Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators i
This document was written for general informational purposes only. It is intended to apply
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The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency
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Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators ii
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
The Threat Landscape ................................................................................................................................. 2
IAM Threat Mitigation Techniques ............................................................................................................ 4
Identity Governance .................................................................................................................................... 4
What it Does ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Why It Matters ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Environmental Hardening .......................................................................................................................... 6
What it Does ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Why it Matters ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Setting the Stage for Implementation .................................................................................................... 7
Implementing Best Practice ................................................................................................................... 7
Actions to Take Now ............................................................................................................................... 9
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Identity Federation and Single Sign-On ................................................................................................... 10
What it Does ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Why it Matters ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Factors to consider when selecting an SSO solution ...................................................................... 11
Implementing Best Practices ................................................................................................................ 13
Actions to Take Now ............................................................................................................................. 13
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Multi-Factor Authentication ..................................................................................................................... 13
What It Does .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Why MFA Matters .................................................................................................................................. 17
Preparation for Implementing MFA ..................................................................................................... 18
Catalog User Populations, Device Types, and Use Cases ................................................................ 18
Evaluate Assurance Requirements .................................................................................................. 19
Evaluate Privacy and Operational Considerations ......................................................................... 19
Implementing MFA ................................................................................................................................ 20
Actions to Take Now ............................................................................................................................. 21
ary ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators iii
IAM Auditing and Monitoring ................................................................................................................... 22
What it Does ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Why it Matters ....................................................................................................................................... 22
Preparation for Implementing Best Practice ...................................................................................... 23
Actions to Take Now ............................................................................................................................. 24
Summary ................................................................................................................................................ 25
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix I: Actions to Take Now Checklist ............................................................................................. 26
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 1
Identity and access management (IAM) is a framework of business processes, policies, and
technologies that facilitate the management of digital identities to ensure that users only
gain access to data when they have the appropriate credentials. Beyond the physical users,
service and system accounts are also in scope for IAM and critical for IAM administrators to
manage within their organizations. Inventorying, auditing, and tracking all of these
identities and their access is imperative to ensure that proper IAM, including permissions
and active status, is executed on a regular basis. Managing the growing complexities of
digital identities can be daunting especially with industry’s push toward cloud and hybrid
computing environments; however, the need for IAM is more important today than ever. In
recent years, we have seen various nation state-led cyber operations successfully access
protected data by targeting the trust established within networks or by exploiting
vulnerabilities in IAM products and/or IAM implementations. Specifically, the critical
infrastructure within the U.S. is an attractive target for the adversaries. In fact, according to
the 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, 80% of web applications attacks
leveraged stolen credentials, a technique used by both basic cyber criminals and nation-
state bad actors. Additionally, excluding breaches based on user error and insider misuse,
40% of breaches involved stolen credentials and nearly 20% involved phishing. Recent and
notable attacks include:
In 2021, compromised credentials were used to attack and shut down the Colonial
national gas pipeline in the U.S.
In another 2021 cyberattack, an unknown attacker manipulated computer systems
in a Florida water treatment plant to increase the concentration of sodium
hydroxide in the water supply by a factor of 100.
In 2022, another attack targeted a water treatment plant in South Staffordshire,
As such, the critical infrastructure organizations have a particular responsibility to
implement, maintain, and monitor secure IAM solutions and processes to protect not only
their own business functions and information but also the organizations and individuals
with whom they interact. It is important to keep in mind that IAM systems implement
credential management, authentication, and authorization functions that are foundational
to security and also very complex and subject to vulnerabilities if not implemented
correctly. Like any kind of software, IAM solutions are subject to software vulnerabilities
and must be patched, updated, and managed. A vulnerable IAM solutions can facilitate
access to multiple systems and data across the organization. Therefore, securing IAM
infrastructure is critical. Ultimately, the goal is that organizations proactively take the
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 2
appropriate action to protect against an attack rather than be in the position of deploying
fundamental IAM capabilities far too late.
To address the risk to a wide range of critical public and private sector networks, the
Enduring Security Framework (ESF) hosted a working panel staffed by government and
industry subject matter experts tasked with assessing the challenges and threats to IAM
and identifying recommendations on how to mitigate these risks. While the working group
recognizes the need for a broad, layered approach to network defense, this guidance is
focused on the aspects of IAM identified as critical in addressing the threats laid out in this
This paper sets forth the IAM best practices for administrators to implement to address
threats that are highly likely, highly impactful, or both. Furthermore, it identifies mitigation
areas most effective in reducing the impacts of these threats to IAM.
This paper focuses on identifying mitigations for the following techniques frequently used
by bad actors:
Creating new accounts to maintain persistence.
Assuming control of accounts of former employees which were not suspended upon
employee termination.
Exploiting vulnerabilities to forge authentication assertions (e.g. Kerberos tickets,
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) assertions, OAuth2).
Utilizing or creating alternative access points to systems.
Exploiting or utilizing users with legitimate access.
Compromising passwords through a variety of tactics (e.g. phishing, multi-factor
authentication (MFA) bypass, credential stuffing, password spraying, social
engineering, brute force).
Gaining system access and exploiting stored credentials.
Exploiting default passwords in built-in or system accounts, exploiting active attacks
to downgrade, and exploiting deprecated encryption, or plain-text protocols to
access credentials.
The Threat Landscape
Organizations are subject to attacks from a broad range of threat sources including nation-
states, terrorist groups, organized crime, hacktivists, and individuals looking to harm or
embarrass an organization. Additionally, organizations are subject to attacks where a
trusted user is the source of the compromise (e.g., insider threat). The spectrum of threat
sources varies wildly in capabilities, motivations, and methods. For example, nation-state
actors have significant resources, and can establish long-term plans to gain access to
critical resources. They can also use indirect methods such as exploiting the supply chain.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 3
Exploiting known IAM vulnerabilities could allow a bad actor the same access to resources
as legitimate users by mimicking legitimate activity which complicates detection of the bad
actor. This provides the bad actor more time to gain access to resources and elevate
privileges to gain persistent access.
For example, a recent CISA Alert (AA21-321A)
showed that Iranian government-
sponsored advanced persistent threat (APT) actors are actively targeting a broad range of
victims across multiple U.S. critical infrastructure sectors by exploiting IAM vulnerabilities
to compromise credentials, escalate privileges, and establish new user accounts on domain
controllers, servers, workstations, and in directories responsible for authenticating and
authorizing users and devices. These actors could leverage this access for follow-on
operations, such as data exfiltration or encryption, ransomware, and extortion.
Additionally, exploitation of Single Sign-On (SSO) technology (a component of IAM) is
becoming a more prevalent attack vector. Bad actors attempt to exploit the SSO functions
with hopes of easily gaining access to protected resources throughout the system and/or
organization. Several examples that show the impact of SSO compromise include:
In September 2021, Palo Alto Networks revealed bad actors exploiting a
vulnerability in Zoho’s ManageEngine ADSelfService Plus SSO solution. The bad
actors were observed deploying backdoor and credential stealing tools to maintain
access to the victim’s networks including critical infrastructure entities.
The SolarWinds compromise highlighted the risk of SSO exploitation. The NSA and
others characterized the “Golden SAML,” Active Directory Federation Services
bypass technique, as shown in Figure 1, which gave bad actors access to all of the
enterprise’s Active Directory authentication.
Figure 1 Depiction of “Golden SAML” Attack Process.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 4
Defending against this broad spectrum of attacks requires a comprehensive IAM solution,
with operational awareness of the environment to detect anomalies and attribute
anomalous activity to adversary exploits.
IAM Threat Mitigation Techniques
The best practices and mitigations discussed in this paper provide tactics that help to
counter threats to IAM through deterrence, prevention, detection, damage limitation, and
response. Specifically, this paper identifies best practices relating to:
Identity Governance - policy-based centralized orchestration of user identity
management and access control and helps support enterprise IT security and
regulatory compliance;
Environmental Hardening - makes it harder for a bad actor to be successful in an
Identity Federation and Single Sign-OnIdentity federation across organizations
addresses interoperability and partnership needs centrally. SSO allows centralized
management of authentication and access thereby enabling better threat detection
and response options;
Multi-Factor Authentication - uses more than one factor in the authentication
process which makes it harder for a bad actor to gain access;
IAM Monitoring and Auditing - defines acceptable and expected behavior and then
generates, collects, and analyzes logs to provide the best means to detect suspicious
Identity Governance
Identity governance is the process by which an organization centralizes orchestration of its
user and service accounts management in accordance with their policies. Identity
governance provides organizations with better visibility to identities and access privileges,
along with better controls to detect and prevent inappropriate access. It is comprised of a
set of processes and policies that cover the segregation of duties, role management, logging,
access review, analytics, and reporting.
What it Does
Identity governance solutions can manage the entire identity and access lifecycle for an
organization’s workforce. The most critical lifecycle events are often referred to as “Join,
Move, and Leave” (JML) events:
Joinwhen a new employee or contractor joins the organization, the identity
governance solution can collect biographical, position-related, and credential data
(such as professional certifications or clearances) from recruiting, human capital
management, and personnel security systems to build out an identity record for the
individual. Identity governance systems can use this data to automatically create
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 5
accounts in directories and applications with entitlements based on the collected
Movewhen an individual’s role in the organization changes, an identity
governance system can automate the granting of additional entitlements needed for
their new role as well as the removal of entitlements that are no longer needed.
Without adequate management of Move events, long-term users tend to accumulate
privileges as their roles change, increasing the potential impact of insider abuse or
account takeover.
Leave – when users separate from an organization through retirement, termination,
or contract expiration, their accounts and privileges must be promptly terminated.
Identity governance systems can automate the disablement and removal of accounts
in response to separation actions in human capital management systems or other
personnel systems. Identity governance systems also provide a record of accounts
and privileges associated with the individual, ensuring that access is completely
Why It Matters
Identity governance solutions implement governance policies using orchestration tools
that are designed to link people, applications, data and devices, and allow customers to
determine who has access to what, what kind of risk that represents, and take action in
situations where policy violations are identified. They provide a comprehensive view of an
organization’s identity management practices and identify gaps in the identity
management lifecycle. This centralized control and visibility helps to mitigate the risk that
identities and privileges will be mismanaged, as well as the risk that attackers can exploit
different systems within the organization without being detected.
Additionally, identity governance systems maintain an inventory of active accounts and
privileges that currently exist in systems and applications, enabling monitoring and
analysis. Account creation and modification events can be reviewed and correlated with
approved access requests. Policy rules can be created for segregation of duties
requirements, enabling administrators to identify and remove non-compliant combinations
of privileges assigned to individuals. Automated risk analysis can identify high-risk
individuals so that appropriate mitigations can be taken, such as re-assigning privileges or
elevated monitoring of those users’ accounts. The access inventory also enables application
and data owners to periodically review and reconcile accounts and privileges. Together,
these processes support the principle of Least Privilege, ensuring that users have only the
privileges required for their job functions.
Further, managing system and application accounts is also critical. Identity governance
systems can monitor and manage the creation, modification, and removal of these accounts
to ensure they are only created and granted privileges in response to approved,
documented change requests. The entitlements policies, monitoring, risk analysis, and
access reconciliation processes applied to user accounts as described above can also ensure
that system accounts are managed in accordance with least privilege.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 6
Effective identity governance can mitigate the impacts of many prevalent IAM threats:
Phishing, spear phishing, or social engineering: Identity governance cannot
directly prevent these attacks, but can reduce the potential impact of user account
compromise using these techniques. A compromised account with excessive
privileges can do more damage than one whose privileges are contained. In
addition, Segregation of Duty controls enforced through identity governance can
ensure that compromising a single account does not provide access to key business
processes and data.
Insider threats: As with phishing and other account compromise threats, identity
governance cannot prevent insiders from abusing their privileges, but it can reduce
the impact when these events happen if they do not have excessive privileges.
Creating accounts to maintain persistence: Attackers who compromise
privileged accounts may attempt to create additional user accounts to maintain
access to a system even if the initially compromised accounts are revoked or
disabled. Identity governance systems monitor account creations and can help an
organization identify unauthorized account creation.
Privileged accounts require additional monitoring and control and should be separately
managed using a Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution with strong identity
governance. Modern PAM solutions include advanced capabilities such as just-in-time
provisioning, in which users are temporarily granted privileged access in order to complete
a specific task or resolve an issue. This further supports the principle of least privilege and
reduces the number of privileged accounts that an attacker could target.
Environmental Hardening
Hardening the enterprise environment includes making sure the foundations and
implementations of IAM are sufficiently secured, assured, and trusted. The degree of
hardening will vary depending on what is being protected. For example, credential issuing
systems for cryptographic digital certificates or stores of passwords are more critical since
they secure authentication for entire organizations. Implementation of cryptographic
mechanisms must also be sufficient to provide the level of security assumed and needed by
the system.
What it Does
Environmental hardening secures the hardware components and software in the
enterprise environment around the IAM solution. A defense is only as good as its weakest
component. Therefore, it is important when implementing an IAM solution to include
securing the other services that are involved. Combining environmental hardening (e.g.,
patching, asset management, and network segmentation) best practices with sound IAM
foundations and implementations reduces the likelihood of a compromise and limits
potential damage.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 7
Why it Matters
Environmental hardening generally makes it harder for a bad actor to exploit IAM
components and software. Bad actors target IAM solutions because they can provide access
to a significant amount of sensitive data, enables persistence, and be used for future
malicious cyber operations. IAM solution components must be hardened to prevent
footholds for attackers to pivot to more critical systems.
Setting the Stage for Implementation
Implementing Best Practice
Physical and
Ensure assets are protected from interruption or data loss due
to unauthorized access to a specific physical environment. This
can be done by limiting physical access to the data center
hosting the IAM assets and the systems controlling logical
access to the IAM assets. It is also imperative to use best
practices to provide the appropriate resilience of these systems
from other physical threats. IAM functions and capabilities
should be purposely implemented with system geo-
redundancy, if possible, to survive and withstand a physical
and/or destructive cyber event at one physical location.
For IAM systems hosted on-site in the organization’s work
offices, ensure the server room is located behind a locked door
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 8
with access granted only to those who have a purpose in that
room. A cipher lock or badge access can add MFA capabilities to
access the room itself.
Ensure that any doors and rooms that provide access to
sensitive or critical IAM infrastructure are monitored with
cameras that can trigger an alarm if there is unauthorized
physical access to the facility (e.g., data center) and room (e.g.,
on-premises server room).
For IAM systems managed offsite or through a cloud provider,
environment hardening needs to ensure remote access is
limited by using strong phishing-resistant MFA and limiting
access based on other factors (e.g. role-based, normal work
hours, location, device, position). It is also key to only engage
reputable cloud service providers when choosing to implement
the IAM systems offsite.
Ensure disposal of used assets properly by thoroughly wiping
or completely destroying the asset depending on the sensitivity
of the data.
When software patches are published for IAM components
and/or software, perform a security risk assessment on the
patch to assist with installation prioritization. If you have the
capacity, consider executing a comprehensive security test plan
on all software patches in a non-production environment to
ensure compatibility. Proceed to patch and update all impacted
devices and/or software as soon as possible.
Ensure an intrusion detection system is in place to alert
security operations teams of any suspicious IAM activity.
Develop and set a network baseline so that anomalous network
traffic and/or behaviors can be identified and flagged for
security analysis to determine if it is a result of malicious or
unauthorized activity.
Follow the “3-2-1 principles” in the event of a disk failure or
other disaster: maintain three copies of the data, in at least two
mediums, with one being offsite.
Build resiliency in the IAM system in order to prevent access
loss due to failure. This resiliency can also have the added
benefit of providing better performance through maintaining a
lower baseload. Geodiversity should be considered in the
resiliency plan for the IAM system.
Limit user account permissions to those that are necessary to
perform their job. IAM solutions can help handle this through
locking down privileged accounts, protecting user credentials,
and making it easier to assign users to groups with specific
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 9
Develop policies where normal users, system administrators,
and other privileged (e.g., operation and management,
application/process, alias, backup, etc.) accounts are separated
to ensure that all accesses are using least privilege permissions.
Audit all assets regularly in the organization to identify local
identities. Remove unnecessary local identities and investigate
to identify who or what process created the local identity.
Monitor remaining local identities for anomalous behavior.
Carefully design and implement network segmentation with
security in mind to limit the spread of an intrusion and to
disrupt attempts to escalate privilege.
Isolate IAM systems in a dedicated network segment with
layers of security controls between the IAM systems and other
systems inside and/or outside the organization.
Perform regular security penetration testing and asset
vulnerability security scanning to understand attack surfaces
from both outside and inside the organizational boundaries.
Prioritize security hardening efforts on externally exposed
Assess the access allowed internally and the current
vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an internal and/or
external threat actor. Implement least privilege and access
monitoring to reduce risk.
Protect and
Critical IAM
Identify your credential/trust stores, control access paths, and
provide enterprise-wide management.
Protect keys and certificates at appropriate assurance levels
consider hardware-based security modules for critical items
such as signing keys.
Understand tradeoffs between on-premises and cloud based
IAM services and ensure visibility into the security of cloud
services used.
Recognize and mitigate risks of using 3
party applications for
IAM functions.
Actions to Take Now
Take an inventory of all assets within the organization. If there is something
missing, or if there are additional assets that are unknown, determine the cause of
the discrepancy.
Identify all the local identities on the assets in order to know who has access to
which assets.
Understand what security controls are in the enterprise environment now and what
security gaps persist in an organization’s enterprise environment.
Develop a network traffic baseline that can be used to detect security anomalies in
the network. Any compromise to any component in a network has the potential to
threaten more critical enterprise systems, including IAM.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 10
IAM solutions are only one part of a wider enterprise environment, where compromises in
one area can eventually lead to compromises in another. Hardening the enterprise
environment, including the IAM systems as critical resources, helps to limit the potential
for a compromise and keep the IAM system safe and accessible.
Identity Federation and Single Sign-On
Identity federation using SSO within and/or between organizations, including the
utilization of identity providers, mitigates risks by centrally managing differences in
policies and risk levels between the organizations and eliminates wide implementation and
dependence on local identities. Without formally defining the policies and levels of trust
and assurance between organizations or between multiple identity providers within an
organization, the organization is susceptible to attacks based on weaknesses in each
federated IAM. SSO provides a risk mitigation capability by centralizing the management
and control of authentication and access across multiple systems and from multiple
identity providers. Implemented properly, it can also raise the authentication assurance
level required for initial sign on and can control and secure the authentication and
authorization information passed between systems.
What it Does
Identity Federation and SSO simplifies identity management internally within an enterprise
and with trusted external partners by reducing the need for users to maintain multiple
identities in both internal and external directories, applications, and other platforms,
eliminating the need for local identities at each asset. It allows for seamless integration
with other security controls such as privileged access management for step-up
authentication and increases confidence that only active users are allowed access.
Additionally, it reduces the labor costs associated with managing multiple identities for
each user on the various on-premises and/or cloud-based applications.
Why it Matters
Passwords are a vulnerability due to the complexity of requiring a user to remember multi-
character passwords that almost every application requires today. SSO nominally reduces
the user burden to remembering one solid, complex, and hard-to-guess passphrase, and
facilitates the migration to strong MFA, potentially eliminating passwords altogether.
Implementing both Identity Federation and SSO supporting strong MFA allows for
improved security without compromising the user experience.
Locally provisioned accounts (e.g., user, system, process, admin) on individual assets
creates an unmanageable environment and is a lucrative target by bad actors. For example:
Locally provisioned accounts may or may not allow for security policy enforcement.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 11
Massive volumes of locally provisioned accounts on individual systems across the
enterprise cannot be maintained. These accounts can include shared accounts,
vendor default accounts, and unknown accounts (e.g., ex-employee, ex-vendor).
Security event monitoring is ineffective on locally provisioned accounts. For
instance, the ability to monitor and detect shared accounts, stolen credentials, and
cracked credentials (e.g., password spraying) is considerably more difficult given
the volumes of assets, accounts, and individual asset configurations.
Adversaries, both internal and external threat actors, can exploit the security policy
and/or security event monitoring gaps in one system to compromise the assets it
manages and use their access as a foothold to launch exploits against other systems.
Identity Federation and SSO drastically reduce the need for locally provisioned accounts
and enables IAM administrators to have more centralized visibility and control over
accounts. It also enables more effective management of default and/or shared accounts
that are required on an individual asset. For example, most default and shared accounts can
be disabled and those that cannot be disabled can have passwords changed to highly
random values protected in a password vault.
Factors to consider when selecting an SSO solution
SSO services may use different protocols, such as SAML or Open ID Connect (OIDC). When
selecting an SSO service, it is important to keep in mind the following factors:
What protocol is being used?
How has the service provider secured the protocol and the service?
SAML is used for exchanging authentication and authorization data between identity
providers and service providers. One of the most common use cases for SAML is facilitating
browser-based SSO. Up until the past few years, SAML was considered the industry
standard and proven workhorse for passing an authenticated user into applications while
allowing these applications to defer authentication to a centralized identity solution.
If the services use SAML, specific implementation and hardening measures are a must to be
a secure SSO option as it is prone to exploits if it is not implemented correctly. Every year
brings new issues with SAML in the form of newly discovered exploits which gives it a
reputation of not being the most secure option.
OIDC was created to address some of the flaws in SAML However, SAML is still considered
a relevant option for SSO and there are still requirements for developers to support it in
modern environments.
OpenID Connect
OAuth 2.0 is designed only for authorization for granting access to data and features from
one application to another. OIDC is a thin layer that sits on top of OAuth 2.0 that adds login
and profile information about the person who is logged in. OIDC enables scenarios where
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 12
one login can be used across multiple applications (i.e., SSO). An application could support
SSO using social networking services (i.e., Facebook or Twitter) so that users can choose to
leverage a login they already have. Authorization code flow enables the applications to first
get authorization codes instead of getting tokens directly from the authorization callback
request. It then uses these codes in a request to another endpoint on the authorization
server to exchange them for the tokens they need. The most significant advantage that this
flow has in relation to the implicit flow is its security. There are two characteristics of the
authorization code flow that make it a better choice than SAML when it comes to security.
An example of the authorization code flow is depicted in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2 Diagram of Authorization Code Flow
First, the process to exchange codes for tokens happens on back channels. Instead of
having tokens traveling through users’ devices, the application opens a back channel
connection to the authorization server, eliminating the need to pass credentials and
other information through the users’ devices (like browsers). By establishing a
direction connection to each other, the application and authentication server reduce the
chances that certain credentials will be exposed. When registering a Web App, the call
back configuration is important from a security point of view because it restricts what
URLs the OIDC provider is allowed to call after a successful authentication process.
The second characteristic is that, before issuing tokens, authorization servers require
applications to authenticate themselves. This authentication process usually happens
by applications using credentials that authorization servers assign to them.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 13
In summary, OIDC is a more secure and reliable protocol because it uses a direct channel
between the applications and the authentication server, protecting identity tokens.
Implementing Best Practices
Organizations should consider the following when assessing their SSO capability and
making improvements to counter their organization’s top threats and plan for periodic
reassessments to ensure updates are made as needs change.
Define and understand how assets are audited for any local accounts and/or
identities configured and active.
Define and understand how the engagement with trusted partners to audit for any
local accounts and/or identities configured and active.
For any required and authorized local accounts/identities, define a password policy,
and auditing to ensure compliance.
Define a policy that disallows local accounts on any platform.
Implement a configuration management solution which supports the identification,
tracking, and reporting of any local accounts.
Identify and track all exceptions for systems, platforms, and/or applications that
require local accounts. Disable those that are not necessary and establish and
enforce password policies for those that are. Review these periodically with the
application teams and/or vendors in an effort to drive them to SSO support.
Ensure SSO availability. If SSO fails, access to all related systems is lost. Therefore, it
is key to have a solid high availability design and plan implementation which
includes both local and regional geographic redundancy and the appropriate
security hardening guidelines.
Actions to Take Now
Assess your organization’s internal on-premises applications/devices/platforms
and your cloud providers ability to connect using SSO.
Determine if your SSO integration can collect user context during SSO logins
including location, device, and behavior.
Organizations should develop and deploy SSO friendly applications and platforms to
eliminate all local accounts and/or identities. Doing so will improve the user experience
while also significantly reducing the risk associated with local accounts which are difficult
to manage and monitor. Local accounts that use shared passwords (e.g., root) create legal
and forensic issues for the organization when attempting to identify the attacker’s identity.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Since the introduction of multi-user computer systems, user authentication has primarily
relied on usernames and passwords. MFA is an approach to strengthen the authentication
process by requiring the user to present multiple elements in different categories, or
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 14
“factors”, as part of an authentication attempt. These factors are as shown in Figure 3 are
something you have, something you know, and something you are.
Figure 3 Multi-Factor Authentication Factors
MFA incorporates more than one of the above factors as part of a login flow. Examples
Typing a password and responding to a push notification sent to a registered
Typing a password and providing a one-time code from a hardware authentication
Using a biometric facial scan and/or passphrase to unlock a cryptographic
credential stored on a registered device (i.e. phone, hardware token).
Authentication systems are the front doors to enterprise networks, applications, and data.
As such, attackers are highly focused on finding and exploiting authentication
vulnerabilities. Authentication systems are also high-volume user interfaces and frequently
seen as friction points between users and their ability to perform their business functions.
This combination of characteristics poses a challenge for systems engineers and
implementers since they must be seamless and user-friendly yet also strongly resistant to
MFA authenticators may take the form of software that runs on a smartphone or other
device or dedicated hardware tokens. Some MFA solutions are designed to augment
passwords with an additional factor, whereas, “passwordless” solutions can eliminate the
need for passwords altogether. Passwordless MFA solutions typically involve the use of
two factors together, such as a cryptographic credential stored on a hardware token that is
unlocked using a memorized PIN. Table X below lists some common forms of MFA.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 15
MFA Type
Relevant Standards
OTP delivered out of band by simple
messaging service (SMS) or email
Hardware OTP token
Mobile OTP app
RFC 4226
Time-based OTP (TOTP)
RFC 6238
Mobile app that presents options to
approve or reject a login event from
another device
Fast Identity Online (FIDO) hardware
FIDO software token (e.g, Passkey)
Software Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
credential unlocked with biometric
Web Authentication
NIST SP 800-74
NIST SP 800-157
It is important to note that not all MFA solutions provide equal protection against
authentication attacks, and there are critical implementation details that can impact the
security and usability of an MFA deployment. The following subsections provide guidance
for selecting and implementing an MFA solution. Further guidance is also available in the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-63
NSA’s publication, Selecting Secure Multi-factor Authentication Solutions
, and the
Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency’s guidance on MFA.
What It Does
MFA was created to address the shortcomings of passwords including the fact that:
Passwords can be shared with unauthorized users;
Users can be tricked into giving their passwords to attackers through phishing; and
Users tend to use the same or closely related passwords across multiple websites,
services, and computer systems, meaning a breach of one system allows an attacker
to obtain usernames and passwords that can be used in other systems using
techniques such as credential stuffing.
NIST Special Publication, 800-63AB.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 16
MFA mitigates common attacks against passwords such as brute force guessing and
credential stuffing as well as common misuse practices such as password sharing by
requiring the presentation of another factor in addition to the password. Unless an attacker
can defeat the MFA authentication mechanism, knowing the password by itself does not
enable impersonation of the user. In the case of passwordless authentication systems,
passwords are eliminated altogether as an attack vector.
Some, but not all, MFA solutions also mitigate phishing attacks. Given the prevalence of
phishing as an attack vector, phishing resistance should be a key consideration in choosing
an MFA solution. Figure 4 represents different types of MFA ranging from weakest to
Figure 4 Weakest to Strongest Types of MFA
The following are some general guidelines around MFA and phishing:
One-time passwords, whether generated in an app or hardware token or delivered
through SMS, e-mail, or some other out-of-band method, do not protect against
phishing unless they are combined with some other phishing-resistant technology
such as mutual TLS authentication. Because the user enters the one-time password
into a login form, a phishing site can capture an OTP just as easily as a password
and replay it to the legitimate site or application in real-time.
Push notification-based authenticator apps that prompt the user to approve login
attempts also generally do not protect against phishing. A phishing site can trigger a
login attempt that will send a push notification to the user’s registered device and
the user may have no way of determining whether the notification is legitimate.
Some attackers have had success rates simply triggering push notifications to users
who are not even attempting to log in at the time.
Some push notification-based
MFA solutions provide additional context about the authentication attempt, such as
What Are Push Attacks? | HYPR.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 17
the location from which it originated, to aid the user in determining whether it is
legitimate. If the login request came from a phishing site, the detected location of
the login attempt should not match the user’s current location. However, location
can be spoofed, and the basic issue remains that the push notification is not
strongly bound to a legitimate authentication attempt and the service to which the
user is authenticating.
Further guidance is also available in CISA’s publication Implementing Phishing-Resistant
Phishing-resistant forms of MFA include:
FIDO authenticators a wide range of interoperable authenticators, both built into
commonly-used operating systems (Windows, MacOS, iOS Android) and available in
hardware tokens, based on industry standards maintained by the FIDO Alliance and
the World Wide Consortium (W3C).
PKI credentials, in the form of software crypto modules, smartcards, and other
hardware tokens.
Why MFA Matters
MFA solutions can mitigate many of the most common attacks against authentication
Credential stuffing is the attempt to use known username/password credentials
obtained from one system (typically through compromise and cracking of the
password database) to access other systems. Credential stuffing takes advantage of
the tendency for users to reuse the same credentials for multiple sites and services.
With MFA, these stolen credentials are not sufficient to gain access to a user’s
account because the attacker cannot bypass second-factor authentication.
Password spraying is a similar attack where the attacker tries a relatively short list
of the most commonly-used passwords against a list of known usernames. Typically,
the attacker tries a small number of passwords for each user account to avoid
triggering the account lockout threshold to reduce the risk of detection. If a system
locks users after 10 failed attempts, the attacker may try 9 passwords for each
username. Again, MFA can prevent account takeover even if the attacker discovers
valid username/password credentials by requiring an additional authentication
Phishing is an attempt to trick users into logging into an attacker-controlled system
and capture their credentials. As described above, some MFA authentication
systems prevent phishing by using protocols designed such that a phishing site
cannot simply “replay” the authentication protocol messages against the legitimate
Brute-force attacks are the simplest form of password attacks, where an attacker
simply tries different passwords in the hopes of finding valid credentials. Account
Implementing Phishing-Resistant MFA (
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 18
lockouts make these attacks much more time-consuming, but strong MFA can
completely mitigate them.
Preparation for Implementing MFA
Before deploying MFA, it is important to understand the full scope of use cases and
scenarios the MFA solution needs to address. An ad-hoc approach can lead to incomplete
coverage, multiple systems, and users needing to enroll multiple MFA mechanisms to
access all the applications they need. Up-front planning and strategy definitions can help
ensure a smooth, coherent implementation. This section details several aspects to consider
and further information can be found in the NSA publicationTransition to Multi-Factor
and in CISA’s publication Capacity Implementation Guide: Implementing
Strong Authentication.”
Catalog User Populations, Device Types, and Use Cases
Consider the needs of different user groups to best determine how to handle MFA
enrollment. Questions to consider include:
What types of authenticators are suitable for each based on assurance level,
usability, supportability, and cost?
What are the various device platforms your MFA solution needs to accommodate?
Desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets are common requirements.
Is MFA also needed for networking devices or other equipment?
What are the potential device compatibility issues for both software and hardware
MFA solutions? It is important to consider up-to-date operating systems and
browsers, available USB ports (with their A/C/Micro variations), or support for
Bluetooth or Near-Field Communications (NFC). It’s also important to consider the
security profiles of the devices and the difference between devices under enterprise
management and monitoring, devices managed by a different organization, and
personal, unmanaged devices, especially regarding software solutions.
Also consider the different support needed for operating environments. In operating
environments with shared workstations, portable authenticators would probably be most
appropriate verses software authenticators tied to a specific device. Additionally, in
operating environments that have users with managed mobile devices, the iOS and Android
platforms both provide built-in authentication capabilities using the FIDO standards and
numerous other vendors offer authenticator applications that could meet your MFA needs
without buying additional hardware. However, if there are high-security environments
such as research facilities where electronic devices are not admitted, smartphone-based
authenticators would not be appropriate.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 19
It is important to note that organizations may find that a single MFA solution cannot
accommodate all their needs, especially if managing access for external users. Deploying
different MFA solutions for different groups of users may be required. This is a situation
where ID Federation/SSO will be important.
Evaluate Assurance Requirements
Some use cases, applications, or data types may require higher-assurance authentication
than others. For example, privileged users with operating system or database
administration rights should have strong, phishing-resistant authentication. The use of
separate user-level and administrative accounts and credentials for individuals with
privileged access and Privileged Access Management (PAM) systems that provide auditing
of privileged access use are additional best practices for managing privileged access that
can be deployed in conjunction with MFA. PAM may also provide work-flow management
and be a credential proxy for systems that don’t support the selected MFA. Other high-risk
roles or functions may also require special protections if they involve management of high-
value assets or critically sensitive information.
For reference, NIST SP 800-63-3 provides guidelines for performing a risk assessment to
guide selection and implementation of identity and authentication systems, including MFA.
Also consider any regulatory or compliance mandates applicable to your organization,
which may include requirements that are relevant to MFA solutions, such as the use of
Federal Information Protection Standards (FIPS) 140-3 validated cryptography or FIPS 201
Evaluate Privacy and Operational Considerations
Many MFA solutions incorporate biometric authentication of the user, which can raise
concerns over privacy. The biometric authentication solutions in most widespread use
today, such as the facial recognition and fingerprint unlock mechanisms built into
smartphones, keep biometric templates in hardware-protected storage and are designed to
prevent the removal of biometric data from the device. When these systems are used to
authenticate to systems and services, the biometric matching occurs locally on the mobile
device, and successful authentication unlocks a private key that is then used in the actual
authentication protocol carried out over the network. These types of protections are
requirements for FIDO-certified devices. Using solutions that bind biometrics templates to
a single device, instead of storing them in a central database, may help alleviate privacy
Equity across demographic groups is another potential issue with biometrics; some
biometric solutions perform differently for individuals of different ages, genders, and/or
ethnicities. Pilot testing with a representative cross-section of your user base can help
identify any potential issues. Aspects of your users’ operating environment may also impact
the suitability of specific biometric modalities; the use of gloves or masks, for example, may
preclude facial or fingerprint authentication.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 20
Implementing MFA
The following are some best practices and considerations when embarking on an MFA
Implement MFA as part of an enterprise SSO solution. Integrating MFA with all of an
organization’s applications can be a daunting prospect; it’s also not the best way to go
about an MFA implementation. MFA integration is complex, and small mistakes can lead to
issues like the ability for attackers to bypass MFA. This is a job for experienced IAM
practitioners and vendors, not an additional-duty-as-assigned for application developers.
Also, allowing individual applications and projects to choose their own MFA solutions leads
to a complex environment where users need to manage multiple authenticators to access
all the applications they need. Having multiple MFA infrastructures also expands the attack
surface and complicates maintenance.
Instead, as discussed in the previous section, MFA should be integrated into an enterprise
authentication and SSO service that uses industry-standard, tested and proven protocols,
like SAML, or OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0, to connect with your applications. A single,
centralized authentication service is simpler to test, secure, and maintain than several
independent application-level implementations. In addition, a centralized SSO system can
enable enterprise risk-based authentication policies to selectively require MFA. When a
user has an active session with the SSO service, policies can determine whether they need
to authenticate again when accessing additional applications. Policies can trigger the need
to re-authenticate or perform step-up authentication (i.e., requiring higher-assurance
authentication than was used to initially establish a user’s session) when users access
sensitive applications or perform high-risk activities. This provides the flexibility to require
high assurance when needed without frustrating users engaged in routine, low-risk tasks
with repeated MFA prompts. It also provides an integration point for Zero Trust
Architecture (ZTA) policies such as requiring re-authentication or step-up based on risk
signals from threat defense systems.
Consider the total account and authenticator lifecycle, and exception processes.
Procuring an MFA system and enrolling users is only the beginning of the process. It’s
important to consider all the needed workflows for authenticator lifecycle management
and how edge cases and failure scenarios will be handled. Initial MFA enrollment (or
issuance, in the case of hardware authenticators) process must provide adequate assurance
that the authorized user is enrolled in the MFA system. Consider the use of multiple
communication channels to provide additional assurance. For example, if a hardware token
is physically mailed to a user, require additional authentication (e.g., with their password
or a one-time secret provided out-of-band) as part of the enrollment process.
Maintain an inventory of the authenticators deployed in your environment.
Vulnerabilities may be discovered in both software and hardware authenticators, so it’s
critical to be able to identify authenticators in need of replacement or upgrade. Pay
attention to vendor announcements and support lifecycles, and plan well in advance for
any end-of-life authenticator solutions in need of replacement. For mobile authenticator
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 21
apps, consider your device refresh period and how users will enroll a new device. Also have
a response plan for lost or stolen authenticators or devices to rapidly disable the lost
authenticator and enable the user to enroll a new one. This can be one of the most
challenging aspects to manage if a user can enroll a new MFA authenticator using their
password alone, this severely undermines the security of your MFA solution. A best
practice, particularly in passwordless environments, is to issue multiple strong
authenticators to each user, perhaps with one kept in reserve in a secure location to allow
access and enrollment of a new authenticator in case the primary authenticator is lost. A
simpler solution is using backup one-time codes, kept in secure storage by the user.
Routinely test and rapidly patch your MFA infrastructure. This is good advice for any
system or application, but it is especially critical for MFA and other authentication
infrastructure. Promptly test and install any vendor security patches. Routinely test your
registration and authentication flows, especially when changes are made to your
Realize that MFA is not the only solution required for securing identities and access.
MFA is a critical security control, but it is only one component of securing access to your
systems and applications. MFA (and SSO) enable users to establish a session with an
application, but the application must implement secure session management with timeouts
for inactivity and maximum session lifetimes. Applications and client devices must protect
cookies and tokens that can allow impersonation of the user if stolen. MFA cannot prevent
malware on client devices from capturing users’ credentials or application data. It’s
important to understand that while MFA addresses some of the most common threats, MFA
should be part of a holistic cybersecurity architecture.
Actions to Take Now
Determine the MFA solution best suited in your organization’s operating
Implement MFA as part of an enterprise SSO solution.
Maintain a robust inventory of the MFA authenticators deployed in your
organization’s operating environment.
Routinely test and patch your organization’s MFA infrastructure.
MFA can provide strong protection against many of the most prevalent attacks against
authentication systems. Careful planning will help ensure that your MFA implementation
meets your organization’s needs and provides both security and usability. As with any
enduring capability, it’s important to consider the full lifecycle management of MFA
authenticators and infrastructure. Integrating MFA with an enterprise SSO system is
essential to facilitate application adoption and enable a coherent enterprise authentication
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 22
IAM Auditing and Monitoring
IAM auditing and monitoring should not only check for compliance, but also monitor for
threat indicators and anomalous activities. This encompasses the generation, collection,
and analysis of logs, events, and other information to provide the best means of detecting
compliance related infractions and suspicious activities. Attacks such as use of stolen
credentials and misuse of privileged access by insiders would not be detected in a timely
manner, if at all, without an effective IAM auditing and monitoring program. These auditing
and monitoring capabilities can be integrated with automated tools that orchestrate
response actions to counter these IAM attacks. Effective reporting from auditing and
monitoring also provide situational awareness of the security posture of an organization’s
What it Does
IAM auditing and monitoring:
Provides deterrent to users especially privileged users who know their actions are
being tracked;
Provides awareness of how system is being used and attempted to be misused;
Detects problems and potential problems through indicators of attack/compromise
and changes in behavior; and
Collects forensic evidence which also supports evaluation of effectiveness leading to
improvements in capabilities.
Why it Matters
There are many types of threats that IAM auditing and monitoring can counter but they
tend to fall into one of two buckets; insider threat and unauthorized access. Insider threats
range from authorized using their privileges to perform inappropriate actions (e.g.
downloading a list of current customers) to administrators seeking to cause harm to the
organization, to former employees whose access was not turned off. For example, in
September 2022, an individual working as a cybersecurity professional in a Hawaiian-
based financial company, pled guilty and admitted that, after severing ties with the
company, he utilized the credentials of his former employer to gain access to the company’s
website configuration settings and purposefully misdirected web and email traffic to
computers unaffiliated with the company incapacitating the company’s website and
IAM auditing and monitoring could have potentially prevented this by allowing the
system to remove the user’s access upon separation from the company.
Unauthorized access can occur when external systems or users with lower assurance (i.e.
weaker authentication) inappropriately gains access to an organization’s system and data.
Further, exploitation of vulnerabilities in security protocols, cryptographic algorithms,
and/or third-party programs could also lead to unauthorized access. Additionally,
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 23
unauthorized access can occur with the theft or hijacking of a legitimate user’s credentials
to attack an organization’s system with the stolen or hijacked credentials. In this instance,
the impostor’s behavior and actions will likely be different from the normal behavior of the
legitimate user and can lead to detection of the identity theft. The legitimate user may also
receive notifications of log in failures or other activity that they did not perform and can
provide out of band information to help detect the impostor.
Preparation for Implementing Best Practice
Below are key considerations for assessing an organization’s auditing and monitoring
capability to determine which improvements are necessary to counter top threats. It is
important to note that this is not a one-time assessment. Assessments should be made
periodically, and capabilities updated in order to meet changing needs and be better
postured to counter new threats.
Organization defines and understands what is considered normal/acceptable
behavior, suspect behavior, and misbehavior.
Organization uses defined and de-facto policy rules, requirements/models of
systems, and baselines of current activity to identify monitoring and analysis
Organization identifies users with access to critical assets (e.g., crown jewels) and
focuses enhanced monitoring on critical assets (proprietary information, systems
mission critical); Identify, prioritize assets).
Collect data including standard logs/audit records, and security events as well as
other data about the users, systems, applications, and network behaviors. Use the
collected data for real-time detection and alerting, storage for forensic use,
baselining of current behavior, analysis to detect trends, and indications of
anomalous behavior.
Behavioral analytics will require an initial period (and ongoing updates) of
collection and analysis to establish baselines and thresholds. This should address
normal day, busy day, and emergency situation baselines.
Avoid collection and analysis that does not provide useful information such a large
number of unprioritized alerts that require human analysis since this is a waste of
systems and human resources and will not achieve better cybersecurity. Collecting
and analyzing data that provides actionable information to your staff and
management to raise security awareness and can support the business case for
additional funding to improving your IAM auditing and monitoring capabilities.
Determine the appropriate tools and capabilities to effectively derive information
from the collected data. Consider what data formats and content can be processed,
configurability, scalability, growth capability to provide or interface with other
systems and capabilities. For example, a SIEM tool that can accommodate SOAR
capability or one that can work with advanced analytic tools including machine
The tools and capabilities should match and best augment your staff skills and
availability. Manual review of logs or of overly detailed or too frequent tool outputs
will not be effective. If your current tools are at the basic SIEM level, focus on
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 24
configuring them to alert on your most critical events and provide the most
pertinent info to staff. Organizations with more sophisticated capabilities should
start looking for anomalous behavior and developing procedures on how to deal
with potential insider threats. For example, when to shut them down immediately
versus when to steer them to honeypots and collect more forensics evidence.
Initiatives such as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Anomaly
Detection at Multiple Scales (ADAMS) Project
provide valuable information for
organizations to use as a starting point when attempting to identify and remediate insider
threats. The project developed an Anomaly Detection Engine for Networks (ADEN) to
detect malicious users and characterize anomalous behavior typical of malicious users, to
support improved prediction-based actionable intelligence and response. While only a
small percentage of anomalous behavior was associated with malicious users, the project
did highlight several key findings associated with behavior of malicious users, including:
Malicious users were more active and chose to “do nothing” significantly less times
than benign users.
Malicious users fetched significantly more sensitive information than benign users.
Though malicious users appeared to save more data to removable devices than
benign users, these differences were not found to be statistically significant in our
Malicious users edited the data slightly less compared to benign players users.
However, these differences also were not found be statistically significant.
Malicious users sent significantly more information out of the organization than
benign users.
Malicious users fetched significantly less un-sensitive data in contrast to the benign
Actions to Take Now
Establish baseline expectations of activity levels and policy and monitor privileged
user behavior for both acceptable and suspicious activity. Avoid automatic response
actions to suspicious behavior that could be important and legitimate (e.g. system
administrator that flags as unusual activity due to logging in from a remote location
on a weekend however could be responding to an emergency network problem).
Include manual procedures to confirm the legitimacy of these actions before
determining how to respond. For example, if the activity includes setting up new
accounts or changing privileges a first step would be to determine if there are
indications that this may be a malicious insider attack versus preparing for the
startup of a new program.
Monitor general user behaviors in both good and bad terms such as how many
successful access attempts versus unsuccessful, what hours typically worked,
whether remote access allowed, what systems accessed and amounts of data
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 25
Monitor activity between applications and systems and associated network traffic
for changes in connectivity, level of activity, and types of data. If an attacker is
attempting to move laterally within your network, this may include accesses and
traffic that are unusual.
Monitor external traffic that may include new interactions with previously unknown
sites or different types and levels of interactions. Remember that data exfiltration
attacks may be ‘low and slow’ so a change may be small, but ongoing. Be careful to
not include this in an accepted baseline of activity.
Organizations will need to be able to monitor for anomalous behavior (in addition to
traditional security events and logs) to detect the various threats to IAM systems that are
present and potentially harmful. An initial assessment should be performed to understand
current capabilities with a plan to improve an organization’s capability to collect, analyze,
detect, and respond to indicators of attack and compromise.
America’s critical infrastructure is a prime target for a broad spectrum of threat sources
including advanced and ongoing attacks from nation state and terrorist organizations
attacks. These threats are real, ongoing, and evolving and the cybersecurity community is
especially concerned about certain credible threats to IAM and SSO. IAM weaknesses are
frequently exploited in the most insidious threats, APTs, which have led to catastrophic
data breaches. The use of SSO without a good MFA foundation and secure design
selections, exacerbates the damage of attacks that an organization may be vulnerable to
such as password cracking and authenticator hijacking.
The intent of this paper was to provide a clear understanding of how various mitigations
counter the threats and to provide actionable recommendations on what organizations
should do now. This includes:
Assess your current IAM capabilities and risk posture.
For areas that need improvement: select, layer, integrate, and properly configure
secure solutions following the best practices provided herein and in referenced
Maintain the appropriate level of security to manage risk during continued
Maintain awareness of correct IAM usage and of risks.
Ultimately every organization has the obligation to ensure their IAM and SSO capabilities
are secure to protect not only their own assets but that of their partners and consumers as
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 26
Appendix I: Actions to Take Now Checklist
Environmental Hardening
Take an inventory of all assets within the organization. If there is something missing, or
if there are additional assets that are unknown, determine the cause of the discrepancy.
Identify all the local identities on the assets in order to know who has access to which
Understand what security controls are in the enterprise environment now and what
security gaps persist in an organization’s enterprise environment.
Develop a network traffic baseline that can be used to detect security anomalies in the
network. Any compromise to any component in a network has the potential to threaten
more critical enterprise systems, including IAM.
Identity Federation/Single Sign-On
Assess your organization’s internal on-premises applications/devices/platforms and
your cloud providers ability to connect using single sign-on.
Determine if your single sign-on integration can collect user context during single sign-
on logins including location, device, and behavior.
Multi-Factor Authentication
Determine the MFA solution best suited in your organization’s operating environment.
Implement MFA as part of an enterprise SSO solution.
Maintain a robust inventory of the MFA authenticators deployed in your organization’s
operating environment.
Routinely test and patch your organization’s MFA infrastructure.
IAM Auditing and Monitoring
Establish baseline expectations of activity levels and policy and monitor privileged user
behavior for both acceptable and suspicious activity. Avoid automatic response actions to
suspicious behavior that could be important and legitimate (e.g. system administrator that
flags as unusual activity due to logging in from a remote location on a weekend however
could be responding to an emergency network problem). Include manual procedures to
confirm the legitimacy of these actions before determining how to respond. For example, if
the activity includes setting up new accounts or changing privileges a first step would be to
determine if there are indications that this may be a malicious insider attack versus
preparing for the startup of a new program.
Identity and Access Management: Recommended Best Practices for Administrators 27
Monitor general user behaviors in both good and bad terms such as how many
successful access attempts versus unsuccessful, what hours typically worked, whether
remote access allowed, what systems accessed and amounts of data downloaded.
Monitor activity between applications and systems and associated network traffic for
changes in connectivity, level of activity, and types of data. If an attacker is attempting to
move laterally within your network, this may include accesses and traffic that are unusual.
Monitor external traffic that may include new interactions with previously unknown
sites or different types and levels of interactions. Remember that data exfiltration attacks
may be ‘low and slow’ so a change may be small, but ongoing. Be careful to not include this
in an accepted baseline of activity.