Electrolyte and Blood Gas Analyzer
Operator’s Guide
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© 2022 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. • 06-0013245-01
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1
VetStat Principles of Operations .................................................................................................................. 1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
........................................................................................................................ 2
Sodium .................................................................................................................................................2
Potassium .............................................................................................................................................3
Chloride ................................................................................................................................................3
Ionized Calcium .................................................................................................................................... 3
pH .........................................................................................................................................................4
....................................................................................................................................................... 4
tHb ........................................................................................................................................................4
...................................................................................................................................................... 5
................................................................................................................................................... 5
Anion Gap .............................................................................................................................................5
Analyzer Components .................................................................................................................................7
Interactive Touch-Screen Display .........................................................................................................7
Status Light ...........................................................................................................................................7
Sample Measurement Chamber (SMC)...............................................................................................7
Bar code Scanner.................................................................................................................................7
Thermal Printer .....................................................................................................................................7
Peristaltic Pump .................................................................................................................................... 7
Model and Serial Numbers ..................................................................................................................7
Back of Analyzer ...................................................................................................................................8
Battery Pack .........................................................................................................................................8
Power connector and power button ....................................................................................................8
Carrying Handle ...................................................................................................................................8
Analyzer Setup and Installation .................................................................................................................. 9
Safety Precautions ....................................................................................................................................... 9
WARNING! LASER HAZARD ................................................................................................................9
WARNING! Electric Shock ...................................................................................................................9
Choosing a Location .................................................................................................................................10
Installing the VetStat Analyzer ...................................................................................................................10
Cassettes, Consumables and Accessories ............................................................................................. 12
Precautions and Warnings ........................................................................................................................12
Sample Cassettes ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Standard Reference Cassettes (SRC) ....................................................................................................... 12
Hemoglobin Calibration Cassette (HbCC) ................................................................................................13
Other Accessories and Consumables .......................................................................................................13
Calibration Gas Bottle ........................................................................................................................13
Battery Charger—110 V .....................................................................................................................13
External Battery ..................................................................................................................................13
Peristaltic Pump ................................................................................................................................. 14
Quality Control Material ..................................................................................................................... 14
Thermal Paper ....................................................................................................................................14
Calibration ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Sample Cassettes ...................................................................................................................................... 15
Hemoglobin Calibration Cassette (HbCC) ................................................................................................15
Running the HbCC .............................................................................................................................15
Standard Reference Cassettes (SRCs) .....................................................................................................16
Running Standard Reference Cassettes ............................................................................................16
Additional Printing Options for SRC Results ...................................................................................... 17
Quality Control .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Running Quality Control ............................................................................................................................18
Additional Print Options for Quality Control Results .................................................................................20
Sample Collection and Handling .............................................................................................................. 21
Anticoagulants ...........................................................................................................................................21
Collection Devices ....................................................................................................................................21
Syringes .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Capillary Tubes ...................................................................................................................................21
Sample Volume Requirements .................................................................................................................. 21
Whole-Blood Samples ...............................................................................................................................21
Whole-Blood Collection......................................................................................................................22
Whole-Blood Handling .......................................................................................................................23
Plasma Samples ........................................................................................................................................23
Plasma Sample Collection .................................................................................................................23
Plasma Sample Handling ................................................................................................................... 23
Serum Samples .........................................................................................................................................24
Serum Sample Collection ..................................................................................................................24
Serum Sample Handling ....................................................................................................................24
Running a Patient Sample ........................................................................................................................ 25
Patient Data Entry ......................................................................................................................................26
Additional Options for Patient Reports ......................................................................................................27
System Management ................................................................................................................................. 28
Data Manager ...........................................................................................................................................28
Quality Control ..........................................................................................................................................28
System Manager .......................................................................................................................................29
Setting the Date and Time .................................................................................................................. 29
Performing Diagnostics ......................................................................................................................29
Setting Up the VetStat Analyzer .........................................................................................................29
Setting Up the Quality Control Material .............................................................................................29
Setting Up Patient Information ...........................................................................................................30
Setting Up Calculated Parameters ..................................................................................................... 31
Setting Up Measurement Limits .........................................................................................................31
Setting Units .......................................................................................................................................31
Setting Up Security ............................................................................................................................32
Setting Up Hardware ..........................................................................................................................35
Cleaning and Maintenance ....................................................................................................................... 36
Setting a maintenance reminder ...............................................................................................................36
Daily maintenance .....................................................................................................................................36
Weekly maintenance .................................................................................................................................36
Quarterly maintenance ..............................................................................................................................36
Annual Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................37
As-needed maintenance ...........................................................................................................................38
Diagnostics and Alert Messages .............................................................................................................. 39
Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................................39
Sensors ..............................................................................................................................................39
Hardware ...........................................................................................................................................40
Tests ...................................................................................................................................................41
Measurement and Diagnostics Reports .................................................................................................... 41
Patient Measurement Report..............................................................................................................41
SRC Measurement Diagnostics Report .............................................................................................42
Controls Measurement Diagnostics Report ....................................................................................... 42
Error Report ........................................................................................................................................42
Configuration Report ..........................................................................................................................42
Alert Messages ..........................................................................................................................................43
IDEXX Customer and Technical Support .................................................................................................. 48
Appendix A: Normal Ranges .................................................................................................................... 49
Appendix B: Technical Specifications ...................................................................................................... 50
Measurement Range and Resolution ................................................................................................50
Barometric Pressure ........................................................................................................................... 50
Operating Altitude ..............................................................................................................................50
Operating Parameters ........................................................................................................................50
Dimensions and Weight .....................................................................................................................50
Default Settings ..................................................................................................................................51
Appendix C: Calculated Values ................................................................................................................ 52
Units Used in Measured and Input Parameters for Calculations .............................................................. 52
Conversion Table for Units
Calculated Parameters and Equations
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
.................................................................................... 52
AG ....................................................................................................................................................... 52
.................................................................................................................................................. 53
BB .......................................................................................................................................................53
BE .......................................................................................................................................................53
.................................................................................................................................................. 54
Ct ....................................................................................................................................................54
.............................................................................................................................................. 55
st.pH ...................................................................................................................................................55
Appendix D: VetStat Logs ......................................................................................................................... 56
Daily ....................................................................................................................................................56
Weekly ................................................................................................................................................56
Monthly ..............................................................................................................................................57
The VetStat* analyzer is an electrolyte and blood gas analyzer for veterinary use. This portable
analyzer provides fast, a
ccurate results via single-use disposable cassettes using samples
of whole blood, plasma, or serum. The VetStat analyzer offers an easy-to-use touch-screen
platform, convenient veterinary-specific menu options, and species-specific reference ranges for
canine, feline, and equine samples.
The VetStat analyzer is designed to provide rapid results for sodium (Na
), potassium (K
chloride (Cl
), ionized calcium (Ca
), hydrogen ion concentration (pH), partial pressure
carbon dioxide (PCO
), partial pressure oxygen (PO
), total hemoglobin concentration (tHb),
hemoglobin oxygen saturation (SO
), total carbon dioxide (tCO
), bicarbonate (HCO
), and
anion gap (AG). The table below provides important information regarding supported sample
types, available reporting units and analyzer dynamic ranges for each parame
Sample Type Available Units Dynamic Range
Parameter Whole
Plasma Serum Default Other (Default Units)
mmol/L 100–180
mmol/L 0.8–10
mmol/L 50–160
mmol/L mg/dL 0.2–3.0
pH pH units 6.6–7.8
mmHg kPa 10–200
mmHg kPa 10–700
g/dL mmol/L
% 60–100
mmol/L 1.0–200.0
* mmol/L 1.0–200.0
Anion gap*
mmol/L 3–30
*These parameters are calculated from parameters measured by the VetStat analyzer.
See “Parameters” in this section for more information on the parameters listed above.
VetStat Principles of Operations
The VetStat analyzer is a microprocessor-based instrument measuring optical fluorescence from
discrete sensors called optical electrodes (optodes).
A disposable, single-use cassette contains all of the elements needed for calibration, sample
measurement, and waste containment. Specific calibration information from the cassette is read
into the analyzer by scanning the cassette package using the bar code scanner. The cassette is
then placed into the measurement chamber.
The analyzer warms the cassette to 37.0° ±0.1°C (98.6° ±0.1°F), and performs a calibration
verification on the sensors for PCO
and PO
by passing a precision calibration gas mixture
across the optode sensors. The pH and electrolyte channels are calibrated with precision buffer
solution contained in the cassette. The tHb and SO
channels are factory-calibrated.
When calibration is verified, the analyzer aspirates the blood sample into the cassette and across
the optode sensors. After equilibrating with the blood sample, fluorescence emission is then
measured. After the measurement, the cassette containing the blood sample is removed from the
analyzer and discarded. The analyzer contains no reagents, blood, or waste.
During each measurement, light originating from lamps in the analyzer is passed through
optical filters so that photons of a specific energy are transmitted to the sensors, causing them
to emit fluorescence. The intensity of this emitted light depends upon the partial pressure of
oxygen (PO
), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO
), hydrogen ion concentration (pH), or
electrolyte concentration (Na
, K
, Cl
, Ca
) of the blood in direct contact with the sensors, as
described above. The light emitted by the fluorescent sensors is measured by the analyzer after
passing through lenses and additional optical components. A filter is used to isolate specific
wavelengths of interest from this returning light for measurement by a light detector.
For tHb and SO
, red and infrared light from one LED and two laser diodes is directed via
dichroic beamsplitters and optical waveguides onto and through an optically polished window
to the blood in the cassette over the O
sensor. This light is partially absorbed and reflected
by the erythrocytes and sensor overcoat and then reflected back up into the instrument,
traveling via an optical waveguide to a photodiode. The intensity of light reflected back at
each wavelength varies in a well-defined way with the blood ctHb and SO
, and is used in their
The output signal of the detectors is converted by the microprocessor to a numeric readout in
conventional units of measure and displayed on the touch screen. Other values commonly used
for the assessment of oxygen and acid-base status are calculated from these measured values.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The various parameter descriptions provided in this section are based on current veterinary literature
and are provided for general guidance only. As with any diagnosis or treatment, the primary care
veterinarian should use clinical discretion with each patient based on a complete evaluation of the
patient, including physical presentation and complete laboratory data. Diagnoses and treatment
decisions are the ultimate responsibility of the primary care veterinarian.
Sodium is the major cation of extracellular fluid. Its primary functions in the body are to
chemically maintain osmotic pressure and acid-base balance, and to transmit nerve impulses.
Sodium functions at the cell membrane level by creating an electrical potential between different
cell membranes, causing the transmission of nerve impulses and neuromuscular excitability to
be maintained. Sodium is involved in some enzyme catalyzed reactions as a cofactor. The body
has a strong tendency to maintain a total base content, and only slight changes are found even
under pathologic conditions.
Low sodium values (hyponatremia) usually reflect a relative excess of body water rather
than a low total body sodium. Reduced sodium levels may be associated with low sodium
intake; sodium losses due to vomiting or diarrhea with adequate water and inadequate salt
replacement, diuretic overdosage or NaCl-losing nephropathy; osmotic diuresis; metabolic
acidosis; adrenocortical insufficiency; congenital adrenal hyperplasia; dilution type due to
edema; cardiac failure; hepatic failure; and hypothyroidism.
1. Kaneko JJ, ed. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. 4th ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press; 1989.
2. Thrall MA, Baker DC, Campbell TW, et al. Veterinary Hematology and Clinical Chemistry. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins; 2004.
3. Pagana KD, Pagana TJ. Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests. Boston, MA: Mosby; 1998:133–135.
4. Willard MD, Tvedten H, Turnwald GH. Small Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1999.
5. DiBartola SP. Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2006.
Elevated sodium values (hypernatremia) are associated with conditions of water loss in
excess of salt loss through profuse sweating, prolonged hyperpnea, severe vomiting or
diarrhea, diabetes insipidus or diabetic acidosis, increased renal sodium conservation in
hyperaldosteronism, hyperadrenocorticism, inadequate water intake because of coma or
hypothalamic diseases, dehydration, or excessive saline therapy.
The sodium value obtained can be used in the diagnosis or monitoring of all disturbances of the
water balance, infusion therapies, vomiting, diarrhea, burns, heart, and kidney insufficiencies,
central or renal diabetes insipidus, endocrine disturbances, and primary or secondary cortex
insufficiency of the adrenal gland, or other diseases involving electrolyte imbalance.
Potassium is the major cation in the intracellular fluid and functions as the primary buffer within
the cell itself. Ninety percent of potassium is concentrated within the cell, and damaged cells
release potassium into the blood. Potassium plays an important role in nerve conduction and
muscle function, and helps maintain acid-base balance and osmotic pressure.
Elevated potassium levels (hyperkalemia) can be found in hypoadrenocorticism, oligouria,
anemia, urinary obstruction, renal failure due to nephritis or shock, metabolic or respiratory
acidosis, renal tubular acidosis with the K
exchange, and hemolysis of the blood. Low
potassium levels (hypokalemia) can be found in excessive loss of potassium through diarrhea
or vomiting, inadequate intake of potassium, malabsorption, severe burns, and increased
secretion of aldosterone. High or low potassium levels may cause changes in muscle irritability,
respiration, and myocardial function.
The potassium value obtained can be used to monitor electrolyte imbalance in the diagnosis
and treatment of infusion therapies, shock, heart or circulatory insufficiency, acid-base
imbalance, therapy with diuretics, various kidney problems, diarrhea, hyper- and hypofunction of
adrenal cortex, and other diseases involving an electrolyte imbalance.
Chloride is an anion that exists predominantly in extracellular spaces. It maintains cellular
integrity through its influence on osmotic pressure. It is also significant in monitoring acid-
base balance and water balance. In metabolic acidosis, there is a reciprocal rise in chloride
concentration when the bicarbonate concentration drops.
Decreased levels of chloride are found in severe vomiting, severe diarrhea, ulcerative colitis,
pyloric obstruction, severe burns, heat exhaustion, diabetic acidosis, Addison’s disease, fever,
and acute infections such as pneumonia. Increased levels are found in dehydration, Cushing’s
syndrome, hyperventilation, eclampsia, anemia, and cardiac decompensation.
Ionized Calcium
Calcium in blood is distributed as free calcium ions (50%); calcium bound to protein, mostly
albumin (40%); and calcium bound to anions such as bicarbonate, citrate, phosphate, and
lactate (10%). However, only free ionized calcium can be used by the body in such vital
processes as muscular contraction, cardiac function, transmission of nerve impulses and
blood clotting. The VetStat analyzer measures the ionized portion of the total calcium. In certain
disorders, such as pancreatitis and hyperparathyroidism, ionized calcium may be a better
indicator for diagnosis than total calcium. Abnormalities in albumin affect the total calcium, but
not the ionized calcium.
Elevated calcium (hypercalcemia) may be present in various types of malignancy, renal failure,
hyperparathyroidism, hypoadrenocorticism, and granulomatous diseases. Hypercalcemia
occurs commonly in critically ill patients with abnormalities in acid-base regulation and losses
of protein and albumin. Decreased calcium (hypocalcemia) is often noted with eclampsia,
hypoparathyroidism, pancreatitis, renal disease, alkalosis, and ethylene glycol toxicity.
The pH value of the blood, serum or plasma may be the single most valuable factor in the
evaluation of the acid-base status of a patient. The pH is one of the most tightly controlled
parameters in the body and indicates the balance between the renal (kidney), respiratory (lung),
and blood buffer systems. The causes of abnormal blood pH values are generally classified as:
Primary bicarbonate deficit—metabolic acidosis
Primary bicarbonate excess—metabolic alkalosis
Primary hypoventilation—respiratory acidosis
Primary hyperventilation—respiratory alkalosis
An increased pH value (alkalemia) in blood, serum or plasma may occur because of an
accumulation of plasma bicarbonate, or a loss of acidic fluids from the body such as from
vomiting. Respiratory alkalosis is the result of an increased elimination of CO
through the lungs
because of hyperventilation.
A decreased pH value (acidemia) in blood, serum or plasma may occur because of an
increased formation of organic acids, an increased excretion of H
ions in certain renal
disorders, an increased acid intake such as in ethylene glycol poisoning, or a loss of alkaline
body fluids. Respiratory acidosis is the result of a decreased alveolar ventilation and may be
acute as the result of pulmonary edema, airway obstruction or medication, or may be chronic as
the result of obstructive or restrictive respiratory diseases.
The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO
) in arterial blood is used to assess how well
the body eliminates carbon dioxide, a by-product of metabolism. A PCO
value below the
normal range is called “respiratory alkalosis” and indicates hypocapnia, a condition caused by
increased alveolar ventilation, such as hyperventilation. An arterial PCO
above the normal range
is called “respiratory acidosis” and indicates hypercapnia. Hypercapnia is a sign of ventilatory
hypoventilation and failure, resulting from cardiac arrest, chronic obstructive lung disease or
chronic metabolic acid-base disturbances.
partial pressure of oxygen (
) in arterial blood is used to assess how well the body is
able to absorb oxygen in the lungs. Values below the normal arterial PO
(arterial hypoxemia)
are usually caused by pulmonary, circulatory or respiratory abnormalities (e.g., bronchial
obstruction, vascular problems, decrease in cardiac output, increased oxygen demand,
anatomical heart defect, low inspired O
content). Generally, O
levels above 100 mmHg do not
contribute significantly to the oxygen content since, with normal hemoglobin concentrations, a
of 80 to 100 mmHg provides a 97% saturation level (and a level greater than 100% cannot
be achieved).
Hemoglogin is the main component of erythrocytes and is the primary vehicle for the
transportation of oxygen within the bloodstream. In addition to its role in carrying oxygen,
hemoglobin is an important component of the buffer system and is responsible for more than
80% of the nonbicarbonate buffering capacity of whole blood.
Decreases in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood can be a result of either decreased
concentration of hemoglobin within the erythrocytes, and/or a decreased number of erythrocytes
in circulation. Decreases in hemoglobin are most often caused by anemia, or a decrease in
the number of erythrocytes in circulation. Anemias are usually classified as either regenerative
or nonregenerative. Regenerative anemia may be caused by blood loss or hemolysis.
Nonregenerative anemia may be caused by bone marrow disease, drug reactions, infectious
diseases, or secondary to chronic inflammation, or renal disease. Other nonanemia causes of a
decrease in hemoglobin include iron deficiency, deficiency of other precursors to hemoglobin,
portosystemic shunts, and hepatic atrophy.
Increases in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood are most often a result of polycythemia,
or an increase in the number of erythrocytes in circulation. Polycythemia is usually classified
as either relative or absolute. Relative polycythemia may be caused by splenic contraction,
dehydration or hypovolemia. Absolute polycythemia may be caused by living in high altitudes,
pulmonary or cardiac disease, primary polycythemia or excessive erythropoietin secretion
secondary to renal tumors or rarely other renal conditions.
Oxygen saturation (SO
) is the percentage of hemoglobin that has oxygen bound to it. It can
also be thought of as the percentage of actual oxygen content of the blood compared to the
oxygen carrying ability of the blood. By using the hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve, the
can be correlated directly with the partial pressure of oxygen (PO
) of the blood. An arterial
oxygen saturation (S
) of greater than 93% is considered normal.
A decreased SO
usually correlates with a decreased PO
and is called hypoxemia. Hypoxemia
may be caused by a primary lung disease inhibiting oxygen absorption, hypoventilation,
circulatory abnormalities, or a decreased atmospheric pressure of oxygen. Alternate forms
of hemoglobin that do not carry oxygen (such as methemoglobin, sulfhemoglobin or
carboxyhemoglobin) or a decreased affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen may also result in a low
result cannot exceed 100% and this is considered to be a normal finding.
is the total amount of carbon dioxide measured in the blood sample. tCO
is composed of:
Bicarbonate (HCO
Carbonic acid (H
Carbon dioxide (CO
The blood buffer system, which plays an important role in the acid-base status of the patient,
uses these three forms of carbon dioxide. Because the amounts of H
and dissolved CO
the blood are so small, tCO
is an indirect measure of the HCO
ion. When the CO
content is
measured on a serum or plasma sample, room air may affect the partial pressure of the CO
. As
a result, tCO
can be used as a rough guide to acid-base balance.
Bicarbonate (HCO
) is an important component of the blood buffer system. The bicarbonate
and chloride ions play a major role in maintaining electrical neutrality in the extracellular and
intracellular fluid. Levels of HCO
are regulated by the kidneys. HCO
increases with alkalosis
and decreases with acidosis.
Anion Gap
The anion gap is an expression of the value of the commonly measured anions subtracted from
the value of the commonly measured cations. It is most commonly expressed as the equation:
Anion gap = (Na
+ K
) – (Cl
Increases indicate titrational metabolic acidosis and an increase in unmeasured anions (lactic
acid, ketones, salicylic acid, ethylene glycol, and uremic acids such as BUN and creatinine).
This is generally associated with decreased bicarbonate (HCO
) concentration loss by titration.
The anion gap helps clarify mixed acid-base disorders such as concurrent metabolic acidosis
and alkalosis.
Before you begin installing your VetStat analyzer, take a moment to look over the contents to
ensure that you have the following:
Power supply with power cord
• Battery
Quality control material (either OPTI* CHECK)
Gas bottle
Thermal printer paper
Multi-level standard reference cassette (SRC)
Hemoglobin calibration cassette (HbCC)
NOTE: The SRC and the HbCC are located inside the analyzer’s storage compartment.
Sample measurement
chamber (SMC)
Interactive touch-
screen display
Status light
Bar code scanner
SMC latch
Printer release
Power button
Power connector
Handle/tilt stand
Gas bottle
Figure 1. IDEXX VetStat components
Analyzer Components
Before installing the VetStat analyzer, it is important to familiarize yourself with the analyzer’s
Interactive Touch-Screen Display
The analyzer activities are communicated to you through a back-lit touch screen, displaying the
activities of the analyzer, sample results, and other relevant information.
You communicate with the analyzer through a graphical user interface that is used to perform all
analyzer functions.
Status Light
To the right of the touch screen is a two-color status light. During operation you will see one of
the following:
Green light—The system is running a measurement and waiting for user action.
Blinking green light—The system is in the process of calibration or measurement. Do not
open the cover.
Red light—Indicates an error that will terminate the process.
Blinking red light—The system has encountered a problem and needs operator
interaction before it will proceed.
Sample Measurement Chamber (SMC)
Inside the analyzer is the sample measurement chamber (SMC). To open the cover, press the
red SMC latch.
Several LEDs and infrared lasers are located inside the sample measurement chamber.
Bar code Scanner
The bar code scanner, located on the right, reads quality control ranges (if applicable), as well
as lot and expiration information from sample cassettes, quality control material, standard
reference cassettes (SRCs) and gas bottles, and user-input bar codes for operator and patient
Thermal Printer
The thermal printer is accessed by pressing the red release button on the top left of the analyzer.
The printer uses heat-sensitive paper to print measured values, quality control values, calibration
values, and patient and diagnostic information.
Peristaltic Pump
Contained within the same compartment as the thermal printer is a peristaltic pump cartridge
that is used to transport liquids and gases. All liquids are contained within the VetStat* cassette
and do not enter the analyzer.
NOTE: The peristaltic pump cartridge is a replaceable item; see the “Cleaning and
Maintenance” section for more information.
Model and Serial Numbers
The model and serial numbers are located on an identification plate on the bottom of the
Back of Analyzer
On the back of the analyzer are:
• An Ethernet port for exporting data and connecting
to a network.
• An LED that indicates the charging status of the
• A USB Type A port to quickly load software and
import/export data using a standard USB mass
storage device.
• A USB Type B port for exporting serial data to a
• A storage compartment that can hold an extra
paper roll, the SRC, other supplies or accessories.
Battery Pack
The rechargeable battery pack is located on the left next to the on/off switch. It is removed by
squeezing the handle and sliding it out. The battery allows you to operate the VetStat analyzer
without having to plug it into an electrical outlet. The battery is charged automatically whenever
the analyzer’s external power supply is plugged into an electrical outlet.
Power connector and power button
Next to the battery pack is the power connector where you can connect the VetStat analyzer
to an external power supply. The power button is located on the left side of the unit next to the
power connector. To power the analyzer off, press and hold the button for 2 seconds.
Carrying Handle
The VetStat is equipped with a carrying handle for easy transport. The handle can also be used
as a tilt stand to place the analyzer at a convenient viewing angle for the user.
To extend the handle to carrying position, place the analyzer on its back and position your
fingers in the cutouts on each side of the handle. Push up until the handle is fully extended.
To use the handle as a tilt stand, pull down on the handle and lock it in the lower position.
Then turn the analyzer back to its original position.
Figure 2. Back of the VetStat analyzer
USB type B port
type A
Analyzer Setup and Installation
Safety Precautions
For your safety and the proper operation of your equipment, always follow these precautions
when working with your VetStat* analyzer:
Keep the analyzer away from all sources of liquids such as sinks and wash basins.
Keep the analyzer away from explosive gases or vapors.
Use only the power source supplied with the VetStat analyzer.
Always handle blood samples and collection devices with care.
Dispose of the VetStat* cassettes according to local regulations.
The IDEXX VetStat analyzer is a Class 1 laser product according to the requirements
of IEC 60825-1.
The maximum energy output is as follows:
670 nm (LED): 40 microwatts maximum for 400 ms
780 nm (Laser): 40 microwatts maximum for 400 ms
850 nm (Laser): 40 microwatts maximum for 400 ms
Caution: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than
those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
The analyzer is designed as a conventional device (closed, not waterproof type).
Do not operate the analyzer in an explosive environment or in the vicinity of explosive
anesthetic mixtures containing oxygen or nitrous oxide.
This analyzer is suitable for continuous operation.
The power plug must only be plugged into a ground socket. When using an extension cord,
make sure that it is of the proper size and is properly grounded.
Any breakage of the ground lead inside or outside the analyzer, or a loose ground
connection, can cause a hazardous condition when operating the analyzer. Intentional
disconnection of the grounding is not permitted.
When replacing the fuses, make sure that they are of the same type and rating as the
original fuses. Never use repaired fuses or short-circuit the fuse holders.
All service is subject to the terms of IDEXX’s warranty and, after the warranty period, IDEXX’s
extended maintenance agreement, and must be performed by an authorized IDEXX service
technician. For technical support or service, contact IDEXX Customer and Technical Support.
Choosing a Location
Location is important for trouble-free operation of your VetStat analyzer. Choose a site that is
convenient for your sampling needs and meets the following physical requirements of
the analyzer:
Grounded electrical outlet, when operated with power supply
Away from direct sunlight
Room temperature (10°–30°C [50°–86°F])
Relative humidity of 5%–95% (non-condensing)
Away from strong electromagnetic fields such as those created by electric motors and x-ray
Away from explosive gases or vapors
Placed on a hard, flat surface with no obstruction between the surface and the air vents on
the bottom of the analyzer (this prevents overheating)
NOTE: These requirements also apply when the VetStat analyzer operates on battery power
outside a laboratory setting.
Installing the VetStat Analyzer
Place the analyzer on a secure table top that allows plenty of working space and is convenient
to a power connection.
1. Plug in the power supply.
Plug the power supply into the receptacle on the left side of the analyzer.
Plug the power cord into the power supply.
Plug the cord into a grounded electrical outlet.
NOTE: To protect your VetStat analyzer and other electronic devices from damage caused
by electrical power spikes, IDEXX recommends the use of a surge protector.
2. Install the battery pack.
Push the battery pack into the opening on the left of the VetStat analyzer.
NOTE: The battery needs to be charged for at least 3 hours before using the VetStat
analyzer on battery power. It is charged automatically whenever the analyzer’s external
power supply is plugged into an electrical outlet.
NOTE: The lower LED on the back of the analyzer turns green while the battery is being
charged. The top LED turns green when charging is complete.
3. Press the power button on the left side of the analyzer to power the analyzer on. The VetStat
analyzer start-up screen displays.
4. Install the gas bottle.
a. When the “Not Ready: Gas Not Installed” message appears, tap New Gas Bottle.
b. When the “Scan Gas Bar code for New Gas Bottle” message appears, scan the bar
code located on the gas bottle’s package insert.
NOTE: If the bar code is damaged or unreadable, tap the Manual button and enter the
bar code using the numeric keypad.
c. Open the gas bottle by unscrewing its cap.
d. Record the date of installation on the gas bottle for later reference.
NOTE: The bar code on the gas bottle package insert contains expiration information.
The VetStat analyzer will alert you when the gas is low or two weeks before the
expiration of the gas bottle as a reminder to order a replacement.
e. When the “Please Insert Gas Bottle” message appears, insert the gas bottle in its
housing and turn it clockwise until it is snug. Then tap OK.
WARNING: Do not overtighten the gas bottle because this may cause damage to the
VetStat analyzer.
f. When the “New Gas Bottle?” message appears, tap Yes.
NOTE: If, after the initial installation, you need to remove a gas bottle and reinstall the
same bottle, tap No at the “New Gas Bottle?” message. On the next screen, enter the
number of weeks the gas bottle has been in use. Refer to the installation date that you
recorded on the gas bottle.
5. Install the printer paper.
a. Press the red printer release button on the printer cover to access the printer.
b. Place the paper into the paper tray.
c. Pull the end of the paper upward and slightly out of the paper tray.
d. Hold the paper and close the printer cover.
Cassettes, Consumables and Accessories
Precautions and Warnings
Use of calibration solutions, calibration gas or optodes that are not supported by IDEXX could
void your warranty and extended maintenance agreement support coverage.
Once used, the sample cassette holds animal body fluids. Handle with appropriate care
and dispose of appropriately.
VetStat* cassettes have been validated for use with canine, feline and equine samples.
For in-vitro diagnostic use only.
For veterinary use only.
Sample Cassettes
Customized, single-use, disposable sample
cassettes are available for use with the VetStat
analyzer (figure 3). Each cassette contains a
sample fillport and removable syringe adapter
(figure 4). The syringe adapter projects from
the sample fillport and allows a syringe to be
easily attached to the cassette. When sampling
with a capillary tube, simply remove the syringe
adapter from the fillport.
NOTE: The syringe adapter can be removed
while the cassette is inside the sample
measurement chamber.
IMPORTANT: The sample must not be
injected, and the collection device (a syringe
or capillary tube) must be seated firmly into the
syringe adapter or sample fillport. The analyzer
will automatically aspirate the sample. See the “Sample Collection and Handling” section for
more information on proper sampling technique.
The sample cassettes are stored at room temperature (10°–30°C/50°–86°F) and are packaged in
sealed foil pouches. The bar code on the outside of each foil pouch contains lot, expiration and
calibration information specific to the cassette.
NOTE: Sample cassettes should be disposed of in accordance with local, state and
federal regulations.
Standard Reference Cassettes (SRC)
Standard reference cassettes (SRCs) are reusable sensor cassettes used for daily quality
control testing. SRCs can be found in the storage compartment of your analyzer. Each new
analyzer comes with a multi-level SRC cassette.
NOTE: The SRC calibrations are separate from the quality control procedure, which is
described in the “Quality Control” section.
Figure 3. VetStat cassette
Figure 4. Sample fillport and syringe adapter
Hemoglobin Calibration Cassette (HbCC)
A reusable hemoglobin calibration cassette (HbCC) is
provided with the analyzer and is used to calibrate the
hemoglobin channel. The HbCC verifies the measurement
optics and electronics, and corrects any potential drift. It is
important to run the HbCC once every three months.
The HbCC is packaged in a foil pouch that contains the
HbCC expiration date and lot
number. Do not discard this pouch after opening the
HbCC. To ensure optimal performance of the HbCC, place
the cassette inside the foil pouch when it is not in use.
Store the HbCC in the storage compartment located on the
back of the analyzer.
Other Accessories and Consumables
Calibration Gas Bottle
Use: For the calibration of pH, PCO
and PO
in the VetStat analyzer
Contents: Each disposable, low-pressure cylinder contains approximately two liters of
gas (at less than 145 psi at 21°C).
Composition: Oxygen 14.0 ±0.02%
Carbon Dioxide 6.0 ±0.02%
Nitrogen Balance
Storage: Stable when stored at 4°–30°C (39°–86°F) until its expiration date
Disposal: Dispose of according to the safety regulations applicable at your facility
IMPORTANT: If the analyzer is being shipped via air, it is critical that the gas bottle is removed
before shipping.
CAUTION: The gas bottle is a pressurized bottle. Protect it from sunlight and do not expose it
to temperatures exceeding 50°C (122°F). Refer to the package insert for further information on
the calibration gas.
Battery Charger—110 V
Use: For fast charging of the battery pack for the VetStat analyzer
Contents: Each charger contains a power supply with circuitry
Input Voltage: 110 V AC, 47–63 Hz
Storage: Refer to the package insert
External Battery
Use: Allows the VetStat analyzer to operate on battery power
Specifications: 11.1 V, 5600 mAh
Figure 5. Storage compartment on the back
of the VetStat analyzer
Peristaltic Pump
Use: Transports liquids and gases
Storage: Room temperature
Specifications: Replace once per year (see the “Cleaning and Maintenance” section for
more information)
Quality Control Material
An initial supply of quality control materials are provided with the VetStat analyzer. Additional
quality control materials are available for purchase from IDEXX.
Use: Assayed quality control materials that monitor the measurement of
, PO
, sodium, potassium, chloride, ionized calcium, total
hemoglobin content and oxygen saturation in the IDEXX VetStat
Electrolyte and Blood Gas Analyzer
Active Ingredients: Formulated using aqueous organic and carbonate buffers at equilibrium
with predetermined levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, with salts,
buffers and polystyrene beads
Storage: Store unopened ampules at room temperature (10°–30°C/50°–86°F). Do
not use beyond the expiration date. Do not freeze. Refer to the package
insert for more information.
Thermal Paper
Use: For the printing of patient, quality control and calibration values, as
well as patient and diagnostic information
Composition: Thermal, document-grade, resistant to fading
Storage: Room temperature
Changing the Printer Paper
The thermal printer paper supplied by IDEXX contains an indicator strip to alert you when the
paper roll needs to be changed.
To change the paper:
1. Press the red printer release button on the printer cover to access the printer.
2. Place the paper into the paper tray.
3. Pull the end of the paper upward and slightly out of the paper tray.
4. Hold the paper and close the printer cover.
Sample Cassettes
Each lot of sample cassettes is calibrated during the manufacturing process. Every sample
cassette package is then labeled with a bar code containing this calibration information, as well
as its lot number and expiration date.
NOTE: See the “Cassettes, Consumables and Accessories” section for more information on
sample cassettes.
The sample cassette’s bar code is read by scanning the cassette package using the bar code
scanner. The sample cassette is then installed and an automatic calibration verification is
performed using a precision gas mixture and the sample cassette’s internal storage buffer.
During the calibration and measurement processes, diagnostic tests are automatically performed
to ensure correct operation of the analyzer and measurement of the sample cassette. These tests
include automatic checks of the sample cassette for temperature control; fluidic control during
calibration; proper equilibrium behavior of the sensors during calibration and measurement;
automatic detection of bubbles and short sample during aspiration; and automatic detection of
low gas, low battery, dirty optics or worn pump conditions.
Hemoglobin Calibration Cassette (HbCC)
Calibration of the hemoglobin channel is required every 3 months. This calibration is
performed using the hemoglobin calibration cassette (HbCC). The hemoglobin calibration
verifies the measurement optics and electronics, and corrects any potential drift.
Running the HbCC
1. From the Home screen, tap Quality Control, and then tap HbCC.
2. Use the alphanumeric keypad to enter the lot number of the HbCC (found on the cassette’s
foil pouch or on the top of the cassette), and tap OK.
3. When the “Open Cover” message appears, press the button to open the sample
measurement chamber (SMC) cover.
4. When the “Clean Optics and Inside of Cover” message appears, gently clean the optics
window and the inside top cover of the sample chamber with a soft lint-free cloth, and then
tap OK.
5. Gently wipe both sides of the HbCC with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth and examine the
cassette to ensure it is clean. Insert the cassette into the chamber and press down to
properly seat it.
6. Close the SMC cover. The VetStat* analyzer automatically detects the presence of the HbCC
and begins the calibration process, which is indicated on the touch screen. During this time
(approximately 60 seconds), a progress bar is displayed.
7. When the calibration is complete and the message appears indicating to do so, open the
SMC cover, remove the hemoglobin calibration cassette and then close the SMC cover.
IMPORTANT: The HbCC is reusable. After removing the HbCC, return it to its foil pouch and
store it in the storage compartment located on the back of the analyzer.
8. The analyzer prints the Hemoglobin Calibration report, showing the previous and new
calibration results and calibration factors.
Standard Reference Cassettes (SRCs)
Standard reference cassettes (SRCs) are used to check the electronics and the optics of the
VetStat analyzer. To ensure optimal performance, IDEXX recommends that SRC measurements
be confirmed within acceptable ranges once each day that the analyzer is in operation. Three
SRC levels are available for the VetStat analyzer; each one tests a different optical range. A
multi-level SRC is provided as part of the initial analyzer shipment because it measures the high,
normal, and low optical ranges.
These special test cassettes contain a stable optical sensor simulator that is measured by
the analyzer in exactly the same manner as other cassettes, and provides assurance that all
measured parameters are consistent. The results obtained should fall within the limits supplied
with the SRCs.
IMPORTANT: On the SRC report, you may see results for parameters that you are not testing
on patient samples. It is important that you contact IDEXX Customer and Technical Support to
report any failing SRC results.
Running Standard Reference Cassettes
IDEXX recommends running levels 1 and 3 (high and low values) of the Standard Reference
Cassette (SRC) as a daily quality control for the VetStat analyzer.
1. On the Home screen, scan the bottom bar code on the
SRC package by holding it 2–3 inches (5–8 cm) from the
bar code scanner located on the bottom-right corner of
the analyzer (figure 6).
The red line from the bar code scanner should cover
the entire bar code.
A beep indicates a valid bar code.
A red status light indicates an invalid bar code (e.g.,
SRC expired).
If the bar code is damaged or unreadable, tap
Manual Entry and enter the bar code digits using the
From the Home screen, tap QC Manager> SRC.
2. If Non Secure User ID Entry is enabled in the security settings, you will be asked to enter the
user ID.
NOTE: Bar coded user IDs may be entered from this screen using the bar code scanner.
3. If prompted with “WARNING! - New SRC Lot,” tap Continue.
4. Select the desired levels and tap OK.
5. Open the sample chamber cover by pressing down on the center of the red latch.
6. Examine the SRC to ensure it is clean and press down to insert it into the chamber.
7. Close the sample measurement chamber cover.
After the cover has been closed, the analyzer begins the measurement process, which is
indicated on the display screen. During this time (about 60 seconds per level), a progress
bar is displayed.
When the measurement is complete, the unit displays the results.
8. Tap Next to display additional results.
Figure 6. Home screen
9. Tap the Level 2 and Level 3 tabs to display the results for the respective levels.
NOTE: If SRC measurements are completed prior to running cassettes with liquid controls,
all analytes will be displayed. To reduce the displayed analytes, run liquid controls on the
desired cassette styles.
• The analyzer automatically checks the results against the analyzer’s reference ranges
and stores the results in its internal database.
For parameters within range, Pass is displayed.
For parameters out of range, or if an internal drift is detected, Fail is displayed.
NOTE: The printout starts automatically when the first results are displayed. This feature
may be turned off in setup.
10. Tap the Back arrow to exit the results screen.
Open the sample measurement chamber cover and remove the SRC.
10. Return the SRC to its pouch immediately after removal from the analyzer.
11. Close the sample measurement chamber cover.
If the SRC test fails, gently clean the SRC,
the optics window and the inside cover of the SMC with alcohol and a lint-free cloth and
repeat this process (see the “Cleaning and Maintenance” section). If it fails again, call IDEXX
Customer and
Technical Support.
Verify with your particular regulatory agency and your internal policy regarding
number of levels and frequency of SRCs to be run.
Additional Printing Options for SRC Results
To print SRC reports or SRC statistical information:
1. From the Home screen, tap Data Manager.
2. In the Measurement section, tap SRC (figure 7).
3. On the Data>SRC Measurement screen (figure 8), select
the run (located on the left) that you want to review.
4. Tap the applicable button on the right (figure 8):
Button Description
View Displays the SRC results
Print Prints the SRC results
Delete Deletes the selected SRC results
Mark Allows for multiple SRC runs to be selected at
one time
All Selects all SRC run results currently stored in
the database
Up Displays the previous page of SRC results
Down Displays the next page of SRC results
Statistics Generates statistics based on all stored data
for SRC measurements
5. Tap Home to return to the Home screen.
Figure 7. Printing options
Figure 8. SRC measurement
Quality Control
The purpose of a quality control procedure using the quality control fluid (OPTI* CHECK) is to
ensure reliable patient values over the clinically significant ranges for all the measured parameters.
OPTI CHECK is used to verify the performance of the VetStat* cassettes, electronics and optics.
The SRCs, which must be run daily, verify only the performance of the analyzer’s
electronics and optics.
A control measurement can be made using any sample cassette lot or sample cassette type,
and any level of the quality control samples (level 1, 2 or 3). It is recommended that you use the
most comprehensive cassette available in your inventory. For example, if you have a sample
cassette for Na
, K
and Cl
, as well as a sample cassette for pH, PCO
, Na
, K
and Cl
, the
latter sample cassette should be used for quality control. Policies regarding the measurement of
quality control samples are at the discretion of your veterinary practice.
As a minimum, IDEXX recommends that quality control samples —level 1, 2 or 3—be performed:
When the analyzer is first installed
Once every four weeks for a routine check
If you think your results are incorrect
IDEXX recommends that you use a different level of control each month.
Running Quality Control
1. From the Home screen, tap QC Manager, and then tap Control.
2. If Non Secure User ID Entry is enabled in the security settings, enter the user ID (bar coded
user IDs can be added using the bar code scanner).
3. Select the desired level and tap OK.
NOTE: If a new lot number of QC material is used, make sure the ranges have been entered
into the system prior to running a sample.
4. Scan the bar coded strip on the VetStat cassette package by holding it 2–3 inches (5–8 cm)
from the bar code scanner located on the bottom-right corner of the analyzer to automatically
record the lot and calibration information for the specific cassette.
The red line from the bar code scanner should cover the entire bar code.
The unit will beep and the status light will turn green to confirm a valid bar code.
In the event that a cassette has expired, the LED will turn red.
Refer to special handling instructions inside the cassette box for refrigerated cassettes.
If the bar code is damaged or unreadable, tap Manual Entry and enter the bar code
digits printed on the bar code label using the numeric keypad.
A control measurement may be made using any VetStat cassette lot or cassette type.
5. Open the sample measurement chamber cover by pressing the red latch.
6. Open the sample cassette pouch and remove the sample cassette. Wipe any excess moisture
from the cassette with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth.
NOTE: If the QC sample is to be introduced with a capillary tube, remove the syringe adapter
before placing the cassette into the chamber.
7. Insert the sample cassette into the chamber. Press down to ensure that it is seated.
NOTE: Run cassettes immediately after opening pouch. Do not run if cassette has been out of
pouch for more than 15 minutes.
8. Close the SMC cover. The analyzer starts to calibrate, as indicated on the screen.
NOTE: If the sample measurement chamber cover is opened while the status light is green,
the cassette calibration will be canceled and the cassette must be discarded.
9. After the calibration is complete:
Remove a quality control ampule from the box of controls and mix the contents by
gently inverting (do not shake vigorously—excessive bubbles may form and affect
results), being careful not to heat it with your hands. Invert the ampule for 10 seconds.
Gently tap the head of the ampule with your fingernail to remove any liquid.
Carefully open the ampule by breaking off the top.
NOTE: To ensure proper measurement, run the control fluid immediately after opening
the ampule.
NOTE: Protect your fingers by using gloves or tissue while breaking the ampule.
Aspirate directly from the ampule, holding the ampule at a 45° angle during aspiration
(use a new ampule of control material for each analysis), or use an unheparinized
capillary tube to withdraw a small amount of control material from the ampule for
aspiration (be sure to push the tube firmly into the fill port).
10. When the syringe adapter is fully submerged in the control fluid, tap OK. The quality control
sample is automatically aspirated into the cassette and the measurement starts. The status
light flashes green, indicating that the cover should not be opened.
Upon completion of the measurement, the results are displayed, and pass or fail status is
11. Tap the Back arrow to accept or reject the results.
If the results are acceptable, tap Accept. The results are stored in the database.
If the results are not acceptable, tap Reject. Rejected results are not stored in
the database.
• Tap Review if you want to view the results again.
NOTE: After you choose to accept or reject the results, the results are automatically printed.
Call IDEXX Customer and Technical Support to report any failing result.
NOTE: Data will be exported using the configured export method when the results are
NOTE: The automatic printout feature may be turned off in the setup settings.
12. When prompted, open the sample measurement chamber cover, remove the cassette and
close the cover.
13. Tap the Back arrow or Home to return to the Home screen.
Additional Print Options for Quality Control Results
The VetStat* analyzer can print reports containing information
on the mean, standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of
variation (CV) of stored quality control data.
1. From the Home screen, tap Data Manager.
2. In the Measurement section, tap Controls (figure 9).
3. In the Data> Control Measurement screen (figure
), select
the run (located on the left side of the screen) that you want
to review.
4. Tap the applicable button on the right (figure 10):
Button Description
View Displays the quality control (QC)
Print Prints the QC results
Delete Deletes the selected run
Mark Allows for multiple QC runs to be
selected at one time
All Selects all QC run results currently
stored in the database
Up Displays the previous page of QC
Down Displays the next page of QC results
Statistics Generates statistics based on all
stored data for QC measurements
5. Tap Home to return to the Home screen.
Figure 9. Data screen
Figure 10. Data> Control
Measurement screen
Sample Collection and Handling
Lithium heparin is the recommended anticoagulant. Reference ranges for the VetStat*
analyzer have been established based on the use of lithium heparin as the anticoagulant.
Anticoagulants such as EDTA, citrate, oxalate, fluoride and sodium heparin may have a
significant effect on blood pH and/or electrolyte levels and
should not be used.
Collection Devices
For fast, easy blood collection, IDEXX recommends the Vital Signs lithium-heparin syringe.
These syringes contain the recommended anticoagulant, lithium heparin, so there is no
need to transfer the sample to a lithium-heparin collection tube. Using this syringe allows
you to run the sample immediately after collecting it from the patient.
NOTE: There is no need to heparinize the needle when using the Vital Signs lithium-heparin
syringe. If you choose a different syringe to collect the patient sample, do not heparinize the
syringe with anything other than lithium heparin.
When using a syringe to collect and run samples, mix the specimen thoroughly before
analyzing it by gently inverting or rolling the syringe between both hands. Also be sure to
expel any air bubbles.
Capillary Tubes
The recommended capillary tube is the Drummond 200 µL lithium-heparin capillary tube.
These tubes are preferred because they are coated with the recommended anticoagulant,
lithium heparin, which prevents the sample from clotting while in the tube.
To prevent damage to the cassette, use only capillary tubes with fire-polished ends.
Do not pack the capillary tube with clay.
Sample Volume Requirements
A minimum of 125 µL of sample is required for the analysis. However, to avoid the
introduction of air into the sample cassette, syringes and capillary tubes should be
filled with a minimum of 200 µL of sample.
Whole-Blood Samples
Whole-blood samples can be arterial, capillary or venous.
• Arterial blood is needed only when the practitioner is looking for a meaningful
interpretation of PO
. PO
is measured only with the respiratory cassette.
• Capillary samples are acceptable for the evaluation of all parameters except PO
• Venous blood is more commonly collected and is acceptable for the evaluation of
all parameters except PO
Whole-Blood Collection
To prevent clotting, whole-blood samples require the addition of an anticoagulant. Use only
lithium heparin as the anticoagulant (see “Anticoagulants” in this section).
Collect the sample into any of the following:
A. a lithium-heparin syringe (Vital Signs 1mL)
B. a lithium-heparin capillary tube (Drummond 200 µL)
C. an untreated syringe with immediate transfer to a lithium-heparin blood-collection tube
A. Collection with a Lithium-Heparin Syringe
1. Fill the syringe with a minimum of
200 µL (0.2 cc) of whole blood.
2. Carefully remove the needle from the
syringe and roll the syringe between
your fingers to mix the sample.
3. Expel any air bubbles.
4. Proceed immediately to analysis.
When the analyzer prompts you,
place the syringe onto the syringe
adapter of the cassette (figure 11).
B. Collection with a Lithium-Heparin Capillary Tube
1. Fill the capillary tube with
200 µL (0.2 cc) of whole blood.
2. Roll the capillary tube between
your fingers to mix the sample.
3. Expel any air bubbles.
4. Proceed immediately to analysis.
When the analyzer prompts you,
place the capillary tube into the
sample fillport of the cassette
(figure 12).
IMPORTANT: Be sure to remove the syringe adapter from the cassette.
C. Collection with an Untreated Syringe
1. Fill the syringe with a minimum of 200 µL (0.2 cc) of whole blood.
2. Immediately transfer the whole blood to a lithium-heparin collection tube. To ensure the
proper sample-to-lithium-heparin ratio is achieved, be sure to fill the tube to the tube
manufacturer’s specifications.
3. Cap the tube and gently invert the sample for 30 seconds to ensure it is well mixed.
4. Remove the needle from a clean 1 mL syringe and aspirate a
minimum of 200 µL (0.2 cc) of heparinized whole blood from
the lithium-heparin tube.
NOTE: Some syringes may not fit appropriately onto
the cassette’s syringe adapter, which will affect analyzer
performance. For this reason, a Becton Dickinson* 1 mL
syringe is recommended (figure 13).
Figure 11. VetStat* cassette with syringe
adapter and syringe attached
Figure 12. VetStat cassette with capillary tube
VetStat cassette
capillary tube
Figure 13. Becton
Dickinson 1 mL syringe
5. Expel any air bubbles.
6. Proceed immediately to analysis. When the
analyzer prompts you, place the syringe
onto the syringe adapter of the cassette.
(figure 14)
Whole-Blood Handling
Analyze whole-blood samples immediately
(within 5 minutes of collection). If the analysis
is delayed, store the sample in an ice batch and analyze it within one hour of collection.
Discard the sample if the analysis is delayed for more than one hour from collection.
Plasma Samples
When collecting plasma samples for use on the VetStat* analyzer, use only lithium heparin
as the anticoagulant.
Plasma Sample Collection
1. Fill the untreated syringe with a minimum of 200 µL (0.2 cc) of whole blood.
2. When using an evacuated tube, allow the sample to draw naturally into the tube by
vacuum. When not using an evacuated tube, remove the needle from the syringe and
immediately transfer the whole blood to a lithium-heparin collection tube.
NOTE: To ensure the proper sample-to-lithium-heparin ratio is achieved, be sure to fill
the tube to the tube manufacturer’s specifications.
3. Cap the tube (not applicable if using an evacuated tube) and gently invert the sample
for 30 seconds to ensure it is well mixed.
4. Centrifuge the sample for 10 minutes in a standard centrifuge (8,000 rpm) or 120
seconds in a high-speed centrifuge (12,000–16,000 rpm)
5. Remove the needle from a clean 1 mL syringe and aspirate a minimum of 200 µL (0.2
cc) of plasma from the lithium heparin tube.
NOTE: Some syringes may not fit appropriately onto the cassette’s syringe adapter,
which will affect analyzer performance. For this reason, a Becton Dickinson
1 mL syringe is recommended.
6. Expel any air bubbles.
7. Proceed immediately to analysis. When the analyzer prompts you, place the syringe
onto the syringe adapter of the cassette.
Plasma Sample Handling
If storage is required, separate the plasma from the cells, tightly cap the sample tube, and
store the plasma at 4°–8°C (39°–46°F) for up to 48 hours. If longer storage is required,
freeze the plasma. Allow the plasma to return to room temperature prior to analysis. PO
should not be measured with a plasma sample because the oxygen level will change rapidly
when exposed to room air.
Figure 14. VetStat* cassette with syringe
adapter attached, Becton Dickinson 1 mL
Serum Samples
Serum Sample Collection
1. Fill an untreated syringe with a minimum of 200 µL (0.2 cc) of whole blood.
2. When using an evacuated tube, allow the sample to draw naturally into the tube by
vacuum. When not using an evacuated tube, remove the needle from the syringe and
immediately transfer the whole blood to an untreated serum collection tube.
3. Cap the tube (not applicable if using an evacuated tube) and allow the sample to stand
for 20 minutes to ensure it is fully clotted.
NOTE: Samples allowed to clot for more than 30 minutes should not be used.
4. Centrifuge the sample for 10 minutes in a standard centrifuge (8,000 rpm) or 120
seconds in a high-speed centrifuge (12,000–16,000 rpm).
5. Remove the needle from a clean 1 mL syringe and aspirate a minimum of 200 µL
(0.2 cc) of serum from the serum collection tube.
NOTE: Some syringes may not fit appropriately onto the cassette’s syringe adapter,
which will affect analyzer performance. For this reason, a Becton Dickinson
1 mL syringe is recommended.
6. Expel any air bubbles.
7. Proceed immediately to analysis. When the analyzer prompts you, place the syringe
onto the syringe adapter of the cassette.
Serum Sample Handling
If storage is required, separate the serum from the clot, tightly cap the sample tube, and
store the serum at 4°–8°C (39°–46°F) for up to 48 hours. If longer storage is required, freeze
the serum. Allow the serum to return to room temperature prior to analysis. PO
should not
be measured using a serum sample because the oxygen level will change rapidly when
exposed to room air.
Running a Patient Sample
Running a patient sample on the VetStat* analyzer is simple and fast. Follow the instructions
outlined below for whole-blood, plasma and serum sample analysis.
1. Make sure that the VetStat analyzer is at the Home screen.
2. Read the sample cassette information into the analyzer by scanning the bar code using the
bar code scanner located at the bottom right of the analyzer.
The bar code needs to face the analyzer.
A beep and a green status light indicate a valid bar code.
If the bar code is damaged or unreadable, tap Manual and enter the bar code using
the alphanumeric keypad on the touch screen.
3. If requested, enter your Operator ID.
4. Press the cover release button to open the sample measurement chamber (SMC).
5. Insert the sample cassette:
Open the sample cassette foil pouch and remove the cassette.
Gently wipe both sides of the cassette with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth to remove excess
Insert the cassette into the SMC. Press down to ensure the cassette is seated.
Close the SMC cover.
The status light turns green. Do not open the SMC cover while the status light is green
because this will cancel the cassette calibration process, and the cassette must then
be discarded.
6. During the calibration process, enter the patient information by selecting the
applicable button.
STAT—This option is ideal for emergency situations and requires entering only the
species before aspirating the patient sample. You can enter the applicable patient
information after the sample analysis.
New Patient—Use this option to enter patient data before the sample analysis.
Last Patient—Select this option when analyzing the most recent patient entered into
the VetStat analyzer. The patient information is automatically entered on the touch
screen. After verifying that the information is correct, tap the Back arrow to proceed to
sample analysis.
Tap the Back arrow when you are done entering the patient information.
NOTE: For more information on entering patient data, see “Patient Data Entry” in this section.
7. When the calibration process is complete, the status light turns off, and the “Mix and Place
the Sample” message appears.
NOTE: When using a syringe, mix the syringe sample well by rolling it gently between your
hands and inverting it end over end. Be sure to expel any air bubbles before attaching the
syringe to the cassette’s syringe adapter.
NOTE: The analyzer retains calibration information for 10 minutes. If the sample is not
attached to the cassette within 10 minutes from calibration, the analyzer will display a
message to discard the cassette.
8. Attach the sample to the cassette (figures 15 and 16) and
tap OK. Do not inject the sample. It
will automatically be aspirated by the analyzer.
Figure 15. VetStat* cassette
Figure 16. Sample fillport and syringe adapter
When using a capillary tube, remove the syringe adapter from the cassette and attach
the capillary tube to the cassette fillport.
NOTE: You can remove the syringe adapter while the cassette is in the SMC.
When using a syringe, attach the syringe to the red syringe adapter and make sure that
the syringe adapter is not touching the syringe plunger.
IMPORTANT: The sample can be attached at any time during the calibration process.
After attaching the sample, tap OK. After the cassette calibration, the automatic sample
aspiration begins and the measurement process immediately follows.
As the sample is being measured, the “Cassette Measurement in Process. Please wait.”
message appears. Do not open the SMC cover during the measurement process. The
sample can be removed 3–5 seconds after the analyzer begins to make a ticking sound.
9. When the analysis is complete, the results appear on the touch screen and automatically
print. Tap the Back arrow or Home to modify patient information or to finalize results. After
the results are finalized, the analyzer prompts for the cassette to be removed.
10. Open the SMC cover. Remove the cassette and discard it, following local, state and federal
regulations. Close the SMC cover.
Patient Data Entry
When entering patient information, several patient data screens appear. The screens that
appear depend on the type of cassette you are using for patient measurement.
To enter patient data:
1. Tap the STAT, New Patient or Last Patient button (figure 17).
2. Select the species (figure 18).
Figure 17. Measurement> Select
Patient Information screen
Figure 18. Measurement>
Select Patient Species screen
3. Select the patient’s gender (figure 19).
4. Enter the patient’s age (figure 20).
NOTE: Enter the patient’s age in either years or months. You cannot enter both.
5. Enter the required patient data (figure 21).
Figure 19. Measurement>
Select Patient Gender screen
Figure 20. Measurement>
Enter Patient Age screen
Figure 21. Required
patient data
NOTE: Patient data entry fields vary depending on which patient data your practice has set up
and which type of cassette you are running. The respiratory and fluid therapy cassettes require
additional data entry.
Additional Options for Patient Reports
The VetStat analyzer’s Data Manager screen allows you to:
Reprint patient results
View patient results
Delete patient results
The analyzer’s database can store up to 200 patient results, which can be viewed, reprinted or
deleted at any time.
To print, view or delete patient results:
1. From the Home screen, tap Data Manager.
2. In the Measurement Reports/Statistics section, tap Patient. A list of patient results appears
on the screen.
3. Select the patient data (located on the left of the screen) that you want to review.
4. Tap the applicable button on the right:
Button Description
View Displays the patient results
Print Prints the patient results
Delete Deletes the selected patient results
Mark Allows for multiple patient results to be selected at one time
All Selects all patient runs stored in the database
Up Displays the previous page of patient results
Down Displays the next page of patient results
5. Tap Home to return to the Home screen.
System Management
Your VetStat* analyzer is shipped preset to easily perform sampling operations. Through the
touch screen, you can:
Enter patient data.
Print patient, quality control and calibration reports.
Enter additional information to tailor the analyzer’s performance to match the particular
needs of your practice.
NOTE: For safety and security, certain VetStat customization can be protected by a security
code. The analyzer’s programming or existing parameters can then be changed only by
entering the correct security code.
NOTE: All of the system settings reside in the analyzer memory, even after the power is turned
From the Home screen, you have access to the following VetStat features:
Data Manager
Quality Control Manager
System Manager
Data Manager
The Data Manager feature allows you to print patient, standard reference cassette (SRC) and
quality control information.
To learn about printing patient information, see “Additional Options for Patient Reports” in the
“Running a Patient Sample” section.
To learn about printing standard reference cassette information, see “Additional Printing
Options for SRC Results” in the “Calibration” section.
To learn about printing quality control information, see “Additional Print Options for Quality
Control Results” in the
Quality Control
The Data Manager also contains diagnostic reports for patient information, SRCs, controls and
errors, as well as a configuration report.
Quality Control
The Quality Control feature allows you to run quality control using OPTI* CHECK and an SRC or
an HbCC.
To learn about performing quality control using OPTI CHECK or VetStat Control materials,
see the “Quality Control” section.
To learn about running a standard reference cassette, see “Running Standard Reference
Cassettes” in the “Calibration” section.
To learn about running an HbCC, see “Running the HbCC” in the
System Manager
Within the System Manager feature, there are many options you
can use to customize your VetStat analyzer to accommodate
your clinic’s needs.
Tap the System Manager button on the Home screen
to access the System screen (figure 22), where you
can set the date and time, run diagnostics and set up the
VetStat analyzer.
Setting the Date and Time
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager
to access the System screen.
2. Tap Date and Time to display the Date and
Time Settings screen.
To select the time format, tap either the
12-hr or 24-hr option.
To edit the time or date, tap that field’s Edit button. The alphanumeric keypad appears.
Use the keypad to change the date/time settings.
3. Tap Save to save your settings.
4. Tap the Back arrow to return to the System screen or tap Home to return to the Home
Performing Diagnostics
The Diagnostics screen contains detailed information that can be useful during troubleshooting.
Setting Up the VetStat Analyzer
The Setup screen lets you set up quality control materials, the displays for printed reports and
system security. You can also customize several other features from the Setup screen.
Setting Up the Quality Control Material
When you open a new box of OPTI CHECK, the lot number should be entered into the analyzer,
along with the target ranges. Each QC level of control has its own unique lot number printed on
the information sheet contained in the control box.
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. Tap Control.
3. Take the bar code sheet out of the OPTI CHECK box and scan Bar code A for the
applicable level of OPTI CHECK.
Hold the bar code 2–3 inches (5–8 cm) from the bar code scanner located on the
bottom-right corner of the analyzer.
The red line from the bar code scanner should cover the entire bar code.
A beep and a green status light indicates a valid bar code.
4. Scan Bar code B when prompted. These two bar codes contain all necessary lot
information for each level, and may be confirmed on the subsequent screens.
Figure 22. System Manager screen
5. Confirm the lot number, expiration date, and control type on the package insert supplied with
the control material. If the bar code is unavailable, tap Manual Barcode and enter the control
information manually.
Do not enter control limits manually prior to scanning or manually entering the control bar
code information.
6. Tap the Ranges 1 tab to confirm the assay ranges on the package insert supplied with the
control material. If the bar code is unavailable, press the pencil icon to enter the numbers
using the keypad.
7. Press Ranges 2 to go to the next display to enter the ranges for all other measured
parameters available with this control material.
You will find the assay ranges printed on the data sheet in the box of control material.
Alternately you may develop your own assay ranges from multiple measurements according
to your hospital’s procedures.
Although it is recommended you review all analyte assay ranges, you may tap Save at any
time after the bar code is scanned, and the ranges will be accepted from the bar code.
8. Repeat this procedure for each QC Level.
Setting Up Patient Information
The Patient Information feature lets you define which patient information is requested during
each measurement and which information is printed.
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. On the Patient/QC tab, tap Patient Entry.
3. To add patient entry options to your list of patient information, select the desired function
in the Available Functions field and then tap the Down arrow to move it to the Selected
Functions field. Tap the Up arrow to remove a Selected Function option from the Selected
Functions list.
4. Select the Required check box next to each patient entry option that you want to make a
required entry.
The default options for patient information:
Patient ID (25 alphanumeric characters)
Sex (unknown, male or female)
Temperature (default value 37.0°C)
Species: Canine, Feline, Equine, Other
Sample Type: Art (Arterial), Ven (Venous)
Comment Field (50 alphanumeric characters)
Requisition ID (15 alphanumeric characters)
Client ID (11 alphanumeric characters)
Pplat (default value 0)
Mvol (VE) (default value 0 L)
PIP (default value 0)
Liter Flow (default value 000.00 Lpm)
Tvol (VT) (default value 0 mL)
PS (default value 0)
Rate (f) (default value 0 bpm)
CPAP (default value 0)
FIO2 (default value 0.21)
RQ (default value 0.84)
Bilevel Pressure (default value 0.00/0.00)
I/E Ratio (default value 0)
5. Tap Save to accept the changes.
6. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Setup screen or tap Home to return to the main menu.
Setting Up Calculated Parameters
With this menu, you can select the calculated parameters for each cassette style to be printed
on the patient report. The printout order is fixed; however, calculated parameters may be
selected for inclusion in/exclusion from the printout.
To specify the parameters to calculate and report on:
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. On the Patient/QC tab, tap Calculated Parameters.
3. Select the cassette type.
4. Select the parameters to be printed and then tap Save.
5. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Setup screen or tap Home to return to the Home
Setting Up Measurement Limits
The Measurement Limits screen provides the normal ranges for canine, feline and equine arterial
and venous samples.
To view the normal ranges for canine, feline and equine:
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. From the Setup screen, tap Measurement Limits.
3. On the Species 1 tab, select the Species and Sample Type.
4. Tap the Reference tab to view the normal ranges for each species and sample type. (See
Appendix A Normal Ranges” for a list of the normal ranges the VetStat analyzer uses for
each species.)
5. Tap Save to save your settings.
NOTE: To return the analyzer to its default settings, tap the Defaults button.
6. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Setup screen or tap Home to return to the Home
Setting Units
The Units screen lets you change the units of measurement for barometer/partial pressures,
temperature, total hemoglobin and output resolution.
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
. From the Setup screen, tap the System tab and then tap Units (figure 23).
3. On the Units screen, select the desired unit of measurement (figure 24).
Your VetStat analyzer has been factory preset to the following units:
Barometer/Partial Pressures: mmHg Temperature: °C
tHb: g/dL Ca
: mmol/L
Resolution: Low
NOTE: When units are changed, the system automatically recalculates related units using
the new unit parameter. See “Appendix B: Technical Specifications” for more information on
high and low resolutions.
Figure 23. System Manager> Setup
Figure 24. System Manager>
Setup> Units screen
4. Tap Save to save the settings.
NOTE: To return to the original factory settings, tap the Defaults button.
5. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Setup screen or tap Home to return to the Home
Setting Up Security
The Security screen allows you to:
Settings—Use this option to set up various security settings including User IDs and User
Change Password—Use this option to change your password while you are logged on.
Reinitialize—Use this option to delete the database and return to the system default
To access the Security menu:
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. On the System Setup screen, tap Security.
To select the Security settings:
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. On the Security tab, tap Settings.
3. Enter your User ID and password when prompted.
4. In the User ID Entry menu, edit the security settings as desired:
• Select None to disable all security options.
• Select Non-Secure User ID Entry to request a user ID before patient testing, QC
testing, maintenance activities and running an Hb calibrator.
• Select Secure User ID Entry to set up secure user IDs and create groups of users
with certain privileges. When this option is enabled, users will be asked to log in to
the VetStat before they can perform any operations.
The user ID can be entered by bar code scanner for easy access. Once logged
in, the VetStat will enter the user ID for all activities performed by the user
5. Select the Password Enable check box to require users to enter their password before
using the analyzer (system default is PASSWORD).
Select the Expiration Enable check box to allow an administrator to set an expiration date
for each user ID.
Select a Logon Timeout time in minutes that allows users to log into the analyzer after the
specified length of inactivity.
To set up user IDs:
The analyzer can store up to 300 user IDs.
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. On the System Setup screen, tap the Security tab and then tap Settings.
3. On the Users tab, tap the plus sign icon to enter a new user to be added to the list of
authorized users.
4. To create a new user, on the User Information screen, tap the pencil icon to enter the user ID
(up to 25 characters). Then enter the user ID expiration date, if required.
To edit an existing user, select the user and then tap the pencil icon. You can then:
Reset the user’s password by tapping Reset Password.
Delete the user by tapping the trash can icon.
Print a list of all of the users currently stored in memory by tapping the printer icon.
To set up user groups:
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. On the System Setup screen, tap the Security tab, tap Setting (contact Customer Support
for username and password), and then tap Groups.
3. Tap the plus sign icon to add a new user group.
4. Tap the pencil icon to enter a unique name for the new user group.
5. Tap Functions to assign functions to the user group: The list at the top of the screen shows
all of the available functions.
Select the function that you want to assign to your user
group from the list at the top of the screen. Then tap the Down arrow to move it to your
list in the selection field at the bottom of the screen. Tap the Back arrow to remove an
item from the selection list.
6. Tap OK to accept the changes.
7. Edit the users in your group, as needed, using the tools on the bottom half of the
Add users to your group by tapping the plus sign icon next to the bottom half of the
Remove users from your group by selecting their user ID and tapping the trash can
8. Edit the user group, as needed, using the tools on the top half of the screen.
Edit the user group by tapping the pencil icon.
Delete the user group by tapping the trash can icon.
9. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Setup screen or tap Home to return to the Home
To set up a password:
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. On the Security tab, tap Change Password.
3. Tap the pencil icon to enter a new password. Retype the password when prompted.
4. Tap OK to accept the changes.
5. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Setup screen or tap Home to return to the Home
Setting Quality Control Lockout Requirements
This menu can be used to lock out operators unless some form of QC is peformed. IDEXX
recommends using each option described below. Each facility should develop their own policies
on the frequency and type of QC based on the regulatory requirements. The analyzer is factory-
set with lockout options turned off. To change these settings, follow the steps below:
To set quality control lockout requirements:
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. On the Patient/QC tab, tap Lockout.
3. Tap the desired quality control lockout options:
SRC Lockout Enable—This option lets you require that one, two or three SRC
levels be run at regular intervals: every 8 hours, every 12 hours, every 24 hours or
every 7 days. If the required number of SRC levels are not run within the specified
time frame, patient measurements cannot be run on the VetStat analyzer.
NOTE: The selected time interval begins when this feature is enabled.
QC Lockout Enable—
This option lets you require that one, two or three OPTI
CHECK or VetStat quality control materials be run at regular intervals: every eight
hours, every 12 hours, every 24 hours or every seven days. If the required number
of quality control materials are not run within the specified time frame, patient
measurements cannot be run on the VetStat analyzer.
New Lot Lockout Enable—This option lets you require that quality control
materials be run when a new lot of sample cassettes is in use.
4. Tap Save to save the quality control lockout settings.
5. Tap the
arrow to return to the Setup screen or tap Home to return to the Home
Setting Up Hardware
The Hardware screen lets you adjust the hardware options.
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Setup.
2. On the Systems tab, tap Hardware (figure 25).
3. On the Hardware screen, adjust the hardware options as desired (figure 26).
Figure 25. System Manager>
Setup screen
Figure 26. System Manager>
Setup> Hardware screen
a. Barometer Offset—The offset is the difference between the default barometric pressure
and the barometric pressure obtained by your weather station.
To change the barometric pressure, tap the Edit button, enter the new numbers and tap
NOTE: Make sure to use the absolute barometric pressure and not the altitude-
corrected pressure (check with your local weather service or airport).
NOTE: You can change barometric pressure units from mmHg to mbar.
b. Beep Enable/Beep Volume
Tap the Beep Enable checkbox to turn on the VetStat analyzer’s audible alarm
(beep). A check mark appears in the checkbox.
Tap the desired Beep Volume option (High or Low) for the VetStat analyzer’s
audible alarm.
c. Communication Auto Export/Communication Format
This hardware option is not currently available.
d. Battery: Standby Enable and Shutdown Enable
Tap the Standby Enable checkbox to automatically turn off the VetStat analyzer’s
backlight when the analyzer goes into standby mode.
• The Shutdown Enable options include Off, 1 minute to 120 minutes. If you
select the minute option, the VetStat analyzer will go into standby mode when not
used within that amount of time.
4. Tap Save to save the settings.
NOTE: Tap the Defaults button to return the VetStat analyzer to its default settings.
5. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Setup screen or tap Home to return to the Home
NOTE: To exit standby and resume normal operation, tap the touch screen.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Setting a maintenance reminder
The VetStat* analyzer has a function that allows you to select maintenance reminder options
which will alert you when analyzer cleaning is due. Any maintenance actions that you perform
through the maintenance reminders will be captured in the maintenance log of the analyzer.
To set up a maintenance reminder:
When a maintenance reminder is set, the analyzer will remind you when the next analyzer
cleaning is due.
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager and then tap Maintenance.
2. Enter the User ID, if enabled.
3. On the Maintenance screen, tap Setup.
4. On the Setup screen, select the Cleaning Reminder check box.
• Select Weekly for a weekly maintenance reminder.
• Select Monthly for a monthly maintenance reminder.
Daily maintenance
No daily maintenance is required for the VetStat analyzer.
Weekly maintenance
The sample measurement chamber (SMC) should be cleaned once a week.
Open the top cover and clean the optics surface as well as the underside of the SMC cover with
a lint-free cloth, dampened with a dilute alcohol or dilute bleach cleaner as needed. Be sure to
remove all blood residue with a 10:1 diluted bleach solution. A cotton swab may be used for
cleaning the smaller parts of the SMC.
Quarterly maintenance
Calibration of the tHb channel is required every 3 months. This calibration is performed using
the tHb Calibrator cassette and verifies the measurement optics and electronics and corrects
any potential drift. The tHb Calibrator cassette can be found in the storage compartment in the
back of your analyzer.
1. From the Home screen, scan the bottom bar code on the calibration cassette by
holding it 2–3 inches (5–8 cm) from the bar code scanner. Ensure the red line from
the scanner covers the entire bar code. A beep and a green LED indicates a valid bar
On the QC menu, tap QC Manager, tap QC, and then tap tHb Calibrator.
2. Enter the User ID, if required.
3. When the new tHB calibrator warning appears, tap Continue.
4. Gently clean the optics window and the inside top cover of the sample chamber with a soft
lint free cloth and then tap OK.
5. When prompted, open the SMC cover by pressing down on the red latch.
6. Gently wipe both sides of the tHb Calibrator cassette with a clean dry cloth and examine it to
ensure it is clean. Insert it into the chamber and press down to properly seat the cassette.
7. Close the sample chamber cover. The analyzer begins the calibration process.
8. When prompted, remove the cassette from the sample chamber and immediately return it to
its pouch. The tHb calibration report will print automatically, showing both the old and new
calibration factors. The calibration process is complete when the Ready screen appears.
Annual Maintenance
The peristaltic pump cartridge and gas I/O port seal must be replaced annually to ensure that
your VetStat analyzer operates at peak performance.
To replace the peristaltic pump cartridge and gas I/O port seal:
1. Turn off the VetStat analyzer and open the printer cover door. The peristaltic pump is located
to the right of the printer.
2. Remove the pump by firmly grasping the housing and pulling upward.
3. Using tweezers or hemostats, carefully pull out the two pump seals and discard them.
4. Insert the new seals, making sure the small diameter holes (flat top) are face down. Ensure
that the seals are fully seated.
NOTE: Seals are fully seated when the front
seal is flush with the surface and the rear seal is
approximately 1/8" (3 mm) below the surface.
5. With the nipples facing down, hold the new
peristaltic pump cartridge next to the pump motor.
Turn the motor shaft by hand so it aligns with
the key-way of the pump spool. Then, align the
pump cartridge with the motor shaft and push the
cartridge down firmly until it is fully seated on the
6. Press the pump cartridge roller down until it is firmly
seated on the shaft of the pump motor.
7. Open the SMC cover. Remove the black gas I/O
port seal (figure 27) by grasping it with a hemostat
or tweezers and firmly pulling upward. Discard the
old gas I/O port seal.
WARNING: Do not push the hemostat or tweezers
down into the port opening as this may cause damage
to the analyzer.
8. Install the new gas I/O port seal with the rounded
surface pointing up and press it into the recess. When
fully seated, the I/O port seal is approximately 1/8" (3
mm) above the surrounding surface.
9. Test the peristaltic pump to ensure correct operation.
From the Home screen, tap System, tap Diagnostics
and then tap the Tests tab.
10. Tap Pump (figure 28) to test the pump motor. The
pump should rotate smoothly without excessive noise.
This diagnostic
test automatically steps through all the
speeds used during normal operation (7.5–120 rpm)
and then returns to the Diagnostics> Tests tab.
Figure 27. Inside the sample
measurement chamber
Gas I/O portCassette seat
Figure 28. System Manager>
Tests> Pump
When the diagnostic test is complete, run one sample in control mode, ensuring that the
control measurement passes without errors (see “Running Quality Control” in the “Quality
Control” section).
As-needed maintenance
To change the gas bottle:
The calibration gas bottle is designed to provide approximately 80 sampling operations. Its in-
use expiration is 6 months from installation or the shelf life of the gas bottle (whichever comes
1. When prompted, tap New Gas Bottle.
2. Unscrew the gas bottle by turning the knob on the bottom counterclockwise.
3. When prompted, scan the new gas bottle bar code on the insert sheet by holding it 2–3
inches (5–8 cm) from the bar code scanner on the bottom-right corner of the analyzer.
Record the date of installation on the gas bottle for later reference.
NOTE: If the insert sheet is misplaced, you can enter the lot number on the gas bottle
label manually. Tap Manual and enter the number using the numeric keypad.
NOTE: The bar code contains expiration information. The VetStat analyzer will alert the
operator two weeks before the gas bottle expires.
NOTE: The gas bottle should always be stored with the cap on.
5. When prompted, remove the cap from the new gas bottle, insert it into its housing, and
turn it clockwise until finger-tight. Then, tap OK.
6. When the new bottle message appears, tap Yes. The analyzer initiates a purge of the
system and returns to the Home screen.
NOTE: If you are reinstalling a used bottle, tap No and then enter the number of weeks
the bottle has been in service using the numeric keypad.
To change the printer paper
The thermal printer paper supplied by IDEXX contains an indicator strip to alert you when the
paper roll needs to be changed.
1. Press the red printer release button on the printer cover to access the printer.
2. Place the paper into the paper tray.
3. Pull the end of the paper upward and slightly out of the paper tray.
4. Hold the paper and close the printer cover.
To perform routine cleaning
The VetStat analyzer is designed to require very little maintenance. Routine cleaning consists of
wiping the exterior analyzer surfaces including touch screen with a soft, damp cloth.
NOTE: Do not use cleaners with ammonia, abrasives, or greater than 10% bleach on the VetStat
NOTE: Do not spray cleaning spray directly onto the screen.
Diagnostics and Alert Messages
Your VetStat* Electrolyte and Blood Gas Analyzer has a number of useful diagnostic programs.
NOTE: Many of the diagnostics that can be performed on the VetStat analyzer require the
assistance of an IDEXX Customer and Technical Support representative.
On the Diagnostics> Sensors tab, you can check the following:
• Temperature Gas level
• LEDs Barometric pressure
Battery voltage
To check system functions on the Sensors tab:
1. From the Home screen, tap System Manager to display the System screen.
2. Tap Diagnostics (figure 29) and then tap the Sensors tab (figure 30).
Figure 29. System
Figure 30. System
Diagnostics> Sensors tab
In the “Temperature Readings” section, you can check the top plate,
bottom plate and ambient temperatures.
NOTE: If the top or bottom plate temperatures are out of range, the temperature display
changes to red. Normal temperatures are:
Top plate: 36.95°–37.05°C
Bottom plate: 37.10°–37.2°C
Gas Level
In the Gas Level section, you can check the percentage of gas remaining in
the gas bottle. With a new gas bottle in place, the pressure should be approximately 99%;
with the bottle removed, the pressure should be 00%.
NOTE: To install a new gas bottle, tap New in the Gas Level section. Scan the
bar code label located on the gas bottle’s package insert. Tap OK to initiate a
gas purge.
In the LEDs section, you can view the status of the analyzer’s LEDs.
Barometric pressure/Battery voltage
In the Miscellaneous section, you can check
the barometric pressure and the battery voltage.
If the barometric pressure requires adjustment, see “Setting Up Hardware” in the
“System Management” section.
If the battery voltage is below 11.8 V, the battery needs to be recharged or may
need to be replaced. Perform the deep-discharge maintenance procedure and
3. Tap Home to return to the Home screen.
On the Diagnostics> Hardware tab, you can check the following:
Cooling fan Gas valve
Valve drive Factory settings
To check system functions on the Hardware tab:
1. From the Home screen, tap System.
2. Tap Diagnostics and then tap the Hardware tab (figure
To check the cooling fan, tap the On/Off button
to start the test. When on is selected, you should feel
the draft of the fan when you place your hand over
the fan on the back of the analyzer.
Gas Valve
This test should be performed only with
the assistance of an IDEXX representative. Contact
IDEXX Customer and Technical Support.
Valve Drive
This test should be performed only with
the assistance of an IDEXX representative. Contact
IDEXX Customer and Technical Support.
FSet (Factory Settings)
Checking factory settings
should be performed only by an
IDEXX representative.
Contact IDEXX Customer and Technical Support.
3. Tap Home to return to the Home screen.
Figure 31. System
Diagnostics> Controls tab
On the Diagnostics> Tests tab, you can check the following:
• Optics • Printer
Cassette detect • Ethernet
• Display Pump motor
Gas test Touch screen
To check system functions on the Tests tab:
1. From the Home screen, tap System.
2. Tap Diagnostics and then tap the Tests tab.
This test checks the operation of the printer. Tap Printer to start the test. The
printer prints a test printout. Verify that the alphanumeric printout is legible and that all
of the characters printed properly.
NOTE: If the printout is deficient, you may need to replace the printer. Call IDEXX to
order a replacement printer. Contact IDEXX Customer and Technical Support for further
Checking the analyzer optics should be performed only by an IDEXX
representative. Contact IDEXX Customer and Technical Support for assistance
Pump motor
Tap Pump to start the test. The pump motor test automatically steps
through all the speeds used during normal operation (7.5–120 rpm) and then displays
the Diagnostics> Tests tab.
This test checks the proper functioning of the analyzer’s LEDs. Tap Display
to start the test. The analyzer display will turn red, then green and then blue.
Cassette detect—The purpose of this test is to calibrate the cassette detect function
when the analyzer stops detecting the cassettes.
Touch screen—This test checks the proper functioning of the analyzer’s touch screen.
Tap Touch to start the test. Touch the screen; a dot should appear in the location you
touched. If this does not happen, tap Calibrate and follow the instructions. Using a
stylus or pointed object, touch the center of the calibration mark as it appears on the
screen. When you are finished, tap Save.
NOTE: Sharp objects can damage the screen.
Gas Test
This test is designed exclusively for use by an IDEXX representative.
Contact IDEXX Customer and Technical Support to run this test.
3. Tap Home to return to the Home screen.
Measurement and Diagnostics Reports
You can print reports that provide information on the diagnostic and calibration tests that are
performed on the VetStat analyzer.
Patient Measurement Report
The Patient Measurement report is available with results after each measurement.
To print the Patient Measurement report:
1. From the Home screen, tap Data Manager to display the Data screen.
2. In the Measurement Reports and Statistics section, tap Patient.
3. Select a patient and tap Print to print the Patient Measurement report. The printout details
the measured signal in millivolts and drifts.
4. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Data screen.
SRC Measurement Diagnostics Report
To print the SRC Measurement Diagnostics report:
1. From the Home screen, tap Data Manager to display the Data screen.
2. In the Measurement Reports and Statistics section, tap SRC.
3. Tap Print to print the SRC Measurement Diagnostic report. The printout shows details of
measured millivolts signals, as well as the observed drifts in measurement.
4. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Data screen.
Controls Measurement Diagnostics Report
To print the Controls Measurement Diagnostics report:
1. From the Home screen, tap Data Manager to display the Data screen.
2. In the Measurement Reports and Statistics section, tap Controls.
3. Tap Print to print the Controls Measurement Diagnostic report. The printout shows details of
measured millivolts signals, as well as the observed drifts in measurement.
4. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Data screen.
Error Report
To print the Error report:
1. From the Home screen, tap Data Manager to display the Data screen.
2. In the Calibration Reports section, tap Errors
3. On the Errors screen in the Error Log section:
• Tap Print to print the error messages in the database.
• Tap Delete to delete the error messages from the database. At the “Delete the Error
Log?” message, tap Yes to delete all error messages.
4. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Data screen.
Configuration Report
To import/export the Configuration report:
1. From the Home screen, tap Data Manager to display the Data screen.
2. Insert the USB flash drive as instructed and select either the Import or Export option.
3. Tap the Back arrow to return to the Data screen.
NOTE: After initial setup, a configuration report should be exported and kept in a safe place
for later reference.
Alert Messages
Your VetStat* Electrolyte and Blood Gas Analyzer is designed to provide trouble-free service. At
times, various alert messages may appear, requiring you to initiate corrective action.
If you need additional assistance, contact IDEXX Customer and Technical Support.
Message Problem/Action
! Not Ready: Low Gas The gas pressure is low.
Replace the gas bottle.
! Not Ready: Temperature
out of range.
The temperature is out of range.
Wait for the analyzer to reach the correct temperature.
If the analyzer does not become ready within a reasonable time,
check the temperature in System Manager> Diagnostics.
Temperature specifications:
Top plate: 36.95°–37.05°C
Bottom plate: 37.10°–37.2°C
NOTE: The cooling fan turns on if the temperature is >31.5°C and turns
off if the temperature is <30.5°C.
! Not Ready: Cassette Detect A cassette detect error has occurred.
Remove the cassette and turn the power off. Wait 30 seconds and
turn the power back on.
If the message persists, contact IDEXX Customer and Technical
! Not Ready: Low Battery The battery voltage is low.
Operate the analyzer on AC power and/or recharge the battery.
Warning! No sample
Sensors did not detect any sample.
Make sure the sample is properly attached, not clotted and does not
contain air bubbles. Wait for the analyzer to recalibrate.
Remix the sample carefully. Tap OK to notify the analyzer that the
sample is reattached and to reaspirate the sample.
Warning! Unstable pH.
Check cassette.
Unstable pH (other measured parameter).
NOTE: This message is a warning. The analyzer will, however, display a
result for the parameter.
Remove the cassette and check for aspirated bubbles. If bubbles are
visible in the cassette, rerun the sample with a new cassette.
Warning! Bad sensor—pH. The pH (or other measured parameter) sensor is bad.
• Tap Cancel to stop the measurement.
• Tap OK to continue the measurement. If you continue, no results will
be provided for the bad sensor or any calculated result that uses this
Warning! Low battery. One
test remaining.
The battery voltage is low.
• Tap OK to complete the current test.
Replace the battery or recharge it by plugging the analyzer into the
main power supply as soon as possible.
Warning! Gas expires soon. The gas bottle will expire in two weeks.
• Tap OK to continue. Ensure that a new gas bottle is in inventory or
has been ordered.
Message Problem/Action
Warning! Low gas. One test
When the percentage in the gas bottle reaches 4%, this message
• Tap OK to complete the current test.
Replace the gas bottle at the completion of the test.
NOTE: You can replace the gas bottle at the next warning, and the
VetStat analyzer will automatically perform the necessary one-minute gas
purge. Otherwise, use the standard procedure to perform the purge.
Warning! Check pump. The peristaltic pump is becoming worn.
• Tap OK to continue the measurement.
Perform a pump diagnostic if this warning persists. If the pump
diagnostic fails, replace the pump cartridge (see the “Cleaning and
Maintenance” section).
Warning! Check pump.
Please remove cassette.
The peristaltic pump is becoming worn.
Remove the cassette. Retry with a new cassette.
Change the peristaltic pump cartridge (see the “Cleaning and
Maintenance” section).
Warning! Bubble detected.
Check cassette.
A bubble was detected at the light gates.
Remove the cassette. Tap OK to continue.
Examine the cassette and look for bubbles. If bubbles are visible, rerun
the sample using a new cassette.
Warning! Hb Cal expires
This message appears only once, before the three-month expiration
of the hemoglobin calibration, and acts as a reminder to run the
hemoglobin calibrator.
• Tap OK to continue.
Ensure that an HbCC is in inventory or has been ordered.
Warning! Secure Op ID list
is full.
The number of secure operator IDs stored in memory equals 300.
• Tap OK to continue.
Stop! Low battery. Recharge
Stop! Low battery. Recharge
and cycle power.
The battery is low.
Turn the power off, wait 30 seconds and then turn the power back on.
Install a freshly charged battery, recharge for up to 6 hours before the
next sample is run, or operate the analyzer on AC power.
Stop! Low gas. Replace now. The gas cylinder is empty.
Replace the gas cylinder and tap OK.
Stop! System error. Cycle
power for reset.
The analyzer has detected an internal error.
Turn the power off, wait 30 seconds and then turn the power back on.
Discard the cassette.
Stop! Memory error.
Database deleted.
Patient, quality control and other databases were deleted.
• Tap OK and the analyzer will reinitialize.
Message Problem/Action
Stop! Temperature out of
The temperature is out of range during any kind of measurement.
• Tap OK and continue.
If the error message appears again, check the temperature in System
Manager> Diagnostics.
Temperature specifications:
Top plate: 36.95°–37.05°C
Bottom plate: 37.10°–37.2°C
NOTE: The cooling fan turns on if the temperature is >31.5°C and turns
off if the temperature is <30.5°C.
Error! Bad sensors. Discard
Two or more measured parameter sensors are bad.
• Tap OK, discard the cassette and repeat the test with a new cassette.
Error! Possible clot. Discard
A sample error has occurred. This may be due to a clot or to a blockage
preventing sample aspiration.
• Tap OK and discard the cassette. Check the sample for clots. If
present, redraw and analyze a new sample.
Error! Gas expired.
The gas bottle has expired, or you have used an invalid bar code.
Check the gas bottle label. Make sure the expiration date has not
been exceeded. If expired, insert a new gas bottle.
Check the date setting in System Manager> Time and Date.
Error! Cassette misseat 1
(or 2). Reinsert.
The cassette was not properly placed into the chamber.
Open the SMC cover, remove and reinsert the cassette, and close the
cover. Tap Cancel to continue.
• Tap Cancel and then remove and discard the cassette. Repeat the
test with a new cassette.
NOTE: Be sure to wipe the cassette with a dry, clean, lint-free cloth
before inserting it into the SMC.
If the message still appears with a different cassette, turn the power off and
wait 30 seconds. Then turn the power back on and retry.
Error! Cassette misseat 2.
Discard cassette.
Error! Bad cassette. Discard
The cassette was not properly placed into the chamber or the cassette is
• Tap Cancel and then remove and discard the cassette. Repeat the test
with a new cassette. Be sure to wipe the cassette with a
dry, clean, lint-
cloth before inserting it into the SMC.
If the message still appears with a different cassette, turn the power
off and wait 30 seconds. Then turn the power back on and retry.
Error! Bad calibration.
Discard cassette.
The analyzer did not calibrate because of internal problems or problems
with the cassette.
• Tap Cancel and then remove and discard the cassette. Repeat the test
with a new cassette. Be sure to wipe the cassette dry with a clean, lint-
free cloth before inserting it into the SMC.
If the message still appears with a different cassette, turn the power
off and wait 30 seconds. Then turn the power back on and retry.
Error! Dirty optics. Clean
cassette and optics.
Error! Dirty optics. Discard
The optics or the cassette are dirty. The analyzer is unable to calibrate
because of dirty optics or a dirty cassette.
Remove the cassette. Wipe the cassette with a dry, clean, lint-free
cloth. Inspect the optics on the bottom and top plates. Clean them, if
necessary, with isopropyl alcohol. Reinsert the cassette, or discard it
and insert a new cassette. Tap OK to continue with the test.
Message Problem/Action
Error! Calibration expired.
Discard cassette.
The cassette has been holding the calibration for more than
10 minutes without a sample being attached.
• Tap OK and then remove and discard the cassette.
Error! Unstable sensors.
Discard cassette.
A sample error has occurred. This may be due to a clot or large air
bubble if two or more sensors are unstable.
• Tap OK and then remove and discard the cassette. Check the sample
for clots or bubbles. Rerun the test with a new cassette.
Error! Short sample. Discard
The analyzer was not able to aspirate enough contiguous sample fluid to
cover the optode sensors after multiple aspiration attempts. If a bubble was
detected, the analyzer attempted to restart the aspiration and was not able to
aspirate enough sample.
• Tap OK and then remove and discard the cassette.
Error! Invalid bar code.
The bar code is invalid; either the analyzer misread the bar code label, or
the bar code label is invalid.
• Tap OK to retry.
If the error message appears again, try entering the bar code manually.
Clean the bar code scanner.
Using an alcohol prep pad or a lint-free cloth dampened with
diluted alcohol, gently wipe the face of the scanner clean.
Retry the bar code.
Error! Invalid bar code.
Check time and date.
Error! Expired bar code.
Check time and date.
The bar code is invalid; either the analyzer misread the bar code label, or
the product (i.e., gas bottle, cassette or SRC) has expired.
• Tap OK to retry.
Verify the product expiration date.
If the error message appears again, check the date in System
Manager> Time and Date.
Error! Invalid bar code.
Different QC lot.
The bar code is invalid.
Verify that <Scan A> and <Scan B> of the quality control material are
from the same level and lot number. Tap OK to continue.
Error! Invalid tHb calibrator. The cassette placed in the SMC is invalid.
Verify that the cassette placed in the SMC is a valid hemoglobin
calibration cassette (HbCC). Tap OK to continue.
Error! Invalid QC lot. The QC lot is invalid.
• Tap OK to continue.
Error! Invalid SRC. The SRC type is invalid.
• Tap OK to continue.
Remove the SRC.
Configure the SRC data in Setup and retry.
Message Problem/Action
Error! Expired SRC. Check
time and date.
The SRC expiration date has been reached.
• Tap OK and remove the SRC.
If the error message appears again, check the date in System
Manager> Time and Date.
Configure a new SRC in Setup and retry.
Error! Setup QC. A measurement of QC materials, either liquid or SRCs, was attempted
prior to setting up.
• Tap OK to continue.
Configure the SRCs and/or liquid QC material in Setup and retry. (See
the “System Management” section.)
Error! Calibration out of
This error can occur during Hb calibration, and is triggered when the
correction is greater than 10%.
Contact IDEXX Customer and Technical Support for assistance.
IDEXX Customer and Technical Support
United States: 1-800-248-2483
Australia: 1300 44 33 99
Austria: 43 (0)1 206 092 729
Belgium: 32 (0)27 00 64 38
Brazil: 0800-777-7027
Canada: 1-800-248-2483
China (PRC): 400-678-6682
Czech Republic: 420-239018034
Denmark: 45 (0) 43 31 04 39
Finland: 358 (0)9 7252 2253
France: 33 (0) 810 433 999
Germany: 49 (0)69 153 253 290
Ireland: 353 (0)1 562 1211
Italy: 39 02 87 10 36 76
Japan: 0120-71-4921
Latin America: [email protected]
Luxembourg: 352 (0)34 20 80 87 22
Netherlands: 31 (0)70 700 7033
New Zealand: 0800 83 85 22
Norway: 47 24 05 51 10
Poland: 48 22 853 40 01
Russia: 7-4999-511-255
Singapore: 65 6807-6277
Slovakia: 421-268622417
South Korea: 080 7979 133
Spain: 34 932 672 660 or 34 916 376 317
Sweden: 46 (0)8 5198 9566
Switzerland: 41 (0)44 511 22 37
Taiwan: 0800 291 018
United Kingdom: 44 (0)20 3788 7508
Appendix A: Normal Ranges
The normal ranges for canine, feline and equine parameters are:
Parameter Units
Canine Feline Equine
Low High Low High Low High
+ (1)
mmol/L 144 160 150 165 133 150
+ (1)
mmol/L 3.5 5.8 3.5 5.8 3.0 5.3
– (1)
mmol/L 109 122 112 129 97 109
++ (3, 4)
mg/dL 5.0 6.0 4.5 5.5 6.01 7.21
mmol/L* 1.25 1.50 1.13 1.38 1.50 1.79
pH arterial
(2, 3)
7.36 7.44 7.36 7.44 7.35 7.47
pH venous
(2, 3)
7.34 7.46 7.33 7.41 7.34 7.43
(2, 3)
mEq/L 25.0 27.0 21.0 23.0
(2, 3)
mEq/L 21.0 31.0 27.0 31.0
(2, 3)
mEq/L 24.0 26.0 20.0 22.0 22.0 29.0
(2, 3)
mEq/L 20.0 29.0 22.0 24.0 22.0 29.0
(2, 3)
mmHg 36 44 28 32 36 46
(2, 3)
mmHg 32 49 34 38 38 48
(2, 3)
mmHg 90 100 90 100 80 112
(2, 3)
mmHg 24 48 35 45 37 56
g/dL 12.0 18.0 8.0 15.0 10.0 18.0
(6, 7)
% 93 100 93 100 93 100
*Conversion to SI units: mg/dL x 0.25 = mmol/L
Conversion to SI units: mg/dL x 0.0555 = mmol/L
NOTE: When selecting Other in the Species Selection screen, the normal ranges printed on
the patient report are the analyzer’s dynamic range. IDEXX does not provide normal ranges for
species other than canine, feline and equine.
1. Data on file at IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. Westbrook, ME USA.
2. Willard MD, Tvetden H, Turnwald GH, eds. Small Animal Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1999.
3. Robinson NE. Current Therapy in Equine Medicine. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1997.
4. Schenck PA, Chew DJ. Hypocalcemia: A Quick Reference. Vet Clin Small Anim. 2008;38(3):455–458.
5. Kahn CM, Line S, eds. The Merck Veterinary Manual. 9th ed. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck; 2005.
6. Bonagura JD. Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XII Small Animal Practice. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1995.
7. White GA, Matthews NS, Walker MA, Slater MR. Pulse Oximetry for Estimation of Oxygenation in Dogs with Experimental Pneumothorax. JVECC.
Appendix B: Technical Specifications
Measurement Range and Resolution
Parameter Dynamic Range Low Resolution High Resolution
100–180 mmol/L 1 0.1
0.8–10 mmol/L 0.1 0.01
50–160 mmol/L 1 0.1
0.2–3.0 mmol/L 0.01
pH 6.6–7.8 pH units 0.01 0.001
10–200 mmHg 1 0.1
10–700 mmHg 1 0.1
tHb 5–25 g/dL 0.1
60–100% 1 0.1
Barometric Pressure
300 to 800 mmHg
Operating Altitude
Up to 3048 m (10,000 ft)
Operating Parameters
Minimum sample size: 125 µL
Sample type: lithium heparinized whole blood, plasma or serum
Sample application: syringe or capillary
Sample input: automatic aspiration
Analysis time: <2 minutes
Ambient temperature range: 10°C–32°C (50°F–90°F)
Relative humidity range: 5%–95% (noncondensing)
Dimensions and Weight
Width: 14.2 inches (36.2 cm)
Depth: 9.1 inches (23.0 cm)
Height: 4.7 inches (12.0 cm)
Instrument weight: 8.65 lb (3.9 kg)
Battery weight: 0.94 lb (0.42 kg)
Default Settings
Parameter Default Parameter Default
Patient ID On Comment Field On
Operator ID On/Off Password Disabled
Requisition ID On/Off QC Lockout (SRC Levels) Off
Client ID On/Off QC Lockout (QC Levels) Off
Age On QC Lockout (New Lot) Off
Gender On Units Conventional
Species On Temp Centigrade
Sample type On Time 24-hour
Off tHb g/dL
Tvol Off Ca
MVol Off Resolution Low
PIP Off Language English
Pplat Off Battery Saver (Auto Off) Always on
PS Off Battery Saver (Display) Always on
Rate Off
Liter Flow Off
I/E Ratio Off
Bi-Level Off
Appendix C: Calculated Values
Units Used in Measured and Input Parameters for Calculations
Parameter Unit Parameter Unit
pH pH-unit K mmol/L
mmHg Ca mmol/L
mmHg Cl mmol/L
tHb g/dL SO
Na mmol/L
Conversion Table for Units
, O
1 vol% = 1 mL/dL = 0.4464 mmol/L
tHb 1 g/dL = 10 g/L = 0.6206 mmol/L
barometric pressure, PCO
, PO
1 mmHg = 1.3333 mbar = 0.1333 kPa
ionized calcium (Ca
) 1 mmol/L = 4.008 mg/dL = 2 mEq/L
1 mmol/L = 18.02 mg/dL
1 mg/dL = 0.0555 mmol/L
Calculated Parameters and Equations
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The VetStat* Electrolyte and Blood Gas Analyzer can calculate various parameters using the
measured values obtained during sample analysis. There are many different equations used to
calculate these parameters. These equations are provided below.
Note: Calculated parameters, with the exception of HCO
, do not have reference ranges.
The following calculated parameters have been tested for canine, feline and equine specimens
and are verified to provide results that are suitable for veterinary use.
The anion gap is a calculated parameter used to express the difference in concentrations of
major cations and anions in the blood specimen.
AG = (Na
+ K
) – (Cl
The base excess of extracellular fluid is a quantity that reflects only the nonrespiratory
components of acid-base balance (tHb = 5 g/dL).
= 0.93 · [14.83 · (pH –7.40) – 24.4 + HCO
] [mmol/L]
NOTE: This equation is, as stated in the NCCLS, an approximation. It is not directly derived
from the BE equation alone.
Total concentration of CO
in plasma, the sum of dissolved CO
and bicarbonate
+ (0.0307 · PCO
) [mmol/L]
Bicarbonate concentration in plasma
= 0.0307 · PCO
· 10
(pH – 6.129)
The following calculated parameters require additional information beyond the measured values
to calculate a result. In the absence of measured values, for example tHb or SO
, the VetStat
analyzer can use default values or measured values from other testing entered through the
patient information screens. The analyzer will calculate the result based upon the equations
below. The equations are from established and accepted methods in human diagnostics; they
have not been derived using veterinary samples.
The alveolar to arterial oxygen tension gradient (PAO
) is the difference between the
alveolar oxygen tension and the measured oxygen tension of arterial blood.
) = (PAO
) [mmHg]
Alveolar to arterial oxygen tension difference corrected to patient temperature other than the
default temperature (37°C) preprogrammed in the VetStat analyzer
= (P
+ (1 – FIO
with PH
= 47 · 10
[0.0237 – 0.0001 (t – 37)] (t –37)
and PACO
= PaCO
(alveolar PCO
= arterial PCO
Apply above equation for PAO
otherwise PAO
= PO
The buffer base is the concentration of buffering anions that is available in whole blood to buffer
strong acids and consists mainly of protein anions and bicarbonate. Of the protein anions,
hemoglobin is the most significant.
BB = BE + 41.7 + 0.42 · tHb [mmol/L]
The base excess of the blood results from a calculation to determine the titratable base of the
blood, which in principle is measured by titration of the blood with a strong acid or base to a pH
of 7.4 with PCO
= 40 mmHg at 37°C.
BE = (1 – 0.023 · tHb) · [(7.7 + 2.33 · tHb) · (pH – 7.40) – 24.4 + HCO
Base excess at actual oxygen saturation
= (1 – 0.0143 · tHb) · [(1.63 · tHb + 9.5) · (pH – 7.4) – 24.26 + HCO
] –
0.2 · tHb ·
1 –
Concentration (activity) of hydrogen ions in plasma
= 10
Concentration of hydrogen ions corrected to patient temperature other than the default
temperature (37°C) preprogrammed into the VetStat analyzer
cHt = 10
The ionized calcium value standardized to pH = 7.40
For blood:
(pH = 7.4) = Ca
· 10
0.22 · (pH – 7.4)
For plasma or serum:
(pH = 7.4) = Ca
· 10
0.24 · (pH – 7.4)
Oxygen content is the sum of oxygen bound to hemoglobin as O
Hb and the amount of oxygen
dissolved in the plasma. This value is calculated from the measured O
Hb, and tHb if available,
and is estimated from the calculated SO
if the measured O
Hb is not available and if the
calculation of oxygen saturation is selected.
Ct = 1.39
· tHb + 0.00314 · PO
is not available, O
Ct is calculated with PO
= 90 mmHg.
value corrected to patient temperature other than the default temperature (37°C)
preprogrammed into the VetStat analyzer
· 10
0.019 · (t – 37)
pH corrected to patient temperature other than the default temperature (37°C) preprogrammed
into the VetStat analyzer
= pH – [0.0147 + 0.0065 · (pH – 7.4)] · (t – 37) [pH-unit]
value corrected to patient temperature other than the default temperature (37°C)
preprogrammed into the VetStat analyzer
= PO
· 10
5.49 · 10
· PO2
· (t – 37)
9.72 · 10
· PO2
+ 2.30
Standard bicarbonate of the blood, defined as the plasma bicarbonate concentration in blood
that has been equilibrated at 37°C with a gas mixture having a PCO
= 40 mmHg.
= 10
Standard pH of the blood is defined as the pH value of a blood sample that has been
equilibrated at 37°C with a gas mixture having a PCO
= 40 mmHg.
st.pH = (0.8262 – 0.01296 · tHb + 0.006942 · BE) · log(0.025 · PCO
) + pH
1. Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, eds. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1994.
2. Constable PD. Clinical assessment of acid-base status: comparison of the Henderson-Hasselbalch and strong ion approaches. Vet Clin Pathol. 2000;29(4):115–128.
3. NCCLS. Definitions of quantities and conventions related to blood pH and gas analysis, C12-A. 1994.
4. Marsoner HJ. Quantities and Algorithms Related to Blood Gas and Acid Base Analysis. AVL Medizintechnik Graz. 1995.
5. Zander R. Die korrekte Bestimmung des Base Excess (BE mmol/L) im Blut. Anesthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther. 1995;30(1):36–38.
6. Simmons A, ed. Hematology, A Combined Theoretical & Technical Approach. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1989:28–29.
7. Ehrmeye SS, National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (now Clinical & Laboratory Standard Institute). Fractional oxyhemoglobin, oxygen content and saturation, and
related quantities in blood: terminology, measurement and reporting (NCCLS document C25-T). 1992;12(11):10.
Appendix D: VetStat* Logs
SRC Daily Runs
Week Ending:
SRC Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Level 1
Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials
Level 2
Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials
Level 3
Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials
SRC Friday Saturday Sunday
Level 1
Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials
Level 2
Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials
Level 3
Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials Pass/Fail Date Initials
Month: Year:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Clean SMC
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials
Month: Year:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Clean SMC
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials
Month: Year:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Clean SMC
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials
Month: Year:
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Clean SMC
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials
Quality Control Monthly
Month: Year:
Level 1
Pass/Fail Date Initials
Level 2
Pass/Fail Date Initials
Level 3
Pass/Fail Date Initials
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Perform Hb
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials
Year: Year: Year: Year:
Replace peristaltic
pump cartridge
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials
Year: Year: Year: Year:
Change gas I/O
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials
As Needed
Clean analyzer
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials
Change gas bottle
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials
Discharge battery
Date Initials Date Initials Date Initials Date Initial