University of Nebraska
Campus Recreation
Free Throw Contest Rules
A. Entries
No advance entry is necessary-enter on site.
B. Equipment
Basketballs will be provided by Campus Recreation.
C. General Rules
1. Participants are given two practice attempts before the start of the qualifying round.
2. The participant must let the checker know when s/he is ready to begin.
3. The count begins when the first free throw is made.
4. All free throws must be attempted from behind the free throw line (15 feet) and inside
the circle.
5. A free throw is considered out when it touches any support or standard above the
backboard or rim.
6. Participants who make 20 or more free throws in the first round will be qualify for the
final round. Players will be given a total of 25 attempts.
7. Two practice attempts are allowed before the final round begins. The final round count
begins when the first free throw is made.
8. The individual championship will be determined by adding together the scores of the
qualifying and final round.
9. The team championship will be determined by adding the highest four scores per
10. Co-Rec partners must be declared before participating in the contest.
D. Eligibility
1. UNL students and faculty/staff members are eligible to participate.
2. Participants must present a current UNL photo ID on site.
E. Participants should be aware that there is a risk of injury in participation of intramural
sports. Individuals participate in intramural sports at their own risk.