Value-Added (Extra) Services
for Managed Care Health Plans
Questions? Call 1-800-449-8466 (TTY/TDD 1-304-344-0015), 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The call is free.
Or, visit us at You can get this information in other formats, such as large print or audio.
All plans in your county offer these basic medical benefits:
¡ Inpatient and
outpatient services
¡ Doctor, nurse practitioner
and midwife services
¡ Home health services
¡ Family planning services
¡ Durable medical
¡ Hospice and
ambulance services
¡ Tobacco quitting
¡ Behavioral health
¡ EPSDT services
¡ Vision, hearing and dental
care for children
Use this chart to compare Value-Added (extra) services offered by the plans in your county.
Note: West Virginia CHIP covers children from birth through the end of the month of their 19th birthday.
TTY: 711
24-hour health line:
¡ Call Informed Health at 1-855-200-5975
¡ Health library resource
¡ One-on-one asthma education
¡ Peak ow meter with enrollment in
asthma program
¡ Food journal to track A1C levels and
eating habits
¡ Texts for diabetes education
¡ Certied diabetes management program
¡ $25 gift card for enrollment in diabetic
education program and completion of
A1C testing (available in certain counties)
¡ $25 gift card for diabetic eye exam
Gifts for good health practices
¡ Scholarships to health-related camps
¡ $25 gift card for adolescent vaccines
¡ $25 gift card for targeted preventive care
¡ $25 gift card for behavioral health follow-
up appointment within 7 days
¡ $25 gift card for well child exam for
ages 12-18
¡ Fishing/hunting license for getting a
yearly adult u shot
¡ $25 gift card for ATV safety course
completion (Medicaid only)
Phone services
¡ Free cell phone with free minutes
for text and voice, unlimited calls to
Member Services, and free wellness and
appointment reminder texts
TTY: 1-800-622-3925
24-hour health line:
¡ Call nurse at 1-800-624-6961
¡ 24/7/365 access to doctors for non-
emergency issues such as cold and
u symptoms, sinus and allergies,
respiratory infections, skin problems and
more. Oered through Teladoc.
¡ One-on-one education with asthma
nurse educator
¡ Diabetes education by case managers
¡ One-on-one education by diabetes
educators on glucometer and insulin
pump use and general diabetes
¡ Journey for Control month long interactive
diabetes class led by certied educator
¡ $25 for completing each of these two
activities ($50 total):
` HbA1C blood test
` Diabetic eye exam, ages 18-75
Gifts for good health practices
¡ $25 for yearly well visit for ages 3-21
(Medicaid); ages 3-19 (CHIP)
¡ $25 for women getting Pap smear
(Medicaid only)
¡ $50 for yearly mammogram for women
age 40+
Phone services
¡ Free cell phone with free minutes
for text and voice, unlimited calls to
Member Services, and free wellness and
appointment reminder texts (Medicaid
TTY: 711
24-hour health line:
¡ Call nurse at 1-888-850-1108
¡ One-on-one education with asthma
nurse educator to create action plan
¡ Certied disease management program
to manage asthma and COPD
¡ Scholarships to Camp Catch Your Breath
¡ One-on-one education with a registered
¡ Scholarships to Camp Kno Koma for
children ages 7-15
¡ Free glucometers
¡ $50 for yearly diabetic A1c labs for
ages 18-75
¡ $50 for yearly diabetic eye exam for
ages 18-75
¡ $5 for taking diabetic education quiz
Gifts for good health practices
¡ $25 for getting getting 6 well-baby visits
by 15 months old
¡ $25 for getting 2 well-baby visits by 30
months old
¡ $25 for yearly physical for ages 3-21
(Medicaid); ages 3-19 (CHIP)
¡ $50 for ages 9-13 for completing set of
2 HPV vaccines before 13th birthday
¡ $50 for Pap smear cervical cancer
screening every 36 months ages 21-64
¡ $50 for mammogram every 24 months
for women age 50+
¡ $10 each quarter for going to prescriber
follow-up for members prescribed ADHD
meds, ages 6-12
¡ $20 for outpatient visit with mental
health provider within 7 days of
discharge, ages 6+ (1 time per quarter,
$80 max per year)
¡ $10 for completing Health Needs Screener
for members ages 18+
Phone services
¡ Free cell phone for eligible members
with free monthly minutes, data, and
text messages, plus unlimited calls
to Member Services and free health
reminder texts
Value-Added (extra) services oered by the plans in your county (continued):
Questions? Call 1-800-449-8466 (TTY/TDD 1-304-344-0015), 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The call is free.
Or, visit us at You can get this information in other formats, such as large print or audio.
Help for pregnant women
¡ One-on-one help with Certied Lactation
¡ Care coordination through baby’s rst
year for:
` Mothers with high risk pregnancies
or substance use disorder during
` NICU babies or babies with chronic or
complex conditions
¡ Text messages to keep mom and baby
¡ Cribette for members with 6 prenatal
¡ Cribette or baby wrap to members who
enroll in Moms and Babies Program
upon delivery
¡ Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
program graduation gift
¡ $50 gift card for post-partum visit
between 7–84 days after delivery
Health and wellness
¡ Care managers to help members improve
overall health
¡ Local care connection team to help
coordinate community resources
¡ Gift card for attending wellness events
¡ Health risk assessments with self-
management tools
¡ Specialized care managers for neonatal
abstinence syndrome (NAS), NICU, high
risk OB, behavioral health, and other
chronic conditions
¡ Regional face-to-face meetings with case
manager for high risk members
¡ Person-to-person texts with care
¡ Community Health Worker in-home
services (available in certain counties)
¡ Quit smoking program
¡ Congestive heart failure wellness tools
and bathroom scales with enrollment in
the program (Medicaid only)
¡ $25 gift card for completing adult
walking program
¡ Cub Club wellness membership for
children under 13
¡ Pillboxes
¡ Family Information, Support, and Help
Program for recognizing children’s
emotional problems
¡ Hygiene kit, including toothbrush,
toothpaste, and oss
¡ Diabetic dental program (available in
certain counties)
¡ $25 for dental exam for children ages 2-3
¡ Opportunity to join member advisory
¡ Face-to-face help applying for SSI for
members who qualify
¡ Member advocate to help with concerns
about benets or providers
¡ High school equivalency or GED help
¡ Opioid lockbox
¡ 4-H program assistance (Medicaid only)
Help for pregnant women
¡ Text4Baby messages to keep mom and
baby healthy
¡ Maternity outreach programs:
` $100 for 6 prenatal visits
` $50 for post-partum visit between
7-84 days after delivery
¡ Care Coordination through baby’s rst
year for mothers with:
` High risk pregnancies
` Substance use disorder during
` NICU babies or babies with complex
Health and wellness
¡ Quit smoking packets for all members
ages 12 and older, with workbook,
relaxation exercises CD, and quit
smoking survival kit
¡ Access to our Core Wellness online tool
that helps members learn ways to get
and stay healthy
¡ Care managers to help members
manage medications, disease and
improve overall health
¡ Health risk assessments
¡ Specialized care managers:
` Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
` High risk OB
` Hepatitis
` Behavioral health
` Regional face-to-face case
management with high risk members
` One-on-one help to quit smoking with
Certied Coordinator
¡ $25 for dental exam for children under
age 21
¡ Personal help applying for SSI for
members who qualify
¡ Yearly membership dues for Boy Scouts
and Girl Scouts
¡ Yearly donation to Boys and Girls Club to
be used for membership dues
¡ Participation in member advisory
¡ Help with the Jobs and Hope Program
Help for pregnant women
¡ Fresh Fruit & Veggies program with up to
$100 in fresh produce
¡ Convertible car seat or portable crib for
members with 6 prenatal visits
¡ Up to $75 worth of diapers mail ordered
to doorstep after completing 6 prenatal
¡ Safe Sleep kit for babies under 1
¡ Care coordination through baby’s rst
year for:
` High risk pregnancies or substance
use disorder
` NICU babies or babies with complex
¡ Text4Baby messages
¡ Electric breast pump with accessory kit
¡ Up to $75 for prenatal and postpartum
¡ Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
program graduation gift
Health and wellness
¡ Personal hygiene box with up to $50 in
¡ Feminine care collection for females 10-
18; up to $75 in products
¡ Online Well-Being Program for ages 13+
¡ Up to $75 in Healthy lifestyle aids
¡ Substance Use Disorder Recovery
Support Program
¡ Help line and coaching to quit smoking
¡ Free sports physical
¡ Care manager to help manage
medications, disease, and to improve
overall health
¡ Certied behavioral health disease
management program
¡ WW
program for:
` ages 18+ with a body mass index
(BMI) greater than 30, or ages 10-17
with a BMI in the 85th percentile or
above with parental/guardian consent
& doctor’s referral (online options
¡ Youth club memberships at certain Boys
& Girls Clubs (not camps)
¡ Gym memberships, Active & Fit Program
for members ages 18+ at certain gyms
¡ Oral care essentials (electric toothbrush,
toothpaste, and dental oss)
¡ $25 for yearly dental visit for ages 2-20
(Medicaid); ages 2-19 (CHIP)
¡ $100 gas card ($25 every 3 months per
¡ Free laptop for members graduating
high school with a 3.5 or higher GPA or
complete/pass TASC/GED
¡ Family activity coupon book
¡ Access to our Community Resource link