. (Bug #31933415)
SSL-related code was revised to avoid a potential memory leak. (Bug #31933295)
In some cases, multiple-table UPDATE statements could block concurrent access. (Bug #31731752)
Keyring system variables that use an internal slot for complex settings no longer accept a setting of
DEFAULT. (Bug #30879700)
The Timestamp column in the mysql.tables_priv and myql.columns_priv grant tables was
set to a zero timestamp value ("0000-00-00 00:00:00") for GRANT and REVOKE operations,
preventing a logical restore of the grant tables. As of MySQL 8.0.28, a valid start time value is written
to the Timestamp column.
If you have existing grant table records with zero timestamp values that are preventing a logical
restore of the grant tables, a workaround is to update records in the grant tables or in the dump files,
replacing zero timestamp values with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
Thanks to Venkatesh Prasad Venugopal for the contribution. (Bug #30863899, Bug #98495)
Producing a per-table dump using mysqldump in MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 requires a longer execution
time compared to MySQL 5.6. This is because the information_schema.files table, which is
queried for information on log file groups by mysqldump, contains information about InnoDB data
files as well as NDB data files from MySQL 5.7. In MySQL 8.0, the issue has been fixed by rewriting
the query to select only the appropriate data files. In MySQL 5.7, Information Schema tables do not
have indexes, so a full table scan is still required. (Bug #29210990, Bug #93875)
Keyring memory management was improved. (Bug #25042167)
Incorrect values for FORCE INDEX FOR GROUP BY could be set while saving and restoring the
presence of FORCE INDEX hints within tables. (Bug #105694, Bug #33604416)
If a query with the sql_buffer_result system variable enabled returned just one row, and
an attempt was made to insert the result into a table, then an error in setting the output from the
temporary table could produce a data exception. (Bug #105351, Bug #33515752)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33152269.
Resetting of the active slice was not performed in WindowIterator::Read() at the end the end of
the input result set for windowing. This led to reading wrong values on reaching the ORDER BY sort,
since the number of the active slice was still set to 1—that is, to the items being read from the input
table—while the ORDER BY sorting stage needs to read the values after computation of any window
functions. For this, it needs the active slice to be that of the last window's output table.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
We fix this by moving the resetting of the slice to the output slice immediately following the read,
so that it is already set correctly when returning at the end of the input set and moving on to the
Our thanks to Casa Zhang and the Tencent team for the contribution. (Bug #105045, Bug
Code inspection revealed use of strncpy() in the internal function
set_parse_error_message() without making sure that the last byte of the buffer being copied
into was a null byte. We fix this by using snprintf() instead of strncpy(); this ensures that the
result is valid even if it is truncated. (Bug #104856, Bug #33321787)
When executing prepared statements that activated a trigger created with the DEFINER clause (or a
stored function), invoker privileges were used for checking table access instead of definer privileges.
This, in turn, could cause privilege checks on tables used by the trigger or stored function to fail.
(Bug #104168, Bug #33064461)
When a singleton histogram is constructed, its cumulative frequency is calculated by adding
frequencies of previous buckets with the current bucket; because a floating-point value was used for
the accumulator, this sometimes led to accumulated float errors, with the final cumulative frequency
fractionally greater than 1.0.
This fix accumulates the frequency with an integer type instead, to avoid intermediate floating-point
Our thanks to Casa Zhang and the Tencent team for the contribution. (Bug #104108, Bug
With index_condition_pushdown=ON and transaction_isolation='READ-COMMITTED',
locks on secondary indexes were not released until the transaction was either committed or rolled
back, even though the secondary indexes were unmatched. (Bug #102722, Bug #32554667)
Multi-valued indexes were not used for queries executed from within stored functions. (Bug #102359,
Bug #32427727)
References: See also: Bug #104700, Bug #33268466.
An error occurred for an SQL statement having the form shown here:
INSERT INTO target_table
SELECT aggregate_expression, non_aggregate_expression
FROM empty_table;
This happened when the query plan used aggregation from a temporary table, and when
non_aggregate_expression was constant during one execution of the query, but could vary
between executions. Such an expression might, for example, include a function such as NOW() or
USER(). This resulted in the temporary table getting a column for non_aggregate_expression,
which is unnecessary, since all rows have the same value. In addition, if there were no rows, there
was no legal value to insert into target_table, which is what actually triggered the error.
We fix this by not using a temporary table column when non_aggregate_expression is const
for the current execution. (Bug #102252, Bug #32384355, Bug #33546083)
When executing a prepared statement that included values passed in as strings, MySQL attempted
to parse them as integers and could return an error unrelated to the input value.
After a recent change, dynamic parameter handling was refactored so that the derived data type
for parameters was determined based on context. For example, in a comparison such as int_col
= ?, the parameter was given the same type as the (integer) column it was compared to. To
preserve compatibility with existing MySQL applications, if a decimal or float value was supplied as
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
parameter, the statement was automatically reprepared with new type assigned to the parameter
based on the actual value. This handling preserved compatibility for numeric parameters.
However, if a string parameter was supplied, it was still interpreted as an integer (the resolved data
type) and this behavior was not compatible with older MySQL versions that detected the actual type
of the value. The consequences being that if int_col = ? is executed with the parameter value
'1.7', only the integer part of the string was used, making the effective comparison int_col = 1.
To fix the issue, now when a string parameter is supplied, the parameter is analyzed to determine
if it is an integer, a decimal, or a float value and the actual data type of the parameter is updated
accordingly. Later, the actual type is compared to the resolved type and if it is incompatible, the
statement is reprepared with the new actual type. So, the previous statement now evaluates as
int_col = 1.7 and the comparison evaluates using decimal numbers. (Bug #101806, Bug
#32213576, Bug #103364, Bug #32787037)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.27 (2021-10-19, General Availability)
Audit Log Notes
Authentication Notes
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Connection Management Notes
Data Type Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Storage Engine Notes
Firewall Notes
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Keyring Notes
Optimizer Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Security Notes
Server Administration
Spatial Data Support
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
A CREATE USER statement BY 'auth_string' clause was written to the audit log and general
query log as an AS 'auth_string' clause. (Bug #33184550)
Authentication Notes
Previously, MySQL user accounts authenticated to the server using a single authentication method.
MySQL now supports multifactor authentication (MFA), which makes it possible to create accounts
that have up to three authentication methods. MFA support entails these changes:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
CREATE USER and ALTER USER syntax has been extended to permit specification of multiple
authentication methods.
The authentication_policy system variable enables MFA policy to be established by
controlling how many factors can be used and the types of authentication permitted for each factor.
This places constraints on how the authentication-related clauses of CREATE USER and ALTER
USER statements may be used.
Client programs have new --password1, --password2, and --password3 command-
line options for specifying multiple passwords. For applications that use the C API, the new
MYSQL_OPT_USER_PASSWORD option for the mysql_options4() C API function enables the
same capability.
In addition, MySQL Enterprise Edition now supports authentication to MySQL Server using devices
such as smart cards, security keys, and biometric readers. This authentication method is based on
the Fast Identity Online (FIDO) standard, and uses a pair of plugins, authentication_fido on
the server side and authentication_fido_client on the client side. The server-side FIDO
authentication plugin is included only in MySQL Enterprise Edition distributions.
Multifactor authentication can use existing MySQL authentication methods, the new FIDO
authentication method, or a combination of both. For more information, see Multifactor
Authentication, and FIDO Pluggable Authentication. (Bug #33159968, WL #14183)
In cases where an authentication plugin performed no hashing of the authentication string, CREATE
USER statements with a BY 'auth_string' clause failed with an error. (Bug #33125289)
Character Set Support
Regular expression functions now report an error when an expression or pattern cannot be
converted to a character set which is suitable for the ICU regular expression engine.
In addition, error checking in several geometry functions has been improved. (Bug #33290245)
The gen_dictionary() function now takes latin1 as the character set of its argument, and
returns the same character set. (Bug #30389649)
Otherwise identical strings, using, respectively, the ASCII (collation ascii_general_ci) and UCS2
(collation ucs2_general_ci) character sets did not match as expected in join conditions. (Bug
#104571, Bug #33204161)
References: See also: Bug #24847620, Bug #30746908, Bug #32244631, Bug #32501472.
Given the default collation c1 of a character set cs, and a different collation c2 (that is, not equal to
c1), then the statement CREATE DATABASE d COLLATE c2 CHARACTER SET cs created a new
database with the default collation set to c1 instead of c2. (Bug #104504, Bug #33183590)
Compilation Notes
InnoDB: A workaround was implemented for a Clang issue that causes a build failure on Windows
(Bugzilla – Bug 51538). (Bug #33217633)
MySQL now can be compiled using C++17. The following minimum version requirements apply for
compiler support:
GCC 7.1 or Clang 5 (Linux)
XCode 10 (macOS)
GCC 10 (Solaris)
Visual Studio 2019 Update 4 (Windows)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
In particular, on Solaris, GCC is now the only supported compiler. The code has been cleaned up to
remove adaptations and workarounds for Sun Studio, Oracle Studio, and SunPro. (Bug #32907274,
Bug #103757, Bug #32907475, Bug #32992125, Bug #32992242, Bug #33004840, Bug #33086882)
Connection Management Notes
Previously, if the server restricted a client to the sandbox mode used to handle client connections
for accounts with expired passwords, the client could use the SET statement. This is no longer
permitted. For more information about sandbox mode, see Server Handling of Expired Passwords.
(Bug #16369085, WL #13214)
Data Type Notes
YEAR values were not always interpreted correctly. (Bug #33142669)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #31994744.
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Important Change: The default_authentication_plugin variable is deprecated as of MySQL
8.0.27; expect support for it to be removed in a future version of MySQL.
The default_authentication_plugin variable is still used in MySQL 8.0.27, but in conjunction
with and at a lower precedence than the new authentication_policy system variable, which is
introduced in MySQL 8.0.27 with the multifactor authentication feature. For details, see The Default
Authentication Plugin. (Bug #27515356, WL #14138)
Important Change: The BINARY operator is now deprecated, and subject to removal in a future
release of MySQL. Use of BINARY now causes a warning. Use CAST(... AS BINARY) instead.
(WL #13619)
Storage Engine Notes
The BLACKHOLE storage engine maximum key length has been increased from 1000 to 3072 bytes
(the same as InnoDB). Thanks to Adam Cable for the contribution. (Bug #32788749, Bug #103371)
Firewall Notes
The new FIREWALL_EXEMPT privilege exempts a user from firewall restrictions. This is useful, for
example, for any database administrator who configures the firewall, to avoid the possibility of a
misconfiguration causing even the administrator to be locked out and unable to execute statements.
See MySQL Enterprise Firewall. (WL #14517)
SQL Function and Operator Notes
The SPACE() function did not handle certain large or unsigned values correctly. (Bug #33180446)
Function arguments were not always evaluated correctly during resolution of functions defined within
views. (Bug #33142010)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29904087.
Bit functions in window expressions assert that the runtime size of a bit mask is not bigger than its
resolve time size. We found several violations of this rule, listed here:
ENCRYPT() sometimes computed the maximum size of the result incorrectly.
WEIGHT_STRING() did not compute the maximum result length properly for the binary character
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
During resolution of REPLACE(str, from_str, to_str) we assumed that the entire length
of from_str would be replaced for each match in str, but since from_str may be only 1
character long, it is possible for str to be replaced with multiple copies of to_str.
COMPRESS() computed the maximum result length in an arbitrary fashion. Now we use
compressBound from the zlib library instead.
(Bug #32922688, Bug #33117410, Bug #33275424)
References: See also: Bug #33516898.
Keyring Notes
Diagnostics for keyring_hashicorp plugin configuration issues have been improved. (Bug
Optimizer Notes
EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE now shows more precise information than displayed previously about
scans generated by the range optimizer. In particular, sub-iterators are now displayed explicitly,
and are properly timed with EXPLAIN ANALYZE; index range scans now show the actual ranges
being scanned. Descriptions in the output are also more user-friendly than before; for example,
index_for_group_by shown for a query using DISTINCT is replaced by index skip scan
for deduplication.
In addition, a roundoff error causing inaccuracies in row count estimation for read over range
intersection scans has been corrected, and optimizer traces for index range scans now correctly
displays implicit key parts from InnoDB primary keys when they are used. (Bug #33037007, Bug
When transforming EXISTS to a semijoin, and when the query contained a view reference, the query
was not processed correctly. (Bug #32813550)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30671329.
In the case of a lateral derived table, if the creation of the cache invalidator was delayed, the table
materialization was emitted without the invalidator, which kept rematerialization from occurring during
execution and led to wrong results.
The pending cache invalidator was emitted only when the index of the lateral table was less than that
of the last table in the table list being considered. When the table index of the pending invalidator
was equal to the last table of the join slice, the cache invalidator was skipped and the materialization
was emitted without the invalidator.
We fix this by creating the pending cache invalidator if the table index of the pending invalidator is
less than or equal to that of the last table in the table list of the current join slice. (Bug #32407774)
Performance Schema Notes
To assist monitoring and troubleshooting, the Performance Schema instrumentation is now used
to export names of instrumented threads to the operating system. This enables utilities that display
thread names, such as debuggers and the Unix ps command, to display distinct mysqld thread
names rather than “mysqld”. This feature is supported only on Linux, macOS, and Windows. For
more information, see The setup_instruments Table. (WL #14587)
Pluggable Authentication
Microsoft Windows: The Kerberos authentication method added in MySQL 8.0.26 for MySQL
server and client hosts running Linux is now supported on the client side for Windows. This enables
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL client applications running on Windows to connect to MySQL accounts on Linux server hosts
that authenticate using Kerberos. For details, see Kerberos Pluggable Authentication. (WL #14605)
Security Notes
For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL library for MySQL
Server has been updated to version 1.1.1l. Issues fixed in the new OpenSSL version are described
at and at
(Bug #33273138, Bug #33309871)
Server Administration
Setting the session value of the following system variables is now a restricted operation and the
session user must have privileges sufficient to set restricted session variables:
For information about the privileges required to set restricted session variables, see System Variable
Privileges. (WL #14695)
Spatial Data Support
The ST_SymDifference() and ST_Intersection() functions now permit the
geometry arguments to have a geographic spatial reference system (SRS). Previously,
ST_SymDifference() and ST_Intersection() supported only geometry arguments in a
Cartesian SRS. See Spatial Operator Functions. (WL #10996, WL #14273)
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change; Group Replication: The system variable
group_replication_components_stop_timeout specifies the time that Group Replication
waits for each of its modules to complete ongoing processes while shutting down. The component
timeout applies after a STOP GROUP_REPLICATION statement is issued, which happens
automatically during server restart or auto-rejoin. The timeout is used to resolve situations in
which Group Replication components cannot be stopped normally, which might happen if the
member is expelled from the group while it is in an error state, or while a process such as MySQL
Enterprise Backup holds a global lock on tables on the member. In such situations, the member
cannot stop the applier thread or complete the distributed recovery process to rejoin. The STOP
GROUP_REPLICATION statement does not complete until either the situation is resolved (for
example, by the lock being released), or the component timeout expires and the modules are shut
down regardless of their status.
Previously, the timeout value defaulted to 31536000 seconds (365 days), which did not help in
situations such as those just described. The new default value is 300 seconds, so that Group
Replication components are stopped after 5 minutes if the situation is not resolved before that time,
allowing the member to be restarted and to rejoin. (WL #14245)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: See also: Bug #31460690, Bug #31648211, Bug #32309647.
Replication: When GTID-based replication is in use on a replica server, the replication applier and
receiver threads still track and have some dependencies on binary log file names and file positions,
as used for the alternative binary log file position based replication. A new option for the CHANGE
REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement, GTID_ONLY, removes the persistence of file names and file
positions from the replication metadata repositories. For replication channels with this setting, in-
memory file positions are still tracked, and file positions can still be observed for debugging purposes
in error messages and through interfaces such as SHOW REPLICA STATUS statements (where they
are shown as being invalid if they are out of date). However, the writes and reads required to persist
and check the file positions are avoided in situations where GTID-based replication does not actually
require them, including the transaction queuing and application process. The GTID_ONLY setting
also means that the replication metadata is flushed less frequently.
The GTID_ONLY option is disabled by default for asynchronous replication channels, but it is
enabled by default for group replication channels, and it cannot be disabled for them. To set
GTID_ONLY = 1 for a replication channel, GTIDs must be in use on the server (gtid_mode =
ON), and row-based binary logging must be in use on the source (statement-based replication is
SOURCE_AUTO_POSITION must each be set to 1 for the replication channel. When GTID_ONLY is
set to 1, the replica uses replica_parallel_workers=1 if that system variable is set to zero
for the server, so it is always technically a multi-threaded applier. This is because a multi-threaded
applier uses saved positions rather than the replication metadata repositories to locate the start of a
transaction that it needs to reapply.
Thanks to Facebook for offering a contribution related to this issue. (Bug #94360, Bug #29364334,
WL #7491)
Replication: Multithreading is now enabled by default for replica servers. A multithreaded applier
has a number of applier threads that execute transactions in parallel. This behavior can avoid many
cases of unwanted replication lag that can cause temporary divergence between the source and
The following default server settings are used to produce the multithreading behavior:
replica_parallel_workers=4. This setting enables multithreading and creates four applier
threads on the replica, plus a coordinator thread to manage them. If you are using multiple
replication channels, each channel has this number of threads. Four applier threads provide a
base level of parallelism, and you can change the setting to specify up to 1024 applier threads.
replica_preserve_commit_order=1. This setting ensures that transactions are externalized
on the replica in the same order as they appear in the replica's relay log, so the replica never
enters a state that the master was not in, and there are no gaps in the sequence of transactions
that have been executed from the relay log.
replica_parallel_type=LOGICAL_CLOCK. This setting specifies that transactions that are
part of the same binary log group commit on a replication source server are applied in parallel on a
replica. It is required when replica_preserve_commit_order=1 is set.
To override the new defaults and disable multithreading for a replica server, specify
replica_parallel_workers=0. This setting disables parallel execution and gives the
replica a single applier thread and no coordinator thread. When you apply this setting, the
replica_parallel_type and replica_preserve_commit_order options have no effect and
are ignored. (WL #10475)
Group Replication: The asynchronous connection failover mechanism for MySQL replication
now enables a replica that is part of a managed replication group to automatically reconnect to
the sender if the current receiver (the primary of the group) fails. The new feature works with
Group Replication, on a group configured in single-primary mode, where the group’s primary is a
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
replica that has a replication channel with SOURCE_CONNECTION_AUTO_FAILOVER set to ON. The
feature operates by default on a group in this situation, although you can disable it for the group
by disabling the new member action mysql_start_failover_channels_if_primary, using
the group_replication_disable_member_action() function. The feature is designed for a
group of senders and a group of receivers to keep synchronized with each other even when some
members are temporarily unavailable. It also synchronizes a group of receivers with one or more
senders that are not part of a managed group. A replica that is not part of a replication group cannot
use this feature.
To configure this feature, the replication channel and the replication user account and password
for the channel must be set up on all the member servers in the replication group, and on any new
joining members. You can do this using the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement, or if
the new servers are provisioned using MySQL’s clone functionality, this all happens automatically.
The SOURCE_CONNECTION_AUTO_FAILOVER setting for the channel is broadcast to group
members from the primary when they join, and also if it is changed. The source list is broadcast to all
members when they join or when it is updated. If the primary goes offline or into an error state, the
new primary that is selected for the group has the source list and the channel configuration already in
place, and establishes a replacement asynchronous replication connection with the source.
A new function asynchronous_connection_failover_reset() is also provided for
administrators to remove all settings relating to the asynchronous connection failover mechanism.
Use this function to clean up a server that is no longer being used in a managed group. (WL #14020)
Group Replication: The group communication engine for Group Replication (XCom, a Paxos
variant) defaults to using every member of the group as a leader. When the Group Replication
communication protocol version is set to 8.0.27 or later, the group communication engine can now
use a single leader to drive consensus when the group is in single-primary mode. Operating with a
single consensus leader improves performance and resilience in single-primary mode, particularly
when some of the group’s secondary members are currently unreachable.
The single consensus leader is colocated with the group’s primary, and
changes when a new primary is elected. The Performance Schema table
replication_group_communication_information shows the preferred and actual
consensus leader, or leaders if all members are used as a leader, the communication protocol
version, and the write concurrency.
To enable the new behavior, set the system variable
group_replication_paxos_single_leader to ON (the default is OFF). When Group
Replication is running in multi-primary mode, or with earlier communication protocol versions, or
when group_replication_paxos_single_leader is set to OFF, the group communication
engine operates using every member of the group as a leader.
Note that when you manually upgrade the members of a replication group to a new MySQL
Server release, the group's communication protocol version is not automatically upgraded
to match. If you no longer need to support members at earlier releases, you can use the
group_replication_set_communication_protocol() function to set the communication
protocol version to the new MySQL Server version to which you have upgraded the members.
MySQL InnoDB Cluster manages the communication protocol version automatically for replication
groups created using that function. (WL #9149)
Group Replication: In previous releases, Group Replication secured group communication
connections and distributed recovery connections between members using its own implementation
of the security protocols, including TLS/SSL and the use of an allowlist for incoming Group
Communication System (GCS) connections. Replication groups can now use the MySQL Server's
own connection security in place of the Group Replication implementation. Using the MySQL
protocol means that standard methods of user authentication can be used for granting (or revoking)
access to the group in place of the allowlist, and that the latest functionality of the server's protocol
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
is always available on release. Network namespaces are supported for Group Replication when the
MySQL communication stack is used.
To use the MySQL Server's implementation of the connection security management
in place of the Group Replication implementation, set the new system variable
group_replication_communication_stack to MYSQL. In addition, the network address set by
group_replication_local_address for each group member must be changed to one of the
IP addresses and ports which MySQL Server is listening on, as specified by bind_address. If a
network namespace is used, this must be configured using the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO
statement in the group_replication_recovery channel.
Authentication is carried out using the existing replication user account that Group Replication uses
for distributed recovery, as set using CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO, and this user must
be given the new GROUP_REPLICATION_STREAM privilege. The TLS/SSL configuration for the
connection is taken from Group Replication's existing settings for securing distributed recovery, plus
the group_replication_ssl_mode system variable that specifies whether TLS/ SSL is enabled
or disabled for group communications. These settings must be configured if they are not already in
place. All these settings must be the same on all group members to avoid communication issues.
As part of this work, the default value for the performance_schema_max_cond_classes system
variable is increased from 100 to 150.
See Group Replication Requirements For The MySQL Communication Stack for more details. (WL
Programs that encounter issues while processing include or includedir directives in option
files now produce error messages that are more informative about the cause of the errors. (Bug
#32798288, Bug #103397)
The default value for the thread_stack system variable has been increased to 1048576 on all
supported platforms. (Bug #103912, Bug #32965326)
References: See also: Bug #32934187.
A default time zone can now be set for a server by using the server option --default-time-zone
while starting a MySQL Server Docker container. Before, the container failed to start if the option was
used. (WL #14703)
For online DDL operations, storage is usually the bottleneck. To address this issue, CPU utilization
and index building has been improved. Indexes can now be built simultaneously instead of serially.
Memory management has also been tightened to respect memory configuration limits set by the
user. See Configuring Parallel Threads for Online DDL Operations.
The new innodb_ddl_threads variable defines the maximum number of parallel threads for the
sort and build phases of index creation.
The new innodb_ddl_buffer_size variable defines the maximum buffer size for DDL operations.
The default setting is 1048576 bytes (approximately 1 MB). Defining a buffer size limit avoids
potential out of memory errors for online DDL operations that create or rebuild secondary indexes.
See Online DDL Memory Management. (WL #14283)
The clone plugin now permits concurrent DDL operations on the donor MySQL Server instance while
a cloning operation is in progress. Previously, a backup lock was held during the cloning operation,
preventing concurrent DDL on the donor. To revert to the previous behavior of blocking concurrent
DDL on the donor during a clone operation, enable the clone_block_ddl variable. See Cloning
and Concurrent DDL. (WL #9683)
Setting a session value for the internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine variable now requires the
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
Incompatible Change: For all SELECT statements on a view, the query digest was based on the
view definition. As a result, different queries had the same digest and aggregated together in the
Performance Schema table events_statements_summary_by_digest, so statistics in that table
were not usable for distinguishing distinct SELECT statements.
The query digest for each SELECT statement on a view now is based on the SELECT,
not the view definition. This enables distinguishing distinct SELECT statements in the
events_statements_summary_by_digest table. However, tools that use query digests may
need some adjustment to account for this change. For example, MySQL Enterprise Firewall and
query rewrite plugins rely on query digests and existing rules for them that are associated with views
may need to be updated. (Bug #27540213, Bug #89559, Bug #31761802)
Important Change: EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE now shows whether an index scan uses a covering
index, and thus does not need to look up other columns from the table/clustered index. For example,
if idx1 is a covering index, the old output Index scan on t1 using idx1 is now shown as
Covering index scan on t1 using idx1. Previously, this information was shown only for
This fix also improves the wording used for full-text search to align with this change. For example,
the old output Indexed full text search on t1 (which was the same in both the covering
and non-covering cases) is now Full-text index search on t1 when there is no covering
index, and Full-text covering index search on t1 when a covering index is used. (Bug
InnoDB: An excessive number of notes were written to the error log when the
innodb_open_files limit was temporarily exceeded. (Bug #33343690)
InnoDB: An in-place DDL operation failed to flush all modified pages. (Bug #33290335, Bug
InnoDB: A parallel scan returned an incorrect partition ID when loading data into HeatWave from a
subpartitioned InnoDB table. (Bug #33276021)
InnoDB: The unused os_event::event_iter field in the InnoDB sources was removed to
reduce memory use in the os_event structure.
Our thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #33252468)
InnoDB: The srv_purge_thread and srv_worker_thread threads were duplicated in the
performance_schema.threads table.
Thanks to Kaige Ye for the contribution. (Bug #33209066, Bug #104575)
InnoDB: Truncation of an undo tablespace during use by an active transaction raised an assertion
failure. The transaction was prematurely marked as complete, permitting the truncation operation.
(Bug #33162828)
InnoDB: When loading data into HeatWave from a partitioned table with concurrent DML modifying
the primary key, the partition ID reported in the load callback was found to be incorrect for some
records. (Bug #33139692)
InnoDB: Instances of MY_ATTRIBUTE((noreturn)) and MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)) in the
InnoDB sources were replaced by C++17 [[noreturn]] and [[maybe_unused]] attributes.
(Bug #33112971)
InnoDB: Each buffer pool block includes a block->lock_hash_val field. Caching of this value
was determined to be unnecessary, as it introduced unnecessary coupling of the buffer and lock
system and unnecessary memory usage. (Bug #33072415)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A query that performed an index merge with retrieval ordered by row ID raised an assertion
failure. The record buffer set up for the index merge could not be used due to the scanned table
containing a primary key with a BLOB component. A record buffer cannot be used for reading
BLOBs, which are stored outside of the record. The BLOB primary key was not detected when the
record buffer was set up, as the primary key column was not yet in the read set. Retrievals ordered
by row ID temporarily add the primary key at a later stage when needed. To address this issue,
a record buffer is no longer requested for row-ordered retrievals if the primary key has a BLOB
component. (Bug #33067554)
InnoDB: Deleting or updating a row from a parent table initiated a cascading SET NULL operation
on the child table that set a virtual column value to NULL. The virtual column value should have been
derived from the base column value.
Thanks to Yin Peng at Tencent for the contribution. (Bug #33053297)
InnoDB: On a system that was nearing disk capacity, an InnoDB recovery operation involving
application of file extension redo log records (MLOG_FILE_EXTEND) could cause a failure. (Bug
InnoDB: Conflicting explicit locks granted on the same record raised an assertion failure. (Bug
InnoDB: Freeing the first page of LOB at the end of purge batch raised an assertion failure. The
failure was due an invalid root page number. (Bug #32958624)
InnoDB: To facilitate failure reporting and resolution, the ib::fatal() function in the InnoDB
sources was revised to include the caller's location. (Bug #32957311)
InnoDB: Recovery on the clone recipient server failed with the following error: Error reading
encryption for innodb_undo_007. The encryption key was not written to encrypted spaces
created during the page copy phase of the clone operation. (Bug #32950216)
InnoDB: To avoid generating unwanted warning messages, the fil_space_acquire() function
in the InnoDB sources was replaced by the fil_space_acquire_silent() function where
possible. Both functions are used by background threads to acquire a tablespace. (Bug #32944543)
InnoDB: InnoDB CRC32 checksum algorithm implementations have now been optimized for use
with ARM and x86/x64 architectures. (Bug #32887066)
InnoDB: Startup on an instance with thousands of tables took an excessive amount of time due a
large amount of traffic on the error logging subsystem. (Bug #32846656)
InnoDB: The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES view did not show the current path of the
temporary tablespace file, and the file name shown was different from the one defined by the
innodb_temp_data_file_path variable. (Bug #32840635, Bug #103553)
InnoDB: On Windows, keeping a file open without a shared write lock while attempting to acquire the
fil_shard mutex caused a deadlock with another thread that had acquired the fil_shard mutex
and was attempting to access the same file. (Bug #32808809)
InnoDB: Starting a MySQL Server instance using the same InnoDB data files as an another running
MySQL Server instance resulted in an initialization failure. (Bug #32777654, Bug #103338)
InnoDB: The InnoDB recovery process did not recognize that page compression had been applied
to data that was being recovered, causing the tablespace data file to increase in size during the redo
log apply phase, which could lead to a recovery failure for systems approaching a disk-full state.
(Bug #32771259)
InnoDB: An assert that traversed a list of file segments which were not full to calculate the number
of used pages for comparison with the number of used pages tracked by a field in the file segment
inode failed sporadically. (Bug #31685095)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A transaction failed to roll back when the server was restarted after failure occurred during
an online DDL operation. Table locks could not be resurrected for the uncommitted transaction and
the data dictionary table object could not be loaded for the affected table.
Thanks to Shaohua Wang for the contribution. (Bug #31131530, Bug #99174)
InnoDB: A query that used a temporary table for aggregation exhausted the memory available to
the TempTable storage engine, causing an update operation to fail with a table is full error. (Bug
#31117893, Bug #99100)
Replication: The replication applier (SQL) thread overrode retryable errors (such as deadlocks
and wait timeouts) from storage engines with a key not found error, causing replication to stop
without retrying the transaction. These errors are no longer overridden. (Bug #33107663)
Replication: When the Group Replication distributed recovery process
synchronized a joining member with the donor, the Performance Schema table
replication_group_member_stats table was not updated with the current
number of transactions queued on the group_replication_applier channel (the
COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_REMOTE_IN_APPLIER_QUEUE field.) The count is now tracked while
new transactions are arriving during distributed recovery, although it remains zero until the joiner
has certified the transactions that were received in the first phase of distributed recovery. (Bug
Replication: For multithreaded replicas (replicas on which replica_parallel_workers
is set to a value greater than 0), if replica_parallel_workers is set to 1, the setting for
replica_preserve_commit_order is now ignored. When there is a single applier, transactions
are always executed and committed in the same order as in the replica's relay log; ignoring the
process to preserve the commit order avoids potential performance degradation. (Bug #33048169)
Replication: An assertion was raised if a replica MySQL Server instance with unpopulated time
zones attempted to replicate a statement that set a time zone value that was unknown to the replica.
Replicas now handle this situation correctly. (Bug #32986721)
Replication: The error messages issued by MySQL Replication when GTIDs required for auto-
positioning have been purged could be incorrectly assigned or scrambled in some situations. (Bug
Replication: If a group member was elected as the primary right before or while it was shutting
down, the shutdown process hung while waiting on the primary election process, which was
attempting to make the server leave the group since the election had failed due to the shutdown.
The error handling process for primary elections now takes this into account, and does not take any
further actions if the member is already leaving the group. (Bug #32884709)
Replication: Querying the Performance Schema table
replication_asynchronous_connection_failover could return an error if a row was
deleted during the query process. In this situation, the row count is now returned as zero, and the
query can be retried. (Bug #32701593)
Replication: In some situations, a replica that used connection compression was not able to re-
establish a lost connection to the source server. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #32494609)
Group Replication: During the Group Replication auto-rejoin procedure, a group member sets its
status to RECOVERING. If the group member does not manage to rejoin, it should change the status
to ERROR, but if a view change occurred in the meantime, it was possible for the status to remain in
RECOVERING. The member status is now set to ERROR after an unsuccessful auto-rejoin procedure,
regardless of any ongoing or stuck view changes. (Bug #33276418)
Group Replication: Garbage collection for certification information has been moved from the Group
Replication Group Communication System (GCS) thread to a background thread, so that sending
and receiving of messages are not blocked while garbage collection is in progress. (Bug #33190276)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group Replication: When group_replication_consistency is
BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER, in the event of a primary failover, client connections are
held until the new primary has the same state as the previous primary. Some monitoring and
administration statements are exempt from this hold, so that the new primary can be inspected
during the failover process.
Previously, DO statements had a blanket exemption from this hold, but now only DO statements
that do not use tables or loadable functions are exempt; this is the same as for SELECT. (Bug
Group Replication: MySQL Server incorrectly permitted reads from Performance Schema tables
relating to Group Replication while Group Replication was stopping or restarting, and the data
concerned should not have been used. The server now checks whether Group Replication is in
OFFLINE status or uninitialized before executing the query. (Bug #33085494)
Group Replication: When group_replication_consistency is set to
BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER, in the event of a primary failover, client connections are
held until the new primary has the same state as the previous primary. Some monitoring and
administration statements are exempt from this hold, so that the new primary can be inspected
during the failover process. Previously, SHOW statements had a blanket exemption from the hold (with
the exception of SHOW CREATE USER), but now only SHOW statements that do not depend on data
(only on status or configuration) are exempt. See Configuring Transaction Consistency Guarantees,
for a complete listing of exempt SHOW statements. (Bug #33082509)
Group Replication: A deadlock could occur when a statement referencing Access Control Lists
(ACLs), such as CREATE USER, was executed on the primary of a Group Replication group, and
a member joined the group immediately afterwards before the transaction commit was confirmed
by the other group members. The distributed recovery process needs a read lock on the ACL
cache which is locked by the ACL statement. This situation blocked Group Replication's Group
Communication System (GCS) thread until the ACL statement timed out, making the primary
unreachable and possibly preventing the new member from joining. The ACL cache lock is now no
longer required for the distributed recovery process, although the lock in the situation described
is only released after the view change is complete and the ACL statement is committed. Any new
connections or statements that require the ACL cache lock, including a member join when Group
Replication uses the MySQL communication stack, must therefore wait on this or fail and retry. (Bug
Group Replication: If the thread that runs the Group Replication applier module is stopped, the
group cannot function properly because it cannot exchange group transactions and messages.
Previously, a member in this situation remained in ONLINE status and ignored the internal errors.
The member now changes to ERROR status if the thread is stopped, and takes the action specified by
group_replication_exit_state_action. (Bug #32934479)
Group Replication: In MySQL 8.0.22 and later, a replication source server writes a TRUNCATE
TABLE statement to the binary log to notify replicas to empty a MEMORY table the first time it is used
after a server restart. Previously, the thread where the statement was logged was not registered with
the global thread manager, so Group Replication was not able to acknowledge it. The issue has now
been corrected. (Bug #32355801)
JSON: Made additional improvements in JSON function error handling to those made in MySQL
8.0.23. (Bug #32864910)
References: See also: Bug #31856260.
JSON: JSON_TABLE() allowed duplicate column names when the names differed in case only,
although column names are case-insensitive in MySQL.
Now this function compares column names in case-insensitive fashion. (Bug #102824, Bug
Added Ubuntu 21.10 packages. (Bug #33501583, Bug #105274)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The MySQL client library could contribute to a memory leak if MySQL was linked against OpenSSL
1.0.1, as is the case for builds on EL6. (Bug #33335046)
Implicitly grouped queries sometimes calculate aggregates during optimization when their values can
be easily retrieved from indexes. When a predicate referenced a column that was declared with a NO
PAD collation, that predicate might be evaluated using PAD SPACE semantics, and so return wrong
results. This was because an internal function that checked for insignificant trailing spaces made
the assumption that all nonbinary collations had PAD SPACE semantics, which was true of MySQL
5.7, but is not the case for MySQL 8.0, which has added many collations having NO PAD semantics,
including the default collation (utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci).
We fix this by explicitly checking the padding attribute of the collation in such cases. (Bug
A query containing a common table expression with a MATCH() AGAINST() clause executed on a
table defined without a full-text index raised an assertion failure. (Bug #33264864)
Several Performance Schema tables contained default timestamp values of 0 (zero) which conflicted
with the default sql_mode values NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and NO_ZERO_DATE.
For example, attempting to create a new table based on such a Performance Schema table resulted
in an error similar to the following: ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for
Default timestamp values have been removed from the following tables:
(Bug #33240123, Bug #104643)
A failed write to the NOTIFY_SOCKET environment variable caused a failure. The
ER_SYSTEMD_NOTIFY_WRITE_FAILED error associated with the failed write has two parameters,
but only one parameter was passed to the error logging routine. (Bug #33239183)
An incorrectly type-casted variable was used when setting the --ssl-fips-mode option. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The following threads were not present in the performance_schema.threads table:
Thanks to Kaige Ye for the contribution.
Thanks to Kaige Ye for the contribution. (Bug #33214130, Bug #104582, Bug #33214136, Bug
A recursive call to an internal save function led to an unexpected error. (Bug #33198164)
The internal mysqld_list_fields() function failed to remove temporary tables created to
evaluate JSON table functions. (Bug #33177686)
The code to produce minimal TAR packages added debug symbols to the packages, which caused
larger (roughly by 10x) builds. Now DEB/RPM compiler flags are on by default for debug symbol
builds, and off by default for minimal sized release builds. (Bug #33151629, Bug #104402)
Some multi-table DELETE statements were found to leak memory. (Bug #33151275)
References: See also: Bug #18684036.
The return value for a copy function internal to the server was not handled as expected. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #31982292.
Empty range frames were not always handled correctly. (Bug #33142418)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #90300, Bug #27808099.
In debug builds, the ALTER TABLE statement could produce an error if it added a new virtual column
with the same name as one of the columns later referred to by a foreign key. This fix now ignores
a virtual column if the name is duplicated and instead uses existing, non-virtual column names to
check conditions. (Bug #33114045)
An assert condition to ensure that execution of a stored program instruction is started when there are
no errors did not work properly for a CASE statement in a loop. (Bug #33079184)
In debug builds, ANALYZE TABLE with the UPDATE HISTOGRAM clause could return a non-success
value to the caller, instead of a success value, after successfully clearing the diagnostics area. (Bug
The mecab_charset system status variable now reports its value as utf8mb4 rather than utf8,
which is deprecated. (Bug #33078623)
In debug builds, MySQL Enterprise Encryption UDFs did not set the nullable flag when returning
NULL. (Bug #33077931)
The range optimizer was sometimes called when a plan lock was in force. This caused issues since
the range optimizer can call itself, but a plan lock does not allow for recursion. (Bug #33076462)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #18684036.
CAST() and DEFAULT(), when used inside stored routines, were not always handled correctly. (Bug
String functions that use temporary string buffers during evaluation could lead to unexpected
shutdowns. (Bug #33073951)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The error message emitted after a host name failed to resolve to an IP address did not include a
meaningful errno value. Now, (-2) indicating EAI_NONAME is returned in the message instead of
(0). (Bug #33064143)
A statement such as CREATE TABLE t SELECT 1 created an InnoDB table that was written
incorrectly to the binary log if the value of binlog_format was set to ROW and sql_mode was in
ANSI mode. As a result, replication of the statement failed with an error on the replica. Applying the
mysqlbinlog utility to such a binary log could also fail.
The atomic CREATE...SELECT was implemented by adding a new clause to CREATE TABLE called
START TRANSACTION. However, this clause was not added when ANSI mode was enabled. This
in turn caused the execution of an ordinary implicitly committed CREATE TABLE in the middle of
the transaction and produced an error in GTID mode if the transaction had an assigned GTID. The
issue is fixed by removing the SQL mode dependency from the new clause. (Bug #33064062, Bug
A log file containing a malformed ISO8601 timestamp was processed incorrectly. (Bug #33060440)
String conversion warnings that previously referred to utf8 now reference utf8mb3 instead. (Bug
When building MySQL from source on Unix platforms, .bz2 files are now used for Boost archive
downloads rather than .tar.gz files. (Bug #33052171)
For Enterprise Linux 8 (and Fedora), fixed the debuginfo RPMS packages by disabling
REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD in fprofile.cmake. (Bug #33037380)
For a query with rollup, when setting an expression as nullable because it had a grouping column,
we missed setting all expressions within that expression as nullable, doing so only for the topmost
expression. This meant that, during evaluation, a NULL generated by rollup was not always
propagated correctly. To fix this, we now set all the expressions having a grouping column as
nullable when the query uses rollup. (Bug #33036184)
During execution of EXPLAIN, when crossing into a different query block through a streaming or
materialization node, this node was counted as the root, rather than the actual root node. (Bug
Fixed an undefined conversion from double to int64 in sql/join_optimizer/
(Bug #33024410)
The internal function find_in_group_list() did not match up match up all items correctly during
ROLLUP processing. We fix this by adding casts to GROUP BY expressions. (Bug #33022742, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30969045.
A missing test for success of a memory allocation in the MySQL client library could lead to a client
exit. (Bug #33019026)
An audit log function call from a prepared statement caused an error. (Bug #33016004)
Avoid adding column names prefixed with !hidden! to ensure that new names do not collide with
names used by existing hidden columns for functional indexes. Generated hidden column names
now have the following new form that extends the use of functional indexes into environments that do
not support names generated by MD5():
The counter value of a generated name is zero unless a column with that name already exists in
the table. In this case, the value is incremented until the name becomes unique. (Bug #32983024)
Removed an unnecessary hard-coded dependency on the range optimizer from
(Bug #32976042)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Insufficient buffer space allocation during window function execution could cause an assertion to be
raised. (Bug #32975889)
When finding the list of tables under a hash join, we did not take into account those that were also
hidden under ZERO_ROWS iterators. This could lead to NULL row flags not being set correctly,
which also caused problems when weedout wanted to save row IDs for them. (Bug #32975168)
The gen_dictionary(), gen_range(), and gen_rnd_pan() data masking functions each could
generate the same value if executed in close temporal proximity multiple times. (Bug #32970772)
Creation and deletion of temporary tables used in resolution of common table expressions and
having table references created within subqueries were not always managed correctly. (Bug
When the -–binary-as-hex option is enabled for the mysql client, empty strings are now printed
as 0x instead of NULL. (Bug #32961656, Bug #103906)
The resolver usually terminates the analysis and exits after encountering an error in a statement. In
the case of duplicate column analysis, the resolver continued to the end of the column list, possibly
adding multiple error messages to the diagnostics object. (Bug #32960158)
When a scalar subquery returned multiple rows, the resulting error was not always handled correctly.
(Bug #32956779)
Changing the server SQL mode after creating a table containing generated columns could cause
spurious messages to be written to the error log. (Bug #32954466)
Manifest file reading could fail on Windows. (Bug #32950322)
Evaluation of the values in an IN() list did not stop immediately on error, which led to assert
failures. We fix this by stopping evaluation in such cases as soon as an error has been raised. (Bug
If an error was raised while evaluating a comparison of two non-nullable values as strings, the
result of the comparison was set to NULL, even though the result was non-nullable according to the
comparison operator metadata. The error was correctly returned to the user, but an assertion was
raised by this inconsistency when running in debug mode.
This is fixed by causing Arg_comparator not to set its owner to NULL when the owner is not
nullable. (Bug #32942327)
An unset variable referenced in an SQL script executed during an upgrade operation caused a
failure. (Bug #32939819)
Improper error propagation in filesort operations could raise an assertion. (Bug #32932969)
In the internal WalkAndReplace() function, errors from set_cmp_func() were not correctly
propagated. (Bug #32918927, Bug #33007298)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32548377.
A deadlock could occur if a RESET REPLICA ALL statement was used while the channel
configuration was being read. (Bug #32906709)
A potential race condition in accessing the persisted variables cache has been eliminated. (Bug
The constant propagation performed by the MySQL optimizer could in some cases replace
references to a column that was not nullable with a nullable expression. When this occurred, the
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
parent item of the replaced column reference could sometimes have the wrong nullability, leading
assert failures later, during execution, when a non-nullable item unexpectedly returned NULL.
We fix this by skipping constant propagation in cases where a non-nullable column reference is
replaced by a nullable expression. (Bug #32895824)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32371039.
A column name provided in a query could differ in collation details, or because the name was
provided as an expression alias in the query, and still match a column name in the dictionary. The
query output contained the column name specified in the query (for example, aaa) rather than the
column name from the dictionary (for example, AAA). (Bug #32892045)
When the server SQL mode is other than strict mode, certain string functions return NULL to indicate
that the result is too large for the result buffer, which could lead to in inconsistent behaviour such as
incorrectly sorted output. In addition, the functions LAST_INSERT_ID() and CAST(... AS CHAR)
did not maintain nullability properly for all cases. (Bug #32864958)
Hidden items added as part of an ORDER BY, windowing function, or a reference to a view were not
always handled correctly in implicitly grouped queries. (Bug #32863279, Bug #33079592)
Type resolution for negation did not set the proper precision when converting the type from integer to
decimal. This is fixed by assigning the same precision as the argument. (Bug #32863037)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #31348202.
Improper error propagation for failed CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statements caused rollback not
to occur. (Bug #32855882)
When used in a subquery, a VALUES having more than one ROW() was not always handled
correctly. (Bug #32851684)
The error packet that MySQL Server sends to a client program when the wait timeout expires
(ER_CLIENT_INTERACTION_TIMEOUT) used an incorrect sequence number of 2 instead of 0 in the
packet header when protocol compression was used. (Bug #32835205, Bug #103412)
Concurrent insert operations on multiple tables with full-text indexes caused a large number of full-
text index synchronization requests, resulting in an out of memory condition. (Bug #32831765, Bug
The fix for a previous issue, following subsequent work which made it redundant and which led to
invalid results from expressions used in window functions, has been reverted. (Bug #32820802)
References: Reverted patches: Bug #26389508.
In prepared statements, NULLIF() result type determination could be incorrect. (Bug #32816305,
Bug #103458)
Creating and dropping of views within stored routines were not always handled correctly. (Bug
The fix for a previous issue included a minor refactoring of how the precision and scale of a decimal
expression were determined. It later emerged that, for the TRUNCATE() function, we might end up
with a precision of zero, which is invalid.
We fix this problem by treating a precision of zero as one. (Bug #32802251)
References: See also: Bug #31348202.
For legacy reasons, we can have composite access paths including Filter and Sort inside
table_path. For ease of analysis and better formatting, we move the EXPLAIN output for these
previous to the Materialize access path.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
We show here examples of an EXPLAIN statement run both prior to and following this change:
# Table created as follows:
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 ( f1 INTEGER );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
# Previous to change:
-> WHERE f1 <= ANY ( SELECT f1 FROM t1 ) ORDER BY f1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
EXPLAIN: -> Sort: alias1.f1
-> Filter: <nop>((alias1.f1 <= (select #3))) (cost=2.62 rows=2) [other sub-iterators not shown]
-> Table scan on alias1 (cost=2.62 rows=2)
-> Materialize (cost=0.35..0.35 rows=0)
-> Limit/Offset: 2/1 row(s) (cost=0.35 rows=0)
-> Table scan on t1 (cost=0.35 rows=1)
# Following change:
-> WHERE f1 <= ANY ( SELECT f1 FROM t1 ) ORDER BY f1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
-> Sort: alias1.f1 (cost=0.35..0.35 rows=0)
-> Filter: <nop>((alias1.f1 <= (select #3))) (cost=2.62 rows=2)
-> Table scan on alias1 (cost=2.62 rows=2)
-> Materialize (cost=0.35..0.35 rows=0)
-> Limit/Offset: 2/1 row(s) (cost=0.35 rows=0)
-> Table scan on t1 (cost=0.35 rows=1)
-> Select #3 (subquery in condition; run only once)
-> Aggregate: max(t1.f1) (cost=0.45 rows=1)
-> Table scan on t1 (cost=0.35 rows=1)
After this change, the only legal access paths within table_path are TABLE_SCAN, REF,
REF_OR_NULL, EQ_REF, and ALTERNATIVE. (Bug #32788576, Bug #32915233)
Constant folding did not always handle errors correctly when evaluating decimal expressions. (Bug
A call order mismatch in Query_block::prepare_values() caused setup_order() to be
called after resolve_subquery(), which meant that, for a VALUES clause that was a subquery,
the subquery could be merged into the outer query block before calling setup_order(), leading to
inconsistent data structures and an error.
We fix this issue by performing setup_order() earlier, and, if the column is not found, resolution is
aborted. (Bug #32783943)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #31387510.
In the Performance Schema table, the system variable skip_slave_start
was incorrectly listed as COMPILED when the global value was actually loaded from the persisted
variables file, so PERSISTED should have been used. (Bug #32640588)
A SELECT query on the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST view with concurrent MySQL
Server load caused a failure. (Bug #32625376)
When a query uses a temporary table for aggregation, the group by item is used as a unique
constraint on the temporary table: If the item value is already present, the row is updated; otherwise,
a new row is inserted into the temporary table. If the item has a result field or reference item, it
evaluated twice, once to check whether the result exists in the temporary table and, if not, again
while constructing the row to be inserted. When the group by item was nondeterministic, the result
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
value used to check for existence differed from that with which an insert was attempted, causing the
insert to be rejected if the value already existed in the table.
We fix this by using the hash of any nondeterministic items as the unique constraint, so that the hash
is evaluated once only. (Bug #32552332)
Privilege-checking for table-specific roles was in some contexts not restrictive enough. (Bug
Inconsistencies in how certain comparison predicates were evaluated (for example, when part of
a WHERE clause) could return different results if a function was used instead of a string literal. (Bug
#32345941, Bug #102151)
Columns of type ENUM or SET are ordered based on numeric comparison, but the comparison
function for range expressions (that is, expressions used for ordering in case of a range frame
specification) of a window function is set based on the result type of the column, which for ENUM and
SET is String. As a result, processing of rows for a window frame (to see whether a row is before
or after the frame) did not work correctly; for example, a string comparison might determine that a
row occurs before a frame, while a numeric comparison would have placed the row after.
To fix this problem, we implement integer cache items for ENUM and SET, as well as integer
comparison functions for use when ENUM or SET types are involved in range expressions. (Bug
A DML statement, when accessing a subquery which had been optimized away and cleaned up, led
to an unplanned shutdown of the server. (Bug #32244822)
When resolving columns, their names are compared in case-insensitive fashion using
utf8_general_ci, which does not always follow the same comparison rules as those for the
collation actually used for the table. Previously, when a table had in excess of 32 columns, name
lookup was performed using a hash table. Hashing is collation-aware, and so follows the collation's
comparison rules; this caused name lookup and duplication detection to be done in an inconsistent
fashion. We solve this problem by removing the hash, and performing column name resolution in the
same way in all cases regardless of the number of columns. (Bug #32169656)
For a nullable column, when adjacent ranges were rounded off to the same value by range optimizer,
wrong results were returned. (Bug #31870920)
References: See also: Bug #98826, Bug #30988735.
Quote handling was improved for the SHOW GRANTS statement. (Bug #31716706)
An attempt could be made to write a JSON_TABLE() expression to the optimizer trace before the
temporary table backing the table function had been created, causing an assertion to be raised. Now
when the column type is not yet available, <column type not resolved yet> is written. (Bug
Validity checks for mandatory_roles system variable settings are now synchronized with validity
checks performed for GRANT role statements. (Bug #31218040)
The keyring_hashicorp_update_config() function was not safe for concurrent execution.
(Bug #31205028)
The query rewrite plugin failed when refreshing the rewrite rules and the table holding the rewrite
rules contained rows that had been marked as deleted, but not physically removed.
We fix this by causing the query rewrite plugin to skip the deleted rows instead of failing when it sees
them. (Bug #22654105)
Refactoring done as part of implementing window functions in MySQL made it possible to refer to
aliases of aggregates in ORDER BY clauses but also allowed direct references to such aggregates,
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
even though this should not be allowed. Now the server checks explicitly for such illegal references.
(Bug #13633829, Bug #30106081)
In certain cases, the view reference cloned when pushing a condition down to a derived table was
not always resolved in the desired context. In addition, a check for a null condition was not performed
correctly. (Bug #104574, Bug #33209907, Bug #33197276)
Some queries using HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT ...) did not return any rows when one was
expected. (Bug #104411, Bug #33152269)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #31790217.
Multi-valued indexes were not used in the following cases:
In views
In prepared statements
In a WHERE containing MEMBER OF() combined using OR with another predicate
In addition, MySQL wrongly reported impossible condition for a WHERE clause in the form f()
AND f(), where f() was any of MEMBER OF(), JSON_CONTAINS(), or JSON_OVERLAPS().
Our thanks to Yubao Liu for the contribution. (Bug #104325, Bug #104700, Bug #104721, Bug
#33123079, Bug #33268466, Bug #33275457)
References: See also: Bug #102359, Bug #32427727. This issue is a regression of: Bug #30838807.
When NULL was passed to a user-created function that called REGEXP_INSTR(), the first invocation
of the function returned NULL as expected, but each subsequent invocation of the function also
returned NULL without regard to the value passed to it. (Bug #104239, Bug #33089668)
Some of the functions defined in threw heap-allocated exceptions in some
situations. Memory allocated for the exception object in these cases was never freed, which meant
that a small amount of memory leaked each time an exception was thrown.
This is fixed by allocating the exception on the stack in such cases, instead. (Bug #104214, Bug
Column names were not displayed correctly in the results of ROLLUP queries when the
subquery_to_derived optimization was enabled. (Bug #104139, Bug #33057397, Bug
A stored procedure containing an IF statement using EXISTS, which acted on one or more tables
that were deleted and recreated between executions, did not execute correctly for subsequent
invocations following the first one. (Bug #103607, Bug #32855634)
When executing a range query with multiple identical ranges joined by OR (for example, a query with
WHERE (a=1 AND b=2 AND c=3) OR (a=1 AND b=2 AND c=3)), the optimizer lost part of the
range, and so chose a query plan that was not optimal.
Our thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #102634, Bug #32523520)
While evaluating a loose index scan as a possible option for performing grouping and finding the
minimum value, the cost calculation did not reflect the fact that the query looked at one group only,
due to the equality predicates on the grouping attributes. This resulted in examination of additional
rows since grouping is performed after reading the rows from the index.
We fix this by determining whether a query produces only one group by checking for the presence
of equality predicates on grouping attributes and using these for calculating the cost. This causes
the optimizer to pick loose index scan for such cases when doing so is found to be beneficial. (Bug
#101838, Bug #32266286)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: See also: Bug #18109609.
When resolving integer division, the precision of the result is taken from the dividend. When the
divisor is a decimal number, it may be less than 1, which may cause the result to use more digits
than the dividend. This yielded incorrect values in some cases in which the result of integer division
was a decimal or float. (Bug #100259, Bug #31641064)
Added an in-memory estimate to the optimizer trace to indicate how much of a given table is buffered
in the buffer pool.
Our thanks to Øystein Grøvlen for the contribution. (Bug #99993, Bug #31544522)
The EXPLAIN output for a DML statement contains the table identifier, which normally includes the
database name, in the output of SHOW WARNINGS. For some statements such as CREATE VIEW, the
database name should be omitted, which is enforced by setting the alias_name_used flag to true
in the cached table object, but when the cached table was reused following CREATE VIEW, the flag
was not reset, which caused the database name to be omitted from the warnings following EXPLAIN
for statements run after a CREATE VIEW which access the same cached table as the view.
We fix this by ensuring that the alias_name_used flag is always set to an appropriate value during
table initialization.
Our thanks to Kaiwang Chen for the contribution. (Bug #98635, Bug #30909064)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.26 (2021-07-20, General Availability)
Audit Log Notes
Authentication Notes
Compilation Notes
Component Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Error Handling
Event Scheduler Notes
Firewall Notes
Packaging Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Server Administration
Spatial Data Support
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
Previously, each event logged by MySQL Enterprise Audit included the SQL statement literal text.
To provide an alternative (because it is possible that statements contain sensitive information), the
audit log filtering language now supports logging a statement's digest rather than its literal text. For
example, instead of logging this statement:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE some_sensitive_column=1234567
The audit log plugin can log this digest:
SELECT * FROM `orders` WHERE `some_sensitive_column` = ?
This is similar to what is already logged for prepared statements, for which parameter markers
appear rather than actual data values.
To perform digest logging, use audit filter definitions that replace the statement literal text by its
corresponding digest, as discussed in Replacement of Event Field Values.
Because text replacement occurs at an early auditing stage (during filtering), the choice of whether
to log statement literal text or digest values applies regardless of log format written later (that is,
whether the audit log plugin produces XML or JSON output). (Bug #31482609, WL #14267, WL
For MySQL Enterprise Audit, the new audit_log_format_unix_timestamp system variable
enables inclusion of a time field in each audit record. The field value is an integer that represents
the UNIX timestamp value indicating the date and time when the audit event was generated. The
time field is supported only for JSON-format log files. (WL #14600)
For MySQL Enterprise Audit, the new audit_log_max_size system variable enables audit log
file pruning based on combined log file size. To have an effect, audit_log_max_size requires
that audit_log_rotate_on_size be greater than 0. If that is true, the pruning algorithm uses
audit_log_max_size in conjunction with audit_log_prune_seconds, with nonzero values of
audit_log_max_size taking precedence over nonzero values of audit_log_prune_seconds.
For details, see Space Management of Audit Log Files. (WL #14525)
Authentication Notes
Previously, as part of the “hello” packet sent by the server to clients, the server sent the name of the
server-side authentication plugin rather than the client-side plugin. The server now sends the client-
side name, which is more appropriate for the client's needs and may help to avoid extra protocol
round trips. (WL #14308)
Compilation Notes
macOS: It is now possible to build MySQL for macOS 11 on ARM (that is, for Apple M1 systems).
(Bug #32386050, Bug #102259)
Building on openSUSE 15 and SLES 15 now requires GCC 9, found in packages gcc-9 and gcc9-
Building on SLES 12 now requires GCC 10, found in packages gcc-10 and gcc10-c++.
It is also recommended to use the named GCC version when building third-party applications that
are based on the libmysqlclient C API library. (Bug #32886268, Bug #32886439)
Building on Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic) now requires GCC 8, found in packages gcc-8 and g++-8. It
is also recommended to use GCC 8 when building third-party applications that are based on the
libmysqlclient C API library. (Bug #32877062)
It is now possible to build MySQL on Solaris using GCC 10, which becomes the default and
recommended compiler. It is also recommended to use GCC 10 when building third-party
applications that are based on the libmysqlclient C API library. (Bug #32552988)
Component Notes
A new component service enables server components to set system variable
values. For information about this service, see the MySQL Server Doxygen
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
documentation, available at
(search for s_mysql_mysql_system_variable_update_string and
mysql_system_variable_update_string_imp). (WL #12002)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 connection protocols now are deprecated and support for them is subject to
removal in a future MySQL version. (For background, refer to the IETF memo Deprecating TLSv1.0
and TLSv1.1.) It is recommended that connections be made using the more-secure TLSv1.2 and
TLSv1.3 protocols. TLSv1.3 requires that both the MySQL server and the client application be
compiled with OpenSSL 1.1.1 or higher.
On the server side, this deprecation has the following effects:
If the tls_version or admin_tls_version system variable is assigned a value containing a
deprecated TLS protocol, the server produces a warning for each deprecated protocol:
If the assignment occurs during server startup, the warning appears in the error log.
If the assignment occurs at runtime, the warning is added to the result of executing the ALTER
If a client successfully connects using a deprecated TLS protocol, the server writes a warning to
the error log.
On the client side, the deprecation has no visible effect. Clients do not issue a warning if configured
to permit a deprecated TLS protocol. This includes:
Client programs that support a --tls-version option for specifying TLS protocols for
connections to the MySQL server.
Statements that enable replicas to specify TLS protocols for connections to the source server.
The group_replication_recovery_tls_version system variable that enables joining
members to specify TLS protocols for distributed recovery connections.
(Bug #32565996, WL #14519)
The system variable transaction_write_set_extraction is now deprecated, and a warning
message is issued if you attempt to set it or read its value; expect it be removed in a future MySQL
release. This system variable was used on a replication source server that has multithreaded
replicas, to specify the algorithm used to hash the writes extracted for a transaction’s write set. The
XXHASH64 algorithm, which is the default in MySQL 8.0 and is required for Group Replication, is
selected when the system variable is not used. (WL #13950)
The temptable_use_mmap variable is now deprecated and subject to removal in a future MySQL
version. (WL #14124)
TLS support in MySQL has been moving toward a channel model using named sets of TLS
parameters that apply to different securable ports or protocols. For example, to query the state of a
particular TLS channel, use the Performance Schema tls_channel_status table:
mysql> SELECT VALUE FROM performance_schema.tls_channel_status
WHERE CHANNEL = 'mysql_main' AND PROPERTY = 'Enabled';
| Yes |
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
This makes monolithic parameters that apply to TLS support as a whole less applicable, so the
following options and system variables are now deprecated and subject to removal in a future
MySQL version:
The --ssl and --admin-ssl server options.
The have_ssl and have_openssl system variables.
The --ssl and --admin-ssl options are enabled by default, so it is normally unnecessary to
specify them. As an alternative to specifying those options in negated form, if it is desired to disable
encrypted connections for the main or administrative interface, set the corresponding TLS version
system variable to the empty value to indicate that no TLS versions are supported. For example,
these lines in the server my.cnf file disable encrypted connections for both interfaces:
(WL #14481)
Error Handling
Information written to the server error log for client timeouts now includes (if available) the timeout
value, and client user and host. (Bug #31581289, Bug #100112)
Event Scheduler Notes
If the Event Scheduler is enabled, enabling the super_read_only system variable prevents it from
updating event “last executed” timestamps in the events data dictionary table. This causes the
Event Scheduler to stop the next time it tries to execute a scheduled event, after writing a message
to the server error log.
Previously, if enabling super_read_only caused the Event Scheduler to stop, then after
subsequently disabling super_read_only, it was necessary to manually restart the Event
Scheduler by enabling it again. As a convenience, the server now automatically restarts the Event
Scheduler as needed when either read_only or super_read_only is disabled. (Bug #31633859)
Firewall Notes
In MySQL 8.0.23, MySQL Enterprise Firewall implemented group profiles that each can apply to
multiple accounts, in addition to the previously implemented account profiles that each apply to a
single account. See Using MySQL Enterprise Firewall.
A group profile with a single member account is logically equivalent to an account profile for that
account, so it is possible to administer the firewall using group profiles exclusively, rather than a
mix of account and group profiles. For new firewall installations, that is accomplished by uniformly
creating new profiles as group profiles and avoiding account profiles. For upgrades from firewall
installations that already contain account profiles, MySQL Enterprise Firewall now includes a stored
procedure named sp_migrate_firewall_user_to_group() for converting account profiles to
group profiles.
Due to the greater flexibility offered by group profiles, all aspects of the firewall related to account
profiles are now deprecated and subject to removal in a future MySQL version:
mysql system schema tables: firewall_users, firewall_whitelist
mysql system schema stored procedures: sp_reload_firewall_rules(),
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Loadable functions: read_firewall_users(), read_firewall_whitelist(),
Additionally, if the server detects account profiles at startup, it writes a warning for every successfully
loaded account profile.
For information about converting account profiles to group profiles (which you should do at your
earliest convenience), see Migrating Account Profiles to Group Profiles. (WL #14174)
Packaging Notes
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been
upgraded to use curl 7.77.0. (Bug #33077562)
For Ubuntu packages, the AppArmor profile for mysqld was too restrictive regarding PID and socket
file names and failed for servers not using the exact names in the profile. Now the profile applies to
the directories in which the files live, enabling it to apply for different file names, and multiple servers.
(Bug #32857611)
The dh-systemd package has been removed from Ubuntu 21.04, so the dependency on it has
been removed from MySQL packages built for that distribution. (Bug #32688072)
For Debian packages, an EnvironmentFile directive was added to enable the systemd service to
read environmental variables from the /etc/default/mysql file if it is present. (Bug #32082863,
Bug #101363)
Debian packages now use /run rather than /var/run for path names. (Bug #31955638)
The bundled lz4 library was upgraded to version 1.9.3. (Bug #29747853)
For Debian packages, the update-alternatives priority of the MySQL configuration file
was increased to ensure it replaces an existing file from a previously installed distribution. (Bug
Pluggable Authentication
Linux: MySQL Enterprise Edition now supports an authentication method that enables users to
authenticate to MySQL Server using Kerberos, provided that appropriate Kerberos tickets are
available or can be obtained. It is available only on MySQL server and client hosts running Linux,
but can access Kerberos services running on non-Linux hosts. For details, see Kerberos Pluggable
This authentication method uses a pair of plugins, authentication_kerberos on the server
side and authentication_kerberos_client on the client side. The server-side Kerberos
authentication plugin is included only in MySQL Enterprise Edition. It is not included in MySQL
community distributions. The client-side plugin is included in all distributions, including community
distributions. This enables clients from any distribution to connect to a server that has the server-side
plugin loaded. (WL #14336)
Server Administration
Setting the session value of the innodb_strict_mode system variable is now a restricted
operation and the session user must have privileges sufficient to set restricted session variables.
For information about the privileges required to set restricted session variables, see System Variable
Privileges. (Bug #32944980, WL #14610)
Spatial Data Support
The ST_Buffer() function now permits the geometry argument to have a geographic spatial
reference system (SRS), if the geometry is a point value. Previously, ST_Buffer() supported only
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
geometry arguments in a Cartesian SRS. The ST_Difference() and ST_Union() functions
now permit the geometry arguments to have a geographic SRS. Previously, ST_Difference()
and ST_Union() supported only geometry arguments in a Cartesian SRS. See Spatial Operator
Functions. (WL #14126, WL #14188, WL #14266)
X Plugin Notes
When the X DevAPI Session.run_sql() method was used to execute a query that returned
multiple results, due to a caching issue, the result.columns property was not updated to reflect
the columns present in the active result, although the result.column_names property was. (Bug
During an upgrade process, X Plugin logged a message stating that it was ready for connections
once the TCP port and UNIX socket had been allocated. However, connections could not actually be
accepted until after the upgrade process was complete. The message is now issued only after the
upgrade has finished. (Bug #32814997)
Functionality Added or Changed
Incompatible Change: From MySQL 8.0.26, new aliases or replacement names are provided for
most remaining identifiers that contain the terms “master”, which is changed to “source”; “slave”,
which is changed to “replica”; and “mts” (for “multithreaded slave”), which is changed to “mta” (for
“multithreaded applier”). Help text is also changed where applicable to use the new names.
The following name replacements are visible in the Performance Schema tables, the process list,
and the replica status information. These changes are incompatible with earlier releases. Monitoring
tools that work with these instrumentation names might be impacted:
Instrumented locks (mutexes), visible in the mutex_instances and events_waits_*
Performance Schema tables with the prefix wait/synch/mutex/
Read/write locks, visible in the rwlock_instances and events_waits_* Performance
Schema tables with the prefix wait/synch/rwlock/
Instrumented condition variables, visible in the cond_instances and events_waits_*
Performance Schema tables with the prefix wait/synch/cond/
Instrumented memory allocations, visible in the memory_summary_* Performance Schema tables
with the prefix memory/sql/
Thread names, visible in the threads Performance Schema table with the prefix thread/sql/
Thread stages, visible in the events_stages_* Performance Schema tables with the
prefix stage/sql/, and without the prefix in the threads and processlist Performance
Schema tables, the output from the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement, the Information Schema
processlist table, and the slow query log
Thread commands, visible in the events_statements_history* and
events_statements_summary_*_by_event_name Performance Schema tables with the
prefix statement/com/, and without the prefix in the threads and processlist Performance
Schema tables, the output from the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement, the Information Schema
processlist table, and the output from the SHOW REPLICA STATUS statement
If the incompatible changes do have an impact for you, you can set the new system variable
terminology_use_previous to BEFORE_8_0_26 to make MySQL Server use the old versions
of the names for the objects specified in the previous list. This enables monitoring tools that rely on
the old names to continue working until they can be updated to use the new names. The system
variable can be set with session scope to support individual functions, or global scope to be a default
for all new sessions. When global scope is used, the slow query log contains the old versions of the
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For semisynchronous replication, you can choose whether to use the new or the old versions of the
system variables and status variables. New versions of the plugins that implement semisynchronous
replication, one for the source server and one for the replica, are supplied that replace the terms
master and slave with source and replica, and you can install these versions instead of the old ones:
The rpl_semi_sync_master plugin ( library) for the source has a new
version rpl_semi_sync_source ( library)
The rpl_semi_sync_slave plugin ( library) for the replica has a new
version rpl_semi_sync_replica ( library)
You cannot have both the new and the old version of the relevant plugin installed on an instance. If
you use the new version of the plugins, the new system variables and status variables are available
but the old ones are not. If you use the old version of the plugins, the old system variables and status
variables are available but the new ones are not.
The following internal-use items are converted to use the new terms but are not externalized to users
or monitoring tools, and MySQL Server handles any necessary resolution internally:
C++ filenames in source code
Header guards in C++ files
Debug symbols
User variables passed in the replication protocol handshake by the replica when it connects to a
replication source server (the replica sets both the old and the new name)
The following categories of identifiers have a new alias, and a deprecation warning is issued
when the old name is used, although the old name continues to work. Both names are
available in Performance Schema tables and status displays, and no deprecation warning
is issued when reading these. The new aliases are not affected by the new system variable
terminology_use_previous, and can still be used when it is set:
System variables that contain the terms “master”, “slave”, or “mts”, with the exception of some that
have already been deprecated or are scheduled for deprecation, and those defined by NDB. If
these system variables are persisted using a SET PERSIST statement, both the old and the new
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
name are persisted, regardless of which was specified in the statement. With a RESET PERSIST
statement, both are reset.
Status variables that contain the terms “master”, “slave”, or “mts”, with the exception of those
defined by NDB.
Command-line options for mysqld that contain the terms “master”, “slave”, or “mts”, with the
exception of some that have already been deprecated or are scheduled for deprecation, and those
defined by NDB.
Command-line options for mysqladmin that contain the terms “master”, “slave”, or “mts”.
Command-line options for mysqlbinlog that contain the terms “master”, “slave”, or “mts”.
Command-line options for mysqldump that contain the terms “master”, “slave”, or “mts”.
An SQL function that contains the term “master”.
The complete list of identifiers with new aliases (or in the case of semisynchronous replication,
replacements) is as follows:
System variables:
master_verify_checksum now has the alias source_verify_checksum
sync_master_info now has the alias sync_source_info
init_slave now has the alias init_replica
rpl_stop_slave_timeout now has the alias rpl_stop_replica_timeout
log_slow_slave_statements now has the alias log_slow_replica_statements
slave_max_allowed_packet now has the alias replica_max_allowed_packet
slave_compressed_protocol now has the alias replica_compressed_protocol
slave_exec_mode now has the alias replica_exec_mode
slave_type_conversions now has the alias replica_type_conversions
slave_sql_verify_checksum now has the alias replica_sql_verify_checksum
slave_parallel_type now has the alias replica_parallel_type
slave_preserve_commit_order now has the alias replica_preserve_commit_order
log_slave_updates now has the alias log_replica_updates
slave_allow_batching now has the alias replica_allow_batching
slave_load_tmpdir now has the alias replica_load_tmpdir
slave_net_timeout now has the alias replica_net_timeout
sql_slave_skip_counter now has the alias sql_replica_skip_counter
slave_skip_errors now has the alias replica_skip_errors
slave_checkpoint_period now has the alias replica_checkpoint_period
slave_checkpoint_group now has the alias replica_checkpoint_group
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
slave_transaction_retries now has the alias replica_transaction_retries
slave_parallel_workers now has the alias replica_parallel_workers
slave_pending_jobs_size_max now has the alias replica_pending_jobs_size_max
pseudo_slave_mode now has the alias pseudo_replica_mode
skip_slave_start now has the alias skip_replica_start
If the new rpl_semi_sync_source and rpl_semi_sync_replica plugins are used for
semisynchronous replication:
rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled is replaced by rpl_semi_sync_replica_enabled
rpl_semi_sync_slave_trace_level is replaced by
rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_for_slave_count is replaced by
rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled is replaced by rpl_semi_sync_source_enabled
rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout is replaced by rpl_semi_sync_source_timeout
rpl_semi_sync_master_trace_level is replaced by
rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point is replaced by
The following system variables are not changed:
ndb_slave_conflict_role (NDB system variables are not changed)
binlog_rotate_encryption_master_key_at_startup (“master key” is an accepted
slave_rows_search_algorithms (This system variable is already deprecated)
master_info_repository (This system variable is already deprecated)
Status variables:
Slave_open_temp_tables now has the alias Replica_open_temp_tables
Slave_rows_last_search_algorithm_used now has the alias
If the new rpl_semi_sync_source and rpl_semi_sync_replica plugins are used for
semisynchronous replication:
Rpl_semi_sync_slave_status is replaced by Rpl_semi_sync_replica_status
Rpl_semi_sync_master_status is replaced by Rpl_semi_sync_source_status
Rpl_semi_sync_master_clients is replaced by Rpl_semi_sync_source_clients
Rpl_semi_sync_master_yes_tx is replaced by Rpl_semi_sync_source_yes_tx
Rpl_semi_sync_master_no_tx is replaced by Rpl_semi_sync_source_no_tx
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_sessions is replaced by
Rpl_semi_sync_master_no_times is replaced by Rpl_semi_sync_source_no_times
Rpl_semi_sync_master_timefunc_failures is replaced by
Rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_pos_backtraverse is replaced by
Rpl_semi_sync_master_tx_wait_time is replaced by
Rpl_semi_sync_master_tx_waits is replaced by Rpl_semi_sync_source_tx_waits
Rpl_semi_sync_master_tx_avg_wait_time is replaced by
Rpl_semi_sync_master_net_wait_time is replaced by
Rpl_semi_sync_master_net_waits is replaced by Rpl_semi_sync_source_net_waits
Rpl_semi_sync_master_net_avg_wait_time is replaced by
NDB-related status variables are not changed.
For mysqld, the command-line versions of all the aliased and replaced system variables in the
lists above have equivalent command-line aliases or replacements, plus the following command-
line option that is not a system variable:
show-slave-auth-info has the alias show-replica-auth-info
The following command-line options are not changed:
abort-slave-event-count (This command-line option is scheduled for deprecation)
disconnect-slave-event-count (This command-line option is scheduled for deprecation)
master-info-file (This command-line option is already deprecated)
master-retry-count (This command-line option is already deprecated)
For mysqladmin, the option start-slave now has the alias start-replica, and the option
stop-slave now has the alias stop-replica.
For mysqlbinlog, the option read-from-remote-master now has the alias read-from-
For mysqldump, the following command-line options have new aliases:
apply-slave-statements now has the alias apply-replica-statements
delete-master-logs now has the alias delete-source-logs
dump-slave now has the alias dump-replica
include-master-host-port now has the alias include-source-host-port
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
master-data now has the alias source-data
The built-in SQL function MASTER_POS_WAIT has a new alias SOURCE_POS_WAIT.
(WL #14194, WL #14628)
InnoDB: The new innodb_segment_reserve_factor system variable permits configuring
the percentage of tablespace file segment pages that are reserved as empty pages. For more
information, see Configuring the Percentage of Reserved File Segment Pages.
Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #32312743, Bug #102044, WL #14521)
Group Replication: For Group Replication, a group in single-primary mode can now be configured
to stay in super read-only mode, so that it only accepts replicated transactions and does not
accept any direct writes from clients. This setup means that when a group’s purpose is to provide a
secondary backup to another group for disaster tolerance, you can ensure that the secondary group
remains synchronized with the first. You can configure the group to remain in super read-only mode
when a new primary is elected, by disabling the action that normally takes place to remove that mode
on the primary.
Administrators can configure a group in this way using the new Group
Replication functions group_replication_enable_member_action() and
group_replication_disable_member_action(), which can enable and disable actions for
members of a group to take in specified situations. The functions can also be used on servers that
are not part of a group, as long as the Group Replication plugin is installed. Member actions are
configured on the primary and propagated to other group members and joining members using group
messages. Another function group_replication_reset_member_actions() is available to
reset the member actions configuration to the default setting for all member actions. (WL #13855)
Group Replication: You can now select an alternative UUID to form part of the GTIDs that are
used when internally generated transactions for view changes (View_change_log_event)
are written to the binary log. The system variable group_replication_view_change_uuid
added in this release specifies a UUID that is used instead of the group name (the value of
group_replication_group_name). The alternative UUID makes it easier to distinguish view
change events from transactions received by the group from clients. This can be useful if your setup
allows for failover between groups, and you need to identify and discard transactions that were
specific to the backup group. Note that all members of the group must have the same alternative
UUID specified, so groups set up in this way cannot include members from releases prior to MySQL
8.0.26. (WL #14539)
The URL for downloading Boost was updated. Thanks to Marcelo Altmann for the contribution. (Bug
#32856104, Bug #103611)
The clone plugin now permits cloning from a donor MySQL server instance to a hotfix MySQL server
instance of the same version and release. Previously, the hotfix server instance was not recognized
as the same MySQL version and release. (Bug #32523635)
These statements now report utf8mb3 rather than utf8 when writing character set names:
Stored program definitions retrieved from the data dictionary now report utf8mb3 rather than utf8
in character set references. This affects any output produced from those definitions, such as SHOW
CREATE statements.
This error message now reports utf8mb3 rather than utf8 when writing character set names:
ER_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING. (Bug #32233614, Bug #32392077, Bug #32392209, Bug
#32428538, Bug #32428598)
On platforms that support fdatasync() system calls, the new innodb_use_fdatasync variable
permits using fdatasync() instead of fsync() for operating system flushes. An fdatasync()
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
system call does not flush changes to file metadata unless required for subsequent data retrieval,
providing a potential performance benefit. The innodb_use_fdatasync variable can be set
dynamically using a SET statement. (WL #14452)
Bugs Fixed
Incompatible Change: Within trigger bodies, INSERT or UPDATE statements containing a SET
clause that used OLD or NEW values as assignment targets could raise an assertion or lead to a
server exit. Such assignments are no longer permitted. (Bug #32803211)
Performance: Internal functions used to copy values between columns have been improved such
that computations not necessary when the values are of similar types are no longer performed.
Queries using temporary tables should be noticeably faster with this enhancement. Our internal
testing has shown such queries being executed up to 11% faster than previously; as always, your
results may differ from these depending on environment, configuration, and other factors. (Bug
InnoDB: To reduce the number of unnecessary warning messages in the error log, instances
of the fil_space_acquire() function in the InnoDB sources were replaced by the
fil_space_acquire_silent() function where possible. (Bug #32944543)
InnoDB: The TRX_FORCE_ROLLBACK_ASYNC flag in the InnoDB sources, which indicates whether
a transaction was rolled back asynchronously or by the owning thread, was found to be redundant
and has been removed. (Bug #32912595)
InnoDB: Use of the ut_delete symbol instead of the UT_DELETE macro in the InnoDB
sources caused a failure in builds that disable Performance Schema memory tracing (-
DDISABLE_PSI_MEMORY=ON). (Bug #32910699)
InnoDB: Dictionary system mutex_enter and mutex_exit calls in the InnoDB sources were
renamed to dict_sys_mutex_enter() and dict_sys_mutex_exit(), respectively. (Bug
InnoDB: Legacy UNIV_INLINE and UNIV_MATERIALIZE artifacts were removed from InnoDB
sources. UNIV_HOTBACKUP was added to method declarations in some header files. (Bug
InnoDB: The lock_sys sharded rw_lock index used random index values generated by the
ut_rnd_interval() function, which was not optimal for low-concurrency workloads. (Bug
InnoDB: A string value setting for the innodb_redo_log_encrypt variable was not handled
properly. (Bug #32851525)
InnoDB: Read-write transaction set (trx_sys->rw_trx_set) shards, each with a dedicated
mutex, were introduced to alleviate transaction system mutex (trx_sys->mutex) contention
caused by transaction set insertions and removals. Related enhancements include moving
transaction set modifiers to less critical locations, eliminating heap allocation inside of the
TrxUndoRsegs constructor, converting transaction state (trx->state) and transaction start time
(trx->start_time) fields to std::atomic fields, and new assertion code to validate threads that
operate on transactions. (Bug #32832196)
InnoDB: Record buffer logic for the InnoDB memcached GET command was revised. (Bug
InnoDB: The ut_list base member in the InnoDB sources now locates list nodes using
the element portion of the list type rather than storing a member pointer in the base node of a
list at runtime, which waisted resources. The patch also includes other ut_list related code
improvements. (Bug #32820458)
InnoDB: After upgrading from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7 and starting the server with undo log
truncation enabled (innodb_undo_log_truncate=ON), a deadlock occurred when an undo
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
tablespace truncate operation was initiated. The deadlock caused a long semaphore wait and an
eventual failure. A direct upgrade from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7.35 or later avoids this potential
issue. (Bug #32800020)
InnoDB: Type-safe enhancements for PSI_memory_key identifiers were introduced.
PSI_memory_key identifiers are used by Performance Schema for instrumentation of memory
operations. With this enhancement, ut::aligned_name library functions are able to report type
errors at compile time. (Bug #32797838)
InnoDB: The buf_get_LRU_mutex() function was optimized to avoid acquiring the LRU mutex
unnecessarily when flushing from the flush list. (Bug #32797451, Bug #103391)
InnoDB: In debug builds, an access to Fil_shard::m_deleted_spaces (deleted tablespaces
vector) was not protected by the Fil_shard mutex, causing a failure. (Bug #32792816)
InnoDB: Attempting to start MySQL with --innodb-dedicated-server on a machine with 2GB
of RAM resulted in the creation of a single redo log file, which prevented the server from starting.
Now in such cases, at least two log files are created.
Our thanks to Adam Cable for the contribution. (Bug #32788772, Bug #103372)
InnoDB: A failure occurred when truncating a partitioned table after an operation that added too
many columns to the table, exceeding the column limit. The number of columns added is now
evaluated before an ADD COLUMN operation is permitted. (Bug #32788564, Bug #103363)
InnoDB: On platforms that support punch hole where the disk is near full, creating a tablespace with
a large AUTOEXTEND_SIZE setting could lead to a no space on device failure and a subsequent
InnoDB recovery failures. (Bug #32771235)
InnoDB: The list of table locks requested by a transaction (trx->lock.table_locks), which is a
subset of the transaction lock list (trx->lock.trx_locks), was removed. Table locks requested
by a transaction are now are now listed at the beginning of the transaction lock list instead. (Bug
InnoDB: A failure occurred during recovery with the disk being near full, leaving the data in an
inconsistent state. The failure occurred in the fil_tablespace_redo_extend() function, which
is used to redo a tablespace extension operation. (Bug #32749974, Bug #32748733)
InnoDB: After relocating a file-per-table tablespace offline and making the new location known
to InnoDB using the innodb_directories option, an ALTER TABLE operation that used the
COPY algorithm failed with a storage engine error. The failure was due to a renaming check, which
searched the data directory instead of the new directory location. (Bug #32721533)
InnoDB: ut_allocator() compliance issues with the C++ standard template library (STL) were
addressed. (Bug #32715698)
InnoDB: Instances of ut_allocator::allocate() instantiated by std::vector in the InnoDB
sources failed to trace memory allocations and deallocations performed implicitly by std::vector.
The same issue was found for other C++ standard template library (STL) and STL-like data-
structures. (Bug #32715688)
InnoDB: The ut_allocator::construct() interface in the InnoDB sources, which is a custom
interface implemented in a pre-C++11 style, caused unnecessary overhead. The interface was not
necessary and has been removed. (Bug #32715381)
InnoDB: The ut_list length member variable in the InnoDB sources was replaced by an atomic
field to permit lock free access without undefined behavior. The default ut_list constructor was
replaced by a new constructor that performs all list initialization. (Bug #32715371)
InnoDB: The ut_allocator() out of memory reporting mechanism in the InnoDB sources was
not reliable and has been removed. (Bug #32715359)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Implicit handling of Performance Schema metadata was implemented for
ut_allocator::allocate_large() and ut_allocator::deallocate_large() functions
in the InnoDB sources. This modification aligns Performance Schema metadata handling with that of
similar allocation functions. (Bug #32714144)
InnoDB: Stalls were caused by concurrent SELECT COUNT(*) queries where the number of
parallel read threads exceeded the number of machine cores. A patch for this issue was provided
for Windows builds in MySQL 8.0.24. The MySQL 8.0.26 patch addresses the same issue on other
affected platforms. (Bug #32678019)
References: See also: Bug #32224707.
InnoDB: To avoid costly calls to the rec_get_offsets() function, which determines the offsets
for each field in a record, caching of offsets is extended to indexes that meet certain requirements
such as having a fixed length, no virtual columns, instant columns, and so on. (Bug #32673649)
InnoDB: When starting the server with a data directory that was restored by MySQL Enterprise
Backup, the doublewrite buffer (controlled by the innodb_doublewrite variable) remained
disabled until the next server restart. (Bug #32642866)
InnoDB: “Too many open files” errors were encountered when creating a large number of tables.
(Bug #32634620)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32541241.
InnoDB: InnoDB recovery was unable to proceed due to a page tracking system recovery failure,
which should have been non-blocking. (Bug #32630875)
InnoDB: An integer underflow issue was addressed in the InnoDB mecached plugin sources. (Bug
#32620378, Bug #32620398)
InnoDB: When a transaction started waiting for lock, the InnoDB lock system provided information
to the server about the transaction currently holding the lock but failed to inform the server after
releasing the lock and grating it to another waiting transaction. As a result, the replication applier
thread coordinator was unable to detect potential deadlocks in the intended transaction commit order
that could occur if the third transaction in this scenario committed after the initial waiting transaction.
(Bug #32618301)
InnoDB: When inserting a record into a unique secondary index, the index record locks taken to
prevent concurrent transactions from inserting a conflicting record into the affected range included an
unnecessary gap lock on the first record after the range. (Bug #32617942)
InnoDB: InnoDB code that creates dynamically allocated over-aligned types was replaced by
ut::aligned_name library functions. (Bug #32601599)
InnoDB: Memory allocation functions belonging to the API that handles dynamic storage of over-
aligned types (ut::aligned_name library functions) were extended to support memory tracing
using Performance Schema. The HAVE_PSI_MEMORY_INTERFACE source configuration option
enables the memory tracing module.
An aligned_zalloc() library function, which provides support for zero-initialized memory
allocations, was added to the API. (Bug #32600981)
References: See also: Bug #32601599, Bug #32246061, Bug #32246200.
InnoDB: Sampling of InnoDB data for the purpose of generating histogram statistics is now
supported with all transaction isolation levels supported by InnoDB. Previously, sampling was
performed using only the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level. (Bug #32555575)
InnoDB: An index with a key prefix length greater than 767 bytes was permitted on a table defined
with the REDUNDANT row format, exceeding the index key prefix length limit for that row format.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The ALTER TABLE operation that added the index validated the index key prefix length for the row
format defined by the innodb_default_row_format variable instead of the actual row format of
the table. The fix ensures that index key prefix length is validated for the correct row format. (Bug
#32507117, Bug #102597)
InnoDB: Adaptive hash index latches did not provide meaningful latch location information. (Bug
InnoDB: A dependency related to redo and undo log encryption at server initialization time was
removed. (Bug #32476724)
InnoDB: An online buffer pool resizing operation freed the previous buffer pool page hash,
conflicting with a concurrent buffer pool lookup that required the previous page hash. (Bug
InnoDB: When using the TempTable storage engine
(internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine=TempTable), more than 255 aggregate functions in a
SELECT list caused errors due to overflow of an internal variable that stores indexed column field
positions. (Bug #32458104, Bug #102468)
InnoDB: A workload stalled while executing a undo tablespace truncation operation on an instance
with a large buffer pool. The function that truncates marked undo tablespaces now takes a shared
latch instead of an exclusive latch, and the shared latch is taken for a shorter period of time. (Bug
#32353863, Bug #102143)
InnoDB: A programming interface was added for handling dynamic storage of over-aligned types.
(Bug #32246200, Bug #32246061)
InnoDB: Under certain circumstances, a failure during InnoDB recovery could have caused
a loss of committed changes. Checkpoints permitted during recovery did not handle page
flushing, flush list maintenance, or persisting changes to the data dictionary table buffer as
necessary for a proper checkpoint operations. Checkpoints and advancing the checkpoint LSN
are therefore no longer permitted until redo log recovery is complete and data dictionary dynamic
metadata (srv_dict_metadata) is transferred to data dictionary table (dict_table_t)
objects. Should the redo log run out of space during recovery or after recovery (but before
data dictionary dynamic metadata is transferred to data dictionary table objects) as a result of
this change, an innodb_force_recovery restart may be required, starting with at least the
SRV_FORCE_NO_IBUF_MERGE setting or, in case that fails, the SRV_FORCE_NO_LOG_REDO
setting. If an innodb_force_recovery restart fails in this scenario, recovery from backup may be
necessary. (Bug #32200595)
InnoDB: Rollback segments are now initialized in parallel during startup. Previously, rollback
segments were initialized serially.
Thanks to Zheng Lai and the Tencent Cloud-Native Database team for submitting the contribution
this bug fix is based on. (Bug #32170127, Bug #101658)
InnoDB: A failure occurred during testing of innodb_log_writer_threads variable
configuration. The failure was caused by a race condition. (Bug #32129814)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30088404.
InnoDB: A race condition occurred between a purge thread that was truncating an undo tablespace
and a server thread that queried the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table. As a result, the
truncated undo tablespace did not appear in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table when
queried, which in turn caused a MySQL Enterprise Backup failure due to a dependency on the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table for undo tablespace file locations. (Bug #32104924, Bug
InnoDB: When DML operations are concentrated on a single table, purge work was performed
by a single purge thread, which could result in slowed purge operations, increased purge lag, and
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
increased tablespace file size if DML operations involve large object values. To address this issue,
purge work is now automatically redistributed among available purge threads when the purge lag
exceeds the innodb_max_purge_lag setting. (Bug #32089028)
InnoDB: The function that populates the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES table
accessed the space for a file and performed an unprotected stat() operation and retrieval of file
size information. (Bug #32025344)
InnoDB: Code related to the trx_t::is_recovered flag in the InnoDB sources was revised
to address various complexity and correctness issues. One of the issues addressed caused an
XA transaction to be described incorrectly as “recovered”, which occurred when a client session
disconnected from an XA transaction after XA PREPARE. (Bug #31870582)
InnoDB: TempTable debug assertion code for an Indexed_cells member function
(cell_from_mysql_buf_index_read()) did not account for non-nullable columns with zero
length. (Bug #31091089)
InnoDB: Using the InnoDB memcached plugin, attempting to retrieve multiple values in a single get
command returned an incorrect value. (Bug #29675958, Bug #95032)
InnoDB: The trx_sys_t::serialisation_mutex was introduced to reduce contention on the
on the trx_sys_t::mutex. The new mutex protects the trx_sys_t::serialisation_list
when a transaction number is assigned, which was previously protected by the
Thanks to Zhai Weixiang for the contribution. (Bug #27933068, Bug #90643)
Partitioning: When a table was partitioned by TIMESTAMP and a timestamp literal with a time zone
offset was used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement, it was possible for a partition to be
omitted from the result set.
When a time zone offset is specified in a timestamp literal, it is expected to be converted to a
timestamp without a time zone offset, and then compared against a timestamp column, but this was
not done properly in all cases, with the result that a partition could be pruned while selecting the
partitions to be scanned for the query.
We fix this by making sure that a timestamp with a time zone offset is always converted as described
before comparing with values from the column. (Bug #101530, Bug #32134145)
Replication; Group Replication: When the system variable
replication_optimize_for_static_plugin_config was set, the plugins for Group
Replication and semi-synchronous replication could not be uninstalled cleanly on server shutdown.
(Bug #32798287)
Replication: When the SOURCE_CONNECTION_AUTO_FAILOVER=1 option was set on the CHANGE
REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement for a replication channel, a STOP REPLICA IO_THREAD
statement did not stop the monitor thread that monitors for connection failures on the channel, and
could incorrectly stop the applier thread. (Bug #32892977)
Replication: A deadlock could occur when START GROUP_REPLICATION and STOP
GROUP_REPLICATION statements were issued at the same time that a view change was taking
place for the group. (Bug #32738137, Bug #32836868)
Replication: An incorrect default value in code meant that the allowlist of IP addresses permitted
for a replication group was implicitly reconfigured although no value had been supplied. (Bug
Replication: A deadlock could occur if a STOP GROUP_REPLICATION statement was issued when
a replication channel on a group member was attempting to commit a transaction. The server now
rolls back the transaction immediately if it cannot acquire the relevant lock, rather than waiting for the
lock and the commit to complete and causing the deadlock. (Bug #32633176)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: On a multithreaded replica, the reference to the active event was sometimes managed
incorrectly when retrying a transaction. (Bug #32590974)
Replication: After a DML operation was performed on the last partition of a table with more than 128
partitions, MySQL Server and MySQL clients (such as mysqlbinlog) parsed the event information
from the binary log incorrectly, resulting in an inaccurate partition ID being stated. The information
is now read using an event reader function that is endianness independent. (Bug #32358736, Bug
Replication: In a new MySQL Server installation, the mysql.gtid_executed system table was
missing the property STATS_PERSISTENT=0 to disable persistent statistics, which is present for the
other replication-related tables. (Bug #32250735)
Replication: When the same row in a table was updated multiple times by the same event, the
replication applier’s hash scan algorithm omitted to check for JSON partial updates, which are
logged when binlog_row_value_options=PARTIAL_JSON is set. This could result in replication
stopping with a “key not found” error. (Bug #32221703)
Replication: Replica servers now check and validate the transaction ID part of a GTID before
applying and committing the transaction associated with it. (Bug #32103192)
Replication: Replication could stop on a multithreaded replica if a unique secondary key was
omitted from the writeset hashes used to compute transaction dependencies, leading to errors when
executing the transactions on the multithreaded replica. Write set hashes now always include unique
secondary keys even if they are not included in the read set and write set. (Bug #31636339)
Replication: MySQL semisynchronous replication did not clean up connection artifacts correctly
after sending a reply to the source, causing a mismatch that meant the connection had to be re-
established. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #31363518, Bug #32441220, Bug #32759421)
Replication: On a multithreaded replica (with slave_parallel_workers > 0 ), the algorithm
used by GTID auto-positioning to check for missing transactions briefly sets a low value (4) for
the event position in the course of its calculations. If the operation is stopped at that moment, the
recovery process that resolves gaps in the sequence of transactions can fail. The process to resolve
gaps is not actually necessary when GTID auto-positioning is used, so the process has now been
disabled in that situation.
As a result, on a multithreaded replica, when GTID_MODE = ON is set for the instance and
statement, the following behaviors now apply:
A START REPLICA UNTIL SQL_AFTER_MTS_GAPS statement just stops the applier thread
when it finds the first event to execute, and does not attempt to check for gaps in the sequence of
A CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement does not automatically fail if there are gaps in
the sequence of transactions.
These changed behaviors only apply on a multithreaded replica that uses GTIDs and GTID auto-
positioning, and not on a replica that uses binary log position-based replication. (Bug #30571587,
Bug #97694)
Group Replication: When running Group Replication in single-primary mode, unnecessary copies
of the transaction data were created during data serialization. This is now done in a single step to
reduce the memory footprint. (Bug #32781945)
Group Replication: Replicated transactions in GTID-based replication include an
original_commit_timestamp to show when the transaction was committed on the original
source server, and an immediate_commit_timestamp to show when it was committed on the
replica. Previously, the original_commit_timestamp was not set for Group Replication view
change events, which are agreed by the group but then generated and applied by each group
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
member, so the timestamp appeared as zero in viewable output. For improved observability, group
members now set local timestamp values for transactions associated with view change events. (Bug
Group Replication: Previously, a warning message was written to the error log if the original commit
timestamp on a replicated transaction was more recent than the immediate commit timestamp on
the replica applying it. The message could occur inappropriately if the fluctuation in the replication
lag had a similar value to the clock difference between the machines involved, which could be made
more likely by better quality connections between them. During Group Replication failover, it was
possible for a message to be returned for every transaction, flooding the log. To avoid this situation,
the warning message has been withdrawn. (Bug #32554807)
Group Replication: When group_replication_consistency was set to AFTER, and a view
change event was delayed until after a locally prepared transaction was completed, a different GTID
could be applied to it, causing errors in replication. The data is now processed in the same sequence
it is received to avoid the situation. (Bug #31872708)
Microsoft Windows: Writing to Windows event logs could be unsuccessful. (Bug #32890918)
JSON: Reading JSON values from tables that used the CSV storage engine raised an error such as
Cannot create a JSON value from a string with CHARACTER SET 'binary'. This
happened because the CSV engine uses my_charset_bin as the character set for the record buffer
but creation of JSON values includes an explicit check for my_charset_bin, and raises an error if
this character set is given.
We handle this issue by passing the actual character set of the column instead of the character set of
the buffer holding the data, which is always binary. (Bug #102843, Bug #32597017)
A query for which the derived condition pushdown optimization could be applied was not so
optimized when the query was part of INSERT ... SELECT. (Bug #32959186)
Import operations for access privilege information became very slow for large numbers of accounts
and schemas. (Bug #32934351)
Queries which needed to sort the results of a full-text index scan were in some circumstances not
handled correctly. (Bug #32924198)
Thanks to Xiaoyu Wang for a code correction to PFS_notification_registry::is_empty().
(Bug #32919118, Bug #103788)
Queries containing GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and LIMIT in a subquery and accessed using a cursor
could cause a server exit. (Bug #32918240)
When invoked with the --help and --verbose options, mysqld created an auto.cnf file in the
current directory. (Bug #32906164)
Queries that involved pushing a condition with view references down to a materialized derived table
could cause a server exit. (Bug #32905044, Bug #32324234)
Messages for ER_CANT_INITIALIZE_UDF errors could be truncated. (Bug #32891703)
A regression was found in the simplification of streaming aggregation (GROUP BY of data already
sorted) that was performed in MySQL 8.0.23.
We fix this issue as follows: When there is an implicit grouping on a single table which is the subject
of a fulltext search, we now force insertion of a temporary table to materialize MATCH() temporaries
before they are sent to the AggregateIterator, since it tries to save and restore the rows it
receives, but cannot properly include the fulltext search information, as it is hidden. (Bug #32889491)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #31790217.
For conversion of -DBL_MAX to string and back to double, the new double value differed from the
original and was rejected as out of bounds. (Bug #32888982, Bug #103709)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Now, whenever the JSON_LENGTH() function includes the optional path argument, the server
rewrites it as JSON_LENGTH(JSON_EXTRACT(doc, path)). This means that JSON_LENGTH()
now supports wildcards (such as $, ., and *) and array ranges in the path, as shown here:
mysql> SELECT JSON_LENGTH('[1,2,3,4,5,6,7]', '$[2 to 4]') AS x;
| x |
| 3 |
(Bug #32877703)
For flags typically used for RPM and Debian packages, the new WITH_PACKAGE_FLAGS
CMake option controls whether to add those flags to standalone builds on those platforms. The
default is ON for nondebug builds. This is used to “harden” the builds; for example, by adding -
D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2. (Bug #32876974)
The NULLIF() function did not perform all necessary checks for errors. (Bug #32865008)
For views that depended on other views, output from the SHOW CREATE VIEW statement used
during production of dump files could cause an error at restore time. (Bug #32854203, Bug #103583)
The query-attributes code did not properly handle large 64-bit numbers. (Bug #32847269)
Information retrieved from the Performance Schema metadata_locks table could be incorrect for
foreign keys and CHECK constraints. (Bug #32832004, Bug #103532)
When generating unique names for view columns, the server now considers only those objects
whose names are visible. (Bug #32821372)
When a condition is pushed down to a materialized derived table, a clone of the derived table
expression replaces the column (from the outer query block) in the condition. When the cloned item
included a FULLTEXT function, it was added to the outer query block instead of the derived table
query block, which led to problems. To fix this, we now use the derived query block to clone such
items. (Bug #32820437)
A common table expression which was used more than once in a statement, at least once within a
subquery that was subsequently removed during resolution due to being always true, or always false.
(Bug #32813547, Bug #32813554)
If a statement is prepared against a table that is persistent at preparation time but temporary at the
time of first execution, an assertion could be raised. (Bug #32799797)
An internal function used by spatial functions could reference memory after freeing it. (Bug
The impossible filter optimization removed MRR access paths that were required by the
corresponding BKA access paths. (Bug #32787415)
The new WITH_AUTHENTICATION_CLIENT_PLUGINS CMake option is enabled automatically if any
corresponding server authentication plugins are built. Its value thus depends on other CMake options
and it should not be set explicitly. (Bug #32778378)
The MRR iterator normally filters out NULL keys by checking impossible_null_ref(), but when
a join condition either contained an IS NULL predicate, or used the NULL-safe equals operator
=>, the optimizer had to check whether the join condition used the predicate terms as part of its
join condition, and not set the internal flag HA_MRR_NO_NULL_ENDPOINTS in such cases. Now we
check, using a bitmask, whether the each column in the key rejects NULL, in which case we can set
HA_MRR_NO_NULL_ENDPOINTS without further checks. (Bug #32774281)
For system variables with an enumeration type, SET PERSIST_ONLY var_name = DEFAULT
persisted the numeric value and not the symbolic name. (Bug #32761053)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The X DevAPI operations Collection.replaceOne and Collection.addOrReplaceOne now verify that
the value of the _id field in a document matches the id parameter specified for the operation. If it
does not, an error is returned. (Bug #32753547)
For applications that use the C API to execute prepared statements, query attributes could not
be used for prepared statements with no parameters. (Bug #32753030, Bug #32790714, Bug
The arguments to IN() were not always converted to the correct character set. (Bug #32746552)
The LOCATE() function unconditionally returned NULL when an argument could not be evaluated.
Now, when used in an expression that is determined to be non-nullable, the function returns zero
instead. (Bug #32746536)
The internal function my_well_formed_len_utf32() asserted when presented with a string of
invalid length. Now in such cases, the function reports an invalid string instead. (Bug #32745294)
The functions TRIM(), RTRIM(), and LTRIM() did not always perform proper error checking. (Bug
A previous fix in an internal resolver function ensured that it raises an error when a generated
column cannot be resolved. This worked without any problem when the generated column is part
of a CREATE TABLE statement, but in the case where the table with the generated column was
generated on a MySQL 5.7 database and then upgraded to MySQL 8.0, an error was reported and
the upgrade terminated.
We fix this by using the correct pointer when reporting the table causing the error in the function
fix_generated_columns_for_upgrade(). (Bug #32738972)
When looking inside rollup wrappers in the SELECT list, and trying to find the same item in the
GROUP BY list, the server did not take into account that a cache might have been added around the
expression. Now any such caches are unwrapped before looking for the item. (Bug #32729377, Bug
A prepared statement that used MIN() or MAX() could return an incorrect result if it also included
dynamic parameters. (Bug #32713860, Bug #103170)
Replication could fail if a DML statement was executed immediately after an XA transaction was
rejected or forced to rollback due to a deadlock. (Bug #32707060)
Queries containing multiple instances of GROUPING() were not always handled correctly. (Bug
When executing EXPLAIN ANALYZE, materialization iterators count every single init() call, even
those that only retain existing data, causes materializations to appear to cost too little compared to
the number of underlying calls. We fix this by allowing the materialization iterator to override the call
and row counts with its own data. (Bug #32688540)
A race condition in the metadata locking code could result in a server exit. (Bug #32686116)
An index-only scan on a covering full-text index could return incorrect results for queries with multiple
calls to MATCH() function depending on the order in which the MATCH() calls were evaluated. (Bug
Including query attributes for a prepared statement could cause a statement execution failure. (Bug
Executing DDL statements on a system table could cause a server exit. (Bug #32665990)
With the --online-migration option, mysql_migrate_keyring could exit during connection
establishment to the migration server. (Bug #32651203)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
mysql_migrate_keyring failed to enforce the condition that the source and destination keystores
must differ. (Bug #32637784)
System cache size checking could be inaccurate on Ubuntu. (Bug #32619199, Bug #102926)
The server did not process correctly some queries that used MATCH ... AGAINST on a column
with a fulltext index in a HAVING clause. (Bug #32617181)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30969045.
Replicated transactions in GTID-based replication include an original_commit_timestamp
to show when the transaction was committed on the original source server, and an
immediate_commit_timestamp to show when it was committed on the replica. Previously,
Group Replication servers set the original_commit_timestamp when they committed
locally generated transactions, but they did not set the immediate_commit_timestamp. For
improved observability, group members now set this timestamp. If the transaction originated in
the group, the original_commit_timestamp and immediate_commit_timestamp are both
generated by Group Replication, and are equal. If the transaction originated outside the group, the
original_commit_timestamp is preserved, and an immediate_commit_timestamp is set.
(Bug #32613896)
The internal function Item_func_match::eq() raised an assert failure in debug builds when
it was called with an argument that was an Item_func_match_predicate. The assertion was
added with the expectation that an Item_func_match object would not be compared with an
Item_func_match_predicate object, but it was later found that this can happen during the
ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY check when the predicate is in a HAVING clause.
We fix this by removing the assertion so that the function returns false, instead. (Bug #32611913)
SELECT using DISTINCT with a GROUP BY ... WITH ROLLUP on a primary key column returned
a different result than when the column was not a primary key. (Bug #32565875)
When an item in the SELECT list came from a table that was found to be constant, it was possible to
add caches around it before adding ROLLUP wrappers, causing it to be unfindable in the group list
(which had no such wrappers). This is addressed by unwrapping the caches. (Bug #32559356)
The C client library could produce a Malformed communication packet error if a prepared
statement parameter was longer than 8KB and the next parameter represented a NULL value. (Bug
When comparing arguments of different types, and the arguments are deemed constants, the server
may insert its own hidden item cache to save on repeated conversion (and possible warnings). This
is not visible in the output of any statements such as EXPLAIN.
An issue arose due to the fact that resolution of ROLLUP runs after the comparisons are set up, and
may replace the arguments, which could lead to incorrect results from comparisons. Now when this
happens, we signal that the comparison needs to reconsider its caches, and not possibly re-use stale
values. (Bug #32548377)
Incorrect reference counting for a destructor in the implementation of a loadable function could raise
an assertion for debug builds or report that the function does not exist for nondebug builds. (Bug
#32528898, Bug #102649)
MySQL source distributions now bundle the Google Test source code, which no longer need
be downloaded to run Google Test-based unit tests. Consequently, the WITH_GMOCK and
ENABLE_DOWNLOADS CMake options have been removed and are ignored if specified.
This change also corrects a couple of build issues whereby source distributions incorrectly included
an empty source_downloads directory, and CMake did not fail when WITH_UNIT_TESTS was
enabled but the Google Test source was not found. (For the latter issue, it can no longer occur
because the source is always present.) (Bug #32512077, Bug #27326599, Bug #29935278)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When outer batched key access and block-nested loop (or hash join) occurred together in a query,
both were reverted to nested loops in the plan interpretation to access paths. Problems arose in
some cases in which non-equality join conditions had been pushed to a special kind of BKA index
condition, and by converting to a regular index lookup (which does not check the BKA condition), it
was possible to drop conditions that should have been checked.
We fix this by removing the BKA index condition; since its use is very rare, potential gains in most
practical queries are very low, and removing it decreases complexity significantly. (Bug #32424884)
SHOW CREATE USER could cause an unexpected server exit if the structure of the mysql.user
system table was manually altered. (Bug #32417780, Bug #31654586)
For large values of the group_concat_max_len system variable, prepared statements that
used the GROUP_CONCAT() function could be unnecessarily re-prepared across executions. (Bug
#32413530, Bug #102344)
Changes were not properly rolled back on re-execution of prepared statements or stored procedures
for which walk and replace was performed as part of optimization. (Bug #32384324, Bug #32573871)
Client programs using the asynchronous C API functions could leak memory if a connection timeout
occurred. Thanks to Facebook for a contribution used in fixing this issue. (Bug #32372038, Bug
#102189, Bug #32800091, Bug #103409, Bug #33171164, Bug #104461)
The dynamic statistics cache exposed by the INFORMATION_SCHEMA could be updated in the
middle of a transaction before it was known whether the transaction would commit, potentially
caching information corresponding to no committed state. (Bug #32338335)
Repreparation of a prepared statement at the beginning of an implicit transaction could cause an
ER_GTID_NEXT_TYPE_UNDEFINED_GROUP error. (Bug #32326510, Bug #102031)
USING HASH was removed from the definitions of Performance Schema thread pool tables because
the Performance Schema does not support hash indexes. (Bug #32194617)
Inserting a datetime literal with an explicit time zone offset into a TIMESTAMP column could produce
the wrong time if time_zone=SYSTEM and the system time zone has DST transitions. (Bug
#32173664, Bug #101670)
While setting up ORDER BY for a window function, a window definition including a subquery was
removed along with the subquery in the ORDER BY. (Bug #32103260)
The use of a SET PERSIST or SET PERSIST_ONLY statement is now disallowed for the
group_replication_force_members system variable. This system variable must be cleared
after use before you can issue a START GROUP_REPLICATION statement, so it should not be
persisted to the MySQL server instance’s option file. (Bug #31983203)
Upgrades from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 failed if the MySQL installation had FEDERATED tables. (Bug
Persisting component-related system variables could result in unnecessary “unknown variable” error
messages. (Bug #31968366)
An out-of-memory error occurred when loading large amounts of data into tables with full-text search
indexes. Not all of the memory allocated to the full-text search cache was accounted for when
inserting data into the full-text search auxiliary tables. (Bug #31576731)
The precision for a UNION between integer and decimal values could be calculated incorrectly,
leading to truncation of the integer in the result. (Bug #31348202, Bug #99567)
InnoDB wrote unnecessary warnings to the error log indicating that table statistics could not be
calculated. (Bug #30865032)
A secondary index over a virtual column became corrupted when the index was built online.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For UPDATE statements, we fix this as follows: If the virtual column value of the index record is set to
NULL, then we generate this value from the cluster index record. (Bug #30556595)
DROP DATABASE for a database with a large number of tables (one million) could result in an out-of-
memory condition. (Bug #29634540)
The system_time_zone system variable is initialized at server startup from the server host settings
and the mysqld environment, but if the server host time zone changed (for example, due to daylight
saving time), system_time_zone did not reflect the change. Now it does. (Bug #29330089, Bug
For upgrades on Ubuntu, if an existing my.cnf file is found, it is renamed to my.cnf.bak and a
warning is issued. (Bug #24486556, Bug #82639)
Boolean system variables could be assigned a negative value. (Bug #11758439, Bug #50643)
Prepared statements did not always make use of index extensions (see Use of Index Extensions).
(Bug #103711, Bug #32897525)
References: See also: Bug #103710, Bug #32897503.
When enabled, the prefer_ordering_index optimizer switch had a negative effect on the
performance of prepared statements. (Bug #103710, Bug #32897503)
References: See also: Bug #103711, Bug #32897525.
Successive INSERT() function calls could sometimes yield invalid NULL results. (Bug #103513, Bug
Some NOT IN subqueries did not return correct results due to a regression in NULL handling. (Bug
#103331, Bug #32773801)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30473261.
Whenever a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE NOWAIT statement was unable to obtain a record lock, a
message Got error 203 when reading table ... was written to the error log, even though
though this is a relatively common occurrence, the logging of which led to excessive use of disk
Our thanks to Brian Yue for this contribution. (Bug #103159, Bug #32705614)
0 - (MAX(BIGINT) + 1) returned -(MAX(BIGINT) + 1). Now an out of range error is returned
instead. (Bug #103093, Bug #32693863)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.25 (2021-05-11, General Availability)
Packaging Notes
Bugs Fixed
Packaging Notes
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been
upgraded to use curl 7.76.0.
Bugs Fixed
On Fedora 34, builds from source failed due to an undefined reference to symbol
crc32_z@@ZLIB_1.2.9. (Bug #32702860)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Docker containers for MySQL Enterprise Edition no longer need to run with root privileges. (Bug
For a prepared, implicitly grouped SELECT statement in which the WHERE clause was determined
always to be false, the result of some aggregate functions could sometimes be picked up from the
previous execution of the statement. (Bug #103192, Bug #32717969)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.24 (2021-04-20, General Availability)
Audit Log Notes
Compilation Notes
Connection Management Notes
Error Handling
Keyring Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
MySQL Enterprise Audit now supports audit log file pruning, for JSON-format log files. See Space
Management of Audit Log Files. (WL #14268)
Compilation Notes
GCC 10 is now a supported compiler for building MySQL on EL7 or EL8. This compiler is available
in the devtoolset-10 (EL7) or gcc-toolset-10 (EL8) package. It is also recommended to
use GCC 10 when building third-party applications that are based on the libmysqlclient C API
library. (Bug #32381003)
Connection Management Notes
Previously, if a client did not use the connection to the server within the period specified
by the wait_timeout system variable and the server closed the connection, the client
received no notification of the reason. Typically, the client would see Lost connection to
MySQL server during query (CR_SERVER_LOST) or MySQL server has gone away
In such cases, the server now writes the reason to the connection before closing it, and client
receives a more informative error message, The client was disconnected by the server
because of inactivity. See wait_timeout and interactive_timeout for
configuring this behavior. (ER_CLIENT_INTERACTION_TIMEOUT).
The previous behavior still applies for client connections to older servers and connections to the
server by older clients. (WL #12999)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Error Handling
Client connection failure messages now include the port number. For example: Can't connect
to MySQL server on ''.. Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for the contribution.
(Bug #30787660, Bug #98311)
Keyring Notes
MySQL Keyring previously implemented keystore capabilities using server plugins, but now is
transitioning to use the MySQL component infrastructure, beginning with these keyring components:
component_keyring_file stores keyring data in a file local to the server host. This component
is available in MySQL Community Edition and MySQL Enterprise Edition distributions. See Using
the component_keyring_file File-Based Keyring Component.
component_keyring_encrypted_file stores keyring data in an encrypted, password-
protected file local to the server host. This component is available in MySQL Enterprise Edition
distributions. See Using the component_keyring_encrypted_file Encrypted File-Based Keyring
The new keyring components have similarities to the existing keyring_file and
keyring_encrypted_file plugins, but are configured differently, use distinct on-disk storage
formats, and have fewer restrictions on key type and key size.
Keyring components are not loaded using the --early-plugin-load server option during startup
or configured during startup or at runtime using system variables:
During startup, the server determines which keyring component to load using a manifest file,
and the loaded component consults its own configuration file when it initializes. See Keyring
Component Installation.
At runtime, the new ALTER INSTANCE RELOAD KEYRING statement enables reconfiguring
an installed keyring component after changes to its configuration file. See ALTER INSTANCE
If a keyring component is installed, the new Performance Schema keyring_component_status
table provides status information about it. See The keyring_component_status Table.
Key migration capabilities have been expanded. Previously, key migration occurred only from one
keyring plugin to another. The new --keyring-migration-to-component server option enables
key migration from a keyring plugin to a keyring component; this facilitates transitioning a MySQL
installation from keyring plugins to keyring components. The new mysql_migrate_keyring utility
enables key migration from one keyring component to another. See Migrating Keys Between Keyring
Keystores. There is no provision for migrating keys from a keyring component to a keyring plugin.
Existing keyring plugins remain available with no change to user-visible characteristics, but their
implementation was revised to use the component infrastructure. This is facilitated using the built-
in plugin named daemon_keyring_proxy_plugin that acts as a bridge between the plugin and
component service APIs. See The Keyring Proxy Bridge Plugin. (WL #13446)
Optimizer Notes
The MySQL query optimizer can now apply the derived table optimization to correlated scalar
subqueries, whenever the subquery_to_derived flag of the optimizer_switch variable is
enabled. This is done by applying an extra grouping and then an outer join on the lifted predicate.
For example, a query such as SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (SELECT a FROM t2 WHERE
t2.a=t1.a) > 0 can be rewritten as SELECT t1.* FROM t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT
a, COUNT(*) AS ct FROM t2 GROUP BY a) AS derived ON t1.a = derived.a WHERE
derived.a > 0.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
If the subquery already has an explicit grouping, MySQL adds the extra grouping to the end of the
existing grouping list.
MySQL performs a cardinality check to ensure that the subquery does not return more than one row,
and raises ER_SUBQUERY_NO_1_ROW if it does. The check is performed as part of evaluating any
WHERE or JOIN clause in the rewritten query, before evaluating the lifted predicate.
For more information, see Correlated Subqueries, as well as Derived Tables. (WL #13520)
Packaging Notes
The bundled libedit library was upgraded to version 20190324-3.1. (Bug #32433089)
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been
upgraded to use curl 7.74.0.
Performance Schema Notes
Incompatible Change: Instrumentation in the Performance Schema setup_instruments table
was revised as follows:
There are new memory instruments to account for memory allocated to data dictionary
infrastructure and objects:
Some instruments were renamed for improved uniformity of instrument naming. Affected
instrument names are grouped using a key prefix in the same style as C++ namespaces. For
example, error-related instruments use a error:: prefix and partition-related instruments use a
Partition:: prefix. The following table displays the affected instruments.
Old Instrument Name New Instrument Name
errmsgs errmsgs::server
handler::errmsgs errmsgs::handler
handlerton handlerton::objects
log_error_loaded_services log_error::loaded_services
log_error_stack log_error::stack
LOG_name LOG::file_name
MDL_context_backup_manager MDL_context::backup_manager
Partition_admin Partition::admin
Partition_share Partition::share
partition_sort_buffer Partition::sort_buffer
partition_syntax_buffer Partition::syntax_buffer
Prepared_statement_map Prepared_statement::infrastructure
prune_partitions::exec Partition::prune_exec
Recovered_xa_transactions XA::recovered_transactions
thd::main_mem_root THD::main_mem_root
XID XA::transaction_contexts
In addition, the servers instrument is a duplicate of servers_cache and has been removed.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Applications that use the old or removed instrument names should be adjusted to account for this
Several instruments were given a value in the DOCUMENTATION column (it is no longer NULL),
improving runtime instrumentation documentation availability.
(WL #14079)
Pluggable Authentication
The new caching_sha2_password_digest_rounds system variable enables configuring the
number of hash rounds used by the caching_sha2_password authentication plugin for password
storage. (WL #14281)
Security Notes
For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL library for MySQL
Server has been updated to version 1.1.1k. Issues fixed in the new OpenSSL version are described
at and
(Bug #32680637)
Spatial Data Support
The new ST_LineInterpolatePoint() and ST_LineInterpolatePoints() functions return
a single point or multiple points interpolated between the start point and endpoint of a LineString
geometry. The new ST_PointAtDistance() function returns a single point a given distance along
a LineString geometry. See Spatial Operator Functions.
The new ST_Collect() aggregate function takes multiple geometry arguments and produces from
them a single geometry collection value. See Spatial Aggregate Functions
The CAST() and CONVERT() functions have been extended to support casting geometry values
from one spatial type to another. See Cast Functions and Operators. (WL #13454, WL #14160, WL
#14161, WL #14178, WL #14127)
Functionality Added or Changed
InnoDB: The AUTOEXTEND_SIZE maximum setting was increased from 64M to 4GB. The
AUTOEXTEND_SIZE option, introduced in MySQL 8.0.23, defines the amount by which InnoDB
extends the size of a tablespace when it becomes full. The option is supported with the CREATE
information, see Tablespace AUTOEXTEND_SIZE Configuration. (Bug #32438606)
Group Replication: It is now possible to use START REPLICA SQL_THREAD and STOP REPLICA
SQL_THREAD statements for the group_replication_applier channel when Group Replication
is stopped. This enables an operator to apply any remaining unapplied transactions on a server that
left the group, without having to rejoin the server to the group. (Bug #32027612, Bug #32414767)
Group Replication: Group Replication’s allowlist of hosts from which an incoming Group
Communication System connection can be accepted, can now be updated while Group
Replication is still running. You can therefore add new members to a group controlled by an
allowlist without needing to stop and restart Group Replication. The allowlist is specified by the
group_replication_ip_allowlist system variable on each group member. (WL #14563)
Microsoft Windows: The /RTC1 compiler flag was removed from the debug compiler flags to
reduce the time needed to run all tests invoked by the script when using
MSVC on Windows. Initially, this compiler flag was introduced with the CMake program (by default
for debug builds) and it generated code to test for stack corruption around function calls and the use
of uninitialized variables at runtime. No loss of bug discovery is expected with the removal of the /
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
RTC1 compiler flag. Memory errors, such as stack corruption, are more likely to be found by Address
Sanitizer (ASAN) testing and the use of uninitialized variables are detected by compiler warnings.
(Bug #32525732)
Microsoft Windows: The named_pipe_full_access_group system variable now defaults to
an empty string (''), making named pipe connections secure. Previously, '*everyone*' was the
default value. A valid Windows local group name may be substituted. (WL #12671)
The new clone_donor_timeout_after_network_failure Clone plugin variable defines
the amount of time the donor allows for the recipient to reconnect and restart a cloning operation
following a network failure. The timeout was previously fixed at 5 minutes. The timeout can now be
extended up to 30 minutes to provide more time for network issues to be resolved.
Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for the contribution. (Bug #32335434, Bug #102103)
Client applications and test suite plugins now report utf8mb3 rather than utf8 when writing
character set names. (Bug #32164079, Bug #32164125)
The --skip-slave-start command line parameter is used to prevent the replication I/O
thread and replication SQL thread from starting when a replica server restarts. However, using the
parameter on the command line or in a my.cnf option file might require login access to the server
host. The skip_slave_start system variable is now provided to give access to this feature using
MySQL Server’s privilege structure, so that database administrators do not need any privileged
access to the operating system. The new global system variable is read-only and can be set using a
SET PERSIST_ONLY statement. As a system variable, its value can also be queried from a MySQL
client and used by MySQL APIs. The --skip-slave-start command line parameter can still be
used as an alternative, and it sets the new global system variable. (WL #14450)
Bugs Fixed
Important Note: When a utf8mb3 collation was specified in a CREATE TABLE statement, SHOW
CREATE TABLE, DEFAULT CHARSET, the values of system variables containing character set
names, and the binary log all subsequently displayed the character set as utf8 which is becoming
a synonym for utf8mb4. Now in such cases, utf8mb3 is shown instead, and CREATE TABLE
raises the warning 'collation_name' is a collation of the deprecated character
set UTF8MB3. Please consider using UTF8MB4 with an appropriate collation
instead. (Bug #27225287, Bug #32085357, Bug #32122844)
References: See also: Bug #30624990.
InnoDB: Stale pages encountered by the buf_page_create() function were freed and then read
from disk again without being reinitialized. (Bug #32622548)
InnoDB: C++ enum type values in buffer pool page and buffer pool block data structures in the
InnoDB source code were changed from int to uint8_t in MySQL 8.0.23, causing the data to
be printed as ascii characters instead of integers in different outputs including messages and
The function that populates the INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU table did not print the IO_PIN state for
the IO_FIX field. (Bug #32575469)
InnoDB: The btr_pcur_t::copy_stored_position function, which copies the position of
one index tree persistent cursor to another, performed unnecessary free and malloc calls. (Bug
InnoDB: A function that checks for locks on a table tried to acquire an exclusive lock system
(lock_sys) latch, causing long semaphore waits. (Bug #32545030)
InnoDB: Counting temporary tablespaces as open files caused the innodb_open_files limit to be
exceeded, preventing other files from being opened. Temporary tablespaces are now ignored when
counting open files. (Bug #32541241)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: The buf_flush_ready_for_flush() function identified a stale page as ready to flush
without first checking if the page was dirty or I/O fixed, causing an assertion failure. (Bug #32530147)
InnoDB: Rollback of a transaction that modified generated columns raised an assertion failure. The
failure occurred when attempting to free space occupied by externally stored columns. The update
vector containing the externally stored columns did not account for the generated columns. (Bug
InnoDB: When starting the server with innodb_validate_tablespace_paths disabled, user-
created undo tablespaces, which are temporarily set to inactive during the initial stages of the startup
process, were not reactivated. (Bug #32493885)
InnoDB: Disabling innodb_extend_and_initialize, which causes InnoDB to use
fallocate() when allocating space to tablespace files, caused a performance regression for
insert-oriented workloads. (Bug #32437020)
InnoDB: An unnecessary full flush list scan was removed, improving the speed with which session
temporary tablespaces are created. Previously, depending on the size of the buffer pool and the
number of dirty pages, creation of session temporary tablespaces could take a long time, affecting
write transaction performance. (Bug #32423860)
InnoDB: A function that checks if a given page type is valid raised an assertion when testing valid
but undefined page type for an undo tablespace. (Bug #32366301)
InnoDB: Sharded read-write lock function instrumentation was improved. (Bug #32333168)
InnoDB: On Windows, when creating a table with the COMPRESSION option, InnoDB failed to check
the error status of a system call before checking the punch hole support flag set by the same system
call, which resulted in reading an uninitialized flag. (Bug #32322645)
InnoDB: Geometry columns created in MySQL 5.6 caused failure when restarting the server after
upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 due to a geometry type change introduced in MySQL 5.7.
(Bug #32299738)
InnoDB: During recovery, log records for multiple record group mini transactions were parsed
twice. The log record from the first parsing operation is now saved to avoid the second pass, which
improves recovery performance.
Thanks to Zhai Weixiang for the contribution. (Bug #32293797, Bug #102010)
InnoDB: In debug builds, an end range condition check for a secondary index raised an assertion
failure, and Valgrind testing uncovered an end range condition check for secondary index on a virtual
column that read an uninitialized value. (Bug #32291506)
InnoDB: With the innodb_log_writer_threads variable disabled, extensive log writing by one
thread could block log flushing opportunities for other threads. (Bug #32255538)
InnoDB: In SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS deadlock information, in cases where a single rw-
lock reader thread holds a shared latch, the reader thread id was not printed. (Bug #32252477)
InnoDB: Running concurrent SHOW CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE operations on the same
table raised an assertion failure. The SHOW CREATE TABLE thread referenced a tablespace object
that had been made stale by the ALTER TABLE operation. (Bug #32235621)
InnoDB: The introduction of sharded rw_lock_stats counters in MySQL 5.7 caused a regression
in CPU cache efficiency. To address this issue in MySQL 5.7, the sharding method was changed.
For optimal performance, the rw_lock_stats counter is removed in MySQL 8.0. (Bug #32225367)
InnoDB: On Windows, stalls were caused by concurrent SELECT COUNT(*) queries where the
number of parallel read threads exceeded the number of machine cores. (Bug #32224707, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: An IS_STALE column, which indicates whether a buffer pool page is stale, was added to
InnoDB: In debug builds, the log_free_check() function in the redo log code, which ensures
that there is available space in the logs when holding latches on dirty pages, now uses a list of
mini-transactions opened by the current thread to search for potential constraint violations. (Bug
InnoDB: During a slow shutdown on a system with a 64k InnoDB page size and
innodb_max_undo_log_size setting that was less than the initial undo tablespace size,
the two undo tablespaces were truncated in an endless loop. Undo tablespace truncation is
now restricted to undo tablespaces that are larger than the initial undo tablespace size and the
innodb_max_undo_log_size setting.
The function that retrieves the next redo rollback segment for an undo tablespace was modified
to ensure that undo logs are evenly split between two active undo tablespaces when an inactive
tablespace is found. (Bug #32173457)
InnoDB: Starting the server in upgrade mode following an unexpected stoppage while the
undo_001 undo tablespace was being truncated caused failure. When upgrade processing was
completed and shutdown initiated, the function that determines if undo truncation is required could
not find the undo_001 undo tablespace. To address this issue, undo tablespace truncation is no
longer performed when starting the server in upgrade mode. (Bug #32127912)
InnoDB: A delete operation on a parent table that initiated a cascading update on a child table
with an indexed virtual column and indexed foreign key constraint column caused a virtual column
corruption. (Bug #32124113)
InnoDB: The open and close sequence for table share instances (m_share objects) and dictionary
table instances was modified to prevent accessing old m_share objects that could point to stale
dictionary indexes.
Thanks to Yuxiang Jiang for the contribution. (Bug #31899685)
InnoDB: An debug assertion failure occurred when issuing a TRUNCATE TABLE operation after a
successful server restart following a server initialization failure. (Bug #31763837)
InnoDB: A fast shutdown (innodb_fast_shutdown=0) raised an assertion failure. The assertion
code checks for transactions in the transaction list (mysql_trx_list) before halting purge
operations. The check occurred before shutting down the GTID persister background thread, which
was still inserting transactions into the transaction list. (Bug #31693627)
InnoDB: Undo tablespace truncation error handling was improved, and a Windows-specific InnoDB
file deletion procedure was made more POSIX-compatible. (Bug #31684783)
InnoDB: An online ALTER TABLE operation failed with an Incorrect key file for table
error due to an unnecessary encryption status check that was performed when reading online DDL
row logs. (Bug #31529221, Bug #99938)
InnoDB: Initializing the server with an with a 4K InnoDB page size caused “key too long” errors to
be written to the error log. (Bug #31496943, Bug #99892)
InnoDB: A table created with a reserved name caused a failure. (Bug #31382599)
InnoDB: Creating an index on virtual columns raised an invalid debug assertion failure. (Bug
#31279528, Bug #99421, Bug #27168185)
InnoDB: In debug mode, the buf_pool_validate_instance() function accessed the
buf_page_t::io_fix field without properly synchronizing with a thread that was modifying the
same field in the buf_page_io_complete() function, causing an assertion failure. In addition to
correcting that issue, the buf_page_get_io_fix_unlocked() function was replaced by several
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
specific functions that test the buf_page_t::io_fix field for particular values. A series of other
small, related code changes were also implemented. (Bug #31027553)
InnoDB: The TempTable memory allocator did not track RAM consumption when allocating blocks
of memory shared by different queries for a given session, which could result in nonadherence to the
temptable_max_ram limit. (Bug #29890126)
Partitioning: In some cases, invalid PARTITION clauses were not handled correctly in ALTER
TABLE statements. (Bug #32235085)
Replication: With row-based replication in use (binlog_format=ROW), stored generated columns
that existed only on the replica were not being updated when the other fields in the row were inserted
or updated. These columns are now evaluated when the row image is unpacked, and their value is
updated in the row image before it is applied. (Bug #32292413, Bug #101978)
Replication: Binary log transaction compression could not continue if a row event included a BLOB
column containing uncompressable data, and the compressed size of the row event was higher than
its uncompressed size. The function now handles the additional post-compression bytes correctly.
(Bug #32174715, Bug #101611)
Replication: If all previous binary log files were purged at startup because their retention period had
expired, the new binary log file contained an empty Previous_gtids event, which could cause
errors in replication. The order of initialization has now been changed so that previous binary log files
are only purged after the previous GTID set has been written to the new binary log file that is created
at startup. (Bug #32134875, Bug #101533)
Replication: When MySQL Server counted the number of GTIDs in a set, it was possible for the
return value to wrap, returning an incorrect result. This could lead to an incorrect decision to use
state transfer from the binary log for Group Replication distributed recovery, when a remote cloning
operation would have been more efficient. The logic has now been corrected. (Bug #32086209)
Replication: An assertion was raised in debug builds relating to lost GTIDs if binary log files were
removed at startup because their retention period had expired. (Bug #32008512, Bug #101137)
Replication: The sql_slave_skip_counter system variable, which is used to make
a replica skip a specified number of transactions, ignored transaction payloads that
had been compressed using binary log transaction compression (activated using the
binlog_transaction_compression system variable). Only events in uncompressed transaction
payloads were counted towards the total skipped. (Bug #31973055)
Replication: A deadlock could occur if the binary log file was rotated while system variables were
being updated and read by different clients. (Bug #31774422)
Replication: The output of a SHOW PROCESSLIST statement for a replica’s SQL thread sometimes
showed the last query as currently being applied when the replica was actually caught up. (Bug
#30521198, Bug #97560)
Group Replication: A race condition could occur if a STOP GROUP_REPLICATION statement was
used to stop a group member, while the Performance Schema statistics for Group Replication were
being queried by another client. Group Replication now prevents STOP GROUP_REPLICATION
statements and Performance Schema queries from running concurrently. (Bug #32100147)
Microsoft Windows: Running MySQL Server (64-bit) on a Windows system with more than 32
logical processors and setting the VCPU attribute of a resource group to greater than 30 produced
an incorrect CPU mask value, which is used to set the thread affinity. Under these conditions,
the MSVC compiler reported warnings that the 32-bit shift was converted implicitly to 64-bit in the file. The conversion resulted in the wrong CPU mask calculation on
systems that have more than 32 logical processors. This fix ensures that a 64-bit shift is used when
calculating the CPU mask by replacing argument 1 of the shift with 1LL. (Bug #32079726)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
JSON: The IF() function sometimes hit an assertion in debug builds when an error was raised from
its first argument; this also could occur under similar circumstances with the additional condition that
the function's return type was JSON. (Bug #32231393, Bug #32231620)
JSON: A number of JSON functions did not propagate errors correctly, which could lead to assert
failures in debug builds. (Bug #32047630)
JSON: JSON_TABLE() inside triggers was sometimes handled incorrectly when re-used in different
sessions. Fixed by ensuring that JSON_TABLE() and its temporary table are processed in the
context of the current session. (Bug #31644193)
JSON: A multi-valued index defined on an expression that cast a column into a typed array was not
used for speeding up queries. This was because the server, when substituting an expression with
an equivalent indexed generated column, did not attempt to replace a reference to a column with a
reference to an equivalent generated column; for multi-valued indexes, it makes sense to replace
the column reference with a reference to a generated column backing a multi-valued index on an
expression that cast that column into a typed array.
This fix lifts the restriction that the server attempts to substitute only function expressions and
conditional expressions with indexed generated columns, by allowing substitution of column
references when they appear in a context where they can make use of a multi-valued index, that is,
when they are used as arguments to MEMBER OF(), JSON_CONTAINS(), or JSON_OVERLAPS().
The restriction remains in force for cases in which the column reference is used in a non-array
context. (Bug #30838807)
JSON: The JSON_SEARCH() function interpreted all search string and path values as utf8mb4
strings, regardless of their actual encoding, which could lead to wrong results. (Bug #102443, Bug
JSON: In some cases, when used in a left join, some MySQL JSON functions caused the optimizer
to transform it into an inner join, even though the inner join was not equivalent to the original left
join. This was due to the fact that they return a value which is not NULL, even though one of their
arguments is NULL, and the optimizer expected them to return NULL on NULL input.
Functions affected by this issue included JSON_ARRAY(), JSON_OBJECT(),
JSON_SET(). See JSON Functions, for more information about these functions. (Bug #101861, Bug
Community packages for generic Linux were not built with the necessary LDAP/SASL/Kerberos
dependencies, and did not bundle the associated required libraries. (Bug #32619858)
The functions BIT_AND(), BIT_OR(), BIT_XOR(), and JSON_ARRAYAGG() did not always provide
proper error handling. (Bug #32594813)
The server did not always provide proper error messages when IN was incorrectly used with UNION.
(Bug #32593846)
It was possible for casting from DECIMAL to a signed integer type to hit an assertion when
the result had more digits than the metadata in Item_typecast_signed indicated it would
have. This happened because the decimal value is rounded when converted to an integer, and
Item_typecast_signed did not take into account that the rounding might increase the number of
digits in what was the integer part of the decimal value, such as when rounding 9.9 up to 10.
This is fixed by removing the logic that tried to compute a minimal maximum length for the result
of the cast, and instead using the default set by the parent class Item_int_func. That default
is the maximum width of a 64-bit integer, which should be safe regardless of the input value. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #32371039.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The name my_row_id was not permitted for invisible columns. This restriction has been lifted. (Bug
On a system with many concurrent connections, execution of grant statements could take
excessively long waiting for metadata locks, causing the server to become unresponsive. (Bug
Windows binaries and libraries were not being properly signed. (Bug #32458533)
Privilege checks for INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables could fail to take the
lower_case_table_names value into account. (Bug #32448364)
LIKE ... ESCAPE, where ESCAPE did not reference a constant value, was not handled correctly
within a prepared statement. (Bug #32446728)
MySQL has traditionally interpreted an empty value in the ESCAPE clause (that is, ESCAPE '') for
LIKE as “no escape character”. Problems could arise when either of the first two arguments to LIKE
was a string using a multibyte character set, because the empty value in such cases was interpreted
as meaning that the backslash (\) should be used as the escape character, breaking the expected
This fix causes LIKE to interpret ESCAPE '' as meaning that there is no escape character
regardless of character set, restoring the previous, expected behavior.
In addition, we now raise an error if the specified escape character cannot be converted to the target
character set. This supersedes the original behavior in such cases, which was to fall back silently to
using the backslash as the escape character. (Bug #32446508)
Windows packages were subject to an OpenSSL vulnerability. (Bug #32431519)
Loadable function arguments containing window functions or subqueries could produce unexpected
results. (Bug #32424455)
Improper handling of temporary tables used for cursors within stored procedures could result in
unexpected server behavior. (Bug #32416811)
Use of the symbol TRUE in the source resulted in a build failure on some platforms. This was
replaced by true. (Bug #32406197, Bug #102308)
The privilege check used to determine whether users can see view definitions in the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS table worked incorrectly. (Bug #32405811)
For recursive common table expressions, an assertion could be raised if it became necessary to
convert an in-memory temporary table to on-disk. (Bug #32404597)
A prepared statement employing a user-created function was not handled correctly when the function
took no arguments. (Bug #32404542)
A clone plugin installation failure could cause subsequent installation attempts to fail. (Bug
#32402158, Bug #102240)
Some internal functions used with temporal column types did not provide proper handling for YEAR
values. (Bug #32395335)
The internal constants MAX_FLOAT_STR_LENGTH = 12 and MAX_DOUBLE_STR_LENGTH = 22
represent the maximum lengths of strings representing FLOAT and DOUBLE values, respectively.
The heuristic employed by the conversion routine my_gcvt for determining whether to use scientific
notation sometimes generated strings that were longer than these.
These long strings caused problems for some string conversion routines, since their actual lengths
could exceed the expected maximums. We fix this by explicitly telling my_gcvt the desired length
whenever we fetch a FLOAT or DOUBLE in a string context. (Bug #32385934)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Within triggers, use of RAND() with no arguments could lead to unexpected server behavior. (Bug
When an Item_cache object was used in a prepared statement or stored procedure, it might
point to a Field object that was used in a previous execution. We solve this issue by replacing the
cached field member with an Item_field, which is persistent for the lifetime of the procedure. (Bug
A missing tablespace error was reported on the recipient MySQL server instance
after a remote cloning operation. The tablespace was not cloned due to the
innodb_validate_tablespace_paths variable being disabled on the donor instance, which
resulted in the associated tablespace object not being loaded. A check is now performed before a
cloning operation to ensure that all tablespace objects are loaded. (Bug #32354908, Bug #102137)
Some query blocks containing large numbers of EXISTS subqueries were not always handled
correctly. (Bug #32343143)
mysqlpump could exit unexpectedly if a SHOW CREATE TABLE statement failed. (Bug #32340208)
A long running remote cloning operation failed due to a low wait_timeout setting on the donor
MySQL Server instance. Donor threads use the MySQL Server wait_timeout setting when
listening for Clone protocol commands. To avoid timeout failures on donor instances with a low
wait_timeout setting, the Clone idle timeout is now set to the default wait_timeout setting,
which is 28800 seconds (8 hours). Clone network read and write timeout values were also increased.
(Bug #32340112, Bug #102097)
Replication threads running in the server were visible in the Performance Schema threads table,
but failed to appear in the variables_by_thread or status_by_thread tables. Now they
appear in all three tables. Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #32335496, Bug #102115)
A query string was displayed before it had been rewritten. (Bug #32335263, Bug #32628376)
For builds compiled using the libedit library, if the mysql client was invoked with the --
default-character-set=utf8 option, libedit rejected input of multibyte characters. (Bug
#32329078, Bug #32583436, Bug #102806)
On Windows, large result sets could cause the mysql client to exit unexpectedly. (Bug #32316323,
Bug #102051)
Preparing a query expression for repeated execution could raise an assertion if an error occurred
during preparation. (Bug #32291841)
Functional index creation did not handle the column name as not case-sensitive. (Bug #32287186,
Bug #101994)
Temporary tables bound to triggers during statement execution could cause an unexpected server
exit. (Bug #32267749, Bug #32288089, Bug #32299045)
Improved NULL and error handling in calculations involving decimal values. (Bug #32258228, Bug
An assertion was raised if there was an open handler to a table in a schema when the schema was
altered to be read only. (Bug #32248313)
Selecting from the Performance Schema replication_group_members table in some cases
raised Error 1267 Illegal mix of collations .... This was due to a change in MySQL
8.0.22 in the handling of comparisons between a column value and a system variable. (Bug
References: See also: Bug #32501472, Bug #32579184.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL produced invalid metadata for a number of temporal functions returning integer values.
These functions included TO_DAYS(), PERIOD_DIFF(), PERIOD_ADD(), TO_SECONDS(),
DAYOFMONTH(), DAYOFYEAR(), HOUR(), and MINUTE(), among others. (Bug #32239578)
Table subqueries of a natural join which retrieved only invisible columns were not handled correctly.
(Bug #32235285)
For debug builds, using ALTER TABLE to set a column to have a DEFAULT value of TRUE raised an
assertion. (Bug #32235058)
When an error was raised while evaluating a condition that was pushed down to the storage engine
using index condition pushdown, the storage engine sometimes ignored the error and returned an
error code indicating success, which could lead to assertion failures later.
Now in such cases, we make sure that the executor detects that an error has been raised, and stop
execution at that point. (Bug #32234773)
For debug builds with binary logging disabled, ALTER TABLE ... MODIFY COLUMN with an invalid
DEFAULT value raised an assertion. (Bug #32234194)
Preparation of an aggregate function sometimes hit an assertion in debug builds when the function
took a constant scalar subquery as argument and the scalar subquery raised an error. (Bug
For debug builds, improper character set handling for NULLIF() evaluated in aggregate context
raised an assertion. (Bug #32231557)
A CREATE TABLE statement with an unsupported KEY_BLOCK_SIZE value raised an assertion.
(Bug #32227101)
Upgrading a MySQL instance with a very large number of tables consumed an excessive amount of
memory. Memory allocated to analyze data dictionary entities for possible upgrade was not released
until all entities were processed. (Bug #32226180, Bug #101818)
ANALYZE TABLE executed on a table concurrently with a long-running query on the same table
caused subsequent queries on the table to wait for the long-running query to finish. This wait induced
by ANALYZE TABLE is now eliminated, thus allowing the subsequent queries to execute with no
wait. (Bug #32224917)
Statements using a LIKE expression with an ESCAPE clause were not always handled correctly.
(Bug #32213959)
On ARM platforms, an assertion could be raised in utilities used during the build process. (Bug
InnoDB did not always handle some legal names for table partitions correctly. (Bug #32208630)
With the explicit_defaults_for_timestamp variable disabled, Clone plugin installation
failed with PFS table creation error. The variable setting caused TIMESTAMP columns in the Clone
Performance Schema tables to be created incorrectly as NOT NULL columns. (Bug #32199611)
SHOW CREATE VIEW produced invalid syntax for views created with a ROLLUP clause. This issue
also affected mysqldump, which uses SHOW CREATE VIEW. (Bug #32197353, Bug #101740)
memory. (Bug #32187507)
Connection establishment failure could cause the server to count the number of open connections
incorrectly. (Bug #32156518)
Refactoring work done in MySQL 8.0.19 did not handle left joins correctly on columns using functions
such as IFNULL(). (Bug #32141711)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30320525.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The optimizer could choose to use a Skip Scan even for backward index scans for which it is
inapplicable, resulting in unpredictable server behavior. (Bug #32127290)
SHOW CREATE USER caused any pending transaction to commit. (Bug #32123671)
Loadable function arguments containing window functions were evaluated at prepare time despite
the fact that window functions are set up quite late in the prepare process. Now evaluation of these
is delayed until execution time, similarly to how this is performed with respect to loadable function
arguments containing subqueries. (Bug #32122078, Bug #32393265)
Creating a table containing a column with a nonconstant default expression caused subsequent
ALTER TABLE statements to fail. (Bug #32121425, Bug #101486)
Updating a BLOB-like column with a value from a larger BLOB-like column could cause the updated
column to have the wrong size, even zero. (Bug #32112403)
Improper locking on an internal queue could cause mysqlpump to exit unexpectedly. (Bug
On MacOS, the preference pane now includes an option to load the configured my.cnf file during
initialization. (Bug #32057159)
The server did not always prepare correctly a statement using GROUP_CONCAT() on a SELECT with
an ORDER BY clause. (Bug #32053547, Bug #31947466)
The sys schema create_synonym_db() procedure fail to create INFORMATION_SCHEMA
synonyms. (Bug #32050275, Bug #101258)
Errors occurring in window functions were not always correctly propagated, which could lead to
assertion failures in debug builds. (Bug #32028154)
Calling XA COMMIT on a transaction started by another thread could result in Address Sanitizer
warnings. (Bug #32025408)
When the mysql client was used in batch mode, its parser could be confused by USE followed by
DROP DATABASE when the USE database name was quoted. (Bug #32015466, Bug #101124)
A change in MySQL 8.0.17 caused comp_err to become much slower. Normal performance has
been restored. (Bug #32014733)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29781631, Bug #95377.
Using CAST() on a DATE or DATETIME value in an INSERT statement raised a warning for
"0000-00-00" and "2000-02-31", but not for "2000-01-00" or "2000-00-01". Now a
warning is shown in each of these cases also. (Bug #32013612)
The maximum length of the MASTER_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHMS value for the CHANGE MASTER
TO statement was checked incorrectly. (Bug #32008597)
When casting a dynamic parameter to YEAR (such as in PREPARE s FROM "SELECT CAST(? AS
YEAR)"), type propagation was not preformed, causing execution of the prepared statement in which
the parameter was used to fail. (Bug #32002844)
Definitions of some system tables for a MySQL 5.7 instance upgraded to MySQL 8.0 differed from
the definitions of the system tables in a new MySQL 8.0 installation. (Bug #31989290)
Some SHOW statements using subqueries could result in unexpected server behavior. (Bug
A query using GROUP BY column HAVING column_expression IS [NOT] NULL returned
correct results, but when WITH ROLLUP was added did not. (Bug #31848191)
The SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE SCHEMA STATUS statement reported incorrect memory usage
for the Performance Schema. (Bug #31795132, Bug #100624)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When trying to generate an entity data model using Visual Studio 2019, some tables could not
be imported with the entity framework wizard. This was due to a change in MySQL 8.0.21 made
to orthogonal data type aggregation, which handles columns from UNION and from functions or
operators such as CASE and IF(). This makes it possible to return a value of type ENUM or SET,
which did not need to be handled previously in such cases. (Bug #31750645)
References: See also: Bug #29698617.
While optimizing the ORDER BY clause of a subquery there was a possibility of cleaning up
a subquery tree referenced in the outer SELECT, which could lead to a premature exit. (Bug
A malformed name in the mysql.func system table could cause unexpected server behavior. (Bug
LOAD DATA performance degraded if many long rows were loaded. (Bug #31637142)
Sessions could disable their own auditing. (Bug #31630954)
Compiler options for using profile guided optimization with GCC were improved to include -
fprofile-partial-training and -fprofile-update=prefer-atomic when appropriate.
Thanks to Dmitriy Philimonov for the suggestion. (Bug #31450064, Bug #99781)
Starting the server with the performance_schema_max_thread_classes and
performance_schema_max_thread_instances system variables set to zero caused MySQL
Enterprise Firewall to be unable to create new rules. (Bug #31335080, Bug #24947654, Bug #83519)
A null pointer was incremented during recovery from the redo log, causing a runtime error in an
Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBSAN) build. (Bug #31173032, Bug #32428131, Bug #32483976)
With the log_slow_extra system variable enabled to add the Errno field to slow query log output,
the error number was 0 even for failed statements. (Bug #30769965, Bug #98220)
On debug builds, certain conversion operations using the utf32 character set could cause
unexpected server behavior. (Bug #30746908)
SELECT ... FOR UPDATE from a nonexistent Performance Schema table produced
Mishandling of stored program local variables could lead to unexpected server behavior. (Bug
The Performance Schema metadata_locks table could show incorrect DURATION values, such as
when a metadata lock taken for a TRANSACTION duration was later modified to EXPLICIT duration
by a RENAME TABLE operation. (Bug #30065213, Bug #96237)
The audit_log plugin could fail to store its encryption password if it generated one at startup. (Bug
Uninstalling a plugin could affect subsequent execution of prepared statements. (Bug #29363867)
Conversion of string-valued user-defined variables or function results to double (for example, using
CAST()) did not emit a warning when truncation occurred. (Bug #27969934, Bug #21943299)
When a view definition used LIKE with an ESCAPE clause, the contents of the ESCAPE clause were
ignored, leading to wrong results. (Bug #26086751)
It was possible to insert illegal ASCII values (outside 7-bit range) into character columns that used
the ascii character set. This is now prohibited. (Bug #24847620)
To enable use of spaces and other special characters within configuration values,
mysql_config_editor now surrounds values it writes to the configuration file with double quote
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
characters, and also escapes double quote characters used within values. (Bug #19953349, Bug
When the aggregate iterator finds no rows, it calls on each item in its SELECT list to inform them of
this (for example, so that COUNT(*) can set itself to zero, or SUM(foo) can set itself to NULL). After
internal work done in MySQL 8.0.22, it could also inadvertently call hidden items. In some queries
with doubly nested subqueries, one such hidden item could become its own parent subquery (and
scalar subqueries in MySQL have special legacy handling of this call, for queries which are not
ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY), causing the entire subquery to return NULL when it should not have done
This is fixed by making the call only on visible items, as in MySQL 8.0.21 and earlier. (Bug #102101,
Bug #32335256)
When interpreting the old-style plan to access paths, cache invalidators for LATERAL were delayed
until all outer joins were completed, since outer joins could produce null-complemented rows that
should also invalidate caches. Problems arose when an outer join contained a LATERAL, and that
LATERAL referred only to tables from within the same outer join; in such cases the invalidator should
be applied immediately and not delayed, lest we miss emitted rows, and the cache be incorrectly
kept. In particular, this could happen when certain Information Schema tables were on the right side
of an outer join, as these are now views defined using LATERAL.
We fix this by delaying emission of the invalidator until we are inside the same (outer) join nest as the
materialization to be invalidated, but no further. This also deals correctly with the case where rows
from a table should invalidate two or more separate materializations, where some are within the join
and some are higher up. (Bug #101460, Bug #32113029, Bug #32311147)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #98238, Bug #30766181.
An optimizer trace printed floating-point numbers with a maximum six characters, which meant that
the precision could be very low for many values, given that sign, decimal point, and exponent could
use many of these characters. This was especially problematic for large numbers, whose precision
could thus be as small as 1, and which could be rounded to values whose absolute value exceeded
DBL_MAX and so could be rejected by JSON parsers.
Now such numbers are always printed in an optimizer trace with a precision of 6. (Bug #101457, Bug
References: See also: Bug #94672, Bug #29493604.
Filesort was used for a query having an ORDER BY ... DESC clause, even when an index on the
descending column was available and used. This happened because an ORDER BY sub-clause was
not removed due to matching a field in an equality predicate, even though it should have, so that the
optimizer did not match the query with the descending index, leading to suboptimal performance.
(Bug #101220, Bug #32038406)
The debug server hit an assert when optimizer_search_depth was less than the number of
JOIN_TAB structures used for a join. (Bug #100288, Bug #31655483)
IMPORT PARTITION TABLESPACE, serialized digital information reflecting the previous role of
the tablespace was left behind. Now in such cases, the old SDI is explicitly removed from both
tablespaces involved in the exchange or import of a tablespace. (Bug #98501, Bug #30878065)
Type resolution performed by the integer division operator (DIV) yielded a precision of one less than
expected in the result.
Our thanks to Kaiwang Chen for the contribution. (Bug #96459, Bug #30156563)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Changes in MySQL 8.0.23 (2021-01-18, General Availability)
This release adds support for macOS 11 (Big Sur).
Account Management Notes
C API Notes
Compilation Notes
Connection Management Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Firewall Notes
Optimizer Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
SQL Syntax Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
Granting the RELOAD privilege enables a user to perform a wide variety of operations. In some
cases, it may be desirable for a user to be able to perform only some of these operations. To enable
DBAs to avoid granting RELOAD and tailor user privileges more closely to the operations permitted,
these new privileges of more limited scope are available:
FLUSH_STATUS: Enables use of the FLUSH STATUS statement.
FLUSH_TABLES: Enables use of the FLUSH TABLES statement.
The new privileges apply only at the global level. For more information, see Privileges Provided by
MySQL, and FLUSH Statement.
The mysql_refresh() C API function performs operations similar to those of various FLUSH
statements, but is unaffected by this change. It still requires the RELOAD privilege regardless of the
operation for which it is invoked. (WL #14303)
C API Notes
For some applications, it may be useful to define metadata on a per-query basis. Examples include
the URL of the page that produced a query, or extra processing information to be passed with a
query for use by a plugin such as an audit plugin or query rewrite plugin. MySQL now supports this
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
capability without the use of workarounds such as specially formatted comments included in query
On the client side, the mysql_bind_param() C API function enables defining query attributes.
These attributes apply to the next SQL statement sent to the server for execution. Additionally,
the mysql and mysqltest clients have a query_attributes command that enables defining
query attributes.
On the server side, a component service provides access to query attributes. A component named
query_attributes uses this service to implement a mysql_query_attribute_string()
loadable function that enables obtaining attribute values within SQL statements. The
query_attributes component is optional but must be installed for the function to be available.
For more information, see Query Attributes.
Thanks to Facebook for suggesting the idea (and for contributing code, although it was not used).
(Bug #27855905, Bug #28686334, WL #12542)
Compilation Notes
Thanks to Tzachi Zidenberg, who contributed a patch for compiling MySQL on aarch64 (ARM64).
(Bug #31815236, Bug #100664)
Connection Management Notes
Selection of the account that matches incoming TCP client connections could be affected by account
creation order. To make the matching algorithm more deterministic, matching the host name part
of accounts now checks accounts specified using host IP addresses, in a specific order, before
attempting to match accounts specified using host names. Host name matching remains unchanged.
See Access Control, Stage 1: Connection Verification. (WL #14074)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
From MySQL 8.0.23, the statement CHANGE MASTER TO is deprecated. The alias CHANGE
REPLICATION SOURCE TO should be used instead. The parameters for the statement also have
aliases that replace the term MASTER with the term SOURCE. For example, MASTER_HOST and
| SLAVE statement’s parameters MASTER_LOG_POS and MASTER_LOG_FILE now have aliases
SOURCE_LOG_POS and SOURCE_LOG_FILE. The statements work in the same way as before, only
the terminology used for each statement has changed. A deprecation warning is issued if the old
versions are used.
A new status variable, Com_change_replication_source, has been added as an alias for the
Com_change_master status variable. Both the old and new version of the statement update both
the old and new version of the status variable.
The server rewrites all CHANGE MASTER TO statements as CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO
statements in the query log. The same is done for the statements START SLAVE, STOP SLAVE,
MASTER TO statement is set to statement/sql/change_replication_source in the
statement history table. (Bug #32145023, WL #14189)
The gen_blacklist() user-defined function is deprecated. Use gen_blocklist() instead,
which performs the same term-replacement operation. (WL #14176)
The use of the system variables master_info_repository and
relay_log_info_repository is now deprecated, and a warning message is issued if you
attempt to set them or read their values. The system variables will be removed in a future MySQL
version. These system variables were used to specify whether the replica’s connection metadata
repository and applier metadata repository were written to an InnoDB table in the mysql system
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
database, or to a file in the data directory. The FILE setting was already deprecated in a previous
release, and tables are the default for the replication metadata repositories in MySQL 8.0. (WL
Flushing the host cache can be done using any of these methods:
Execute a TRUNCATE TABLE statement that truncates the Performance Schema host_cache
table. This requires the DROP privilege for the table.
Execute a FLUSH HOSTS statement. This requires the RELOAD privilege.
Execute a mysqladmin flush-hosts command. This requires the RELOAD privilege.
Although those methods are equivalent in effect, granting the RELOAD privilege enables a number of
other operations in addition to host cache flushing, which is undesirable from a security standpoint.
Granting the DROP privilege for the host_cache table is preferable because it has a more limited
scope. Therefore, the FLUSH HOSTS statement is deprecated and will be removed in a future
MySQL version. Instead, truncate the host_cache table.
mysqladmin flush-hosts previously executed a FLUSH HOSTS statement. Now it attempts to
truncate the host_cache table, falling back to FLUSH HOSTS only if the truncate operation fails.
(WL #14329)
Firewall Notes
Administrators perform MySQL Enterprise Firewall management by registering profiles that specify
sets of rules for permitted statements (allowlists). Previously, profiles could be associated only with
individual accounts, so that, to apply a given allowlist to multiple account profiles, it was necessary to
duplicate the rule set for each profile. For easier administration and greater flexibility, the firewall now
provides group profile capabilities:
Named group profiles can be created. A group profile can include multiple accounts as members,
and an account can be a member of multiple group profiles.
Each group profile has its own allowlist. The profile allowlist applies to all member accounts,
eliminating the need to duplicate it across multiple account profiles.
For more information, see MySQL Enterprise Firewall. (WL #11740)
Optimizer Notes
Switched the hash table used for hash joins from an unordered multimap to an unordered flat map
implemented with a multimap adapter. This change yields the following improvements:
A faster hash table
Less memory usage due to less hash table overhead, less space used for alignment and key/value
lengths, and better memory usage with many equal keys; this should also reduce the frequency at
which it is necessary to spill to disk
Better memory control by approaching the allowed join buffer size more closely rather than being
effectively limited to approximately 2/3 of join_buffer_size, and by making it possible to free
old memory when the hash table grows
(Bug #99933, Bug #31516149, WL #13459)
Performance Schema Notes
Performance Schema macros that previously expanded to dynamic calls now expand to static calls
when possible to reduce processing overhead. (Bug #32028160)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Performance overhead of timer code was reduced. This should be of most benefit to workloads with
high concurrency using the Performance Schema. Thanks to Georgy Kirichenko for the contribution.
(Bug #31960377, Bug #101018)
Pluggable Authentication
The MySQL Enterprise Edition SASL LDAP authentication plugin now supports SCRAM-SHA-256
as an authentication method for MySQL clients and servers. SCRAM-SHA-256 is similar to SCRAM-
SHA-1 but is more secure. Use of SCRAM-SHA-256 requires an OpenLDAP server built using Cyrus
SASL 2.1.27 or higher. See LDAP Authentication Methods. (WL #14180)
Security Notes
For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL library for MySQL
Server has been updated to version 1.1.1i. Issues fixed in the new OpenSSL version are described
at and
(Bug #32260610)
Spatial Data Support
The new ST_HausdorffDistance() and ST_FrechetDistance() functions return the discrete
Fréchet and Hausdorff distances between two geometries, reflecting how similar the geometries are.
See Spatial Relation Functions That Use Object Shapes. (WL #14128, WL #14129)
SQL Syntax Notes
MySQL now supports invisible columns, which normally are hidden to queries, but can be accessed
if explicitly referenced. See Invisible Columns. (WL #10905)
X Plugin Notes
For X Protocol connections using the MYSQL41 authentication method, if the nonce sent by the
server was shorter than 20 bytes, the connection logic did not handle it correctly. (Bug #32036194)
If a query that was building up a resultset was killed, X Plugin interpreted this as meaning the
server session had been killed, and dropped the connection. The status of a query is now checked
separately from the status of the server session. (Bug #31954296)
A deadlock could occur if an X Protocol session attempted to display X Plugin status variables or
settings at the same time as another X Protocol session was being released and reset. The situation
is now handled appropriately. (Bug #31931873)
If an X Protocol client with a connection to a server remains idle (not sending to the server) for
longer than the relevant X Plugin timeout setting (read, write, or wait timeout), X Plugin closes the
connection. In the case of a read timeout, the plugin returns a warning notice with the error code
ER_IO_READ_ERROR to the client application.
From MySQL 8.0.23, X Plugin now also sends a warning notice if a connection is actively closed
due to a server shutdown, or by the connection being killed from another client session. In the case
of a server shutdown, the warning notice is sent to all authenticated X Protocol clients with open
connections, with the ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN error code. In the case of a killed connection, the
warning notice is sent to the relevant client with the ER_SESSION_WAS_KILLED error code, unless
the connection was killed during SQL execution, in which case a fatal error is returned with the
Client applications can use the warning notices to display to users, or to analyze the reason for
disconnection and decide whether to attempt reconnection to the same server, or to a different
server. (WL #14166)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For classic MySQL protocol, if an SQL query is using metadata locking or the sleep function, the
connection to the server is checked periodically to verify that it is still alive. If not, the query can be
stopped so that it does not continue to consume resources. Previously, X Protocol did not carry out
these checks, and assumed that the connection was still alive. The check has now been added for X
Protocol. (WL #14167)
Functionality Added or Changed
InnoDB: Performance was improved for the following operations:
Dropping a large tablespace on a MySQL instance with a large buffer pool (>32GBs).
Dropping a tablespace with a significant number of pages referenced from the adaptive hash
Truncating temporary tablespaces.
The pages of dropped or truncated tablespaces and associated AHI entries are now removed from
the buffer pool passively as pages are encountered during normal operations. Previously, dropping
or truncating tablespaces initiated a full list scan to remove pages from the buffer pool immediately,
which negatively impacted performance. (Bug #31008942, Bug #98869, WL #14100)
InnoDB: The new AUTOEXTEND_SIZE option defines the amount by which InnoDB extends the
size of a tablespace when it becomes full, making it possible to extend tablespace size in larger
increments. Allocating space in larger increments helps to avoid fragmentation and facilitates
ingestion of large amounts of data. The AUTOEXTEND_SIZE option is supported with the CREATE
information, see Tablespace AUTOEXTEND_SIZE Configuration.
An AUTOEXTEND_SIZE size column was added to the
InnoDB: InnoDB now supports encryption of doublewrite file pages belonging to encrypted
tablespaces. The pages are encrypted using the encryption key of the associated tablespace. For
more information, see InnoDB Data-at-Rest Encryption. (WL #13775)
InnoDB: InnoDB atomics code was revised to use C++ std::atomic. (WL #14235)
Group Replication: The MySQL Server asynchronous connection failover mechanism
now supports Group Replication topologies, by automatically monitoring changes to
group membership and distinguishing between primary and secondary servers. When
you add a group member to the source list and define it as part of a managed group, the
asynchronous connection failover mechanism updates the source list to keep it in line
with membership changes, adding and removing group members automatically as they
join or leave. The new asynchronous_connection_failover_add_managed() and
asynchronous_connection_failover_delete_managed() functions are used to add and
remove managed sources.
The connection is failed over to another group member in the following situations:
The currently connected source goes offline or leaves the group.
The currently connected source is no longer in the majority.
The currently connected source does not have the highest weighted priority in the group.
For a managed group, a source’s weight is assigned depending on whether it is a primary or a
secondary server. So assuming that you set up the managed group to give a higher weight to a
primary and a lower weight to a secondary, when the primary changes, the higher weight is assigned
to the new primary, so the replica changes over the connection to it. This also applies to single (non-
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
managed) servers, so the connection for a single server is also now failed over if another source
server is available that has a higher weighted priority. (WL #14019)
When invoked with the --all-databases option, mysqldump now dumps the mysql database
first, so that when the dump file is reloaded, any accounts named in the DEFINER clause of other
objects will already have been created. (Bug #32141046)
Some overhead for disabled Performance Schema and LOCK_ORDER tool instrumentation was
identified and eliminated. (Bug #32105698)
For BLOB and TEXT columns that have a default value expression, the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table and SHOW COLUMNS statement now display the expression.
(Bug #31856459)
For a multithreaded replica (where slave_parallel_workers is greater than 0), setting
slave_preserve_commit_order=1 ensures that transactions are executed and committed
on the replica in the same order as they appear in the replica's relay log. Each executing worker
thread waits until all previous transactions are committed before committing. If a worker thread fails
to execute a transaction because a possible deadlock was detected, or because the transaction's
execution time exceeded a relevant wait timeout, it automatically retries the number of times
specified by slave_transaction_retries before stopping with an error. Transactions with a
non-temporary error are not retried.
The replication applier on a multithreaded replica has always handled data access deadlocks
that were identified by the storage engines involved. However, some other types of lock were not
detected by the replication applier, such as locks involving access control lists (ACLs) or metadata
locking (for example, FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statements). This could lead to three-actor
deadlocks with the commit order locking, which could not be resolved by the replication applier, and
caused replication to hang indefinitely. From MySQL 8.0.23, deadlock handling on multithreaded
replicas that preserve the commit order has been enhanced to mitigate these types of deadlocks.
The deadlocks are not specifically resolved by the replication applier, but the applier is aware of them
and initiates automatic retries for the transaction, rather than hanging. If the retries are exhausted,
replication stops in a controlled manner so that the deadlock can be resolved manually. (Bug
#107574, Bug #34291887, WL #13574)
CRC calculations for binlog checksums are faster on ARM platforms. Thanks to Krunal Bauskar for
the contribution. (Bug #99118, Bug #31101633, Bug #32163391)
Replication channels can now be set to assign a GTID to replicated transactions that do not already
REPLICATION SOURCE TO statement. This feature enables replication from a source that does not
use GTID-based replication, to a replica that does. For a multi-source replica, you can have a mix
of channels that use ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS, and channels that do not.
The GTID can include the replica’s own server UUID or a server UUID that you assign to identify
transactions from different sources.
Note that a replica set up with ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS on any
channel cannot be promoted to replace the replication source server in the event that a failover
is required, and a backup taken from the replica cannot be used to restore the replication
source server. The same restriction applies to replacing or restoring other replicas that use
ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS on any channel. The GTID set (gtid_executed)
from a replica set up with ASSIGN_GTIDS_TO_ANONYMOUS_TRANSACTIONS is nonstandard and
should not be transferred to another server, or compared with another server's gtid_executed set.
(WL #12819)
The new temptable_max_mmap variable defines the maximum amount of memory the TempTable
storage engine is permitted to allocate from memory-mapped temporary files before it starts storing
data to InnoDB internal temporary tables on disk. A setting of 0 disables allocation of memory
from memory-mapped temporary files. For more information, see Internal Temporary Table Use in
MySQL. (WL #14125)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: A CREATE TABLE operation that specified the COMPRESSION option was permitted with
a warning on a system that does not support hole punching. The operation now fails with an error
instead. (Bug #32174200)
InnoDB: A MySQL DB system restart following an upgrade that was initiated while a data load
operation was in progress raised an assertion failure. (Bug #32173596)
InnoDB: An error message regarding the number of truncate operations on the same undo
tablespace between checkpoints incorrectly indicated a limit of 64. The limit was raised from 64 to
50,000 in MySQL 8.0.22. (Bug #32151601, Bug #101601)
InnoDB: rw_lock_t and buf_block_t source code structures were reduced in size. (Bug
InnoDB: An InnoDB transaction became inconsistent after creating a table using a storage engine
other than InnoDB from a query expression that operated on InnoDB tables. (Bug #32079103)
InnoDB: In some circumstances, such as when an existing gap lock inherits a lock from a deleted
record, the number of locks that appear in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX table could
diverge from the actual number of record locks.
Thanks to Fungo Wang from Alibaba for the patch. (Bug #32068538, Bug #101305)
InnoDB: An off-by-one error in Fil_system sharding code was corrected, and the maximum
number of shards (MAX_SHARDS) was changed to 69. (Bug #32052821, Bug #101260)
InnoDB: The TempTable storage engine memory allocator allocated extra blocks of memory
unnecessarily. (Bug #32018553)
InnoDB: A SELECT COUNT(*) operation on a table containing uncommitted data performed poorly
due to unnecessary I/O.
Thanks to Brian Yue for the contribution. (Bug #31997733, Bug #100966)
InnoDB: A race condition when shutting down the log writer raised an assertion failure. (Bug
InnoDB: Page cleaner threads were not utilized optimally in sync-flush mode, which could cause
page flush operations to slow down or stall in some cases. Sync-flush mode occurs when InnoDB
is close to running out of free space in the redo log, causing the page cleaner coordinator to initiate
aggressive page flushing. (Bug #31994031)
InnoDB: A high frequency of updates while undo log truncation was enabled caused purge to lag.
The lag was due to the innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency setting being changed
temporarily from 128 to 1 when an undo tablespace was selected for truncation. The code that
modified the setting has been removed. (Bug #31991688)
InnoDB: Automated truncation of undo tablespaces caused a performance regression. To address
this issue, undo tablespace files are now initialized at 16MB and extended by a minimum of 16MB.
To handle aggressive growth, the file extension size is doubled if the previous file extension
happened less than 0.1 seconds earlier. Doubling of the extension size can occur multiple times
to a maximum of 256MB. If the previous file extension occurred more than 0.1 seconds earlier,
the extension size is reduced by half, which can also occur multiple times, to a minimum of 16MB.
Previously, the initial size of an undo tablespace depended on the InnoDB page size, and undo
tablespaces were extended four extents at a time.
If the AUTOEXTEND_SIZE option is defined for an undo tablespace, the undo tablespace is extended
by the greater of the AUTOEXTEND_SIZE setting and the extension size determined by the logic
described above.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When an undo tablespace is truncated, it is normally recreated at 16MB in size, but if the
current file extension size is larger than 16MB, and the previous file extension happened within
the last second, the new undo tablespace is created at a quarter of the size defined by the
innodb_max_undo_log_size variable.
Stale undo tablespace pages are no longer removed at the next checkpoint. Instead, the pages are
removed in the background by the InnoDB master thread. (Bug #31965404, Bug #32020900, Bug
InnoDB: A posix_fallocate() failure while preallocating space for a temporary tablespace
raised an error and caused an initialization failure. A warning is now issued instead, and InnoDB
falls back to the non-posix_fallocate() method for preallocating space. (Bug #31965379)
InnoDB: An invalid pointer caused a shutdown failure on a MySQL Server compiled with the
DISABLE_PSI_MEMORY source configuration option enabled. (Bug #31963333)
InnoDB: A long SX lock held by an internal function that calculates new statistics for a given index
caused a failure. (Bug #31889883)
for some tables and schemas. When the associated tablespace was not in the memory cache, the
tablespace name was used to determine the tablespace file name, which was not always a reliable
method. The tablespace ID is now used instead. Using the tablespace name remains as a fallback
method. (Bug #31841617)
InnoDB: After dropping a FULLTEXT index and renaming the table to move it to a new schema, the
FULLTEXT auxiliary tables were not renamed accordingly and remained in the old schema directory.
(Bug #31773368, Bug #100570)
InnoDB: After upgrading to MySQL 8.0, a failure occurred when attempting to perform a DML
operation on a table that was previously defined with a full-text search index. (Bug #31749490)
InnoDB: Importing a tablespace with a page-compressed table did not report a schema mismatch
error for source and destination tables defined with a different COMPRESSION setting. The
COMPRESSION setting of the exported table is now saved to the .cfg metadata file during the
FLUSH TABLES ... FOR EXPORT operation, and that information is checked on import to ensure
that both tables are defined with the same COMPRESSION setting. (Bug #31744694)
InnoDB: Dummy keys used to check if the MySQL Keyring plugin is functioning were left behind in
an inactive state, and the number of inactive dummy keys increased over time. The actual master
key is now used instead, if present. If no master key is available, a dummy master key is generated.
(Bug #31737924)
InnoDB: Querying the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table after moving the InnoDB system
tablespace outside of the data directory raised a warning indicating that the innodb_system
filename is unknown. (Bug #31603047)
InnoDB: In a replication scenario involving a replica with binary logging or log_slave_updates
disabled, the server failed to start due to an excessive number of gaps in the
mysql.gtid_executed table. The gaps occurred for workloads that included both
InnoDB and non-InnoDB transactions. GTIDs for InnoDB transactions are flushed to the
mysql.gtid_executed table by the GTID persister thread, which runs periodically, while GTIDs
for non-InnoDB transactions are written to the to the mysql.gtid_executed table directly by
replica server threads. The GTID persister thread fell behind as it cycled through merging entries
and compressing the mysql.gtid_executed table. As a result, the size of the GTID flush list for
InnoDB transactions grew over time along with the number of gaps in the mysql.gtid_executed
table, eventually causing a server failure and subsequent startup failures. To address this issue,
the GTID persister thread now writes GTIDs for both InnoDB and non-InnoDB transactions,
and foreground commits are forced to wait if the GTID persister thread falls behind. Also, the
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
gtid_executed_compression_period default setting was changed from 1000 to 0 to disabled
explicit compression of the mysql.gtid_executed table by default.
Thanks to Venkatesh Prasad for the contribution. (Bug #31599938, Bug #100118)
InnoDB: Persisting GTID values for XA transactions affected XA transaction performance. Two
GTID values are generated for XA transactions, one for the prepare stage and another for the
commit stage. The first GTID value is written to the undo log and later overwritten by the second
GTID value. Writing of the second GTID value could only occur after flushing the first GTID value
to the gtid_executed table. Space is now reserved in the undo log for both XA transaction GTID
values. (Bug #31467953, Bug #99638)
InnoDB: InnoDB source files were updated to address warnings produced when building Doxygen
source code documentation. (Bug #31354760)
InnoDB: The full-text search synchronization thread attempted to read a previously-freed word from
the index cache. (Bug #31310404)
InnoDB: A 20µs sleep in the buf_wait_for_read() function introduced with parallel read
functionality in MySQL 8.0.17 took 1ms on Windows, causing an unexpected timeout when running
certain tests. Also, AIO threads were found to have uneven amounts of waiting operating system IO
requests. (Bug #31095274)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #31123564.
InnoDB: Cleanup in certain replicated XA transactions failed to reattach transaction object (trx_t),
which raised an assertion failure. (Bug #31006095)
InnoDB: The tablespace encryption type setting was not properly updated due to a failure during
the resumption of an ALTER TABLESPACE ENCRYPTION operation following a server failure. (Bug
#30883833, Bug #98537)
InnoDB: An interrupted tablespace encryption operation did not update the encrypt_type table
option information in the data dictionary when the operation resumed processing after the server was
restarted. (Bug #30883833, Bug #98537, Bug #30888919, Bug #98564)
InnoDB: Internal counter variables associated with thread sleep delay and threads entering an
leaving InnoDB were revised to use C++ std::atomic. Built-in atomic operations were removed.
Thanks to Yibo Cai from ARM for the contribution. (Bug #30567060, Bug #97704)
InnoDB: A relaxed memory order was implemented for dictionary memory variable fetch-add
(dict_temp_file_num.fetch_add) and store ( operations.
Thanks to Yibo Cai for the contribution. (Bug #30567054, Bug #97703)
InnoDB: A background thread that resumed a tablespace encryption operation after the server
started failed to take an metadata lock on the tablespace, which permitted concurrent DDL
operations and led to a race condition with the startup thread. The startup thread now waits until the
tablespace metadata lock is taken. (Bug #28531637)
InnoDB: Calls to numa_all_nodes_ptr were replaced by the numa_get_mems_allowed()
function. Thanks to Daniel Black for the contribution. (Bug #24693086, Bug #83044)
Partitioning: ALTER TABLE t1 EXCHANGE PARTITION ... WITH TABLE t2 led to an assert
when t1 was not a partitioned table. (Bug #100971, Bug #31941543)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29706669.
Replication: The network_namespace parameter for the
asynchronous_connection_failover_add_source() and
asynchronous_connection_failover_delete_source() function is no longer used. These
functions add and remove replication source servers from the source list for a replication channel for
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the asynchronous connection failover mechanism. The network namespace for a replication channel
is managed using the CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE statement, and has special requirements
for Group Replication source servers, so it should no longer be specified in the functions. (Bug
Replication: When mysqlbinlog’s --print-table-metadata option was used, mysqlbinlog
used a different method for assessing numeric fields to the method used by the server when writing
to the binary log, resulting in incorrect metadata output relating to these fields. mysqlbinlog now
uses the same method as the server. (Bug #31956206)
Replication: When using network namespaces in a replication channel and the initial connection
from the replica to the master was interrupted, subsequent connection attempts failed to use the
correct namespace information. (Bug #31954087)
Replication: If a group member was expelled and made an auto-rejoin attempt at a point when
some tables on the instance were locked (for example while a backup was running), the attempt
failed and no further attempts were made. This scenario is now handled correctly. (Bug #31460690)
Replication: As the number of replicas replicating from a semisynchronous source server increased,
locking contention could result in a performance degradation. The locking mechanisms used
by the plugins have been changed to use shared locks where possible, avoid unnecessary lock
acquisitions, and limit callbacks. The new behaviors can be implemented by enabling the following
system variables:
replication_sender_observe_commit_only=1 limits callbacks.
replication_optimize_for_static_plugin_config=1 adds shared locks and avoids
unnecessary lock acquisitions. This system variable must be disabled if you want to uninstall the
Both system variables can be enabled before or after installing the semisynchronous replication
plugin, and can be enabled while replication is running. Semisynchronous replication source servers
can also get performance benefits from enabling these system variables, because they use the same
locking mechanisms as the replicas. (Bug #30519928)
Replication: On a multi-threaded replica where the commit order is preserved, worker threads
must wait for all transactions that occur earlier in the relay log to commit before committing their
own transactions. If a deadlock occurs because a thread waiting to commit a transaction later in
the commit order has locked rows needed by a transaction earlier in the commit order, a deadlock
detection algorithm signals the waiting thread to roll back its transaction. Previously, if transaction
retries were not available, the worker thread that rolled back its transaction would exit immediately
without signalling other worker threads in the commit order, which could stall replication. A worker
thread in this situation now waits for its turn to call the rollback function, which means it signals the
other threads correctly. (Bug #26883680, Bug #87796)
Replication: GTIDs are only available on a server instance up to the number of non-negative values
for a signed 64-bit integer (2 to the power of 63 minus 1). If you set the value of gtid_purged to
a number that approaches this limit, subsequent commits can cause the server to run out of GTIDs
and take the action specified by binlog_error_action. From MySQL 8.0.23, a warning message
is issued when the server instance is approaching the limit. (Bug #26035544)
Group Replication: When the system variable
transaction_write_set_extraction=XXHASH64 is set, which is the default in MySQL 8.0 and
a requirement for Group Replication, the collection of writes for a transaction previously had no upper
size limit. Now, for standard source to replica replication, the numeric limit on write sets specified
by binlog_transaction_dependency_history_size is applied, after which the write set
information is discarded but the transaction continues to execute. Because the write set information
is then unavailable for the dependency calculation, the transaction is marked as non-concurrent,
and is processed sequentially on the replica. For Group Replication, the process of extracting the
writes from a transaction is required for conflict detection and certification on all group members, so
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the write set information cannot be discarded if the transaction is to complete. The byte limit set by
group_replication_transaction_size_limit is applied instead of the numeric limit, and if
the limit is exceeded, the transaction fails to execute. (Bug #32019842)
Group Replication: If the Group Replication applier channel (group_replication_applier)
was holding a lock on a table, for example because of a backup in progress, and the member was
expelled from the group and tried to rejoin automatically, the auto-rejoin attempt was unsuccessful
and did not retry. Now, Group Replication checks during startup and rejoin attempts whether the
group_replication_applier channel is already running. If that is the case at startup, an
error message is returned. If that is the case during an auto-rejoin attempt, that attempt fails, but
further attempts are made as specified by the group_replication_autorejoin_tries system
variable. (Bug #31648211)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, running the MySQL server as a service caused shared-memory
connections to fail. (Bug #32009251)
JSON: JSON_ARRAYAGG() did not always perform proper error handling. (Bug #31856260, Bug
#32012559, Bug #32181438)
JSON: When updating a JSON value using JSON_SET(), JSON_REPLACE(), or JSON_REMOVE(),
the target column can sometimes be updated in-place. This happened only when the target table of
the update operation was a base table, but when the target table was an updatable view, the update
was always performed by writing the full JSON value.
Now in such cases, an in-place update (that is, a partial update) is also performed when the target
table is an updatable view. (Bug #25840784)
JSON: Work done in MySQL 8.0.22 to cause prepared statements to be prepared only once
introduced a regression in the handling of dynamic parameters to JSON functions. All JSON
arguments were classified as data type MYSQL_TYPE_JSON, which overlooked the fact that JSON
functions take two kinds of JSON parameters—JSON values and JSON documents—and this
distinction cannot be made with the data type only. For Bug #31667405, this problem was solved for
comparison operators and the IN() operator by making it possible to tag a JSON argument as being
a scalar value, while letting arguments to other JSON functions be treated as JSON documents.
The present fix restores for a number of JSON functions their treatment of certain arguments as
JSON values, as listed here:
The first argument to MEMBER OF()
The third, fifth, seventh, and subsequent odd-numbered arguments to the functions
JSON_ARRAY_INSERT(). (Bug #101284, Bug #32063203)
References: See also: Bug #31667405.
JSON: When mysqld was run with --debug, attempting to execute a query that made use of a
multi-valued index raised an error. (Bug #99833, Bug #31474182)
Use of the thread_pool plugin could result in Address Sanitizer warnings. (Bug #32213294)
While pushing a condition down to a materialized derived table, and a condition is partially pushed
down, the optimizer may, in some cases in which a query transformation has added new conditions
to the WHERE condition, call the internal fix_fields() function for the condition that remains in the
outer query block. A successful return from this function call was misinterpreted as an error, leading
to the silent failure of the original statement. (Bug #32150145)
Multiple calls to a stored procedure containing an ALTER TABLE statement that included an ORDER
BY clause could cause a server exit. (Bug #32147402)
Prepared statements involving stored programs could cause heap-use-after-free memory problems.
(Bug #32131022, Bug #32045681, Bug #32051928)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Queries on INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that involved materialized derived tables could fail. (Bug
#32127562, Bug #101504)
A potential buffer overflow was fixed. Thanks to Sifang Zhao for pointing out the issue, and for
suggesting a fix (although it was not used). (Bug #32113015, Bug #101448)
Conversion of FLOAT values to values of type INT could generate Undefined Behavior Sanitizer
warnings. (Bug #32099994, Bug #32100033)
In multiple-row queries, the LOAD_FILE() function evaluated to the same value for every row. (Bug
#32096341, Bug #101401)
Generic Linux tar file distributions had too-restrictive file permissions after unpacking, requiring a
manual chmod to correct. (Bug #32080900)
For debug builds, prepared SET statements containing subqueries in stored procedures could raise
an assertion. (Bug #32078387)
References: See also: Bug #32100210.
For prepared statements, illegal mix of collations errors could occur for legal collation
mixes. (Bug #32077842, Bug #101346, Bug #32145078, Bug #101575)
The functions REGEXP_LIKE(), REGEXP_INSTR(), and REGEXP_REPLACE() raise errors
for malformed regular expression patterns, but could also return NULL for such cases, causing
subsequent debug asserts. Now we ensure that these functions do not return NULL except in certain
specified cases.
The function REGEXP_SUBSTR() can always return NULL, so no such check is needed, and for this
function we make sure that one is not performed. (Bug #32053093)
Testing an aggregate function for IS NULL or IS NOT NULL in a HAVING condition using WITH
ROLLUP led to wrong results. (Bug #32049313)
When a new aggregate function was added to the current query block because an inner query block
had an aggregate function requiring evaluation in the current one, the server did not add rollup
wrappers to it as needed. (Bug #32034914)
For debug builds, certain CREATE TABLE statements with CHECK constraints could raise an
assertion. (Bug #32018406, Bug #101180)
Incorrect BLOB field values were passed from InnoDB during a secondary engine load operation.
(Bug #32014483)
The LOCK_ORDER tool did not correctly represent InnoDB share exclusive locks. (Bug #31994052)
The server did not handle properly an error raised when trying to use an aggregation function with an
invalid column type as part of a hash join. (Bug #31989333)
The length of the WORD column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEYWORDS table could change
depending on table contents. (Bug #31982157)
The Performance Schema host_cache table was empty and did not expose the contents of
the host cache if the Performance Schema was disabled. The table now shows cache contents
regardless of whether the Performance Schema is enabled. (Bug #31978763)
A HANDLER READ statement sometimes hit an assert when a previous statement did not restore the
original value of THD::mark_used_columns after use. (Bug #31977414)
Importing a compressed table could cause an unexpected server exit if the table contained values
that were very large when uncompressed. (Bug #31943021)
Removed a memory leak that could occur when a subquery using a hash join and LIMIT was
executed repeatedly. (Bug #31940549)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A compilation failure on Ubuntu was corrected. (Bug #31930934, Bug #100938)
Memory used for storing partial-revokes information could grow excessively for sessions that
executed a large number of statements. (Bug #31919448)
The server did not handle all cases of the WHERE_CONDITION optimization correctly. (Bug
FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK could block other sessions from executing SHOW TABLE
STATUS. (Bug #31894662)
In some cases, MIN() and MAX() incorrectly returned NULL when used as window functions with
temporal or JSON values as arguments. (Bug #31882291)
were not correctly written to the server logs. (Bug #31869146, Bug #100793)
For debug builds, CREATE TABLE using a partition list of more than 256 entries raised an assertion.
(Bug #31867653)
It was possible for queries in the file named by the init_file system variable to cause server
startup failure. (Bug #31835782)
When performing a hash join, the optimizer could register a false match between a negative integer
value and a very large unsigned integer value. (Bug #31832001, Bug #31940639, Bug #100967)
SHOW VARIABLES could report an incorrect value for the partial_revokes system variable. (Bug
#31819558, Bug #100677)
In the Performance Schema user_defined_functions table, the value of the UDF_LIBRARY
column is supposed to be NULL for loadable functions registered via the service API. The value was
incorrectly set to the empty string. (Bug #31791754)
The server automatic upgrade procedure failed to upgrade older help tables that used the latin1
character set. (Bug #31789964)
Duplicate warnings could occur when executing an SQL statement that read the grant tables in
serializable or repeatable-read transaction isolation level. (Bug #31769242)
In certain queries with DISTINCT aggregates (which in general are solved by sorting before
aggregation), the server used a temporary table instead of streaming due to the mistaken
assumption that the logic for handling the temporary table performed deduplication. Now the server
checks for the implied unique index instead, which is more robust and allows for the removal of
unnecessary logic. (Bug #31762806)
Certain combinations of lower_case_table_names values and schema names in Event
Scheduler event definitions could cause the server to stall. (Bug #31733090)
Calling one stored function from within another could produce a conflict in field resolution, resulting in
a server exit. (Bug #31731334)
Loadable functions defined without a udf_init() method could cause an unexpected server exit.
(Bug #31701219)
Setting the secure_file_priv system variable to NULL should disable its action, but instead
caused the server to create a directory named NULL. (Bug #31700734, Bug #100384)
mysqlpump could exit unexpectedly due to improper simultaneous accesses to shared structures.
(Bug #31696241)
Uninstalling a component and deregistering loadable functions installed by the component was not
properly synchronized with whether the functions were currently in use. (Bug #31646698)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Cleanup following execution of a prepared statement that performed a multi-table UPDATE or
DELETE was not always done correctly, which meant that, following the first execution of such a
prepared statement, the server reported a nonzero number of rows updated, even though no rows
were actually changed. (Bug #31640267)
References: See also: Bug #32100210.
For the engines which support primary key extension, when the total key length exceeded
MAX_KEY_LENGTH or the number of key parts exceeded MAX_REF_PARTS, key parts of primary keys
which did not fit within these limits were not added to the secondary key, but key parts of primary
keys were unconditionally marked as part of secondary keys.
This led to a situation in which the secondary key was treated as a covering index, which meant
sometimes the wrong access method was chosen.
This is fixed by modifying the way in which key parts of primary keys are added to secondary keys so
that those which do not fit within which do not fit within the limits mentioned previously mentioned are
cleared. (Bug #31617858)
When MySQL is configured with -DWITH_ICU=system, CMake now checks that the ICU library
version is sufficiently recent. (Bug #31600044)
When invoked with the --binary-as-hex option, mysql displayed NULL values as empty binary
strings (0x).
Selecting an undefined variable returned the empty binary string (0x) rather than NULL. (Bug
#31549724, Bug #31638968, Bug #100251)
Enabling DISABLE_PSI_xxx Performance Schema-related CMake options caused build failures.
(Bug #31549724)
Some queries returned different results depending on the value of
The root cause of this issue related to the fact that, when buffering rows for window functions, if the
size of the in-memory temporary table holding these buffered rows exceeds the limit specified, a new
temporary table is created on disk; the frame buffer partition offset is set at the beginning of a new
partition to the total number of rows that have been read so far, and is updated specifically for use
when the temporary table is moved to disk (this being used to calculate the hints required to process
window functions). The problem arose because the frame buffer partition offset was not updated
for the specific case when a new partition started while creating the temporary table on disk, which
caused the wrong rows to be read.
This issue is fixed by making sure to update the frame buffer partition offset correctly whenever a
new partition starts while a temporary table is moved to disk. (Bug #31546816)
While buffering rows for window functions, if the size of the in-memory temporary table holding
these buffered rows exceeds the limit specified by temptable_max_ram, a new temporary table
is created on disk. After the creation of the temporary table, hints used to process window functions
need to be reset, since the temporary table is now moved to disk, making the existing hints unusable.
When the creation of the temporary table on disk occurred when the first row in the frame buffer
was being processed, the hints had not been initialized and trying to reset these uninitialized hints
resulted in an unplanned server exit.
This issue is fixed by adding a check to verify whether frame buffer hints have been initialized, prior
to resetting them. (Bug #31544404)
The Performance Schema could produce incorrect results for joins on a CHANNEL_NAME column
when the index for CHANNEL_NAME was disabled with USE INDEX (). (Bug #31544023, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When removing unused window definitions, a subquery that was part of an ORDER BY was not
removed. (Bug #31518806)
In certain cases, the server did not handle multiply-nested subqueries correctly. (Bug #31472704)
The recognized syntax for a VALUES statement includes an ORDER BY clause, but this clause was
not resolved, so the execution engine could encounter invalid data. (Bug #31387510)
The server attempted to access a non-existent temporary directory at startup, causing a failure.
Checks were added to ensure that temporary directories exist, and that files are successfully created
in the tmpdir directory. (Bug #31377118)
While removing redundant sorting, a window's ordering was removed due to the fact that rows were
expected to come in order because of the ordering of another window. When the other window
was subsequently removed because it was unused, this resulted in unordered rows, which was not
expected during evaluation.
Now in such cases, removal of redundant sorts is not performed until after any unused windows have
been removed. In addition, resolution of any rollups has been moved to the preparation phase. (Bug
Semisynchronous replication errors were incorrectly written to the error log with a subsystem tag
of Server. They are now written with a tag of Repl, the same as for other replication errors. (Bug
A user could grant itself as a role to itself. (Bug #31222230)
The server did not always correctly handle cases in which multiple WHERE conditions, one of which
was always FALSE, referred to the same subquery. (Bug #31216115)
With a lower_case_table_names=2 setting, InnoDB background threads sometimes acquired
table metadata locks using the wrong character case for the schema name part of a lock key,
resulting in unprotected metadata and race conditions. The correct character case is now
applied. Changes were also implemented to prevent metadata locks from being released before
corresponding data dictionary objects, and to improve assertion code that checks lock protection
when acquiring data dictionary objects. (Bug #31165802)
If a CR_UNKNOWN_ERROR was to be sent to a client, an exception occurred. (Bug #31123643)
Conversion of DOUBLE values to values of type BIT, ENUM, or SET could generate Undefined
Behavior Sanitizer warnings. (Bug #31019130)
Certain accounts could cause server startup failure if the skip_name_resolve system variable was
enabled. (Bug #31018510)
Client programs could unexpectedly exit if communication packets contained bad data. (Bug
A buffer overflow in the client library was fixed. (Bug #30885987)
When creating a multi-valued or other functional index, a performance drop was seen when
executing a query against the table on which the index was defined, even though the index itself was
not actually used. This occurred because the hidden virtual column that backs such indexes was
evaluated unnecessarily for each row in the query. (Bug #30838749)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28069731.
CMake checks for libcurl dependencies were improved. (Bug #30268245)
mysql_config_editor incorrectly treated # in password values as a comment character. (Bug
#29861961, Bug #95597)
In some cases, the optimizer attempted to compute the hash value for an empty string. Now a fixed
value is always used instead. (Bug #22588319)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The INSERT() and RPAD() functions did not correctly set the character set of the result. (Bug
#22523946, Bug #79909, Bug #31887870, Bug #100841)
Some corner cases for val1 BETWEEEN val2 AND val3 were fixed, such as that -1 BETWEEN
9223372036854775808 AND 1 returned true. (Bug #22515857, Bug #79878)
For the Performance Schema memory_summary_global_by_event_name table, the low
watermark columns could have negative values, and the high watermark columns had ever-
increasing values even when the server memory usage did not increase. (Bug #22246001, Bug
Several issues converting strings to numbers were fixed. (Bug #19186271, Bug #73248)
Certain group by queries that performed correctly did not return the expected result when WITH
ROLLUP was added. This was due to the fact that decimal information was not always correctly piped
through rollup group items, causing functions returning decimal values such as TRUNCATE() to
receive data of the wrong type. (Bug #101684, Bug #32179240)
When creating fields for materializing temporary tables (that is, when needing to sort a join), the
optimizer checks whether the item needs to be copied or is only a constant. This was not done
correctly in one specific case; when performing an outer join against a view or derived table
containing a constant, the item was not properly materialized into the table, which could yield
spurious occurrences of NULL in the result. (Bug #101622, Bug #32162862)
References: See also: Bug #31790217.
When REGEXP_REPLACE() was used in an SQL statement, the internal function
Regexp_engine::Replace() did not reset the error code value after handling a record, which
could affect processing of the next record, which lead to issues.
Our thanks to Hope Lee for the contribution. (Bug #101256, Bug #32050219)
For a query having the following form, the column list sometimes assumed an inconsistent state after
temporary tables were created, causing out-of-bounds indexing later:
FROM t1 AS table1, t1 AS table2
ORDER BY PI(), table1.a
) AS d1;
(Bug #101012, Bug #31955761, Bug #31978439)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #31790217.
When aggregating data that was already sorted (known as performing streaming aggregation, due
to no temporary tables being used), it was not possible to determine when a group ended until
processing the first row in the next group, by which time the group expressions to be output were
often already overwritten.
This is fixed by replacing the complex logic previously used with the much simpler method of saving
a representative row for the group when encountering it the first time, so that its columns can easily
be retrieved for the output row when needed. (Bug #100791, Bug #27272052, Bug #31073167, Bug
#31790217, Bug #31868610)
Subqueries making use of fulltext matching might not perform properly when
subquery_to_derived was enabled, and could lead to an assert in debug builds. (Bug #100749,
Bug #31851600)
When an ALTER TABLE ... CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET statement is executed, the
character set of every CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT column in the table is updated to the new
CHARACTER SET value. This change was also applied to the hidden CHAR column used by an
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ARRAY column for a multi-valued index; since the character set of the hidden column must be one of
my_charset_utf8mb4_0900_bin or binary, this led to an assert in debug builds of the server.
This issue is resolved by no longer setting the character set of the hidden column to that of the table
when executing the ALTER TABLE statement referenced previously; this is similar to what is done for
BLOB columns in similar circumstances. (Bug #99403, Bug #31301101)
In some cases, the server's internal string-conversion routines had problems handling floating-
point values which used length specifiers and triggered use of scientific notation. (Bug #92537, Bug
#101570, Bug #28691605, Bug #32144265)
References: See also: Bug #88256, Bug #27041543.
Changes in MySQL 8.0.22 (2020-10-19, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Account Management Notes
Audit Log Notes
C API Notes
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Keyring Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Pluggable Authentication
SQL Syntax Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
Lock handling for statements involving the grant tables was improved. (Bug #31291237, Bug
#31576185, WL #14084)
Modifying the mysql.infoschema and mysql.sys reserved accounts now requires the
SYSTEM_USER privilege. (Bug #31255458)
For the CREATE USER, DROP USER, and RENAME USER account-management statements, the
server now performs additional security checks designed to prevent operations that (perhaps
inadvertently) cause stored objects to become orphaned or that cause adoption of stored objects
that are currently orphaned. Such operations now fail with an error. If you have the SET_USER_ID
privilege, it overrides the checks and those operations produce a warning rather than an error; this
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
enables administrators to perform the operations when they are deliberately intended. See Orphan
Stored Objects. (WL #14073)
Audit Log Notes
For JSON-format log files, MySQL Enterprise Audit supports log-reading operations using the
audit_log_read() user-defined function. Previously, specifying the position at which to begin
reading was possible only by passing to audit_log_read() an argument containing a bookmark
indicating the exact timestamp and event ID of a particular event. For greater flexibility, the argument
now can be a start specifier that names any timestamp, to read starting from the first event that
occurs on or after that timestamp. See Reading Audit Log Files. (WL #13936)
C API Notes
The MySQL client library now includes a mysql_real_connect_dns_srv() C API function that
is similar to mysql_real_connect() but uses a DNS SRV record to determine the candidate
hosts for establishing a connection to a MySQL server, rather than explicit host, port, and socket
Applications that use the C API can call the new function directly. In addition, the mysql client
program is modified to use DNS SRV capability; it now supports a --dns-srv-name option that
takes precedence over --host and causes the connection to be based on a DNS SRV record. See
Connection establishment in other contexts is unaffected, including connections made by replicas,
the FEDERATED storage engine, and client programs other than mysql. (WL #13905)
Compilation Notes
On Windows, Visual Studio 2019 Update 4 is now the minimum version for MySQL compilation. (Bug
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.73.0. (Bug #31309800)
Configuration Notes
The new WITH_TCMALLOC CMake option indicates whether to link with -ltcmalloc. If enabled,
built-in malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), and free() routines are disabled. The default is OFF.
WITH_TCMALLOC and WITH_JEMALLOC are mutually exclusive. (Bug #31785166)
The new COMPRESS_DEBUG_SECTIONS CMake option indicates whether to compress the debug
sections of binary executables (Linux only). Compressing executable debug sections saves space
at the cost of extra CPU time during the build process. The default is OFF. If this option is not set
explicitly but the COMPRESS_DEBUG_SECTIONS environment variable is set, the option takes its
value from that variable. (Bug #31498296)
The WITH_DEFAULT_FEATURE_SET CMake option was removed. (Bug #31122507)
On platforms that implement network namespace support (such as Linux), MySQL now enables
configuring the network namespace for TCP/IP connections from client programs to the MySQL
server or X Plugin:
On the server side, the bind_address, admin_address, and mysqlx_bind_address system
variables have extended syntax for specifying the network namespace to use for a given IP
address or host name on which to listen for incoming connections.
For client connections, the mysql client and the mysqlxtest test suite client support a --
network-namespace option for specifying the network namespace.
For replication connections from replica servers to source servers, the CHANGE MASTER TO
statement supports a NETWORK_NAMESPACE option for specifying the network namespace.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For replication monitoring purposes, the Performance Schema
replication_connection_configuration table, the replica server connection metadata
repository (see Replication Metadata Repositories), and the SHOW REPLICA | SLAVE STATUS
statement have a new column that displays the applicable network namespace for connections.
For more information, including the host system prerequisites that must be satisfied to use this
feature, see Network Namespace Support. (WL #12720)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
From MySQL 8.0.22, the group_replication_ip_whitelist system variable is deprecated,
and the system variable group_replication_ip_allowlist has been added to replace it. The
system variable works in the same way as before, only the terminology has changed.
For both system variables, the default value is AUTOMATIC. If either one of the system
variables has been set to a user-defined value and the other has not, the changed value
is used. If both of the system variables have been set to a user-defined value, the value of
group_replication_ip_allowlist is used. (WL #14175)
SLAVE HOSTS and RESET SLAVE are deprecated. The following aliases should be used instead:
The statements work in the same way as before, only the terminology used for each statement and
its output has changed.
New status variables have been added as aliases for the related status variables. Both the old and
new versions of the statements update both the old and new versions of these status variables:
Com_slave_start is equivalent to Com_replica_start
Com_slave_stop is equivalent to Com_replica_stop
Com_show_slave_status is equivalent to Com_show_replica_status
Com_show_slave_hosts is equivalent to Com_show_replicas
(WL #14171)
The InnoDB memcached plugin is deprecated and support for it will be removed in a future MySQL
version. (WL #14131)
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLESPACES table is unused. It is now deprecated and will be
removed in a future MySQL version. Other INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables may provide related
information, as described in The INFORMATION_SCHEMA TABLESPACES Table. (WL #14064)
Keyring Notes
MySQL Enterprise Edition now includes a keyring_oci plugin that uses Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Vault as a back end for keyring storage. No key information is permanently stored in
MySQL server local storage. All keys are stored in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault, making this
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
plugin well suited for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure MySQL customers for management of their MySQL
Enterprise Edition keys. For more information, see The MySQL Keyring. (WL #9770)
Optimizer Notes
Important Change: A prepared statement is now prepared only once, when executing PREPARE,
rather than once each time it is executed. In addition, a statement inside a stored procedure is
also now prepared only once, when the stored procedure is first executed. This change enhances
performance of such statements, since it avoids the added cost of repeated preparation and rollback
of preparation structures, the latter being the source of several bugs.
As part of this work, the manner in which dynamic parameters used in prepared statements are
resolved is changed, with the resulting changes in prepared statement use cases listed here:
A parameter used in a prepared statement has its data type determined when the statement
is prepared, and the type persists for each subsequent execution of the statement, unless the
statement is reprepared (see PREPARE Statement, for information about when this may occur).
For a prepared statement of the form SELECT expr1, expr2, ... FROM table ORDER
BY ?, passing an integer value N for the parameter no longer causes ordering of the results by the
expression in the select list; the results are no longer ordered, as is expected with ORDER BY
It was possible (although unsupported) to insert a floating point value into a LIMIT or OFFSET
clause by means of a parameter (and possibly a user variable). This is now explicitly disallowed;
such values must be integers.
The window functions NTILE(NULL), NTH_VALUE(expr, NULL), LEAD(expr, nn), and
LAG(expr, nn), where nn is a negative number, are now disallowed, to comply with the SQL
A user variable that is read by a prepared statement now has its type determined when the
statement is prepared; the type persists for each subsequent execution of the statement.
A user variable that is read by a statement within a stored procedure now has its type determined
the first time the statement is executed; the type persists for all subsequent invocations of the
containing stored procedure.
For parameters for which no contextual information is available to determine the parameter type,
the server assumes the parameter is a character string with the default character set, not a binary
string. Parameters for which this is incorrect may be placed within a CAST() expression.
See PREPARE Statement, for the rules governing how the effectiue data types of parameters and
user variables used within prepared statements are determined.
In addition, the rows (N) argument to the window functions LAG(), LEAD(), and NTILE() must now
be an integer in the range 0 to 2
, inclusive, in any of the following forms:
an unsigned integer constant literal
a positional parameter marker (?)
a user-defined variable
a local variable in a stored routine
In addition, this argument is no longer permitted to be NULL. See the descriptions of the functions
just referenced for more information. (Bug #48612, Bug #99601, Bug #100150, Bug #105166, Bug
#11756670, Bug #23599127, Bug #31119132, Bug #31365678, Bug #31393719, Bug #31592822,
Bug #31810577, Bug #33448735, WL #9384)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The filesort algorithm now supports sorting a join on multiple tables, and not just a single table.
(Bug #31310238, Bug #31559978, Bug #31563876)
When using a RIGHT JOIN, some internal objects, were not converted to those suitable for use with
a LEFT JOIN as intended. These included some lists of tables built at parse time, but which did not
have their order reversed. This required maintaining code to handle instances in which a LEFT JOIN
was originally a RIGHT JOIN as special cases, and was the source of several bugs. Now the server
performs any necessary reversals at parse time, so that after parsing, a RIGHT JOIN is in fact, in all
respects, a LEFT JOIN. (Bug #30887665, Bug #30964002, WL #6509)
References: See also: Bug #12567331, Bug #21350125.
Added support for periodic synchronization when writing to files with SELECT INTO DUMPFILE
and SELECT INTO OUTFILE statements. This feature can be enabled by setting the
select_into_disk_sync system variable to ON; the size of the write buffer cn be set using
the server system variable select_into_buffer_size; the default buffer size is 131072
) bytes. An optional delay following synchronization to disk can also be set using the
select_into_disk_sync_delay system variable; the default behaviour is not to allow any delay
(that is, a delay time of 0 milliseconds).
For more information, see the descriptions of the system variables referenced previously.
Our thanks to Facebook for this contribution to MySQL 8.0. (Bug #30284861, WL #13926)
MySQL now implements derived condition pushdown for eligible queries. What this means is that, for
a query such as SELECT * FROM (SELECT i, j FROM t1) AS dt WHERE i > constant,
it is now possible in many cases to push the outer WHERE condition down to the derived table, in this
case resulting in SELECT * FROM (SELECT i, j FROM t1 WHERE i > constant) AS dt.
Previously, if the derived table was materialized and not merged, MySQL materialized the entire
table—in this case t1—then qualified the rows with the WHERE condition.
When the derived table cannot be merged into the outer query (for example, if the derived table uses
aggregation), pushing the outer WHERE condition down to the derived table can reduce the number of
rows that need to be processed, which should improve the query's performance.
An outer WHERE condition can be pushed down directly to a materialized derived table when the
derived table uses no aggregate or window functions. In addition, when the derived table has a
GROUP BY and uses no window functions, the outer WHERE condition can be pushed down to the
derived table as a HAVING condition. If the derived table uses a window function and the outer
WHERE references columns used in the window function's PARTITION clause, the WHERE condition
can also be pushed down.
This optimization cannot be employed for a derived table that contains a UNION or LIMIT clause.
To enable derived condition pushdown, the optimizer_switch system variable's
derived_condition_pushdown flag (added in this release) must be set to on. This is the default
setting. If this optimization is disabled by the optimizer switch setting, you can enable it for a specific
query using the DERIVED_CONDITION_PUSHDOWN optimizer hint (also added in this release). Use
the NO_DERIVED_CONDITION_PUSHDOWN optimizer hint to disable the optimization for a given
For further information and examples, see Derived Condition Pushdown Optimization. (Bug #59870,
Bug #88381, Bug #11766303, Bug #27590273, WL #8084)
Packaging Notes
For RPM and Debian packages, client-side plugins were moved to their own client-plugins package.
(Bug #31584093)
The VERSION file in MySQL source distributions is now named MYSQL_VERSION due to a naming
conflict with Boost. (Bug #31466846)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For platforms on which systemd is used to run MySQL, packages no longer include legacy System
V files: the mysqld_multi.server and mysql.server scripts, and the mysql.server.1,
mysqld_multi.1, and mysqld_safe.1 man pages. (Bug #31450888)
Performance Schema Notes
The SHOW PROCESSLIST statement provides process information by collecting thread data from
all active threads. However, because the implementation iterates across active threads from within
the thread manager while holding a global mutex, it has negative performance consequences,
particularly on busy systems.
An alternative SHOW PROCESSLIST implementation is now available based on the new Performance
Schema processlist table. This implementation queries active thread data from the Performance
Schema rather than the thread manager and does not require a mutex:
To enable the alternative implementation, enable the
performance_schema_show_processlist system variable.
The alternative implementation of SHOW PROCESSLIST also applies to the mysqladmin
processlist command.
The alternative implementation does not apply to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA PROCESSLIST table
or the COM_PROCESS_INFO command of the MySQL client/server protocol.
To ensure that the default and alternative implementations yield the same information, certain
configuration requirements must be met; see The processlist Table.
(WL #9090)
An SQL interface to the most recent events written to the MySQL server error log is now available
by means of queries on the new Performance Schema error_log table. This table has a fixed
size, with old events automatically discarded as necessary to make room for new ones. The table
is populated if error log configuration includes a log sink component that supports this capability
(currently the traditional-format log_sink_internal and JSON-format log_sink_json sinks).
Several new status variables provide information about error_log table operation. See The
error_log Table. (WL #13681)
Pluggable Authentication
These changes were made for the LDAP authentication plugins:
For the SASL LDAP authentication plugin, the SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication method is not
supported on On SLES 12 and 15 and EL6 systems. The default method on those systems is now
If the LDAP host is not set, the LDAP connection pool will not be initialized, which enables
successful authentication plugin installation in cases when previously it would fail. (This might be
the case when a site installs a plugin first, then configures it later.)
If an LDAP connection parameter is changed at runtime, the LDAP connection pool is reinitialized
for the first subsequent authentication attempt.
If the LDAP server is restarted, existing connections in the connection pool become invalid. The
LDAP authentication plugin detects this case and reinitializes the connection pool and (for the
SASL LDAP plugin) the SASL challenge is resent.
(Bug #31664270, Bug #31219323)
SQL Syntax Notes
The parser now supports parenthesized query expressions using this syntax:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
( query_expression )
Other variations are possible; see Parenthesized Query Expressions (Bug #30592703)
It is now possible to cast values of other types to YEAR, using either the CAST() function or the
CONVERT() function. These functions now support YEAR values of one or two digits in the range
0-99, and four-digit values in the range 1901-2155. Integer 0 is converted to Year 0; a string
consisting of one or more zeroes (following possible truncation) is converted to the year 2000.
Casting adds 2000 to values in the range 1-69 inclusive, and 1900 to values in the range 70-99
Strings beginning with one, two, or four digits followed by at least one non-digit character (and
possibly other digit or non-digit characters) are truncated prior to conversion to YEAR; in such
cases, the server emits a truncation warning. Floating-point values are rounded prior to conversion;
CAST(1944.5 AS YEAR) returns 1945 due to rounding, and CAST("1944.5" AS YEAR) returns
1944 (with a warning) due to truncation.
DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP are cast to the YEAR portion of the value. A TIME value is cast to
the current year. Not specifying the value to be cast as a TIME value may yield a different result from
what is expected; CAST("13:47" AS YEAR) returns 2013 due to truncation of the string value, and
CAST(TIME "13:47" AS YEAR) returns 2020 as of the year of this release.
Casting of GEOMETRY values to YEAR is not supported. A cast of an incompatible type or an out-of-
range or illegal value returns NULL.
YEAR can also be used as the return type for the JSON_VALUE() function. This function supports
four-digit years only, and otherwise follows the same rules as apply to CAST() and CONVERT()
when performing casts to YEAR.
For more information, see the description of the CONVERT() function. (WL #14015)
When selecting a TIMESTAMP column value, it is now possible to convert it from the system
time zone to a UTC DATETIME when retrieving it, using the AT TIME ZONE operator which is
implemented for the CAST() function in this release.
The syntax is CAST(value AT TIME ZONE specifier AS DATETIME[(precision)]),
where the value is a TIMESTAMP, and the specifier is one of [INTERVAL] '+00:00' or
'UTC'. (INTERVAL is optional with the first form of the specifier, and cannot be used with 'UTC'.)
The precision of the DATETIME value returned by the cast can optionally be specified up to 6
decimal places.
Values that were inserted into the table using a timezone offset are also supported.
AT TIME ZONE cannot be used with CONVERT(), or in any other context other than as part of
a CAST() function call. The ARRAY keyword and creation of multi-valued indexes are also not
supported when using AT TIME ZONE.
A brief example is shown here:
mysql> SELECT @@system_time_zone;
| @@system_time_zone |
| EDT |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.81 sec)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
> ROW('2020-07-31 21:44:30-08:00');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.09 sec)
Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> TABLE ex;
| ts |
| 2020-07-28 21:39:31 |
| 2020-08-01 01:44:30 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| ts | ut |
| 2020-07-28 21:39:31 | 2020-07-29 01:39:31 |
| 2020-08-01 01:44:30 | 2020-08-01 05:44:30 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
For more information and examples, see the description of the CAST() function in the MySQL
Manual. (WL #12535)
X Plugin Notes
In specific conditions, terminating an X Protocol connection could cause MySQL Server to stop
unexpectedly. (Bug #31671503)
Functionality Added or Changed
LOCK TABLES privilege checking for views was improved. (Bug #31304432, WL #14092)
You can use MySQL Server's new asynchronous connection failover mechanism to automatically
establish an asynchronous (source to replica) replication connection to a new source after
the existing connection from a replica to its source fails. The connection fails over if the
replication I/O thread stops due to the source stopping or due to a network failure. The
asynchronous connection failover mechanism can be used to keep a replica synchronized
with multiple MySQL servers or groups of servers that share data. To activate asynchronous
connection failover for a replication channel set SOURCE_CONNECTION_AUTO_FAILOVER=1
on the CHANGE MASTER TO statement for the channel, and set up a source list for
the channel using the asynchronous_connection_failover_add_source and
asynchronous_connection_failover_delete_source functions. (WL #12649)
The new innodb_extend_and_initialize variable permits configuring how InnoDB allocates
space to file-per-table and general tablespaces on Linux. By default, when an operation requires
additional space in a tablespace, InnoDB allocates pages to the tablespace and physically
writes NULLs to those pages. This behavior affects performance if new pages are allocated
frequently. As of MySQL 8.0.22, you can disable innodb_extend_and_initialize on
Linux systems to avoid physically writing NULLs to newly allocated tablespace pages. When
innodb_extend_and_initialize is disabled, space is allocated using posix_fallocate()
calls, which reserve space without physically writing NULLs.
A posix_fallocate() operation is not atomic, which makes it possible for a failure to occur
between allocating space to a tablespace file and updating the file metadata. Such a failure can
leave newly allocated pages in an uninitialized state, resulting in a failure when InnoDB attempts to
access those pages. To prevent this scenario, InnoDB writes a redo log record before allocating a
new tablespace page. If a page allocation operation is interrupted, the operation is replayed from the
redo log record during recovery. (WL #13782)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
To permit concurrent DML and DDL operations on MySQL grant tables, read operations that
previously acquired row locks on MySQL grant tables are now executed as non-locking reads. The
operations that are now performed as non-locking reads on MySQL grant tables include:
SELECT statements and other read-only statements that read data from grant tables through join
lists and subqueries, including SELECT ... FOR SHARE statements, using any transaction
isolation level.
DML operations that read data from grant tables (through join lists or subqueries) but do not
modify them, using any transaction isolation level.
Statements that no longer acquire row locks when reading data from grant tables report a warning if
executed while using statement-based replication.
When using -binlog_format=mixed, DML operations that read data from grant tables are now
written to the binary log as row events to make the operations safe for mixed-mode replication.
SELECT ... FOR SHARE statements that read data from grant tables now report a warning. With
the FOR SHARE clause, read locks are not supported on grant tables.
DML operations that read data from grant tables and are executed using the SERIALIZABLE
isolation level now report a warning. Read locks that would normally be acquired when using the
SERIALIZABLE isolation level are not supported on grant tables. (WL #14087)
The ALTER DATABASE statement now supports a READ ONLY option that controls whether to
permit modification of a database and objects within it. This option is useful for database migration
because a database for which READ ONLY is enabled can be migrated to another MySQL instance
without concern that the database might be changed during the operation. See ALTER DATABASE
A new INFORMATION_SCHEMA table named SCHEMATA_EXTENSIONS displays database options.
Currently, it displays READ ONLY=1 for read-only databases. See The INFORMATION_SCHEMA
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: Code related to transaction support for histogram sampling was removed, including related
assertion code that caused test failures. Transaction support is not required for histogram sampling.
(Bug #31787736)
InnoDB: Encryption information was not set for redo log archive log writer thread write operations.
(Bug #31690196)
InnoDB: The TTASEventMutex::exit function was optimized for ARM64. Thanks to Krunal
Bauskar for the contribution. (Bug #31589019, Bug #100132)
InnoDB: InnoDB failed to compile with the DISABLE_PSI_RWLOCK CMake option enabled. (Bug
InnoDB: The transaction isolation level, which is set to READ UNCOMMITTED for histogram sampling
to avoid unnecessary lookups of old record versions, was not reset after the sampling operation
completed. (Bug #31564407)
InnoDB: A query that updated the clustered index of an internal temporary table returned an
incorrect result. The modified pages of the clustered index were not added to the flush list resulting in
lost changes when the modified pages were evicted from the buffer pool. (Bug #31560679)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29207450.
InnoDB: A build dependency on the Boost library defined for the TempTable storage engine was
removed. (Bug #31505048)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A workaround was implemented to handle a Clang compiler issue in 32-bit builds that
causes the ATOMIC_LLONG_LOCK_FREE value to be defined as “sometimes lock-free” while
__atomic_always_lock_free returns true for the same type on the same platform. (Bug
InnoDB: A REDUNDANT row format table created in an earlier version of MySQL, where the row
format was not defined explicitly, permitted the addition of an index that exceeded the REDUNDANT
row format index column size limit. (Bug #31479542, Bug #99791)
InnoDB: A DML operation on a column defined with a multi-valued index caused a failure. (Bug
InnoDB: A failure occurred during master key rotation. An undo tablespace in-memory object was
freed prematurely. (Bug #31467626)
InnoDB: Unused physical read ahead code was removed from the parallel read interface. (Bug
InnoDB: A master key rotation operation failed to skip an undo tablespace that was already
truncated, which lead to an assertion failure when shutting down the server. (Bug #31400195)
InnoDB: After importing a tablespace for a page-compressed table, pages were no longer
compressed, and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES metadata incorrectly indicated
that pages were compressed. The table's compression information was unavailable during the import
operation. (Bug #31396947)
InnoDB: A rollback and update operation after performing an instant DDL operation raised an
assertion. (Bug #31391126)
InnoDB: The log system (log_sys) sharded read-write lock caused a performance regression in
CPU-bound workloads. (Bug #31389135)
InnoDB: Compiling with the UNIV_ENCRYPT_DEBUG option enabled caused compilation errors. (Bug
InnoDB: DDL operations on a partitioned table could cause a failure. TABLE_SHARE and table
instance objects were opened for all partitions unnecessarily. (Bug #31365127)
InnoDB: After changing a VARCHAR column collation from utf8mb4 to utf8mb4_bin in an in-
place ALTER TABLE operation and adding an index on the same column, a case-sensitive query
on the VARCHAR column returned an incorrect result. The VARCHAR column collation was changed
in the data dictionary but not in the in-memory table object. Consequently, the index created on the
VARCHAR column used stale column information causing comparisons to use the previously defined
collation. (Bug #31361838)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE ... IMPORT TABLESPACE operation on a large encrypted and
compressed table failed with a Page decompress failed after reading from disk error.
The decryption operation did not use the encryption block size used during encryption. Also, the
encryption process did not consider compressed length, while the decryption process decrypts data
by compressed length only. (Bug #31313533)
InnoDB: A failure occurred during a concurrent update operation. The failure was due to an invalid
previous record value. (Bug #31205266, Bug #99286)
InnoDB: Upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 failed on an instance with a table created in a
general tablespace and defined with a FULLTEXT index. The correct data dictionary space ID for
table could not determined. (Bug #31154128, Bug #99211)
InnoDB: The function used to process the SHOW ENGINE INNODB MUTEX statement was
insufficiently isolated from other threads adding new mutexes concurrently. (Bug #31105262)
InnoDB: Failure to call a buffer pool page I/O completion routine resulted in orphan buffer pool I/O
write pages. (Bug #31073853)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Numerous system temporary table pages at the tail of the buffer pool flush list caused a
performance degradation. The flush_list_mutex was held while the flush list scan traversed over
system temporary table pages. The flush list scan now excludes system temporary table pages. (Bug
#31060470, Bug #98974)
InnoDB: The buffer control block structure (buf_block_t) was freed while reducing the size of the
buffer pool, causing an assertion failure. The fix for this bug also backports important aspects of the
fix for Bug #20735882 / Bug #76343, and replaces the internal buf_block_is_uncompressed()
function with the buf_pointer_is_block_field_instance() function. The
buf_block_is_uncompressed() function returned false in too many cases, affecting OLTP query
throughput. (Bug #31036301, Bug #31389823)
InnoDB: Parallel read threads failed to respond to an explicit transaction interruption. (Bug
query returned a truncated result. The end range flag was not reset at the beginning of the index
read resulting in an aborted read and missing rows. (Bug #30950714, Bug #98642)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #23481444.
InnoDB: A full-text phrase search raised an assertion failure. Thanks to TXSQL (Tencent MySQL)
for the contribution. (Bug #30933728, Bug #31228694)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #22709692.
InnoDB: A failure occurred while attempting to initialize the system tablespace on a raw disk
partition. Additionally, a INPLACE DDL operation on the raw-disk partition tablespace failed with an
error instead of switching to the COPY algorithm. (Bug #30867065, Bug #98091)
InnoDB: LOB purge code (lob::purge()) did not properly handle latches taken during B-tree mini-
transaction (btr_mtr) commit and restore operations, which could lead to conflicts between B-tree
and LOB mini-transactions. (Bug #30620011)
InnoDB: A long running statistics calculation operation on a large table blocked other operations
requiring access to the table's statistics, causing those operations to fail. A new statistics calculation
mutex was introduced, which permits concurrent access table statistics. Thanks to Kamil Holubicki
for the contribution. (Bug #30607708)
InnoDB: Two connections attempted to use the same transaction handler object resulting in a stalled
query. (Bug #30594501)
InnoDB: Shutting down the server with innodb_fast_shutdown setting greater than 0 raised an
assertion failure. The assertion was caused by the presence of recovered transactions that were not
yet rolled back. Assertion code was revised to ignore recovered transactions during a fast shutdown.
Messages are now written to the error log when recovered transactions that are not rolled back are
left behind by a fast shutdown. Slow shutdown now waits for recovered transactions to be rolled
back. Various other shutdown logic improvements were implemented. (Bug #30226841)
InnoDB: Dedicated log writer threads, introduced in MySQL 8.0.11, caused a CPU-bound
performance regression on low-concurrency systems. To address this issue, the new
innodb_log_writer_threads variable permits disabling dedicated log writer threads so that redo
log records are written from the log buffer to the system buffers and flushed from the system buffers
to the redo log files by each user thread, which is the behavior prior to the introduction of dedicated
log writer threads. Other redo logging optimizations were implemented, including the removal of an
unnecessary log closer thread that wasted CPU time, and optimizations to remedy too-aggressive
checkpoint activity and excessive flush calls. The issues addressed by this fix also manifested in a
LOAD DATA performance regression. (Bug #30088404, Bug #30003849)
InnoDB: Restarting the server with an incorrect lower_case_table_names setting after a
failure caused a hang condition. At startup, InnoDB waited for a transaction to roll back, but
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the rollback thread was not initiated due to a startup validation failure caused by the incorrect
lower_case_table_names setting. (Bug #29833945)
Packaging; Group Replication: MySQL Server Docker images did not expose the Group
Replication recommended port (33061). (Bug #31627536)
Packaging: Added a client-plugins RPM that was separated from the client package. It
contains shared plugins for MySQL client applications. (Bug #35162346)
Replication: You can now set the value of the gtid_purged system variable in a stored procedure,
which was not previously permitted. You cannot set gtid_purged in a stored function. (Bug
Replication: When a replication source server shuts down and restarts, its MEMORY tables become
empty. To replicate this effect to replicas, the first time that the source uses a given MEMORY table
after startup, it logs an event that notifies replicas that the table must be emptied by writing a
statement to the binary log to that effect. Previously, this was a DELETE statement, but it is now a
TRUNCATE TABLE statement. A replica server also writes this statement to its own binary log when
it shuts down and restarts. The statement is always logged in statement format, even if the binary
logging format is set to ROW, and it is written even if read_only or super_read_only mode is set
on the server. (Bug #29848785, Bug #95496)
Replication: When the system variable session_track_gtids was set to OWN_GTID on a
multithreaded replica, the replica’s performance would degrade over time and begin to lag behind
the master. The cause was the buildup of the GTIDs recorded by the replica’s worker threads at
each transaction commit, which increased the time taken by the worker threads to insert new ones.
Session state tracking is now disabled for worker threads on a multithreaded replica. Thanks to
Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #29049207, Bug #92964)
Replication: When using row-based replication, the replica was allowed to use an invisible index
when searching for rows to synchronize. (Bug #96148, Bug #30072179)
Group Replication: X Plugin could stop unexpectedly if a Group Replication notification was issued
after a new X Protocol connection was made but before the session was created. The dispatcher
thread that handles Group Replication notifications now checks that the session pointer is valid. (Bug
Group Replication: Group Replication handling of memory allocation issues when adding
transaction write sets has been improved. (Bug #31586243)
Group Replication: While a remote cloning procedure was taking place on a joining member
during distributed recovery, Group Replication considered the pre-cloning gtid_executed value
on the joining member when identifying the common set of transactions that had been applied on
all members. This meant that garbage collection for applied transactions from the group's set of
certification information (shown as the count_transactions_rows_validating field in the
Performance Schema table replication_group_member_stats) did not take place during
the remote cloning procedure. If the remote cloning procedure took a long time, the certification
information could therefore get too large to transmit to the joining member when it restarted after the
remote cloning procedure, in which case an error was raised and the member was not able to join
the group.
To avoid this issue, Group Replication now considers only group members with ONLINE status
when identifying the common set of transactions that have been applied on all members. When a
joining member enters ONLINE state after distributed recovery, its certification information is updated
with the certification information from the donor at the time when the member joined, and garbage
collection takes place for this on future rounds.
As a workaround for this issue in earlier releases, after the remote cloning operation completes, wait
two minutes to allow a round of garbage collection to take place to reduce the size of the group's
certification information. Then issue the following statement on the joining member, so that it stops
trying to apply the previous set of certification information:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
RESET SLAVE FOR CHANNEL group_replication_recovery;
(Bug #31446381, Bug #99778)
Group Replication: It was possible for a group member that left the group due to a communication
error to reconnect between auto-rejoin attempts while the auto-rejoin procedure was still ongoing,
which left Group Replication unable to function on the member. Group Replication error management
and member status handling has now been corrected to prevent this situation. (Bug #31401797)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, build targets could fail if the build was on a file system root, such
as R:/. (Bug #31315467)
JSON: JSON_OBJECT() did not always perform proper checking for NULL values. (Bug #31393934)
The new WITH_SYSTEMD_DEBUG CMake option, if enabled, produces additional systemd debugging
information, for platforms on which systemd is used to run MySQL. The default is OFF. (Bug
For RPM and Debian packages, client-side plugins were moved from the server package to the client
package in MySQL 8.0.21. This could cause failures relating to LDAP authentication plugins when
upgrading from 5.7 packages to 8.0 packages. Packaging adjustments were made to avoid this
problem. (Bug #31782612)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #31123564, Bug #31336340.
The timestamp written for the ts key by the log_sink_json JSON-format error log sink did not
have the same value as other timestamps in the same log message. (Bug #31749103)
Kerberos authentication for the SASL LDAP authentication plugin incorrectly handled failure to
acquire a ticket-granting ticket. (Bug #31727195)
For some third-party libraries, enabling link-time optimization caused build failures. (Bug #31701553,
Bug #100410)
Printing an excessively long diagnostic message could cause the server to exit unexpectedly. (Bug
A page-compressed table was cloned as an uncompressed table. The associated tablespace
object, which includes a compression flag, was not initialized prior to the cloning operation. (Bug
#31677990, Bug #100243)
Certain cases of successful LDAP authentication could cause the server to hang. (Bug #31661437)
During transformation of a grouped query into a derived table, when the WHERE clause and the
HAVING clause became part of the derived table, the condition count was not updated for the
derived table. This resulted in reduced memory allocation while creating keys for ref access. (Bug
When a value was compared using LIKE with a table column not defined as one of the MySQL string
types, the server sometimes did not raise the expected error. (Bug #31659015)
The acquire_related() service function returned the default service in some cases when it
should have returned an error. (Bug #31655906)
In bootstrapping mode, certain multiple-statement transactions could cause unexpected server
behavior. (Bug #31650096)
A remote cloning operation checked for the availability of a plugin on the recipient that was removed
from the donor instance previously. References to the uninstalled plugin had not been released.
Error reporting issues related to plugin mismatches and availability were also addressed. (Bug
#31639732, Bug #100244)
In debug builds, the server attempted to evaluate subqueries while creating a view. (Bug #31590301)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25466100.
A condition using RAND() was not pushed down even in cases where it was safe to do so, that is
when no windowing function or GROUP BY is in use. (Bug #31587575)
While pushing conditions down to a derived table, a constant condition such as WHERE FALSE or
WHERE TRUE was pushed down to the first table in the derived table, which is not necessary as the
condition has nothing to do with the derived table. MySQL now avoids pushing constant conditions
down to derived tables in such cases.
In addition used tables are now updated for the condition that needs to be pushed down to the
derived table, following code inspection revealing that this was not done after replacing the columns
in the condition with the derived table expressions. (Bug #31587493)
A query using WHERE column > (... IN (SELECT ...)) could sometimes trigger an assertion
in the range optimizer. (Bug #31586906)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30473261.
It was possible for ANALYZE TABLE to fail with Duplicate key error if a row was inserted in
the interval between the check for the existence of the row and the execution of the insert, and the
statistics table was updated concurrently. ANALYZE TABLE now ignores the error in this situation.
(Bug #31582758)
The range optimizer does not use the correct lock type after cloning the handler needed to perform
merged scans, and instead used a read lock unconditionally. This resulted in various different side
effects for different scenarios.
For example, a SELECT with FOR UPDATE requests a write lock, but after cloning the handler for an
index merge scan, the range optimizer requested a read lock which resulted in a mismatch. Similarly,
for data dictionary tables, the lock type was set to LOCK_NONE due to the special handling required
for such tables.
To prevent this problem from occurring, we now ensure that the original lock type of the handler is
always used in the cloned handler as well. (Bug #31582383)
In some cases, a query using an ANY subquery gave an incorrect result when the
subquery_to_derived optimizer switch was enabled. (Bug #31566339)
When FALSE AND condition was simplified as FALSE, temporary table resources allocated for
the condition were not always released afterwards. (Bug #31565009)
A value equal to ULLONG_MAX could be inserted into a BIT(64) column, but not retrieved. (Bug
#31564742, Bug #100053)
While removing an unused window definition, a subquery that was part of an ORDER BY was not
removed. The optimizer then tried to optimize the subquery without locking the tables. Now, when
removing an unused window definition, the server cleans up any subqueries present as part of the
definition. (Bug #31518806)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27062031.
A coding problem introduced in MySQL 8.0.20 could cause client applications to exit unexpectedly
during shutdown. (Bug #31515752)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27045306.
Added a missing error code translation from ICU U_REGEX_NUMBER_TOO_BIG to MySQL
ER_REGEX_NUMBER_TOO_BIG. (Bug #31514995)
Merging during filesort operations could fail to remove duplicates for queries that used
DISTINCT. (Bug #31498664, Bug #99900)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL's internal DYNAMIC_STRING class formerly allocated memory in a linear fashion, that is, by
a predetermined number of bytes. The class has been revised such that it now allocates memory
exponentially, which should make operations such as repeated string appends more efficient. (Bug
LOCK_mutex mishandling could result in a memory leak. (Bug #31491146)
A newly added collation was not added and could cause an unexpected exit on shutdown. (Bug
On Windows, file name reuse by the GetTempFileName() function could cause an assertion to be
raised. (Bug #31468590)
A LATERAL subquery was incorrectly converted into an antijoin. (Bug #31465717)
NATURAL JOIN evaluation could inadvertently match hidden virtual columns created by functional
indexes. (Bug #31463511, Bug #99807)
Sort keys for string hash join keys using more than 1024 bytes were not handled correctly by the
server. (Bug #31437753)
The server attempted to delete from a view whose definition included HAVING when the HAVING
clause was constant and evaluated as true even though a view with HAVING as part of its definition
should not be updatable. (Bug #31429865)
Privilege requirements were checked incorrectly for the
When the internal function replace_index_subquery() failed, the server still attempted to create
iterators for the affected subquery. Now the function raises a clear error instead. (Bug #31427072)
A query using WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT const FROM table WHERE
column=FROM_UNIXTIME(value) was not handled correctly. (Bug #31425664)
In some cases, key_hint handling was improperly applied to derived and internal temporary tables.
(Bug #31424455)
Re-execution of prepared INSERT statements could fail for inserts through a view. (Bug #31417951)
JSON scalar evaluation could enter an infinite loop. (Bug #31406724)
The user_attributes column in mysql.user table rows could be affected incorrectly by partial
revokes. (Bug #31405985)
Improper window function initialization could cause a server exit. (Bug #31389573, Bug #31437834)
Sensitive LDAP authentication plugin system variables now display as asterisks when retrieved in
SQL statements. (Bug #31388444, Bug #31391864) tests under no-threads connection handling failed with ASAN builds due
to improper resource group initialization. This has been fixed. Thanks to Xiaoyu Wang, Tencent
Technology for the contribution. (Bug #31378900, Bug #99609)
Using the authentication_ldap_simple authentication plugin with SSL could cause a
segmentation fault during shutdown. (Bug #31364927)
Killing a query could raise spurious assertions in the hash join iterator. (Bug #31361354)
In some cases, an outer reference that was not LATERAL was not marked as read-only as expected.
(Bug #31359965)
A failure occurred when upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 due to invalid references
to orphaned events (events for which a database no longer exists). The server now fails with
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
an appropriate error messages when orphaned events are encountered during upgrade. Error
messages for orphaned stored routines were also revised. (Bug #31335554)
Enabling the create_admin_listener_thread system variable could cause a server exit during
startup. (Bug #31335279)
After ALTER TABLE to add an expression default to a column, the first insert inserted a value as if
the expression had been evaluated at alter time and not insert time. (Bug #31330789, Bug #99513)
The LDAP authentication plugins did not properly compare the user-supplied authentication method
against the permitted methods. (Bug #31320532)
Certain views could cause a following USE statement to result in an unexpected server exit. (Bug
When a filesort sorted a buffer and LIMIT was active, it first sorted all rows and then discarded
those that did not fit within the limit, which required sorting many rows that were certain to be
discarded later. Now the optimizer sorts only the rows actually needed. Internal testing shows that
this change can speed up the sort phase for a simple string sorting benchmark (as measured by
EXPLAIN ANALYZE) by up to 15%. (Bug #31303537)
A dynamic range scan runs the range optimizer for each row fetched from the first table in a join to
determine whether a range scan can be picked for the second table using the value available from
that row. If the row contains no usable indexes, a table scan may be chosen instead. For the query
giving rise to this issue, a table scan is chosen once, followed by a range scan on a non-covering
index, and the dynamic range iterator has two read sets which are used for both these cases. One
of these, used for the table scan, includes the base columns of generated columns required for
processing the query; the other read set does not include the base columns in the read set used for
range scans. This is because, for covering indexes, the read set should not include base columns to
avoid adding unneeded columns by hash join or batched key access. The issue arose because the
second read set was also used for a non-covering index, which resulted in an assert.
To prevent this from happening, when initializing a table read set in the dynamic range iterator, we
now make sure that it includes the base columns when the range optimizer picks a non-covering
index. (Bug #31280526)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30417361.
It was possible to insert an out-of-range value for a TIMESTAMP if it included a timezone offset. (Bug
The keyring_hashicorp keyring plugin did not limit the size of keys for key operations. (Bug
Configuring with -DWITH_ZSTD=system failed for older versions of the zstd library. CMake now
checks the zstd version and requires at least 1.0.0 for compilation, 1.2.0 to run compression
checks. (Bug #31174920, Bug #99241)
In some cases, a SELECT that obtained status variable information from Performance Schema tables
and that included a sort by a column containing temporal values was not handled correctly. (Bug
In some cases, ROUND() and TRUNCATE() did not return the data type of their first arguments as
expected. This fix insures that return types from these functions follow these rules, where the first
argument is of the type shown:
For any integer type, the return type is BIGINT.
For any floating-point type or any non-numeric type, the return type is DOUBLE.
For DECIMAL, the return type is also DECIMAL.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The type attributes for the return value are also copied from the first argument, except in the case
of DECIMAL, when the second argument is a constant value.
When the desired number of decimal places is less than the scale of the argument, the scale
and the precision of the result are adjusted accordingly. In addition, for the ROUND() function,
the precision is extended by one place to accomodate rounding that increases the number of
significant digits. If the second argument is negative, the return type is adjusted such that its scale
is 0, with a corresponding precision.
For more information, see the description of the ROUND() function. (Bug #31128028)
A SELECT ... FOR SHARE statement now only requires the SELECT privilege. Previously,
the SELECT privilege was required with at least one of the DELETE, LOCK TABLES, or UPDATE
privileges. (Bug #31096384, Bug #99101)
A semijoin strategy was chosen for the join of a correlated subquery having a LIMIT clause and
requiring a row other than the first, which caused the LIMIT clause to be ignored and invalid rows to
be returned. Now, when LIMIT used with this type of join specifies a row other than the first row, or
more than one row, the semijoin strategy is no longer employed. (Bug #31096309)
After the fix for Bug #81009, privilege checks for truncating Performance Schema tables were too
restrictive when read_only or super_read_only were enabled, causing truncation to fail even for
users with appropriate table privileges. (Bug #31080309, Bug #99072)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #81009.
ORDER BY did not work as expected for queries with ROLLUP in which window functions were also
used. (Bug #31073133)
Some INSERT statements were not handled correctly. (Bug #31072198)
Date interval calculations checked for overflow but not underflow. Now they check for both. (Bug
If an XA prepared transaction rollback XID was incorrectly formatted, the transaction remained in
recovered state for XA COMMIT and XA ROLLBACK statements (or raised an assertion for debug
builds) rather that reporting an error. (Bug #31030205)
Database-level privileges inherited through a role were not handled properly for database names that
contained wildcard characters. (Bug #31013538, Bug #98876)
When the --local option was given, mysqlimport mishandled the
MYSQL_OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR option for mysql_options() so that it had no effect. (Bug
Certain prepared statements could cause an unexpected server exit. (Bug #30943963)
OPTIMIZE TABLE for MyISAM tables could cause table size to increase and query performance to
decrease. REPAIR TABLE for MyISAM tables could cause the Table is already up to date
status produced by a previous OPTIMIZE TABLE to be lost. (Bug #30869674, Bug #98511, Bug
mysqlpump object validation included objects in excluded databases. (Bug #30819012)
Inserting a TIMESTAMP value having a timezone offset which also had a zero for the month, day,
or both, led to an assert. Such a value should be and is now rejected, regardless of the sql_mode
setting. (Bug #30786762)
References: See also: Bug #31239157.
Privileges granted using roles could be mishandled at the column-privilege level. (Bug #30660403,
Bug #97971)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Comparison of a TIME value with NULL in some cases raised an assertion. (Bug #30324587)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25949639.
LDAP authentication plugins enforced CA verification incorrectly, which could result in use of an
incorrect CA. (Bug #30220357)
ORDER BY queries were not executed correctly when sort_buffer_size and max_sort_length
were set to values which caused the internal limit on the maximum number of keys allowed per sort
buffer to be set to 0. (Bug #30175483)
A large number of nested arguments in full-text search query caused an error. (Bug #29929684)
A potential misreporting of memory use by the Performance Schema has been corrected. (Bug
When explicit_defaults_for_timestamp was disabled and a NULL was inserted
into a generated column declared as TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, the server would attempt to
convert the inserted value to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. Such an insertion is now rejected with
ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR. (Bug #29449518)
The SET_VAR hint did not accept a floating point value specified as a system variable setting. (Bug
Previously, when NULL was used as the format argument to STR_TO_DATE(), irrelevant warnings
were printed. Now, when NULL is passed to it, the function returns NULL. (Bug #27265863)
In some cases, incorrect use of IS NULL generated multiple warnings about invalid arguments. (Bug
Resolving an ORDER BY column that referred to a SELECT list column from a derived table was not
performed correctly when executing certain prepared statements. (Bug #26808862)
When using EXPLAIN on a multi-table UPDATE statement in which a generated column was
referenced in a condition, the output always showed the table containing this column as being
updated, whether the table was actually updated or not. (Bug #22671310)
An assertion could be raised when the SQL layer passed incorrect information to InnoDB about the
type of operation to be performed on a temporary table. (Bug #22503696)
This construct works for base tables to insert a row using all default values but failed for views:
(Bug #15988466, Bug #67863)
In some cases, the server issued an error when an invisible index was used in an index hint even
when the use_invisible_indexes optimizer switch was not set to OFF. (Bug #100024, Bug
Regular expression functions such as REGEXP_LIKE() yielded inconsistent results with binary string
arguments. These functions now reject binary strings with an error. (Bug #98950, Bug #98951, Bug
#31031886, Bug #31031888)
When range values specified in a predicate are not compatible with the data type of the column with
which the values are compared, the range optimizer rounds off the range values and assigns certain
flags so that it does not exclude rows that qualify for the range because of rounding. In the specific
query that triggered the reported issue, a column named id of type INT was tested using id NOT
IN (-0.1, 0.1), and the values being tested are rounded to integers, with the predicate thus
being treated as NOT IN (0,0). The optimizer then treats this as the intervals id < 0 and 0 <
id < 0, but in this case it also set a flag to a value that indicated that reads should begin following
rows containing 0 for the value to be compared. Now in such cases, the flag is set in such a way that
the values which have been rounded are treated correctly. (Bug #98826, Bug #30988735)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #80244, Bug #22661012.
For a view based on a join having an updatable part and one that was not, the error message
generated when attempting to update a column of this view that was not updatable referenced the
source table or view instead of the view actually named in the offending UPDATE statement. (Bug
#80655, Bug #22891840)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.21 (2020-07-13, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
In the documentation for MySQL 8.0.21, we have started changing the term “master” to “source”, the
term “slave” to “replica”, the term “whitelist” to “allowlist”, and the term “blacklist” to “blocklist”. There
are currently no changes to the product's syntax, so these terms are still present in the documentation
where the current code requires their use. See the blog post MySQL Terminology Updates for more
Account Management Notes
C API Notes
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
Connection Management Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
JSON Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Security Notes
Test Suite Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
You can now set per-user comments and attributes when creating or updating MySQL user
accounts. A user comment consists of arbitrary text passed as the argument to a COMMENT clause
used with a CREATE USER or ALTER USER statement. A user attribute consists of data in the form
of a JSON object passed as the argument to an ATTRIBUTE clause used with either of these two
statements. The attribute can contain any valid key-value pairs in JSON object notation.
For example, the first of the following two statements creates a user account bill@localhost with
the comment text This is Bill's user account. The second statement adds a user attribute
to this account, using the key email, with the value [email protected].
CREATE USER 'bill'@'localhost' COMMENT 'This is Bill\'s user account';
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ALTER USER 'mary'@'localhost'
ATTRIBUTE '{"email":"[email protected]"}';
Only one of COMMENT or ATTRIBUTE can be used in the same CREATE USER or ALTER USER
User comments and user attributes are stored together internally as a JSON object,
with the comment text as the value of an element with the key comment. You can
information retrieve user comments and user attributes from the ATTRIBUTE column of the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.USER_ATTRIBUTES table; since this data is in JSON format, you can work
with it using MySQL's JSON function and operators (see JSON Functions). Changes to an existing
user attribute are merged with its current value, as you had used JSON_MERGE_PATCH(); new key-
value pairs are appended to the attribute, and new values for existing keys overwrite their previous
To remove a given key-value pair from a user attribute, use ALTER USER user ATTRIBUTE
For more information and examples, see CREATE USER Statement, ALTER USER Statement, and
References: See also: Bug #31067575.
C API Notes
Per OpenSSL recommendation, x509_check_host() and X509_check_ip_asc() calls in
the C client library were replaced, respectively, with X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_host() and
X509_VERIFY_PARAM_set1_ip_asc() calls. (Bug #29684791)
The MySQL C API now supports compression for asynchronous functions. This means that the
for the mysql_options() function now affect asynchronous operations, not just synchronous
operations. See mysql_options().
Our thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #96802, Bug #30284871, WL #13510)
Compilation Notes
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.72.0. (Bug #30963985)
Configuration Notes
tcmalloc is no longer a permitted value for the mysqld_safe --malloc-lib option. (Bug
Connection Management Notes
MySQL Server supports a “main” network interface for ordinary client connections, and optionally
an administrative network interface for administrative client connections. Previously, the main and
administrative interfaces used the same TLS configuration, such as the certificate and key files for
encrypted connections. It is now possible to configure TLS material separately for the administrative
There are new configuration parameters that apply specifically to the administrative interface.
The ALTER INSTANCE RELOAD TLS statement is extended with a FOR CHANNEL clause that
enables specifying the channel (interface) for which to reload the TLS context.
The new Performance Schema tls_channel_status table exposes TLS context properties for
the main and administrative interfaces.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For backward compatibility, the administrative interface uses the same TLS context as the main
interface unless some nondefault TLS parameter value is configured for the administrative
For more information, see Administrative Interface Support for Encrypted Connections, ALTER
INSTANCE Statement, and The tls_channel_status Table. (WL #13850)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Partitioning: Columns with index prefixes are not supported as part of a table's partitioning key;
previously such columns were simply omitted by the server when referenced in creating, altering, or
upgrading a table that was partitioned by key, with no indication that this omission had taken place,
except when the proposed partitioning function used only columns with prefixes, in which case the
statement failed with an error message that did not identify the actual source of the problem. This
behavior is now deprecated, and subject to removal in a future release in which using any such
columns in the proposed partitioning key will cause the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement
in which they occur to be rejected.
When one or more columns using index prefixes are specified as part of the partitioning key, a
warning is now generated for each such column. In addition, when a CREATE TABLE or ALTER
TABLE statement is rejected because all columns specified in the proposed partitioning key employ
index prefixes, the error message returned now makes clear the reason the statement did not
succeed. This includes cases in which the columns proposed the partitioning function are defined
implicitly as those in the table's primary key by employing an empty PARTITION BY KEY() clause.
For more information and examples, see Column index prefixes not supported for key partitioning,
and KEY Partitioning. (Bug #29941932, Bug #29941959, Bug #31100205, WL #13588)
References: See also: Bug #29942014.
JSON Notes
Added the JSON_VALUE() function, which simplifies creating indexes on JSON columns. A
call to JSON_VALUE(json_doc, path RETURNING type) is equivalent to calling CAST(
JSON_UNQUOTE( JSON_EXTRACT(json_doc, path) ) AS type), where json_doc is a
JSON document, path is a JSON path expression pointing to a single value within the document,
and type is a data type compatible with CAST(). RETURNING type is optional; if no return type is
specified, JSON_VALUE() returns VARCHAR(512).
JSON_VALUE() also supports ON EMPTY and ON ERROR clauses similar to those used with
You can create indexes on a JSON column using JSON_VALUE() as shown here:
CREATE TABLE inventory(
items JSON,
INDEX i1 ( (JSON_VALUE(items, '$.name' RETURNING CHAR(50))) ),
INDEX i2 ( (JSON_VALUE(items, '$.price' RETURNING DECIMAL(5,2))) ),
INDEX i3 ( (JSON_VALUE(items, '$.quantity' RETURNING UNSIGNED)) )
Assuming the items column contains values such as '{"name": "hat", "price": "22.95",
"quantity": "17"}', you can issue queries, such as the following, that are able to use these
SELECT items->"$.price" FROM inventory
WHERE JSON_VALUE(items, '$.name' RETURNING CHAR(50)) = "hat";
SELECT * FROM inventory
WHERE JSON_VALUE(items, '$.price' RETURNING DECIMAL(5,2)) <= 100.01;
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
SELECT items->"$.name" AS item, items->"$.price" AS amount
FROM inventory
WHERE JSON_VALUE(items, '$.quantity' RETURNING UNSIGNED) > 500;
For more information and examples, see the description of the JSON_VALUE() function. (WL
Optimizer Notes
MySQL attempts to use an ordered index for any ORDER BY or GROUP BY query that has a LIMIT
clause, overriding any other choices made by the optimizer, whenever it determines that this would
result in faster execution. Because the algorithm for making this determination makes certain
assumptions about data distribution and other conditions, it may not always be completely correct,
and it is possible in some cases that choosing a different optimization for such queries can provide
better performance. To handle such occurrences, it is now possible to disable this optimization by
setting the optimizer_switch system variable's prefer_ordering_index flag to off.
For more information about this flag and examples of its use, see Switchable Optimizations, and
LIMIT Query Optimization.
Our thanks to Jeremy Cole for the contribution. (Bug #97001, Bug #30348211, WL #13929)
References: See also: Bug #31686878.
A single-table UPDATE or DELETE statement that uses a subquery having a [NOT] IN or [NOT]
EXISTS predicate can now in many cases make use of a semijoin transformation or subquery
materialization. This can be done when the statement does not use LIMIT or ORDER BY, and when
semijoin or subquery materialization is allowed by any optimizer hints used in the subquery, or by the
value of the optimizer_switch server system variable.
You can see when the semijoin optimization or subquery materialization is used for an eligible single-
table DELETE or UPDATE due to the presence of a join_optimization object in the optimizer
trace. You can also see that the conversion is performed by checking the output of EXPLAIN
FORMAT=TREE; if the optimization is not performed, this shows <not executable by iterator
executor>, while a multi-table statement reports a full plan.
As part of this work, semi-consistent reads are now supported by multi-table UPDATE of InnoDB
tables, when the transaction isolation level is weaker than REPEATABLE READ. (Bug #35794, Bug
#96423, Bug #11748293, Bug #30139244, WL #6507)
Added the optimizer_switch flag subquery_to_derived. When this flag is set to on, the
optimizer transforms eligible scalar subqueries into left outer joins (and in some cases, inner
joins) on derived tables. This optimization can be applied to a subquery which meets the following
It uses one or more aggregate functions but no GROUP BY.
It is part of a SELECT, WHERE, JOIN, or HAVING clause.
It is not a correlated subquery.
It does not make use of any nondeterminstic functions.
ANY and ALL subqueries which can be rewritten to use MIN() or MAX() are also not affected.
With subquery_to_derived=on, the optimization can also be applied to a table subquery which
is the argument to IN, NOT IN, EXISTS, or NOT EXISTS, and which does not contain a GROUP BY
The subquery_to_derived flag is set to off by default, since it generally does not improve
performance, and its intended use for the most part is for testing purposes.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For more information, see Switchable Optimizations, for more information and examples. See also
Optimizing Derived Tables, View References, and Common Table Expressions with Merging or
Materialization, and LIMIT Query Optimization. (WL #13851)
Building on work done in MySQL 8.0.18, the server now performs injection of casts into queries to
avoid mismatches when comparing string data types with those of numeric or temporal types; as
when comparing numeric and temporal types, the optimizer now adds casting operations in the item
tree inside expressions and conditions in which the data type of the argument and the expected data
type do not match. This makes queries in which string types are compared with numeric or temporal
types equivalent to queries which are compliant with the SQL standard, while maintaining backwards
compatibility with previous releases of MySQL. Such casts are now performed whenever string
values are compared to numeric or temporal values using any of the standard numeric comparison
operators (=, >=, >, <, <=, <>/!=, and <=>).
Such implicit casts are now performed between a string type (CHAR, VARCHAR, BINARY,
value to DOUBLE; if the numeric value is not already of type DOUBLE, FLOAT, or REAL, it is also
cast to DOUBLE. A YEAR value is also cast to DOUBLE when compared with a string value (as is the
string value). For such comparisons between string types and TIMESTAMP or DATETIME values, the
arguments are cast as DATETIME; when a string type is compared with a DATE value, the string is
cast to DATE.
For example, a query such as SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.char_col = t2.int_col
is rewritten and executed as SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON CAST(t1.char_col AS
DOUBLE) = CAST(t2.int_col AS DOUBLE), and SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON
t1.varchar_col = t2.timestamp_col is transformed to SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON
CAST(t1.varchar_col AS DATETIME) = CAST(t2.timestamp_col AS DATETIME) prior
to execution.
You can see when casts are injected into a given query by viewing the output of
[FORMAT=TRADITIONAL] can also be used, but in this case it is necessary, following execution of
the EXPLAIN statement, to issue SHOW WARNINGS to view the rewritten query.
This change is not expected to cause any difference in query results or performance. (WL #13456)
Packaging Notes
For RPM and Debian packages, client-side plugins were moved from the server package to the client
package. Additionally, debug versions of client-side plugins were moved to the test package. (Bug
#31123564, Bug #31336340)
MSI packages for Windows no longer include the legacy server data component. (Bug #31060177)
The bundled Protobuf library was upgraded from version 3.6.1 to version 3.11. (Bug #31000511, Bug
The libevent library bundled with MySQL was upgraded to version 2.1.11. In addition, for the
WITH_LIBEVENT CMake option, the following two changes were made:
1. yes is no longer permitted as a synonym for system. Use system instead.
2. If system is specified but no system libevent is found, the bundled version is no longer used
in place of the missing system library, and an error occurs instead.
(Bug #30926742)
The ICU (International Components for Unicode) library bundled with MySQL has been upgraded to
version 65.1.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Pluggable Authentication
The MySQL Enterprise Edition authentication_ldap_sasl plugin that
implements SASL LDAP authentication supports multiple authentication methods,
but depending on host system configuration, they might not all be available. The new
Authentication_ldap_sasl_supported_methods status variable provides discoverability for
the supported methods. Its value is a string consisting of supported method names separated by
spaces. Example: "SCRAM-SHA1 GSSAPI" (WL #13876)
Security Notes
Incompatible Change: Access to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table now requires the
PROCESS privilege.
This change affects users of the mysqldump command, which accesses tablespace information in
the FILES table, and thus now requires the PROCESS privilege as well. Users who do not need to
dump tablespace information can work around this requirement by invoking mysqldump with the --
no-tablespaces option. (Bug #30350829)
For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL library for MySQL
Server has been updated to version 1.1.1g. Issues fixed in the new OpenSSL version are described
at and
(Bug #31296697)
Previously, LOCAL data loading capability for the LOAD DATA statement could be controlled on
the client side only by enabling it for all files accessible to the client, or by disabling it altogether.
The new MYSQL_OPT_LOAD_DATA_LOCAL_DIR option for the mysql_options() C API function
enables clients to restrict LOCAL data loading to files located in a designated directory. See Security
Considerations for LOAD DATA LOCAL. (WL #13168)
Test Suite Notes no longer accepts unique prefixes of command options. Complete option
names must be given. (Bug #31390127)
MySQL tests were updated to use googletest 1.10.0. (Bug #31364750)
The innodb.innodb_mysql test case was updated to avoid nondeterminism of output row order.
Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #30810572, Bug #98377) now supports an --mtr-port-exclude option for specifying the range
of ports to exclude when searching for available port ranges to use. The MTR_PORT_EXCLUDE
environment variable may also be set to achieve the same effect. Thanks to Facebook for the
contribution. (Bug #30809607)
In addition to aborting on receipt of CTRL+C (SIGINT), now also displays a
list of test cases that failed up to that point. (Bug #30407014)
X Plugin Notes
Where a dollar sign ($) was used to reference an entire document, X Plugin handled the reference
differently depending on the context in which it was used. This has now been standardized. (Bug
With certain settings for the global SQL mode, X Plugin's authentication process failed to accept a
correct user password. The authentication process now operates independently from the global SQL
mode's setting to ensure consistency. (Bug #31086109)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change; Group Replication: By default, a replication source server writes a checksum
for each event in the binary log, as specified by the system variable binlog_checksum, which
defaults to the setting CRC32. Previously, Group Replication did not support the presence of
checksums in the binary log, so binlog_checksum had to be set to NONE when configuring a
server instance that would become a group member. This requirement is now removed, and the
default can be used. The setting for binlog_checksum does not have to be the same for all
members of a group.
Note that Group Replication does not use checksums to verify incoming events on the
group_replication_applier channel, because events are written to that relay log from
multiple sources and before they are actually written to the originating server's binary log, which
is when a checksum is generated. Checksums are used to verify the integrity of events on the
group_replication_recovery channel and on any other replication channels on group
members. (WL #9038)
Performance: Improved the implementation of the UNHEX() function by introducing a lookup table
for mapping a hexadecimal digit string to its binary representation. This change speeds up execution
of the function by a factor of 8 or more in testing. (Bug #31173103)
InnoDB: Redo logging can now be enabled and disabled using ALTER INSTANCE {ENABLE|
DISABLE} INNODB REDO_LOG syntax. This functionality is intended for loading data into a new
MySQL instance. Disabling redo logging helps speed up data loading by avoiding redo log writes.
The new INNODB_REDO_LOG_ENABLE privilege permits enabling and disabling redo logging.
The new Innodb_redo_log_enabled status variable permits monitoring redo logging status.
See Disabling Redo Logging. (WL #13795)
InnoDB: Truncating an undo tablespace on a busy system could affect performance due to
associated flushing operations that remove old undo tablespace pages from the buffer pool and flush
the initial pages of the new undo tablespace to disk. To address this issue, the flushing operations
were removed.
Old undo tablespace pages are now released passively as they become least recently used, or are
removed at the next full checkpoint. The initial pages of the new undo tablespace are now redo
logged instead of flushed to disk during the truncate operation, which also improves durability of the
undo tablespace truncate operation.
To prevent potential issues caused by an excessive number of undo tablespace truncate operations,
truncate operations on the same undo tablespace between checkpoints are now limited to 64. If the
limit is exceeded, an undo tablespace can still be made inactive, but it is not truncated until after the
next checkpoint.
INNODB_METRICS counters associated with defunct undo truncate flushing operations
were removed. Removed counters include: undo_truncate_sweep_count,
undo_truncate_sweep_usec, undo_truncate_flush_count, and
See Undo Tablespaces. (WL #11819)
InnoDB: At startup, InnoDB validates the paths of known tablespace files against tablespace
file paths stored in the data dictionary in case tablespace files have been moved to a different
location. The new innodb_validate_tablespace_paths variable permits disabling tablespace
path validation. This feature is intended for environments where tablespaces files are not moved.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Disabling tablespace path validation improves startup time on systems with a large number of
tablespace files.
For more information, see Disabling Tablespace Path Validation. (WL #14008)
InnoDB: Table and table partition data files created outside of the data directory using the DATA
DIRECTORY clause are now restricted to directories known to InnoDB. This change permits
database administrators to control where tablespace data files are created and ensures that the data
files can be found during recovery.
General and file-per-table tablespaces data files (.ibd files) can no longer be created in the undo
tablespace directory (innodb_undo_directory) unless that directly is known to InnoDB.
Known directories are those defined by the datadir, innodb_data_home_dir, and
innodb_directories variables.
Truncating an InnoDB table that resides in a file-per-table tablespace drops the existing tablespace
and creates a new one. As of MySQL 8.0.21, InnoDB creates the new tablespace in the default
location and writes a warning to the error log if the tablespace was created with an earlier version
and the current tablespace directory is unknown. To have TRUNCATE TABLE create the tablespace
in its current location, add the directory to the innodb_directories setting before running
InnoDB: To improve concurrency for operations that require access to lock queues for table and
row resources, the lock system mutex (lock_sys->mutex) was replaced by sharded latches, and
lock queues were grouped into table and page lock queue shards, with each shard protected by a
dedicated mutex. Previously, the single lock system mutex protected all lock queues, which was a
point of contention on high-concurrency systems. The new sharded implementation permits more
granular access to lock queues.
The lock system mutex (lock_sys->mutex) was replaced by the following sharded latches:
A global latch (lock_sys->latches.global_latch) consisting of 64 read-write lock objects
(rw_lock_t). Access to an individual lock queue requires a shared global latch and a latch on the
lock queue shard. Operations that require access to all lock queues take an exclusive global latch,
which latches all table and page lock queue shards.
Table shard latches (lock_sys->latches.table_shards.mutexes), implemented as an
array of 512 mutexes, with each mutex dedicated to one of 512 table lock queue shards.
Page shard latches (lock_sys->latches.page_shards.mutexes), implemented as an array
of 512 mutexes, with each mutex dedicated to one of 512 page lock queue shards.
The Performance Schema wait/synch/mutex/innodb/lock_mutex instrument for monitoring
the single lock system mutex was replaced by instruments for monitoring the new global, table shard,
and page shard latches:
(WL #10314)
Group Replication: Group Replication group members can now advertise a list of IP addresses that
joining members can use to make connections to them for state transfer during distributed recovery.
Previously, the existing member's standard SQL client connection was used for this purpose as well
as for client traffic. Advertising distributed recovery endpoints instead gives you improved control
of distributed recovery traffic (comprising remote cloning operations and state transfer from the
binary log) in your network infrastructure. The list of distributed recovery endpoints for a member
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
is specified using the new group_replication_advertise_recovery_endpoints system
variable, and the same SSL requirements are applied that would be in place if the SQL client
connection was used for distributed recovery. (WL #13767)
Group Replication: You can now specify user credentials for distributed recovery on the START
GROUP_REPLICATION statement using the USER, PASSWORD, and DEFAULT_AUTH options. These
credentials are used for distributed recovery on the group_replication_recovery channel.
When you specify user credentials on START GROUP_REPLICATION, the credentials are saved in
memory only, and are removed by a STOP GROUP_REPLICATION statement or server shutdown.
These credentials can replace user credentials set using a CHANGE MASTER TO statement, which
are stored in the replication metadata repositories, and can therefore help to secure the Group
Replication servers against unauthorized access.
The new method of providing user credentials is not compatible with starting Group Replication
automatically on server start. If user credentials have previously been set using a CHANGE MASTER
TO statement, credentials that you specify on START GROUP_REPLICATION take precedence
over these. However, the credentials from the replication metadata repositories are used if START
GROUP_REPLICATION is specified without user credentials, which happens on automatic starts if
the group_replication_start_on_boot system variable is set to ON (including after a remote
cloning operation for distributed recovery). To gain the security benefits of specifying user credentials
on START GROUP_REPLICATION, ensure that group_replication_start_on_boot is set
to OFF (the default is ON), and use a CHANGE MASTER TO statement to clear any user credentials
previously set for the group_replication_recovery channel. (WL #13768)
Group Replication: The minimum setting for the maximum size for the XCom message cache
in Group Replication, specified by the group_replication_message_cache_size system
variable, has been reduced from approximately 1 GB to 134217728 bytes, or approximately 128 MB.
Note that this size limit applies only to the data stored in the cache, and the cache structures require
an additional 50 MB of memory. The same cache size limit should be set on all group members.
The default XCom message cache size of 1 GB, which was formerly also the minimum setting, is
The smaller message cache size is provided to enable deployment on a host that has a
restricted amount of available memory and good network connectivity. Having a very low
group_replication_message_cache_size setting is not recommended if the host is on
an unstable network, because a smaller message cache makes it harder for group members to
reconnect after a transient loss of connectivity. If some messages that were exchanged during a
member's temporary absence have been deleted from the other members' XCom message caches
because their maximum size limit was reached, the member cannot reconnect using the message
cache. It must leave the group and rejoin in order to retrieve the transactions through distributed
recovery, which is a slower process than using the message cache, although the member still can
rejoin in this way without operator intervention.
Note that from MySQL 8.0.21, by default an expel timeout of 5 seconds is added before a member is
expelled from the group (specified by the group_replication_member_expel_timeout system
variable). With this default setting the XCom message cache therefore now needs to store the
messages exchanged by the group in a 10-second period (the expel timeout plus the initial 5-second
detection period), rather than in a 5-second period as previously (the initial 5-second detection period
only). (WL #13979)
Group Replication: group_replication_member_expel_timeout specifies the period of time
in seconds that a Group Replication group member waits after creating a suspicion, before expelling
from the group the member suspected of having failed. The initial 5-second detection period before a
suspicion is created does not count as part of this time.
Previously, the waiting period specified by group_replication_member_expel_timeout
defaulted to 0, meaning that a suspected member was liable for expulsion immediately after the
5-second detection period ended. Following user feedback, the waiting period now defaults to 5
seconds, giving a member that loses touch with the group 10 seconds in total to reconnect itself
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
to the group. If the member does reconnect in this time, it can recover missed messages from the
XCom message cache and return to ONLINE state automatically, rather than being expelled from the
group and needing the auto-rejoin procedure or manual operator intervention to rejoin.
If you previously tuned the size of the XCom message cache with reference to the expected volume
of messages in the previous default time before a member was expelled (the 5-second detection
period only), increase your group_replication_message_cache_size setting to account for
the new expel timeout, which doubles the default time to 10 seconds. With the new default expel
timeout you might start to see warning messages from GCS on active group members, stating that a
message that is likely to be needed for recovery by a member that is currently unreachable has been
removed from the message cache. This message shows that a member has had a need to use the
message cache to reconnect, and that the cache size might not be sufficient to support the current
waiting period before a member is expelled. (WL #13773)
Group Replication: The Group Replication auto-rejoin feature is now activated by default. The
group_replication_autorejoin_tries system variable, which is available from MySQL
8.0.16, makes a member that has been expelled or reached its unreachable majority timeout try
to rejoin the group automatically. This system variable, which originally defaulted to 0 so auto-
rejoin was not activated, now defaults to 3, meaning that a member makes three attempts to
rejoin the group in the event of its expulsion or unreachable majority timeout. Between each
attempt the member waits for 5 minutes. If the specified number of tries is exhausted without
the member rejoining or being stopped, the member proceeds to the action specified by the
group_replication_exit_state_action system variable.
The auto-rejoin feature minimizes the need for manual intervention to bring a member back into the
group, especially where transient network issues are fairly common. During and between auto-rejoin
attempts, a member remains in super read only mode and does not accept writes. However, reads
can still be made on the member, with an increasing likelihood of stale reads over time. If you want
to intervene to take the member offline, the member can be stopped manually at any time by using
a STOP GROUP_REPLICATION statement or shutting down the server. If you cannot tolerate the
possibility of stale reads for any period of time, set the group_replication_autorejoin_tries
system variable to 0, in which case operator intervention is required whenever a member is expelled
from the group or reaches its unreachable majority timeout. (WL #13706)
Previously, the --disabled-storage-engines option did not ignore spaces around storage
engines listed in the option value. Spaces around engine names are now ignored. (Bug #31373361,
Bug #99632)
The new HANDLE_FATAL_SIGNALS CMake option enables configuring whether Address Sanitizer
and Undefined Behavior Sanitizer builds use the sanitizer runtime library to handle fatal signals
rather than a MySQL-internal function. The option default is ON for non-sanitizer builds, OFF for
sanitizer builds. If the option is OFF, the default action is used for SIGBUS, SIGILL and SIGSEGV,
rather than the internal function. (Bug #31068443)
Using a column that is repeated twice or more in GROUP BY (through an alias), combined with
ROLLUP, had behavior differing from MySQL 5.7. Example:
Behavior of such queries has been changed to better match MySQL 5.7. They should be avoided,
however, because behavior may change again in the future or such queries may become illegal.
(Bug #30921780, Bug #98663)
comp_err provides better error messages for certain input file issues. Thanks to Facebook for the
contribution. (Bug #30810629, Bug #98390)
MySQL Server Docker containers now support server restart within a client session (which happens,
for example, when the RESTART statement is executed by a client or during the configuration of
an InnoDB Cluster instance). To enable this important feature, containers should be started with
the docker run option --restart set to the value on-failure. See Starting a MySQL Server
Instance for details. (Bug #30750730)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
EXPLAIN ANALYZE now supports the FORMAT option. Currently, TREE is the only supported format.
(Bug #30315224)
ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE INNODB MASTER KEY is no longer permitted when read_only or
super_read_only are enabled. (Bug #30274240)
On storage engines that support atomic DDL, the CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement is now
logged as one transaction in the binary log when row-based replication is in use. Previously, it was
logged as two transactions, one to create the table, and the other to insert data. With this change,
CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statements are now safe for row-based replication and permitted
for use with GTID-based replication. For more information, see Atomic Data Definition Statement
Support. (Bug #11756034, Bug #47899, WL #13355)
LOAD XML now supports CDATA sections in the XML file to be imported. (Bug #98199, Bug
X Plugin's mysqlx_bind_address system variable now accepts multiple IP addresses like MySQL
Server's bind_address system variable does, enabling X Plugin to listen for TCP/IP connections
on multiple network sockets.
An important difference in behavior is that for MySQL Server, any error in the list of addresses
prevents the server from starting, but X Plugin (which is not a mandatory plugin) does not do this.
With X Plugin, if one of the listed addresses cannot be parsed or if X Plugin cannot bind to it, the
address is skipped, an error message is logged, and X Plugin attempts to bind to each of the
remaining addresses. X Plugin's Mysqlx_address status variable displays only those addresses
from the list for which the bind succeeded. If none of the listed addresses results in a successful
bind, X Plugin logs an error message stating that X Protocol cannot be used. (WL #12715)
added to CREATE TABLESPACE and ALTER TABLESPACE syntax. The new options, which permit
defining storage engine attributes for tables, columns, indexes, and tablespaces, are reserved for
future use.
The following INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables were added for querying storage engine attributes for
tables, columns, indexes, and tablespaces. Values are stored in the data dictionary. The tables are
reserved for future use.
(WL #13341)
The default logging level for MySQL Server omits informational log messages, which previously
included some significant lifecycle events for Group Replication that were non-error situations, such
as a group membership change. Messages about significant events for a replication group have now
been reclassified as system messages, so they always appear in the server error log regardless
of the server logging level. Operators can therefore review a complete history of the server's
membership in a replication group. In addition, socket bind errors on the group communication layer
have been reclassified from information to error messages. (WL #13769)
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: A GROUP BY operation on a JSON array column caused failures in an UBSan build of
MySQL due to incorrect type casting. (Bug #31451475)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Several InnoDB error log messages were defined without symbolic values. (Bug
InnoDB: The file segment for a single page write was not released after a data file write failure
associated with a doublewrite flush and sync operation. (Bug #31370227)
InnoDB: Code that was accessed when undo tablespace truncation used the same space ID before
and after a truncate operation was removed. That scenario no longer occurs. The truncated undo
tablespace is replaced by a new undo tablespace datafile with a different space ID. (Bug #31354435)
InnoDB: The range of reserved space IDs for undo tablespaces was increased from 512 per undo
tablespace to 400000. (Bug #31340834)
InnoDB: An error that occurred while inserting a log into the ddl_log table was not returned
making it appear as though the operation was successful, and a transaction was not registered while
performing a tablespace encryption operation. (Bug #31236217)
InnoDB: The lob::purge() function did not free LOBs correctly for an undo log record type
(TRX_UNDO_UPD_DEL_REC) that is generated when an insert operation modifies a delete-marked
record. (Bug #31222046, Bug #99339)
InnoDB: A shutdown error occurred following an attempt to rebuild a discarded partition. (Bug
InnoDB: The internal get_real_path() function, responsible for retrieving directory or a file path,
was modified to strip trailing separators before determining if a path is a file or directory. Additionally,
if a path does not exist or cannot be identified as a file or subdirectory, the function now assumes the
path is a file if the basename has a three letter suffix. (Bug #31215160)
InnoDB: Tablespace-related error messages were revised. (Bug #31205520, Bug #31205441)
InnoDB: To avoid potential compilation issues, __attribute__((const)) and
__attribute__((pure)) attributes were removed from internal InnoDB functions. (Bug
InnoDB: The parallel read thread limit was not observed when spawning read threads for histogram
sampling, causing an assertion failure. (Bug #31151218)
InnoDB: The transaction read view was not checked when sampling records for generation of
histogram statistics. (Bug #31151077)
InnoDB: An I/O completion routine was not able acquire an LRU list mutex due to a latch held by
another thread. (Bug #31128739)
InnoDB: An attachable transaction thread requested an InnoDB ticket that was already reserved by
the main thread, causing a deadlock. Additionally, the server failed to respond to KILL statements in
this deadlock scenario. (Bug #31090777)
InnoDB: The INNODB_METRICS table AVG_COUNT_RESET value for a counter defined as a module
owner reported NULL. The METRIC_AVG_VALUE_RESET field was incorrectly marked as NULL.
Thanks to Fungo Wang for the contribution. (Bug #31084706, Bug #98990)
InnoDB: At startup, following an unexpected stoppage during an undo tablespace truncate
operation, some rollback segment header pages were found to be corrupted. Encryption of rollback
segment header pages was initiated while the header pages were being written, resulting in some
header pages not being encrypted, as expected. (Bug #31045160)
InnoDB: Various aspects of the lock system (lock_sys) code were refactored, and issues with
lock_sys lock_rec_block_validate() and lock_test_prdt_pacge_lock() functions
were fixed. The lock_rec_block_validate() function called another function repeatedly, which
could result in locks not being validated under certain circumstances. The implementation also had a
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
potential quadratic time complexity. The lock_test_prdt_page_lock() function did not iterate
over all locks as intended. (Bug #31001732)
InnoDB: Use of memory-mapped files after exceeding the temptable_max_ram threshold caused
a performance degradation. (Bug #30952983, Bug #98739)
InnoDB: In debug mode, a DROP TABLE operation on a table with an incorrectly defined
COMPRESSION clause caused a failure. InnoDB did not return an error to the caller for proper
handling. (Bug #30899683, Bug #98593)
InnoDB: Purge thread activity was excessive when the history list length approached zero, wasting
CPU resource and causing mutex contention. (Bug #30875956)
InnoDB: A regression introduced in MySQL 8.0.18 affected
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_COLUMNS query performance. Schema and table data dictionary
objects were fetched repeatedly to retrieve partition column information. (Bug #30837086, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #93033, Bug #28869903.
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE ... IMPORT TABLESPACE operation with a .cfg file failed with an
“Incorrect key file for table” error. The row_import::m_flags member was not initialized. (Bug
InnoDB: A DROP TABLE operation performed after discarding a partition did not remove the
associated data files, and DROP DATABASE failed with an error indicating that the database directory
could not be removed. Upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 also failed if a partitioned table with a
discarded partition was present. The DISCARD attribute was applied to the table object instead of the
partition object in the data dictionary, which made it appear that all partitions were discarded. (Bug
InnoDB: The server failed intermittently with an “ibuf cursor restoration fails” error. (Bug #30770380,
Bug #91033)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that copied data from one table to another returned an “Out
of range value for column” error. The counter that tracks the number of AUTO_INCREMENT rows
required for a multi-row insert operation was not always set back to zero after a bulk insert operation.
(Bug #30765952, Bug #98211)
InnoDB: The internal TempTable records_in_range() handler function contained a
DBUG_ABORT() call that caused assertion failures in debug builds, and empty result sets in regular
builds for some queries. (Bug #30716037)
InnoDB: The btr_cur_pessimistic_update() function failed to handle a cursor position
change caused by a lob::purge() call. (Bug #30712878)
InnoDB: A type conversion failure during a DELETE IGNORE operation caused an assertion failure.
A JSON value was not converted to the expected value. (Bug #30664660)
InnoDB: A purge operation encountered a null LOB reference, causing an assertion failure. (Bug
InnoDB: Chunk size was not calculated correctly when deallocating memory from the TempTable
storage engine, causing a regression in SELECT DISTINCT query performance. (Bug #30562964)
InnoDB: A segmentation fault occurred in the TempTable storage engine while using the thread pool
plugin. TempTable thread-local variables were not compatible with the use of different threads for
statements issued by a single client connection. Use of thread local variables also lead to excessive
memory consumption due to the memory used by thread-local variables remaining allocated for
the life of the thread. To address these issues, thread-local variables were replaced by a caching
mechanism. (Bug #30050452, Bug #31116036, Bug #99136)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A fatal “page still fixed or dirty” error occurred during shutdown. (Bug #29759555, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29207450.
Partitioning: A query against a partitioned table, which used an ORDER BY, returned unordered
results under the following conditions:
The table had a composite index with a prefix on one of the columns.
The query's WHERE clause contained an equality condition on the prefixed column.
The column with the prefix was the leftmost column in the index.
The column used in the ORDER BY was the rightmost column in the index.
The index was used for handling the ORDER BY.
Our thanks to Quanan Han for the suggestion. (Bug #84070, Bug #25207522)
Replication: If a group's consistency level (set by the group_replication_consistency
system variable) was set to BEFORE or BEFORE_AND_AFTER, it was possible for a deadlock to
occur in the event of a primary failover. The primary failover is now registered differently to avoid this
situation. (Bug #31175066, Bug #98643)
Replication: When a replication source server shuts down and restarts, its MEMORY tables become
empty. To replicate this effect to replicas, the first time that the source uses a given MEMORY table
after startup, it notifies replicas that the table must be emptied by writing a DELETE statement for
that table to the binary log. Previously, the generated DELETE statement was written to the binary
log statement cache for the current session, which could result in it being logged together with other
statements under the same GTID, or logged without BEGIN and COMMIT statements. Also, in some
situations, the generated DELETE statement could consume the GTID intended for the transaction
that triggered it. The generated DELETE statement is now logged with accompanying BEGIN and
COMMIT statements, and the resulting transaction is flushed to the binary log immediately after it is
written to the statement cache, so that it always receives its own GTID and is kept separate from
other transactions. (Bug #30527929, Bug #25681518, Bug #77729)
Replication: Following a patch in MySQL 8.0.14, if a function call contained operations on temporary
tables, it could be written to the binary log in statement format when binlog_format = MIXED
was set. This led to CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statements being incorrectly written to the binary
log if they contained a function call. Following further analysis, operations on temporary tables in
stored functions and triggers are now marked as unsafe for binary logging in statement format, as
they have a strong chance of causing issues with replication. When binlog_format = MIXED is
set, these operations are now logged in row format. (Bug #30395151, Bug #30320009)
Replication: A fix made in MySQL 8.0.14 and MySQL 5.7.25 for a deadlock scenario
involving the system variables binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking and
binlog_transaction_dependency_history_size had the side effect of leaving the writeset
history used for transaction dependency tracking unprotected from concurrent update. The writeset
history and tracking mode are now locked correctly whenever they are accessed. (Bug #29719364,
Bug #95181)
References: See also: Bug #28511326, Bug #91941.
Replication: If a CHANGE MASTER TO statement was issued with MASTER_USER specified as
empty (MASTER_USER=''), the statement succeeded and cleared any previously specified user
name in the replication metadata repositories. However, if information was subsequently read from
the repositories, for example during an automatic restart of a Group Replication channel, a default
user name could be substituted for the channel. This issue has now been fixed, so from MySQL
8.0.21, it is a valid approach to set an empty MASTER_USER user name if you always provide user
credentials using the START SLAVE statement or START GROUP_REPLICATION statement that
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
starts the replication channel. This approach means that the replication channel always needs
operator intervention to restart, but the user credentials are not recorded in the replication metadata
The documentation for the CHANGE MASTER TO statement has also been corrected to clarify that it
is possible to specify MASTER_USER='', and the resulting error occurs only if you attempt to start
the replication channel with the empty credentials. (Bug #27357189)
Group Replication: A global value that is set for the group_replication_consistency
system variable, which controls all user connections, is applied on Group Replication's
internal connections to MySQL Server modules using the SQL API, which are handled
in a similar way to user connections. This could sometimes lead to Group Replication
reporting the use of group_replication_consistency as an error, for example when
checking the clone plugin status during distributed recovery. Such internal connections using
the SQL API now use consistency level EVENTUAL, which matches the behavior before
group_replication_consistency was available, and does not cause an error message. (Bug
#31303354, Bug #99345)
Group Replication: On Windows, Group Replication's use of the Windows API function
SleepConditionVariableCS to wait for new write events caused noticeably high CPU usage
by this function after Group Replication had been running for two days or more, which could
be corrected by restarting the MySQL server instance, but then increased again over time as
before. This was caused by the use of two clock functions to calculate the timeout after which the
SleepConditionVariableCS function was called, which drifted relative to each other over time, making
the timeout progressively shorter and the calls to the function more frequent. The issue has been
corrected on Windows by using the current time from a single clock to calculate the timeout. (Bug
Group Replication: If Group Replication was stopped while distributed recovery was in progress,
memory issues could result from an attempt to access the record of the member that was selected
as the donor. This record is now kept locally with the distributed recovery state. (Bug #31069563)
Group Replication: When distributed recovery for Group Replication involves a remote cloning
operation, the flag set on the server to indicate this remains set until the server instance is restarted.
Previously, if Group Replication was stopped and restarted on the server, that flag caused Group
Replication to purge the relay log files for the group_replication_applier channel, as is
required on starting after a remote cloning operation to ensure that there is no mismatch with the
cloned data tables. If there were any unapplied transactions in the purged relay log files, the member
could not subsequently be used to bootstrap a group, although it could successfully join a group
by retrieving the transactions from another member. Group Replication now ignores the flag on its
second or subsequent starts, and only purges the relay log files the first time it is started after a
remote cloning operation. (Bug #31059680)
Group Replication: To avoid the possibility of data inconsistency, Group Replication blocks a
new incarnation of the same server (with the same address but a new identifier) from joining the
group while its old incarnation is still listed as a member. Previously, the Group Replication Group
Communication System (GCS) treated the connection to the old incarnation of a server as active
while it was attempting to send messages to the server, and only recognized that the connection was
inactive when the socket returned an error, which might take a significant amount of time. During that
period, the new incarnation of the server was unable to join the group because the existing members
did not connect to it, as they were still waiting on the connection to the old incarnation. Now, GCS
only treats a connection to a server as active while messages can be sent to it successfully. If the
socket is no longer writeable, the server connection is treated as inactive and is proactively closed.
The connection close triggers the group member to attempt reconnection to that server address,
upon which a connection is established to the new incarnation of the server, enabling the new
incarnation to join the group. (Bug #30770577)
Group Replication: Group Replication did not broadcast a notification when switching from single-
primary mode to multi-primary mode. The change is now notified for use in routing. (Bug #30738896)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group Replication: Setting the group_replication_force_members system variable to force a
specified membership for a group could fail if another member had already requested the expulsion
of the member that was driving the group_replication_force_members operation. The
operation to implement the configuration specified by the group_replication_force_members
system variable forced any pending group reconfigurations to take place first. If one of those
successfully expelled the member where the system variable had been set, because the expel
timeout that was set on the member had expired, the operation timed out and failed to complete. To
avoid this situation, Group Replication now proceeds directly to implementing the new configuration
specified by the group_replication_force_members system variable, and ignores any other
pending group reconfigurations. (Bug #29820966)
Group Replication: Group Replication tracking of connections to other group members only took
into account the incoming connections, not the outgoing connections. This meant if the outgoing
connection from member A to member B was broken, for example by a firewall configuration issue,
but the incoming connection from member B to member A was intact, member A would display
member B's status as ONLINE, although member A's messages were not reaching member B.
Member B would display member A's status as UNREACHABLE. Now, if a group member starts
to receive pings from another group member to which it has an active connection (in this case,
if member A received pings from member B), this is treated as an indicator of an issue with the
connection. If sufficient pings are received, the connection is shut down by the recipient of the pings
(in this case, member A), so that the status of the connection is consistent for both members. (Bug
#25660161, Bug #84796)
JSON: When the expression and path passed to JSON_TABLE() yielded a JSON null, the function
raised an error instead of returning SQL NULL as required. (Bug #31345503)
JSON: In MySQL 5.7, and in MySQL 8.0 prior to 8.0.17, the server attempted to convert JSON
boolean values to their SQL counterparts when testing them directly with IS TRUE, as shown here:
mysql> CREATE TABLE test (id INT, col JSON);
mysql> INSERT INTO test VALUES (1, '{"val":true}'), (2, '{"val":false}');
mysql> SELECT id, col, col->"$.val" FROM test WHERE col->"$.val" IS TRUE;
| id | col | col->"$.val" |
| 1 | {"val": true} | true |
As the result of work done in MySQL 8.0.17 to ensure that all predicates in SQL conditions are
complete (that is, a condition of the form WHERE value is rewritten as WHERE value <> 0),
and that a NOT IN or NOT EXISTS condition in a WHERE or ON clause is converted to an antijoin,
evaluation of a JSON value in an SQL boolean context performs an implicit comparison against
JSON integer 0. This means that the query shown previously returns the following result in MySQL
8.0.17 and later:
mysql> SELECT id, col, col->"$.val" FROM test WHERE col->"$.val" IS TRUE;
| id | col | col->"$.val" |
| 1 | {"val": true} | true |
| 2 | {"val": false} | false |
In such cases, the server also now provides a warning: Evaluating a JSON value in SQL
boolean context does an implicit comparison against JSON integer 0; if
this is not what you want, consider converting JSON to a SQL numeric type
with JSON_VALUE RETURNING. Thus, the query can now be rewritten using JSON_VALUE() as
shown here:
mysql> SELECT id, col, col->"$.val" FROM test
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
| id | col | col->"$.val" |
| 1 | {"val": true} | true |
(Bug #31168181)
JSON: A GROUP BY query against a table having a multi-valued index was not always handled
correctly by the server. (Bug #31152942)
If log_error_services was persisted, in some cases it could take effect at the wrong time during
startup. (Bug #31464539)
SHOW CREATE USER after certain manual grant table modifications could cause a server exit. (Bug
Some in-memory updates of partial revokes could produce incorrect privileges. (Bug #31430086)
If log_error_verbosity was set using SET PERSIST, it did not take effect early enough during
server startup to affect InnoDB initialization. (Bug #31410674)
The parser incorrectly raised an assertion before rejecting subqueries in generated column
expressions. (Bug #31396191)
This release makes the following two micro-optimizations for degenerate hash joins (that is, those
with no join conditions):
1. For a degenerate hash antijoin or semijoin, add LIMIT 1 when building the hash table, since
having more rows than this cannot change the result.
2. For a degenerate hash antijoin with a nonempty hash table, avoid scanning the outer side.
Together, these changes handle a performance regression whereby a rewrite to a hash antijoin
caused a NOT EXISTS query which was not rewritten to be executed by the optimizer and be
replaced with “zero rows found”. To handle the case in which a nested loop is used instead, a non-
correlated subquery inside NOT EXISTS is no longer transformed to an antijoin.
This fix also applies to subqueries using constant NOT IN (non_correlated_subquery).
(Bug #31376809)
Configuring with -DWITH_EDITLINE=system resulted in compilation failures for older library
versions. (Bug #31366715)
The upgrade of the bundled libedit library in the previous MySQL distribution caused a problem
for builds using that library such that CTRL+C (SIGINT) in the mysql client required a following
Enter to take effect in some circumstances. (Bug #31360025)
Columns declared with both AUTO_INCREMENT and DEFAULT value expressions are a nonpermitted
combination, but ALTER TABLE failed to produce an error for SET DEFAULT (expr) operations on
AUTO_INCREMENT columns. (Bug #31331454)
It was possible to set the protocol_compression_algorithms system variable to the empty
string. This is no longer permitted. (Bug #31326231)
A lookup function used internally in the MySQL server returns integer -1 when the argument is
ambiguous; this resulted in undefined behavior when this value was converted to an unsigned value
prior to use as an argument in subsequent calculations. Now when the function returns -1, this is
handled as an error and the value is not used further. (Bug #31326120)
Negation of a signed value in certain cases led to undefined behavior; to prevent this from occurring,
the value to be negated is now treated as unsigned. (Bug #31325602)
The WEIGHT_STRING() function did not always return the correct result for an integer argument.
(Bug #31321257)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30776132.
Assigning CONCAT('') or CONCAT_WS('') to a variable set the variable to NULL, not the empty
string. (Bug #31320716, Bug #99485, Bug #31413167, Bug #99722)
Corrected problems where under some circumstances privilege restrictions could be ignored. (Bug
#31306814, Bug #31315692)
Certain SELECT statement privileges to lock rows were not checked properly and could block other
users incorrectly. (Bug #31293065)
When performing a filesort, an internal function could sometimes return NULL on failure, even if the
subselect being sorted was not nullable. (Bug #31281602)
Statement rewriting for the binary log was inefficient on Windows. (Bug #31260698)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30654405.
An inconsistency in representing anonymous users in memory could cause issues while performing
privilege-granting operations. (Bug #31246179)
If the administrative connection interface was enabled, a race condition could lead to problems
accepting Unix socket file connections on the main connection interface. (Bug #31241872)
When a role was granted with WITH ADMIN OPTION, the grantee was able to manage the role only
after activating it. (Bug #31237368)
Invalid rows in the default_roles or role_edges system tables could cause server misbehavior.
(Bug #31217385)
Component deinitialization failure at runtime could lead to repeated messages written to the error log
at shutdown. (Bug #31217037)
The prohibition on granting roles to anonymous users was incompletely enforced. (Bug #31215017)
A privilege-escalation issue was corrected. (Bug #31210226)
The keyring_hashicorp keyring plugin did not perform sufficient validity checking on the values
of its configuration parameters. (Bug #31205363)
The keyring_hashicorp keyring plugin did not permit binary log encryption to be enabled (by
setting the binlog_encryption system variable). (Bug #31204841)
The keyring_hashicorp keyring plugin did not permit an encryption password to be set by the
audit_log plugin. (Bug #31197670)
Some queries using REGEXP_SUBSTR() with an ORDER BY clause were not handled correctly by
the server. (Bug #31184858)
Some instances where pointer arithmetic was applied to nullptr were corrected. (Bug #31172750)
If the available file descriptors were exhausted, mysql_real_connect() caused the client to exit.
(Bug #31151052)
Using the killall command to initiate a mysqld shutdown resulted in no message being logged to
indicate the start of shutdown. This has been corrected. (Bug #31121907)
Calling mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() with an invalid host could cause the client to exit
upon calling mysql_close(). (Bug #31104389, Bug #99112)
For Debian packages, Python 2 dependencies that could cause installation failures were removed.
(Bug #31099324)
A potential memory leak in lf_hash_insert() was fixed. (Bug #31090258, Bug #99078)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Within the LDAP SASL authentication plugins, multiple calls to sasl_client_done() could cause
undefined behavior in some cases. (Bug #31088206)
With the thread pool plugin enabled, high concurrency conditions could cause loss of client context
resulting in a server exit. (Bug #31085322)
For result sets processed using mysql_use_result(), mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking()
did not increment the number of rows, so that after all the rows were fetched, mysql_num_rows()
returned an incorrect number of rows. (Bug #31082201, Bug #99073)
Removed an unneeded optimization for EXISTS() that was never actually evaluated. (Bug
For a server started with the --skip-grant-tables option, enabling the partial_revokes
system variable caused a server exit. (Bug #31066069, Bug #31202963)
Queries that used a recursive common table expression with an outer reference could return
incorrect results. (Bug #31066001, Bug #99025)
The parser could fail for multibyte character sets with a minimum character length greater than 1
byte. (Bug #31063981)
In some cases, the LEAST() function could return NULL for non-nullable input. (Bug #31054254)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25123839.
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() blocked if the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT option
was set. (Bug #31049390, Bug #98980)
The last call to the mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() C API function to return the null row was
setting an error when it should not have. (Bug #31048553, Bug #98947)
On Windows, the default connection type uses a named pipe. The nonblocking C API, which is
intended for TCP/SSL connections, did not take that into account and caused the client to exit. It now
produces an error message indicating the problem. (Bug #31047717)
X Plugin connections that failed to authenticate due to nonexistence of the user modified the global
audit_log_filter_id system variable. (Bug #31025461)
LOAD DATA did not ignore hidden generated columns when parsing input file rows. (Bug #31024266,
Bug #98925)
Pinbox exhaustion in the metadata locking subsystem could produce a misleading error message.
(Bug #31019269, Bug #98911)
CREATE TABLE ... SELECT failed if it included a functional index. (Bug #31017765, Bug #98896)
For X Protocol connections, checking the global session mutex was improved to eliminate a minor
performance degradation as the number of threads increased. (Bug #31000043)
In certain cases, executing a query containing multiple subqueries could lead to an unplanned
shutdown of the server. (Bug #30975826)
Excessive access checks were performed on certain of the data dictionary tables that underlie
INFORMATION_SCHEMA views, resulting in slow SHOW COLUMNS performance. These checks were
reduced to improve performance.
In addition, several SHOW statements implemented as INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries were found
to benefit from enabling the derived_merge flag for the optimizer_switch system variable.
Such queries now internally enable that flag temporarily for better performance, regardless of the flag
session value. Affected queries are:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(Bug #30962261, Bug #98750, Bug #30921214)
Two otherwise identical queries executed separately returned one row when using a case-sensitive
collation and two rows with a case-insensitive collation. When the same two predicates were
combined in a single query using AND, two rows were returned when only one row should have been.
(Bug #30961924)
ALTER TABLE on a SET column that had a display width greater than 255 was not done in place,
even if otherwise possible. (Bug #30943642, Bug #98523)
The server checked whether a number in yottabytes was too large to print by comparing the value as
a double to ULLONG_MAX, which cannot be represented as a double. This caused the double value
immediately above ULLONG_MAX yottabytes to be printed as 0Y, the erroneous conversion being
reported by Clang 10. (Bug #30927590)
Resource group SQL statements such as CREATE RESOURCE GROUP did not work over connections
that use X Protocol. (Bug #30900411)
SHOW GRANTS could display function privileges as procedure privileges. (Bug #30896461, Bug
The audit_log plugin mishandled connection events when multiple clients connected
simultaneously. (Bug #30893593)
The LOCK_ORDER tool reported a syntax error for empty dependency graphs. Empty graphs are now
The LOCK_ORDER tool could exhibit unexpected behavior due to mishandling thread list
maintenance. (Bug #30889192)
Upgrades from MySQL 5.7 did not grant the REPLICATION_APPLIER privilege to root. (Bug
The gen_range() user-defined function could mishandle its arguments, causing a server exit. (Bug
During UPDATE processing, conversion of an internal in-memory table to InnoDB could result in a
key-length error. (Bug #30674616)
Attempts to grant dynamic privileges (which are always global) at the procedure or function level did
not produce an error. (Bug #30628160)
Table value constructors ignored the LIMIT clause. The clause is now taken into account. For
example: VALUES ROW(1), ROW(2), ROW(3) LIMIT 2 outputs 1 and 2. (Bug #30602659)
It is possible to define a column named * (single asterisk character), but SELECT `*` was treated
identically to SELECT *, making it impossible to select only this column in a query; in other words,
the asterisk character was expanded to a list of all table columns even when it was surrounded by
backticks. (Bug #30528450)
The FROM_DAYS() function could produce results that were out of range (with the year > 9999).
(Bug #30455845, Bug #97340)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For debug builds, altering the mysql.func table to MyISAM (not a recommended operation in any
case) caused a server exit. Now this operation is prohibited. (Bug #30248138, Bug #96692)
could be slow due to UNION use in their definitions. These were rewritten to move the UNION into a
LATERAL table to enable the optimizer to better use indexes. (Bug #30216864, Bug #30766181, Bug
In certain cases, a LIMIT clause incorrectly caused the optimizer to estimate that zero rows needed
to be read from a table. (Bug #30204811)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29487181.
An internal packet-length function returned values of the wrong integer type. (Bug #30139031)
Calculations by mysqldump for the length of INSERT statements did not take into account the
_binary character set introducer used for VARBINARY strings. (Bug #29998457, Bug #96053)
The messages printed to the error log during upgrade of partitioned tables defined with prefix keys
did not provide sufficient details. Detailed warnings that indicate the schema, table, column, and
prefix length are now printed. (Bug #29942014)
References: See also: Bug #31100205.
mysql_store_result() could fail to detect invalid data packets. (Bug #29921423)
An assertion was raised if creating a child table in a foreign key relation caused an engine
substitution. (Bug #29899151, Bug #95743)
mysqltest and no longer support the --sleep command-line option.
mysqltest no longer supports the real_sleep command. (Bug #29770237)
The server permitted connections for hosts with names longer than the maximum permitted length
(255 characters). (Bug #29704941)
In a multiple-table UPDATE that updated the key of the first table, if a temporary table strategy was
used, duplicate entries could be written to the temporary table, followed by occurrence of a Can't
find record error. (Bug #28716103)
The server sometimes mistakenly removed a subquery with a GROUP BY when optimizing a query,
even in some cases when this subquery was used by an outer select. This could occur when the
subquery also used an aggregate function. (Bug #28240054)
Coercibility of the NAME_CONST() function was assessed incorrectly. (Bug #26319675)
When reading rows from a storage engine, errors other than “no more records” could be ignored,
leading to problems later. (Bug #20162055)
When a multi-table update used a temporary table, this was not shown in the output of EXPLAIN
FORMAT=TREE, even though such use could have an impact on the performance of the UPDATE
statement for which this was done. (Bug #17978975)
When performing a filesort for removing duplicates, such as when executing SELECT DISTINCT, it
may be necessary to perform another sort afterwards to satisfy an ORDER BY. In cases where such
an ORDER BY had been pushed down into the first table of a join, as opposed to the join as a whole,
this final sort was not actually performed. (Bug #99687, Bug #31397840)
Refactoring work done in MySQL 8.0.20 caused single-row buffering for GROUP BY of non-nullable
columns not to function correctly, not taking into account that such a column could be the inner table
for an outer join, and thus would have a NULL flag that would need to be copied. In a GROUP BY
without a temporary table, this would cause the NULL flag to come from the next output row instead
of the previous one, and the data returned to be inconsistent. (Bug #99398, Bug #31252625)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30460528.
A logical error in the constant folding code for the case in which a constant of type DECIMAL or
FLOAT was the left-hand operand and an integer column value was the right-hand operand yielded
an incorrect result. (Bug #99145, Bug #31110614)
A query whose predicate compared 0 with -0 where at least one of these was a floating-point value
returned incorrect results. (Bug #99122, Bug #31102789)
Reimplemented rollups without using slices. This fixes the following known issues:
A repeating column in a GROUP BY ... WITH ROLLUP yielded the wrong result; that is, a GROUP
BY of the form GROUP BY a, b, a WITH ROLLUP erroneously produced NULL for some of the
column names in the result.
A GROUP BY ... WITH ROLLUP that did not require a temporary table to print the result also
produced an erroneous NULL in place of at least one of the expected column names in the output.
(Bug #98768, Bug #99141, Bug #26227613, Bug #29134467, Bug #30967158, Bug #30969045, Bug
SELECT DISTINCT( HEX( WEIGHT_STRING(varchar_column) ) ) returned a truncated
result. (Bug #98592, Bug #30898753)
Problems with error handling in queries with MAX(), MIN(), or both, combined with a GROUP BY
clause, meant that such a query continued executing until it went through all possible iterations even
when an error should have caused it to terminate immediately. (Bug #98242, Bug #30769515)
After refactoring the type propagation code for LEAST(), GREATEST(), and other functions, as well
as UNION, an adjustment of the result type for data types like ENUM also replaced the calculated
integer data type with a type that could not accommodate both signed and unsigned values. (Bug
#95148, Bug #29698617)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #83895, Bug #25123839.
Changes in MySQL 8.0.20 (2020-04-27, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Account Management Notes
Compilation Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
JSON Notes
Logging Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Pluggable Authentication
SQL Syntax Notes
Test Suite Notes
X Plugin Notes
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
Previously, for a user to access definitions of routines the user did not define, the user was required
to have the global SELECT privilege, which is very broad. The new SHOW_ROUTINE privilege may be
granted instead as a privilege with a more restricted scope that permits access to routine definitions.
(That is, an administrator can rescind global SELECT from users that do not otherwise require it and
grant SHOW_ROUTINE instead.) This enables an account to back up stored routines without requiring
a broad privilege.
SHOW_ROUTINE provides access to:
The contents of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES table.
For upgrades from an older version of MySQL, any user who has the global SELECT privilege is
granted SHOW_ROUTINE, if there is not already some user who has SHOW_ROUTINE. (WL #9049)
Compilation Notes
Solaris: Clang and GCC now can be used for compiling MySQL on Solaris, although both are
experimental and cannot currently be used for production code. (Bug #30562248)
On EL7 and EL8, CMake configuration was adjusted to look for GCC 9 before GCC 8.
Because libmysqlclient ships with MySQL distributions, client applications built against
libmysqlclient on those platforms are affected and may need to be recompiled. (Bug
On Windows, the CMake compiler-version check for Visual Studio was updated to indicate that Visual
Studio 2019 is the currently supported version. (The version check can be bypassed by running
CMake with -DFORCE_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER=1.) (Bug #30688403)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
JSON: Previously, it was possible to specify ON EMPTY and ON ERROR clauses in either order when
invoking the JSON_TABLE() function. This runs counter to the SQL standard, which stipulates that
when ON EMPTY is specified, it must always come before any ON ERROR clause. For this reason,
specifying ON ERROR before ON EMPTY is now deprecated, and trying to do so causes the server to
issue a warning. Support for the nonstandard syntax will be removed in a future version of MySQL.
(WL #13512)
The max_length_for_sort_data system variable is now deprecated due to optimizer changes
that make it obsolete and of no effect. (WL #13600)
References: See also: Bug #30473261.
The use of VALUES() to access new row values in INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
statements is now deprecated, and is subject to removal in a future MySQL release. Instead, you
should use aliases for the new row and its columns as implemented in MySQL 8.0.19 and later.
For example, the statement shown here uses VALUES() to access new row values:
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Henceforth, you should instead use a statement similar to the following, which uses an alias for the
new row:
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) AS new
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c = new.a+new.b;
Alternatively, you can employ aliases for both the new row and each of its columns, as shown here:
INSERT INTO t1 (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6) AS new(m,n,p)
For more information and examples, see INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Statement. (WL
JSON Notes
The rapidjson library included with MySQL has been upgraded to the GitHub snapshot of 16
January 2020. A fix for a compiler error encountered when building from the snapshot on Mac OS X
has been added. (Bug #30898701)
Logging Notes
Sending a SIGHUP signal to the server no longer causes it to write a status report to the error log.
Other actions performed by the server in response to SIGHUP continue to be done. See Unix Signal
Handling in MySQL.
Similarly, mysqladmin debug no longer causes the status report to be written. (Bug #30578923)
The log_sink_json JSON-format error log sink now includes a ts (timestamp) in log messages.
The value is an integer indicating milliseconds since the epoch ('1970-01-01 00:00:00' UTC).
See Error Log Output Format. (WL #13786)
Optimizer Notes
Hash joins are now used any time a nested block loop would be employed. This means that hash
joins can be used for the following types of queries:
Inner non-equi-joins
Left outer joins
Right outer joins
This builds on work done for MySQL 8.0.18, and removes a limitation in the implementation such
that a hash join could be used only with a query having at least one equi-join condition. In addition,
both inner and outer joins (including semijoins and antijoins) can now employ batched key access
(BKA), which allocates join buffer memory incrementally so that individual queries need not use up
large amounts of resources that they do not actually require for resolution. For more information, see
Batched Key Access Joins.
This fix completes the task of replacing the executor used in previous versions of MySQL with the
iterator executor, including replacement of the old index subquery engines that governed queries of
the form WHERE value IN (SELECT column FROM table WHERE condition) for those IN
queries which have not been converted into semijoins, as well as queries materialized into the same
form, which depended on internals from the old executor.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For more information and examples, see Hash Join Optimization. (Bug #30528604, Bug #30473261,
Bug #30912972, WL #13377, WL #13476)
This release implements several new index-level optimizer hints, which function much like existing
index hints that employ SQL keywords such as FORCE INDEX and IGNORE INDEX. These are
intended to replace the equivalent index hints, which will be deprecated in a future MySQL release
(and eventually removed). The new hints are listed here, along with a brief description of each:
JOIN_INDEX: Forces MySQL to use the specified index or indexes for any available access
method, such as ref, range, index_merge, and so on. This is equivalent to the FORCE INDEX
FOR JOIN index hint.
NO_JOIN_INDEX: Causes the server to ignore the specified index or indexes for any access
method. The equivalent index hint is IGNORE INDEX FOR JOIN.
GROUP_INDEX: Makes the server use the specified index or indexes for index scans for GROUP BY
operations. Equivalent to FORCE INDEX FOR GROUP BY.
NO_GROUP_INDEX: Forces MySQL to ignore the specified index or indexes for index scans for
GROUP BY operations. The equivalent index hint is IGNORE INDEX FOR GROUP BY.
ORDER_INDEX: Causes MySQL to use the specified index or indexes for sorting rows. It is
NO_ORDER_INDEX: Keeps the server from using the specified index or indexes for performing row
sorts. Equivalent to IGNORE INDEX FOR ORDER BY.
INDEX: Acts as the combination of JOIN_INDEX, GROUP_INDEX, and ORDER_INDEX, forcing the
server to use the specified index or indexes for any and all scopes. Equivalent to FORCE INDEX.
NO_INDEX: Acts as the combination of NO_JOIN_INDEX, NO_GROUP_INDEX, and
NO_ORDER_INDEX; that is, it forces MySQL to ignore the specified index or indexes for any and all
scopes. It is equivalent to the index hint IGNORE INDEX.
Consider the following query using index hints on a table having the indicated columns and index:
Using the index-level optimizer hints introduced in this release, this query can be rewritten as shown
SELECT /*+ ORDER_INDEX(t1 i_ab) */ a,b FROM t1 ORDER BY a;
The new index-level optimizer hints can be used with SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.
(This is unlike index hints using FORCE INDEX or IGNORE INDEX, which can be used only with
SELECT and UPDATE.) Thus, statements like the following are possible:
UPDATE /*+ INDEX(t1 i_ab) */ t1 SET d = 1
WHERE a = 1 AND b = 2 AND c = 3;
DELETE /*+ INDEX(t1 i_a,i_c) */ FROM t1
WHERE a = 1 AND b = 2 AND c = 3;
Multiple hints can be specified within the same comment, like this:
DELETE /*+ INDEX(t1 i_a) JOIN_INDEX(t1 i_c) */
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
FROM t1 WHERE a = 1 AND b = 2 AND c = 3;
Index-level optimizer hints can be used concurrently with other optimizer hints. When you do so, the
index-level hints apply first; the effects of any other optimizer hints are limited to the set of indexes
permitted by the index-level hints.
Index-level hints can also be used when creating views, as shown here:
SELECT /*+ NO_INDEX(t1 i_a,i_b) */ a FROM t1
(SELECT /*+ NO_INDEX(t1 i_ab,i_b) */ a FROM t1 WHERE a > 3)
If these index-level optimizer hints are used in the same statement as index hints, the index hints are
The new index-level optimizer hints are equivalent to FORCE INDEX rather than USE INDEX; in
other words, using one or more of the index-level optimizer hints means that a table scan is used
only if there is no way to use one of the named indexes to find rows in the table. To cause MySQL
to use the same index or set of indexes as with a given instance of USE INDEX, you can use
For more information and examples, see Index-Level Optimizer Hints. (WL #13538)
Packaging Notes
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been
upgraded to use curl 7.69.0. (Bug #30866333)
For RPM packages, the comp_err utility has been moved to the -test subpackage and marked as
a test component. (Bug #30716034)
The bundled libedit library was upgraded to version 3.1. (Bug #28939380, Bug #20770875, Bug
#22930525, Bug #22332089, Bug #27433491, Bug #27285445, WL #13534)
The bundled LZ4 library was upgraded to version 1.9.2. This fixes certain issues such as Bug
#30369643 producing a mysqlpump runtime error. (WL #13690)
References: See also: Bug #30369643.
Performance Schema Notes
The Performance Schema collected session-related statistics for errors that can occur only globally
and not per session. This is no longer done, reducing memory overhead for error instrumentation.
Additionally, rows for global errors are no longer included in error summaries reported per thread,
account, user, or host. (Bug #30311574)
Pluggable Authentication
An LDAP server can be configured to delegate LDAP searches to another LDAP server,
a functionality known as LDAP referral. However, enabling LDAP referral can cause
searches to fail with LDAP operation errors under certain conditions. To enable the
MySQL Enterprise Edition LDAP authentication plugins to avoid referral errors, the new
authentication_ldap_simple_referral and authentication_ldap_sasl_referral
system variables are available. These variables enable each plugin to control whether the LDAP
server should use referral during MySQL authentication. See LDAP Search Referral. (WL #12888)
The MySQL Enterprise Edition SASL LDAP authentication plugin now supports GSSAPI/Kerberos
as an authentication method for MySQL clients and servers on Linux. This is useful in Linux
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
environments where applications access LDAP using Microsoft Active Directory, which has Kerberos
enabled by default. See LDAP Authentication Methods.
This feature is available for all RPM and DEB packages for Linux, but not for the TAR archive
packages. (WL #12888)
SQL Syntax Notes
Previously, the INTO clause for SELECT statements could appear at either of two positions:
Before FROM:
SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' FROM table_name;
Before a trailing locking clause:
SELECT * FROM table_name INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' FOR UPDATE;
INTO now can appear in a third position, at the end of SELECT statements:
SELECT * FROM table_name FOR UPDATE INTO OUTFILE 'file_name';
Placing INTO at the end is the preferred position. The position before a locking clause is now
deprecated and support for it will be removed in a future MySQL version. In other words, INTO after
FROM but not at the end of the SELECT produces a warning.
Additionally, some changes have been made for UNION with respect to INTO. These UNION variants
containing INTO are syntactically correct and produce the same result:
... UNION SELECT * FROM table_name INTO OUTFILE 'file_name';
... UNION (SELECT * FROM table_name) INTO OUTFILE 'file_name';
... UNION SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' FROM table_name;
... UNION (SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'file_name' FROM table_name);
However, the last two variants are confusing, as if they collect information from the named table
rather than the entire query expression (the UNION). Those two UNION variants containing INTO now
are deprecated and support for them will be removed in a future MySQL version. Thus:
In the trailing query block of a query expression, use of INTO before FROM produces a warning.
In a parenthesized trailing block of a query expression, use of INTO (regardless of its position
relative to FROM) produces a warning.
The deprecations apply to all INTO forms: INTO OUTFILE, INTO DUMPFILE, and INTO
var_list. (WL #13559)
Test Suite Notes
The perfschema.idx_compare_replication_applier_status test case was updated to
store the old value of number of transaction retries and compare it with the new value of number of
transaction retries. Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #30810627, Bug #98389)
X Plugin Notes
If the MySQL Server instance's client connections limit, as specified by the max_connections
server system variable, was reached while X Plugin was starting up, X Plugin was unable to create
a session to get the server configuration, so failed to start. X Plugin now creates an administrative
session (using the mysql_admin_session service) during startup, which is not subject to the client
connections limit. (Bug #30894981)
When an X Protocol session could not be initialized because there were too many X Protocol
connections already, the error code 5011 Could not open session was returned. The
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
more relevant error code 1040 Too many connections is now returned in this situation. (Bug
An issue with validating JSON references caused an error when creating a collection with a
validation schema. (Bug #30733330)
During shutdown of a MySQL Server instance with X Protocol connections to clients, a race condition
in X Plugin could cause invalid client connections to be accepted for processing. Because invalid
clients were ignored for client timeout verification during shutdown, these clients blocked shutdown
until the timeout set by the mysqlx_wait_timeout system variable was reached, which defaults
to 8 hours. To prevent this issue, client timeout verification now includes clients that are in an invalid
state. (Bug #30702685)
When connecting to a MySQL 8.0 server, X Plugin set a different collation for the session to that
used by the mysql client, which could cause issues with queries that depended on the collation.
X Plugin now uses the utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci collation, which is the default for the utf8mb4
characterset. (Bug #30516849)
The worker threads for X Protocol connections were identified as system threads on creation, and
assigned to the SYS_default resource group. This identification meant they could not be assigned
to user resource groups for resource management purposes. They are now identified as user
threads and assigned to the USR_default resource group. Note that X Protocol does not currently
support CREATE, ALTER, DROP, and SET RESOURCE GROUP statements, but these statements
can operate on X Protocol connection threads using classic MySQL protocol connections. (Bug
X Plugin can now access the MySQL system variables as soon as initialization starts, so the plugin
install thread can set up the required connectivity itself rather than starting a separate thread. (Bug
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change: Previously, including any column of a blob type larger than TINYBLOB or
BLOB as the payload in an ordering operation caused the server to revert to sorting row IDs only,
rather than complete rows; this resulted in a second pass to fetch the rows themselves from disk
after the sort was completed. Since JSON and GEOMETRY columns are implemented internally as
LONGBLOB, this caused the same behavior with these types of columns even though they are almost
always much shorter than the 4GB maximum for LONGBLOB (or even the 16 MB maximum for
MEDIUMBLOB). The server now converts columns of these types into packed addons in such cases,
just as it does TINYBLOB and BLOB columns, which in testing showed a significant performance
increase. The handling of MEDIUMBLOB and LONGBLOB columns in this regard remains unchanged.
One effect of this enhancement is that it is now possible for Out of memory errors to occur when
trying to sort rows containing very large (multi-megabtye) JSON or GEOMETRY column values if the
sort buffers are of insufficient size; this can be compensated for in the usual fashion by increasing
the value of the sort_buffer_size system variable. (Bug #30400985, Bug #30804356)
InnoDB: The Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS) algorithm, which prioritizes
transactions that are waiting for locks, was improved. Transaction scheduling weight computation is
now performed a separate thread entirely, which improves computation performance and accuracy.
The First In First Out (FIFO) algorithm, which had also been used for transaction scheduling,
was removed. The FIFO algorithm was rendered redundant by CATS algorithm enhancements.
Transaction scheduling previously performed by the FIFO algorithm is now performed by the CATS
which permits querying transaction scheduling weights assigned by the CATS algorithm.
The following INNODB_METRICS counters were added for monitoring code-level transaction
scheduling events:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The number of attempts to release record locks.
The number of attempts to grant record locks.
The number of times the wait-for graph was analyzed to update transaction schedule weights.
(WL #13486)
InnoDB: The storage area for the doublewrite buffer was moved from the system tablespace to
doublewrite files. Moving the doublewrite buffer storage area out of the system tablespace reduces
write latency, increases throughput, and provides flexibility with respect to placement of doublewrite
buffer pages. The following system variables were introduced for advanced doublewrite buffer
Defines the doublewrite buffer file directory.
Defines the number of doublewrite files.
Defines the maximum number of doublewrite pages per thread for a batch write.
Defines the number of doublewrite pages to write in a batch.
For more information, see Doublewrite Buffer. (WL #5655)
EXPLAIN ANALYZE can now be stopped during execution using KILL QUERY or CTRL-C. (Bug
EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE now displays inversion information for windowing functions. (Bug
EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE output has been improved to provide more information about evaluated
window functions, and to match that supplied for regular aggregates. (Bug #30573446, Bug
Configuring with the -DWITH_LTO=1 CMake option now works on macOS. (Bug #30125902)
You can now enable binary log transaction compression on a MySQL server instance.
When binary log transaction compression is enabled, transaction payloads are compressed
using the zstd algorithm, and then written to the server's binary log file as a single event (a
Transaction_payload_event). Compressed transaction payloads remain in a compressed state
while they are sent in the replication stream to replicas, other Group Replication group members,
or clients such as mysqlbinlog. They are not decompressed by receiver threads, and are written
to the relay log still in their compressed state. Binary log transaction compression therefore saves
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
storage space both on the originator of the transaction and on the recipient (and for their backups),
and saves network bandwidth when the transactions are sent between server instances.
You can enable binary log transaction compression on a MySQL server instance using the
binlog_transaction_compression system variable, which defaults to OFF. You can also use
the binlog_transaction_compression_level_zstd system variable to set the level for the
zstd algorithm that is used for compression. This value determines the compression effort, from 1
(the lowest effort) to 22 (the highest effort). (WL #3549)
enables a replication slave to select its own policy for primary key checks. When the
option is set to ON for a replication channel, the slave always uses the value ON for the
sql_require_primary_key system variable in replication operations, requiring a
primary key. When the option is set to OFF, the slave always uses the value OFF for the
sql_require_primary_key system variable in replication operations, so that a primary key is
never required, even if the master required one. When the REQUIRE_TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY_CHECK
option is set to STREAM, which is the default, the slave uses whatever value is replicated from the
master for each transaction.
For multisource replication, setting REQUIRE_TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY_CHECK to ON or OFF enables
a slave to normalize behavior across the replication channels for different masters, and keep a
consistent setting for the sql_require_primary_key system variable. Using ON safeguards
against the accidental loss of primary keys when multiple masters update the same set of tables.
Using OFF allows masters that can manipulate primary keys to work alongside masters that
When PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER is set to apply replication privilege checks to the channel,
setting REQUIRE_TABLE_PRIMARY_KEY_CHECK to ON or OFF means that the user account does
not need session administration level privileges to set restricted session variables, which are
required to change the value of sql_require_primary_key to match the master's setting for
each transaction.
(WL #13239)
Since MySQL 8.0.19, compression has been supported for messages sent over X Protocol
connections. Connections can be compressed if the server and the client agree on a compression
algorithm to use. By default, the server permits the Deflate, LZ4, and zstd compression algorithms, or
you can set the mysqlx_compression_algorithms system variable to include only the ones you
permit. In MySQL 8.0.19, X Protocol uses the library default compression level for each algorithm,
and the client cannot negotiate this.
From MySQL 8.0.20, the client can request a specific compression level during capability
negotiations for an X Protocol connection. X Protocol sets a maximum compression level for
each algorithm, which prevents the server from agreeing to high compression levels that are
requested by clients if that would consume too much resource on the server. The maximum
compression levels are initially set to 5 for Deflate, 8 for LZ4, and 11 for zstd. You can adjust
these settings using the new mysqlx_deflate_max_client_compression_level,
mysqlx_lz4_max_client_compression_level, and
mysqlx_zstd_max_client_compression_level system variables.
New default compression levels for X Protocol have also been selected through performance
testing as being a good trade-off between compression time and network transit time. These
defaults are not necessarily the same as the library default for each algorithm. They are
applied if the client does not request a compression level for the algorithm. The default
compression levels are initially set to 3 for Deflate, 2 for LZ4, and 3 for zstd. You can
adjust these settings using the new mysqlx_deflate_default_compression_level,
mysqlx_lz4_default_compression_level, and
mysqlx_zstd_default_compression_level system variables. (WL #13034)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
Incompatible Change: Some queries that used ST_Contains() did not return any results unless >
0 was added.
For upgrades from earlier versions of MySQL, you should recreate spatial
indexes in tables that have them.
(Bug #30461595, Bug #97347)
Performance: Certain queries against tables with spatial indexes were not performed as efficiently
following an upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. (Bug #94655, Bug #29488350)
References: See also: Bug #89551, Bug #27499984.
NDB Cluster: NDB defines one SPJ worker per node owning a primary partition of the root table.
If this table used read from any fragment replica, DBTC put all SPJ workers in the same DBSPJ
instance, which effectively removed the use of some SPJ workers. (Bug #30639165)
NDB Cluster: Executing the SHOW command using an ndb_mgm client binary from NDB 8.0.16 or
earlier to access a management node running NDB 8.0.17 or later produced the error message
Unknown field: is_single_user. (Bug #30599413)
References: See also: Bug #16275500.
InnoDB: A CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE operation that specified an undo data file name without
specifying a path removed an existing undo data file of the same name from the directory specified
by innodb_undo_directory variable. The file name conflict check was performed on the data
directory instead of the directory specified by the innodb_undo_directory variable. (Bug
#30908328, Bug #98628)
InnoDB: In debug builds, a regression introduced in MySQL 8.0.19 slowed down mutex and rw-lock
deadlock debug checks. (Bug #30886393)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30628872.
InnoDB: Valgrind testing raised an error indicating that a conditional jump or move depends on an
uninitialized value. The error was a false-positive due to invalid validation logic. (Bug #30837136)
InnoDB: Missing barriers in rw_lock_debug_mutex_enter() (in source file
could cause a thread to wait without ever being woken up. (Bug #30819167)
InnoDB: To improve server initialization speed on Linux, posix_fallocate() is now used to
allocate space for redo log files. (Bug #30804431, Bug #98342)
InnoDB: A data dictionary table open function was implemented with incorrect lock ordering. (Bug
#30782103, Bug #97825)
InnoDB: Changes to parallel read threads functionality introduced in MySQL 8.0.17 caused a
degradation in SELECT COUNT(*) performance. Pages were read from disk unnecessarily. (Bug
InnoDB: DDL logging was not performed for SQL operations executed by the bootstrap thread using
the init_file startup variable, causing files to be left behind that should have been removed
during a post-DDL stage. (Bug #30721214, Bug #98131)
InnoDB: Adding an index on a column cast as a JSON array on a table with a specific number of
records failed with an “Incorrect key file for table” error. (Bug #30709525, Bug #98098)
InnoDB: A Valgrind error reported that an uninitialized lock->writer_thread value was used in
a conditional jump. (Bug #30694177)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: An internal buffer pool statistics counter (n_page_gets) was partitioned by page number
to avoid contention when accessed by multiple threads. (Bug #30604841, Bug #97822)
InnoDB: A tablespace import operation failed with a schema mismatch error due to the .cfg
file and the data dictionary both containing default values for a column that was added using
ALGORITHM=INSTANT. An error should only occur if default values differ. (Bug #30561144)
InnoDB: A slow shutdown failed to flush some GTIDs, requiring recovery of unflushed GTIDs from
the undo log. (Bug #30548229)
InnoDB: A broken alignment requirement in the code that allocates a prefix in memory for
Performance Schema memory allocations caused a failure on MySQL builds optimized for macOS
and FreeBSD. (Bug #30530857)
InnoDB: Adding a virtual column raised an assertion failure due to data that was missing from the
new data dictionary object created for the table. (Bug #30524263)
InnoDB: A required latch was not taken when checking the mode of an undo tablespace. A required
latch was also not taken when checking whether an undo tablespace is empty. (Bug #30509134)
InnoDB: Allocating an update undo log segment to an XA transaction for persisting a GTID value
before the transaction performed any data modifications caused a failure. (Bug #30456328)
InnoDB: A query executed on a partitioned table with a discarded tablespace raised an assertion
failure. (Bug #30437407, Bug #97271)
InnoDB: The row_upd_clust_rec_by_insert function, which marks a clustered index record
as deleted and inserts an updated version of the record into the clustered index, passed an incorrect
n_ext value (the total number of external fields) to lower level functions, causing an assertion
failure. (Bug #30437378)
InnoDB: During a cloning operation, writes to the data dictionary buffer table at shutdown were too
late, causing a failure. Newly generated dirty pages were not being flushed. (Bug #30427369, Bug
#30405535, Bug #30405535)
InnoDB: An operation performed with the innodb_buffer_pool_evict debug variable set to
uncompressed caused an assertion failure. (Bug #30405531)
InnoDB: Read-write lock code (rw_lock_t) that controls ordering of access to the boolean
recursive flag and the writer thread ID using GCC builtins or os_mutex when the builtins are not
available, was revised to use C++ std::atomic in some instances. Thanks to Yibo Cai from ARM
for the contribution. (Bug #30401416, Bug #97150)
InnoDB: A failure occurred while upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. A server data dictionary
object was missing information about the FTS_DOC_ID column and FTS_DOC_ID_INDEX that
remain after dropping a FULLTEXT index. (Bug #30357954)
InnoDB: Unnecessary messages about parallel scans were printed to the error log. (Bug
InnoDB: During upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, clustered indexes named
GEN_CLUST_INDEX are renamed to PRIMARY, which resulted in duplicate entries for the clustered
indexes being added to the mysql.innodb_index_stats table. (Bug #30330448)
InnoDB: Various internal functions computed write event slots in an inconsistent manner. (Bug
#30228108, Bug #96519)
InnoDB: Under specific circumstances, it was possible that tablespace encryption key information
would not be applied during the redo log apply phase of crash recovery. (Bug #30209760)
InnoDB: A file operation failure caused the page tracking archiver to fail, which in turn caused the
main thread to hang, resulting in an assertion failure. Also, incorrectly, the page tracking archiver
remained enabled in innodb_read_only mode. (Bug #30202643)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: An index corruption error was reported when attempting to import a tablespace containing
a table column that was added using ALGORITHM=INSTANT. The error was due to missing metadata
associated with the instantly added column. (Bug #30191523, Bug #96477)
InnoDB: A transaction attempting to fetch an LOB record encountered a null LOB reference, causing
an assertion failure. However, the null LOB reference was valid in this particular scenario because
the LOB value was not yet fully written. (Bug #30144303)
InnoDB: During a parallel read operation, the rollback of a table load operation while autocommit
was disabled resulted in a server to exit due to assertion code that did not account for the possibility
of tree structure changes during a parallel read. (Bug #30060690)
InnoDB: The current size value maintained in a rollback segment memory object was found to
be invalid, causing an assertion failure in function trx_purge_free_segment(). A validation
routine (trx_rseg_t::validateCurrSize()) was added to verify the current size value. (Bug
InnoDB: A prepared statement executed with invalid parameter values raised an assertion failure.
(Bug #29880907)
InnoDB: An add column operation caused an assertion failure. The failure was due to a dangling
pointer. (Bug #29866408)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28491099.
InnoDB: Updating certain InnoDB system variables that take string values raised invalid read errors
during Valgrind testing. (Bug #29717909, Bug #95215)
InnoDB: Redo log records for modifications to undo tablespaces increased in size in MySQL 8.0
due to a change in undo tablespace ID values, which required additional bytes. The change in redo
log record size caused a performance regression in workloads with heavy write I/O. To address this
issue, the redo log format was modified to reduce redo log record size for modifications to undo
tablespaces. (Bug #29536710)
InnoDB: Additional information about InnoDB file writes, including progress data, is now printed to
the error log. (Bug #29472295, Bug #94634)
InnoDB: An insert statement on a table with a spatial index raised a record type mismatch assertion
due to a tuple corruption. (Bug #29465567)
InnoDB: A function that calculates undo log record size could calculate an incorrect length value in
the case of a corrupted undo log record, resulting in a malloc failure. Assertion code was added to
detect incorrect calculations. (Bug #29448406, Bug #82734)
Replication: While an SQL statement was in the process of being rewritten for the binary log so that
sensitive information did not appear in plain text, if a SHOW PROCESSLIST statement was used to
inspect the query, the query could become corrupted when it was written to the binary log, causing
replication to stop. The process of rewriting the query is now kept private, and the query thread is
updated only when rewriting is complete. (Bug #30569003, Bug #97531, Bug #30654405)
Replication: When a GRANT or REVOKE statement is only partially executed, an incident event is
logged in the binary log, which makes the replication slave's applier thread stop so that the slave
can be reconciled manually with the master. Previously, if a failed GRANT or REVOKE statement was
the first statement executed in the session, no GTID was applied to the incident event (because the
cache manager did not yet exist for the session), causing an error on the replication slave. Also, no
incident event was logged in the situation where a GRANT statement created a user but then failed
because the privileges had been specified incorrectly, again causing an error on the replication
slave. Both these issues have now been fixed. (Bug #30566518, Bug #30324661)
Replication: Compression is now triggered for the mysql.gtid_executed table when the
thread/sql/compress_gtid_table thread is launched after the server start, and the effects are
visible when the compression process is complete. (Bug #30541799)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: In the event of an unplanned disconnection of a replication slave from the master, the
reference to the master's dump thread might not be removed from the list of registered slaves, in
which case statements that accessed the list of slaves would fail. The issue has now been fixed.
(Bug #29915479)
Replication: When a partitioned table was involved, the server did not correctly handle the situation
where a row event could not be written to the binary log due to a lack of cache space. An appropriate
error is now returned in this situation. (Bug #29848931)
Replication: With the settings binlog_format=MIXED, tx_isolation=READ-COMMITTED,
and binlog_row_image=FULL, an INSERT ... SELECT query involving a transactional storage
engine omitted any columns with a null value from the row image written to the binary log. This
happened because when processing INSERT ... SELECT statements, the columns were marked
for inserts before the binary logging format was selected. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug
#29110804, Bug #93423)
Replication: Under certain conditions, replication of conditional comments could fail. (Bug
Group Replication: The thread used by the Group Replication message service was not correctly
registered by the Performance Schema instrumentation, so the thread actions were not visible in
Performance Schema tables. (Bug #30824676)
Group Replication: Group Replication initiates and manages cloning operations for distributed
recovery, but group members that have been set up to support cloning may also participate in
cloning operations that a user initiates manually. In releases before MySQL 8.0.20, you could not
initiate a cloning operation manually if the operation involved a group member on which Group
Replication was running. From MySQL 8.0.20, you can do this, provided that the cloning operation
does not remove and replace the data on the recipient. The statement to initiate the cloning
operation must therefore include the DATA DIRECTORY clause if Group Replication is running. (Bug
Group Replication: For Group Replication channels, issuing the CHANGE MASTER TO statement
with the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER option while Group Replication was running caused the
channel's relay log files to be deleted. Transactions that had been received and queued in the relay
log, but not yet applied, could be lost in this situation. The CHANGE MASTER TO statement can now
only be issued when Group Replication is not running. (Bug #30655369)
Group Replication: The Group Replication failure detection mechanism raises a suspicion if a
server stops sending messages, and the member is eventually expelled provided that a majority
of the group members are still communicating. However, the failure detection mechanism did
not take into account the situation where one or more of the group members in the majority had
actually already been marked for expulsion, but had not yet been removed from the group. Where
the network was unstable and members frequently lost and regained connection to each other in
different combinations, it was possible for a group to end up marking all its members for expulsion,
after which the group would cease to exist and have to be set up again.
The Group Replication Group Communication System (GCS) now tracks the group members that
have been marked for expulsion, and treats them as if they were in the group of suspect members
when deciding if there is a majority. This ensures at least one member remains in the group and the
group can continue to exist. When an expelled member has actually been removed from the group,
GCS removes its record of having marked the member for expulsion, so that the member can rejoin
the group if it is able to. (Bug #30640544)
Group Replication: Performance Schema tables could not be accessed on a MySQL server with
Group Replication that was running under high load conditions. (Bug #30112711, Bug #30675790)
Group Replication: Internal queries from Group Replication to the Performance Schema for
statistics on local group members failed if they occurred simultaneously with changes to the group's
membership. Locking for the internal queries has been improved to fix the issue. (Bug #30049349,
Bug #30791583, Bug #30963553)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group Replication: During the Group Replication distributed recovery process, if a joining
member is unable to complete a remote cloning operation with any donor from the group, it uses
state transfer from a donor's binary log to retrieve all of the required data. However, if the last
attempted remote cloning operation was interrupted and left the joining member with incomplete
or no data, an attempt at state transfer immediately afterwards could also fail. Before attempting
state transfer following a failed remote cloning operation, Group Replication now checks that the
remote cloning operation did not reach the stage of removing local data from the joining member.
If data was removed, the joining member leaves the group and takes the action specified by the
group_replication_exit_state_action system variable. (Bug #29669099, Bug #29944828)
Group Replication: An earlier change to reduce Performance Schema memory instrumentation
overhead had the unintended effect of causing Group Replication performance degradation. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27500610.
Group Replication: Before taking certain actions, Group Replication checks what transactions are
running on the server. Previously, the service used for this check did not count transactions that were
in the commit phase, which could result in the action timing out. Now, transactions that are in the
commit phase are included in the set of currently ongoing transactions. (Bug #28327838)
JSON: When JSON_TABLE() was used as part of an INSERT statement in strict mode, conversion
errors handled by any ON ERROR clause could cause the INSERT to be rejected. Since errors are
handled by an ON ERROR clause, the statement should not be rejected unless ERROR ON ERROR is
actually specified.
This issue is fixed by ignoring warnings when converting values to the target type if NULL ON ERROR
or DEFAULT ... ON ERROR has been specified or is implied. (Bug #30628330)
JSON: The output from JSON_TABLE() was not always correct when used in views. This fix
corrects the following issues:
Column names were not quoted, causing syntax errors when quoting was needed for these.
Some column types were misreported.
Some column type attributes such as UNSIGNED were lost.
Column character set and collation were lost.
(Bug #30263373)
formerly checked to ensure that their arguments were convertible to JSON each time a prepared
statement including these was executed, which was neither efficient nor necessary. Now in such
cases, the check is performed only once, when the statement is prepared. (Bug #97878, Bug
Privilege requirements were checked incorrectly for stored objects with a DEFINER that has the
SYSTEM_USER privilege. (Bug #31077699)
A number of errors reported by Clang in the documentation generated from the MySQL sources have
been corrected. (Bug #30956093)
On FreeBSD, the krb5 package is a now a dependency. (Bug #30887620)
If a query contained multiple references to the same common table expression (CTE) and a pseudo-
comment crossed borders of the CTE definition, the parser failed with confusing syntax error
messages. (Bug #30871301)
For installation using Debian packages, the /var/run/mysqld directory was not created. (Bug
#30855015, Bug #98484)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
mysqlslap did not shut down its threads properly when SQL statements returned an error. This
could result in attempts to free already freed memory. (Bug #30850310)
When X Plugin was attempting to add a document to a collection as either an insertion or an update
in the case of a duplicate key, in the case where the document failed a unique key constraint in a
field other than the primary key, the error returned by X Plugin did not state that this was the cause of
the issue. The appropriate error is now returned. (Bug #30843865)
An integer value generated by transformations in the resolver was supplied to a test which expected
a boolean. (Bug #30837240)
A query using an IN expression that accessed one or more columns holding large string values
could lead to a memory leak. (Bug #30814171)
Statements did not work properly when the target of a DELETE was a common table expression.
(Bug #30796015, Bug #98330)
Starting the server with create_admin_listener_thread enabled and without admin_address
enabled caused an abnormal exit during the server shutdown process. (Bug #30785609)
When a table had both a primary key and a secondary key on the same column, but for different
lengths, the range optimizer chose the wrong key part in the secondary index for comparing range
values. (Bug #30783011)
In some cases, errors caused when DISTINCT was used with an aggregate function whose
argument was of an incorrect type were not propagated correctly. (Bug #30782687)
For replication using compression, the slave could raise an assertion if the master was restarted.
(Bug #30774692)
For debug builds, the server could exit trying to print an optimizer trace. (Bug #30773218, Bug
The mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() C API function exhibited blocking behavior. (Bug
With LOCK TABLES active, while processing INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries, the server could
attempt to lock internal temporary tables (which need no locks), causing an assertion to be raised.
(Bug #30764651, Bug #98221)
The mysqldump internal network timeout was increased from 700 to 86400 seconds to
accommodate connecting to busy or unresponsive servers. (Bug #30755992, Bug #98203)
Configuring with -DWITH_SASL=path/to/custom/installation inadvertently caused
libsasl to be linked into the daemon_memcached plugin. (Bug #30755301)
After deleting the temporary table associated with a window function's frame buffer, the temporary
table parameter for the frame buffer was not cleaned up, causing string buffers associated with copy
fields not to be freed properly. (Bug #30752366)
The -libs-compat RPM package is now built with system zlib to avoid problems with
unrestricted export of symbols in (Bug #30722389, Bug #98130)
The server exited histogram sampling prematurely, causing an assertion failure. An unnecessary
boolean variable that marked the completion of a sampling operation was removed. (Bug
When removing a WHERE condition because one of the participating conditions was always false, a
materialized derived table was not cleaned up properly, resulting in a memory leak. (Bug #30712243)
Multiple comparisons with the same GEOMETRY value were not always handled correctly. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: See also: Bug #30306306.
MIN() and MAX() could return an incorrect value for some queries if a WHERE clause containing an
IN () subquery was added. (Bug #30691682, Bug #98047)
Server startup failed if MySQL Enterprise Firewall was enabled at startup but the whitelist and user
tables were missing. (Bug #30690181)
For prepared statements, re-execution could cause a server exit if a cleaned-up materialized
temporary table was still being referred to. (Bug #30674598)
error messages were incorrectly categorized in the range of messages meant to be written to the
error log. They are now correctly categorized as messages meant to be sent to clients. The old
and OBSOLETE_ER_WARN_DEPRECATED_FOUND_ROWS in the range of error-log messages. (Bug
Some joins within subqueries where an outer query used EXISTS or NOT EXISTS were not always
handled correctly. (Bug #30671329)
Queries using ORDER BY constant are permitted but an ORDER BY clause of this sort should not
have any effect on the result; such queries were not always handled correctly. (Bug #30669493)
A missing out-of-bounds check in wild_case_match() caused a pointer to read out of bounds.
(Bug #30668886)
The strconvert() function was not safe for conversions between filename and
utf8_general_ci strings. (Bug #30668847)
Some filesorts using keys of fixed length were not always handled correctly. (Bug #30665034)
When performing a hash join on two string columns that were potentially very large (in particular,
BLOB columns with PAD SPACE collations), MySQL stored the entire sort key in the row, which
impacted performance by requiring large amounts of memory. Now only a collation-aware hash is
stored, with an added equality comparison prevent a wrong answer, even in the event of a 64-bit
hash collision. (Bug #30664831)
When at least two tables were joined to at least two other tables using a semijoin, and the join
optimizer chose to use a loose scan, it was possible to place both of the left tables below the
deduplicating nested loop iterator, leading to excessive deduplication. We fix this by treating a loose
scan across multiple tables as a separate internal structure. (Bug #30659810)
In unions of a const table and zero or more known-zero expressions, derived tables of exactly one
row could be read incorrectly as having zero rows. (Bug #30655712, Bug #97967)
A MySQL 8.0.19 patch set an invalid INFORMATION_SCHEMA and data dictionary version number.
Assertion code was added to prevent future version information errors. (Bug #30645158, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29871530.
When setting up the iterator tree, the optimizer now filters away and subsequently ignores conditions
which are known to be trivially true. (Bug #30644591)
Under some conditions, SHOW COLUMNS on a temporary MERGE table could raise an assertion or
cause a server exit. (Bug #30640463)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28811287, Bug #92834.
The Event Scheduler had a memory leak. (Bug #30628268)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Using the asynchronous C API functions could result in freeing already freed memory. (Bug
#30596999, Bug #97805)
On tables containing a CHECK constraint, certain simple queries were inefficient due to excessive
memory allocation and Performance Schema calls. (Bug #30594613)
Under certain circumstances, a memcached command could result in reading an uninitialized
memory buffer, causing a failure. (Bug #30592346)
A race condition could occur between InnoDB issuing requests for schema and table metadata while
filling INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLES, and the schema being dropped, leading to user
queries on INNODB_TABLES reporting an error. (Bug #30591967)
The client library could be induced into an infinite loop by a malicious server. (Bug #30581726)
Using ALTER USER to reset an account MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS value did not take effect until all
current account connections terminated, if there were any. (Bug #30578217, Bug #97735)
When the optimizer sets up a weedout, it notifies all tables that are part of the weedout that they
should provide row IDs. For confluent weedouts (weedouts returning at most one row), the optimizer
expects that the executor handles the weedout without row IDs. In the iterator executor, confluent
weedouts are implemented using LIMIT 1; the normal weedout iterator does not handle confluent
weedouts, and thus always expects row IDs. In the case of a confluent weedout on the right side
of an outer join, the confluent weedout was processed as a normal weedout, causing the iterator
executor to ask for row IDs where the tables did not supply them. Now in such cases, the LIMIT 1
optimization is also applied. (Bug #30566549, Bug #30282693)
SET PERSIST could fail due to attempting to persist variables to the wrong directory. (Bug
Within a stored program with an error handler defined for the error condition of accessing a
nonexistent table, the handler was not invoked if the table was nonexistent because it was named in
a nonexistent database. (Bug #30561920, Bug #97682)
The duplicate weedout optimization strategy employed by MySQL (see Optimizing IN and EXISTS
Subquery Predicates with Semijoin Transformations) uses an internal table of row IDs which it
has already seen, with a unique index on the column containing these IDs. When the key for the
unique index became too large, which could happen with very large row IDs, the server reverted to
deduplication by hash key instead, with a separate index (not unique) over the hash field only, as
with other temporary tables. Because the latter index was not properly initialized, affected queries
were not executed properly and could lead to a premature exit. (Bug #30556257)
For debug builds, under LOCK TABLES, the server could mishandle materialized temporary tables
and raise an assertion. (Bug #30476213, Bug #97404)
The internal array of materialized query blocks
SELECT_LEX_UNIT::m_query_blocks_to_materialize was not reset between executions,
which meant that it pointed to objects which were no longer valid when a prepared statement was
executed a second time, causing the second execution to fail. (Bug #30438038)
Altering column collations did not affect unique indexes until a server restart. (Bug #30386119, Bug
When using roles, the EXECUTE privilege for stored functions was treated as a privilege for stored
procedures. As a result, it was not possible to use EXECUTE as a role privilege for functions. (Bug
A materialized subquery including a condition in which a column value was used as input to a
nondeterministic function produced incorrect results. (Bug #30368937)
Several fixes were applied to the InnoDB memcached plugin. The fixes addressed potential
deadlock issues, issues related to connection list latches, and removal of an obsolete flush mutex.
(Bug #30354225)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Strings that used the utf8mb4_0900_bin collation could not be compared with utf8mb4 strings
that used a different collation. Now the comparison is done by using utf8mb4_0900_bin for both
strings. (Bug #30350111)
During optimization, MySQL removes conditions in which all arguments are considered equal;
for example, 1 <> 1 is removed and replaced with false. In doing so, conditions containing
non-deterministic arguments were also removed, which caused a condition such as RAND() <
RAND() to be considered an impossible condition. Now, the optimizer no longer removes conditions
containing nondeterministic arguments. (Bug #30311271)
Scheduling of events could be disturbed by removing events. (Bug #30301356, Bug #96849)
The Event Scheduler reported warnings for Valgrind builds. (Bug #30301340)
Shutting down the server while using the clone plugin raised a Valgrind error. (Bug #30248419)
If the mysqld-auto.cnf file was malformed, the server did not start (expected), but did not report
any error (unexpected). (Bug #30169731, Bug #96501)
UPDATE statements could give an inconsistent number of rows matched (found rows) in cases
where not all matched rows were updated, depending on the reason for rows not being updated.
For example, rows not updated due to being updated through a view with a WITH CHECK OPTION
clause were not counted as matching rows, whereas rows not updated due to a failing CHECK
CONSTRAINT were counted. For consistency, rows that fail a WITH CHECK OPTION clause now are
counted as matching rows. (Bug #30158954)
When restarting the MySQL server on a cloned directory, InnoDB reported an error indicating that it
could not find a tablespace file for a statistics table that was dropped by the server previously. (Bug
The server did not handle correctly a UNION in which one of the queries contained a subquery that
used ORDER BY. (Bug #29952565)
For INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries, a race condition could result in multiple attempts to insert a key
when updating the dynamic statistics tables, producing a duplicate-key error. (Bug #29948755, Bug
SHOW CREATE VIEW could fail with an illegal mix of collations for views defined on a function that
returns a string. (Bug #29904087)
The Performance Schema could fail to remove thread instrumentation when a thread was deleted.
(Bug #29859605)
A query with a WHERE clause whose predicate contained a numeric value in scientific notation was
not handled correctly.
In addition, attempting to insert a particular integer specified as a string caused a server exit when
the string-to-integer conversion was not successful. (Bug #29723340, Bug #30441969)
An internal interface was added for retrieving and parsing errors that occur on the donor MySQL
server instance (ER_CLONE_DONOR errors) and for checking if data on the recipient has been
dropped. (Bug #29682642)
It was not possible to drop any columns from a table when the DEFAULT value. (Bug #29661106)
For the CONNECTION_CONTROL plugin, the Performance Schema instrumentation used keys that
were not discoverable to the Performance Schema unless the associated code actually executed.
(Bug #29539976)
For a nullable column c, the optimizer now recognizes when the conditions c < c, c > c, and
c <> c are always false and need not be evaluated for every row. Thanks to Daniel Black for the
contribution. (For nonnullable columns, the optimizer already recognized always-false conditions.)
(Bug #29115386, Bug #93642)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Reinitialization of character sets from Index.xml could cause a use-after-free error. (Bug
#28956360, Bug #93276)
The sys schema ps_setup_reset_to_default() procedure used MySQL 5.7 defaults, not
MySQL 8.0 defaults. (Bug #27636611)
Some connection encryption ciphers did not work. (Bug #27045306)
Previously, mysqlpump read the [mysql_dump] and [client] groups from option files.
mysqlpump now additionally reads the [mysqlpump] group. The [mysql_dump] group is still
accepted but is deprecated. (Bug #24733245, Bug #83144)
For a query of the form SELECT DISTINCT ... ORDER BY ..., when the ORDER BY was
pushed down onto the first table in the join, the result was not always sorted in the correct order.
(Bug #98217, Bug #30760534)
The NULL indicator was not properly written for items used as variable-length keys, such that all
such items were assumed to be not NULL, which was considered equal to the empty string when
using certain collations. One visible effect of this issue was that ordering by an expression using a
nullable string was sometimes not performed correctly. An example of such a query, where column
c1 contains both NULL and empty string values, is shown here:
SELECT c1, SUBSTR(c1, 1) AS c2 FROM t ORDER BY c2;
(Bug #98035, Bug #30687020)
A query returned inaccurate results when an expression in a GROUP BY clause used a column name
differing in case from that used for the name of the column when the table containing this column
was created. An example of this would be when the query used GROUP BY id although the column
name as shown in the original CREATE TABLE statement was ID.
This occurred because, the server performed case-sensitive comparisons of column names in
expressions with names of columns in tables. This issue is fixed by ensuring that such comparisons
are performed in a case-insensitive fashion as expected. (Bug #97628, Bug #98222, Bug
#30541701, Bug #30761372)
A multi-table UPDATE statement which updated a table joined to a derived table that joined two
other tables was not optimized properly as it had been in MySQL 5.6, instead being treated as if
STRAIGHT_JOIN had been used with the subquery creating the derived table. (Bug #97418, Bug
EXPLAIN now uses hash join instead of block nested loop, since the latter no longer exists
and is replaced by a hash join in nearly all cases. (Bug #97299, Bug #30444550)
The execution plan for a query that filtered on the first column of a composite hash index wrongly
used this index, producing erroneous results. (Bug #94737, Bug #29527115)
References to columns from tables of outer query blocks in an ON condition of a JOIN did not work,
and could be used only in a WHERE. The fix for this problem means that a query such as this one now
works correctly:
SELECT o.order_date FROM orders o
WHERE o.order_date IN ( SELECT c.contact_name FROM customers c
INNER JOIN order_details od
ON o.order_id = );
Previously this had to be rewritten as shown here:
SELECT o.order_date FROM orders o
WHERE o.order_date IN ( SELECT c.contact_name FROM customers c
INNER JOIN order_details od
ON 1
WHERE o.order_id = );
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References to other tables of the same FROM clause as the JOIN, as in the query SELECT * FROM
t1 CROSS JOIN (t2 LEFT JOIN t3 ON t1.c=3), are not outer references and remain
forbidden. In this case, a lateral join is required, like this: SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN LATERAL
(SELECT * FROM t2 LEFT JOIN t3 ON t1.c=3). (Bug #35242, Bug #96946, Bug #11748138,
Bug #30350696)
There could be a mismatch between the version of OpenSSL used to build the server and the
version used for other parts of MySQL such as libraries or plugins. This could cause certain features
not to work, such as the LDAP authentication plugins. Now the same version of OpenSSL is used for
building everything. (WL #13759)
Previous work in MySQL 8.0 to optimize impossible expressions such as a=b AND FALSE as
FALSE could make for less efficient execution when such expressions appeared as outer join
conditions, due to the fact that the join was interpreted as a Cartesian product followed by a filter.
(Bug #8202, Bug #89739, Bug #97552, Bug #11745046, Bug #27581277, Bug #30520749)
References: See also: Bug #98206, Bug #30756135.
Changes in MySQL 8.0.19 (2020-01-13, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
There is an issue for MySQL 8.0.19 installed using MySQL Installer that
prevents the server from starting if MySQL Enterprise Firewall is selected
during the server configuration steps. If the server startup operation fails, click
Cancel to end the configuration process and return to the dashboard. You must
uninstall the server.
The workaround is to run MySQL Installer without MySQL Enterprise
Firewall selected. Then install MySQL Enterprise Firewall afterward using
the instructions for manual installation (see Installing or Uninstalling MySQL
Enterprise Firewall). This problem is corrected in MySQL 8.0.20.
Account Management Notes
Audit Log Notes
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Error Handling
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Keyring Notes
Logging Notes
Packaging Notes
SQL Syntax Notes
sys Schema Notes
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Thread Pool Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
MySQL now enables administrators to configure user accounts such that too many consecutive
login failures due to incorrect passwords cause temporary account locking. The required number of
failures and the lock time are configurable per account, using the FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS and
PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME options of the CREATE USER and ALTER USER statements. See Password
Management. (Bug #27733694, Bug #90169, WL #13515)
Audit Log Notes
ANALYZE TABLE statements now produce read audit events. (Bug #29625461)
Audit log connect events now include any connection attributes passed by the client. Connection
attribute logging is supported for new-style XML log file format and JSON format, but not old-style
XML format. See Audit Log File Formats. (WL #11378)
Compilation Notes
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, the minimum version of CMake for builds from the command line
is now 3.15. (Bug #30332632, Bug #96954)
Configuration Notes
New FPROFILE_GENERATE and FPROFILE_USE CMake options are available for experimenting with
profile guided optimization (PGO) with GCC. See the cmake/fprofile.cmake in a MySQL source
distribution for information about using them. These options have been tested with GCC 8 and 9, and
with Clang.
Enabling FPROFILE_USE also enables WITH_LTO (link time optimization). (Bug #30089834, Bug
#96314, Bug #30133324, Bug #96410, Bug #30164113, Bug #96486)
Innodb_system_rows_read, Innodb_system_rows_inserted,
Innodb_system_rows_deleted status variables were added for counting row operations on
InnoDB tables that belong to system-created schemas. The new status variables are similar to
the existing Innodb_rows_read, Innodb_rows_inserted, Innodb_rows_deleted status
variables, which count operations on InnoDB tables that belong to both user-created and system-
created schemas.
The new status variables are useful in replication environments where
relay_log_info_repository and master_info_repository variables are set to
TABLE, resulting in higher row operation counts on slaves due to operations performed on the
slave_master_info, slave_replay_log_info, and slave_worker_info tables, which
belong to the system-created mysql schema. For a valid comparison of master and slave row
operation counts, operations on tables in system-created schemas can now be excluded using the
count data provided by the new status variables.
Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #27724674, Bug #90148)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The thread_pool plugin used display widths in definitions for integer columns of Performance
Schema tables. This resulted in warnings written to the error log because integer column display
widths are now deprecated. (Bug #30597673)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Display width specification for integer data types was deprecated in MySQL 8.0.17, and now
statements that include data type definitions in their output no longer show the display width for
integer types, with these exceptions:
The type is TINYINT(1). MySQL Connectors make the assumption that TINYINT(1)
columns originated as BOOLEAN columns; this exception enables them to continue to make that
The type includes the ZEROFILL attribute.
This change applies to tables, views, and stored routines, and affects the output from SHOW CREATE
and DESCRIBE statements, and from INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables.
For DESCRIBE statements and INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries, output is unaffected for objects
created in previous MySQL 8.0 versions because information already stored in the data dictionary
remains unchanged. This exception does not apply for upgrades from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0, for which all
data dictionary information is re-created such that data type definitions do not include display width.
(Bug #30556657, Bug #97680, WL #13528)
Setting the hash_join optimizer switch (see optimizer_switch system variable) no longer has
any effect. The same applies with respect to the HASH_JOIN and NO_HASH_JOIN optimizer hints.
Both the optimizer switch and the optimizer hint are now deprecated, and subject to removal in a
future release of MySQL.
This also fixes an issue whereby SELECT DISTINCT ... WITH ROLLUP did not always return all
distinct rows. (Bug #27549694, Bug #30471809)
In MySQL 5.7.14, the mysqlx namespace parameter was introduced for X Protocol's StmtExecute
request, replacing the xplugin parameter, which was therefore deprecated. X Plugin continued
to support the deprecated xplugin namespace for backward compatibility. In MySQL 8.0.19,
the xplugin namespace has now been removed. If the xplugin namespace is used from
this release on, an error message is returned as for an unknown namespace. X Plugin's
Mysqlx_stmt_execute_xplugin status variable, which counted the number of StmtExecute
requests received for the xplugin namespace, is no longer used from MySQL 8.0.19. (WL #13057)
Support for the YEAR(2) data type was removed in MySQL 5.7.5, leaving only YEAR and YEAR(4)
as valid specifications for year-valued data. Because YEAR and YEAR(4) are semantically identical,
specifying a display width is unnecessary, so YEAR(4) is now deprecated and support for it will
be removed in a future MySQL version. Statements that include data type definitions in their
output no longer show the display width for YEAR. This change applies to tables, views, and
stored routines, and affects the output from SHOW CREATE and DESCRIBE statements, and from
For DESCRIBE statements and INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries, output is unaffected for objects
created in previous MySQL 8.0 versions because information already stored in the data dictionary
remains unchanged. This exception does not apply for upgrades from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0, for which all
data dictionary information is re-created such that data type definitions do not include display width.
The (undocumented) UNSIGNED attribute for YEAR is also now deprecated and support for it will be
removed in a future MySQL version. (WL #13537)
Error Handling
Error messages regarding crash recovery for XA were revised to indicate XA context to distinguish
them from non-XA crash recovery messages. (Bug #30578290, Bug #97743)
Previously, the server returned this error message for attempts to use LOAD DATA LOCAL with
LOCAL capability disabled: The used command is not allowed with this MySQL
version. This was misleading because the error condition is not related to the MySQL version.
The server now returns an error code of ER_CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES_DISABLED and this message:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Loading local data is disabled; this must be enabled on both the client
and server side. (Bug #30375698, Bug #29377985, Bug #94396)
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Previously, loadable functions took no account of the character set or collation of string arguments
or return values. In effect, string arguments and return values were treated as binary strings, with the
implication that only string arguments containing single-byte characters could be handled reliably.
Loadable function behavior is still the same by default, but the interface for writing loadable functions
has been extended to enable them to determine the character set and collation of string arguments,
and to return strings that have a particular character set and collation. These capabilities are optional
for loadable function writers, who may take advantage of them as desired. See Loadable Function
Character Set Handling
Of the loadable functions distributed with MySQL, those associated with the following features and
extensions have been modified to take advantage of the new capabilities: MySQL Enterprise Audit,
MySQL Enterprise Firewall, MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification, MySQL Keyring
(the general-purpose keyring functions only), and Group Replication. The modification applies only
where it make sense. For example, a function that returns encrypted data is intended to return a
binary string, not a character string.
Character-set capabilities for loadable functions are implemented using the mysql_udf_metadata
component service. For information about this service, see the MySQL Server Doxygen
documentation, available at (search for
s_mysql_mysql_udf_metadata and udf_metadata_imp). Source code for the MySQL Keyring
functions is available in Community source distributions and may be examined as examples for third-
party loadable function writers who wish to modify their own functions to be character set-aware. (WL
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA contains several new tables that expose role information:
ADMINISTRABLE_ROLE_AUTHORIZATIONS: Roles the current user can grant; see The
APPLICABLE_ROLES: Roles applicable for the current user; see The INFORMATION_SCHEMA
ENABLED_ROLES: Roles enabled within the current session; see The INFORMATION_SCHEMA
ROLE_COLUMN_GRANTS: Column privileges for roles for the current user; see The
ROLE_ROUTINE_GRANTS: Routine privileges for roles for the current user; see The
ROLE_TABLE_GRANTS: Table privileges for roles for the current user; see The
(WL #10895)
Keyring Notes
A new SECRET key type is available that is intended for general-purpose storage of sensitive data
using the MySQL keyring. The keyring encrypts and decrypts SECRET data as a byte stream upon
storage and retrieval. The SECRET key type is supported by all keyring plugins. See Supported
Keyring Key Types and Lengths. (WL #12859)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Logging Notes
The SIGUSR1 signal now causes the server to flush the error log, general query log, and slow query
log. One use for SIGUSR1 is to implement log rotation without having to connect to the server (which
to flush logs requires an account that has the RELOAD privilege). The server response to SIGUSR1
is a subset of the response to SIGHUP, enabling SIGUSR1 to be used as a more “lightweight” signal
that flushes certain logs without the other SIGHUP effects such as flushing the thread and host
caches and writing a status report to the error log. See Unix Signal Handling in MySQL. (WL #13689)
Packaging Notes
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been
upgraded to use curl 7.66.0. (Bug #30356844)
The zstd library bundled with MySQL has been upgraded from version 1.3.3 to 1.4.3. MySQL uses
the zstd library to support connection compression. (Bug #30236685)
For package types for which OpenSSL shared libraries are included, they are now also included
under lib/private if the package has private-to-MySQL libraries located there that need
OpenSSL. (Bug #29966296)
SQL Syntax Notes
Important Change: MySQL now supports explicit table clauses and table value constructors
according to the SQL standard. These have now been implemented, respectively, as the TABLE
statement and the VALUES statement, each described in brief here:
TABLE table_name is equivalent to SELECT * FROM table_name, and can be used
anywhere that the equivalent SELECT statement would be accepted; this includes joins, unions,
INSERT ... SELECT statements, REPLACE statements, CREATE TABLE ... SELECT
statements, and subqueries.
You can use ORDER BY with TABLE, which also supports LIMIT with optional OFFSET; these
clauses function in the same way in a TABLE statement as they do with SELECT. The following two
statements produce the same result:
VALUES consists of the VALUES keyword followed by a series of row constructors (ROW()),
separated by commas. It can be used to supply row values in an SQL-compliant fashion to
an INSERT statement or REPLACE statement. For example, the following two statements are
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ROW(1,2,3), ROW(4,5,6), ROW(7,8,9);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9);
You can also select from a VALUES table value constructor just as you would a table, bearing in
mind that you must supply a table alias when doing so. Using column aliases, you can also select
individual columns, like this:
mysql> SELECT a,c FROM (VALUES ROW(1,2,3), ROW(4,5,6)) AS t(a,b,c);
| a | c |
| 1 | 3 |
| 4 | 6 |
You can employ such SELECT statements in joins, unions, subqueries, and other constructs in
which you normally expect to be able to use such statements.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For more information and examples, see TABLE Statement, and VALUES Statement, as well as
INSERT ... SELECT Statement, CREATE TABLE ... SELECT Statement, JOIN Clause, UNION
Clause, and Subqueries. (Bug #77639, WL #10358)
Previously, it was not possible to use LIMIT in the recursive SELECT part of a recursive common
table expression (CTE). LIMIT is now supported in such cases, along with an optional OFFSET
clause. An example of such a recursive CTE is shown here:
SELECT CONCAT("x",cte.a) FROM cte
WHERE LENGTH(cte.a) < 10
This statement produces the following output in the mysql client:
| a |
| xxx |
| xxxx |
| xxxxx |
Specifying LIMIT in this fashion can make execution of the CTE more efficient than doing so in the
outermost SELECT, since only the requested number of rows is generated.
For more information, see Recursive Common Table Expressions. (Bug #92857, Bug #28816906,
WL #12534)
When CHECK constraints were implemented in MySQL 8.0.16, ALTER TABLE supported DROP
CHECK and ALTER CHECK syntax as MySQL extensions to standard SQL for modifying check
constraints, but did not support the more general (and SQL standard) DROP CONSTRAINT and
ALTER CONSTRAINT syntax for modifying existing constraints of any type. That syntax is now
supported; the constraint type is determined from the constraint name. (WL #12787)
MySQL now supports aliases in the VALUES and SET clauses of INSERT INTO ... ON
DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement for the row to be inserted and its columns. Consider a
statement such as this one:
VALUES (9,5), (7,7), (11,-1)
Using the alias new for the inserted row, you can now rewrite the statement, referring back to the row
alias in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause, like this:
VALUES (9,5), (7,7), (11,-1) AS new
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE a = a + new.a - new.b;
Using the same row alias, and, additionally, the column aliases m and n for the columns of the
inserted row, you can omit the row alias and use only the column aliases, as shown here:
VALUES (9,5), (7,7), (11,-1) AS new(m,n)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The row alias must be distinct from the table name; column aliases must be distinct from one
See INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Statement, for more information and examples. (WL
sys Schema Notes
sys schema objects have been reimplemented not to invoke the deprecated
sys.format_bytes(), sys.format_time(), and sys.ps_thread_id() stored functions.
Instead, they invoke the equivalent built-in SQL functions implemented in MySQL 8.0.16 that
format or retrieve Performance Schema data (see Changes in MySQL 8.0.16 (2019-04-25, General
sys.format_bytes(), sys.format_time(), and sys.ps_thread_id() will be removed
in a future MySQL version, so applications that use them should be adjusted to use the built-in
functions instead, keeping in mind some minor differences between the sys functions and the built-in
functions. See Performance Schema Functions. (WL #13439)
Thread Pool Notes
By default, the thread pool plugin tries to ensure a maximum of one thread executing
in each group at any time. The default algorithm takes stalled threads into account
and may temporarily permit more active threads. The plugin now implements a new
thread_pool_max_active_query_threads system variable for controlling number of active
threads per group. If thread_pool_max_active_query_threads is 0, the default algorithm
applies. If thread_pool_max_active_query_threads is greater than 0, it places a limit on the
number of active threads per group. See Thread Pool Operation. (WL #12915)
X Plugin Notes
X Plugin could not be compiled on Debian with GCC 9. The --no-as-needed linker option was
added to provide a workaround for the issue. (Bug #30445201)
Using X Protocol to query the Information Schema table TRIGGERS could result in errors being
returned or some rows not being returned. (Bug #30318917)
Functionality Added or Changed
Group Replication: Replication connections to a replication slave, and Group Replication
connections for distributed recovery, now have full client side configuration options for the TLSv1.3
protocol. In MySQL releases where TLSv1.3 support was available but these configuration options
were not available, if TLSv1.3 was used for these connection types, the client in the connection (the
replication slave or the joining Group Replication member that initiated distributed recovery) could
not be configured. This meant that the server in the connection (the replication master or the Group
Replication existing member that was the donor for distributed recovery) had to permit the use of
at least one TLSv1.3 ciphersuite that is enabled by default. From MySQL 8.0.19, you can use the
configuration options to specify any selection of ciphersuites for these connections, including only
non-default ciphersuites if you want.
The new configuration options are as follows:
Group Replication system variables group_replication_recovery_tls_version
and group_replication_recovery_tls_ciphersuites.
group_replication_recovery_tls_version specifies a list of permitted TLS protocols
for connection encryption for the client instance (the joining member) in the distributed recovery
connection. group_replication_recovery_tls_ciphersuites specifies a list of permitted
ciphersuites when TLSv1.3 is used for that connection.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A MASTER_TLS_CIPHERSUITES option on the CHANGE MASTER TO command, to specify a list of
TLSv1.3 ciphersuites permitted by the replication slave for the connection to the replication master.
(The CHANGE MASTER TO command already had a MASTER_TLS_VERSION option to specify the
permitted TLS protocol versions for the connection.)
(Bug #29960735, WL #13392)
Group Replication: The Group Replication plugin interacts with MySQL Server using internal
sessions to perform SQL API operations. Previously, these sessions counted towards the client
connections limit specified by the max_connections server system variable. If the server had
reached this limit when Group Replication was started or attempted to perform an operation,
the operation was unsuccessful and Group Replication or the server itself might stop. From
MySQL 8.0.19, Group Replication interactions with MySQL Server use a new component service
that handles the internal sessions separately, which means that they do not count towards the
max_connections limit and are not refused if the server has reached this limit. (Bug #29635001,
WL #13378)
Microsoft Windows: Previously, the system (\!) command for the mysql command-line client
worked only for Unix systems. It now works on Windows as well. For example, system cls or \!
cls may be used to clear the screen. (Bug #11765690, Bug #58680, WL #13391)
JSON: When using JSON_SCHEMA_VALID() to specify a CHECK constraint on a table
containing one or more JSON columns and experiencing a validation failure, MySQL
now provides detailed information about the reasons for such failures. A new error
this information, which can be viewed in the mysql client by issuing SHOW WARNINGS when an
INSERT statement is rejected by the server.
For more information and examples, see JSON_SCHEMA_VALID() and CHECK constraints. For
more general information, see also CHECK Constraints. (WL #13195)
Debian packages now contain more general systemd support that better supports manual mysqld
execution. (Bug #29702050, Bug #95163)
Duplicate key error information was extended to include the table name of the key. Previously,
duplicate key error information included only the key value and key name. Thanks to Facebook for
the contribution. (Bug #28686224, Bug #925308, WL #12589)
When the mysql client operates in interactive mode, the --binary-as-hex option now is enabled
by default. In addition, output from the status (or \s) command includes this line when the option is
enabled implicitly or explicitly:
Binary data as: Hexadecimal
To disable hexadecimal notation, use --skip-binary-as-hex (Bug #24432545, WL #13038)
MySQL now supports datetime literals with time zone offsets, such as '2019-12-11
10:40:30-05:00', '2003-04-14 03:30:00+10:00', and '2020-01-01
15:35:45+05:30'; these offsets are respected but not stored when inserting such values into
TIMESTAMP and DATETIME columns; that is, offsets are not displayed when retrieving the values.
The supported range for a timezone offset is -13:59 to +14:00, inclusive. Time zone names such
as 'CET' or 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires', including the special value 'SYSTEM', are
not supported in datetime literals. In addition, in this context, a leading zero is required for an hour
value less than 10, and MySQL rejects the offset '-00:00' as invalid.
Datetime literals with time zone offsets can also be used as parameter values in prepared
As part of this work, the allowed range of numeric values for the time_zone system variable has
been changed, so that it is now also -13:59 to +14:00, inclusive.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For additional information and examples, see The DATE, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP Types, and
MySQL Server Time Zone Support. (Bug #83852, Bug #25108148, WL #10828)
From MySQL 8.0.19, compression is supported for messages sent over X Protocol connections.
Connections can be compressed if the server and the client agree on a compression
algorithm to use. By default, X Protocol announces support for the deflate, lz4, and
zstd compression algorithms. You can disallow any of these algorithms by setting the new
mysqlx_compression_algorithms system variable to include only the ones you permit. X
Protocol always allows uncompressed connections if the client does not request compression during
capability negotiation. Note that X Protocol's list of permitted compression algorithms operates
independently of the list of compression algorithms announced by MySQL Server, and X Protocol
does not fall back to using MySQL Server's compression settings. You can monitor the effects of
message compression for X Protocol using new X Plugin status variables. (WL #9252, WL #13442)
For multithreaded slaves (replication slaves on which slave_parallel_workers is set to a
value greater than 0), setting slave_preserve_commit_order=1 ensures that transactions
are executed and committed on the slave in the same order as they appear in the slave's relay
log, preserving the same transaction history on the slave as on the master. Previously, this setting
required binary logging and slave update logging to be enabled on the slave, with the associated
execution costs and disk space requirements. Now, slave_preserve_commit_order=1 can be
set on a slave with no binary log and no slave update logging. This enables you to preserve commit
order on the slave, and avoid gaps in the sequence of transactions, without the overhead of binary
A limitation to preserving the commit order on the slave can occur if statement-based replication
is in use, and both transactional and non-transactional storage engines participate in a non-XA
transaction that is rolled back on the master. Normally, non-XA transactions that are rolled back on
the master are not replicated to the slave, but in this particular situation, the transaction might be
replicated to the slave. If this does happen, a multithreaded slave without binary logging does not
handle the transaction rollback, so the commit order on the slave diverges from the relay log order of
the transactions in that case. (WL #7846)
The MySQL 8.0.18 release introduced the ability to specify a PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account
for a replication channel (using a CHANGE MASTER TO statement), against which MySQL makes
privilege checks when replicated transactions are applied. The use of a PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER
account helps secure a replication channel against the unauthorized or accidental use of privileged
or unwanted operations. The use of row-based binary logging is strongly recommended when
replication channels are secured with privilege checks.
In MySQL 8.0.19, a new setting REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT is added for replication channels,
which makes the channel accept only row-based replication events. You can specify
REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT using a CHANGE MASTER TO statement to enforce row-based binary
logging for a replication channel that is secured with privilege checks, or to increase the security
of a channel that is not secured in this way. By allowing only row-based replication events,
REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT prevents the replication applier from taking actions such as creating
temporary tables and executing LOAD DATA INFILE requests, which protects the replication
channel against some known attack vectors. Row-based binary logging (binlog_format=ROW)
must be used on the replication master when REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT is set.
Group Replication already requires row-based binary logging, so from MySQL 8.0.19, Group
Replication channels are automatically created with REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT set, and you cannot
change the option for those channels. The setting is also applied to all Group Replication channels
on upgrade.
mysqlbinlog has a new --require-row-format option, which enforces row-based replication
events for mysqlbinlog's output. The stream of events produced with this option would be
accepted by a replication channel that is secured using the REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT option. (WL
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL uses delimiter strings when constructing tablespace names and file names for table
partitions. A “#p#” delimiter string precedes partition names, and an “#sp#” delimiter string precedes
subpartition names, as shown:
Historically, delimiter strings have been uppercase (#P# and #SP#) on case-sensitive file systems
such as Linux, and lowercase (#p# and #sp#) on case-insensitive file systems such as Windows.
To avoid issues when migrating data directories between case-sensitive and case-insensitive file
systems, delimiter strings are now lowercase on all file systems. Uppercase delimiter strings are no
longer used.
Additionally, partition tablespace names and file names generated based on user-specified partition
or subpartition names, which can be specified in uppercase or lowercase, are now generated (and
stored internally) in lowercase regardless of the lower_case_table_names setting to ensure
case-insensitivity. For example, if a table partition is created with the name PART_1, the tablespace
name and file name are generated in lowercase:
During upgrade, MySQL now checks and modifies if necessary:
Partition file names on disk and in the data dictionary to ensure lowercase delimiters and partition
Partition metadata in the data dictionary for related issues introduced by previous bug fixes.
InnoDB statistics data for related issues introduced by previous bug fixes.
During tablespace import operations, partition tablespace file names on disk are checked and
modified if necessary to ensure lowercase delimiters and partition names. (WL #13352)
References: See also: Bug #26925260, Bug #29823032, Bug #30012621, Bug #29426720, Bug
Support was added for efficient sampling of InnoDB data for the purpose of generating histogram
statistics. The default sampling implementation used by MySQL when storage engines do
not provide their own requires a full table scan, which is costly for large tables. The InnoDB
sampling implementation improves sampling performance by avoiding full table scans. The
sampled_pages_read and sampled_pages_skipped INNODB_METRICS counters can be used
to monitor sampling of InnoDB data pages. See Histogram Statistics Analysis. (WL #8777)
Bugs Fixed
Important Change: Character set resolution has been changed for the following string functions:
REPLACE(str, from_str, to_str)
SUBSTRING_INDEX(str, delim, count)
Previously, character set information for all arguments to these functions was aggregated, which
could lead to results that were not well formed. This also caused issues with LPAD(), which
assumes that both input and output are well formed. Now each of the three listed functions always
uses the character set employed by str, and converts all other arguments to this character set at
execution time; if any such conversion fails, the function returns an error. (Bug #30114420)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28197977.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Important Change: Subquery materialization no longer requires strict matching of inner and outer
types. Different types can now be materialized when one of the following conditions is true:
The inner type is numeric (since there is always a way to cast the outer type to a number)
The inner type is temporal (since there is always a way to cast the outer type to a temporal)
Both types are strings
(Bug #13960580)
NDB Cluster: Password masking was incomplete for some NDB logging options. (Bug #97335, Bug
InnoDB: Initialization of certain internal data structures at startup depend on internal variables
derived from the max_connections setting. InnoDB failed to resize the internal data structures
when the max_connections setting was modified after startup using SET PERSIST. (Bug
InnoDB: os_file_get_parent_dir warnings were encountered when compiling MySQL with
GCC 9.2.0. (Bug #30499288, Bug #97466)
InnoDB: An attempt to access a large object (LOB) value using a null reference raised an assertion
failure. To prevent this issue form occurring, a check was added to determine if LOB references are
null before they are accessed. (Bug #30499064)
InnoDB: An assertion failure occurred after upgrading the data directory. Prepared XA transaction
were still present, which prevented undo tablespaces from being upgraded. Undo tablespaces
containing prepared transaction changes must remain active until all prepared XA transactions are
committed or rolled back.
Prepared XA transactions also prevented the completion of an explicit undo tablespace truncation
operation after a restart. (Bug #30489497)
InnoDB: Attempting to upgrade a MySQL 5.7 instance on Linux with uppercase table names
(partitioned or otherwise) to MySQL 8.0 on macOS raised an assertion failure. Partition file format
changes in MySQL 8.0 prevented migration of the data directory to a different platform, and the
lower_case_table_names setting was changed at upgrade time, which can cause an upgrade
failure. Instead of a failure occurring under these circumstances, an error is now reported. (Bug
#30450968, Bug #30450979)
InnoDB: On macOS, a failure occurred when attempting to upgrade a MySQL 5.7 instance with
uppercase table names to MySQL 8.0. Uppercase table names were not normalized to lowercase.
The following errors were reported: Table is not found in InnoDB dictionary and Error
in fixing SE data errors. (Bug #30450944)
InnoDB: On Windows, a failure occurred when attempting to upgrade a MySQL 5.7 instance with
uppercase partitioned table names to MySQL 8.0. Opening the table returned a null pointer, which
caused a segmentation fault when closing the table. (Bug #30450918)
InnoDB: On Windows, a mysqld exception was raised when attempting to upgrade a MySQL 5.7
instance with uppercase partitioned table names to MySQL 8.0. (Bug #30447790)
InnoDB: On Windows, a failure occurred when attempting to upgrade a MySQL 5.7 instance
containing general tablespace defined with an uppercase name to MySQL 8.0. The following errors
were reported: Error in fixing SE data and Failed to Populate DD. (Bug #30446798)
InnoDB: Introduction of local minitransactions (mtrs) in LOB-related code resulted in an assertion
failure during recovery. (Bug #30417719)
InnoDB: A failure occurred when attempting to upgrade a MySQL 5.7 instance on Windows with
uppercase partitioned table names to MySQL 8.0 on Linux. Partition file format changes in MySQL
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
8.0 prevented migration of the data directory to a different platform. Instead of a failure, an error is
now reported. (Bug #30411118)
InnoDB: Updating the same compressed LOB data repeatedly caused the tablespace file to
increase in size. (Bug #30353812)
InnoDB: When the temptable_max_ram limit was reached, the TempTable storage engine
incorrectly reported an out-of-memory error instead of falling back to disk-based storage. (Bug
#30314972, Bug #96893)
InnoDB: After importing an encrypted table and restarting the server, the following error was
returned when attempting to access the table: ERROR 3185 (HY000): Can't find master
key from keyring, please check in the server log if a keyring plugin is
loaded and initialized successfully. The tablespace key was not written to disk after it
was encrypted with the destination master key. (Bug #30313734)
InnoDB: The internal InnoDB dict_create_foreign_constraints() function that parsed
SQL statements and performed foreign key related DDL checks was removed. The function became
redundant with introduction of the data dictionary in MySQL 8.0 and the subsequent relocation of
foreign key related DDL checks to the SQL layer.
Removal of the dict_create_foreign_constraints() function also addressed the following
foreign key issues:
Spaces around dots (“.”) in a fully qualified referenced table name were not permitted by the
InnoDB parser.
Adding a foreign key and removing partitioning in the same ALTER TABLE statement was not
permitted. The InnoDB parser did not detect that the new table version was no longer partitioned.
A foreign key constraint could not reference a table inside a schema named “AUX”. The function
that parsed referenced table names did not recognize that special names such as AUX are
Conditional comments in foreign key definitions were ignored.
Additionally, a check was added to the SQL layer to detect attempts to create multiple foreign keys
of the same name on a table at an early stage in the execution of an ALTER TABLE statement. (Bug
#30287895, Bug #22364336, Bug #28486106, Bug #28703793, Bug #16904122, Bug #92567, Bug
#11754659, Bug #46293)
InnoDB: A comparison function found two records to be equal when attempting to merge non-
leaf pages of a spatial index. The function was unable to handle this unexpected condition, which
resulted in a long semaphore wait and an eventual assertion failure. (Bug #30287668)
InnoDB: A locally acquired latch required for freeing a large object (LOB) page could have caused
a deadlock if a subsequent caller attempted to acquire a latch for the same page before the page
was freed. Similarly, a latch taken on a compressed or uncompressed LOB during a rollback related
operation could have caused a deadlock due to a latching order issue. (Bug #30258536)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29846292.
InnoDB: A race condition between a purge thread that was purging a compressed LOB page and an
update thread that is using a delete-marked record caused an assertion failure. (Bug #30197056)
InnoDB: A tablespace import operation that failed due to the source and destination tables being
defined with different DATA DIRECTORY clauses reported an insufficiently descriptive schema
mismatch error. Moreover, if a .cfg file was not present, the same operation would raise an
assertion failure. A more informative error message is now reported in both cases before the import
operation is terminated due to the data directory mismatch. (Bug #30190199, Bug #30190227, Bug
#20644698, Bug #76142)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A purge operation failed when attempting to purge a LOB value larger than the buffer pool.
(Bug #30183982)
InnoDB: Update operations that moved externally stored LOB data to inline storage failed to mark
the old LOB data as purgeable. (Bug #30178056, Bug #96466)
InnoDB: Index key part sort order information was not stored to the .cfg metadata file used by
ALTER TABLE ... IMPORT TABLESPACE operations. The index key part sort order was therefore
assumed to be ascending, which is the default. As a result, records could be sorted in an unintended
order if one table involved in the import operation is defined with a DESC index key part sort order
and the other table is not. To address this issue, the .cfg file format was updated to include index
key part sort order information. (Bug #30128418)
InnoDB: Criteria used by the btr_cur_will_modify_tree() function, which detects whether a
modifying record needs a modifying tree structure, was insufficient. (Bug #30113362)
InnoDB: Startup was slow on instances with a large number of tables due the tablespace file scan
that occurs at startup to retrieve space IDs. A multithreaded scan was only initiated if the number of
tablespace files exceed 50,000, and three tablespace pages were read to retrieve a space ID. To
improve startup times, additional threads are now allocated for the tablespace file scan, and only
the first tablespace page is read to retrieve a space ID. If a space ID is not found on the first page of
the tablespace, three pages are read to determine the space ID, as before. (Bug #30108154, Bug
InnoDB: Startup failed on a case insensitive file system with an error indicating that multiple
files were found for the same tablespace ID. A file path comparison did not recognize that
innodb_data_home_dir and datadir paths were the same due to the paths having different
lettercases. (Bug #30040815)
InnoDB: A storage engine error occurred when accessing the mysql.innodb_index_stats
and mysql.innodb_table_stats persistent optimizer statistics tables after upgrading a MySQL
8.0.13 instance on Linux with partitioned tables and a lower_case_table_names=1 setting
to MySQL 8.0.14 or MySQL 8.0.15. The persistent optimizer statistics tables contained duplicate
entries. (Bug #30012621)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #26925260.
InnoDB: CREATE TABLESPACE failed with an error indicating that the tablespace already exists.
The error was due to the failure of a preceding CREATE TABLESPACE operation where the DDL
failed but related changes were not rolled back due to rollback being disabled prior to transaction
commit. Rollback is now disabled after the transaction commits successfully. (Bug #29959193, Bug
InnoDB: Changed pages belonging to imported tablespaces were not being tracked. (Bug
InnoDB: Renaming of full-text search auxiliary tables during upgrade failed due to a tablespace
name conflict when upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 on a case-insensitive file system. (Bug
InnoDB: Rollback of an INSERT operation that inserted a LOB value larger than a buffer pool
caused a deadlock. (Bug #29846292, Bug #95572)
InnoDB: A code regression was addressed by prohibiting unnecessary implicit to explicit secondary
index lock conversions for session temporary tables. (Bug #29718243)
InnoDB: A tablespace import operation raised an assertion when the cursor was positioned on a
corrupted page while purging delete-marked records. Instead of asserting when encountering a
corrupted page, the import operation is now terminated and an error is reported. (Bug #29454828,
Bug #94541)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Delete marked rows were able to acquire an external read lock before a partial rollback was
completed. The external read lock prevented conversion of an implicit lock to an explicit lock during
the partial rollback, causing an assertion failure. (Bug #29195848)
InnoDB: After a server exit that occurred while an undo tablespace truncation operation was in
progress, warning messages were printed at startup stating that doublewrite pages could not
be restored for undo tablespace pages. The warning messages are no longer printed for undo
tablespaces that are being truncated. (Bug #28590016)
InnoDB: In read-only mode (innodb_read_only=ON), SHOW CREATE TABLE output did not
include information about foreign key constraints. (Bug #21966795, Bug #78754)
Partitioning: When upgrading a database with a subpartitioned table from MySQL 8.0.16 or
lower and then executing ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN, an assertion or error would occur. (Bug
#30360695, Bug #97054)
Partitioning: During upgrade of partitioned tables from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0, when a prefix key was
used by the partitioning function, the prefix length was ignored, and the full column length was
considered instead. Consequently, the table might incorrectly be rejected from being upgraded
because its partition field length was found to be too large. (Bug #29941988, Bug #95921)
Partitioning: ALTER TABLE ... EXCHANGE PARTITION could cause indexes to become
corrupted. This was due to the fact that the server assumed that the order in which an index is
created in a partitioned table is the same as that of the table which is not partitioned. This led to the
wrong index data being exchanged. (Bug #29706669)
Replication: An assertion was raised when privilege checks were carried out for a replication
channel if the slave had more columns in the relevant table than the master. The check now
references the number of columns in the event, rather than in the table definition. (Bug #30343310)
Replication: Replication connection parameters that are held in the
mysql.slave_relay_log_info table are now preserved in the event of a server crash or
deliberate restart after issuing RESET SLAVE but before issuing START SLAVE. This action applies
to the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account setting for replication privilege checks (introduced in
MySQL 8.0.18) and the REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT setting (introduced in MySQL 8.0.19). Note that
if relay_log_info_repository=FILE is set on the server (which is not the default and is
deprecated), replication connection parameters are not preserved in this situation. (Bug #30311908)
Replication: When a replication channel is secured by specifying a PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER
account, which should not have ACL privileges, a GRANT statement that is replicated to the channel
causes the replication applier to stop. In this situation, the behavior was correct but an assertion was
being raised. The assertion has now been removed. (Bug #30273684)
Replication: For multithreaded replication slaves, setting slave_preserve_commit_order=1
now preserves the order of statements with an IF EXISTS clause when the object concerned does
not exist. Previously, these updates might have committed before transactions that preceded them
in the relay log, which might have resulted in gaps in the sequence of transactions that have been
executed from the slave's relay log. (Bug #30262096)
Replication: When privilege checks were carried out for a replication channel, the permissions
required for setting the session value of the sql_require_primary_key system variable were not
being checked. The check is now carried out. (Bug #30254917)
Replication: A memory leak could occur when a failed replication group member tried to rejoin a
minority group and was disallowed from doing so. (Bug #30162547, Bug #96471)
Replication: When a group member rejoins a replication group, it begins the distributed recovery
process by checking the relay log for its group_replication_applier channel for any
transactions that it already received from the group, and applying these. The joining member then
initiates state transfer from an existing online member, which might begin with a remote cloning
operation. Previously, the group_replication_applier channel was not explicitly stopped when
a remote cloning operation was started, so it was possible that the applier might still be applying
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
existing transactions at that time, which might lead to errors. The group_replication_applier
channel is now stopped before a remote cloning operation is requested, and restarted when the
distributed recovery process moves on to state transfer from a donor's binary log. (Bug #30152028,
Bug #96447)
Replication: If STOP GROUP_REPLICATION was issued while the member's XCom port was
blocked, the XCom thread hung and the shutdown did not complete. XCom is now terminated in this
situation. (Bug #30139794)
Replication: The slave status logs mysql.slave_relay_log_info (the relay log info log)
and mysql.slave_worker_info (the slave worker log) are now copied from the donor to the
recipient during a local or remote cloning operation. The slave status logs hold information that
can be used to resume replication correctly after the cloning operation, including the relay log
position from which to restart replication, the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account setting, and
the new REQUIRE_ROW_FORMAT setting. Note that the relay logs themselves are not copied from
the donor to the recipient, only the information about them that is held in these tables. Also note
that if relay_log_info_repository=FILE is set on the server (which is not the default and is
deprecated), the slave status logs are not cloned; they are only cloned if TABLE is set.
Before this patch, the following replication-related behaviors occurred on a replication slave that had
been provisioned by a cloning operation:
The default replication channel would fail to start if it was the only channel on the slave, because it
was considered to be not initialized due to the missing relay log information.
Any PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account setting that had been applied to replication channels on
the donor was absent and had to be respecified.
Replication channels that used GTID auto-positioning (as specified by the
MASTER_AUTO_POSITION option on the CHANGE MASTER TO statement) were able to resume
replication automatically.
Replication channels that used binary log file position based replication (as specified by the
had to have the MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options reapplied manually before
restarting replication in order to resume correctly. If the channels were configured to start
replication automatically at server startup, without the options reapplied they would attempt to
start replication from the beginning. They were therefore likely to attempt to replicate data that had
already been copied to the slave by the cloning operation, causing replication to stop and possibly
corrupting the data on the slave.
With this change, the following replication-related behaviors now occur on a replication slave that has
been provisioned by a cloning operation:
The default replication channel can now always start after the cloning operation if it is configured to
do so.
All channels now have the donor's PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account setting and
Replication channels that use GTID auto-positioning (as specified by the
MASTER_AUTO_POSITION option on the CHANGE MASTER TO statement) are still able to resume
replication automatically. For Group Replication channels, which use GTID auto-positioning,
an internal equivalent of the RESET MASTER statement is now used to ensure that replication
resumes optimally.
Replication channels that use binary log file position based replication now have the correct
MASTER_LOG_FILE and MASTER_LOG_POS options in place after cloning. Because the relay
logs themselves are not cloned, these channels now attempt to carry out the relay log recovery
process, using the cloned relay log information, before restarting replication. For a single-threaded
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
slave (slave_parallel_workers is set to 0), relay log recovery should succeed in the absence
of any other issues, enabling the channel to resume replication correctly. For a multithreaded
slave (slave_parallel_workers is greater than 0), relay log recovery is likely to fail because
it cannot usually be completed automatically, but an informative error message is issued, and the
data will not be corrupted.
(Bug #29995256, Bug #30510766)
Replication: An internal deadlock could occur on a multi-threaded replication slave when the
relay_log_space_limit system variable was set to limit the size of relay logs on the slave, and
the coordinator thread acquired locks related to this limit and to the end position of the log. (Bug
Replication: If a replication slave was set up using a CHANGE MASTER TO statement that did not
specify the master log file name and master log position, then shut down before START SLAVE
was issued, then restarted with the option --relay-log-recovery set, replication did not start.
This happened because the receiver thread had not been started before relay log recovery was
attempted, so no log rotation event was available in the relay log to provide the master log file name
and master log position. In this situation, the slave now skips relay log recovery and logs a warning,
then proceeds to start replication. (Bug #28996606, Bug #93397)
Group Replication: When a member is joining or rejoining a replication group, if Group Replication
detects an error in the distributed recovery process (during which the joining member receives state
transfer from an existing online member), it automatically switches over to a new donor, and retries
the state transfer. The number of times the joining member retries before giving up is set by the
group_replication_recovery_retry_count system variable. The Performance Schema
table replication_applier_status_by_worker displays the error that caused the last retry.
Previously, this error was only shown if the group member was configured with parallel replication
applier threads (as set by the slave_parallel_workers system variable). If the group member
was configured with a single applier thread, the error was cleared after each retry by an internal
RESET SLAVE operation, so it could not be viewed. This was also the case for the output of the
SHOW SLAVE STATUS command whether there were single or multiple applier threads. The RESET
SLAVE operation is now no longer carried out after retrying distributed recovery, so the error that
caused the last retry can always be viewed. (Bug #30517160, Bug #30517172, Bug #97540)
Group Replication: When a replication group member leaves a group, either because STOP
GROUP_REPLICATION was issued or due to an error, Group Replication now stops the binary
log dump thread so that the former group member cannot send unwanted binary log data to the
members that have remained in the group. (Bug #30315614)
Group Replication: When Group Replication was started following either provisioning with a cloning
operation, execution of RESET MASTER, or removal of a partial transaction from the relay log,
RESET SLAVE ALL was used internally to clear any unwanted state on the server. However, in
MySQL 8.0.18, this caused any PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account that was specified for a Group
Replication channel to be removed. RESET SLAVE is now used instead, which does not remove the
account. (Bug #30262225)
Group Replication: When Group Replication is running in single-primary mode, and a new primary
server is elected, the messages logged at this time now provide the newly elected primary server's
gtid_executed set, and the set of GTIDs retrieved by the replication applier. (Bug #30049310)
Group Replication: If a replication group member stops unexpectedly and is immediately restarted
(for example, because it was started with mysqld_safe), it automatically attempts to rejoin the
group if group_replication_start_on_boot=on is set. Previously, if the restart and rejoin
attempt took place before the member's previous incarnation had been expelled from the group,
the member could not rejoin. Now in this scenario, Group Replication automatically uses a Group
Communication System (GCS) feature to retry the rejoin attempt for the member 10 times, with
a 5-second interval between each retry. This should cover most cases and allow enough time for
the previous incarnation to be expelled from the group, letting the member rejoin. Note that if the
group_replication_member_expel_timeout system variable is set to specify a longer waiting
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
period before the member is expelled, the automatic rejoin attempts might still not succeed. (Bug
macOS: On macOS, configuring MySQL with -DWITH_SSL=system caused mysql_config
output to incorrectly include internal CMake names for the static SSL libraries. (Bug #30541879, Bug
macOS: Builds on macOS with Ninja could fail with an error trying to create a symbolic link multiple
times. (Bug #30368985)
Microsoft Windows; JSON: On Windows platforms, memory used for a multi-valued index was not
released after the table containing it was dropped. (Bug #30227756)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, -DWITH_SSL=system failed to find the installed OpenSSL
headers if Strawberry Perl was installed. (Bug #30359287)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, the -DWITH_SSL=system option did not work if the path
name leading to the system OpenSSL libraries contained a space. This is now handled. Also, -
DWITH_SSL=yes is treated like -DWITH_SSL=system, as on other platforms. (Bug #30261942, Bug
Microsoft Windows: MSVC 2019 produced garbled source file names for compilation errors. A
workaround in the CMake configuration was implemented to correct for this. (Bug #30255096, Bug
JSON: Updating a value in a JSON column by replacing a character string element with a binary
string containing the same byte sequence as the utf8mb4 representation of the character string had
no effect.
The root cause of this issue was a change in the behavior of comparisons between JSON strings
and JSON opaque values introduced by the implementation of multi-valued indexes in MySQL
8.0.17, previous to which, JSON strings and JSON opaque values were never considered equal.
After the change, they were considered equal if their binary data matched.
An analysis of this change showed that it was not needed; in addition, the new behavior conflicted
with the existing documentation for comparisons of JSON values. This issue is fixed by restoring the
original behavior. (Bug #30348554)
JSON: A view that used JSON_TABLE() did not preserve the character set in which JSON path
arguments were encoded. This meant that, if the view was evaluated with a different character set in
effect from the one in which it was defined, it could produce wrong results. This is fixed by ensuring
that JSON_TABLE() preserves the original character set in such cases. (Bug #30310265)
JSON: Adding a functional index on a JSON column changed the collation used for comparing
strings, causing the result returned by the same query selecting the column to differ from that
obtained without the index. (Bug #29723353)
JSON: If the first argument to JSON_TABLE() was const during the execution of a stored
procedure, but not during preparation, it was not re-evaluated when a statement was subsequently
executed again, causing an empty result to be returned each time following the first execution of the
procedure. (Bug #97097, Bug #30382156)
JSON: In some cases, such as when a query uses FORCE INDEX, the cost of reading
the table is DBL_MAX; this was rounded up to 2e308 when printed, which is too large
for the JSON parser, so that it was not possible to extract parts of the optimizer trace
using a query such as SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(trace, '$**.table_scan') FROM
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.OPTIMIZER_TRACE. Now in such cases, values greater than 1.5e308 are
rounded down and printed as 1e308 instead. (Bug #96751, Bug #30226767)
After upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, a CLONE INSTANCE operation failed with the
following error: ERROR 3862 (HY000): Clone Donor Error: 1016 : Can't open file:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
'./undo001'. The upgrade process left behind orphaned in-memory undo tablespaces. Thanks to
Satya Bodapati for the contribution. (Bug #30602218, Bug #97784, Bug #30239255, Bug #96637)
The MySQL optimizer's hash join algorithm uses the join buffer to store intermediate results. If this
buffer overflows, the server uses a spill-to-disk algorithm, which writes one of the hash join operands
to a temporary file, to handle this gracefully. If one of the operands was a table that was a member
of a pushed join operation, this strategy conflicted with the pushed join requirement for all child result
rows to use nested-loop reads whenever one of their pushed join ancestors was the current row in
the join evaluation, which could in some cases result in incorrect query results being returned. (Bug
Access to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS table was not properly restricted to the correct user.
(Bug #30542333)
When creating hash values used for lookups during a hash join, the server did not respect the PAD
SPACE attribute, meaning that 'foo' and 'foo ' did not match when using a PAD SPACE collation.
This is fixed by padding all strings up to the same length as the longest possible string, where the
longest possible string is deduced from the data type length specifier N in CHAR(N) or VARCHAR(N).
(Bug #30535541)
When retrieving large result sets containing DECIMAL columns from a secondary engine, conversion
of the column values to strings for transport over the text protocol acted as a bottleneck. The
performance of the functions responsible for such conversions has been improved in some cases by
as much as 50%, as reflected in internal testing. (Bug #30528427)
When the FORMAT_PICO_TIME() function was invoked to process several rows, once a NULL
argument was found in a row, every result after that was set to NULL. (Bug #30525561)
When a Performance Schema event was timed, the event duration reported in events_xxx
tables could be NULL instead of 0 for events where the timer start and end values are equal. (Bug
Adding a LIMIT clause to a parenthesized query suppressed locking clauses within the
parentheses. For example, this query would not lock the table:
Adding a LIMIT clause outside of a parenthesized query is intended to override a LIMIT clause
within the parentheses. However, the outer LIMIT suppressed ORDER BY within the parentheses as
well. For example, for this query, the ORDER BY was suppressed:
Now inner locking and ORDER BY clauses are not suppressed by an outer LIMIT clause. (Bug
#30521098, Bug #30521803)
When optimizer extracts conditions on constant tables for early evaluation, it does not include
WHERE conditions that are expensive to evaluate, including conditions involving stored functions.
When the extracted condition evaluated to true because it involved only const tables, the entire
WHERE condition was incorrectly removed. Now in such cases, a check for expensive conditions is
performed prior to any removal of the WHERE condition. (Bug #30520714)
When a lateral materialized derived table used DISTINCT, the derived table was not rematerialized
for each outer row as expected. (Bug #30515233)
EXPLAIN ANALYZE did not work correctly with a common table expression using WITH
RECURSIVE. (Bug #30509580)
The GNU gold loader could cause memory exhaustion on some platforms. Now it is used by default
only on Intel 64-bit platforms. (Bug #30504760, Bug #96698)
Some Linux platforms experienced high overhead with EXPLAIN ANALYZE due to use of a system
call by libstdc++ instead of clock_gettime(). (Bug #30483025)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
On Solaris 11.4, the LDAP authentication plugins could not be built. (Bug #30482553)
Queries that used the MEMBER OF() operator were not always handled correctly. (Bug #30477993)
Boost compilation failed under Visual Studio due to a Boost workaround for a VC++ 2013 bug that
has since been fixed. The workaround is now patched for Boost compilation with MySQL. (Bug
#30474056, Bug #97391)
When retrieving large result sets containing many integers from a secondary engine, conversion
of the integers to strings for sending over the text protocol could act as a bottleneck. To avoid this
problem, the performance of internal functions performing such conversions has been improved.
(Bug #30472888)
Docker packages were missing the LDAP authentication plugins. (Bug #30465247)
Corrected a typo in a mysys/my_handler_errors.h error message. Thanks to Nikolai Kostrigin
for the contribution. (Bug #30462329, Bug #97361)
A GTID table update while innodb_force_recovery was enabled caused a debug assertion
failure. (Bug #30449531, Bug #97312)
MySQL failed to compile against Protobuf 3.10. (Bug #30428543, Bug #97246)
Buffered log lines during system startup could be lost. (Bug #30422941, Bug #97225)
If the mysql.user system table was renamed, the server could exit. (Bug #30418070)
Revoking a role specified with no host name could cause a server exit. (Bug #30416389)
When determining whether to pull out a semijoin table when other tables inside the semijoin
depended on this table, only those semijoin tables which were base tables were considered; those in
nested joins were ignored. (Bug #30406241)
References: See also: Bug #12714094, Bug #11752543, Bug #43768.
The AppArmor profile on Ubuntu platforms was not able to read the OpenSSL configuration. (Bug
Some Fedora 30 packages had missing obsoletes information that could cause problems upgrading
an existing MySQL installation. (Bug #30348549, Bug #96969)
Altering only the default encryption in an ALTER SCHEMA statement caused the schema default
character set and collation to be reset to the system defaults. (Bug #30344462, Bug #96994)
Columns declared with both AUTO_INCREMENT and DEFAULT value expressions (a nonpermitted
combination) could raise an assertion or cause a server exit. (Bug #30331053)
SHOW GRANTS for an anonymous user could result in a server exit under some conditions. (Bug
GREATEST() and LEAST() did not always handle time values correctly. (Bug #30326848)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25123839.
The list of subpartitions in partition objects was not serialized and therefore not included in serialized
dictionary information (SDI). To address this issue, support was added for serialization and
deserialization of subpartition dictionary information. The patch for this bug also includes minor
SDI code refactoring and format changes. Due to the format changes, the SDI version number was
incremented. (Bug #30326020, Bug #96943)
Following execution of ANALYZE TABLE, the optimizer trace for a given query differed when another
query was executed previously to it, but also after the ANALYZE TABLE. (Bug #30321546)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
innodb_buffer_pool_instances was not initialized correctly at server startup if it had been set
using SET PERSIST or PERSIST_ONLY. (Bug #30318828)
A low max_allowed_packet value caused the following error: ERROR 1153 (08S01) at line
1: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes. The error message was
revised to indicate the minimum required max_allowed_packet value for cloning operations. (Bug
#30315486, Bug #96891)
An assertion could be raised when server code tried to send to clients an error code intended to be
written to the error log. These instances are fixed by sending a code intended to be sent to clients.
(Bug #30312874)
CREATE VIEW did not always succeed when the body of the view definition contained a join and
multiple subselects. (Bug #30309982)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25466100.
Dependency information for SLES 12 RPM packages was incorrect, causing MySQL installation
failure. (Bug #30308305)
When restoring GEOMETRY data from hash join chunk files to a GEOMETRY column, the server did not
copy the data to the column, but instead stored a pointer to the data, which resided in a temporary
buffer, meaning that the GEOMETRY column pointed to random data as soon as this buffer was
reused. Now, the server always copies the data from this buffer into the GEOMETRY column when
executing a hash join. (Bug #30306279)
Some ALTER TABLE operations using the COPY algorithm did not handle columns with expression
default values properly. (Bug #30302907, Bug #96864)
The CONV() function did not always handle returning the proper number of characters correctly.
(Bug #30301543)
Parser recursion checks were insufficient to prevent stack overflow. (Bug #30299881)
The removal of a subquery because the condition in which it occurred was always false was
expected to be performed during resolution, but when the subquery did not involve any tables, the
server executed it while resolving it. This resulted in the failure of a subsequent check to confirm that
the subquery was only being resolved and not yet optimized. Now in such cases, the server also
checks to see whether the subquery was already executed. (Bug #30273827)
For debug builds, attempts to add to an empty temporary table a column with an expression default
that was not valid raised an assertion. (Bug #30271792)
Construction of the iterator tree may yield a non-hierarchical structure; this can happen when, for
example, b and c from a LEFT JOIN b LEFT JOIN c also make up the right side of a semijoin.
The iterator executor solves this by adding a weedout on top of the entire query, which means that
is also necessary to iterators interacting with row IDs that they need to store and restore them. This
was not done in all such cases, causing wrong results. Now the addition of a top-level weedout
is always communicated to the iterators as soon as it is known that this is being done, before any
affected iterators are constructed. (Bug #30267889)
Foreign key-handling code duplication between the SQL layer and the data dictionary was
eliminated. A side effect is that some error messages now are more informative and clear. (Bug
#30267236, Bug #96765)
During startup, the server could handle incorrect option values for persisted variables improperly,
resulting in a server exit. (Bug #30263773)
In some queries involving materialized semijoins, when using the iterator executor, conditions were
evaluated outside the materialization, causing inefficient query plans to be used and sometimes also
producing wrong results. (Bug #30250091)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ALTER TABLE statements that renamed a column used in CHECK constraints could result in an
incorrect error message. (Bug #30239721)
For SELECT statements, an INTO var_name clause prior to a locking clause is legal but the parser
rejected it. (Bug #30237291, Bug #96677)
statement was previously executed within the same session and there was a concurrent ALTER
DATABASE statement running in another session against the same database specified (implicitly or
explicitly) for the FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statement. (Bug #30226264)
Slow query logging could result in a server exit for connections that did not use the classic client/
server protocol. (Bug #30221187)
A statement that added a foreign key without an explicit name failed when re-executed as a prepared
statement or in a stored program with an unwarranted duplicate foreign key name error. (Bug
#30214965, Bug #96611)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30171959.
With multiple sessions executing concurrent INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
statements into a table with an AUTO_INCREMENT column but not specifying the AUTO_INCREMENT
value, inserts could fail with a unique index violation. (Bug #30194841, Bug #96578)
Client programs could load authentication plugins from outside the plugin library. (Bug #30191834,
Bug #30644258)
When switching between table scans and index lookups, AlternativeIterator did not reset the
handler, which could lead to assertion failures. (Bug #30191394)
Setting open_files_limit to a large value, or setting it when the operating system rlimit had a
value that was large but not equal to RLIM_INF could cause the server to run out of memory. As
part of this fix, the server now caps the effective open_files_limit value to the the maximum
unsigned integer value. (Bug #30183865, Bug #96525)
References to fully qualified INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables could fail depending on the lettercase in
which INFORMATION_SCHEMA was specified. (Bug #30158484)
Slow queries with an execution time greater than 35 days could cause corruption of the
mysql.slow_log system table requiring a REPAIR TABLE operation. (Bug #30113119, Bug
MySQL did not support sending systemd notification messages to a socket specified using the
NOTIFY_SOCKET environment variable, if the variable named an abstract namespace socket. (Bug
Using SET PERSIST_ONLY to set a boolean system variable to a numeric value resulted in the
server being unable to restart. (Bug #30094645, Bug #30298191, Bug #96848)
A fix for a previous issue combined two TABLE_LIST constructors in an unfortunate way. One
of these created a TABLE_LIST object from a TABLE object representing a temporary table.
Previously, the table name was made the same as the alias; this was changed to copying the name
from the TABLE object. Due to the fact that, for a temporary table, the table name is a file path, it was
possible to exceed the limit for MDL_key names, leading to a failed assertion. Fixed by reintroducing
dedicated constructors which behave in the manner that they did prior to the fix. (Bug #30083125)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27482976.
For UNIX_TIMESTAMP() errors occurring within stored functions, the number of fractional seconds
for subsequent function invocations could be incorrect. (Bug #30034972, Bug #96166)
When a common table expression contained a nondeterministic expression (such one that used
RAND()) and the common table expression was referenced more than once in the outer query, it
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
was merged in some cases. This caused the common table expression to return a different result
for each reference. Now in such cases, the common table expression is not merged, but rather is
materialized instead. (Bug #30026353)
In debug build of MySQL started on Linux with a lower_case_table_names=1 setting, discarding
a tablespace for a partitioned table after an in-place upgrade from MySQL 8.0.16 caused a serious
error. The partition tablespace name stored in the data dictionary was invalid, and the metadata
lock key prepared for the partition tablespace in MySQL 8.0.17 did not match the key stored in the
mysql.tablespaces table. (Bug #30024653)
KILL QUERY could kill the statement subsequent to the one intended. (Bug #29969769)
With lower_case_table_names=2, SHOW TABLES could fail to display tables with uppercase
names. (Bug #29957361)
The error message reported for attempts to upgrade tables with invalid expressions for generated
columns did not provide sufficient information. The error message now includes the generated
column name and the expression used to create the generated column. (Bug #29941887, Bug
Attempting to display an unresolvable view could result in a server exit rather than an error. (Bug
Incorrect checking of temporal literals for CREATE TABLE statements could lead to a server exit.
(Bug #29906966, Bug #95794)
Attempting to spawn a thread for a parallel read operation while system resources were temporary
unavailable raised system error. (Bug #29874480)
Writing unexpected values to the mysql.global_grants system table could cause a server exit.
(Bug #29873343)
The LAST_EXECUTED value in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.EVENTS table was incorrectly reported
in UTC, not in the event time zone. (Bug #29871530, Bug #95649)
With keyring_encrypted_file_password set on the command line at server startup, the
password value could be visible to system utilities. (Bug #29848634)
Changing the lower_case_table_names setting when upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to
MySQL 8.0 could cause a failure due to a schema or table name lettercase mismatch. If
lower_case_table_names=1, table and schema names are now checked by the upgrade process
to ensure that all characters are lowercase. If table or schema names are found to contain uppercase
characters, the upgrade process fails with an error. For related information, see Preparing Your
Installation for Upgrade. (Bug #29842749, Bug #95559)
With a LOCK TABLES statement in effect, a metadata change for the locked table could cause
Performance Schema or SHOW queries for session variables to hang in the opening_tables state.
(Bug #29836204, Bug #92387)
A SELECT using a WHERE condition of the form A AND (B OR C [OR ...]) resulting in an
impossible range led to an unplanned exit of the server. (Bug #29770705)
For JSON-format audit logging, the id field now may contain values larger than 65535. Previously,
with heaving logging activity, more than 65536 queries per second could be executed, exceeding the
16 bits permitted for id values. (Bug #29661920)
An incomplete connection packet could cause clients not to properly initialize the authentication
plugin name. (Bug #29630767)
Out-of-memory errors from the parser could be ignored, resulting in a server exit. (Bug #29614521)
On Linux, an assertion could be raised when the Performance Schema file instrumentation was
disabled and re-enabled. (Bug #29607570)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For a column defined as a PRIMARY KEY in a CREATE TABLE statement, a default value given as
an expression was ignored. (Bug #29596969, Bug #94668)
The TABLE_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege, added in MySQL 8.0.16, was incorrectly granted to the
system-defined mysql.session user during upgrade. (Bug #29596053, Bug #94888)
For connections encrypted with OpenSSL, network I/O at the socket level was not reported by the
Performance Schema. Also, network I/O performed while the server was in an IDLE state was not
reported by the Performance Schema. (Bug #29205129, Bug #30535558, Bug #97600)
When a query used a subquery that was merged into the outer query block (due to a semijoin
transformation or merge of a derived table), and the subquery itself contained a subquery with an
aggregate function with an aggregation query block that differed from its base query block, the
query could sometimes fail to return any rows unless executed a second time or preceded with
FLUSH TABLES. This was because, when merging, the information regarded tables used and the
aggregation information for the aggregate function was not updated properly. In the case which
raised this bug report, this meant that the comparison operation containing a scalar subquery was
regarded as const-for-execution and therefore the range optimizer attempted to evaluate it, and the
scalar subquery contained a MIN() function referring to an outer reference which had not yet been
read. Thus, when the aggregator object was populated, it was based on uninitialized data, leading to
unpredictable results. (Bug #28941154)
Changing the mandatory_roles system variable could cause SHOW GRANTS in concurrent
sessions to produce incorrect results. (Bug #28699403)
Failure of keyring_aws initialization caused failure of SSL socket initialization. (Bug #28591098)
Under certain conditions, enabling the read_only or super_read_only system variable did not
block concurrent DDL statements executed by users without the SUPER privilege. (Bug #28438114,
Bug #91852)
The current GROUP BY plan is improved so that every gap attribute is allowed to have a disjunction
of equality predicates. Predicates from different attributes must still be conjunctive to each other in
order to take advantage of this enhancement.
Our thanks to Facebook for this contribution. (Bug #28056998, Bug #15947433, WL #13066)
In some cases, BIGINT arguments to the FLOOR() and CEILING() functions were resolved as the
wrong type. (Bug #27125612)
mysqlpump exits rather than dumping databases that contain an invalid view, by design, but it also
failed if an invalid view existed but was not in any of the databases to be dumped. (Bug #27096081)
Foreign key information is now retrieved from the data dictionary, not from InnoDB. (Bug
Foreign key definitions used in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements for InnoDB tables
were ignored if the statements were wrapped in conditional comments (such as /*!50101 ... */
or /*! ... */). (Bug #21919887, Bug #78631)
The --log-raw option is now available at runtime as the log_raw system variable. The system
variable is set at startup to the option value, and may be set at runtime to change password masking
behavior. (Bug #16636373, Bug #68936)
EXPLAIN ANALYZE did not execute subqueries in the SELECT list, and thus did not take them into
account in its calculations of time or cost. (Bug #97296, Bug #30444266)
An inner scalar subquery containing an outer reference did not return the same result using a
nested set of SELECT expressions on the right hand side as when using a single SELECT that was
equivalent. (Bug #97063, Bug #30381092)
A materialized subquery could yield different results depending on whether it used an index. (Bug
#96823, Bug #30289052)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When a query terminated due to exceeding the time specified using the MAX_EXECUTION_TIME
hint, the error produced differed depending on the stage of the query. In particular, if the query
terminated during a filesort, the error raised was ER_FILSORT_ABORT, even though in such cases
the query should always exit with ER_QUERY_TIMEOUT. This made it unnecessarily difficult to trap
such errors and to handle them correctly.
This fix removes the error codes ER_FILSORT_ABORT and ER_FILESORT_TERMINATED. (Bug
#96537, Bug #30186874)
If a stored procedure had a parameter named member or array, and it had been defined without
quoting the parameter names, the database in which it was defined could not be upgraded to 8.0.17
or 8.0.18. (Bug #96288, Bug #30084237)
References: See also: Bug #96350, Bug #30103640.
When a function such as COALESCE() or IFNULL() was passed a BIGINT column value, casting a
negative return value from this function to UNSIGNED unexpectedly yielded zero.
Our thanks to Oleksandr Peresypkin for this contribution. (Bug #95954, Bug #29952066)
EXPLAIN output showed Select tables optimized away for a query using MAX() on an
indexed column, but if MAX() on the same column was called in a user function, it showed Using
index instead. (Bug #94862, Bug #29596977)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.18 (2019-10-14, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Account Management Notes
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
Connection Management Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Keyring Notes
Logging Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
sys Schema Notes
Test Suite Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Account Management Notes
The CREATE USER, ALTER USER, and SET PASSWORD statements now have the capability of
generating random passwords for user accounts, as an alternative to requiring explicit administrator-
specified literal passwords. See Password Management. (WL #11772)
Compilation Notes
Incompatible Change: The my_ulonglong type is no longer used in MySQL source code. Any
third-party code that used this type should use the uint64_t C type instead. Also, it is possible
that printf() format strings will need adjustment if used to print my_ulonglong variables. (Bug
For building MySQL 8.0, the minimum required version of Protobuf is now 3.0 rather than 2.5. (Bug
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.70.0. (Bug #29639344)
A DBUG_TRACE macro is available to assist in writing debug code. It is a convenience that replaces
pairs of enter/leave macros. For example, instead of writing this:
void foo() {
Write this instead:
void foo() {
(Bug #29589102)
Configuration Notes
CMake now enables use of fastcov if it is available. fastcov is faster than lcov or gcov. This
requires GCC and gcov versions of 9 or higher. (Bug #30011512)
The DISABLE_SHARED CMake option was unused and has been removed. (Bug #29971049, Bug
The CMake code to find Protobuf executables now works on platforms that split these into multiple
packages. (Bug #29953773)
The new ADD_GDB_INDEX CMake option determines whether to enable generation of a
.gdb_index section in binaries, which makes loading them in a debugger faster. The option is
disabled by default. It has no effect if a linker other than lld or GNU gold is used. (Bug #29925009,
Bug #95857)
For the INSTALL_LAYOUT CMake option, the SLES and WIN option values were not used and have
been removed. (Bug #29871520, Bug #95654)
The max_prepared_stmt_count system variable maximum value has been increased from 1
million (1,048,576) to 4 million (4,194,304). The default value remains unchanged at 16,382. (WL
MySQL 8.0 no longer supports building using wolfSSL. All MySQL builds now use OpenSSL. (WL
The RE2 library is no longer used by MySQL. The library is no longer bundled with source
distributions and the WITH_RE2 CMake option is obsolete.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Connection Management Notes
MySQL now provides more control over the use of compression to minimize the number of bytes
sent over connections to the server. Previously, a given connection was either uncompressed or
used the zlib compression algorithm. Now, it is also possible to use the zstd algorithm (zstd 1.3),
and to select a compression level for zstd connections. The permitted compression algorithms can
be configured on the server side, as well as on the connection-origination side for connections by
client programs and by servers participating in master/slave replication or Group Replication. For
more information, see Connection Compression Control.
Connection compression using the zstd algorithm requires that the server be built with zstd library
support. The new WITH_ZSTD CMake option indicates whether to use the bundled or system zstd
Legacy compression-control parameters, such as the --compress client option, are deprecated and
will be removed in a future MySQL version.
Thanks to Facebook for the contribution on which some of this work was based. (WL #12039, WL
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Use of the MYSQL_PWD environment variable to specify a MySQL password is considered insecure
because its value may be visible to other system users. MYSQL_PWD is now deprecated and will be
removed in a future MySQL version. (WL #13449)
The relay_log_info_file system variable and --master-info-file option are now
deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. These were used to specify the name
of the relay log info log and master info log when relay_log_info_repository=FILE and
master_info_repository=FILE were set, but those settings have been deprecated. The use of
files for the relay log info log and master info log has been superseded by crash-safe slave tables,
which are the default in MySQL 8.0. (WL #11031)
The slave_rows_search_algorithms system variable is now deprecated and will be removed
in a future MySQL version. This variable was used to control how rows were searched for matches
when preparing batches of rows for row-based logging and replication. The default setting
INDEX_SCAN,HASH_SCAN has been found to be optimal for performance and works correctly in all
scenarios. (WL #12892)
The log_bin_use_v1_row_events system variable is now deprecated and will be removed
in a future MySQL version. When set to ON, the variable made mysqld write the binary log using
Version 1 binary log row events, instead of Version 2 binary log row events which are the default
from MySQL 5.6. (The default is OFF.) The use of Version 1 binary log row events enabled row-
based replication with slaves running MySQL Server 5.5 and earlier, which could not use Version 2
binary log row events. (WL #12926)
The WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS() function is now deprecated, and the
WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET() function should be used instead. Both functions wait until
all of the specified transactions have been applied, or until the optional timeout has elapsed.
However, WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS() applied to a specific replication channel,
and stopped only after the transactions had been applied on that channel, for which the applier
had to be running. In contrast, WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET() stops after the specified
transactions have been applied on the server, regardless of how they were applied (on any
replication channel or from any user client), and whether or not any replication channels are running.
WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS() could hang indefinitely if an expected transaction
arrived on a different replication channel or from a user client, for example in a failover or manual
recovery situation, and no timeout was set. (WL #13178)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Keyring Notes
MySQL Enterprise Edition now includes a keyring_hashicorp plugin that uses HashiCorp Vault
as a back end for keyring storage. For more information, see The MySQL Keyring. (WL #12522)
Logging Notes
Log buffering during server startup was adjusted for less delay in the appearance of output in the
error log. (Bug #30019632)
Optimizer Notes
Queries involving first match split jump operations were handled wrongly in the iterator executor.
They are now rewritten to weedout. (Bug #30220791)
Hash joins have been implemented as a way of executing inner equi-joins in MySQL. For example, a
query such as this one can be executed as a hash join beginning with this release:
ON t1.c1 = t2.c1;
Multi-table joins using equi-joins can also take advantage of this optimization.
A hash join requires no index for execution. In most cases, a hash join is more efficient than the
block-nested loop algorithm previously used for equi-joins without indexes.
By default, beginning with this release, a hash join is used whenever a join includes at least one
equi-join condition, and no indexes can be applied to the join condition. (A hash join can still be
used where there are indexes applying to single-table predicates only.) This preference can be
overridden by setting the hash_join optimizer switch to off, or by using the NO_HASH_JOIN
optimizer hint. In addition, you can control the amount of memory used by a hash join by setting
join_buffer_size. A join whose memory requirement exceeds this amount is executed on disk;
an on-disk hash join uses a number of disk files and may not be executable if this number exceeds
A hash join cannot be employed if the join conditions for any pair of joined tables do not include
at least one equi-join condition among all join conditions used. A hash join is used for a Cartesian
product—that is, a join that specifies no join conditions at all.
You can see whether hash joins have been used to optimize a query in the output of EXPLAIN
In addition, inner joins using hash joins can now also take advantage of Batched Key Access (BKA).
Outer joins still allocate the entire join buffer.
For more information, see Hash Join Optimization. (WL #2241, WL #13002)
Added EXPLAIN ANALYZE, which provides iterator-based timing, cost, and other information
about queries in TREE format. This statement produces output similar to that of EXPLAIN, but with
additional information about how optimizer estimates match actual execution. (WL #4168)
MySQL now performs injection of casts into queries to avoid certain data type mismatches; that is,
the optimizer now adds casting operations in the item tree inside expressions and conditions in which
the data type of the argument and the expected data type do not match. This makes the query as
executed equivalent to one which is compliant with the SQL standard while maintaining backwards
compatibility with previous releases of MySQL.
Such implicit casts are now performed between temporal types and numeric types by casting both
arguments as DOUBLE whenever they are compared using any of the standard numeric comparison
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
operators. They are also now performed for such comparisons between DATE or TIME values and
DATETIME values, in which case the arguments are cast as DATETIME.
For example, a query such as SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON t1.int_col = t2.date_col
is rewritten and executed as SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON CAST(t1.int_col AS
DOUBLE) = CAST(t2.date_col AS DOUBLE), and SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON
t1.time_col = t2.date_col is transformed to SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON
CAST(t1.time_col AS DATETIME) = CAST(t2.date_col AS DATETIME) prior to
It is possible to see when casts are injected into a given query by viewing the output of EXPLAIN
in this case it is also necessary to issue SHOW WARNINGS afterwards.
This change is not expected to cause any difference in query results or performance. (WL #12108)
Packaging Notes
The test plugin has been moved to -test
packages. (Bug #30199634)
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library have been
upgraded to use curl 7.65.3. (Bug #30015512)
Pluggable Authentication
To assist in debugging failed connections for accounts that use an LDAP
authentication plugin, the authentication_ldap_simple_log_status and
authentication_ldap_sasl_log_status system variables now accept a maximum value of
6 (formerly 5). Setting either variable to 6 causes debugging messages from the LDAP library to be
written to the error log for the corresponding plugin. (Bug #29771393)
Security Notes
For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL library for MySQL
Server has been updated to version 1.1.1c. Issues fixed in the new OpenSSL version are described
at and
(Bug #29868818)
Spatial Data Support
Previously, for geometry arguments in a geographic SRS, ST_Distance() supported only
argument types of Point and Point, or Point and MultiPoint. ST_Distance() now supports
distance calculations for geographic SRS arguments of all geometry types. For more information,
see Spatial Relation Functions That Use Object Shapes. (WL #12216)
sys Schema Notes
The sys.schema_unused_indexes view now filters out unique indexes. Thanks to Gillian Gunson
for the contribution. (Bug #24798995, Bug #83257)
The sys.ps_is_consumer_enabled() function now produces an error rather than returning
NULL if the argument is an unknown non-NULL consumer name. (Bug #24760317)
Previously, sys schema sources were maintained in a separate Git repository. sys schema
sources now are included with and maintained within MySQL source distributions (under scripts/
sys_schema). As a consequence of this change, to simplify maintenance of sys schema scripts
going forward, the acceptable format of statements in the file named by the init_file system
variable has been expanded. For details, see the description of that variable in Server System
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The sys.version view is deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. Affected
applications should be adjusted to use an alternative instead. For example, use the VERSION()
function to retrieve the MySQL server version. (WL #12673)
Test Suite Notes
MySQL tests were updated to use the latest version of googletest. (Bug #30079649)
X Plugin Notes
X Protocol did not correctly display large numbers of warning messages that were issued for the
same query. (Bug #30055869)
When the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL mode was enabled, X Plugin incorrectly reported
collections as tables. (Bug #28208285)
Functionality Added or Changed
Replication; Group Replication: By default, MySQL replication (including Group Replication) does
not carry out privilege checks when transactions that were already accepted by another server are
applied on a replication slave or group member. From MySQL 8.0.18, you can create a user account
with the appropriate privileges to apply the transactions that are normally replicated on a channel,
and specify this as the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account for the replication applier. MySQL then
checks each transaction against the user account's privileges to verify that you have authorized
the operation for that channel. The account can also be safely used by an administrator to apply or
reapply transactions from mysqlbinlog output, for example to recover from a replication error on
the channel. The use of a PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER account helps secure a replication channel
against the unauthorized or accidental use of privileged or unwanted operations.
You grant the REPLICATION_APPLIER privilege to enable a user account to appear as the
PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER for a replication applier thread, and to execute the internal-use BINLOG
statements used by mysqlbinlog. After setting up the user account, use the GRANT statement
to grant additional privileges to enable the user account to make the database changes that you
expect the applier thread to carry out, such as updating specific tables held on the server. These
same privileges enable an administrator to use the account if they need to execute any of those
transactions manually on the replication channel. If an unexpected operation is attempted for which
you did not grant the appropriate privileges, the operation is disallowed and the replication applier
thread stops with an error. (WL #12966)
Group Replication: For group communication connections, Group Replication now supports the
TLSv1.3 protocol, which was supported by MySQL Server from 8.0.16. To use the TLSv1.3 protocol,
MySQL Server must be compiled using OpenSSL 1.1.1 or higher. For information on configuring
encrypted connections for Group Replication, see Securing Group Communication Connections with
Secure Socket Layer (SSL). (WL #12990)
Group Replication: A new option OFFLINE_MODE is available for the
group_replication_exit_state_action system variable, which specifies how Group
Replication behaves when a server instance leaves the group unintentionally, for example after
encountering an applier error, or in the case of a loss of majority, or when another member of the
group expels it due to a suspicion timing out.
When OFFLINE_MODE is specified as the exit action, Group Replication switches MySQL to offline
mode by setting the system variable offline_mode to ON. When the member is in offline mode,
connected client users are disconnected on their next request and connections are no longer
accepted, with the exception of client users that have the CONNECTION_ADMIN or SUPER privilege.
Group Replication also sets the system variable super_read_only to ON, so clients cannot make
any updates, even if they have connected with the SUPER privilege.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The OFFLINE_MODE exit action prevents updates like the default READ_ONLY exit action does, but
also prevents stale reads (with the exception of reads by client users with the stated privileges), and
enables proxy tools such as MySQL Router to recognize that the server is unavailable and redirect
client connections. It also leaves the instance running so that an administrator can attempt to resolve
the issue without shutting down MySQL, unlike the existing alternative ABORT_SERVER exit action,
which shuts down the instance. (WL #12895)
Group Replication: An internal message service has been added to Group Replication. MySQL
modules can use the service to transmit generic messages with an identifying tag to all group
members, using Group Replication's existing group communication connections. (WL #12896)
When the server is run with --initialize, there is no reason to load non-early plugins. The server
now logs a warning and ignores any --plugin-load or --plugin-load-add options given with
--initialize. (Bug #29622406)
The number of diagnostic messages relating to INFORMATION_SCHEMA upgrade during server
startup has been reduced. (Bug #29440725, Bug #94559)
Prior to MySQL 8.0, REVOKE produced an error for attempts to revoke an unknown privilege. In
MySQL 8.0, an account can possess a privilege that is currently unknown to the server if it is a
dynamic account that was granted while the component or plugin that registers the privilege was
installed. If that component or plugin is subsequently uninstalled, the privilege becomes unregistered,
although accounts that possess the privilege still possess it. Revoking such a privilege cannot be
distinguished from revoking a privilege that actually is invalid, so REVOKE no longer produces an
error for attempts to revoke an unknown privilege. However, to indicate that the privilege is currently
unknown, REVOKE now produces a warning. (Bug #29395197)
The new innodb_idle_flush_pct variable permits placing a limit on page flushing during idle
periods, which can help extend the life of solid state storage devices. See Limiting Buffer Flushing
During Idle Periods.
Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #27147088, Bug #88566, WL #13115)
mysqld invoked with the --help option no longer aborts if the secure_file_priv argument does
not exist. (Bug #26336130)
The Protobuf libraries are now dynamically linked. Their default locations are /usr/lib64/mysql/
private/ for RPMs, /usr/lib/mysql/private/ for DEBs, and /lib/private/ for TAR
builds. A new INSTALL_PRIV_LIBDIR CMake variable controls the location. (WL #13126)
Bugs Fixed
NDB Cluster: A query handled using a pushed condition produced incorrect results when it included
an ORDER BY clause. (Bug #29595346)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28672214.
NDB Cluster: The NDB transporter layer limits the size of messages to 32768 bytes; send buffers
place additional (and stricter) limitations on message size. Whenever a message is appended to a
send buffer, page checks are performed to ensure that the message fits in the available space; if not,
a new page is used. The current issue arose on account of the fact that no check was performed to
make sure that this message could fit in the empty page; when the size of the message exceeded
the empty page, this resulted in a buffer overwrite and in the overwriting of the next page in memory.
For data nodes the largest message supported by the send buffer (thr_send_page) is 32756
bytes; for API and management nodes, this maximum is 32752 bytes. (Signals sent within an
individual data node are not subject to these limitations since no send or transporter buffers are used
in this case). Now, when a new page is used, the size of the message is checked against that which
is available in a new page.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
As part of the work done to fix the problem just described, three new DUMP commands are added
to facilitate related testing and debugging: DUMP 103003 (CmvmiRelayDumpStateOrd) sends
a DUMP command using another node; DUMP 103004 (CmvmiDummySignal) and DUMP 103005
(CmvmiSendDummySignal) can be used to send long messages. (Bug #29024275)
NDB Cluster: EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE did not provide proper explanations of conditions and joins
pushed down to the NDBCLUSTER storage engine. Issues included the following:
Pushed conditions were not shown.
The root of a pushed join was not shown.
The child of a pushed join did not include any reference to its parent operation.
InnoDB: An internal function (btr_push_update_extern_fields()) used to fetch newly
added externally stored fields and update them during a pessimistic update or when going back
to a previous version of a record was no longer required. Newly added externally stored fields are
updated by a different function. Also, the method used to determine the number of externally stored
fields was corrected. (Bug #30342846)
InnoDB: An DROP UNDO TABLESPACE operation on an undo tablespace with a missing data file
caused a segmentation fault. (Bug #30155290)
InnoDB: An error in the internal trx_rseg_add_rollback_segments function was corrected.
(Bug #30114226, Bug #96372)
InnoDB: Problematic assertion code in the Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS) code
was revised. (Bug #30086559)
InnoDB: Arguments passed to a derived class in calls from the ib::fatal and
ib::fatal_or_error constructors could be ignored, resulting in invalid error messages.
Additionally, in the case of a fatal error, the ib::fatal_or_error destructor could cause a server
exit before printing a message. (Bug #30071930)
InnoDB: It was possible for a corrupted table to be removed from the table cache before the
reference count for the table reached zero. (Bug #30065947, Bug #96224)
InnoDB: A code path for the internal row_update_inplace_for_intrinsic() function did not
include a required mini-transaction (mtr) commit, causing a debug assertion failure. (Bug #30065518)
InnoDB: The internal fsp_srv_undo_tablespace_fixup() function did not take an
undo::ddl_mutex lock when called during startup, which could lead to an assertion failure under
certain circumstances. (Bug #30029433, Bug #30461911, Bug #97356)
InnoDB: Inspection of rename_tablespace_name() function showed that if old_shard-
>get_space_by_id(space_id) did not find the tablespace ID, it would return without calling
old_shard->mutex_release(). (Bug #30027771)
InnoDB: A tablespace with “FTS” in its name was incorrectly determined to be the tablespace of a
full-text index table and not registered with the data dictionary during upgrade, causing the upgrade
operation to fail. (Bug #29992589)
InnoDB: The ibuf_merge_or_delete_for_page() function, responsible for merging and
deleting pages in the change buffer, is no longer called for undo tablespaces and temporary
tablespaces. The change buffer does not contain entries for those tablespace types. (Bug
#29960394, Bug #95989)
InnoDB: Some combinations of buffer pool size variables (--innodb-buffer-pool-instances,
--innodb-buffer-pool-size, and --innodb-buffer-pool-chunk-size) lead to a chunk
size that is 0, 1, or a value that is not a multiple of the page size, and so on, causing errors during
buffer pool creation and sizing. (Bug #29951982)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A server exit while an undo tablespace was being truncated caused the following error
when a clone operation was rolled forward after restarting the server: [ERROR] [MY-011825]
[InnoDB] [FATAL] Clone File Roll Forward: Invalid File State: 0. (Bug
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE operation caused a hang condition. (Bug
#29942556, Bug #30324703)
InnoDB: Cloning operations failed with the following error after an archive thread failure: ERROR
3862 (HY000): Clone Donor Error: 1317 : Query execution was interrupted.
(Bug #29930839)
InnoDB: A clone related regression caused a minor drop in performance for index and non-index
update operations. (Bug #29925409)
InnoDB: InnoDB now ignores hidden directories and files during the tablespace discovery scan
that occurs at startup. Hidden directories and files include those beginning with "." and hidden and
system directories and files on Windows that are identified by attributes. (Bug #29900671, Bug
#95071, Bug #30068072)
InnoDB: To improve deadlock detection, the task of detecting a deadlock cycle among data locks
was moved from the transaction thread to a dedicated background thread. (Bug #29882690)
InnoDB: Updating the mysql.gtid_executed table during mysqld initialization caused the
following warning to be printed to the error log: [Warning] [MY-010015] [Repl] Gtid table
is not ready to be used. Table 'mysql.gtid_executed' cannot be opened. The
update and associated warning no longer occur. (Bug #29871809)
InnoDB: The LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK section in InnoDB Standard Monitor output (also
printed by SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS) was extended to include additional information about
transactions that participate in a deadlock cycle. (Bug #29871641)
InnoDB: An incorrect argument was used to compare serialized dictionary information (SDI) input
and output values when checking the size of the buffer used to store SDI. (Bug #29871525, Bug
InnoDB: An undo tablespace file was overwritten during a cloning operation when undo tablespaces
files with the same name were copied from different directories on the donor to the same directory
on the recipient. A cloning operation now reports an error if duplicate undo tablespace names are
encountered. When data is cloned to the recipient, undo tablespace files are cloned to the directory
defined by the innodb_undo_directory variable. Because the files are cloned to the same
directory, duplicate undo tablespace file names are not permitted. (Bug #29837617)
InnoDB: A cloning operation generated a large number of redo log files when cloning from a MySQL
server instance with a small redo log file size and a large number of transactions. The large number
of redo log files sometimes caused startup to hang or assert. Otherwise, startup was permitted
proceed without cleaning up the excessive number of redo log files. (Bug #29837490)
InnoDB: During recovery, missing table errors that occur when applying redo logs to encrypted
tables could be ignored, permitting startup to proceed. Startup should be halted in this case. (Bug
#29820184, Bug #95183)
InnoDB: The wrong redo log file size was printed to the server error log at startup. (Bug #29818711)
InnoDB: A restriction that prevented reuse of lock objects (lock_t structs) in the lock queue when
waiting record lock requests were present was removed. (Bug #29814308)
InnoDB: When converting a long partitioned table name to a file name, the buffer that holds the file
name did not have enough space, causing an assertion failure. (Bug #29813582)
InnoDB: Some transaction lock structure fields (trx->lock) were not properly mutex protected.
(Bug #29809137)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: An empty undo segment update during recovery raised an assertion. (Bug #29802703)
InnoDB: A cloning operation failed when attempting to drop data on the recipient if the recipient data
included a table with a full-text index. (Bug #29796507)
InnoDB: After a file-per-table tablespace was discarded, an error was reported when the old table
was renamed and a new table was created with the same name. The error was due to stale file path
information. (Bug #29793800)
InnoDB: A test case that attempts to open a file in read-only mode while the server is in a disk-
full state caused a debug assertion failure. The assertion was removed to permit the server to retry
opening the file, and to report an error if unsuccessful after a number of attempts. (Bug #29692250,
Bug #95128)
InnoDB: Foreign-key-related tables constructed during a RENAME TABLE operation contained the
old table name. (Bug #29686796)
InnoDB: The server passed a NULL value for a column with a non-zero data length. (Bug
InnoDB: Importing a partitioned table from a MySQL 8.0.13 instance (or earlier) to a MySQL 8.0.14,
8.0.15, or 8.0.16 instance failed with a “tablespace is missing” error for source and target instances
defined with lower_case_table_names=1. The tablespace file and the metadata file used by
the import operation could not be found due to a file name case mismatch. (Bug #29627690, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #26925260.
InnoDB: The read set (TABLE::read_set) was not set properly for handler method calls in
QUICK_SKIP_SCAN_SELECT::get_next(), causing an assertion failure. (Bug #29602393)
InnoDB: An exclusive backup lock is now used to block tablespace truncate operations during
master key rotation. Previously, metadata locks on undo tablespace names were used to
synchronize the operations. This patch also addresses a deadlock that could occur between master
key rotation and drop undo tablespace operations. (Bug #29549938, Bug #30461225, Bug #97352)
InnoDB: An unnecessary next key lock was taken when performing a SELECT...FOR [SHARE|
UPDATE] query with a WHERE condition that specifies a range, causing one too many rows to be
locked. The most common occurrences of this issue have been addressed so that only rows and
gaps that intersect the searched range are locked. (Bug #29508068)
InnoDB: Adding a virtual column in the first position together with a normal column raised an
assertion failure. (Bug #29501324)
InnoDB: The shutdown process did not wait for InnoDB background threads to exit, which could
cause shutdown to stall, waiting for background threads to remove transactions from the MySQL
transaction list. A check now occurs to ensure that InnoDB background threads have exited
properly. Also, an intermediate shutdown state was added to improve shutdown timing for the
InnoDB master thread. (Bug #29417503)
InnoDB: A memory leak occurred during TempTable storage engine operation due a failure to
deallocate that last block of allocated memory, which TempTable holds in thread-local storage until
thread exit. (Bug #29300927)
InnoDB: Throughput stalled under a heavy workload with a small innodb_io_capacity_max
setting, a single page cleaner thread, and multiple buffer pool instances. (Bug #29029294)
InnoDB: A long running ALTER TABLE ... ADD INDEX operation with concurrent inserts caused
semaphore waits. Thanks to Satya Bodapati for the patch. (Bug #29008298)
InnoDB: The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_COLUMNS table did not display partitioned table
columns after upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. For partitioned tables created on the
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL 8.0 release, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_COLUMNS only displayed columns for the first
table partition. (Bug #28869903, Bug #93033)
InnoDB: The internal rtr_page_split_and_insert() function is called recursively. An inner call
to the function released an object still being used by an outer call to the same function, causing an
assertion failure. (Bug #28569379)
InnoDB: Under specific circumstances, setting the innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug
variable to 2 raised a debug assertion when it should have reported an error. (Bug #28552330, Bug
InnoDB: A deadlock was possible when a transaction tries to upgrade a record lock to a next key
lock. (Bug #23755664, Bug #82127)
InnoDB: The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_METRICS lock_deadlocks counter did not count
all deadlocks. Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the contribution. (Bug #21278148, Bug #77399)
InnoDB: An error reported during a read operation did not identify the name of the file that was read.
(Bug #21120885, Bug #76020)
Replication: If the group_replication_set_communication_protocol() function was used
to set a communication protocol version that some group members did not support, the protocol
change procedure was not stopped correctly. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #30209596)
Replication: The session value of the default_table_encryption system variable is replicated,
so that replication slaves preserve the correct encryption setting for databases and tablespaces. For
a replication channel where the table_encryption_privilege_check system variable is set to
ON, the TABLE_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege is required to apply events where the session value of
default_table_encryption is changed. If this privilege had not been granted on the replication
slave, replication stopped with an error in some situations where the required encryption setting for
the event was actually the same as the slave's own default encryption setting, so the action ought to
have worked. It was also possible for a statement with a different encryption setting from the slave
to succeed when it ought not to have worked. The behaviors have now been corrected so that a
replication slave without the TABLE_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege is permitted to apply events
that match its own default encryption setting, and is not requested to set the encryption setting
unnecessarily, but is still subject to appropriate privilege checks if the event requires a different
encryption setting. (Bug #29818605)
Replication: The timeout in seconds specified by the
group_replication_unreachable_majority_timeout system variable was only checked
every two seconds. The timeout is now checked every second so that odd-numbered values are
respected. (Bug #29762005)
Replication: A deadlock involving three threads could occur if a START SLAVE statement was
issued to start the SQL thread on a slave while the SQL thread was still in the process of being
stopped, and a request for the slave status was made at the same time. The issue has now been
fixed by releasing a lock earlier while the SQL thread is being stopped. (Bug #29697588, Bug
Replication: A locking issue in the WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET() function could cause the
server to hang in certain circumstances. The issue has now been corrected. (Bug #29550513)
Replication: A deadlock could occur if the value of the binlog_encryption system variable was
changed while a START SLAVE statement was being executed. (Bug #29515210)
Replication: The heartbeat interval for a replication slave, which is controlled by the
MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD option of the CHANGE MASTER TO statement, can be specified with
a resolution in milliseconds. Previously, the master's binary log dump thread used a granularity of
seconds to calculate whether a heartbeat signal should be sent to the slave, causing excessive
heartbeat activity in the case of multiple skipped events. To remove this issue, all heartbeat-related
calculations by the master and slave are now carried out using a granularity of nanoseconds for
precision. Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #29363787, Bug #94356)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: Creation of a table with functional index creates a hidden generated column on the
table, but this column did not always appear in the same position in the table, which meant that
later adding a column (or columns) to the table might leave the hidden column in a different position
as compared to an otherwise identical table already having the additional column or columns in a
single CREATE TABLE statement. For example, this difference could be evident between two tables
t1 and t2, with t1 created and then altered by the two statements CREATE TABLE t (a INT,
INDEX ((a+1))) and ALTER TABLE t ADD COLUMN b INT, and t2 created using CREATE
TABLE t2 (a INT, b INT, INDEX ((a+1))), even though SHOW CREATE TABLE t1 and
SHOW CREATE TABLE t2 produced identical results (other than for the names of the tables).
The issue just described could become problematic due to the fact that the internal definitions for the
tables as described by Table_map_log_events in the binary log would differ. This meant that, if
such a table was created using CREATE TABLE followed by ALTER TABLE on the master, and then
a slave was deployed using mysqldump, the slave's version of the table would be created using a
single CREATE TABLE statement, and subsequent replication of row events would then fail with an
error due to mismatching types.
This issue is fixed by forcing all hidden generated columns always to be located at the end of the list
of columns, with multiple generated columns sorted by column name. If a new functional index part
is added to the table, the new hidden column is inserted according to this rule. In addition, if the user
creates a new column that is not a generated column, the column is always added before the first
hidden column.
The structure of tables affected by this change is not changed automatically
during upgrade; this must done explicitly by executing ALTER TABLE.
(Bug #29317684)
Replication: If a RESET MASTER statement was stopped during its execution, the binary log was not
available for writes afterwards. (Bug #29125121)
Replication: On a multi-threaded slave with GTIDs in use and MASTER_AUTO_POSITION set to ON,
following an unexpected halt the slave would attempt relay log recovery, which failed if relay logs had
been lost, preventing replication from starting. However, this step was unnecessary as GTID auto-
positioning can be used to restore any missing transactions. In a recovery situation, the slave now
checks first whether MASTER_AUTO_POSITION is set to ON, and if it is, omits the step of calculating
the transactions that should be skipped or not skipped, so that the old relay logs are not needed and
recovery can proceed without them. (Bug #28830834, Bug #92882)
Group Replication: If the TCP connections used by Group Replication time out due to a lengthy
network error, the group communication engine (XCom) cannot re-establish its local connection,
requiring a restart of Group Replication on the instance (see Bug #25656508). Previously, attempting
to stop Group Replication in this situation caused XCom to hang, preventing the restart. This issue
has now been fixed so that XCom terminates correctly and Group Replication can be restarted to re-
establish the local connection. (Bug #30132500)
References: See also: Bug #22158368.
Group Replication: When the ANSI_QUOTES SQL mode was enabled, Group Replication returned
an error when checking for the presence of MySQL Server's clone plugin to perform remote cloning
operations for distributed recovery. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #30099796)
Group Replication: default_table_encryption could be changed while Group Replication
was running by issuing SET PERSIST, even though this variable should never be settable insuch
cases. (Bug #30031228, Bug #96158)
Group Replication: If group_replication_local_address was changed for a member which
then rejoined the group, copies of the old local address were retained in some locations by the Group
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Communication System (GCS). To fix this, we now fetch the local address when needed, and no
longer obtain it from the cache. (Bug #29910699)
Group Replication: When a remote cloning operation was used to provide transactions to a joining
member and the joining member was stopped during the operation, it did not shut down cleanly. (Bug
Group Replication: The input channel introduced in this release uses a shared memory queue
instead of a TCP socket for communication between the Group Communication System (GCS)
component of Group Replication and the local group communication engine (XCom) instance. This
input channel could not be established on SELinux installations, which meant members upgraded
to MySQL 8.0.14 or later were unable to rejoin the group. When Group Replication was started, the
XCom instance temporarily opened a port from the ephemeral port range to allow GCS to establish
a connection for the input channel, but on SELinux the mysqld process did not have permission
to connect to this port. A workaround was to amend the SELinux policy to allow MySQL to connect
to any port, but this reduced security. This issue is now fixed; XCom and GCS no longer use an
ephemeral port to establish a connection for the input channel, but instead use the Group Replication
communication port set by group_replication_local_address. This action must be permitted
by SELinux (see Frequently Asked Questions). (Bug #29742219, Bug #30087757)
Group Replication: Server certificates whose Common Name value used a wildcard were
incorrectly rejected. (Bug #29683275, Bug #95068)
Group Replication: It was possible for the Group Communication System (GCS) to deliver
messages from a member after STOP GROUP_REPLICATION had been issued and the member's
status was OFFLINE, resulting in an error. GCS now verifies that the member belongs to a group
before delivering any such messages. (Bug #29620900)
Group Replication: Some threads that executed transient or minor tasks, such as the delayed
plugin initialization thread, were not visible in the Performance Schema threads table. (Bug
#28930537, Bug #93212)
Group Replication: The implementation for the process of a member leaving the group due to an
error has been standardized across components. This ensures that the member carries out exactly
the same actions and issues the same error messages consistently, regardless of the original reason
for leaving the group. (Bug #28866495, Bug #93027)
For XA COMMIT statements, invocation order of the plugins involved in statement execution was
nondeterministic, which could lead to replication problems. Thanks to Dennis Gao for contributing a
fix. (Bug #31082237, Bug #99051)
The keyring_aws plugin was not included in Commercial Docker RPM packages. (Bug #30199423)
When generating C source from SQL scripts, Some utf8-encoded characters were split across lines.
Thanks to Przemysław Skibiński for the patch. (Bug #30152555, Bug #96449)
The ARRAY reserved word was listed as unreserved in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEYWORDS
table. (Bug #30134275, Bug #96416)
Some statements containing || produced a parse error even with the PIPES_AS_CONCAT SQL
mode enabled. (Bug #30131161, Bug #96405)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29305022.
LOAD DATA statements incorrectly ignored the NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO SQL mode if a SET
clause was present. (Bug #30126375)
Automatic upgrades failed with a server exit if the thread_pool plugin was enabled. (Bug
When determining whether to recalculate a materialized derived table for each execution, the
uncacheability of the parent query block was used instead of the rematerialize flag on the table
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(currently only true for JSON_TABLE()). This could cause unneeded rematerializations, especially
when making queries against non-merged views, leading to reduced performance. (Bug #30110851)
With an IGNORE clause, LOAD DATA should skip rows that produced a CHECK constraint violation
and continue with the following rows, but it stopped with an error. (Bug #30084966, Bug #96296)
With sql_require_primary_key enabled, clone plugin initialization failed because it created two
dynamic Performance Schema tables, which do not support indexes or primary keys. The effect of
sql_require_primary_key is now limited to storage engines that can participate in replication
(currently all storage engines except the Performance Schema) (Bug #30083300, Bug #96281)
Protobuf compilation failed on macOS. (Bug #30079536, Bug #96263)
For automatic upgrades, the audit_log plugin was not reloaded, causing auditing to start in legacy
mode. (Bug #30068110)
In order to remove duplicate rows, the weedout optimization needs a unique identifier for each row,
which is provided by the storage engine by calling handler::position(), but this function was
not always called at the correct time, or was sometimes called when not needed. Issues regarding
how and when to place such calls were the source of many bugs in optimizations. This fix moves
the responsibility of calling handler::position() to the iterators, whose default implementations
usually handle this task adequately on their own. (Bug #30060691)
References: See also: Bug #29693294, Bug #30049217, Bug #30153695.
The server could exit due to mishandling a COM_PROCESS_INFO command. (Bug #30032302)
Warnings are normally generated when deprecated system variables are assigned a value, but
this did not occur when persisted system variables were processed during server startup. (Bug
With bind_address set to a value containing multiple addresses, setting host_cache_size=0
caused a server exit at client connect time. (Bug #30018958)
On Windows, Protobuf compilation failed for the Ninja build type. (Bug #30018894)
SHOW PROCESSLIST output could include statements that had completed and were no longer in
process. (Bug #29999818)
A mysqldump error-message buffer was too small, potentially leading to message truncation. (Bug
#29999782, Bug #96074)
Last used auto-increment values instead of “next to be used” auto-increment values were cached
while importing tables from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 during an in-place upgrade, which resulted
in any tables read from the table cache after upgrade having incorrect auto-increment values. (Bug
When executing a prepared statement that used constant folding, it was possible to register a
location for rollback which was not allocated on the MEMROOT, but rather on the stack, and so was no
longer in scope. (Bug #29990693)
References: See also: Bug #29939331.
A warning about ZEROFILL being deprecated was produced for CREATE TABLE ... AS and
CREATE TABLE ... LIKE statements that created tables that contained a YEAR column. This
could be confusing because the ZEROFILL attribute may only have been added implicitly to the
YEAR column. To avoid confusion, the warning is no longer raised for such statements. (Bug
A query using bitwise operators, such as in WHERE text_col < (int_col & int_col) AND
int_col = -1, failed to return any rows as expected. (Bug #29957969)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Malformed resource group names in optimizer hints could lead to unexpected server behavior. (Bug
EXPLAIN, when using FORMAT=TREE, did not show the same costs as with FORMAT=JSON. In
particular, when using FORMAT=TREE, the cost calculated took into account eval_cost for joins, but
not for base tables. (Bug #29953579)
For Solaris, contained a prototype for memcntl() that is no longer needed. The
prototype has been removed. (Bug #29953495, Bug #95971)
For Solaris, -DWITH_SSL=system did not work when compiling with GCC. (Bug #29953460, Bug
MySQL builds configured with -DWITHOUT_SERVER=1 failed. (Bug #29948728, Bug #95740)
The internal method Field_tiny::pack() did not always perform bounds checking as expected.
(Bug #29948029)
References: See also: Bug #31591391.
Improper handling of plugin unloading could cause a server exit. (Bug #29941948)
The internal MEM_ROOT class did not handle all out-of-memory errors correctly. (Bug #29940846)
JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_REPORT() did not distinguish between a JSON document that did not
validate according to a JSON schema and a JSON document which was too deeply nested, which
resulted in wrong behavior in some cases. (Bug #29940833)
Use of the <=> operator could yield incorrect results for comparisons involving very large constants.
(Bug #29939331, Bug #95908)
For the keyring_aws plugin, some valid region values for the keyring_aws_region system
variable were rejected. (Bug #29933758)
For debug builds, an assertion could be raised during UNION queries when computing the combined
data type of a GEOMETRY column and SELECT * FROM (SELECT NULL). (Bug #29916900, Bug
For columns defined with the binary character set, SHOW CREATE TABLE could generate CREATE
TABLE statements that produced a syntax error when executed. (Bug #29909573, Bug #95801)
Data dictionary APIs were added for fetching table names in a schema that use a specific storage
engine, and for fetching table names in a schema that are created and hidden by the storage engine.
The former is required by NDB, and the latter is required for DROP DATABASE operations. (Bug
#29906844, Bug #95792)
mysqldump leaked memory when run with the --order-by-primary option. (Bug #29906736)
For queries involving functional indexes, EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE printed the hidden column name
instead of the indexed expression. (Bug #29904996)
For debug builds, CREATE TABLE ... IGNORE SELECT ... statements did not properly clean
up the table state when the last row to be inserted was skipped due to a failed CHECK constraint.
This could cause the next statement using the table to raise an assertion. (Bug #29903865)
MySQL did not handle execution of a recursive common table expression (CTE) correctly when the
termination condition of the recursive query for this CTE had an IN predicate using another recursive
CTE. (Bug #29899614)
Deserialization of serialized dictionary information (SDI) failed for a table with partitions residing in
different tablespace files. (Bug #29898965)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For authentication using an LDAP authentication plugin, if the user DN portion was empty and group
mapping was configured, authentication assigned an incorrect user DN and skipped the user search.
(Bug #29897624)
Constraints defined without a name could in some cases cause a server exit. (Bug #29892876)
An in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 failed due a missing NDB tablespace. (Bug
#29889869, Bug #30113440)
mysqlpump produced an error when run against a server older than MySQL 5.7. (Bug #29889253)
When Boost was downloaded, CMake configuration logic for determining the size of the downloaded
file was incorrect, and could remove that file after a successful download operation. (Bug
A possible integer overflow due to unsigned integer type casting could lead to later buffer overflow
due to arbitrary size memory allocation. (Bug #29878914)
When the client character set was other than latin1, the server converted the string representation
of a DECIMAL value from latin1 to the client character set. This conversion was not necessary,
since all supported client character sets encode numbers in the same way as latin1, and so is no
longer performed. (Bug #29875672)
The vio_description() debugging function was called in nondebug builds. (Bug #29871361)
The fix for a previous issue in MySQL 8.0.3 changed a test for whether an expression over constant
DATE values could be cached from allowing any expressions except global variables to a blanket
denial of all functions, regardless of whether they were over constants or not, which significantly
impacted performance of related queries in which the optimizer needed to perform conversion of a
string to a DATE value. This test has been reverted to its original form. (Bug #29871018)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #85471, Bug #28576018.
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA can fetch dynamic table statistics from storage engines, but this did not
work for partitioned tables. (Bug #29870919, Bug #95641)
Retrying a failed access-control statement could permit another thread to acquire a lock on the
access-control cache during a window when metadata locks where released and reacquired,
resulting in a deadlock. The locks are now not released during the retry operation. (Bug #29870899,
Bug #95612)
An assertion could be raised if a user without the proper privilege attempted to enable the
offline_mode system variable. (Bug #29849046)
Fedora packaging configuration put debug information for mysql_config_editor in the wrong
package. (Bug #29841342)
Attempted use of a freed object during MeCab plugin initialization caused a segmentation fault. (Bug
The function used to generate entropy for random passwords could sometimes not provide much
entropy. (Bug #29808492)
With super_read_only enabled, the server could process DROP TABLESPACE improperly. (Bug
The server did not handle a query with a left join containing a materialized semijoin correctly. (Bug
For MySQL installed using RPM packages, an initialization script that tested server connectivity
misbehaved if the client account authenticated using an LDAP authentication plugin. (Bug
Improper locking during storage engine initialization could cause a server exit. (Bug #29782379)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
On a GTID-enabled server, concurrent execution of DROP USER and a prepared statement that
accessed a view could deadlock. (Bug #29772622)
When performing EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON on a query of the form SELECT WHERE NOT EXISTS
(SELECT FROM (derived_table) WHERE false_condition) involving an antijoin
transformation, the subquery was eliminated but its own subqueries were moved up instead of being
eliminated along with it. (Bug #29759277)
References: See also: Bug #30017509.
An interrupted tablespace encryption operation caused a discrepancy between data dictionary and
storage engine metadata, resulting in an assertion failure on a subsequent attempt to access the
tablespace. (Bug #29756808)
Simultaneous execution of the event scheduler and DROP EVENT could result in lock acquisition
hanging until lock wait timeout. (Bug #29742901, Bug #95223)
CHECK constraints were not enforced when a column took its default value from an expression. (Bug
#29706689, Bug #95192)
When performing two sorts on the same table with no temporary table, both sorts tried to use the
same buffer, resulting in a read out of bounds. This could occur when the same query used both
DISTINCT and ORDER BY. (Bug #29699759)
When performing a weedout involving a sorted table, sorting was not done by row IDs. (Bug
VS2019 produced compilation errors with debug compilation selected due to use of the /ZI flag.
Now /Z7 is used instead. (Bug #29691691, Bug #95125)
In source distributions, these changes were made in relation to the DBUG package, to clean up old
and unmaintained code in the dbug directory:
Moved to the mysys directory, removed the dbug library.
Removed unused functions in
Removed the DBUG_LEAVE macro; no longer needed.
Wrapped the body of the DBUG_LOG macro in if _db_enabled_(), to avoid formatting of
strings that likely will not be printed anyway.
Removed the dbug directory.
(Bug #29680868, Bug #95082)
While allocating the reference item array, the count for any window functions was not taken into
consideration. As a result, when expressions having window functions were split, the extra space
needed to store the new item references was not properly allocated. (Bug #29672621)
Setting the collation of a user variable did not work correctly in all cases. (Bug #29665165)
Processing of WHERE clauses in SHOW statements was not performed consistently. (Bug #29664758)
If clauses to drop and add constraints were specified within the same ALTER TABLE statement, they
were executed in incorrect order. (Bug #29652464)
EXPLAIN now shows when a result is being sorted by row ID. (Bug #29634196)
Unnecessary materialization is no longer performed in either of the following cases:
When performing a sort at the end of a join, such as for grouping, and the sorting does not make
use of row IDs.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When materializing a derived table which is not to be read from more than once.
(Bug #29634179)
CAST(arg AS FLOAT) did not returned the expected out-of-range error when arg was too small to
be represented as a FLOAT value. (Bug #29621333)
Internal conversion of FLOAT values sometimes occurred at the wrong time, which could lead to
excess precision in results. Consider the table created and populated as shown here:
Prior to the fix, the query SELECT f, IF(f > 0, f, 0) FROM t against this table returned
(2.3, 2.299999952316284) instead of (2.3, 2.3) as expected. (Bug #29621062) failed to compile with some build options. (Bug #29616525)
The client library could dereference a null pointer while fetching result set metadata from the server.
(Bug #29597896, Bug #30689251)
A runtime error could occur for interval value checks when summing date and interval values. (Bug
In builds with Undefined Behavior Sanitizer enabled, multiplication with -9223372036854775808
could produce warnings and incorrect results. (Bug #29581610)
During startup, the server attempted to write operations to the binary log that should not have been
logged. (Bug #29557747, Bug #94835)
A statement of the form CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT * FROM table WHERE (constant IN
(SELECT constant) IS UNKNOWN) led to an assertion. (Bug #29525304)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25466100.
On EL6, if a FIPS-enabled OpenSSL library was not available, attempting to enable FIPS mode
could cause a server malfunction. (Bug #29519794)
SET PERSIST_ONLY can be used to persist some system variables that SET PERSIST cannot (due
to the way variable settings occur). If such a variable is found in mysqld-auto.cnf at startup, the
server now issues a warning and ignores the setting. (Bug #29511118)
The server did not properly aggregate a partial revoke and a schema-level privilege in some cases.
(Bug #29484519)
For debug builds, ENUM or SET columns defined with a DEFAULT clause raised an assertion. (Bug
MySQL Installer did not install OpenSSL DLL dependencies if the Development component was not
selected. (Bug #29423421, Bug #94168, Bug #30199579, Bug #96573)
In READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level, a segmentation fault occurred under heavy load from
memcached clients. An externally stored BLOB column that was being updated by one transaction
was read by another transaction as having a NULL value and a non-zero data length. (Bug
#29396364, Bug #93961)
On systems with working IPv6 address resolution, IPv6 socket creation failure at connect time
resulted in a memory leak. (Bug #29374606, Bug #94384)
In replication scenarios, if multiple clients concurrently executed XA COMMIT or XA ROLLBACK
statements that used the same XID value, replication inconsistency could occur. (Bug #29293279,
Bug #94130)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Arguments for the TIMESTAMPADD() function could be reversed for prepared statements. (Bug
The DEFAULT ROLE option for CREATE USER statements was not written to the binary log. (Bug
#28948915, Bug #93252)
Starting the server from the command line with invalid memcached plugin variable settings caused
the server to exit. (Bug #28575863)
The SET clause for LOAD DATA did not work to set GEOMETRY NOT NULL columns. (Bug
#28460369, Bug #91893)
On Windows 8 and higher, the keyring_aws plugin was not able to communicate with Amazon
KMS servers. (Bug #28377961)
INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables and SHOW COLUMNS could produce incorrect view column types
when a query on the view had multiple query blocks combined with the UNION operator. (Bug
#28278220, Bug #91486)
On Debian, long InnoDB recovery times at startup could cause systemd service startup failure.
The default systemd service timeout is now disabled (consistent with RHEL) to prevent this from
happening. (Bug #28246585, Bug #91423)
With the thread_pool plugin enabled, the sys.processlist and sys.session views displayed
a thread name rather than the actual user name. (Bug #25906021, Bug #85976)
The delete_latency column in the sys.schema_index_statistics view
incorrectly referred to the SUM_TIMER_INSERT column of the Performance Schema
table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage table rather than the SUM_TIMER_DELETE
column. (Bug #25521928)
In output from the sys.diagnostics() procedure, the latency column for the
user_summary_by_file_io_type view was incorrectly displayed in raw picoseconds rather than
as a formatted value. (Bug #25287996)
MySQL Enterprise Encryption functions could apply Diffie-Hellman (DH) methods to non-DH keys,
resulting in unpredictable results or server exit. (Bug #22839007)
Password masking was incomplete for SHOW PROCESSLIST and some INFORMATION_SCHEMA and
Performance Schema tables. (Bug #20712046)
With strict SQL mode enabled, the STR_TO_DATE() function did not properly handle values with
time parts only. Thanks to Daniel Black for the contribution. (Bug #18090591, Bug #71386)
A query using GREATEST() in the WHERE clause could, in certain cases, fail to return a row where
one was expected or raise a spurious error. (Bug #96012, Bug #29963278)
Explicitly setting sort_buffer_size to its maximum value or close to it caused some queries to
fail with an out of memory error. (Bug #95969, Bug #29952775)
References: See also: Bug #22594514.
Late NULL filtering, to avoid index lookups if the lookup key contains at least one NULL, was not
performed for backwards index scans, although it was for forward index scans. (Bug #95967, Bug
Using a function such as IFNULL() or ABS() in a functional index led to the error Value is out
of range for functional index... when an UNSIGNED column used as an argument to
such a function contained a value exceeding that of the corresponding signed integer type. (Bug
#95881, Bug #29934661)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The resolution procedure for the IFNULL() function differed from that for all other functions derived
from CASE operations, including COALESCE(), which caused incorrect length information to be
generated for certain numeric expressions. (Bug #94614, Bug #29463760)
Queries using UNION ALL ... LIMIT 1 evaluated an excessive number of rows as shown by
Handler_read_key and Handler_read_next. (Bug #79340, Bug #22292995)
References: See also: Bug #79040, Bug #22158368, Bug #92994, Bug #28866942.
The -DWITH_EXAMPLE_STORAGE_ENGINE=1 CMake option was ignored but should not have been.
If -DWITH_EXAMPLE_STORAGE_ENGINE=0 is given, the EXAMPLE storage engine is built as a
plugin. (Bug #70859, Bug #17772560, Bug #30133062)
References: See also: Bug #18324650.
Changes in MySQL 8.0.17 (2019-07-22, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Audit Log Notes
C API Notes
Character Set Support
Component Notes
Configuration Notes
Debugging Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Installation Notes
Keyring Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Plugin Notes
Security Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
Encryption and decryption operations for encrypted MySQL Enterprise Audit log files use a password
stored in the MySQL keyring. Previously, only a single password was stored. Generating a new
password made the old password inaccessible, rendering MySQL Enterprise Audit unable to read
log files encrypted with the old password. MySQL Enterprise Audit now implements password
history in the keyring, which includes password archiving and expiration capabilities. The audit
log plugin includes in each encrypted log file name the ID of the password required to read
the file. To enable expiration and removal of old archived passwords in the keyring, the new
audit_log_password_history_keep_days system variable is available. See Configuring Audit
Logging Characteristics. (WL #11246)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
C API Notes
These C API changes were made:
HOSTNAME_LENGTH was changed from 60 to 255 and moved from include/mysql_com.h to
USER_HOST_BUFF_SIZE was moved from include/mysql_com.h to sql/auth/
(Bug #29590300)
Character Set Support
The utf8mb4 character set has a new binary collation, utf8mb4_0900_bin, which differs from the
existing utf8mb4_bin binary collation as follows:
For collating weights, utf8mb4_bin uses code points, possibly with leading zero bytes added,
whereas utf8mb4_0900_bin uses the utf8mb4 encoding bytes. The sort order is the same for
both collations, but sorting for utf8mb4_0900_bin is much faster.
The pad attribute for utf8mb4_bin is PAD SPACE, whereas for utf8mb4_0900_bin it is NO
PAD. Consequently, operations involving utf8mb4_0900_bin do not add trailing spaces, and
comparisons involving strings with trailing spaces may differ for the two collations.
For more information, see Unicode Character Sets. (WL #10354)
Component Notes
A new mysql_current_thread_reader component service is available to enable components
to obtain a handle to the current thread. For example, the service enables components to access
properties of the current session by passing its thread handle to other services. For information about
this service, see the Component Subsystem section of the MySQL Server Doxygen documentation,
available at (WL #12727)
Configuration Notes
The source files in the mysys_ssl directory have been moved to the mysys directory and the
mysys_ssl library is no longer built. (Bug #29488066)
MySQL configuration now requires a minimum CMake version of 3.5.1. (Bug #29337090)
The maximum permitted length of host names throughout MySQL has been raised to 255
ASCII characters, up from the previous limit of 60 characters. This applies to, for example, host
name-related columns in the data dictionary, mysql system schema, Performance Schema,
INFORMATION_SCHEMA, and sys schema; the MASTER_HOST value for the CHANGE MASTER TO
statement; the Host column in SHOW PROCESSLIST statement output; host names in account
names (such as used in account-management statements and in DEFINER attributes); and host
name-related command options and system variables.
The increase in permitted host name length can affect tables with indexes on host name columns.
For example, tables in the mysql system schema that index host names now have an explicit
ROW_FORMAT attribute of DYNAMIC to accommodate longer index values.
Some file name-valued configuration settings might be constructed based on the server host
name. The permitted values are constrained by the underlying operating system, which may
not permit file names long enough to include 255-character host names. This affects the
general_log_file, log_error, pid_file, relay_log, and slow_query_log_file
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
system variables and corresponding options. If host name-based values are too long for the OS,
explicit shorter values must be provided.
Although the server now supports 255-character host names, connections to the server
established using the --ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY option are constrained by maximum host
name length supported by OpenSSL. Host name matches pertain to two fields of SSL certificates,
which have maximum lengths as follows: Common Name: maximum length 64; Subject Alternative
Name: maximum length as per RFC#1034.
Applications that expect host names to be a maximum of 60 characters should be adjusted to
account for this change. (Bug #13548245, Bug #63814, Bug #27925782, Bug #90601, Bug
#27955121, Bug #29584642, Bug #29602081, Bug #94907, WL #12571)
Debugging Notes
The MySQL server is a multithreaded application that uses numerous internal locking primitives
such as mutexes. To enable detection of lock-acquisition deadlocks and enforcement that runtime
execution is free of them, MySQL now supports LOCK_ORDER tooling. This enables a lock-order
dependency graph to be defined as part of server design, and server runtime checking to ensure that
lock acquisition is acyclic and that execution paths comply with the graph. LOCK_ORDER support
A lock_order_dependencies.txt file that defines the server lock-order dependency graph.
A WITH_LOCK_ORDER CMake option that configures whether MySQL is built with LOCK_ORDER
A set of system variables that configure LOCK_ORDER tool operation during server execution.
A --lock-order option for that controls whether to enable the
LOCK_ORDER tool during test case execution.
To use the LOCK_ORDER tool, you must build MySQL from source with tooling enabled. See The
LOCK_ORDER Tool. It is intended for debugging the server, not for production use.
Deprecation and Removal Notes
X DevAPI: For Collection objects, the following methods have been deprecated and are
scheduled to be removed in a future release:
Any Collection code relying on the .where() method should be updated and the expression in
the .where() method should be provided directly in the appropriate .find(), .remove(), and
.modify() method. (WL #12902)
A mysql_upgrade_info file created by the mysql_upgrade program during a previous upgrade
could only be modified the operating system user that executed the mysql_upgrade program,
causing an upgrade error. A warning is now issued instead of an error, which permits the upgrade
operation to proceed. The mysql_upgrade_info file is deprecated and will be removed in a future
MySQL version. (Bug #29702060, Bug #95165)
FLOAT(M,D) and DOUBLE(M,D) syntax to specify the number of digits for columns of type FLOAT
and DOUBLE (and any synonyms) is a nonstandard MySQL extension. This syntax is deprecated and
support for it will be removed in a future MySQL version. (Bug #25328973, Bug #84363, WL #12575)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For string data types, the BINARY attribute is a nonstandard MySQL extension that is shorthand for
specifying the binary (_bin) collation of the column character set (or of the table default character
set if no column character set is specified). In MySQL 8.0, this nonstandard use of BINARY is
ambiguous because the utf8mb4 character set has multiple _bin collations, so the BINARY
attribute is deprecated and support for it will be removed in a future MySQL version. Applications
should be adjusted to use an explicit _bin collation instead.
The use of BINARY to specify a data type or character set remains unchanged. (WL #13068)
The nonstandard C-style &&, ||, and ! operators that are synonyms for the standard SQL AND, OR,
and NOT operators, respectively, are deprecated and support for them will be removed in a future
MySQL version. Applications that use the nonstandard operators should be adjusted to use the
standard operators.
Use of || is deprecated unless the PIPES_AS_CONCAT SQL mode is
enabled. In that case, || signifies the SQL-standard string concatenation
(WL #13070)
The ZEROFILL attribute is deprecated for numeric data types, as is the display width attribute for
integer data types. Support for ZEROFILL and display widths for integer data types will be removed
in a future MySQL version. Consider using an alternative means of producing the effect of these
attributes. For example, applications could use the LPAD() function to zero-pad numbers up to the
desired width, or they could store the formatted numbers in CHAR columns. (WL #13127)
The UNSIGNED attribute is deprecated for columns of type FLOAT, DOUBLE, and DECIMAL (and any
synonyms) and support for it will be removed in a future MySQL version. Consider using a simple
CHECK constraint instead for such columns. (WL #12391)
AUTO_INCREMENT support is deprecated for columns of type FLOAT and DOUBLE (and
any synonyms) and will be removed in a future MySQL version. Consider removing the
AUTO_INCREMENT attribute from such columns, or convert them to an integer type. (WL #12595)
The SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS query modifier and accompanying FOUND_ROWS() function are now
deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. As a replacement, considering executing
your query with LIMIT, and then a second query with COUNT(*) and without LIMIT to determine
whether there are additional rows. For example, instead of these queries:
Use these queries instead:
SELECT * FROM tbl_name WHERE id > 100 LIMIT 10;
COUNT(*) is subject to certain optimizations. SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS causes some optimizations
to be disabled. (WL #12615)
Installation Notes
An automatic upgrade at server startup can take some time to complete. For better status notification
in systemd environments, the server now sends messages to the system notification socket
when upgrades start and end. (Status can be monitored with server mysqld status.) (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Keyring Notes
The keyring_aws plugin has been updated to use the latest AWS Encryption SDK and so that it
works with OpenSSL 1.1.
The keyring_aws_region variable supports the additional AWS regions supported by the new
SDK. Refer to the variable description for a list of supported AWS regions. (WL #12886)
Packaging Notes
To reduce the download size and disk footprint of mysql-community-server Linux packages,
debug binaries and plugins have been moved to separate packages for these platforms:
EL8, Fedora: The mysql-community-server package with debug binaries and associated
plugins is now split into a mysql-community-server package without debug binaries or plugins
and a mysql-community-server-debug package with debug binaries and plugins.
Debian: The mysql-community-server package with debug binaries and associated plugins
is now split into a mysql-community-server package without debug binaries or plugins, a
mysql-community-server-debug package with debug binaries, and a mysql-community-
test-debug package with debug plugins.
In all cases, the debug packages are dependent on the corresponding mysql-community-server
package. (Bug #29769061, Bug #28647754, Bug #92415, Bug #29702765, Bug #95169, Bug
Performance Schema Notes
Performance Schema version checking at compile time was improved to prevent incompatibilities
with the server version. (Bug #29550156)
Previously, the Performance Schema instrumentation for RWLOCK named priority read/write locks
as rwlock (thus failing to distinguish plain from priority locks) and did not collect information about
the kind of unlock operation performed. Priority read/write locks now are named prlock, so that
events for them begin with wait/synch/prlock. Also, information about unlock operations is
provided. (Bug #29270712)
Plugin Notes
Not all plugins can operate properly if loaded “early” in the server startup sequence using the --
early-plugin-load option (that is, before InnoDB is initialized). However, InnoDB requires
keyring backend plugins to operate on encrypted tables. To enable plugins to indicate to the server
whether they can be loaded early, a new PLUGIN_OPT_ALLOW_EARLY flag is available for use in
the plugin descriptor. See Server Plugin Library and Plugin Descriptors. Keyring plugins included
in MySQL distributions now have the PLUGIN_OPT_ALLOW_EARLY flag enabled because InnoDB
requires them, but the flag is not limited to keyring plugins. It can be set for other plugins that are
able to initialize successfully early in the server startup sequence.
This flag has no effect on whether a plugin can be loaded at server startup with the --plugin-load
or --plugin-load-add option, or at runtime with the INSTALL PLUGIN statement.
All plugins compiled using MySQL distributions prior to 8.0.17 do not have this flag set. When loading
these into pre-8.0.17 servers this does not matter, but attempts to use --early-plugin-load to
load plugin binaries compiled using pre-8.0.17 MySQL distributions into a 8.0.17 or higher server will
fail. The plugins must be recompiled against MySQL 8.0.17 or higher. (Bug #29040456, Bug #93550,
WL #12935)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Security Notes
For platforms on which OpenSSL libraries are bundled, the linked OpenSSL library for MySQL
Server has been updated to version 1.0.2s. Issues fixed in the new OpenSSL version are described
at and
(Bug #29881152)
X Plugin Notes
The createIndex() method did not support the DOUBLE(M,D) syntax for specifying double-
precision values due to a regression in MySQL 8.0.16. (Bug #29748841)
X Protocol's handling of messages with arguments encoded as octets was corrected to support non-
scalar data such as an array of strings. (Bug #29721046)
When host name identity verification was active for SSL connections (--ssl-
mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY), X Protocol did not check for matches to Subject Alternative Names
(SANs) in the server Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. This could lead to connection requests
being rejected unnecessarily because they used a valid host name that was specified as an SAN
rather than as the certificate's Common Name value. (Bug #29691694)
When prepared statements were used with X Plugin, using IN or NOT IN in a modify or find
operation produced invalid JSON, resulting in an error. (Bug #29259501)
On Windows, X Plugin logged some messages that were unnecessary or insufficiently informative.
The messages have been removed or improved as appropriate. (Bug #27839153)
X Plugin's list of SQL functions was out of date, and has been updated to add new functions and
remove functions that are no longer available. (Bug #26574971)
Functionality Added or Changed
InnoDB; JSON: InnoDB now supports multi-valued indexes on JSON arrays. A multi-valued index
is an index in which multiple index records can point to the same data record. This can be useful for
indexing JSON documents such as {"user":"Bob","zipcode":[94477,94536]} in which, if
we wish to search all zip codes, it is necessary to have two index records for each zip code in the
document. We can create such an index on the zipcode array using a CREATE INDEX statement
such as this one:
CREATE INDEX zips ON t1( (CAST(data->'$.zipcode' AS UNSIGNED ARRAY)) )
Effectively, this is a functional index using the CAST() function, which has been extended with the
ARRAY keyword to enable casting of JSON arrays to SQL data type arrays. The expression must be
a valid JSON expression, and must point to an array in the JSON document in order to be effective.
All type specifiers supported by CAST() can be used except for BINARY and JSON. Such usage of
the CAST() function is supported only by InnoDB, and only for creating multi-valued indexes on
JSON arrays.
As part of this work, MySQL adds a new function JSON_OVERLAPS() as well as a new MEMBER
OF() operator for working with JSON documents, as described here:
JSON_OVERLAPS() compares two JSON documents. If they contain any key-value pairs or array
elements in common, the function returns TRUE (1); otherwise it returns FALSE (0). If both values
are scalars, the function performs a simple test for equality. If one argument is a JSON array and
the other is a scalar, the scalar is treated as an array element. Thus, JSON_OVERLAPS() acts
as a complement to JSON_CONTAINS(), which indicates whether all key-value pairs or array
elements are present in both JSON documents.
MEMBER OF() tests whether the first operand (a scalar or JSON document) is a member of the
JSON array passed as the second operand, returning TRUE (1) if it is, and FALSE (0) if it is not.
No type conversion of the operand is performed.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The MySQL optimizer uses multi-valued indexes automatically for any suitable query—that is, a
query using in its WHERE clause any of JSON_CONTAINS(), JSON_OVERLAPS(), or MEMBER OF()
on an array within a JSON column. You can see whether such an index is actually used by checking
the output of EXPLAIN for the given query.
Multi-Valued Indexes, provides more detailed information about multi-valued indexes, including
examples. For more information about JSON_OVERLAPS() and MEMBER OF(), with examples of
use, see Functions That Search JSON Values.
ARRAY and MEMBER now are reserved words and cannot be used as
identifiers without identifier quoting.
(WL #8955, WL #8763)
Group Replication: It is now possible to use a remote cloning operation for state transfer to
a joining member during distributed recovery. The remote cloning operation lets you add new
members to the group without transferring the group's data to the server manually beforehand. To
use this functionality, you must install the Clone plugin on the donor and joining member, grant
the BACKUP_ADMIN permission to the replication user for distributed recovery, and set the new
group_replication_clone_threshold system variable to an appropriate level. Required
Clone plugin settings are now made and the remote cloning operation is now handled automatically.
When cloning is complete and the joining member has restarted, any transactions that the group
applied while the remote cloning operation was in progress are transferred to the joining member by
replication from a donor's binary log to complete distributed recovery. (WL #12827)
Microsoft Windows: A new warning message now reminds DBAs that connections made using the
MySQL named pipe on Windows has limited the permissions a connector can request on the named
Previously, the named_pipe_full_access_group system variable was set to a value that maps
to the built-in Windows Everyone group (SID S-1-1-0) by default. However, this group is not ideal
and should be replaced with a group that restricts its membership for connectors that are unable to
request fewer permissions on the MySQL named pipe.
The new warning is written to the error log at startup if the string value assigned to
named_pipe_full_access_group is '*everyone*' (or the Windows System Language
equivalent) and named pipes are enabled. In addition, the warning is written to the error log and
raised to the client if the system variable is reset to the Everyone group at runtime. (WL #12670)
JSON: MySQL now supports JSON schema validation using two functions JSON_SCHEMA_VALID()
and JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_REPORT(), both of which validate a JSON document
against a JSON schema conforming to Draft 4 of the JSON Schema specification.
JSON_SCHEMA_VALID() returns true if the document validates against the schema and false if it
does not. JSON_SCHEMA_VALIDATION_REPORT() returns a JSON document containing detailed
information about the results of the validation.
For both of these functions, the following statements apply:
required attributes are supported.
Regular expressions are supported (invalid expressions are silently ignored).
External resources in schemas and the $ref keyword are not supported.
For more information, including examples, see JSON Schema Validation Functions. (WL #11999,
WL #13005)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The time_zone session variable is now hintable using the SET_VAR optimizer hint. (Bug
The minor version of the C client library has been increased to 1 (21.0 to
21.1), to signal that new symbols have been added. This was done to correct an oversight in the
MySQL 8.0.16 release. To address compatibility concerns, the version of all symbols is unchanged.
This means the filename of the library is, whereas all symbols
inside the library are tagged as 21_0 (unchanged from the 8.0.16 release). (Bug #29584073, Bug
Thanks to Josh Braden, Daniël van Eeden, Simon Mudd, and Zhou Mengkang, who contributed
corrections to comments and messages in the MySQL source code. (Bug #29403708, Bug #94464,
Bug #29428435, Bug #94527, Bug #29262200, Bug #94049, Bug #29468128, Bug #94625)
The mysql client program now sends os_user and os_sudouser connection attributes, when
available, to indicate the name of the operating system user running the program and the value
of the SUDO_USER environment variable, respectively. For general information about connection
attributes, see Performance Schema Connection Attribute Tables. Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for
the contribution on which this feature was based. (Bug #29210935, Bug #93916, WL #12955)
The optimizer now transforms a WHERE condition having NOT IN (subquery), NOT EXISTS
(subquery), IN (subquery) IS NOT TRUE, or EXISTS (subquery) IS NOT TRUE
internally into an antijoin, thus removing the subquery. This is similar to the existing IS NULL (Not
exists) outer join optimization; see EXPLAIN Extra Information, for further information.
In addition, the semijoin materialization can now be used for a WHERE condition having IN
(subquery) IS TRUE, or EXISTS (subquery) IS TRUE, or when the IN condition belongs to
a left join such as SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.x IN (SELECT * FROM t3).
See Optimizing IN and EXISTS Subquery Predicates with Semijoin Transformations.
Also as a result of this work, MySQL is now able to simplify a condition of the form (x IS TRUE)
IS FALSE as x IS NOT TRUE, which can be tested more quickly and optimized more easily than
the condition as originally written. (Bug #29027883, WL #4245)
Password hash values displayed in the IDENTIFIED WITH clause of output from SHOW CREATE
USER may contain unprintable characters that have adverse effects on terminal displays and in other
environments. Enabling the new print_identified_with_as_hex system variable causes SHOW
CREATE USER to display such hash values as hexadecimal strings rather than as regular string
literals. Hash values that do not contain unprintable characters still display as regular string literals,
even with this variable enabled. For compatibility with this change, CREATE USER and ALTER USER
now accept hash values specified either as regular string literals or as hexadecimal strings. (Bug
#28053446, Bug #90947, WL #12803)
In MySQL 8.0, the lower_case_table_names variable can only be configured when the
MySQL server is initialized. Because a MySQL server installation on Debian and Ubuntu
performed using APT initializes the MySQL server for you, there was no opportunity to enable
lower_case_table_names. To work around this issue, you can now use the debconf-set-
selection utility to enable lower_case_table_names (set lower_case_table_names=1)
prior to installing MySQL using APT.
To enable lower_case_table_names prior to installing MySQL using APT, execute the following
shell> sudo debconf-set-selections <<< "mysql-server mysql-server/lowercase-table-names select Enabled
(Bug #27948395, Bug #90695)
The server now checks the SSL server certificate better at startup and writes a warning to the error
log if it finds a problem. (Bug #25945005)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The umask for files created using SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE or SELECT ... INTO DUMPFILE
was changed from 0666 to 0640. The LOAD_FILE() function no longer requires files to be world-
readable, just readable by the server. (Bug #24513720)
The mysqldump option --set-gtid-purged controls whether or not a SET
@@GLOBAL.gtid_purged statement is added to the mysqldump output. The statement
updates the value of gtid_purged on a server where the dump file is reloaded, to add the
GTID set from the source server's gtid_executed system variable. A new choice --set-
gtid-purged=COMMENTED is now available. When this value is set, if GTIDs are enabled on
the server you are backing up, SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged is added to the output (unless
gtid_executed is empty), but it is commented out. This means that the value of gtid_executed
is available in the output, but no action is taken automatically when the dump file is reloaded. With
COMMENTED, you can control the use of the gtid_executed set manually or through automation.
For example, you might prefer to do this if you are migrating data to another server that already has
different active databases. Thanks to Facebook for this contribution. (Bug #94332, Bug #29357665,
WL #12959)
MySQL now supports explicit casts to DOUBLE, FLOAT, and REAL using either of the functions
CAST() or CONVERT(). For more information, see Cast Functions and Operators. (Bug #30524, Bug
#11747058, WL #529)
InnoDB now supports redo log archiving. Backup utilities that copy redo log records may sometimes
fail to keep pace with redo log generation while a backup operation is in progress, resulting in lost
redo log records due to those records being overwritten. The redo log archiving feature addresses
this issue by sequentially writing redo log records to an archive file. Backup utilities can copy redo log
records from the archive file as necessary, thereby avoiding the potential loss of data.
For more information, see Redo Log Archiving. (WL #12009, WL #12329, WL #12348)
To provide additional indexing options for JSON data, InnoDB now supports multi-valued indexes. A
multi-valued index is a secondary index defined on a column that contains an array of values. (WL
MySQL now provides a clone plugin that permits cloning InnoDB data locally or from a remote
MySQL server instance. A local cloning operation stores cloned data on the same server or node
where the MySQL instance runs. A remote cloning operation transfers cloned data over the network
from a donor MySQL server instance to the recipient server or node where the cloning operation was
The clone plugin supports replication. In addition to cloning data, a cloning operation extracts and
transfers replication coordinates from the donor and applies them on the recipient, which enables
using the clone plugin for provisioning Group Replication members and replication slaves. Using
the clone plugin for provisioning is considerably faster and more efficient than replicating a large
number of transactions. Group Replication members can also be configured to use the clone plugin
as an alternative method of recovery, so that members automatically choose the most efficient way
to retrieve group data from seed members.
For more information, see The Clone Plugin, and Cloning for Distributed Recovery. (WL #9209, WL
#9210, WL #9211, WL #9212, WL #11636, WL #9682)
Compatibility policies for member versions in groups now consider member's MySQL release
version. Previously, only the minor version was considered. Using the release version means
Group Replication can better maintain replication safety for mixed version groups during group
reconfigurations and upgrade procedures.
The compatibility policies are applied when a member joins the group, either for the first time or
following its upgrade, when a donor is selected for state transfer, and when a primary member
election takes place. Members running MySQL 8.0.16 or earlier take into account only the major
version in these situations. For primary member election, so that all members come to the same
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
decision, members running MySQL 8.0.17 or later adjust their policies to match members running
lower releases if any are in the group.
In a multi-primary mode group where members running multiple MySQL Server versions are
online, for example during a rolling online upgrade procedure, Group Replication now automatically
manages the read-write and read-only status of members running releases. If a member leaves the
group, the members running the version that is now the lowest are automatically set to read-write
mode. When you change a mixed version group that was running in single-primary mode to run in
multi-primary mode, using the group_replication_switch_to_multi_primary_mode()
function, members are set automatically to read-write or read-only mode depending on their MySQL
server versions.
These improved compatibility policies influence the behavior of group members during an online
upgrade procedure from one patch version to another, in the same ways as the behavior during
upgrades from one major version to another was influenced previously. For a multi-primary mode
group, the number of members in read-write mode is reduced during the upgrade procedure; their
read-write status is now handled automaticaly when the upgrade is otherwise complete. For a single-
primary mode group, if you want the primary to remain as the primary, it must be upgraded last. (WL
Data that is held in the binary log transaction and statement caches during a transaction is in
unencrypted format in the memory buffer that stores the cache. The data is written to a temporary
file on disk if it exceeds the space available in the memory buffer. From MySQL 8.0.17, when binary
log encryption is active on the server (binlog_encryption=ON), the temporary files used for the
binary log cache are now encrypted using AES-CTR (AES Counter mode) for stream encryption.
Because the temporary files are volatile and tied to a single process, they are encrypted using single-
tier encryption, using a randomly generated file password and initialization vector that exist only
in memory and are never stored on disk or in the keyring. After each transaction is committed, the
binary log cache is reset: the memory buffer is cleared, any temporary file used to hold the binary
log cache is truncated, and a new file password and initialization vector are randomly generated for
use with the next transaction. This reset also takes place when the server is restarted after a normal
shutdown or an unexpected halt. (WL #12079)
An incomplete SQL predicate has the form WHERE value, in which value is a column name or
constant expression and no comparison operator is used. MySQL now rewrites any predicate of
this type internally as WHERE value <> 0 during the contextualization phase, so that the query
resolver, query optimizer, and query executor need work only with complete predicates. The principal
visible effect of this change is that, for Boolean values, EXPLAIN output now shows true and
false, rather than 1 and 0. (WL #12358)
InnoDB parallel read thread performance for large data sets was improved through better utilization
of read threads, through a reduction in read thread I/O for prefetch activity that occurs during parallel
scans, and through support for parallel scanning of partitions.
The parallel read thread feature is controlled by the innodb_parallel_read_threads variable.
The maximum setting is now 256, which is the total number of threads for all client connections. If the
thread limit is reached, connections fall back to using a single thread. (WL #12978)
mysqlbinlog now supports the --compress (or -C) option to enable compression in the client/
server protocol. (WL #2726)
Bugs Fixed
NDB Cluster: Compile times for NDB Cluster using the included compile_cluster build script
have been improved by removing options for software components not strictly necessary for running
MySQL Cluster. (Bug #29355872)
NDB Cluster: Attempting to change an NDB table's column properties (such as COLUMN_FORMAT)
using ALTER TABLE ALGORITHM=INPLACE was rejected, which is correct behavior, but which
raised a misleading error message. (Bug #28929906, Bug #27645777)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A failure occurred when attempting to kill a process that was executing a row count. (Bug
InnoDB: Due to a regression introduced in MySQL 8.0.14, in-place upgrade on a case sensitive file
system from MySQL 5.7 or a MySQL 8.0 release prior to MySQL 8.0.14 to MySQL 8.0.16 failed for
instances with partitioned tables and lower_case_table_names=1. The failure was caused by a
case mismatch issue related to partitioned table file names. The fix that introduced the regression
was reverted, which permits upgrades to MySQL 8.0.17 from MySQL 5.7 or MySQL 8.0 releases
prior to MySQL 8.0.14 to function as normal. However, the regression is still present in the MySQL
8.0.14, 8.0.15, and 8.0.16 releases.
In-place upgrade on a case sensitive file system from MySQL 8.0.14, 8.0.15, or 8.0.16 to MySQL
8.0.17 fails with the following error when starting the server after upgrading binaries or packages to
MySQL 8.0.17 if partitioned tables are present and lower_case_table_names=1:
Upgrading from server version version_number with
partitioned tables and lower_case_table_names == 1 on a case sensitive file
system may cause issues, and is therefore prohibited. To upgrade anyway,
restart the new server version with the command line option 'upgrade=FORCE'.
When upgrade is completed, please execute 'RENAME TABLE part_table_name
TO new_table_name; RENAME TABLE new_table_name
TO part_table_name;' for each of the partitioned tables.
Please see the documentation for further information.
If you encounter this error when upgrading to MySQL 8.0.17, perform the following workaround:
1. Restart the server with --upgrade=FORCE to force the upgrade operation to proceed.
2. Identify partitioned table file names with lowercase partition name delimiters (#p# or #sp#):
3. For each file identified, rename the associated table using a temporary name, then rename the
table back to its original name.
mysql> RENAME TABLE table_name TO temporary_table_name;
mysql> RENAME TABLE temporary_table_name TO table_name;
4. Verify that there are no partitioned table file names with lowercase partition name delimiters (an
empty result set should be returned).
Empty set (0.00 sec)
5. Run ANALYZE TABLE on each renamed table to update the optimizer statistics in the
mysql.innodb_index_stats and mysql.innodb_table_stats tables.
Because of the regression still present in the MySQL 8.0.14, 8.0.15, and 8.0.16 releases, importing
partitioned tables from MySQL 8.0.14, 8.0.15, or 8.0.16 to MySQL 8.0.17 is not supported on case
sensitive file systems where lower_case_table_names=1. Attempting to do so results in a
“Tablespace is missing for table” error. (Bug #29823032, Bug #29917793, Bug #95834)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #26925260.
InnoDB: lock_sys mutex contention caused by lock-wait functions
(lock_wait_suspend_thread() and lock_wait_table_release_slot()) was reduced.
(Bug #29814339)
InnoDB: The fseg_n_reserved_pages_low() function, which determines the number of pages
reserved by a segment, did not validate results read from the segment inode. (Bug #29761998)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Creation of the transaction rollback list (hit_list) was decoupled from lock acquisition
calls (lock_rec_lock calls) to permit the use of different latching schemes. (Bug #29753800)
InnoDB: Disabling Performance Schema consumers caused an ALTER TABLESPACE ...
ENCRYPTION operation to assert. (Bug #29646974, Bug #95005)
InnoDB: Error messages were revised to remove references to .frm files, which are not used in
MySQL 8.0. (Bug #29639655)
InnoDB: It was possible for a background thread to check the encryption status of an undo
tablespace before the undo tablespace was fully initialized and the encryption flag set. (Bug
InnoDB: A table name parsing function call returned false when parsing serialized dictionary
information (SDI) tables names, which are not formatted to include a database name. The buffer that
holds the database name remained uninitialized, causing Valgrind errors. (Bug #29550527)
InnoDB: The space reserved in the mini-transaction (mtr) log buffer for dynamic metadata logging
was insufficient. (Bug #29524260)
InnoDB: Inaccuracies in the Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS) implementation
raised a signed integer overflow error in an UBSan build of MySQL. (Bug #29508517, Bug #91959)
InnoDB: Insufficient memory barriers in the rw-lock implementation caused deadlocks on ARM.
Thanks to Yibo Cai from Arm Technology for the contribution. (Bug #29508001, Bug #94699)
updated after enabling undo tablespace encryption. (Bug #29492911, Bug #94665)
InnoDB: A relocated table could not be accessed due to incorrect parsing of a schema or table
name that included a forward slash character (/), which the server incorrectly interpreted as a
directory separator. (Bug #29492113)
InnoDB: Various fixes and revisions were applied to the InnoDB memcached source code. (Bug
InnoDB: To enable global access, the value of innodb_directories variable is now stored
internally as a global variable instead of a static variable. (Bug #29471990)
InnoDB: In debug builds, the thd_innodb_tmpdir() function did not accept a NULL argument.
(Bug #29471846)
InnoDB: A subtraction operation in the file space allocation code incorrectly stored the result as an
unsigned variable, which raised an assertion failure. (Bug #29466680)
InnoDB: After moving or deleting default undo tablespaces and restarting the server with a new
innodb_undo_directory value, MySQL recreated the undo tablespaces in the new location but
failed to update the undo directory path in the data dictionary. (Bug #29461900)
InnoDB: A previously freed LOB page was accessed while rolling back a transaction during
recovery. (Bug #29440408)
InnoDB: A request was issued during recovery to read pages into the buffer pool when there were
no pages to be read. A check was added to avoid the unnecessary read request. (Bug #29440208)
InnoDB: A regression introduced in MySQL 8.0.14 caused a “Invalid (old?) table or database name”
error when creating a partitioned table on a MySQL instance with lower_case_table_names=1.
The change that caused the regression has been reverted. (Bug #29426720, Bug #94519)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #26925260.
InnoDB: A FULLTEXT index table created in MySQL 5.6 in a database with a hyphen in its name
caused a startup failure after upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. Tablespace file paths for
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
FULLTEXT auxiliary tables were not found in the data dictionary, and the hyphen in the database
name was not handled correctly in subsequently generated file paths. (Bug #29411899, Bug #94431)
InnoDB: There was potential for data loss to occur if the redo log was not logically empty and
comprised a single block, and the server exited during recovery after an insert buffer merge
generated new redo records but before the new records could be flushed to disk. (Bug #29411832,
Bug #94448)
InnoDB: InnoDB returned an unknown generic error when attempting to create a tablespace for
which the path and file name exceeded the MAX_PATH limit on Windows. InnoDB now returns a
more meaningful error. (Bug #29341634)
InnoDB: An undo tablespace file was not found after being moved to a different directory. (Bug
InnoDB: The server failed to start with an innodb_buffer_pool_size=default setting. The
default value was not checked for compatibility with dependent system variable settings. (Bug
#29267814, Bug #94065)
InnoDB: The CREATE TABLESPACE ... ADD DATAFILE clause no longer permits circular
directory references. For example, the circular directory reference (/../) in the following statement
is not permitted:
CREATE TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE ts1.ibd 'any_directory/../ts1.ibd';
An exception to this restriction exists on Linux, where a circular directory reference is permitted if
the preceding directory is a symbolic link. For example, the data file path in the example above is
permitted if any_directory is a symbolic link. (It is still permitted for data file paths to begin with
To avoid upgrade issues, remove any circular directory references from tablespace data file
paths before upgrading to MySQL 8.0.17 or higher. To inspect tablespace paths, query the
InnoDB: Manually changing the system time while the MySQL server was running caused page
cleaner thread delays. (Bug #29138644, Bug #93708)
InnoDB: UPDATE statements did not always disable semi-consistent reads properly when
encountering errors, which could lead to assertion errors in debug mode. (Bug #29047894)
InnoDB: When purging a deleted row, the logic that governs lock inheritance did not correctly
determine the type of lock that should be inherited to satisfy constraint checks by active transactions.
(Bug #29004362)
InnoDB: An unnecessary read lock was taken on implicitly opened data dictionary tables when
executing a prepared statement in LOCK TABLES mode. (Bug #28875646)
InnoDB: During log application, after an OPTIMIZE TABLE operation, InnoDB did not populate
virtual columns before checking for virtual column index updates. (Bug #28834208)
InnoDB: An operation that copied data from the clustered index was performed incorrectly, causing
spatial indexes to use spatial rows with stale pointers to the clustered index. (Bug #28758961)
InnoDB: An INSERT operation involving a generated virtual BLOB column resulted a secondary
index being updated with an incorrect value. (Bug #28652826)
InnoDB: Configuring innodb_data_file_path and innodb_temp_data_file_path using SET
PERSIST_ONLY = default incorrectly set the variable values to NULL. (Bug #28590014)
InnoDB: A CREATE TABLE ... REPLACE SELECT operation raised a
lock_rec_get_rec_not_gap(lock) assertion failure. The operation set a flag on the transaction
object indicating that a REPLACE operation was requested, but did not clear the flag before updating
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
dependent views, causing a subsequent INSERT operation to be interpreted as a REPLACE
operation, leading to the wrong row locks being taken. (Bug #28523025, Bug #92068)
InnoDB: With super_read_only enabled, an attempted RENAME TABLE operation on a temporary
table raised an assertion instead of returning an error. (Bug #28490368, Bug #91975)
InnoDB: Valgrind errors were reported due to uninitialized bytes read during a virtual index prefix
search. (Bug #28184025)
InnoDB: InnoDB initialization failed when attempting to create an system tablespace greater than
2GB in size. (Bug #27538464)
InnoDB: A full-text cache lock taken when data is synchronized was not released if the full-text
cache size exceeded the full-text cache size limit. (Bug #25289359)
InnoDB: The INNODB_METRICS metadata_table_reference_count counter reported a
negative value. (Bug #20584149, Bug #75966)
InnoDB: Client sessions using different auto_increment_increment values while performing
concurrent insert operations could cause a duplicate key error. (Bug #15851528, Bug #67526)
References: Reverted patches: Bug #14049391, Bug #65225.
Partitioning: For partitioned tables, an ALTER TABLE statement could cause incorrect query results
under these conditions:
The statement swapped columns by renaming them, either directly with RENAME COLUMN or by
replacement with DROP COLUMN/ADD COLUMN.
A swapped column was used in a partitioning expression.
The alteration was performed as an in-place operation that did not redistribute rows between
Such column renames are now prohibited unless the same ALTER TABLE statement satisfies one of
these conditions:
The statement makes the table nonpartitioned.
The statement redefines the table partitioning or partitioning expression (which causes a table
rebuild that redistributes rows). This enables supporting existing scenarios in which partitioning
expressions are updated to follow column renaming.
Partitioning is specified using PARTITION BY KEY() with an empty column list. This partitions
using the primary key, which tracks column renaming.
(Bug #29541665, Bug #94792)
Partitioning: ALTER TABLE ... EXCHANGE PARTITION failed with the error Non matching
attribute 'ROW_FORMAT' between partition and table when the partitioned table had
partitions using different row formats, even when the partition to be exchanged used the same row
format as the non-partitioned table. (Bug #28687608)
Replication: When events generated by one MySQL server instance were written to the binary
log of another instance, the second server implicitly assumed that the first server supported the
same number of binary log event types as itself. Where this was not the case, the event header was
handled incorrectly. The issue has now been fixed. Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug
#29417234, Bug #94500)
Replication: If a LOCK INSTANCE FOR BACKUP statement was used to acquire an instance-
level backup lock, then a STOP SLAVE statement was issued, a deadlock could be created with
the SQL thread waiting on the backup lock and the STOP SLAVE statement waiting on the SQL
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
thread to complete its current action. To prevent this situation, the STOP SLAVE process now tries to
acquire the backup lock before proceeding, and returns an error if the lock cannot be acquired. (Bug
#29386503, Bug #93649)
Replication: From MySQL 8.0.13, if any replication channel has open temporary tables, the
binary logging format cannot be changed using SET @@global.binlog_format or SET
@@persist.binlog_format. Previously, if this operation was attempted after the new restriction
was implemented, the wrong error message was returned to the client (referencing a running
replication channel applier as the issue, rather than an open temporary table). The appropriate error
message is now returned. (Bug #29370024, Bug #94340)
Replication: Binary log checksums were handled incorrectly when de-serializing a format
description event. (Bug #29355110)
Replication: With row-based replication in use, when the replication applier thread unpacked a
row change event, index values for any functional indexes were calculated for both the “before”
image and the “after” image. In the case of the “before” image, the values were not necessary. This
calculation has therefore been removed for the before image in order to optimize row unpacking.
(Bug #29304076)
Replication: When a MEMORY table is implicitly deleted on a master following a server restart,
the master writes a DELETE statement to the binary log so that slaves also empty the table. This
generated event now includes a comment in the binary log so that the reason for the DELETE
statement is easy to identify. Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for the contribution. (Bug #29157796, Bug
Replication: If an invalid starting offset was provided in a SHOW BINLOG EVENTS FROM statement,
the invalid offset was returned in place of the correct starting position for the first returned event.
(Bug #29039732, Bug #93544)
Replication: Replication could stop with a “record not found” error when the
value INDEX_SCAN,HASH_SCAN (the default in MySQL 8.0) was set for the
slave_rows_search_algorithms system variable, and an update event contained two updates
to the same row in a table that did not have a unique key, meaning that the hash scan was used. In
this situation, the second update was missed by the hash scan due to the row change. Now, after
updating a row, the hash scan operation searches for the updated row in the hash map, and applies
any further update.
When the value TABLE_SCAN,HASH_SCAN is set for the slave_rows_search_algorithms
system variable, so that the search cannot use an index, the “record not found” error can occur in the
above situation whether or not the table has a unique key. Also, with this setting, when a hash scan
is used on a table that has a unique key, in the case of an update event containing two row updates
that are order-dependent, the updates might be applied out of order, causing replication to stop with
a duplicate key error. To avoid these issues, the documentation has been updated to state that the
value TABLE_SCAN,HASH_SCAN should not be used. (Bug #28846386)
Replication: When binary logging is enabled on a replication slave, the combination of the --
replicate-same-server-id and --log-slave-updates options on the slave can cause
infinite loops in replication if the server is part of a circular replication topology. (In MySQL 8.0,
binary logging is enabled by default, and slave update logging is the default when binary logging
is enabled.) However, the use of global transaction identifiers (GTIDs) prevents this situation
by skipping the execution of transactions that have already been applied. The restriction on this
combination of options has therefore now been removed when gtid_mode=ON is set. With any other
GTID mode, the server still does not start with this combination of options. As a safeguard against
creating the problem situation after the server has started, you now cannot change the GTID mode
to anything other than ON on a running server that has this combination of options set. Thanks to
Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #28782370, Bug #92754)
Replication: In query log events in the binary log, the thread ID used for the execution of DROP
TABLE and DELETE statements was identified incorrectly or not at all. On a multi-threaded replication
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
slave, where temporary tables were involved (which require the correct thread ID as they are session
specific), this omission resulted in errors when using mysqlbinlog to replay the binary log for point-
in-time recovery. The thread ID is now set correctly. (Bug #28642318, Bug #92398)
Replication: When a trigger invoked an INSERT or UPDATE statement that set a column to its
default value, and the DEFAULT expression of that column was non-deterministic, the expected
warning was not raised when the trigger fired under statement-based replication. In addition, if the
binary logging format was MIXED, the non-deterministic statements were logged in the format used
for STATEMENT rather than that used for ROW.
The statement that causes the trigger to fire checks at resolution time whether any of the triggered
statements are non-deterministic. At this time, the triggered statements have been parsed, but
not resolved, so the only check that can be performed is whether the triggered statements directly
reference any non-deterministic operators. When the non-deterministic operator is used by a
DEFAULT expression, the non-determinism is not visible until the triggered statement has been
resolved, which happens when the trigger fires.
This is fixed by adding an extra check when determining the logging format, where a statement
is flagged as unsafe if any of its substatements can write to a table that has a column with a non-
deterministic DEFAULT expression. Since it is not yet known at this point whether the DEFAULT
expression will be used by the substatement, this check flags the statement as unsafe even if the
substatement provides an explicit value for the column with a non-deterministic DEFAULT expression.
(Bug #28297486)
Replication: When a slave server logs master status and connection information to a
table (master_info_repository=TABLE), which is the default in MySQL 8.0, the
mysql.slave_master_info table was not being updated on shutdown if the server was in super
read only mode (super_read_only=ON). No error was written to the error log at this time, but
replication failed after server startup because the master log file and master log position information
was out of date. The thread that updates the master info log at shutdown is now excluded from read-
only checks like other replication threads are, so it can update the table even if the server is in super
read only mode. Error handling for a slave that is shutting down has also been improved so that
any failure to write to the slave status logs results in an error in the error log. (Bug #27675107, Bug
Replication: If a replication slave tried to connect to the master using an incorrect user name, host,
or port, the original error message specifying the reason for the connection failure was overwritten
with a generic message. The issue has now been corrected in the output from the SHOW SLAVE
STATUS statement and in the Performance Schema table replication_connection_status.
(Bug #26580064)
Group Replication: When message fragmentation is in use for large Group Replication messages
(which is available, and the default, from MySQL 8.0.16), if a fragmented message sent by the
group member with the highest node identifier in XCom was partially delivered, and one or more
members then left the group prior to the delivery of the remaining message fragments, reassembly
of the message caused Group Replication to stop working. The loss of members meant that the
node identifier of the original sender was no longer valid in the new view of the group. To correct
this issue, reassembly of fragmented messages now uses the delivery information from the last
fragment that was delivered, which reflects the new situation after the view change, rather than from
the first fragment that was delivered, which reflects the old situation before the view change. (Bug
Group Replication: The error message that is issued for a discrepancy between the
number of group members and the auto-increment interval incorrectly referred to the
group_replication_auto_increment_increment system variable, instead of the
auto_increment_increment system variable. The value of auto_increment_increment
is changed to the value specified by group_replication_auto_increment_increment
when Group Replication starts, but only if auto_increment_increment and
auto_increment_offset have their default values, and from MySQL 8.0, only in multi-primary
mode. The value of auto_increment_increment was always the value that was checked for
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the error message, and it has now been corrected to give the accurate system variable name. (Bug
Group Replication: Group Replication cannot be started following a MySQL Server upgrade that
uses the MINIMAL option (--upgrade=MINIMAL), which does not upgrade system tables on which
this feature depends. Previously, in this situation, the server waited indefinitely for Group Replication
to start. This is now handled correctly by unblocking the waiting thread and issuing the expected
error ER_GRP_RPL_START_GRP_RPL_FAILED. (Bug #29423358, Bug #94515)
Group Replication: A change in the processing of suspicions by a member that is leaving the group
meant that recovery failed because due to a circular dependency between the recovery failure and
the view change notification. Now, if an error makes recovery impossible, the Group Communication
System handles this as follows:
1. The member leaves the group
2. the view change is applied
3. The recovery thread is terminated.
(Bug #29417365, Bug #29628909)
Group Replication: In Group Replication, joining members could wrongly identify themselves as
incompatible with an existing replication group even if there were members at the same version
already in the group, because they checked against all other members, including the member at the
highest version. Joining members also included their own version in the compatibility check. Now,
joining members only compare themselves with the existing group member at the lowest version,
and do not count their own version. (Bug #29390946, Bug #94429)
Group Replication: Functions for configuring an online group sometimes did not return an error
when an issue arose during execution. These functions also now check whether the Group
Replication plugin is stopping before they start to initialize. (Bug #28978767, Bug #93372)
Group Replication: The XCom group communication engine did not handle out of memory errors in
an appropriate way. If memory could not be allocated to make a copy of the payload for a message,
an error was logged but the message was still sent, with a null payload. The Group Communication
System (GCS) on the receiving member discarded the message as empty, and the XCom instance
on the receiving member accepted this action and did not retry, resulting in the message effectively
being skipped. This caused the GTID set on the receiving member to diverge from the group, leading
to replication errors. XCom now terminates gracefully if it experiences an out of memory error, so
that this situation cannot occur. (Bug #28702320)
macOS: For macOS installations performed using DMG packages, launchd operation was
Previously, SHUTDOWN caused a restart if MySQL was configured to start at boot time via the
preference pane. This also affected the mysqladmin shutdown command. Server shutdown
initiated in these ways now works correctly.
Previously, RESTART did not work. It now works correctly.
Previously, unexpected server exits did not cause automatic restart if the server was not
configured to start at boot time. Exits with a nonzero exit status now cause a restart regardless of
boot-time startup configuration.
(Bug #29789857)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
JSON: MAX() and MIN() used on expressions returning JSON data sometimes compared these
values as strings rather than JSON values, which caused unexpected results; this was particularly
evident when the JSON values were numbers.
This was due to the fact that GROUP BY when using temporary tables with indexes did not compare
JSON values correctly. (Bug #28947381)
JSON: JSON_TABLE() returned the error Unknown database '' when executed from a stored
The root cause of this issue was that, when merging tables from a select that used JSON_TABLE(),
MySQL checked only for derived tables. This caused the result table returned by JSON_TABLE() to
be noted as a regular table, so that when attempting to execute the query, the server failed to open
it. Now MySQL checks whether the table to be added is not an internal table, that is, not a derived
table, a JSON_TABLE() result table, or a reference to a recursive common table expression. (Bug
#92976, Bug #28851656)
The WITH ADMIN option for GRANT statements sometimes was not handled properly. (Bug
Some foreign key error messages could differ depending on whether the user had the GRANT
OPTION privilege. (Bug #29868844)
During upgrade operations, upgrades of the help tables failed if autocommit was disabled. (Bug
#29865428, Bug #95620)
Fetching dynamically allocated dictionary objects into a vector during upgrade while operating with a
small table_open_cache size caused data dictionary tables to be reopened, triggering a garbage
collection mechanism that incorrectly freed collected objects. Subsequent attempts to access the
freed objects caused a segmentation fault. (Bug #29823053)
For upgrades from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0, the upgrade process did not close the
innodb_*_stats_backup57.ibd files in the mysql system schema before removing them,
resulting in errors for subsequent file system operations. (Bug #29791350)
mysqld --initialize would fail if the file system was mounted at the data directory mount point
and a lost+found file or directory was present. The lost+found file or directory is now ignored
during data directory initialization. (Bug #29780434)
MySQL upgrades did not assign the AUDIT_ADMIN privilege to accounts that had the SUPER
privilege. (Bug #29770732)
The REGEXP_REPLACE() function did not handle empty strings correctly in all cases. (Bug
An overly strict assertion could be raised during sorting of stored program local objects. (Bug
#29759547, Bug #95062)
The group_replication_get_communication_protocol() function, which is used to query
the group's communication protocol version, failed if any group members were in RECOVERING
state, which was an unnecessary restriction. The function can now be used provided that the
member where it runs is in ONLINE state, and is in contact with a majority of the group. (Bug
#29754967, Bug #95306)
For some arguments to REPEAT(), maximum length calculations were not always handled correctly.
(Bug #29739778)
UPDATE statements for tables with CHECK constraints could fail to enforce the constraints. (Bug
#29706621, Bug #95189)
For installation from RPM or Debian packages, if the mysql_upgrade_info file in the data
directory is found to exist but is owned by root, it is now changed to the same owner as the data
directory. The correct SELinux file context is also set. (Bug #29704041)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Installing from RPM packages could result in an error log with incorrect permissions. (Bug
A replication group member that was unable to contact a majority of the group
before the group_replication_unreachable_majority_timeout setting
was reached, and then exhausted the number of auto-rejoin attempts specified
by the group_replication_autorejoin_tries system variable without
successfully rejoining, was sometimes unable to carry out the action specified by the
group_replication_exit_state_action system variable. The member tries to carry out
the action using the current session, which sometimes failed. The member now ensures that the
session is initialized before using it to connect to the server to carry out the exit state action. (Bug
#29698754, Bug #95151)
When performing a upgrade, server-side SQL statements that update data dictionary tables used a
non-default collation, causing an upgrade failure. (Bug #29697670, Bug #95144)
Starting the server with --skip-grant-tables and invoking ROLES_GRAPHML() could lead to a
server exit. (Bug #29681975)
SELECT DISTINCT when using fixed-length keys did not deduplicate records properly in all cases.
(Bug #29628699)
Client programs that used asynchronous C API functions could access freed memory after
occurrence of a fatal error such as connection failure or receipt of a too-large packet. (Bug
The ST_AsWKB() function could fail to perform proper error checking. (Bug #29594287)
For failed data directory initialization, the server could produce a message indicating that the
directory could be removed, even if the server itself did not create it. The message now indicates that
only files in the directory created by the server can be removed. (Bug #29594082, Bug #94880)
In MySQL 8.0, the keyring_encypted_file plugin could not read a file created by a MySQL 5.7
keyring_encypted_file plugin. (Bug #29588345)
In builds with Undefined Behavior Sanitizer enabled, runtime errors occurred in
my_strtoll10_mb2() and val_decimal(). (Bug #29585648, Bug #29594951)
Some diagnostics produced by the server while checking grant table structure at startup were written
as errors rather than warnings. (Bug #29558993)
The comp_err utility could read uninitialized data. (Bug #29550442)
Enabling audit log encryption could cause a server exit. (Bug #29549327)
RPM package obsoletes were updated to enable successful upgrades from MariaDB to MySQL on
EL8. (Bug #29549127, Bug #29623146, Bug #29623201, Bug #29659212)
In a join of the form LEFT JOIN t ON column WHERE t.x=0 IS NOT TRUE, MySQL evaluated
IS NOT TRUE as FALSE for a NULL argument in a null-complemented row, and rejected it. This
caused an invalid conversion of the left join to an inner join, so that there were missing rows in the
result. The same issue affected joins of the same form but having IS NOT FALSE in the WHERE
condition. (Bug #29540230)
If the read_only system variable was enabled, its value improperly was applied against updates to
the character set and collation data dictionary tables. (Bug #29533590, Bug #94769)
character_set_client while parsing the function's argument instead of the character set of the
argument. (Bug #29526571)
The server now tracks data dictionary upgrades to ensure that INFORMATION_SCHEMA views are
recreated when data dictionary tables are changed. (Bug #29513265)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Execution of STATEMENT_DIGEST() or STATEMENT_DIGEST_TEXT() could have unintended side
effects on data in the performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest table.
(Bug #29512067)
The implementation for CREATE TABLE did not provide the table a clearly defined starting cursor
when no seeks or writes were performed. (Bug #29511318)
When a table is const optimized, any predicate terms in the join's ON condition should also be
evaluated on the tables marked as const to make sure that the row qualifies for the ON condition.
The optimizer failed to mark a table as const when it was handled as having an impossible ON
condition, in which case the resulting row from this table is a NULL extended row.
This fix sets the const_table flag for the table and marks the row as a NULL row. It also changes
EXPLAIN output for a table optimized as having an impossible ON condition, where the resulting
NULL values from this row are now propagated into the rows column values, as with other const
rows. (Bug #29493830)
A query containing an IN subquery could return superfluous rows when optimizer_switch did
not include firstmatch=on. (Bug #29493026)
RPM package detection of whether the operating system is EL6 or EL7 failed on some systems.
(Bug #29492896)
SQL layer validation of keys stored in storage-engine-private data fields in the data dictionary
was disabled to permit storage engines to add new keys as required. Storage engines are now
responsible for key validation. (Bug #29491593, Bug #94667)
Checks for NULL returned an incorrect result for some expressions comparing rows. (Bug
When optimizing a table join which included ORDER BY and LIMIT, the optimizer modified the
select limit on the first table by taking the fanout of the entire join into consideration. The fanout was
calculated using the filter_effect for each table, which can be set to COND_FILTER_STALE (-1)
to indicate an unknown value. This value was not actually checked for by the optimizer, which could
result in a negative fanout, leading to an unexpected rows value of 0 in the EXPLAIN output for the
Now COND_FILTER_STALE (filter_effect unknown) is specifically checked for, and, if it is
found, the fanout is also assumed to be unknown, and the number of rows to be selected from the
first table is thus not modified by the fanout for the entire join. (Bug #29487181, Bug #29531472)
An implicit assumption was made for the LEAST() and GREATEST() functions that arguments to
either of these were all signed or all unsigned values. (Bug #29467577)
Some arguments for the BIT_OR() function were not always handled correctly. (Bug #29459549)
For debug builds, mishandling of the user_attributes column of the mysql.user system table
could cause a server exit. (Bug #29451897)
MySQL Cluster-specific Debian debug packages had an incorrect path to the debug symbols. (Bug
Compilation failure occurred when building with Protobuf 3.7.0. (Bug #29436791, Bug #94543)
On Debian and Ubuntu, MySQL packages did not enable mysql.service after upgrades from
native MySQL packages. (Bug #29435592)
The server did not properly close shared-memory connections when an error occurred, which could
result in unexpected server behavior. (Bug #29435426)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The internal JOIN_CACHE::join_record() method attempted to leave all tables on which it
operated in the same state with regard to the has_row and null_row flags by saving the state
upon entry and restoring the appropriate flags when on completion.
The issue addressed here arose after these flags had been restored, due to the fact that
restore_last_record() was also called to restore any records that had been processed, which
could lead to setting back a null_row flag that had just been restored based on the saved state.
This is fixed by calling restore_last_record() before the saved states are restored, rather than
after, as well as making sure that reset_null_row() is also called if the saved state indicates that
the null_row flag was not set at the beginning. (Bug #29435133)
Some ALTER TABLE statements using ADD COLUMN did not perform as expected. (Bug #29428288)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28333657.
An incorrect error message was reported during upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0
when a non-natively partitioned table was encountered. The error message referenced the -
DWITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE CMake build option, which is not supported in MySQL 8.0.
(Bug #29426632, Bug #94518)
At startup, the server did not properly check the length of user and host names in persisted variables.
(Bug #29420141)
The parser could leak memory for certain multiple-statement queries. (Bug #29419820)
Installing MySQL on EL8 from RPM packages caused a conflict with the installed MeCab library.
(Bug #29413115)
On FreeBSD, stack traces dumped for fatal signals did not work correctly. (Bug #29408039)
With the derived_merge switch disabled in the value of the optimizer_switch system variable,
information retrieved for base tables from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES displayed inappropriate
information in the TABLE_COMMENT column. (Bug #29406053, Bug #94468)
In certain cases, use of ORDER BY in a subselect did not produce the expected result. (Bug
ROLLUP queries with wildcards (and probably also certain other wildcard queries) could cause
assertion errors. (Bug #29396628)
A condition inside an IF function having a constant evaluating to TRUE was not always handled
correctly. (Bug #29394833)
A code change in MySQL 8.0.13 related to full-text search caused a segmentation fault. (Bug
mysqlpump did not check whether the argument to --result-file was opened correctly and
exited unexpectedly if an error occurred. (Bug #29389828)
In queries without joins, batch mode was not enabled until after initialization was complete, so that
OFFSET rows were read outside of batch mode. This negated any performance benefit to be had
from batch mode. (Bug #29373972)
When renaming a functional index, the server did not check for a possible duplicate index name.
(Bug #29360763)
The system variable service did not check the input buffer size for some operations. (Bug
For mysql system schema dumps, mysqlpump dumped certain tables by row rather than as
account-management statements. (Bug #29343073)
Creation of a functional index on a UNION subquery led to an assertion in debug builds. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Non-numeric arguments to AVG() were not always handled correctly. (Bug #29321764)
Result sets with a very large number of columns could cause client programs to use all available
memory. Now the client library allocates no more than max_allowed_packet bytes for result set
metadata, returning an out-of-memory error if this limit is exceeded. If this error occurs, it is fatal and
the client should disconnect. (Bug #29316814)
A call to mysql_shutdown() could cause the client to exit when the server and client were from
different MySQL series, due to return packet payload misinterpretation. (Bug #29315393)
Client programs could fail while reading result set metadata if communicating with the server using
the pre-MySQL 4.1 protocol. (Bug #29304864)
HANDLER statements did not always work correctly with tables having generated columns. (Bug
Session-tracking information in the client/server protocol could be mishandled. (Bug #29297652)
Client programs that used the libmysqlclient C client library could exit upon receipt of an OK
packet containing malformed session-tracking information. (Bug #29297620, Bug #29630735)
With the PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH SQL mode enabled, password changes failed, with no
warning or error reported. (Bug #29287785)
Initialization code of loadable functions for the keyring_aws plugin did not properly check whether
the plugin had been initialized. (Bug #29278153)
Scalar subqueries were not always identified and handled correctly when compared with aggregate
or window functions. (Bug #29276063)
Ubuntu packages did not disable binary logging for initialization scripts. (Bug #29263771)
The internal collation map could become corrupted by use of invalid collation names. (Bug
Single-table UPDATE and DELETE statements that used indexed expressions could cause the server
to exit when executed as prepared statements. (Bug #29257254)
The audit_log plugin did not log UNINSTALL PLUGIN audit_log statements. (Bug #29248047)
MySQL now uses open(O_TMPFILE) whenever applicable when creating a temporary file that is
immediately unlinked. This is more efficient than previously and avoids the small possibility of a race
condition. Thanks to Daniel Black for the contribution. (Bug #29215177, Bug #93937)
audit_log filtering operations could leak memory. (Bug #29201747)
The GRANT OPTION privilege could be mishandled in some cases. (Bug #29179334)
Previously, LIKE comparisons could be incorrect if either of the _ or % SQL wildcard characters was
used as the ESCAPE character. These characters can now be used. (Bug #29175461, Bug #93811)
The component_sys_variable service could fail to read certain system variables, causing a
server exit. (Bug #29162657)
Multiple-table UPDATE statements could search for incorrect generated-column values when
determining which row to update. (Bug #29154379)
If the server was started with Performance Schema parameters that caused an out-of-memory
condition, startup failed. (Bug #29140212, Bug #93726)
For consistency and compliance with standard SQL, the ISNULL() function is now printed as IS
NULL in warnings generated by EXPLAIN statements. (Bug #29119455)
Some supplemental Unicode characters could incorrectly be flagged with a warning message as
invalid. (Bug #29110613, Bug #93626)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For upgrades from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0, the root user was not given all dynamic privileges. (Bug
When using subpartitioning, table serialized dictionary information (SDI) was not stored in any
tablespace file. (Bug #29020745, Bug #93499)
Privileges for dropping some Performance Schema tables were checked incorrectly. (Bug
mysqldump failed to wrap SET NAMES utf8mb4 and SET character_set_client = utf8mb4
statements within version-specific comments, which could cause compatibility problems. (Bug
#29007506, Bug #93450)
For a unique index created on one or more columns defined as NULL, the optimizer failed to handle
joins using that index as eq_ref.
As part of this fix, late NULL filtering is now also performed to avoid treating comparisons with NULL
as potential equality matches. (Bug #28965762, Bug #29337233)
For debug builds, an assertion could be raised by string comparisons for which the expected and
actual collation differed. (Bug #28960901)
The server did not handle correctly a subquery which, prior to conversion to a semijoin, contained a
merged derived table or common table expression which in turn had a WHERE clause with an outer
reference against an indexed column. (Bug #28955216)
A query that employed a derived table which included an ORDER BY was not always handled
correctly. (Bug #28942965)
When clients were terminated for inactivity exceeding the wait_timeout value, the message
written to the error log was unclear. Now ER_NET_WAIT_ERROR is written, which is more specific
about the cause of the problem. Thanks to Mattias Jonsson for the contribution. (Bug #28940167,
Bug #93240)
Concurrent execution of FLUSH PRIVILEGES along with CREATE USER or ALTER USER could
cause the server to stall. (Bug #28937018, Bug #93085)
CASE statement comparisons that relied on index prefix values could produce incorrect results. (Bug
#28934315, Bug #93215)
When adjusting the query cost after sort elimination to compensate for sorts that had not been
considered in the original cost estimate, and the estimates could sometimes be too low, or even
The sort cost is added to the total cost in Optimize_table_order::consider_plan(), and
subtracted from the total cost in JOIN::optimize() if it is found that sorting is not needed.
If consider_plan() finds that sorting is not needed, it does not add the sort cost to the total cost,
but still records a sort cost in JOIN::sort_cost(), and this is set to the sort cost of the candidate
plan considered previously. Later, JOIN::optimize() saw that the JOIN object had an associated
sort cost, and subtracted that cost from the total cost, since it also sees that no sort is needed. Since
the sort cost came from a candidate plan that was not the same as the chosen plan, the estimate
was incorrect.
The fix is to make consider_plan() set JOIN::sort_cost to 0 if no sort cost is added to the
total cost, so that the mistaken adjustment of the cost in JOIN::optimize() is not performed. (Bug
Some GIS code failed to compile under Visual Studio 2017 15.5.6. (Bug #28861188)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28842878.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Stored generated column values and indexes on virtual generated columns were not correctly
updated after columns on which these generated columns depended were swapped using ALTER
Renaming of base columns for generated columns, generated defaults, and functional indexes is
now prohibited unless the same ALTER TABLE statement satisfies one of these conditions:
The statement removes the generated column, generated default, or functional index.
The statement updates the dependent expression in question. This enables supporting existing
scenarios in which generation expressions are updated to follow base column renaming.
Restrictions on dropping columns on which generated columns, generated defaults, or functional
indexes depend were relaxed in a similar way. (Bug #28772251, Bug #92727)
Base columns were not excluded from index-only access by a generated column. (Bug #28652733)
References: See also: Bug #29664369. This issue is a regression of: Bug #23169112.
SET PERSIST_ONLY did not properly handle the version_tokens_session system variable.
(Bug #28542569)
For debug builds, improper error checking for CREATE TABLE statements could cause an assertion
to be raised. (Bug #28490361, Bug #91976)
MySQL 5.7 supported foreign keys on InnoDB tables with a parent key for which part of the
referenced columns were hidden, but MySQL 8.0 did not. MySQL 8.0 now supports this capability.
(Bug #28480149, Bug #91952)
INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE did not consider privileges granted by active roles.
(Bug #28395115)
For unloaded components, component options specified at startup with a --loose- prefix were not
processed if the component was later loaded at runtime. (Bug #28341329)
Long passwords solicited interactively by client programs could fail to be null-terminated. (Bug
When building MySQL, CMake begins the process of downloading Boost by creating a zero-length
tarball in the destination directory, which is removed when the download is complete. If the download
was interrupted or timed out, the presence of this file prevented CMake from attempting to perform
the download the time it was run. Now the zero-length tarball, if present, is removed before the
download is started. (Bug #28089173)
A thread pool group could be blocked when a thread process tick time exceeded the maximum
permitted value. The tick time now uses a larger data type to permit larger values. (Bug #28072609)
Privileges were not checked correctly for ALTER USER ... IDENTIFIED WITH ... BY. (Bug
#27923149, Bug #29882299)
MySQL does not support OpenSSL session tickets, but did not set the SSL_OP_NO_TICKET flag to
inform OpenSSL of that. The flag is now set. (Bug #27655493)
The audit_null plugin did not properly check for a null event record. (Bug #27638290)
UpdateXML() did not always free memory properly in certain cases. (Bug #27312862)
Empty values in the name column of the mysql.plugin system table caused the server to exit
during startup. (Bug #27302459)
The server did not properly check privileges for CACHE INDEX statements. (Bug #26173827)
With the thread_pool plugin enabled, the Performance Schema status_by_thread table
contained no data. (Bug #25933891)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The GRANT OPTION privilege was treated as related to database operations. (Bug #25203933, Bug
REPAIR TABLE for ARCHIVE tables could result in a server exit. (Bug #23304911)
If an INSTALL PLUGIN statement contained invalid UTF-8 characters in the shared library name,
it caused the server to hang (or to raise an assertion in debug builds). (Bug #14653594, Bug
#23080148, Bug #27167197)
Logging to the mysql.slow_log system table could fail when values were to large for table
columns. Now logging proceeds on a best-effort basis, writing what information can be provided.
Otherwise, the row is discarded and a message is written to the error log. (Bug #11748692, Bug
A query using WHERE date_column LIKE 'year_value' failed with error 1525 Incorrect
DATE value on Windows platforms. (Bug #95780, Bug #29904751)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29368521.
A fix for a previous issue caused YEAR values to be treated as unsigned, but this did not allow for
possible negative values arising during calculations involving subtraction, which could lead to data
truncation errors. (Bug #95045, Bug #29668676)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #92209, Bug #28562930.
When working with derived tables with an aggregation which had zero input rows, the results of the
aggregate functions were not properly copied into the temporary table. This caused incorrect results
in cases where the derived table was evaluated multiple times, such as when performing a lateral
join. (Bug #94721, Bug #29514504)
A window without a frame specification inheriting from a window with an ORDER BY yielded an
incorrect result. (Bug #94251, Bug #29328529)
The results returned by the functions REGEXP_REPLACE() and REGEXP_SUBSTR() used UTF-16
rather than the character set and collation of the expression searched for matches. (Bug #94203,
Bug #29308212)
A UNION ALL query with SUM(constant) was processed very slowly compared to the same query
using SUM(column) instead. (Bug #93922, Bug #29227464)
JSON_OBJECTAGG() is non-deterministic in the presence of duplicate keys unless the window
has ordering on the key, which is expected behavior, but a key-value pair that was no longer in the
window frame still appeared in the result. (Bug #93822, Bug #29175262)
LIMIT was applied before HAVING in queries with subselects. (Bug #93214, Bug #28934388)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25466100.
A query involving GROUP BY on a TIMESTAMP column resulted in a duplicate entry for key
(ER_DUP_ENTRY) error. This problem arose when TIMESTAMP values were inserted into a table
using a given setting for the time zone and these values were later fetched after the time zone setting
had been changed, such that at least some of the inserted TIMESTAMP values occurred during the
hour that the time changed from standard to daylight time (DST) in the new time zone, during which
time the same TIMESTAMP value can exist twice. Now, when the server would otherwise return
the error DUPLICATE ENTRY FOR KEY 'group_key', if the grouping involves a TIMESTAMP
column, it instead raises the error Grouping on temporal is non-deterministic for
time zones having DST. Please consider switching to UTC for this query.
In addition, it is suggested to set explicit_defaults_for_timestamp to ON as well as one or
the server SQL mode to help avoid this issue. (Bug #90398, Bug #27970159)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Changes in MySQL 8.0.16 (2019-04-25, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Account Management Notes
C API Notes
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Installation Notes
Packaging Notes
Parser Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Plugin Notes
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
SQL Syntax Notes
sys Schema Notes
Test Suite Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
Previously, users who had the DROP ROLE privilege could use the DROP ROLE statement to drop
locked or unlocked accounts. Now, users who have the DROP ROLE privilege can use DROP ROLE
only to drop accounts that are locked (unlocked accounts are presumably user accounts used to log
in to the server and not just as roles). Users who have the CREATE USER privilege can use DROP
ROLE to drop accounts that are locked or unlocked. (Bug #28953158, Bug #93263)
Several changes have been made to MySQL account-management capabilities:
MySQL now incorporates the concept of user account categories, with system and regular users
distinguished according to whether they have the new SYSTEM_USER privilege:
System users are users who possess the SYSTEM_USER privilege. A system user can perform
operations on both system and regular accounts.
Regular users are ordinary users who do not possess the SYSTEM_USER privilege. A regular
user can perform operations on regular accounts, but not system accounts.
If a user has the appropriate privileges to perform a given operation on regular accounts,
SYSTEM_USER enables the user to also perform the operation on system accounts. SYSTEM_USER
does not imply any other privilege, so the ability to perform a given account operation remains
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
predicated on possession of any other required privileges. For example, if a user can grant the
SELECT and UPDATE privileges to regular accounts, then with SYSTEM_USER the user can also
grant SELECT and UPDATE to system accounts.
The distinction between system and regular accounts enables better control over certain account
administration issues by protecting accounts that have the SYSTEM_USER privilege from accounts
that do not have the privilege. For example, the CREATE USER privilege enables not only creation
of new accounts, but modification and removal of existing accounts. Without the system user
concept, a user who has the CREATE USER privilege can modify or drop any existing account,
including the root account. The concept of system user enables restricting modifications to
the root account (itself a system account) so they can be made only by system users. Regular
users with the CREATE USER privilege can still modify or drop existing accounts, but only regular
Other operational implications of the SYSTEM_USER privilege:
A session that has the SYSTEM_USER privilege can be killed only by users who have the
SYSTEM_USER privilege, in addition to any other required privileges.
An account that has the SYSTEM_USER privilege can be specified as the DEFINER for a stored
object only by users who have the SYSTEM_USER privilege, in addition to any other required
A role that has the SYSTEM_USER privilege cannot be listed in the value of the
mandatory_roles system variable.
For more information, see Account Categories.
Previously, it was not possible to grant privileges that apply globally except for certain schemas.
This is now possible if the new partial_revokes system variable is enabled. For example, the
following statements enable an account to select from or insert into any table except those in the
mysql system schema:
SET PERSIST partial_revokes = ON;
The server records partial revokes by adding a Restrictions attribute to the
User_attributes column of the mysql.user system table. SHOW GRANTS includes REVOKE
statements in its output to indicate partial revokes.
Enabling partial_revokes causes MySQL to treat unescaped _ and
% SQL wildcard characters in schema names as literal characters, just
as if they had been escaped as \_ and \%. Because this changes the
interpretation of privilege assignments, it may be advisable to avoid
unescaped wildcard characters in schema privilege assignments for
MySQL installations where partial_revokes may be enabled.
For more information, see Privilege Restriction Using Partial Revokes.
The GRANT statement has a new AS user [WITH ROLE] clause that specifies additional
information about the privilege context to use for statement execution. This syntax is visible at the
SQL level, although its primary purpose is to enable uniform replication across all nodes of grantor
privilege restrictions imposed by partial revokes, by causing those restrictions to appear in the
binary log.
For more information, see GRANT Statement.
(WL #12098, WL #12364, WL #12820)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
C API Notes
The MySQL C API now supports asynchronous functions for nonblocking communication with the
MySQL server:
Each function is the asynchronous counterpart to a synchronous function that has the same name
without a _nonblocking suffix. The synchronous functions block if reads from or writes to the
server connection must wait. The asynchronous functions enable an application to check whether
work on the server connection is ready to proceed. If not, the application can perform other work
before checking again later. See C API Asynchronous Interface. (WL #11381)
Character Set Support
MySQL now supports a new Chinese collation, utf8mb4_zh_0900_as_cs, for the utf8mb4
Unicode character set. utf8mb4_zh_0900_as_cs is the first Chinese language-specific
collation available for Unicode in MySQL. This collation is accent sensitive and case sensitive.
Its characteristics are similar to utf8mb4_0900_as_cs except that language-specific rules take
precedence where applicable. For more information, see Unicode Character Sets. (WL #11825)
Compilation Notes
CMake now causes the build process to link with the llvm lld linker for Clang if it is available and
not explicitly disabled. To disable use of this linker, specify the -DUSE_LD_LLD=OFF option. (Bug
Builds on EL6 and EL7 now try to use the compiler in devtoolset-8 rather than devtoolset-7.
(Bug #29198846)
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.69.0. (Bug #29114233)
The configuration-time check for Visual Studio 2017 was not specific enough. The check for MySQL
compilation now requires at least Visual Studio update 15.8, which is version number 1915. (Bug
MySQL now can be compiled using C++14. The following minimum version requirements apply for
compiler support:
GCC 5.3 (Linux)
Clang 4.0 (FreeBSD)
XCode 9 (macOS)
Developer Studio 12.6 (Solaris)
Visual Studio 2017 (Windows)
(WL #12424)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Configuration Notes
MySQL configuration now requires a minimum CMake version of 3.4.3. This requires the use of
cmake3 rather than cmake on some Red Hat and Oracle Linux platforms. (Bug #29246216)
The WITH_LZMA CMake option was removed. (Bug #29153932, Bug #93755)
The EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL option is now used in CMake configuration as appropriate so that libraries
are built only if they are actually used by any executable. (Bug #29052599)
The new WITH_JEMALLOC CMake option indicates whether to link with -ljemalloc. If enabled,
built-in malloc(), calloc(), realloc(), and free() routines are disabled. The default is OFF.
(Bug #29027974)
The new WITH_LSAN CMake option indicates whether to run LeakSanitizer, without
AddressSanitizer. The default is OFF. (Bug #28936574)
The new WITH_ROUTER CMake option indicates whether to build MySQL Router. The default is ON.
(Bug #28759234)
MySQL Server now supports a --validate-config option that enables the startup configuration
to be checked for problems without running the server in normal operational mode. For more
information, see Server Configuration Validation. (WL #12360)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The TempTable storage engine now always uses InnoDB to manage internal temporary tables on
disk, and the choice of storage engine employed for this task is no longer user-configurable. The
internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine system variable has been removed. (Bug #91377, Bug
#28234637, WL #11974)
References: See also: Bug #28081038, Bug #82556, Bug #27408352.
Installation Notes
Previously, after installation of a new version of MySQL, the MySQL server automatically upgraded
the data dictionary tables at the next startup, after which the DBA was expected to invoke
mysql_upgrade manually to upgrade the system tables in the mysql schema, as well as objects in
other schemas such as the sys schema and user schemas.
The server now performs the tasks previously handled by mysql_upgrade. After installation of a
new MySQL version, the server now automatically performs all necessary upgrade tasks at the next
startup and is not dependent on the DBA invoking mysql_upgrade. In addition, the server updates
the contents of the help tables (something mysql_upgrade did not do). A new --upgrade server
option provides control over how the server performs automatic data dictionary and server upgrade
operations. For more information, see Upgrading MySQL.
This change to the upgrade procedure results in some deprecations:
mysql_upgrade is deprecated because it is no longer necessary.
The --no-dd-upgrade server option is deprecated because the --upgrade option supersedes
mysql_upgrade and the --no-dd-upgrade option will be removed in a future MySQL version.
(Bug #28146052, Bug #28162609, Bug #91205, Bug #29185739, Bug #27740692, Bug #28547424,
Bug #91961, WL #12413, WL #12918)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Packaging Notes
The Docker image for MySQL Cluster 8.0 is now available for download. (Bug #30010921, Bug
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library now use curl
7.64.0. (Bug #29357198)
The Henry Spencer regex library (extra/regex) is no longer used by MySQL 8.0 and is no longer
present in source distributions. (Bug #29192306)
RPM packages now have dependencies on libtirpc and rpcgen because newer versions of
glibc do not include Sun RPC. (Bug #28995257)
The support-files/magic file was removed from the MySQL source tree. Most MySQL file
formats are covered by operating system file type capabilities. (Bug #18335080, Bug #71898)
MySQL now provides “Minimal Install” Linux generic binary download packages for MySQL Server
and the Test Suite. Minimal install packages exclude debug binaries and are stripped of debug
symbols, making them significantly smaller than the regular Linux generic binary packages.
Downloads are available at
The Docker image for MySQL Enterprise Edition is now available for download from My Oracle
Parser Notes
The parser no longer accepts the undocumented and nonstandard = alias_name syntax for
specifying table aliases. (Bug #29205289)
The parser is now permits several additional nonreserved keywords to be used as labels within
stored programs that previously were restricted from such use: ACCOUNT, ALWAYS, BACKUP,
The parser accepted ODBC escape syntax for outer joins ({ OJ outer_join }), but also
accepted identifiers other than OJ. The parser now accepts only OJ.
OJ now is a nonreserved keyword.
(Bug #22320942)
Performance Schema Notes
The new Performance Schema keyring_keys table exposes metadata for keys in the MySQL
Keyring. Key metadata includes key IDs, key owners, and backend key IDs. The keyring_keys
table does not expose any sensitive keyring data such as key contents. See The keyring_keys table.
(WL #11543)
Plugin Notes
MySQL now includes a ddl_rewriter plugin that modifies CREATE TABLE statements received
by the server before it parses and executes them. The plugin removes ENCRYPTION, DATA
DIRECTORY, and INDEX DIRECTORY clauses, which may be helpful when restoring tables from
SQL dump files created from databases that are encrypted or that have their tables stored outside
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the data directory. For example, the plugin may enable restoring such dump files into an unencrypted
instance or in an environment where the paths outside the data directory are not accessible. When
installed, ddl_rewriter exposes the Performance Schema memory/rewriter/ddl_rewriter
instrument for tracking plugin memory use. For more information, see The ddl_rewriter Plugin. (WL
Security Notes
Previously, if the grant tables were corrupted, the MySQL server wrote a message to the error
log but continued as if the --skip-grant-tables option had been specified. This resulted in
the server operating in an unexpected state unless --skip-grant-tables had in fact been
specified. Now, the server stops after writing a message to the error log unless started with --skip-
grant-tables. (Starting the server with that option enables you to connect to perform diagnostic
operations.) (Bug #29394501, Bug #94394, WL #12971)
The OpenSSL libraries bundled with MySQL on some platforms (Windows, macOS, and
Generic Linux) have been upgraded to version 1.0.2r. On all other platforms, MySQL uses the
system installed OpenSSL. Issues fixed in the new OpenSSL version are described at http:// (Bug #28988091)
Granting roles to anonymous users is no longer supported because such roles caused problematic
behavior. (Bug #28910120)
OpenSSL 1.1.1 supports the TLS v1.3 protocol for encrypted connections, and MySQL now supports
TLS v1.3 as well, if both the server and client are compiled using OpenSSL 1.1.1 or higher:
Some TLSv1.3 ciphersuites are enabled by default. The tls_ciphersuites system variable
enables explicitly specifying which TLSv1.3 ciphersuites the server permits.
The --tls-ciphersuites client option specifies which TLSv1.3 ciphersuites a client
permits. This option applies to these programs: mysql, mysqladmin, mysqlbinlog,
mysqlcheck, mysqldump, mysqlimport, mysqlpump, mysqlshow, mysqlslap, mysqltest,
mysql_secure_installation, and mysql_upgrade.
The mysql_options() C API function has a new MYSQL_OPT_TLS_CIPHERSUITES option that
specifies from within the client library which TLSv1.3 ciphersuites a client program permits.
For more information, see Encrypted Connection TLS Protocols and Ciphers.
Group Replication does not support TLSv1.3.
(WL #12361)
The TLS context the server uses for new connections now is reconfigurable at runtime. This
capability may be useful, for example, to avoid restarting a MySQL server that has been running so
long that its SSL certificate has expired. Dynamic SSL reconfigurability is based on these changes:
The system variables that define the TLS context are dynamic and can be changed at runtime:
ssl_ca, ssl_capath, ssl_cert, ssl_cipher, ssl_crl, ssl_crlpath, ssl_key,
tls_ciphersuites. tls_version.
The ALTER INSTANCE statement supports a RELOAD TLS action that reconfigures the TLS
context from the current values of the system variables that define the context.
These status variables reflect the TLS context the server uses for new connections:
Current_tls_ca, Current_tls_capath, Current_tls_cert, Current_tls_cipher,
Current_tls_ciphersuites, Current_tls_crl, Current_tls_crlpath,
Current_tls_key, Current_tls_version.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ALTER INSTANCE RELOAD TLS updates those status variables from the corresponding system
variable values when it reconfigures the TLS context.
For more information, see Server-Side Runtime Configuration and Monitoring for Encrypted
Thanks to Facebook for submitting code for a similar feature (although the code was not used). (WL
References: See also: Bug #27980097.
In MySQL 8.0, the default authentication plugin was changed from mysql_native_password
to caching_sha2_password. Because caching_sha2_password provides a superset of
the capabilities of the sha256_password authentication plugin, sha256_password is now
deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. MySQL accounts that authenticate using
sha256_password should be migrated to use caching_sha2_password instead. (WL #12694)
Spatial Data Support
The ST_Length() function now takes an optional second argument enabling the unit for the
return value to be specified. Permitted units are those listed in the new INFORMATION_SCHEMA
ST_UNITS_OF_MEASURE table. See LineString and MultiLineString Property Functions, and The
SQL Syntax Notes
Incompatible Change: In MySQL 5.7, specifying a FOREIGN KEY definition for an InnoDB table
without a CONSTRAINT symbol clause, or specifying the CONSTRAINT keyword without a symbol,
causes InnoDB to use a generated constraint name. That behavior changed in MySQL 8.0, with
InnoDB using the FOREIGN KEY index_name value instead of a generated name. Because
constraint names must be unique per schema (database), the change caused errors due to foreign
key index names that were not unique per schema. To avoid such errors, the new constraint naming
behavior has been reverted, and InnoDB once again uses a generated constraint name.
For consistency with InnoDB, the NDB storage engine now uses a generated constraint name if the
CONSTRAINT symbol clause is not specified, or the CONSTRAINT keyword is specified without
a symbol. In NDB releases based on MySQL 5.7 and earlier MySQL 8.0 releases, NDB used the
FOREIGN KEY index_name value.
The changes described above may introduce incompatibilities for applications that depend on the
previous foreign key constraint naming behavior. (Bug #29173134)
Previously, MySQL permitted a limited form of CHECK constraint syntax, but parsed and ignored it.
MySQL now implements the core features of table and column CHECK constraints, for all storage
engines. Constraints are defined using CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements. The new
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHECK_CONSTRAINTS table provides information about CHECK constraints
defined on tables. For more information, see CHECK Constraints. (Bug #11744849, Bug #3464, Bug
#3465, Bug #11746042, Bug #22759, WL #929)
sys Schema Notes
MySQL now includes built-in SQL functions that format or retrieve Performance Schema data, and
that may be used as equivalents for existing sys schema stored functions:
FORMAT_BYTES(): Converts a byte count to a value with units. Similar to
FORMAT_PICO_TIME(): Converts a time in picoseconds to a value with units. Similar to
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
PS_THREAD_ID(): Returns the Performance Schema thread ID for a given thread. Similar to
sys.ps_thread_id() invoked with a non-NULL argument.
PS_CURRENT_THREAD_ID(): Returns the Performance Schema thread ID for the current thread.
Shortcut for sys.ps_thread_id() invoked with a NULL argument.
The built-in functions can be invoked in any schema and require no qualifier, unlike the sys
functions, which require either a sys. schema qualifier or that sys be the current schema.
The built-in functions supersede the corresponding sys functions, which now are deprecated and will
be removed in a future MySQL version. Applications that use the sys functions should be adjusted to
use the built-in functions instead, keeping in mind some minor differences between the sys functions
and the built-in functions. See Performance Schema Functions. (WL #7803)
Test Suite Notes now supports the MTR_UNIQUE_IDS_DIR environment variable, which
may be set to specify a unique-IDs directory to be used as the common location for all chroot
environments by multiple simultaneous instances. This enables those
instances to avoid conflicts when reserving port numbers. Thanks to Facebook for the contribution.
(Bug #29221085, Bug #93950)
The my_safe_process program was renamed to mysqltest_safe_process and now is
installed with other binaries such as mysqltest rather than with test suite files. (Bug #29198969)
These changes to the all_persisted_variables test were implemented:
It limits the number of hardcoded values in the test output by putting them into local variables. New
patches that are then rebased on top that add new system variables do not need to change as
many lines of the original test case, making it easier on the rebase process.
It removes entries for bugs that were fixed and modifies the queries to include the system
variables that were not tested due to open bugs.
Thanks to the Facebook team for the contribution. (Bug #29013375, Bug #93478)
X Plugin Notes
X Plugin previously returned a StmtExecuteOk message to the client after query cleanup had
ended and the session had been deactivated. The message is now returned as soon as the result
is known and before query cleanup, which gives a noticeable improvement in performance. (Bug
X Plugin logged the system message "X Plugin ready for connections" when user
connections were not available because preparation of I/O interfaces had failed. (Bug #28906360)
Some items in the X Plugin code were not instrumented for the Performance Schema by default.
(Bug #28898155)
X Protocol now supports the COM_RESET_CONNECTION utility command to reset the session state
without re-authenticating or closing the connection. (Bug #28732455)
X Plugin produced compilation warnings when the MySQL Server source code was built using the
Clang 8 compiler. (Bug #28732158)
Functionality Added or Changed
InnoDB: When the amount of memory occupied by the TempTable storage engine exceeds the
limit defined by the temptable_max_ram variable, the TempTable storage engine allocates space
for internal in-memory temporary tables as memory-mapped temporary files. This behavior is now
controlled by the temptable_use_mmap variable, which can be disabled to have the TempTable
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
storage engine use InnoDB on-disk internal temporary tables instead. For more information, see
Internal Temporary Table Use in MySQL. (Bug #28944457)
InnoDB: undo and purge subsystem counters were added for monitoring background
activities associated with undo log truncation. For counter names and descriptions, query the
For information about enabling counters and querying counter data, see InnoDB
INFORMATION_SCHEMA Metrics Table. (Bug #28813526, WL #12600)
InnoDB: The new innodb_spin_wait_pause_multiplier variable provides greater control
over the duration of spin-lock polling delays that occur when a thread waits to acquire a mutex or rw-
lock. Delays can now be tuned more finely to account for differences in PAUSE instruction duration
on different processor architectures. For more information, see Configuring Spin Lock Polling. (WL
InnoDB: An internal service interface was added to support tracking of modified pages. (WL #11082)
InnoDB: The InnoDB data-at-rest encryption feature now supports encryption of the mysql system
tablespace. The mysql system tablespace contains the mysql system database and the MySQL
data dictionary tables. (WL #12063)
Group Replication: The group communication engine (XCom) includes a cache for messages (and
their metadata) that are exchanged between the group members as a part of the consensus protocol.
Among other functions, the message cache is used for recovery by members that return to the group
after a period where they were unable to communicate with the other group members.
Previously, the size limit for the message cache was fixed at 1GB of memory,
and the maximum number of messages in the cache was also fixed. Now that the
group_replication_member_expel_timeout system variable (introduced in MySQL 8.0.13)
can be set to allow up to an hour for members to return to the group rather than being expelled,
having a fixed 1GB limit on the size of the cache could cause such nodes to be unable to recover the
messages they missed on re-establishing communication.
For this reason, beginning with this release, the XCom message cache has no fixed
limit on the number of messages it can contain, and is bounded only by the limit set
for the amount of memory it can use. The cache size limit can be set using the new
group_replication_message_cache_size system variable, which has a default and minimum
setting of 1GB, as used in previous MySQL Server versions. If the cache size limit is reached,
XCom removes the oldest entries that have been decided and delivered. The cache size limit can
be increased or reduced dynamically at runtime. If you reduce the cache size limit, XCom removes
the oldest entries that have been decided and delivered until the current size is below the limit. The
Group Replication Group Communication System (GCS) issues a warning when a message likely
to be needed for recovery by a currently unreachable member is removed from the message cache.
(Bug #26482507, WL #11615)
Group Replication: Large messages sent between Group Replication group members can now be
split into multiple messages when they exceed a user-defined threshold size. Sending an abnormally
large message can result in some group members being reported as failed and expelled from
the group. This is because the single thread used by the group communication engine (XCom) is
occupied processing the message for too long, so some of the group members might report the
receiver as failed.
A new system variable group_replication_communication_max_message_size specifies
the maximum message size for Group Replication communications. Messages greater than this size
are automatically split into fragments that are sent separately and reassembled by the recipients.
Message delivery for a fragmented message is considered complete when all the fragments of the
message have been received and reassembled by all the group members. Fragmentation is applied
by default, and can be switched off by specifying a zero value for the system variable.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Because older MySQL Server releases do not support message fragmentation, in order to ensure
backward compatibility, Group Replication now has the concept of a communication protocol for the
group. The communication protocol version is set to accommodate the oldest MySQL Server version
that you want the group to support. A MySQL server at version X can only join and reach ONLINE
status in a replication group if the group's communication protocol version is less than or equal to X.
You can inspect the communication protocol in use by a group by using the new
group_replication_get_communication_protocol() function, which returns the oldest
MySQL Server version that the group supports. When a new member joins a replication group, it
checks the communication protocol version that is announced by the existing members of the group.
If the joining member supports that version, it joins the group and uses the communication protocol
that the group has announced, even if the member supports additional communication capabilities.
If the joining member does not support the communication protocol version, it is expelled from the
If you need to change the communication protocol version of a group so that members at earlier
releases can join, use the new group_replication_set_communication_protocol()
function to specify the MySQL Server version of the oldest member that you want to allow. This
makes the group fall back to a compatible communication protocol version if possible. If you upgrade
all the members of a replication group to a new MySQL Server release, the group's communication
protocol version is not automatically upgraded to match. If you no longer need to support members
from earlier releases, use the group_replication_set_communication_protocol() function
to set the communication protocol version to the new MySQL Server version to which you have
upgraded the members. (Bug #26438884, Bug #23240361, Bug #28474580, Bug #91830, Bug
#28642504, Bug #26941977, Bug #29240931, WL #11610)
Group Replication: A new system variable group_replication_autorejoin_tries
lets you specify the number of tries that a member makes to automatically rejoin the
group if it is expelled, or if it is unable to contact a majority of the group before the
group_replication_unreachable_majority_timeout setting is reached. 0, the default,
means that the member does not try to rejoin, and proceeds to the action specified by the
group_replication_exit_state_action system variable.
Activate auto-rejoin if you can tolerate the possibility of stale reads and want to minimize the
need for manual intervention, especially where transient network issues fairly often result in the
expulsion of members. If you specify a number of tries, when the member's expulsion or unreachable
majority timeout is reached, it makes an attempt to rejoin (using the current plugin option values),
then continues to make further auto-rejoin attempts up to the specified number of tries. After an
unsuccessful auto-rejoin attempt, the member waits 5 minutes before the next try. During the auto-
rejoin procedure, the member remains in super read only mode and displays an ERROR state on its
view of the replication group. The member can be stopped manually at any time by using a STOP
GROUP_REPLICATION statement or shutting down the server. If the specified number of tries is
exhausted without the member rejoining or being stopped, the member proceeds to the action
specified by group_replication_exit_state_action. (Bug #25673350, Bug #84784, Bug
#28732174, WL #11284)
Group Replication: The default for group_replication_exit_state_action has been
changed from ABORT_SERVER to READ_ONLY. (WL #12659)
Some InnoDB memory allocation functions that previously were evaluated at runtime now are
evaluated at compile time, resulting in performance improvements. (Bug #29370811, Bug #94380)
The semijoin optimizations for IN subqueries have been extended to work with EXISTS subqueries
as well; these can now be handled with the same semijoin strategies as IN subqueries, including
first-match, materialization, duplicate weedout and loose index scan.
In addition, the optimizer decorrelates trivially-correlated equality predicates in the WHERE condition
attached to the subquery, so that they can be treated similarly to expressions in IN subqueries. The
decorrelation is now also performed for IN subqueries as well as EXISTS subqueries.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
All hints and optimizer switches applicable to IN subqueries which are transformed into semijoin
operations are also applicable to transformed EXISTS subqueries. All limitations on such
optimization of IN subqueries also apply to transformed EXISTS subqueries, so that, for example,
aggregate EXISTS subqueries cannot be transformed.
For more information, see Optimizing IN and EXISTS Subquery Predicates with Semijoin
Transformations. (Bug #28805105, Bug #28857990, WL #4389)
For consistency with the SQL standard and other RDBMS, table aliases are now supported in single-
table as well as multi-table DELETE statements. (Bug #27455809)
WHERE conditions making comparisons between constants and column values in which the constant
value is out of range or of the wrong type with respect to the column type are now handled during
optimization rather than during execution. For example, given a table t with a column c whose type
is TINYINT UNSIGNED, the condition in the query SELECT * FROM t WHERE c < 256 can be
folded to SELECT * FROM t WHERE TRUE because 256 is out of range for a column of this type.
Comparisons with NULL columns can also be optimized; if the column c is nullable, the same query
can be optimized as SELECT * FROM t WHERE c IS NOT NULL.
The comparisons that can be treated in this manner are >, >=, <, <=, =, <>/!=, and <=>. (BETWEEN
and IN are not currently supported.) Types for which comparisons can be folded based on range
and type include integer, floating-point, and fixed-point numeric types. BIT is not supported by this
optimization, nor are columns of date and time types.
For more information, see Constant-Folding Optimization. (Bug #90100, Bug #25484743, Bug
#29048682, Bug #27703371, WL #11935)
References: See also: Bug #28172538, Bug #29699347.
Added an experimental tree format for EXPLAIN output, which prints the generated iterator tree, and
is intended to help users understand how execution was actually set up. EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE
is currently unsupported in production and both its syntax and output are subject to change in
subsequent versions of MySQL. (WL #12074)
When binary log and relay log encryption is in use on a MySQL server (binlog_encryption=ON),
you can now rotate the binary log master key at any time while the server is running by issuing
ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE BINLOG MASTER KEY. You can do this on a regular basis to comply
with your organization's security policy, and also if you suspect that the current or any of the previous
binary log master keys might have been compromised.
When you rotate the binary log master key, the new master key is used to encrypt the file passwords
for the new binary log and relay log files, and subsequent files until the key is changed again. The
file passwords for existing encrypted binary log files and relay log files on the server are also re-
encrypted in turn using the new binary log master key, starting with the most recent files. Any
unencrypted files are skipped. Finally, all binary log encryption keys that no longer apply to any
retained binary log files or relay log files are cleaned up from the keyring. (WL #12080)
Table encryption can now be managed globally by defining and enforcing encryption defaults. The
default_table_encryption variable defines an encryption default for newly created schemas
and general tablespaces. The encryption default for a schema can also be defined using the
DEFAULT ENCRYPTION clause when creating a schema. By default, a table inherits the encryption
of the schema or general tablespace it is created in.
Encryption defaults are enforced by enabling the table_encryption_privilege_check
variable. The privilege check occurs when creating or altering a schema or general tablespace with
an encryption setting that differs from the default_table_encryption setting, or when creating
or altering a table with an encryption setting that differs from the default schema encryption.
The TABLE_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege permits overriding default encryption settings when
table_encryption_privilege_check is enabled.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For more information, see Defining an Encryption Default for Schemas and General Tablespaces.
(WL #12261)
When insertions, deletions, or updates are made to partitioned tables, the binary log now records
information about the partition and (if any) the subpartition in which the row event took place. A new
row event is created for a modification that takes place in a different partition or subpartition, even
if the table involved is the same. So if a transaction involves three partitions or subpartitions, three
row events are generated. For an update event, the partition information is recorded for both the
“before” image and the “after” image. The partition information is displayed if you specify the -v or
--verbose option when viewing the binary log using mysqlbinlog. Partition information is only
recorded when row-based logging is in use (binlog_format=ROW). (WL #12168)
Bugs Fixed
NDB Cluster: EXPLAIN of a query executed with table access type eq_ref could also show a
condition being pushed down, even when condition pushdown was not supported for the query. Now
the access type is checked before NDB checks the condition for a possible pushdown optimization.
This fix does not affect handling of tables which are part of a pushed join, for which NDB continues to
support pushed conditions as before. (Bug #27429615)
References: See also: Bug #27397802, Bug #27808758, Bug #90301.
InnoDB: Undo tablespaces remained unencrypted after enabling undo tablespace encryption at
startup. (Bug #29477795)
InnoDB: Problematic macros introduced with undo tablespace DDL support in MySQL 8.0.14 were
revised. (Bug #29324132, Bug #94243)
InnoDB: Static thread local variables defined at the wrong scope were not released at thread exit.
(Bug #29305186)
InnoDB: The performance_schema.data_locks LOCK_DATA column only showed the
secondary index values of the locked record for a lock placed on a unique secondary index, which
was not sufficient to ensure the uniqueness of identified records. The clustered index column values
of the locked record are now appended. (Bug #29296645)
InnoDB: An incorrect count of transactions using a rollback segment for recovery of an XA
transaction prevented an undo tablespace truncation operation from proceeding and left the purge
thread busy checking for the undo tablespace to become empty. (Bug #29273194)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29273194.
InnoDB: Invalid assertions were raised at startup after a failure to retrieve the space ID of a
compressed file-per-table tablespace. The invalid assertion code was removed. (Bug #29221385,
Bug #93760)
InnoDB: Optimized InnoDB internal temporary tables did not support in-place UPDATE operations,
which caused the number of delete-marked records to increase continuously. The large number of
delete-marked records could cause longer than expected query execution times. (Bug #29207450)
InnoDB: The std::sort function in the Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS)
algorithm was replaced by the std::stable_sort function to preserve the original FIFO order for
transactions of equal weight. (Bug #29058967)
InnoDB: Write-ahead did not work as expected due to an incorrectly initialized variable.
Thanks to Yuhui Wang for the contribution. (Bug #29028838, Bug #93442)
InnoDB: The base column information for a generated column was not stored. (Bug #29021730)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: An implicit lock check on secondary indexes needlessly compared columns using collation
rules. (Bug #29010725)
InnoDB: Assertion code related to the innodb_flush_method O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC setting
was no longer valid due to a recent modification to that setting. Assertion code was revised. (Bug
References: See also: Bug #27309336.
InnoDB: When starting the server with undo log encryption enabled, the master key for newly
created undo tablespaces was generated without a server UUID. Undo tablespaces should use the
DefaultMasterKey if the server UUID is not yet generated. (Bug #29006275)
InnoDB: Data dictionary code did not check for a returned data dictionary object, which could
potentially cause the server to exit due to a null pointer access. (Bug #28977444, Bug #93362)
InnoDB: An undo tablespace file was left behind by a failed CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE operation.
(Bug #28966457)
InnoDB: A CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE statement failed on Windows due to an invalid
character in the file name. The failure resulted in a hang condition due to a missing
OS_FILE_ON_ERROR_NO_EXIT attribute in the call that creates the undo tablespace file. (Bug
InnoDB: Modifying the value of the innodb_undo_log_encrypt variable was not a blocking
operation, which could lead to the modification being reverted by a background thread after the
operation appeared to have been completed successfully. (Bug #28952870)
InnoDB: An invalid debug assertion was removed from the
temptable::Handler::primary_key_is_clustered function. (Bug #28949332)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE ... EXCHANGE PARTITION operation did not properly update column
table_id values in the data dictionary. (Bug #28927005)
InnoDB: Memory leaks discovered in the innochecksum utility were removed. (Bug #28917614,
Bug #93164)
InnoDB: A DDL operation that followed a failed attempt to create an index on a virtual column
resulted in an assertion failure. (Bug #28825718)
InnoDB: A performance regression was observed for partial update operations on compressed
BLOBs less than or equal to 128KB in size. (Bug #28784301)
InnoDB: Running aggregated queries raised Valgrind warnings. (Bug #28711717)
InnoDB: A CHECK TABLE operation raised an assertion failure. A pointer to a local call stack
variable was not set back to null before a function exit. (Bug #28525110)
InnoDB: DDL log functions were modified to handle ER_TOO_MANY_CONCURRENT_TRXS errors.
(Bug #28523127, Bug #92071)
InnoDB: The purge thread failed to free LOB data pages. (Bug #28510599)
InnoDB: Some DDL log table transactions were not rolled back prior to DDL log recovery. (Bug
InnoDB: A function invoked during SHOW CREATE TRIGGER processing that retrieves the table
name did not perform the expected lowercase conversion. (Bug #28351038)
InnoDB: The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_FOREIGN TYPE column reported incorrect values.
(Bug #28315651, Bug #91577)
InnoDB: A Linux AIO handler function failed to check if completed I/O events succeeded. Thanks to
Wei Zhao for the contribution. (Bug #27850600, Bug #90402)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: An assertion failure was raised in a check that determines if a transaction holds an implicit
lock on a secondary index. A transaction that does not change the columns of a secondary index that
includes virtual columns could be incorrectly determined to hold an implicit lock. (Bug #27491839)
InnoDB: A function called by a CREATE TABLE thread attempted to access a table object after it
was freed by a background thread.
Thanks to Yan Huang for the patch. (Bug #27373959, Bug #89126)
InnoDB: Two sessions concurrently executing an INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
operation generated a deadlock. During partial rollback of a tuple, another session could update it.
The fix for this bug reverts fixes for Bug #11758237, Bug #17604730, and Bug #20040791. (Bug
InnoDB: When the method used to access a joined table was const, InnoDB attempted to unlock
the matching row multiple times. (Bug #20939184)
InnoDB: The INDEX_LENGTH value in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES was not updated when
adding an index. (Bug #19811005)
Partitioning: Some partitioning DDL statements were improperly rejected due to name validation
checks which used the wrong table identifier. (Bug #29317007)
Partitioning: While rolling back ALTER TABLE ... COALESCE PARTITION, the server
sometimes attempted to lock and close partitions which had been dropped as a result of this
statement. (Bug #28517446)
Partitioning: An AUTO_INCREMENT key added to a partitioned table by an ALTER TABLE statement
using ALGORITHM=INPLACE restarted on each partition. (Bug #92241, Bug #28573894)
Replication: If the WAIT_FOR_EXECUTED_GTID_SET() function was used with a timeout value
including a fractional part (for example, 1.5), an error in the casting logic meant that the timeout was
rounded down to the nearest whole second, and to zero for values less than 1 second (for example,
0.1). The casting logic has now been corrected so that the timeout value is applied as originally
specified with no rounding. Thanks to Dirkjan Bussink for the contribution. (Bug #29324564, Bug
Replication: The consistency level AFTER for the system variable
group_replication_consistency did not include the consistency guarantees provided by
BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER. These consistency guarantees, which were already implicitly
present with the BEFORE and BEFORE_AND_AFTER consistency levels, are now provided with
AFTER. (Bug #29315752, Bug #94213)
Replication: On Debian-based platforms (such as Ubuntu), if the hostname resolved to
- which is the default on these platforms - it was not possible to create a cluster using the default
settings. Now, in such situations a proper validation of the instance is performed before creating a
cluster and adding instances to it. (Bug #29246110)
Replication: In a blocked group, if you set an invalid value for
group_replication_force_members and then issued STOP GROUP_REPLICATION, the server
could stop unexpectedly. (Bug #29119961)
Replication: MySQL Server's behavior when the mysql.gtid_executed table cannot be
accessed has been refactored to provide appropriate error responses and actions. The MySQL
server now ensures that writes are permitted to the mysql.gtid_executed table when the
server is in read only or super read only mode, so that the binary log file can still be rotated in these
modes. If the mysql.gtid_executed table cannot be accessed for writes, and the binary log
file is rotated for any reason other than reaching the maximum file size (max_binlog_size), the
current binary log file continues to be used. An error message is returned to the client that requested
the rotation, and a warning is logged on the server. If the mysql.gtid_executed table cannot
be accessed for writes and max_binlog_size is reached, the server responds according to its
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
binlog_error_action setting. If IGNORE_ERROR is set, an error is logged on the server and
binary logging is halted, or if ABORT_SERVER is set, the server shuts down. (Bug #29111514)
Replication: When issuing STOP GROUP_REPLICATION while the member was trying to assess
whether or not it had lost majority, the server could stop unexpectedly. (Bug #29053128)
Replication: When a RESET MASTER TO statement is used to specify the starting index number
for binary log files, the maximum number that you can specify has been reduced from the maximum
integer value to 2000000000. If the maximum integer value was specified, the server was not able to
start up because no further binary log files could be created. The server also previously experienced
a segmentation fault in that situation. (Bug #28980788, Bug #28995220)
Replication: On a replication slave with GTIDs in use and binary logging disabled, an assertion was
raised in debug mode when a DDL statement was filtered out by a table filter. (Bug #28965972)
Replication: Two issues with the deserialization of statement based replication events in the binary
log were corrected. (Bug #28889181, Bug #29028491)
Replication: If an applier thread was stopped while it was in the process of opening a table, no error
was set, which could result in a segmentation fault or assertion depending on the build type. Error
handling is now correctly activated in this situation. (Bug #28864557)
Replication: With GTIDs in use on the server, the master info log on a replication slave was being
synchronized every time the master skipped a transaction using the auto-skip function. The process
ends with a dummy heartbeat which is sent to the slave and caused a forced flush to the log, and
this could have a large cumulative impact on the write load on the slave. The same issue could
occur in a circular replication topology with events that originated from the same server and were
therefore ignored, which were also handled by the slave with a forced flush to the log. The slave
handling code has now been changed to remove the forced flush for heartbeat events and for
ignored events received through circular replication, so that the master info log is only synchronized
when appropriate (for example, when a CHANGE MASTER statement is issued, or the binary log is
rotated). (Bug #28815555, Bug #85158)
Replication: When an ALTER TABLE statement is used with a DEFAULT clause to specify
an expression default value for a new column, and the expression default value refers to a
nondeterministic function, the statement is unsafe for statement-based replication. Previously,
such statements were also evaluated in terms of GTID consistency, which was not the appropriate
check as the statements do not impact GTID consistency. Now, these statements are evaluated
only for binary logging and are handled depending on the binary logging format in use. When
binlog_format is set to STATEMENT, the statement is logged but a warning message is written to
the error log. When binlog_format is set to MIXED or ROW, the statement is not executed and an
error message is written to the error log. (Bug #28799939)
Replication: In a replication group configured in single-primary mode
(group_replication_single_primary_mode=ON, which is the default), if severe network
delays affected the group, it was possible for the primary and the secondaries to reach different
decisions on a transaction, which could lead to divergence in the gtid_executed sets on the
members. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #28768550, Bug #28966455, Bug #92690)
Replication: When you use the group_replication_force_members system variable to force
a new configuration for a group, the group communication engine (XCom) now checks that you have
not included any group members that are currently unreachable. If any are found, the reconfiguration
is disallowed and an error is returned. (Bug #28678845)
Replication: GRANT statements that were written to the binary log were logged incorrectly in some
cases, which could result in a GRANT statement that executed successfully on the master causing an
error on the replication slave. (Bug #28643405, Bug #29155451, Bug #93750)
Replication: If a storage engine has the capability to log in STATEMENT format but not in ROW
format, when binlog_format is set to STATEMENT, an unsafe SQL statement should be logged
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
and a warning message should be written to the error log. However, such statements were instead
not executed and an error message was written to the error log, which is the correct behavior
when binlog_format is set to MIXED or ROW. The issue has now been corrected so that unsafe
statements are logged with a warning as expected when binlog_format is set to STATEMENT.
(Bug #28429993, Bug #73936)
Replication: It is possible for a replication group member to go offline briefly, then attempt to rejoin
the replication group again before the group has detected its failure and been reconfigured to
remove the member. Previously, in this situation, the rejoining member could participate in XCom's
consensus protocol if it received and processed messages intended for its pre-crash incarnation.
This could cause XCom to deliver different values for the same consensus round, because the
rejoining member could make a different decision before and after failure. To prevent this situation, a
rejoining member now ignores messages intended for its pre-crash incarnation. (Bug #27383487)
Replication: On overloaded servers there was a possibility that when a member joined the group,
the VIEW_CHANGE_LOG_EVENT event which marks that point was not logged in the correct place.
This could lead to errors in the data transfer to the newly joining server and data divergence. Now,
the VIEW_CHANGE_LOG_EVENT event is logged in the correct place in the binary log. In addition,
warnings are logged about the delay in logging the event. (Bug #93347, Bug #28971594)
Replication: When a member joined a group on server start, if the join process failed, for example
because the server was incompatible with the group, there was a possibility that the offline member
could still see another member as being online. Now, in such a situation the information shown in the
performance_schema.replication_group_members table is restricted to the local member
when it is OFFLINE. (Bug #92110, Bug #28533993)
Replication: In the event of the recovery channel failing, unprocessed relay logs were being erased.
(Bug #90671, Bug #27940732)
Group Replication: START GROUP REPLICATION did not function properly when the port specified
for the member's local address was busy. (Bug #29347285)
Group Replication: When a host name was specified in the IP address whitelist for Group
Replication (group_replication_ip_whitelist),IPv6 addresses were used for name
resolution and whitelist comparison when an IPv4 address was also available. An IPv4 address
should always be preferred for Group Replication connections. Now, if the host name resolves
to an IPv4 address, any IPv6 addresses are not considered for comparison to the whitelist. (Bug
Group Replication: Previously, relay logs could not be rotated manually for the Group
Replication group_replication_applier channel using the FLUSH RELAY LOGS statement.
Due to this restriction, when encryption was enabled for binary log files and relay log files
(binlog_encryption=ON), as available beginning with MySQL 8.0.14, the relay log file in use on
that channel could not be rotated immediately if encryption was disabled again. The restriction had a
similar impact on binary log master key rotation, as available from MySQL 8.0.16. The restriction has
now been removed, and the FLUSH RELAY LOGS statement and corresponding internal requests
now operate on the group_replication_applier channel as for any other channel, with the
exception that if the request is received while a transaction is being applied, the request is performed
after the transaction ends. The requester must wait while the transaction is completed and the
rotation takes place. This behavior prevents transactions from being split, which is not permitted for
Group Replication. (Bug #28684376)
Group Replication: A replication group member could trigger a local view after being expelled from
the group due to a loss of majority. This resulted in a message incorrectly stating that the member
had resumed regular operation after the expulsion. Group Replication now checks before delivering a
local view that the member has not been expelled. (Bug #27349236)
Group Replication: If an invalid value was specified for
group_replication_communication_debug_options, the Group Communication System
set its corresponding internal variable to GCS_DEBUG_NONE, and the server returned the invalid
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
value for a SHOW VARIABLES query. The value of this system variable is now checked during server
initialization, and if an invalid value was specified, an error message is logged and Group Replication
does not start automatically. (Bug #26729404)
macOS: CMake 3.12.4 or higher (which forces UseModernBuildSystem = NO) is now required on
macOS if building with Xcode rather than Makefiles. (Bug #28893131)
Microsoft Windows: Validity testing for the named_pipe_full_access_group system variable
did not account for NULL values. (Bug #29256690)
Microsoft Windows: When multiple instances of mysqld were started with the --no-monitor
option on the same host for same user, the SHUTDOWN command shut down the wrong server
process. This fix creates a unique shutdown event name for use with --no-monitor by appending
the process ID of the process. (Bug #28723675)
JSON: The JSON path parser now propagates errors in the same way as most other components of
the MySQL server, returning true on error and false on success. (Bug #28851426)
JSON: Removed an unneeded type lookup in Json_wrapper::get_datetime(). (Bug
The authentication_ldap_simple plugin could enforce authentication incorrectly. (Bug
RPM package obsoletes were updated to enable successful upgrades from MariaDB to MySQL on
EL8. (Bug #29413354)
It was possible for the result of an outer join to contain a non-NULL row where a NULL extended row
was expected. (Bug #29402481)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27808758.
SET PASSWORD FOR ... could not be executed as a prepared statement. (Bug #29387041, Bug
Builds under Visual Studio could fail while building MySQL Router libraries. (Bug #29382197)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #29361890.
Imported foreign keys did not work if defined before the referenced table. (Bug #29379078, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28493257.
When an error was raised while evaluating the ESCAPE clause of a LIKE expression at resolve time,
the error status was not propagated to the caller. (Bug #29368521)
Tablespace files for the innodb_table_stats_backup and innodb_index_stats_backup
metadata backup tables were not removed after an in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0.
(Bug #29365552)
While flattening a subquery, if a predicate which was always false was present, the MySQL
Optimizer did not perform any kind of transformation, resulting in a subquery that was not prepared,
and which asserted later when it was executed. To resolve this issue, when such a predicate is
present in a subquery, the subquery's query expression is now unlinked from the query block. (Bug
Upgrade from MySQL 8.0.11, 8.0.12, or 8.0.13 to MySQL 8.0.14 or 8.0.15 failed if an event, routine,
or trigger was defined with the ALLOW_INVALID_DATES SQL mode. The SQL mode identifier in the
data dictionary was changed in MySQL 8.0.14, causing a migration failure. (Bug #29350955)
RPM builds ignored the WITH_SSL configuration setting. (Bug #29347534)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Length metadata for the TO_SECONDS() function was not always calculated correctly. (Bug
Conditions using windowing functions removed due to being always true or false were not always
handled correctly. (Bug #29320484)
SET ROLE statements could leak memory. (Bug #29304583)
Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 on Windows failed with “Error 197 from SE while migrating
tablespaces”. The error was due to an access share violation that occurred when attempting to open
a tablespace file. (Bug #29292860)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28642608.
The COMPILATION_COMMENT_SERVER value could be incorrect in RPM packages. (Bug
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS failed even if the table already exists if the new table definition
had no primary key and the sql_require_primary_key system variable was enabled. (Bug
#29283055, Bug #94134)
A delete from a partitioned table from which all partitions had been pruned away was not always
handled correctly. (Bug #29280186)
The CMake check for the GNU gold linker could fail with Clang. (Bug #29278244)
The data dictionary version was incremented for the MySQL 8.0.16 release. (Bug #29278241)
An argument of the wrong type to a function used with DISTINCT was not always handled correctly.
(Bug #29277571)
Length metadata for the QUOTE() function was not always calculated correctly. (Bug #29276074)
When evaluating GREATEST() or LEAST(), MySQL checked for correct signedness of the return
value before checking it for NULL. (Bug #29275835)
When strict SQL mode was not in effect, the values of some string functions returning NULL to
indicate a result greater than max_allowed_packet were handled inconsistently behaviour, which
could result in incorrectly sorted output and possibly other misbehaviors. (Bug #29272683)
References: See also: Bug #97301, Bug #29133127.
Logic that checks if upgrade is supported to a particular server version was inverted to check for
server versions from which upgrade is not supported. (Bug #29270297)
Event creation could store an incorrect repetition interval. (Bug #29269819, Bug #94085)
A WHERE condition containing a view reference or an item created by a transformation was not
always handled correctly. (Bug #29268867, Bug #29268698, Bug #28723669, Bug #29244238)
mysql_ssl_rsa_setup failed to compile using GCC 9. (Bug #29245251)
If CMake finds a libtirpc library that is too old to work with MySQL, it tries to use Sun RPC from
glibc instead. (Bug #29240701)
The server could fail to write slow queries to the slow query log due to incorrect calculation of query
execution time. (Bug #29232684, Bug #93963)
MySQL regular expression functions using positions employed internal indexes based on 16-bit
chunks, rather than on codepoint positions. (Bug #29231490)
On Windows, the MySQL MSI installer could fail to correctly detect whether the Visual Studio 2015
Redistributable was installed. (Bug #29227209)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
SDI JSON files did not include the m_hidden field of Index_impl objects. This made it hard to
use the SDI JSON to recreate the CREATE statement for the table because InnoDB adds a number
of hidden indexes. The SDI JSON now includes the m_hidden field. This changes SDI format, so
the SDI version number was increased to the current server version number. (Bug #29210646, Bug
The position hint for the last row in a range frame was updated to be one row past the actual last row
in the frame. (Bug #29201831)
In a column definition, multiple constraint definitions were not accepted when the first was a CHECK
constraint. (Bug #29191994)
Error log information buffered during startup could be buffered too long if the server was performing
an upgrade. (Bug #29189532)
For nullable columns, if we find an expression that is always true except when the column is NULL,
the expression is folded to column IS NOT NULL. When such an expression was nested, this
caused NULL rows to be selected in error. To prevent this from happening, such an expressions
when nested is now instead folded to IF(column IS NULL, NULL, TRUE). (Bug #29179604)
PERIOD_ADD() did not handle values greater than 32 bits in length for the period argument
correctly on Windows platforms. (Bug #29175262)
When sql_auto_is_null is enabled, a WHERE clause of the form WHERE auto_increment_col
IS NULL is rewritten as WHERE auto_increment_col = LAST_INSERT_ID(). This
transformation was only performed once per auto-incremented value, which made it difficult to know
in advance whether the transformation would be performed. Now the transformation is performed
unconditionally whenever sql_auto_is_null is enabled.
In addition, the value returned by LAST_INSERT_ID() is now treated as unsigned, fixing a failure to
match an auto-incremented value outside the range of a signed BIGINT. (Bug #29171668)
On Debian and Ubuntu, installation operations in noninteractive mode ignored the root password,
resulting in the auth_socket authentication plugin being installed by default. (Bug #29165407)
The harness_plugin_eventlog declaration caused compilation errors in some build
environments. (Bug #29160214)
The logic for truncating or extending a decimal constant to the desired number of fractional digits
during constant folding was lacking. Extra trailing zeros in the fraction could trigger an attempt to
widen the faction, since the decision to widen was based on the number of non-zero fractional
digits, rather than on total number of fractional digits, leading to an assert (in debug builds) in the
internal function widen_fraction(). This issue is fixed by identifying where it is possible merely
to truncate excess trailing zeroes. In this case, it is not necessary to adjust the comparison operator,
and the constant can be replaced by one having fewer trailing zeroes instead. (Bug #29155439)
On Windows, the internal function get_mysql_time_from_str_no_warn() did not always
perform proper error checking. (Bug #29155126)
References: See also: Bug #29175262.
Under certain conditions, RENAME TABLE statements that renamed the same table multiple times
could raise an assertion or cause a server exit. (Bug #29140407)
For debug builds, starting the server with --event-scheduler=DISABLED could result in an
assertion being raised for certain events. (Bug #29140298, Bug #93719)
In debug builds, When strict SQL mode was not in effect, the CONCAT() and CONCAT_WS()
functions raised an assertion if the result was longer than max_allowed_packet. (Bug #29133127)
An out-of-range fractional part could produce incorrect timestamps in SET SESSION timestamp
statements. (Bug #29120569, Bug #93600)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The mysql_service_component_sys_variable service could access component system
variables but not server or plugin system variables. (Bug #29113463)
ALTER TABLE ... CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET could produce a memory-access error. (Bug
#29058369, Bug #93603)
The column limit was 259 bytes, which was less than required for
permitted identifier lengths. The column limit was raised to 268 bytes. (Bug #29053560, Bug #93587)
For debug builds, for spatial computations that raised an assertion, partition-handling code ignored
the error, resulting in a server exit. (Bug #29047811)
A zero length LOB that was stored externally caused an assertion failure. (Bug #29047795)
Handling of the COMPILE_DEFINITIONS and COMPILE_FLAGS CMake options was adjusted to
avoid cross-compiling failures. (Bug #29041100)
The server could try to read the first diagnostics area message even when the max_error_count
system variable was set to zero, resulting in a memory-access error. (Bug #29031684)
When comparing DATE values with constant strings, MySQL first tries to convert the string to a DATE
and then to perform the comparison. When the conversion failed, MySQL executed the comparison
treating the DATE as a string, which could lead to unpredictable behavior. Now in such cases, if
the conversion of the string to a DATE fails, the comparison fails with ER_WRONG_VALUE. (Bug
References: See also: Bug #95466, Bug #29812087.
With the --users option, mysqlpump wrote CREATE USER and GRANT statements to the output,
but too late to apply to the other objects created by the dump. Consequently, restoring the dump
file created the user accounts too late to apply to other objects created by the file. mysqlpump now
writes user accounts to the dump file before other objects. (Bug #29023216)
For syntax errors at the position of the WITH keyword, the parser error message identified the
problem at the incorrect location. (Bug #29022263)
MySQL builds using recent versions of the International Components for Unicode (ICU) now return
ER_REGEXP_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT rather than the generic error ER_REGEXP_ERROR for malformed
regular expressions. (Bug #29016798)
On Windows, the LDAP library could not be found if the file system was case sensitive. (Bug
Values selected from the TABLE_COMMENT column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table
could be truncated. (Bug #29014272, Bug #93451)
Data layer memory leaks related to unfreed schemas were discovered in ASAN and Valgrind builds.
(Bug #29008688)
A GROUP BY query with ROLLUP incorrectly raised ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP when used
with an ORDER BY clause that contained an expression.
The same issue also led to incorrect ordering of the result from a GROUP BY query with ROLLUP
when ordering on a function. (Bug #29006668, Bug #29054096)
The parser accepted multiple COLLATE clauses in generated column definitions. It now accepts a
single COLLATE clause. (Bug #28997518)
INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE could perform incorrect updates. (Bug #28995498,
Bug #93410)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #26188578.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A damaged mysql.user table could cause a server exit. (Bug #28986737)
Reading rows from the Performance Schema data_locks or data_lock_waits table could
return an unbounded number of rows during a scan, resulting in a server exit due to excessive
memory allocation. This situation now produces an error. (Bug #28977428, Bug #87748)
Calculating the cost of materialization for a LATERAL join on an empty table led to an assertion. Now
in such cases, the query cost is reported as zero. (Bug #28976533)
For debug builds, an invalid utf8 character in the comment string for a column type in CREATE or
ALTER DDL statements raised an assertion. (Bug #28972424, Bug #93321)
The CMake check for tirpc headers now falls back to using pkgconfig, to enable finding the
headers on more Linux platforms. This requires that pkgconfig be installed. (Bug #28970313, Bug
#93341, Bug #28997093)
mysqld could undergo an unplanned shutdown when a component in the WHERE clause of a
subquery was non-deterministic, in this particular case due to referencing a user variable that was
also set in the same statement. This issue is fixed by ignoring predicates having non-deterministic
In addition, since non-deterministic subqueries as a general rule should be evaluated per outer row,
these should not be targets for materialization strategy. This is prevented by not decorrelating the
non-deterministic predicates. When possible, the same strategy selection for non-semijoin and non-
deterministic subqueries is also now enforced. (Bug #28970261)
ALTER TABLE statements to change a table storage engine could hang when user-level locks and
explicit table locks had been acquired earlier. (Bug #28966941)
COUNT() with LIMIT ... OFFSET returned a different result from that obtained with other
aggregate functions used with this clause. (Bug #28961843)
Extracting the value of the MYSQL_HOME environment variable could change the value of the variable
stored following MYSQL_HOME in the environment. (Bug #28960613)
Item_subselect::walk_body() now walks FROM clauses. (Bug #28955358)
An issue was uncovered in query plan for a query with the following two IN subqueries:
A subquery with a derived table containing an outer reference to the topmost query
A subquery with a derived table, which was not outer-correlated, was semijoined, and was not
For the second subquery: calculation of the map of dependencies neglected to exclude irrelevant
lateral tables, and wrongly included dependencies of the derived table in the first subquery. (Bug
An error generated while evaluating a constant expression in certain GROUP BY queries was not
checked for in a timely fashion. (Bug #28949452)
When comparing a DATE or DATETIME value with a string MySQL first tries to convert the string
to the same type (DATE or DATETIME) and then to compare the two as values of that type. If this
conversion fails, MySQL raises an Incorrect date value warning and then falls back to
comparing the values as strings, which is the expected behavior. In some cases, even though the
converted string did not reflect a valid DATE or DATETIME value, no warning was issued so and it
was compared with the DATE or DATETIME value as a value of that type. Now in such cases, the
converted string is always checked for validity as a DATE or DATETIME before being compared,
unless the ALLOW_INVALID_DATES server SQL mode has been set explicitly. (Bug #28940878)
Long client host names could cause unexpected server behavior. (Bug #28936359)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Substitution of a large number of parameters in a single prepared statement could lead to excessive
and unnecessary reallocation of memory. This is fixed by having String::replace() use
exponential buffer growth as String::append() does. (Bug #28929977)
The data dictionary cache could become out of sync with data dictionary contents due to failure to
check the result of a transaction-related operation. (Bug #28923782, Bug #93196)
Determination of the number of online CPUs available to the mysqld process is now more accurate.
Thanks to Daniel Black for the contribution. (Bug #28907677, Bug #93144)
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES TABLE_COMMENT column reported the wrong error message
due to an invalid view. (Bug #28901919)
After upgrading, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES view reported “View 'view_name' references
invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them” for
several sys schema views. The upgrade process did not update the referencing view state. (Bug
Creating histograms for large tables (millions of rows) having many distinct column values took an
excessive amount of time.
The fix make this process marginally slower for data sets with few distinct values and consumes
slightly more memory than previously, but for large data sets with many distinct values it is
significantly faster. (Bug #28888936)
Upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 failed for instances with a an InnoDB 4K page size due a
key length error that should be suppressed during upgrade. (Bug #28884503)
An incorrectly configured keyring plugin could cause a server exit. (Bug #28876033)
Two issues were found in cases involving use of the COUNT() function:
When the argument passed to COUNT() was a nullable expression, it was possible for the function
to return an incorrect result.
A query using COUNT() together with an EXISTS subquery returned an incorrect result.
(Bug #28857990, Bug #29240516)
Commands for invoking ccache during MySQL builds were generated incorrectly. (Bug #28841612,
Bug #92927)
Previously, for INSERT statements that listed insert column names multiple times, only the first
duplicated name was reported. Now, all duplicated names are reported. (Bug #28836669)
When using ROLLUP, the GROUP BY may yield NULL in some rows. Expressions referencing any of
these rows could lose the NULL, producing an incorrect result. (Bug #28836345)
After a failed attempt to open a table, attempts to discover the table from the storage engine did
not check for an error return, which could cause the server to hang if an error occurred. (Bug
The server could exit when trying to drop a user who had been granted a particular role. (Bug
MySQL Router compilation failed if MySQL was configured with -DWITH_MYSQLX=0. (Bug
A function called during data dictionary upgrade temporarily modified the
avoid_temporal_upgrade parameter so that a check for old temporal types is always performed.
Because multiple threads could call the function concurrently, a check was added to ensure that the
parameter value could be safely modified during data dictionary upgrade. (Bug #28805429)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
An EXISTS subquery is converted to a semijoin operation. The optimizer chooses a materialization
lookup strategy for this semijoin, but because the subquery is not correlated with the outer query
block, there were no keys to use for the lookup, which caused the parent query to fail. To solve
this issue, we use two equal constant items as keys, to ensure that the materialized query gets the
constant as a key (and so that the materialized table consists of at most one row). (Bug #28805105)
The Last_query_cost status variable now shows the cost of queries which contain multiple blocks
such as subqueries or unions. (Previously, this variable was set only for simple queries consisting of
a single query block.) (Bug #28786951)
The message displayed by mysqld when a fatal signal occurred has been simplified and made more
informative. It also does not display the calculation of memory usage, which had become out of date
and inaccurate. (Bug #28773322, Bug #92731)
The skip_name_resolve system variable could be persisted using SET PERSIST_ONLY to
enable it, but not to disable it. (Bug #28749668)
Removed obsolete and unnecessary condition pushdown handling in iterators except where required
by single table update and delete queries. (Bug #28745859)
IS NOT NULL predicates are added as part of early filtering of NULL for ref access performed by
the Optimizer. For queries having a star-join topology, redundant duplicates of these predicates were
added, which made evaluation of affected WHERE conditions less efficient. (Bug #28727717)
CMake could generate an incorrect order of system includes when MySQL was configured to use the
bundled version of a system library. (Bug #28727631, Bug #92615)
Some numeric operations involving double to long long conversions could return different results on
Windows and Linux. (Bug #28706832)
An attempt to access a null pointer could occur during prepared statement execution. (Bug
FROM_UNIXTIME() returned an out-of-range value if passed an argument that, when rounded up,
exceeded the epoch value. Now it returns NULL as for other out-of-range values. (Bug #28671811,
Bug #92501)
A replicated DDL operation could result in a 'duplicate entry on primary key' error during recovery on
servers started with the slave_parallel_workers system variable. (Bug #28670843)
Empty host names in accounts could cause the server to misbehave. (Bug #28653104)
The MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 upgrade process did not check for the existence of tablespace files,
which could result in an inconsistent data dictionary. (Bug #28642608)
Type casting of ENUM behaved differently in subqueries than not in subqueries. (Bug #28547906,
Bug #92173)
Statements that caused truncation of floating-point values could be executed as prepared statements
even when the server SQL mode included STRICT_TRANS_TABLES. In addition, if the binary
logging mode was MIXED, such statements were propagated to the slave, where they caused errors.
(Bug #28546855)
Reducing the value of thread_cache_size at runtime did not reduce the size of the thread cache.
(Bug #28508923, Bug #92024)
Some error messages still referred to the PASSWORD() function, which has been removed. (Bug
The Aborted_connects status variable was not incremented for unsuccessful connection
attempts, if connections were managed by the thread_pool plugin. (Bug #28490126)
mysqladmin shutdown did not wait for mysqld to shut down. (Bug #28466137, Bug #91803)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25364806.
Specifying CURRENT_USER as the user in GRANT statements could fail. (Bug #28454014)
Repeated invocations of stored procedures which executed queries undergoing short-circuit
evaluation were not always handled correctly. (Bug #28379655)
Keyring migration should require only read access to the source keyring, but failed unless the user
had write access. (Bug #28339014)
If a user performing a keyring migration did not have write access to the keyring file, the migration
failed but reported success in its final error log message. (Bug #28330922)
During FLUSH STATUS execution, the Performance Schema unnecessarily aggregated session
status to global status, causing double counts for some status variables. (Bug #28291258, Bug
mysql_secure_installation no longer attempts to read a password from the .mysql_secret
file. This was created by mysql_install_db, a program that has been removed. (Bug #28235716,
Bug #91270)
Some status variable values could temporarily increase before returning to their original value. (Bug
#27839644, Bug #90351)
Client programs did not exit if --ssl-fips-mode was given but FIPS mode could not be set to the
specified option value. (Bug #27809371)
Executing ALTER INSTANCE ROTATE INNODB MASTER KEY and migrating keys from the
keyring_file plugin to the keyring_encrypted_file plugin could make encrypted tables
unusable. (Bug #27760952)
When upgrading from MySQL Community to Commercial, the root password prompt was shown
even when the data directory existed. (Bug #27741998)
In the client/server protocol, malformed packets for prepared statements could go undetected and
cause an assertion to be raised. (Bug #27627731)
Changes were made in session connect and disconnect handling for threads in order to speed up
query throughput when using the X Plugin. Previously, a session (Srv_session) was attached to
and detached from the current thread with every command; now, this thread switch takes place only
when disconnecting the current session, or when the current thread and the thread being attached to
belong to different plugins. (Bug #27463277)
The PERSIST and PERSIST_ONLY keywords were reserved by mistake. They are now nonreserved
keywords. (Bug #25220656)
Installing and uninstalling a plugin concurrently with client connection activity could cause a server
exit. (Bug #22980441)
The LOAD_FILE() function could fail for files for which stat() should be considered only advisory,
such as files under /proc. (Bug #18394503, Bug #72027)
A query using an ORDER BY clause failed silently when the table being queried had an implicit full-
text index and the sort buffer was of insufficient size to contain the sorted keys. (Bug #93241, Bug
A loadable function returning a string value now sets an explicit return type. Depending on the
arguments passed to the function, this is one of VARCHAR, MEDIUMBLOB, or LONGBLOB. (Bug
#92890, Bug #28828169)
Made a comparison in the internal method Item_result::item_cmp_type() more efficient. Our
thanks to Daniel Black for the contribution. (Bug #92784, Bug #28796107)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A windowing function employed in an arithmetic expression produced an incorrect result when the
query containing it used DISTINCT. (Bug #92503, Bug #28672483)
Some queries involving complex joins leaked file handles. (Bug #90902, Bug #28039829)
Fedora packaging now supports Fedora 30.
Ubuntu 14.04 and SLES 11 are EOL, and no longer supported.
Changes in MySQL 8.0.15 (2019-02-01, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: After a checkpoint operation persisted modifications to data dictionary metadata, there was
potential for new metadata changes to be lost under certain circumstances. (Bug #29120297)
Group Replication: Group Replication was unable to function in MySQL 8.0.14 if IPv6 support was
disabled at the operating system level, even if the replication group did not use any IPv6 addresses.
(Bug #29249542, Bug #94004)
If MySQL was running on the host system and within Docker, it was not possible to update or remove
MySQL on the host system. (Bug #28244773, Bug #91405)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.14 (2019-01-21, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Account Management Notes
Audit Log Notes
Compilation Notes
Component Notes
Configuration Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Logging Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
SQL Syntax Notes
Thread Pool Notes
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
Previously, each MySQL user account was permitted to have a single password. MySQL now
permits an account to have dual passwords, designated as primary and secondary passwords.
This capability enables phased password changes to be performed seamlessly in complex multiple-
server systems, without downtime. To support dual-password capability, the ALTER USER and SET
PASSWORD statements now have a RETAIN CURRENT PASSWORD clause that saves the current
password as the secondary password when you assign an account a new primary password. ALTER
USER also has a DISCARD OLD PASSWORD clause to discard a secondary password that is no
longer needed. See Password Management.
The implementation of dual-password capability involves a change to the
structure of the mysql.user system table. If you upgrade to this MySQL
release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart
the server) to incorporate this system database change. Until this is done,
password changes are not possible.
(WL #11540)
Audit Log Notes
The audit API now enables applications to add their own message events to the
audit log using the new audit_api_message_emit component, which includes an
audit_api_message_emit_udf() loadable function. See The Audit Message Component. (WL
Compilation Notes
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.68.0. (Bug #28478497)
Component Notes
A new host_application_signal component service is available to enable components to
deliver signals to the host application. For example, the service enables replication components to
send a shutdown signal to the server. (WL #12003)
Configuration Notes
Previously, the COMPILATION_COMMENT CMake option was used by the server (for example,
to set the version_comment system variable) and by other programs. However, when the
value contained the word “server”, it was inappropriate for use by other programs. The server
now uses the new COMPILATION_COMMENT_SERVER option. Other programs continue to use
The content of the .gitignore file has been cleaned up. Much of this file was inherited from its
.bzrignore predecessor and was not relevant. One implication of this cleanup is that in-source
builds are disallowed. (Bug #28341794, Bug #91626)
MySQL Server now permits a TCP/IP port to be configured specifically for administrative
connections. This provides an alternative to the single administrative connection that is permitted on
the network interfaces used for ordinary connections even when max_connections connections
are already established. The administrative network interface has these characteristics:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The interface is enabled only if the admin_address system variable is set at startup to indicate
the IP address for it. If admin_address is not set, the server maintains no administrative
The admin_port system variable specifies the interface TCP/IP port number (default 33062).
There is no limit on the number of administrative connections, but connections are permitted only
for users who have the SERVICE_CONNECTION_ADMIN privilege.
The create_admin_listener_thread system variable enables DBAs to choose at startup
whether the administrative interface has its own separate thread. The default is OFF; that is, the
manager thread for ordinary connections on the main interface also handles connections for the
administrative interface.
Thanks to Facebook for suggesting the idea (and for contributing code, although it was not used).
(Bug #27847672, Bug #90395, WL #12138)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The deprecated resolveip and resolve_stack_dump utilities have been removed and are
no longer included in MySQL distributions. nslookup, host, or dig can be used instead of
resolveip. Stack traces from official MySQL builds are always symbolized, so there is no need to
use resolve_stack_dump. (WL #12619, WL #12620)
SQL Function and Operator Notes
The JSON_ARRAYAGG() and JSON_OBJECTAGG() aggregate functions now can be used as window
functions, if an OVER clause is present. See Aggregate Function Descriptions. (WL #11574)
Logging Notes
A new system variable, log_slow_extra, if enabled, causes the server to write additional fields
to slow query log lines that provide information about slow statements. In addition, SET lines written
to the log to indicate statement timestamps now use the time from the beginning of statement
execution, rather than the time at the end of execution. See The Slow Query Log. Thanks to
Facebook for the contribution on which this feature is based. (Bug #27535580, Bug #89637, WL
Binary log files and relay log files can now be encrypted, helping to protect these files and the
potentially sensitive data contained in them from being misused by outside attackers, and also from
unauthorized viewing by users of the operating system where they are stored.
You enable encryption on a MySQL server by setting the new binlog_encryption system
variable to ON. OFF is the default. The system variable sets encryption on for binary log files and
relay log files. When you first start the server with encryption enabled, a new binary log encryption
key is generated before the binary log and relay logs are initialized. This key is used to encrypt a
file password for each binary log file (if the server has binary logging enabled) and relay log file (if
the server has replication channels), and further keys generated from the file passwords are used to
encrypt the data in the files.
If you activate encryption while the server is running, a new binary log encryption key is generated
at that time, and the binary log files and relay log files are rotated so that the new and subsequent
files are encrypted. If you deactivate encryption by changing the binlog_encryption system
variable to OFF, the binary log file and relay log files are rotated immediately and all subsequent
logging is unencrypted. Previously encrypted files are not automatically decrypted, but the server is
still able to read them. (The SHOW BINARY LOGS statement now shows whether each binary log file
is encrypted or unencrypted.) SUPER privileges or the new BINLOG_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN privilege
are required to activate or deactivate encryption while the server is running.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The encryption algorithm used for the files, the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) cipher
algorithm, is built in to MySQL Server and cannot be configured. The binary log encryption keys used
to encrypt the file passwords for the log files are 256-bit keys that are generated specifically for each
MySQL server instance using MySQL Server's built-in keyring service. The binary log encryption key
that is currently in use on the server is called the binary log master key.
The new binlog_rotate_encryption_master_key_at_startup system variable controls
whether the binary log master key is automatically rotated when the server is restarted. If this system
variable is set to ON, a new binary log encryption key is generated and used as the new binary log
master key whenever the server is restarted. If it is set to OFF, which is the default, the existing
binary log master key is used again after the restart.
Note that when encryption is active for a MySQL server instance, only the data at rest that is written
to the binary log files and relay log files is encrypted. The data in motion in the replication event
stream, which is sent to MySQL clients including mysqlbinlog, is always in unencrypted format,
so it must be protected in transit by the use of connection encryption. The data in use that is held
in the binary log transaction and statement caches during a transaction, and any data that exceeds
the space available in those caches and is therefore stored in a temporary file on disk, is also in
unencrypted format. The temporary files and caches are deleted when the thread that handles the
transaction ends. (WL #10957)
Server logging behavior has changed with respect to error log messages generated prior to
processing startup options that specify logging configuration. Previously, the server generated
messages with the default timestamp, format, and verbosity level; buffered them; and then flushed
them after the error log configuration became known. Because these early messages used the
default logging configuration, they could differ from what is specified by the startup options.
Now, the server buffers log events rather than formatted log messages. This enables it to
retroactively apply configuration settings to those events after the settings are known, with the result
that flushed messages use the configured settings, not the defaults. For more information, see Error
Log Output Format. (WL #11875)
Optimizer Notes
Previously, derived tables and common table expressions could not contain outer references. Outer
references are now permitted. (WL #461)
Packaging Notes
Ubuntu 18.10 and Fedora 29 install OpenSSL 1.1.1 by default, but OpenSSL 1.1.1 is not fully
supported by MySQL. To install MySQL, the OpenSSL 1.0.2 compatibility package must be installed.
(Bug #28981868)
Performance Schema Notes
The Performance Schema statement event tables (events_statements_current,
events_statements_history, and events_statements_history_long) now have a
STATEMENT_ID column that indicates the query ID maintained by the server at the SQL level.
Column values are unique for the server instance because they are generated using a global counter
that is incremented atomically. (WL #12165)
Pluggable Authentication
If the LDAP port number is configured as 636 or 3269, the plugin now
uses LDAPS (LDAP over SSL) instead of LDAP. The port number is
settable using the authentication_ldap_sasl_server_port or
authentication_ldap_simple_server_port system variable. (LDAPS differs from
startTLS.) (Bug #28743563)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Previously, for LDAP authentication with proxying, LDAP authentication plugins used the first group
name returned by the LDAP server as the MySQL proxied user account name. The authentication
string for a MySQL account now can specify a list of groups to match, in preference order, and
can optionally map the matching group name to a specified MySQL proxied user name. See LDAP
Pluggable Authentication. (WL #12005)
Security Notes
The OpenSSL libraries bundled with MySQL on some platforms (Windows, macOS, and
Generic Linux) have been upgraded to version 1.0.2q. On all other platforms, MySQL uses the
system installed OpenSSL. Issues fixed in the new OpenSSL version are described at http:// (Bug #28988091)
To affect subsequent server restarts, the SET PERSIST and SET PERSIST_ONLY statements
enable system variables to be persisted to the mysqld-auto.cnf option file in the data directory.
However, some system variables cannot be persisted (for example, because they involve sensitive
data). Consequently, they cannot be set at runtime from within a session conducted by a remote
administrator, and thus require the administrator to log into the server host and directly modify a
my.cnf option file.
MySQL now permits users to perform runtime administration of many previously nonpersistible
system variables, so that they can be persisted under certain restrictive conditions. To enable this
capability, designate an SSL certificate X.509 Subject value that signifies the ability to persist these
restricted system variables, and set the new persist_only_admin_x509_subject system
variable to that Subject value. Users who connect to the server using an encrypted connection and
supply an SSL certificate with the designated Subject value then can use SET PERSIST_ONLY to
persist persist-restricted system variables. For more information, see Nonpersistible and Persist-
Restricted System Variables. (WL #12086)
For most system variables, setting the session value requires no special privileges and can be done
by any user to affect the current session. For some system variables, setting the session value can
have effects outside the current session and thus is a restricted operation that can be done only
by users who have a special privilege. Previously, either SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SUPER
qualified as such a privilege, but both privileges also permit operations other than setting session
variables. The new SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege makes it possible to grant users only the
ability to set restricted session variables without also enabling other operations.
Any operation permitted by SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN is also permitted by
SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SUPER, so any user who already has one of the latter
privileges effectively has SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN by implication and need not be
granted SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN explicitly. However, if a user has been granted
SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SUPER only for the purpose of enabling that user to modify
restricted session system variables, an administrator can reduce the user's privilege footprint by
instead. For instructions, see System Variable Privileges.
These previously restricted session variables required SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SUPER but
now can also be set with SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
These previously unrestricted session variables now are restricted and setting them
requires at least SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN (they can also be set by users who have
(WL #12217)
Spatial Data Support
The ST_Distance() function now takes an optional third argument enabling the unit for the
return value to be specified. Permitted units are those listed in the new INFORMATION_SCHEMA
ST_UNITS_OF_MEASURE table. See Spatial Relation Functions That Use Object Shapes, and The
SQL Syntax Notes
A derived table now may be preceded by the LATERAL keyword to specify that it is permitted to
refer to (depend on) columns of preceding tables in the same FROM clause. A derived table specified
with LATERAL can occur only in a FROM clause, either in a list of tables separated with commas
or in a join specification (JOIN, INNER JOIN, CROSS JOIN, LEFT [OUTER] JOIN, or RIGHT
[OUTER] JOIN). Lateral derived tables make possible certain SQL operations that cannot be done
with nonlateral derived tables or that require less-efficient workarounds. See Lateral Derived Tables.
LATERAL now is a reserved word and cannot be used as an identifier without
identifier quoting.
(WL #8652)
Thread Pool Notes
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that accompany the thread pool plugin have been migrated to be
available as Performance Schema tables. The INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables now are deprecated
and will be removed in a future MySQL version. Applications should transition away from the old
tables to the new tables. For example, if an application uses this query:
The application should use this query instead:
SELECT * FROM performance_schema.tp_thread_state;
For more information, see Performance Schema Thread Pool Tables. (WL #11547)
X Plugin Notes
X Plugin now includes the 5-digit SQLSTATE error code in its error handling class. Previously, the
SQLSTATE error code was returned to clients for SQL errors, but only the MySQL-specific error
number was exposed. (Bug #28735058)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When querying collections of documents, if boolean values were used as arguments for a
placeholder in an SQL query, unexpected results were returned. A new translation specialization
has now been added for boolean values so that they are handled correctly in this situation. (Bug
X Protocol now always converts retrieved data to the utf8mb4 character set (using the
utf8mb4_general_ci collation) before returning it. (Bug #28180155)
X Protocol now supports SQL prepare functionality. (WL #9270)
Functionality Added or Changed
InnoDB: Disabling the innodb_buffer_pool_in_core_file variable reduces the size of core
files by excluding InnoDB buffer pool pages. To use this variable, the core_file variable must
be enabled and the operating system must support the MADV_DONTDUMP non-POSIX extension to
madvise(), which is supported in Linux 3.4 and later. For more information, see Excluding Buffer
Pool Pages from Core Files.
Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #27724476, Bug #90144)
InnoDB: By default, undo logs reside in two undo tablespaces that are created when the MySQL
instance is initialized.
Additional undo tablespaces can be created in a chosen location at runtime using CREATE UNDO
CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE 'file_name.ibu';
Undo tablespaces created using CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE syntax can be dropped at runtime
DROP UNDO TABLESPACE tablespace_name;
ALTER UNDO TABLESPACE syntax can be used to mark an undo tablespace as active or inactive.
A STATE column that shows the state of a tablespace was added to the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES table. An undo tablespace must be in an empty
state before it can be dropped.
The previously deprecated innodb_undo_tablespaces variable is no longer configurable and will
be removed in a future MySQL version.
For more information, see Undo Tablespaces. (WL #9508)
InnoDB: InnoDB now supports parallel clustered index reads, which can improve
CHECK TABLE performance. This feature does not apply to secondary index scans. The
innodb_parallel_read_threads session variable must be set to a value greater than 1 for
parallel clustered index reads to occur. The default value is 4. The actual number of threads used to
perform a parallel clustered index read is determined by the innodb_parallel_read_threads
setting or the number of index subtrees to scan, whichever is smaller. (WL #11720)
InnoDB: The ADD DATAFILE clause of the CREATE TABLESPACE statement is now optional, which
permits users without the FILE privilege to create tablespaces. A CREATE TABLESPACE statement
executed without an ADD DATAFILE clause implicitly creates a tablespace data file with a unique file
name. (WL #12236)
InnoDB: When the server is started with --innodb-dedicated-server, the size and number of
log files are now determined by the buffer pool which has been set by this option. Previously, log file
size was set according to the amount of memory detected on the server, and the number of log files
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
was not set automatically. See Enabling Automatic InnoDB Configuration for a Dedicated MySQL
Server. (WL #12300)
Replication: Two new session variables have been added for internal use by replication.
original_server_version and immediate_server_version support cross-version
replication by transmitting the MySQL server release numbers associated with a transaction through
the replication topology. original_server_version holds the MySQL Server release number
of the server where a transaction was originally committed (for example, 80014 for a MySQL 8.0.14
server instance). immediate_server_version holds the MySQL Server release number of the
server that is the immediate master in a replication topology. If either of those servers, or another
intervening server in the replication topology, is at an older release that does not support these
session system variables, their values are set to 0.
With this information the slave can correctly process data originating from a master at an older
release, by recognizing where syntax changes or semantic changes have occurred between the
releases involved and handling these appropriately. The information can also be used in a Group
Replication environment where one or more members of the replication group is at a newer release
than the others. The value of the variable can be viewed in the binary log for each transaction (as
part of the Gtid_log_event, or Anonymous_gtid_log_event if GTIDs are not in use on the
server), and could be helpful in debugging cross-version replication issues. (WL #11879)
Replication: When running a group in single-primary mode, in the event of a new primary being
elected while there were transactions held in the backlog to be applied, there was a chance
that a read operation against the new primary could return a stale value. Now, you can use the
group_replication_consistency variable to control how a group behaves in this situation.
When group_replication_consistency is set to EVENTUAL, a new primary responds to read
requests even when there is a backlog which has not yet been applied, which matches the previous
behavior and comes with the risk that a client could read old values while any backlog is being
applied. Writes to the new primary fail during this period because it is has super_read_only mode
enabled. When group_replication_consistency is set to BEFORE_ON_PRIMARY_FAILOVER,
any new read or write queries against a newly elected primary that is applying backlog from the old
primary are held until the backlog is applied. This ensures that clients always read the newest value
which they have written, but also means that clients might have to wait until the backlog has been
applied before they can read from the new primary. (WL #11123)
References: See also: Bug #26004894.
Group Replication: The Group Communication System (GCS) and group communication engine
(XCom, a Paxos variant) for Group Replication now provide full support for IPv6, so replication
group members can use IPv6 addresses as an alternative to IPv4 addresses for internal group
communications. The localhost address for IPv6, and the private subnetwork addresses for IPv6
(unique-local addresses and link-local unicast addresses), are added to the automatic whitelist for
Group Replication for use if no manual whitelist is specified.
If all members of a replication group are at a MySQL server version that supports the use of IPv6
addresses for Group Replication, the group can contain a mix of members using IPv6 addresses
and members using IPv4 addresses. Joining members must provide whitelisted IP addresses or
host names that match the protocols offered by the seed members for connection, but the joining
member's main identifying address or host name (group_replication_local_address)
can use either protocol. If a member uses a host name that resolves to both an IPv4 and an IPv6
address, the IPv4 address is always used for Group Replication connections.
If any or all existing members of a replication group use an older MySQL Server version without
support for the use of IPv6 addresses for Group Replication, joining members must present an
IPv4 address for group communications in the group_replication_local_address option.
When every group member has been upgraded, the group can be migrated to IPv6 addresses. (Bug
#26088469, Bug #27757729, Bug #90217, WL #11926)
Group Replication: MySQL Group Replication can now communicate using a dedicated input
channel as an alternative to using a TCP socket. The new input channel uses shared memory for
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
communication between the Group Replication logic and the local instance of the underlying group
communication engine (XCom, a Paxos variant).
Previously, communication with the local XCom instance always took place using a TCP socket,
namely the network address that is specified by the group_replication_local_address
system variable for each group member. This incurred overheads that were unnecessary for local
communication, such as memory copying through the network protocol stack and data serialization.
A TCP socket (group_replication_local_address) is still required for each group member to
communicate with remote XCom instances. The Group Communication System (GCS) component
of Group Replication now selects the most appropriate communication method for each Group
Replication task, either the input channel or TCP. For example, the process of joining a group
requires communication with a remote XCom instance, so TCP must be used. However, the process
of removing a member from a group only requires communication with the local XCom instance,
so the input channel is used. The input channel is selected wherever possible to minimize the
overheads associated with communication using networking mechanisms. (WL #9850)
Microsoft Windows: The access control granted to clients on the named pipe created by
the MySQL server now is set to the minimum necessary for successful communication on
Windows. Newer MySQL client software can open named pipe connections without any
additional configuration. If older client software cannot be upgraded immediately, the new
named_pipe_full_access_group server system variable can be used to give a Windows group
the necessary permissions to open a named pipe connection. Membership in the full-access group
should be restricted and temporary. (WL #12445)
The minimal server RPM is mostly used for Docker images. For better Docker compatibility, the
log-error line has been removed from the rpm-docker configuration file. This way, logging goes
to stdout/stderr, enabling use of Docker's own interface. (Bug #28692675)
Error messages relating to creating and dropping foreign keys were improved to be more specific
and informative. (Bug #28526309, Bug #92087)
The error message for ALTER TABLE statements that attempted character set conversion but failed
was improved to indicate which column produced the error. (Bug #27546306, Bug #88738)
Previously, for command options that take a numeric value, the value could be given with a suffix
of K, M, or G to indicate a multiplier of 1024, 1024
or 1024
. Now a suffix can also be T, P, and E to
indicate a multiplier of 1024
, 1024
or 1024
. Thanks to Daniel Black for the patch. (Bug #27306931,
Bug #89017)
Resource group locking was revised to improve scalability and performance. (Bug #27148580)
The startup option --binlog-row-event-max-size now has a corresponding system variable
binlog_row_event_max_size. The startup option and system variable set a soft limit on the
maximum size of a row-based binary log event, with a default setting of 8192 bytes. Where possible,
rows stored in the binary log are grouped into events with a size not exceeding the value of this
setting. If an event cannot be split, the maximum size can be exceeded.
The binlog_row_event_max_size global system variable is read-only and can be set only at
server startup. Its value can therefore only be modified by using the PERSIST_ONLY keyword or the
@@persist_only qualifier with the SET statement. The addition of a system variable means that
this setting can be viewed using the Performance Schema tables or a SHOW VARIABLES or SELECT
statement. (Bug #19985377, Bug #74728, WL #12385)
ALTER TABLE now can be used to change a column character set in place (without a table rebuild),
when these conditions apply:
The column data type is CHAR, VARCHAR, a TEXT type, or ENUM.
The character set change is from utf8mb3 to utf8mb4, or any character set to binary.
There is no index on the column.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(WL #11605)
The new -DFORCE_INSOURCE_BUILD CMake option defines whether to force an in-source build.
Out-of-source builds are recommended, as they permit multiple builds from the same source, and
cleanup can be performed quickly by removing the build directory. To force an in-source build, invoke
Bugs Fixed
Important Change: Importing a dump from a MySQL 5.7 server to a server running MySQL 8.0
often failed with ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR when an SQL mode not supported by the 8.0 server
was used. This could happen frequently due to the fact that NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER is enabled by
default in MySQL 5.7 but not supported in MySQL 8.0.
The behavior of the server in such circumstances now depends on the setting of the
pseudo_slave_mode system variable. If this is false, the server rejects the mode setting with
ER_UNSUPPORTED_SQL_MODE. If pseudo_slave_mode is true, the server ignores the unsupported
mode and gives a warning. Note that mysqlbinlog sets pseudo_slave_mode to true prior to
executing any SQL. (Bug #90337, Bug #27828236)
InnoDB: Global and backup metadata locks were not released after the background purge thread
truncated undo logs. (Bug #29215254, Bug #93901)
InnoDB: MySQL would not start on Solaris X86. The static thread-local 'tables' variable in the
TempTable storage engine was not properly initialized. (Bug #28987365)
InnoDB: Latching logic used during deadlock detection was simplified. (Bug #28904966)
InnoDB: An invalid record offset for an old version of a clustered index record raised a debug
assertion. (Bug #28825617)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25540277.
InnoDB: The minimum DML delay imposed when the length of the history list exceeds
innodb_max_purge_lag was decreased from 5000 microseconds to 5 microseconds. (Bug
InnoDB: An incorrect lock order caused a deadlock when one thread attempted to drop a table while
another created an encrypted tablespace. (Bug #28774259)
InnoDB: ALTER TABLESPACE failed to ignore unsupported tablespace attributes. (Bug #28656611)
InnoDB: Implicit to explicit lock conversion logic was simplified and optimized. (Bug #28637472)
InnoDB: A fragment page allocation failure raised an assertion. (Bug #28615893)
InnoDB: Incorrectly placed debug points caused flushed LOB pages to be considered corrupt. (Bug
InnoDB: The TempTable storage engine incorrectly created temporary files in the system temporary
directory instead of the directory defined by the tmpdir variable. (Bug #28598943)
InnoDB: Attempting to drop a table with a name similar to that of a full-text search auxiliary table
caused an assertion failure. (Bug #28577083)
InnoDB: A function called by an UPDATE query did not account for virtual columns. (Bug #28560650)
InnoDB: An incorrect key was defined for the buffer pool zip hash mutex. (Bug #28556539)
InnoDB: Deadlock handling for background transactions that involve the
mysql.innodb_table_stats and mysql.innodb_index_stats tables was modified. The
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
tables were incorrectly included in an assertion that is triggered when internal tables are included in a
deadlock cycle. (Bug #28523042, Bug #92069)
InnoDB: Setting innodb_spin_wait_delay to a high value caused an assertion failure
when attempting to shut down the server. To prevent this failure from occurring, the
innodb_spin_wait_delay maximum value was reduced to 1000. (Bug #28489407, Bug #91973)
InnoDB: An ON DELETE CASCADE operation on table with a foreign key constraint and an indexed
virtual column caused the server to exit. (Bug #28470805)
InnoDB: An incorrectly written DML log involving a virtual column value raised an assertion. (Bug
InnoDB: A RENAME TABLE operation failed when run on a table created outside of the MySQL data
directory using the DATA DIRECTORY clause. (Bug #28341514)
InnoDB: ALTER TABLE ... EXCHANGE PARTITION permitted partitions with different virtual
column definitions to be exchanged, which resulted in an assertion when InnoDB later attempted to
read from a nonexistent virtual column. (Bug #28235668)
InnoDB: A counter was added for redo log write and flush requests that occur during transaction
commit. The counter is used by the log writer thread to compute the average time between
consecutive requests. When the average time is greater than 100 microseconds, log writer threads
do not use spin delay and instead wait on request events with a 10 microsecond timeout limit.
A log writer thread implementation issue that could cause a hang was also fixed. (Bug #28062382,
Bug #28444247, Bug #28616442, Bug #90890)
InnoDB: An assertion was raised when attempting to add rollback segments to newly added undo
tablespace that was not fully initialized. (Bug #27914054)
InnoDB: Foreign key constraints were ignored after a RENAME TABLE operation. (Bug #27453180,
Bug #89441)
InnoDB: Using the O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC innodb_flush_method setting could cause the
system to hang due to file system metadata becoming unsynchronized. To prevent this issue from
occurring in O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC mode, InnoDB now calls fsync() after creating a new file, after
increasing file size, and after closing a file. The fsync() system call is still skipped after each write
operation. (Bug #27309336)
InnoDB: Specifying the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE ENCRYPTION option with an empty
string failed to raise an error and was interpreted as a default setting, which is ENCRYPTION='N'.
Specifying an empty string is now treated as invalid and raises an error. (Bug #27177845)
InnoDB: Partitioned table name delimiters (the #P# or #SP# part of a partitioned table name) were
not converted to lowercase when moving tablespace data files from a MySQL instance on Windows
to a MySQL instance on Linux where the lower_case_table_names variable was enabled.
Failure to fully convert names to lowercase caused errors such as “'InnoDB error' from storage
engine” when attempting to alter, rename, or optimize the tables. (Bug #26925260)
InnoDB: An assertion was raised when attempting to write to a tablespace file greater than 4GB in
size on a 64-bit Windows system. The failure was due to a narrowing cast. (Bug #26636815, Bug
InnoDB: After attempting to create a table with a foreign key constraint that referenced a partitioned
table, which is an unsupported operation, SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output incorrectly
reported a foreign key error indicating that the referenced table name could not be resolved. This
error no longer appears, and the error message returned to the client now states that foreign keys
are not yet supported in conjunction with partitioning. (Bug #25319071, Bug #84331)
InnoDB: Misleading error messages were reported for unsupported foreign key operations, including
creating a foreign key that referenced a partitioned table, and referencing a table that uses a storage
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
engine that does not support foreign keys. The error messages are now more informative. (Bug
#11747571, Bug #33027)
Partitioning: Trying to perform an instant add column on a discarded tablespace led to an assert. An
error is now returned in such cases. (Bug #28517843)
Partitioning: Repeated ALTER TABLE statements on partitioned tables containing BLOB or TEXT
columns were not always handled correctly. (Bug #28491099)
Partitioning: ALTER TABLE ... EXCHANGE PARTITION did not work when the partitioned
table had one or more partition definitions using the DATA DIRECTORY option. This fix supports
partitioned tables using the InnoDB storage engine only. (Bug #19730200)
Replication: Depending on the value of group_replication_exit_state_action,
the behavior of members exiting a group was not consistent. To harmonize the
behavior of members exiting the group regardless of the error scenario, now when
a member with group_replication_exit_state_action=READ_ONLY exits
the group unintentionally, the super_read_only mode that the member had when
started is restored. This makes the behavior consistent with that of a member with
group_replication_exit_state_action=ABORT_SERVER. (Bug #28971639, Bug #28526591)
Replication: The metadata written to the binary log for CREATE TABLE statements includes
character set information for the character columns in the table. Previously, when the mysqlbinlog
option --print-table-metadata was specified, a default character set was printed for the table.
This default character set was the character set that appeared most frequently in the table columns,
and might not match the default character set that had been specified for the table. mysqlbinlog
now prints the character set for each column individually. The columns are also printed on separate
lines. (Bug #28774144)
Replication: Character set information was not written to the binary log as part of the table metadata
for ENUM and SET columns. This information is now added when binlog_row_metadata=FULL is
set, which produces extended metadata. (For character columns, character set information is also
added with binlog_row_metadata=MINIMAL.) (Bug #28706307)
Replication: A patch to correct the handling of quotes for identifiers in ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT
statements in the binary log was not correctly applied to subsequent MySQL versions. (Bug
Replication: Following a patch in MySQL 5.7.23, LOAD DATA statements stopped statement-based
replication from a MySQL 5.7.22 master to a replication slave at a later release. The problem has
now been fixed. (Bug #28541204, Bug #92132)
Replication: In some circumstances, the CHANGE MASTER TO statement could not
be used on a replication slave if the master info log had been changed from a table
(master_info_repository=TABLE) into a file (master_info_repository=FILE). (Bug
Replication: mysqlbinlog incorrectly added statements to set the sql_require_primary_key
system variable (which was introduced in MySQL 8.0.13) to ON for events involving DML SQL
statements. The check carried out when the system variable is set to ON is only relevant for DDL
SQL statements that create new tables or alter the structure of existing tables. (Bug #28524803)
Replication: When the system variables binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking and
binlog_transaction_dependency_history_size were set or read, the types of lock that
were required could result in a deadlock scenario, because the same locks were also required for
working with the active binary logs. A new lock type is now used instead for access to the transaction
dependency tracking system variables, so that this deadlock cannot occur. (Bug #28511326, Bug
#91941, Bug #28537209, Bug #92108)
Replication: An assertion was raised in debug builds if an implicit commit was
attempted when the GTID value for the next transaction had not yet been determined
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(gtid_next=NOT_YET_DETERMINED). The gtid_next system variable has this value
immediately after the internal-use statement BINLOG has been issued by mysqlbinlog
to execute a format description event. If a statement with an implicit commit was attempted
next (such as a CREATE TABLE statement), the gtid_next setting did not transition to
AUTOMATIC state, and was left in an unacceptable state. If autocommit was on, the error
the statement was attempted.
To fix this issue, the use of the BINLOG statement is now prevented during transactions if it would
change the state of gtid_next. The error ER_VARIABLE_NOT_SETTABLE_IN_TRANSACTION
is returned if this is attempted. Also, when GTIDs are in use and the value of
gtid_next is NOT_YET_DETERMINED, the next statement must either explicitly set
gtid_next to a valid value or leave the GTID state unaffected. Otherwise the error
#28490793, Bug #91980)
Replication: The PURGE BINARY LOGS TO 'log_name' statement failed for binary log files that
had been moved to another location using mysqlbinlogmove. Such files are still listed in the binary
log index file, but they are listed using an absolute path, rather than a path relative to the directory
where the binary log files are normally stored. MySQL Server can now locate and purge moved
binary log files successfully. (Bug #28284624)
Replication: When binlog_format is set to MIXED, if a function contained DML statements that
applied to a temporary table, and also a DROP TEMPORARY TABLE statement, the function call
was not written to the binary log, which caused replication errors. The function call is now written to
the binary log in mixed replication mode if the function contains DML statements that operate on a
temporary table. (Bug #28258992)
Replication: If autocommit was set to 0 for a replication slave or Group Replication group
member where GTIDs were in use and super_read_only=ON was set, server shutdown was
prevented by a transaction that did not complete. The transaction was attempting to save GTIDs
to the mysql.gtid_executed table, but the update failed because super_read_only=ON
was set. (With autocommit set to 1, the transaction would complete in this situation, and the
mysql.gtid_executed table would instead be updated at server startup.) Now, the check for
the super_read_only setting is skipped for this task, so the transaction is able to save the
GTIDs to the mysql.gtid_executed table and complete regardless of the combination of
super_read_only and autocommit settings. (Bug #28183718)
Replication: An assertion was raised in debug builds if an XA ROLLBACK statement was issued for
an unknown transaction identifier when the gtid_next value had been set manually. The server
now does not attempt to update the GTID state if an XA ROLLBACK statement fails with an error.
(Bug #27928837, Bug #90640)
Replication: An assertion was raised in debug builds if a SELECT... FOR UPDATE statement
was issued immediately after a transaction was committed or rolled back, and the transaction had
been assigned a GTID manually using the gtid_next session system variable. After gtid_next has
been used to set a GTID for a transaction, and the transaction has been committed or rolled back,
another explicit SET GTID_NEXT statement must be issued before any other statement, otherwise
the gtid_next value is left undefined. The SELECT... FOR UPDATE statement caused a GTID
consistency violation in this situation because it acquired write locks, although it did not make any
changes. SELECT... FOR UPDATE statements that acquire write locks now return an error in this
situation. (Bug #27903848, Bug #90547)
Replication: Under heavy loads, a race condition in binary log group commit could cause the
server to stop unexpectedly. The tracking of transaction commits has been changed to prevent this
situation. (Bug #27556117)
Replication: The value returned by a SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement for the total combined
size of all existing relay log files (Relay_Log_Space) could become much larger than the actual
disk space used by the relay log files. The I/O thread did not lock the variable while it updated
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the value, so the SQL thread could automatically delete a relay log file and write a reduced value
before the I/O thread finished updating the value. The I/O thread then wrote its original size
calculation, ignoring the SQL thread's update and so adding back the space for the deleted file. The
Relay_Log_Space value is now locked during updates to prevent concurrent updates and ensure
an accurate calculation. (Bug #26997096, Bug #87832)
Replication: If the relay log index file was temporarily locked for viewing by a backup process for
a replication slave, and MySQL Server also attempted to access the file at that time for rename
or delete operations, the backup completed with warnings, but MySQL Server experienced an
unexpected halt. MySQL Server now retries the file access operation a number of times in case
this or a similar scenario is the explanation and the file becomes available again before long. (Bug
Replication: With sync_binlog=1 set, if the binary log was rotated during a commit before the
binary log end position was updated, replication stopped on the slave because the server attempted
to use the old binary log end position with the new binary log file. The server now compares the
binary log file name with the active binary log file when updating the binary log end position, so that
the issue does not occur. (Bug #22252394, Bug #25524203, Bug #84752)
Replication: When adding a new member to a group, if the certification information was too big to
transmit, an event was generated that caused failures in all group members. To avoid this situation,
now if the certification information is too large an error is generated which makes the joining member
leave the group. (Bug #93130, Bug #91870, Bug #28900691, Bug #28443958)
Replication: When you used group_replication_switch_to_single_primary_mode(),
if a member which also had an asynchronous channel encountered an error, the asynchronous
replication channel was not stopped correctly, and the server could stop unexpectedly. (Bug #91747,
Bug #28382590)
Replication: It was possible to use the group coordinator based functions which configure a group,
such as group_replication_switch_to_single_primary_mode, while members were in
the UNREACHABLE or RECOVERING state, and this caused the operation to wait until all members
became ONLINE. This could result in the group coordinator operation never completing successfully.
Now, if you invoke any of these functions on a group in this state, an error is returned. Ensure all
members are ONLINE before attempting to configure the group using the functions. (Bug #91537,
Bug #28284355)
Replication: When a member joined a group that had a constant peak load, the member might not
be able to move from the RECOVERING to the ONLINE state. The cause was that:
the member was waiting in a loop for the complete queue of transactions that arrived during
recovery to be applied, while new transactions were still arriving.
even when the complete queue had been applied, the member was also checking that the applier
was paused, which is unlikely to happen in a continuous peak workload.
Now, when the recovery completion policy is waiting for transactions to be applied, the member first
waits until one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
the transactions to apply fit within the flow control configuration. In other words, the transactions to
be applied can be applied during the next flow control iteration;
no transactions are being queued or applied, in the case of an empty recovery queue.
Then, the member waits for the currently queued transactions in the
group_replication_applier channel to be applied, before the member state changes to
ONLINE. (Bug #89582, Bug #27511404)
Group Replication: The maximum timeout setting for the waiting period before expelling a suspect
Group Replication group member has been reduced to 3600 seconds (one hour). Previously, the
group_replication_member_expel_timeout system variable could be set to a value of up to
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
31536000 seconds. The new upper limit provides a more reasonable maximum for the removal of
inactive members from the group. The default setting for the timeout is zero, meaning that inactive
members are liable for expulsion immediately after the 5-second detection period ends. Specifying
a timeout value is useful to avoid unnecessary expulsions on slower networks, or in the case of
expected transient network failures or machine slowdowns. (Bug #28656750)
Group Replication: On systems where the Group Communication System (GCS) used the
systemd-resolved service for network name resolution, if the host name could not be resolved,
GCS kept trying indefinitely. Now, if a retry message is returned from any name resolution service,
GCS makes a limited number of retries, then concludes that the host name is unresolvable. (Bug
Group Replication: When a group was being reconfigured online, for example
using group_replication_switch_to_multi_primary_mode or
group_replication_set_as_primary, there was a chance that stopping a member could result
in an unexpected stop. Now, when you issue STOP GROUP_REPLICATION, if the member is part of
an online group that is being reconfigured, the group coordinator is informed that Group Replication
is stopping. The member waits for the online configuration process to complete any ongoing actions,
but any subsequent actions are cancelled. (Bug #92829, Bug #28807260)
Group Replication: When stopping group replication, any channels with pending transactions could
cause a deadlock. (Bug #92376, Bug #28636768, Bug #28365855)
Group Replication: When group_replication_exit_state_action is set to ABORT_SERVER,
the Group Replication plugin now uses the new component service added by WL#12003 to shut
down MySQL. (Bug #91793, Bug #28401703)
Microsoft Windows: MySQL Installer could fail after failure to remove an existing MySQL service.
This is now treated as nonfatal so that installation operations can continue, but might require a
system restart to permit service cleanup. (Bug #29016677, Bug #93048)
Microsoft Windows: When multiple instances of mysqld were started with the --no-monitor
option on the same host for same user, the SHUTDOWN command shut down the wrong server
process. This fix creates a unique shutdown event name for use with --no-monitor by appending
the process ID of the process. (Bug #28723675)
X DevAPI: When using the X Protocol, a stored procedure called with a user variable as an OUT
parameter did not set the variable's value. (Bug #91907, Bug #28458752)
JSON: Iteration over JSON objects resulted in unnecessary allocation of strings. (Bug #28975640)
JSON: Conversion of JSON values to text caused linear growth of the destination string, resulting in
an unnecessarily high number of reallocations. Now this process uses exponential growth instead, to
reduce the number of allocations required. (Bug #28949700)
References: See also: Bug #103790, Bug #32919524.
JSON: YEAR values were stored as opaque data in JSON; when JSON documents containing YEAR
values were converted to text, the YEAR values were shown as base64-encoded strings. To resolve
this issue, YEAR values are now stored as unsigned integers, which are shown as numbers when
converted to text. An additional benefit of this fix is that less storage space is now required for YEAR
values within JSON documents. (Bug #28947107)
JSON: Hit an assert when attempting to execute UPDATE or DELETE on an ARCHIVE table
containing a JSON column. (Bug #28923281)
JSON: When trying to select from a JSON column of a FEDERATED table, the server returned
ER_INVALID_JSON_PATH_CHARSET Cannot create a JSON value from a string with
In addition, neither DELETE or UPDATE had any effect on a FEDERATED table containing a JSON
column. (Bug #28877215)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
JSON: A query of the form SELECT jt.* FROM t1, JSON_TABLE(t1.c, '$[*]' COLUMNS
(num INT PATH '$[0]')) AS jt failed due a permissions error even though the user executing
the query had the SELECT privilege on column c. (Bug #23254268)
The code contributed by Facebook for the feature implemented by Bug#27855592 was updated.
(Bug #28950397)
References: See also: Bug #27855592.
On SuSE Linux, spurious EBUSY return values from pthread_mutex_destroy() were not
handled. (Bug #28948462)
mysqld_safe and mysqld_multi were incorrectly included in client-only packages. (Bug
Mishandling of host cache locking could cause a server exit. (Bug #28936159)
MySQL Enterprise Firewall did not work well if the audit_log plugin was installed. (Bug
#28930885, Bug #93184)
Corrections were made to enable successful builds under Visual Studio on Windows. (Bug
#28892711, Bug #93077)
The server permitted creation of databases with the same name as redo log files, which could result
in unexpected server behavior. Such names are no longer permitted as database names. (Bug
mysqld_multi could fail to pass the correct datadir value to mysqld. (Bug #28866662, Bug
A debug assertion that checks parameter schema names during MDL key creation for routines,
events, and triggers to ensure that names are lowercase failed when encountering a schema name
that included multi-byte character. (Bug #28864244)
The format specifiers for some error messages were improved to avoid displaying incorrect numeric
values. (Bug #28860795)
For debug builds on Windows, unused memory leak checks were enabled and could slow down the
shutdown process. These checks are now enabled only for specialized builds. (Bug #28857626)
mysql_upgrade could fail to upgrade certain system tables if the sql_require_primary_key
system variable was enabled. (Bug #28855207, Bug #92988)
Builds configured with -DWITH_LIBWRAP=ON did not compile. (Bug #28853650, Bug #92983)
For InnoDB tables, the values of stored or indexed virtual generated columns that depended on
the DEFAULT() function were not correctly updated by ALTER TABLE, if the default for a column
referenced in this function was changed by making column nullable. (Bug #28848265)
Corrections were made to enable successful builds under Visual Studio on Windows with the /
permissive flag turned on. (Bug #28842878, Bug #92943)
Builds configured with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release did not compile. (Bug #28841366, Bug
ALTER TABLE now can use the INPLACE algorithm when these conditions apply:
For InnoDB tables, statements that modify generated stored columns but do not change their
type, expression, or nullability.
For non-InnoDB tables, statements that modify generated stored or virtual columns but do not
change their type, expression, or nullability.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
An example of such a change is a change to the column comment. (Bug #28836543)
Plugin system variables that had been persisted were not applied when the plugin was reinstalled.
(Bug #28823972)
EXPLAIN ... FOR CONNECTION could modify another connection's SQL mode. (Bug #28786981)
Removal of Sun RPC and XDR from glibc into a separate libtirpc library caused problems with
libasan on some platforms. (Bug #28785835, Bug #92762, Bug #28897799, Bug #93116)
It was possible to hit an assert when comparing two ENUM values while processing a query of the
form SELECT a FROM table WHERE b = value and there was an index on column b. (Bug
Concurrent read and write access to the offline_mode system variable could result in deadlock.
(Bug #28761869)
Triggers were loaded into memory in an incorrect order when upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL
8.0, causing an assertion failure. (Bug #28760011, Bug #92609)
Joins involving the Performance Schema data_locks table could produce incorrect results. (Bug
Some multiply-nested subqueries involving the use of scalar subqueries were not handled correctly.
(Bug #28723670)
On Ubuntu, the installed /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/default-auth-override.cnf file was
mistakenly created with executable mode. Thanks to Evgeniy Patlan for the correction contribution.
(Bug #28714840, Bug #92587)
A memory leak was caused by GET_LOCK() calls with a zero timeout that failed due to concurrent
connections holding the same user-level lock. (Bug #28714367)
Heap corruption and a server exit could occur when a server hosting a large number of tables was
started and stopped repeatedly. (Bug #28705511, Bug #92572)
MySQL Router was missing from MySQL Server MSI packages. (Bug #28685556)
The example stored function GTID_SUBTRACT_UUID has been corrected in the code to match the
documented version. (Bug #28670170)
CAP_SYS_NICE capability is no longer enabled for mysqld by MySQL package installers for Linux.
(This was done to facilitate use of resource groups thread priorities.) For Linux deployments that
require access to thread priorities, consult the MySQL Reference Manual instructions for enabling
CAP_SYS_NICE capability at Resource Group Restrictions. (Bug #28670160)
The internal implementation of the <=> operator was simplified. (Bug #28660232)
After a STOP GROUP_REPLICATION statement was issued to remove a server instance from a
group, multiple instances of the error message "[GCS] Error pushing message into group
communication engine" were logged on the server instance. The error is now ignored when a
server is in the process of leaving a group or is no longer a member of a group. (Bug #28658228,
Bug #92454)
If the CHARACTER SET attribute of some column was implicit in JSON_TABLE(...
COLUMNS ...), the resulting column used the global character_set_results as the
default character set. The column now uses the session character_set_connection and
collation_connection values. (Bug #28643862)
Adding a functional index on an expression that produced a row value raised an assertion; now it
results in an error instead. (Bug #28643252)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
In debug builds, creating a trigger after setting sql-mode to TIME_TRUNCATE_FRACTIONAL
caused an assertion failure. The SQL mode was not present in the sql_mode column of the
mysql.triggers data dictionary table. (Bug #28642918)
When using --log-timestamps=SYSTEM, ISO 8601 timestamps in log messages did not take
account of daylight saving time. (Bug #28632725, Bug #32893161)
The arguments for error ER_IB_MSG_720 were computed incorrectly. (Bug #28629175)
The server could exit at startup if the option for specifying a socket file was not specified correctly.
(Bug #28609181)
It was possible to create an inconsistent foreign key by adding a parent table with a different storage
engine from the child table, then changing the parent table to the same storage engine as the child
table. (Bug #28608460, Bug #92317)
When a server is joining a replication group, it attempts to connect to the first seed member listed in
its group_replication_group_seeds system variable. If the connection is refused, the joining
member tries to connect to each of the other seed members in the list in order. Previously, If the
joining member connected to a seed member but did not get added to the replication group as a
result, the joining member did not make any further connection attempts. This situation could occur
if the seed member failed after the connection was made, or if the seed member did not have the
joining member's address in its whitelist and closed the connection, or if the seed member rejected
the joining member's request to join the group. Now, if the joining member connects to a seed
member but does not manage to join the group, the joining member continues to try the remaining
seed members in the list in order. (Bug #28602835)
Given certain patterns of allocations, copies with rebinds of the allocator, and deallocations, it was
possible for temptable::Allocator to reuse a freed memory block. This led to failures in the test
suite on Windows platforms. (Bug #28595557)
Setting time_zone to a negative offset and timestamp to a low value triggered an assertion when
altering routines and views. (Bug #28590623, Bug #92273)
Persisting the pid_file system variable to DEFAULT could result in a value of NULL for subsequent
server startups. (Bug #28589736)
Incorrect privilege checking could produce an error for SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statements that
executed successfully in MySQL 5.7. (Bug #28581664, Bug #92254)
Attempting to rename the parent column of a foreign key with ALTER TABLE could fail. (Bug
Privileges for RESET PERSIST were not checked correctly. (Bug #28564239)
An overflow occurred when calculating AVG(YEAR(datetime_column)). (Bug #28562930)
After a server restart, path names of persisted system variables in the Performance Schema
variables_info table could be calculated incorrectly. (Bug #28561584)
A partitioned table name check raised an invalid assertion. (Bug #28556942)
The handler::create() function could be called with an error in the condition list, which
could prevent an error in the handler::create() function from being reported properly. (Bug
For ALTER TABLE, ALGORITHM=INSTANT was incorrectly rejected on tables created in a MySQL
version prior to 8.0.12. (Bug #28554157, Bug #92194)
mysqlpump did not free all allocated resources when it encountered an error, resulting in memory
leaks. (Bug #28538971, Bug #92131)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The COLLATE attribute was rejected for data types in the COLUMNS clause of the JSON_TABLE()
function. (Bug #28538315)
For debug builds, the server could exit when attempting to roll back CREATE USER statements. (Bug
Plugin variables with signed values were displayed incorrectly. (Bug #28534414, Bug #92107)
Mishandling of deprecated system variables could cause output from queries on the Performance
Schema variables_by_thread table to be incorrect. (Bug #28515475, Bug #92049)
Data races discovered by Thread Sanitizer in Event_queue::lock_data and the SAFE_MUTEX
implementation were fixed. (Bug #28510721, Bug #92041, Bug #28510691, Bug #92040)
No ER_NEED_REPREPARE diagnostic was pushed to the diagnostics area when a reprepare failed for
prepared statements. (Bug #28509306, Bug #92029)
When a subquery contained a UNION, the count of the number of subquery columns was calculated
incorrectly. (Bug #28499924)
When evaluating an expression using WITH ROLLUP, we now write the result of the expression into
a temporary table only when it has a temporary table column. (Bug #28493849, Bug #28523014)
For debug builds, incorrect foreign key error checking for ALTER TABLE on a TEMPORARY table
could result in a server exit. (Bug #28493257, Bug #91990)
For some system variables, SET PERSIST persisted the default value rather than the specified
value. (Bug #28466045)
SET RESOURCE GROUP could not be executed as a prepared statement. (Bug #28448258, Bug
Restored a call to Item_field::fix_fields() that was inadvertently removed during work done
to implement window functions. (Bug #28431783)
Data races reported by Thread Sanitizer during X Plugin startup and shutdown were corrected. (Bug
Creating a table with a partition description containing illegal utf8 characters raised an assertion.
(Bug #28387488, Bug #91763)
mysqldump output could include SQL mode values that have been removed. (Bug #28373001, Bug
A potential lock order cycle was corrected. (Bug #28366531)
On a GTID-enabled server, concurrent statements on the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table
could deadlock. (Bug #28293047, Bug #91548)
CREATE TABLE statements for tables with the utf32 table character set and literal strings in the
table definition raised an assertion. (Bug #28275881)
Internal functions were added to support updating the server version number upon the successful
completion of a server upgrade. (Bug #28211486, Bug #91323)
Comparing log file names as strings using the memcmp() function resulted in uninitialized memory
read errors. The comparison now uses the strncmp() function. Thanks to Zsolt Parragi and
Laurynas Biveinis for their contributions. (Bug #28178776, Bug #90238)
The server mishandled stored program and resource group names that differed only in accents. (Bug
The optimizer skipped the second column in a composite index when executing an inner join with a
LIKE clause against the second column. (Bug #28086754)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
CREATE TABLE ... SELECT could create date columns with “zero” date default values when it
should have created them without a default value. (Bug #28022129)
The transformation of IN subquery predicates into semijoins was not handled correctly for a very
large number of tables. (Bug #28004674)
The bitmap used for reading fields from the storage engine was not enabled correctly when
performing the filesort which is added to the last of any temporary tables created for window
functions. In the case where there was no need for a temporary table, the server added a filesort
to the output from the select table, but the removed reference (the WHERE condition) was not
added. Now in such cases, the reference is added to the select table when the first window function
needs sorting and no temporary table was created before processing this window function. (Bug
After seeing a row in the range frame, if another row was later determined to be appearing before
this range frame, the server continued to check for new rows. This led to the next frame calculation
being done incorrectly. (Bug #27973860)
Server mishandling of SIGHUP signals could result in a server exit. (Bug #27966483, Bug #90742)
DELETE WHERE a=constant from a table with column a and partitioned by the value of a
generated column b led to an assertion in debug builds. (Bug #27954073)
INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries could cause a server exit when updating dynamic table statistics.
(Bug #27898108)
A metadata locking deadlock could occur when opening a foreign key parent table. (Bug #27859086)
Improper memory handling by account management statements could result in server misbehavior.
(Bug #27820277)
In certain cases, window functions did not handle ORDER BY and PARTITION BY correctly. (Bug
The MySQL query optimizer identifies each predicate to be pushed down to a table as a table
condition; as part of this process it checks to see whether a given predicate among the table
conditions is already known to be true in virtue of the selected access path for the table, in which
case the predicate can safely be eliminated.
For example, when executing SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE pk=1, where pk is the primary key of
table t1, the ref access method is selected. Since we know that this already returns only rows for
which pk=1, further evaluation of this condition as a filter (Using where) should be eliminated.
When optimizing a query which includes a GROUP BY or ORDER BY, a late optimizer check is
performed to discover whether sorting can be skiped by using a sorted index instead. Since this
is done after another index may have been chosen for accessing the table to be sorted, some
predicates thought to be redundant (due to the previous access path selected) could be removed
prematurely. To compensate for this, the following actions were performed:
Reconstruction of a table condition containing predicates previously eliminated due to the access
method already being selected.
Performing a check to see whether any sorted index existed such that sorting could be avoided,
possibly modifying the access plan.
Issues arose because the following actions also intended to remedy early predicate removal were
not performed correctly:
Whether the access plan was modified or not, any extra predicates added back in the
reconstructed table condition mentioned previously became a permanent part of the table
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When the access plan was changed to use another sorted index, no analysis was performed for
the new index in order to remove predicates made obsolete by the new index.
A further problem existed for storage engines implementing condition pushdown, such as
NDBCLUSTER: The conditions pushed down were generated from the table condition prior to
analysis, such that, if the access path was later changed, the pushed condition did not contain the
predicates already removed, making condition pushdown less efficient.
The root cause of this issue was that part_of_refkey() analysis was performed on table
predicates before the access method for the table had been completely decided. This is fixed by
removing such early analysis. (Bug #27808758, Bug #27814026)
A windowing function that included an ORDER BY column clause failed with Unknown field in
window order by even when the column was found in the table being queried. (Bug #27808099)
Executing a prepared statement to do a multiple-row insert with large number of placeholders
consumed excessive memory and could execute slowly. (Bug #27703912)
On Windows, if the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio had been removed, MySQL
uninstallation using the MSI installer failed. (Bug #27621546)
The parser accepted invalid SET statement syntax in trigger definitions that could result in a server
exit. (Bug #27595603)
The server failed to start if the keyring_encrypted_file plugin keyring file was invalid. (Bug
Keyring migration failed with source and destination keyring plugins of keyring_okv and
keyring_encrypted_file, respectively. (Bug #27493970)
It was possible in debug builds for a windowing function using a signed integer to mishandle a frame
that included FOLLOWING. (Bug #27452365)
When executing a prepared statement with a procedure call with the CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY
flag set, the client library hung if the procedure performed a SELECT that returned an empty result
set. (Bug #27443252, Bug #89214)
Names of referenced columns of foreign keys were always shown in lowercase in SHOW CREATE
TABLE output and the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table. (Bug #27353767, Bug
Loading and unloading the audit_log plugin while performing other concurrent activity could cause
the server to become unresponsive. (Bug #27325622)
The data dictionary properties interface (dd::Properties) and implementation was revised to
provide a new method of defining valid keys for property objects. (Bug #27309072, Bug #89031, Bug
#27309082, Bug #89032)
Installing and uninstalling the validate_password component concurrently with SET PASSWORD
could cause component failure. (Bug #27020979)
Some typos in server source code were fixed. Thanks to Hyunwoo Park for the contribution. (Bug
#26189673, Bug #86565)
After column privileges were granted to a table, a HANDLER READ call asserted during privilege
checking. (Bug #25987758)
A check that ensures compatibility of referencing and referenced column types in a foreign key
definition was moved from the storage engine layer to the SQL layer. In addition, a better error
message is produced when columns are not compatible, and when a foreign key constraint
references a table that does not exist. (Bug #25722927, Bug #28371394, Bug #91712, Bug
#21308781, Bug #77467, Bug #11746132, Bug #23693)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The parser performed some out-of-memory checks incorrectly. (Bug #25633994)
A race condition between user-management statements and other statements that tried to access
grant tables directly could result in deadlock and transaction rollback. (Bug #24481240)
When the server was started with the skip_name_resolve system variable enabled, spurious
warnings could be written to the error log about ignoring accounts with a host name part of
localhost. (The accounts in fact were used and not ignored.) (Bug #23329861, Bug #81441)
DML statements using IGNORE were not always handled correctly on tables having generated
columns. (Bug #22990029)
MySQL now removes trivial WHERE conditions arising from constant literal expressions during
preparation, rather than at a later stage in optimization. This should result in improved plans for
queries with outer joins containing trivial conditions, such as this one:
SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON condition_1 WHERE condition_2 OR 0 = 1
After removing the redundant OR 0 = 1 condition the optimizer can rewrite the query as an inner
join, as shown here:
SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 WHERE condition_1 AND condition_2
For more information, see What Is New in MySQL 8.0, and Outer Join Optimization. (Bug
#16893426, Bug #28237111, Bug #28239008, Bug #28341790, WL #9571)
References: See also: Bug #28197977, Bug #28240054.
Updates for BLOB columns in FEDERATED tables did not work. (Bug #11748067, Bug #34997)
Each of the functions REGEXP_REPLACE(), REGEXP_SUBSTR(), REGEXP_LIKE(), and
REGEXP_INSTR() returned a DOUBLE instead of a value of the function's specified return type.
(Bug #90039, Bug #27682225)
A query employing a dynamic range and an index merge could use more memory than expected.
(Bug #89953, Bug #27659490)
Selecting from a table having a CHAR column with a NO_PAD collation yielded inconsistent results.
(Bug #89753, Bug #27578340)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.13 (2018-10-22, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Account Management Notes
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
Data Type Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Error Handling
Logging Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Plugin Notes
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
SQL Syntax Notes
XA Transaction Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
It is now possible to require that attempts to change an account password be verified by specifying
the current password to be replaced. This enables DBAs to prevent users from changing a password
without proving that they know the current password. It is possible to establish password-verification
policy globally using the password_require_current system variable, as well as on a per-
account basis using the PASSWORD REQUIRE option of the CREATE USER and ALTER USER
statements. Together with existing password-management capabilities, the new capability of
requiring verification provides DBAs more complete control over password management. For more
information, see Password Management.
The implementation of password-verification capability involves a change to
the structure of the mysql.user system table. If you upgrade to this MySQL
release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart
the server) to incorporate this system database change. Until this is done,
password changes are not possible.
(WL #11544)
Compilation Notes
Solaris: MySQL now can be compiled on Solaris using gcc. (Bug #27802681)
Configuration Notes
The new WITH_LTO CMake option controls whether to enable link-time optimization. Currently, this is
supported only by GCC 7 and 8. (Bug #28184537, Bug #28211382)
The new WITH_RAPIDJSON CMake option controls whether to compile with the bundled or system
RapidJSON library. (Bug #28024992, Bug #90867)
The CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE CMake option now supports a Release build type, which is like the
RelWithDebInfo build type but omits debugging information to reduce the build size. (Bug
#27874068, Bug #32287863)
The new sql_require_primary_key system variable makes it possible to have statements that
create new tables or alter the structure of existing tables enforce the requirement that tables have
a primary key. Enabling this variable helps avoid performance problems in row-based replication
that can occur when tables have no primary key. Suppose that a table has no primary key and an
update or delete modifies multiple rows. On the master server, this operation can be performed
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
using a single table scan but, when replicated using row-based replication, results in a table scan
for each row to be modified on the slave. With a primary key, these table scans do not occur. (Bug
#17468242, Bug #69845, Bug #17005592, Bug #69223, WL #11807)
To enable the server to listen on a set of addresses, the bind_address system variable now
permits a list of comma-separated IP addresses or host names, not just a single address or name.
For details, see Server System Variables. (WL #11652)
Data Type Notes
MySQL now supports use of expressions as default values in data type specifications. This includes
the use of expressions as default values for the BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY, and JSON data types,
which previously could not be assigned default values at all. For details, see Data Type Default
Values. (WL #9418)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Important Change: Setting user variables in statements other than SET is now deprecated due to
issues that included those listed here:
The order of evaluation for expressions involving user variables was undefined.
The default result type of a variable is based on its type at the beginning of the statement, which
could have unintended effects when a variable holding a value of one type at the beginning of a
statement was assigned a new value of a different type in the same statement.
HAVING, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY clauses, when referring to a variable that was assigned
a value in the select expression list, did not work as expected because the expression was
evaluated on the client and so it was possible for stale column values from a previous row to be
Syntax such as SELECT @var, @var:=@var+1 is still accepted in MySQL 8.0 for backward
compatibility, but is subject to removal in a future MySQL version. (WL #12131)
InnoDB; Partitioning: Support for placing table partitions in shared tablespaces was removed.
Shared tablespaces include the system tablespace and general tablespaces. For information about
identifying partitions in shared tablespaces and moving them to file-per-table tablespaces, see
Preparing Your Installation for Upgrade. (WL #11571, WL #9286)
InnoDB: Support for TABLESPACE = innodb_file_per_table and TABLESPACE =
innodb_temporary clauses with CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE is deprecated and will be removed
in a future MySQL version. (WL #12179)
The utf8mb3 character set is deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. Please
use utf8mb4 instead. (WL #11109)
Nested comments have never been supported (although they might be permitted under some
conditions), but now are considered deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. (WL
The deprecated metadata_locks_cache_size and metadata_locks_hash_instances
system variables were removed. (WL #12212)
The PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH SQL mode has been deprecated and will be removed in a future
MySQL version. (WL #12129)
Error Handling
The MySQL client library now returns better error messages for OpenSSL errors. Thanks to
Facebook for the patch. (Bug #27855668, Bug #90418)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Previously, the ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2 and ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 error messages for
foreign key operations were displayed and revealed information about parent tables, even when the
user had no parent table access privileges. Error handling for this situation has been revised:
If the user does have table-level privileges for all parent tables, ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2 and
ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 are displayed, the same as before.
If the user does not have table-level privileges for all parent tables, more generic error messages
are displayed instead (ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW and ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED).
An exception is that, for stored programs defined to execute with DEFINER privileges, the user
against which privileges are assessed is the user in the program DEFINER clause, not the invoking
user. If that user has table-level parent table privileges, parent table information is still displayed. In
this case, it is the responsibility of the stored program creator to hide the information by including
appropriate condition handlers. (Bug #19477611, WL #8910)
These new INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are available as views on data dictionary tables:
VIEW_ROUTINE_USAGE provides information about stored functions used in view definitions.
VIEW_TABLE_USAGE provides information about tables and views used in view definitions.
For more information, see The INFORMATION_SCHEMA VIEW_ROUTINE_USAGE Table, and The
Logging Notes
Incompatible Change: The system variables have been removed that previously configured error
logging to the system log (the Event Log on Windows, and syslog on Unix and Unix-like systems).
Where appropriate, the removed system variables were replaced with new system variables
managed by the log_sink_syseventlog error log component. The following table shows the old
and new variable names.
Old System Variable New System Variable
log_syslog_facility syseventlog.facility
log_syslog_include_pid syseventlog.include_pid
log_syslog_tag syseventlog.tag
log_syslog None
Installations that used the old system variable names must update their
configuration to use the new variable names. For more information, see Error
Logging to the System Log.
(WL #11828)
References: See also: Bug #27534089.
A new system variable, log_error_suppression_list, specifies which diagnostics should
not be written to the error log when they occur with a severity of WARNING or INFORMATION. For
example, if a particular type of warning occurs frequently but is not of interest (and thus may be
considered undesirable “noise” in the error log), it now can be suppressed. (WL #11393)
The code to handle rewriting of account-management statements was refactored to make it easier to
maintain and extend. This work resulted in a few minor user-visible effects in the audit, general, and
slow query logs:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Plaintext passwords are replaced by <string> rather than '<string>'.
Default clauses are not written unless specified by the user.
(WL #12007)
Previously, messages written to the error log by several internal server methods were logged using
the ER_LOG_PRINTF_MSG error code. Each of these messages now is logged using a unique error
Optimizer Notes
The optimizer now supports a Skip Scan access method that enables range access to be used in
previously inapplicable situations to improve query performance. For more information, see Skip
Scan Range Access Method. Thanks to Facebook for the patch on which this access method is
based. (Bug #26976512, Bug #88103, WL #11322)
MySQL now supports creation of functional index key parts that index expression values rather than
column values. Functional key parts enable indexing of values that cannot be indexed otherwise,
such as JSON values. For details, see CREATE INDEX Statement. (WL #1075)
Performance of SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_name queries for InnoDB tables was improved for
single-threaded workloads and when no extra clauses such as WHERE or GROUP BY are used. (WL
Packaging Notes
The libevent library bundled with MySQL was upgraded to version 2.1.8. (Bug #28207237, Bug
#29041505, Bug #29055011)
Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to the system curl library now use curl
7.60.0 rather than 7.45.0. (Bug #28043702)
Debian packaging was updated to reflect the removal of yaSSL and that OpenSSL is the default SSL
library for all builds. (Bug #28025599)
Test plugins have been moved from server packages to test packages. (Bug #27860172)
MySQL Router is now included in the MySQL server source and monolithic binary packages.
Performance Schema Notes
A new Performance Schema stage, waiting for handler commit, is available to detect
threads going through transaction commit. Thanks to Facebook for the patch. (Bug #27855592, Bug
References: See also: Bug #28950397.
Pluggable Authentication
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, MySQL Enterprise Edition distributions now bundle the Cyrus
SASL library files libsasl.dll and saslSCRAM.dll so that the LDAP authentication plugins can
use the SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication method. (WL #11927)
Plugin Notes
Previously, MySQL plugins could be written in C or C++. MySQL header files used by plugins now
contain C++ code, which means that plugins must be written in C++, not C. (Bug #87725, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Security Notes
MySQL Enterprise Edition now provides data masking and de-identification capabilities, implemented
as a plugin library containing a plugin and a set of loadable functions. Data masking hides sensitive
information by replacing real values with substitutes. MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-
Identification functions enable masking existing data using several methods such as obfuscation
(removing identifying characteristics), generation of formatted random data, and data replacement or
substitution. For example:
mysql> SET @ssn = gen_rnd_ssn();
mysql> SET @masked_ssn1 = mask_ssn(@ssn);
mysql> SET @masked_ssn2 = mask_outer(mask_inner (@ssn,4,5,'A'), 3,0,'B');
mysql> SELECT @ssn, @masked_ssn1, @masked_ssn2;
| @ssn | @masked_ssn1 | @masked_ssn2 |
| 980-31-2838 | XXX-XX-2838 | BBB-AA-2838 |
For more information, see MySQL Enterprise Data Masking and De-Identification. (WL #7722)
Spatial Data Support
Incompatible Change: Previously, ST_Area() supported only geometry arguments having a
Cartesian spatial reference system (SRS) and produced an error when invoked with geometry
arguments that specified a geographic SRS. ST_Area() now supports geometry arguments having
a geographic SRS and returns the geodetic area in square meters.
If spatial data contains geometry values that now are interpreted differently by
ST_Area(), existing queries using this function will return different results,
compared to previous MySQL versions.
(WL #10726)
The parser for spatial reference system (SRS) definitions in CREATE SPATIAL REFERENCE
SYSTEM statements now is stricter about rejecting invalid constructs.
The OGC 01-009 WKT grammar does not make AXIS clauses mandatory in GEOGCS spatial
reference system definitions. However, if there are no AXIS clauses, MySQL cannot determine
whether a definition has axes in latitude-longitude order or longitude-latitude order. MySQL
now enforces the nonstandard requirement that each GEOGCS definition must include two AXIS
clauses. One must be NORTH or SOUTH, and the other EAST or WEST. The AXIS clause order
determines whether the definition has axes in latitude-longitude order or longitude-latitude order.
(Bug #28186073, Bug #28147723)
Previously, ST_Validate() supported only geometry arguments having a Cartesian spatial
reference system (SRS) and produced an error when invoked with geometry arguments that
specified a geographic SRS. ST_Validate() now supports geometry arguments having a
geographic SRS.
If spatial data contains geometry values that now are interpreted differently
by ST_Validate(), existing queries using this function will return different
results, compared to previous MySQL versions.
(WL #11087)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL now implements the ST_Transform() spatial function for use in converting geometry
values from one spatial reference system (SRS) to another. Currently, it supports conversion
between geographic SRSs. For details, see Spatial Operator Functions. (WL #8684)
SQL Syntax Notes
Incompatible Change: The deprecated ASC or DESC qualifiers for GROUP BY clauses have been
removed. Queries that previously relied on GROUP BY sorting may produce results that differ from
previous MySQL versions. To produce a given sort order, provide an ORDER BY clause.
Queries and stored program definitions from MySQL 8.0.12 or lower that use ASC or DESC qualifiers
for GROUP BY clauses should be amended. Otherwise, upgrading to MySQL 8.0.13 or higher may
fail, as may replicating to MySQL 8.0.13 or higher slave servers. (WL #8693)
XA Transaction Notes
Previously, metadata locks for XA transactions in PREPARED state could be dropped when the client
performing the transaction disconnected or the server restarted. This could lead to behavior such as
one session being able to drop tables used by an XA transaction in progress for another session.
Metadata locks for XA transactions in PREPARED state now are maintained across client disconnects
and server restarts, until an XA COMMIT or XA ROLLBACK is executed. (Bug #22710164, Bug
#79940, WL #9335)
X Plugin Notes
Important Change: X Protocol now provides a connection pooling option, which can reduce
overhead for applications that open many connections to MySQL server such as small web pages
or a REST API endpoint. Use the new mysqlx.getClient(connection, options) operation,
which returns a Client object. By using a Client object, executing an open session operation
retrieves an existing and currently unused network connection from the pool, resets it, and uses it.
Closing a session marks the underlying connection as unused and returns it to the Client object's
connection pool. The connection pool is configured using a options data dictionary, which means
that a deployed application can switch from using connection pooling or not by simply changing the
connection string. (WL #11824)
A mutex lock has been added to prevent conflict between multiple X Plugin client sessions when a
large number of sessions are being opened and closed. (Bug #28637947)
When an X Plugin client attempted to connect to a MySQL server specifying a database that did
not exist on the server, the error message indicated that access was denied rather than that the
database was not known. The correct error message is now returned. (Bug #28110957)
Incorrect copying of an integer value by X Plugin caused an error relating to misaligned memory
access. The issue is now fixed. (Bug #28070946, Bug #90983)
Now that X Plugin is loaded and enabled by default, the default verbosity setting for the error log
meant that no message was visible to indicate that X Plugin was available on the MySQL server.
A message is now issued during system startup to confirm that X Plugin has been loaded. (Bug
X Protocol now provides the ability to broadcast information to interested clients without the
requirement to request the information. In addition, changes related to Group Replication are
also broadcast. This work also adds the Mysqlx_notified_by_group_replication and
Mysqlx_notice_global_sent status variables. (WL #10655)
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change; NDB Cluster; NDB Client Programs: Removed the deprecated --ndb option
for perror. Use ndb_perror to obtain error message information from NDB error codes instead.
(Bug #81705, Bug #23523957)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: See also: Bug #81704, Bug #23523926.
InnoDB: The innodb_fsync_threshold system variable permits defining a threshold, in bytes,
for flushing data to disk from the operating system cache. By default, when InnoDB creates a new
data file, such as a new log file or tablespace file, the file is fully written to the operating system
cache before it is flushed to disk, which can cause a large amount of disk write activity to occur at
Specifying a threshold to force smaller, periodic flushes may be beneficial in cases where multiple
MySQL instances use the same storage devices. For example, creating a new MySQL instance and
its associated data files could cause large surges of disk write activity, impeding the performance of
other MySQL instances that use the same storage devices. Configuring a threshold helps avoid such
surges in write activity. (Bug #27724600)
InnoDB: User-created temporary tables and internal temporary tables created by the optimizer
are now stored in session temporary tablespaces that are allocated to a session from a pool of
temporary tablespaces. When a session disconnects, its temporary tablespaces are truncated
and released back to the pool. In previous releases, temporary tables were created in the global
temporary tablespace (ibtmp1), which did not return disk space to the operating system after
temporary tables were dropped.
The innodb_temp_tablespaces_dir variable defines the location where session temporary
tablespaces are created. The default location is the #innodb_temp directory in the data directory.
The INNODB_SESSION_TEMP_TABLESPACES table provides metadata about session temporary
The global temporary tablespace (ibtmp1) now stores rollback segments for changes made to user-
created temporary tables. (WL #11613)
InnoDB: The InnoDB data-at-rest encryption feature now supports general tablespaces. Previously,
only file-per-table tablespaces could be encrypted. To support encryption of general tablespaces,
CREATE TABLESPACE and ALTER TABLESPACE syntax was extended to include an ENCRYPTION
that indicates whether or not a tablespace is encrypted.
The stage/innodb/alter tablespace (encryption) Performance Schema stage
instrument was added to permit monitoring of general tablespace encryption operations. (WL #9286)
Replication: The group_replication_member_expel_timeout option has been added to
define the time period that the group should wait for a non-responding member before evicting the
member from the group. This enables you to configure the eviction process when the connection to
members is unreliable. (WL #11570)
Group Replication: You can now inspect and configure the maximum number of consensus
instances at any time for a group. This maximum is referred to as the event horizon for a group,
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
and is the maximum number of consensus instances that the system can execute in parallel. This
enables you to fine tune the performance of your Group Replication deployment.
To inspect a group's event horizon value at runtime, issue this statement:
SELECT group_replication_get_write_concurrency()
To set the maximum number of write consensus instances, issue the statement shown here:
SELECT group_replication_set_write_concurrency(instances);
instances is the maximum number of instances used for consensus.
See Using Group Replication Group Write Consensus for more information. (Bug #27260096, WL
Group Replication: You can now make changes to the configuration of a group while it is
running, without having to stop all members to make changes. This functionality relies on loadable
functions which are installed with this version of the plugin, and all members of a group must have
these functions installed. To use the functions, connect to an online member and issue SELECT
Use the group_replication_set_as_primary() function to trigger the election of a specific
member as the new primary in a single-primary group, overriding the usual election process. See
Changing the Primary for more information.
In addition, you can configure the mode which a group is using while it is online, changing between
single-primary mode and multi-primary mode. To change the mode of an online group, choose one of
these options:
Use group_replication_switch_to_single_primary_mode() to change a group running
in multi-primary mode to single-primary mode.
Use group_replication_switch_to_multi_primary_mode() to change a group running
in single-primary mode to multi-primary mode.
See Changing the Group Mode for more information. (WL #10378)
Solaris: On Solaris, MySQL can now be built with Developer Studio 12.6. (Bug #27055190, Bug
#88316, Bug #28165246, Bug #91214)
Data truncation testing was rewritten to avoid undefined behavior. (Bug #28255956, Bug #91445)
Out-of-range checking for float values was improved. (Bug #28225635)
The upgrade check that the server runs during the startup process now verifies that partitioned
InnoDB tables do not use shared tablespaces. (Bug #28204431)
Previously, file I/O performed in the I/O cache in the mysys library was not instrumented, affecting in
particular file I/O statistics reported by the Performance Schema about the binary log index file. Now,
this I/O is instrumented and Performance Schema statistics are accurate. Thanks to Yura Sorokin for
the contribution. (Bug #27788907, Bug #90264)
Performance for locating user account entries in the in-memory privilege structures has been
improved. Thanks to Eric Herman for the contribution. (Bug #27772506, Bug #90244)
If mysqld --initialize fails to complete but creates an unusable data directory, it now displays
a message that the data directory is unusable and can safely be removed. (Bug #27675647)
Instrumentation is now provided in the Performance Schema for transaction retries by individual
applier threads on a single-threaded or multithreaded slave. Previously, the Performance Schema
table replication_applier_status_by_worker displayed information about errors that
stopped the applier thread, but not about transient errors that occurred before a transaction was
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
eventually applied. With this information, you can identify transient errors that are causing replication
lag on replication slaves or Group Replication group members.
Eight new columns have been added to the Performance Schema
replication_applier_status_by_worker table:
LAST_APPLIED_TRANSACTION_RETRIES_COUNT - The number of times the last applied
transaction was retried by the worker after the first attempt. If the transaction was applied at the
first attempt, this number is zero.
last transient error that caused the transaction to be retried.
the last transient error that caused the transaction to be retried.
'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fraction]' format for the last transient error that caused the
transaction to be retried.
APPLYING_TRANSACTION_RETRIES_COUNT - The number of times the transaction that is
currently being applied was retried until this moment. If the transaction was applied at the first
attempt, this number is zero.
transient error that caused the current transaction to be retried.
transient error that caused the current transaction to be retried.
MM-DD hh:mm:ss[.fraction]' format for the last transient error that caused the current
transaction to be retried.
The existing column APPLYING_TRANSACTION_START_APPLY_TIMESTAMP is no longer reset
each time a transaction is retried. It now retains the timestamp from the worker's first attempt to apply
the transaction. (WL #9131)
Previously, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE statements were not
supported inside transactions, procedures, functions, or triggers when using GTIDs (that is, when
the enforce_gtid_consistency system variable is set to ON). It was possible to use these
statements with GTIDs enabled, but only outside of any transaction, and only with autocommit=1.
From MySQL 8.0.13, this restriction has been removed when binlog_format is set to ROW or
MIXED. With row-based logging in use, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY
TABLE statements can now be used inside transactions, procedures, functions, or triggers when
GTIDs are enabled. When binlog_format is set to STATEMENT, the restriction remains.
Because of this difference in behavior, some additional restrictions now apply to changing the
binlog_format setting at runtime:
If a session has open temporary tables, the replication format cannot be changed for the session
(SET @@SESSION.binlog_format).
If any replication channel has open temporary tables, the replication format cannot be changed
globally (SET @@GLOBAL.binlog_format or SET @@PERSIST.binlog_format).
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
If any replication channel applier thread is currently running, the replication format cannot be
changed globally (SET @@GLOBAL.binlog_format or SET @@PERSIST.binlog_format).
Trying to switch the replication format in any of these cases (or attempting to set the
current replication format) results in an error. You can, however, use PERSIST_ONLY (SET
@@PERSIST_ONLY.binlog_format) to change the replication format at any time, because this
action does not modify the runtime global system variable value, and takes effect only after a server
When binlog_format is set to ROW or MIXED, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP
TEMPORARY TABLE statements are not written to the binary log and are therefore not replicated to
slaves. When they are used in transactions, if the removal of these statements from the transaction
results in an empty transaction, the transaction is not written to the binary log. If a transaction
involving these statements is rolled back, a warning message is issued stating that the creation or
dropping of the temporary tables could not be rolled back. (WL #8872)
The MySQL Server code for binary logging has been refactored to create new internal interfaces
for accessing events in a binary log and relay log. The new interfaces separate the write and read
processes for binary logging into input and output streams, and decouple the process of capturing
and retrieving binary log events from the process of writing them to files. A logical binary log file is
used to wrapper the storage layer operations.
The new internal interfaces make it possible for MySQL Server to use alternative storage methods
for binary log events besides a standard binary log or relay log file, including a binary log cache or
memory buffer. For example, Group Replication uses the new interfaces to serialize events directly
to memory buffers and transaction messages in order to co-ordinate transactions in the group.
mysqlbinlog also now uses them to read binary log events from standard input.
The following existing error messages are now marked as obsolete due to the new internal
(WL #10956)
The TempTable storage engine now supports storage of binary large object (BLOB) type columns.
This enhancement improves performance for queries that use temporary tables containing BLOB
data. Previously, temporary tables that contained BLOB data were stored in the on-disk storage
engine defined by internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine. (WL #11452)
The MySQL Server code for deserialization of binary log events has been refactored to improve the
identification and resilient handling of corrupted and invalid event data during replication, and also
during processing with mysqlbinlog, whether or not binary log checksums are used on the server.
(WL #11567)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Previously, executing RENAME TABLE required that there be no tables locked with LOCK TABLES.
Now it is possible to rename tables that are locked with a WRITE lock or that are the product of
renaming WRITE-locked tables from earlier steps in a multiple-table rename operation. (WL #9826)
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB; Partitioning: Removed old InnoDB handler and partitioning code that referenced .frm
files, and thus no longer had any purpose. (Bug #27995316)
InnoDB: An assertion was raised during a DROP TABLE operation. A thread that was accessing
the table through the memcached API released metadata locks before releasing the table. (Bug
InnoDB: The being_modified bit in a LOB reference was set but the bit modification was not
logged, causing an assertion failure. (Bug #28443837)
InnoDB: Window functions returned incorrect results when the optimizer used the InnoDB storage
engine for internal temporary tables. (Bug #28430650)
InnoDB: Adjusting the server time to an earlier time caused periodic redo flushes to be missed. (Bug
#28430358, Bug #90670)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that added a primary key produced a segmentation fault. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27753193.
InnoDB: A conditional check was removed by removing the ReadView::complete() function and
splitting its work among other functions. This change helps optimize performance on ARM 64-bit.
(Bug #28385211, Bug #91759)
InnoDB: Leftover thread_mutex code was removed from InnoDB source code files. (Bug
#28363673, Bug #91678)
InnoDB: Type changes were implemented to eliminate warnings that occurred when compiling
InnoDB with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. (Bug #28338720)
InnoDB: An invalid assertion was raised when a B-tree flag used to mark shared index locks was
used to mark a shared-exclusive index lock. (Bug #28317172)
InnoDB: The sharp checkpoint mechanism no longer forces preflushing of dirty pages when
requesting a checkpoint for the currently available LSN.
The log checkpointer thread now takes the concurrency margin (the per thread margin for free
space in the log) into account when determining if the next checkpoint write is required and whether
to wake up page cleaners to force a sync-flush of dirty pages. Page cleaner threads take the
concurrency margin into account when determining whether to flush dirty pages and how many
pages to flush. (Bug #28297462)
InnoDB: A misplaced debug crash point caused a transaction timeout resulting in test failures. (Bug
InnoDB: InnoDB error message format was modified to remove duplicate text. (Bug #28289789)
InnoDB: Unnecessary cycles of freeing and allocating memory caused JSON performance
degradation on Windows. (Bug #28278737)
InnoDB: InnoDB incorrectly permitted dropping an index used in a foreign key constraint using an
in-place ALTER TABLE statement. This operation is now blocked at the SQL layer. (Bug #28268875)
InnoDB: To avoid checking hardware support each time a hardware-optimized checksum is
computed, asserts were converted to debug-only asserts. (Bug #28267334, Bug #91485)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A patch that combined Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS) with functionality
that releases read locks caused gap locks to be removed without granting locks to waiting
transactions, resulting in transaction timeouts. (Bug #28261530)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28261530.
InnoDB: The log_checkpointer thread failed to write new checkpoints in a timely manner when
the amount of redo was small. (Bug #28220222)
InnoDB: The server exited during an in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 due to an
attempted eviction of a foreign-key-related table from the cache. At the end of the upgrade process,
tables with FULLTEXT indexes were marked as ready for eviction without checking for foreign key
relationships. (Bug #28212734, Bug #91325)
InnoDB: The format of the following Performance Schema and INFORMATION_SCHEMA table
columns was modified:
The previous format was trx_id:table_id for table locks and
trx_id:space_id:page_no:heap_no for record locks. The new format is
trx_immutable_id:table_id:lock_immutable_id for table locks and
trx_immutable_id:space_id:page_no:heap_no:lock_immutable_id for record locks.
lock_immutable_id and trx_immutable_id are 64-bit values that do not change during the
lifetime of a lock or transaction, respectively, and are unique among other instance object IDs. (Bug
InnoDB: The list of permitted lock mode descriptors used by the LOCK_MODE column of
the Performance Schema data_locks table was expanded to include REC_NOT_GAP,
INSERT_INTENTION, PREDICATE, and PRDT_PAGE. REC_NOT_GAP indicates a record-only lock.
INSERT_INTENTION indicates an insert intention lock. PREDICATE and PRDT_PAGE descriptors
indicate a spatial index lock. (Bug #28176805)
InnoDB: Table names were not compared in lowercase on macOS with a setting of
lower_case_table_names=2, which caused instability after restarting the server. (Bug
#28170699, Bug #91204)
InnoDB: Macros used to define constant values in InnoDB source code were changed to constant
expressions. (Bug #28152926)
InnoDB: A flag that prevents transactions from being rolled back during commit is now set earlier to
prevent scenarios in which a high priority transaction could abort a transaction that is in the process
of being committed. (Bug #28140462)
InnoDB: A query that scanned the primary key of a table did not return the expected result. (Bug
#28104394, Bug #91032)
InnoDB: Unnecessary header file inclusions were removed from InnoDB source code files. (Bug
InnoDB: An apparent hang due to the log writer running out of free space in the redo log caused the
server to exit. (Bug #28072385, Bug #90993)
InnoDB: A query interruption during a lock wait caused an error. (Bug #28068293)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: After upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, invalid warnings indicated that undo
tablespace IDs were not in the undo tablespace range. The warnings occurred if the MySQL 5.7
installation was configured to use separate undo tablespaces. (Bug #28060337)
InnoDB: Error messaging was improved for startup failures on an incomplete cloned data directory.
(Bug #28032131)
InnoDB: A segmentation fault occurred during an XA COMMIT operation. (Bug #27995891)
InnoDB: Unused code was removed from the TempTable storage engine source code. (Bug
InnoDB: An index record was not found when updating a secondary index defined on a generated
column. (Bug #27968952)
InnoDB: A spurious negation operator in an IF condition caused the Contention-Aware Transaction
Scheduling (CATS) algorithm to be used for table locks. (Bug #27944920)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27572937.
InnoDB: The update log applied as part of an online ALTER TABLE operation did not take into
account the computed value of the generated column in the old row while updating the secondary
index. (Bug #27921932)
InnoDB: Buffer pool memory allocation was not fully accounted for in Performance Schema
memory/innodb/buf_buf_pool statistics. (Bug #27917595, Bug #90561)
InnoDB: An unsupported DDL operation involving a foreign key constraint raised an assertion. (Bug
InnoDB: A lock-related debug assertion failure was raised when more than one lock matched a
search condition, which could lead to releasing the wrong lock. (Bug #27898384)
InnoDB: A function that removes aborted indexes during the prepare phase of an online ALTER
TABLE operation did not record its changes. (Bug #27879325)
InnoDB: A general tablespace created in MySQL 5.7 with no assigned table caused a failure when
upgrading to MySQL 8.0. (Bug #27877485)
InnoDB: Concurrent undo tablespace truncation and master key rotation operations raised an
assertion. (Bug #27872369)
InnoDB: A boolean marker identifying whether a transaction holds a mutex was not placed in the
correct location. (Bug #27870035)
InnoDB: An attempted foreign key check on a discarded table caused a segmentation fault. (Bug
InnoDB: B-tree bulk load operations could leave a page in a partially initialized state. (Bug
InnoDB: Starting the server inside a Docker container on a NUMA enabled operating system raised
an “mbind: Operation not permitted” error. (Bug #27792853)
InnoDB: A partitioned table TABLE_ID value stored in a storage-engine-private data field in the
data dictionary was not adjusted properly after an ALTER TABLE ... PARTITION operation. (Bug
InnoDB: The server halted with a “log writer overwriting data after checkpoint - waited too long”
error. (Bug #27779266)
InnoDB: With innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2, the log_flusher thread could wait for
an event with a timeout period equal to the innodb_flush_log_at_timeout setting, causing an
initialization delay. (Bug #27762596)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: An assertion was raised during an OPTIMIZE TABLE operation. (Bug #27753193)
InnoDB: Transaction rollback due to a deadlock caused an assertion failure in debug builds.
Initiation of an attachable transaction for accessing the data dictionary was not expected during
transaction rollback. (Bug #27729974)
InnoDB: With innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 and binary logging enabled, redo logs
were not flushed as expected during the commit phase of DDL operations. (Bug #27691035)
InnoDB: With REDUNDANT or COMPRESSED row format and READ COMMITTED isolation level,
only the LOB value prefix and possibly the external part of an old LOB value were returned, which
could cause a JSON document to be viewed as corrupted. If there was no LOB value prefix, an
old LOB value with new values for other fields could be returned, causing data inconsistency. (Bug
InnoDB: A debug option that permits pausing periodic checkpoints became obsolete after periodic
checkpoint ownership was moved from the master thread to a log checkpointer thread. The debug
option was replaced by another method of pausing periodic checkpoints. (Bug #27588328)
InnoDB: A transaction on a table with a spatial index defined on a column with a spatial reference
identifier (SRID) was able to insert into an area selected for update by another transaction. (Bug
InnoDB: A foreign key constraint name was duplicated during a rename table operation, causing a
failure during later query execution. (Bug #27545888)
InnoDB: A serialized dictionary information (SDI) deletion failure raised an assertion. (Bug
InnoDB: A server exit occurred after freeing large object (LOB) index entries during a LOB purge or
rollback. (Bug #27419474)
InnoDB: In a function called before the execution of a statement in a stored procedure, a read and
write operation on trx->lock.start_stmt was not protected by a mutex. (Bug #27325898)
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES tables did not show the actual undo tablespaces
that were present in the MySQL instance. Only the two default undo tablespaces were shown. (Bug
InnoDB: An error occurred during a DDL operation due to a mismatch in a REDUNDANT row format
calculation that determines the length of the online log. (Bug #26375771)
InnoDB: Enabling innodb_undo_log_truncate negatively affected transaction processing
performance. Instead of performing two checkpoints during an undo tablespace truncate operation,
pages that belong to the tablespace file are now flushed from disk. (Bug #26322656)
InnoDB: A helper class was introduced to improve performance associated with reading from
secondary keys when there are multiple versions of the same row.
Thanks to Domas Mituzas for the contribution. (Bug #25540277, Bug #84958)
InnoDB: The location of the Innodb Merge Temp File that reported by the wait/io/file/
innodb/innodb_temp_file Performance Schema instrument was incorrect. (Bug #21339079,
Bug #77519)
Partitioning: When a CREATE TABLE ... PARTITION BY ... statement failed due to an invalid
partition definition, the server did not remove any partition files which might have been created prior
to encountering the invalid PARTITION clause. (Bug #27798708)
References: See also: Bug #88043, Bug #26945644.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Partitioning: It was possible to perform FLUSH TABLES FOR EXPORT on a partitioned table
created with innodb_file_per_table=1 after discarding its tablespace. Attempting to do so now
raises ER_TABLESPACE_DISCARDED. (Bug #90545, Bug #27903881)
References: See also: Bug #80669, Bug #22899690.
Partitioning: An extraneous row lock was imposed by an update to a partitioned InnoDB table. (Bug
#87253, Bug #26553164)
Replication: When a replication slave is restarted by a START SLAVE statement, the columns
in the Performance Schema table replication_applier_status_by_worker beginning
APPLYING_TRANSACTION are now reset on a slave that is operating in single-threaded mode.
These columns were always reset on a multi-threaded slave, because the existing worker threads
were terminated by the statement and the information could not be retained. The behavior has now
been standardized across the slave configurations by resetting the columns for a single-threaded
slave as well. (Bug #28248026)
Replication: If a multi-threaded replication slave was stopped, changed to a single-threaded slave
(by setting slave_parallel_workers > 0), and restarted, the Performance Schema table
replication_applier_status_by_worker showed irrelevant timestamps because the old
monitoring information had not been cleared. (Bug #28191382)
Replication: When the binlog_group_commit_sync_delay system variable
is set to a wait time to delay synchronization of transactions to disk, and the
binlog_group_commit_sync_no_delay_count system variable is also set to a number
of transactions, the MySQL server exits the wait procedure if the specified number of
transactions is reached before the specified wait time is reached. The server manages this
process by checking on the transaction count after a delta of one tenth of the time specified by
binlog_group_commit_sync_delay has elapsed, then subtracting that interval from the
remaining wait time.
If rounding during calculation of the delta meant that the wait time was not a multiple of the delta,
the final subtraction of the delta from the remaining wait time would cause the value to be negative,
and therefore to wrap to the maximum wait time, making the commit hang. The data type for the
remaining wait time has now been changed so that the value does not wrap in this situation, and
the commit can proceed when the original wait time has elapsed. Thanks to Yan Huang for the
contribution. (Bug #28091735, Bug #91055)
Replication: In debug builds, an assertion failed because more than 255 collations are now
available in MySQL. (Bug #28015761)
Replication: An assertion was raised in debug builds because the MySQL server recorded a GTID
consistency violation, but did not remove the record after the relevant statement failed to execute
successfully. The handling of this situation has now been improved to ensure that the server checks
at the end of a transaction whether a GTID consistency violation was produced by a failed statement,
and if this is the case, restores the previous GTID consistency state. (Bug #27903831, Bug #90551)
Replication: With GTIDs in use for replication, transactions including statements that caused a
parsing error (ER_PARSE_ERROR) could not be skipped manually by the recommended method of
injecting an empty or replacement transaction with the same GTID. This action should result in the
slave identifying the GTID as already used, and therefore skipping the unwanted transaction that
shared its GTID. However, in the case of a parsing error, because the statement was parsed before
the GTID was checked to see if it needed to be skipped, the replication applier thread stopped due to
the parsing error, even though the intention was for the transaction to be skipped anyway.
With this fix, the replication applier thread now ignores parsing errors if the transaction concerned
needs to be skipped because the GTID was already used. Note that this behavior change does not
apply in the case of workloads consisting of binary log output produced by mysqlbinlog. In that
situation, there would be a risk that a transaction with a parsing error that immediately follows a
skipped transaction would also be silently skipped, when it ought to raise an error. (Bug #27638268)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: When a RESET SLAVE statement was issued on a replication slave with GTIDs in use,
the existing relay log files were purged, but the replacement new relay log file was generated before
the set of received GTIDs for the channel had been cleared. The former GTID set was therefore
written to the new relay log file as the PREVIOUS_GTIDS event, causing a fatal error in replication
stating that the slave had more GTIDs than the master, even though the gtid_executed set for
both servers was empty. Now, when RESET SLAVE is issued, the set of received GTIDs is cleared
before the new relay log file is generated, so that this situation does not occur. (Bug #27636289)
Replication: The master's receiver thread for semisynchronous replication held a mutex while
reading acknowledgements from slaves, but the same mutex was required to add or remove a
semisynchronous slave, causing those operations to be delayed by the acknowledgement activity.
The issue has now been fixed by not acquiring the mutex to read the acknowledgements from
slaves. (Bug #27610678, Bug #89370)
Replication: In code for replication slave reporting, a rare error situation raised an assertion in
debug builds, but in release builds, returned leaving a mutex locked. The mutex is now unlocked
before returning in this situation. Thanks to Zsolt Parragi for the patch. (Bug #27448019, Bug
Replication: Automatic retrying of transactions on a replication slave, as specified by the
slave_transaction_retries system variable, was taking place even if the transaction had a
non-temporary error that would repeat on retrying or that indicated wider issues. Now, transactions
are only automatically retried if there is either no error, or an error that is only temporary. (Bug
#27373559, Bug #89143)
Replication: When FLUSH statements for specific log types (such as FLUSH SLOW LOGS) resulted
in an error, the statements were still written to the binary log. This stopped replication because the
error had occurred on the master, but did not occur on the slave. MySQL Server now checks on the
outcome of these FLUSH statements, and if an error occurred, the statement is not written to the
binary log. (Bug #24786290, Bug #83232)
Replication: The PASSWORD() function, which produces a hash of the password, was deprecated in
MySQL 5.7 and removed in MySQL 8.0. When a SET PASSWORD statement that used this function
was replicated from a MySQL 5.6 master to a MySQL 5.7 slave, or from a MySQL 5.7 master with
the log_builtin_as_identified_by_password system variable set to ON to a MySQL 5.7
slave, the password hash was itself also hashed before being stored on the slave. The issue has
now been fixed and the replicated password hash is stored as originally passed to the slave. (Bug
Replication: If an ORDER BY clause was used in retrieving records from certain Performance
Schema tables relating to replication, an empty set was returned. The issue has now been fixed.
(Bug #22958077, Bug #80777)
Replication: When replication channels are used on a slave for multi-source replication, a START
SLAVE statement that does not specify an individual channel (so without the FOR CHANNEL clause)
should start the I/O thread and the SQL thread for all of the channels on the replication slave.
However, if a RESET SLAVE statement was used on such a slave, a subsequent START SLAVE
statement did not start the non-default channels. Now, replication channels that are deinitialized as
a result of a RESET SLAVE statement, rather than as a result of an error in the initialization process,
are identified and are restarted by a START SLAVE statement that applies to all channels. (Bug
Replication: Issuing RESET SLAVE on a replication slave does not change any replication
connection parameters such as master host, master port, master user, or master password, which
are retained in memory. However, these connection parameters are reset if you issue RESET
SLAVE ALL. Previously, if the slave mysqld was restarted immediately after issuing RESET SLAVE
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(including a server crash as well as a deliberate restart), the connection parameters were reset as if
RESET SLAVE ALL had been used.
Now, when master_info_repository=TABLE is set on the server (which is the default from
MySQL 8.0), replication connection parameters are preserved in the crash-safe InnoDB table
mysql.slave_master_info as part of the RESET SLAVE operation. They are also retained in
memory. In the event of a server crash or deliberate restart after issuing RESET SLAVE but before
issuing START SLAVE, the replication connection parameters are retrieved from the table and
reused for the new connection.
If master_info_repository=FILE is set on the server (which is the default in MySQL 5.7),
replication connection parameters are only retained in memory, so the behavior remains the same as
previously. If the slave mysqld is restarted due to a server crash or a deliberate restart immediately
after issuing RESET SLAVE, the connection parameters are lost. In that case, you must issue a
CHANGE MASTER TO statement after the server start to respecify the connection parameters before
issuing START SLAVE.
If you want to reset the connection parameters intentionally, you need to use RESET SLAVE ALL,
which clears the connection parameters. In that case, you must issue a CHANGE MASTER TO
statement after the server start to specify the new connection parameters. (Bug #20280946)
Replication: When a group member resumes after being suspended for some time and is not able
to process all pending messages, it enters the ERROR state. However, the remaining members see
it as UNREACHABLE, and wait until the member's suspicion expires to evict it from the group. The
behavior has now been modified and a member stopping due to some error tries to connect to a
known peer to request its removal from the group, before installing the leave view. (Bug #91433, Bug
Replication: Compilation warnings related to unused functions in xdr_utils have been reduced.
Thanks to Zsolt Parragi for the patch. (Bug #91071, Bug #28099963)
Replication: If the group_replication_recovery_retry_count variable was modified while
the member was already making a reconnection attempt, the connection attempt could enter an
infinite loop. (Bug #91057, Bug #28092714)
Replication: The group_replication_exit_state_action variable enables
you to specify what action is taken if a member involuntarily leaves the group, but
when starting a server with group_replication_start_on_boot enabled the
group_replication_exit_state_action variable was being ignored during the following
valid number of group members was exceeded
incompatible configuration of the member system variables (various)
the joining member had more transactions than the group
the joining member's version was not compatible with the group
(Bug #90494, Bug #27881311)
Replication: Issuing START GROUP_REPLICATION and then forcibly stopping the mysqld process,
for example using control-C, could result in an unexpected halt of the server. (Bug #90457, Bug
Group Replication: Entries in the relay log info log for the group_replication_applier and
group_replication_recovery channels were not cleared by RESET SLAVE or RESET SLAVE
ALL. (Bug #27411175)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group Replication: When Group Replication was started on server with an invalid
group_replication_group_name, the server stopped unexpectedly. (Bug #91347, Bug
Group Replication: When group_replication_group_seeds contained a DNS based entry
which resolved to its own local address, Group Replication was unable to start. (Bug #90483, Bug
#27882096, Bug #28074929)
Microsoft Windows: An error now is written to the server log when the presence of the
NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER value for the sql_mode option in the options file prevents a MySQL 8.0
server from starting. (Bug #28061945, Bug #90967)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, uninstallation of the MySQL Server MSI package through
MySQL Installer produced a spurious popup window. (Bug #27463864)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, DBUG_ABORT did not print the custom stack trace and other
information. (Bug #21383530)
Microsoft Windows: Starting MySQL as a Windows service with the service-installation command
that specified a service name following the --install option ignored the directives in the named
service group of the my.ini or my.cnf options files and used default options instead. Only the
default service names (mysqld, mysql_cluster, server, mysqld-8.0) could load different
parameters from an options file. (Bug #90383, Bug #27852209)
JSON: The server did not reject creation of a table with a generated column in which the generated
column used JSON_TABLE(), even though subqueries, parameters, variables, stored functions, and
loadable functions are not permitted in expressions for generated columns. The server now checks
more aggressively to make sure any of the disallowed constructs (including JSON_TABLE()) are
rejected for use in such expressions. (Bug #28518485)
JSON: SELECT ... FROM JSON_TABLE() sometimes failed with a permissions error for a user
other than MySQL root. This issue could also occur when such a query was used as the basis for a
view, and a SELECT from the view failed. (Bug #28255453, Bug #27923406)
References: See also: Bug #27189940.
JSON: The JSON_TABLE() function subjected integer values greater than
or equal to 2
to wraparound. For example, the query SELECT id FROM
JSON_TABLE('[{"id":"2147483648"}]', '$[*]' COLUMNS (id BIGINT UNSIGNED
PATH '$.id')) AS json returned -2147483648. (Bug #27856835)
JSON: In some contexts, the NULLIF() function returned its first argument as a boolean value
rather than its actual type. This was noticed when the result of this function was used as an
argument to JSON_ARRAYAGG() or JSON_OBJECTAGG(), but could have occurred in other cases in
which NULLIF() was used in a similar fashion. (Bug #90833, Bug #28007237)
JSON: When a JSON document which contained binary data was converted to base-64 encoded
text for display, newline characters in the encoded string were not properly escaped, so that the
text representation could not be parsed as JSON, and was thus truncated, corrupted, or both. Now
MySQL makes sure that any newline characters in the encoded string are escaped. (Bug #90503,
Bug #27891359)
filesort operations could cause a server exit. (Bug #28791531, Bug #92777)
Debian packaging now supports Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish). (Bug #28765706)
On the Fedora 29 platform, OpenSSL 1.0.x is used to build packages because OpenSSL 1.1.1
support is not ready. If you build MySQL from source, it is recommended that you build using the
compat-openssl10-devel package. (Bug #28737143)
On the Fedora 29 platform, upgrading from MariaDB to MySQL 8.0.13 failed due to missing
obsoletes. (Bug #28727698)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL binary distributions for SLES 12 now are built using GCC 7. The lowest supported GCC
version on this platform is now 5.3 (previously 4.8.5). (Bug #28542723)
Trying to add a functional index on a subquery should not be possible, and caused the server to hit
an assertion when trying to resolve the indexed expression. Now in such cases, the expression is
disallowed, and the servers returns an appropriate error message. (Bug #28526493)
Added a range check when performing calculations with exponents. (Bug #28505423)
CMAKE -DWITHOUT_SERVER=1 resulted in build errors. (Bug #28501563, Bug #92011)
When a prefix index was specified with a length of 8 bytes, the Sub_part column in the output of
SHOW INDEXES was NULL. (Bug #28499603)
Compilation failed for GCC 8 with MySQL configured to use some system libraries. (Bug #28471072,
Bug #91914)
For debug builds, if the server bootstrapping phase failed, missing cleanup code caused an assertion
to be raised. (Bug #28435378, Bug #91847)
Numeric ranges in MySQL builds could differ between the ARM and Intel x64 platforms. (Bug
For mysqldump --tables output, file names now always include a .txt or .sql suffix, even for
file names that already contain a dot. Thanks to Facebook for the contribution. (Bug #28380961, Bug
Concurrent INSERT and SELECT statements on a MERGE table could result in a server exit. (Bug
On SLES 15, upgrading from MariaDB packages to MySQL packages failed due to incorrect
obsoletes information. (Bug #28292138)
The data dictionary auto releaser now allocates maps for data dictionary object types dynamically.
Also, maps were added for column statistics and resource groups used in size calculations and
object removal, and an auto releaser was added for ANALYZE TABLE operations. (Bug #28245522,
Bug #91420)
It was possible for a UNION query that mixed different character sets to fail with a spurious error.
(Bug #28237675)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #83895, Bug #25123839.
CHECK TABLE ... FOR UPGRADE on temporary tables could raise an assertion. (Bug #28220374)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #24741307.
A divide-by-zero error could occur in the range optimizer. (Bug #28214186)
Due to a GCC 8 bug, recursion in foreign key checks could exhaust stack space. (Bug #28200774,
Bug #28421040, Bug #91823)
When sql_mode was set to the empty string, queries of the form SELECT
CONCAT( FORMAT(LPAD(char,2,''), 1) ) were not handled properly; the same was also true
for similarly-formed queries using RPAD() in place of LPAD(). (Bug #28197977)
Non-privileged users could change their own account password history and reuse properties. (Bug
The OpenSSL 1.1 OPENSSL_malloc_init() call did not work well on Windows. To address
this, alternative allocation wrappers are used instead of the defaults from OpenSSL. Consequently,
OpenSSL memory instrumentation is turned off. (Bug #28179051)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Allocation of certain object types during data dictionary lookups resulted in a stack buffer overflow.
(Bug #28176453)
An internal server operation that attempted to perform a commit while fetching table statistics from
the INFORMATION_SCHEMA could raise an assertion. (Bug #28165060)
Certain stored procedures could cause a server exit. (Bug #28156802)
Output for CREATE USER statements could differ in the general query log and audit log. (Bug
For UPDATE and DELETE statements that produce an error due to sql_safe_updates being
enabled, the error message was insufficiently informative. The message now includes the first
diagnostic that was produced, to provide information about the reason for failure. For example, the
message may indicate that the range_optimizer_max_mem_size value was exceeded or type
conversion occurred, either of which can preclude use of an index.
Additionally: (1) Using EXPLAIN for such statements does not produce an error, enabling users to
see from EXPLAIN plus SHOW WARNINGS output why an index is not used. (2) For multiple-table
deletes and updates, an error is produced with safe updates enabled only if any target table uses a
table scan. (Bug #28145710, Bug #91080)
MySQL Server and test RPM packages were missing perl-Data-Dumper as a dependency. (Bug
#28144933, Bug #72926)
Server startup could fail if a service needed by a component was not yet initialized. (Bug #28142250)
SHOW CREATE TABLE could omit foreign key RESTRICT options. This in turn could cause foreign
key RESTRICT options to be lost from tables dumped with mysqldump and restored from the dump
file. (Bug #28122781, Bug #91110)
The mysql client was slow to import large multiple-line statements in batch mode. Memory allocation
is now more efficient for this situation. Thanks to Sinisa Milivojevic for the patch. (Bug #28116512,
Bug #85155)
The SUM() and AVG() functions did not handle correctly a string argument used with a window
function. (Bug #28105241)
Excessive nesting of geometry collections caused the server to exhaust stack space. The server now
raises an error if there is a danger of stack overrun. (Bug #28100563)
For the mysql client, the -b short option was associated with two long options, --no-beep and --
binary-as-hex. The -b option now is associated only with --no-beep. (Bug #28093271)
For a table with an auto-increment primary key, concurrent ALTER TABLE ... ADD ...
VIRTUAL and INSERT statements could lead to duplicate-key errors. (Bug #28089240)
Handling of floating-point values by SUM() was improved. (Bug #28080199)
Some expressions using ST_Simplify() could cause a server exit. (Bug #28079969)
In builds with Undefined Behavior Sanitizer enabled, testing returned a “member call on null pointer
of type 'struct Event_db_repository'” error. (Bug #28066155)
The WITH_GMOCK CMake option did not handle Windows path names properly. (Bug #28061409,
Bug #90964)
INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries that attempted to cache table statistics could raise a debugging
assertion. (Bug #28035207)
If roles were assigned to accounts, certain sql_mode settings could cause the server to be unable to
start. (Bug #28030423)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group lookups for LDAP authentication plugins could fail if the user had insufficient privileges. Now,
group search operations bind again using root credentials if those are available. (Bug #28016008)
ANALYZE TABLE ... UPDATE HISTOGRAM statements produced by mysqldump contained a
syntax error. (Bug #28014376, Bug #90846)
Generated columns having indexes and that used a string function were not always populated
correctly. (Bug #27973409)
Fixed-length sort keys, such as those used by priority queues, that fit exactly were assumed to have
failed. (Bug #27970481, Bug #92448, Bug #28654343)
For an empty result, REPLACE() sometimes returned a null string rather than an empty string. (Bug
Dropping a table that was created with a user-defined collation no longer available could cause a
server exit. (Bug #27952999)
tables on the CONSTRAINT_NAME failed because the column collations differed. (Bug #27945704,
Bug #90690)
Some operations on DECIMAL values could cause a server exit. (Bug #27942277)
Very long table keys were handled incorrectly on replication slaves. (Bug #27930505)
mysqld did not determine its installation directory correctly if that directory was the last one listed in
$PATH. (Bug #27922896)
During server startup/shutdown, PID files could be mishandled. (Bug #27919254)
When the server was started with --skip-grant-tables, some account-management statements
were not disabled. (Bug #27906226)
On rare occasions, setting a savepoint could raise an assertion. (Bug #27898591)
Runtime errors could occur for calls to copy_integer(). myfunc_int(),
mysql_sys_var_int(), or thd_killed(); for calls to MyISAM sorting functions; or for values
outside the range of representable values of type unsigned long long. (Bug #27894901,
Bug #90515, Bug #27871951, Bug #27918095, Bug #90609, Bug #27937522, Bug #90661, Bug
#27978325, Bug #27962900)
mysql_install_plugin failed to report plugin-specific errors if the server was unable to store
plugin metadata in the data dictionary. (Bug #27893406)
ssl_fips_mode cannot be set to ON unless the OpenSSL requirements are satisfied, but a failed
attempt still resulted in the value being displayed as ON. (Bug #27891890)
The symbol for the mysql_result_metadata() C API function was not exported by the client
library on Windows. (Bug #27868095)
For InnoDB tables, self-referencing foreign keys could be created, causing server misbehavior. (Bug
A UNION query mixing different character sets produced invalid output when performed in a prepared
statement or a stored procedure. (Bug #27849293)
Debian packages were missing a dependency for libcurl-dev. (Bug #27844465)
--help output for client programs did not include the current --ssl-fips-mode value. (Bug
A runtime error could occur for calls to Derived_key_comp(). (Bug #27830679)
For MEMORY tables, memory overflow errors could occur. (Bug #27799513)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When converting from a BLOB (or TEXT) type to a smaller BLOB (or TEXT) type, no warning or error
was reported informing about the truncation or data loss. Now an appropriate error is issued in strict
SQL mode and a warning in nonstrict SQL mode. (Bug #27788685, Bug #90266)
For debug builds, my_strnxfrm_unicode_full_bin() could raise an assertion. (Bug
In builds with Undefined Behavior Sanitizer enabled, signed integer overflow could occur in GIS
calculations. (Bug #27751479, Bug #27744399, Bug #27811282)
It was possible in some cases for the internal function regexp::EvalExprToCharset() to bind a
reference to a misaligned address. (Bug #27743722)
The severity of messages produced by the server about being unable to read key files has been
escalated from INFORMATION to WARNING. (Bug #27737195)
No temporary table field was created for an expression using window functions combined with a
rollup, causing queries containing these to fail. (Bug #27735167)
The expression FIND_IN_SET( JSON_UNQUOTE( JSON_SET('{}','$','') ), 1) was not
evaluated properly. (Bug #27731699)
Failure to create a temporary table during a MyISAM query could cause a server exit. Thanks to
Facebook for the patch. (Bug #27724519, Bug #90145)
parser_max_mem_size was ineffective when parsing stored program definitions. (Bug #27714748)
A BETWEEN clause comparing negative values could lead to erroneous results. (Bug #27691347)
Some typos in server error messages were fixed. Thanks to Thomas Tsiakalakis for the contribution.
(Bug #27688294, Bug #90048)
These scripts are no longer included in RPM packages (they are unnecessary
because they are compiled into the mysqld binary): fill_help_tables.sql,
mysql_sys_schema.sql, mysql_system_tables.sql, mysql_system_tables_data.sql,
mysql_system_users.sql. (Bug #27672991)
Unique::io_cache was not cleaned up properly when restarting an index merge operation,
leading to an assertion in debug builds. (Bug #27599292)
Using a binary or hexadecimal literal value in a ENUM column resulted in a string type with bytes not
permitted by the data dictionary character set. (Bug #27592803)
It was possible for CONVERT() to fail under the following conditions:
The size of the result of the conversion was greater than max_allowed_packet
sql_mode was '' (that is, empty).
The character set of the result differed from character_set_connection (Bug #27592714)
Use of ENUM or SET fields with JSON_TABLE() could result in unexpected behavior. (Bug
Host name resolution errors could cause the audit_log plugin to fail. (Bug #27567003)
Unsuccessful connection attempts were not being written to the error log when
log_error_verbosity=3. (Bug #27539838)
Persisted system variables with a value of NULL were written to mysqld-auto.cnf incorrectly.
(Bug #27512616)
An earlier code cleanup caused FEDERATED storage engine failures. (Bug #27493633, Bug #89537)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25943754.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Setting max_execution_time sometimes had no effect when used with full-text search. (Bug
An attempted read of an uncommitted transaction raised an assertion. (Bug #26876608)
ALTER TABLE ... REORGANIZE PARTITION ... could result in incorrect behavior if any
partition other than the last was missing the VALUES LESS THAN part of the syntax. (Bug
In some cases when ER_DATA_TOO_LONG was the appropriate error,
ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_FIELD was reported instead. (Bug #26475237, Bug #87100)
A last_checked_for_upgrade column that stores the current server version number was added
to the mysql.tables data dictionary table to track successful CHECK TABLE ... FOR UPGRADE
operations. This data was previously stored in .frm files to avoid rechecking tables unnecessarily.
(Bug #24741307, Bug #83169)
The MYSQLparse() function generated from the sql_yacc.yy file had exceeded a
size limit that caused the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler to abandon optimization. The /
d2OptimizeHugeFunctions compiler switch was enabled to restore optimization (available in
Visual Studio 2017 and higher). (Bug #24600301)
A range check for the product of a signed and unsigned integer could be performed incorrectly. (Bug
#17081376, Bug #69715)
Specifying the maximum possible value for a YEAR column failed when expressed as a real constant
such as 2155.0E00 or 2.15E3. (Bug #91226, Bug #28172538)
Prevented potential member access within a null pointer of type SELECT_LEX. (Bug #90689, Bug
The base used for calculation of line numbers reported in warnings generated by SELECT statements
has been changed from the number of input rows read to the actual row numbers seen by the user.
For statements using GROUP BY, this number is now based on the number of aggregate groupings.
(Bug #90667, Bug #27938507)
Estimates contained by histograms for the number of distinct values in each bucket, which can be
employed to estimate the number of distinct values in a table, can now be used by the Optimizer's
histograms::Histogram interface. (Bug #90465, Bug #27872281)
Selecting from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEYWORDS table failed when no default database had
been selected. (Bug #90160, Bug #27729859)
ANALYZE TABLE UPDATE HISTOGRAM failed to return an error condition to the client when
lock_wait_timeout was exceeded during statement processing. (Bug #89738, Bug #27574375)
It was possible to create a table t having a generated column g and then to execute ALTER TABLE
t ALTER COLUMN g SET DEFAULT ...; attempting to set the default for a generated column
in this fashion now fails with Error 1221 Incorrect usage of DEFAULT and generated
column. This is the same behavior as for a similar CREATE TABLE statement. (Bug #88619, Bug
Changes in MySQL 8.0.12 (2018-07-27, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Audit Log Notes
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Data Dictionary Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Firewall Notes
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Logging Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Plugin Notes
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
SQL Syntax Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Audit Log Notes
For new MySQL installations, the USER and HOST columns in the audit_log_user table used by
MySQL Enterprise Audit now have definitions that better correspond to the definitions of the User
and Host columns in the mysql.user system table.
For upgrades to an installation for which MySQL Enterprise Audit is already installed, it is
recommended that you alter the table definitions as follows:
ALTER TABLE mysql.audit_log_user
DROP FOREIGN KEY audit_log_user_ibfk_1;
ALTER TABLE mysql.audit_log_filter
CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_as_ci;
ALTER TABLE mysql.audit_log_user
CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_as_ci;
ALTER TABLE mysql.audit_log_user
ALTER TABLE mysql.audit_log_user
(Bug #23706056)
Compilation Notes
Microsoft Windows: For OpenSSL 1.1, the library names have changed for Windows. The
CMake configuration code now accounts for this. Also, it is now possible on Windows to use -
DWITHOUT_SERVER=1 to build 32-bit client binaries. (Bug #28170711, Bug #91223)
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.67.0. (Bug #27866110)
Configuration Notes
The maximum value was increased from 256 to 1024 for these Performance Schema system
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The default value was increased from 250 to 300 for this Performance Schema system variable:
(Bug #27647918)
For RelWithDebInfo builds on Linux, REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD now defaults to ON. (Bug
The default value for the slave_pending_jobs_size_max system variable has increased from
16M to 128M. On a multi-threaded slave ( with slave_parallel_workers > 0), this value sets
the maximum amount of memory that is made available to slave worker queues holding events that
have not yet been applied. The potentially larger memory usage should be taken into account when
calculating the resources required to deploy a multi-threaded slave. Masters and single-threaded
slaves are not affected by this setting.
The new default is double the recently increased default value specified
by the max_allowed_packet system variable (now 64M). The value of
slave_pending_jobs_size_max is a soft limit, so events larger than its value (consisting of one
or more packets) can be queued and processed. However, a large transaction is held until all the
slave workers have empty queues, and then processed. All subsequent transactions are held until
the large transaction has been completed. The delay to clear the queues of all the slave workers and
the wait to queue subsequent transactions can cause lag on the replication slave and decreased
concurrency of the slave workers. The value of slave_pending_jobs_size_max should therefore
be set high enough to accommodate most expected event sizes. (WL #11348)
Data Dictionary Notes
The following data dictionary enhancements were introduced:
An internal method was added to protect against global read locks. The method is called before
storing, updating, or dropping data dictionary objects.
Assertion code was added to the data dictionary API to protect against global read locks when
storing, updating, or dropping data dictionary objects.
Protection is now implicitly acquired against backup locks and global read locks when an exclusive
metadata lock is acquired by a storage engine.
A cost model cache validity check is now performed before releasing a cost model entry.
A data dictionary API function was added for committing and rolling back transactions, and for
releasing transactional meta data locks.
(Bug #27937059)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Explicit ASC or DESC qualifiers for GROUP BY clauses are now deprecated and will be removed in a
future MySQL version. (WL #11459)
Firewall Notes
The MySQL Enterprise Firewall firewall_whitelist table now contains a primary key column
named ID. (Bug #27164826)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
SQL Function and Operator Notes
The BIT_AND(), BIT_OR(), and BIT_XOR() aggregate functions now can be used as window
functions, if an OVER clause is present. See Aggregate Function Descriptions. (WL #11573)
Logging Notes
Previously, successful assignments to the dragnet.log_error_filter_rules system
variable resulted in a Note and a nonzero warning count. To avoid generating a diagnostic
for a successful operation, this Note is no longer generated. Instead, the dragnet.Status
status variable can be consulted to determine the result of the most recent assignment to
dragnet.log_error_filter_rules. (Bug #27910708, Bug #90571)
Previously, log components listed in the log_error_services system variable had to be
separated by semicolons. Components now can be separated by commas. A given setting cannot
use both semicolon and comma separators. (Bug #27788925, Bug #90268)
Optimizer Notes
The filesort algorithm (used by the optimizer to satisfy an ORDER BY clause when no index
can be used) is now more memory efficient. The primary change is that the optimizer allocates
memory buffers incrementally as needed, up to the size indicated by the sort_buffer_size
system variable, rather than allocating a fixed amount of sort_buffer_size bytes up front. This
enables users to set sort_buffer_size to larger values to speed up larger sorts, without concern
for excessive memory use for small sorts. (This benefit may not occur for multiple concurrent sorts
on Windows, which has a weak multithreaded malloc.)
In addition, filesort is less pessimistic with respect to worst-case scenarios. Previously,
filesort produced an error without starting if merge operations or sort-key generation might fail.
Now, because the worst case is unlikely to occur in practice, filesort produces an error only for
actual rather than prospective failures. (WL #11590)
Previously, extended EXPLAIN output was produced only for SELECT statements. Extended output
is now produced for INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE, and DELETE statements as well. (To display
extended output, use SHOW WARNINGS following EXPLAIN. See Extended EXPLAIN Output
Format.) (WL #6033)
Packaging Notes
For Linux, the generic binary distribution compression algorithm changed from Gzip to XZ; and the
file extension changed from .tar.gz to .tar.xz. (Bug #28450941, Bug #91889)
Docker disables NUMA-related operations by default, so the mysqld included in Docker images now
has NUMA support disabled so that the error log does not fill with NUMA warnings. (Bug #28081363)
RPM .spec files were updated to reflect the removal of yaSSL and that OpenSSL is the default SSL
library for all builds. (Bug #28025427)
For generic Linux .tar.gz distributions, the mysqlxtest client has been moved from the server
package to the test package. (Bug #27744137)
An RPM package for installing ARM 64-bit (aarch64) binaries of MySQL Server on Oracle Linux 7 is
now available in the MySQL Yum Repository and for direct download.
Known Limitation for this ARM release: You must enable the Oracle Linux 7 Software Collections
Repository (ol7_software_collections) to install this package, and must also adjust the libstdc++7
path. See Yum's Platform Specific Notes for additional details.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Plugin Notes
Previously, the Rewriter query rewrite plugin permitted rewriting only for SELECT statements.
Rewritable statements now include INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE, and DELETE as well. See The
Rewriter Query Rewrite Plugin. (WL #8776)
Security Notes
The linked OpenSSL library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 1.0.2o. Issues fixed in
the new OpenSSL version are described at (Bug
Spatial Data Support
Incompatible Change: The new spatial functions ST_Longitude() and ST_Latitude() return
the longitude or latitude, respectively, of their Point argument. If called with a second argument,
these functions use the argument to set the longitude or latitude, respectively, of their Point
In addition, the ST_X() and ST_Y() functions now interpret their Point argument according to its
spatial reference system definition (SRS):
ST_X() returns the coordinate value of the axis that appears first in the SRS definition, and
ST_Y() returns the coordinate value of the axis that appears second in the SRS definition.
If ST_X() and ST_Y() are used to set the longitude or latitude of a Point argument that has a
geographic SRS, the longitude or latitude value must be in the proper range for the SRS, or an
error occurs.
If spatial data contains geometry values that now are interpreted differently
by ST_X() and ST_Y(), existing queries using these functions will return
different results, compared to previous MySQL versions.
(Bug #27125600, Bug #88503, WL #11453)
The EPSG data set containing spatial reference system data for spatial calculations has been
upgraded from version 9.2 to 9.3. (Bug #27977721)
Spatial functions that accept geometry arguments and previously returned an
latitude values out of range now return ER_GEOMETRY_PARAM_LONGITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE or
ER_GEOMETRY_PARAM_LATITUDE_OUT_OF_RANGE instead. This does not apply to spatial functions
that parse or modify geometries: ST_xxxFromText(), ST_xxxFromWKT(), ST_xxxFromWKB(),
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(), ST_X(), ST_Y(), ST_Longitude(), and ST_Latitude(). (Bug
Previously, the parser recognized USING RTREE in index specifications, but this could not be
specified for any storage engine. Now USING RTREE is permitted for spatial index specifications.
(Bug #27836608)
Indexes on geometry columns now must be spatial indexes. Consequently, the SPATIAL keyword is
optional but implicit for creating an index on a spatial column. A spatial index on a geometry column
is not permitted for a primary key or unique index. Also, ASC and DESC are not permitted for spatial
indexes. (Bug #21087676, WL #11808)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
SQL Syntax Notes
Important Change: MySQL now allows a query having a WITH ROLLUP modifier to use DISTINCT.
See SELECT Statement, for more information. (Bug #87450, Bug #26640100, Bug #20671578, Bug
Important Change: MySQL now allows the use of ORDER BY with grouping functions in SELECT.
statements. (Bug #86312, Bug #27063525)
Important Change: MySQL now allows ORDER BY to be used in a query having a WITH ROLLUP
modifier. For more information, see SELECT Statement. (Bug #86311, Bug #26073513)
X Plugin Notes
Authentication errors returned from a MySQL 8.0.11 server to an X Plugin client were marked as
fatal, which caused the client to stop attempting its automatic sequence of authentication attempts
using different methods. X Plugin now ignores fatal authentication errors, and subsequent expected
errors such as write timeout errors, while the sequence of authentication attempts is in progress. If
none of the authentication methods tried are successful, X Plugin now selects and returns the most
relevant error message received from the server, which is not necessarily the last error message
received. (Bug #28135006)
During the X Plugin automated authentication sequence, connection attempts are made using
different authentication methods in a pre-set sequence. X Plugin checks before starting the
sequence whether the connection uses SSL or not, and does not attempt connection with the PLAIN
authentication method if the connection is not encrypted. For additional verification, a check and
error were added so that the PLAIN authentication method is disallowed if attempted when the
connection is not encrypted. (Bug #27691189)
In the event of an authentication failure, X Plugin always returned the error code
ER_ACCESS_DENIED, with a custom X Protocol error message for the error situation. The error
codes that are received from the MySQL server for authentication failures are now passed on to the
client instead, with the standard MySQL error messages that go with them. (Bug #27675699)
During the X Plugin automated authentication sequence, where connection attempts are made
using different authentication methods in a pre-set sequence, the error returned after every failed
connection attempt was marked with the severity FATAL. Now, the errors are marked as ERROR
while there are still other authentication methods to be attempted, and only the final error that results
in disconnection is marked as FATAL. (Bug #27636947)
The X Plugin code was being compiled twice with different preprocessor definitions. (Bug
A number of improvements were made to the handling of authentication issues by X Plugin:
The X Plugin automated authentication sequence, where connection attempts are made using
different authentication methods in a pre-set sequence, is now halted if an error response indicates
that the connection has been broken or reads or writes are timing out.
The automated authentication sequence is also now halted in the event of any fatal error.
The last significant error is now reported for an abandoned authentication sequence, not just the
last error that occurred.
A more specific error code and message are now reported if authentication with the
caching_sha2_password authentication plugin is attempted over an unsecure connection.
(Bug #27257774)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
In some circumstances, a MySQL server with X Plugin loaded could experience an unexpected halt
during a shutdown process initiated by a failed start or by the RESTART command. The issue has
now been fixed. (Bug #25474793, Bug #27259783)
Functionality Added or Changed
Important Change; Group Replication: group_replication_exit_state_action
determines how Group Replication behaves when a server instance leaves the group involuntarily,
such as when it is expelled from the group due to an unstable network connection. When
group_replication_exit_state_action is ABORT_SERVER (the default), the instance shuts
itself down; when its value is READ_ONLY, the instance switches itself to super read-only mode
instead, and goes into the Group Replication ERROR state. (WL #11568)
InnoDB: InnoDB now supports ALGORITHM=INSTANT for the following ALTER TABLE operations:
Adding a column. This feature is referred to as “Instant ADD COLUMN”.
Adding or dropping a virtual column.
Adding or dropping a column default value.
Modifying the definition of an ENUM or SET column.
Changing the index type.
Renaming a table.
Operations that support ALGORITHM=INSTANT only modify metadata in the data dictionary.
No exclusive metadata locks are taken on the table during preparation and execution phases
of the operation, and table data is unaffected, making the operations instantaneous. If not
specified explicitly, ALGORITHM=INSTANT is used by default by operations that support it. If
ALGORITHM=INSTANT is specified but not supported, the operation fails immediately with an error.
For more information about operations that support ALGORITHM=INSTANT, see Online DDL
Thanks to the Tencent Games DBA team for the contribution. (Bug #28100103, Bug #91074, WL
InnoDB: Undo logging is now supported for small updates to large object (LOB) data, which
improves performance of LOB updates that are 100 bytes in size or less. Previously, LOB updates
were a minimum of one LOB page in size, which is less than optimal for updates that might only
modify a few bytes. This enhancement builds upon support added in MySQL 8.0.4 for partial update
of LOB data. (WL #11328)
Replication: You can now use a shell pipe to supply an archive of compressed binary log files to
mysqlbinlog as streamed input. Previously, the files had to be extracted separately before passing
them to mysqlbinlog. Thanks to the Facebook team for this contribution.
In this example, binlog-files_1.gz contains multiple binary log files for processing. The pipeline
extracts the contents of binlog-files_1.gz, pipes the binary log files to mysqlbinlog as
standard input, and pipes the output of mysqlbinlog into the mysql client for execution:
gzip -cd binlog-files_1.gz | ./mysqlbinlog - | ./mysql -uroot -p
(Bug #27445278, Bug #89423)
References: See also: Bug #27836543.
have been added to the mysql.session reserved account. (Bug #89873, Bug #27621869)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: Information about XCom's memory usage has been added to the Performance Schema
tables. The setup_instruments table now has an entry corresponding to the XCom cache, and
the memory_summary_global_by_event_name table contains the memory usage statistics of the
XCom cache. (WL #9855)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, the forking used to implement RESTART was suppressible using
the --gdb option. However, this was a side effect, performed in addition to the other option actions
done to set up a debugging environment. In non-debug settings, the new --no-monitor option
may be used for the sole purpose of suppressing forking the monitor process. For a server started
with either --gdb or --no-monitor, executing RESTART causes the server to simply exit without
restarting. (Bug #27801043)
Checking for foreign key relationships by DROP TABLE and DROP DATABASE was improved. The
check now takes place before any tables are deleted, so that in the event of a problem the statement
fails before making any changes. Parent and child tables now can be dropped in arbitrary order,
as long as they are dropped by the same DROP TABLE statement. In addition, error reporting was
improved for attempts to drop a parent table without dropping a child table. (Bug #27821060, Bug
#17564464, Bug #70531, Bug #22359539, Bug #79610)
When support for roles was added, the ADMIN keyword became a reserved keyword. ADMIN is now
once again a nonreserved keyword. (Bug #27814204)
When a client shuts down the server, the server now writes a message to the error log indicating
which user performed this action. (Bug #26246628, Bug #86635)
Previously, for the --ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY option, the client checked whether the host
name that it used for connecting matched the Common Name value in the certificate but not the
Subject Alternative Name value. Now, if the client uses OpenSSL 1.0.2 or higher, the client checks
whether the host name matches either the Subject Alternative Name value or the Common Name
value in the server certificate. Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for a patch on which this change was
based. (Bug #16211011, Bug #68052, Bug #27511233, Bug #89578)
Bugs Fixed
Important Change; JSON: The JSON_TABLE() function now automatically decodes base-64
values and prints them using the character set given by the column specification. (Bug #90157, Bug
References: See also: Bug #89847, Bug #27613276.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_COLUMNS tables in 8.0.12 did not appear after upgrading to
8.0.12. (Bug #28065244)
InnoDB: Large object (LOB) version numbers stored in LOB index entries were left uninitialized at 0
instead of initialized at 1. (Bug #28046298)
InnoDB: Adding a column to a table with a generated column raised an invalid assertion. (Bug
InnoDB: An attempt to access freed memory during a checkpoint operation caused the server to
exit. (Bug #28039477)
InnoDB: An assertion failure occurred when starting the server with experimental system variables
that were unintentionally exposed in normal MySQL builds. (Bug #27899424, Bug #90526, Bug
#27898396, Bug #90523, Bug #27898344, Bug #90522)
InnoDB: An invalid system variable setting raised an assertion. (Bug #27898284)
InnoDB: Attempting to move a table from a discarded file-per-table tablespace to a shared
tablespace raised an assertion. The operation now produces an error instead. (Bug #27861972)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Potential failures related to page allocation for large objects (LOBs) were not sufficiently
handled. (Bug #27852003)
InnoDB: The ngram full-text search parser permitted comma and period characters to be tokenized
as words, which caused an inconsistency between boolean and natural language mode search
results. Comma and period characters are no longer tokenized. (Bug #27847697)
InnoDB: Checksum mismatches and other issues were caused by concurrent modification of
a tablespace header page, and attempting to place a lock on a partially initialized page. (Bug
InnoDB: An I/O error returned by an fsync() operation is now treated as a hard error. (Bug
#27805553, Bug #90296)
InnoDB: In a single thread, two minitransactions latched the first page of a large object value (LOB)
while another thread attempted to allocate the page, causing a deadlock. (Bug #27777959)
InnoDB: After upgrading to MySQL 8.0.12, table columns including the FTS_DOC_ID column were
missing from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_COLUMNS table. (Bug #27774145)
InnoDB: An invalid assertion was raised when the optimizer chose a prefix index defined on a virtual
column. (Bug #27755892)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #19806106.
InnoDB: An in-memory table object for a table being truncated could be opened under improper
metadata locking protection.
A new method of preserving the AUTOINC counter value during a TRUNCATE PARTITION operation
was implemented. (Bug #27754995)
InnoDB: An assertion was raised during a mini-transaction commit that included dirty pages but
no redo log records. The mini-transaction did not wait for space in the recently-closed buffer and
subsequently marked the page with an invalid current LSN value. After the invalid LSN value was
added to the flush list, a delayed mini-transaction added dirty pages with an earlier LSN value,
breaking the flush list order.
The innodb_log_checkpoint_fuzzy_now debug option was added. Enabling this option forces
InnoDB to write a fuzzy checkpoint. Also, new internal redo log module counters were added for
tracking LSN values. The log_lsn_buf_dirty_pages_added counter tracks the LSN value up to
which dirty pages have been added, and the log_lsn_buf_pool_oldest_lwm counter tracks the
low watermark LSN for the oldest modified block in the buffer pool. (Bug #27664539)
InnoDB: The Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling algorithm (CATS) tracks the number of
transactions waiting for another transaction. In the case of a deadlock, the method by which the
number of waiting transactions is approximated produced inflated values. (Bug #27646322)
InnoDB: Attempting to acquire an InnoDB ticket while holding a victim transaction lock caused a
lock order violation. (Bug #27626681)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #23476050.
InnoDB: An attempt to read a zero-length BLOB value raised an assertion failure during recovery.
The BLOB value was not yet completely inserted. (Bug #27617389)
InnoDB: A race condition occurred when acquiring a table lock for a table that was already in
memory. (Bug #27586419, Bug #27577704)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #26848711.
InnoDB: After restarting the server, attempting to create an encrypted table returned a generic error
from the storage engine. (Bug #27577339)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: The use of Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS) with a spatial index caused a
transaction to wait indefinitely. (Bug #27572937)
InnoDB: Incorrect parsing of a tablespace name that included multibyte characters caused a DROP
DATABASE operation to fail. (Bug #27566937)
InnoDB: A check performed to identify temporary tables caused an error when the data dictionary
attempted to open a partitioned table. (Bug #27565997)
InnoDB: A schema mismatch error reported during an import tablespace operation failed to print
mismatched table flags in a readable format. (Bug #27542720)
InnoDB: A DDL operation failed to wait for a FULLTEXT index optimization operation to finish. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #24938374.
InnoDB: An unnecessary check for read-only transactions was removed from the
trx_set_rw_mode() function. Thanks to Sandeep Sethia for the patch. (Bug #27211287, Bug
InnoDB: A DDL operation that added a foreign key constraint raised an assertion when it accessed a
stale memory object that belonged to the parent table. (Bug #27208858)
InnoDB: A failing assertion occurred after initiating a memcached get operation. (Bug #26876594)
InnoDB: A corrupt index ID encountered during a foreign key check raised an assertion. (Bug
InnoDB: A DROP TABLE operation on a table residing in a general tablespace raised an assertion
when checking index status in the post-DDL phase of the operation. (Bug #26523254)
InnoDB: An internal deadlock during a DDL operation resulted in a long semaphore wait followed by
a server exit. (Bug #26225783)
InnoDB: A DDL operation encountered a serious error due to an invalid lock upgrade. (Bug
InnoDB: On a Windows 64-bit system, invalid buffer pool configuration values caused the server to
exit on startup. (Bug #26100239, Bug #86370)
InnoDB: A debug code block related to mutex type definitions was removed. It no longer differed
from the non-debug version of the code block. (Bug #24952279, Bug #83529)
InnoDB: A server failure during recovery occurred due to a log parsing buffer overflow. Space is now
allocated to the log parsing buffer dynamically and incremented as necessary until it reaches the size
specified by innodb_log_buffer_size. (Bug #24734190)
InnoDB: Table locking was optimized for concurrent updates on the same table by avoiding costly
iterations over the table locks queue.
Thanks to Zhai Weixiang for the contribution. (Bug #18955152, Bug #72948)
Packaging: On Windows, the mysqld.exe --help command displayed unnecessary and
unexpected details in the system output, which this fix eliminates. (Bug #27894020)
Partitioning: Rollback of ALTER TABLE ... TRUNCATE PARTITION statements was not handled
correctly. (Bug #27603025)
References: See also: Bug #87562, Bug #26710839.
Partitioning: For a partitioned table, partition update time could be incorrect after rebuilding the table
or restarting the server. (Bug #27073100)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: If the option --skip-log-bin was specified at server startup to disable
binary logging, no warning message was issued if both expire_logs_days and
binlog_expire_logs_seconds were set to a nonzero value. The --skip-log-bin option
meant there were no binary log files to expire, so the outcome of these binary log expiration period
settings (which is that the expire_logs_days value is ignored) had no practical effect. However,
the warning message is now issued, so that the situation can be corrected before binary logging is
enabled for the server. (Bug #27699608)
Replication: The log messages generated when a member fails to join the group have been
improved, for example when group_replication_group_name on the member joining the group
does not match the seed's group_replication_group_name this is now described in the log
message. (Bug #27628695)
Replication: If a MySQL server is started in crash recovery mode with an
innodb_force_recovery setting of 4 or greater, which places InnoDB into read-only mode,
the semisynchronous replication master plugin should not be initialized. Due to a change in plugin
initialization order in MySQL 8.0, the server assumed that if the plugin was registered, it had also
been initialized, and incorrectly attempted to deinitialize it. The handling of this plugin in crash
recovery mode has now been corrected so that the deinitialization function is not executed when the
plugin has not been initialized. (Bug #27481872)
Replication: The use of replication filters or binary log filters can cause issues when they are applied
to tables that are updated with XA transactions. Filtering of tables could cause an XA transaction to
be empty on a replication slave, and empty XA transactions are not supported. Also, with the settings
master_info_repository=TABLE and relay_log_info_repository=TABLE on a replication
slave, which became the defaults in MySQL 8.0, the internal state of the data engine transaction
is changed following a filtered XA transaction, and can become inconsistent with the replication
transaction context state.
Due to these issues, the use of replication filters or binary log filters in combination with XA
transactions is not supported. This fix adds the new error ER_XA_REPLICATION_FILTERS, which is
logged whenever an XA transaction is impacted by a replication filter, whether or not the transaction
was empty as a result. If the transaction is not empty, the replication slave is able to continue
running, but you should take steps to discontinue the use of replication filters with XA transactions in
order to avoid potential issues. If the transaction is empty, the replication slave stops. In that event,
the replication slave might be in an undetermined state in which the consistency of the replication
process might be compromised. In particular, the gtid_executed set on a slave of the slave might
be inconsistent with that on the master. To resolve this situation, isolate the master and stop all
replication, then check GTID consistency across the replication topology. Undo the XA transaction
that generated the error message, then restart replication. (Bug #27442477)
Replication: When mysqlbinlog was used to read a binary log event larger than 128KB, the read
failed because 128KB was returned as the size, instead of the actual size. The issue has now been
fixed. Thanks to the Facebook team for the patch. (Bug #27417084, Bug #89326)
Replication: When a transaction larger than the binary log transaction cache size
(binlog_cache_size) was flushed to a temporary file during processing, and the flush failed
due to a lack of space in the temporary directory, the flush error was not handled correctly. No
message was written to the error log, and the binary log cache was not cleared after the transaction
was rolled back. Now, in this situation, the server takes an appropriate action based on the
binlog_error_action setting (shut down the server or halt logging), and writes a message to the
error log. When the transaction is rolled back, the server checks for flush errors and clears the binary
log cache if any occurred. (Bug #27399620, Bug #89272)
Replication: When GTIDs are in use for replication, replicated transactions that are filtered out
on the slave are persisted. If binary logging is enabled on the slave, the filtered-out transaction is
written to the binary log as a Gtid_log_event followed by an empty transaction containing only
BEGIN and COMMIT statements. If binary logging is disabled, the GTID of the filtered-out transaction
is written to the mysql.gtid_executed table. This process ensures that there are no gaps in
the set of executed GTIDs, and that the filtered-out transactions are not retrieved again if the slave
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
reconnects to the master. Previously, this process was not done for CREATE DATABASE, ALTER
DATABASE, and DROP DATABASE statements, but it is now carried out for those statements as well
as for others. (Bug #27308751, Bug #88891)
Replication: On a multithreaded slave, when a STOP SLAVE statement is executed on the slave,
followed by a START SLAVE statement, the error log can report a different position in the binary log
for the slave SQL thread when exiting, compared to the position reported for the slave SQL thread at
the subsequent initialization.
For a multithreaded slave, the position reported for the SQL thread on exit is a low water mark, up
to which the replication stream is consistent and has no gaps. Transactions appearing before the
position are guaranteed to have committed, but transactions after the position may have committed
or not. However, this low water mark was being reported before the process to stop the worker
threads was actually carried out, and the low water mark was subsequently updated by a checkpoint
routine during that process. The timing of the log message has now been changed so that the final
low water mark is reported as the position for the SQL thread on exit. (Bug #27300658)
Replication: An online upgrade of a replication group that was running a version of MySQL earlier
than 5.7.23 was not possible. When a member running a version earlier than either MySQL 5.7.22
or MySQL 8.0.11 tried to join a group with members running MySQL 5.7.21 or earlier, it failed to join
the group because MySQL 5.7.21 does not send the value of it lower_case_table_names system
variable. This mean that the later version compared the lower_case_table_names variable
with an invalid value and exited the group. The work around is to take the group offline, upgrade to
version 5.7.23 or 8.0.12 and later. Subsequent upgrades of the group can then be carried out without
taking the group offline. See Upgrading Group Replication. (Bug #90794, Bug #27991334)
Replication: It was possible to change the value of gtid_purged while running the Group
Replication plugin, even though this variable should never be modified in such cases. (Bug #90146,
Bug #27724561)
member messages were not being correctly decoded. (Bug #90077, Bug #27692831)
Replication: In certain situations, such as during distributed recovery procedure, the certification info
garbage collection was purging more data than it should, resulting in conflicts not being detected.
The garbage collection procedure has been improved to take this case in consideration. (Bug
#89938, Bug #27652526)
Replication: The ER_GRP_RPL_SQL_SERVICE_FAILED_TO_RUN_SQL_QUERY error was being
logged incorrectly. (Bug #89788, Bug #27590534)
Replication: Using group_replication_force_members to unblock a group, for example after
losing majority, sometimes failed with error 1231. (Bug #86957, Bug #26394418)
Group Replication: When the group_replication_applier channel's applier thread
encountered an error, the master_log_name and end_log_pos values shown in the resulting
error message were incorrect, since the events in a transaction are replicated before they are written
to the binary log of the member where the transaction originated, with the result that the final values
are unknown at the time they are applied on the replica by the applier thread. To avoid confusion,
any such error messages encountered by a group_replication_applier channel no longer
contain the binary log name or position. (Bug #89146, Bug #27368735)
macOS: On macOS, the server autostarted at system boot time even when set not to in the MySQL
preference pane. (Bug #27969174, Bug #90672)
Microsoft Windows: For debug builds on Windows, CREATE SPATIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM with
an empty definition string could raise assertions. (Bug #27672683)
In the client library, signals were incorrectly unblocked for ppoll(). Thanks to Facebook for the
patch. (Bug #28075623, Bug #90999, Bug #28096808, Bug #91067)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Certain ALTER TABLE statements could disable table encryption. (Bug #28045585)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27389878.
Under some conditions, MyISAM code compilation failed due to a missing include file. (Bug
#28039150, Bug #90898)
The REGEXP_REPLACE() function truncated its result when used in an UPDATE statement. (Bug
#28027093, Bug #90870)
REGEXP_REPLACE() results from one result set row could carry forward to the next row, resulting in
accumulation of previous results in the current row. (Bug #27992118, Bug #90803)
A heap overflow vulnerability in the MySQL client library was fixed. (Bug #27980823)
Users who had the SUPER privilege were not permitted to modify the keyring_operations system
variable. (Bug #27976270)
Full-text search auxiliary tables created in MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.0.11 with timestamps of 0
caused a data dictionary upgrade failure when upgrading from MySQL 8.0.11 to MySQL 8.0.12. (Bug
A “source and destination overlap in memcpy” Valgrind error was returned when upgrading from
MySQL 5.7. (Bug #27945658, Bug #90691)
Linux binaries were unable to dump core after executing a setuid() call. (Bug #27929894, Bug
#90642, Bug #23337428, Bug #21723)
RESET PERSIST did not flush variable values from memory. (Bug #27924206)
For debug builds, using CREATE TABLE ... SELECT to create a table with a long numeric string
and indexing the column could lead to an assertion being raised. (Bug #27909771)
For debug builds, RESET PERSIST for an unknown variable could cause an assertion to be raised.
(Bug #27903874, Bug #90546)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27374791.
Updates to column metadata of a view referencing a partitioned table could cause a server exit. (Bug
For debug builds, an assertion could be raised for UNION queries when computing the combined
data type of a GEOMETRY column and SELECT * FROM (SELECT NULL). (Bug #27903792, Bug
For debug builds, starting the server with thread_stack=0 and executing ALTER TABLE could
raise an assertion. (Bug #27899274, Bug #90525)
SHOW TABLE STATUS could cause a server exit. (Bug #27897815)
For generated columns that used the INTERVAL() function, incorrect behavior could occur. (Bug
For Fedora 28, MySQL Community RPM packages would not install if Connector ODBC native
packages were installed. (Bug #27850721)
It was possible to drop the Performance Schema. (Bug #27830283)
A runtime error could occur for calls to mysql_sys_var_longlong() or String::copy(). (Bug
#27822413, Bug #27808412)
An assertion was raised by error logging code that used an inappropriate error number. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27462408.
The CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET charset_name clause for ALTER TABLE produced a syntax
error if charset_name was DEFAULT. (Bug #27760787, Bug #90222)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27389878.
An unencrypted connection could result from a client connection attempt specifying that an encrypted
connection was required, if the server was not configured to support SSL. (Bug #27759871)
INSERT INTO ... SELECT did not perform as many checks as INSERT INTO ... VALUES()
with respect to requiring valid geometry values for geometry columns. (Bug #27756083)
REGEXP_INSTR() did not return an error message when used with invalid match mode flags. (Bug
Some data dictionary table definitions were modified to align more closely with their initial design.
Additionally, the data dictionary version number was incremented, and code that refers to
data dictionary table indexes now uses symbolic index names instead of numeric values. (Bug
#27745526, Bug #90196)
Executing a prepared statement to insert rows with large number of parameters was very slow. (Bug
ibd2sdi could exit due to performing a divide-by-zero operation. (Bug #27692051, Bug #90071)
The mysql-boost-8.0.4.tar.gz source distribution omitted NDB sources. (Bug #27690232)
SHOW GRANTS could cause a server exit if executed for an unprivileged user who inherited privileges
from an anonymous user. (Bug #27678129)
The parser incorrectly permitted the index name for CREATE INDEX to be empty. (Bug #27676427)
Failures of server restarts initiated by systemd or mysqld_safe were not written to the error log.
(Bug #27675050, Bug #90012)
For debug builds, if a transaction was in read-only mode, trying to create or drop a histogram could
raise an assertion. (Bug #27672693)
If the server was started with --skip-grant-tables, SET ROLE DEFAULT caused a server exit.
(Bug #27672154)
Casting of VARBINARY values to TIME values was not performed correctly. (Bug #27665997)
Error checking was not performed after creation of a condition for a const reference. (Bug
The dictionary information object managed by the MeCab model was used after the MeCab model
was released. (Bug #27660368)
Attempting to abort events of the MYSQL_AUDIT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASS class caused a server
exit. These events are now not abortable. (Bug #27645636)
These resource-group statements are now disallowed in stored functions because they cause an
implicit commit, which is not permitted in a stored function: CREATE RESOURCE GROUP, ALTER
RESOURCE GROUP, DROP RESOURCE GROUP. (Bug #27638623, Bug #89914)
Audit log filter rules did not permit class names to be specified as an array of strings. That is now
possible. Example:
"filter": {
"class": [
{ "name": [ "connection", "general", "table_access" ] }
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(Bug #27628325)
On Windows, if the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio had been removed, MySQL
uninstallation using the MSI installer failed. (Bug #27621546)
mysql_secure_installation now loads the validate_password component rather than the
deprecated validate_password plugin. (Bug #27619667)
REGEXP_LIKE() using an expression containing a question mark (?) was not handled correctly
when included in a prepared statement. (Bug #27595368)
REGEXP_SUBSTR() did not always handle NULL patterns correctly. (Bug #27572258)
Some SHOW CREATE TABLE statements could raise an assertion. (Bug #27569314)
Spurious stages could be seen in the Performance Schema events_stages_current table. (Bug
Triggers for a table could execute in an order different from that specified by their
PRECEDES/FOLLOWS clauses. (Bug #27544152)
Attempts to set some persisted variables at startup (such as keyring_operations and
mandatory_roles) produced a privilege violation error and the server did not start or did not set
the variable. (Bug #27523095)
Under some conditions, an unused-variable warning occurred in the MeCab full-text search code.
Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #27519952, Bug #89598)
Within stored procedures, it was not possible to write a condition handler to catch foreign key failures
if the table involved used the FEDERATED storage engine. (Bug #27509959)
It was possible to drop a primary key that served as the parent key in a foreign key relationship. In
addition, for table creation, the SQL layer now checks whether there is a parent key for the foreign
key and reports an error if it is missing. (Bug #27506922, Bug #89570, Bug #11754696, Bug #46337)
With the NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION SQL mode disabled, an error (rather than substitution)
occurred for CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE if the desired engine was disabled using the
disabled_storage_engines system variable. (Bug #27502530)
Key rotation using the keyring_encrypted_file keyring plugin could cause a server exit. (Bug
If MySQL Enterprise Firewall was configured with a large number of rules, server shutdown could
take a long time. (Bug #27492122)
SET PERSIST_ONLY var_name = DEFAULT persisted the current global value, not the default
value. (Bug #27489026)
If MySQL is configured with the LINK_RANDOMIZE CMake option enabled, the --gc-sections
compiler option is now disabled; the combination causes segmentation faults. (Bug #27484106)
During server installation, the mysql.infoschema, mysql.session, and mysql.sys reserved
accounts were associated with the mysql_native_password authentication plugin even when the
default plugin was caching_sha2_password. (Bug #27454299)
Some window functions used the wrong precision for their aggregated data types. (Bug #27452179)
For a hexadecimal value H, SELECT with WHERE (-1) - H raised an assertion. (Bug #27452082)
References: See also: Bug #27041382. This issue is a regression of: Bug #21982792.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A memory leak in the pfs-t unit test was fixed. Thanks to Yura Sorokin for the patch. (Bug
#27440735, Bug #89384)
Multiple invocations of CHAR() within a stored program could yield different results once an invalid
code point was passed as the argument. (Bug #27410088)
With automatic_sp_privileges enabled, the EXECUTE and ALTER ROUTINE privileges were
not correctly granted to routine creators. (Bug #27407480)
Some queries that used ordering could access an uninitialized column during optimization and cause
a server exit. (Bug #27389294)
For debug builds, an assertion was raised (rather than an error) for ALTER TABLE for an ARCHIVE
table with a GEOMETRY NOT NULL column containing empty strings. (Bug #27330634, Bug #89088)
Accounts that authenticated with the auth_sock authentication plugin could not connect using older
clients. (Bug #27306178)
If system tables could not be read or initialized, the server wrote an incomplete error message.
Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for a patch related to the fix. (Bug #27302337, Bug #89001)
RENAME USER failed when used to rename a role that was not granted to any account or role. (Bug
The keyring_okv plugin did not always fail over to the standby OKV server when the primary
server was unavailable. (Bug #27244099)
The Performance Schema could attempt to access invalid SOURCE column values. (Bug #27231036)
Mishandling of internal privilege structures could cause a server exit. (Bug #27230925)
For debug builds, use of a too-small type for calculating the determinant in GIS computations could
cause an assertion to be raised. (Bug #27135504)
For attempts to increase the length of a VARCHAR column of an InnoDB table using ALTER TABLE
with the INPLACE algorithm, the attempt failed if the column was indexed.
If an index size exceeded the InnoDB limit of 767 bytes for COMPACT or REDUNDANT row format,
CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE did not report an error (in strict SQL mode) or a warning (in
nonstrict mode). (Bug #26848813)
In MySQL 5.7.19, the mysql.gtid_executed table was excluded from dumps. This table is no
longer excluded but its data is not dumped. (Bug #26643180, Bug #87455)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #82848, Bug #24590891.
The slave_rows_search_algorithms system variable controls how rows are searched
for matches when preparing batches of rows for row-based logging and replication. Specifying
INDEX_SCAN as one of the search algorithms performs an index scan if an index is present. In the
situation where a different primary key is used on the master and the slave, and a unique key is
present on the slave, a bug in the code meant that the index scan was not being performed as it
should be, and a slower table scan was being performed instead. The issue has now been corrected
so that an index scan is used. (Bug #26450129, Bug #23311892, Bug #81500, Bug #81501)
Certain cases of subquery materialization could cause a server exit. These queries now produce an
error suggesting that materialization be disabled. (Bug #26402045)
Spatial operations on geographic GeometryCollection values could return
ER_GIS_INVALID_DATA for valid geometries. (Bug #26174808)
For MyISAM tables, particular sequences of INSERT and DELETE statements could cause table
corruption. (Bug #25541037)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The SHOW CREATE USER statement requires the SELECT privilege for the mysql database, except
to see information for the current user. In addition, for the current user, the statement requires
the SELECT privilege for the mysql.user system table for display of the password hash in the
IDENTIFIED AS clause; otherwise, the hash displays as <secret>. (Bug #24911117)
CREATE FUNCTION produced an error if there was no default database and the function body called
another function. (Bug #24357244, Bug #82350)
For debug builds, a SELECT statement executed within a stored program could raise an assertion if
derived table resolution failed. (Bug #23221336)
If mysqldump or mysqlpump were used to dump binary data without the --hex-blob option,
reloading the dump file could produce spurious warnings (values were inserted correctly regardless
of the warnings). Such values are now written preceded by the _binary introducer to silence the
warnings. (Bug #22601255, Bug #80150)
String comparisons involving wildcards could reference uninitialized memory. (Bug #12635103)
REGEXP_REPLACE() raised a Valgrind warning when invoked with an invalid capture group. (Bug
#87842, Bug #27612255)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.11 (2018-04-19, General Availability)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
Downgrade from MySQL 8.0 to MySQL 5.7 (or from a MySQL 8.0 release to a
previous MySQL 8.0 release) is not supported. The only supported alternative is
to restore a backup taken before upgrading.
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Error Handling
Installation Notes
Logging Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
sys Schema Notes
Test Suite Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
Character Set Support
The utf8mb3 character set will be replaced by utf8mb4 in a future MySQL version. The utf8
character set is currently an alias for utf8mb3, but will at that point become a reference to utf8mb4.
To avoid ambiguity about the meaning of utf8, consider specifying utf8mb4 explicitly for character
set references instead of utf8. (WL #10778)
Compilation Notes
MySQL source code has been converted to Google style rules using clang-format. (Bug
Sun RPC is being removed from glibc. CMake now detects and uses libtirpc if glibc does not
contain Sun RPC. (You might find it necessary to install libtirpc and rpcgen to take advantage
of this CMake feature.) (Bug #27368272, Bug #89168)
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.66.0. (Bug #27137349, Bug
When building from source, the provided CMake script assumed that JUnit and Ant were installed
and available at set paths. If this was not the case, building the GCS Java wrapper resulted in build
errors. To address this a new CMake option WITH_ANT=path_name has been added to the build
script, and which works in a similar way to the existing WITH_BOOST CMake option. Set WITH_ANT
to the path of a directory where the Ant tarball, or an already unpacked archive, is saved. When
WITH_ANT is not set, or is set with the special value system, the build assumes a binary ant exists
in $PATH.
Similarly, the CMake option ENABLE_DOWNLOADS already exists to download required libraries during
a build, such as the Google Test distribution. Now, when ENABLE_DOWNLOADS is set, and JUnit or
Ant are not found they are downloaded as part of the build process. (Bug #26678793)
Configuration Notes
A new CMake option, BUNDLE_RUNTIME_LIBRARIES, enables bundling of runtime libraries with
server MSI and Zip packages for Windows. (Bug #27584796, Bug #89771)
systemd service files now increase LimitNOFILE to 10000, to accommodate higher default settings
in MySQL 8.0. (Bug #27530282)
The new WITH_SYSTEM_LIBS CMake option, when enabled, selects the system value for any of
the following options that are not set explicitly: WITH_EDITLINE, WITH_ICU, WITH_LIBEVENT,
WITH_LZ4, WITH_PROTOBUF, WITH_SSL, WITH_ZLIB. (Bug #27356668, Bug #89136)
The version of the compiled-in zlib library is now available at runtime as the value of the
version_compile_zlib system variable. Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for the patch. (Bug
#27235065, Bug #88825)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Incompatible Change: These deprecated compatibility SQL modes have been removed:
NO_KEY_OPTIONS, NO_TABLE_OPTIONS. They can no longer be assigned to the sql_mode system
variable or used as permitted values for the mysqldump --compatible option.
Removal of MAXDB means that the TIMESTAMP data type for CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE is
treated as TIMESTAMP, and is no longer treated as DATETIME.
For MySQL 5.7 applications that use SQL modes removed in MySQL 8.0, statements may fail when
replicated from a MySQL 5.7 master to a MySQL 8.0 slave, or may have different effects on master
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
and slave. To avoid such problems, applications that use modes removed in MySQL 8.0 should be
revised to avoid them. (WL #8383, WL #9465)
The following features related to account management have been removed:
Using GRANT to create users. Instead, use CREATE USER. Following this practice makes the
NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER SQL mode immaterial for GRANT statements, so it too is removed.
Using GRANT to modify account properties other than privilege assignments. This includes
authentication, SSL, and resource-limit properties. Instead, establish such properties at account-
creation time with CREATE USER or modify them afterward with ALTER USER.
IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'hash_string' syntax for CREATE USER and GRANT. Instead,
use IDENTIFIED WITH auth_plugin AS 'hash_string' for CREATE USER and ALTER
USER, where the 'hash_string' value is in a format compatible with the named plugin.
Additionally, because IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD syntax has been removed, the
log_builtin_as_identified_by_password system variable is superfluous and has been
The PASSWORD() function. Additionally, PASSWORD() removal means that SET PASSWORD ...
= PASSWORD('auth_string') syntax is no longer available.
The old_passwords system variable.
For MySQL 5.7 applications that use features removed in MySQL 8.0, statements may fail when
replicated from a MySQL 5.7 master to a MySQL 8.0 slave, or may have different effects on master
and slave. To avoid such problems, applications that use features removed in MySQL 8.0 should be
revised to avoid them and use alternatives when possible. (Bug #27455708, WL #10774)
Error Handling
perror is more flexible in understanding its arguments. For example, for the
ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR error, perror understands any of these arguments: 1231, 001231,
MY-1231, or MY-001231, or ER_WRONG_VALUE_FOR_VAR. If an error number is in the range
where MySQL and operating system errors overlap, perror displays both error messages. (Bug
The new INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEYWORDS table lists the words considered keywords by MySQL
and, for each one, indicates whether it is reserved. This table provides applications a runtime source
of MySQL keyword information. See The INFORMATION_SCHEMA KEYWORDS Table.
In addition, if you build MySQL from source, the build process generates a keyword_list.h
header file containing a array of keywords and their reserved status. This file can be found in the sql
directory under the build directory. This file may be useful for applications that require a static source
for the keyword list. (WL #8989)
Installation Notes
RPM and Debian packages now add the current MySQL series to the share directory name (for
example share/mysql-8.0). (Bug #27638192, Bug #26990531)
Logging Notes
Messages written to the error log now indicate the subsystem in which the event occurred. Possible
subsystem values are InnoDB (the InnoDB storage engine), Repl (the replication subsystem),
Server (otherwise). (WL #11150)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Packaging Notes
Installing or upgrading using Debian packages now presents a dialog with an option for setting
the default authentication plugin to mysql_native_password. This may be useful for backward
compatibility at some installation sites. (Bug #27454287, Bug #27667294)
The compile_innodb script is no longer used and has been removed from MySQL distributions.
Thanks to Alexey Kopytov for the suggestion. (Bug #27448099, Bug #89437)
Performance Schema Notes
A new Performance Schema table log_status provides information that enables an online
backup tool to copy the required log files without locking those resources for the duration of the
copy process. When the log_status table is queried, the server blocks logging and related
administrative changes for just long enough to populate the table, then releases the resources. The
log_status table informs the online backup which point it should copy up to in the master's binary
log and gtid_executed record, and the relay log for each replication channel. It also provides
relevant information for individual storage engines, such as the last log sequence number (LSN) and
the LSN of the last checkpoint taken for the InnoDB storage engine.
The BACKUP_ADMIN privilege is required for access to the log_status table. (Bug #27599831, WL
Performance Schema objects now have a default character set of utf8mb4. (Bug #27407745)
Security Notes
MySQL 8.0 builds now use OpenSSL rather than yaSSL as the default SSL library. MySQL no longer
supports building using yaSSL, and source distributions no longer include yaSSL.
The WITH_SSL CMake option no longer permits bundled (use yaSSL) as a valid value, and the
default option value has changed from bundled to system (use the version of OpenSSL installed
on the host system).
In place of yaSSL, wolfSSL may be used as a functionally equivalent alternative that has a GPLv2-
compatible license. In addition, wolfSSL (like OpenSSL) supports the TLSv1.2 protocol, which yaSSL
does not.
For instructions about building MySQL from source using wolfSSL, see the extra/README-
wolfssl.txt file in a MySQL source distribution. The WITH_SSL CMake option now permits
wolfssl as a valid value. To use -DWITH_SSL=wolfssl, you must follow the instructions in
README-wolfssl.txt. (Bug #26671671, WL #8998)
MySQL now supports FIPS mode, if compiled using OpenSSL 1.0.2, and an OpenSSL library and
FIPS Object Module are available at runtime. FIPS mode imposes conditions on cryptographic
operations such as restrictions on acceptable encryption algorithms or requirements for
longer key lengths. The ssl_fips_mode system variable enables control of FIPS mode
on the server side. The --ssl-fips-mode client option enables control of FIPS mode on
the client side for these programs: mysql, mysqladmin, mysqlbinlog, mysqlcheck,
mysqldump, mysqlimport, mysqlpump, mysqlshow, mysqlslap, mysqltest, mysqlxtest,
mysql_secure_installation, and mysql_upgrade. See FIPS Support. (WL #8102)
Spatial Data Support
Incompatible Change: These geometry collection changes have been implemented:
The standard GeomCollection name for the geometry collection data type is supported as a
synonym for the GeometryCollection data type name.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The GeomCollection() function is supported as a synonym for the GeometryCollection()
GeomCollection and GeomCollection() are the preferred data type and function names.
Incompatibility: As a consequence of the change in preferred data type name, some
INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, statements such as SHOW CREATE TABLE, and the
ST_GeometryType() function that display data type information now display GEOMCOLLECTION
rather than GEOMETRYCOLLECTION. Applications that look for GEOMETRYCOLLECTION should be
adjusted to account for this change.
For more information, see GeometryCollection Class, and MySQL-Specific Functions That Create
Geometry Values. (WL #2388)
sys Schema Notes
sys Schema objects now have a default character set of utf8mb4. (Bug #27675959)
Test Suite Notes
Reduction of compiler and platform differences in GIS handling of floating-point results enables
simplification of related test cases that no longer need rounding to avoid spurious test failures.
Thanks to Daniel Black for the patch. (Bug #26540102, Bug #87223, Bug #27462294)
X Plugin Notes
When using MySQL as a document store, the use of SPATIAL indexes on geometry-valued columns
using the X DevAPI is now fully supported. Previously, a spatial index could be created, but the
spatial reference system identifier (SRID) was not included in the indexed column, so the index was
not used by the optimizer. The SRID attribute is now added to the indexed column. (Bug #27568243)
Socket files used with X Plugin tests are now limited to 22-character file names. (Bug #27460677,
Bug #89464)
The fix for Bug #26328274 resulted in an assertion in debug builds when an empty host name was
used for X Plugin connections. The issue is now fixed. (Bug #27266584, Bug #88925)
X Plugin did not populate the password cache when a user account with no password set was
used with the PLAIN authentication method. This caused later authentication attempts to fail. The
password cache is now correctly populated with an entry if the user account's password is empty.
(Bug #27257722)
X Plugin now supports the RESTART SQL statement, which was added in MySQL 8.0.4 to enable a
MySQL server instance to be restarted from within a client session. (Bug #27245319)
MySQL Shell connections using X Protocol can use either TCP or Unix sockets as of version 8.0.4.
This fix allows the use of encryption protocols with UNIX socket connections, so user accounts that
require encrypted connections are able to connect. (Bug #27192091)
The fix for Bug #26647488, which corrected the handling of the DATETIME data type, now also
correctly decodes messages received from older versions of the plugin that do not have the new field
available to identify the data type. (Bug #27169735)
X Plugin connection attempts using the X Protocol did not return an error when the default database
specified in the connection options was invalid, and the connection was allowed with a null default
database. Connection attempts using the classic MySQL protocol did return an error and disallowed
the connection. X Protocol connection attempts now also disallow the connection if an invalid
schema is specified. (Bug #26965020)
X Plugin is now loaded by default, meaning there is no longer any need to install the plugin. (WL
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
InnoDB: The ibd2sdi serialized dictionary information (SDI) extraction utility for InnoDB
tablespaces now supports a --pretty option that controls JSON pretty print formatting of SDI data.
Pretty print formatting is enabled by default. Disabling pretty print formatting using --skip-pretty
reduces the size of extracted SDI data. (Bug #27546514)
InnoDB: To improve startup performance on systems with large buffer pools, buffer pool initialization
is now multithreaded. (Bug #22963374, Bug #80784)
InnoDB: The following redo logging optimizations were implemented:
User threads can now write concurrently to the log buffer without synchronizing writes, and add
dirty pages to the flush list in a relaxed order.
Dedicated log writer threads are now responsible for writing redo log records from the log buffer to
the system buffers and flushing the system buffers to the redo log files.
System variables were added for configuring the use of spin delay by user threads waiting for
flushed redo:
innodb_log_wait_for_flush_spin_hwm: Defines the maximum average log flush time
beyond which user threads no longer spin while waiting for flushed redo.
innodb_log_spin_cpu_abs_lwm: Defines the minimum amount of CPU usage below which
user threads no longer spin while waiting for flushed redo.
innodb_log_spin_cpu_pct_hwm: Defines the maximum amount of CPU usage above which
user threads no longer spin while waiting for flushed redo.
The innodb_log_buffer_size configuration option is now dynamic, which permits resizing of
the log buffer while the server is running.
For more information, see Optimizing InnoDB Redo Logging. (WL #10310)
macOS: The macOS installer now asks the user for the root password to use rather than
generating a random one. (Bug #22608157, Bug #80144)
macOS: The MySQL preference pane included with the macOS installer now includes a setting that
specifies which my.cnf file the server should read when started by launchd. (Bug #19775549, Bug
Solaris: On Solaris, MySQL can now be built with Developer Studio 12.6. (Bug #27055190, Bug
#88316, Bug #28165246, Bug #91214)
Logging during data directory initialization (for example, using mysqld --initialize) has
The startup message indicates that the server is running in initialization mode.
A message is written indicating when initialization has completed.
The message about the CA certificate being self-signed is suppressed.
(Bug #27557952, Bug #89693)
The -log suffix is no longer appended to the server version string if logging is enabled. This affects,
for example, the value of the version system variable. (Bug #27532097, Bug #89626)
Server shutdown lines written to the error log now include the server version. (Bug #27522788, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
SHOW CREATE TABLE normally does not show the ROW_FORMAT table option if the row format is the
default format. This can cause problems during table import and export operations for transportable
tablespaces. MySQL now supports a show_create_table_verbosity system variable that,
when enabled, causes SHOW CREATE TABLE to display ROW_FORMAT regardless of whether it is the
default format. (Bug #27516741)
Performance Schema memory instrumentation overhead was reduced. (Bug #27500610)
During data directory initialization, the server created objects using sql_mode=''. Now the
server uses the default sql_mode value (which, among other settings, includes strict mode). (Bug
#27476029, Bug #89495)
The collations defined in mysql-test/std_data/Index.xml are for test purposes only and
should not be used otherwise. Comments were added to the file to make this clear because some
users were using them in non-test environments. (Bug #27421838)
RESET PERSIST no longer performs an implicit commit. (Bug #27374791)
For a persisted variable, the SET_TIME column of the Performance Schema variables_info
table now reflects the time at which the variable was persisted, not server startup time. (Bug
Previously, SHOW CREATE TABLE did not show the collation for a column if the collation was the
same as the table default, even if the collation was explicitly specified at table-creation time. Now,
SHOW CREATE TABLE always shows the column collation if the collation was explicitly specified,
even if the collation is the same as the table default. (Bug #11754608, Bug #46239)
Bugs Fixed
Important Change: When NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode is enabled, ALTER TABLE rejects attempts
to add DATE or DATETIME columns that are declared NOT NULL to a nonempty table if no DEFAULT
is specified for that column. Since a generated column has no default value, this restriction also
prevented addition of a generated DATE NOT NULL or DATETIME NOT NULL column to a
nonempty table. Since the expression used to generate the column can be used in place of the
missing default for determining the column value, this restriction is now lifted for generated columns.
(Bug #27252354)
Important Change: For ANALYZE TABLE ... UPDATE HISTOGRAM statements, the WITH N
BUCKETS clause is now optional. If not specified, the default value for BUCKETS is 100. (Bug #89909,
Bug #27637968)
InnoDB: The server was stopped before a fatal error message was written to the error log. (Bug
InnoDB: When determining if a wait lock could be granted, locks held by victim transactions that
were being rolled back were ignored. (Bug #27607235)
InnoDB: An error occurred in Sdi_Decompressor::decompress() when compiling a debug
build using GCC 7.2.0. (Bug #27565889)
InnoDB: An assertion was raised when registering buffer pool chunks during parallel creation of
multiple buffer pools. A mutex is now used to protect registration of buffer pool chunks in the buffer
pool chunk map. (Bug #27565865)
InnoDB: Enabling the standard monitor caused an error. (Bug #27534041)
InnoDB: An internal field used to mark a column as hidden was changed from a boolean field to an
enum field to support additional levels of column visibility. (Bug #27499518, Bug #89553)
InnoDB: An invalid zlib-related Valgrind failure reported that a conditional jump or move depends on
uninitialized value. (Bug #27482740, Bug #89509)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: An incorrect GROUP BY result was returned when using the TempTable storage engine
and a NO PAD collation. (Bug #27454796)
InnoDB: An incorrect compression length value in a page compression function caused hole
punching to be skipped the first time pages are compressed. (Bug #27399897)
InnoDB: Starting the server with an incorrect --log-bin option value raised an assertion, and
subsequent attempts to start the server with a correct --log-bin value or without the --log-bin
option continued to produce assertion failures. (Bug #27393317)
InnoDB: A large object (LOB) reference was not updated when a LOB was inserted during an
UPDATE operation. (Bug #27368662)
InnoDB: After restarting the server, a TRUNCATE TABLE operation raised an assertion due to
table flags that were inconsistent with remote data directory information stored in memory. (Bug
InnoDB: Attempting to create a temporary table in a file-per-table tablespace using CREATE
TEMPORARY TABLE ... TABLESPACE syntax failed to report an error. Temporary tablespaces are
only permitted in the temporary tablespace. (Bug #27361662)
InnoDB: A latch taken on the first page of a large object (LOB) was not released before another
thread attempted to allocate the page, causing a deadlock. (Bug #27360492)
InnoDB: Converting an implicit lock to an explicit lock was optimized by the introduction of a member
variable that tracks the smallest active transaction ID.
Thanks to Zhai Weixiang for the patch. (Bug #27353468, Bug #89127)
InnoDB: The mysql.innodb_ddl_log and mysql.innodb_dynamic_metadata tables, which
are used internally by the InnoDB storage engine, are now protected. DDL and DML operations on
these tables are no longer permitted, and the tables no longer appear in INFORMATION_SCHEMA
query results. (Bug #27353455, Bug #89129)
InnoDB: Upgrading a MySQL 5.7 instance with an innodb_page_size setting of 4K caused
mysql_upgrade to fail with a “Specified key was too long; max key length is 768 bytes” error when
creating or modifying system tables. The error was suppressed to permit the mysql_upgrade client
to run on an instance with an innodb_page_size setting of 4K. (Bug #27338431)
InnoDB: The recovery process could not properly determine space_id values, causing the server to
exit. (Bug #27331936)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that modified the nullability of an indexed column raised an
assertion. InnoDB incorrectly assumed that a new primary key must be added instead of created
from an existing unique key. (Bug #27330454, Bug #89087)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #24397406.
InnoDB: After an ALTER TABLE ... IMPORT TABLESPACE operation, metadata could not be
retrieved correctly from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_COLUMNS table. (Bug #27322099)
InnoDB: An INSERT operation involving a large object (LOB) value raised an assertion. After
splitting a LOB fragment, there was insufficient space for a directory entry. (Bug #27320977)
InnoDB: On a server using the utf8mb4 character set, an INSERT or UPDATE during an ALTER
TABLE operation that changed the row format of a table that included a virtual column caused an
index corruption. (Bug #27319084)
InnoDB: The data retrieved from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_COLUMNS was incorrect for
tables containing a virtual column. (Bug #27316037)
InnoDB: The server failed to start after recovery due to an invalid keyring file. The keyring file
created from backup was empty. (Bug #27307740)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A deadlock between background threads, one attempting to evict a full-text search table
from the cache, and the other attempting to synchronize a table, caused InnoDB Cluster nodes to
fail. (Bug #27304661)
InnoDB: A typo was corrected in an InnoDB recovery message. Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for the
patch. (Bug #27287979, Bug #27010613, Bug #88185)
InnoDB: A message stating that encryption algorithm support is missing was reported during
InnoDB recovery. (Bug #27286020)
InnoDB: A missing or mismatched keyring file caused an assertion failure at startup. (Bug
InnoDB: An error was returned indicating that encryption support was missing when checking the
space ID of an encrypted tablespace file. (Bug #27278100)
InnoDB: A debug message that prints a “too many open files” warning is now only printed if the
number of open files reaches a limit of 300. (Bug #27277844)
InnoDB: Failure to skip predicate locks when releasing gaps locks raised debug assertions, as
did failure to remove the supremum record bit prior releasing gaps locks on the supremum. (Bug
#27272806, Bug #27294066)
InnoDB: A tablespace ID discovery failure occurred when starting the server on a cloned data
directory. (Bug #27265874)
InnoDB: An unprotected global variable (fil_n_file_opened) caused an assertion when shutting
down the server. (Bug #27265473)
InnoDB: An assertion that is no longer valid was raised when checking for pending I/O on the file in
use. (Bug #27263206)
InnoDB: An empty general tablespace caused a failure when upgrading to MySQL 8.0. The empty
data file was expected to have a specific number of pages. (Bug #27261822)
InnoDB: A startup failure occurred because a directory specified by the --innodb-directories
option contained a keyring data file. The --innodb-directories option should only recognize
InnoDB tablespace files. (Bug #27253116)
InnoDB: A function that calculates the increase in minimum bounding rectangle (MBR) size
incorrectly returned 0, resulting in R-tree corruption. (Bug #27237472)
InnoDB: A REPLACE operation on a temporary table raised an assertion. (Bug #27225649, Bug
InnoDB: An online ALTER TABLE operation on a table accompanied by concurrent DML on the
same table raised an assertion. An end-of-log check was not performed prior to accessing the DML
log to determine the length of a virtual column. (Bug #27158030)
InnoDB: When the addition of a virtual index failed, the virtual index that was freed was not removed
from the lists of virtual column indexes. (Bug #27141613)
InnoDB: Adding a virtual column and index in the same statement caused an error. (Bug
InnoDB: An undo tablespace truncate operation raised an assertion. The check that determines if
undo tablespace segments are inactive was invalid. (Bug #27114068)
InnoDB: When the TempTable storage engine was unable to allocate memory using temporary files
and mmap, an invalid error was reported indicating that the defined on-disk storage engine would be
used instead. (Bug #26990375)
InnoDB: Latch order was incorrectly defined in debug instrumentation causing a latch order violation
during an INSERT operation. (Bug #26983412)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A tablespace import operation on a server with a default row format of REDUNDANT raised
an assertion failure. (Bug #26960215)
InnoDB: A stored field based on a generated column permitted the base column to have a NULL
value. (Bug #26958695)
InnoDB: Evaluation of a subquery in a resolving function raised an assertion. (Bug #26909960)
InnoDB: Locks related to data dictionary operations caused degradation in CREATE TABLE
performance. (Bug #26848711, Bug #87827)
InnoDB: A LOCK INSTANCE FOR BACKUP operation was able to acquire a backup lock without
waiting for a concurrent DDL operation to finish. (Bug #26831155, Bug #87812)
InnoDB: An incorrectly specified innodb_data_file_path or innodb_temp_data_file_path
value returned a syntax error that did not specify the name of the system variable that caused the
initialization failure. (Bug #26805833)
InnoDB: An handler that was opened for a TRUNCATE TABLE operation caused the operation to
assert. The server now closes open handlers before dropping the table.
The patch for this bug also improves TRUNCATE TABLE error messages related to foreign key
constraints, and makes it possible to truncate a corrupted table. (Bug #26710839)
InnoDB: An online DDL operation that rebuilds the table raised an assertion when the last insert log
record to be applied was split across two pages. (Bug #26696448, Bug #87532)
InnoDB: An assertion was raised when attempting to generate a virtual column value dependent on
an off-page large object value that was not yet stored. (Bug #26625652)
InnoDB: An R-tree search counted delete-marked records, causing it to find more records than
present in the clustered index. As result, the valid R-tree index was marked as corrupted. (Bug
InnoDB: A RENAME TABLE operation that renamed the schema failed to rename full-text search
common auxiliary tables that were left behind when the full-text search index was removed
previously, resulting in a assertion failure when attempting to drop the old schema. (Bug #26334149)
InnoDB: An assertion was raised when a thread attempted to read a record containing BLOB data
while another thread was writing the same data to external pages. (Bug #26300119)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #23481444.
InnoDB: Column prefixes for externally stored columns exceeded the amount of available memory in
the online log. (Bug #25928471)
InnoDB: A problematic lock that was introduced to protect writing of dynamic metadata changes to
the redo log during a checkpoint was removed. A mutex is now used instead. The checkpoint LSN
was also adjusted to protect dynamic metadata changes. (Bug #25834374)
InnoDB: InnoDB failed to account for a virtual column when using the column offset to search an
index for an auto-increment column. (Bug #25076416)
InnoDB: An invalid debug condition caused a buffer pool chunk allocation failure, which resulted
in an assertion failure when a purge thread attempted to access an unallocated chunk. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #21348684.
InnoDB: Threads were prevented from entering the InnoDB storage engine due to ticket acquisition
deadlocks. (Bug #23476050)
Partitioning: An error returned by the storage engine while executing ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE
PARTITION was not handled correctly by the server. (Bug #27320682)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: Empty XA transactions that have been rolled back should not be recorded in the
binary log or added to the set of transactions in the gtid_executed system variable. However, if
rolled-back empty XA transactions were executed after an empty XA transaction ending with an XA
COMMIT ... ONE PHASE statement, they were being incorrectly added to the binary log as an XA
ROLLBACK statement, and also to the gtid_executed system variable. The issue is now fixed. (Bug
Replication: When the system variable gtid_next was set to AUTOMATIC, empty XA transactions
that were rolled back and not recorded in the binary log, were being incorrectly added to the set of
transactions in the gtid_executed system variable, causing an inconsistency. The rolled-back
empty XA transactions are no longer recorded in gtid_executed. (Bug #27407670)
Replication: The value of LAST_CONFLICT_FREE_TRANSACTION in the
replication_group_member_stats Performance Schema table was not correctly synchronized
across group members. (Bug #27317431)
Replication: When a member is joining a group there is a chance of the request to join being
rejected. If the rejection resulted in a retry, for example because the seed member being contacted
was not in the group, then there was a possibility of the retry cycle continuing infinitely. (Bug
Replication: The default binary log expiration period of 30 days is now set as the default for the
binlog_expire_logs_seconds system variable, instead of the deprecated expire_logs_days
system variable. binlog_expire_logs_seconds now defaults to a value of 2592000
(30*24*60*60 seconds), and expire_logs_days now defaults to zero.
In MySQL 8.0.3 and 8.0.4, the effects of binlog_expire_logs_seconds and
expire_logs_days were cumulative. From MySQL 8.0.11, this is no longer the case, and the new
behavior is as follows:
If you specify a non-zero value for both variables, only the value of
binlog_expire_logs_seconds is used to determine the binary log expiration period, and the
value of expire_logs_days is ignored.
If you specify a non-zero value for only one variable, that value is used to determine the binary log
expiration period, and the default for the other is not applied.
If you specify a value for neither of the variables, the default of 30 days from
binlog_expire_logs_seconds is used as the binary log expiration period.
An error message is issued if you attempt to set one of the variables dynamically when the other is
already set, and a warning message is issued if you specify a non-zero value for both variables at
startup. A deprecation warning is also issued if you set a value for expire_logs_days.
To disable automatic purging of the binary log, specify a value of 0 explicitly for
binlog_expire_logs_seconds, and do not specify a value for expire_logs_days. For
compatibility with earlier releases, automatic purging is also disabled if you specify a value of 0
explicitly for expire_logs_days and do not specify a value for binlog_expire_logs_seconds.
In that case, the default for binlog_expire_logs_seconds is not applied. You no longer need to
set both variables to zero to disable automatic purging. (Bug #27252658)
are no longer allowed to execute in parallel with other statements on a multithreaded slave. These
statements require an exclusive metadata lock on the schema, causing a theoretical possibility
of a deadlock when slave_preserve_commit_order=1 is set on the replication slave. (Bug
Replication: On a replication slave with binary logging disabled, an empty DDL statement (for
example, due to a replication filter) raised an assertion. With binary logging enabled, BEGIN and
COMMIT statements would be written to the binary log to produce a transaction, but these statements
were not available with binary logging disabled, causing the assertion. MySQL Server now checks for
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
the situation where the DDL transaction is empty and is not marked as started, and handles it without
raising the assertion. (Bug #27164661)
Replication: A new system variable rpl_read_size is available to set the minimum amount of
data in bytes that is read from the binary log files and relay log files. The default read size is 8KB. If
heavy disk I/O activity for these files is impeding performance for the database, increasing the read
size might reduce file reads and I/O stalls if the files are not being cached by the operating system.
Note that a buffer the size of this value is allocated for each thread that reads from the binary log and
relay log files, including dump threads on masters and coordinator threads on slaves. Setting a large
value might therefore have an impact on memory consumption for servers.
Thanks to the Facebook team for the patch. (Bug #27147095)
Replication: On a server with GTIDs enabled, if RESET MASTER was used when a transaction had
been flushed but not yet committed, the server GTIDs were left in an incorrect state. At this point,
the GTID for the transaction had been added to the set of owned GTIDs, but not yet to the set of
executed GTIDs. The GTID was removed from the binary log when the content of the uncommitted
transaction was cleared by the RESET MASTER statement, but the GTID could not be reused
because it was already owned, so the sequence of GTIDs had a gap.
With this fix, RESET MASTER acquires a global read lock to ensure that no transactions are in
commit stage during its operation, and no new transactions enter into commit stage during its
operation. If there are any ongoing commits, RESET MASTER waits until they are complete. The
global read lock is released when the reset is finished, and then storage engines are notified of the
successful reset. If FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK has already been executed for the thread,
RESET MASTER does not retry the lock. (Bug #27041759)
Replication: Attempts to set a GTID for an unsafe or empty XA transaction using a SET
@@SESSION.GTID_NEXT statement were not being handled correctly. On a server with gtid_mode
set to OFF or OFF_PERMISSIVE, and enforce_gtid_consistency set to OFF, setting a GTID
for an unsafe XA transaction (creating or dropping a temporary table) caused an inconsistency in the
server's GTID violation counter and raised an assertion. Testing also showed that setting a GTID for
an empty XA transaction caused an incorrect sequence of events to be written to the binary log. Both
these situations are now handled correctly. (Bug #27041402, Bug #88272)
Replication: The error message issued for a server stop while rotating the binary log did not state
the correct cause for the issue. The error message has been enhanced to include the actual error
causing the server stop as part of the message. A new error ER_OOM_SAVE_GTIDS has also been
added for the situation where an out-of-memory error occurred while saving the set of GTIDs from
the last binary log into the mysql.gtid_executed table. (Bug #27040070, Bug #88262)
Replication: The statements CREATE USER IF EXISTS (or IF NOT EXISTS) and ALTER USER
IF EXISTS (or IF NOT EXISTS) were written to the binary log even when the query resulted in an
error. MySQL Server now checks for errors that cause these queries to fail (for example, an invalid
plugin was specified), and does not log the statement in that situation. Note that if these statements
succeed but have no effect on the master because the condition is not met, the statements are
written to the binary log, as the condition might be met on a replication slave (see Bug #25813089,
Bug #85733). (Bug #26680035)
References: See also: Bug #25813089, Bug #85733.
Replication: Following the introduction of support for atomic DDL in MySQL 8.0, a replication slave
that supports atomic DDL can diverge from a replication master at an earlier MySQL version that
does not support atomic DDL. If the DDL statement can only be partly applied, the slave using
MySQL 8.0 rolls back the whole DDL statement, but the master using an earlier version might
commit the valid parts of the DDL statement. An error message is now logged in the event of an
unsuccessful commit for an atomic DDL statement on the master and the slave, and you should
check that the states of the master and the slave have not diverged before proceeding. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: When GTIDs are enabled on a replication master and slave, and the slave connects to
the master with the MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1 option set, the master must send the slave all the
transactions that the slave has not already received, committed, or both. If any of the transactions
that should be sent by the master have been already purged from the master's binary log, the master
sends the error ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS (1789) to the slave, and replication
does not start.
The message provided for the error ER_MASTER_HAS_PURGED_REQUIRED_GTIDS has been
changed to provide advice on the correct action in this situation, which is for the slave to replicate
the missing transactions from another source, or for the slave to be replaced by a new slave
created from a more recent backup. The message advises that the master's binary log expiration
period can be revised to avoid the situation in future. In addition, the master now identifies the
GTIDs of the purged transactions and supplies them in its error log in the warning message
ER_FOUND_MISSING_GTIDS (11809), so that you do not need to calculate the missing GTIDs
manually. (Bug #26004541, Bug #29769293)
Replication: For updates to virtual generated columns containing the BLOB data type, both the old
and the new BLOB values are required by some storage engines for replication. This fix extends the
same behavior to JSON and GEOMETRY data types, which are based on the BLOB data type and
so produce the same issue when the old value is not stored. (Bug #25873029)
Replication: A behavior change in MySQL 8.0.0 moved the identification of generated columns
from before to after the calculation of the write set for binary logging. This caused an issue with NDB
cluster replication, because that storage engine omits the generated columns from the log event
if they are unnecessary, leading to NULL values being set for them by the applier thread on the
replication slave. The identification of generated columns has now been moved back to before the
write set calculation, so that the issue does not occur. (Bug #25827408)
Replication: On a multithreaded replication slave (with slave_parallel_workers greater than
0), the slave's lag behind the master was not being reported by the Seconds_Behind_Master field
for SHOW SLAVE STATUS. The value is now reported correctly. Thanks to Robert Golebiowski for
the patch. (Bug #25407335, Bug #84415)
Replication: A plus sign (+) can be used with a GTID set in the statement SET
@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED to indicate that the specified GTID set does not intersect with
gtid_executed. The plus sign was also being permitted for GTID sets specified for the
functions GTID_SUBSET() and GTID_SUBTRACT(), where it was not meaningful. The plus
sign can no longer be specified with these functions. Also, error messages relating to the SET
@@GLOBAL.GTID_PURGED operation have been improved. (Bug #24675979)
Replication: When invoked with the options --read-from-remote-server and --hexdump,
mysqlbinlog was not able to produce a hex dump of the binary log contents following an SQL
statement that generated an autoincrement value, referenced a user-defined variable, or invoked
RAND(). The event types for these events are followed by an informational row query log event,
and mysqlbinlog caches the original event for printing when the subsequent row query log event
is received. The pointer to the memory containing the original event was invalidated when the
subsequent event was received, so the original data could not be accessed to produce the hex
dump. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #24674276)
Replication: A number of changes were made to the binary log decoding procedure to improve
handling of invalid or corrupted binary log entries. (Bug #24365972)
Replication: Following the introduction of binary logging for XA transactions WL#6860, an assertion
could be raised in debug builds during replication from a master with the feature to a slave without
the feature, if MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1 was set on the slave. The assertion has been removed,
so that debug builds now have the same behavior as non-debug builds, and can attempt replication
of unsupported event types whether or not MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1 is set. (Bug #20677683)
Replication: When using group_replication_ip_whitelist, it was possible to configure
a group so that it functioned even though all members could not establish the internal group
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
communication connection to each other, resulting in inconsistent behavior. Now, incoming
connections are accepted if the IP is in the white list or if the IP belongs to a current member of the
XCom configuration. This ensures members are always able to create the internal network required
for group communication. (Bug #87834, Bug #26846549, Bug #27406775)
Group Replication: When MySQL was started with --plugin-
load='' but Group Replication was not started, starting an
asynchronous slave channel resulted in an unresponsive server. (Bug #27584141)
Group Replication: Group Replication failed to start if certain required variables were persisted, or if
persisted variables were not set in proper timestamp order. (Bug #27545544, Bug #27522405)
Group Replication: Group Replication files have been moved from the rapid directory to the
plugin directory. (Bug #27413789)
Group Replication: Conflict detection uses schema and table names as part of the Primary
Key Equivalent (PKE) in order to detect and disallow conflicting transactions. The value
of lower_case_table_names changes how schema and table names are stored and
externalized; depending on the value, this could persist a table named T1 as t1. Such a difference
in a group could cause inconsistencies. Now, members must all have the same value for
lower_case_table_names. (Bug #27401817)
Group Replication: Using an IP address or hostname in any Group Replication related configuration
on macOS was failing. (Bug #27376511, Bug #89123, Bug #27604471)
Group Replication: Changing the Group Replication required settings incorrectly on online
secondary members could result in an unexpected halt. (Bug #27317478, Bug #27157202)
Group Replication: After issuing START GROUP_REPLICATION the gtid_mode system variable
is locked to prevent any modification to its value until the group is online. Any attempt to modify
gtid_mode during this time is blocked. As part of the process of starting Group Replication the
server needs to set super_read_only=off, which has dependencies on locks acquired by SET
GTID_MODE. This could result in Group Replication hanging and there was no possibility to connect
to the server to resolve the situation. To prevent this situation, when it is not possible to acquire the
locks needed by SET GTID_MODE the operation aborts. (Bug #27312241)
Group Replication: In the unlikely event of the group failing to start, for example because no
seed member could be contacted, there is a one minute period where the group retries the start
process. Attempting to modify a Group Replication plugin option during this period could result in an
unexpected halt. Now, attempting to modify a Group Replication plugin option during plugin start or
stop results in error. (Bug #27275312)
Group Replication: Attempting to uninstall the Group Replication plugin on a server configured to
start the plugin automatically at boot could result in a deadlock. Now, the uninstall process checks to
ensure that the plugin is not in the process of starting and fails gracefully if it is. (Bug #27179336)
Group Replication: Group Replication uses transaction write set extraction for conflict detection on
group members. A performance regression was found in this process during detailed performance
analysis, which is handled by optimizing memory allocation has been for write set extraction and
memory copy operations. In addition, foreign key write sets are now collected only when the current
table actually has foreign keys. (Bug #27016053)
Group Replication: In a multi-primary group, when a member was also configured with a
asynchronous replication channel, there was a possibility that the asynchronous channel could
start before Group Replication started. This could result in the asynchronous channel processing
transactions before the member became an online member of the group, causing issues when
members tried to join the group. The fix ensures that asynchronous channels on group members do
not start until the member has become online. (Bug #26648393)
Linux: Builds on Alpine Linux now take advantage of AIO support. (Bug #27327874)
macOS: On macOS, mysql_config --libs did not list any SSL libraries. (Bug #27232576)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, the RESTART statement is implemented by having mysqld fork,
with one process acting as a monitor to the other, which acts as the server. This makes determining
the server process to attach to for debugging more difficult. To alleviate this, starting the server with
--gdb now suppresses forking. A side effect is that for a server started with this option, RESTART
simply exits and does not restart. (Bug #27273229)
JSON: The JSON_QUOTE() function could in some situations write the quoted string to the same
buffer that holds the input string, which could lead to wrong results. Now a check is made to be sure
that it does not attempt write into the same buffer that it is reading from. (Bug #27312444)
JSON: JSON_SEARCH() no longer performs any modification of cached Json_path objects, now
making any needed updates to a String object that represents the path instead. This saves on
the number of round trips required between the path's Json_path and String representations,
which speeds up execution. In addition, the one_or_all and escape_char arguments to
JSON_SEARCH() were unnecessarily cached; these arguments are no longer cached, which should
also improve this function's execution time. (Bug #87383, Bug #26614455)
References: See also: Bug #21450084, Bug #77785, Bug #21472872.
A check was implemented based on data dictionary version information to prevent starting the
MySQL 8.0 server with a data directory created by a later MySQL release. The check was necessary
to prevent an in-place downgrade, which is currently not supported. (Bug #27708249)
Protected data dictionary tables are no longer accessible by statements placed in a server
initialization file. (Bug #27674311, Bug #90010)
Data dictionary and INFORMATION_SCHEMA version numbers were synchronized with the new
MySQL server version number. (Bug #27674285)
The server did not handle correctly certain LIKE queries using a BLOB column with a prefix index.
(Bug #27660560)
For builds configured using -DWITH_PROTOBUF=SYSTEM, building failed on systems with Protobuf
3.5 installed. (Bug #27638713, Bug #89915)
The microseconds part of timestamps stored with persisted variables in mysqld-auto.cnf was
always 000000. (Bug #27629719)
Debian packages now handle dependencies for MeCab plugin dictionary files. Fedora packages now
handle dependencies for both MeCab packages, not just the utf-8 package. (Bug #27612730, Bug
The change in MySQL 8.0.11 for platforms that use systemd to run mysqld as a normal process
(Type=notify) and communicate using a socket file did not work on SLES before SLES 12.2. (Bug
The NON_UNIQUE column in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS table had type BIGINT prior
to MySQL 8.0, but became VARCHAR in MySQL 8.0 with the introduction of the data dictionary. The
NON_UNIQUE column now has an integer type again (INT because the column need not be as large
as BIGINT). (Bug #27593348, Bug #89793)
With some inputs, ST_Crosses() could cause a server exit. (Bug #27576700)
Some error messages were being written to the error log with an error ID of 0 rather than a legitimate
error ID. (Bug #27575608)
mysql_upgrade did not set MYSQL_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY correctly, leading to failure to read the
key file. (Bug #27568278)
If autocommit was disabled, mysql_upgrade produced an error when upgrading from MySQL 5.7
to 8.0. (Bug #27549249)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For debug builds, displaying very long stage names from the PROCESSLIST_STATE column of the
Performance Schema threads table could raise an assertion. (Bug #27545688)
gtid_purged handling had a memory leak. (Bug #27537968, Bug #89645)
Using SET PERSIST to persist optimizer_trace_offset resulted in an incorrect variable value
after server restart. (Bug #27536421)
The validate_password component could leak memory. (Bug #27521770, Bug #89597)
A typo in sql/handler.h was corrected. Thanks to Su Tristan for the patch. (Bug #27516280, Bug
The Performance Schema variables_info table displayed incorrect VARIABLE_SOURCE
and VARIABLE_PATH values for variables set within option files specified by !include or !
includedir directives. (Bug #27514223)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25563891.
After upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, the first attempt to start the server on a MySQL 5.7
data directory with --default-time-zone set to a specific time value such as "+00:00" caused
the server to exit. (Bug #27512609, Bug #89584)
Lookups of character set internal numbers was not thread safe and could cause memory leaks. (Bug
Using the -DWITH_LIBEVENT=system and -DWITH_ICU=system CMake options together caused
configuration to fail. (Bug #27505535, Bug #89398)
Some messages were being written to the server error log using client error IDs. (Bug #27503787,
Bug #89562)
When run in key migration mode, the server could report an error for successful operations. (Bug
Upgrades from MariaDB to MySQL Community Edition failed on Fedora 27. (Bug #27484835)
ALTER TABLE could hang in a Waiting for tablespace metadata lock state. (Bug
#27472087, Bug #89487)
Selecting from the Performance Schema status_by_thread or variables_by_thread table
was not thread safe and could yield incorrect results. (Bug #27471510)
INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE could be handled improperly if a source table
produced no rows. (Bug #27460607)
SET PERSIST_ONLY ignored --skip-grant-tables and continued to perform checking against
the dynamic privileges needed to set system variables. (Bug #27455943)
For RPM packages and Docker RPM packages, the included my.cnf file now includes
information indicating how to revert to the previous default authentication plugin (changing
caching_sha2_password to mysql_native_plugin), for compatibility with older clients. (Bug
#27454015, Bug #27675380)
In string comparisons using >, only one operand was handled as utf32. (Bug #27452148)
A server exit during InnoDB initialization caused AddressSanitizer (ASan) to report a memory leak.
The patch also implements proper handling of the data dictionary properties table in cases where the
table contains data that cannot be parsed. (Bug #27447981, Bug #89433)
With -DWITH_SSL=system, if CMake could not find the system OpenSSL libraries and header files,
it produced confusing messages. Now it exits immediately with an error. (Bug #27447874)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Configuring with the -DWITH_INNODB_EXTRA_DEBUG=ON CMake option resulted in a linker error.
(Bug #27444255, Bug #89412)
Configuring with -DWITH_ZLIB=system resulted in a linker error. (Bug #27435371, Bug #89373)
Metadata from result sets for UNION ALL queries could say NEWDATE rather than DATE. (Bug
In builds with Undefined Behavior Sanitizer enabled, negation of -922337203685477580 could cause
a server exit. (Bug #27419181)
With protocol compression enabled, a spurious assertion could be raised. (Bug #27418207, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #17922198.
Performance related to fetching tablespace objects from the data dictionary to populate the data
dictionary cache was improved. (Bug #27402243)
If the server was started with --skip-grant-tables, clients that authenticate with the
caching_sha2_password plugin were unable to connect. (Bug #27400095, Bug #89267)
Linux RPM and Debian packages now include dependency information for the Perl JSON module
required to run the MySQL test suite. Linux RPM packages now include dependency information for
the Perl Digest module required to run the MySQL test suite. (Bug #27392800, Bug #89250, Bug
#27392808, Bug #89244)
A new system variable, default_collation_for_utf8mb4, is provided for internal use by
replication. The system variable is set to the default collation for the utf8mb4 character set.
The value of the variable is replicated from a master to a slave so that the slave can correctly
process data originating from a master with a different default collation for utf8mb4.The variable
is primarily intended to support replication from a MySQL 5.7 or older master server to a MySQL
8.0 slave server, or group replication with a MySQL 5.7 primary node and one or more MySQL 8.0
secondaries. The default collation for utf8mb4 in MySQL 5.7 is utf8mb4_general_ci, but it is
utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci in MySQL 8.0. The variable is not present in releases earlier than MySQL
8.0, so if the slave does not receive a value for the variable, it assumes the master is from an earlier
release, and sets the value to the previous default collation utf8mb4_general_ci.
The default utf8mb4 collation is used in the following statements:
CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE having a CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 clause without a
COLLATION clause, either for the table character set or for a column character set.
CREATE DATABASE and ALTER DATABASE having a CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 clause without
a COLLATION clause.
Any statement containing a string literal of the form _utf8mb4'some text' without a COLLATE
(Bug #27389878, Bug #27081073)
DESCRIBE with a column name option ignored the column name. (Bug #27387773, Bug #89224)
When run in key migration mode, the server ignored invalid options. (Bug #27387331)
SHOW GRANTS for an anonymous user could cause a server exit. (Bug #27375069)
Path name normalization could fail for very long path names. (Bug #27368298)
During configuration, CMake assumed that rpcgen was available rather than checking for it. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The client authentication process could use memory after it had been freed. (Bug #27366143)
-DWITH_ZLIB=system could cause other CMake feature tests to fail. (Bug #27356658, Bug
On some systems, using mysqld --initialize to initialize the data directory was very slow.
(Bug #27349579, Bug #89122)
Builds using RPM source packages now use a secure connection if Boost must be downloaded.
(Bug #27343289, Bug #89104)
An internal check_datetime_range function that converted an ULONGLONG time value raised
an assertion on Windows. (Bug #27340709)
Too much locking was being done for the caching_sha2_password authentication plugin (one
lock/unlock per connection). This is now improved to one lock/unlock per plugin install/uninstall. (Bug
A CREATE TABLE ... LIKE operation that implicitly assigned 'innodb_system' as the
tablespace name for table partitions raised an assertion. (Bug #27331588)
SET PERSIST_ONLY could store large-valued variables incorrectly. (Bug #27322254)
The audit_log plugin could write statements to the binary log even with binary logging disabled.
(Bug #27315321)
Certain queries using GREATEST() or LEAST() produced heap-use-after-free errors. (Bug
An external_language column was added to the mysql.routines data dictionary table to
support stored routines in different languages. The data stored in this column can be accessed
#27309116, Bug #89038)
It is now prohibited to start the server with a lower_case_table_names setting that is different
from the setting used when the server was initialized. The restriction is necessary because collations
used by data dictionary table fields are determined by the setting defined when the server is
initialized, and restarting the server with a different setting would introduce inconsistencies with
respect to how identifiers are ordered and compared. (Bug #27309094, Bug #89035)
For accounts that authenticated using the auth_sock authentication plugin, the server was unable
to accept connections from clients from older MySQL versions. (Bug #27306178)
An audit_log plugin memory leak was corrected. (Bug #27302151)
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table now obtains from storage engines the information needed
VERSION. (Bug #27292586)
Dropping a loadable function did not always remove its entry from the Performance Schema
user_defined_functions table. (Bug #27270498)
To reduce its size and storage footprint, serialized dictionary information (SDI) is now generated in a
compact JSON format. (Bug #27265584)
Concurrent execution of RESET PERSIST and SET PERSIST from multiple sessions could cause a
server exit. (Bug #27264789)
Tablespace statistics could be cached even if the statistics-collection process encountered an error.
(Bug #27259963)
SET PERSIST could fail to find the proper directory into which to write the mysqld-auto.cnf file.
(Bug #27253828)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ALTER TABLE could not create generated NOT NULL geometry columns if the table contained data.
(Bug #27252609)
The Performance Schema variables_info table displayed incorrect VARIABLE_SOURCE values
for variables that were set in my.cnf and also persisted to mysqld-auto.cnf. (Bug #27252077)
Improper handling of plugin loading and unloading could cause a server exit. (Bug #27247280, Bug
The RESTART statement did not work for Ubuntu packages. (Bug #27245918)
LDAP authentication plugins were not built on FreeBSD. (Bug #27238252)
The server did not handle queries correctly when a cached value was evaluated as NULL by a
windowing function, or when its argument was part of a GROUP BY with a ROLLUP operation which
could be evaluated as NULL. (Bug #27233287)
Windowing functions such as LAST_VALUE() did not work correctly with tables containing NOT
NULL columns in all cases. (Bug #27230463)
Role cache invalidation could be performed incorrectly. (Bug #27225806)
Incorrect handling of persisted variables at server startup could result in a server exit. (Bug
For upgrades from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0, the sql_mode value for object definitions could contain
NOT_USED. (Bug #27219709)
JSON_TABLE() failed if no default database was selected. (Bug #27217897)
Adding a unique index to an InnoDB table on which multiple locks were held could raise an
assertion. (Bug #27216817)
CREATE VIEW statements that used JSON_TABLE() in the view definition failed if no database was
selected. (Bug #27189940)
The Doxygen documentation for CLIENT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT was corrected. Thanks to
Bradley Grainger for the patch. (Bug #27189363, Bug #88686)
Queries on Performance Schema replication tables could return incorrect results, particularly when
the execution plan used an index. (Bug #27184567)
For some statements, the FILE privilege was not properly checked. (Bug #27160888)
To better enable setting persisted variables at startup in the same order they were persisted with SET
PERSIST, settings in mysqld-auto.cnf are first sorted based on timestamp (which is now stored
in the file). (Bug #27157520)
Setting the dragnet.log_error_filter_rules system variable to a very long value could
cause a server exit. (Bug #27120953)
For platforms that use systemd (see Managing MySQL Server with systemd), systemd was not
always able to infer the state of a double-forked mysqld process. Consequently, systemd would
attempt to restart mysqld even when that process terminated with status 1. systemd is now
configured to run mysqld as a normal process (Type=notify rather than Type=forking). If the
name of a socket file is specified in the environment variable NOTIFY_SOCKET, mysqld attempts
to open a connection for communicating with systemd and writes its state changes there. (Bug
#27109556, Bug #88463, Bug #26538598, Bug #87210)
ST_IsValid() returned incorrect results for some geographic polygons on non-WGS 84 ellipsoids.
(Bug #27074700)
A multiple-insert statement on a table containing a FULLTEXT key and a FTS_DOC_ID column
caused a server error. (Bug #27041445, Bug #88267)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #22679185.
In strict SQL mode, assignment of invalid values to AUTO_INCREMENT columns could be handled
incorrectly, resulting in an assertion being raised. (Bug #27041393, Bug #88273)
Thread stack exhaustion could raise an assertion rather than returning an error. (Bug #27041350,
Bug #88277)
SET PERSIST_ONLY did not properly consider whether the runtime validation function for persisted
variables should be invoked. (Bug #27016247)
The audit_log plugin could mishandle aborts of event executions, causing a server exit. (Bug
Some boundary cases for negation of large signed integers were corrected. (Bug #27004880, Bug
An ALTER TABLE operation attempted to set the AUTO_INCREMENT value for table in a discarded
tablespace. (Bug #26935001)
MyISAM index corruption could occur for bulk-insert and table-repair operations that involve the
repair-by-sorting algorithm and many (more than 450 million) rows. (Bug #26929724, Bug #88003,
Bug #28483283)
The Performance Schema could produce DIGEST_TEXT values with a trailing space. This no longer
occurs. (Bug #26908015)
Dropping an index from a system table could cause a server exit. (Bug #26881798)
A prepared statement using CREATE TABLE ... SELECT led to unexpected behavior when it
referred in a GROUP BY to a view having the same name. (Bug #26881703)
With auto-commit disabled and an XA transaction in PREPARED state, attempts to execute XA
COMMIT or XA ROLLBACK failed. (Bug #26848877, Bug #87836)
Some diagnostic messages produced by LDAP authentication plugins misleadingly suggested an
error when no error had occurred. (Bug #26844713)
Initialization code for mysql_upgrade and mysqlpump was reorganized to avoid assertion failures.
(Bug #26802211)
Full-text searches could raise an assertion due to improper handling of errors that occurred while
attempting to acquire metadata locks. (Bug #26799898)
A keyring file created by the keyring_file plugin on a 32-bit server was inaccessible by the
keyring_file on a 64-bit server, and vice versa. (Bug #26793060)
Metadata locks for column statistics were not displayed properly in the Performance Schema
metadata_locks and events_waits_xxx tables. (Bug #26772858, Bug #87708)
The my_snprintf plugin service was removed and reimplemented using C++11 snprintf. (Bug
#26696147, Bug #87547)
After an in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 on a server with a large number of tables,
server startup failed to complete due to excessive memory consumption during data dictionary
creation. (Bug #26486160)
An error occurring in a statement that modifies user privileges could result in deadlock for other
transactions attempting to access the user privilege cache. (Bug #26475282)
The thread pool plugin logged too much information for failed connections. (Bug #26368725, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Enabling multiple components concurrently could result in a server exit. (Bug #26171471, Bug
A malformed mysqld-auto.cnf file could cause a server exit. (Bug #26085774)
Creating a table in a reserved tablespace did not return an error. (Bug #26073851, Bug #86309)
For debug builds, using KILL to terminate a stored routine could raise an assertion. Thanks to
Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #26040870, Bug #86260)
If the init_connect system variable was set, its contents could not be executed by clients with
expired passwords, who therefore were prevented from connecting. Now, if a client has an expired
password, init_connect execution is skipped, which enables the client to connect and change
password. (Bug #25968185)
Dates using the YYYYMMDD format were not recognized correctly in a query meeting all three of the
following conditions:
The query performed a left join.
A DATE column in the inner table of the join was part of a multi-column primary key.
Every column in the inner table's primary key was compared with another value; this could be either
a literal or a column value. (Bug #25949639)
An in-place ALTER TABLE operation on a table with foreign keys resulted in a table definition
mismatch. The new table definition passed to storage engine methods during the ALTER TABLE
execution contained invalid foreign key names. (Bug #25915132, Bug #85997)
It was possible to assign nonexistent roles to an account as its default roles. (Bug #25755666, Bug
Using the C API, when trying to execute an INSERT prepared statement with
CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY set, the client hung. (Bug #25701141, Bug #85105)
RENAME USER failed even though the user or role to be renamed was not present in any role graph.
(Bug #25658586)
MySQL client programs could exit unexpectedly if malformed client/server protocol packets were
received. (Bug #25471090)
Memory statistics collected by the Performance Schema could be incorrect due to race conditions.
(Bug #25212799)
Incorrect handling by the CONNECTION_CONTROL plugin of an internal hash led to spurious
messages in the error log and eventual server exit. (Bug #25052009)
CURRENT_ROLE() and ROLES_GRAPHML() now return a string with the utf8 character set.
Previously, they incorrectly returned a binary string. (Bug #24843257)
Killing INSTALL COMPONENT or UNINSTALL COMPONENT could result in multiple rows for a single
component in the mysql.component system table. (Bug #24660436)
Performing SHOW PROCESSLIST while running a high load concurrently using the X Plugin could
lead to an unplanned server exit. (Bug #24621170)
References: See also: Bug #23057045.
The regular expression implementation in MySQL uses a String object—intended to be initialized
as empty—to hold the current subject, and used the literal "" for this value. This could interfere with
other functions that do likewise. This is fixed by constructing the String with a nullptr instead.
(Bug #23276471)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
mysqlpump could leak memory or exit when errors occurred. (Bug #23102944)
LDML 2.8 collation definitions could cause unexpected server behavior. (Bug #22819030)
Log-opening operations accessed log-name system variables without holding a lock on them.
Multiple threads accessing such a variable could lead to a race condition and unexpected server
behavior. (Bug #22591899)
When the range optimizer computed the prefix for a string of sufficient length, it was possible for it
to truncate the string in the middle of a character, which could lead to assertion and other failures
in debug builds. Now steps are taken in such cases to make sure that the string is truncated at a
character boundary. (Bug #22475473, Bug #13712655)
Queries having subqueries or expressions in the GROUP BY clause could in some situations return
random results, due to reading of uninitialized data. (Bug #20035304)
References: See also: Bug #21922202.
Queries having subqueries or expressions in a GROUP BY clause sometimes returned random
results due to reading of uninitialized data. (Bug #20035304)
References: See also: Bug #21922202.
The audit_log plugin did not log placeholder values for prepared statements. (Bug #16617026)
ALTER TABLE ... RENAME operations could lose foreign keys defined on the table if executed
using the COPY algorithm. (Bug #11756183, Bug #48070)
Integer columns in UNION statements could be cast to BIGINT even if a smaller integer type was
more appropriate. (Bug #11747567, Bug #33004)
Added ER_REGEXP_INVALID_CAPTURE_GROUP_NAME (Error 13110). (Bug #89796, Bug
Window function row-buffer handling has been refactored to reduce the number of handler reads by
25%. (Bug #89512, Bug #27484133)
For some frames, the functions VARIANCE(), VAR_POP(), and VAR_SAMP() produced wrong
results when evaluated with the windowing_use_high_precision system variable set to false.
(Bug #89390, Bug #27438725)
Generated columns with a prefix index were not considered when the optimizer attempted to
substitute an expression with an equivalent generated column. This prevented use of prefix indexes
to speed up queries with predicates employing a generated column expression. (Bug #89291, Bug
FIRST_VALUE() did not always return NULL for an empty frame. (Bug #89116, Bug #27348276)
Regular expression functions accepting optional arguments did not return NULL as expected when
one or more of these arguments was passed as an explicit NULL. (Bug #88872, Bug #27252630)
Row-based replication used the wrong set of indexes on the slave. (Bug #88847, Bug #27244826)
When executed with no default database having been chosen, EXPLAIN EXTENDED raised Error
1046 No database selected instead of the SQL syntax error expected due to the fact that the
EXTENDED keyword has been removed. (Bug #88591, Bug #27153116)
The CMake option OPTIMIZER_TRACE=0 had no effect on builds and so is no longer used. (Bug
#88520, Bug #27130109)
A SELECT statement using GROUP BY with no constant or aggregate column failed a check for
functional dependencies, correctly, on the first attempt but succeeded, wrongly, on the next. (Bug
#88474, Bug #27427677)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: See also: Bug #21807579.
A CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement with a UNION in the SELECT failed in strict mode for a
DATE column declared as NOT NULL. (Bug #87711, Bug #27068222)
Prepared statements using nested sub-selects were not always handled correctly. (Bug #87484, Bug
The cost estimates for a query containing window functions did not take into account the cost of
PARTITION BY or ORDER BY, nor did they include the cost of using the frame buffer. (Bug #87373,
Bug #26612356)
References: See also: Bug #26502118.
When processing a query with a subquery, the subquery is no longer optimized if outer query is
known to produce an empty result; in such cases, EXPLAIN now shows Not optimized, outer
query is empty.
This change is made because, when the table used by the outer query is found empty at
optimization, this sets the join column to NULL even when defined as not nullable, which leads to a
conflict when optimizing the subquery.
An exception is made if the outer query has aggregates without any GROUP BY; this means that it
has a non-empty result, and that any subquery in the SELECT list must be evaluated and optimized,
which reopens the nullability issue, which is now handled correctly for such cases. (Bug #83115, Bug
References: See also: Bug #83216, Bug #24760317.
When selecting from all columns making up a unique key containing nullable columns, with all
columns in the WHERE condition set to non-null values, MySQL did not take into account their
uniqueness, with the result that only_full_group_by missed detecting a functionally dependent
column. (Bug #79291, Bug #22279903)
When using a partial index, the optimizer performed a more expensive table lookup instead of using
the index, even when the partial index covered the entire set of data needed. (Bug #74359, Bug
Changes in MySQL 8.0.5 - 8.0.10 (Skipped version numbers)
There are no release notes for these skipped version numbers.
Changes in MySQL 8.0.4 (2018-01-23, Release Candidate)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
This is a milestone release, for use at your own risk. Upgrades between
milestone releases (or from a milestone release to a GA release) are not
supported. Significant development changes take place in milestone releases
and you may encounter compatibility issues, such as data format changes that
require attention in addition to the usual procedure of running mysql_upgrade.
For example, you may find it necessary to dump your data with mysqldump
before the upgrade and reload it afterward. (Making a backup before the
upgrade is a prudent precaution in any case.)
Beginning with MySQL 8.0.4, macOS 10.13 is a supported platform.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Compilation Notes
Component Notes
Configuration Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
SQL Function and Operator Notes
InnoDB Notes
Installation Notes
Keyring Notes
Logging Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Security Notes
Server Administration
Spatial Data Support
Test Suite Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Compilation Notes
Linux: Binary packages on Linux platforms now are built using GCC 6. The optimization level has
changed from -O3 to -O2. (WL #10343)
macOS; Microsoft Windows: For compiling MySQL from source, the -DWITH_SSL=system CMake
option now works on Windows and macOS. (Bug #26907731, Bug #87938)
On platforms for which the GNU gold linker is used, removal of unused functions is now enabled,
reducing the size of binaries. (Bug #26612067, Bug #87372)
#include directives in source files were rewritten and reorganized to be unambiguous. (Bug
#26597243, Bug #87358, Bug #26897738)
The BUILD directory containing compilation scripts is no longer maintained and has been removed
from MySQL source trees. (Bug #26576219, Bug #87323)
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.65.0. (Bug #26574924, Bug
MySQL can now be linked against OpenSSL 1.1 on Unix and Unix-like systems. (Bug #25094892,
Bug #83814)
Work was done to clean up the source code base, including: Removing unneeded CMake checks;
removing unused macros from source files; reorganizing header files to reduce the number of
dependencies and make them more modular, removing function declarations without definitions,
replacing locally written functions with equivalent functions from industry-standard libraries.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Component Notes
The validate_password plugin has been reimplemented to use the component infrastructure. To
install and uninstall the validate_password component, use these statements:
INSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_validate_password';
UNINSTALL COMPONENT 'file://component_validate_password';
INSTALL PLUGIN and UNINSTALL PLUGIN still work to install and uninstall the
validate_password plugin as before, but generate warnings. The plugin form of
validate_password is deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. MySQL
installations that use the plugin should transition to the component instead. See Transitioning to the
Password Validation Component.
A usage difference between the component and plugin implementations of validate_password
is that, whereas the plugin exposes system and status variables with names that
begin with validate_password_, the component uses the convention of exposing
variables with names that begin with the component name and a period. For example,
the plugin exposes the validate_password_policy system variable and
validate_password_dictionary_file_words_count status variable, whereas the
corresponding variables exposed by the component are validate_password.policy and
validate_password.dictionary_file_words_count. The plugin variables, like the plugin
itself, are deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. (WL #6667)
Configuration Notes
Replication: When calculating the binary log expiration period, any value that you
specify for the deprecated expire_logs_days system variable is now ignored if
binlog_expire_logs_seconds is set, and only the value of binlog_expire_logs_seconds
is used. Previously, the effects of binlog_expire_logs_seconds and expire_logs_days
were cumulative.
If you set a value for both system variables at startup, a warning message is issued stating that
the value of expire_logs_days is ignored. You cannot set or change the value of one option
dynamically while the other is set, and an error message is issued in this situation.
The default binary log expiration period of 30 days (as changed in MySQL 8.0.2) applies if neither
binlog_expire_logs_seconds nor expire_logs_days has a value set at startup. If a value
for either binlog_expire_logs_seconds or expire_logs_days is set at startup, this value
overrides the default binary log expiration period. To disable automatic purging of the binary log, you
must set both binlog_expire_logs_seconds and expire_logs_days explicitly to 0 at startup.
(Bug #26274274, Bug #86698)
For RHEL, SLES, and Fedora RPMs, the default plugin directory for debug builds has been changed
from /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin to /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/debug. (Bug #27072155,
Bug #88363)
The new WITH_LZMA and WITH_RE2 CMake options control whether to compile with the bundled or
system LZMA and RE2 libraries.
The table_open_cache system variable default variable has been increased from 2000 to 4000.
This additionally changes the default for the autosized table_definition_cache system variable
from 1400 to 2000. (WL #9703)
The optimizer_trace_max_mem_size system variable default value was changed from 16KB to
1MB to lessen the likelihood of optimizer trace truncation. (WL #11345)
The log_error_verbosity system variable default value was changed from 3 (error, warning,
and information messages) to 2 (error and warning messages) to make mysqld error logging less
verbose by default. (WL #11143)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
InnoDB: The innodb_undo_tablespaces configuration option is deprecated and will be removed
in a future MySQL version. (WL #10473)
Replication: The group_replication_primary_member status variable has been deprecated
and will be removed in a future MySQL version. (WL #10958)
Replication: The group_replication_allow_local_disjoint_gtids_join system variable
has been removed. (WL #11139)
When the libmysqld embedded server library was removed in MySQL 8.0.1, the following
mysql_options() options used only for libmysqld were not removed. They have now been
(Bug #26712418)
mysqlpump no longer includes the SQL_NO_CACHE modifier in statements because that modifier is
now deprecated and results in deprecation warnings. (Bug #26694675)
Generated columns no longer permit deprecated functions in the generation expression, to avoid
problems when MySQL is upgraded to a version in which the deprecated functions have been
removed. (Bug #26279884, Bug #86712)
The Performance Schema setup_timers table has been removed, as has the TICK row in the
performance_timers table. (Bug #18296337, WL #10985, WL #10986)
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Incompatible Change: Previously, MySQL used the Henry Spencer regular expression library
to support regular expression operators (REGEXP, RLIKE). Regular expression support has been
reimplemented using International Components for Unicode (ICU), which provides full Unicode
support and is multibyte safe. The REGEXP_LIKE() function performs regular expression matching
in the manner of the REGEXP and RLIKE operators, which now are synonyms for that function. In
addition, the REGEXP_INSTR(), REGEXP_REPLACE(), and REGEXP_SUBSTR() functions are
available to find match positions and perform substring substitution and extraction, respectively. The
regexp_stack_limit and regexp_time_limit system variables provide control over resource
consumption by the match engine.
MySQL source distributions bundle the ICU library, and the WITH_ICU CMake option controls
whether to compile with the bundled or system ICU library. The ICU_VERSION() function returns
the ICU library version.
For more information, see Regular Expressions. For information about ways in which applications
that use regular expressions may be affected by the implementation change, see Regular
Expression Compatibility Considerations. (WL #8987)
Two new SQL functions are available to provide digest information about SQL statements. Given
an SQL statement as a string, STATEMENT_DIGEST() returns the statement digest hash value,
and STATEMENT_DIGEST_TEXT() returns the normalized statement digest. See Encryption and
Compression Functions. (WL #9637)
InnoDB Notes
The restriction enacted in MySQL 8.0.3 against renaming of columns in a parent foreign key has
been lifted. (Bug #26659110, Bug #87490, Bug #25722221)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: See also: Bug #26334071.
Installation Notes
For platforms that use systemd (see Managing MySQL Server with systemd), the data directory is
initialized if empty at server startup. This might be a problem if the data directory is a remote mount
that has temporarily disappeared: The mount point would appear to be an empty data directory,
which then would be initialized as a new data directory. It is now possible to suppress this automatic
initialization behavior. Specify the following line in the /etc/sysconfig/mysql file (create the file
if it does not exist):
(Bug #26595288, Bug #87287)
Keyring Notes
MySQL now supports key migration between underlying keyring keystores, permitting DBAs to
switch a MySQL installation from one keyring plugin to another. See Migrating Keys Between
Keyring Keystores. (WL #9769)
Logging Notes
A new error log filter component, log_filter_dragnet, enables control over events
written to the error log, based on user-defined rules specified as the value of the
dragnet.log_error_filter_rules system variable. This new filtering capability is more
flexible than is achievable using the built-in log_filter_internal filter component and
log_error_verbosity system variable. For more information, see Types of Error Log Filtering.
(WL #9651)
Messages written to the error log by the log_sink_internal log sink component now contain an
error-ID indicator. This ID has a format of [error_id]. It follows the severity indicator and precedes
the message text. For more information, see Error Log Output Format. (WL #11009)
When the log_error_verbosity system variable for error logging is set to filter out warning and
information messages, selected important messages about non-error situations are now printed to
error logs as system messages. These messages were previously handled and labeled as errors
so that they were logged when log_error_verbosity=1 was set. The labeling function has now
been decoupled from the handling function for these messages, so that the messages can be given
an appropriate label.
System messages now have the label “System” in the MySQL error log. Other log sinks that support
custom labels might also use this convention. In logs that do not support custom labels, system
messages are printed with the label used for the information level of severity. However, they are
included even if the log_error_verbosity setting normally excludes messages at this level.
If your system has additional configuration to discard messages labeled as information level, or to
redirect them to a different destination from messages labeled as errors, system messages do not
override this behavior. If the log sink involved does not use the “System” label, system messages are
now discarded or redirected along with other messages labeled as information level.
The messages that are now printed with the “System” label where supported include startup and
shutdown messages, and some significant changes to settings, as follows:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(WL #10942)
Packaging Notes
All MySQL binary distributions now are linked against OpenSSL, including Community distributions,
which previously were linked against yaSSL. In addition, OpenSSL is linked dynamically rather than
statically, which enables substitution of alternative SSL libraries for use with MySQL if desired. For
some platforms, binary distributions bundle OpenSSL libraries to ensure library availability:
Windows: Distributions bundle libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll, which are installed in the
same directory as MySQL binaries. Other libraries can be used by replacing those library files with
alternatives, or by using some other library-selection method supported on Windows. (See https://
macOS: Distributions bundle libssl.dylib and libcrypto.dylib. MySQL binaries are linked
to expect the libraries in the same directory, and symbolic links there point to the actual library
Linux (for generic compressed tar file distributions only): Distributions bundle and,which are installed in the same directory as the client
(Bug #26272084, Bug #26134893, Bug #26927607, Bug #87996, WL #10524)
Performance Schema Notes
The Performance Schema now uses SHA-256 hashes for statement digests rather than MD5
hashes. To accommodate the increased storage required for SHA-256 values, DIGEST columns in
Performance Schema tables are widened from VARCHAR(32) to VARCHAR(64). (Bug #26727443)
Security Notes
Incompatible Change: Passwords are now restricted to a maximum of 256 characters for
the caching_sha2_password and sha256_password authentication plugins, and for the
PASSWORD() function when old_passwords=2. Also, the number of password hashing rounds is
capped to limit CPU time used. (Bug #27099029, Bug #27194270)
Incompatible Change: The caching_sha2_password and sha256_password authentication
plugins provide more secure password encryption than the mysql_native_password plugin,
and caching_sha2_password provides better performance than sha256_password. Due
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
to these superior security and performance characteristics of caching_sha2_password, it is
now the preferred authentication plugin, and is also the default authentication plugin rather than
mysql_native_password. This change affects both the server and the libmysqlclient client
For the server, the default value of the default_authentication_plugin system variable
changes from mysql_native_password to caching_sha2_password.
The libmysqlclient library treats caching_sha2_password as the default authentication
plugin rather than mysql_native_password.
This change has the following implications:
The change affects only the authentication plugin used for creating new MySQL accounts.
For accounts already existing in an upgraded installation, their authentication plugin remains
Clients that use an account that authenticates with caching_sha2_password must use either
a secure connection (made using TCP using TLS/SSL credentials, a Unix socket file, or shared
memory), or an unencrypted connection that supports password exchange using an RSA key
pair. This security requirement does not apply to mysql_native_passsword, so the switch to
caching_sha2_password may require additional configuration (see Caching SHA-2 Pluggable
Authentication). However, client connections in MySQL 8.0 prefer use of TLS/SSL by default, so
clients that already conform to that preference may need no additional configuration.
Because caching_sha2_password is also now the default authentication plugin in the
libmysqlclient client library, authentication requires an extra round trip in the client/server
protocol for connections from MySQL 8.0 clients to accounts that use mysql_native_password
(the previous default authentication plugin), unless the client program is invoked with a --
default-auth=mysql_native_password option.
Incompatibility: Clients and connectors that have not been updated to know about
caching_sha2_password cannot connect to accounts that authenticate with
caching_sha2_password because they do not recognize this plugin as valid. To work around
this issue, relink clients against libmysqlclient from MySQL 8.0.4 or higher, or obtain an
updated connector that recognizes caching_sha2_password.
Incompatibility: Clients and connectors that have not been updated to know about
caching_sha2_password may have trouble connecting to a MySQL 8.0 server configured
with caching_sha2_password as the default authentication plugin, even to use accounts that
do not authenticate with caching_sha2_password. This issue occurs because the server
specifies the name of its default authentication plugin to clients. If a client or connector is based
on a client/server protocol implementation that does not gracefully handle an unrecognized default
authentication plugin, it may fail with an error.
For more information about the more prominent role of caching_sha2_password, including
discussion of potential compatibility issues and solutions, see caching_sha2_password as the
Preferred Authentication Plugin.
Additionally, replication slaves are now able to connect to masters using RSA key pair-based
password exchange. This RSA capability applies for accounts that authenticate with the
caching_sha2_password or sha256_password authentication plugin. (Previously, slaves could
authenticate with those plugins, but required a secure connection and could not use RSA password
exchange.) The following changes enable use of this new slave RSA capability:
The CHANGE MASTER TO statement has clauses for specifying RSA public key information.
For Group Replication, the group_replication_recovery_public_key_path and
group_replication_recovery_get_public_key system variables serve the same purpose.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement and the Performance Schema
replication_connection_configuration table display replication slave RSA public key
More programs now support a --server-public-key-path option to enable specifying a
client-side file containing the public key for RSA key pair-based password exchange, for accounts
that authenticate with the caching_sha2_password or sha256_password authentication
plugin: mysqladmin, mysqlbinlog, mysqlcheck, mysqldump, mysqlimport, mysqlpump,
mysqlshow, mysqlslap, mysql_upgrade. Previously, only mysql and mysqltest supported
--server-public-key-path. The --server-public-key-path option is an alternative to
--get-server-public-key, and may be used when a client-side file is available that contains a
copy of the RSA public key required by the server, rather than sending a request for the public key to
the server.
The new mysql_reset_server_public_key() C API function clears any cached copy of the
server RSA public key from the client library. See mysql_reset_server_public_key().
The new caching_sha2_password_auto_generate_rsa_keys system
variable enables automatic RSA private/public key-pair file generation, similar to the
sha256_password_auto_generate_rsa_keys system variable. See Automatic SSL and RSA
File Generation.
The new Caching_sha2_password_rsa_public_key status variable exposes the public key
used by the caching_sha2_password authentication plugin for RSA key pair-based password
exchange. (Bug #26751594, WL #11057)
The linked OpenSSL library for MySQL Server has been updated to version 1.0.2n. Issues fixed in
the new OpenSSL version are described at (Bug
#27212666, Bug #27236394)
Certificates automatically generated by mysqld and mysql_ssl_rsa_setup now use X509 v3
rather than v1. (Bug #26521654)
Server Administration
A new RESTART SQL statement is available that enables restarting a MySQL server instance from
within a client session. This feature is available for platforms on which a monitoring process is able to
detect a server shutdown performed for restart purposes: Windows (mysqld started as a Windows
service or standalone), and Unix and Unix-like systems that use systemd or mysqld_safe to
manage mysqld. See RESTART Statement. (WL #9809)
Spatial Data Support
Incompatible Change: These spatial import functions now return an error for data in a
geographic spatial reference system for which the coordinates are outside the legal range of
values: ST_GeomCollFromText(), ST_GeomCollFromTxt(), ST_GeomCollFromWKB(),
ST_GeometryCollectionFromText(), ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB(),
ST_GeometryFromText(), ST_GeometryFromWKB(), ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(),
ST_GeomFromText(), ST_GeomFromWKB(), ST_LineFromText(), ST_LineFromWKB(),
ST_LineStringFromText(), ST_LineStringFromWKB(), ST_MLineFromText(),
ST_MLineFromWKB(), ST_MPointFromText(), ST_MPointFromWKB(),
ST_MPolyFromText(), ST_MPolyFromWKB(), ST_MultiLineStringFromText(),
ST_MultiLineStringFromWKB(), ST_MultiPointFromText(), ST_MultiPointFromWKB(),
ST_MultiPolygonFromText(), ST_MultiPolygonFromWKB(), ST_PointFromText(),
ST_PointFromWKB(), ST_PolyFromText(), ST_PolyFromWKB(), ST_PolygonFromText(),
ST_PolygonFromWKB(). (ST_LatFromGeoHash(), ST_LongFromGeoHash(), and
ST_PointFromGeoHash() do not have this behavior because they cannot represent out-of-range
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON() also now returns an error if a crs member that specifies an SRID
different from the top-level object SRID is found at a lower level of the GeoJSON document.
If spatial data contains SRID values that refer to a geographic spatial
reference system and the data coordinates are out of range, existing queries
using these functions will return different results, compared to previous
MySQL versions.
(Bug #26941370, Bug #88031, WL #9449)
Incompatible Change: Previously, these spatial functions ignored the spatial reference system
(SRS) for geometry arguments and computed results on a Cartesian plane. They now support
computations for geometry arguments that specify a geographic SRS: ST_Distance_Sphere(),
ST_IsSimple(), ST_IsValid(), ST_Length().
Previously, these spatial functions ignored the SRS for any geometry arguments and computed
results on a Cartesian plane. They now produce an error when invoked with geometry
arguments that specify a geographic SRS: ST_Area(), ST_Buffer(), ST_Centroid(),
ST_ConvexHull(), ST_Difference(), ST_Envelope(), ST_Intersection(),
ST_IsClosed(), ST_MakeEnvelope(), ST_Simplify(), ST_SymDifference(),
ST_Union(), ST_Validate().
Previously, these spatial functions permitted geometry arguments with an undefined
SRS. They now produce an error when invoked with geometry arguments that have
an undefined SRS: ST_Dimension(), ST_Distance_Sphere(), ST_EndPoint(),
ST_ExteriorRing(), ST_GeometryN(), ST_GeometryType(), ST_InteriorRingN(),
ST_IsEmpty(), ST_IsSimple(), ST_IsValid(), ST_Length(), ST_NumGeometries(),
ST_NumInteriorRing(), ST_NumInteriorRings(), ST_NumPoints(), ST_PointN(),
ST_StartPoint(), ST_SwapXY(), ST_X(), ST_Y().
Previously, the ST_GeoHash() spatial function accepted points with any SRID. ST_GeoHash()
now accepts only points with SRID 0 or 4326.
If spatial data contains geometry values that now are interpreted differently
by the functions just listed, existing queries using these functions will return
different results, compared to previous MySQL versions.
(WL #10416, WL #10926, WL #10927, WL #10999, WL #11096)
Incompatible Change: For the following spatial functions that take an SRID argument,
they now return an error if the SRID does not exist: ST_GeomCollFromText(),
ST_GeomCollFromTxt(), ST_GeomCollFromWKB(), ST_GeometryCollectionFromText(),
ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB(), ST_GeometryFromText(), ST_GeometryFromWKB(),
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(), ST_GeomFromText(), ST_GeomFromWKB(),
ST_LineFromText(), ST_LineFromWKB(), ST_LineStringFromText(),
ST_LineStringFromWKB(), ST_MLineFromText(), ST_MLineFromWKB(),
ST_MPointFromText(), ST_MPointFromWKB(), ST_MPolyFromText(),
ST_MPolyFromWKB(), ST_MultiLineStringFromText(), ST_MultiLineStringFromWKB(),
ST_MultiPointFromText(), ST_MultiPointFromWKB(), ST_MultiPolygonFromText(),
ST_MultiPolygonFromWKB(), ST_PointFromGeoHash(), ST_PointFromText(),
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ST_PointFromWKB(), ST_PolyFromText(), ST_PolyFromWKB(), ST_PolygonFromText(),
ST_PolygonFromWKB(). (ST_SRID() already had this behavior.)
If spatial data contains SRID values that refer to a nonexistent spatial
reference system, existing queries using these functions will return different
results, compared to previous MySQL versions.
(WL #9450)
The server now prints a warning if a SPATIAL index is created that the optimizer will never use. (Bug
The EPSG Dataset containing spatial reference system data for spatial calculations has been
upgraded from version 9.0 to 9.2. (Bug #26711258, Bug #87564, Bug #26990896)
SYSTEM statements for creating and removing spatial reference system (SRS) definitions in
the data dictionary. See CREATE SPATIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM Statement, and DROP
SPATIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM Statement. With the implementation of these statements,
direct access to the mysql.st_spatial_reference_systems data dictionary table using
statements such as SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE is not needed, and is no longer permitted.
Read access to SRS definitions remains available through the INFORMATION_SCHEMA
ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS table, as before. (WL #9059)
Test Suite Notes
Documentation for the MySQL Test Suite is now maintained in the MySQL source tree using
Doxygen (see the MySQL Server Doxygen documentation, available at
index-other.html.) The related Unix man pages that previously were produced from the old test suite
manual are no longer updated and have gone out of date. Consequently, they are no longer included
in MySQL distributions. (Bug #27021754)
The MySQL test suite now includes CRC32() tests. Thanks to Daniel Black for the patch. (Bug
#26495791, Bug #87136)
mysqltest now accepts an optional retry argument for these commands: copy_file
copy_files_wildcard, file_exists, move_file, remove_file, and
remove_files_wildcard. Usage is as follows:
--file_operation file_name ... [retry]
When the retry argument is specified, the command retries a failed operation the given number of
times at one-second intervals. (Bug #24671890)
X Plugin Notes
X Plugin could incorrectly remove quotes from parameters that were passed to functions expecting
JSON strings, causing an error. (Bug #26906519)
After an index was created on a collection, X Plugin would list the collection as a relational table, and
no longer list it as a collection. (Bug #26906487)
X Protocol displayed the DATE type in the same way as the DATETIME type. The two data types are
now treated differently. (Bug #26647488)
mysqlxtest did not display fractional seconds in DATETIME values correctly. (Bug #26638422)
X Plugin returned a column metadata field showing fractional digits for a JSON column, for which
that information was irrelevant. The field is no longer returned. (Bug #26258481)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
X Plugin handled user account lookup incorrectly if the IP address resolved to an empty host name.
(Bug #26042786)
X Plugin can now be configured to abort any authenticated connections which are considered idle.
The following system variables have been added:
(WL #9267)
X Plugin now supports Caching SHA-2 Pluggable Authentication. To enable the support, issue:
INSTALL PLUGIN mysqlx_cache_cleaner SONAME '';
This plugin maintains the cache and removes all entries for accounts that were modified. (WL
References: See also: Bug #27213213, Bug #27042109.
Functionality Added or Changed
InnoDB: Obsoleted InnoDB system tables that are no longer required after upgrading to MySQL
8.0.3 or later are now dropped after a successful upgrade. (Bug #26757171)
InnoDB: Support was added to automatically upgrade data dictionary table definitions when starting
the MySQL server after upgrading MySQL binaries to a new version. At startup, the data dictionary
version of the server is compared to the version information stored in the data dictionary to determine
if data dictionary tables should be upgraded. If an upgrade is necessary and supported, the server
creates data dictionary tables with updated definitions, copies persisted metadata to the new tables,
atomically replaces the old tables with the new ones, and reinitializes the data dictionary. If an
upgrade is not necessary, startup continues without updating the data dictionary tables.
The mysqld --no-dd-upgrade option can be used to prevent automatic upgrade of data
dictionary tables at startup. (WL #9553)
InnoDB: Moving or restoring tablespace files to a new location while the server is offline is supported
by the new --innodb-directories option, which defines directories to scan at startup for
tablespace files. For more information, see Moving Tablespace Files While the Server is Offline.
With the introduction of the --innodb-directories feature, the location of file-per-table
and general tablespace files created with an absolute path or in a location outside of the data
directory should be added to the innodb_directories argument value. Otherwise, InnoDB
is not able to locate these files during recovery. To view tablespace file locations, query the
The CREATE TABLESPACE ... ADD DATAFILE statement now requires that a specified directory
is known to InnoDB. Known directories include those implicitly and explicitly defined by the
innodb_directories option.
innodb_directories replaces innodb_scan_directories, which has been removed. (WL
InnoDB: InnoDB now supports partial update of large object (LOB) data stored in external fields
outside of clustered index pages, including JSON documents updated using JSON_SET() and
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
JSON_REPLACE(). Previously, LOB values could only be read or modified in full, and updates of
JSON column values were done by completely removing the previous document and writing the new
one in its place.
Partial update uses an internal LOB index, or ZLOB index in the case of compressed LOB data,
which is created and stored in one or more LOB pages when a row containing LOB data is inserted
or updated. Thus, partial fetch and update of LOB data is supported for newly inserted rows,
but existing rows containing LOB data must be updated to add partial fetch and update support.
The addition of LOB index data increases the storage space required by LOB values by a small
This feature adds the following InnoDB page types for storing uncompressed and compressed LOB
(WL #8960)
InnoDB: The storage engine private field of the mysql.tablespaces data dictionary table
and page 0 of InnoDB tablespace files now store MySQL server version and tablespace version
information. The MySQL server version is the version that created the tablespace, the version into
which the tablespace was imported, or the version of the last major MySQL upgrade. The tablespace
version tracks tablespace format changes. SERVER_VERSION and SPACE_VERSION fields were
added to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TABLESPACES table to provide access to this data.
(WL #5989, WL #11063)
Group Replication: Host names can now be specified as part of a whitelist for group replication
connections, using the group_replication_ip_whitelist system variable. Host names
support CIDR notation. Host names that resolve to IPv6 addresses are not supported.
For host names, name resolution takes place only when a connection request is made by another
server. A host name that cannot be resolved is not considered for whitelist validation, and a warning
message is written to the error log. Forward-confirmed reverse DNS (FCrDNS) verification is carried
out for resolved host names.
Host names are inherently less secure than IP addresses in a whitelist.
FCrDNS verification provides a good level of protection, but can be
compromised by certain types of attack. Specify host names in your whitelist
only when strictly necessary, and ensure that all components used for name
resolution, such as DNS servers, are maintained under your control. You can
also implement name resolution locally using the hosts file, to avoid the use of
external components.
(WL #10803, WL #11298)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
JSON: Added the JSON_TABLE() function, which accepts JSON data and returns it as a relational
table whose columns are as specified. This virtual table can be accessed using standard SQL
This function has the syntax JSON_TABLE(expr, path COLUMNS column_list) [AS]
alias), where expr is an expression that returns JSON data, path is a JSON path applied to
the source, and column_list is a list of column definitions. Columns can be of the types FOR
ORDINAL, PATH, EXISTS PATH, and NESTED PATH or NESTED, as described in the following list:
FOR ORDINAL: The column is a counter, similar to an AUTO_INCREMENT column.
PATH: The column holds a scalar value using the specified JSON path. ON ERROR and ON
EMPTY options are supported for handling illegal values (such as nonscalars) and empty values,
EXISTS PATH: The column value is 1 if a match exists for the specified JSON path, and 0
NESTED PATH: Nested objects or arrays in JSON data found in the given JSON path are flattened
into a single row along with the JSON values from the parent object or array. The PATH keyword is
Two simple examples are shown here:
mysql> SELECT *
-> '[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]',
-> "$[*]" COLUMNS(rowid FOR ORDINALITY, col VARCHAR(50) PATH "$")
-> ) AS t1;
| rowid | col |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 3 | 5 |
| 4 | 7 |
| 5 | 9 |
mysql> SET @j = '[{"a": [{"x":"3"},{"y":"2"}]},
'> {"b": [{"x":"1"},{"y":"1"}]},
'> {"a": [{"x":"2"},{"y":"3"}]}]';
mysql> SELECT *
-> @j,
-> "$[*]" COLUMNS(
-> xa INT EXISTS PATH "$.a",
-> xb INT EXISTS PATH "$.b",
-> ja JSON PATH "$.a",
-> jb JSON PATH "$.b"
-> )
-> ) AS jts;
| rowid | xa | xb | ja | jb |
| 1 | 1 | 0 | [{"x": "3"}, {"y": "2"}] | NULL |
| 2 | 0 | 1 | NULL | [{"x": "1"}, {"y": "1"}] |
| 3 | 1 | 0 | [{"x": "2"}, {"y": "3"}] | NULL |
The JSON source expression can be any expression that yields a valid JSON document, including
a JSON literal, a table column, or a function call that returns JSON such as JSON_EXTRACT(t1,
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
data, '$.post.comments'). For complete syntax and other information about this function, see
JSON Table Functions. (WL #8867)
The -DWITH_ASAN_SCOPE CMake option enables the AddressSanitizer -fsanitize-address-
use-after-scope Clang flag for use-after-scope detection. The default is off. To use this option, -
DWITH_ASAN must also be enabled. (Bug #27095089)
Handling of empty JSON documents has been made more robust. (Bug #26787468, Bug #87734)
MySQL 8.0.3 imposed a restriction against ALTER TABLE RENAME on tables in a foreign key
relationship if a LOCK TABLES was active. This restriction has been lifted. (Bug #26647340, Bug
If the server PID file is configured to be created in a world-writable location, the server now issues a
warning suggesting use of a more secure location. (Bug #26585560)
For constructs using _charset character set introducers (for example, _utf8mb4 'abc'),
lookup performance was improved for mapping the introducer onto the proper character set. (Bug
#25680866, Bug #85331)
Bugs Fixed
Important Change: The following changes are made to the PERIOD_ADD() and PERIOD_DIFF()
A period value used with one of these functions may not be negative.
The month part of a period value may not be equal to 0.
A period value used with one of these functions for which at least one of these conditions is true now
causes the function to fail with an error. (Bug #27004699, Bug #27004729)
Important Change: The LEAST() and GREATEST() functions no longer attempt to infer a context
for their arguments from expressions in which they are used. For example, LEAST('11', '45',
'2') returns '11', but LEAST('11', '45', '2') + 0 treated the function arguments as
integers rather than as strings, and returned 2. Now these functions always evaluate their arguments
strictly according to type, and any data type coercion due to their inclusion in an expression is
performed only on the result returned by the function. This means that the expression LEAST('11',
'45', '2') + 0 now evaluates to '11' + 0, and thus to the integer value 11.
This change has been made due to the following considerations:
Rules for deriving the context were not always clear or consistent.
The results of these functions when used in expressions were not consistent with the results of
COALESCE(), or of a UNION query.
Applications that use these functions within expressions should be checked to make sure that they
do not depend on the previous behavior, and updated if they do so. (Bug #83895, Bug #25123839)
InnoDB: Concurrent XA transactions that ran successfully to the XA prepare stage on the master
conflicted when replayed on the slave, resulting in a lock wait timeout in the applier thread. The
conflict was due to the GAP lock range which differed when the transactions were replayed
serially on the slave. To prevent this type of conflict, GAP locks taken by XA transactions in READ
COMMITTED isolation level are now released (and no longer inherited) when XA transactions reach
the prepare stage. (Bug #27189701, Bug #25866046)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that added a foreign key constraint referencing a table with
generated virtual columns raised an assertion. (Bug #27189701)
InnoDB: A DROP DATABASE operation raised an assertion due to a missing general tablespace data
file. (Bug #27151163)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: On Windows, an operation that altered a table partition raised an assertion. The table name
was not parsed correctly. (Bug #27075816)
InnoDB: A TRUNCATE TABLE operation on a temporary table raised an assertion. (Bug #27073280)
InnoDB: A call to a recovery-related function during the post-DDL phase of a DDL operation raised
an assertion. (Bug #27041487, Bug #88263)
InnoDB: Adding a spatial index that referenced a column with an SRID attribute returned an error.
(Bug #27021029)
InnoDB: A table with a 64-character foreign key name caused an upgrade failure. Foreign key
names up to 64 characters in length should be permitted. (Bug #27014308, Bug #88196)
InnoDB: The InnoDB recovery process failed with a tablespace size error for a compressed table
that was upgraded from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0.
The tablespace file for a compressed table is now created using the physical page size instead of the
InnoDB page size, which makes the initial size of a tablespace file for an empty compressed table
smaller than in previous MySQL releases. (Bug #27014083, Bug #88195)
InnoDB: Unnecessary tablespace fetch and cache update operations caused a server startup delay.
(Bug #26995951)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #26832347.
InnoDB: An orphan .frm file caused an upgrade failure, and subsequent upgrade attempts were
unsuccessful due to a full-text search auxiliary table that was renamed during the first upgrade
attempt. (Bug #26995951)
InnoDB: Workarounds introduced to address conflicting serialized dictionary information (SDI)
inserts during concurrent CREATE TABLE operations were removed. (Bug #26995534)
References: See also: Bug #26539665.
InnoDB: A “no space left on device” error reported an invalid error message. (Bug #26960345)
InnoDB: During a fast shutdown, InnoDB attempted to write dynamic metadata to the data
dictionary after files were closed, resulting in an initialization failure due pending I/O on the data
dictionary tablespace. (Bug #26950659)
InnoDB: A stack overflow error was encountered on startup after upgrading to MySQL 8.0.4 due to
repeated attempts to load an evicted InnoDB system table. (Bug #26945437, Bug #88042)
InnoDB: Importing a compressed table raised an assertion. The operation used the clustered index
of the table instead of the serialized dictionary information (SDI) index to transform SDI pages. (Bug
InnoDB: In debug builds, failed temporary table creation during a REPLACE operation raised an
invalid assertion. (Bug #26919378, Bug #26958868)
InnoDB: DROP DATABASE failed if database tables were created in a general tablespace. General
tablespace flags were registered incorrectly causing the serialized dictionary information (SDI)
operation to fail. (Bug #26834496)
InnoDB: With binary logging enabled, an ALTER TABLESPACE ... RENAME operation failed with a
“cannot find space” error. (Bug #26832347)
InnoDB: An operation that failed to add an index raised an invalid adaptive hash index assertion.
(Bug #26788968)
InnoDB: A valid table row type value read from the data dictionary raised an invalid assertion. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Starting an upgrade with innodb_force_recovery=5 initialized InnoDB background
threads but did not exit the threads gracefully when an error was encountered. Upgrading with a
nonzero innodb_force_recovery setting is no longer permitted. (Bug #26766632)
InnoDB: A failed CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statement left an entry in
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TEMP_TABLE_INFO. The in-memory table object was not freed.
(Bug #26765438)
InnoDB: InnoDB looked up the name of a virtual column in the wrong dict_table_t array when
attempting to locate a qualifying index for a foreign key. (Bug #26764604)
InnoDB: Attachable read-write transactions that update the table_stats and index_stats data
dictionary tables attempted to update the same row, causing a deadlock. (Bug #26762517)
InnoDB: During recovery, the tablespace name in an in-memory tablepace object was defined using
the file name character set instead of table name character set, resulting in a “missing tablespace”
error. (Bug #26761960)
InnoDB: Bootstrap code did not reserve the first 1024 table IDs for data dictionary tables. (Bug
InnoDB: Multiple updates from different clients on a partitioned table caused an unexpected lock
wait timeout due to an incorrectly set lock type. (Bug #26731025, Bug #87619)
InnoDB: An asynchronous rollback thread that attempted to acquire a metadata lock was
interrupted, but the resulting error was not returned to the server. This issue was addressed by
removing the metadata lock acquisition, which was not necessary for asynchronous rollback.
Only in-memory tables were checked when opening tables for undo processing. The data dictionary
is now checked as well, in case tables are not present in memory. (Bug #26678883)
InnoDB: An assertion was raised when attempting to open a full-text auxiliary table with a name that
was longer than expected. (Bug #26649020)
InnoDB: Data dictionary table open functions did not properly handle table and schema name
character set conversion, resulting in an error during recovery. (Bug #26640776)
InnoDB: A transaction end_stmt() function was not called in some ALTER TABLE ...
PARTITION scenarios, resulting in a timeout. (Bug #26629790, Bug #25886814)
InnoDB: Acquiring a metadata lock on the serialized diction information (SDI) table during the
commit phase of a DDL operation would fail due to a lock wait timeout or halting of the query. (Bug
InnoDB: Redo logs for dynamic metadata updates were not considered when checking redo log
margin. Also, in read-only mode, the innodb_dynamic_metadata data dictionary table was
opened unnecessarily for writing of metadata from the redo log. (Bug #26589535)
InnoDB: An unexpected error occurred after a failed attempt to install the memcached plugin. (Bug
InnoDB: The state of a buffer pool page was altered by another thread while a buffer pool resize
operation was in progress. (Bug #26588537)
InnoDB: Debug functions that assert for conflicting locks did not account for transaction locks that
are to be committed or rolled back. (Bug #26562371)
InnoDB: Variance-Aware Transaction Scheduling (VATS) functionality that updates the age of
waiting record locks failed to ignore table locks, causing an assertion failure. (Bug #26538702)
InnoDB: A DDL operation that created or modified a table partition unintentionally altered the row
format of other partitions, resulting in a row format mismatch. (Bug #26535746)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation caused the server to halt. (Bug #26492721)
InnoDB: The innodb_table_stats data dictionary table was not updated with new partition
names when renaming a partitioned table. (Bug #26390658, Bug #86927)
InnoDB: Due to a regression introduced in MySQL 8.0.0, the innodb_change_buffering
configuration option could not be set dynamically. (Bug #26389442)
InnoDB: The online log for a freed index was accessed while rolling back a concurrent UPDATE
statement during an online DDL operation. (Bug #26334475)
InnoDB: A REPLACE operation on a table with a secondary index on the prefix of a virtual column
raised an assertion. (Bug #26330279)
InnoDB: Setting tmpdir to the root of a drive caused “Invalid (old?) table or database name” error
messages to be printed to the error log. (Bug #26299984, Bug #86737)
InnoDB: A race condition occurred during an INFORMATION_SCHEMA query when attempting to
check the transaction state without acquiring a transaction mutex. (Bug #26299705)
InnoDB: A FLUSH TABLES operation failed to drop an aborted index. While removing the table from
the cache, the clustered index was dropped prior to checking for the aborted index. (Bug #26256456,
Bug #86607)
InnoDB: For InnoDB tables, CREATE TABLE ... LIKE did not respect the
innodb_file_per_table system variable setting, and SHOW CREATE TABLE displayed a
TABLESPACE clause even though the user specified no explicit tablespace during table creation.
(Bug #26199233, Bug #86589)
InnoDB: An iterative approach to processing foreign cascade operations resulted in excessive
memory use. (Bug #26191879, Bug #86573)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #16244691.
InnoDB: The lock acquisition sequence for a buffer pool eviction operation that evicts compressed
pages was incorrect. (Bug #25972975)
InnoDB: Metadata locks were released while data dictionary objects were still in use. (Bug
InnoDB: innochecksum returned a Valgrind error when run on InnoDB files with a 1K compressed
page size. (Bug #25922124, Bug #85993)
InnoDB: A kill thread failed to close the socket of another thread that was executing a TRUNCATE
TABLE operation, causing an assertion. (Bug #25887335, Bug #85925)
InnoDB: An INSERT operation on a table with a spatial index raised an assertion due to a failure that
occurred during a lock conflict check. (Bug #25729649)
InnoDB: A debug sync point intended for user tables was activated for data dictionary tables. (Bug
InnoDB: A server-side check was added to prevent a foreign key constraint from being placed on the
base column of a generated stored column. (Bug #25339192)
InnoDB: Warnings that should only appear in debug builds of MySQL were printed to the error log
when the length of the history list exceeded 2000000. (Bug #24296076, Bug #82213)
InnoDB: Attempting to reduce the buffer pool size to less than the buffer pool chunk size did not
report a warning. (Bug #23590280)
InnoDB: A “wrong key column” error was added to address an unsupported index creation scenario.
(Bug #22486025)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Full-text search on indexed columns that use a binary collation did not return case-sensitive
matches. (Bug #21625016, Bug #78048)
Packaging: When trying to install MySQL Server on Fedora 27 using the MySQL Yum repository,
installation failed due to a conflict with the native mariadb-connector-c-devel package. With
this fix, the appropriate “obsoletes” have been added for that and other native packages. (Bug
Partitioning: When creating a partitioned table using an implicit tablespace, the effect is to place
each partition in its own tablespace, with no designated tablespace for the table as a whole. Since
serialized dictionary information (SDI) was stored in all tablespaces used by a given table, the
cost of storing it in a table with many tablespaces became prohibitive. This problem is solved by
including only the tablespace for the first partition in the set of tablespaces used to store the SDI.
(Bug #26762973)
References: See also: Bug #26765252.
Partitioning: An assertion could be raised on CREATE VIEW on partitioned tables when the server
tried to prune partitions of the underlying tables. (Bug #26659699)
Partitioning: When renaming a partitioned table, the table statistics were not updated with the new
partition names. (Bug #86074, Bug #25953183)
Replication; JSON: For row-based replication, partial updates to JSON documents were not applied
if the server variable binlog_row_value_options=PARTIAL_JSON (introduced in MySQL
8.0.3) was not specified on the replication slave, as well as on the master. Now, a replication slave
applies partial updates to JSON documents whenever these are received from the master, whether
or not the slave has binlog_row_value_options=PARTIAL_JSON in its own settings. (Bug
Replication: The function set_unknow_error() in the Binlog_sender class has been renamed
to set_unknown_error(). Thanks to Simon Mudd for the fix (and also for the typo fix in Bug
88149). (Bug #27149075, Bug #88559)
References: See also: Bug #26996065, Bug #88149.
Replication: When you invoke mysqld with the --initialize or --initialize-insecure
option to initialize the data directory, a warning message is no longer issued regarding the availability
of the mysql.gtid_executed table, which should not be available at that stage. Also, the
message formerly issued as a warning regarding the generation of a new UUID is now issued as a
note, because the generation of a new UUID is normal in that situation. (Bug #27115183)
Replication: In MySQL 8.0.3, the default base name for the binary log files and index file was
host_name-bin, using the name of the host machine. This default name was used if the --log-
bin option was not supplied, and also if the --log-bin option was supplied with no string or with
an empty string. From MySQL 8.0.4, if you do not supply the --log-bin option, MySQL now uses
binlog as the default base name for the binary log files and index file. In releases before MySQL
8.0.3, there was no binary log with that configuration, so there is no incompatibility with existing
binary logs at upgrade. However, for compatibility with existing binary logs from releases before
MySQL 8.0.3, if you supply the --log-bin option with no string or with an empty string, the base
name defaults to host_name-bin, using the name of the host machine.
The warning messages that were previously issued at startup if you did not specify a binary log file
name using the --log-bin option (ER_LOG_BIN_BETTER_WITH_NAME) and if you did not specify
a server ID by setting the server_id system variable (ER_WARN_NO_SERVERID_SPECIFIED) are
now issued as informational messages. A warning message is still issued if replication is attempted
with a nonunique server ID. (Bug #27082922)
Replication: In the Gtid_log_event that precedes every GTID transaction in the binary log file,
the transaction_length field used 8 bytes for transactions with 16777216 bytes or more, when it
should have used the maximum permitted 9 bytes. (Bug #26993433)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: The fix for Bug #22671846 was missing from MySQL version 8.0.3. (Bug #26985976)
Replication: The fix for Bug #26117735 (MySQL Bug #86288) could cause a debug assertion when
running mysqlbinlog with the --read-from-remote-server option and the --rewrite-db
option, depending on the database names specified in the rewrite rule. The issue has now been
corrected. (Bug #26878022)
Replication: With MySQL compiled using yaSSL, and semisynchronous replication in use,
a deadlock could be caused by incorrect handling of acknowledgement packets. Multiple
acknowledgement packets can be read together by yaSSL, but the receiver thread for
semisynchronous replication only handled the first acknowledgement packet seen after polling.
Now, the receiver thread handles all acknowledgement packets that are present in the buffer. (Bug
Replication: With semisynchronous replication in use, if RESET MASTER was issued while an active
transaction was waiting for an acknowledgement from the slave, the count of waiting sessions in the
Rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_sessions server status variable was incorrect after the wait was
completed. (Bug #26748533)
Replication: The --log-slave-updates and --slave-preserve-commit-order options
require binary logging. If you specify these options and also disable binary logging using the --
skip-log-bin or --disable-log-bin option, a warning or error message is issued. The --
skip-log-bin and --disable-log-bin options now disable the --log-slave-updates and
--slave-preserve-commit-order options by default, so when those options are not specified,
the warning or error message is not issued. (Bug #26666259)
Replication: XA ROLLBACK statements that failed because an incorrect transaction ID was given,
could be recorded in the binary log with the correct transaction ID, and could therefore be actioned
by replication slaves. A check is now made for the error situation before binary logging takes place,
and failed XA ROLLBACK statements are not logged. (Bug #26618925, Bug #87393)
Replication: For the NDB storage engine, when the slave used hashing for searches of rows (which
is included by default in the setting for the slave_rows_search_algorithms system variable
from MySQL 8.0.2), the table used to store the row hashes was not cleaned up correctly after
records were removed on the slave. The issue was caused by a variant error value returned by the
NDB storage engine, which has now been corrected to the expected value. (Bug #26434966)
Replication: MySQL internal administration commands that update replication-specific repository
tables, for example during a replication synchronization check using the mysqlrplsync utility,
can now bypass read locks. This enables such commands to execute regardless of the settings
for the read_only and super_read_only system variables and the autocommit mode. (Bug
#26414532, Bug #86224)
Replication: The binary log function MYSQL_BIN_LOG::new_file_impl returned the error
“Can't open file” (ER_CANT_OPEN_FILE) when it should have returned “Error writing file”
(ER_ERROR_ON_WRITE). (Bug #26370868, Bug #86870)
Replication: When write sets are used for parallelization by a replication slave (as specified by the
binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking system variable), the case and accent sensitivity
of the database are now taken into account when generating the write set information. Write set
information is generated when the transaction_write_set_extraction system variable is
enabled. Previously, duplicate keys could be incorrectly identified as different, causing transactions
to have incorrect dependencies and so potentially be executed in the wrong order. (Bug #26277771,
Bug #86078)
Replication: The receiver thread for semisynchronous replication was not able to receive
acknowledgements from slaves that used compression of the master/slave protocol
(slave_compressed_protocol=ON). The receiver thread now handles compressed
acknowledgements correctly. (Bug #26027024, Bug #86230)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: The mysql_reset_connection() function now clears the write set session history.
(Bug #25950554, Bug #86063)
Replication: On replication slaves, in the XA_STATE field in the Performance Schema table
events_transactions_current, the state of XA transactions was incorrectly reported as
COMMITTED instead of PREPARED after the XA PREPARE statement was applied on the slave. (Bug
Replication: In a multi-source replication topology, a memory leak could occur on the slave when
binlog_rows_query_log_events was enabled on the master, and a statement already applied
from another channel was skipped on the slave. In this situation, the instance of the Rows_query
log event stored on the slave was not being deleted. The log event instance is now cleaned up and
the memory is freed. Thanks to Vlad Lesin for his contribution to the patch. (Bug #25695434, Bug
#85371, Bug #85034)
Replication: Queries to the Performance Schema replication_applier_global_filters
and replication_applier_filters tables, which show the global and channel-specific
replication filters configured on a replication slave, have been optimized so that a view is generated
only when the filters are changed. Previously, a view was generated for every row that was created.
(Bug #25694140)
Replication: A memory leak was fixed in GTID-based replication. Memory was not being freed after
the repository tables were updated for skipped or ignored events. (Bug #25656123, Bug #85251)
Replication: When a worker thread on a multithreaded slave failed to apply a transaction on which a
later transaction depended, the coordinator thread could begin scheduling the dependent transaction
before being notified of the issue. If a STOP SLAVE request was made during this situation, it caused
an assertion to be raised in debug builds. (Bug #25585436)
Replication: With statement-based replication in use, if an UPDATE or DELETE statement was used
inside an XA transaction ending with XA COMMIT ONE PHASE, and the statement did not affect
any rows, a replication error occurred. An XA END statement was not written to the binary log, so
slave servers identified the XA transaction as still being active at the time of the commit request. The
required XA END statement is now written even if the transaction affected no rows. (Bug #24812958,
Bug #83295)
Replication: Replication clients no longer enable LOCAL capability for LOAD DATA statements,
because they do not use LOAD DATA LOCAL statements. (Bug #24763131)
Replication: The behavior of mixed-format replication (binlog_format=MIXED) has changed
with regards to temporary tables. Previously, when mixed-format binary logging was in use, if a
statement was logged by row and the session that executed the statement had any temporary tables,
all subsequent statements were treated as unsafe and logged in row-based format until all temporary
tables in use by that session were dropped. Also, on a replication slave with log_slave_updates
enabled, row-based logging was incorrectly continued across all subsequent sessions for the
duration of the connection, as reported in the bug.
Now, when mixed binary logging format is in use, statements that exclusively use temporary tables
are not logged. Statements that involve a mix of temporary and nontemporary tables are logged on
the master only for the operations on nontemporary tables, and the operations on temporary tables
are not logged. The exception is if the creation of a temporary table was recorded in the binary log
using statement-based format. In this case, a DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS statement is
logged on the master when the temporary table is dropped.
With this change in behavior, the remaining statements in the session that do not involve temporary
tables no longer need to be treated as unsafe. The safe statements are now logged in statement-
based format, and the unsafe statements are logged in row-based format, according to the normal
behavior for mixed format replication, regardless of the presence of temporary tables in the session.
Also, the issue reported in the bug has been fixed so that subsequent sessions using the connection
now use the appropriate logging format for the session, regardless of the format used by earlier
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
When binlog_format is ROW or STATEMENT, the behavior remains as before. For row-based
binary logging format, operations on temporary tables are not logged, with the exception of the
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS statement as for mixed format. For statement-based binary
logging format, operations on temporary tables are logged on the master and replicated on the slave,
provided that the statements involving temporary tables can be logged safely using statement-based
format. binlog_format=STATEMENT is now the only logging mode in which temporary tables are
replicated on the slave.
You cannot now change the binlog_format setting from ROW or MIXED to STATEMENT at runtime,
because any CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE statements will have been omitted from the binary log
in the previous mode. You can still switch from STATEMENT to ROW or MIXED format, even when
temporary tables have been created.
Thanks to George Lorch and Laurynas Biveinis from Percona for the patch. (Bug #18843730, Bug
Replication: During distributed recovery as part of joining the group, when the applier was signaling
that it had applied all transactions, it was also blindly searching for partial transactions. This was to
avoid future applier errors, which would happen if the applier stopped at this point. However, this
search and remove only made sense for applier stop cases. Upon execution completeness it should
not be done, otherwise it can corrupt or purge the applier relay log, which can led to data loss. To
solve this issue, when the applier is waiting for execution completeness, it no longer searches for
and removes partial transactions. (Bug #88304, Bug #27049034)
Replication: In a group with heavy load, joining members could need to retrieve a large amount of
data to gain synchrony with the group. If the amount of data retrieved exceeded the View_change
packet size of 4Mb the members would fail to join the group and enter Error state. Now, the
packet size is taken from slave_max_allowed_packet, which defaults to 1GB. Depending on
the load your group processes, you might want to increase the packet size further by configuring
slave_max_allowed_packet. (Bug #87701, Bug #26770576)
Replication: In a group where a joining member consistently received transactions, the joining
member could sometimes not enter the online state. This was due to the way the incoming queue of
messages was tested. (Bug #87631, Bug #26731317)
Group Replication; Microsoft Windows: On Windows, errors generated by Group Replication now
contain a detailed error message rather than just the error number. (Bug #24918678)
Group Replication: The thread where the Group Replication plugin was started was not being
correctly killed, making it impossible to stop or start the plugin after killing this thread. (Bug
Group Replication: When transaction_write_set_extraction was enabled, there was a
risk of unnecessary serialization while foreign keys were gathered if concurrent DDL took place.
Group Replication now takes advantage of the new Data Dictionary to interact with table definitions
and foreign keys, which has solved this potential serialization. (Bug #26187850)
Group Replication: When group_replication_enforce_update_everywhere_checks is
ON, the Group Replication plugin checks whether there are any foreign key cascades and disallows
updates to tables affected by them.
SET NULL operations were not checked as part of this process, which could lead to data
inconsistency. Now, when this value is ON, operations on child tables are blocked if the table has a
SET NULL option configured. (Bug #25404162)
Group Replication: All servers that belong to a group must have unique UUIDs set by
server_uuid, but this was not enforced by Group Replication, so that it was possible to add
members with duplicate UUIDs. (Bug #88452, Bug #27105803)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group Replication: When starting or stopping, the Group Replication plugin executes internal
operations on the server such as enabling or disabling read only mode using an internal session.
When this internal session was opened, if the total number of sessions exceeded the number of
permitted open sessions set by max_connections, the operation failed as expected but a thread
was left behind, which later caused issues. (Bug #88182, Bug #27008102, Bug #27016552)
Group Replication: If Group Replication was configured to start on server boot when the server
was being initialized using --initialize or --initialize-insecure, because the replication
applier infrastructure was not initialized, this resulted in an assertion. Now, Group Replication is not
started when the server is being initialized. (Bug #87759, Bug #26802395)
Group Replication: Changes to Group Replication variables while starting or stopping the plugin
were not being correctly validated. Now, the variables can only be changed if the plugin is not
changing state. (Bug #86874, Bug #26372117)
Group Replication: Regardless of the number of virtual IPs configured on a machine, Group
Replication could access only the first 12 addresses. (Bug #86772, Bug #26324852)
Group Replication: The delayed initialization mechanism used for server starts has been improved.
Now, it blocks connections only until the server is in read mode. (Bug #86271, Bug #26037344)
References: See also: Bug #84731, Bug #25475132.
Group Replication: When a primary member, such as the primary in a single-primary group
or in a multi-primary group which also had asynchronous replication channels feeding data
into it, was stopped, the asynchronous channels would continue applying changes. Although
super_read_only was set when STOP GROUP_REPLICATION was issued, this did not stop any
running asynchronous replication channels already running. This meant that changes could be made
locally on the member, and that the asynchronous replication channels had to be stopped manually.
Now when Group Replication stops, either due to an error or when STOP GROUP_REPLICATION is
issued, all asynchronous replication channels are stopped. (Bug #86222, Bug #26024253)
Group Replication: Group Replication logging has been improved, and now includes includes about
when a member joins or leaves, when the view changes, and so on. (Bug #84798, Bug #25495393)
References: See also: Bug #26422857.
Linux: On Alpine Linux, mysql would lose its connection to the server if its standard output was not
writable. Also, for mysql and mysqldump, order of result flushing for stdout and stderr is now
deterministic. (Bug #27169809)
References: See also: Bug #17583.
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, with the myisam_use_mmap and flush system variables
enabled, MyISAM did not always flush table files properly. (Bug #26880757)
JSON: JSON expressions used as arguments with the LAG() function were not always evaluated
correctly. (Bug #26740557)
JSON: Repeated execution of a prepared statement that employed JSON_ARRAY() was not handled
correctly. (Bug #26704312)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25867454.
JSON: When executing the JSON_INSERT() function, the check that is performed to determine
whether or not a given insert is being made into the root element tested whether the length of the
path was 1—that is, whether the path consisted of a single leg determining which position the
inserted element has inside the root element. A problem occurred when there were auto-wrapping
path legs at the beginning of the path, in which case a path whose length is greater than 1 might also
refer to an element in the root, so that checking the path length did not reliably inform us whether the
target element of the insert was the root or some other element.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
To fix this, the check of the path length for detection of the root element has been replaced with a
check as to whether the matched element has a parent; if it has none, it must be the root element.
(Bug #26649978)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #86213, Bug #26022576.
JSON: When serializing a JSON value to its binary representation, it is necessary to make sure
that the destination buffer has sufficient space to hold an integer or double value of the required
size. Allocation of this buffer previously reserved only the minimum amount of memory needed,
which made it very likely that a reallocation would be needed shortly thereafter. This could adversely
affect performance, especially when serializing arrays with many numeric values. The serialization
is now performed in a manner such that the allocation increases the size of the destination buffer
size exponentially, which reduces the amount of the time spent performing this task when processing
large arrays. (Bug #88656, Bug #27171283)
JSON: When a JSON document was converted to string representation, floating-point values that
had no fractional part could be represented such that they became indistinguishable from integers.
When the string representation of such a JSON document was passed through the JSON parser
again, the information that the numeric value was originally specified as a floating-point value was
To rectify this problem, a fractional part is now added to the string representation of a floating-point
value in a JSON document if the value has no fractional part and is not represented using scientific
format. This makes the string representation of a floating-point value distinguishable from that of an
integer, so that it continues to be treated as a floating-point number even if the string is parsed again.
This fix also makes ST_GeomFromGeoJSON() use the same JSON parser as the other JSON
functions rather than its own custom parser as had been the case since MySQL 5.7.8; this special
handling was due to the fact that ST_AsGeoJSON() dropped the fractional part of negative zero
(-0 instead of -0.0), causing the JSON parser to interpret -0 as integer 0, thus losing the distinction
between positive and negative zero. Since ST_AsGeoJSON() now uses the standard JSON parser,
it represents negative zero as correctly as -0.0, obviating any need for ST_GeomFromGeoJSON() to
preserve negative zero explicitly on its own when parsing the output from ST_AsGeoJSON(). (Bug
#88230, Bug #27028889)
References: See also: Bug #19504183.
JSON: When inserting JSON values created from the result of a GROUP BY query, the inserted
values could sometimes include the concatenation of all the values previously inserted into that
column. (Bug #87854, Bug #26867509)
JSON: When called using strings extracted from JSON documents as arguments, the LEAD() and
LAG() functions returned the same value for every row. (Bug #87839, Bug #26848089)
JSON: The microseconds part of the last-updated field in each histogram in the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_STATISTICS table (showing when the histogram was last
updated) was dropped when serializing the histogram into JSON and so was not stored. (Bug
#87833, Bug #26846289)
JSON: When a JSON_SET() statement updated a JSON value to the same value using a partial
update (in other words, when the partial update was essentially a NOOP), it was possible that logical
diffs for this operation were produced, even though no binary diffs were produced. Now in such
cases, neither logical update nor binary diffs are generated. (Bug #87113, Bug #26483625)
JSON: Following the implementation of JSON partial updates, the same JSON document could have
different binary representations on the master and the slave. This could lead row-based replication
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
—which uses binary equality to find the matching row on the slave—to fail if this occurred. Now the
string representation of the JSON document is used for the comparison instead.
Also as a result of this fix, updates can be skipped in more cases than previously; this is true where
the binary representation has changed, but not the contents of the document. (Bug #86532, Bug
Ubuntu 14.04 and Debian 8 are no longer supported. (Bug #27422291)
For builds on 32-bit platforms with Undefined Behavior Sanitizer enabled, a stack-overrun check
could cause a server exit. (Bug #27224961)
The server could hang during spatial reference system (SRS) creation while another session was
using that SRS. (Bug #27220467)
A lock for the privilege cache was acquired unnecessarily during privilege-checking operations not
involving table permissions. (Bug #27197483)
Persisting the read-only gtid_owned or gtid_executed system variable caused an assertion
failure at server startup. These variables can no longer be persisted. (Bug #27193853)
Improper handling of plugin loading and unloading could cause a server exit. (Bug #27151550, Bug
#88589, Bug #27116827, Bug #88483)
Error propagation from some windowing functions was not always performed correctly. (Bug
#27135084, Bug #27136492)
Negation of some very large values was not handled correctly by an internal function. (Bug
Instituted stricter checks when performing addition involving date intervals. (Bug #27134148)
Recently introduced SRID and COLUMN_STATISTICS metadata locks were not instrumented by the
Performance Schema. (Bug #27124506)
The name of a derived table was not saved before the table was materialized and assigned the
name of the temporary table. Later, when trying to reset the table name, this caused the server to fail
due to the missing reference to the original value of the name. (Bug #27121663)
Performance Schema queries that used indexes on OBJECT_TYPE columns could return incorrect
results. (Bug #27121500)
Compiling with -DWITH_ASAN=1 and -DWITH_ASAN_SCOPE=1 detected a stack-use-after-scope
memory error. (Bug #27108794, Bug #88460)
FILE privilege checking for prepared SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE statements was incorrect. (Bug
Some messages with information priority were written to the error log when
log_error_verbosity was less than 3. (Bug #27082862)
The ha_create_table_from_engine function failed to pass a table object to the ha_create
routine. (Bug #27066335)
Partition by and order by elements of unused window definitions were not included when estimating
memory requirements. This is resolved by assigning a parsing context (CTX_WINDOW), but only when
the current context is CTX_NONE. As part of this fix, unused window definitions are now removed
after being checked for syntax and semantic errors. (Bug #27062031)
GROUP BY with a ROLLUP that generated NULL was not handled correctly. (Bug #27060420)
An Event Scheduler event for which global autocommit was disabled at event expiration time caused
an assertion to be raised. (Bug #27041552, Bug #88255)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Length calculations for string-valued user-defined variables could be incorrect if the collation was
changed. (Bug #27041543, Bug #88256)
CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statements that attempted to create a non-InnoDB table raised an
assertion if a pre-existing view referenced the table to be created. (Bug #27041536, Bug #88258)
When used as an argument to the IF() function, the value of a TIMESTAMP column could be
handled differently for different collations. (Bug #27041526, Bug #88259)
With statement-based binary logging, using CREATE TABLE ... SELECT to create a BLACKHOLE
table caused an assertion to be raised. (Bug #27041516, Bug #88260)
For debug builds, a TIMESTAMP-related assertion could be raised with
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp enabled. (Bug #27041502, Bug #88261)
Under LOCK TABLES, an attempt to execute a DML statement on a table with foreign keys led
to assertion failure if the statement was incompatible with the mode under which the tables in the
foreign key relationship were locked. (Bug #27041477, Bug #88264)
With a LOCK TABLES statement active, queries that select from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES
table could raise an assertion trying to obtain a metadata lock. (Bug #27041452, Bug #88266)
Component installation did not properly perform auto-increment handling, which could result in a
server exit. (Bug #27041374, Bug #88276)
With big_tables=1 and character_set_connection=ucs2, SHOW TABLE STATUS could
raise an assertion. (Bug #27041323, Bug #88279)
With a backup lock active, removal of binary log files and relay log files incorrectly was permitted.
(Bug #27030339, Bug #88238)
When evaluating an end-range condition in a scan of a non-covering secondary index, and the end-
range condition referenced an indexed virtual column, InnoDB sometimes read the wrong column
from the index, which could lead to assertion failures or wrong results. (Bug #27010089)
In event items in filter rules, the audit_log plugin did not properly process values specified as a
JSON array. (Bug #27010045)
An integer overflow was sometimes possible when adding date values, with the potential to return
invalid results. (Bug #27004806)
TRUNCATE TABLE on an InnoDB table with an active LOCK TABLES raised an assertion if more
than one table instance was locked. (Bug #26999526)
Some windowing functions including NTH_VALUE() did not return NULL in all cases in which they
should have. (Bug #26975882)
If one of the temporal arguments to LEAST() or GREATEST() was of type DATETIME, but the
aggregated data type was something other than VARCHAR or a temporal type, the LEAST() or
GREATEST() item had temporal properties set for it in spite of the fact that it was not of a temporal
data type. The temporal properties for the LEAST() or GREATEST() item, including its fractional
precision, were therefore not calculated correctly, leading to failure at a later point in statement
To fix this issue, the data type of LEAST() or GREATEST() is now temporarily set to a temporal type
if one or more, but not all, of its arguments are of temporal types regardless of their aggregated data
type. (Bug #26975864)
IFNULL() did not always check for errors correctly when processing multiple arguments. (Bug
#26975848, Bug #27062796, Bug #27062694)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
With compression enabled for the client/server protocol, logical packets that are multiples of size
0xFFFFFF could cause the connection to be dropped. Thanks to Facebook Inc. for the patch. (Bug
#26974113, Bug #88092)
Installing and uninstalling a plugin many times from multiple sessions could cause the server to
become unresponsive. (Bug #26946491)
A virtual column definition that included a function removed in MySQL 8.0 caused startup to fail with
a “No database selected” error when starting the MySQL 8.0 server on a MySQL 5.7 data directory.
(Bug #26945125, Bug #88040)
These errors occurred after an in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0:
Starting the server with an --explicit-defaults-for-timestamp=0 setting returned an
Invalid default value for 'cached_time' error.
Starting the server with --initialize and --explicit-defaults-for-timestamp=0
configuration settings returned an Invalid default value for 'SET_TIME' error.
Duplicate SET data type values caused a Duplicated value in SET error, regardless of the
sql_mode configuration setting.
(Bug #26944731, Bug #88039, Bug #26948678, Bug #88032)
Queries with a common table expression and a derived table or view that contained a window
function produced incorrect results. (Bug #26907753, Bug #87939)
The deprecation warnings were clarified regarding use of the --symbolic-links and --skip-
symbolic-links server options (and their equivalents). The server no longer warns about a
missing data directory when invoked with the --help option. (Bug #26898576, Bug #87913)
VALUES() was not handled correctly in some cases. (Bug #26881946)
References: See also: Bug #19601973, Bug #17458914.
The tablespace discovery mechanism in MySQL Cluster was disabled, which prevented serialized
dictionary information from being imported into the data dictionary in cases where the table exists in
the storage engine dictionary but not in the MySQL data dictionary. (Bug #26867488)
For debug builds, validation checks on relevant generated columns could be missed for UPDATE
statements, leading to a server exit. (Bug #26838771)
For window functions, an error could be produced that a window was not defined, when it was
defined. (Bug #26813454, Bug #87780)
When a materialized derived table was determined to be superfluous, the routine that deleted
the corresponding object left it in an inconsistent state. Now in such cases, the derived table's
TABLE_LIST object left in a consistent state after its materialized object is deleted, by setting its
table pointer to NULL. (Bug #26798989)
Incorrect results were obtained for a query with MAX() and a HAVING clause used inside a view.
(Bug #26781725)
Metadata locking for definition changes to tables underlying a view could be inconsistent with
metadata locking for other statements on the tables. (Bug #26770836)
In MySQL 8.0, view column names are restricted to 64 characters. A MySQL 5.7 view with longer
column names was marked as invalid during an upgrade to 8.0 was marked invalid. Now such views
produce an error during the upgrade and must be altered to have legal column names before the
upgrade will succeed. (Bug #26743291, Bug #87650)
Concurrent calls to GET_LOCK() could cause deadlock, even with a wait time of 0. (Bug #26739438,
Bug #87620)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
FROM_UNIXTIME() did not always work correctly with LAG(). (Bug #26739028)
Following an INSERT statement with BLOB values in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause that
failed with a constraint violation, a similar statement with no reason to return an error could cause a
server exit. (Bug #26734162)
The Performance Schema now stores rewritten rather than raw SQL statement text when available.
(Bug #26732229)
Re-executing a prepared statement that used window functions could cause a server exit. (Bug
An in-place upgrade to MySQL 8.0 caused a server exit if tables contained columns with a pre-5.0
DECIMAL data type. This data type is not supported, so upgrades now detect such columns and
warn that in-place upgrade cannot be done. Affected tables must be upgraded by dumping and
restoring them. (Bug #26727481)
A comparison operator used to order keys in a data dictionary cache hash map incorrectly
determined that two storage-engine private IDs used by different storage engines were equal. (Bug
Values in the XID_GTRID column of the Performance Schema events_transactions_current
table were displayed incorrectly for XA transactions. (Bug #26710081, Bug #87559)
Incorrect results or a server exit could result when SHA2() was passed a user-defined variable in
some character sets. (Bug #26704451)
Incorrect NULL handling by LAG() and LEAD() could cause a server exit. (Bug #26703246, Bug
If an error occurred while setting up the temporary table for duplicate weedout in a semijoin (for
example, because the disk was full), the server did not terminate gracefully with an appropriate error
Now in the event that the temporary table is not successfully created, the query is aborted. (Bug
The server did not always clean up correctly after executing an IN subquery that used a hash
semijoin. (Bug #26679495)
Building with the -DWITHOUT_SERVER=ON CMake option failed due to attempting to link the
authentication_ldap_sasl_client client-side plugin against the embedded server library.
(Bug #26665217)
During data directory creation or upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0, server startup would fail due
to a Performance Schema initialization failure if the server was started in read_only mode.
Additionally, Information Schema metadata was not updated at startup, and Performance Schema
and Information Schema version information was stored without verifying that schema tables were
The versioning scheme used for the data dictionary and Information Schema system views is now
consistent with the Performance Schema versioning scheme. (Bug #26636238, Bug #87436)
The CREATE_OPTIONS column in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table did not show correct
information. (Bug #26634507)
Incorrect results could be returned for queries that used an outer join and a derived table referenced
a const value from an inner table of the outer join. (Bug #26627181)
AFTER UPDATE triggers were not invoked for INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE when
the value to be updated and the new value were the same. (Bug #26626277, Bug #87371)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Assignment of anonymous roles to the mandatory_roles system variable was incorrectly
permitted. Additionally, assigning a value to mandatory_roles now requires the ROLE_ADMIN
privilege, in addition to the SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN or SUPER privilege normally required to set
a global system variable. (Bug #26576989)
The server fell back to using the built-in error messages if the lc_messages_dir value was invalid
at server startup, but not if lc_messages or lc_time_names were invalid. Now the server uses the
built-in messages if any of those variables are invalid at startup. (Bug #26576922)
SET DEFAULT ROLE ALL did not include roles named in the mandatory_roles system variable.
(Bug #26571995)
On Windows, CMake did not automatically add x64 toolchain support for some Visual Studio
versions. (Bug #26566360)
Problems could occur when a derived table with an ORDER BY clause was merged into an outer
query, and when the columns from the ORDER BY were not also referenced in the outer query. (Bug
Parallel inserts of schema SDI into the SDI B-tree could raise an assertion when creating tables in
the same schema in parallel. (Bug #26539665, Bug #87225)
Changing the UMASK and UMASK_DIR environment variables from their default values had no effect
on database directory and table file access. (Bug #26529942)
For debug builds, incorrect nullability assessment of derived table column references could cause
CONCAT() to raise an assertion. (Bug #26524721)
A server exit could result from simultaneous attempts by multiple threads to register and deregister
metadata Performance Schema objects, or to acquire and release metadata locks. (Bug #26502135)
MSI packages for Windows failed to detect when Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package
was installed. (Bug #26501092, Bug #87139)
Queries that used window functions for tables that contained a BLOB column could cause a server
exit. (Bug #26496880)
Persisted variables belonging to plugins were not always handled properly at server startup. (Bug
A server exit could occur for queries that used DISINCT and ORDER BY ... LIMIT and were
executed using range access and a temporary table for the ORDER BY. (Bug #26483909)
LDAP authentication plugins could fail if their associated system variables were set to invalid values.
(Bug #26474964)
The Linux RPM spec file for RHEL6 and higher is updated with comments that recommend installing
the redhat-rpm-config package to add convenience macros that make rebuilding the RPM
package easier. Thanks to Simon Mudd for the patch. (Bug #26474153, Bug #87098)
If the error log was misconfigured and the server could not start, no output describing the problem
was produced. (Bug #26447825, Bug #87087)
When a materialized semijoin operation was evaluated more than once, and one of the tables in
the materialization was a const table (that is, with join type JT_CONST), invalid data was accessed
during the second materialization when referencing the const table. (Bug #26436185)
Password-expiration options did not work correctly for authentication plugins that use external
authentication methods. (Bug #26435766)
Adding an ORDER BY to a query that included an outer join and a subquery caused a constant value
defined for a column in the subquery to be incorrectly promoted to a constant value in the case when
the subquery returns 0 rows. (Bug #26432173)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For the autocommit system variable, the Performance Schema variables_info table always
reported the VARIABLE_SOURCE column as COMPILED. (Bug #26428017)
For debug builds, INSERT IGNORE statements that tried to insert NULL into a GEOMETRY NOT
NULL column raised an assertion because there is no valid value to convert the NULL to. This is now
handled as a nonignorable ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR_NOT_IGNORED error. (Bug #26412713)
SET PERSIST_ONLY changed the VARIABLE_SOURCE column of the Performance Schema
variables_info table when it should not have. (Bug #26395134)
The server failed to check the maximum path length for partition names. (Bug #26390632)
Problems occurred when a window with buffering followed an equi-join on a unique index, due to the
fact that the window modified the input record with the assumption that, the next time control passes
back to the join, a new record was read to the input record. This problem is addressed by reinstating
the input record in such cases.
This fix was reverted in MySQL 8.0.27.
(Bug #26389508)
References: See also: Bug #32820802.
Identifiers containing a mixt of backslashes and backticks could be parsed incorrectly. (Bug
audit_log plugin THD objects could be created with incorrect thread ID information, leading to
assertion failure. (Bug #26362452)
The HISTOGRAM column in the column_statistics data dictionary table used a key named
charset-id to indicate collation numbers. This key has been renamed to collation-id. (Bug
#26330090, Bug #86794)
Starting the server with the skip_name_resolve system variable enabled could cause localhost
in account entries to match non-localhost hosts. (Bug #26328274, Bug #26202411, Bug #86546)
if a configured error log service existed but could not be initialized, log information was lost. Now
if a log service is configured at startup but cannot be initialized, diagnostics about the problem are
sent to the default log service (or if that fails, directly to the error stream), and the server exits. If a
log service is configured at runtime but cannot be initialized, diagnostics are sent to the client. (Bug
#26286871, Bug #86728)
Installing and uninstalling Performance Schema example plugins concurrently with deletes from
tables associated with those plugins could cause a server exit. (Bug #26281359)
When HASH_SCAN was specified as one of the values for the slave_rows_search_algorithms
system variable, which is the default from MySQL 8.0.2, and row-based replication was in effect,
updates to a table containing virtual generated fields could raise an assertion. The issue was caused
by an error when generating string representations of the virtual generated fields in order to create
hashes for use in searches. To remove the issue, MySQL no longer creates hashes for virtual
generated fields. (Bug #26280724)
The server permitted SHOW CREATE TABLE on nontable files created for full-text searching. (Bug
For debug builds, CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW for an existing view raised an assertion for column
names greater than 64 characters. Now an appropriate error is reported. (Bug #26266789)
SET PERSIST could be ineffective due to sorting variables written to mysqld-auto.cnf. Variables
are now written in the order persisted. (Bug #26259671)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Attempting a partial backup with mysqlpump on a GTID-enabled server failed and produced an error
message suggesting incorrectly that this was not possible. (It is possible using the --set-gtid-
purged option.) (Bug #26199978)
GRANT GRANT OPTION ON *.* TO user granted GRANT OPTION for static but not dynamic
privileges. REVOKE ALL ... FROM CURRENT_USER() revoked static but not dynamic privileges.
(Bug #26191109, Bug #25658967)
Error logging could attempt to log freed messages, resulting in a server exit. (Bug #26188656, Bug
A HAVING condition was optimized away for an alias on an aggregate column where there was no
GROUP BY clause. (Bug #26188578)
ST_Crosses() could return an incorrect result when at least one parameter is a geometry collection
and multiple elements of the geometry collection must be taken into account in order to determine
whether the geometries cross. (Bug #26188208, Bug #86559)
MBROverlaps() incorrectly returned false for two crossing perpendicular lines. (Bug #26188118,
Bug #86558)
ALTER USER user DEFAULT ROLE ALL produced an error. (Bug #26174169)
mysqldump exited abnormally for large --where option values. (Bug #26171967, Bug #86496, Bug
A query using a window function with a window which partitioned or ordered on the result of an
aggregate function where this evaluated as NULL returned incorrect results. (Bug #26164633)
The Performance Schema could leak memory due to nondeletion of file instances created for ALTER
TABLE operations that used the table-copy algorithm. (Bug #26152751, Bug #86482)
Failed creation of a temporary table using REPLACE could under some circumstances result in an
assertion in a later statement. (Bug #26126789, Bug #86422)
mysqlpump did not properly parse TABLESPACE clauses in the result from SHOW CREATE TABLE
statements it executed to determine table structure. (Bug #26116415)
The binary file for the udf_example loadable function was omitted from binary distributions. (Bug
#26115002, Bug #29178542)
Long SET PERSIST statements could cause a server exit. (Bug #26100122)
An incorrect formula was used to calculate maximum length of result strings for a few string
functions: QUOTE(), AES_DECRYPT(), and WEIGHT_STRING(). This could affect, for example, the
length of character columns created for CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ... QUOTE(). (Bug
#26049942, Bug #86305)
Schema creation and removal operations could fail due to checking for schema directories under the
data directory rather than checking the data dictionary. (Bug #26043994, Bug #86282)
SHOW PLUGINS did not handle plugins that were terminating, resulting in a server exit. The
statement now displays the status for such plugins as DELETING. (Bug #26029765, Bug #86243)
Some statements could cause a buffer overflow in the digest code. Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis and
Roel van de Paar for the patch. (Bug #26021187)
Previously, when the Performance Schema failed to initialize, it wrote a nonspecific init failed
warning to the error log. Now it prints more specific messages about which memory allocation failed.
(Bug #25996291)
Incorrect results could occur on a table with a unique index when the optimizer chose a Loose Index
Scan even though the unique index had no index extensions. (Bug #25989915, Bug #86165, Bug
#26532061, Bug #87207)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #21749123, Bug #78244.
For XA COMMIT, precommit handling could set an error in the diagnostics area that was not reported
correctly on the calling side, causing an assertion to be raised. (Bug #25978684, Bug #86142)
The MIN_VALUE column of the Performance Schema variables_info table displayed incorrect
values on 32-bit big-endian platforms. (Bug #25967079)
A memory leak occurred when the optimizer excluded a subquery associated with a temporary table.
(Bug #25951134)
An assertion could be raised for updates when a view or derived table considered read only had
nested references not seen as read only. (Bug #25832861, Bug #85796)
Certificate and key files automatically generated by the server could have an incorrect access mode.
(Bug #25832856)
Queries on the INFORMATION_SCHEMA TABLES and STATISTICS tables, if evaluated using Index
Condition Pushdown, could push down internal data dictionary functions, resulting in an assertion
being raised. (Bug #25820175, Bug #85765)
ST_AsText() could read freed memory. (Bug #25818451)
CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS was not written to the binary log if the user existed. This could
result in inconsistent replication behavior if the user did not exist on slave servers. A similar issue
occurred for ALTER USER IF EXISTS. To avoid inconsistencies, these statements now are written
to the binary log. (Bug #25813089, Bug #85733)
An invalid utf8 input string caused a heap buffer overflow error. (Bug #25811623, Bug #25946444)
A race condition made it possible to cause a server exit by persisting variables from multiple
sessions simultaneously. (Bug #25768813)
Plugins can create or drop INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, but views that reference
INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables were not validated when plugins were unloaded or unloaded. (Bug
#25761992, Bug #85579)
mysql wrote some password-related statements to the .mysql_history file. (Bug #25750609)
Incorrect handling of internal memory buffers could cause a server exit. (Bug #25737271)
On a read-only server with GTIDs enabled, a DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS statement
relating to a nonexistent or filtered table could write an unnecessary transaction to the binary log and
create an unnecessary GTID. In this situation, the missing temporary table was previously assumed
to be transactional, leading to the statement being split. Now, MySQL checks that the temporary
table exists and that its DROP TEMPORARY TABLE statement is recorded in the binary log. If this is
not the case, no GTID is created. Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #25656992, Bug
The MeCab full-text parser plugin failed to load on Windows. (Bug #25633175)
The SET_TIME column of the Performance Schema variables_info table was initialized
incorrectly. (Bug #25608115)
Executing a stored procedure containing a statement that created a table from the contents of certain
SELECT statements could result in a memory leak. (Bug #25586773)
The Performance Schema failed to check the maximum host length for client connections. (Bug
For spatial functions, some set operations produced a result with SRID 0 when given arguments in a
different SRID. (Bug #25510403)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Large --ssl-cipher values could cause client programs to exit. (Bug #25483593)
A missing argument-count check during preparation of a stored procedure call could result in a
server exit. (Bug #25398451, Bug #84512)
Temporary tables used in processing a recursive common table expression with UNION DISTINCT
and a great many columns now use the MEMORY engine instead of InnoDB. (Bug #25190109)
If the MySQL root user account was renamed, a query that accessed an INFORMATION_SCHEMA
view returned an error stating that the user specified as the definer does not exist. To avoid this
error, a new reserved account, 'mysql.infoschema'@'localhost', is now the DEFINER for
INFORMATION_SCHEMA views. (Bug #25185947, Bug #84027)
When an UPDATE required a temporary table having a primary key larger than 1024 bytes and that
table was created using InnoDB, the server could exit. (Bug #25153670)
SET DEFAULT ROLE was not transactional like other account-management statements. (Bug
mysqlpump included the gtid_executed table in dumps of the mysql system database,
causing the gtid_executed position to be lost upon server restart after the dump was reloaded.
mysqlpump no longer dumps the gtid_executed table. (Bug #25109007)
For geometry calculations, invalid input parameters could lead to an incorrect result buffer and cause
an assertion to be raised or a server exit. (Bug #25062396)
IFNULL(decimal, int) could lose a digit after the decimal point when used in a query that
included GROUP BY and was executed using a temporary table. (Bug #25051195, Bug #83699)
For some queries, such as those involving UNION, column width for GROUP_CONCAT() could
be calculated incorrectly, leading to incorrect application of group_concat_max_len. (Bug
#25050090, Bug #83667)
Audit logging of events for the Performance Schema global_variables table was improved so as
to not report events for rows materialized but not reported to the SQL layer. (Bug #24970428)
ST_Buffer() could return an invalid result or raise an error for some inputs that should have
produced a valid output geometry. (Bug #24947868, Bug #26735293, Bug #25662426)
For builds with AddressSanitizer or Undefined Behavior Sanitizer enabled, division by zero could
occur during Performance Schema timer initialization. (Bug #24785784)
Operations that rely heavily on the metadata locking (MDL) subsystem caused a performance
degradation. Traversal of MDL ticket lists was time consuming in cases where there were large
number of MDL tickets. (Bug #24734971, Bug #83143)
When binlog_format is ROW or MIXED, operations on temporary tables are not logged. Previously,
the exception to this rule was that when the connection was terminated at the end of the session, the
statement DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS was logged for any temporary tables that had
been opened in the session. For row-based replication, this behavior caused an unnecessary write to
the binary log, and added a transaction sequence number for the GTID where these were enabled.
Now, when a temporary table is created in a session, the binary logging format is tracked. The DROP
TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS statement is only logged at the end of the session if statement-
based format was in effect when the temporary table was created, so the CREATE TEMPORARY
TABLE statement was logged. If row-based or mixed-format binary logging was in use when the table
was created, the DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS statement is not logged.
Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #24670909, Bug #83003, Bug #28606948)
Concurrent INSERT, ALTER TABLE, and DROP DATABASE operations could result in deadlock. (Bug
#24510948, Bug #82704)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Under some conditions, the audit_log plugin could recursively lock a mutex, resulting in an
unresponsive server. (Bug #24437533)
In some cases, the optimizer chose a Loose Index Scan (QUICK_GROUP_MIN_MAX_SELECT) for a
GROUP BY query even when there was a predicate with a disjunction. This is fixed by not performing
a range scan when the condition in the WHERE clause results in more than one disjoint range tree.
(Bug #24423143)
Incorrect results could occur when the optimizer chose an index on a generated column to fetch
values. (Bug #24345509, Bug #29451999)
Debug symbol packages are now included for all apt platforms (previously, they were only available
on Debian 9). (Bug #24008883, Bug #27990381)
With SQL_MODE='', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(COUNT(1)) returned NULL instead of 0 as expected. (Bug
When deleting rows from a table that had an indexed virtual BLOB column with a NOT NULL
constraint, and the generated column expression evaluated to NULL in one of the rows that were
being deleted, conversion of the NULL to its NOT NULL equivalent was not performed correctly. (Bug
References: See also: Bug #23037025, Bug #21345972.
Setting the MYSQL_GROUP_SUFFIX environment variable had no effect. (Bug #23072792)
A missing check for error handling during generated column evaluation could result in a server exit.
(Bug #23021693)
To check whether a table was empty, ALTER TABLE performed a table scan, which is inefficient.
(Bug #22688065)
Failure to acquire tablespace metadata locks for ALTER TABLE when a LOCK TABLES was active
could cause an assertion to be raised. (Bug #22486020, Bug #79820)
Constant propagation is no longer performed when a constant expression contains a reference to the
column it is meant to replace. (Bug #20964700)
Queries with many left joins were slow if join buffering was used (for example, using the block nested
loop algorithm). (Bug #18898433, Bug #72854)
REGEXP failed to find matches occurring after a \0 character in the string expression. (Bug
#17541193, Bug #70470)
Selecting from a view that involved aggregation and WITH ROLLUP could result in a spurious
Column col_name cannot be null error. (Bug #11755860, Bug #47693)
COALESCE() could change the value of FLOAT fields. (Bug #11751705, Bug #42666)
In some cases, the row estimate used by the server to determine whether to use sampling could
be inaccurate. This was because the histogram process assumed that the estimate for the number
of rows in the table was current, although it was not updated by (for example) INSERT or DELETE
statements. Now the histogram process requests an updated count of rows. (Bug #88710, Bug
Long-running regular expression matches could not be killed. (Bug #88676, Bug #27183583)
An optimizer SET_VAR hint (see Variable-Setting Hint Syntax) setting cte_max_recursion_depth
was ignored. (Bug #88594, Bug #27153338)
When handling range frames, if the first row for a range frame was found, its position was not
stored. This could later cause retrieval of the row from the frame buffer to fail. (Bug #88568, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The server did not handle triggers activated by LOAD DATA correctly when --skip-log-bin was
enabled. (Bug #88516, Bug #27128534)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27041382.
Stored procedures performing XA transactions and acting on views were not executed correctly.
(Bug #88326, Bug #27058931)
When a table contained a column whose length was zero, the optimizer could in some cases
allocate a record buffer that was too small to hold the columns read by the query. (Bug #88283, Bug
A trigger containing invalid syntax, followed by an INSERT that did not specify a column list,
attempted to insert a new row regardless. (Bug #88274, Bug #27041382)
Window functions did not always produce correct results with LAST_VALUE() and frames having
multiple ORDER BY expressions. (Bug #88186, Bug #27010574)
A fix for a previous issue caused the aggregated data type to be set to VARCHAR whenever the result
type was string and the column size was larger than 255 characters (maximum length for CHAR).
This caused problems for data types such as JSON whose result type is a string, but which support
field values longer than 255 characters. Now in such cases the data type is set explicitly to VARCHAR
when an aggregated column is of type CHAR or BINARY (both represented internally as strings) but
its size exceeds the maximum for CHAR. (Bug #88073, Bug #26960106)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #83895, Bug #25123839.
A prepared statement containing an ORDER BY list that referred to a parameter was not always
handled correctly. (Bug #87863, Bug #26867652)
DENSE_RANK() did not work correctly for the first row in a partition when buffering was in use, due to
premature initialization of the cache comparator for ORDER BY. (Bug #87760, Bug #26802696)
The optimizer chose a composite index for ref access where only the first part of the key could
be used. The composite key was suitable but was seen as a higher cost. This was because, when
choosing between ref access and range access on the same index, we prefer range if certain
criteria are fulfilled, one of these being to choose to avoid ref-access if it has an overly-optimistic
or unrealistically low cost as can happen when records_per_key is very low. This was done even
if the estimate of the number of rows for range access was more reliable than the estimate for ref
access. (Bug #87613, Bug #26727773)
References: See also: Bug #23259872.
When a stored function was used with a table column value as an argument in a WHERE predicate,
its internal not_null_tables property was falsely set to a nonempty value. If this predicate was
applied to an outer join operation and one of the arguments was from an inner table of the outer join,
the predicate was sometimes used (incorrectly) to convert the outer join to an inner join. According to
the SQL standard, only functions that have the RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT property should
behave in that manner. Since MySQL does not currently implement this property, stored functions
are changed such that they no longer implement the RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT behavior.
(Bug #86922, Bug #26389402)
A view or derived table contained incorrect data when defined using a SELECT that performed
aggregation of a column, and whose result was filtered with HAVING. (Bug #86840, Bug #26360114)
The server handled triggers and generated columns incorrectly. (Bug #86637, Bug #26251621)
A query that grouped results on a subquery which returned a BLOB (or a type based on BLOB such
as JSON) sometimes failed to find the group boundaries, and so returned incorrect results. (Bug
#78787, Bug #21974696)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Changes in MySQL 8.0.3 (2017-09-21, Release Candidate)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
This is a milestone release, for use at your own risk. Upgrades between
milestone releases (or from a milestone release to a GA release) are not
supported. Significant development changes take place in milestone releases
and you may encounter compatibility issues, such as data format changes that
require attention in addition to the usual procedure of running mysql_upgrade.
For example, you may find it necessary to dump your data with mysqldump
before the upgrade and reload it afterward. (Making a backup before the
upgrade is a prudent precaution in any case.)
Account Management Notes
Atomic DDL Notes
C API Notes
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
Data Dictionary Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
InnoDB Notes
Logging Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Plugin Notes
Security Notes
Server Administration
Spatial Data Support
SQL Syntax Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
CREATE USER now permits a DEFAULT ROLE clause enabling the account default roles to be
SHOW CREATE USER now displays the account default roles if the default is not NONE. (Bug
#24670738, Bug #82987)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL now maintains information about password history, which makes it possible to enable
restrictions on reuse of previous passwords. DBAs can require that new passwords not be
selected from previous passwords for some number of password changes or period of time.
It is possible to establish password-reuse policy globally using the password_history and
password_reuse_interval system variables, as well as on a per-account basis using the
CREATE USER and ALTER USER statements. Together with existing password-expiration capabilities
to require that passwords be changed periodically, the new reuse-restriction capabilities provide
DBAs more complete control over password management. For more information, see Password
The implementation of password-reuse restrictions involves a
change to the structure of the mysql.user system table and a new
mysql.password_history system table. If you upgrade to this MySQL
release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart
the server) to incorporate these system database changes. Until this is done,
password changes are not possible.
(WL #6595)
Atomic DDL Notes
MySQL now supports atomic data definition statements (atomic DDL). An atomic DDL statement
combines the data dictionary updates, storage engine operations, and binary log writes associated
with a DDL operation into a single, crash-safe, transaction that is either fully committed or rolled
Both table and nontable DDL statements are supported. Table-related DDL operations require
storage engine support, whereas nontable DDL operations do not. Currently, the InnoDB storage
engine supports atomic DDL.
Supported table DDL statements include CREATE, ALTER, and DROP statements for databases,
tablespaces, tables, and indexes, and the TRUNCATE TABLE statement.
Supported nontable DDL statements include:
CREATE and DROP statements, and, if applicable, ALTER statements for stored programs,
triggers, views, and loadable functions. Atomic DDL support for CREATE TRIGGER and DROP
TRIGGER was added in MySQL 8.0.0.
Account management statements: CREATE, ALTER, DROP, and, if applicable, RENAME
statements for users and roles, as well as GRANT and REVOKE statements. Atomic DDL support
for account management statements was added in MySQL 8.0.1.
For table-related DDL operations, InnoDB writes DDL logs to the mysql.innodb_ddl_log data
dictionary table. Enabling the innodb_print_ddl_logs configuration option prints DDL recovery
logs to stderr.
The atomic DDL feature changes the behavior of some statements:
DROP VIEW fails with an error if a named view does not exist, and no changes are made.
Previously, the statement returned an error indicating which views did not exist, but also dropped
the views that did exist.
DROP TABLE fails with an error if a named table does not exist, and no changes are made.
Previously, the statement returned an error indicating which tables did not exist, but also dropped
the tables that did exist.
DROP TABLE is fully atomic if all named tables use an atomic DDL-supported storage engine.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
DROP DATABASE is atomic if all tables use an atomic DDL-supported storage engine. However,
removal of the database directory from the file system occurs last and is not part of the atomic
transaction. If removal of the database directory fails due to a file system error or server halt, the
DROP DATABASE transaction is not rolled back.
Interrupted DDL operations on tables that use an atomic DDL-supported storage engine no longer
introduce discrepancies between the storage engine, data dictionary, and binary log, or leave
behind orphan files.
Partial execution of account management statements is no longer permitted. Account
management statements either succeed for all named users or roll back and have no effect if an
error occurs.
Changes to DROP TABLE, DROP VIEW, and account management statement behavior have
implications for cross-version replication configurations.
For more information, see Atomic Data Definition Statement Support. (Bug #24620918, WL #9173,
WL #9536, WL #7896, WL #9045, WL #7743)
C API Notes
The MySQL C API now enables clients to specify that metadata transfer for result sets is optional.
Suppression of metadata transfer can improve performance, particularly for sessions that execute
many queries that return few rows each. For more information, see Optional Result Set Metadata.
(WL #8134)
Character Set Support
MySQL now supports Russian collations for the utf8mb4 Unicode character set:
utf8mb4_ru_0900_ai_ci is accent insensitive and case insensitive.
utf8mb4_ru_0900_as_cs is accent sensitive and case sensitive.
(WL #10753)
Compilation Notes
For debug builds, the SAFE_MUTEX compilation flag was disabled if the memcached plugin was
included in the build. This no longer occurs; SAFE_MUTEX is always enabled for debug builds. Some
code issues found as a result of this change were corrected. (Bug #26442367, Bug #87068)
Binary packages on EL6 and EL7 now are compiled using Devtoolset 6 rather than Devtoolset3 and
GCC 6.2.1 rather than 4.9.2. (Bug #26436968, Bug #87061)
MySQL now compiles for SPARC on Oracle Linux. (Bug #26306331, Bug #86745)
MySQL compilation on macOS using Clang now requires a Clang version different from 8.0, which
has problems with certain inline constructs. (Bug #26279510, Bug #86711)
Work was done to clean up the source code base, including: Removing unneeded CMake checks;
removing unused macros from source files; reorganizing header files to reduce the number of
dependencies and make them more modular, removing function declarations without definitions,
replacing locally written functions with equivalent functions from industry-standard libraries.
Configuration Notes
The performance_schema_max_mutex_classes system variable default value has been
increased from 220 to 250. The performance_schema_max_thread_classes system variable
default value has been increased from 50 to 100. (Bug #26193630)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The new cte_max_recursion_depth system variable implements a common table expression
(CTE) maximum recursion depth. The server terminates execution of any CTE that recurses more
levels than the value of this variable. For more information, see Limiting Common Table Expression
Recursion. (Bug #26136509, Bug #86444, WL #10972)
The back_log system variable default value is now the value of max_connections, which enables
the permitted backlog to adjust to the maximum permitted number of connections. (WL #9704)
To enable the Event Scheduler by default, the event_scheduler system variable default value
was changed from OFF to ON. (WL #9644)
The max_allowed_packet system variable default value has been increased from 4194304 (4M)
to 67108864 (64M). (WL #8393)
The max_error_count system variable default variable has been increased from 64 to 1024. (WL
Data Dictionary Notes
These INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables have been reimplemented as views on data dictionary tables:
Queries on those tables are now more efficient because they obtain information from data dictionary
tables rather than by other, slower means. For example, the server no longer must create a
temporary table for each query of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table.
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these changes. (WL #9814, WL #11059)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Replication: The following obsolete mysqlbinlog options are now deprecated and will be removed
in a future MySQL version:
--short-form, which could be used for testing to limit the output to statements alone.
--stop-never-slave-server-id, which provided a server ID for connections using the --
stop-never option. If you require this function, use the --connection-server-id option
The deprecation warnings for these options are sent to standard error, rather than to standard
output, so that they do not interfere with the operation of tools that use the output of mysqlbinlog.
(WL #9632, WL #9633)
Replication: The deprecated global scope for the sql_log_bin system variable has been
removed. sql_log_bin now has session scope only. Applications that rely on accessing
@@GLOBAL.sql_log_bin should be adjusted. (WL #10922)
These encryption-related deprecated items have been removed:
The ENCODE() and DECODE() functions.
The ENCRYPT() function.
The DES_ENCRYPT(), and DES_DECRYPT() functions, the --des-key-file option, the
have_crypt system variable, the DES_KEY_FILE option for the FLUSH statement, and the
HAVE_CRYPT CMake option.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
In place of the removed encryption functions: For ENCRYPT(), consider using SHA2() instead for
one-way hashing. For the others, consider using AES_ENCRYPT() and AES_DECRYPT() instead.
(Bug #26493987, WL #10788, WL #10789)
The deprecated tx_isolation and tx_read_only system variables have been removed. Use
transaction_isolation and transaction_read_only instead. (WL #9636)
The deprecated query cache has been removed. Removal includes these items:
These system variables: query_cache_limit, query_cache_min_res_unit,
query_cache_size, query_cache_type, query_cache_wlock_invalidate.
These status variables: Qcache_free_blocks, Qcache_free_memory,
Qcache_hits, Qcache_inserts, Qcache_lowmem_prunes, Qcache_not_cached,
Qcache_queries_in_cache, Qcache_total_blocks.
These thread states: checking privileges on cached query, checking query cache
for query, invalidating query cache entries, sending cached result to
client, storing result in query cache, Waiting for query cache lock.
The SQL_CACHE SELECT modifier.
These deprecated query cache items remain deprecated, but have no effect, and will be removed in
a future MySQL version:
The ndb_cache_check_time system variable.
The have_query_cache system variable remains deprecated, always has a value of NO, and will
be removed in a future MySQL version. (WL #10824)
The deprecated EXTENDED and PARTITIONS keywords for the EXPLAIN statement have been
removed. These keywords are unnecessary because their effect is always enabled. (WL #9678)
The unused date_format, datetime_format, time_format, and max_tmp_tables system
variables have been removed. (WL #9680)
The deprecated multi_range_count system variable has been removed. (WL #10908)
The deprecated log_warnings system variable and --log-warnings server option have been
removed. Use the log_error_verbosity system variable instead. (WL #9676)
The deprecated secure_auth system variable and --secure-auth client option have been
removed. The MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH option for the mysql_options() C API function was
removed. (WL #9674)
The deprecated ignore_builtin_innodb system variable has been removed. (WL #9675)
In MySQL 8.0.2, the system variables for the slave status logs, master_info_repository and
relay_log_info_repository, were set to TABLE instead of FILE by default. In MySQL 8.0.3,
the FILE setting for both these system variables is deprecated, and a warning is issued if it is used.
The FILE setting will be removed in a future MySQL version.
The TABLE setting ensures that replication repository information is stored in InnoDB tables, rather
than in files in the data directory. The use of tables makes replication resilient to unexpected halts.
The default names for the slave status logs when stored as files were and relay- The names could be changed using the --master-info-file and --relay-
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
log-info-file options, respectively. As InnoDB tables, the slave status logs are named
mysql.slave_master_info and mysql.slave_relay_log_info.
To modify an existing replication slave that is using a FILE repository for the slave status logs to use
TABLE repositories, convert the existing replication repositories dynamically by running the following
SET GLOBAL master_info_repository = 'TABLE';
SET GLOBAL relay_log_info_repository = 'TABLE';
The master info log table mysql.slave_master_info should be protected because it contains
the password for connecting to the master. When you back up the replication slave's data, ensure
that you back up the mysql.slave_master_info and mysql.slave_relay_log_info tables
containing the slave status logs, because they are needed to resume replication after you restore the
data from the slave. (WL #6959)
InnoDB Notes
Renaming of columns in a parent foreign key is temporarily disabled due to ongoing work on foreign
key locking. This restriction will be lifted in MySQL 8.0.4. (Bug #26334071)
References: See also: Bug #26659110.
Logging Notes
The binary log is now enabled by default at server startup. The log_bin system variable is set to
ON by default, instead of OFF, even if the --log-bin option has not been specified. Binary logging
is standard practice for production installations, so enabling it by default removes configuration and
planning steps that were usually required.
To disable binary logging, you can specify the --skip-log-bin or --disable-log-bin option at
The server_id system variable is now set to 1 by default, instead of 0. For servers in a replication
topology, you must still change this setting to specify a unique server ID for each replication server.
Previously, the server could not start with log_bin=ON if no server ID was specified. Now, the
server can start, but a warning message is issued if you did not set an explicit server ID. (From
MySQL 8.0.4, the message is only informational.)
With binary logging enabled for a server, all statements that change data are logged to the server's
binary log, which is a sequence of files with a base name and numeric extension. By default,
the server creates binary log files and an index file in the data directory. In MySQL 8.0.3, the
default base name of these files is host_name-bin, using the name of the host machine. From
MySQL 8.0.4, the default base name is binlog if you do not supply the --log-bin option, and
host_name-bin if you supply the option with no string or an empty string.
You can choose the names and locations of the binary log files and index file by specifying the --
log-bin and --log-bin-index options. You are recommended to specify a base name explicitly,
so that if the host name changes, you can easily continue to use the same binary log file names. The
log_bin_basename system variable holds the base name and any specified path for the binary log
The relay log and relay log index on a replication slave, whose names are specified by the --
relay-log and --relay-log-index options, cannot be given the same names as the binary log
and binary log index. From MySQL 8.0.3, the server issues an error message and does not start if
the binary log and relay log file base names would be the same.
The server creates a new binary log file in the series each time it starts or flushes the logs.
The server also creates a new binary log file automatically after the current file's size reaches
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
max_binlog_size, which defaults to the maximum permitted value of 1GB. In MySQL 8.0.3,
binary log files expire by default after 30 days, and can then be automatically removed at
startup or when the binary log is flushed. You can purge binary log files manually using the
PURGE BINARY LOGS statement, or specify a different binary log expiration period using the
binlog_expire_logs_seconds system variable.
Many other options are available to modify the behavior of binary logging. For more information, see
The Binary Log and Binary Logging Options and Variables. (WL #10470)
References: See also: Bug #26730000.
Optimizer Notes
The optimizer now supports a SET_VAR hint that sets the session value of a system variable for the
duration of a single statement. Examples:
SELECT /*+ SET_VAR(sort_buffer_size = 16M) */ name FROM people ORDER BY name;
INSERT /*+ SET_VAR(foreign_key_checks=OFF) */ INTO t2 VALUES(2);
For more information, see Optimizer Hints. (Bug #22906815, WL #681)
The optimizer now uses column-value histogram statistics stored in the column_statistics data
dictionary table to construct query execution plans. Histogram use applies to predicates involving
comparison of a column to a constant. See Optimizer Statistics. (WL #9223)
Previously, there was no way of skipping the use of index dives to estimate index usefulness, except
by using the eq_range_index_dive_limit system variable. Now index dive skipping is possible
for single-table queries under certain query conditions (see Range Optimization). (WL #6526)
The optimizer_switch system variable has a new flag named use_invisible_indexes to
control whether the optimizer uses invisible indexes for query execution plan construction. If the
flag is off (the default), the optimizer ignores invisible indexes (the same behavior as prior to the
introduction of this flag). If the flag is on, invisible indexes remain invisible but the optimizer takes
them into account for execution plan construction. (WL #10891)
Packaging Notes
mysqlcheck was missing in the MySQL Server Docker image, which prevented mysql_upgrade
from running. (Bug #26400146, Bug #86968)
For Debian, non-debug binaries were moved from the mysql-server package to the mysql-
server-core package. (Bug #26382333, Bug #86899)
The Debian/Ubuntu mysql-community-source package is no longer produced because the
MySQL source tarball it contained is provided by other packages at (Bug
The zlib library bundled with MySQL has been upgraded from version 1.2.3 to version 1.2.11.
MySQL implements compression with the help of the zlib library.
The zlib compressBound() function in zlib 1.2.11 returns a slightly higher estimate of the
buffer size required to compress a given length of bytes than it did in zlib version 1.2.3. The
compressBound() function is called by InnoDB functions that determine the maximum row size
permitted when creating compressed InnoDB tables or inserting and updating rows in compressed
UPDATE operations with row sizes very close to the maximum row size that were successful in
earlier releases could now fail. To avoid this issue, test CREATE TABLE statements for compressed
InnoDB tables with large rows on a MySQL 8.0 test instance prior to upgrading. (WL #10551)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Performance Schema Notes
As of MySQL 8.0.2, Performance Schema table definitions are maintained internally to the server.
In consequence of that change, CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE are no longer possible for
Performance Schema tables. (Bug #26136994)
The events_statements_summary_by_digest table now provides, for each row, a sample
statement that produces the digest value in the row. Applications can use this information
as a more efficient means of capturing statement samples than alternatives such as probing
the xxx_history_long tables. The latter approach requires enabling the corresponding
xxx_history_long consumers, which is additional overhead for applications that do not otherwise
need those tables. For more information, see Performance Schema Statement Digests and
Sampling, and Statement Summary Tables.
Additionally, the FIRST_SEEN and LAST_SEEN timestamp columns of the
events_statements_summary_by_digest table now have a fractional seconds part. (WL
The Performance Schema setup_instruments table now has columns for instrument metadata:
Instrument properties, instrument volatility, and a documentation string describing the instrument
purpose. Also, the TIMED column now can be NULL, indicating that the instrument does not support
timing. See The setup_instruments Table.
The new Performance Schema setup_threads table exposes instrumented thread class names
and attributes. See The setup_threads Table. (WL #7801)
Plugin Notes
The new get_sysvar_source plugin service enables plugins to retrieve the source of system
variable settings.
As part of this work, the compound-part structured-variable syntax used for
referring to multiple MyISAM key caches is deprecated. See Multiple Key
(WL #9424)
Security Notes
A new caching_sha2_password authentication plugin is available. Like the sha256_password
plugin, caching_sha2_password implements SHA-256 password hashing, but uses caching to
address latency issues at connect time. It also supports more connection protocols and does not
require linking against OpenSSL for RSA password-exchange capabilities. See Caching SHA-2
Pluggable Authentication. (WL #9591)
Because starting the server with --skip-grant-tables disables authentication checks, the
server also disables remote connections in that case by enabling skip_networking. (WL #4321)
Server Administration
MySQL now supports creation and management of resource groups, and permits assigning threads
running within the server to particular groups so that threads execute according to the resources
available to the group. Group attributes enable control over its resources, to enable or restrict
resource consumption by threads in the group. DBAs can modify these attributes as appropriate for
different workloads. Currently, CPU time is a manageable resource, represented by the concept of
“virtual CPU” as a term that includes CPU cores, hyperthreads, hardware threads, and so forth. The
server determines at startup how many virtual CPUs are available, and database administrators with
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
appropriate privileges can associate these CPUs with resource groups and assign threads to groups.
For more information, see Resource Groups. (WL #9467)
Spatial Data Support
Incompatible Change: Previously, these functions that test geometry relationships supported only
Cartesian spatial reference systems (SRSs): ST_Contains(), ST_Crosses(), ST_Disjoint(),
ST_Equals(), ST_Intersects(), ST_Overlaps(), ST_Touches(), ST_Within(),
MBRContains(), MBRCoveredBy(), MBRCovers(), MBRDisjoint(), MBREquals(),
MBRIntersects(), MBROverlaps(), MBRTouches(), MBRWithin().
These functions now detect geometry arguments in a geographic SRS and return geographic results.
Calculations for projected SRSs and SRID 0 remain the same. For more information, see Spatial
Relation Functions That Use Object Shapes, and Spatial Relation Functions That Use Minimum
Bounding Rectangles.
If spatial data contains SRID values that refer to a geographic spatial
reference system, existing queries using these functions will return different
results, compared to previous MySQL versions.
(WL #10827)
InnoDB: Spatial reference identifier (SRID) support was added for InnoDB spatial indexes. (WL
Spatial data types now permit an SRID attribute, to explicitly indicate the spatial reference system
(SRS) for values stored in the column. See Spatial Data Types.
To indicate each column's SRID attribute value, if there is one, the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table now has an SRS_ID column.
A spatial column with an explicit SRID attribute is SRID-restricted: The column takes only values
with that ID, and SPATIAL indexes on the column become subject to use by the optimizer. The
optimizer ignores SPATIAL indexes on spatial columns with no SRID attribute. See SPATIAL Index
Optimization. (WL #8592)
SQL Syntax Notes
ALTER TABLE now supports easier column renaming using RENAME COLUMN old_name TO
new_name syntax. See ALTER TABLE Statement. For changing a column name but not its
definition, RENAME COLUMN is more convenient than CHANGE, which requires respecifying the
current column definition. With CHANGE, you must look up the definition if you do not know it, and if
you do not respecify it exactly, there is a possibility of data change or loss. (Bug #11746522, Bug
#26949, Bug #11747473, Bug #32497, Bug #11765084, Bug #58006, Bug #14031617, WL #10761)
X Plugin Notes
The X Plugin could not be installed when the server was started with the --skip-grant-tables
option. (Bug #26516678)
X Plugin socket connections were not working correctly. (Bug #26427112, Bug #87019)
When compiling MySQL from source, certain infrequently used CMake arguments caused issues for
the X Plugin build. (Bug #26141933)
A Mysqlx.Connection.CapabilitiesGet request using X Protocol did not return the complete
list of available authentication mechanisms. (Bug #26044113)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For mixed case or uppercase schema names, the statement list_objects could incorrectly report
a collection as a table. (Bug #25769683)
The X Plugin was omitted from the list of plugins to include for testing data directory permissions.
(Bug #24823999)
Functionality Added or Changed
InnoDB: The new --innodb-dedicated-server server option, can be used to have InnoDB
automatically set the following options according to the amount of memory detected on the server:
This option is intended for MySQL server instances that run on a dedicated server. For more
information, see Enabling Automatic InnoDB Configuration for a Dedicated MySQL Server. (WL
InnoDB: Renaming a general tablespace is now supported by ALTER TABLESPACE ... RENAME
TO syntax.
The ALTER TABLESPACE and DROP TABLESPACE ENGINE clause is deprecated and will be
removed in a future MySQL version. (WL #8972)
InnoDB: Code related to obsoleted InnoDB system tables was removed. INFORMATION_SCHEMA
views based on InnoDB system tables were replaced by internal system views on data dictionary
tables. Affected InnoDB INFORMATION_SCHEMA views were renamed:
Table 1 Renamed InnoDB Information Schema views. The first column shows the old name.
The second column shows the new name.
Old Name New Name
After upgrading to MySQL 8.0.3 or later, update any scripts that reference previous InnoDB
path, flag, and space type data for InnoDB tablespaces. (WL #9535)
InnoDB: When InnoDB was integrated with the global data dictionary, file-per-table tablespace
names in the data dictionary were created in the form of innodb_file_per_table_x, where x is the
InnoDB tablespace ID. For ease of use, file-per-table tablespace names in the data dictionary are
once again the same as the table name.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 appends MySQL 5.7 innodb_table_stats and
innodb_index_stats tablespace names in the data dictionary with “_backup57” to differentiate
them from their MySQL 8.0 counterparts. (WL #10436)
InnoDB: The default innodb_autoinc_lock_mode setting was changed from 1 (consecutive)
to 2 (interleaved). Interleaved lock mode permits the execution of multi-row inserts in parallel,
which improves concurrency and scalability. The new innodb_autoinc_lock_mode default
setting reflects the change from statement-based replication to row based replication as the default
replication type in MySQL 5.7. Statement-based replication requires the consecutive auto-increment
lock mode to ensure that auto-increment values are assigned in a predictable and repeatable order
for a given sequence of SQL statements, whereas row-based replication is not sensitive to the
execution order of SQL statements. For more information, see InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT Lock
For systems that use statement-based replication, the new innodb_autoinc_lock_mode default
setting may break applications that depend on sequential auto-increment values. To restore the
previous default, set innodb_autoinc_lock_mode to 1. (WL #9699)
InnoDB: Serialized dictionary information (SDI) is now present in all InnoDB tablespace files
except for temporary tablespace and undo tablespace files. SDI is serialized metadata for table
and tablespace objects. The presence of SDI data provides metadata redundancy. For example,
dictionary object metadata may be extracted from tablespace files if the data dictionary becomes
unavailable. SDI extraction is performed using the ibd2sdi tool. SDI data is stored in JSON format.
The inclusion of SDI data in tablespace files increases tablespace file size. An SDI record requires
a single index page, which is 16KB in size by default. However, SDI data is compressed when it is
stored to reduce the storage footprint. (WL #9538)
InnoDB: The innodb_flush_neighbors default value was changed from 1 to 0, which disables
flushing of neighboring pages from the buffer pool. A setting of 0 is optimal for non-rotational storage
(SSD) devices where seek time is not a significant factor. For systems that use rotational storage
(HDD), it is recommended to change the setting back to the previous default value of 1. (WL #9631)
InnoDB: Default values for configuration options that affect buffer pool preflushing and flushing
behavior were modified:
The innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm default value was changed to 10. The previous
default value of 0 disables buffer pool preflushing. A value of 10 enables preflushing when
the percentage of dirty pages in the buffer pool exceeds 10%. Enabling preflushing improves
performance consistency.
The innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct default value was changed from 75 to 90. InnoDB
attempts to flush data from the buffer pool so that the percentage of dirty pages does not exceed
this value. The increased default value permits a greater percentage of dirty pages in the buffer
(WL #9707, WL #9630)
InnoDB: The minimum innodb_undo_tablespaces value changed from 0 to 2. In previous
releases, the system tablespace is used for rollback segments if innodb_undo_tablespaces
is set to 0. A minimum value of 2 ensures that rollback segments are created in undo tablespaces
instead of the system tablespace. For more information, see Undo Tablespaces. (WL #10583)
Replication; JSON: Added the binlog_row_value_options system variable. Currently this
variable can be unset, or set to the value PARTIAL_JSON. This causes MySQL's row-based
replication to use a compact binary log format for each update modifying only a small portion
of a JSON document and using any combination of JSON_SET(), JSON_REPLACE(), and
JSON_REMOVE(). The compact format includes only the modified parts of the JSON document,
not the full document, in the after-image used for the update in the binary log. If the modification
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
requires more space than the full document, or if it is not possible to generate a partial update, the
full document is used instead.
See the description of the variable as well as Partial Updates of JSON Values, for more information.
(WL #2955)
Replication: The IGNORE_SERVER_IDS option of the CHANGE MASTER TO statement is now
deprecated when using GTID-based replication (gtid_mode=ON). With GTIDs, transactions that
have already been applied are automatically ignored, so this function is not needed.
Before starting GTID-based replication, check for and clear all ignored server ID lists that have
previously been set on the servers involved. The SHOW_SLAVE_STATUS statement, which can be
issued for individual channels, displays the list of ignored server IDs if there is one. If there is no list,
the Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids field is blank.
If gtid_mode=ON is set for the server, a deprecation warning is now issued if you include the
IGNORE_SERVER_IDS option in a CHANGE MASTER TO statement. A deprecation warning is
also issued if you issue a SET GTID_MODE=ON statement when any channel has existing server
IDs set with IGNORE_SERVER_IDS. If you do receive the deprecation warning, you can still clear
a list after gtid_mode=ON is set by issuing a CHANGE MASTER TO statement containing the
IGNORE_SERVER_IDS option with an empty list. (WL #10963)
Replication: The log_slave_updates system variable is now set to ON by default, so you do not
need to specify --log-slave-updates explicitly when you start a replication slave.
The log_slave_updates system variable is read-only. If you need to prevent a replication slave
from logging the updates performed by its SQL thread to its own binary log, specify --log-slave-
updates=OFF at slave server startup. (WL #10479)
Group Replication: This release adds the
group_replication_communication_debug_options server system variable, making
it possible to filter out debugging and tracing messages dynamically, per Group Replication
component. (WL #10200)
Group Replication: Group Replication thread states are now shown in the MySQL Performance
Schema. (WL #10622)
JSON: The JSON_MERGE() function is renamed to JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE().
This release also adds the JSON_MERGE_PATCH() function, an RFC 7396 compliant version of
JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(); its behavior is the same as that of JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(), with
the following two exceptions:
JSON_MERGE_PATCH() removes any member in the first object with a matching key in the second
object, provided that the value associated with the key in the second object is not JSON null.
If the second object has a member with a key matching a member in the first object,
JSON_MERGE_PATCH() replaces the value in the first object with the value in the second object,
whereas JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE() appends the second value to the first value.
This example compares the results of merging the same 3 JSON objects, each having a matching
key "a", with each of these functions:
mysql> SET @x = '{ "a": 1, "b": 2 }',
> @y = '{ "a": 3, "c": 4 }',
> @z = '{ "a": 5, "d": 6 }';
mysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE_PATCH(@x, @y, @z) AS Patch,
-> JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(@x, @y, @z) AS Preserve\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Patch: {"a": 5, "b": 2, "c": 4, "d": 6}
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Preserve: {"a": [1, 3, 5], "b": 2, "c": 4, "d": 6}
JSON_MERGE() is still supported as an alias of JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE(), but is now deprecated
and subject to removal in a future MySQL version.
See Functions That Modify JSON Values, for more information. (Bug #81283, Bug #23255346, WL
InnoDB now uses Variance-Aware Transaction Scheduling (VATS) for scheduling the release
of transaction locks when the system is highly loaded, which helps reduce lock sys wait mutex
contention. Lock scheduling uses VATS when >= 32 threads are suspended in the lock wait queue.
For more information about VATS, see Identifying the Major Sources of Variance in Transaction
Latencies: Towards More Predictable Databases.
Thanks to Jiamin Huang for the contribution. (Bug #25290971, Bug #84266, WL #10793)
MySQL now extends metadata locks, as necessary, to tables that are related by a foreign key
constraint. Extending metadata locks prevents conflicting DML and DDL operations from executing
concurrently on related tables. This feature also enables updates to foreign key metadata when a
parent table is modified. Previously, foreign key metadata, which is owned by the child table, could
not be updated safely.
If a table is locked explicitly with LOCK TABLES, any tables related by a foreign key constraint are
now opened and locked implicitly. For foreign key checks, a shared read-only lock (LOCK TABLES
READ) is taken on related tables. For cascading updates, a shared-nothing write lock (LOCK TABLES
WRITE) is taken on related tables that are involved in the operation.
If LOCK TABLES is active for a table in a foreign key relationship, ALTER TABLE ... RENAME is
not permitted for that table. This is a temporary restriction, lifted in MySQL 8.0.4 by the patch for Bug
#26647340. (WL #6049)
The expire_logs_days system variable, which specifies the binary log expiration period in days,
is now deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. expire_logs_days does not
provide sufficient flexibility for defining the binary log expiration period.
binlog_expire_logs_seconds can be used to set the binary log expiration period in seconds.
In MySQL 8.0.3, the effects of the two variables are currently cumulative. For example, if
expire_logs_days is 1 and binlog_expire_logs_seconds is 43200, then the binary log is
purged every 1.5 days. This produces the same result as setting binlog_expire_logs_seconds
to 129600 and expire_logs_days to 0. Note that the default expire_logs_days setting of 30
days is currently added to the binary log expiration period if expire_logs_days is not specified. To
use binlog_expire_logs_seconds alone, set expire_logs_days=0 explicitly.
To disable automatic purging of the binary log, you must set both expire_logs_days and
binlog_expire_logs_seconds explicitly to 0. (WL #10924)
References: See also: Bug #26483363.
A new type of backup lock permits DML during an online backup while preventing operations that
could result in an inconsistent snapshot. The new backup lock is supported by LOCK INSTANCE
FOR BACKUP and UNLOCK INSTANCE syntax. The BACKUP_ADMIN privilege is required to use
these statements. (WL #9451)
Bugs Fixed
Incompatible Change; JSON: If a JSON object contained multiple members with the same key
name, MySQL kept the first member and discarded the remainder. This contradicts RFC 7159, which
suggests that duplicate key names can be handled in one of the ways listed here:
Report an error (or otherwise fail to parse the object)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Report all of the name-value pairs, including duplicates
Report the last name-value pair only
When a JSON text is evaluated in JavaScript, the last name-value pair is kept if multiple pairs with
the same name are specified. MySQL now does likewise, and implements the last of the three
options just listed, as shown here:
mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 JSON);
mysql> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('{"x": 17, "x": "red", "x": [3, 5, 7]}');
mysql> SELECT c1 FROM t1;
| c1 |
| {"x": [3, 5, 7]} |
The fix for this issue also corrects a failure in the MySQL 8.0 server to handle insertion into a JSON
column of data containing JSON arrays as the values for multiple identical keys. (Bug #86620, Bug
#86866, Bug #26238736, Bug #26369555)
Performance; JSON: Creating a representation of a JSON string now optimizes for the most
common case—that the string to be processed contains no special characters that need to be
escaped—scanning for the first special character in the string, and copying each sequence of
characters which do not require escaping in a single memcpy() call, rather than checking each
character in turn to determine whether it needed to be escaped, escaping it if so, and then copying it,
one by one, as was done previously.
This fix also corrects a failure to escape the control character \u001f, or unit separator character.
(Bug #86898, Bug #26388690, Bug #87722, Bug #26780307)
References: See also: Bug #25977595.
InnoDB: The default value for ON UPDATE and ON DELETE foreign key clauses was changed
from RESTRICT to NO ACTION. NO ACTION is a standard SQL keyword that is equivalent to the
RESTRICT keyword in MySQL. (Bug #30186407, Bug #96466)
InnoDB: Foreign keys records were missing from the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_FOREIGN table due to file name encoding of the internal
parent and child table names, which caused the names to exceed the permitted length. (Bug
InnoDB: A long semaphore wait occurred when executing ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE, and DROP
DATABASE operations. (Bug #26779650)
InnoDB: Invalid error handling code was removed from a function related to tablespace import. (Bug
InnoDB: File-per-table tablespaces created prior to MySQL 5.6 caused a failure during an in-place
upgrade to MySQL 8.0.2. The tablespaces were not registered with the InnoDB SYS_TABLESPACES
system table, as required.
Tables with decimal columns created prior to MySQL 5.5 also caused a failure during an in-place
upgrade to MySQL 8.0.2, due to a precision type mismatch. (Bug #26542296, Bug #87229)
InnoDB: During MySQL installation, an unnecessary warning was reported about creation of foreign
key constraint system tables. (Bug #26483335)
InnoDB: A query was interrupted during concurrent ALTER TABLE operations due to a secondary
index entry count mismatch. (Bug #26381213)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A segmentation fault occurred when attempting to open a table that was altered while
strict mode was disabled to include conflicting TABLESPACE and COMPRESSION attributes. (Bug
InnoDB: A segmentation fault occurred during a DML operation that used the TempTable storage
engine. (Bug #26363837)
InnoDB: Implicit row format conversion during an ALTER TABLE ... REORGANIZE PARTITION
operation raised an invalid assertion. (Bug #26326611)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that rebuilt an encrypted table did not set the encryption
attribute properly. (Bug #26243264)
InnoDB: A memory leak was encountered on Windows when using the TempTable storage engine
for in-memory internal temporary tables. (Bug #26237680)
InnoDB: Misleading errors were produced when running Valgrind tests on a server build that was not
enabled for Valgrind testing. (Bug #26037206)
InnoDB: Problematic code related to dropping orphan full-text search tables caused an invalid object
ID assertion failure on startup. (Bug #25998362)
InnoDB: A check for discarded partitions during a DML operation only checked the first partition.
Failure to check for other discarded partitions caused an assertion failure. (Bug #25942592)
InnoDB: Allocated memory was not initialized before it was written to a file, resulting in a Valgrind
error. (Bug #25913151, Bug #85986)
InnoDB: Adding a virtual column and index in the same statement caused an error. (Bug
InnoDB: Replication lag occurred on slave instances during large update operations on tables with
many partitions. (Bug #25687813, Bug #85352)
InnoDB: A failure occurred during an end range comparison. (Bug #25669686)
InnoDB: Enabling the innodb_buffer_pool_load_now setting failed in read-only mode. The
event that signals the buffer pool load thread was not initialized. (Bug #25586766)
InnoDB: A cursor position check by a multiversion concurrency control row search function raised an
assertion. (Bug #25377592)
InnoDB: The wrong variable was passed to the row_mysql_handle_errors routine causing an
assertion failure. (Bug #25183130)
InnoDB: A long wait for a dictionary operation lock held by a full-text search synchronization
operation caused a server exit. (Bug #24938374, Bug #26376681, Bug #26376239)
InnoDB: Assertion code was modified to account for the possibility of a transaction attempting to
acquire an explicit lock on a record while another transaction converts an implicit lock to an explicit
lock on the same record prior to a commit operation. (Bug #24344131)
InnoDB: A FLUSH TABLES ... FOR EXPORT operation on an encrypted or page-compressed
table raised an assertion. (Bug #22916982)
InnoDB: A DROP TABLE operation was not permitted with an innodb_force_recovery setting
greater than 0. (Bug #22392152)
InnoDB: A CREATE TABLE ... SELECT operation raised an assertion failure when the newly
created table was dropped before the transaction was committed. (Bug #22154768)
InnoDB: An in-place ALTER TABLE operation that rebuilt the table and added a foreign key without
specifying a foreign key constraint name failed due to a duplicate constraint name. InnoDB did not
account for existing foreign key constraint names. This issue was addressed in MySQL 8.0.3, when
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
foreign key metadata was moved to the data dictionary, and foreign key constraint name generation
was moved to the SQL layer. (Bug #18199504, Bug #71616)
InnoDB: A misplaced function call that locks the InnoDB data dictionary during a foreign key check
was removed. (Bug #12917178, Bug #62221)
InnoDB: The error messages reported when attempting to use an existing foreign key constraint
name were inconsistent and did not always provide sufficient information. (Bug #11925430, Bug
Partitioning: In certain cases when fetching heap records a partition ID could be set to zero. (Bug
#86255, Bug #26034430)
Partitioning: It was possible for a CREATE TABLE statement that failed to create a partitioned
InnoDB table not to be rolled back correctly. This was due to an extraneous commit made while
performing a check of foreign key information. Since partitioned tables do not presently support
foreign keys, this check is unnecessary, and so is no longer made in such cases. (Bug #85299, Bug
Partitioning: Queries involving NULL were not always handled correctly on tables that were
partitioned by LIST. (Bug #76418, Bug #20748521)
References: See also: Bug #86255, Bug #26034430.
Replication; Group Replication: On a member which had both Group Replication and
asynchronous replication running simultaneously, asynchronous replication was not respecting
restrictions imposed by Group Replication, such as using only the InnoDB storage engine, tables
requiring primary keys, and so on. This could also be encountered when running mysqlbinlog
against the member. Now, members running Group Replication and asynchronous replication do not
allow any Group Replication requirements to be broken. (Bug #85164, Bug #25609945)
References: See also: Bug #85781, Bug #25828806.
Replication: On a multithreaded slave, it was possible for a deadlock state to occur due to the timing
of updates to the record of disk space used by the relay log. The timing of the update has now been
changed so that the deadlock cannot occur. (Bug #26729635)
Replication: With slave_preserve_commit_order=1 set, a deadlock could occur between a
transaction holding a shared write lock on a table, and a transaction earlier in the commit order that
also required a shared write lock. (Bug #26666609)
Replication: The unused variable opt_reckless_slave was removed. (Bug #26500285)
Replication: FLUSH LOGS attempted to send an OK message after having already sent an error
response during the commit phase. Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #26272158, Bug
#25363745, Bug #84437)
Replication: With GTIDs generated for incident log events, MySQL error code 1590
(ER_SLAVE_INCIDENT) could not be skipped using the --slave-skip-errors=1590 startup
option on a replication slave. (Bug #26266758)
Replication: COUNT_TRANSACTIONS_REMOTE_IN_APPLIER_QUEUE was set to an incorrect value
when group_replication_recovery_complete_at="transactions_certified" on a
recovering member. (Bug #26180350)
Replication: When replicating a partitioned table with an index, on a replication slave where
HASH_SCAN was specified as part of the slave_rows_search_algorithms setting, the slave I/O
thread sometimes stopped with an error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND. (Bug #26137159)
Replication: The system variable pseudo_slave_mode, which is for internal server use,
sometimes raised an assertion when it was changed inside a transaction. The server no longer
changes this variable inside a transaction. (Bug #26034192, Bug #86250)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: When write sets are used for parallelization by a replication slave (as specified by the
binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking system variable), empty transactions are now
ignored, and the handling of relay log rotation has been optimized. (Bug #25982097)
Replication: The Performance Schema replication_applier_status_by_worker table
sometimes incorrectly displayed a value for APPLYING_TRANSACTION for an inactive worker,
because the table was being populated before the worker thread stopped. (Bug #25896166, Bug
Replication: Attempting to uninstall the plugin while START GROUP_REPLICATION executed could
result in unexpected behavior. (Bug #25423650, Bug #91042, Bug #28088177)
Replication: In case of a failure while creating multiple slave applier worker threads, some threads
would be left orphaned and their resources would not be collected. Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for
his contribution to fixing this bug. (Bug #24679056, Bug #82980)
Replication: The binlog_checksum option cannot be changed within a transaction. MySQL
cannot log this statement, as would be required inside a transaction, while the requested function is
being performed on the binary log. (Bug #22914463)
Replication: group_replication_force_members could be used in situations where the group
was working properly, in other words a majority was reachable. This incorrect use could cause
instability in the group. Therefore, its use has been restricted to the scenario for which it was created,
for forming a new membership from a subset of a previous group's membership when a majority of
the members are unreachable. (Bug #86359, Bug #26093967)
Replication: Joining a member running a lower version to a group running a higher version resulted
in the members running the higher version becoming unreachable. (Bug #85026, Bug #25568493)
Group Replication: Group Replication flow control variables now correctly permit you to have
some members in a group that do not affect the minimum throughput of the flow-control mechanism,
effectively ignoring those members in case they become blocked. (Bug #26537497)
Group Replication: When the Group Replication plugin delayed initialization thread failed to start
due to unavailable resources, a locked mutex was left behind. Now we ensure that this mutex is
unlocked when the thread does not start. (Bug #26394678)
Group Replication: In the case of delayed initialization of the Group Replication plugin deployed
in single-primary mode, secondaries were able to get writes through an asynchronous replication
channel, which is not allowed in normal initialization of the Group Replication plugin. (Bug
Group Replication: If the options file contained Group Replication related settings the server could
stop unexpectedly on startup. (Bug #26314472)
Group Replication: The values for group_replication_recovery_use_ssl and
group_replication_recovery_ssl_verify_server_cert were not updated when
configured for the Group Replication recovery channel. (Bug #26142801)
Group Replication: It was possible to set server_uuid to the same value as
group_replication_group_name, which resulted in unexpected behavior because GTIDs
are identified by UUIDs. To fix this problem, setting server_uuid to the same value as
group_replication_group_name is no longer allowed. (Bug #26035931)
Group Replication: It was possible to start the server with invalid values for Group Replication
flow control options. Now, the --group-replication-flow-control-min-quota, --group-
replication-flow-control-max-quota, and --group-replication-flow-control-
min-recovery-quota options are validated on server startup. (Bug #87206, Bug #26531899)
Group Replication: If hostname resolution did not work for a Group Replication member, a
misleading error returned when attempting to connect referred to credentials rather than the actual
problem with hostname resolution. (Bug #86858, Bug #26368004)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Group Replication: The Group Replication plugin no longer sets auto_increment_increment
and auto_increment_offset when single primary mode is active. (Bug #86669, Bug #26263155)
Group Replication: Group Replication partition threads were not visible in the Performance
Schema. (Bug #86626, Bug #26241008)
JSON: Containers in the internal representations of JSON objects and arrays (Json_object and
Json_array) have been changed to use smart pointers rather than raw pointers to Json_dom, so
that orphaned DOM objects are now automatically destroyed. (Bug #26161264)
JSON: ASCII character 31 (\u001f, the unit separator) in a string literal within a JSON
document was not quoted when the JSON document was formatted as a string (for example, by
CAST('"\u001f"' AS JSON)). (Bug #25977959)
JSON: When a path_expression identified a nonarray value, the JSON_INSERT() and
JSON_ARRAY_INSERT() functions failed to evaluate path_expression[0] as equal to
path_expression. (Bug #86213, Bug #26022576)
JSON: Searches with JSON_EXTRACT() that used wildcards took an inordinate amount of time.
(Bug #84523, Bug #25418534)
References: See also: Bug #83959, Bug #25151440.
Under heavy load, an infinite loop occurred in Performance Schema buffer container code. (Bug
MySQL-specific typedefs such as uchar and my_bool were inadvertently reintroduced into the
client namespace if the mysql.h header file was included. (Bug #26588846, Bug #26582752, Bug
uint8korr() and related macros were fixed so that they explicitly do unaligned accesses, even on
x86. (Bug #26568748, Bug #87298)
The main.mysql_upgrade_grant, main.roles-upgrade, and
auth_sec.secure_file_priv_warnings, test cases mishandled the error log. The
sys_vars.innodb_redo_log_encrypt_basic test case output was unstable. Thanks to
Laurynas Biveinis for the patches. (Bug #26562401, Bug #87279, Bug #26575150, Bug #87313, Bug
#26575142, Bug #87314, Bug #26582158, Bug #87303)
For debug builds, with sql_buffer_result enabled, recursive common table expressions caused
a server exit. (Bug #26556025)
Incorrect resolution of a window function as a constant function could result in a server exit. (Bug
For window functions, use of GROUP BY ... WITH ROLLUP could cause a server exit. (Bug
#26497353, Bug #26497247)
For window functions, JSON columns raised an assertion. (Bug #26496733)
For window functions, a value less than the argument for a RANGE frame caused a server exit. (Bug
Compiling with -DWITHOUT_SERVER=1 resulted in my_symlink.c compilation failure due to
missing #include for my_dir.h. Thanks to Christian Hesse for the patch. (Bug #26495816, Bug
Compiling with -DWITH_SSL=system -DWITH_ZLIB=system assumed that the system openssl
zlib command was available, which might not be the case. Now availability of that command is
checked, and if unavailable, the zlib_decompress utility is built. (Bug #26494495, Bug #87123)
yaSSL could incorrectly perform TLS cipher negotiation. (Bug #26482173)
Some thread_stack settings could result in a server exit. (Bug #26438067)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For window functions, a ROW frame accepted noninteger arguments for the row count. (Bug
#26411055, Bug #86990)
REPLACE(UUID(),...) expressions could be cached (improperly) and return the same value for
each row of a result set. (Bug #26395601)
When building MySQL within the source tree, make install installed some CMake files into the
mysql-test directory within the tree. (Bug #26385175, Bug #86905)
The PROCESS_ID column in the Performance Schema session_connect_attrs and
session_account_connect_attrs tables was changed from INT to BIGINT UNSIGNED to
accommodate larger process ID values. Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for the patch. (Bug #26357806,
Bug #86835)
The index on a generated column, whose value was generated from JSON_EXTRACT(), was
sometimes not used by the optimizer when it should have been. (Bug #26352119)
Setting the log_error_services system variable to NULL caused a server exit. (Bug #26331795)
For tar file packages, some test suite shared libraries were installed in the server package rather
than the test package. (Bug #26329850)
SHOW COLUMNS for a valid view could fail. (Bug #26322203, Bug #86778)
An operation that caused renaming or removal of histogram statistics could cause a server exit. (Bug
For a VARCHAR column, sorting using an explicit collation (ORDER BY col_name COLLATE
collation_name) was much slower than with an implicit collation (no COLLATE clause), even if the
explicit collation was the same as the implicit collation. (Bug #26286790, Bug #86710)
SET binlog_format = ROW produced a syntax error because ROW is now a reserved word. This
syntax is now recognized specially to preserve backward compatibility. (Bug #26269280)
SET PERSIST_ONLY, should be permitted only to users who have the SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN
and PERSIST_RO_VARIABLES_ADMIN privileges, but was incorrectly also permitted to users with
the SUPER privilege. (Bug #26247864)
The information_schema_stats configuration option, introduced in MySQL 8.0.0, was removed
and replaced by information_schema_stats_expiry.
information_schema_stats_expiry defines an expiration setting for cached
INFORMATION_SCHEMA table statistics. For more information, see Optimizing
The TABLES_DYNAMIC and STATISTICS_DYNAMIC internal system views were removed. (Bug
#26203731, Bug #83957)
Source packages for Debian platforms contained prebuilt debug binaries, causing build failures on
any architectures other than the one on which those binaries were built. (Bug #26186911)
The loadable function registration service did not work if used during server startup. (Bug
Disabling table instrumentation by changes to the Performance Schema setup_objects table
could cause incorrect index names in index statistics. (Bug #26162562)
A misleading error message was returned when attempting to drop a nonexistent tablespace file.
(Bug #26133507, Bug #86438)
When running mysqlbinlog with the --read-from-remote-server option, rewrite rules
specified using the --rewrite-db option were ignored, so data was not written to the target
database. (Bug #26117735, Bug #86288)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Timestamp data copied from the data dictionary cache during a DDL operation was converted using
a time_zone value that was no longer valid. The resulting timestamp data was incorrect, causing an
error in release builds and an assertion failure in debug builds. (Bug #26091333, Bug #86290)
Successful data dictionary updates but failure to write the binary log event could result in an
inconsistent state. (Bug #26037355)
mysqlbinlog now prints the full metadata for the event type Table_map_log_event. (Bug
Some string functions in an ALTER EVENT statement could cause a server exit. (Bug #25942505)
Uninstalling the daemon_memcached plugin caused a serious error. (Bug #25909540)
Prepared statements that used a common table expression and many ? parameters could be slow.
(Bug #25903274, Bug #85933)
For UPDATE or DELETE statements with an ORDER BY ... LIMIT clause, the optimizer sometimes
failed to identify a cheaper ordering method than filesort. (Bug #25899921)
The test case file did not find the data difference between servers. Thanks to Yura
Sorokin for the patch. (Bug #25860138, Bug #85838)
An ngram fulltext parser search query returned incorrect results and raised an assertion. (Bug
The combination of an index virtual generated column, a foreign key, and a trigger could cause an
assertion to be raised. (Bug #25817660, Bug #85757)
Selecting from a view could yield different results with materialization enabled versus materialization
disabled. (Bug #25782811, Bug #85622)
After using SET PERSIST to set the event_scheduler system variable, the server failed to restart
if started with the --skip-grant-tables option. (Bug #25776940)
For debug builds, adding an index to a table that had a foreign key relationship could raise an
assertion. (Bug #25739983)
An assertion could be raised for MIN()/MAX() access to system tables. (Bug #25738624)
information from the InnoDB storage engine instead of the data dictionary. (Bug #25730513)
A failed DROP VIEW could be written to the binary log. (Bug #25680097)
SHOW CREATE VIEW sometimes added a database name prefix to table names that was not present
in the original view definition. (Bug #25634576, Bug #85176)
The Performance Schema variables_info table displayed incorrect VARIABLE_SOURCE
and VARIABLE_PATH values for variables set within option files specified by !include or !
includedir directives. (Bug #25563891)
Constant string propagation could fail for UCA-based collations. (Bug #25503965, Bug #84837)
mysqlpump displayed incorrect progress information about the number of tables dumped. (Bug
Calculations for UCA 9.0.0 collations were inefficient for tailoring rules containing contraction
characters. (Bug #25426632, Bug #84577, Bug #25426632, Bug #84577)
GROUP BY DESC on DECIMAL values could incorrectly group NULL with non-NULL values. (Bug
#25407964, Bug #84537)
Some mysqldump warnings went to the standard output rather than the standard error output and
consequently were written to the dump file. (Bug #25380000, Bug #82992)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
NULL values generated as a result of WITH ROLLUP were replaced with the previous row's value
when executing a prepared statement on a view having the GROUP BY .. WITH ROLLUP clause.
(Bug #25174118)
A server error occurred when a full text search result exceeded the
innodb_ft_result_cache_limit setting. The patch for this bug also backports a related patch
(Bug #21140111). (Bug #25033538)
A parser refactoring in MySQL 8.0.1 resulted in incorrect handling of some INSERT ... ON
DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statements. These problems have been corrected. (Bug #24716127, Bug
#25526439, Bug #25071305)
For debug builds, a CREATE TABLE statement with a VARBINARY or BINARY column having a
default value in hexadecimal format caused a server exit. (Bug #24679166, Bug #83020)
If a stored function was considered a constant by the optimizer, calling it from a subquery in a NOT
IN condition in the WHERE clause could cause a server exit. (Bug #23577867)
A mysqldump memory leak was fixed. Thanks to Yura Sorokin for the patch. (Bug #23531150, Bug
Incorrect results or a server exit could result when a query used Batched Key Access optimization
and a virtual generated column was part of the join buffer. (Bug #23169112)
If a session rolled back to a savepoint and then was killed, the statements up to the point of the
savepoint could be committed. (Bug #22350047, Bug #79596)
MySQL accepted a reference to an alias of an aggregated expression defined in an outer query
block even when the reference occurred within a GROUP BY subquery where the reference was
meaningless. (Bug #21974346, Bug #78785)
For clients that used Connector/Python and authenticated using the sha256_password plugin, the
server could handle connections incorrectly. (Bug #21421642)
Some SELECT DISTINCT queries with GROUP BY could return incorrect results. (Bug #20692219,
Bug #76283)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.2 (2017-07-17, Development Milestone)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
This is a milestone release, for use at your own risk. Upgrades between
milestone releases (or from a milestone release to a GA release) are not
supported. Significant development changes take place in milestone releases
and you may encounter compatibility issues, such as data format changes that
require attention in addition to the usual procedure of running mysql_upgrade.
For example, you may find it necessary to dump your data with mysqldump
before the upgrade and reload it afterward. (Making a backup before the
upgrade is a prudent precaution in any case.)
Account Management Notes
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Component Notes
Configuration Notes
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Data Dictionary Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
SQL Function and Operator Notes
Logging Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Parser Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Plugin Notes
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
Test Suite Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
During data directory initialization or upgrade, MySQL now creates a
'mysql.session'@'localhost' reserved account. This account is used internally by plugins to
access the server. It is locked so that it cannot be used for client connections. (Bug #25642343)
These system variables now are available to define mandatory roles and to enable granted roles to
be automatically activated at client connection time:
mandatory_roles takes a value listing roles the server should treat as automatically granted to
all users.
activate_all_roles_on_login enables control over automatic activation of all granted roles
when users log in to the server.
For more information, see Using Roles. (WL #924)
Character Set Support
For Unicode data that uses NO PAD collations, sorting of multibyte and variable-length values has
been improved:
NO PAD collations are those based on UCA 9.0.0 and higher, such as utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci or
The performance improvement is greatest for key values with short weight strings; that is, strings
where the weight strings do not fill their entire permitted length. For a VARCHAR(10) column
that uses the utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci collation, values may take up to 160 bytes. The string
'a' uses only 2 bytes out of a possible 160 and is more sparse than 'abcdefghij'. But even
'abcdefghij' uses only 20 bytes of a possible 160 and is more sparse than a string of, for
example, ten copies of U+337F SQUARE CORPORATION (), whose weight string requires the
entire 160 bytes available.
(Bug #25750527, Bug #85546, WL #9554)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL now supports a new collation, utf8mb4_0900_as_ci, for the utf8mb4 Unicode character
set. This collation is accent sensitive and case insensitive. It is similar to the default utf8mb4
collation (utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci) except that the default collation is accent insensitive.
MySQL also now supports a new Japanese collation, utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs_ks, for the
utf8mb4 Unicode character set. This collation is like utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs in that it is
accent sensitive and case sensitive, but utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs_ks is also kana sensitive
and distinguishes Katakana characters from Hiragana characters. utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs
treats Katakana and Hiragana characters as equal for sorting. Applications that require a Japanese
collation but not kana sensitivity may use utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs for better sort performance.
utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs uses three weight levels for sorting; utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs_ks
uses four.
utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs_ks is the first collation to use the _ks collation suffix. Japanese
collations without this suffix are not kana sensitive.
For more information, see Unicode Character Sets. (WL #10480, WL #10818)
These character set changes were made to MySQL client support:
These clients use a default character set of utf8mb4 rather than latin1: mysql,
mysql_upgrade, mysqladmin, mysqlcheck, mysqldump, mysqlimport, mysqlpump,
mysqlslap, mysqlshow, and mysqltest. (This change does not affect character set
autodetection performed by mysql, mysqladmin, mysqlcheck, mysqlimport, and
mysqlshow, as described at Connection Character Sets and Collations).
Client connections created using the libmysqlclient library use a default character set of
utf8mb4 rather than latin1.
The mysqltest program supports a --default-character-set option for specifying the
character set explicitly.
(WL #10353)
Compilation Notes
Performance: The strict aliasing optimization for GCC is no longer disabled, which results in a minor
improvement for MySQL single-threaded performance. (WL #10344)
Linux: MySQL now compiles on Alpine Linux. (Bug #25945568, Bug #80322)
Solaris: On Solaris, server builds now use std::atomic, so they must be linked against
libstatomic. (Bug #25957991)
MySQL now compiles using Visual Studio 2017. (Bug #25788406)
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.64.0. (Bug #25772329, Bug
These changes were made with respect to client program development:
Client programs should only need to #include the <mysql.h> header file. In particular,
<my_config.h> should not be needed, and is no longer installed.
The my_init() function is no longer included in the list of symbols exported from
libmysqlclient. It need not be called explicitly by client programs because it is called implicitly
by other C API initialization functions.
(Bug #25732787)
For the Xcode IDE, header files are added to MySQL project sources so they can be searched. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Work was done to clean up the source code base, including: Removing unneeded CMake checks;
removing unused macros from source files; reorganizing header files to reduce the number of
dependencies and make them more modular, removing function declarations without definitions,
replacing locally written functions with equivalent functions from industry-standard libraries.
Component Notes
New services are available to enable components to register and unregister system variables
(component_sys_variable_register, component_sys_variable_unregister) and to
register status variables (status_variable_registration). (WL #8020)
Two new services are available to enable components and plugins to register
and unregister loadable functions: mysql_service_udf_registration and
mysql_service_udf_registration_aggregate provide registration services for scalar and
aggregate loadable functions, respectively. These services enable components and plugins to
manage loadable functions for themselves, without the need for CREATE FUNCTION and DROP
FUNCTION statements.
Loadable functions registered using either these services or CREATE FUNCTION are listed in the
new Performance Schema user_defined_functions table. See The user_defined_functions
Table. Such loadable functions are not listed in the mysql.func system table, so the
user_defined_functions table is preferable for checking which loadable functions are installed.
(WL #8020)
The mysql_string string-manipulation service has been converted from a plugin service to a
component service: a set of string service APIs for use by components. The password validation
component has been updated to use the revised service implementation. (WL #9503)
Configuration Notes
Previously, LOCAL capability for LOAD DATA operations was enabled by default in some contexts:
The client library in MySQL binary distributions was compiled with client-side LOCAL capability
enabled, and the local_infile system variable was enabled on the server side. LOCAL capability
is now disabled by default in all contexts. Client programs must be configured explicitly to enable
LOCAL, and the server must be run with local_infile enabled. See Security Considerations for
LOAD DATA LOCAL. (Bug #24511108)
mysqld startup behavior has been modified as follows. In general, these changes enable more
consistent or easier server startup when not using mysqld_safe.
The server executable determines its own full path name at startup and uses the parent of the
directory in which it is located as the default basedir value. This in turn enables the server to
use that basedir when searching for server-related information such as the share directory
containing error messages.
If error log output cannot be redirected to the --log-error option value, error output could be
lost. This is now less likely.
If the server is started using the --daemonize option and is not connected to a tty device, a
default error logging option of --log-error="" is used in the absence of an explicit logging
option, to direct error output to the default log file. Previously, an error could occur under these
The -D and -I options now are synonyms for --daemonize and --initialize, respectively.
(Bug #20398088, Bug #75343, WL #10441)
MySQL now supports a SET PERSIST_ONLY variant of SET statement syntax, for making
configuration changes at runtime that also persist across server restarts. Like SET PERSIST, SET
PERSIST_ONLY writes the variable setting to an option file named mysqld-auto.cnf in the data
directory. However, unlike PERSIST, PERSIST_ONLY does not modify the runtime global system
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
variable value. This makes PERSIST_ONLY suitable for configuring read-only system variables that
only be set can at server startup. For more information, see Using Option Files, and SET Syntax for
Variable Assignment.
Use of SET PERSIST_ONLY requires the new PERSIST_RO_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege, in
addition to the SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege necessary for persisting system variables. (WL
Data Dictionary Notes
The column_stats system table has been removed and replaced by the column_statistics
data dictionary table. (WL #8943)
The version data dictionary table was renamed to dd_properties.
Metadata for INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables created by dynamic plugins now is recorded in the data
dictionary and visible through the INFORMATION_SCHEMA TABLES table.
These tables are no longer visible in INFORMATION_SCHEMA: SHOW_STATISTICS,
User impact is minimal because these tables are for internal use by the server. (WL #9495)
The InnoDB storage engine now uses the MySQL data dictionary rather than its own storage
engine-specific data dictionary. For information about the data dictionary, see MySQL Data
The following list briefly describes the main implications of this change:
Upgrade and downgrade implications:
To upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, you must perform the upgrade procedure described
at Upgrading MySQL.
Downgrading from MySQL 8.0 to MySQL 5.7 is only supported using the logical downgrade
method (a mysqldump downgrade). In-place downgrades are not supported.
Metadata updates associated with exporting and importing tablespaces using the transportable
tablespace feature are now performed on global data dictionary tables instead of InnoDB data
dictionary tables.
InnoDB in-memory metadata is now instantiated from global data dictionary objects. This
metadata was previously read from InnoDB system tables.
Table options that signify tablespace encryption and transparent page compression are now
retrieved from the global data dictionary.
Data dictionary support was added for InnoDB FULLTEXT indexes. Auxiliary index table names
were changed to lowercase.
InnoDB metadata created or modified during DDL operations is now written to the global data
(WL #9461, WL #9537, WL #9534, WL #9531, WL #9530, WL #9525, WL #9357)
mysql system tables and data dictionary tables are now created in a single InnoDB tablespace file
named mysql.ibd in the MySQL data directory. Previously, these tables were created in individual
InnoDB tablespace files in the mysql database directory. Associated changes include:
The InnoDB data dictionary buffer table, which stores fast changing InnoDB metadata, was
renamed to innodb_dynamic_metadata and moved from the InnoDB system tablespace to the
data dictionary tablespace.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Undo tablespace metadata now resides in the data dictionary tablespace.
Temporary tablespace metadata now resides in the data dictionary tablespace.
Table definitions for tables created in the mysql tablespace, the InnoDB system tablespace
(innodb_system), or general tablespaces now include a TABLESPACE attribute. This change has
the following implications:
You cannot use CREATE TEMPORY TABLE ... LIKE to create an empty table based on the
definition of a table that resides in any of the aforementioned tablespaces, as these tablespaces
do not support temporary tables.
CREATE TABLE ... LIKE preserves the TABLESPACE attribute of the original table and
creates a new table in the defined tablespace regardless of the innodb_file_per_table
setting. This is a temporary regression.
For more information and workarounds, see CREATE TABLE ... LIKE Statement, and CREATE
(WL #9532)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The mysql client by default strips comments in statements sent to the server, and this behavior is
controlled using --skip-comments (strip comments), and --comments (preserve comments).
Comment stripping is now deprecated. This feature and the options to control it will be removed in a
future MySQL version. (WL #10944)
The explicit_defaults_for_timestamp system variable is now enabled by default (previously
disabled by default), and a warning occurs if you disable it. This means that the nonstandard (and
deprecated) behaviors for default values and NULL-value handling in TIMESTAMP columns are now
disabled by default. (WL #9687)
Support for these deprecated syntax constructs for table and column references has been removed
and their use now results in an error. Instances of these constructs should be changed to remove the
leading period.
(WL #8662)
Symbolic link support as described at Using Symbolic Links for MyISAM Tables on Unix, along with
the --symbolic-links option that controls it, is now deprecated and will be removed in a future
MySQL version. In addition, the option is now disabled by default. The related have_symlink
system variable also is deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version. (WL #8392)
SQL Function and Operator Notes
MySQL now supports window functions that, for each row from a query, perform a calculation
using rows related to that row. These include functions such as RANK(), LAG(), and NTILE().
In addition, most existing aggregate functions now can be used as window functions; for example,
SUM() and AVG(). For more information, see Window Functions.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Each of the following words now is a reserved word and cannot be used
as an identifier without identifier quoting: CUME_DIST, DENSE_RANK,
(WL #9236, WL #9603, WL #9727)
Logging Notes
Incompatible Change: These error-logging changes have been made:
The server is more forgiving if it cannot find the configured error-message file (specified using
the lc_messages_dir and lc_messages system variables). Previously, the server wrote a
message to the error log to indicate the problem, then aborted the startup process and exited. Now
the server writes a message, but continues startup and defaults to built-in English messages. This
applies to messages the server writes to the error log and sends to clients. See Setting the Error
Message Language.
Error logging was rewritten to use the MySQL component architecture. Traditional error logging
is implemented using built-in components, and logging using the system log is implemented as a
loadable component. In addition, a loadable JSON-format log sink is available. To control which
log components to enable, use the log_error_services system variable. For more information,
see The Error Log.
Incompatibility: To enable logging to the system log, you must load the log_sink_syseventlog
log component and list it in the log_error_services value (see Error Logging to the System
Log). This differs from MySQL 5.7 and earlier, for which logging to the system log is enabled by
default on Windows, and on all platforms requires no component loading.
A consequence of this configuration change is that the log_syslog system variable previously
used to control logging to the system log is obsolete and changes to its value have no effect.
log_syslog is now deprecated and will be removed in a future MySQL version.
(WL #9323, WL #9342, WL #9343, WL #9344)
Optimizer Notes
MySQL now enables management of histogram statistics for table column values:
for generating and removing column histogram statistics.
The server stores histogram information in the column_statistics data dictionary table.
Histograms are viewable using the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMN_STATISTICS table.
The histogram_generation_max_mem_size system variable controls the amount of memory
available for histogram generation.
The Performance Schema has a memory/sql/histograms instrument for monitoring memory
allocations performed for histogram generation.
mysqldump and mysqlpump have a --column-statistics option to add ANALYZE TABLE
statements to the output to generate histogram statistics for dumped tables when the dump file is
For more information, see ANALYZE TABLE Statement, Optimizer Statistics, and The
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Packaging Notes
mysqladmin was added to Docker/Minimal packages because it is needed by InnoDB Cluster. (Bug
For Windows, MSI installer packages now include a check for the required Visual Studio
redistributable package, and produce a message asking the user to install it if it is missing. (Bug
Debian/Ubuntu packages now support multiple MySQL instances with systemd. See Managing
MySQL Server with systemd. (Bug #24559588, Bug #82785)
Parser Notes
The parser rules for ALTER TABLE were refactored to be context independent and improve
maintainability and extensibility. A resulting effect is that some previously accepted undocumented
syntax variants are no longer accepted. For example, CREATE TABLE statements were permitted
with column names qualified by the table name, or by the current database and table name, as were
certain ALTER TABLE statements for which only column names are permitted. Such statements now
produce an error. (WL #8657)
Performance Schema Notes
The Performance Schema threads table now contains a RESOURCE_GROUP column that indicates
resource group labels. (WL #8881)
The Performance Schema now supports versioning, and maintains the current definitions for its
tables internally. At startup, the server compares its supported Performance Schema version with the
Performance Schema version stored in the data dictionary. If the versions differ, the server drops any
old Performance Schema tables and recreates them using the current definitions. In consequence of
this change:
For MySQL upgrades, it is no longer necessary to run mysql_upgrade to incorporate changes
to Performance Schema tables because they are recreated automatically as necessary at server
The mysql_system_tables.sql support script no longer includes SQL statements for
Performance Schema table creation because these table definitions are maintained internally.
To support dynamic Performance Schema table manipulation, a new component service named
pfs_table_service is now available. (WL #7900, WL #8879)
The Performance Schema default instrumentation settings have changed:
The transaction instrument and the events_transactions_current and
events_transactions_history consumers are now enabled by default. See Performance
Schema Transaction Tables.
All memory/% memory instruments are now enabled by default. See Memory Summary Tables.
The wait/lock/metadata/sql/mdl metadata lock instrument is now enabled by default. See
The metadata_locks Table.
(WL #9625, WL #9628, WL #9629)
Plugin Notes
Incompatible Change: Plugins such as Group Replication and X Plugin now use the
mysql.session account added in this release. If you are upgrading from a previous release which
did not include the mysql.session account, you must run mysql_upgrade to ensure the account
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
is created. If mysql_upgrade is not run, plugins fail to start with the error message There was an
error when trying to access the server with user: mysql.session@localhost.
Make sure the user is present in the server and that mysql_upgrade was run
after a server update. User accounts previously used for this purpose, such as mysqlxsys,
are no longer created. (Bug #26042764)
References: See also: Bug #24311527, Bug #25642343, Bug #25750822, Bug #25103980, Bug
Security Notes
The linked OpenSSL library for the MySQL Commercial Server has been updated to version
1.0.2l. Issues fixed in the new OpenSSL version are described at
This change does not affect the Oracle-produced MySQL Community build of MySQL Server, which
uses the yaSSL library instead. (Bug #26160962)
Previously, any user could execute the XA RECOVER statement to discover the XID values for
outstanding prepared XA transactions, possibly leading to commit or rollback of an XA transaction
by a user other than the one who started it. Now XA RECOVER is permitted only to users who have
the new XA_RECOVER_ADMIN privilege, which is expected to be granted only to administrative users
who have need for it. This might be the case, for example, for administrators of an XA application if
it has crashed and it is necessary to find outstanding transactions started by the application so they
can be rolled back. This privilege requirement does not affect normal commit or rollback of an XA
transaction because the user who started it knows its XID.
For MySQL uprades, mysql_upgrade grants XA_RECOVER_ADMIN to users who have the SUPER
privilege, unless some account is found that already has XA_RECOVER_ADMIN. (Bug #17188129,
WL #7194)
Spatial Data Support
Argument suitability checking was improved for these spatial functions that test geometry
relationships: ST_Contains(), ST_Crosses(), ST_Disjoint(), ST_Equals(),
ST_Intersects(), ST_Overlaps(), ST_Touches(), ST_Within(), MBRContains(),
MBRCoveredBy(), MBRCovers(), MBRDisjoint(), MBREquals(), MBRIntersects(),
MBROverlaps(), MBRTouches(), MBRWithin(). For more information, see Spatial Relation
Functions That Use Object Shapes, and Spatial Relation Functions That Use Minimum Bounding
As a consequence of this work, performance of spatial relation functions was improved for
cases where both arguments contain geometries of one dimensionality; that is, where the
GeometryCollection arguments (or one GeometryCollection and another type of geometry)
passed to a spatial relation function can be reduced to a MultiPoint, MultiLineString,
or MultiPolygon. In those cases, the more complex general GeometryCollection can be
avoided. (Bug #22285402, Bug #79406, WL #8685)
Test Suite Notes
The --do-test-list option for accepts an argument for a file containing
tests one per line. Lines in the file are now accepted in any of the following formats:
(Bug #25700362)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes and mysqltest are now more restrictive about permitted test case and
result file names. Names must consist only of alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), dash (-),
or underscore (_), and cannot start with dash or underscore. An error occurs for nonconforming file
names. (Bug #25487471)
These changes were made to the --xml-report option for
A <failure> tag identifies any test failing on a retry attempt.
Separate statistics and fields are included for skipped and disabled tests.
The XML report is created in the build directory if no absolute path is given for out-of-source builds.
For combination runs, a field named variation is included in the <testcase> tag.
Results for all tests belonging to a suite are aggregated within a single <testsuite> tag.
Information regarding failures is reported with a brief reason in an attribute named message, along
with other details within the tag.
(Bug #25349924) now supports a --report-unstable-tests option that has these effects:
Reports any test that has passed using at least one retry attempt in a separate category called
“Unstable tests” in the summary.
If all failures are due to unstable tests, produces a warning but exits
Adds a new XML tag to report unstable tests, if the --xml-report option is also specified.
(Bug #24473420, Bug #25984429)
mysqltest now supports a replace_numeric_round command that takes an argument value
from 0 to 16 indicating the number of decimals to round numeric values to. This can be used to help
prevent result content mismatch errors for tests in which slightly different results are obtained across
platforms due to precision differences. Thanks to Daniel Black for the patch. (Bug #23280117, Bug
#81399) now looks for a testname-client.opt file, which is analogous to the
testname-master.opt file but for specifying test-specific client options. (Bug #17084918)
X Plugin Notes
X Plugin now handles expired SSL certificates correctly. (Bug #25835833)
The output of clauses such as GROUP BY and HAVING has been improved by moving the
grouping_criteria expression to the derived query. (Bug #25549637, Bug #24497007)
During install of the X Plugin a blank rule was being generated in the Firewall white list. (Bug
Functionality Added or Changed
by native partitioning in-place APIs and may be used with ALGORITHM={COPY|INPLACE} and LOCK
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
EXCHANGE PARTITION, which previously supported ALGORITHM and LOCK clauses, is performed
by a new server layer API for compatibility with the MySQL data dictionary. Partition and table
exchange is performed internally by the native partition handler.
DROP PARTITION with ALGORITHM=INPLACE deletes data stored in the partition and drops the
partition. However, DROP PARTITION with ALGORITHM=COPY or old_alter_table=ON rebuilds
the partitioned table and attempts to move data from the dropped partition to another partition with a
compatible PARTITION ... VALUES definition. Data that cannot be moved to another partition is
deleted. (WL #9559)
InnoDB: InnoDB now uses tablespace map files during recovery to identify tablespaces that require
redo log application. This is a change from redo log tablespace discovery that was used previously.
If tablespace map files are lost or corrupted, the innodb_scan_directories startup option may
be used to specify tablespace directories when starting MySQL after a server outage.
For more information, see Tablespace Discovery During Crash Recovery. (Bug #24793413, WL
InnoDB: In previous releases, InnoDB stores ROW_FORMAT and KEY_BLOCK_SIZE attributes
specified in CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements even if those attributes are silently ignored
when creating or altering a table. In such cases, SHOW CREATE TABLE and the Create_options
column reported by SHOW TABLE STATUS show the specified ROW_FORMAT and KEY_BLOCK_SIZE
attributes rather than the actual attributes of the table. InnoDB now stores and reports the actual
ROW_FORMAT and KEY_BLOCK_SIZE attributes of the table. (WL #9525)
Replication: In previous versions issuing STOP GROUP_REPLICATION stopped the plugin but the
server still accepted transactions. This meant the transactions were not transmitted to the group.
To make STOP GROUP_REPLICATION safer, now super_read_only is set to ON immediately
upon issuing STOP GROUP_REPLICATION, which ensures no transactions are accepted. (Bug
#25495067, Bug #84795, WL #10611, WL #10960)
Replication: When there was a network partition and a member was in a
minority all queries to that member blocked. To improve this situation, the
group_replication_unreachable_majority_timeout variable has been added which
enables you to configure how long members in a minority wait to regain contact with a member in the
majority before leaving the group. (Bug #25473794)
Replication: The group_replication_transaction_size_limit variable was added
to enable you to protect a group against large transactions causing a failure. (Bug #84785, Bug
Replication: Support for binary log files created by versions earlier than MySQL 5.0 has been
removed, and binary log Version 1 and Version 3 formats are no longer supported by slaves or
mysqlbinlog. (WL #9219)
Replication: The Performance Schema replication_group_members and
replication_group_member_stats tables have been extended to provide additional
monitoring information for Group Replication. replication_group_members now includes
information about member roles and the version of MySQL running on a given member.
replication_group_member_stats now includes information about all members in the group,
the applier and local queues, and transactions which have been rolled back. (WL #10380)
Replication: The receiver thread has been improved to no longer block other thread's activities
when waiting for disk space. This improves the monitoring of replication ensuring that it reports
correctly when the receiver thread is waiting for disk space. If you are not able to free disk space to
allow the receiver thread to continue its activity, it can be forcefully stopped without side effects in
most cases. (WL #10406)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: A new transaction length field has been added to the Gtid_log_event which stores
the transaction length in bytes. (WL #10493)
Replication: The following variables have had their defaults changed to ensure replication is as
robust and efficient as possible by default:
master_info_repository=TABLE and relay_log_info_repository=TABLE ensure
that replication repository information is stored in InnoDB tables, making replication resilient to
unexpected halts.
transaction_write_set_extraction=XXHASH64 enables the optimal method for generating
write set hashes.
slave_rows_search_algorithms='INDEX_SCAN,HASH_SCAN' enables the use of a hash
table to avoid repeated table scans when no Primary Key or Primary Key Equivalent (non-null
unique secondary index) exists for a table
expire_logs_days=30 causes unused binary logs that are older than 30 days to be purged,
ensuring storage space is used efficiently.
(WL #10474, WL #10476, WL #10477, WL #10478)
Replication: The Group Replication plugin now notifies other server components that relevant
events have occurred; the plugin informs listeners registered in the service registry and notifies
them that an event has occurred. These listeners, including other plugins, can then react to these
events. Such events include view changes, recovery state updates, network partitioning, and primary
election. (WL #10412)
Group Replication: The group_replication_member_weight variable has been added which
enables you to control the election of new primaries in single-primary mode. In previous versions
primary election was based on the member's UUID, with the lowest UUID elected as the new primary
in the event of fail over. Use this variable to assign numeric weights to members to ensure that
specific members are elected, for example during scheduled maintenance of the primary or to ensure
certain hardware is prioritized. (WL #10433, WL #10959)
Group Replication: The following system variables affecting Group Replication have been added in
this release:
These variables enable you to fine-tune flow control of individual group members, adjusting the quota
depending on the task the member performs in the group. (WL #9838)
JSON: Added support for ranges in the XPath expressions used with many MySQL JSON functions,
including JSON_EXTRACT() and JSON_REMOVE(). Such a range is specified using the syntax
start to end, where start and end are, respectively, the first and last indexes of a range of
elements from a JSON array (always numbered starting with 0). For example, $[1 to 3] includes
the second, third, and fourth elements, as shown here:
mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', '$[1 to 3]');
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
| JSON_EXTRACT('[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', '$[1 to 3]') |
| [2, 3, 4] |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
This work also provides support in such expressions for the last keyword, which you can use to
represent the index of the last (rightmost) element in the current array, like this:
mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', '$[last]');
| JSON_EXTRACT('[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', '$[last]') |
| 5 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Indexes relative to the end of the array are also supported, as shown here:
mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', '$[last-4 to last-2]');
| JSON_EXTRACT('[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]', '$[last-4 to last-2]') |
| [1, 2, 3] |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
For further information and examples, see Searching and Modifying JSON Values. (Bug #79052,
Bug #22285926, WL #9831)
JSON: The optimizer now supports partial (in-place) updates of JSON documents when using
JSON_SET(), JSON_REPLACE(), or JSON_REMOVE(). (Previously, all updates of JSON column
values were done by completely removing the previous document and writing the new one in its
place.) In general, this optimization can be performed when the replacement value is less than or
equal in size to the column's original value, and no new elements are added to the original value. It
cannot be performed for a simple replacement of the column value of the form UPDATE tbl SET
json_col = json_val.
The JSON Data Type provides more information about the requirements for an update to be
optimized in this way.
This work includes the addition of two JSON utility functions, JSON_STORAGE_SIZE() and
JSON_STORAGE_FREE(), in the MySQL Server. JSON_STORAGE_SIZE() returns the number
of bytes used to store the binary representation of a JSON document, whether the document is
presented as a column value in a table, as the value of a user variable, or as a JSON literal. In
the case of a JSON column, this is the space used to store the JSON document as it was inserted
into the column, prior to any partial updates that may have been performed on it since then.
JSON_STORAGE_FREE() shows the number of bytes in the binary representation of a JSON column
value that were freed by the most recent partial update of the column. For a user variable storing a
JSON document, JSON_STORAGE_FREE() always returns 0; it also returns 0 if the argument is a
JSON literal.
Each of these functions, like many other MySQL functions that act on JSON values, also accepts a
string that can be successfully parsed as a JSON document. For more information and examples,
see JSON Utility Functions. (WL #9192, WL #8963, WL #10570)
RPM .spec files now include support for running unit tests. (Bug #25814143, Bug #85743)
The mysql client now supports a --binary-as-hex option that causes display of binary data
using hexadecimal notation (0xvalue). Thanks to Daniël van Eeden for the patch. (Bug #25340722,
Bug #84391)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The SHOW TABLES statement now supports an optional EXTENDED keyword that causes statement
output to list hidden tables created by failed ALTER TABLE statements. (These temporary tables
have names beginning with #sql.) For more information, see SHOW TABLES Statement. (Bug
#24786075, Bug #83241)
Serialized dictionary information (SDI) files now have a lowercase extension (.sdi) instead of
uppercase. (WL #7069)
The TempTable storage engine replaces the MEMORY storage engine as the default engine for
in-memory internal temporary tables. The TempTable storage engine provides efficient storage
for VARCHAR and VARBINARY columns. The internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine session
variable defines the storage engine for in-memory internal temporary tables. Permitted values are
TempTable (the default) and MEMORY. The temptable_max_ram configuration option defines the
maximum amount of memory that can be occupied by the TempTable storage engine before it starts
storing data on disk. The default value is 1073741824 bytes (1GiB).
The memory/temptable/physical_ram and memory/temptable/physical_disk
Performance Schema instruments may be used to monitor TempTable memory allocation and disk
storage. (WL #8117)
The MySQL 8.0.2 release introduces a number of undo related changes:
The number of undo tablespaces can now be modified at runtime, or when the server is restarted,
using the innodb_undo_tablespaces configuration option. Previously, the number of undo
tablespaces could only be configured when initializing the MySQL instance and could not be
changed afterward. This change permits the addition of undo tablespaces and rollback segments
as the database grows.
innodb_undo_log_truncate is enabled by default. When enabled, any undo tablespace that
exceeds the threshold value defined by innodb_max_undo_log_size is marked for truncation.
See Truncating Undo Tablespaces.
The innodb_undo_tablespaces default value was changed from 0 to 2, which means that
rollback segments are created in two separate undo tablespaces instead of the InnoDB system
tablespace by default. A minimum of two undo tablespaces is required to permit truncation of undo
Setting innodb_undo_tablespaces to 0 is deprecated and will not be supported in a future
MySQL version.
The naming convention used for undo tablespace files is changed from undoNNN to undo_NNN,
where NNN is the undo space number.
The innodb_rollback_segments configuration option defines the number of rollback segments
per undo tablespace. Previously, innodb_rollback_segments was a global setting that
specified the total number of rollback segments for the MySQL instance. This change increases
the number of rollback segments available for concurrent transactions. More rollback segments
increases the likelihood that concurrent transactions use separate rollback segments for undo
logs, resulting in less resource contention.
The innodb_undo_logs configuration option is removed. The innodb_rollback_segments
configuration option performs the same function and should be used instead.
The Innodb_available_undo_logs status variable is removed. The number of available
rollback segments per tablespace may be retrieved using SHOW VARIABLES LIKE
(WL #9507, WL #10498, WL #10499, WL #10322)
The SHOW COLUMNS and SHOW INDEX statements now support an optional EXTENDED keyword that
causes statement output to include information about hidden columns and indexes that MySQL uses
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
internally and are not accessible by users. For more information, see SHOW COLUMNS Statement,
and SHOW INDEX Statement. (WL #9570)
Bugs Fixed
InnoDB: Queries run on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES performed more slowly with
information_schema_stats set to latest. (Bug #26197113)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE ... ADD PARTITION operation that specified a DATA DIRECTORY
clause failed to ignore the TABLESPACE attribute of the table. (Bug #26113652)
InnoDB: When foreign_key_checks is disabled, a child table with a foreign key constraint can
be created before the parent table, which can result in a foreign key constraint failure, as the parent
table is unaware of the constraint. When a table is created, there is now a call to load foreign key
constraints for the table and check for child tables. (Bug #25976199)
InnoDB: A parsing error occurred while optimizing a table with a full-text index. (Bug #25914332)
InnoDB: Compiling MySQL on Windows with Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 or macOS 10.12.4 with
GCC 4.2.1 or Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.38) returned warnings. (Bug #25910531)
InnoDB: In debug builds, an assertion was raised during bootstrap when the system tablespace file
(ibdata1) ran out of space during creation of doublewrite pages. (Bug #25872368)
InnoDB: Incorrect locking order caused a deadlock when InnoDB attempted to persist an auto-
increment counter value to disk. (Bug #25833228)
InnoDB: Internal methods for accessing dictionary table object data did not account for virtual
columns. (Bug #25822154)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #23748128.
InnoDB: The length of a virtual column field in a virtual index record was less than the expected
template column length. (Bug #25793677)
InnoDB: In debug builds, shutting down the server with --innodb-fast-shutdown=0 raised an
assertion. (Bug #25756224)
InnoDB: The ibd2sdi utility exited when run on an unsupported file type. (Bug #25738491)
InnoDB: InnoDB did not set the compression algorithm when opening a partitioned table. (Bug
InnoDB: An in-place ALTER TABLE operation failed to set the encryption type, causing a FLUSH
TABLES ... FOR EXPORT operation to assert. (Bug #25672779)
InnoDB: A latch that was held while registering a file close caused a hang condition. (Bug
InnoDB: During recovery, prepared transactions were rolled back if the innodb_force_recovery
setting was greater than 0. (Bug #25651042)
InnoDB: A CREATE TABLE operation that defined a unique key with an eight character prefix on a
NOT NULL TEXT field would raise an assertion if a primary key was not defined. (Bug #25647413)
InnoDB: Updates to data dictionary tables combined with updates to InnoDB system tables for full-
text search auxiliary tables raised a lock-related assertion. (Bug #25610353)
InnoDB: The server allocated memory unnecessarily for an operation that rebuilt the table. (Bug
#25573565, Bug #85043)
InnoDB: Test-related code intended to simulate a random read on a nonexistent page raised an
invalid assertion. (Bug #25479538)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25053705.
InnoDB: With foreign_key_checks disabled, InnoDB incorrectly printed messages to the error
log when operations were performed on a table that referenced a nonexistent foreign key. (Bug
InnoDB: During a TRUNCATE TABLE operation on a file-per-table tablespace, a dictionary operation
lock was released before eviction of dirty pages from the buffer pool, causing a latch order violation.
(Bug #25357789)
InnoDB: A DROP TABLE or TRUNCATE TABLE operation could raise an assertion following a failed
online ALTER TABLE .. ADD INDEX operation. The index root page was dropped prematurely.
(Bug #25357789)
InnoDB: When using an index merge optimizer switch, a SELECT COUNT(*) operation sometimes
returned 0. Partitioning code incorrectly performed a memcpy instead of a column copy of columns
read by the index, causing the wrong records to be copied. (Bug #25332330, Bug #81031)
InnoDB: After a RENAME TABLE operation that moved a table to a different schema, InnoDB
returned an error on restart indicating that it could not locate the tablespace data file. InnoDB failed
to update INNODB_SYS_DATAFILES data dictionary table during the RENAME TABLE operation.
(Bug #25189192, Bug #84038)
InnoDB: During an ALTER TABLE operation that rebuilt a table containing a virtual column, InnoDB
failed to apply a concurrent insert log record. (Bug #24961167)
InnoDB: InnoDB failed to apply the concurrent delete log for an in-place ALTER TABLE operation
due to a virtual column validation issue. (Bug #24960450)
Partitioning: Following execution of an ALTER TABLE ... OPTIMIZE PARTITION statement,
names of tablespaces used by the table were not preserved, and subsequent accesses to the table
eventually caused the server to fail. (Bug #25512556)
Replication: When replicating a partitioned table with an index, on a replication slave where
HASH_SCAN was specified as part of the slave_rows_search_algorithms setting, the slave I/O
thread sometimes stopped with an error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND. (Bug #26137159)
Replication: A USE statement that followed a SET GTID_NEXT statement sometimes had no effect.
(Bug #26128931)
Replication: A misleading warning was issued when the command FLUSH LOGS or PURGE LOGS
BEFORE was used on a binary log file with an expiry time set, and the binary log file was in use. The
warning related to the file being in use, and implied that a purge attempt had taken place, even if the
expiry time had not yet been reached. Now, MySQL checks the expiry time of the binary log file first,
and only then checks whether the file is in use. So the warning is only issued for an in-use binary log
file that is old enough to be purged. (Bug #25973525)
Replication: Groups can now contain members running different server versions to enable you to
do online upgrades of a replication group. The rules for combining members in a group with different
versions are:
If you have a group with 8.0 members, you cannot add a 5.7 member
If you have a group with 5.7 members you can add a 8.0 member, but it remains in read-only
mode. Writing to this member is dangerous while the group contains multiple server versions and
should be avoided.
In a single-primary group, if the current primary leaves the group and a new primary must be elected,
the primary is first chosen from the lower version members. If no lower version member is found, the
primary is chosen from newer version members. (Bug #25876807)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: Now that XA transactions are prepared and committed in two parts, an issue with
statement-based replication has been identified. If two XA transactions committed on the master are
being prepared on the slave in the inverse order, locking dependencies can occur that cannot be
safely resolved. The issue is not present with row-based replication.
XA transactions are therefore now considered unsafe for statement-based replication.
When binlog_format = STATEMENT, a warning is issued for DML statements inside XA
transactions, and replication might fail with deadlock on slaves.
When binlog_format = MIXED, DML statements inside XA transactions are logged using row-
based replication.
When binlog_format = ROW, DML statements inside XA transactions are logged as before.
(Bug #25786490, Bug #85639)
Replication: The following Performance Schema replication tables now continue to be populated
when the Performance Schema is disabled:
The exception is local timing information (start and end timestamps for
transactions) in the replication tables replication_connection_status,
replication_applier_status_by_coordinator, and
replication_applier_status_by_worker. This information is not collected when the
Performance Schema is disabled. (Bug #25694813)
Replication: When first starting the MySQL server following an installation from RPM, passwword
validation plugin is activated by default (true only for RPM installations). If binary logging was
already enabled at this time, the activation was logged, even though plugin activations should not be
recorded in the binary log. (Bug #25672750)
Replication: The XA START, XA END, XA COMMIT, and XA ROLLBACK statements, used to
perform XA transactions, were incrementing the counter for a replicate-do-db filter that named
the relevant database. The counter is no longer incremented for these statements. (Bug #25669344)
Replication: MySQL 8.0 servers were not able to join a replication group that contained MySQL 5.7
servers, and MySQL 5.7 servers in a replication group could not be upgraded to MySQL 8.0. (Bug
Replication: When mysqlbinlog output from a MySQL 5.7 server was applied
on a MySQL 8.0 server, the MySQL 8.0 server generated its own timestamp
for the original_commit_timestamp. The fix ensures that the value of
original_commit_timestamp is correctly set to 0, meaning that the timestamp is not known.
(Bug #25316086)
Replication: If the server was started with the --log-bin option, discovery of one Performance
Schema table with invalid structure caused all subsequently checked Performance Schema tables to
be marked invalid as well. (Bug #25041396)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: Interleaved transactions could sometimes deadlock the slave applier when the
transaction isolation level was set to REPEATABLE-READ. (Bug #25040331)
Replication: The slave_skip_errors system variable did not permit error numbers larger than
3000. Thanks to Tsubasa Tanaka for the patch. (Bug #24748639, Bug #83184)
Replication: The SQL state of ER_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_DURING_COMMIT was HY00, which
is generic and not suitable for rollback. The SQL state has been modified to 40000. (Bug #24658431)
Replication: mysqlbinlog, if invoked with the --raw option, does not flush the output file until
the process terminates. But if also invoked with the --stop-never option, the process never
terminates, thus nothing is ever written to the output file. Now the output is flushed after each event.
(Bug #24609402)
Replication: A memory leak in mysqlbinlog was fixed. The leak happened when processing
fake rotate events, or when using --raw and the destination log file could not be created. The leak
only occurred when processing events from a remote server. Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for his
contribution to fixing this bug. (Bug #24323288, Bug #82283)
Replication: A slave server could lose events not yet applied when MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=0,
both replication threads were stopped, and the applier delay was changed using CHANGE MASTER
TO MASTER_DELAY=N. (Bug #23203678, Bug #81232)
References: See also: Bug #25340185, Bug #84375.
Replication: Transmission of large GCS messages could take so long the sender appeared to have
died. (Bug #22671846)
Replication: Multithreaded slaves could not be configured with small queue sizes using
slave_pending_jobs_size_max if they ever needed to process transactions larger than that
size. Any packet larger than slave_pending_jobs_size_max was rejected with the error
ER_MTS_EVENT_BIGGER_PENDING_JOBS_SIZE_MAX, even if the packet was smaller than the
limit set by slave_max_allowed_packet.
With this fix, slave_pending_jobs_size_max becomes a soft limit rather than a hard
limit. If the size of a packet exceeds slave_pending_jobs_size_max but is less than
slave_max_allowed_packet, the transaction is held until all the slave workers have empty
queues, and then processed. All subsequent transactions are held until the large transaction has
been completed. The queue size for slave workers can therefore be limited while still allowing
occasional larger transactions. (Bug #21280753, Bug #77406)
Replication: An incident event that broke replication was not written to the binary log with a
GTID, so that it was not possible to skip the event using SET gtid_next=value. Instead,
it was necessary to set the relay log file and relay log positions directly; this meant that, when
autopositioning was enabled, it was necessary first to disable it, then to set the relay log file and
position, and finally to re-enable autopositioning.
Now in such cases MySQL writes the incident event into the statement cache, so that a GTID is
generated and written for it prior to flushing, and that the slave applier works with the change. Then
users can skip the event using the SQL statement SET gtid_next=value, followed by BEGIN and
COMMIT. (Bug #19594845)
Replication: Setting an empty filter rule using CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER caused issues
when running tests with UBSan. (Bug #85405, Bug #25702297)
Replication: When the receiver thread held a lock on the relay log while queuing an event, clients
executing SHOW SLAVE STATUS or SHOW RELAYLOG EVENTS were blocked. (Bug #85084, Bug
Replication: Indexes for the Performance Schema replication_applier_status_by_worker
table worked correctly only for single threaded replication. This was due to the fact that the indexing
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
relied exclusively on the SQL thread ID regardless of the existence of any workers. Now in such
cases, the index also considers worker thread ID when multithreading is enabled on the slave. (Bug
#84646, Bug #25444610)
Replication: In certain cases, the master could write to the binary log a last_committed value
which was smaller than it should have been. This could cause the slave to execute in parallel
transactions which should not have been, leading to inconsistencies or other errors. (Bug #84471,
Bug #25379659)
Replication: When using group_replication_ip_whitelist=AUTOMATIC, IPs in the private
network are permitted automatically, but some class C IP addresses were not being permitted
correctly. (Bug #84329, Bug #25503458)
Replication: The replication applier thread returns Error 3002 ER_INCONSISTENT_ERROR
when there is a difference between an expected error number and the actual error number. It is
now possible to ignore this error by using 3002 with slave_skip_errors. (Bug #83186, Bug
Replication: MySQL lost its GTID position following a restart when a dump from mysqldump had
been used to load data.
To keep this problem from occurring, the mysql.gtid_executed table is now excluded
automatically from dumps made by mysqldump. (Bug #82848, Bug #24590891)
References: See also: Bug #87455, Bug #26643180.
Replication: It was possible to set binlog_format without causing an error when there were open
temporary tables. (Bug #82467, Bug #24411680)
Replication: Corruption of relay logs for one channel in multi-source replication caused good
channels not to be initalized during a server restart. In addition, when run with --skip-slave-
start=false, the server also failed to start slave threads for those channels which were in good
condition, despite the fact that it should have started the slave threads for all good channels.
Now, regardless of any errors on other channels, the server attempts to create and initialize channels
that are in good condition, and starts slave threads for the good channels if --skip-slave-start
is disabled. As part of this fix, START SLAVE and STOP SLAVE, which are intended to operate on all
channels, are also modified such that they continue executing on all good channels even if they find
bad channels among them. (Bug #82209, Bug #24285104)
Replication: The SQL thread was unable to GTID skip a partial transaction. (Bug #81119, Bug
Replication: It was possible for FLUSH LOGS to write a Rotate_log_event into an uninitialized
log file. (Bug #80368, Bug #22732184)
References: See also: Bug #23531998, Bug #81734.
Group Replication: When binlog_checksum was NONE following startup, when Group Replication
was started and an error occurred, the server remained in the RECOVERING state and could not be
shut down. (Bug #25793366, Bug #85667)
Group Replication: In a Group Replication setup where circular asynchronous replication was
implemented between members of different replication groups, view change log events were
repeatedly replicated between the groups with new generated GTIDs each time. This fix ensures that
view change log events are ignored outside the named replication group in which they occur, and
never generate new GTIDs. (Bug #25674926)
References: See also: Bug #26049695, Bug #25928854, Bug #25721175.
Group Replication: In a setup where single-primary Group Replication was combined with
asynchronous replication, for example with servers S1 and S2 forming a group, and S2 and S3
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
functioning as master and slave, secondaries such as S2 accepted transactions and were then able
to enter the group. This fix prevents a secondary from creating an asynchronous replication channel
when it belongs to a single-primary group, and Group Replication from starting while asynchronous
replication is running. (Bug #25574200, Bug #85047)
References: See also: Bug #86325, Bug #26078602.
Group Replication: Group Replication failed to start if the super_read_only system variable was
enabled. (Bug #25481287, Bug #84733)
Group Replication: In the event that a member failed to join a group the member was not stopping
and continued to accept transactions. To avoid this set your members to use super_read_only=1
in the my.cfg file. Group Replication now checks for this setting upon successful startup, and sets
super_read_only=0. This ensures that members which do not successfully join a group cannot
accept transactions. (Bug #25474736, Bug #84728)
Group Replication: Loading and initialization of the Group Replication plugin failed if no root
account was present. (Bug #24311527)
References: See also: Bug #25750822, Bug #25103980, Bug #83841.
Group Replication: Issuing SHOW SLAVE STATUS FOR CHANNEL
'group_replication_recovery' following restart of a server using group replication led to an
unplanned shutdown. (Bug #85739, Bug #25813258)
Group Replication: When an existing GTID_NEXT transaction was assigned a conflicting GTID
by the server, Group Replication generated an assert upon detecting two transactions with same
GTID. This was because Group Replication generates the GTID after conflict detection, which is later
than with asynchronous replication. When the transaction has been committed, the server issues a
warning that the GTID has already been used, and the transaction is rolled back. (Bug #84153, Bug
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, the Docs/INFO_SRC file was missing the build-date entry.
(Bug #25799855)
JSON: NULLIF() failed with an assertion error in debug builds if the result from this function was
used in a JSON context. This result can now be used safely as a JSON value.
This fix includes using DBUG_ASSERT() for handling this error instead of DBUG_ABORT(), which
caused debugging problems on some platforms. (Bug #25818544)
References: See also: Bug #21383497, Bug #21383530.
JSON: The internal Json_array now uses a std::vector instead of a Prealloced_array to
store its elements, which reduces the amount of heap space required by them. (Bug #85877, Bug
When the character set of one string comparison operand was a superset of the character set of
the other operand, some comparisons were disallowed that should be permitted by converting the
operand with the “smaller” character set to the “larger” character set. utf8mb4 and utf32 are
considered to be a superset of any other encoding. (Bug #27897053, Bug #25642319, Bug #85224)
The mysqld_pre_systemd script in RPM packages found the error log setting in option files if
specified as log-error but not as log_error, though both are permitted. (Bug #26148391, Bug
ALTER TABLE ... ADD PARTITION statements could cause a server exit. (Bug #26132947)
SET PERSIST did not work for X Plugin system variables. (Bug #26115672)
REFERENCES privilege checking could use the incorrect database in some cases. (Bug #26106655)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
With the gtid_mode system variable not set in a .cnf option file or on the command-line,
the server failed to restart after using SET PERSIST or SET GLOBAL to set gtid_mode to
ON_PERMISSIVE. (Bug #26085712)
During prepared statement execution, too many bytes of a buffer could be read. (Bug #26042934,
Bug #85937)
Dynamic privileges were not loaded when the server was started using the --initialize option.
(Bug #26005645)
Linux: The generic Linux build for MySQL 8.0 now supports Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA)
on its host system. Systems that use the build need to have libnuma installed on them. See
Installing MySQL on Unix/Linux Using Generic Binaries for more details. (Bug #26005558)
Debian client packages were missing information about conflicts with akonadi-backend-mysql
packages. (Bug #26002288)
mysqldump could write database names in USE statements incorrectly. (Bug #25998635)
If the mysql_stmt_close() C API function was called, it freed memory that later could be
accessed if mysql_stmt_error(), mysql_stmt_errno(), or mysql_stmt_sqlstate() was
called. To obtain error information after a call to mysql_stmt_close(), call mysql_error(),
mysql_errno(), or mysql_sqlstate() instead. (Bug #25988681)
Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 failed during data dictionary creation due to table names
that exceeded the 64 character length limit. (Bug #25973237, Bug #86120)
Queries could be cached incorrectly, leading to incorrect query results, under these circumstances:
InnoDB table; rows are being inserted but have not yet been committed; a query uses the table
as a base table in a derived table; the optimizer chooses to materialize the derived table. (Bug
#25943038, Bug #86047)
mysqld misbehaved if compiled with AddressSanitizer enabled and invoked with --basedir= (that
is, with an empty option value). (Bug #25914296, Bug #85994)
The ST_LatFromGeohash(), ST_LongFromGeohash(), and ST_PointFromGeohash()
functions did not allow data that originated from a CHAR column. (Bug #25912557, Bug #85981)
Attempting to drop a data file from a tablespace with multiple data files returned a duplicate file name
error. (Bug #25858461)
An attribute was added to data dictionary client method declarations to generate compilation
warnings when return values are ignored. (Bug #25840927)
The data dictionary class hierarchy was simplified. (Bug #25835968, Bug #85811)
A restriction that prevented the data dictionary object update function
(Dictionary_client::update) from being called twice on the same object was removed. (Bug
#25833932, Bug #85800)
On Ubuntu platforms, the MySQL service script did not terminate correctly if the user running the
script did not have permission to access the data directory or PID file. (Bug #25825833)
String comparison queries on the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CHARACTER_SETS.DESCRIPTION field
were case sensitive, which is a regression from earlier releases. (Bug #25824297)
Man pages for a few utilities were missing from Debian/Ubuntu packages. (Bug #25811814)
isolation level, and with autocommit disabled, failed to use non-locking reads, which could block
DDL operations or cause deadlocks. (Bug #25811413)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Table locking failures could occur if tables were used by a trigger for which a trigger of the same
name existed in another database and the database names differed only in lettercase. (Bug
An in-place MySQL upgrade failed if a .TRG file was missing the created line for the trigger
definition. (This problem is unlikely to occur for upgrades to MySQL 8.0 from 5.7 because the
created line is present for MySQL 5.7.2 and higher.) (Bug #25805260, Bug #85704)
The field-t unit test failed to run with AddressSanitizer enabled. Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for
the patch. (Bug #25803823, Bug #85678)
Debian client packages were missing information about conflicts with native packages. (Bug
The CREATE_OPTIONS column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table was treated as having
the binary collation, so functions such as UPPER() and LOWER() did not have the intended result.
(Bug #25793429)
After importing a table with DECIMAL column, accessing the table raised an assertion. (Bug
ALTER TABLE could fail when the default character set changed to utf8mb4 due to incorrect
column length calculations. (Bug #25779239, Bug #85614)
If a component deinit() method failed, the component was still unloaded. (Bug #25764325)
Stored program execution could fail for DEFINER accounts with expired passwords even if they were
locked and could not be used to connect to the server. Now DEFINER accounts are not checked for
expired passwords if they are locked. (Bug #25741966)
DISTINCT operations on temporary tables could produce incorrect results due to allocation of too-
small comparison keys. (Bug #25740550, Bug #85518)
In optimizer trace output, num_tmp_files did not actually indicate number of files. It has been
renamed to num_initial_chunks_spilled_to_disk and indicates the number of chunks
before any merging has occurred. (Bug #25733784, Bug #85487)
The Perl path in #! lines at the beginning of Perl scripts has been adjusted to /usr/local/bin/
perl for FreeBSD 11. (Bug #25719975)
With the IGNORE_SPACE SQL mode enabled, syntax error messages always reported line 1 as the
line number. (Bug #25717617)
mysqldump failed to properly quote certain identifiers in SQL statements written to the dump output.
(Bug #25717383)
Dropping a tablespace without that associated tablespace file failed with an error stating that the
tablespace dictionary object is invalid. (Bug #25717019)
Client preauthorization by the server was missing a length check for a length-encoded string. (Bug
In debug builds, a CREATE TABLESPACE operation raised an invalid assertion when using the NDB
storage engine. A validation function that checked for zero-length data files did not apply to NDB
tablepaces and was removed. (Bug #25700242)
For debug builds, EXPORT_SET() operations could raise an assertion for some arguments. (Bug
For debug builds, the assertion added for Bug#59686 was too strict and could be raised when it
should not have been. (Bug #25685958)
References: See also: Bug #59686.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A code refactoring in MySQL 8.0.1 caused several assertions to be raised in debug builds. (Bug
#25669590, Bug #25669606, Bug #25669580, Bug #25688504)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25221172, Bug #84103.
For some double-precision calculations, overflow could occur when calculating the exponent part.
(Bug #25664323, Bug #85290)
SHOW INDEX output was inconsistent for a FULLTEXT index defined on multiple columns. (Bug
During a group commit, the stack could incorrectly be reported exhausted, leading to stack overflow.
(Bug #25656875)
An in-place (binary) upgrade could change the default character_set_client and
character_set_connection variables for stored routines, possibly resulting in different routine
behavior. (Bug #25633041)
For debug builds, the partitioning handler could inappropriately evaluate generated column
expressions in UPDATE statements, resulting in a raised assertion. (Bug #25615803, Bug #85179)
In strict SQL mode, an ER_TRUNCATED_WRONG_VALUE error could be converted from a warning to
an error but then ignored, leading to a raised assertion. (Bug #25586959, Bug #25586673)
Failure occurred for ALTER TABLE on an ARCHIVE table containing a NOT NULL column having
a geometry data type. For debug builds, an assertion was raised. For non-debug builds, an error
occurred. (Bug #25582178, Bug #85059)
For debug builds, an assertion could be raised for DROP TRIGGER of a trigger for a table used by a
view. (Bug #25581925)
For upgrades from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, the server wrote unnecessary parsing warnings to the
error log. These messages are now suppressed. (Bug #25518436, Bug #84889)
The server exited abnormally attempting to access invalid memory. (Bug #25501659)
The maximum length of the name field in the column_type_elements table in the data dictionary
was extended from 255 bytes to 1020 bytes to accommodate long ENUM and SET values that could
result from using a multibyte character set.
When using a multibyte character set, a single ENUM or SET element occupies a maximum of M x w
bytes in the column type definition in the data dictionary, where M is the element literal length and w is
the number of bytes required for the maximum-length character in the character set.
In prior releases, the maximum supported length of an individual ENUM or SET element depended on
the number of elements in the type. Thus, there could be a single element with (M x w) = 64K, or 64K
elements with (M x w) = 1.
The maximum supported length of an individual ENUM or SET element is now M <= 255 and (M x w)
<= 1020, regardless of the number of elements in the type. (Bug #25481355)
With mysqld secured by TCP wrappers and the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files configured
to restrict access from an IP address, connection attempts from that address resulted in too many
messages to the error log. (Bug #25476479, Bug #84708)
mysqlpump no longer includes the slave_master_info and slave_relay_log_info tables
in dumps of the mysql system database. Restoring a dump file containing these tables caused
problems by changing the replication state improperly. (Bug #25469190)
Changes made by calling mysql_options() to set MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE could be affected
by later mysql_options() calls. Now setting MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE is unaffected by later
mysql_options() calls. (Bug #25452210)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A race condition could occur for CREATE TABLE statements with DATA DIRECTORY or INDEX
DIRECTORY clauses. (Bug #25451091)
With AddressSanitizer enabled, compiling the keyring_file plugin produced One-Definition Rule
violations. (Bug #25448205)
ALTER TABLE ... MODIFY on a DATETIME NOT NULL column using an AFTER clause resulted
in an ER_INVALID_USE_OF_NULL error. (Bug #25385334)
The range optimizer could create an incorrect query tree, resulting in a server exit. (Bug #25369742,
Bug #25586531)
mysqld_failed to start the server if the --datadir option was specified with a relative path
name. (Bug #25364806)
XA PREPARE, XA ROLLBACK, and XA COMMIT for a transaction from a disconnected session did
not take a global commit lock and modified the binary log and InnoDB redo log even when FLUSH
TABLES WITH READ LOCK was in effect. This could lead to inconsistent backups when backup
tools assumed that the server was in a read-only state. (Bug #25364178, Bug #84442)
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT) returned nonunique values if the data size was greater than the value
of the tmp_table_size system variable. (Bug #25331425, Bug #84320)
The fix for Bug #78777 had different effects depending on whether the Performance Schema is
enabled. (Bug #25309017, Bug #84305)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #78777.
An aggregate function in some nested queries could cause a server exit. (Bug #25303711)
Virtual generated column expressions that used the BIN_TO_UUID(), CONV(), or HEX()
functions could cause problems if the connection character set was changed. In this context, the
table character set is now used for these functions regardless of connection character set. (Bug
The Rewriter plugin did not perform locking properly if the read_only system variable was
enabled. (Bug #25264253)
With read_only enabled, creation of non-TEMPORARY tables by non-SUPER users was permitted
under certain conditions. (Bug #25250768)
For a table having a TIMESTAMP or DATETIME column having a default of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
the column could be initialized to 0000-00-00 00:00:00' if the table had a BEFORE INSERT
trigger. (Bug #25209512, Bug #84077)
On Windows, Time values in SHOW PROCESSLIST output drifted higher over time. (Bug #25101724,
Bug #83019)
An assertion was raised when a create function at server bootstrap attempted to evaluate non-
resolved expressions. (Bug #24961932)
The number of data dictionary cache lookups was reduced, and ALTER TABLE handling of triggers
was improved help ensure trigger persistence in case of a server exit during ALTER TABLE
processing. (Bug #24930129, Bug #83473)
Certain queries against InnoDB tables that used a primary key and a subquery could return incorrect
results if the index_merge_intersection flag of the optimizer_switch system variable was
enabled. (Bug #24829050, Bug #79675)
On x86 machines, the uint3korr() macro read 4 bytes of data instead of the intended 3 bytes.
(Bug #24807826, Bug #83264)
An assertion was raised during a fetch operation by the memcached plugin. (Bug #24605783)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Queries that contained UNION in a subquery and GROUP BY could return incorrect results. (Bug
Some syntactically incorrect CREATE INDEX statements could cause a server exit rather than a
syntax error. (Bug #24593992)
An in-place MySQL upgrade failed if the innodb_table_stats or innodb_index_stats tables
were not present in the mysql system database. (This problem should not occur for upgrades to
MySQL 8.0 from 5.7 because those tables are present in MySQL 5.7.) (Bug #24557143)
Incorrect behavior could occur for INSERT statements executed in stored-program or prepared-
statement context, if the VALUES part of an ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause referred to a
BLOB value in the INSERT column list. (Bug #24538207, Bug #25361251, Bug #25530880, Bug
systemd support scripts in Debian packages contained hardcoded references to the data directory,
making it difficult to change the data directory using --datadir. (Bug #24398446, Bug #82417)
MySQL failed to compile under macOS 10.10.5 using Clang. (Bug #24352163, Bug #82340)
If a REPLACE statement tried to update a row in a table containing a virtual generated column of type
BLOB, subsequent DML statements could behave incorrectly. (Bug #23573575)
Some PROXY grants were not replicated to slaves, causing incorrect replication. (Bug #23289541,
Bug #81424, Bug #23623115)
EXPLAIN for single-table UPDATE or DELETE statements could raise an assertion attempting to
optimize away subqueries. (Bug #23209903)
The help output from mysqlxtest has been improved. (Bug #23107137, Bug #81086)
For builds with AddressSanitizer enabled, the ST_Simplify() function could attempt to use
already freed memory. (Bug #23023817)
Compiler flags were adjusted to eliminate numerous warnings that occurred when compiling the
keyring_file plugin using Clang. (Bug #22834591, Bug #80524)
If enabling the Event Scheduler caused an event defined as ON COMPLETION NOT PRESERVE to
be dropped because its execution time had passed, the drop event was not written to the binary log,
causing slaves not to replicate it and replication failure if an event of the same name was created
later. (Bug #22150112)
For some CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statements, adding an ORDER BY clause changed column
data types, or caused an assertion to be raised for debug builds. (Bug #16833464)
LOAD XML performance became noticeably slower when the XML file being read contained a great
many spaces, such as those introduced by indenting or pretty-printing. Now all leading whitespace is
trimmed from each such value before reading it into memory. (Bug #16212207)
Changes in MySQL 8.0.1 (2017-04-10, Development Milestone)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
This is a milestone release, for use at your own risk. Upgrades between
milestone releases (or from a milestone release to a GA release) are not
supported. Significant development changes take place in milestone releases
and you may encounter compatibility issues, such as data format changes that
require attention in addition to the usual procedure of running mysql_upgrade.
For example, you may find it necessary to dump your data with mysqldump
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
before the upgrade and reload it afterward. (Making a backup before the
upgrade is a prudent precaution in any case.)
This release makes several important changes in Unicode character set
support. In particular, the default character set has changed from latin1 to
Account Management Notes
C API Notes
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Configuration Notes
Connection Management Notes
Data Dictionary Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Plugin Notes
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
SQL Syntax Notes
Test Suite Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
Incompatible Change: Components and plugins now can define privileges dynamically (at runtime),
which enables them to create privileges specifically associated with the capabilities they implement.
Implementation of dynamic privileges enables DBAs to begin migrating away from the SUPER
privilege. In the past, SUPER has been associated with a wide and growing variety of operations,
not all related to each other. Many operations covered by SUPER now are also associated with
a dynamic privilege of more limited scope, and that privilege is registered by the component or
plugin that implements the operation. Each such operation that previously required the SUPER
privilege can be permitted to an account by granting the associated dynamic privilege rather than
SUPER. For example, a user who must be able to modify global system variables can be granted
This change improves security by enabling DBAs to avoid granting SUPER and tailor user privileges
more closely to the operations permitted. SUPER is now deprecated and will be removed in a future
MySQL version.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Dynamic privileges apply only at the global level. The server stores information about current
assignments of dynamic privileges to user accounts in mysql.global_grants, a new table in the
mysql system database.
For more information, see Static Versus Dynamic Privileges. That discussion includes instructions for
migrating accounts away from SUPER to dynamic privileges.
Incompatibility: SHOW GRANTS no longer displays ALL PRIVILEGES in its global-privileges output
because the meaning of ALL PRIVILEGES at the global level varies depending on which dynamic
privileges are defined. Instead, SHOW GRANTS explicitly lists each granted global privilege. For
details, see SHOW GRANTS Statement. Applications that process SHOW GRANTS output should be
adjusted accordingly.
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these changes into the mysql system database. (WL #8131)
C API Notes
The C API implemented by libmysqlclient now includes a client interface for reading a stream
of replication events from a MySQL server binary log. For more information, see C API Binary Log
Interface (WL #7672)
Character Set Support
Important Change: The default character set has changed from latin1 to utf8mb4. These
system variables are affected:
The default value of the character_set_server and character_set_database system
variables has changed from latin1 to utf8mb4.
The default value of the collation_server and collation_database system variables has
changed from latin1_swedish_ci to utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci.
As a result, the default character set and collation for new objects differ from previously unless an
explicit character set and collation are specified. This includes databases and objects within them,
such as tables, views, and stored programs. One way to preserve the previous defaults is to start the
server with these lines in the my.cnf file:
(WL #7554)
Performance of UCA 9.0.0-based collations (for example, utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci) was improved.
These collations are now faster than any other UCA collations.
Additionally, the max_length_for_sort_data system variable default value has been increased
from 1024 to 4096. (Bug #24823885, Bug #83319)
The default collation for the utf8mb4 character set has changed from utf8mb4_general_ci to
utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci; utf8mb4_general_ci does not handle characters outside the Basic
Multilingual Plane (BMP) correctly. (Bug #24742157)
The pad attribute for Unicode 9.0.0 collations was changed from PAD SPACE to NO PAD.
Consequently, these collations now treat spaces at the end of strings as significant, like any other
character. The affected collations have names that contain the string _0900_.
Comparisons of nonbinary strings (CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT strings) that have a 9.0.0 (NO PAD)
collation differ from PAD SPACE collations with respect to trailing spaces. For example, 'a' and
'a ' compare as different strings, not the same string. Example:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
mysql> SET NAMES 'latin1' COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci';
mysql> SELECT 'a' = 'a ';
| 'a' = 'a ' |
| 1 |
mysql> SET NAMES 'utf8mb4' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci';
mysql> SELECT 'a' = 'a ';
| 'a' = 'a ' |
| 0 |
See also Trailing Space Handling in Comparisons.
The INFORMATION_SCHEMA COLLATIONS table now has a PAD_ATTRIBUTE column that indicates
the pad attribute for each collation.
A problem with the latin1_de collation involving early weight string truncation has been corrected.
The only likely effect is for WEIGHT_STRING() function results. (WL #10354)
Complementing earlier work in MySQL 8.0.0 to add case-insensitive and accent-insensitive collations
for the utf8mb4 Unicode character set, new case-sensitive and accent-sensitive collations have
been added. The general collation is named utf8mb4_0900_as_cs, and there are language-
specific collations with characteristics similar to utf8mb4_0900_as_cs except that language-
specific rules take precedence where applicable. The language-specific collations are indicated by
ISO 639-1 language codes in the collation name, as shown in the following table. In two cases the
language code has an additional item that denotes a variant (German phone book order, Traditional
utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs is the first Japanese language-specific collation
available for Unicode in MySQL.
Table 2 utf8mb4 UCA 9.0.0 Language-Specific Collations
Language Collation
Croatian utf8mb4_hr_0900_as_cs
Czech utf8mb4_cs_0900_as_cs
Danish utf8mb4_da_0900_as_cs
Esperanto utf8mb4_eo_0900_as_cs
Estonian utf8mb4_et_0900_as_cs
German phone book order utf8mb4_de_pb_0900_as_cs
Hungarian utf8mb4_hu_0900_as_cs
Icelandic utf8mb4_is_0900_as_cs
Japanese utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs
Latvian utf8mb4_lv_0900_as_cs
Lithuanian utf8mb4_lt_0900_as_cs
Polish utf8mb4_pl_0900_as_cs
Classical Latin utf8mb4_la_0900_as_cs
Romanian utf8mb4_ro_0900_as_cs
Slovak utf8mb4_sk_0900_as_cs
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Language Collation
Slovenian utf8mb4_sl_0900_as_cs
Modern Spanish utf8mb4_es_0900_as_cs
Traditional Spanish utf8mb4_es_trad_0900_as_cs
Swedish utf8mb4_sv_0900_as_cs
Turkish utf8mb4_tr_0900_as_cs
Vietnamese utf8mb4_vi_0900_as_cs
utf8mb4_0900_as_cs also works as an accent-sensitive, case-sensitive collation for the
languages in the following table.
Table 3 Languages for Which utf8mb4_0900_as_cs is Suitable
Language Name Language Code
German (dictionary order) de
English en
French (locale fr_FR) fr
Irish Gaelic ga
Indonesian id
Italian it
Luxembourgian lb
Malay ms
Dutch nl
Portuguese pt
Swahili sw
Zulu zu
utf8mb4_0900_as_cs is suitable for French French (locale fr_FR) but not for Canadian French
(locale fr_CA). For Canadian French, utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci is suitable. The reason for the
difference between ai_ci and as_cs collations is that Canadian French has a different order of
accented characters than French French.
utf8mb4_da_0900_as_cs also works as an accent-sensitive, case-sensitive collation for the
languages in the following table.
Table 4 Languages for Which utf8mb4_da_0900_as_cs is Suitable
Language Name Language Code
Norwegian no
Norwegian Bokmål nb
Norwegian Nynorsk nn
The nonlanguage-specific utf8mb4_0900_as_cs and language-specific
utf8mb4_LANG_0900_as_cs Unicode collations each have these characteristics:
The collation is based on Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) 9.0.0 and Common Locale Data
Repository (CLDR) v30, is accent sensitive, and case sensitive. These characteristics are
indicated by _0900, _as, and _cs in the collation name. Exception: utf8mb4_la_0900_as_cs
is not based on CLDR because Classical Latin is not defined in CLDR.
The collation works for all characters in the range [U+0, U+10FFFF].
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
If the collation is not language specific, it sorts all characters, including supplemental characters,
in default order (described following). If the collation is language specific, it sorts characters of the
language correctly according to language-specific rules, and characters not in the language in
default order.
By default, the collation sorts characters having a code point listed in the DUCET table (Default
Unicode Collation Element Table) according to the weight value assigned in the table. The
collation sorts characters not having a code point listed in the DUCET table using their implicit
weight value, which is constructed according to the UCA.
The collation sorts on all three DUCET weight levels, including the tertiary level. This compares
with accent-insensitive, case-insensitive collations, which sort only on the primary and secondary
For non-language-specific collations, characters in contraction sequences are treated as separate
characters. For language-specific collations, contractions might change character sorting order.
For more information, see Unicode Character Sets. (WL #9109, WL #9751)
Compilation Notes
Incompatible Change: The my_bool type is no longer used in MySQL source code. Any third-
party code that used this type to represent C boolean variables should use the bool or int C type
The change from my_bool to bool means that the mysql.h header file now
requires a C++ or C99 compiler to compile.
(Bug #25597667)
InnoDB: A LOB page deletion function failed to delete LOB pages. (Bug #24480254)
Windows builds now use the default runtime libraries (builds use the /MD flag). (Bug #25611609)
CMake support was added for compiling with Developer Studio 12.6. (Bug #25384295)
The rapidjson library included in MySQL distributions was upgraded to version 1.1.0. (Bug
#24947436, Bug #83515)
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.63.0. (Bug #24579061, Bug
#82834, Bug #25126144, Bug #83905)
For GCC versions higher than 4.4, -fno-expensive-optimizations was replaced with -ffp-
contract=off, which has the effect of enabling more optimizations. Thanks to Alexey Kopytov for
the patch. (Bug #24571672, Bug #82760)
For building MySQL 8.0, the minimum required version of CMake is now 3.2.3 on Windows, 3.4.0 on
Solaris, and 2.8.12 otherwise. (Bug #24481181, Bug #82628)
References: See also: Bug #24687701.
Work was done to clean up the source code base, including: Removing unneeded CMake checks;
removing unused macros from source files; reorganizing header files to reduce the number of
dependencies and make them more modular, removing function declarations without definitions,
replacing locally written functions with equivalent functions from industry-standard libraries.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Configuration Notes
In source distributions, several utilities previously in the extra directory have been moved to the
new utilities directory. (Bug #25416084)
Two new CMake options are available for debugging. LINK_RANDOMIZE indicates whether to
randomize the order of symbols in the mysqld binary (default OFF), and LINK_RANDOMIZE_SEED
specifies a seed value for LINK_RANDOMIZE. (Bug #25336715)
MySQL failed to compile if -DENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC=OFF AND -DWITH_DEBUG=ON were both
given. The ENABLE_DEBUG_SYNC option has been removed and enabling WITH_DEBUG enables
Debug Sync. (Bug #18374703)
These changes were made with respect to persisted system variables:
A new statement, RESET PERSIST, enables removal of variable settings that were persisted with
SET PERSIST to the mysqld-auto.cnf file that stores persisted global system variable settings.
Using SET PERSIST (or @@PERSIST.) to set a global variable to DEFAULT or to the variable
literal default value previously also added a setting for the variable to the mysqld-auto.cnf file
if was is not present, or removed it from mysqld-auto.cnf if it was present. Now the assignment
always adds a setting for the variable to the mysqld-auto.cnf file; to remove the setting from
the file, use RESET PERSIST.
A new Performance Schema table, persisted_variables, provides an SQL interface to the
mysqld-auto.cnf file, enabling the file contents to be inspected at runtime using SELECT
The Performance Schema variables_info table has new columns showing when and by which
user each system variable was most recently set.
For more information, see Persisted System Variables, and RESET PERSIST Statement.
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these changes into the Performance Schema. (WL #9720, WL
References: See also: Bug #24522064.
The default value of the query_cache_size system variable has been reduced from 1M to 0.
Consequently no query cache buffer is allocated by default. (WL #9817)
Connection Management Notes
MySQL Server now includes a plugin library that enables administrators to introduce an increasing
delay in server response to clients after a certain number of consecutive failed connection attempts.
This capability provides a deterrent that slows down brute force attacks that attempt to access
MySQL user accounts. For more information, see The Connection-Control Plugins. (WL #8885)
Data Dictionary Notes
SQL-layer code and the storage engine API were extended to provide data dictionary support for:
Storing information about auxiliary columns and keys that InnoDB adds to tables implicitly, storage
engine-private data and object identifiers for tables and tablespaces, and InnoDB full-text search
auxiliary tables and other similar, implicitly created objects.
Combining data dictionary updates, storage engine changes, and binary log writes for DDL
operations into atomic transactions.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A behavior change for DROP TABLE occurs if any named tables do not exist. Previously, the
statement returned an error indicating which tables did not exist and it was unable to drop, but also
dropped the tables that did exist. Now the statement still indicates which tables did not exist, but fails
with an error and no changes are made.
For more information, see Atomic Data Definition Statement Support, and WL#7743. (WL #7743)
These INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables have been reimplemented as views on data dictionary tables:
Queries on those tables are now more efficient because they obtain information from data dictionary
tables rather than by other, slower means. For example, the server no longer must create a
temporary table for each query of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table.
Improvements for those tables also apply to SHOW statements that display information corresponding
to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables. For example, SHOW TRIGGERS displays the same information
as the TRIGGERS table.
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these changes. (WL #9494)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Incompatible Change; InnoDB; Partitioning: The ALTER TABLE ... UPGRADE PARTITIONING
statement is no longer supported.
The deprecated PROCEDURE ANALYSE() syntax has been removed. (WL #4745)
The deprecated libmysqld embedded server library has been removed, along with:
The mysql_config --libmysqld-libs, --embedded-libs, and --embedded options
The (undocumented) mysql --server-arg option
The mysqltest --embedded-server, --server-arg, and --server-file options
The mysqltest_embedded and mysql_client_test_embedded test programs
(WL #9721, WL #9722, WL #9816)
The deprecated --temp-pool server option has been removed. (WL #8396)
The deprecated replace utility has been removed. If you wish to continue using this utility, be sure
to retain a copy from an installed version of MySQL before upgrading to the current version. (WL
The parser no longer considers \N as a synonym for NULL in SQL statements. Use NULL instead.
This change does not affect text file import or export operations performed with LOAD DATA or
SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE, for which NULL continues to be represented by \N. See LOAD
DATA Statement. (WL #7247)
Support for DTrace has been removed. (WL #9581)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Optimizer Notes
InnoDB: MySQL now supports descending indexes: DESC in an index definition is no longer ignored
but causes storage of key values in descending order. Previously, indexes could be scanned in
reverse order but at a performance penalty. A descending index can be scanned in forward order,
which is more efficient. Descending indexes also make it possible for the optimizer to use multiple-
column indexes when the most efficient scan order mixes ascending order for some columns and
descending order for others. For more information, see Descending Indexes.
Previously, GROUP BY implicitly sorted by default (that is, in the absence
of ASC or DESC designators for GROUP BY columns), but relying on implicit
GROUP BY sorting was deprecated. GROUP BY no longer sorts by default, so
query results may differ from previous MySQL versions. To produce a given
sort order, use explicit ASC or DESC designators for GROUP BY columns or
provide an ORDER BY clause.
(WL #1074, WL #7737)
Optimizer trace output now includes more information about filesort operations, such as key and
payload size and why addon fields are not packed. (Bug #25246184, Bug #84180)
Previously, invisible indexes were supported only for the InnoDB storage engine. Invisible indexes
are now storage engine neutral (supported for any engine). (Bug #23541244)
A GROUPING() function has been introduced for use in GROUP BY queries that include a WITH
ROLLUP modifier. This function enables you to distinguish NULL values for super-aggregate rows in
the query result from NULL values in regular grouped rows. For more information, see Miscellaneous
Functions, and GROUP BY Modifiers. Thanks to Zhe Dong for a patch that was partially used to
implement this feature.
GROUPING now is a reserved word and cannot be used as an identifier
without identifier quoting.
(Bug #11754449, Bug #46053, Bug #11745963, Bug #21728, WL #1979)
The optimizer now supports INDEX_MERGE and NO_INDEX_MERGE hints to affect use of the Index
Merge access method. Examples:
SELECT /*+ INDEX_MERGE(t1 f1, f2, f3) */ f2 FROM t1
WHERE f1 = 'o' AND f2 = f3 AND f3 <= 4;
SELECT /*+ NO_INDEX_MERGE(t1 f2, f3) */ f1 FROM t1
WHERE (f2 = 5 OR f3 = 'c') AND (f1 = 4 OR f4 = 'f');
For more information, see Index Merge Optimization, and Optimizer Hints. (WL #9167)
The server_cost and engine_cost optimizer cost model tables in the mysql system database
now include a default_value column that contains the default value for each cost table estimate.
This column is a read-only generated column that retains its value even if the associated cost
estimate is changed. For more information, see The Optimizer Cost Model.
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these changes into the mysql system database. (WL #10128)
In the optimizer cost model engine_cost table, the cost for memory access was decreased relative
to the cost for disk access. An implication of this change is that the execution plan may change
between two runs of the same query. For example, at server startup before data has been read into
the buffer pool, you may get a different plan than after the query has been run because then the data
will be in memory. (WL #8737)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL now supports common table expressions, both nonrecursive and recursive. Common table
expressions enable use of named temporary result sets, implemented by permitting a WITH clause
preceding SELECT statements and certain other statements. For more information, see WITH
(Common Table Expressions).
RECURSIVE now is a reserved word and cannot be used as an identifier
without identifier quoting.
(WL #883, WL #3634)
The optimizer now supports hints that enable specifying the order in which to join tables. For more
information, see Optimizer Hints. (WL #9158)
Packaging Notes
Microsoft Windows: Reminder: MySQL 8.0 requires the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
Package to run on Windows platforms. Users should make sure the package has been installed on
the system before starting the server. The package is available at the Microsoft Download Center.
Changes in RPM package structure require a larger set of packages to be removed to install MySQL
Server cleanly. (Bug #25603087)
To avoid potential race conditions, Debian packages now use the GNU install utility rather than a
combination of mkdir, touch, and chown. (Bug #25258829)
New Debian/Ubuntu packages named server-core and client-core are now available. These
packages contain binaries only, without configuration or service scripts, directory setup, man pages,
and so forth. They are installed automatically with the standard packages, but when installed by
themselves do not result in a functioning MySQL setup. They may be of interest for user which wish
to customize their own installation setup. (Bug #25146364)
scripts/mysql_security_commands.sql and support-files/
are no longer used and have been removed from MySQL distributions. (Bug #24756400, Bug
RPM packages now are built with -DWITH_NUMA=ON for platforms with NUMA support: OEL higher
than EL5, Fedora, SLES, Docker. (Bug #24689078)
The file (used to produce a default my-default.cnf or my-default.ini
file) is no longer included in source distributions and my-default.cnf and my-default.ini are
no longer included in or installed by distribution packages. (Bug #22525354)
The unused and undocumented archive_reader and archive_test utilities have been removed
from MySQL source distributions. (Bug #12818207, Bug #62014)
Performance Schema Notes
The Performance Schema maintains statement event summary tables that contain information about
minimum, maximum, and average statement latency. Those tables permit high-level assessment of
system performance. To permit assessment at a more fine-grained level, the Performance Schema
now also collects histogram data for statement latencies. These histograms provide additional insight
into latency distributions and are available in these tables:
events_statements_histogram_by_digest: Statement histograms per schema and digest
events_statements_histogram_global: Statement histogram summarized globally
For more information, see Statement Histogram Summary Tables.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
In addition, the events_statements_summary_by_digest table now has columns that provide
percentile information about statement latencies. For more information, see Statement Summary
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these changes into the Performance Schema. (WL #5384)
System and status variable information is no longer maintained in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.
SESSION_STATUS. Use the corresponding Performance Schema tables instead. See Performance
Schema System Variable Tables, and Performance Schema Status Variable Tables. In addition, the
show_compatibility_56 system variable has been removed. It was used in the transition period
during which system and status variable information in INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables was moved to
Performance Schema tables, and is no longer needed. These status variables have been removed:
Slave_heartbeat_period, Slave_last_heartbeat, Slave_received_heartbeats,
Slave_retried_transactions, Slave_running. The information they provided is available
in Performance Schema tables; see Migrating to Performance Schema System and Status Variable
Tables. (WL #8057)
been removed. To obtain InnoDB data lock information, use the Performance Schema data_locks
and data_lock_waits tables instead. Alternatively, use the sys schema innodb_lock_waits
and x$innodb_lock_waits views, which have been reimplemented to use the new Performance
Schema tables rather than the removed INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables.
The Performance Schema tables expose what data locks exist, which transaction holds
each lock, and which transaction lock requests are blocked by other locks. For InnoDB, the
data_locks table reports all data locks, in contrast to the INNODB_LOCKS table, which
reported only waited-for data locks, For more information, see The data_locks Table, and The
data_lock_waits Table. For information about mapping old table columns to new table columns,
The tables differ in the privileges required: The INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables require the global
PROCESS privilege. The Performance Schema tables require the usual Performance Schema
privilege of SELECT on the table to be selected from.
The sys schema innodb_lock_waits and x$innodb_lock_waits views can be used
without change, with the exception that the locked_table column containing combined
schema/table name values has been removed and replaced with locked_table_schema and
locked_table_name columns that contain separate schema and table name values. In addition,
these views now contain locked_table_partition and locked_table_subpartition
columns. For more information, see The innodb_lock_waits and x$innodb_lock_waits Views,
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these changes into the Performance Schema and the sys schema.
(WL #9275, WL #6657)
Plugin Notes
MySQL Server 8.0 includes a component-based infrastructure for improving server extensibility;
see MySQL Components. However, MySQL plugins use an interface that predates the component
interface. A new plugin service, plugin_registry_service, enables plugins to access the
component registry and its services. (WL #4989)
Security Notes
Incompatible Change: For STANDALONE and WIN builds, the default secure_file_priv
value has changed from the empty string to NULL. This is a secure-by-default setting because it
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
disables import and export operations. To permit those operations, set secure_file_priv to
the path name of the directory to use for those operations. (Bug #24679907, Bug #24695274, Bug
#24707666, WL #6782)
Incompatible Change: These changes were made to mysqld_safe:
Unsafe use of rm and chown in mysqld_safe could result in privilege escalation. chown now
can be used only when the target directory is /var/log. An incompatible change is that if the
directory for the Unix socket file is missing, it is no longer created; instead, an error occurs. Due to
these changes, /bin/bash is required to run mysqld_safe on Solaris. /bin/sh is still used on
other Unix/Linux platforms.
The --ledir option now is accepted only on the command line, not in option files.
mysqld_safe ignores the current working directory.
Other related changes:
Initialization scripts that invoke mysqld_safe pass --basedir explicitly.
Initialization scripts create the error log file only if the base directory is /var/log or /var/lib.
Unused systemd files for SLES were removed.
(Bug #24483092, Bug #25088048, Bug #25378439, Bug #25378565)
References: See also: Bug #24464380, Bug #24388753, Bug #24619033, Bug #82920.
yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.4.2. This upgrade corrects issues with: Potential AES side channel
leaks; DSA padding for unusual sizes; the SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations() OpenSSL
compatibility function failing to handle long path directory names. (Bug #24512715, Bug #24740291)
OpenSSL is ending support for version 1.0.1 in December 2016; see
policies/releasestrat.html. Consequently, MySQL Commercial Server builds now use version 1.0.2
rather than version 1.0.1, and the linked OpenSSL library for the MySQL Commercial Server has
been updated from version 1.0.1 to version 1.0.2j. For a description of issues fixed in this version,
This change does not affect the Oracle-produced MySQL Community build of MySQL Server, which
uses the yaSSL library instead. (WL #9136)
Spatial Data Support
Incompatible Change: Previously, ST_Distance() supported only Cartesian spatial reference
systems (SRSs). ST_Distance() now detects geometry arguments in a geographic SRS and
returns the geodetic distance on the ellipsoid in meters. The only permitted geographic argument
types are Point and Point, or Point and MultiPoint (in any argument order). Calculations for
projected SRSs and SRID 0 remain the same. For more information, see Spatial Relation Functions
That Use Object Shapes.
If spatial data contains SRID values that refer to a geographic spatial
reference system, existing queries using these functions will return different
results, compared to previous MySQL versions.
(WL #9347)
Incompatible Change: These functions previously accepted either WKB strings or geometry
arguments. Geometry arguments are no longer permitted and produce an error.
ST_GeomCollFromWKB(), ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB()
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ST_GeomFromWKB(), ST_GeometryFromWKB()
ST_LineFromWKB(), ST_LinestringFromWKB()
ST_MLineFromWKB(), ST_MultiLinestringFromWKB()
ST_MPointFromWKB(), ST_MultiPointFromWKB()
ST_MPolyFromWKB(), ST_MultiPolygonFromWKB()
ST_PolyFromWKB(), ST_PolygonFromWKB()
For information about migrating queries that refer to those functions away from using geometry
arguments to using WKB arguments, see Functions That Create Geometry Values from WKB
Values. (WL #10166)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Incompatible Change: These functions now interpret latitude and longitude coordinates as in the
order specified by the spatial reference system. The functions also accept an optional argument to
override the default axis order.
ST_GeomCollFromText(), ST_GeometryCollectionFromText(),
ST_GeomFromText(), ST_GeometryFromText()
ST_LineFromText(), ST_LinestringFromText()
ST_MLineFromText(), ST_MultiLinestringFromText()
ST_MPointFromText(), ST_MultiPointFromText()
ST_MPolyFromText(), ST_MultiPolygonFromText()
ST_PolyFromText(), ST_PolygonFromText()
ST_GeomCollFromWKB(), ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB()
ST_GeomFromWKB(), ST_GeometryFromWKB()
ST_LineFromWKB(), ST_LinestringFromWKB()
ST_MLineFromWKB(), ST_MultiLinestringFromWKB()
ST_MPointFromWKB(), ST_MultiPointFromWKB()
ST_MPolyFromWKB(), ST_MultiPolygonFromWKB()
ST_PolyFromWKB(), ST_PolygonFromWKB()
For more information, see Functions That Create Geometry Values from WKT Values, and Functions
That Create Geometry Values from WKB Values.
If spatial data contains SRID values that refer to a geographic spatial
reference system, existing queries using these functions will return different
results, compared to previous MySQL versions.
(WL #9434, WL #9435)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Incompatible Change: These functions now return latitude and longitude coordinates in the order
specified by the spatial reference system that applies to the geometry value argument. The functions
also accept an optional argument to override the default axis order.
ST_AsBinary(), ST_AsWKB()
ST_AsText(), ST_AsWKT()
For more information, see Geometry Format Conversion Functions.
If spatial data contains SRID values that refer to a geographic spatial
reference system, existing queries using these functions will return different
results, compared to previous MySQL versions.
(WL #9432, WL #9433)
The st_spatial_reference_systems data dictionary table that stores information
about spatial reference systems other than SRID 0 has been upgraded from EPSG Dataset
8.7 to 9.0. Also, the table contents are now exposed through the INFORMATION_SCHEMA
ST_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_SYSTEMS table, which is implemented as a view on the data dictionary
information about table columns that store spatial data. The new table is implemented as a
view on the existing INFORMATION_SCHEMA COLUMNS table. For more information, see The
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these INFORMATION_SCHEMA changes. (Bug #25337054, Bug
#84384, WL #9348, WL #8582)
A new spatial function, ST_SwapXY(), accepts a geometry argument and swaps the X and Y values
of each coordinate pair within the geometry. For more information, see Geometry Format Conversion
Functions. (WL #9436)
SQL Syntax Notes
Derived table syntax now permits a list of explicit column names following the table name, to override
the default column names taken from the select list. For example, the column names for this derived
table come from its select list:
mysql> SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1, 2, 3, 4) AS dt;
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
To provide column names, follow the derived table name with a parenthesized list of column names:
mysql> SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1, 2, 3, 4) AS dt (a, b, c, d);
| a | b | c | d |
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
(WL #883)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Test Suite Notes now has a --charset-for-testdb=charset_name option for specifying
the default character set for the test database. The default value is latin1. (Bug #25494068, Bug
#84806) now has an --only-big-tests option, which causes only big tests to run.
Normal (non-big) tests are skipped. If both --big-test and --only-big-tests are given, --
only-big-tests is ignored. (Bug #25182306) has a new --discover option. When given,
attempts to preload discover, the Developer Studio Memory Error Discovery Tool when starting
mysqld. Reports from discover may be found in log/mysqld.%p.txt under the directory given
by --vardir. This option is supported only on SPARC-M7 systems. (Bug #25048971)
mysqltest now supports an expr command that enables an expression to be evaluated and
assigned to a variable. For details, see the command description in the MySQL Server Doxygen
documentation, available at (Bug #24806741)
mysqltest now supports a force-cpdir command that copies a source directory to a destination
directory recursively (that is, it copies subdirectories). (Bug #24806681) has a new --summary-report option. When given,
generates a plain text version of the test summary only and writes it to the file named as the option
argument. The file is suitable for sending by email. (Bug #24512357, Bug #82708) could not be run with --valgrind-option=--tool=custom_tool, for values of
custom_tool such as massif or helgrind, because it added the options for memcheck that
might not be understood by other tools. Also, the --callgrind option did
not work because it supplied an invalid --base option to callgrind. Thanks to Daniel Black for the
patch on which the fixes were based. (Bug #23713613, Bug #82039)
The mysqltest connect() function now permits SOCKET and TCP values for the options
argument, to specify using the socket-file and TCP/IP connection protocols.
In addition, transport protocols now must match the current system. Previously, passing PIPE or
SHM on non-Windows systems caused the default (socket-file) transport protocol to be used. Now
this causes an error, and, similarly, passing SOCKET on Windows systems causes an error. (Bug
#21046241) now supports a --bootstrap option that enables mysqld options to be
designated as bootstrap options. When finds --bootstrap options in a
master.opt file, it removes and reinitializes the data directory and restarts the server with the new
option settings. (Bug #18184868)
X Plugin Notes
The MYSQLX_TCP_PORT CMake option was ignored. (Bug #25493867, Bug #84804)
The protobuf compiler emitted “unused import” warnings for mysqlx.proto. (Bug #25444009, Bug
Connections were released which were not initialized when validation occurred. (Bug #25392280)
The Mysqlx_notice_warning_sent and Mysqlx_notice_other_sent status variable values
did not increment as expected. (Bug #25289949, Bug #84258, Bug #25290001, Bug #84260)
The manual definition of the MYSQL_DYNAMIC_PLUGIN macro was redundant. (Bug #25162590,
Bug #83988)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
IPv6 connectivity support defined a new system variable mysqlx_bind_address with the default
value of '', but the default value should have been '*' so that connections to X Plugin may be
made using an IPv6 address, an IPv4 address, or a hostname. (Bug #25047909, Bug #83688)
The stmt field was marked as required in the message:
message Mysqlx.Crud.ModifyView {
required Collection collection = 1;
optional string definer = 2;
optional ViewAlgorithm algorithm = 3;
optional ViewSqlSecurity security = 4;
optional ViewCheckOption check = 5;
repeated string column = 6;
required Mysqlx.Crud.Find stmt = 7;
(Bug #24968735, Bug #83595)
For a table created with CREATE TABLE foo (doc JSON), the statement list_objects
incorrectly reported the table as a collection. (Bug #24963952)
Sending Expect.Open to a connected socket before authentication led to the following error
... Plugin mysqlx reported: '10: Invalid message 24 received during client initialization'
... Plugin mysqlx reported: '10: ERROR reading from socket Bad file descriptor (9) 2'
(Bug #24940144, Bug #83494)
On Linux, MySQL Shell in JavaScript and Python interactive mode hid collections if the lettercase in
the collection name was not uniform. (Bug #24848125)
If multiple user accounts exist that match the authenticating user, the X Plugin would attempt to
authenticate all matching accounts instead of the best matching account. (Bug #24847537)
Boost classes with corresponding functionality in C++ 11 were moved or wrapped. (Bug #24680856)
When two X Plugin instances were started on the same port, the resulting error message was split
over two lines and contained duplicate information. (Bug #24679018, Bug #83008)
The performance_schema.threads table did not show processlist statistics for the X Plugin.
(Bug #24638038)
If the client sent an unknown message type to the server, the server would send back an error
message and then disconnect the client. (Bug #24611754, Bug #82868)
When the client sent a zero length message, the X Plugin did not send a response. For a subsequent
message the client received an error E_X_BAD_MESSAGE and was disconnected, depending on the
header content. (Bug #24595459, Bug #82862)
X Plugin displayed its version to any connected user, including those not authenticated. (Bug
#24562707, Bug #82784)
X Plugin generated an incorrect query when a duplicate field name existed in an Update statement.
(Bug #24510083)
The statement list_objects returned incorrect information for some views in sys database. (Bug
X Plugin was trying to send result sets to a client, even where the connection had been closed. The
plugin now stops execution of a stored procedure if the connection is reset. (Bug #24440344)
Attempting to list objects using the list_objects statement without explicitly setting the database
name resulted in the collection being incorrectly classified as a table. (Bug #23205895, Bug #81248)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
X Plugin now supports the sha256_password plugin. (WL #9271)
Functionality Added or Changed
Incompatible Change: Previously, for INSERT ... SELECT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
statements for which the UPDATE referred to SELECT columns, the results could be incorrect if the
SELECT was a UNION. Now such statements are prohibited and produce an error. To work around
this restriction, write the UNION as a derived table so that its rows can be treated as a single-table
result set, which is permitted. See INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Statement. (WL
InnoDB: By default, InnoDB reads uncommitted data when calculating statistics. In the case of
an uncommitted transaction that deletes rows from a table, InnoDB excludes records that are
delete-marked when calculating row estimates and index statistics, which can lead to non-optimal
execution plans for other transactions that are operating on the table concurrently using a transaction
isolation level other than READ UNCOMMITTED. To avoid this scenario, a new configuration option,
innodb_stats_include_delete_marked, can be enabled to ensure that InnoDB includes
delete-marked records when calculating persistent optimizer statistics. (Bug #23333990)
InnoDB: Geometry parsing and bounding box computational code for R-trees was moved from
InnoDB to the server. (WL #9439)
InnoDB: InnoDB now supports NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED options with SELECT ... FOR SHARE
and SELECT ... FOR UPDATE locking read statements. NOWAIT causes the statement to return
immediately if a requested row is locked by another transaction. SKIP LOCKED removes locked rows
from the result set. See Locking Read Concurrency with NOWAIT and SKIP LOCKED.
MODE remains available for backward compatibility. The statements are equivalent. However, FOR
SHARE supports NOWAIT, SKIP LOCKED, and OF tbl_name options. See SELECT Statement.
OF tbl_name applies locking queries to named tables.
OF now is a reserved word and cannot be used as an identifier without
identifier quoting.
SELECT ... FOR SHARE and SELECT ... FOR UPDATE statements now require the SELECT
privilege and at least one of the DELETE, LOCK TABLES, or UPDATE privileges. Previously, only the
SELECT privilege was required. (WL #8919, WL #3597)
InnoDB: The InnoDB data-at-rest encryption feature now supports encryption of redo log and undo
log data, controlled by the innodb_redo_log_encrypt and innodb_undo_log_encrypt
configuration options. See Redo Log Encryption, and Undo Log Encryption. (WL #9290, WL #9289)
InnoDB: InnoDB internal temporary tables that are stored on disk now support multiple cursor
positions, permitting single writer and multiple reader access within the same thread. The purpose of
this enhancement is to provide support for recursive and non-recursive common table expressions
Additionally, consistent-read access to InnoDB on-disk internal temporary tables is replaced by a
dirty-read scheme, and row counts for InnoDB on-disk internal temporary tables now use row count
statistics instead of slower table scans. (WL #9248)
InnoDB: InnoDB now compresses large objects into a sequence of smaller zlib streams for tables
that use ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED. Previously, large object data was compressed into a single
zlib stream. (WL #9263)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: When a negative or fractional timeout parameter was supplied to
WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS(), the server behaved in unexpected ways. With this
A fractional timeout value is read as-is, with no round-off.
A negative timeout value is rejected with an error if the server is on a strict SQL mode; if the server
is not on a strict SQL mode, the value makes the function return NULL immediately without any
waiting and then issue a warning.
(Bug #24976304, Bug #83537)
Replication: Work has been done to reduce contention between receiver (I/O) and applier (SQL)
replication threads. This ensures slaves keep up with a higher insert load on their master. (Bug
#78246, Bug #21753696, WL #8599)
Replication: Added the binlog_expire_logs_seconds system variable, which sets an interval
in seconds for purging of the binary log. The effects of this variable and expire_logs_days are
cumulative, making it possible to set a period such as 1.5 days. To completely disable automatic
binary log purging, set both variables equal to 0, which is the default value for both of them. (Bug
#71697, Bug #18260088, WL #9237)
Replication: Performance schema tables have been added to monitor replication lags and queues.
The replication_connection_status table has updated information on the last transaction
queued in the relay log, as well as the transaction currently being queued in the relay log. The
replication_applier_status_by_coordinator table has updated information on the last
transaction written to the buffer of a worker, as well as the transaction currently being processed
by the coordinator. The replication_applier_status_by_worker table has updated
information on the last transaction applied by the worker, as well as on the transaction currently
being applied. The information presented in each of these tables contains the transaction's GTID,
commit timestamps, processing stage timestamp, and the timestamp of the completion.
In the replication_applier_status_by_worker table, the LAST_SEEN_TRANSACTION
column is replaced by the APPLYING_TRANSACTION column. (WL #7374)
Replication: The new binlog_expire_logs_seconds variable is a global server variable in addition to
the existing expire_logs_days variable. The purpose is to facilitate finer grained retention policies of
binary logs than the current day granularity. (WL #9237)
Replication: Correct recovery of DDL statements or transactions by binary log implements support
for correct recovery of DDL transactions based on the binary log data. In the context of the new data-
dictionary it becomes possible to make metadata changes and write them to the binary log as a
single transaction by using the 2-phase commit protocol. (WL #9175)
Replication: Multi-source replication now supports per-channel replication filters. This makes it
possible to filter out the execution of selected replicated data from a specific channel. Until now
replication filters have been global, and only applicable to all channels. (WL #7361)
Replication: Row-based replication now uses extended table metadata in the binary log. The
extended metadata serves two major purposes: slaves use the metadata to transfer data smoothly
when its table structure is different from master's, and external software can use the metadata to
decode row events and store the data into external databases. (WL #4618)
Replication: An infrastructure for GTID based delayed replication and replication lag monitoring
has been added to enable you to properly monitor replication lag. Two new timestamps that
are associated with each transaction (not each event or statement) in the binary log have been
introduced. The original_commit_timestamp is in microseconds since the epoch when the transaction
was committed on the original master, and the immediate_commit_timestamp is in microseconds
since the epoch when the transaction was committed on the immediate master. (WL #7319)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: The RESET MASTER statement has been extended to allow specification of a binary log
file number. The RESET MASTER TO statement accepts an argument which specifies the index of
the new binary log file to use. The purpose is to simplify failover procedures by replacing the FLUSH
BINARY LOGS and PURGE BINARY LOGS TO statements with a single RESET MASTER statement.
(WL #9110)
Replication: The process used for how delay is defined and calculated for delayed replication have
been improved. This relies on a new timestamp in the binary log, the immediate_commit_timestamp,
which is the number of microseconds since epoch when the transaction was written to the binary
log of the immediate master. This means that the delay is no longer computed per-event, it is now
applied per-transaction. (WL #7318)
Replication: It is now possible to specify whether information written into the binary log enables
replication slaves to parallelize based on commit timestamps, or on transaction write sets.
Using write sets has a the potential for greater parallelism than using commit timestamps since it
does not depend on the commit history. When applying binary logs in this fashion on a replication
slave, it may be able to leverage capabilities of the underlying computing hardware (such as CPU
cores) and thus speed up this process.
The interface for choosing the source of parallelization is implemented as a new server system
variable binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking which can take any one of the
causes parallelization information to be logged using commit timestamps; WRITESET causes this
information to be logged using write sets in such a way that any transactions not updating the
same row can be parallelized; and WRITESET_SESSION acts in the same fashion as WRITESET,
except that updates originating with the same session cannot be reordered. The size of the
row hash history that is kept in memory for tracking transaction dependencies can be set using
binlog_transaction_dependency_history_size, also introduced in this release. (WL #9556,
WL #10750)
Group Replication: View change events from a group can now be replicated to an external
multithreaded slave (MTS) of type DATABASE. (Bug #25170698, Bug #84008)
Group Replication: Group Replication now supports SAVEPOINT SQL transactions. (WL #9837, WL
JSON: Added the JSON utility function JSON_PRETTY(), which prints an existing JSON value, or
any string that can successfully be parsed as a JSON document, in a format that can be easily read
by humans. Each JSON object member or array value is displayed on a separate line of the output;
each child object or array is intended 2 spaces with respect to its parent.
mysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY('123');
| JSON_PRETTY('123') |
| 123 |
mysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY("[1,3,5]");
| JSON_PRETTY("[1,3,5]") |
| [
] |
mysql> SELECT JSON_PRETTY('{"a":"10","b":"15","x":"25"}');
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
| JSON_PRETTY('{"a":"10","b":"15","x":"25"}') |
| {
"a": "10",
"b": "15",
"x": "25"
} |
(WL #9191)
JSON: Previously, when sorting JSON values in a query using ORDER BY, each value was
represented by a part having a fixed length in the sort key, each such part requiring 1K of memory.
In many cases this usage was excessive—for example, an integer scalar value requires only a
relatively very few bytes, so that the remainder of the 1K (90% or more) was taken up by padding.
Variable length parts for JSON sort keys have been introduced to address this issue, with each key
part now taking up only the space that is needed to store the value. This has the following benefits
for performance:
Because sort buffer space is used more effectively, filesorts need not flush to disk as early or
often, which means that more data can be sorted in memory.
Shorter keys can be compared more quickly than longer ones, providing a noticeable improvement
in performance for in-memory sorts as well as sorts requiring disk usage.
(WL #8741)
The WEIGHT_STRING() debugging function no longer supports the LEVEL clause. (Bug #25469683,
Bug #84723)
For Developer Studio 12.5, 32-bit builds are now disabled unless the
FORCE_UNSUPPORTED_COMPILER option is given. (Bug #25267157, Bug #84230)
Several foreign key constraint checks that were storage engine agnostic were being done inside
InnoDB. These are now done at the SQL layer. (Bug #25252847)
Some GIS out-of-bounds checking was simplified. Thanks to Daniel Black for the contribution. (Bug
#25202470, Bug #84062)
The set of compiler flags used for Developer Studio 12.5 was improved. (Bug #25148549, Bug
CMake now uses CMAKE_POLICY of CMP0022 NEW rather than CMP0022 OLD. (Bug #25090147,
Bug #83804)
If MySQL was configured to build with the -Wno-error option, mysql_config produced incorrect
output for its --cflags option.
The set of compiler options that mysql_config and pkg-config produce now is determined by
whitelisting rather than blacklisting. (Bug #25040566, Bug #22898475, Bug #80662)
The performance of UTF-8 binary collations was improved. (Bug #24788778, Bug #83247, Bug
The systemd service file for mysqld now includes a Documentation value in the [Unit] section
to provide a link to the systemd documentation in the MySQL Reference Manual. (Bug #24735762)
Unit testing now uses Google Mock 1.8. (Bug #24572381, Bug #82823)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The unimplemented and nonstandard WITH CUBE clause for GROUP BY is no longer supported.
CUBE now is a reserved word and cannot be used as an identifier without
identifier quoting.
(Bug #24572048, Bug #82821)
These outdated build scripts were removed from MySQL source distributions: BUILD/,
BUILD/, BUILD/, BUILD/compile-dist, and cmake/ (Bug #24512933)
The removal of the mysql_shutdown() C API function in MySQL 8.0.0 has been reverted. It is still
to be removed in a future MySQL version, but that removal has been deferred. (Bug #24496976, Bug
#82681, WL #9014)
Consistency and maintainability of Debian/Ubuntu packaging maintainer scripts was improved. (Bug
In-place ALTER TABLE operations are now possible for column modifications of tables containing
generated columns that depend on columns with a DEFAULT value if the modified columns are
not involved in the generated column expressions. For example, changing the NULL property of a
separate column can be done in place without a table rebuild. (Bug #22987899, Bug #80832)
For dumps of the mysql system database, mysqldump no longer generates DDL statements for the
innodb_index_stats and innodb_table_stats tables. Such statements fail at dump reload
time because those tables are not user accessible. (Bug #22655287)
If mysqld is invoked with --daemonize, stdout and stderr are redirected to /dev/null
if connected to a terminal type device, so that mysqld can behave as a true daemon. (Bug
mysql_secure_installation is more strict about what it considers valid yes and no responses.
(Bug #13344753, Bug #62925)
MySQL client and utility programs reported their own program-specific version number when
invoked with the --version option, and the version strings did not follow a consistent format. Now
these programs print the MySQL version number (same as mysqld) in a consistent format. (Bug
#11763201, Bug #55885)
A new mysqldump option, --network-timeout, enables large tables to be dumped by setting
max-allowed-packet to its maximum value and network read and write timeouts to a large value.
This option is enabled by default. To disable it, use --skip-network-timeout. (Bug #11754493,
Bug #46103)
Added two JSON aggregation functions JSON_ARRAYAGG() and JSON_OBJECTAGG(). The
JSON_ARRAYAGG() function takes a column or column expression as an argument, and aggregates
the result set as a single JSON array, as shown here:
mysql> SELECT col FROM t1;
| col |
| {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} |
| {"keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"} |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
| [{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, {"keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"}] |
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The order of the array elements is unspecified.
JSON_OBJECTAGG() takes two columns or expressions which it interprets as a key and a value,
respectively; it returns the result as a single JSON object, as shown here:
mysql> SELECT id, col FROM t1;
| id | col |
| 1 | {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"} |
| 2 | {"keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"} |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT JSON_OBJECTAGG(id, col) FROM t1;
| JSON_OBJECTAGG(id, col) |
| {"1": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, "2": {"keyA": "valueA", "keyB": "valueB"}} |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
A NULL key causes an error; duplicate keys are ignored.
For more information, see Aggregate Functions. (Bug #78117, Bug #21647417, WL #7987)
MySQL now supports an IMPORT TABLE statement that imports MyISAM tables based on
information contained in .SDI (serialized dictionary information) metadata files. This statement is
useful for exporting “raw” table files from one server and importing them into another, and provides
a faster alternative to dumping tables as a file of SQL statements using mysqldump and processing
the dump file using mysql. For more information, see IMPORT TABLE Statement. (WL #7524)
Bugs Fixed
Incompatible Change: The stored definition of a view for which an explicit column name list was
provided could be invalid. For example, for this statement:
The stored definition looked like this, which is invalid:
Now column names within the stored definition are not replaced by the column name list:
An incompatibility resulting from this change is that the CREATE VIEW statement can no longer be
recreated solely from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA VIEWS table, because the VIEW_DEFINITION
value does not show the column name list. Instead, you must also consult the COLUMNS table to get
the column name list. Alternatively (and more simply), use SHOW CREATE VIEW. (Bug #23265335,
Bug #81377)
InnoDB; Microsoft Windows: On a MySQL 64-bit build on Windows, a file I/O retry result was
misinterpreted due to a missing cast necessary for the correct operation of the retry path, resulting in
a failing assertion and operating system error. (Bug #24711351)
InnoDB: In debug builds, a call that initialized latch debugging raised an assertion due to a race
condition. (Bug #25700405)
InnoDB: The restriction that required the first undo tablespace to use space ID 1 was removed.
The first undo tablespace may now be assigned a space ID other than 1. Space ID values for undo
tablespaces are still assigned in a consecutive sequence. (Bug #25551311)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A DROP TABLE operation raised an assertion on a server with an
innodb_force_recovery setting of 5 or 6. DROP TABLE is no longer permitted with these
innodb_force_recovery settings. (Bug #25385590)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #19779113.
InnoDB: Compiling the server without the Performance Schema caused a build failure. (Bug
InnoDB: During read-ahead, the wrong page size was used to calculate the tablespace size. (Bug
InnoDB: Compiling on Fedora 25 using DWITH_LZ4=system resulted in a build failure due to a
deprecated LZ4_COMPRESS_LIMITEDOUTPUT function. (Bug #25297593)
InnoDB: Disabling macros such as UNIV_PFS_MUTEX, UNIV_PFS_RWLOCK, and
UNIV_PFS_THREAD caused compilation errors. (Bug #25251082)
InnoDB: A NULL virtual column field name in a virtual index caused a server exit during a field name
comparison that occurs while populating virtual columns affected by a foreign key constraint. (Bug
InnoDB: The file handle type name for InnoDB file I/O Performance Schema instrumentation was
changed from os_pfs_file_t to pfs_os_file_t. (Bug #25220118)
InnoDB: Transactions with subqueries on INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables could block concurrent
DDL operations. (Bug #25200952)
InnoDB: During a range comparison, a secondary index field number was passed instead of
clustered index field number, eventually causing the retrieval of an incorrect field. (Bug #25175249)
InnoDB: A server exit on restart was caused by missing my_thread_init() and
my_thread_exit() functions for background threads that initialize the st_my_thread_var
structure. (Bug #25167032)
InnoDB: A memcached read operation with a non-default read batch size configuration resulted in a
server exit. (Bug #25147515)
a foreign key constraint name (UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME) after restarting the server. (Bug
InnoDB: A gap lock was taken unnecessarily during foreign key validation while using the READ
COMMITTED isolation level. (Bug #25082593)
InnoDB: Loading InnoDB tables required more memory in MySQL 5.7 due primarily to the addition
of in-memory structure members introduced with temporary table optimizations. The in-memory
structure members, only used for temporary tables, are now only allocated as needed. (Bug
InnoDB: After a TRUNCATE TABLE operation on a table with a FULLTEXT index, space size was
incorrectly calculated resulting in an invalid read. (Bug #25053705)
InnoDB: A prepared XA transaction was rolled back by a high priority transaction. The high priority
transaction should wait if the blocking transaction is in a prepared state. (Bug #25032066)
InnoDB: InnoDB passed an invalid argument to syscall(SYS_futex). (Bug #24923840, Bug
InnoDB: After redo log recovery, the node size of an undo tablespace object could sporadically be
zero, eventually causing an error. Additionally, the undo tablespace object was incorrectly placed on
the LRU list, and the header page of the undo tablespace could be present the buffer cache when
the tablespace object is freed, causing a file-open failure on the first page read. (Bug #24916359)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: During a checkpoint, all MLOG_FILE_NAME redo log records were written in a single mini-
transaction (mtr), causing a log parsing buffer overflow. (Bug #24793413, Bug #83245)
InnoDB: The GCC mach_parse_compressed function should load one to five bytes depending
on the value of the first byte. Due to a GCC bug, GCC 5 and 6 emit code to load four bytes before
the first byte value is checked (GCC Bug #77673). A workaround prevents this behavior. Thanks to
Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #24707869, Bug #83073)
InnoDB: Code related to tablespace type functions was improved to address issues with naming
consistency, function distribution, and function usage. (Bug #24706739, Bug #83092)
InnoDB: A mechanism was added to debug builds to ensure that keys for InnoDB Performance
Schema instrumentation are registered with Performance Schema. The mechanism causes startup
to fail on debug builds if the number of Performance Schema keys does not match the number of
registered Performance Schema keys. (Bug #24686908)
InnoDB: A race condition while updating table statistics could result in an estimated row count of 1
and an incorrect query execution plan. (Bug #24666839, Bug #82968)
InnoDB: Due to a glibc bug, short-lived detached threads could exit before the caller had returned
from pthread_create(), causing a server exit. Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug
#24605956, Bug #82886)
InnoDB: An error in code related to table statistics raised an assertion in the
source file. (Bug #24585978)
InnoDB: The list of module base names representing modules in the InnoDB code base that
allocate memory using ut_malloc or ut_new was incomplete. The list is used by the Performance
Schema for reporting of InnoDB memory allocation event data. (Bug #24571816)
InnoDB: Some InnoDB rw-lock and mutex keys were not registered for use with the Performance
Schema. (Bug #24571597)
InnoDB: After increasing the value of innodb_undo_logs and restarting the server, the number
of active undo tablespaces was not increased when assigning undo tablespaces to newly allocated
rollback segments. (Bug #24488141)
InnoDB: The unused MLOG_UNDO_HDR_DISCARD redo log record type and related functions were
removed. (Bug #24482001)
InnoDB: An assertion was raised when the purge thread started due to the server not recognizing a
tablespace ID as an undo tablespace ID. (Bug #24479773)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #23517560.
InnoDB: InnoDB incorrectly reported an error about missing encryption when restoring pages from
the doublewrite buffer during recovery. (Bug #24471076)
InnoDB: InnoDB reported an incorrect estimate for the number of pages in the buffer pool for
a table. The number of pages was not decremented correctly when pages were removed. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #21747906.
InnoDB: The following code changes related to undo tablespace management were implemented:
An in-memory array for temporary tablespace rollback segments was added, freeing 32 slots in the
TRX_SYS page for use by redo-enabled rollback segments.
As a result of this change, you no longer need to consider temporary tablespace rollback
segments when setting the innodb_rollback_segments configuration option during
configuration of separate undo tablespaces.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Code comments related to undo logs and rollback segments were revised.
Fixed arrays that list rollback segments and undo tablespaces were replaced by dynamic size
The function that initializes undo tablespaces was refactored.
A class was added for managing just-in-time creation of undo and undo file names.
(Bug #24462978)
InnoDB: A cached undo segment was not removed from the rollback segment history during a slow
shutdown. (Bug #24450908)
InnoDB: An error during a table-rebuilding operation on a table with only a generated clustered index
(GEN_CLUST_INDEX) raised and assertion due to an error called with an invalid key name. (Bug
InnoDB: MySQL did not build with GCC 6.1.1. (Bug #24438752)
InnoDB: Rotating the tablespace encryption master key while the server is in read-only mode raised
an assertion instead of displaying an error message. (Bug #24404091)
InnoDB: On a table without an explicitly defined primary key, InnoDB did not replace the implicit
clustered index (GEN_CLUST_INDEX) when a unique key was defined on a NOT NULL column. (Bug
InnoDB: handler::keys_to_use_for_scanning() was removed from the handler API. The
function was no longer used. The HA_READ_ORDER index flag provides the same information for
each index. (Bug #24364448)
InnoDB: Page cleaner threads asserted due to a regression related to the adaptive hash index
feature. (Bug #24346574)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #21407023.
InnoDB: InnoDB failed to free memory used by the full-text optimizer thread. (Bug #24331265)
InnoDB: During recovery, InnoDB attempted to fetch LOB pages using a null reference. (Bug
InnoDB: When adding a new index, the server dropped an internally defined foreign key index and
attempted to use a secondary index defined on a virtual generated column as the foreign key index,
causing a server exit. InnoDB now permits a foreign key constraint to reference a secondary index
defined on a virtual generated column. (Bug #23533396)
InnoDB: An INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES query resulted in a server exit due to a race condition
with a concurrent tablespace creation operation. (Bug #23477214, Bug #81614)
InnoDB: A concurrent DML operation during an in-place ALTER TABLE operation that rebuilt the
table did not update a virtual index, resulting in a mismatch between the virtual index and clustered
index. (Bug #23219499)
InnoDB: A TRUNCATE TABLE operation held the dict_sys mutex while scanning for and removing
pages from the buffer pool, causing concurrent DDL operations to stall. The mutex is now released
during the scan and acquired again when the scan is completed. (Bug #23070734, Bug #80060)
InnoDB: Inserting GIS data into an R-tree raised an assertion due to a missing page number field
that was encountered when storing the B-tree cursor. (Bug #23044098, Bug #80939)
InnoDB: Writing to an InnoDB internal temporary table did not increment the Handler_write
counter. (Bug #23024178)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: Changes to the InnoDB recovery process in MySQL 5.7 could require up to three scans
of the redo log during recovery. To reduce the number of scans, the first and second scans were
merged. With this change, there is only one scan unless the redo log record hash table that is
populated by the scan reaches its memory threshold. In this case, a second scan is initiated that
performs a simultaneous scan and apply. (Bug #22963951, Bug #80788)
InnoDB: A table-copying online ALTER TABLE operation on a ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT table with
indexed virtual columns raised an assertion. (Bug #22018745)
InnoDB: After a server restart, concurrent INSERT operations a table with an auto-increment primary
key resulted in a duplicate entry error. The current auto-increment value was not changed after
auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset settings were modified. (Bug
#20989615, Bug #76872)
InnoDB: Performance Schema instrumentation for InnoDB file I/O was disabled on Windows. (Bug
InnoDB: An automatically generated foreign key constraint identifier that exceeded the 64 character
column. Automatically generated foreign key constraint identifiers can no longer exceed the 64
character limit. (Bug #11745347, Bug #13942)
InnoDB: The row_search_mvcc() function unnecessarily traversed the entire table for a range
query, which occurred when the record was not in the transaction read view. (Bug #84202, Bug
#23481444, Bug #25251375)
Packaging: The my_create_minidump function in the mysys library called the Windows API
function MiniDumpWriteDump with an incorrect value (NULL) for the ExceptionParam parameter.
This resulted in exception information being omitted from the minidump file. (Bug #24505650, Bug
Partitioning: For a partitioned table, dropping a partition dropped triggers for the table as well. (Bug
Partitioning: Updating a row of a table that had partitioning on a generated column could raise an
assertion failure for debug builds, and return incorrect results in nondebug builds. (Bug #22574695,
Bug #80080)
Replication: MySQL 8.0.1 adds the original commit timestamp related statements, but
mysqlbinlog was wrongly reporting that these statements have been present since MySQL 8.0.0
because they were written to the log with the incorrect version number 80000. The fix changes the
version to 80001 in mysqlbinlog dumps. (Bug #25710507)
Replication: Lock contention impeded binary relay performance during processing of the relay log
file on the slave. (Bug #25321231, Bug #77778)
Replication: A failed node that was removed from the cluster could be expelled upon rejoining the
cluster. (Bug #25311008)
Replication: When using a multithreaded slave, applier errors displayed worker ID data that was
inconsistent with data externalized in Performance Schema replication tables. (Bug #25231367)
Replication: Compiling MySQL 5.7.17 failed with a variable length array error. (Bug #25163241, Bug
Replication: In row-based replication, a message that incorrectly displayed field lengths was
returned when replicating from a table with a utf8mb3 column to a table of the same definition
where the column was defined with a utf8mb4 character set. (Bug #25135304, Bug #83918)
Replication: If the binary log on a master server was rotated and a full disk condition occurred on
the partition where the binary log file was being stored, the server could stop unexpectedly. The fix
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
adds a check for the existence of the binary log when the dump thread switches to next binary log
file. If the binary log is disabled, all binary logs up to the current active log are transmitted to slave
and an error is returned to the receiver thread. (Bug #25076007)
Replication: The GTID transaction skipping mechanism that silently skips a GTID transaction that
was previously executed did not work properly for XA transactions. (Bug #25041920)
Replication: If a relay log index file named relay log files that did not exist, RESET SLAVE ALL
sometimes did not fully clean up properly. (Bug #24901077)
Replication: When the MTS slave applier stopped because of an (injected) error, it reported no
useful information for troubleshooting. (Bug #24822686)
Replication: FLUSH BINARY LOGS could become slow with data replicated from many servers.
(Bug #24806259, Bug #83270)
Replication: When using XA transactions, if a lock wait timeout or deadlock occurred for the applier
(SQL) thread on a replication slave, the automatic retry did not work. The cause was that while the
SQL thread would do a rollback, it would not roll the XA transaction back. This meant that when the
transaction was retried, the first event was XA START which was invalid as the XA transaction was
already in progress, leading to an XAER_RMFAIL error. (Bug #24764800)
References: See also: Bug #83588, Bug #24923091, Bug #24966941.
Replication: A partially failed CREATE USER, RENAME USER, or ALTER USER statement was not
correctly consuming an auto-generated or specified GTID when binary logging was disabled. (Bug
Replication: Binlog_sender, which writes events from the binary log to a packet buffer and
then sends the packet to the slave, did not reduce the size of the send buffer as expected. (Bug
Replication: The group commit update of GTIDs has been refactored to improve performance on
workloads with many small transactions. (Bug #24398760)
Replication: If the relay_log option was not specified in a configuration file, the
relay_log_basename variable was being internally constructed on the fly using hostname but the
relay_log_basename variable was not set. When a slave tried to access this uninitialized variable
it resulted in an unexpected halt of the server. (Bug #24352667)
Replication: When using a multithreaded slave (slave_parallel_workers greater than 0) the
value of Seconds_Behind_Master was incorrect when rotating a relay log. (Bug #23532304)
Replication: An XA PREPARE statement that failed during the intermediate steps could lead to an
inconsistent XA transaction state, where ID = -1 but the binlogged flag was set to true. This
caused asserts while executing XA COMMIT and XA ROLLBACK queries. (Bug #22915670)
Replication: The server prevented several replication-related administrative statements from
working if the read_only system variable was enabled. (Bug #22857926, Bug #25363745, Bug
#25326058, Bug #84350, Bug #84437)
Replication: CHANGE MASTER TO for a channel that did not exist could raise an assertion. (Bug
Replication: The delay specified by the binlog_group_commit_sync_delay system variable
was applied to too many binary log commit groups. (Bug #21420180)
Replication: The number of generated unwanted fseeks into the binary log file being replicated to a
slave has been reduced. (Bug #83226, Bug #24763579)
Replication: The fix for Bug #81657 was not correctly merged into MySQL 8.0. Thanks to Laurynas
Biveinis for alerting us. (Bug #83124, Bug #24715790)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Replication: The rpl.rpl_binlog_errors test was failing sporadically on Windows. (Bug
#82302, Bug #24330138)
Replication: When binlog_group_commit_sync_delay was set to a value
between 1 and 9, if binlog_group_commit_sync_no_delay_count was set
to a value greater than 1, and the number of transaction commits was less than
binlog_group_commit_sync_no_delay_count, these commits hung forever if no more
commits were received; and if binlog_group_commit_sync_no_delay_count was set to 0, all
transaction commits hung forever. (Bug #80652, Bug #22891628)
Replication: Concurrent CREATE TRIGGER and DROP TRIGGER statements were not being binary
logged in the correct order, causing slaves to fail. (Bug #77095, Bug #21114768)
Group Replication; Microsoft Windows: Removed unnecessary warnings raised when the Group
Replication plugin was compiled on Windows platforms. (Bug #25119288)
Group Replication; Microsoft Windows: Building Group Replication support on Windows now
requires CMake version 2.8.12 or later. (Bug #24964522)
Group Replication: The MEMBER_STATE of a group replication member did not change from ERROR
to OFFLINE when the STOP GROUP_REPLICATION command was executed when the error was
Group Replication: With flow control enabled, reaching a minimum flow control quota of 1 caused
Group Replication not to stop throttling when the reason for throttling was no longer in effect. (Bug
Group Replication: Using an unresolvable host name in group_replication_group_seeds
caused START GROUP_REPLICATION to fail. This fix ensures that host names in
group_replication_group_seeds are validated when starting Group Replication and that
the list contains at least one valid address. Invalid addresses are ignored. (Bug #25460324, Bug
Group Replication: The _gr_user account created by Group Replication plugin installation was
not reliably removed when the plugin was uninstalled. (Bug #25298987)
Group Replication: When starting Group Replication on an offline node, it was possible for the node
to be configured for replication, but but be unable to recover. (Bug #25256910)
Group Replication: Group Replication GCS did not discard messages from an inactive member of
the group. (Bug #25134074)
Group Replication: An attempt by the Group Replication plugin to contact the server that was no
longer possible led to an assertion. (Bug #25071492)
Group Replication: After executing restarts on the group replication applier SQL thread, the plugin
could no longer detect failure of the thread. (Bug #24969065)
Group Replication: Enabling the group replication plugin caused the
performance_schema_max_mutex_classes default value of 200 to be exceeded.
As a result, some group replication mutex instruments did not appear in the
performance_schema.setup_instruments table. (Bug #24746530)
Group Replication: For servers built with yaSSL, using group replication with encrypted connections
could result in timeout failures waiting for view delivery. (Bug #23592214)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, SHOW TABLES FROM db_name hung if db_name was given in
uppercase. (Bug #24800048, Bug #83262)
Microsoft Windows: 32-bit builds are no longer supported on Windows, but CMake failed to detect
when a 32-built build would be attempted, resulting in compilation errors later. Now CMake detects
32-bit build attempts and produces an appropriate error message. (Bug #24487483, Bug #82645)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Solaris: When the WITH_INNODB_MEMCACHED CMake option is enabled, memcached now can be
built on Solaris 11 and 12 using the Developer Studio 12.5 compiler. (Bug #24504155, Bug #82692)
Solaris: Library search path handling on Solaris was incorrect. (Bug #24487934, Bug #82646)
Solaris: The minimum required version of Solaris is now Solaris 11 update 3, due to a dependency
on system runtime libraries.
Solaris: On Solaris, MySQL is now built with Developer Studio 12.5 instead of gcc. The binaries
require the Developer Studio C/C++ runtime libraries to be installed. See here for how to install only
the libraries:
JSON: When a JSON value consisted of a large sub-document wrapped in many levels of JSON
arrays, objects, or both, serialization of the JSON value sometimes required an excessive amount
time to complete. (Bug #23031146)
JSON: When a NULL value existed in a JSON column, the result from a query using
GROUP_CONCAT() together with the ORDER BY clause was not always correct. (Bug #22992666)
JSON: The internal rapid_json_handler used its own data structures to represent a partially-
built DOM; these had to be converted into a Json_dom graph before returning the result. Now this
handler builds the graph directly, which reduces the amount of work required to build it, and thus to
parse a JSON document. (Bug #22900110)
JSON: The internal function Item_func_case::val_json() did not always set the null value flag
as expected when a CASE expression evaluated to NULL, leading to an assertion in debug builds of
the server. (Bug #22887227)
JSON: The SUM() function truncated decimal values extracted from JSON documents, producing an
integer result. (Bug #84935, Bug #25530204)
JSON: A JSON document that contained a double value slightly greater than the maximum value
that can be represented by a double silently replaced it with zero instead of rejecting the value and
raising an error. Such values are now handled correctly in MySQL JSON documents.
The underlying issue was traced to a problem with RapidJSON, which has been reported to that
library's developers as Issue #849. (Bug #84891, Bug #25518504)
JSON: The JSON_SEARCH() and JSON_CONTAINS_PATH() functions did not work when the
one_or_all argument was specified using UTF-16 encoding. For both of these functions, this
argument is now converted to utfmb4 if need be before its value is checked. (Bug #84880, Bug
JSON: The JSON_UNQUOTE() function did not work with strings that used UTF-16 encoding.
Now these strings are converted to utfmb4 internally before being processed. (Bug #84878, Bug
JSON: Updating the same JSON column in a single statement could cause incorrect values to be
written into the table. This occurred when the second update overwrote the column value with a
subset of itself. An example of such a statement is shown here:
UPDATE t SET col = JSON_ARRAY(value), col = col->'$[0]';
(Bug #84694, Bug #25461627)
JSON: The functions JSON_QUOTE() and JSON_UNQUOTE() did not work correctly with multibyte
character sets such as utf8mb4. (Bug #84680, Bug #25455065)
References: See also: Bug #77234, Bug #21193273.
JSON: The error message for Error 3152 ER_JSON_USED_AS_KEY has been changed from JSON
column '%s' cannot be used in key specification to the less confusing and more
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
accurate JSON column '%s' supports indexing only via generated columns on a
specified JSON path. (Bug #81364, Bug #23274244)
JSON: Internal tests for MySQL JSON functionality ran out of stack space on some platforms when
run against a debug-enabled server. Because timely checks were not made for stack usage, the
server did not detect this situation, leading to a server exit.
The fix for this issue is twofold:
Stack overrun checks are now made before attempting to serialize a nested array or object, so
that the operation fails gracefully when processing deeply nested JSON documents, rather than
causing an exit.
Serialization of JSON documents has been reorganized so that it requires less use of the stack
when compiled without optimization.
(Bug #81083, Bug #23106330, Bug #26399306)
BIN() could produce incorrect truncation with multibyte character sets when used within UNION.
(Bug #27511490, Bug #89581)
MySQL did not compile with GCC 7. (Bug #25643811, Bug #26825211)
The (undocumented) WINDOWS_RUNTIME_MD CMake option has been removed. (Bug #25611359)
If --skip-innodb or one of its variants was used, a spurious warning about
avoid_temporal_upgrade was generated. (Bug #25573578)
mysqld_safe failed to restart the server if a PID_FILE.shutdown file was present. (Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #11751149.
For Debian/Ubuntu packages, user-defined collation files could be overwritten during MySQL
upgrades. Charset files are now marked as conffiles so that user customizations generate a prompt
during upgrades whether to overwrite them. (Bug #25525628, Bug #84761)
For CREATE TABLE statements that specified the table name with a database qualifier and included
a DATA DIRECTORY or INDEX DIRECTORY option, an error occurred if there was no default
database. (Bug #25514146, Bug #84861)
referenced_table_schema and referenced_table_name field values in the
mysql.foreign_keys data dictionary table were not stored in lowercase when
lower_case_table_names was enabled. (Bug #25495714)
Starting the server with performance_schema_digests_size=1 caused an abnormal exit. (Bug
#25492129, Bug #84786)
For clients linked against yaSSL, connections became invalid when a read timeout occurred, rather
than retrying the read. (Bug #25444075)
MySQL compilation in different directories produced different builds to leakage of absolute paths into
debug information and __FILE__. (Bug #25436469, Bug #84608, Bug #25859274, Bug #85855)
Calculations for UCA 9.0.0 collations were inefficient for tailoring rules containing contraction
characters. (Bug #25426632, Bug #84577, Bug #25426632, Bug #84577)
A negative internal connection timeout value caused the connection to go idle and abort. A negative
value now causes the connection to block indefinitely in the absence of I/O. (Bug #25408557)
A mutex Performance Schema name was too long and produced a warning at server startup. (Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MySQL failed to compile on some platforms with -DWITH_LIBWRAP=ON. CMake support now checks
whether tcpd.h has proper function prototypes. (Bug #25395543, Bug #84495)
An index defined on a data dictionary table column exceeded the maximum index key length when
the instance was initiated with innodb_page_size=4k. (Bug #25384527)
mysqld_safe did not check whether the directory named by the --basedir option existed. (Bug
Configuring CMake with -G ninja resulted in build output that was inappropriate for build platforms
other than Xcode or Visual Studio. (Bug #25358460)
mysqld_safe failed if the error log file named by the --log-error option was a FIFO. (Bug
#25356221, Bug #84427)
For prepared statements, an alias within a subquery or derived table might cause incorrect behavior
during statement execution if another alias depended on it. (Bug #25343335, Bug #84398, Bug
mysqld_safe could fail if the --datadir option value ended with a / character. (Bug #25319457)
A recent change to mysqld_safe caused the mysql.server script to be unable to start it if the
base directory was specified as an absolute path that differed from the compiled-in default absolute
path. (Bug #25319392, Bug #84263)
The CONNECTION_CONTROL plugin failed to compile if the Performance Schema was disabled. (Bug
#25308357, Bug #84304)
Passwords did not expire correctly for accounts created using MySQL Workbench. (Bug #25299309)
For System V init scripts for RPMs, the [mysqld] option-file section was being ignored for some
options, such as pid-file. (Bug #25287707, Bug #84172)
Init scripts failed to launch mysqld_safe if a non-default base directory was used. (Bug #25261472,
Bug #84219)
CMake now detects whether a GCC 5.3.0 loop optimization bug occurs and attempts a workaround if
so. (Bug #25253540)
mysqld_safe --no-defaults did not work (inadvertent consequence of an earlier bug fix). (Bug
#25244898, Bug #84173)
Semicolon (;) characters within or between statements could cause distinct digests to be generated
from identical statements. (Bug #25244533, Bug #83253)
Components could not register services without referring to their private implementation. A
SERVICE_IMPLEMENTATION(component,service) macro now enables this to be avoided. (Bug
Certain stored functions, if used in a query WHERE clause, could be handled using Index Condition
Pushdown (which should not happen), resulting in a server exit. (Bug #25196653, Bug #25174454)
For ai_ci collations based on Unicode Collation Algorithm 9.0.0, accented characters that compare
equal were treated as different by LIKE comparisons. (Bug #25167284, Bug #83999)
For a client linked against libmysqlclient, invalid memory access could occur during use of
prepared statements. (Bug #25164932)
Some Linux startup scripts did not process the datadir setting correctly. (Bug #25159791)
If a character set is specified for a column of a partitioned table, a segmentation fault could occur
while upgrading. (Bug #25153261)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
LOAD DATA failed to accept multibyte characters that followed an escape sequence. (Bug
#25147988, Bug #83950, Bug #25865525)
The fix for Bug #25088048 caused the command used by mysqld_safe to start the MySQL server
to no longer include the mysqld path. (Bug #25144379)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25088048.
For UCA collations, LIKE comparisons against a pattern that ended with the escape character
returned incorrect results. (Bug #25140629, Bug #83930)
The default character set and collation were used instead of the character set and collation defined in
db.opt file when upgrading the schema from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. (Bug #25139901)
Instead of updating the data dictionary cache at the end of DDL statements using separate function
calls, the data dictionary cache is now updated as part of transaction commit. (Bug #25095798, Bug
CREATE TABLE now requires the FILE privilege if DATA DIRECTORY or INDEX DIRECTORY is
specified explicitly as a table or partition option. ALTER TABLE requires the FILE privilege if either
option is specified explicitly as a partition option (it ignores them if specified as table options). (Bug
There were some differences between ICU order and MySQL Unicode collations for Hungarian
contractions and ligatures. MySQL now follows ICU order. (Bug #25090543)
The data dictionary failed to initialize and start when using a binary collation. The query string
generated to create the data dictionary schema did not add quotes to the binary collation name. (Bug
#25054104, Bug #83706)
Executing a stored procedure containing a query that accessed a view could allocate memory that
was not freed until the session ended. (Bug #25053286)
Compilation on FreeBSD 11 failed attempting to check MAP_NORESERVE, which is no longer defined.
(Bug #25048128, Bug #83689) now checks whether the TSAN_OPTIONS environment variable is set. If so,
the value is taken as the path name of a file containing ThreadSanitizer suppressions (errors to be
ignored during test runs). Additionally, the --sanitize option now causes
to scan the server error logs for ThreadSanizer messages. (Bug #24970905, Bug #83601)
After starting the server with a nonzero --lower-case-table-names setting, an assertion
was raised when USE INFORMATION_SCHEMA; was the first instruction from the first client. (Bug
For case-insensitive Unicode collations, the various space characters did not hash to the same
value, resulting in incorrect comparisons between them. (Bug #24956750, Bug #83549)
Dictionary clients now track uncommitted dictionary objects that are being modified by DDL
statements, making uncommitted changes by the same session visible to a dictionary client without
affecting the dictionary object cache prior to commit time. (Bug #24956365, Bug #83548)
Simultaneous dictionary object cache misses were not handled correctly. An object retrieved by
one thread could be evicted from the cache before a waiting thread attempted to access it. (Bug
CMake now avoids configuring the -fexpensive-optimizations option for GCC versions for
which the option triggers faulty shift-or optimizations. (Bug #24947597, Bug #83517)
CMake support was added for compiling using the -std=c++03 option under Developer Studio 12.5.
This is now used rather than stlport by default. (Bug #24947136, Bug #83512, Bug #25229424)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
NCHAR and NATIONAL CHAR are synonyms, but CAST(expr AS NCHAR) succeeded, whereas
CAST(expr AS NATIONAL CHAR) did not. Now both work. (Bug #24934161)
OEL RPM packages now better detect which platforms have multilib support (for which 32-bit and
64-bit libraries can be installed). Thanks to Alexey Kopytov for the patch. (Bug #24925181, Bug
OEL RPM packages now better detect which platforms do not have multilib support (for which 32-bit
and 64-bit libraries can be installed). Thanks to Alexey Kopytov for the patch. (Bug #24916428, Bug
The LOCATE() function returned NULL if the substr or str argument was NULL, but not if the pos
argument was NULL. Now it returns NULL if any argument is NULL. (Bug #24911350, Bug #83427)
Bit operations could cause a server exit to occur if argument nullability was mishandled. (Bug
#24910958, Bug #24930038, Bug #24930829)
The Block Nested Loop algorithm could allocate too much memory during query execution. (Bug
Information about building MySQL 5.6 compatibility libraries in the MySQL 5.7 and higher .spec
file is needed only for building libmysqlclient and libmysqld. Information about building the
InnoDB memcached plugin was removed. (Bug #24908345, Bug #83409)
Incorrect updating of view metadata could raise an assertion. (Bug #24834622)
Initialization of the keyring_okv plugin failed if the STANDBY_SERVER setting was missing from the
okvclient.ora configuration file, effectively making this a mandatory setting. STANDBY_SERVER is
now optional. (Bug #24816271)
Data dictionary objects acquired by Dictionary_client::acquire_uncached() are now
owned by the current auto-releaser instead of the caller. Also, acquisition of TABLE_SHARE view
objects is performed by acquire() and clone() instead of acquire_uncached(). (Bug
#24813358, Bug #83296)
Privilege checking could be incorrect for a derived table used within a multiple-table UPDATE invoked
within a stored procedure or view object, for the second or subsequent execution of the object, if the
derived table was merged into the outer query. (Bug #24810564)
The Created_tmp_tables status variable was incremented in some cases when no temporary
table was created. (Bug #24808970, Bug #83287)
An in-place upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 failed if parsing of a stored routine body failed
while migrating the routine. Now a warning is reported and the routine is created without parsing
its body. Also, warnings are now reported when dependency resolution fails for a view during view
migration. (Bug #24805140, Bug #83275)
For compilation, mysql_upgrade is dependent on the dynamically generated
sql_commands_system_tables_data_fix.h file, but a missing dependency could cause that
file not to be generated. (Bug #24802377, Bug #83272)
A race condition between transactions accessing the access-control list (ACL) cache and use of the
ACL cache to populate INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables could cause a server exit. (Bug #24786029)
For debug builds, EXPLAIN or DESCRIBE for a table with a database or table name longer than
the maximum permitted length raised an assertion rather than displaying an appropriate error. (Bug
#24751177, Bug #83114)
The implementation of several INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables as views on data dictionary tables
introduced a number of native SQL functions intended only for internal use by the server, but
they could be invoked by users. Those functions now produce an error if invoked by users. (Bug
#24749248, Bug #83189)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
CASE, COALESCE(), IF() and IFNULL() could merge a mix of signed and unsigned arguments
incorrectly and produce an incorrect result type. (Bug #24733658, Bug #83148)
Connections from a client to a server with SSL enabled succeeded even if --ssl-mode had a
value of VERIFY_CA or VERIFY_IDENTITY and the client did not provide a CA certificate. (Bug
#24732452, Bug #23189252, Bug #25397416, Bug #84508)
Manual creation of a directory in the data directory resulted in USE dir_name succeeding even
though the directory was not registered as a database in the data dictionary. (Bug #24732194, Bug
If InnoDB statistics were incorrect, FOUND_ROWS() could return 1 even when the previous SELECT
returned no rows. (Bug #24714857, Bug #83110)
ALTER TABLE on a temporary table could raise an assertion if a nontemporary table with the same
name existed. (Bug #24713918, Bug #83117)
CMake now sets -DWITH_NUMA=ON for Debian platforms where possible. (Bug #24689101)
To better provide atomic file creation, Debian packaging scripts now use the coreutils install
command rather than touch, chmod, and chown. (Bug #24688682)
Enabling the DISABLE_SHARED CMake option caused compilation failure. (Bug #24687701, Bug
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #24481181.
The BIN(), OCT(), and HEX() functions could mishandle values of the BIT data type. (Bug
#24686658, Bug #83031)
For debug builds, an invalid utf8 character in the comment of a CREATE EVENT or ALTER EVENT
statement raised an assertion. This now produces an ER_INVALID_CHARACTER_STRING error.
(Bug #24679962)
The encoding for the utf8 character set permitted characters between U+D800 and U+DFFF as
valid, though they are reserved for surrogate pairs and do not directly represent characters. They are
now considered invalid. (Bug #24672415)
A query could produce incorrect results if the WHERE clause contained a dependent subquery,
the table had a secondary index on the columns in the select list followed by the columns in the
subquery, and GROUP BY or DISTINCT permitted the query to use a Loose Index Scan. (Bug
#24671968, Bug #83005)
After a RENAME TABLE operation on a table with a foreign key, the generated constraint name was
not updated in TABLE_CONSTRAINTS. (Bug #24666169)
On macOS, CMake AddressSanitizer support did not work. (Bug #24661626, Bug #82976)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #23759968.
Compilation failed on macOS 10.11 with Xcode 8.0. (Bug #24661523, Bug #82975)
Index hints applied to invisible indexes produced no error. (Bug #24660093, Bug #82960)
In some cases, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE did not report data for all foreign key
constraints. (Bug #24655803, Bug #82961)
REPLACE() on large strings could be slow and unkillable. (Bug #24652792)
The DebugPrintTest and DebugPrintDeathTest unit tests did not handle divide-by-zero testing
properly on the Aarch64 platform. Thanks to Alexey Kopytov for the patch. (Bug #24624555, Bug
Compilation on FreeBSD using GCC 6 did not work. (Bug #24619561, Bug #82922)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Changes made to mysqld_safe in recent MySQL releases require the --ledir, --mysqld, --
mysqld-version options to be specified on the command line; they can no longer be specified
in option files. This could cause failure of init scripts that invoke mysqld_safe. Such scripts now
pass the value of the MYSQLD_OPTS environment variable as the first command-line argument
to mysqld_safe, with the value set to such command line-only mysqld_safe option values as
may be required. On platforms that use systemd, the MYSQLD_OPTS value can be set in /etc/
sysconfig/mysqld with a line such as this:
MYSQLD_OPTS=" --ledir=/mysqld_ledir --mysqld=my_wrapper "
The value of MYSQLD_OPTS can also include mysqld options for mysqld_safe to pass to mysqld.
(Bug #24619033, Bug #82920)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #24464380, Bug #24483092, Bug #25088048, Bug
#25378439, Bug #25378565.
SET PERSIST innodb_buffer_pool_size = value stored the original value of
innodb_buffer_pool_size to mysqld-auto.cnf, not the new value. (Bug #24613005, Bug
For SLES packages, a typo in the installation script postamble prevented some cleanup from
occurring. (Bug #24605300, Bug #82389)
Some messages written by the server to the error log while upgrading the data directory were
missing the standard timestamp and process ID information. (Bug #24600054, Bug #82874)
It was possible for the session values of the Last_query_cost and
Last_query_partial_plans status variables to be accessed before they had been initialized.
(Bug #24596263)
Warnings occurring during CREATE TABLE ... SELECT could cause a server exit. (Bug
For LOAD DATA used to insert data into an updateable view, the check to verify whether a column is
actually updatable was missing. (Bug #24595937)
The server could dereference a null pointer when a deterministic function returning LONGTEXT was
used in a subquery. (Bug #24595581)
A view altered with ALTER VIEW might be dropped if the statement failed with an error. (Bug
Conversion of JSON documents to string could be slow if the document was large and contained
many signed integers. (Bug #24586888)
The data dictionary can contain entries for temporary tables (names beginning with #sql). These
tables were exposed to INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries and through SHOW statements. This could
cause mysqldump and mysqlpump to fail when they attempted to dump such tables. Temporary
tables are now hidden to INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries and SHOW statements. (Bug #24580599,
Bug #24571427)
When a view was defined, the character set of the definition was not considered. If this differed from
the default character set, table names used in the view might not be recognized, causing the view to
be marked invalid.
For debug builds, an assertion could be raised if an error occurred while parsing an ALTER VIEW
statement and the diagnostics area was empty. (Bug #24580586)
For LOAD DATA statements, input data with too many column values produced only a warning,
rather than an error as in MySQL 5.6. An error now occurs. (Bug #24577194, Bug #82830)
Using SET PERSIST with the global_log system variable was ineffective. (Bug #24569624, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
In the Performance Schema variables_info table, the VARIABLE_SOURCE column was not set
properly for some boolean options specified in option files without a variable. (Bug #24567960)
The .mylogin.cnf option file is intended for use by client programs, but the server was reading it
as well. The server no longer reads it. (Bug #24557925)
Use of boost::chrono was replaced with std::chrono because the former was causing link
errors. (Bug #24556808, Bug #82781)
The X Plugin was built with compilation options different from other plugins. (Bug #24555770, Bug
When populating the variables_by_thread table, the Performance Schema could attempt to
access session variables of other threads that were being deinitialized. (Bug #24555658)
Users without proper privileges could load and unload server components. (Bug #24528148)
Concurrent execution of INSTALL COMPONENT and UNINSTALL COMPONENT statements could
cause a server exit. (Bug #24527148)
On Debian/Ubuntu platforms, the systemd startup script for MySQL ignored datadir settings in /
etc/mysql/my.cnf. (Bug #24517024, Bug #82709)
With a LOCK TABLES statement in effect, DML statements on a table that had triggers could cause a
server exit. (Bug #24506766)
Parallel slave threads running account-management statements could fail due to a race condition in
handling privilege cache locks. (Bug #24503606)
Executing ALTER TABLE on a table that has triggers concurrently with other DDL operations could
result in a corrupted data dictionary. (Bug #24497803)
If mysqladmin shutdown encountered an error determining the server process ID file, it displayed
an error message that did not clearly indicate the error was nonfatal. It now indicates that execution
continues. (Bug #24496214)
For the null_audit plugin, setting the null_audit_event_record system variable improperly
could cause a server exit. This variable should be set only from within the null_audit plugin, so it
is now read only. (Bug #24493829, Bug #82670)
In certain contexts, an expression such as IF(col_name > 5000, (1 / col_name), 5000)
could get a type of DECIMAL(6,4), which would truncate results. (Bug #24492965, Bug #82668)
The data structure used for ZEROFILL columns could experience memory corruption, leading
eventually to a server exit. (Bug #24489302)
Operation of the script was based on my.cnf in the data directory. That
option file is no longer used, so has been removed. (Bug #24487870)
A query could produce incorrect results if MIN() or MAX() in a subquery referred to an indexed
column. (Bug #24484060, Bug #82638, Bug #24657798, Bug #82965)
SHOW TRIGGERS output order could differ on Linux and Windows. (Bug #24482919, Bug #82637)
mysqld_safe attempted to read my.cnf in the data directory, although that is no longer a standard
option file location. (Bug #24482156)
After running mysql_upgrade, executing an INSTALL COMPONENT statement could cause a server
exit. (Bug #24453571)
A regular expression pattern match into a large string could result in a server exit due to memory
allocation failure or integer overflow. (Bug #24449076, Bug #24449090)
Starting the server with a MySQL 5.7 data directory resulted in failure due to absence of the
default_roles and role_edges system tables. (Bug #24447771)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
An incorrect error was reported for CREATE TABLE statements with a large value for the
CONNECTION table option. The value is now limited to 1024 bytes. (Bug #24437124)
An assertion could be raised if an ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT error occurred during execution of
SHOW CREATE TRIGGER. (Bug #24420809, Bug #82483)
Constant folding could produce incorrect results for large unsigned integers. (Bug #24401273, Bug
Use of very long subpartition names could result in a server exit. Now partition or subpartition names
larger than 64 characters produce an ER_TOO_LONG_IDENT error. (Bug #24400628, Bug #82429)
The Gis_wkb_vector<Gis_point> copy constructor was not explicitly instantiated, causing build
problems for the Intel compiler. (Bug #24397833, Bug #82358)
Privilege escalation was possible by exploiting the way REPAIR TABLE used temporary files. (Bug
A race condition between UNINSTALL PLUGIN and SHOW PLUGINS could result in a server exit.
(Bug #24344026)
With ROW mode binary logging, component installation raised an assertion. (Bug #24343582)
A potential memory leak related to roles was fixed. (Bug #24337928)
Subqueries that were converted to semijoins and programmatically generated an
INFORMATION_SCHEMA table could incorrectly treat the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table as empty.
A workaround for this problem prior to the bug fix: SET optimizer_switch='semijoin=off';
(Bug #24287772, Bug #82214)
mysqldumpslow failed to parse timestamps in the slow query log; it had not been updated to track a
change in log timestamp format. (Bug #24007040)
The AppArmor profile installed by Ubuntu packages was missing an entry permitting libnuma to
read a /sys hierarchy path, resulting in server startup failure. (Bug #23854929)
The optimizer could incorrectly treat RAND() as a constant for queries subjected to semijoin
transformation. (Bug #23854015)
For debug builds, unequal-length binary operands for bit operators could raise an assertion. (Bug
If a transaction rollback request rolled back only a statement and not the whole transaction, any
attempt at attaching another operation to the transaction raised an assertion. (Bug #23753319, Bug
STRCMP() for arguments with the utf8mb4_unicode_ci collation could return results different
from ORDER BY. STRCMP() has been corrected. (Bug #23752284, Bug #82132)
Complete logical backups made with mysqlpump could not be restored if GTIDs were enabled.
To enable control over GTID information written to the dump file, mysqlpump now has a --set-
gtid-purged option that indicates whether to add a SET @@GLOBAL.gtid_purged statement to
the output. (Bug #23748432)
Infinite recursion could occur if the audit_log plugin signalled an error while handling an error.
(Bug #23717558, Bug #82052)
Messages written by the audit_log plugin to the error log regarding MYSQL_AUDIT_CONNECT
event failures now print the underlying error cause as well to aid debugging. (Bug #23710632)
MySQL now uses readdir() rather than readdir_r(). The latter has been deprecated since
glibc 2.24 and caused debug builds of MySQL and builds using GCC 6.1 to fail.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Additionally, several problems resulting in GCC 6.1 compiler warnings were corrected. (Bug
#23708395, Bug #24437737, Bug #82515, Bug #24459890, Bug #82583, Bug #25103242)
FORCE INDEX was ineffective for SELECT COUNT(*) queries. (Bug #23596760, Bug #81854)
During startup, the server creates a lock file for the Unix socket file (for example,
mysql.sock.lock as a lock file for mysql.sock). If the server failed to write the process ID to the
lock file, it failed to remove that file, which could cause subsequent server startups to fail until the file
was removed manually. (Bug #23582603, Bug #81838)
For debug builds, queries executed using Item_func_spatial_collection::val_str() could
raise an assertion. (Bug #23573720)
For audit log events in the connection class, the connection_type value was available only for
connect events. The value is now available in connect, disconnect, and change-user events. (Bug
The audit_log plugin audit_log_filter_remove_filter() function caused a server exit if
given a NULL argument. (Bug #23522793)
Attempts to configure MySQL without the FEDERATED storage engine failed (the CMake -
DWITH_FEDERATED_STORAGE_ENGINE=0 option did not work). (Bug #23508203, Bug #81665)
On Solaris, gettimeofday() could return an invalid value and cause a server shutdown. (Bug
The keyring_file plugin could attempt to write keys to its storage file when the file did not exist.
To ensure that keys are flushed only when the correct storage file exists, keyring_file now stores
a SHA-256 checksum of the keyring in the file. Before updating the file, the plugin verifies that it
contains the expected checksum. (Bug #23498254)
A union query resulting in tuples larger than max_join_size could result in a server exit. (Bug
Grant tables with incorrect structure may cause problems in user management operations. As a
consequence of the fix for this, for any operation that modifies a grant table, the server now checks
whether the table has the expected structure and produces an error if not. mysql_upgrade must
be run to update the tables to the expected structure. (Bug #23295423, Bug #25095876, Bug
ST_ExteriorRing() could cause a server exit due to being passed an invalid WKB string believed
to be valid. (Bug #23280574)
For debug builds, failure to prepare a branch of an XA transaction could lead to a server exit. (Bug
#23264552, Bug #81375)
The optimizer could choose ref access on a secondary index rather than range access on the
primary key, even when the cost was higher. (Bug #23259872, Bug #81341)
An instance of the disk-full error message contained the wrong error code. (Bug #23247332, Bug
For a query with ORDER BY and LIMIT, an optimizer trace did not record the optimizer's switch to a
different index. (Bug #23227428, Bug #81250)
Improper handling of a lock used by the version_tokens plugin and functions could result in a
server exit if one of the functions was called while version_tokens was being uninstalled. (Bug
Certain errors in DML statements executed within stored programs could be mishandled and result in
a server exit. (Bug #23209989)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The QUOTE() function could allocate excessive memory. A limit of max_allowed_packet bytes is
now imposed and returns NULL with a warning for attempts to allocate more. (Bug #23195404)
For some deeply nested expressions, the optimizer failed to detect stack overflow, resulting in a
server exit. (Bug #23135667)
For sessions created through the X Plugin, incorrect thread attachment/detachment could cause a
server exit. (Bug #23057045)
When attempting to locate the data directory, mysqld_safe incorrectly considered
$MY_BASEDIR_VERSION/var as one of the possible locations. (Bug #23013510, Bug #80866)
For some generated columns, character set conversion of the column definition for table rebuilds
could change column values. (Bug #22991924)
The OS X DMG installer did not properly set up keyring plugin installation. (Bug #22991650)
If a query performed a GROUP BY on a column of a derived table and the select list contained
an expression mixing an aggregate function and the group column, an error was raised if the
ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode was enabled. (Bug #22924183, Bug #80726)
A binary (in-place) upgrade from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7 followed by a data export performed using
mysqlpump resulted in an Invalid default value for date_column error for attempts to
reload the dump file. (Bug #22919028, Bug #80706)
A failed cast of a long float to integer could cause a server exit. (Bug #22907691)
On Unix and Unix-like systems, the error log file resulting from specifying --log-error without an
option value was incorrectly created in the directory of the PID file if the --pid-file option was
also given. (Bug #22900354)
The main.log_tables-big test case could be unstable on highly loaded hosts. Thanks to
Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #22874167, Bug #80607)
SQL statements executed through the X Plugin were not instrumented in the Performance Schema.
(Bug #22859462)
The rpl.rpl_key_rotation test case did not synchronize properly with the master server.
Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #22838596, Bug #80531)
DROP INDEX operations could fail due to inconsistent handling of index prefix lengths for TEXT-type
columns (TINYTEXT and so forth).
A consequence of this fix is more restrictive behavior for CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX
statements for which a specified index prefix exceeds the maximum column data type size:
For a nonunique index, either an error occurs (if strict SQL mode is enabled), or the index length is
reduced to lie within the maximum column data type size and a warning is produced (if strict mode
is not enabled).
For a unique index, an error occurs regardless of SQL mode because reducing the index
length might enable insertion of nonunique entries that do not meet the specified uniqueness
(Bug #22740093, Bug #80392)
Metadata locking on stored routine names was performed on a case-sensitive basis, but routine
names are not case sensitive. (Bug #22700385)
Queries that used an aggregate function with DISTINCT could produce incorrect results. (Bug
#22686994, Bug #80310)
The innodb_numa_interleave system variable was erroneously available on some systems that
were not NUMA-enabled. Thanks to Tomislav Plavcic for the patch.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
CMake now sets the default WITH_NUMA value based on whether the current platform has NUMA
support. For platforms without NUMA support, CMake behaves as follows:
With no NUMA option (the normal case), CMake continues normally, producing only this warning:
NUMA library missing or required version not available
With -DWITH_NUMA=ON, CMake aborts with this error: NUMA library missing or required version
not available
(Bug #22678436, Bug #80288)
Certain SQL queries involving complex WHERE conditions could cause warnings, memory corruption,
or a server exit. (Bug #22671573)
When taking the server offline, a race condition within the Performance Schema could lead to a
server exit. (Bug #22551677)
On macOS, if a table with an associated trigger was renamed to a new name containing
both lowercase and uppercase characters, DROP TRIGGER for the trigger resulted in an
ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE error for the table. (Bug #22512899, Bug #79873)
In the MYSQL_FIELD C API structure, the org_table value for derived tables was *, which could
cause failure for queries that depend on this value. The org_table value for views and derived
tables now is set as follows: If the column is selected from a view, org_table names the view. If the
column is selected from a derived table, org_table names the base table. If a derived table wraps
a view, org_table still names the base table. If the column is an expression, org_table is the
empty string. (Bug #22364401, Bug #79641)
For RPM packages, the default error-log location in the deployed /etc/my.cnf file differed from
the location in the installed logrotate script, causing logrotate to fail. (Bug #22322685)
The Performance Schema events_statements_summary_by_digest table could contain
multiple rows for the same statement digest and schema combination, rather than the expected
single (unique) row. (Bug #22320066, Bug #79533)
For Performance Schema system and status variable tables, variable values expressed in a
character set different from utf8 could be truncated or incorrect. (Bug #22313205)
For debug builds, altering a table partitioning expression using an expression attribute with an invalid
UTF-8 name caused an assertion to be raised. (Bug #22152229)
After performing inserts in a table containing an AUTO_INCREMENT column and then performing
a SELECT operation, the LAST_INSERT_ID() returns the correct value, but the value of the
mysql_insert_id() C API function was being reset to 0. (Bug #22028117, Bug #78778)
On Ubuntu, error messages were displayed during upgrades from Community to Commercial
packages that made it appear as though mysqld and my_print_defaults had not been installed.
Those messages were spurious and have been silenced. (Bug #21807248)
With the use_index_extensions flag of the optimizer_switch system variable disabled, some
SELECT DISTINCT queries could return incorrect results. (Bug #21749123, Bug #78244)
An invalid string value in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE statement, caused an index scan rather
than a range scan to be used. For values not present in the index, this could be much slower. Now
the optimizer determines this to be an “impossible WHERE” condition. (Bug #21032418, Bug #76933)
Debian packages were missing an AppArmor-related include file and incorrectly were marked
dependent on AppArmor (making it impossible to disable AppArmor by uninstalling it). (Bug
When the automatic_sp_privileges system variable was enabled, it did not have the expected
effect for anonymous users. (Bug #20266641)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
In a replication environment, SET PASSWORD or ALTER USER could fail to execute on the slave due
to failure to parse the hash string correctly. (Bug #20228478)
The optimizer resolve_const_item() function called Item_decimal() with the last two
arguments in the wrong order. (Bug #19062566)
An in-place ALTER TABLE operation failed to report an error when adding a DATE or DATETIME
column under these conditions: a) the column was NOT NULL and no default value was supplied; b)
strict and NO_ZERO_DATE SQL modes were enabled; c) the table was not empty.
An ALTER TABLE operation failed with an error rather than a warning when adding a DATE or
DATETIME column under these conditions: a) the column was NOT NULL and no default value was
supplied; b) strict SQL mode was enabled and NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode was not enabled; c) the
table was not empty. (Bug #16888677)
Inserting a TIME, DATE, or TIMESTAMP value with a fractional seconds part into a column
having the same type but fewer fractional digits resulted in rounding. This differs from MySQL
5.5, which used truncation rather than rounding. To enable control over this behavior, a new
TIME_TRUNCATE_FRACTIONAL SQL mode is available. The default is to use rounding. If this mode
is enabled, truncation occurs instead. (Bug #16583910, Bug #68760)
NOT IN subqueries could produce incorrect results when an index prefix of an inner table was used.
(Bug #13915291)
On non-Linux Unix systems, the mysql.server startup script used the Linux command pidof
rather than pgrep. (Bug #13788154, Bug #64342)
Starting multiple instances of mysqld_safe after an abnormal server exit could result in one
mysqld_safe instance killing another. As a consequence of the bug fix, the file
is no longer used. (Bug #11751149, Bug #41908)
The --help message for mysqld_safe was corrected to mention that the --no-defaults, --
defaults-file, and --defaults-extra-file options, if given, must be the first argument.
(Bug #11745176, Bug #11192)
The bounds check for the XML parser position stack for each level (which has a fixed depth) used
the size of the array as the upper limit, and so was off by one. This is fixed by decreasing the
allowable depth by one, which actually matches the maximum number of elements in the position
stack. (Bug #83871, Bug #25111907)
References: See also: Bug #14040071, Bug #15948580.
Changes in MySQL 8.0.0 (2016-09-12, Development Milestone)
For general information about upgrades, downgrades, platform support, etc., please visit https://
This is a milestone release, for use at your own risk. Upgrades between
milestone releases (or from a milestone release to a GA release) are not
supported. Significant development changes take place in milestone releases
and you may encounter compatibility issues, such as data format changes that
require attention in addition to the usual procedure of running mysql_upgrade.
For example, you may find it necessary to dump your data with mysqldump
before the upgrade and reload it afterward. (Making a backup before the
upgrade is a prudent precaution in any case.)
Account Management Notes
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
C API Notes
Character Set Support
Compilation Notes
Component Notes
Configuration Notes
Data Dictionary Notes
Data Type Notes
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Doxygen Notes
Optimizer Notes
Packaging Notes
Parser Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Security Notes
Spatial Data Support
Test Suite Notes
X Plugin Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Account Management Notes
Incompatible Change: The grant tables in the mysql system database are now InnoDB
(transactional) tables. Previously, these were MyISAM (nontransactional) tables. This change applies
to these tables: user, db, tables_priv, columns_priv, procs_priv, proxies_priv.
The change of grant table storage engine underlies an accompanying change to the behavior of
account-management statements. Previously, an account-management statement that named
multiple users could succeed for some users and fail for others. Now, each statement is transactional
and either succeeds for all named users or rolls back and has no effect if any error occurs. The
statement is written to the binary log if it succeeds, but not if it fails; in that case, rollback occurs and
no changes are made. The preceding behavior applies to these statements: ALTER USER, CREATE
is not listed because it applies to at most one user and is effectively transactional already.) A side
effect of this change in behavior is that partially completed account management statements on a
MySQL 5.7 master fail when replicated on a MySQL 8.0 slave. For more information, see Atomic
Data Definition Statement Support.
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these changes into the mysql system database.
If MySQL is upgraded from an older version but the grant tables have not
been upgraded from MyISAM to InnoDB, the server considers them read only
and account-management statements produce an error.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Due to the change of storage engine from MyISAM to InnoDB, SELECT without ORDER BY on grant
tables can produce different row orders than previously. If a query result must have specific row
ordering characteristics, include an ORDER BY clause. (WL #7158, WL #9045)
MySQL now supports roles, which are named collections of privileges. Roles enable assignment of
sets of privileges to accounts and provide a convenient alternative to granting individual privileges,
both for conceptualizing desired privilege assignments and implementing them:
Roles can be created and dropped.
Roles can have privileges granted to and revoked from them.
Roles can be granted to and revoked from user accounts.
The active roles for an account can be selected from among those granted to the account, and can
be changed during sessions for that account.
For more information, see Using Roles.
ROLE now is a reserved word and cannot be used as an identifier without
identifier quoting.
(WL #988)
C API Notes
The libmysqlclient shared library major version number is increased from 20 (used in MySQL
5.7) to 21 for MySQL 8.0. (Bug #77600, Bug #21363863)
Character Set Support
The utf8mb4 Unicode character set has a new general collation named utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci.
utf8mb4 also has several new language-specific collations with characteristics similar to
utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci except that language-specific rules take precedence where applicable. The
language-specific collations are indicated by ISO 639-1 language codes in the collation name, as
shown in the following table. In two cases the language code has an additional item that denotes a
variant (German phone book order, Traditional Spanish).
Table 5 utf8mb4 UCA 9.0.0 language-specific collations
Language Collation
Croatian utf8mb4_hr_0900_ai_ci
Czech utf8mb4_cs_0900_ai_ci
Danish utf8mb4_da_0900_ai_ci
Esperanto utf8mb4_eo_0900_ai_ci
Estonian utf8mb4_et_0900_ai_ci
German phone book order utf8mb4_de_pb_0900_ai_ci
Hungarian utf8mb4_hu_0900_ai_ci
Icelandic utf8mb4_is_0900_ai_ci
Latvian utf8mb4_lv_0900_ai_ci
Lithuanian utf8mb4_lt_0900_ai_ci
Polish utf8mb4_pl_0900_ai_ci
Classical Latin utf8mb4_la_0900_ai_ci
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Language Collation
Romanian utf8mb4_ro_0900_ai_ci
Slovak utf8mb4_sk_0900_ai_ci
Slovenian utf8mb4_sl_0900_ai_ci
Modern Spanish utf8mb4_es_0900_ai_ci
Traditional Spanish utf8mb4_es_trad_0900_ai_ci
Swedish utf8mb4_sv_0900_ai_ci
Turkish utf8mb4_tr_0900_ai_ci
Vietnamese utf8mb4_vi_0900_ai_ci
utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci also works as an accent- insensitive, case-insensitive collation for the
languages in the following table.
Table 6 Languages for which utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci is suitable
Language Name Language Code
German (dictionary order) de
English en
Canadian French (locale fr_CA) fr
Irish Gaelic ga
Indonesian id
Italian it
Luxembourgian lb
Malay ms
Dutch nl
Portuguese pt
Swahili sw
Zulu zu
utf8mb4_da_0900_ai_ci also works as an accent-insensitive, case-insensitive collation for the
languages in the following table.
Table 7 Languages for Which utf8mb4_da_0900_ai_ci is Suitable
Language Name Language Code
Norwegian no
Norwegian Bokmål nb
Norwegian Nynorsk nn
The nonlanguage-specific utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci and language-specific
utf8mb4_LANG_0900_ai_ci Unicode collations each have these characteristics:
The collation is based on Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) 9.0.0 and Common Locale Data
Repository (CLDR) v30, is accent insensitive, and case insensitive. These characteristics are
indicated by _0900, _ai, and _ci in the collation name. Exception: utf8mb4_la_0900_ai_ci
is not based on CLDR because Classical Latin is not defined in CLDR.
The collation works for all characters in the range [U+0, U+10FFFF].
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
If the collation is not language specific, it sorts all characters, including supplemental characters,
in default order (described following). If the collation is language specific, it sorts characters of the
language correctly according to language-specific rules, and characters not in the language in
default order.
By default, the collation sorts characters having a code point listed in the DUCET table (Default
Unicode Collation Element Table) according to the weight value assigned in the table. The
collation sorts characters not having a code point listed in the DUCET table using their implicit
weight value, which is constructed according to the UCA.
For non-language-specific collations, characters in contraction sequences are treated as separate
characters. For language-specific collations, contractions might change character sorting order.
For more information, see Unicode Character Sets. (WL #9125, WL #9108, WL #9479)
Compilation Notes
Microsoft Windows: For building MySQL on Windows, the toolchain now prefers 64-bit tools when
possible (previously 32-bit). This speeds up linking and avoids issues related to limited address
space with the 32-bit linker. (Bug #80675, Bug #22900585)
CMake now causes the build process to link with the GNU gold linker if it is available and not
explicitly disabled. To disable use of this linker, specify the -DUSE_LD_GOLD=OFF CMake option.
(Bug #23759968, Bug #82163)
The WITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS CMake option has been removed. MySQL builds are configured
with all character sets by default now. Users who want fewer character sets can edit cmake/
character_sets.cmake directly and recompile the server. (Bug #80005, Bug #22552125)
The minimum version of the Boost library for server builds is now 1.60.0. (Bug #79380, Bug
Work was done to clean up the source code base, including: Removing unneeded CMake checks;
removing unused macros from source files; reorganizing header files to reduce the number of
dependencies and make them more modular, removing function declarations without definitions,
replacing locally written functions with equivalent functions from industry-standard libraries.
MySQL source code now permits and uses C++11 features. To enable a good level of C++11
support across all supported platforms, the following minimum compiler versions now apply:
GCC: 4.8 or higher
Clang: 3.4 or higher (Xcode 7 on OS X)
Solaris Studio: 12.4 or higher (Solaris client build only)
Visual Studio: 2015
CMake: On Windows, the required Visual Studio version results in a required CMake version of
3.2.3 or higher
On Solaris, the stlport library is no longer used. This makes the SUNPRO_CXX_LIBRARY CMake
option obsolete, so it has been removed. (WL #8896)
Component Notes
MySQL Server now includes a component-based infrastructure for improving server extensibility:
A component provides services that are available to the server and other components. (With
respect to service use, the server is a component, equal to other components.) Components
interact with each other only through the services they provide.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The INSTALL COMPONENT and UNINSTALL COMPONENT statements provide an SQL interface
for component manipulation at runtime.
A loader service registers installed components in the mysql.component system table, and
installs registered components during the startup sequence for subsequent server restarts.
For general information about the component infrastructure and its SQL-level interface, see MySQL
Components. For information about the internal implementation of components, see the MySQL
Server Doxygen documentation, available at (WL #4102)
Configuration Notes
Incompatible Change; InnoDB: Previously, enabling the innodb_read_only system variable
prevented creating and dropping tables only for the InnoDB storage. As of MySQL 8.0. enabling
innodb_read_only prevents these operations for all storage engines. Table creation and drop
operations modify data dictionary tables in the mysql system database, but those tables use the
InnoDB storage engine and cannot be modified when innodb_read_only is enabled. The same
principle applies to other table operations that require modifying data dictionary tables, and to
operations that modify other tables in the mysql database that use the InnoDB storage engine, such
as the grant tables and the func and plugin tables. (Bug #21611899)
The hardcoded memory page size of 8KB for the memory-mapped transaction coordinator was too
small for platforms such as ARM64 and PowerPC where the page size is much larger. The server
now invokes a system call to get the page size of the current platform rather than using a hardcoded
value. A consequence for the --log-tc-size option is that the minimum and default values are
now 6 times the page size. Also, the value must be a multiple of the page size. Thanks to Alexey
Kopytov for the patch. (Bug #23014086, Bug #80818, Bug #26931470, Bug #87995)
MySQL now supports a SET PERSIST variant of SET statement syntax, for making configuration
changes at runtime that also persist across server restarts. Like SET GLOBAL, SET PERSIST
is permitted for any global system variable that is dynamic (settable at runtime). The statement
changes the runtime variable value, but also writes the variable setting to an option file named
mysqld-auto.cnf in the data directory. At startup, the server processes this file after all other
option files. For more information, see Persisted System Variables.
To provide information showing how each system variable was most recently set, the Performance
Schema now has a variables_info table that lists each system variable and the source from
which it got its value. See Performance Schema variables_info Table.
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate this change into the Performance Schema. (WL #8688)
Data Dictionary Notes
Incompatible Change: MySQL Server now incorporates a global data dictionary containing
information about database objects in transactional tables. In previous MySQL releases, dictionary
data was stored in metadata files and nontransactional system tables.
A data dictionary-enabled server entails some general operational differences
compared to a server that does not have a data dictionary; see Data
Dictionary Usage Differences. Also, for upgrades to MySQL 8.0, the upgrade
procedure differs somewhat from previous MySQL releases and requires
that you verify the upgrade readiness of your installation by checking specific
prerequisites. For more information, see Upgrading MySQL, particularly
Preparing Your Installation for Upgrade.
InnoDB continues to use its own data dictionary in the MySQL 8.0.0 release.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The following list briefly describes the main implications of this change:
The .frm metadata files previously associated with base tables and views no longer exist.
Metadata previously stored in .frm files is now stored in data dictionary tables.
Similarly, trigger metadata previously stored in .TRG and .TRN files is stored in a data dictionary
table and those files no longer exist.
With the removal of .frm files, the 64KB table definition size limit imposed by the .frm file
structure is removed.
With the removal of .frm files, the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES VERSION field now reports a
hardcoded value of 10, which is the last .frm file version used in MySQL 5.7.
With the removal of .frm files, the sync_frm system variable is removed.
A new dictionary object cache that serves the MySQL data dictionary stores previously accessed
data dictionary objects in memory to enable object reuse and minimize disk I/O. An LRU-based
eviction strategy is used to evict least recently used objects from memory. The cache comprises
several partitions that store different object types. For more information, see Dictionary Object
New internal data dictionary APIs enable the server, internal storage engines, and plugins to
access and store data in the MySQL data dictionary. Internal data dictionary APIs are introduced
for handling of schemas, tablespaces, tablespace files, tables, partitioned tables, table partition
data, triggers, stored routines, events, table objects, views, character sets, and collations.
With this change, data dictionary updates and binary log writes for CREATE TRIGGER and DROP
TRIGGER operations are combined into a single, atomic transaction.
Data dictionary tables are invisible, but in most cases there are corresponding
INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that can be queried instead. This enables the underlying data
dictionary tables to be changed as server development proceeds, while maintaining a stable
INFORMATION_SCHEMA interface for application use.
Some INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables have been reimplemented entirely as views on data
dictionary tables:
Queries on those tables are now more efficient because they obtain information
from data dictionary tables rather than by other, slower means. In particular, for each
INFORMATION_SCHEMA table that is a view on data dictionary tables:
The server no longer must create a temporary table for each query of the
When the underlying data dictionary tables store values previously obtained by directory
scans (for example, to enumerate database names or table names within databases) or file-
opening operations (for example, to read information from .frm files), INFORMATION_SCHEMA
queries for those values now use table lookups instead. (Additionally, even for a non-view
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
INFORMATION_SCHEMA table, values such as database and table names are retrieved by
lookups from the data dictionary and do not require directory or file scans.)
Indexes on the underlying data dictionary tables permit the optimizer to construct efficient
query execution plans, something not true for the previous implementation that processed the
INFORMATION_SCHEMA table using a temporary table per query.
The preceding improvements also apply to SHOW statements that display information
corresponding to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that are views on data dictionary tables. For
example, SHOW DATABASES displays the same information as the SCHEMATA table.
For INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries that retrieve table statistics, the server now can use statistics
cached in INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, or obtain the latest statistics directly from storage
engines. The information_schema_stats system variable controls which statistics source the
server uses.
When information_schema_stats is CACHED (the default), the server uses cached
statistics stored in the STATISTICS and TABLES tables.
When information_schema_stats is LATEST, the server obtains statistics directly from
storage engines. In this case, the server treats queries on STATISTICS and TABLES as queries
for the latest statistics stored in the STATISTICS_DYNAMIC and TABLES_DYNAMIC tables.
Affected INFORMATION_SCHEMA table statistic columns include:
For more information, see Optimizing INFORMATION_SCHEMA Queries.
The foreign_keys and foreign_key_column_usage tables now store foreign key
information. The standard SQL way to obtain foreign key information is by using the
tables are now implemented as views on the foreign_keys, foreign_key_column_usage,
and other data dictionary tables.
For some foreign key errors, the server now produces more appropriate and more informative
error messages.
Incompatibility: Previously, MySQL supported foreign key names longer
than 64 characters. Foreign key names as stored in the foreign_keys
and foreign_key_column_usage tables are a maximum of 64
characters, per the SQL standard, so longer foreign key names are no
longer permitted.
Because the data dictionary provides information about database objects, the server no longer
checks directory names in the data directory to find databases. Consequently, the --ignore-
db-dir option and ignore_db_dirs system variable are extraneous and have been removed.
Update system configurations and application programs accordingly.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Previously, this was possible to use CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE to create a table in a
nonexistent database by qualifying the table name with the name of a nonexistent database. This
is no longer permitted.
System table changes:
Many system tables have been converted from MyISAM (nontransactional) tables to InnoDB
(transactional) tables. For example, as discussed elsewhere in these release notes, the grant
tables are now InnoDB tables. Other examples follow.
The func table that stores loadable function information in the mysql system database now is
an InnoDB (transactional) table. Previously, it was a MyISAM (nontransactional) table.
In consequence of this change, CREATE FUNCTION and DROP FUNCTION statements cause an
implicit commit, even when used for loadable functions (see Statements That Cause an Implicit
Commit). Previously, they caused an implicit commit when used for stored functions, but not for
loadable functions.
Previously, information about stored routines and events was stored in the proc and event
tables of the mysql system database. Those tables are no longer used. Instead, information
about stored routines and events is stored in the routines, events, and parameters
data dictionary tables in the mysql system database. The old tables used the MyISAM
(nontransactional) storage engine. The new tables use the InnoDB (transactional) engine.
Previously, creating a stored routine that contained illegal characters produced a warning. This
is now an error.
To permit access to system tables (for example, time zone or log tables) to be distinguished
from access to nonsystem tables, the server uses the Locking system tables and
Opening system tables thread states rather than the System lock and Opening
tables thread states. See General Thread States.
InnoDB changes:
Persistent InnoDB tablespaces now include transactional storage for Serialized Dictionary
Information (SDI), which is dictionary object data in serialized form. Along with the
disappearance of .frm and trigger metadata files, mentioned previously, you might notice the
appearance of .SDI files. These are serialized dictionary information files. SDI transactional
storage is reserved for an in-progress feature not yet fully implemented.
A new command-line utility, ibd2sdi, is used to extract serialized dictionary information (SDI)
from persistent InnoDB tablespaces. SDI data is not present in persistent InnoDB tablespaces
in this release. The ibd2sdi utility is reserved for future use.
InnoDB startup code was refactored to support MySQL initialization changes related to the
MySQL data dictionary feature.
Upgrade and downgrade implications:
To upgrade to MySQL 8.0 from MySQL 5.7, you must perform the upgrade procedure described
at Upgrading MySQL.
Downgrading from MySQL 8.0 to MySQL 5.7 is only supported using the logical downgrade
method (a mysqldump downgrade). In-place downgrades are not supported.
(Bug #80481, Bug #22811659, WL #6378, WL #6383, WL #7896, WL #6384, WL #7897, WL #6388,
WL #7898, WL #7284, WL #7630, WL #7836, WL #6390, WL #6382, WL #6389, WL #6387, WL
#6385, WL #7053, WL #7158, WL #8980, WL #8150, WL #7488, WL #7066, WL #6929, WL #6391,
WL #6392, WL #6599)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Data Type Notes
Bit functions and operators comprise BIT_COUNT(), BIT_AND(), BIT_OR(), BIT_XOR(), &, |,
^, ~, <<, and >>. Prior to MySQL 8.0, bit functions and operators required BIGINT (64-bit integer)
arguments and returned BIGINT values, so they had a maximum range of 64 bits. Non-BIGINT
arguments were converted to BIGINT prior to performing the operation and truncation could
occur. Now bit functions and operators permit binary string type arguments (BINARY, VARBINARY,
and the BLOB types) and return a value of like type, which enables them to take arguments and
produce return values larger than 64 bits. Nonbinary string arguments are converted to BIGINT and
processed as such, as before.
Permitting binary string arguments for bit functions and operators makes it easier not only to
manipulate larger values, but to perform bit operations not easily done previously on certain types of
data, such as UUID and IPv6 values. For examples, see Bit Functions and Operators.
An implication of this change in behavior is that bit operations on binary string arguments might
produce a different result in MySQL 8.0 than in 5.7. For information about how to prepare in MySQL
5.7 for potential incompatibilities between MySQL 5.7 and 8.0, see Bit Functions and Operators, in
MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual. (WL #8699)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Important Change; InnoDB: The following InnoDB file format configuration options were
deprecated in MySQL 5.7.7 and are now removed:
File format configuration options were necessary for creating tables compatible with earlier versions
of InnoDB in MySQL 5.1. Now that MySQL 5.1 has reached the end of its product lifecycle, these
options are no longer required.
The FILE_FORMAT column was removed from the INNODB_SYS_TABLES and
INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES Information Schema tables. (WL #7704)
InnoDB: The innodb_stats_sample_pages system variable was removed.
innodb_stats_sample_pages was deprecated in MySQL 5.6.3 and replaced by
innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages. (WL #8903)
InnoDB: The innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog system variable was removed.
innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog was deprecated in MySQL 5.6.3. The READ COMMITTED
isolation level provides similar functionality. (WL #8894)
InnoDB: The innodb_support_xa system variable, which enables support for two-phase commit
in XA transactions, was removed. As of MySQL 5.7.10, InnoDB support for two-phase commit in XA
transactions is always enabled. (WL #8843)
The deprecated mysql_install_db program has been removed from MySQL distributions. Data
directory initialization should be performed by invoking mysqld with the --initialize or --
initialize-insecure option instead. In addition, the deprecated --bootstrap option for
mysqld that was used by mysql_install_db has been removed, and the INSTALL_SCRIPTDIR
CMake option that controlled the installation location for mysql_install_db has been removed.
Version 1 test suite code previously was located in the mysql-test/lib/v1 directory of
MySQL source distributions. This code used mysql_install_db and has been removed. The
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
MYSQL_INSTALL_DB environment variable and a value of 1 for the MTR_VERSION environment
variable are no longer supported. (WL #9071)
The mysql_plugin utility has been removed. Alternatives include loading plugins at server startup
using the --plugin-load or --plugin-load-add option, or at runtime using the INSTALL
PLUGIN statement. (WL #8927)
The deprecated mysql_shutdown() C API function and corresponding COM_SHUTDOWN client/
server protocol command have been removed. Instead, use mysql_query() to execute a
SHUTDOWN statement. (WL #9014)
Doxygen Notes
The MySQL source code has been updated to use Doxygen for the internal documentation. This
is a work in progress. As new MySQL versions are distributed, the Doxygen documentation will be
updated, with the latest version always available at
It is also possible to generate the Doxygen content locally from a MySQL source distribution using
the instructions at Generating MySQL Doxygen Documentation Content. (WL #8493)
Optimizer Notes
InnoDB: The storage engine interface now enables the optimizer to provide information about the
size of the record buffer to be used for scans that the optimizer estimates will read multiple rows.
The buffer size can vary based on the size of the estimate. InnoDB uses this variable-size buffering
capability to take advantage of row prefetching, and to reduce the overhead of latching and B-tree
navigation. Previously, InnoDB used a small, fixed-size buffer. (WL #7093)
The optimizer now supports table-level MERGE and NO_MERGE hints for specifying whether derived
tables or views should be merged into the outer query block or materialized using an internal
temporary table. Examples:
SELECT /*+ MERGE(dt) */ * FROM (SELECT * FROM t1) AS dt;
SELECT /*+ NO_MERGE(dt) */ * FROM (SELECT * FROM t1) AS dt;
For more information, see Optimizer Hints. (Bug #79554, Bug #22328100, WL #9307)
MySQL now supports invisible indexes. An invisible index is not used by the optimizer at all, but is
otherwise maintained normally. Indexes are visible by default. Invisible indexes make it possible to
test the effect of removing an index on query performance, without making a destructive change that
must be undone should the index turn out to be required. This feature applies to InnoDB tables, for
indexes other than primary keys.
To control whether an index is invisible explicitly for a new index, use a VISIBLE or INVISIBLE
keyword as part of the index definition for CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, or ALTER TABLE. To
alter the invisibility of an existing index, use a VISIBLE or INVISIBLE keyword with the ALTER
TABLE ... ALTER INDEX operation. For more information, see Invisible Indexes. (WL #8697)
The mysql system database now contains a column_stats table designed to store statistics about
column values. For more information, see Optimizer Statistics. (WL #8706)
Packaging Notes
Development milestone releases in previous MySQL series were numbered using a suffix of -mN,
to indicate development milestone N. In MySQL 8.0, development releases use the suffix -dmr. For
example, this release of MySQL is numbered 8.0.0-dmr. (Bug #80408, Bug #22748154)
As a consequence of the use of C++11 features described elsewhere in these release notes, the
following packaging changes have been made:
Support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and Oracle Linux 5 RPMs has been dropped
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Generic binary tarball builds have been moved to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
(WL #8896)
Parser Notes
Incompatible Change: The parser rules for SELECT and UNION were refactored to be more
consistent (the same SELECT syntax applies uniformly in each such context) and reduce duplication.
Several user-visible effects resulted from this work, which may require rewriting of certain
NATURAL JOIN permits an optional INNER keyword (NATURAL INNER JOIN), in compliance with
standard SQL.
Right-deep joins without parentheses are permitted (for example, ... JOIN ... JOIN ...
ON ... ON), in compliance with standard SQL.
STRAIGHT_JOIN now permits a USING clause, similar to other inner joins.
The parser accepts parentheses around query expressions. For example, (SELECT ... UNION
SELECT ...) is permitted.
The parser better conforms to the documented permitted placement of the SQL_CACHE and
SQL_NO_CACHE query modifiers.
Left-hand nesting of unions, previously permitted only in subqueries, is now permitted in top-level
statements. For example, this statement is now accepted as valid:
Locking clauses (FOR UPDATE, LOCK IN SHARE MODE) are allowed only in non-UNION queries.
This means that parentheses must be used for SELECT statements containing locking clauses.
This statement is no longer accepted as valid:
Instead, write the statement like this:
(Bug #11746363, Bug #25734, WL #8083, WL #8907)
The parser rules for CREATE TABLE were refactored to be context independent and improve
maintainability and extensibility. Several user-visible effects resulted from this work:
For generated columns, including NOT NULL NULL resulted in a column that included the NOT
NULL attribute, which differed from nongenerated columns. Such definitions now use the final
attribute NULL, resulting in a nullable column (consistent with nongenerated columns).
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE no longer permits multiple instances of TEMPORARY.
Previously, PARSE_GCOL_EXPR was a keyword and could not be used as a label in stored
programs. It is no longer a keyword and can be used as a label.
Messages for some syntax errors are more precise with respect to the location of the error within
the statement.
(WL #7840, WL #8067, WL #8433, WL #8434, WL #8345)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Performance Schema Notes
Incompatible Change: The Performance Schema now instruments server errors (and warnings),
and exposes statistical information about them through a set of summary tables:
The error instrument controls whether error information is collected (enabled by default).
Several tables contain error information, summarized in various
ways: events_errors_summary_global_by_error,
The performance_schema_error_size system variable controls the number of instrumented
For more information, see Error Summary Tables
If you upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and
restart the server) to incorporate these changes into the performance_schema database.
In consequence of the preceding changes, two server error symbols were renamed:
Also, several server error codes were found to be no longer used in the server and have been
removed as obsolete. Applications that test specifically for any of these errors should be updated:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
(WL #8058)
Previously, the DIGEST and DIGEST_TEXT columns in the Performance Schema
events_statements_current table were populated only after statement execution ended. Now,
the columns are populated just after parsing and before statement execution begins. This enables
monitoring applications to access statement digest information during statement execution. (Bug
Previously, Performance Schema optimizations focused on reducing the overhead involved in
collecting monitoring data. Complementing that earlier work, overhead now is also reduced for
Performance Schema queries that retrieve that data. This is achieved by the addition of indexes to
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
most Performance Schema tables, which gives the optimizer access to execution plans other than
full table scans. These indexes also improve performance for related objects, such as sys schema
views that use those tables. For more information, see Optimizing Performance Schema Queries.
(WL #6616)
The size of the ROLE column of the setup_actors Performance Schema table was increased from
16 to 32 characters. (WL #9262)
Security Notes
The validate_password_check_user_name system variable is now enabled by default rather
than disabled. This means that when the validate_password plugin is enabled, by default it now
rejects passwords that match the current session user name. (WL #9480)
The client-side --ssl and --ssl-verify-server-cert options have been removed. Use --
ssl-mode=REQUIRED instead of --ssl=1 or --enable-ssl. Use --ssl-mode=DISABLED
instead of --ssl=0, --skip-ssl, or --disable-ssl. Use --ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY
instead of --ssl-verify-server-cert options. (The server-side --ssl option remains
for mysql_options() correspond to the client-side --ssl and --ssl-verify-server-
cert options and have been removed. Use MYSQL_OPT_SSL_MODE with an option value of
Spatial Data Support
Spatial functions for import and export of Well-Known Text (WKT) values used MySQL
'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION()' nonstandard syntax rather than OpenGIS 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION
EMPTY' standard syntax. Now both syntaxes are understood for import and the standard syntax is
used for export. See Functions That Create Geometry Values from WKT Values. (Bug #23632147,
Bug #81964)
The ST_X() and ST_Y() spatial functions now permit an optional second argument that specifies an
X or Y coordinate value, respectively. With two arguments, the function result is the point value from
the first argument with the appropriate coordinate modified. In addition, ST_X() and ST_Y() with a
single argument now are stricter and produce an ER_UNEXPECTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE error rather
than returning NULL if the argument is a valid geometry but not a point. For more information, see
Point Property Functions. (WL #8606)
The ST_SRID() spatial function now permits an optional second argument that specifies a SRID
value. With two arguments, the function result is the geometry value from the first argument with
its SRID modified according to the second argument. For more information, see General Geometry
Property Functions. (WL #8543)
MySQL now stores information about spatial reference systems other than SRID 0, for use with
spatial data. This information is stored in the st_spatial_reference_systems data dictionary
table and is based on EPSG Dataset 8.7. For information about spatial reference systems, see
Spatial Reference System Support.
Previously, the ST_IsValid(), ST_MakeEnvelope(), and ST_Validate() functions required
geometry arguments with SRID 0. They now accept geometry arguments with an SRID for a
projected spatial reference system. (WL #8579)
In MySQL 5.7, several spatial functions available under multiple names were deprecated to move
in the direction of making the spatial function namespace more consistent, the goal being that each
spatial function name begin with ST_ if it performs an exact operation, or with MBR if it performs
an operation based on minimum bounding rectangles. The deprecated functions have now been
removed to leave only the corresponding ST_ and MBR functions:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
These functions are removed in favor of the MBR names: Contains(), Disjoint(), Equals(),
Intersects(), Overlaps(), Within().
These functions are removed in favor of the ST_ names: Area(), AsBinary(),
AsText(), AsWKB(), AsWKT(), Buffer(), Centroid(), ConvexHull(), Crosses(),
Dimension(), Distance(), EndPoint(), Envelope(), ExteriorRing(),
GeomCollFromText(), GeomCollFromWKB(), GeomFromText(), GeomFromWKB(),
GeometryCollectionFromText(), GeometryCollectionFromWKB(),
GeometryFromText(), GeometryFromWKB(), GeometryN(), GeometryType(),
InteriorRingN(), IsClosed(), IsEmpty(), IsSimple(), LineFromText(),
LineFromWKB(), LineStringFromText(), LineStringFromWKB(), MLineFromText(),
MLineFromWKB(), MPointFromText(), MPointFromWKB(), MPolyFromText(),
MPolyFromWKB(), MultiLineStringFromText(), MultiLineStringFromWKB(),
MultiPointFromText(), MultiPointFromWKB(), MultiPolygonFromText(),
MultiPolygonFromWKB(), NumGeometries(), NumInteriorRings(), NumPoints(),
PointFromText(), PointFromWKB(), PointN(), PolyFromText(), PolyFromWKB(),
PolygonFromText(), PolygonFromWKB(), SRID(), StartPoint(), Touches(), X(), Y().
GLength() is removed in favor of ST_Length().
(WL #8157)
Test Suite Notes now supports a --do-suite option, which is similar to --do-test but
permits specifying entire suites of tests to run. (Bug #24350345)
The mysqltest rmdir command fails if the directory to be removed contains any files or
directories. To enable recursive removal of a directory as well as its contents, if any, mysqltest
now supports a force-rmdir command. (Bug #24316799)
Two new test suite options make it easier to debug test cases: supports a --mysqltest=options option that enables options to be
passed to mysqltest.
mysqltest supports a --trace-exec option that causes it to immediately print output from
executed programs to stdout. now recognizes the MTR_CTEST_TIMEOUT environment variable. If set,
the value is a timeout in seconds to pass to ctest unit test commands. (Bug #21821049, Bug
For test cases in the MySQL test suite, it was previously possible to use symbolic error names for the
--error command only for server errors. This is now also possible for client errors. For example:
(Bug #21048973, Bug #76972)
The mysqltest program now has a copy_files_wildcard command that copies all files
that match a pattern from a source directory to a destination directory. See the MySQL Server
Doxygen documentation, available at (Bug #82111, Bug
X Plugin Notes
The Protobuf decoder class limited the number of nested objects to 50 (the default value). (Bug
#23707238, Bug #82025)
The statement list_objects incorrectly reported a table as a collection. (Bug #23631240)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
The create_collection statement created a collection table with a unique key index on the
'_id' column instead of on the primary key. (Bug #23284569)
Functionality Added or Changed
Incompatible Change; Partitioning: The generic partitioning handler has been removed
from the MySQL server. As part of this change, mysqld no longer supports the --
partition and --skip-partition options, and the server can no longer be built using -
DWITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE. partition is also no longer displayed in the output of
In order to support partitioning of a given table, the storage engine used for the table must now
provide its own (“native”) partitioning handler. InnoDB is the only storage engine supported in
MySQL 8.0 which includes a native partitioning handler. An attempt to create partitioned tables in
MySQL 8.0 using any other storage engine fails. (The NDB storage engine used by MySQL NDB
Cluster also provides its own partitioning handler, but is currently not supported by MySQL 8.0.)
Effects on upgrades. The direct upgrade of a partitioned table using a storage engine other than
InnoDB (such as MyISAM) from MySQL 5.7 (or earlier) to MySQL 8.0 is not supported. There are
two options for upgrading such a table to be compatible with MySQL 8.0, listed here:
Remove the table's partitioning; you can do this without any data loss by executing an ALTER
Change the storage engine used for the table to InnoDB, using ALTER TABLE ...
ENGINE=INNODB; this leaves the table's partitioning in place. At least one of these operations
must be performed for any partitioned non-InnoDB table, prior to upgrading the server to MySQL
8.0. Otherwise, such a table cannot be used following the upgrade.
For information about converting MyISAM tables to InnoDB, see Converting Tables from MyISAM
to InnoDB.
An analogous situation is met when importing databases from a dump file that was created in
MySQL 5.7 or earlier using mysqldump into a MySQL 8.0 server, due to the fact that table creation
statements that would result in a partitioned table using a storage engine without such support fail
with an error in MySQL 8.0. For this reason you must ensure that any statements in the dump file
creating partitioned tables do not also specify an unsupported storage engine. You can do this either
by removing any references to partitioning from CREATE TABLE statements that use a value for the
STORAGE ENGINE option other than InnoDB, or by specifying the storage engine as InnoDB (or
allowing InnoDB to be used by default).
For more information, see Partitioning Limitations Relating to Storage Engines. (WL #8971, WL
InnoDB: The innodb_buffer_pool_debug option permits multiple buffer pool instances when the
buffer pool is less than 1GB in size, ignoring the 1GB minimum buffer pool size constraint imposed
on innodb_buffer_pool_instances. (Bug #24287290)
InnoDB: A new dynamic configuration option, innodb_deadlock_detect, may be used to disable
deadlock detection. On high concurrency systems, deadlock detection can cause a slowdown when
numerous threads wait for the same lock. At times, it may be more efficient to disable deadlock
detection and rely on the innodb_lock_wait_timeout setting for transaction rollback when a
deadlock occurs. (Bug #23477773, WL #9383)
InnoDB: The libinnodb_zipdecompress.a library allows external tools to use the
page_zip_decompress_low() function to decompress InnoDB pages. (Bug #21405300, Bug
InnoDB: To address contention that could occur under some workloads, the buffer pool mutex was
removed and replaced by several list and hash protecting mutexes. Also, several buffer pool related
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
variables no longer require buffer pool mutex protection. Thanks to Yasufumi Kinoshita and Laurynas
Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #20381905, Bug #75534, WL #8423)
InnoDB: InnoDB now avoids intermediate commits that would occur every 10000 rows during
ALTER TABLE ALGORITHM=COPY operations. The purpose of intermediate commits was to speed
up recovery in the case of an aborted ALTER TABLE ALGORITHM=COPY operation. If an ALTER
TABLE ALGORITHM=COPY operation is aborted, the new, uncommitted table is now dropped during
DDL log recovery before the undo log is rolled back, thereby avoiding time-consuming data rollback
for the uncommitted table. Undo logging is now suppressed for ALTER TABLE ALGORITHM=COPY
operations unless there is an IGNORE clause or something else that requires rollback capability.
If there is full-text index on the table being altered, full-text data is inserted into full-text auxiliary
tables as the ALTER TABLE ALGORITHM=COPY operation inserts rows into the new, uncommitted
table. Previously, full-text data was only processed on transaction commit. (Bug #17479594)
InnoDB: To reduce read-write lock contention that can result from multiple purge threads purging
rows from the same table, undo records are now grouped and assigned to different purge threads by
table ID. (WL #9387)
InnoDB: InnoDB code now uses the C++ std::thread library for thread management. (WL
InnoDB: BLOB code was refactored to provide an internal C++ interface for operations on
compressed and uncompressed BLOB data. (WL #8985, WL #9141)
InnoDB: The InnoDB memcached plugin now supports multiple get operations (fetching multiple
key/value pairs in a single memcached query) and range queries. See InnoDB memcached Multiple
get and Range Query Support. (WL #6650)
InnoDB: When encountering index tree corruption, InnoDB writes a corruption flag to the redo log,
which makes the corruption flag crash safe. InnoDB also writes in-memory corruption flag data to
an engine-private system table on each checkpoint. During recovery, InnoDB reads corruption flags
from both locations and merges results before marking in-memory table and index objects as corrupt.
(WL #7816)
InnoDB: InnoDB no longer creates .isl files (InnoDB Symbolic Link files) when creating
tablespace data files outside of the MySQL data directory.
With this change, moving a remote tablespace while the server is offline by manually modifying an
.isl file is not supported. (WL #6416)
InnoDB: InnoDB no longer supports compressed temporary tables. When
innodb_strict_mode is enabled (the default), CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE returns an error
if ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED or KEY_BLOCK_SIZE is specified. If innodb_strict_mode is
disabled, warnings are issued and the temporary table is created using a non-compressed row
With this change, all temporary tables are created in the shared temporary tablespace, ibtmp1.
The PER_TABLE_TABLESPACE and IS_COMPRESSED columns were removed from the
InnoDB: The new INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_CACHED_INDEXES table reports the number of
index pages cached in the InnoDB buffer pool for each index. (WL #7170)
InnoDB: The innodb_checksums system variable was removed. innodb_checksums was
replaced by innodb_checksum_algorithm in MySQL 5.6.3. (WL #8893)
InnoDB: InnoDB startup code was refactored. (WL #7488)
InnoDB: The innodb_flush_method default value is no longer NULL. On Unix-like systems, the
default value is fsync. On Windows systems, the default value is unbuffered.
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
On Windows, the innodb_flush_method setting no longer affects the
innodb_use_native_aio setting. There are now two possible settings for
innodb_flush_method on Windows, unbuffered (unbuffered I/O) and normal (buffered
I/O). With this change, you can enable asynchronous I/O with buffered I/O, which is a new
combination (innodb_use_native_aio=ON and innodb_flush_method=normal). The
async_unbuffered setting was removed.
You can now set innodb_flush_method and innodb_change_buffering configuration options
using numeric values. (WL #7488)
InnoDB: InnoDB no longer creates an .isl file (InnoDB Symbolic Link files) when creating a file-
per-table tablespace data file outside of the MySQL data directory. InnoDB now uses the redo log to
locate remote tablespace data files.
Offline relocation of a file-per-table tablespace data file created outside of the MySQL data directory
by modifying the .isl file is no longer supported. (WL #6416)
InnoDB: The current maximum auto-increment counter value is now written to the redo log each
time the value changes, and saved to an engine-private system table on each checkpoint. These
changes make the current maximum auto-increment counter value persistent across server restarts.
A server restart no longer cancels the effect of the AUTO_INCREMENT = N table option. If you
initialize the auto-increment counter to a specific value, or if you alter the auto-increment counter
value to a larger value, the new value is persisted across server restarts.
A server restart immediately following a ROLLBACK operation no longer results in the reuse of
auto-increment values that were allocated to the rolled-back transaction.
If you modify an AUTO_INCREMENT column value to a value larger than the current maximum
auto-increment value (in an UPDATE operation, for example), the new value is persisted, and
subsequent INSERT operations allocate auto-increment values starting from the new, larger value.
For more information, see AUTO_INCREMENT Handling in InnoDB, and InnoDB
AUTO_INCREMENT Counter Initialization. (Bug #199, Bug #13726455, WL #6204)
Replication: There are two improvements to how a CHANGE MASTER TO statement is written into
the error log (mysqld.log):
Before, no commas were put between the option specifications (for example MASTER_USER =
and MASTER_PASSWORD = ), so users who wanted to use the statement by copy and paste had to
insert the commas manually. Commas are now inserted when the statement is written to the error
When the literal “<secret>” is inserted as a placeholder for the MASTER_PASSWORD value, no
quotes are used now, so users who forget to replace the literal with the real password before a
copy and paste gets a syntax error immediately, instead of running into other issues.
(Bug #18194384)
Replication: It is now possible to restore a backup of a GTID-based replication server because
you can add GTIDs to gtid_purged, regardless of whether gtid_executed is empty or not.
This enables you to restore backups from GTID-based replication servers without losing existing
GTID information and binary logs. The GTIDs to add are those which existed in gtid_executed
at the time of taking the backup. The syntax for SET GTID_PURGED has been extended so that
SET GTID_PURGED ="+gtid_set" adds gtid_set to the existing gtid_purged GTID set. (WL
Replication: New Performance Schema stages have been added to show the progress of row-
based replication. You can use these stages to check the progress of slow operations in row-
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
based replication. Additionally you can find out which database the changes are being applied to.
This assists in troubleshooting row-based replication issues and provides more information for
performance tuning. For more information see Monitoring Row-based Replication (WL #7364)
JSON: This release adds an unquoting extraction operator ->>, sometimes also referred to as an
inline path operator, for use with JSON documents stored in MySQL. The new operator is similar to
the -> operator, but performs JSON unquoting of the value as well. For a JSON column mycol and
JSON path expression mypath, the following three expressions are equivalent:
JSON_UNQUOTE( JSON_EXTRACT(mycol, "$.mypath") )
The ->> operator can be used in SQL statements wherever JSON_UNQUOTE(JSON_EXTRACT())
would be allowed. This includes (but is not limited to) SELECT lists, WHERE and HAVING clauses, and
ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses.
For more information, see Functions That Search JSON Values, and JSON Path Syntax. (Bug
#78736, Bug #21980346, WL #9124)
To produce more accurate estimates, the MEMORY storage engine now calculates index statistics
(records per key estimates) using floating-point rather than integer arithmetic. (Bug #23024059)
A new CMake option, INSTALL_STATIC_LIBRARIES, enables control over whether to install static
libraries. The default is ON. If set to OFF, these libraries are not installed: libmysqlclient.a,
libmysqld.a, libmysqlservices.a. (Bug #22891432)
The internal mysql_prepare_create_table() server function has been refactored for improved
code maintainability and clarity. This code revision results in the following minor changes of behavior
Attempts to create a second primary key based on a NULL column now produce an
Attempts to create a second primary key based on a generated
column now produce an ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY error rather than
Attempts to create a full-text key on a JSON column now produce an ER_JSON_USED_AS_KEY
error rather than ER_BAD_FT_COLUMN.
Attempts to create a key in a storage engine that does not support keys (for example, EXAMPLE)
now produce an ER_TOO_MANY_KEYS error rather than ER_TOO_MANY_KEY_PARTS.
(Bug #22884886)
Previously, the Performance Schema was not built for libmysqld, the embedded
server. This prevented use of the SHOW STATUS and SHOW VARIABLES statements with
show_compatibility_56=OFF because, with that setting, those statements take their results
from Performance Schema tables. Now for libmysqld, the required Performance Schema tables
are built (with no instrumentation collected), so that those SHOW statements can be supported with
show_compatibility_56=OFF. (Bug #22809694)
Several internal functions used by JSON_CONTAINS(), JSON_SEARCH(), and other MySQL JSON
functions created excessive numbers of local copies of keys, values, or both, when performing
inspections of JSON objects. Such copying has been eliminated or reduced in many cases. In
addition, the lifetimes of temporary objects used by some of these functions have been reduced.
These changes should make these and related JSON functions perform more efficiently than
previously, and with fewer resources required. (Bug #22602142)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
If the system lz4 and openssl zlib commands are available, the lz4_decompress and
zlib_decompress utilities are unneeded. Two changes enable those utilities not to be built: If
the new WITH_LZ4 CMake option is set to system, lz4_decompress is not built or installed. If
the WITH_ZLIB CMake option is set to system, zlib_decompress is not built or installed. (Bug
Source files for the MySQL strings library have been converted from C (.c suffix) to C++ (.cc
suffix). This enables stricter compilation checks and use of C++ features in the library code. (Bug
Source code for the mysys library now uses C++ rather than C to take advantage of stricter
compilation checks and permit use of C++ features. (Bug #21881278)
For improved performance and better compatibility with other platforms, my_sync() on OS X now
uses fsync() rather than fcntl() with the F_FULLSYNC flag. (Bug #20742269)
A new CMake option, WITH_TSAN, permits enabling ThreadSanitizer for compilers that support it.
(Bug #80409, Bug #23171902)
The global list of connections, previously protected by a single mutex, has been partitioned into
eight parts, each protected by its own instance of the mutex. The result is a reduction of overhead
and improved performance for connection processing. An implication of this change for monitoring
purposes is that the Performance Schema now exposes eight different instances each of the
LOCK_thd_list mutex, LOCK_thd_remove mutex, and COND_thd_list condition variable. (WL
MySQL now provides functions to manipulate UUID values and make them easier to work with:
UUID_TO_BIN() and BIN_TO_UUID() convert between UUID values in string and binary
formats (represented as hexadecimal characters and VARBINARY(16), respectively). This permits
conversion of string UUID values to binary values that take less storage space. UUID values
converted to binary can be represented in a way that permits improved indexing efficiency.
IS_UUID() returns 1 or 0 to indicate whether its argument is a valid string-format UUID value.
For more information about these functions, see Miscellaneous Functions (WL #8920)
The server now relies on storage engines to clean up temporary tables left from previous server
runs. InnoDB does this by discarding the temporary tablespace on restart. MyISAM and other similar
storage engines still rely on scanning the temporary directory to detect leftover tables, by looking for
files belonging to these engines with a certain name pattern. (WL #7784)
The server no longer performs conversion of pre-MySQL 5.1 database names containing special
characters to 5.1 format with the addition of a #mysql50# prefix. Because these conversions are
no longer performed, the --fix-db-names and --fix-table-names options for mysqlcheck,
the UPGRADE DATA DIRECTORY NAME clause for the ALTER DATABASE statement, and the
Com_alter_db_upgrade status variable have been removed.
Upgrades are supported only from one major version to another (for example, 5.0 to 5.1, or 5.1 to
5.5), so there should be little remaining need for conversion of older 5.0 database names to current
versions of MySQL. As a workaround, upgrade a MySQL 5.0 installation to MySQL 5.1 before
upgrading to a more recent release. (WL #8186)
Bugs Fixed
Incompatible Change: Concatenation of spatial values makes little sense, so the CONCAT() and
CONCAT_WS() functions now produce an error for spatial arguments. (Bug #22893669)
Important Change; JSON: The empty string value is now accepted as a key when used with
JSON functions such as JSON_EXTRACT(). In such cases, it must be quoted. (Bug #79643, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
NDB Cluster: Previously, the mysql.ndb_binlog_index table was created even if the server was
built without NDB. Now the table is created only if the server is built with NDB. (Bug #22874872)
InnoDB; Microsoft Windows: An unspecified block size resulted in an empty
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLESPACES table on Windows NTFS with a cluster page size greater
than or equal to 8K. (Bug #23598872)
InnoDB; Microsoft Windows: Compilation of InnoDB with Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 returned
warnings. (Bug #23056963)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE ... ALGORITHM=COPY operation that added a foreign key constraint
failed after due to an intermediate commit that occurred after 10000 rows were copied. The
intermediate commit reset the foreign key checks flag, causing the operation to fail. The intermediate
commit no longer occurs. (Bug #28662255, Bug #92471)
References: See also: Bug #17479594.
InnoDB: Unnecessary checks were removed from the ut_cpuid() function which is used to fetch
information about the CPU. (Bug #24405292)
InnoDB: An asynchronous read operation on a deleted tablespace raised an error. (Bug #24388498)
InnoDB: dict_col_t accessors were added to the InnoDB code. (Bug #24363566)
InnoDB: dict_col functions in the InnoDB code were replaced by accessors. (Bug #24361098)
InnoDB: dict_index_t functions in the InnoDB code were replaced by accessors. (Bug
InnoDB: Unnecessary code that checked for and released reserved adaptive hash index search
latches was removed. (Bug #24300175)
InnoDB: A system tablespace data file size greater than 4G on a 32-bit operating system could
result in an overflow condition. (Bug #23753625)
InnoDB: Internal methods for accessing table object data were added to dict_table_t. (Bug
InnoDB: The restriction that required the first undo tablespace to use space_id 1 was removed to
avoid space_id conflicts with existing tablespaces during upgrade. The first undo tablespace can
now use a space_id other than 1. space_id values for undo tablespaces are still assigned in a
consecutive sequence. (Bug #23517560)
InnoDB: Internal accessor functions for iterating the indexes of a table were replaced with accessor
methods. Dead code was removed. (Bug #23336108)
InnoDB: The mysql.innodb_index_stats and mysql.innodb_table_stats table
definitions, which were previously created by an SQL script, are now hard-coded. As a result, the
dict_table_schema_check function is longer required and was removed. (Bug #23336079)
InnoDB: The ut_snprint function was replaced by the C++11 snprintf function. (Bug
InnoDB: For consistency, instances of ulint in InnoDB code were replaced with space_id_t and
page_no_t data types. (Bug #23297169)
InnoDB: Use of boost::atomic in InnoDB code was replaced with std::atomic. (Bug #23280649)
InnoDB: MySQL binaries were not built with the NUMA feature. (Bug #23259754)
InnoDB: References to UNIV_NONINL and UNIV_MUST_NOT_INLINE were removed. The and files, which were only necessary when UNIV_NONINL was defined,
were also removed. (Bug #23150562)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: The mutex_own() mapping caused warnings when compiling with Clang or newer GCC
compilers. (Bug #23090278)
InnoDB: Querying the Performance Schema for InnoDB memory allocation event data incorrectly
reported values of 0. (Bug #23020280)
InnoDB: DBUG_OFF compile-time flags were replaced by UNIV_DEBUG flags. To improve error log
output, ut_dbg_assertion_failed() now uses sql_print_error() to display the file name,
line number, and message in a single line. The thread ID is displayed in a subsequent line. (Bug
#22996442, Bug #23028144)
InnoDB: SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output displayed negative spin rounds per wait values.
Thanks to Laurynas Biveinis for the patch. (Bug #22844987, Bug #79703)
InnoDB: The innodb_disable_resize_buffer_pool_debug option was removed. The patch
for this change also removed a code variable and simplified the buf_pool_resize() function.
(Bug #22755053)
InnoDB: A global counter (ut_rnd_ulint_counter) was changed to a thread-local counter to
make it scalable on multi-core systems. (Bug #22733635, Bug #80354)
InnoDB: After a successful ALTER TABLE ... ALGORITHM=COPY operation, an assertion was
raised while building a previous version of a clustered index record. (Bug #22707367)
InnoDB: A DML operation that updated a counter in a table with a virtual index raised on assertion in
row_parse_int(). (Bug #22650195)
InnoDB: The InnoDB memcached plugin would not load when compiled with libevent 2.0. (Bug
InnoDB: Unused calculations for integer-based rec_per_key values were removed from InnoDB.
Integer-based rec_per_key information was replaced by floating point index statistics in an earlier
release. (Bug #22625348)
InnoDB: On slow shutdown, purge thread shutdown was initiated before the background rollback
thread exited, resulting in an assertion failure. (Bug #22561332)
InnoDB: Blocks were lost in row_vers_old_has_index_entry() due to unfreed heaps. (Bug
#22543834, Bug #79973)
InnoDB: A transportable tablespace debug test raised an assertion that was due to a race condition.
(Bug #22453668)
InnoDB: The server failed to start due to missing undo tablespaces. (Bug #22452992)
InnoDB: InnoDB recovery asserted while attempting to close an undo tablespace due to buffered
undo tablespace changes introduced by the recovery process. (Bug #22361764)
InnoDB: Reallocation of memcached-referenced memory raised an assertion. (Bug #22304250, Bug
InnoDB: Building InnoDB with C++11 returned “register” deprecation warnings. Handling of
“register” deprecation warnings remained in the code after the deprecated “register” keyword was
removed. Also, an unused declaration of yyset_extra() was removed. (Bug #22292704)
InnoDB: SHOW CREATE TABLE output for partitioned tables did not accurately display tablespace
assignment information for table partitions. (Bug #22245554)
InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE...TRUNCATE PARTITION operation ignored the table's
KEY_BLOCK_SIZE attribute and used the default value instead, which is half of the
innodb_page_size value. (Bug #22186558, Bug #79223)
InnoDB: Memory leaks in innochecksum were corrected. (Bug #22179518)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: A SPACE_ID column was added to the INNODB_CACHED_INDEXES table. The INDEX_ID
value is no longer a global unique identifier. (Bug #22172026)
InnoDB: A purge thread open table callback for virtual columns raised an assertion due to an
unexpected data dictionary table latch. As a temporary workaround, purge is temporarily disabled for
virtual generated columns. This temporary workaround may cause b-tree expansion due to unpurged
delete-marked records for indexes on virtual columns. (Bug #22153217)
InnoDB: Creating a table with a full-text index and a foreign key constraint failed when
foreign_key_checks was disabled. (Bug #22094601, Bug #78955)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #16845421.
InnoDB: The ha_innobase::m_primary_key field was removed. It was redundant. A boolean
predicate, TABLE_SHARE::is_missing_primary_key(), was added. (Bug #21928734, Bug
InnoDB: A buffer pool load operation that attempted to load an uninitialized page caused a Valgrind
failure. (Bug #21747906)
InnoDB: Unused functions introduced by the InnoDB memcached plugin were removed. (Bug
InnoDB: An internal global variable used by the innodb_buffer_pool_size configuration option
was removed. (Bug #21512749)
InnoDB: An InnoDB page cleaner thread asserted during a buffer pool resize operation. (Bug
InnoDB: Log buffer contention was reduced with the addition of a second buffer, allowing for
concurrent log buffer writing and flushing. A new mutex was added to protect log buffer flushing.
Thanks to Zhai Weixiang for the patch. (Bug #21352937, Bug #77094)
InnoDB: Unused InnoDB and libsql functions and variables were removed, and global symbols
were converted to static keywords, where possible. (Bug #21153166, Bug #21141390, Bug #77146,
Bug #21178589)
InnoDB: A number of unused predefined functions were removed from an internal SQL parser that
is used for implementing full-text indexes, updating the data dictionary, and updating persistent
statistics. (Bug #21126390, Bug #77111)
InnoDB: The SysTablespace::parse_units() function now returns the number of pages in a
file instead of the number of megabytes. The SysTablespace::normalize_size() function was
removed. Error messages in SysTablespace::parse_params() were revised. (Bug #21040199,
Bug #76949)
InnoDB: For persistent tables, the internal unique identifier for InnoDB indexes (index_id) now
includes a tablespace identifier (space_id,index_id). This change makes index identifiers unique
at the tablespace level as well as the InnoDB instance level, and supports future work related to
index identifier allocation. (Bug #20737524, Bug #76392)
InnoDB: In, a redundant function was removed, and the ReleaseBlocks function
was renamed to AddDirtyBlocksToFlushList. (Bug #20735882, Bug #76343)
InnoDB: Code related to innochecksum was cleaned up and reorganized. Checksum functionality
is now located in (Bug #20518099)
InnoDB: __attribute__((nonnull)) was removed from InnoDB code. The attribute is no
longer permitted by InnoDB coding guidelines. (Bug #20468234)
InnoDB: A new struct was added to provide a logical interface for handling and manipulating
external BLOB field references. (Bug #18195972)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB: TRUNCATE TABLE is now mapped to DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE. This change has
the following implications:
On systems with a large buffer pool and innodb_adaptive_hash_index enabled, TRUNCATE
TABLE operations previously caused a temporary drop in system performance due to an LRU scan
that occurred when removing the table's adaptive hash index entries. The remapping of TRUNCATE
TABLE to DROP TABLE and CREATE TABLE avoids the problematic LRU scan.
TRUNCATE TABLE is temporarily non-atomic. A server exit during a TRUNCATE TABLE operation
can result in a dropped table and orphaned foreign key constraints in the InnoDB SYS_FOREIGN
and SYS_FOREIGN_COLS system tables.
The InnoDB memcached plugin flush_all command invokes DELETE instead of TRUNCATE
TABLE. DELETE has a higher overhead cost than FLUSH TABLES since it involves undo-logging,
delete-marking, and eventually purging each deleted row.
A log checkpoint that occurred for internal truncate table operations on file-per-table tablespaces
was replaced by a log flush.
(Bug #16834993, Bug #68184, Bug #16207919, WL #6795)
InnoDB: InnoDB wasted most pages in extents used for fragment pages. (Bug #16204823, Bug
Partitioning: In some cases, an issue with partition pruning being attempted a second time during
optimization after all partitions had already been pruned at parsing time led to an assert. (Bug
Partitioning: A partitioned table whose table name and any partition name had a combined length in
excess of 61 characters could not be imported from a backup created using mysqldump. When the
table also employed subpartitioning, then the combined length of the table name, any partition name,
and the name of any subpartition of this partition could not exceed 57 characters without triggering
the same issue.
This was due to the fact that the internal mysql.innodb_table_stats table
allowed a maximum of 64 characters for the column used to store the table name,
even though InnoDB stores, for a partitioned or subpartitioned table, a row in
innodb_table_stats for each partition or subpartition wherein the value actually used
to represent the table name follows the pattern table_name#P#partition_name or
table_name#P#partition_name#SP#subpartition_name, respectively. This issue is fixed
by changing the definition of the innodb_table_stats to accommodate the maximum combined
length of these attributes plus #P# and #SP# (199 characters). (Bug #72061, Bug #18416479)
Replication: In Slave_worker::write_info(), DBUG_ENTER() had
Master_info::write_info” as its argument instead of “Slave_worker::write_info”. This
fix corrects the argument. Thanks to Stewart Smith for the patch. (Bug #21658067, Bug #78133)
Replication: When using START SLAVE UNTIL position statements with a multithreaded
slave the only UNTIL clause available was SQL_BEFORE_GTIDS. Now multithreaded slaves
are compatible with the START SLAVE UNTIL MASTER_LOG_FILE = 'log_name',
'log_name', RELAY_LOG_POS = log_position statements. (Bug #75843, Bug #20513547)
Microsoft Windows: On Windows, setting the global log_syslog system variable in multiple
threads could cause a server exit. (Bug #22180046)
Solaris: The client library failed to build on Solaris using the Cstd library. (Bug #24353920, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
JSON: CHECKSUM TABLE calculated the checksums for JSON values using the memory addresses
of the values rather than the values themselves, which made the checksum vary. Now in such cases
the calculation is based on the actual JSON value, and not on that value's address. (Bug #23535703)
JSON: Passing NULL to a stored procedure expecting a JSON parameter led to an assertion failure
in debug builds. (Bug #23209914)
JSON: Parsing of JSON path arguments failed to distinguish between a NULL path and one that was
syntactically invalid.
This has been changed so that parsing of these paths now clearly distinguishes between valid non-
NULL paths, NULL paths, and invalid paths. (Bug #22816576)
JSON: For debug builds, an assertion could be raised when the server created a temporary table to
hold JSON objects. (Bug #22782948)
JSON: Queries that executed a JSON function that raised an error could cause a server exit. (Bug
Renaming a table to be part of a nonexistent database failed (correctly), but with an Unknown
error message. A proper error message is now produced; this was corrected as part of the data
dictionary implementation. (Bug #25167507, Bug #84000)
For segmentation faults on FreeBSD, the server did not generate a stack trace. (Bug #24566529,
Bug #23575445, Bug #81827)
On macOS, stack trace demangling now occurs for builds compiled using Clang, just as for GCC.
(Bug #23606094, Bug #81908)
libevent was built on macOS even when not needed. (Bug #23228287, Bug #81311)
A function that returns a JSON value could cause a server exit if called as part of a CASE statement in
a stored procedure. (Bug #23212765)
Previously, different values were reported by SHOW ENGINE PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA STATUS
and SELECT * FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_global_by_event_name
for total memory used in the Performance Schema. The memory for scalable buffer pages,
instrumented as memory/performance_schema/scalable_buffer, was missing from the
SHOW ENGINE STATUS output. That statement now includes the missing memory, displayed as
(pfs_buffer_scalable_container).memory. (Bug #23104498)
The -fexpensive-optimizations option to GCC caused ARM64 and PowerPC builds to
compute floating-point operations slightly differently from other platforms. This option was enabled by
-O2 and higher optimization levels. The option now is disabled on platforms negatively affected by it.
(Bug #23046775)
After a failed administrative operation such as ALTER TABLE ... OPTIMIZE PARTITION,
selecting from the Performance Schema in lock-tables mode could hang. (Bug #23044286)
In builds with AddressSanitizer enabled, CAST(... AS BINARY) could cause a server exit. (Bug
Some spatial functions were reported using a different spatial function name in error messages. (Bug
#22883056, Bug #80627)
Fixed Valgrind warnings with Clang in optimized mode for the my_strtod_int() function. (Bug
Precision math operations on values with 64 decimals could produce a 0 result. (Bug #22828692)
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON() could return an error with valid arguments. (Bug #22804853)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
For debug builds with STRICT_TRANS_TABLES SQL mode enabled, an assertion could be raised
by INSERT or REPLACE statements that had made changes that could not be rolled back and that
subsequently generated an ER_NO_DEFAULT_FOR_FIELD error. (Bug #22635253)
The optimizer contained a memcpy() call that did not check for overlapping source and destination.
(Bug #22537196)
For debug builds, a missing error check on the result of a subquery that accessed a JSON value
could raise an assertion. (Bug #22522073)
Preparing a CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement, then flushing tables (thus closing the table)
and executing the prepared statement could cause a server exit. (Bug #22393309)
A prepared statement that used a parameter in the select list of a derived table that was part of a join
could cause a server exit. (Bug #22392374, Bug #24380263)
Some grant tables did not account for the increase in maximum user name length from 16 to 32
characters in MySQL 5.7.8. (Bug #22379607, Bug #79680)
Re-evaluation of a generated column expression could cause access to previously freed memory
and a server exit. (Bug #22346120)
HANDLER read statements that searched an index when the target index value was not stored into
the row buffer successfully could cause a server exit. (Bug #22321965)
Improper handling of numeric-to-ZEROFILL conversion for NULL values could lead to a server exit.
(Bug #22281205)
Using a subquery containing a row constructor to set a variable in a SET statement could cause a
server exit. (Bug #22276843)
If the SQL mode did not include ALLOW_INVALID_DATES, a query that contained invalid_date
IN (subquery) and was handled by subquery materialization could cause a server exit. (Bug
For the embedded server, the code following the check for invalid arguments was invoked with
missing or incorrect arguments, which could lead to an improper exit. (Bug #22262706)
On OS X, vio_io_wait() used select(), limiting the number of file descriptors to 1024. Now
kqueue event notification is used instead to avoid this limit. FreeBSD was changed to use kqueue as
well. (Bug #22244911)
Memory leaks could result if stored routine loading involved temporarily changing the default
database and errors occurred restoring the original default database. (Bug #22179795)
CMake configuration was adjusted to check for -Wxxx compiler options instead of -Wno-xxx
because the latter produce false positives for GCC. (Bug #21881753)
There could be discrepancies between the values of
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.EVENTS.LAST_EXECUTED and mysql.event.last_executed. This
no longer occurs. Event information is stored in the data dictionary table, which
is invisible, so that INFORMATION_SCHEMA.EVENTS is the sole interface to event metadata. (Bug
Views could evaluate user-defined or SQL functions before evaluating restrictions from the view
definition. (Bug #20933307)
With -DENABLE_DTRACE=ON, CMake did not check whether a working DTrace installation was
present. Now it checks and aborts if DTrace cannot be found. (Bug #20671056)
SHOW CREATE USER returned unexpected results. (Bug #20625566)
If given a relative path name for the --log-error option, mysqld could sent stdout and stderr
to the wrong location. (Bug #20609063)
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Evaluation of LEAST() and GREATEST() could use too small a sort buffer for datetime and string
literals, causing an assertion to be raised. (Bug #20565160)
The range of error numbers for errors that are new in MySQL 8.0 has been designated to begin with
3500. (Bug #20538173)
Debian packaging was updated not to set the sql_mode system variable in my.cnf. (Bug
Event loading from the mysql.event system table could fail if the PAD_CHAR_TO_FULL_LENGTH
SQL mode was enabled. (Bug #20073523, Bug #74947)
Statements such as INSERT and LOAD DATA that use the REPLACE or IGNORE keyword to handle
duplicate records could affect subsequent operations. (Bug #20017428)
CREATE TABLE ... SELECT where non-BIT data was selected from the source table into a BIT
column in the destination table could cause a server exit. (Bug #19930894)
Compilation failed on OS X when MySQL was configured with -DMYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE=1 and
compiled with clang/Xcode 6.0. (Bug #19694515, Bug #74100)
For CHANGE MASTER TO statements rewritten to filter the password before being written to the
general query log, any MASTER_AUTO_POSITION clause was lost. (Bug #19622609)
Use of the VALUES() function in a SELECT clause could result in a server exit. (Bug #19601973)
A potential null-pointer dereference and memory leak in table-rename code were corrected. (Bug
Using MATCH ... AGAINST to compare a character column and an aggregate function could cause
a server exit. (Bug #17865492)
Slightly different values for the number of connections could be reported in various information
sources, such as the Connections status variable, Performance Schema threads and
global_status tables, and SHOW PROCESSLIST statement. (Bug #17666696)
A query with a subquery containing a set operation with an outer reference might cause a server exit.
(Bug #17270896)
Using GRANT to change a password for an invalid user produced an error, but also updated the
mysql.user system table. (Bug #17180985)
The parser for spatial WKT data accepted numbers such as 0.23 but not .23, the equivalent value
without the leading zero. Now both formats are accepted. (Bug #17167633)
Previously, if a client attempted to send connection attribute key/value pairs that in aggregate had a
size larger than the value of the performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_size system
variable, the Performance Schema truncated the attribute data. In addition, the Performance Schema
wrote this message to the error log if the log_warnings system variable was greater than zero:
[Warning] Connection attributes of length N were truncated
This message was not helpful to a DBA attempting to determine the problematic client, so several
changes have been made to connection attribute handling:
Truncation of connection attributes still occurs for excessive data, but the log message is more
informative. It includes the number of bytes lost, the connection identifier, and information about
the client user. The additional information should enable DBAs to more easily identify clients for
which attribute truncation occurred.
When truncation occurs, a _truncated attribute is added to the session attributes with a value
indicating how many bytes were lost, if the attribute buffer has sufficient space. This enables the
Performance Schema to expose per-connection truncation information in the connection attribute
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
A new status variable, Performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_longest_seen,
indicates the longest connection attribute buffer smaller than 64KB seen by the server. If this value
is larger than performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_size, attribute truncation
has occurred, and DBAs may wish to increase the latter value, or, alternatively, investigate which
clients are sending large amounts of attribute data.
For more information, see Performance Schema Connection Attribute Tables. (Bug #16576959)
Introduction of the data dictionary enables several INFORMATION_SCHEMA problems to be
Queries on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS could return different results depending on the
order of columns in the select list.
Some INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables had suboptimal column types and sizes. Such tables that
are now views on data dictionary tables in the mysql system database have more appropriate
column definitions.
Queries on INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that resulted in directory scans to determine database
or file names no longer do so, but instead read database and table names from the data dictionary.
Queries on INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables that opened .frm files to obtain table metadata no
longer do so, but instead read this information from the data dictionary.
For comparisons of database or table names in INFORMATION_SCHEMA queries, using COLLATE
to force a given collation worked only if applied to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table column, but
not if applied to the comparison value.
For additional information about performing such comparisons, see Using Collation in
(Bug #14017351, Bug #65121, Bug #17559183, Bug #70462, Bug #23259470, Bug #81347, Bug
#20372562, Bug #75532, Bug #13878164, Bug #11756519, Bug #48445)
For abnormal server exit on Windows, the server previously created a minidump file named
module_name.dmp, where module_name is the name of the server executable file. To prevent
earlier minidump files from being overwritten, minidump file names now include the process ID and
have the form module_name..piddmp; for example, mysqld.exe.7296.dmp. (Bug #12779463)
For queries on INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables, comparisons of schema and table names could be
case sensitive or insensitive, depending on the characteristics of the underlying file system and
the lower_case_table_names system variable value. Furthermore, it was ineffective to provide
a COLLATE clause to change the comparison properties because that clause was ignored. This
has been changed so that COLLATE is no longer ignored and can be used to obtain the desired
comparison properties. (Bug #11748044, Bug #34921)
FLOOR(CEIL()) truncated large BIGINT UNSIGNED arguments. (Bug #80873, Bug #23013359)
Manipulation of a value returned by the JSON_MERGE() function using JSON_SET() sometimes
produced an invalid result. (Bug #80787, Bug #22961128)
ST_AsGeoJSON() failed when geometry arguments were supplied using user-defined variables.
(Bug #80697, Bug #22912800)
CAST(expr AS BINARY(N) ) unexpectedly returned NULL for some valid values of N. (Bug
#80630, Bug #22885819)
Geometry import functions that took an SRID parameter cast it to an unsigned 32-bit integer
without warning or error, so negative values or values larger than unsigned 32-bit integer range
were silently converted to a number within the range. Now, all geometry functions that take
the SRID as a parameter check that it is within unsigned 32-bit integer range and produce an
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE error if not. This also applies to GeoJSON and GeoHash functions that
previously checked that the parameter was within range but returned a different error code. (Bug
#80499, Bug #22819614)
If rounding occurred while storing a predicate value, the range optimizer might not return correct
results for the < and <= operators. (Bug #80244, Bug #22661012)
For the mf_iocache unit test, add a missing va_end(), fix a memory leak by calling my_end(),
and add a target for the test. Thanks to Daniel Black for the patch on which these changes were
based. (Bug #80085, Bug #22578670)
SELECT DISTINCT SUBSTR() could incorrectly discard values as duplicates for large position
or length arguments. The same issue also affected LEFT() and RIGHT(). (Bug #80047, Bug
SUBSTRING_INDEX(str, delim, count) did not properly handle count values larger than 32
bits. (Bug #79978, Bug #22545429)
For calls to CONVERT(), literal string arguments could be modified during execution, producing
incorrect results. (Bug #79924, Bug #22531111)
REPLACE('a', BINARY 'b', NULL) returned 'a' rather than NULL. (Bug #79912, Bug
Transaction state tracking now avoids a function that is not 8-bit safe, for enhanced compatibility with
nonstandard character sets. (Bug #79905, Bug #22523383)
GREATEST() and LEAST() treated all integer input as signed. (Bug #79902, Bug #22523685)
Lines in the general query log were missing a tab between the timestamp and the thread ID. Thanks
to Tsubasa Tanaka for the patch. (Bug #79868, Bug #22508563)
Some comparisons between unsigned values and negative upper limits could return incorrect results
(for example, CAST(100 AS UNSIGNED) BETWEEN 1 AND -1). (Bug #79857, Bug #22501606)
The REPEAT() function did not properly handle output from the SUBSTR() function. (Bug #79695,
Bug #22391186)
The JSON_TYPE() function now shows the type of BIT literals cast to JSON as BLOB, rather than
BIT. (Bug #79308, Bug #22297987)
Configuring MySQL with the -DWITH_UBSAN=ON CMake option produced a server that was not fully
functional. (Bug #79238, Bug #22194071)
sql_common.h, a header file included in MySQL distributions, included and was therefore
dependent on hash.h, a header file not included in MySQL distributions. This resulted in compilation
failures. To eliminate this dependency, sql_common.h was modified to no longer include hash.h.
(Bug #79237, Bug #22187997, Bug #70672, Bug #17633467)
Timers used for checking maximum statement execution time were initialized even when the server
was started with the --help option. If --help is given, this is no longer done. (Bug #79182, Bug
The optimizer failed when trying to optimize away expressions of the form IF(true,
'2015-01-01', '2015-01-01') IS NOT NULL. (Bug #79114, Bug #22148586)
Subtraction of an unsigned decimal could return a negative value, but with metadata type information
of UNSIGNED BINARY. Subtraction for unsigned decimal subtraction now is handled the same way
as for unsigned integer: Produce an ER_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE error if the result is negative, unless
the NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION SQL mode is enabled. (Bug #78914, Bug #22083757)
Handling by the HEX() function of numbers larger than 2
was improved. (Bug #78828, Bug
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #9854.
The client-side plugin deinitialization function signature was changed from int (*deinit)() to
int (*deinit)(void) to avoid warnings when compiling with -Wstrict-prototypes. (Bug
#78177, Bug #21680094, Bug #81419, Bug #23282498)
CREATE TABLE reported an incorrect error if a very long or incorrect path name was specified
ER_WRONG_VALUE are reported for those cases. (Bug #76635, Bug #20857556)
The server now tries to provide more informative messages for these error codes:
For some instances of failure to prepare an XA transaction, incomplete transaction cleanup could
raise an assertion. (Bug #75809, Bug #20488921)
mysqld could attempt to close an invalid socket file descriptor. Thanks to Zhai Weixiang for the
patch. (Bug #75778, Bug #20504513)
A statement of the following form converted the table data to latin1, but also changed the table
default character set to latin1 and ignored the utf8 clause:
Thanks to Daniel Black for the patch. (Bug #75320, Bug #20279241)
In, the abort_loop variable was quantified with volatile, which on some platforms
could result in changes not being seen immediately in threads running on different cores. Thanks to
Stewart Smith for the patch. (Bug #74846, Bug #20134637)
Calling a procedure which created a view from a trigger, or creating a function that called a
procedure that executed RENAME TABLE could, under certain circumstances, raise an assertion.
(Bug #74740, Bug #19988193, Bug #21198646)
Timestamps for server-side prepared statements could be written to the binary log up to a second
behind timestamps for the corresponding nonprepared statements, leading to time value differences
between master and slave servers. (Bug #74550, Bug #19894382, Bug #25187670)
For dynamic storage engine plugins, DROP TABLE, TRUNCATE TABLE, and RENAME TABLE did not
work due to incorrectly determining the engine from the .frm file. (Bug #74277, Bug #19902868)
Executed prepared statements are logged with ? parameter markers replaced by data values.
Construction of the logged string was inefficient and has been improved. (Bug #73056, Bug
Assignment by a plugin to its thread variables of string type could leak memory. (Bug #71759, Bug
Grouping with a view could produce an ER_INVALID_GROUP_FUNC_USE error (“Invalid use of group
function”) when selecting from the base table did not. (Bug #70220, Bug #17406425)
Queries with multiple LIMIT clauses were not always interpreted in accordance with the SQL
For example, each of the following queries now returns two rows, as expected:
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
This also fixes an issue with UNION subselects using FROM DUAL; for example, the following query
raised an error:
(Bug #50510, Bug #74251, Bug #11758322, Bug #19774083)
Test cases that were intended to be storage engine-agnostic but were actually using a specific
engine were corrected. (WL #7264)
!, 290
!include, 399, 455
!includedir, 399, 455
#define, 82
$, 41
%, 17
&>, 290
* (asterisk), 208
--abort-slave-event-count, 82
--admin-ssl option, 136
--basedir, 475
--binary-as-hex, 248, 360, 475
--binary-as-hex option, 174
--character-set-client-handshake, 17
--column-statistics, 475
--comments, 475
--compress, 41, 290
--compression-algorithms, 41
--daemonize, 475
--default-time-zone, 116
--des-key-file, 455
--disabled-storage-engines, 208
--disconnect-slave-event-count, 82
--early-plugin-load, 290
--gdb, 383, 399
--get-server-public-key, 421
--help mysqld option, 136
--hex-blob, 383
--initialize, 475
--keyring-migration-to-component option, 159
--log-raw, 248
--log-warnings, 455
--loose, 8
--malloc-lib, 208
--mtr-port-exclude, 208
--network-namespace, 190
--network-timeout, 500
--new, 17
--no-beep, 360
--no-dd-upgrade, 315
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
--no-monitor, 383
--old, 17
--secure-auth, 455
--server-public-key-path, 421
--set-gtid-purged, 41
--single-transaction, 41
--skip-comments, 475
--skip-grant-tables, 360, 383, 455
--skip-grant-tables mysqld option, 208
--skip-host-cache, 67
--skip-log-bin, 421
--skip-symbolic-links, 421
--ssl, 540
--ssl option, 136
--ssl-cipher, 421
--ssl-fips-mode, 315, 360
--ssl-mode, 540
--ssl-mode=VERIFY_IDENTITY, 383
--ssl-verify-server-cert, 383, 540
--symbolic-links, 421, 475
--temp-pool, 500
--transaction-isolation, 455
--transaction-read_only, 455
--upgrade, 315
--verbose mysqld option, 136
-1, 208
.mysql_secret, 315
1F, 455
32-bit, 540
=, 248
>ut_allocator(), 136
\u001f, 455
_, 17
` (backtick), 208
||, 290
, 98, 174
Aborted_connects, 315
account categories, 315
account management, 248, 315, 360, 399, 475, 540
ACL, 4
adaptive hash index, 13, 41, 67, 136, 174, 421, 500, 540
ADD COLUMN, 53, 67, 136, 229, 290, 339, 383
ADD INDEX, 229, 271
Address Sanitizer, 159, 174, 208
AddressSanitizer, 399
add_not_null_conds(), 315
ADMIN, 383
admin_address, 190, 339
admin_port, 339
admin_tls_version, 98
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
aggregate functions, 158, 159, 174, 248
AggregateIterator, 136
aggregates, 116
aggregation, 82, 98, 116, 159, 174, 290, 421, 500
aggregation functions, 82
AIO, 174
ALGORITHM=INSTANT, 8, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 383
algrind, 82
alias, 248, 315
aliases, 82, 248
Alpine Linux, 399, 421, 475
ALTER TABLE, 33, 41, 82, 159, 174, 190, 208, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383,
399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
ALTER TABLE statement, 174
ALTER TABLESPACE, 271, 339, 421
ALTER USER, 33, 229, 290, 339, 399
AlternativeIterator, 248
ANALYZE TABLE, 53, 116, 190, 248, 399, 475
ANALYZE TABLE statement, 159
AND, 248
antijoin, 290
antijoins, 33
ANY, 190
API, 67
ARCHIVE, 290, 339
arguments checking, 17
Arg_comparator, 116
ARM, 4
ARM 64-bit, 290, 360
ARRAY, 248, 290
arrays, 421
ASAN, 159, 174, 208
ASC, 360, 383
ASCII, 53, 98
ASCII 31, 455
assert, 13
assertion, 41, 136
asymmetric_encrypt(), 33
async client, 22
asynchronous I/O, 315
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
atomic DDL, 208, 399, 455, 500, 540
atomic operations, 540
atomics, 174
audit log, 33
audit log plugin, 17, 22
audit plugins, 315
audit_api_message_emit, 339
audit_api_message_emit_udf(), 339
audit_log plugin, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 98, 116, 136, 159, 190, 208, 248, 271,
290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 500
audit_log_connection_policy, 22
audit_log_disable, 98
audit_log_exclude_accounts, 22
audit_log_filter_id, 208
audit_log_flush, 53
audit_log_format_unix_timestamp system variable, 136
audit_log_include_accounts, 22
audit_log_max_size system variable, 136
audit_log_password_history_keep_days, 290
audit_log_policy, 22
audit_log_prune_seconds system variable, 136
audit_log_read() function, 190
audit_log_rotate, 41
audit_log_rotate(), 53
audit_log_rotate_on_size system variable, 136
audit_log_statement_policy, 22
audit_null plugin, 290
authentication, 22, 41, 53, 82
authentication plugins, 17, 22, 41, 67, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271,
315, 339, 360, 399, 421, 455
authentication_fido_client plugin, 17, 33
authentication_kerberos, 4
authentication_kerberos authentication plugin, 136
authentication_kerberos_client authentication plugin, 136
authentication_ldap_sasl, 208
authentication_ldap_sasl_log_status, 271
authentication_ldap_sasl_referral system variable, 229
Authentication_ldap_sasl_supported_methods, 208
authentication_ldap_simple_log_status, 271
authentication_ldap_simple_referral system variable, 229
authentication_oci, 22
authentication_oci_client, 33
authenticator data, 82
auth_sock plugin, 399
auth_socket, 41
auto-increment, 271, 455, 475, 540
autocommit, 421
AutomaticThreadConfig, 33
automatic_sp_privileges, 383
autopositioning, 475
autoscale, 455
autowrapping, 455
AUTO_INCREMENT, 33, 82, 208, 290
auto_increment_increment, 290, 339
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
auto_increment_offset, 339
averages, 4
AVG(), 33, 290, 339, 360
B-tree, 82, 360
backup, 455
back_log, 455
Barracuda, 540
base-64, 383
basedir, 475
batch mode, 290
batched key access, 136
BETWEEN, 82, 360
BETWEEN operator, 174
big_tables, 421
BIN(), 500
BINARY, 116, 290
binary, 360
binary log, 22, 33, 159, 455, 475, 500, 540
binary log compression, 17, 22
binary log events, 22
binary log sender thread, 53
binary logging, 53
bind_address, 190, 360
binlog, 41
binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates, 339
binlog_encryption, 208
binlog_expire_logs_auto_purge, 82
binlog_expire_logs_seconds, 53, 383, 421, 500
binlog_format, 22, 339, 475
binlog_order_commits, 33
binlog_rows_query_log_events, 339
binlog_row_image, 339
binlog_row_value_options, 339, 421, 455
binlog_transaction_dependency_history_size, 500
binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking, 17, 421, 500
BIN_TO_UUID(), 540
Bison, 82
BIT, 53, 98, 540
bit functions, 116
bit operations, 540
bitwise operators, 271
BIT_AND(), 159, 383
BIT_OR(), 159, 290, 383
BIT_XOR(), 159, 383
BKA, 136
BLACKHOLE storage engine, 116
BLOB, 116, 174, 315, 399, 421, 540
bool, 500
boolean, 290
Boost, 82, 116, 190, 208, 271, 290, 315, 339, 383, 399, 421, 475, 500, 540
bootstrap, 421, 475
Bounded_queue, 22
buffer pool, 53, 116, 136, 159, 190, 229, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 500, 540
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
buffer pool mutex, 540
buffer pool scan, 540
buffers, 22
buf_validate(), 98
build_id, 53
bulk_insert_buffer_size, 339
c api, 22
C API, 67, 98, 116, 174, 190, 208, 229, 290, 315, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
C++11, 540
C++14, 315
C++17, 116
C++23, 17
caching_sha2_password, 315, 399, 421, 455
caching_sha2_password plugin, 159
caching_sha2_password_auto_generate_rsa_keys, 421
caching_sha2_password_digest_rounds system variable, 159
capture groups, 383
CASE, 116, 159, 290, 500
CASE function, 33
case sensitivity, 229
CAST, 53, 159, 383
cast injection, 208, 271
CAST(), 53, 116, 159, 190, 248, 271, 290, 540
CAST() function, 159
CATS, 360
CDATA, 208
CEIL(), 540
CEILING(), 248
change buffer, 208, 271, 540
change buffering, 421
CHANGE MASTER TO, 41, 190, 421
CHANGE MASTER TO statement, 159
channel initialization, 475
CHAR, 339
CHAR(), 383
character escapes, 455
character sets, 33, 53, 159, 174, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 399, 421, 455,
475, 500, 540
character_set_client, 290
character_set_connection, 421
character_set_database, 339, 500
character_set_filesystem, 339
character_set_server, 8, 500
charsets, 22, 33, 116, 136, 159, 360
CHECK constraints, 136, 229, 248, 315
CHECK TABLE, 315, 339, 360
checkpoint, 360
checksum, 360, 540
checksum algorithm, 116
checksum mismatch, 383
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
check_stack_overrun(), 500
Chinese, 315
clang, 22, 67
Clang, 41, 98, 116, 190, 229, 475, 540
client metadata, 8
client/server protocol, 136
clock_gettime(), 248
clone, 82
clone plugin, 8, 82, 116, 136, 159, 190, 229, 248, 271, 290
clone_delay_after_data_drop, 82
clone_os_copy_file_to_buf(), 41
Clone_Snapshot, 17
clone_status table, 22
CMake, 13, 17, 53, 67, 248, 290, 315, 339, 360, 399
cmake, 33, 53, 67
coercibility, 208
COLLATE, 33, 116, 455
collation-server, 33
collations, 22, 53, 67, 116, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 360, 399,
455, 475, 500, 540
collation_database, 339, 500
collation_server, 500
column prefixes, 17
column references, 22
COLUMNS table, 174
columns_priv table, 540
column_statistics table, 67, 455, 475
column_stats table, 475
comments, 4, 229, 248, 360, 475
common table expressions, 67, 82, 116, 208, 229, 248, 271, 339, 421, 455, 500
compare_pair_for_nulls(), 22
comparisons, 136, 208
compile_cluster, 290
compiling, 8, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 158, 159, 174,
190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
component service, 53, 136
components, 41, 53, 208, 290, 339, 399, 421, 475, 500, 540
component_enterprise_encryption, 33
component_keyring_encrypted_file component, 22, 159
component_keyring_file component, 22, 159
component_keyring_oci, 41, 53
component_keyring_oci component, 53
component_masking component, 33
component_masking_functions component, 33
component_sys_variable_register service, 475
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
component_sys_variable_unregister service, 475
composite indexes, 339
Compression, 41
compression, 208, 248, 271, 455, 500, 540
comp_err, 159, 208, 229, 290
CONCAT(), 208, 315, 421
CONCAT_WS(), 208
concurrent DDL, 53
condition count, 190
condition pushdown, 8, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 271, 315
configuration, 190, 208, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500,
connection, 41
connection attributes, 248, 290
connection handling, 159, 540
connection management, 190, 208
connections, 4, 41
CONNECTION_CONTROL plugin, 229, 500
connection_memory_chunk_size, 22
Connectors, 98
const, 190, 248, 290, 315, 383
constant expressions, 271
constant folding, 116, 271, 315
constant propagation, 116, 421
constraints, 248, 271, 290
Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS), 229, 271, 290, 315, 360, 383, 399
contribution, 248
contributions, 82
CONV(), 248
conversions, 339
CONVERT(), 33, 98, 190, 290, 360, 540
copy functions, 136
core file, 339
correlated subqueries, 159
corruption, 540
cost model, 500
cost tables, 500
COUNT(), 159, 290, 315, 339, 421, 475
COUNT(*), 360
crc32, 540
CREATE INDEX, 98, 383, 500
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
CREATE TABLE, 82, 159, 271, 290, 315, 339, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
CREATE TABLE ... SELECT statement, 116
CREATE TABLE statement, 174
CREATE TABLESPACE, 159, 208, 248, 290, 339, 475
CREATE USER, 8, 33, 53, 116, 190, 271, 290, 315, 339, 399, 455
CREATE VIEW, 116, 190, 271, 399, 421
create_admin_listener_thread, 190, 229, 339
crypto policy, 33
CSV, 136
CTE, 41, 82, 136
CTEs, 13, 17, 22, 33, 67
cte_max_recursion_depth, 421, 455
curl, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 98, 136, 158, 159, 229, 248, 271, 315, 360
daemon_keyring_proxy_plugin plugin, 159
data dictionary, 33, 41, 98, 174, 208, 229, 271, 290, 315, 339, 339, 360, 383, 399,
421, 455, 475, 500, 540
data dictionary cache, 475
data encryption, 82, 136, 248
data file, 540
data masking, 33, 82, 116, 360
data types, 41, 248, 271, 360, 455, 540
data_locks table, 4, 8, 339, 360
data_locks_waits table, 4
data_lockwaits table, 360
data_masking, 41, 67
data_masking plugin, 33
DATE, 82, 159, 271, 290, 315, 399
date arithmetic, 421
DATETIME, 82, 159, 315, 399
datetime, 248
datetime_format, 455
DATE_ADD(), 98
date_format, 455
DATE_SUB(), 98
db table, 540
DBL_MAX, 248
DBSPJ, 229
DBUG package, 271
DBUG_ABORT(), 360, 475
DDL, 22, 82, 98, 116, 190, 315, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 500
DDL log, 208
ddl_rewriter, 315
dd_properties table, 475
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
de-identification, 33
deadlock, 8, 116, 136, 208, 229, 248, 271, 339, 383, 399, 540
deadlock checks, 229
deadlock detection, 339
debug, 4, 8, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 540
Debug Sync, 500
debugging, 271, 290
debug_sync, 339
dec, 98
DECIMAL, 22, 82, 248, 271, 290
decimal precision, 116
decimals, 159
DECODE(), 455
deduplication, 229, 290
DEFAULT, 22, 229, 290, 360
default values, 208, 360
DEFAULT(), 82, 116
DEFAULT() function, 33
default_authentication_plugin, 116, 421
default_collation_for_utf8mb4, 339, 399
default_roles, 208
default_table_encryption, 315
definer, 8
degenerate hash joins, 208
deinitialization, 8
delay, 4
DELETE, 41, 98, 116, 208, 315, 339, 383, 421
DENSE_RANK(), 33, 421
deprecation, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229,
248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
deprecations, 22
derived condition pushdown, 190
derived tables, 33, 53, 67, 159, 271, 290, 315, 339, 421, 500
DESC, 159, 360, 383
descending indexes, 500
DESCRIBE, 17, 399
detached transactions, 82
dictionary object cache, 540
dict_sys, 136
disabled_storage_engines, 383
DISCARD TABLESPACE, 53, 98, 248, 271, 383
disk is full, 421
disk space, 421
display width, 290
display widths, 248
DISTINCT, 13, 82, 116, 136, 174, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 383, 475
DIV operator, 159
division, 116
DML, 82, 98, 116, 159, 190, 540
Docker, 116, 158, 315, 339, 455
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Docker image, 208
dollar sign, 41
DOM, 500
DOUBLE, 82, 159, 290
double, 500
doublewrite, 248
doublewrite buffer, 33, 67, 136, 208, 229
downgrade, 399
downgrades, 17
Doxygen, 33, 82, 174
doxygen, 399, 540
dragnet.log_error_filter_rules, 383, 421
dragnet.Status, 383
DROP COLUMN, 41, 53, 67, 82, 229
DROP DATABASE, 136, 208, 383, 421, 455, 500
DROP privilege, 174
DROP ROLE, 17, 315
drop role, 315
DROP TABLE, 53, 67, 174, 208, 383, 455, 475, 500
DROP TABLESPACE, 98, 271, 475
DST, 290
DTrace, 500
dual passwords, 339
DUMP 103003, 271
DUMP 103004, 271
DUMP 103005, 271
duplicate key error, 248, 290
duplicate keys, 290, 455
duplicate weedout, 229
dynamic metadata, 399
EL7, 22
embedded server, 500
empty string, 540
ENABLE_DOWNLOADS CMake option, 136
ENCODE(), 455
ENCRYPT(), 455
encryption, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315,
339, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500
end-range condition, 421
ENUM, 116, 339, 475
EOF, 22
epoch, 229
EPSG, 383, 421
equi-join, 271
equi-joins, 421
equijoins, 53
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
eq_ref, 53, 82, 290, 315
error handling, 53, 82, 116, 159, 174
error log, 136, 399
error logging, 67, 229, 421, 475
error messages, 33, 271
errors, 4, 8, 33, 41, 53, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271,
290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
error_log, 190
ER_IB_MSG_720, 339
Event Scheduler, 53, 98, 136, 190, 475
EventMutex, 190
events, 248
events table, 540
events_statements_current, 339
events_statements_history, 339
events_statements_history_long, 339
events_statements_summary_by_digest, 455
event_scheduler, 455
exception handling, 116
EXCHANGE, 290, 399
EXCHANGE PARTITION, 174, 248, 315, 339
EXISTS, 22, 33, 116, 159, 208, 315
expired passwords, 116
expire_logs_days, 383, 421
EXPLAIN, 4, 41, 67, 82, 98, 116, 190, 208, 229, 271, 290, 315, 360, 383
EXPLAIN ANALYZE, 33, 53, 67, 136, 208, 229, 248, 271
EXPLAIN statement, 136
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp, 190, 339, 421, 475
exponents, 360
expression default values, 360
expressions, 315
extent, 540
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
failover, 33
false, 315
FALSE AND ..., 190
fastcov, 271
FEDERATED, 339, 360, 383, 500
FEDERATED storage, 67
FEDERATED storage engine, 136
FIDO pluggable authentication, 17, 33, 82, 116
fido2, 67
Field_json::cmp_binary(), 421
field_phy_pos, 67
Field_tiny::pack(), 271
file operation error, 82
file space allocation, 290
file writes, 229
FILES, 208, 399, 421
filesort, 22, 82, 190, 208, 229, 339, 383
fil_shard mutex, 8, 116
fil_space_acquire(), 116, 136
fil_space_acquire_silent(), 116
fil_tablespace_redo_extend(), 136
find_in_group_list(), 116
FIND_IN_SET(), 82, 360
FIPS, 271, 399
firewall, 82, 116, 136, 159, 174, 229, 339, 383
firstmatch, 290
FLOAT, 41, 67, 98, 159, 271, 290, 360
floating-point, 41, 159, 174
floating-point numbers, 421
FLOOR(), 248, 540
flush, 421
FLUSH HOSTS statement, 174
flush method, 540
FLUSH STATUS statement, 174
FLUSH TABLES, 421, 455, 475
FLUSH TABLES statement, 174
FLUSH_STATUS privilege, 174
FLUSH_TABLES privilege, 174
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
foreign key check, 360
foreign key constraint, 315, 360, 455, 500
foreign keys, 136, 208, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500,
foreign_key_checks, 82
FORMAT=TREE, 116, 271
formatting, 475
FORMAT_BYTES(), 248, 315
FORMAT_PICO_TIME(), 248, 315
fragment page, 540
frame buffer partition offset, 174
FreeBSD, 229, 500
frm files, 290, 360
FROM_DAYS(), 208
FROM_UNIXTIME(), 98, 190, 315, 421
fsync, 360
FULL, 41
full-text index, 82, 98, 116, 136
full-text search, 98, 136, 159, 174, 190, 248, 290, 339, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500,
FULLTEXT, 53, 136
fulltext, 174
fulltext index, 116
FULLTEXT index, 174, 190, 229, 290, 360, 383, 475, 500
func table, 540
functional dependencies, 399
functional indexes, 4, 67, 159, 174, 190, 208, 248, 271, 290, 339, 360
functional key parts, 360
functions, 13, 33, 98, 248, 315, 500
futex, 500
gap lock, 500
gap locks, 399
garbage collection, 4
gcc, 33
GCC, 67, 82, 136, 159, 229
general tablespace, 455
generated column, 67
generated columns, 33, 98, 116, 136, 208, 248, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421,
475, 500, 540
generated expressions, 190
generated invisible primary keys, 67
GenError, 4
gen_blacklist() function, 174
gen_blocklist() function, 174
gen_dictionary() function, 116
gen_range(), 4, 208
gen_range() function, 116
gen_rnd_pan() function, 116
GeomCollection, 399
GeomCollection(), 399
GEOMETRY, 229, 248
geometry, 229, 500
GeometryCollection, 399
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
GeometryCollection(), 399
GET_LOCK(), 339, 421
get_mysql_time_from_str_no_warn(), 315
GIPK mode, 67
GIS, 41, 67, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383,
399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
glibc, 22, 500
global_variables, 421
Google Test, 136
googlemock, 4
googletest, 208, 271
GPG key, 13, 98
GRANT, 22, 315, 399, 421
grants, 17
GREATEST(), 53, 248, 271, 290, 399, 421, 540
group, 53, 82, 116, 136, 174, 208, 229, 248, 271, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421,
455, 475, 500
Group, 455
GROUP BY, 8, 41, 136, 174, 208, 229, 248, 290, 315, 360, 383, 399, 421
group commit, 500, 540
group recovery, 8
Group Replication, 4, 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116,
136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421,
455, 475, 500
grouping, 116, 383, 421
GROUPING(), 136, 500
GROUP_CONCAT(), 17, 98, 159, 421, 475, 500
GROUP_CONCAT() function, 136
group_concat_max_len, 98, 421
group_concat_max_len system variable, 136
group_replication_components_stop_timeout, 116
group_replication_exit_state_action, 8
group_replication_recovery_get_public_key, 421
group_replication_recovery_public_key_path, 421
group_replication_set_as_primary(), 8
GSSAPI, 41, 229
GTID, 174, 229, 475, 500, 540
GTID sets, 8
GTID skip, 475
GTIDs, 53
gtid_executed, 271, 383, 421
gtid_executed_compression_period, 174
gtid_mode, 455, 475
gtid_next, 339
handler::position(), 271
Handler::rnd_pos(), 399
Handler_read_key, 271
Handler_read_next, 271
hash functions, 67
hash indexes, 229
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
hash join, 229, 248, 271
hash joins, 82, 98, 116, 136, 174, 190, 229, 248
hash outer joins, 33
hash scans, 33
hash semijoin, 421
hashes, 174
hashing, 13
hash_join, 248
have_crypt, 455
have_openssl system variable, 136
have_query_cache, 455
have_ssl system variable, 136
have_symlink, 475
HAVING, 13, 22, 33, 98, 136, 190, 290, 421
heap size, 475
heap-use-after-free, 399
Henry Spencer Library, 315
HEX(), 540
hexadecimal, 383
HISTOGRAM, 13, 421
histogram, 421
histogram sampling, 190, 208, 229
histogram smapling, 53
histogram statistics, 136, 248, 455, 475
histograms, 53, 67, 82, 98, 315, 360
histogram_generation_max_mem_size, 339, 475
history list, 421
hole punch, 98
host cache, 174
host name maximum length, 290
host_application_signal component service, 339
host_cache table, 174
host_cache_size, 271
hotfix, 136
hp8, 98
ib::fatal(), 116
ibd2sdi, 383, 399, 455, 475, 540
ibtmp1, 540
ICU, 22, 98, 208, 421
identifiers, 41
IF, 116, 159, 290
IF(), 159, 421
IFNULL(), 271, 421
ignore_builtin_innodb, 455
implicit commits, 98
implicit tablespace, 421
import, 421, 540
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Important Change, 8, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 190, 208,
229, 248, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 500, 540
Important Note, 82, 159
impossible ON, 33, 290
impossible WHERE, 229
IN, 8, 33, 53, 159, 190, 229, 339, 421
IN subqueries, 315
IN subquery, 290
IN(), 116, 136
in-place update, 475
Incident event, 475
Incompatible Change, 17, 53, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 208, 229, 271, 315, 360, 383,
399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
incomplete predicates, 290
incremental backup, 82
index, 500
index condition pushdown, 159, 421
index dives, 455
index extensions, 136
Index Merge, 22
index merge, 116
index merge scan, 82
index prefixes, 208
index range scans, 98
index scan, 136
index scans, 67, 271
index skip scans, 22
index statistics, 82, 174, 540
index tree, 159
Index.xml, 399
indexes, 248, 360, 383, 399
IndexRangeScanIterator, 98
index_id, 540
INDEX_MERGE, 33, 500
Information Schema, 82, 159, 421
INFORMATION_SCHEMA, 116, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399,
421, 455, 475, 500, 540
initialization, 53, 159, 290
initialize, 360
init_connect, 399
init_file, 229, 271
init_file system variable, 174
inner hash joins, 67
innochecksum, 315, 421, 540
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
InnoDB, 4, 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159,
174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475,
500, 540
InnoDB memcached plugin, 136, 190
InnoDB system tablespace, 67
innodb-dedicated-server, 136, 339
innodb_buffer_pool_evict, 229
innodb_buffer_pool_instances, 248
Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status_code, 53
Innodb_buffer_pool_resize_status_progress, 53
Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs, 33
innodb_ddl_log table, 399
innodb_directories, 136, 290
innodb_doublewrite, 33, 67
innodb_dynamic_metadata table, 399
innodb_extend_and_initialize, 159
innodb_fast_shutdown, 190
innodb_file_format, 540
innodb_file_format_check, 540
innodb_file_format_max, 540
innodb_file_per_table, 360, 421
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit, 17, 360
innodb_flush_method, 315, 339
innodb_force_recovery, 248
innodb_fsync_threshold, 360
innodb_idle_flush_pct, 271
innodb_interpreter, 98
innodb_large_prefix, 540
innodb_limit_optimistic_insert_debug, 271
innodb_log_buffer_size, 67
innodb_log_checkpoint_fuzzy_now, 383
innodb_log_files_in_group, 67
innodb_log_file_size, 67
innodb_log_writer_threads, 136, 159
INNODB_METRICS table, 208, 271, 290
innodb_numa_interleave, 500
innodb_open_files, 98, 116, 159
innodb_redo_log_capacity, 67
innodb_redo_log_consumer_advance(), 53
innodb_redo_log_encrypt, 136
innodb_segment_reserve_factor, 136
innodb_spin_wait_delay, 339
innodb_spin_wait_pause_multiplier, 315
innodb_status_output, 82
innodb_strict_mode system variable, 136
innodb_tmpdir, 290
INNODB_TRX table, 360
innodb_validate_tablespace_paths, 159
INSERT, 17, 41, 98, 190, 290, 383, 421, 500
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
INSERT(), 136, 174
INSTALL COMPONENT, 33, 399, 421, 540
installing, 13, 98, 136, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421,
475, 500
integer, 82
internal SQL parser, 540
internal temporary table, 190, 500
internal_tmp_disk_storage_engine, 315
internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine, 82, 116, 174
INTERSECT, 17, 41, 53
introducers, 208, 421
inversion, 229
invisible columns, 159, 174
invisible indexes, 159, 190
IPv6, 271
IS NULL, 190
IS TRUE, 208
isl file, 540
ISNULL(), 290
IS_NULL(), 159
IS_UUID(), 540
Item_subselect::walk_body(), 315
iterator, 248, 271
iterator executor, 229
Japanese, 475, 500
join buffer, 98
joins, 33, 53, 82, 116, 159, 174, 290, 315
join_buffer_size, 174
JOIN_CACHE::join_record(), 290
JSON, 4, 8, 17, 22, 41, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 290,
315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
json, 421
JSON functions, 339
Json_array, 455, 475
JSON_ARRAYAGG(), 41, 159, 174, 339, 360, 500
Json_dom, 455
JSON_EXTRACT(), 136, 455, 540
JSON_INSERT(), 421, 455
JSON_MERGE(), 455, 540
Json_object, 455
JSON_OBJECT(), 190, 421
Json_object::consume(), 540
JSON_OBJECTAGG(), 41, 290, 339, 360, 500
Json_path, 399
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
JSON_QUOTE(), 399, 500
JSON_SCHEMA_VALID(), 22, 229, 248, 290
JSON_SEARCH(), 159, 399, 540
JSON_SET(), 360, 421, 475, 540
JSON_TABLE(), 98, 116, 208, 229, 248, 290, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421
JSON_TABLE() function, 116
JSON_TYPE(), 540
JSON_UNQUOTE(), 360, 500, 540
JSON_VALUE(), 22, 190, 208
kana sensitivity, 475
Kerberos, 41, 67, 116, 136, 174, 190, 229
KEY, 208
key sort, 41
keyring, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 159, 174, 190, 208, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339,
383, 399, 421
keyring migration, 82, 98, 421
keyring_aws plugin, 67, 248, 271, 290
keyring_aws_region, 271, 290
keyring_component_status Performance Schema table, 53, 159
keyring_encrypted_file plugin, 22, 159, 290, 339, 383, 421
keyring_encrypted_file_password, 248
keyring_file plugin, 22, 159, 399, 500
keyring_hashicorp plugin, 116, 190, 208, 271
keyring_hashicorp_update_config() function, 116
keyring_keys, 315
keyring_oci, 67
keyring_oci plugin, 53, 190
keyring_okv plugin, 98, 339, 383, 500
keyring_operations, 383
keys, 229
KEYWORDS, 271, 399
keywords, 271, 315
KEYWORDS table, 174
key_hint, 190
KILL, 8, 22, 41, 67, 315, 399
KILL QUERY, 229, 248
LAG(), 421
large object data, 383, 421
last (keyword), 475
last_committed, 475
LAST_INSERT_ID(), 116, 315
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Last_query_cost, 315
LAST_VALUE(), 399, 421
latch, 475
latch debugging, 500
later derived tables, 116
LATERAL, 41, 159, 190, 315, 339
lateral derived tables, 339
lateral joins, 290
latin1, 475, 500
latin1_swedish_ci, 500
launchd, 290
lc_messages, 475
lc_messages_dir, 475
LDAP, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 315, 339, 360, 399, 421
ldap.conf, 190
LDML, 399
LEAD(), 421
LEAST(), 208, 248, 290, 399, 421, 540
LEFT JOIN, 53, 67, 159, 271, 290, 399
left outer join, 421
LEFT(), 540
libc, 13
libcurl, 174
libedit, 17, 98, 159, 229
libevent, 208, 360, 540
libmysqlclient, 33
libmysqlclient version, 540
libmysqld, 500, 540
libtirpc, 399
licensing, 4
LIKE, 22, 41, 159, 190, 290, 339, 399
LIKE ... ESCAPE, 315
LIMIT, 41, 53, 190, 208, 248, 290, 540
limit optimization, 208
LimitNOFILE, 399
Linux, 136, 399, 421, 475
linux, 290, 315
LIST, 455
literal values, 82, 540
LOAD DATA, 159, 190, 208, 271, 421, 475, 500
LOAD XML, 208, 475
loadable functions, 98, 136, 159, 174, 248, 290, 315, 399, 455
loading data, 116
LOAD_DATA(), 315
LOAD_FILE() function, 174
LOB, 116, 190, 208, 229, 248, 315, 360, 383, 399, 500
LOB pages, 339
local_infile, 475
LOCATE(), 136, 500
lock system, 82, 159, 208
LOCK TABLES, 190, 229, 360, 421
lock-free hash table, 67
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
locking, 22, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290,
315, 339, 360, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
locking read, 500
locks, 136, 190, 315, 339, 360, 475
LOCK_ORDER, 174, 208
LOCK_ORDER tool, 174, 290
lock_wait_timeout, 360
log, 208
log buffer, 383, 540
log rotation, 500
log system lock, 190
log writer, 174
log writer threads, 190
log-error, 339
logging, 33, 41, 67, 82, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315,
339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
logical backup, 98
log_bin_trust_function_creators, 22
log_builtin_as_identified_by_password, 399
log_error_services, 67, 208, 455, 475
log_error_suppression_list, 360
log_error_verbosity, 208, 421, 455
log_filter_dragnet, 421
log_filter_internal, 421
log_free_check(), 159
log_raw, 248
log_sink_internal, 421
log_sink_json, 229
log_sink_syseventlog, 360
log_slow_extra, 339
log_statements_unsafe_for_binlog, 22
log_status, 399
log_syslog, 360
log_syslog_facility, 360
log_syslog_include_pid, 360
log_syslog_tag, 360
log_warnings, 455
long messages, 271
long semaphore wait, 67, 82, 98, 248
loose index scan, 8, 116
Loose Index Scan, 421
lowercase_table_names, 339, 360
lower_case_table_names, 190, 248, 290, 339, 399
low_priority_updates system variable, 116
LPAD(), 33, 248, 360
LRU mutex, 136
LWG-3865, 17
lz4, 136
LZ4, 229
lz4_decompress, 540
macce, 98
macOS, 136, 229, 248, 290, 315, 360, 383, 399, 421
macroman, 98
maintainer mode, 8
mandatory_roles, 116, 248
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
mask_ssn(), 82
master key rotation, 271
MATCH, 136
MATCH(), 41, 98
materialization, 174, 271
materialized tables, 53, 421
MAX(), 82, 248, 290, 421
maximum prefix, 41
max_allowed_packet, 455
max_connections, 248, 455
max_delayed_threads system variable, 116
max_error_count, 455
max_error_count system variable, 116
max_execution_time, 67, 360
max_join_size, 41
max_length_for_sort_data, 229, 500
max_prepared_stmt_count, 271
max_sort_length, 190
max_tmp_tables, 455
mbind, 360
MBRContains(), 98, 455, 475
MBRCoveredBy(), 455, 475
MBRCovers(), 455, 475
MBRDisjoint(), 455, 475
MBREquals(), 455, 475
MBRIntersects(), 455, 475
MBROverlaps(), 421, 455, 475
MBRTouches(), 455, 475
MBRWithin(), 455, 475, 116
MD5() encryption function, 13
MeCab, 271, 290, 383, 421
mecab_charset, 116
MEMBER OF(), 22, 248, 290
memcached, 136, 229, 271, 290, 360, 383, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
memory, 98, 475, 500
MEMORY, 360, 421
memory allocation, 136, 421
memory allocator, 98
memory management, 98
memory usage, 82, 98
memory_summary_global_by_event_name, 174
mem_heap_alloc(), 82
MEM_ROOT, 22, 271
MERGE, 229, 360, 540
metadata, 339, 475, 540
metadata locking, 421
metadata logging, 290
metadata_locks table, 136
metadata_locks_cache_size, 360
metadata_locks_hash_instances, 360
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Microsoft Windows, 8, 13, 22, 33, 41, 53, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190,
248, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 475, 500, 540
MIN(), 82, 290
min_examined_row_limit system variable, 116
monitor thread, 82
MRR, 8, 136
MSVC, 315
MTS, 421, 455, 475, 500
multi-source, 475
multi-value indexes, 8
multi-valued index, 67
multi-valued indexes, 82, 98, 116, 159, 174, 190, 290
multifactor authentication (MFA), 17, 41, 116
multithreaded slave, 455, 475, 500
multithreading for replica servers, 116
multi_range_count, 455
mutex, 136, 271, 290, 339, 383, 540
MVCC, 190, 339, 360, 455
MyISAM, 4, 53, 383
myisam_repair_threads, 67, 82
myisam_use_mmap, 421
MySQL Enterprise Encryption, 33, 53, 67
MySQL NDB ClusterJ, 4, 8, 190, 208, 315, 475, 500, 540, 500
mysql.gtid_executed, 421, 475
mysql.innodb_table_stats.table_name, 540
mysql.plugin, 290
mysql.session, 383
mysql.session account, 475
mysqladmin, 229, 315
mysqladmin flush-hosts command, 174
mysqlbinlog, 22, 33, 290, 339, 455, 475
mysqlcheck, 53
mysqld, 360
mysqld-auto.cnf, 360, 399
mysqldump, 8, 22, 33, 41, 67, 82, 98, 174, 208, 229, 271, 290, 339, 360,
383, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
mysqldump command, 159
mysqld_multi, 33, 339
mysqld_safe, 82, 208, 339, 500, 500
mysqlimport, 33, 190
mysqlpump, 22, 33, 53, 82, 159, 174, 190, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 383,
399, 421, 455, 475, 500
mysqlslap, 229
mysqltest, 208, 421, 475, 500, 540
mysqltest_safe_process, 315
mysqlxtest, 421, 475
mysqlxtext, 383
mysqlx_bind_address, 190
mysqlx_interactive_timeout, 421
mysqlx_read_timeout, 421
mysqlx_wait_timeout, 421
mysqlx_write_timeout, 421
mysql_bind_param() C API function, 33, 174
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
mysql_config, 248, 399, 500
mysql_config_editor, 500
mysql_config_editor command, 159, 174
mysql_current_thread_reader component service, 290
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking(), 208, 315
mysql_fetch_row_nonblocking() C API function, 208
mysql_free_result_nonblocking(), 315
mysql_insert_id(), 500
mysql_install_db, 315, 540
mysql_install_plugin, 360
mysql_list_fields(), 116
mysql_migrate_keyring, 136
mysql_migrate_keyring utility, 159
mysql_native_password, 4, 421
mysql_native_password plugin, 22
mysql_next_result_nonblocking(), 315
mysql_num_rows(), 208
mysql_options(), 208, 475
mysql_options() C API function, 67, 208
mysql_plugin, 540
mysql_query_attribute_string() function, 174
mysql_real_connect(), 41, 208
mysql_real_connect() C API function, 190
mysql_real_connect_dns_srv() C API function, 190
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking(), 208, 315
mysql_real_connect_nonblocking() C API function, 229
mysql_real_query_nonblocking(), 315
mysql_refresh() function, 174
mysql_reset_server_public_key(), 421
mysql_result_metadata(), 360
mysql_secure_installation, 315, 383, 500
mysql_service_udf_registration service, 475
mysql_service_udf_registration_aggregate service, 475
mysql_shutdown(), 500, 540
mysql_ssl_rsa_setup, 22, 315, 421
mysql_ssl_set() C API function, 17
mysql_stmt_close(), 475
mysql_stmt_errno(), 475
mysql_stmt_error(), 475
mysql_stmt_sqlstate(), 475
mysql_store_result(), 208
mysql_store_result_nonblocking(), 315
mysql_string component, 475
mysql_udf_metadata component service, 248
mysql_upgrade, 315, 399, 421, 475
mysql_upgrade_info, 290
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
mysql_use_result(), 208
mysys, 540
my_bool, 500
my_init(), 475
my_row_id, 159, 53
my_ulonglong, 271
m_flush_bit, 67
named_pipe_full_access_group, 315, 339
natural joins, 41
NDB Client Programs, 360
NDB Cluster, 22, 33, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 360, 540
ndb_binlog_index, 540
ndb_cache_check_time, 455
negation, 116, 208
nested joins, 248
network namespaces, 174, 190
ngram, 383, 455
NO PAD collations, 290, 339, 475, 500
nondeterministic, 248
NOOP, 421
NOT IN, 136, 290
NOT NULL, 399, 421
NOWAIT, 136, 190, 500
NTH_VALUE(), 421
NTILE(), 33
NULL, 8, 17, 33, 67, 82, 98, 136, 174, 190, 208, 229, 290, 315, 383, 399,
421, 455, 500, 540
null pointer, 67, 82
NULL-safe, 82
null-safe equals, 53
NULLIF(), 136, 159, 360, 475
NUMA, 98, 174, 360, 475, 540
numeric data types, 271
offline_mode, 8, 339
OFFSET, 290, 315
old-style-user-limits, 67
old_passwords, 399, 421
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE, 82, 248, 421, 500
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
one_or_all, 500
online DDL, 8, 82, 98, 116, 339, 383, 399, 421
only_full_group_by, 399
open files limit, 136
opening tables, 13
OpenSSL, 22, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 159, 174, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339,
360, 383, 399, 421, 475, 500
openssl_udf plugin, 67
open_files_limit, 248
operators, 339, 540
optimization, 315
optimizer, 116, 159, 190, 208, 229, 290, 339, 360, 383, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
optimizer hints, 229, 290, 455, 500, 540
optimizer statistics, 248
optimizer trace, 98, 116, 159
optimizer_search_depth, 159
optimizer_switch, 208, 290, 455
optimizer_trace_max_mem_size, 421
optimizer_trace_offset, 399
options, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339,
360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
OR, 22, 116, 248
ORDER BY, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 116, 136, 174, 190, 208, 229,
271, 290, 315, 339, 383, 421, 500
ordered index scans, 33
original_commit_timestamp, 339, 475
os_event, 116
outer joins, 315, 339
outer references, 82, 229
OVER(), 8
Packaging, 8, 22, 67, 98, 190, 383, 421, 500
packaging, 8, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174,
190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500,
PAD SPACE collations, 290, 500
padding, 116
page, 540
page allocation, 98
page cleaner, 540
page cleaner thread, 82, 290, 500
page compression, 82, 116, 174, 190, 399, 455, 475
page flushing, 159, 174, 190, 271, 455
page tracker, 229
page tracking, 82, 248, 315
parallel index read, 290, 339
parallel read, 174, 229, 248
parallel read threads, 190, 208
parallel scan, 116
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
parallelization, 421, 500
Parallel_reader interface, 190
parser, 67, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475,
500, 540
parser_max_mem_size, 360
partial indexes, 399
partial revokes, 315
partial update, 421, 475
partial updates, 421, 455
partial_revokes, 174
partial_revokes system variable, 208
partition, 455, 540
partition handler, 82
partition ID, 455
partition pruning, 82
Partitioning, 33, 53, 82, 98, 136, 159, 174, 208, 248, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383,
399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
partitioning, 116, 159, 248, 271, 339, 383, 421, 455, 475, 500
password expiration, 421
password history, 455
password verification, 360
PASSWORD(), 315, 399, 421
passwords, 248, 271, 339, 360, 455
password_history, 455
password_require_current, 360
password_reuse_interval, 455
PATH, 360
path expressions, 455
paths, 540
perdicate elimination, 339
Performance, 13, 17, 136, 208, 229, 455, 475
performance, 383, 540
Performance Schema, 4, 8, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190,
208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest, 290
performance_schema.procsslist, 82
performance_schema.threads, 82
performance_schema_max_cond_classes, 116
performance_schema_max_mutex_classes, 455
performance_schema_max_thread_classes system variable, 159
performance_schema_max_thread_instances system variable, 159
performance_schema_show_processlist, 190
Performansce Schema, 98
perform_order_index, 4
PERIOD_ADD(), 315, 421
perror, 399
persisted variables, 116, 399
persist_only_admin_x509_subject, 339
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
pid_file, 339
pkg-config, 500
pluggable authentication, 17, 136, 315, 339, 399, 421, 455, 475
plugin service, 455
plugins, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 67, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271,
290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500
plugin_registry_service, 500
pointers, 22, 53, 455
posix_fallocate(), 174
precision, 116
prefer_ordering_index, 136, 208
prefetch chache, 98
prefixes, 360, 399
preload_buffer_size system variable, 116
PREPARE, 17, 159, 383
prepared statements, 4, 8, 13, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 158, 159,
174, 190, 229, 271, 290, 315, 339, 383, 399, 421, 475, 540
primary key, 116, 360
primary key extensions, 174
primary passwords, 339
print_identified_with_as_hex, 290
privileges, 4, 33, 41, 53, 67, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271,
290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
proc table, 540
procedure, 540
processlist, 190
Protobuf, 208, 248, 271, 290
protocol_compression_algorithms, 208
proxies_priv table, 540
PROXY, 475
pruning, 4, 315, 540
pseudo_slave_mode, 339
pseudo_thread_id, 339
ps_setup_reset_to_default(), 229
PS_THREAD_ID(), 248, 315
punch hole, 136
purge, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 174, 208, 248, 315, 339, 540
pushdown, 174, 190, 315
Qcache_free_blocks, 455
Qcache_free_memory, 455
Qcache_hits, 455
Qcache_inserts, 455
Qcache_lowmem_prunes, 455
Qcache_not_cached, 455
Qcache_queries_in_cache, 455
Qcache_total_blocks, 455
query attributes, 136, 174
query cache, 455, 475, 500
query caching, 17
query cost, 271, 290, 315, 399
query end, 190
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
query rewrite plugin, 116
query rewrite plugins, 116, 315, 383, 475
query_attributes component, 174
query_cache_limit, 455
query_cache_min_res_unit, 455
query_cache_size, 455, 500
query_cache_type, 455
query_cache_wlock_invalidate, 455
query_digest audit log function, 136
query_prealloc_size, 82
QUOTE(), 17, 315, 421, 500
quoting, 455
R-tree, 229, 399, 500
race condition, 540
RAND(), 190, 229
random generator functions, 67
random password generation, 271
RANDOM_BYTES(), 22, 33
range, 399
range access, 41, 421
range checks, 82
range expressions, 116
range frames, 315, 339
range index access, 339
range indexes, 98
range optimization, 33
range optimizer, 82, 116, 190
range scans, 98
ranges, 475
range_optimizer_max_mem_size, 360
RANK(), 8
RAPID, 290
rapidjson, 229, 500
RapidJSON, 360, 500
raw disk partition, 190
rbr_exec_mode, 339
read-ahead, 500
read_only, 190, 248, 475
read_only system variable, 98, 136
REAL, 290
receiver thread, 475
records_in_range, 17
recovery, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 248, 271, 290, 315, 383, 399, 421, 455,
475, 500, 540
recursion, 116, 271
rec_convert_dtuple_to_rec_old(), 82
rec_get_instant_row_version_old(), 67
rec_get_offsets(), 136
redo, 339, 360
redo log, 67, 98, 190, 208, 271, 315, 339, 360, 399, 421, 475, 500
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
redo log archiving, 190, 290
redo log format, 229
redo logs, 17, 229
ref access, 339, 421
reference counts, 4
references, 41
regex, 315
regexp, 399
regexp functions, 315, 339
regexp::EvalExprToCharset(), 360
REGEXP_INSTR(), 116, 383, 421
REGEXP_LIKE(), 383, 421
REGEXP_REPLACE(), 174, 290, 383, 421
regexp_stack_limit, 421
REGEXP_SUBSTR(), 208, 290, 383, 421
regexp_time_limit, 421
register, 540
regular accounts, 315
regular expression functions, 174
regular expressions, 399, 421
regular sessions, 315
relay log, 4, 33, 475, 500
relay_log_space_limit, 4, 41
RELOAD privilege, 174
rematerialization, 271
removing WHERE, 229
RENAME COLUMN, 53, 98, 455
RENAME TABLE, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 399, 475, 500
RENAME USER, 190, 383, 399
REPEAT(), 290, 540
REPLACE, 383, 399, 421
REPLACE(), 248, 360, 455, 500, 540
replace_index_subquery(), 190
replace_numeric_round, 475
Replication, 4, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174,
190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500, 540
replication, 53, 174, 421, 455, 540
replication filtering, 53
replication_applier_status_by_worker, 455, 475
replication_connection_configuration, 190, 421
replication_group_communication_information, 41
replica_parallel_type, 82, 116
replica_parallel_workers, 67, 116
replica_preserve_commit_order, 116
require_row_format, 53
reserved accounts, 190, 383, 421, 475
reserved words, 271, 500, 540
RESET PERSIST, 41, 339, 383, 399, 500
resolveip, 339
resolver, 116, 229
resolve_stack_dump, 339
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
resource allocation, 98, 229
resource groups, 41, 53, 271, 339, 455
resource usage, 540
RESTART, 290, 383, 399, 421
restart, 475
restore_last_record(), 290
return values, 116
REVOKE, 67, 421
Rewriter plugin, 53
RFC 7159, 455
RIGHT(), 540
RLIKE, 421
roles, 116, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475,
500, 540
role_edges, 208
rollback, 248, 315, 360, 421, 540
rollback segment, 229
rollback segments, 136, 271, 475, 500
rollbacks, 136
ROLLUP, 13, 22, 33, 82, 98, 116, 136, 174, 190, 208, 290, 315, 339, 360, 399,
421, 500
root, 158
Rotate_log_event, 475
ROUND(), 190
rounding, 116
row comparison, 22
row format, 136, 190, 540
row size, 82
row-based, 500
row-based replication, 399, 421
ROW_FORMAT, 290, 421, 475, 500
row_table_add_foreign_constraints(), 455
RPAD(), 33, 174, 360
RPC, 339, 399
rpcgen, 399
RPM, 475
Russian, 455
rw_lock_stats counter, 159
sandbox mode, 116
SASL LDAP plugin, 67
savepoints, 360
scientific notation, 229
scope, 455
SCRAM-SHA-256, 174
scramble generator, 33
SDI, 159
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
secondary engines, 248
secondary indexes, 98, 136
secondary passwords, 339
secure_auth, 455
secure_file_priv, 500
secure_file_priv system variable, 174
security, 17, 22, 33, 190, 248, 271, 315, 339, 360, 475
SELECT, 13, 53, 82, 229, 339, 360, 399, 500
SELECT COUNT(*), 8, 136, 159, 174, 229
select_into_buffer_size, 190
select_into_buffer_size system variable, 116
select_into_disk_sync, 190
select_into_disk_sync_delay, 190
select_into_disk_sync_delay system variable, 116
select_lex, 360
semijoin, 190, 290, 421
semijoins, 67, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315
semisynchronous replication, 174
send buffer, 271
serialization, 421
serialized dictionary information (SDI), 248, 271, 290, 315, 360, 399, 421, 455, 475
server ID, 41
server initialization, 399
session categories, 315
session temporary tablespace, 159
session tracking, 82
session_track_gtids, 22
SET, 8, 116, 208, 475
set operations, 33
SET PASSWORD, 82, 315, 339, 399
SET PERSIST, 229, 248, 271, 339, 399, 421, 455, 475, 540
SET PERSIST_ONLY, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 383, 399, 421, 475
SET PERSIST_ONLY statement, 136
SET ROLE, 315, 383
SET statement, 116, 174, 360
setuid, 383
setup_instruments, 455
setup_threads, 455
set_parse_error_message, 98
SET_VAR, 190, 421, 455
sha256 cache, 421
sha256_password, 315, 421, 455
sha256_password_auth_client_nonblocking(), 41
sha256_password_auto_generate_rsa_keys, 421
shared-memory connections, 174
SHOW, 82, 271
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
SHOW COLUMNS, 174, 208, 229, 271, 455, 475
SHOW CREATE EVENT statement, 136
SHOW CREATE TABLE, 159, 248, 271, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 475, 540
SHOW CREATE TABLE statement, 159
SHOW CREATE USER, 290, 383, 455, 540
SHOW CREATE USER statement, 159
SHOW CREATE VIEW statement, 159
SHOW GRANTS, 116, 208, 248, 383, 399
SHOW PROCESSLIST, 98, 159, 190, 271, 399
SHOW SLAVE STATUS, 399, 421, 475
SHOW TABLE STATUS, 98, 208, 383, 421
SHOW TABLE STATUS statement, 174
SHOW TABLES, 208, 475
show_create_table_verbosity, 399
show_old_temporals system variable, 116
shutdown, 53, 82, 159, 190, 208, 271, 383, 399, 475
SHUTDOWN, 290, 540
SIGHUP, 229, 248, 339
signals, 339, 383
signed variables, 82
signedness, 208
SIGUSR1, 248
single user mode, 229
SKIP LOCKED, 190, 500
Skip Scan, 360
skip-slave-start, 475
skip_name_resolve, 315, 339
skip_networking, 455
slave, 540
slave applier, 475
slave_compressed_protocol, 41
Slave_heartbeat_period, 500
Slave_last_heartbeat, 500
slave_master_info, 190
slave_pending_jobs_size_max, 383, 475
Slave_received_heartbeats, 500
Slave_retried_transactions, 500
slave_rows_search_algorithms, 271
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
Slave_running, 500
slave_skip_errors, 475
slow query log, 82, 248, 339
slow shutdown, 229, 540
Solaris, 229, 339, 360, 399, 475, 500, 540
sort, 136, 190, 500
sort buffer, 315
sort elimination, 290
sort keys, 360
sorting, 98, 229, 271
sort_buffer_length, 190
sort_buffer_size, 271
source code, 82
source_heartbeat_period, 41
space ID, 208
SPACE(), 33, 116
space_id, 540
spatial index, 290, 360, 421, 455
spatial indexes, 4, 67, 229, 248
spill to disk, 248
spin lock polling, 315
SQL, 475
SQL syntax, 540
sql_auto_is_null, 315
sql_buffer_result, 455
SQL_CACHE, 455, 540
sql_log_bin, 339, 455
sql_log_off, 339
sql_mode, 339, 360, 383, 399, 475, 500
SQL_NO_CACHE, 421, 455, 540
sql_require_primary_key, 271, 315, 339, 360
sql_safe_updates, 360
SRID attribute, 455
SRS, 41
Srv_session, 315
SSL, 8, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 208,
229, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 475, 500
SSL session, 82
ssl-fips-mode, 116
ssl_fips_mode, 360
stack, 82
stack size, 500
standard monitor, 399
standards compliance, 208, 271
start-position, 33
startup, 53, 116, 136, 174, 248, 271, 290, 315, 360, 383, 399, 421, 475, 540
startup configuration, 399
statement event tables, 82
statement summary tables, 82
statement_digest(), 290
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
statement_digest_text(), 290
statistics, 500, 540
status variables, 248
status_by_thread, 290
status_variable_registration service, 475
std::vector, 475
storage, 136
storage engine attributes, 208
storage engine initailization, 271
storage engines, 540
stored functions, 4, 17, 67, 98, 116, 248
stored objects, 190, 229
stored procedures, 13, 53, 67, 98, 116, 159, 190, 315, 360, 383, 421
stored programs, 13, 17, 41, 98, 116, 136, 159, 174, 229, 248, 290, 339, 383, 399,
421, 455, 475, 540
stored routines, 22, 53, 421
strict mode, 315
string, 82, 421
string data types, 208
string functions, 53
strings, 136, 315
STR_TO_DATE(), 17, 190, 271
ST_Area(), 360, 421
ST_AsBinary(), 500
ST_AsGeoJSON(), 421, 540
ST_AsText(), 421, 500
ST_AsWKB(), 290, 500
ST_AsWKT(), 500
ST_Buffer(), 421
ST_Buffer() function, 136
ST_Centroid(), 421
ST_Collect() function, 159
ST_Contains(), 229, 455, 475
ST_ConvexHull(), 421
ST_Crosses(), 421, 455, 475
ST_Difference(), 421
ST_Difference() function, 136
ST_Dimension(), 421
ST_Disjoint(), 455, 475
ST_Distance(), 271, 339
ST_Distance_Sphere(), 421
ST_EndPoint(), 421
ST_Envelope(), 421
ST_Equals(), 455, 475
ST_ExteriorRing(), 421
ST_FrechetDistance() function, 174
ST_GeoHash(), 421
ST_GeomCollFromText(), 421, 500
ST_GeomCollFromTXT(), 421
ST_GeomCollFromTxt(), 421, 500
ST_GeomCollFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_GeometryCollectionFromText(), 421, 500
ST_GeometryCollectionFromWKB(), 421, 500
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ST_GeometryFromText(), 421, 500
ST_GeometryFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_GeometryN(), 421
ST_GeometryType(), 399, 421
ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(), 421, 540
ST_GeomFromText(), 421, 500
ST_GeomFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_HausdorffDistance() function, 174
ST_InteriorRingN(), 421
ST_Intersection(), 421
ST_Intersection() function, 116
ST_Intersects(), 455, 475
ST_IsClosed(), 421
ST_IsEmpty(), 421
ST_IsSimple(), 421
ST_IsValid(), 399, 421
ST_Latitude(), 383
ST_Length(), 315, 421
ST_LineFromText(), 421, 500
ST_LineFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_LineInterpolatePoint() function, 159
ST_LineInterpolatePoints() function, 159
ST_LineStringFromText(), 421
ST_LinestringFromText(), 500
ST_LineStringFromWKB(), 421
ST_LinestringFromWKB(), 500
ST_Longitude(), 383
ST_MakeEnvelope(), 421
ST_MLineFromText(), 421, 500
ST_MLineFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_MPointFromText(), 421, 500
ST_MPointFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_MPolyFromText(), 421, 500
ST_MPolyFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_MultiLineStringFromText(), 421
ST_MultiLinestringFromText(), 500
ST_MultiLineStringFromWKB(), 421
ST_MultiLinestringFromWKB(), 500
ST_MultiPointFromText(), 421, 500
ST_MultiPointFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_MultiPolygonFromText(), 421, 500
ST_MultiPolygonFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_NumGeometries(), 421
ST_NumInteriorRing(), 421
ST_NumInteriorRings(), 421
ST_NumPoints(), 421
ST_Overlaps(), 455, 475
ST_PointAtDistance() function, 159
ST_PointFromGeoHash(), 421
ST_PointFromText(), 421, 500
ST_PointFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_PointN(), 421
ST_PolyFromText(), 421, 500
ST_PolyFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_PolygonFromText(), 421, 500
ST_PolygonFromWKB(), 421, 500
ST_Simplify(), 360, 421
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
st_spatial_reference_systems, 421
ST_SRID(), 540
ST_StartPoint(), 421
ST_SwapXY(), 421, 500
ST_SymDifference(), 421
ST_SymDifference() function, 116
ST_Touches(), 455, 475
ST_Transform(), 41, 360
ST_Union(), 421
ST_Union() function, 136
ST_Validate(), 360, 421
ST_Within(), 455, 475
ST_X(), 383, 421, 540
ST_Y(), 383, 421, 540
subqueries, 8, 13, 22, 33, 41, 67, 82, 98, 116, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229,
248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 399, 421
subquery, 229
subquery materialization, 248
subquery_to_derived, 22, 33, 116, 174, 190, 208
subselects, 8, 98, 290
SUBSTR(), 98, 540
suitably aligned types, 98
SUM(), 290, 360, 500
SUPER privilege, 339, 383, 455, 500
super_read_only, 190, 248, 271
super_read_only system variable, 98, 136
SyncFileIO::execute, 82
sync_array_detect_deadlock, 98
sync_binlog, 360
sync_frm, 540
sync_relay_log_info, 22
sys schema, 229, 248, 271, 315, 399
sys.diagnostics(), 271
sys.format_bytes(), 248, 315
sys.format_time(), 248, 315
sys.processlist, 271
sys.ps_is_consumer_enabled(), 271
sys.ps_thread_id(), 248, 315
sys.schema_index_statistics, 271
sys.schema_unused_indexes, 271
sys.session, 271
sys.version, 271
syseventlog.facility, 360
syseventlog.include_pid, 360
syseventlog.tag, 360
sysschema.processlist, 82
sysschema.x$processlist, 82
system accounts, 315
system database, 315
system sessions, 315
system tablespace, 174, 290
system variables, 53, 67, 82, 339
systemd, 190, 248, 271, 399
system_time_zone system variable, 136
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN privilege, 339, 455
table encryption, 315
table functions, 421
table locks, 383
table references, 248
table share, 159
TABLE statement, 248
table statistics, 98, 421, 455
table value constructors, 248
tablespace, 174, 421, 455, 500, 540
tablespace encryption, 174, 360, 383, 475, 500
tablespace file, 136
tablespace file size, 248
tablespace import, 229, 248, 271, 399
tablespace path validation, 208
tablespace size limit, 67
tablespaces, 421, 475
tables_priv table, 540
table_definition_cache, 421
table_encryption_privilege_check, 315
table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage, 271
table_open_cache, 421
tcmalloc, 4, 208
tcmalloc(), 4
Telemetry traces, 33
telemetry_log plugin, 33
temporal data types, 271, 421
temporal functions, 159
temporary directory, 421
temporary table, 98
temporary tables, 33, 41, 116, 248, 360, 399, 421, 475, 500, 540
temporary tablespace, 360
TempTable, 82, 116
TempTable storage engine, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 248, 271, 315, 339, 360, 399, 455
temptable::Allocator, 339
temptable_max_mmap system variable, 174
temptable_max_ram, 174
temptable_use_mmap, 136
Temp_table_param, 229
terminology, 33
test suite, 67, 82, 190, 208, 229, 455, 475, 500, 540
tests, 82
text protocol, 248
thread management, 540
thread pool plugin, 53, 98, 174, 208, 248, 339, 399
thread switching, 315
threads, 475
thread_cache_size, 315
thread_mutex, 360
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
thread_pool, 315
thread_pool plugin, 208, 248, 271, 290
thread_pool_max_active_query_threads system variable, 248
thread_pool_transaction_delay, 53
thread_stack, 116, 383
TIME, 82, 190, 383
time zone offset, 248
time zone offsets, 98
time zone support, 136
time zones, 82
timeouts, 41
TIMESTAMP, 82, 136, 190, 290, 421, 475
time_format, 455
time_zone, 290
TLS, 33, 82, 136, 208, 290, 315
TLS v1.0, 98
TLS v1.1, 98
TLSv1, 136
TLSv1.1, 136
TLSv1.3, 315
tls_channel_status, 208
tls_version, 98
tmp_table_size, 98
to (keyword), 475
tp_thread_state table, 41
trace log, 82
transaction, 455
transaction locks, 455
transactions, 136, 159, 174, 360, 421, 455, 475, 500
transaction_isolation, 455
transaction_prealloc_size, 82
transaction_read_only, 455
transaction_write_set_extraction, 339
transportable tablespace, 383, 475, 540
TREE, 271, 315
triggers, 67, 82, 98, 159, 290, 383, 421, 475, 500
TRIM(), 136, 248
trivial conditions, 339
TRUNCATE, 116, 383
TRUNCATE TABLE, 53, 159, 174, 383, 399, 421, 475, 500, 540
TRUNCATE(), 174, 190
truncation, 500
trx_sys, 136
trx_t::is_recovered, 136
trx_undo_prev_version_build(), 53
tuning, 455
two-phase commit, 540
tx_isolation, 455
tx_read_only, 455
type comparisons, 208
type conversion, 53, 248, 315, 421, 540
type conversions, 41
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
type handling, 98
type-checking, 136
types, 33, 41
UBSAN, 159, 174, 208, 271, 290, 360, 399, 500
UBSan, 208, 290, 475
ucs2, 98
UDF, 22
UDFs, 33, 116
udf_example, 421
uint64_t, 271
UMASK, 421
Undefined Behavior Sanitizer, 174, 208, 271, 290, 360, 399
underflow, 271
undo, 229, 475
undo log, 174, 315, 339, 360, 421, 500
undo log encryption, 290, 315
undo tablespace, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 399,
421, 455, 500, 540
UNHEX(), 208
Unicode, 290, 315, 455, 475, 500, 540
UNION, 33, 41, 53, 82, 98, 159, 208, 229, 290, 339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 500,
UNION statement, 136
UNIQUE, 82, 290, 399
Unique::io_cache, 360
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 98, 248, 421
UNSIGNED, 271, 290
UPDATE, 82, 98, 190, 208, 229, 290, 339, 383, 421, 500
UpdateXML(), 4, 290
upgrade, 22, 41, 53, 67, 98, 116, 159, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315,
360, 383, 399, 421
upgrades, 4, 41, 136, 159, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 421, 455, 475, 500
upgrading, 248
usability, 500
user table, 540
user variables, 41, 82, 98, 315, 360
user-defined functions, 41
user-defined variables, 159
user_defined_functions, 174
user_defined_functions table, 475
user_variables, 421
use_invisible_indexes, 190, 455
Using index, 248
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
ut::aligned, 136
UTC, 190
UTF, 159
UTF-16, 33, 500
utf32, 82, 339, 399
UTF32, 271
utf8, 360, 399, 421
utf8 character set, 136, 159
utf8mb3, 360, 399
utf8mb3 character set, 136, 159
utf8mb4, 248, 290, 315, 360, 399, 455, 475, 500
utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci, 500, 540
utf8mb4_0900_as_ci, 475
utf8mb4_0900_bin, 290
utf8mb4_general_ci, 500
utf8mb4_ja_0900_as_cs_ks, 475
utf8mb4_ru_0900_ai_ci, 455
utf8mb4_ru_0900_as_cs, 455
utf8mb4_zh_0900_as_cs, 315
ut_allocator, 136
ut_allocator(), 136
ut_list, 136
ut_rnd_ulint_counter, 540
ut_time(), 98
UUID(), 455
UUIDs, 540
UUID_TO_BIN(), 540
Valgrind, 53, 82, 229, 455, 540
valgrind, 229
validate_password, 339, 383, 399, 421
validate_password component, 22
validate_password plugin, 540
VALUES, 8, 82, 116, 174
VALUES statement, 82, 248
VALUES(), 229
VARCHAR, 82, 190
variable conversions, 98
variables, 339
variables_by_thread, 339
variables_info, 339, 399, 421, 455
Variance-Aware Transaction Scheduling (VATS), 421, 455
VAR_POP(), 399
VAR_SAMP(), 399
version comments, 22
VERSION file, 190
version table, 475
version_compile_zlib, 399
version_tokens plugin, 500
version_tokens_session, 290
view references, 315
views, 13, 22, 33, 41, 53, 67, 82, 116, 136, 174, 190, 248, 339, 421, 500,
View_change_log_event, 41
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
virtual column, 159
virtual columns, 116, 136, 159, 229, 271, 290, 315, 339, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475, 500,
virtual indexes, 315, 399, 500, 540
virtual memory, 53
Visual C++ Redistributable, 500
Visual Studio, 13, 159
wait_timeout system variable, 159
walk and replace, 136
WalkAndReplace(), 116
warnings, 360
WebAuthn pluggable authentication, 17
weedout, 229, 248, 271
WEIGHT_STRING(), 208, 421, 500
WHERE, 248, 271, 290
WHERE_CONDITION optimization, 174
whitespace, 475
widen_fraction, 315
wildcards, 17, 290, 455
window function, 33
window functions, 13, 17, 22, 33, 41, 82, 116, 136, 159, 174, 190, 271, 315,
339, 360, 383, 399, 421, 455, 475
windowing functions, 13, 41, 98, 290, 315, 339, 421
windowing_use_high_precision, 399
windows, 13, 17, 67
Windows, 290, 339
Windows 32-bit, 67
WITH, 500
WITH ROLLUP, 174, 208, 383
WITH_GMOCK CMake option, 136
WITH_ICU, 174, 399, 421
WITH_LTO, 229, 248, 360
WITH_LZ4, 399
WITH_LZMA, 315, 421
WITH_PACKAGE_FLAGS CMake option, 136
WITH_RE2, 271, 421
MySQL 8.0 Release Notes
WITH_SSL, 248, 399, 421
WITH_UNIT_TESTS CMake option, 136
WITH_ZSTD, 22, 190
wolfSSL, 271, 399
WSAPoll, 53
X DevAPI, 290, 339
X Plugin, 339, 399
X Protocol, 82, 136, 174, 190, 208, 229, 248, 271, 290, 315, 339, 360, 383, 399,
421, 455, 500, 540
X509, 421
XA, 33, 136, 159, 190, 248, 271, 360, 399, 421, 475, 500, 540
XA statement, 271
XA transaction, 174
XA transactions, 53, 248, 360, 421, 475, 500, 540
XA Transactions, 174
XDR, 339
XML, 500
XOR, 13
XPath syntax, 475
yassl, 360, 383
yaSSL, 399, 421, 455, 500
yaSSL support, 22
YEAR, 53, 116, 159, 190, 248, 290, 339, 360
YEAR(), 339
Yum repository, 421
zero-length columns, 8
ZEROFILL, 248, 271, 290
zlib, 41, 399, 455
zlib_decompress, 540
zstd, 248