Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Title 15
15.050 APPEALS
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Chapter 720.110 Swimming Pools to be Fenced was repealed by Ordinance 1247 adopted December 2013.
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Chapter 15.010
15.010.010 Title
15.010.020 Purpose
15.010.030 Applicability
15.010.040 Scope
15.010.050 Administration
15.010.060 General Plan Consistency
15.010.070 Solar Energy and Shade Control Act
15.010.080 Compliance with Requirements
15.010.090 Interim Ordinance
15.010.010 Title
This title shall be known and may be cited as the “Unified Development Code of Glenn County.”
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.010.020 Purpose
The purposes of this title are:
A. To promote and protect the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, convenience and general
B. To implement the county general plan, and to facilitate and guide growth in accordance with the general
plan; and
C. To protect the social and economic stability of residential, commercial, industrial, resource production,
and recreational activities within the county through the orderly, planned use of real property.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.010.030 Applicability
The provisions of this title apply throughout the unincorporated portions of the county and apply to
lands owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the state or a local government, or any unit or agency or
either of them, to the extent permitted either by law or by the consent of or agreement with the state or local
government or unit or agency affected. The provisions of this title apply to public lands as defined in the
Federal Land Policy and Management Act (43 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to the extent permitted by that act or
other federal law, or regulations adopted pursuant thereto or agreements made with the county. The
provisions of this title do not apply to federal reservations or to land owned, leased or otherwise controlled
by the county. As used in this subsection, “local government” includes, but is not limited to, cities, school
districts and special districts. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.010.040 Scope
The zoning plan consists of the establishment of various zone districts to be used within the
unincorporated territory of the county. Within some, all or none of the districts it shall be lawful, and within
some, all or none of the districts it shall be unlawful, to erect, construct, alter or maintain certain buildings,
or to carry on certain uses of land or of buildings. Within the districts, the height and bulk of future
buildings shall be limited, and certain open spaces shall be required around future buildings. Each district
shall consist of additional appropriate regulations to be enforced, all as set forth in this title. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.010.050 Administration
This title shall be administered and enforced by the planning authority who shall advise the public
about its requirements. The responsibilities of the director under this title include the following functions,
which may be carried out by planning authority employees under the supervision of the director:
A. Accept and review all applications authorized hereunder; certify that applications submitted have been
properly completed; establish permanent files; conduct site and project analysis; prepare public notices;
meet with applicants; collect fees; prepare reports; process appeals; present staff reports to the planning
commission and board of supervisors; and
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B. Issue administrative permits under this title and certify that all such permits are in full conformance
with these requirements; and
C. Refer and coordinate matters related to the administration of this title with other agencies and county
departments; and
D. Enforce and secure compliance with the provisions of the title.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.010.060 General Plan Consistency
Where any regulations specified in this title and any portion of any element of the general plan are
inconsistent, the general plan shall prevail. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.010.070 Solar Energy and Shade Control Act
Pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 25985, the county declares itself exempt from the
provisions of the Solar Shade Control Act, Chapter 12 (commencing with Section 25980) of Division 15 of
the Public Resources Code. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.010.080 Compliance with Requirements
It is unlawful for any individual, firm, association, syndicate, partnership, trust, or any other legal
entity, as a principal, agent, or otherwise, to offer to sell, to contract to sell, or sell, or lease, or transfer, or
utilize, or otherwise assign for financing or other purposes, any parcel or parcels or real property or any part
thereof in the unincorporated territory of the county, unless and until all the requirements hereinafter
provided have been complied with. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.010.090 Interim ordinance
Without following the procedures otherwise required prior to the adoption of an ordinance, the board of
supervisors, to protect the public safety, health and welfare, may adopt as an urgency measure an interim
ordinance prohibiting any uses which may be in conflict with a contemplated general plan, specific plan, or
zoning proposal which the board of supervisors, planning commission or the planning authority is
considering or studying or intends to study within a reasonable time. The urgency measure shall require a
four-fifths vote of the board of supervisors for adoption. The interim ordinance may be adopted by meeting
all requirements set forth in Section 65858 of the Government Code. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.020
15.020.010 General
15.020.020 Definitions
15.020.010 General
For the purposes of this title, certain terms or words used herein shall be interpreted as follows unless
the context clearly calls for another meaning:
A. The word person” includes a firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, company, or
corporation as well as an individual;
B. The present tense includes the future tense; the singular number includes the plural, and the plural
number includes the singular;
C. The word “shall” is mandatory, the word “may” is permissive;
D. The words “used” or “occupied” include the words “intended”, “designed”, or “arranged to be used” of
E. The word “lot” includes the words “plot”, “site”, or “parcel”;
F. The masculine includes the feminine;
G. The word “county” as used herein means the county of Glenn; the words “board of supervisors” mean
the board of supervisors of the county of Glenn; the words planning commission” mean the planning
commission of the county of Glenn; and the words “county boundary” mean the boundary of the county
of Glenn, and/or the boundary of any incorporated municipality within the county.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
When used in this title, the following words and phrases have the meaning and usage indicated unless
another meaning or usage is required by the context in which a word or phrase is used:
A. 1. “Accessory building” means a building, part of a building or structure which is detached from the
main building and the use of which is incidental to that of the main building structure or use on the
same lot.
2. “Accessory use” means a use incidental, related, appropriate and clearly subordinate to the main
use of the lot or building, which accessory use does not alter the principal use of the subject lot or
affect other properties in the zone.
3. “Accumulation vehicles” means the accumulation and storage of abandoned, wrecked, dismantled,
inoperative or nonregistered vehicles, travel trailers, unoccupied mobilehomes, or parts thereof, on
private or public property.
4. “Adult entertainment businesses” includes the following:
a. “Adult book store” means an establishment having as a substantial or significant portion of its
stock in trade, books, magazines and other periodicals which are distinguished or characterized
by their emphasis on matter, depicting, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or
“specified anatomical areas” or an establishment with a segment or section devoted to the sale
or display of such materials.
b. “Adult motion picture theater means an enclosed building with a capacity of fifty or more
persons used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis or manner
depicting, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas”
for observation by patrons therein.
c. “Adult mini motion picture theatermeans an enclosed building with a capacity for less than
fifty persons used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on
matter depicting or relating to “specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas” for
observation by patrons therein.
d. “Adult hotel or motel” means a hotel or motel wherein material is presented which is
distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to
“specified sexual activates” or “specified anatomical areas.”
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e. “Adult motion picture arcade” means any place to which the public is permitted or invited
wherein coin or slug-operated or electronically, electrically or mechanically controlled still or
motion picture machines, projectors or other image-producing devices are maintained to show
images to five or fewer persons per machine at any one time, and where the images so
displayed are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting or describing
“specified sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”
f. “Cabaret” means a nightclub, theater or other establishment which features live performances
by topless and/or bottomless dancers, “go-go” dancers, exotic dancers, strippers or similar
entertainers, where such performances are distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on
“special sexual activities” or “specified anatomical areas.”
g. “Massage parlor” means any place where for any form of consideration or gratuity, massage,
alcohol rub, administration of fomentations, electric or magnetic treatments, or any other
treatment or manipulation of the human body occurs as part of or in connection with “specified
sexual activities” or where any person providing such treatment, manipulation or services
related thereto exposes “specified anatomical areas.”
h. “Model studio means any business where, for any form of consideration or gratuity, figure
models who display “specified anatomical areas” are provided to be observed, sketched,
drawn, painted, sculptured, photographed or similarly depicted by persons paying such
consideration or gratuity.
i. “Sexual encounter center” means any business, agency or person who, for any form of
consideration or gratuity, provides a place where three or more persons, not all members of the
same family, may congregate, assemble or associate for the purpose of engaging in “specified
sexual activities” or exposing “specified anatomical areas.”
j. Any business or establishment which offers its patrons services or entertainment characterized
by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to “specified sexual activities” or
“specified anatomical areas.”
5. “Advisory agency” means the Glenn County Planning Commission.
6. “Affordable Housing” means housing costs as defined in Section 50052.5 of the Health and Safety
Code or rents at qualifying levels for lower-income or very low-income households.
7. “Affordability” is determined by the economic feasibility to construct lower-income housing in the
proposed development.
8. “Agricultural accessory building” means an uninhabited structure, designed and built to store
farming animals, implements, supplies or products (not including commercial greenhouses or
buildings for agricultural processing activities), which is not used by the public.
9. “Agricultural Homestay Establishment” shall mean an establishment that meets all of the
requirements of Section 113870 of the California Health and Safety Code including the following:
a. Has not more than six guest rooms or accommodates not more than 15 guests.
b. Provides overnight transient accommodations.
c. Serves food only to its registered guests and serves meals at any time, with respect to which
the price of food is included in the price of the overnight transient occupancy accommodation.
d. Lodging and meals are incidental and not the primary function of the agricultural homestay
e. The agricultural homestay establishment is located on, and is a part of, a farm as defined in
Section 53363 (52262) of the Food and Agricultural Code, that produces agricultural products
as its primary source of income.
10. “Agricultural operations” means and includes, but is not limited to the cultivation and tillage of the
soil, dairying, the production, irrigation, frost protection, cultivation, growing, harvesting and
processing of any agricultural commodity including viticulture, horticulture, timber and apiculture,
the raising of livestock, fur-bearing animals, fish or poultry, and any commercial agricultural
practices performed as incident to or in conjunction with such operations, including preparation for
market, delivery to storage or to market, or to carriers for transportation to market.
11. “Agricultural processing” means the refinement, treatment or packaging of all primary and
secondary agricultural products for commercial purposes.
12. “Agriculture” means the art or science of cultivating the ground, including harvesting of crops and
rearing and management of livestock, tillage, husbandry, farming, horticulture and forestry.
“Agricultural land” means all that real property within the boundaries of Glenn County currently
used for agricultural operations or upon which agricultural operations may in the future be
13. “Aircraft” means any contrivance used or designated for navigation of or flight in the air.
14. “Aircraft ground movement area” means the runways, taxiways and parking apron of the airport.
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15. “Airports and landing strips” means any area of land or water used or intended for the landing and
takeoff of aircraft, and any accessory areas for airport buildings and other facilities. “Airfields” and
“landing strips” include the following:
a. “Agricultural or personal landing strip” means a landing strip or heliport for agricultural crop
dusting or for personal use of the tenant or owner of the site which is not available for public
use or commercial operations.
b. “Restricted use airfield” means:
i. A landing strip or heliport having not more than ten based aircraft with exclusive rights of
use reserved to the owners or tenants of units within any cluster development, multifamily
development, subdivision, industry or institution; or
ii. An emergency heliport operated in conjunction with a hospital or public safety facility.
c. “Public use airfield” means any landing strip, airport or heliport available for public use.
16. “Airport elevation” means the highest point, measured in feet above or below mean sea level, of
the airport’s usable landing area.
17. “Airport hazard” means any structure or tree, or use of land in the vicinity of the airport, which
obstructs the runway safety areas, clear zones, approach surfaces as defined in FAR Part 77, or any
other imaginary surface specified in FAR Part 77 if these obstructions have been determined by the
FAA or the State Department of Transportation to constitute a hazard.
18. “Alley” means any public thoroughfare, having a width of not less than twenty feet and not greater
than forty feet, which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting property.
19. “Animal hospital or veterinary hospital” means a place where animals or pets are given medical or
surgical treatment and are cared for during the time of such treatment. Use as a kennel shall be
limited to short term boarding incidental to such hospital use.
20. “Apartment” means any building, or portion thereof which is designed and built as the residence of
three or more families living independently of each other and which contains kitchen facilities in
each dwelling unit.
21. “Approved access” means a private right-of-way that meets the following conditions:
a. Does not exceed an average of fifteen percent grade for any five hundred consecutive feet;
b. Does not contain any grade which would exceed twenty-two percent;
c. Has a recorded or recordable sixty-foot right-of-way from a public road to the property under
consideration except that in the case of an access that can serve no more than one parcel, has a
recorded or recordable forty-foot right-of-way; and
d. Has traversable access year round except in snow season.
22. “Approving Authority” means that body which has the authority to act to approve a permit,
application, action or other development request.
23. “Aquifer” means a geologic formation that stores, transmits and yields significant quantities of
water to wells and springs.
24. “Appeal” means a request for a review of the flood plain administrator’s interpretation of any
provision of this chapter.
25. “Area of shallow flooding” means a designated AO or AH Zone on the Flood Insurance Rate Map
(FIRM). The base flood depths range from one to three feet; a clearly defined channel does not
exist; the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminate; and velocity flow may be evident.
Such flooding is characterized by ponding or sheet flow.
26. “Area of special flood hazard” see “Special flood hazard area.”
27. “Automobile dismantling” means the taking apart, stripping or wrecking of motor vehicles or
trailers for scrap or for used parts to be sold either at retail or wholesale or to be used as
replacements in other motor vehicles or trailers whether or not intended for the same kind of
vehicle or trailer from which the parts were removed.
28. “Automobile repair” means a general repair, rebuilding or reconditioning of engines, motor
vehicles or trailers; it also means collision service, including body, frame or fender repair and over-
all painting.
29. “Automobile service station” means a lot or portion of a lot used for the servicing of motor
vehicles. Such servicing may include sale of motor fuel and oils, lubrication, car washing (with no
steam equipment), waxing and polishing, sale and service of tires, tubes, batteries and service of
automobile accessories. Such servicing shall not include tire recapping, sale of major automobile
accessories, sale or rebuilding of engines, battery manufacturing or rebuilding, radiator repair or
steam cleaning, body repair, painting or upholstery, or installation of automobile glass.
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30. “Automobile wrecking yard” means a site or portion of a site on which the dismantling or wrecking
of used vehicles, whether self propelled or not, or the storage, sale or dumping of dismantled or
wrecked vehicles or their parts is conducted. The presence on a site of two or more motor vehicles
which have not been capable of operating under their own power for thirty days or more, or in the
case of vehicles not self propelled, which have not been towable or from which parts have been
removed for re-use or sale, shall constitute prima facie evidence of an automobile wrecking yard.
31. “Automotive repairs, major” means repair or refurbishing of any motor vehicle including the
dismantling of an engine by removal of the head or pistons; the removal of the transmission, rear
end or major assembly of any motor vehicle. Painting, body and fender work are excluded.
32. “Automotive repairs, minor” means limited repair of any motor vehicle including installation of
tires or replacement of fluids or minor automotive parts including, but not limited to, spark plugs,
belts, batteries, mufflers, tires and wheels. Major automotive repair, painting, body and fender
work are excluded.
B. 1. “Base flood” or “100-year flood” means a flood which has a one-percent chance of being equaled
or exceeded in any given year.
2. “Basement” means any area of the building having its floor subgrade, i.e., below ground level, on
all sides.
3. “Bed and breakfast establishment” means a single-family dwelling containing no more than four
guestrooms used, let or hired out for transient occupancy of one or more guests in which no meals
other than breakfast are served.
4. “Boardinghouse or roominghouse” means a building, other than a hotel, where regular meals for
five or more persons are provided for compensation or profit. Nursing homes and rest homes are
not included.
5. “Building” means a structure or enclosure having a roof and which is constructed in a permanent
position upon the ground, and which is designed and intended to be used to house, shelter or
enclose persons, animals, goods or property. It does not include any type of vehicle, house trailer,
boat or tent. Also see “Structure”.
6. “Building coverage” means the total area of land covered by all buildings on a lot, including all
projections other than eaves.
7. “Building, enclosed” means a building, the occupants, animals or property within which cannot be
seen by any person off the premises except by the customary use of doors, windows or balconies.
8. “Building height” means the vertical distance measured from the average level of the highest and
lowest points of that portion of the lot covered by the building to a point midway between the
highest and lowest points on the roof; provided, that the chimneys, spires, towers, tanks and similar
projections shall not be included in the height.
9. “Building site” means a recorded lot or parcel of land occupied or to be occupied by a main
building and its accessory buildings, or by a dwelling group and its accessory buildings, together
with such open spaces as are required by this title. A building site shall not include easements or
roadways for ingress or egress to any parcels of land.
C. 1. “Campground” means land or premises which are used or intended to be used for occupancy by
campers, whether camping by tent or vacation vehicle or whether for seasonal hunting, fishing,
recreational or vacation purposes.
2. “Carport” means a permanent roofed structure not less than ten feet by twenty feet open on two or
more sides for the storage of automobiles.
3. “Certificate of compliance” means a document identifying the real property involved and stating
that the division thereof complies with applicable provisions of the California Subdivision Map Act
and the Glenn County Code.
4. “Church” means a nonprofit organization, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service, which
uses buildings for the teaching or practice of religious doctrine and worship.
5. “Clinic, dental or medical” means a building in which a group of physicians and/or dentists and
allied professional assistants are associated for the purpose of carrying on their professions. The
clinic may include a dental or medical laboratory but it shall not include:
a. In-patient care or operating rooms for surgery;
b. Offices for veterinarians.
6. “Clothes cleaning establishment” means a commercial use wherein clothes cleaning is conducted,
such as a laundry pickup establishment, launderette or a coin-operated dry cleaning service, and
where nonvolatile materials are used in the process.
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7. “Club” means an association of persons (whether or not incorporated) for a common purpose, but not
including groups organized solely or primarily to render a service carried on as a business for profit
8. “Cluster development” means three or more detached buildings located on a parcel of land and
having common open space areas.
9. “Communications equipment building” means abuilding housing electrical and mechanical
equipment necessary for the conduct of a public communications business with or without
10. “Competent aircraft operator” means a person holding a valid aircraft operator’s license from the
Federal Aviation Administration or a person who, in the opinion of the airport manager, has the
requisite skill and knowledge to perform limited ground operations.
11. “Confined Animal Facilities” are cattle, calves, horses, sheep, goats, swine, rabbits, or large fowl,
corralled, penned, or otherwise caused to remain in restricted areas for agricultural-commercial
purposes where feeding is other than grazing for more than 45 days during the year. Range pastures
for livestock beef cattle are exempt from the definition of confined animal facilities. School
projects, 4-H, fairs and other individual educational projects are exempt from the definition of
confined animal facilities.
12. “Confined Animal Facility Expansion” shall include, but is not limited to, any increase in herd or
flock size such that the facility would have to:
a. Acquire more acreage for reuse of waste or wastewater to prevent impacts to surface water or
groundwater quality; or
b. Increase the capacity of the retention pond to maintain compliance with the conditions of the
“Waiver of Water Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Confined Animal Facilities”
for adequate flood protection and wastewater containment.
13. “Contractor’s yard” means any land and/or buildings used primarily for the storage of equipment,
vehicles, machinery, new or used, building materials, paints, pipe or electric components used
solely by the owner or occupant of the premises in the conduct of any building trades.
14. “Convalescent hospital” means the same as “rest home” and “nursing home”.
15. “Costs” means administrative costs, including staff time expended and reasonably related to
enforcement, for items including site inspections, summaries, reports, telephone contacts and
correspondence. Travel time for inspections shall not be included.
16. “County” means the County of Glenn.
D. 1. “Density Bonus”, as defined by the State of California Government Code Section 65915, et seq., is
an increased density of at least twenty-five (25) percent over the maximum authorized density
which is granted to a developer/property owner of a housing project agreeing to construct a
prescribed percentage of lower-income units.
2. “Department” means the Planning and Community Development Services Agency or the Public
Works Agency of the County, whichever is the responsible Agency.
3. “Development” means any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but
not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation
or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials.
4. “Director” means the Director of the Planning and Community Development Services Agency or
the Public Works Agency or any person within the Agencies authorized by the Director
5. “Dump” means a place used for the disposal, abandonment or discarding by burial, incineration or
by any other means, of any garbage, sewage, trash, refuse, rubble or waste materials.
6. “Dwelling” means a building or portion thereof designed for or occupied exclusively for residential
purposes, including one-family, two-family and multiple dwellings, but not including hotels,
motels, trailers, tents, converted transit vehicles, boardinghouses or lodginghouses, or any type of
temporary structures.
7. “Dwelling, group” means a group of two or more detached or semidetached single-family or two-
family dwellings occupying a parcel of land in one ownership, and having any yard in common.
8. “Dwelling, guest” means an accessory structure which consists of a detached living quarter of a
permanent type of construction with no provisions for appliances or fixtures for the storage and/or
preparation of food, such as refrigerators, dishwashers or cooking facilities, and which is not
leased, subleased, rented or subrented separately from the main dwelling.
9. “Dwelling, mobilehome” means a structure transportable in one or more sections, designed and
equipped to contain not more than two dwelling units to be used with or without a foundation
system. Mobilehome does not include a recreational vehicle, commercial coach, or factory-built
housing, as defined in the Health and Safety Code.
10. “Dwelling, multiple” means a building containing two or more dwelling units on one lot to be
occupied by two or more families living independently of each other.
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11. “Dwelling, second” means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit that provides
complete independent living facilities for one or more persons. It shall include permanent
provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-
family dwelling is situated. A second unit includes the following:
a. An efficiency unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of the Health and Safety Code.
b. A manufactured home, as defined in Section 18007 of the Health and Safety Code.
12. “Dwelling, single-family” means a building designed and used exclusively for residence purposes
by one family on a single lot and no portion of which is to be rented separately.
13. “Dwelling unit” means an independent, attached or detached residential building designed to house
and provide living space, including kitchen and bathroom facilities, for an individual family.
E. 1. “Educational institutions” means public and other nonprofit institutions conducting regular
academic instruction at kindergarten, elementary, secondary and collegiate levels and including
graduate schools, universities, nonprofit research institutions and religious institutions. Such
institutions must either:
a. Offer general academic instruction equivalent to the standards prescribed by the state board of
education; or
b. Confer degrees as a college or university of undergraduate or graduate standings; or
c. Conduct research; or
d. Give religious instructions.
e. This definition does not include commercial or trade schools.
2. “Encroachment” means the advance or infringement of uses, plant growth, fills, excavations,
buildings, permanent structures or development into a flood plain which may impede or alter the
flow capacity of a flood plain.
3. “Engineer” means a civil engineer competent to practice civil engineering and registered under the
provisions of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, retained by the
applicant, owner, developer or contractor to provide civil engineering services.
4. “Equivalent Financial Value” refers to the cost to the developer/property owner based on the land
cost per dwelling unit. This is determined by the difference in the value of the land with and
without the density bonus.
5. “Existing manufactured home park or subdivision” means a manufactured home park or
subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured
homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of
streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed before the
effective date of the flood plain management regulations adopted by a community.
6. “Expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision” means the preparation of
additional sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured
homes are to be affixed (including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either
final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads).
7. “Exploration” means searching for minerals by geological, geophysical, geochemical or other
techniques including, but not limited to sampling, assaying, drilling or any surface or underground
works used to determine the type, extent or quantity of minerals present.
8. “Extraction” means the removal from the earth of oil, gas or geothermal resources by drilling,
pumping or other means, whether for exploration or production purposes.
F. 1. “Family” means one or more persons sharing a dwelling unit in a living arrangement indicative of a
single household.
2. “Farm labor” means residents of a farm such as the owner, lessee, foreman, or others whose
principal employment is the operation of the farm.
3. “Feed yard” means corrals or holding areas for the primary purpose of holding or feeding animals
for slaughtering, shipping or resale and not incidental to a farm or ranch.
4. “Fences, hedges and walls, height of” means the vertical distance from the ground level of public
property closest to the property line on which the fence is to be built to the highest point on the
fence. The height of a fence separating private property shall mean the vertical distance from the
ground level of the property line to the highest point on the fence. Where a property line separates
property having unequal ground levels, the lowest level shall be used to measure the vertical
distance of the fence, wall or hedge.
5. “Fire chief” means the fire chief, or his or her authorized representative, of the local government
entity having responsibility for fire protection in the airport area.
6. “Fixed base operator” means a person under contract to the county as a concessionaire at the
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7. “Flood, flooding, or flood water” means a general and temporary condition of partial or complete
inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow of inland waters or the unusual and rapid
accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source.
8. “Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM)” means the official map on which the Federal
Emergency Management Agency or Federal Insurance Administration has delineated both the
areas of special flood hazards and the floodway.
9. “Flood Hazard Boundary Map” means the official map on which the Federal Emergency
Management Agency or Federal Insurance Administration has delineated the areas of flood hazards
applicable to Glenn County.
10. “Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM)” means the official map on which the Federal Emergency
Management Agency or Federal Insurance Administration has delineated both the areas of special
flood hazards and the risk premium zones applicable to Glenn County.
11. “Flood Insurance Study” means the official report provided by the Federal Insurance
Administration that includes flood profiles, the Flood Insurance Rate Map, the Flood Boundary and
Floodway Map, and the water surface elevation of the base flood.
12. “Flood plain or flood-prone area” means any land area susceptible to being inundated by water
from any source - see “Flooding”.
13. “Flood plain administrator” is the individual appointed to administer and enforce the flood plain
management regulations.
14. “Flood plain management” means the operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive
measures for reducing flood damage and preserving and enhancing, where possible, natural
resources in the flood plain, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood
control works, flood plain management regulations, and open space plans.
15. “Flood plain management regulations” means this chapter and other zoning ordinances, subdivision
regulations, building codes, health regulations, special purpose ordinances (such as grading and
erosion control) and other application of police power which control development in flood-prone
areas. This term describes federal, state or local regulations in any combination thereof which
provide standards for preventing and reducing flood loss and damage.
16. “Floodproofing” means any combination of structural and nonstructural additions, changes, or
adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real
property, water and sanitary facilities, structures, and their contents.
17. “Floodway” means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must
be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface
elevation more than one foot. Also referred to as “Regulatory Floodway”.
18. “Floodway fringe” is that area of the flood plain on either side of the “Regulatory Floodway”
where encroachment may be permitted.
19. “Floor area” means the total horizontal area of all the floors of a building including the surrounding
walls, exclusive of basement storage space and areas within a building used for the parking of
20. “Fraud and victimization”, as related to Section 15.540.180, Variances, means that the variance
granted must not cause fraud on or victimization of the public. In examining this requirement, the
Board of Supervisors will consider the fact that every newly constructed building adds to
government responsibilities and remains a part of the community for fifty to one-hundred years.
Buildings that are permitted to be constructed below the base flood elevation are subject during all
those years to increased risk of damage from floods, while future owners of the property and the
community as a whole are subject to all the costs, inconvenience, danger, and suffering that those
increased flood damages bring. In addition, future owners may purchase the property, unaware that
it is subject to potential flood damage, and can be insured only at very high flood insurance rates.
21. “Frontage” means the lot width measured parallel to the property line, adjacent to the street right-
of-way. On a corner lot the frontage shall be the lesser of the two frontages. On a lot with radial
lines to a curved street, the frontage shall be measured as an arc length along the minimum setback
line rather than on the property line of the lot.
22. “Frontage, primary” means that portion of a parcel which is adjacent to the public right of way. For
a comer lot, the frontage with the smallest dimension shall be considered as the primary frontage.
There shall be only one primary frontage per parcel.
23. “Frontage, secondary” means, on a corner lot, that portion of a parcel which is adjacent to a public
right-of-way which is not the primary frontage.
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24. “Functionally dependent use” means a use which cannot perform its intended purpose unless it is
located or carried out in close proximity to water. The term includes only docking facilities, port
facilities that are necessary for the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, and ship building
and ship repair facilities, and does not include long-term storage or related manufacturing facilities.
G. 1. “Garage, private” means a detached accessory building or a portion of a main building on the same
lot for the parking or temporary storage of vehicles of the occupants of the premises.
2. “Garage, public” means any garage other than a private garage.
3. “General plan” means the county general plan or any element thereof as set forth in the Planning
and Zoning Law, Title 7 of the Government Code of the State of California.
4. “Gross floor area” means the total floor area including public areas such as hallways, lobbies,
washrooms, related storage areas and service rooms or areas, but excluding unfinished dead storage
and mechanical areas.
5. “Group care facility” means a facility, licensed by the state, to provide adult supervision and
residence services to seven or more individuals who are not related to the resident owner or
operator and may be physically or mentally handicapped or aged.
H. 1. “Habitually situated aircraft” means that an aircraft is based at the airport for a period of time in
excess of one week.
2. “Hauler” is the specified carrier of produced salt water.
3. “Height” means, for the purpose of determining the height limits in all zones set forth in this
chapter and shown on the airport zoning map, the mean sea level elevation of the airport unless
otherwise specified.
4. “Highest adjacent grade” means the highest natural elevation of the ground surface prior to
construction next to the proposed walls of a structure.
5. “Historic structure” means any structure that is:
a. Listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places (a listing maintained by the
Department of Interior) or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as meeting
the requirements for individual listing on the National Register;
b. Certified or preliminarily determined by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the
historical significance of a registered historic district or a district preliminarily determined by
the Secretary to qualify as a registered historic district;
c. Individually listed on a state inventory of historic places in states with historic preservation
programs which have been approved by the Secretary of Interior; or
d. Individually listed on a local inventory of historic places in communities with historic
preservation programs that have been certified either by an approved state program as
determined by the Secretary of the Interior or directly by the Secretary of the Interior in states
without approved programs.
6. “Home, occupation” means any use customarily conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried
on by the inhabitants thereof, which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of structure
for dwelling purposes and which use does not change the character thereof or does not adversely
affect the uses permitted in the same zone of which it is part.
7. “Hospital” means any building or portion thereof used for the accommodation and medical care of
sick, injured or infirm persons and including sanitariums, alcoholic sanitariums, institutions for the
cure of chronic drug addicts and mental patients.
8. “Hotel or motel” means a building or group of buildings containing individual living units for the
accommodation of transient occupants.
I. 1. “Idle mine” means to curtail for a period of one year of more surface mining operations by more
than ninety percent of the operation’s previous maximum annual mineral production, with the
intent to resume those surface mining operations at a future date.
2. “Improvements” means streets, highways, monuments, or any other facilities required to be
installed or constructed in accordance with this title and specifications of the county for acceptance
or maintenance by the county or other public agencies.
3. “Industry” means the production, processing or servicing of goods by hand or by machinery.
4. “Injection well, Class II” is a well used for the disposal of produced salt water brought to the
surface as a result of the production of oil or natural gas as defined by the California Department of
Conservation, Division of Oil and Gas (CDOG).
5. “Injection zone” means that portion of the receiving formation which has received, is receiving or
is expected to receive, over the lifetime of the well, produced salt water from the Class II injection
6. “Injectivity test” is used to test a formation’s capability to take fluids. The test is performed by
operators to determine the feasibility of conducting permanent injection operations.
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7. “Inoperable motor vehicle” means any motor vehicle that is incapable of being transported by its
own motive power.
J. 1. “Junkyard” means any premises with a total of more than one hundred fifty cubic feet of “junk” as
herein defined as cast-off, damaged, discarded, junked, implements, obsolete salvage, scrapped,
unusables, worn out or wrecked objects, things or material composed in whole or in part of carbon,
plastic or other synthetic substance, fiber, glass, ferrous or nonferrous metal, paper, plaster, plaster
of paris, rubber, terra cotta, wool, cotton cloth, canvas, organic matter or other waste which has
been abandoned from its original use and may be used again in its present or in a new form,
whether or not it has any substantial market value, or requiring reconditioning in order to be used
for its original purpose also including automobiles, accumulation vehicles, other vehicles, or
dismantled vehicles in whole or part.
K. 1. “Kennel” means any premises where five (5) or more dogs six (6) months of age or older which are
kept, maintained, bred, boarded or cared for, for compensation, or are kept for the purposes of sale,
hire, breeding, shelter, hunting, pets, exhibition or any other purpose. Dogs used in herding farm
animals when incidental to an agricultural use, and when housed in an agricultural zoning district,
are excluded from this definition.
2. “Kennel, commercial hobby” means any hobby kennel use involving the sale of goods or services
or a hobby kennel use conducted by individuals other than the inhabitants of the parcel where the
dogs are kept.
3. “Kennel, hobby” means an accessory use of a principal residential or agricultural use where four
(4) or fewer dogs more than six (6) months of age or older are sheltered, bred or trained for the
personal and non-commercial use of the inhabitants of the parcel where the dogs are kept.
L. 1. “Laboratory” means a building or part of a building devoted to the testing and analysis of any
product or animal, including humans. No manufacturing shall be permitted except for experimental
or testing purposes.
2. “Laboratory, medical or dental” means a laboratory which provides bacteriological, biological,
medical, x-ray, pathological and similar analytical or diagnostic services to doctors or dentists. No
fabricating shall be permitted except the custom fabrication of dentures.
3. “Labor camp, permanent” means any housing or living accommodations, other than a temporary
labor camp, maintained in connection with any work or place where work is being performed,
provided for the housing of ten or more employees.
4. “Land division classification” means one of the following, classified according to the zone in
which the development is situated:
a. Urban Developments. Those developments within any of the following zones: R-1, R-M, LC,
CC, C, SC, HVC, M, MP, PDR and PDC.
b. Estate Developments. Those developments within any of the following zones: RE.
c. Rural Developments. Those developments within the AE zone.
d. Agricultural Developments. Those developments within any of the following zones: AE, FA,
FS, AP and TPZ.
e. Wild Land and Primitive Developments. Those developments for recreational purposes
consisting of parcels forty acres or larger where permanent occupancy (residence in excess of
ninety days within a one year period) is allowed within any of the following zones: RZ, FA,
and TPZ.
5. “Landing Area” means the area of the airport used for the landing, takeoff or taxiing of aircraft.
6. “Landscaping” means planting, including trees, shrubs, lawn areas, ground covers, suitably
designed, selected, installed and maintained so as to be permanently attractive. Decorative screens,
fences, ornamental post lamps, decorative rock or other paved surfaces are considered as elements
of landscape development.
7. “Lead agency” is the County; the County Planning Commission, herein called the Commission, is
the Agency designated to administer this chapter; and the Planning and Community Development
Services Agency or Public Works Agency is the processing and Advisory agency.
8. “Lease” means an oral or written contract for the use, possession, and occupation of property.
9. “Levee” means a man-made structure, usually an earthen embankment, designed and constructed in
accordance with sound engineering practices to contain, control or divert the flow of water so as to
provide protection from temporary flooding.
10. “Levee system” means a flood protection system which consists of a levee, or levees, and
associated structures, such as closure and drainage devices, which are constructed and operated in
accord with sound engineering practices.
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11. “Loading space” means an off-street space or berth on the same lot with a main building, or
contiguous to a group of buildings, for the temporary parking of commercial vehicles while loading
or unloading, and which has access from a street, alley or other permanent means of ingress and
12. “Lodge” means an association of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated, for some
common purpose, but not including groups organized to render service carried on as a business.
13. “Lot” means:
a. A parcel of real property shown as a delineated parcel of land with a number or other
designation on the final map of subdivision recorded in the office of the county recorder, or
b. A parcel of land, the dimensions or boundaries of which are defined by a record of survey map
recorded in the office of the county recorder in accordance with the law regulating the
subdivision of land; or
c. Real property not delineated as in subsection a or b above, and containing not less than the
prescribed minimum area required in the zone in which it is located and which abuts at least
one public street that the planning commission has designated adequate for access purposes,
and is held under one ownership.
14. “Lot Area” means the area within lot lines excluding any right-of way, easements, for ingress or
egress or the panhandle of a flag lot.
15. “Lot, corner” means a lot located at the intersection or interception of two or more streets at an
angle of not more than one hundred thirty-five degrees. If the angle is greater than one hundred
thirty-five degrees, the lot shall be considered an “interior lot.”
16. “Lot coverage” means the total area or percentage of a lot occupied by building and/or structures
that diminishes the yard and/or open space areas.
17. “Lot, cul-de-sac” means a lot fronting on, or with more than one-half of its lot frontage on, the
turnaround end of a cul-de-sac street.
18. “Lot depth” means the maximum distance between the front and the rear lot lines, or between the
front lot line and the intersection of the two sidelines if there should be no rear lot line.
19. “Lot, Flag or Panhandle” means a lot with a narrow portion between the main portion of the lot and
a public street or appurtenant private ingress/egress easement that is often called a panhandle or
flag pole. Said narrow portion is of such dimensions that it is limited primarily for the use of
ingress/egress and utility service to the main portion of the lot. Such area contained within the “flag
pole or panhandle” shall not be used to calculate lot area, length, wide or lot width ratio. The
maximum length of such “flag pole or panhandle” shall not exceed the maximum allowable length
of a cul-de-sac and such length shall be calculated from the interior end of the “flag pole or
panhandle” to the nearest connecting intersect of a through public access or street.
20. “Lot, interior” means a lot other than a corner or reversed corner lot with only one frontage on a
21. “Lot, key” means the first lot to the rear or a reversed corner lot and whether or not separated by an
22. “Lot lines” means the property lines bounding the lot.
23. “Lot line, front” means:
a. In the case of an interior lot, a line separating the lot from the street;
b. In the case of a corner lot, a line separating the narrowest street frontage of the lot from the
24. “Lot line, rearmeans the line which is opposite and most distant from the front lot line. For the
purpose of establishing the rear lot line of a triangular or trapezoidal lot, or of a lot the rear line of
which is formed by two or more lines, the following shall apply:
a. For a triangular, gore shaped, or irregular shaped lot, a line ten feet in length within the lot and
farthest removed from the front lot line and at right angles to the lot depth line shall be used as
the rear lot line; or
b. In the case of a trapezoidal or quadrilateral lot the lot line of which is not parallel to the front
lot line, the rear lot line shall be deemed to be the line which is opposite and most distant from
the front lot line, providing the line is a minimum length, the rear line shall be a line ten feet in
length drawn parallel to but farthest removed from the front lot line; or
c. In the case of a pentagonal lot, the rear boundary of which includes an angle formed by two
lines such angle shall be employed for determining the rear lot line in the same manner as
prescribed for triangular lots.
25. “Lot line, side” means any lot line other than a front or rear lot line. A side lot line separating a lot
from a street is called a side street lot line. A side lot line separating a lot from another lot or lots is
called an interior side lot line.
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26. “Lot of record” means a lot that is designated upon a map showing the lot, block and tract as
indicated on a final map, as such map is filed in the county recorder’s office, or as a lot shown on a
recorded parcel map.
27. “Lot, reversed corner” means a corner lot, the side line of which is substantially a continuation of
the front lot lines of the lots to its rear, whether across an alley or not.
28. “Lot, through” means a lot having frontage on two dedicated parallel or approximately parallel
29. “Lot width means the average horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at right
angles to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines. In the case of
triangular lots, or lots that are bounded by more than four straight lines, or that have curvilinear
side lines, the director shall determine the lot width.
30. “Lower- and Very Low-income Households” re-defined by income limits published by the State
Department of Housing and Community Development. This applies to both for-rent and for-sale
31. “Lowest floor” means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area, including a basement.
a. An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure below the lowest floor that is usable solely for
parking of vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement area, is not
considered a building’s lowest floor provided it conforms to applicable non-elevation design
requirements, including, but not limited to:
b. The anchoring standards in Section 15.540.100.A.
c. The construction materials and methods standards in Section 15.540.100.B.
d. The wet floodproofing standard in Section 15.540.100.C.3.
e. The standards for utilities in Section 15.540.120.
f. For residential structures, all subgrade enclosed areas are prohibited as they are considered to
be basements. This prohibition includes below-grade garages and storage areas.
M. 1. “Maintain aircraft” means any form of service, maintenance or repair of aircraft.
2. “Major electrical transmission and distribution project” means a project that includes a network of
transmission lines, related towers, and similar facilities with a capacity to convey 200 kilovolts
(kV) or greater. It shall also include any project that proposes the designation of a transmission
corridor zone to accommodate such facilities.
3. “Manufactured home” means a structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a
permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when attached
to the required utilities. The term “Manufactured home” does not include a recreational vehicle.
4. “Manufactured home park or subdivision” means a parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided
into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale.
5. “Map Act” means the current Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, as amended from
time to time.
6. “Marijuana” shall have the same meaning as that set forth in Health and Safety Code section
11018, “marijuana products,” as defined in Health and Safety Code section 11018.1 and “industrial
hemp,” as defined in Health and Safety Code section 11018.5(a). Except where the context
otherwise requires, the following definitions shall govern Chapter 797, of this Title:
a. “Collective" means qualified patients, persons with valid identification cards, and the
designated primary caregivers of qualified patients who associate in any manner within the
unincorporated area of the County in order to collectively or cooperatively cultivate, store,
and/or dispense marijuana for medical purposes, as provided in Health and Safety Code
Section 11362.775. The term collective shall include "cooperative," whether formed in
accordance with the Corporations Code or otherwise unless the context clearly indicates
b. “Cultivation” means the planting, growing, harvesting, drying, processing, or storage of one or
more marijuana plants or any part thereof in any location, indoor or outdoor, including from
within a fully enclosed and secure building.
c. “Delivery” has both the meaning set forth in Business and Professions Code section 19300.5,
subdivision (m), and the meaning set forth in Business and Professions Code section 26001,
subdivision (h).
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d. “Dispensary” or “Medical Marijuana Dispensary” or “Retailer” means any facility or location,
whether fixed or mobile, and any delivery service, where marijuana for medical or non-
medical purposes is made available to and/or distributed, with or without consideration, to any
person or persons, including without limitation a primary caregiver, a qualified patient, or
patient with an identification card, as those terms are defined in California Health and Safety
Code section 11362.5 et seq. “Marijuana Dispensary” includes medicinal marijuana
“cooperative” and collectives” (i.e., facilities or undertakings where an person(s) provides
marijuana to any one or more other persons, or where persons meet or congregate to distribute
or provide marijuana for medicinal or other purposes).
e. “Residence” has the same meaning as “private residence” set forth in Health and Safety Code
Section 11362.2(b)(5).
f. "Sheriff" or "Sheriff's Department" means the Sheriff's Office of the County of Glenn or the
authorized representatives thereof.
7. “Market value” means the value of the structure as determined by one of the two methods stated
a. The Actual-Cash-Value of the structure as determined by the Building Official and the Tax
Assessor, or
b. By an appraisal made by a certified appraiser within 90 days of the date of application for
improvements and/or repairs to the structure. Said appraisal shall be based on the existing
value of the structure along and shall be for the structure prior to the proposed improvements
and/or repairs being made.
8. “Mean sea level”, for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, means the National
Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929 or other datum, to which base flood elevations shown
on a community’s Flood Insurance Rate Map are referenced.
9. “Mined lands” includes the surface water, subsurface water, and groundwater of an area in which
surface mining operations will be, are being, or have been conducted, including private ways and
roads appurtenant to any such area, land excavations, workings, mining waste, and areas in which
the structure facilities, equipment, machines, tools, or other materials or property which result
from, or are used in, surface mining operations are located.
10. “Mining waste” includes the residual of soil, rock, mineral, liquid, vegetation, equipment,
machines, tools, or other materials or property directly resulting from or displaced by surface
mining operations.
11. “Minor land division” means any division of land into parcels, each of which has an area of one
hundred sixty acres (or one quarter section) or more, and each with approved access.
12. “Minor modification” means an amendment to a reclamation plan involving insignificant changes
that do not require further review under CEQA.
13. “Mobilehome accessory building or structure” means any awning, portable, demountable or
permanent cabana, storage cabinet, carport, fence, windbreak or porch established for the use of the
occupant of the mobilehome.
14. “Mobilehome park” means an area or tract of land where three or more mobilehome lots are rented
or leased or held out for rent or lease to accommodate mobilehomes used for human habitation.
The rental paid for any such mobilehome shall be deemed to include rental for the lot it occupies.
15. “Mobilehome site” means any portion of a trailer park or mobilehome park designed for the use or
occupancy of one trailer coach or mobilehome.
16. “Museum” means a nonprofit, noncommercial establishment operated as a repository or a
collection of objects of nature, scientific or literary curiosities or objects of interest or works of art.
17. “Motorsport” means auto racing (also known as automobile racing or autosport) as a sport
involving racing automobiles and motorcycle racing.
N. 1. “Net floor area” means the total floor area excluding public areas such as hallways, stairs, lobbies
and storage or service area.
2. “New construction”, for flood plain management purposes, means structures for which the “start of
construction” commenced on or after the effective date of flood plain management regulations
adopted by Glenn County, and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures.
3. “New manufactured home park or subdivision” means a manufactured home park or subdivision
for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are
to be affixed (including at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and
either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed on or after the effective date
of flood plain management regulations adopted by the county.
4. “Nonconforming building” means a building or portion thereof lawfully existing at the time the
ordinance codified in this title became effective and which was designed, erected or structurally
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altered for a use which does not conform to the use zone in which it is located, or which does not
comply with all the height and area regulations of the zone in which it is located.
5. “Nonconforming lot” means a parcel of land having less area, frontage or dimensions than required
in the zone in which it is located.
6. “Nonconforming use” means a use which was lawfully established and maintained at the time the
ordinance codified in this title became effective, but which does not conform to subsequently
established zoning or zoning regulations.
7. “Nursery” means a facility for propagation and sale of horticultural or ornamental plant materials
and related products:
a. “Retail nursery” means a nursery offering products to the general public, including plant
materials, planter boxes, fertilizer, garden tools, and related items.
b. “Wholesale nursery” means a nursery that sells to other businesses plant materials raised on
the same site.
c. “Accessory nursery” means a nursery that is developed as a subordinate use to a principal or
main building.
d. “Greenhouse” means a nursery facility (may be used with any of the above nurseries) for
indoor propagation of plants, constructed with transparent panels, including lath houses.
8. “Nursery school” means the supervisory care and education development of pre-elementary
school-age children for profit or nonprofit and licensed by the state of California.
9. “Nursing home” means a structure operated as a lodginghouse in which nursing, dietary and other
personal services are rendered to convalescents, invalids or aged persons (other than persons
suffering from contagious or mental diseases, alcoholism or drug addiction) and in which surgery
is not performed and primary treatment, such as customarily is given in hospitals and sanitariums,
is not provided. A convalescent home shall be deemed a nursing home.
O. 1. “Obstruction” includes, but is not limited to, any dam, wall, wharf, embankment, levee, dike, pile,
abutment, protection, excavation, channelization, bridge, conduit, culvert, building, wire, fence,
rock, gravel, refuse, fill, structure, vegetation or other material in, along, across or projecting into
any watercourse which may alter, impede, retard or change the direction and/or velocity of the flow
of water, or due to its location, its propensity to snare or collect debris carried by the flow of water,
or its likelihood of being carried downstream.
2. “Office” means a building, room or department wherein a business or service is transacted, but
does not include a building wherein the storage or sale of merchandise is a primary function.
3. “One-hundred-year flood” or “100-year flood” - see “Base flood.”
4. “Open space” means those areas suitable for common recreational use or which provide visual
relief to developed areas. Open space does not include areas devoted to parking, private use or any
other area which does not significantly lend itself to the overall benefit of either the particular
development or surrounding environment. Open space may include areas in private lot ownership,
if such areas are not fenced. The boundaries of open space areas shall be treated as property lines in
determining required rear and side yard setbacks.
5. “Operate aircraft” means the self-propelled, pushed or towed movement of aircraft on the ground
or the movement of aircraft in flight.
6. “Operator, mine” means any person engaged in surface mining operations, himself or herself, or
who contracts with others to conduct operations on his or her behalf, except a person who is
engaged in surface mining operations as an employee with wages as his or her sole compensation.
“Operator” also means any person who permits others to conduct surface mining operations on his
or her property and who receives a financial benefit therefrom. Operator” includes any person
defined as an operator under “state policy.”
7. “Owner” means the person or persons, firm, corporation or partnership that is the owner of record
of a premises identified on the last equalized assessment roll or any person having possession and
control of the subject property.
8. “Overburden” means soil, rock, or other materials that lie above a natural mineral deposit or in
between mineral deposits, before or after their removal by surface mining operations.
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P. 1. “Parcel of land” means the same as “lot”.
2. “Parking area, off street” means an area, building or space, exclusive of street or alley rights-of-
way, used for the parking of automobiles.
3. “Parking area, private” means an open area, located on the same lot as a dwelling or apartment, for
the parking of automobiles of the occupants of such buildings.
4. “Parking area, public” means an off-street parking area publicly or privately owned available for
public use whether free, for compensation or as an accommodation for clients or customers.
5. “Parking space” means space in the open, within a structure on private property or in a public
parking area designed for the parking of one automobile.
6. “Permit” means any formal authorization or entitlement from the county, the absence of which
would preclude establishment of a land use, activity, construction project, grading or surface
mining operation.
7. “Person” means any individual, firm, association, corporation, organization, or partnership, or any
city, district, or other local public agency.
8. “Pet shop” means a facility for the conduct of a business for buying and selling (or bartering) birds,
fowl or animals other than livestock.
9. “Place of public assembly” means a location, auditorium, hall or similar facility, publicly or
privately owned, developed for the principal purpose of accommodating groups of persons for
meetings, exhibitions, shows and other public interest events.
10. “Planning authority” means the Planning and Community Development Services Agency or its
11. “Planning Director” means the Planning and Community Development Services Agency Director
or his or her designees.
12. “Primary surface” means a ground surface longitudinally centered on the runway.
13. “Premises” means a lot and all buildings or structures thereon.
14. “Preschool” means the same as “nursery school”.
15. “Private road means a right-of-way for vehicular traffic, however designated, which is not
designed or intended to be accepted by the county, and for which any offer of dedication or other
offer for acceptance by the county shall be rejected until such time as specified conditions for
future acceptance have been fully complied with.
16. “Professional offices” means buildings, structures or establishments used as offices for attorneys,
registered engineers or architects, licensed surveyors, accountants or realtors, but not for barbers,
beauticians, cosmetologists or other service establishments.
17. “Property line” means the same as “lot line”.
18. “Public safety and nuisance”, as related to Section 15.540.190, Variance Appeals, means that the
granting of a variance must not result in anything which is injurious to safety or health of an entire
community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons, or unlawfully obstructs the
free passage or use, in the customary manner, of any navigable lake, or river, bay, stream, canal, or
19. “Public water system” means and includes the water supply of either of the following:
a. A public water district organized under the laws of this state; or
b. A water company regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission.
20. “Public use” means a use operated exclusively by a public body to serve the public health, safety or
general welfare, including such uses as parks, playgrounds and administrative and service facilities.
21. “Public utility structures” means electrical distribution and transmission lines, poles, towers, and
sub-stations that covey less than 200 kilovolts (kV), gas regulator and metering stations,
communication equipment buildings and public service pumping stations. Water well and pump
sites approved in connection with the approval of a tentative subdivision map are not public utility
structures. See also “Major Electrical Transmission and Distribution Project”.
Q. 1. “Qualified person” means a county employee or a person contracted by the county to perform the
duties set forth in this chapter who has at least five years of full time experience in hydrogeology
and who is a registered geologist registered pursuant to Section 7850 of the Business and
Professions Code or a registered petroleum engineer registered pursuant to Section 6762 of the
Business and Professions Code.
2. “Quarry, sand pit or gravel pit” means a lot or land or part thereof used for the purpose of
excavating sand, gravel, limestone, marble or other such nonmetallic materials, but shall not
include oil wells or shaft mine operations. The term does not include the process of grading a lot
preparatory to the construction of a building for which application for building permit has been
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R. 1. “Record of survey map” means a map to delineate land boundaries or property lines prepared in
accordance with provisions of the Land Surveyors’Act.
2. “Reclamation” means the combined process of land treatment that minimizes water degradation,
air pollution, damage to aquatic or wildlife habitat, flooding, erosion, and other adverse effects
from surface mining operations, including adverse surface effects incidental to underground mines,
so that mined lands are reclaimed to a usable condition which is readily adaptable for alternate land
uses and create no danger to public health or safety. The process may extend to affected lands
surrounding the mined lands, and may require back-filling, grading, sloping, resoiling,
revegetation, soil compaction, stabilization, or other measures.
3. “Recreation vehicle” means a travel trailer, pickup camper or motorized home, with or without
motive power, designed for human habitation for recreational or emergency occupancy.
“Recreational vehicle” also means a vehicle which is:
a. Built on a single chassis;
b. 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection;
c. Designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light-duty truck; and
d. Designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for
recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use.
4. “Recreational vehicle park” means an area designed to accommodate recreational vehicles such as
travel trailers, pickup campers, and motorized homes, but not tent or tent trailers.
5. “Regulatory floodway” means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land
areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the
water surface elevation more than one foot.
6. “Remedy a violation” means to bring the structure or other development into compliance with State
or local flood plain management regulations, or, if this is not possible, to reduce the impacts of its
noncompliance. Ways that impacts may be reduced include protecting the structure or other
affected development from flood damages, implementing the enforcement provisions of this
chapter or otherwise deterring future similar violations, or reducing State or federal financial
exposure with regard to the structure or other development.
7. “Rent” means money or other consideration given for the right of use, possession and occupation
of property.
8. “Residence” means a building used, designed or intended to be used as a home or dwelling place
for one family.
9. “Residential density” means the total number of dwelling units on one acre of land in a given area.
10. “Rest homes” means the same as “nursing home”.
11. “Restaurant” is a comprehensive term meaning an eating house providing service to the general
public as said term “restaurant” is more fully defined in the California Health and Safety Code.
Some types of establishments are included within the term “restaurants” are cafes, cafeterias,
coffee houses, coffee shops, dinner houses, drive-in or drive-through restaurants, fast food service
establishments, and sandwich shops.
a. “Cafeteria” is a place where food primarily is pre-prepared (not cooked to order) and served to
the customer by direct visible selection, for consumption principally (but not necessarily
exclusively) upon the premises.
b. “Coffee shop” is a place where food generally cooked to order is served to the customer seated
at a table or counter for consumption principally (but not necessarily exclusively) upon the
premises, the establishment being open for all three meals of the day, and sometimes on a
twenty-four-hour basis.
c. “Dinner house” is a place where meals are generally cooked to order and served to the
customer seated at tables or counters for consumption on the premises, and the establishment
is open for service of the dinner meal only, although it may also be open for service of the
midday meal.
d. “Drive-in or drive-through restaurant” is a place where food and drink are served for
consumption either on or off the premises by order from and/or service to vehicular passengers
outside the structure, including service from an outdoor window.
e. “Fast food service establishment” is a place where food not displayed for selection as in a
cafeteria; and which food may or may not be cooked to order or be prepared, is served to the
customer at a window or over a counter for consumption elsewhere on the premises or away
from the premises as the customer prefers.
12. “Retail store” means a business of selling goods, wares or merchandise directly to the ultimate
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13. “Review authority” means the officer, committee, commissioner, board or employee responsible for the
approval or disapproval of any permit or entitlement or responsible for the administration,
interpretation or enforcement of the provisions of this chapter.
14. “Right-Of-Way” means an easement for purposes of roads, canals, pipelines and/or passage of
utilities over fee title land. A right-of-way or easement does not include fee title land.
15. “Riverine” means relating to, formed by, or resembling a river (including tributaries), stream,
brook, etc.
16. “Road” means a right-of-way for vehicular traffic, whether designated as a street, highway,
thoroughfare, road, avenue, boulevard, lane, place, court, circle, drive or right-of-way which has
been dedicated for public use and acceptance by the county, or has been laid out and constructed as
county road by the county or has been made a public road pursuant to law. It includes public roads
constructed by federal and state agencies but not private roads or private alleys.
S. 1. “Sanitarium” means a health station or retreat or other place where patients are housed and where
medical or surgical treatment is given. This does not include mental institutions or places for the
treatment of narcotic addicts.
2. “School, trade” means private schools offering instruction in the technical, commercial or trade
skills, such as real estate schools, business colleges, beauticians and barber colleges, electronics
schools, automotive and aircraft technicians schools, and similar commercial establishments
operated for a profit.
3. “Scrap” means used metal and include appliances and machine parts, which can be recycled or
reused only with repair, refurnishing, or attachment to other such materials.
4. “Seasonal Farmworker Housing” means any housing accommodation or structure of a temporary or
permanent nature used as housing for farmworkers for not more than 180 days in any calendar year
and approved for such use pursuant to Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations and which
meets the requirements of Chapter 15.800 Seasonal Farmworker Housing Standards. Seasonal
Farmworker Housing shall also conform to such public health, building, and fire safety criteria as
may be established by resolution or ordinance of the Board of Supervisors.
5. “Seats or seating capacity” refers to the actual seating capacity or an area based upon the number
of seats or one seat per eighteen inches of bench or pew length.
6. “Septic system” means any combination of septic tanks and leaching systems or areas.
7. “Setback area” means the area near the property line on which no building, structure or portion
thereof shall be permitted, erected, constructed or placed unless specifically permitted by this title.
8. “Sheet flow area” - see “Area of shallow flooding”.
9. “Shopping center” means a group of contiguous retail stores, service facilities and related uses
utilizing common facilities such as parking, landscaping, signing and loading areas. This group
does not have to be in a single ownership.
10. “Sign” means any structure, wall, natural object or other device used for visual communication
which is visible from any public or private street or means of access and is used to advertise or
direct attention to an activity, product, place, person, organization, business or enterprise. For the
purpose of this title, the word sign does not include the flag, pennant or insignia of any nation,
state, city or other political unit, or any official notice issued by any court or public body or officer
or directional warning or information sign or structures required or authorized by law.
11. “Sign, animated” means any sign which is designed and constructed to give its message through a
sequence of progressive changes of parts or lights or degree of lighting.
12. “Sign, appurtenant” means any sign which directs attention to an occupancy, business, commodity,
service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered only from the premises where the sign is
13. “Sign area” means the surface area of a sign enclosing the extreme limits of writing, representation,
emblem or any figure or similar character but does not include the necessary supports or uprights
on which such sign is placed.
14. “Sign, attached means any sign which is supported primarily by a building which is supported
wholly by the ground. Any roof sign, as defined in this title, shall be considered an attached sign.
15. “Sign, detached” means any sign which is not an attached sign as defined in this title and which is
supported primarily by one or more columns, uprights or braces placed in or upon the ground.
16. “Sign, development” means a sign listing the architect, engineer, contractor or other person or firm
participating in the development, or construction or financing of the project on the premises on
which the sign is located.
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17. “Sign, directly illuminated” means a sign designed to give forth artificial light directly or through
transparent or translucent material from a source of light visible from the street, or from abutting
property, including but not limited to exposed tubing neon signs.
18. “Sign, directional” means a poster, card, painting or other advertisement used for commercial or
business purposes displaying symbols, emblems or written words used or designed to guide or
direct pedestrian or vehicular traffic to a designated destination.
19. “Sign, double face” means a sign displaying information on both surfaces.
20. “Sign face” means the visible portions of a sign which includes all characters and symbols, but
excluding structural elements not an integral part of the display.
21. “Sign, flashing” means any sign which may be illuminated and which exhibits blinking, flashing or
fluttering lights or other illuminating devices which have a changing light or color intensity or
which are constructed to create an appearance or illusion of writing, excluding time and
temperature signs.
22.“Sign, freestanding” means a sign not attached to any buildings and having its own support
23. “Sign, height of” means the vertical distance from the uppermost point used in measuring the area
of a sign to the ground immediately below such point or to the level of the upper surface of the
nearest curb of a street or alley, whichever measurement permits the greater elevation of the sign.
24. “Sign, identification” means a sign, other than a bulletin board, which serves to tell only the name,
address and lawful uses of the premises upon which the sign is located and shall include name
25. “Sign, indirectly illuminated” means a sign whose illumination is reflected from its source by the
sign-display surface to the viewer’s eye, the source of light not being visible from the street or from
abutting property.
26. “Sign, marquee” means a sign placed on the face of a permanent roofed structure, projecting over
the building entrance, which is an integral part of the building (usually a theater or hotel).
27. “Sign, monument” means a self-supported sign with its base on the ground, not exceeding six feet
in height.
28. “Sign, name” means a sign serving to designate only the name or the name and professional
occupation or home occupation of a person or persons residing in or occupying space in a building
located on the premises on which the sign is located.
29. “Sign, nonconforming” means any sign which was legal prior to the adoption of the ordinance
codified in this title but does not conform to the standards of this title.
30. “Sign, off-premises” means a sign directing attention to a business, service, product or
entertainment not sold or offered on the premises on which the sign is located.
31. “Sign, painted” means a sign which is painted directly upon a surface of a building.
32. “Sign, political” means a sign intended to influence the voting for or against a candidate or issue.
33. “Sign, portable” means a sign which, by its design, is readily movable and is equipped with wheels,
casters or rollers or which sits on the surface of the ground rather than being attached.
34. “Sign, professional” means a sign indicating the name or names and occupations of a professional
person or group of associated professional persons occupying the premises.
35. “Sign, projection” means any sign other than a wall sign which is suspended from or supported by
a building or wall and which projects more than twelve inches therefrom.
36. “Sign, real estate” means a sign advertising the sale, rental or lease of the premises on which the
sign is maintained, including a subdivision sign.
37. “Sign, revolving” means a sign which rotates at ten or less revolutions per minute.
38. “Sign, roof” means any sign of any nature, together with all its parts and supports, exclusive of a
sign tower, which is erected, constructed or maintained on or above the roof or parapet of any
building; all roof signs shall be considered attached signs.
39. “Sign, single face” means a sign displaying information on one surface only.
40. “Sign, temporary” means a sign intended to be displayed for a limited time only (i.e., not more than
thirty days).
41. “Sign, wall” means a sign erected against a building or structure with the exposed face of the sign
in a plane parallel to the plane of the wall.
42. “Sign, window” means a sign displayed within a building or attached to a window but visible
through a window or similar opening for the primary purpose of exterior visibility.
43. “Site” means the surface land area or location of the Class II injection well.
44. “Site plan” means a plan, prepared to scale, showing accurately and with complete dimensions, all
of the buildings, structures and uses and the exact manner of development proposed for a specific
parcel of land.
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45.“Special flood hazard area (SFHA)” means an area having special flood hazards and shown on an
FHBM or FIRM as Zone A, AO, Al-A30, AE, A99, and AH.
46. “Specified sexual activities” includes the following:
a. Actual or simulated sexual intercourse, oral copulation, anal intercourse, oral anal copulation,
bestiality, direct physical stimulation of unclothed genitals, flagellation or torture in the
context of a sexual relationship, or the use of excretory functions in the context of a sexual
b. Clearly depicted human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation, arousal or tumescence;
c. Use of human or animal masturbation, sodomy, oral copulation, coitus, ejaculation;
d. Fondling or touching of nude human genitals, pubic region, buttocks or female breast;
e. Masochism, erotic or sexual oriented torture, beating or the infliction of pain;
f. Erotic or lewd touching, fondling or other contact with an animal by a human being;
g. Human excretion, urination, menstruation, vaginal or anal irrigation.
47. “Specified anatomical areas” includes the following:
a. Less than completely and opaquely covered:
b. Mature human genitals,
c. Mature human buttocks,
d. Mature human female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and
e. Human male genitals in a discernibly turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
48. “Spinner surveys” are electro-mechanical surveys used to determine points of fluid exist and the
amount of fluids exiting those points.
49. “Stable, commercial” means a stable for horses, mules or ponies which are let, hired, used or
boarded on a commercial basis and for compensation.
50. “Stable, private” means a detached accessory building for the keeping of horses, mules or ponies
owned by the occupants of the premises and not kept for remuneration, hire or sale.
51. “Start of construction” includes substantial improvement and other proposed new development and
means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair,
reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, placement, or other improvement was within 180 days from
the date of the permit. The actual start means either the first placement of permanent construction
of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the
construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation; or the placement of a
manufacture home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such
as clearing, grading, and filling; installation of streets or walkways; excavation for a basement,
footings, piers, or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; or installation on the property of
accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main
structure. For a substantial improvement, the actual start of construction means the first alteration
of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of a building, whether or not that alteration
affects the external dimensions of the building.
52. “Store, department” means a store divided into separate departments carrying a great variety of
goods, including major appliances and furniture.
53. “Story” means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface
of floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it then the space between such floor and the
ceiling next above it.
54. “Street” means a public thoroughfare or right-of-way dedicated, deeded or condemned for use as
such, or approved private thoroughfare or right-of-way, other than an alley, which affords the
principal means of access to abutting property including avenue, place, way, drive, land, boulevard,
highway, road and any other thoroughfare, except as excluded in this ordinance. The word street
includes all major and secondary highways, traffic collector streets and local streets.
55. “Street, side” means that street bounding a corner or reversed corner lot and which extends in the
same general direction as the line determining the depth of the lot.
56. “Street line” means the boundary line between street right-of-way and abutting property.
57. “Street centerline” means the centerline of a street right-of-way as established by official surveys.
58. “Structural alteration” means any changes in or alteration to the structure of a building involving a
bearing wall, column, beam or girder, floor or ceiling joists, roof, rafters, roof diaphragms,
foundations, piles, retaining walls or similar components.
59. “Structure” means any artifact constructed or erected, the use of which requires attachment to the
ground, including any building, gas or liquid storage, manufactured home, towers, poles, masts,
antennas, smokestacks, earth formations, overhead wires or transmission lines, and guy wires, but
not including fences or walls six feet or less in height.
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60. “Substantial damage” means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of
restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the
market value of the structure before the damage occurred.
61. “Substantial improvement” means any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other proposed
new development of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value
of the structure before the “start of construction” of the improvement. This term includes structures
which have incurred “substantial damage”, regardless of the actual repair work performed. The
term does not, however, include either:
a. Any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations, or state or local
health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which have been identified by the local code
enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions, or
b. Any alteration of a “historic structure”, provided that the alteration will not preclude the
structure’s continued designation as a “historic structure”.
62. “Surface mining operations” means all or any part of the process in the mining of minerals on
mined lands by removing overburden and mining directly from the mineral deposits, open-pit
mining of minerals naturally exposed, mining by the auger method, dredging and quarrying, or
surface work incident to an underground mine. Surface mining operations shall include, but are not
limited to:
a. In-place distillation or retorting or leaching;
b. The production and disposal of mining waste; and
c. Prospecting and exploratory activities.
63. “Surveyor” means a land surveyor or civil engineer competent to practice land surveying under the
provisions of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, retained by the
applicant, owner, developer or contractor to provide land surveying services.
T. 1. “Travel trailer” means a vehicle, other than a motor vehicle which is designed or used for human
habitation, and for travel upon a public highway without a special permit or chauffeur’s license or
both, without violating any provision of the vehicle code.
2. “Tree” means any object of natural growth or planted.
U. 1. “Use” means the purpose for which land or a building is arranged, designed or intended, or for
which either land or building is or may be occupied or maintained.
V. 1. “Variance” means a grant of relief from the requirements of this chapter which permits
construction in a manner that would otherwise be prohibited by this chapter.
2. “Vesting tentative map” shall mean a “tentative map” for a subdivision where a final map is
required. The vesting tentative map shall have printed conspicuously on its face the words “vesting
tentative map” at the time it is filed in accordance with this chapter.
3. “Violation” means the failure of a structure or other development to be fully compliant with this
chapter. A structure or other development without the elevation certificate, other certifications, or
other evidence of compliance required in this chapter is presumed to be in violation until such time
as that documentation is provided.
W. 1. “Wall” means a solid vertical barrier attached to or part of a building. It also includes a solid fence.
2. “Warehouse” means a building or buildings used for the storage of goods of any type, when such
building or buildings contain more than five hundred square feet of storage space and where no
retail operation is conducted.
3. “Water surface elevation” means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum
(NGVD) of 1929, (or other datum, where specified) of floods of various magnitudes and
frequencies in the flood plains of coastal or riverine areas.
4. “Watercourse” means a lake, river, creek, stream, wash, arroyo, channel or other topographic
feature on or over which waters flow at least periodically. Watercourse includes specifically
designated areas in which substantial flood damage may occur.
5. “Wholesaling” means the selling of any type of goods for purposes of resale.
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Y. 1. “Yard” means any open space on the same lot with a building or dwelling group, which open space
is unoccupied and unobstructed except for the projections permitted by this title.
2. “Yard, front” means a yard extending across the front of a lot between the inner side yard lines and
measured from the front line of the lot to the nearest lines of the building; provided, that if any
building line or official plan line has been established for the street upon which the lot faces, then
such measurement shall be taken from such building line or official plan line to the nearest line of
the building.
3. “Yard, rear” means a yard extending across the full width of the lot and measured between the rear
line of the lot and the nearest line of the building.
4. “Yard, side” means a yard between the side line of the lot and the nearest line of the building and
extending from the front line of the lot to the rear yard.
Z. 1. “Zone” means a portion of the territory of the county, exclusive of streets, alleys, and other public
ways, within which certain uses of land, premises and buildings are permitted and within which
certain property development standards are required as set forth and specified in this title.
(Ord. 1269 § 4, 5, 6, & 10, 2018; Ord. 1263 § 3, 2017; Ord. 1233 § 2, 2012; Ord. 1227 § 2, 2011; 1221 § 2,
2010; 1200 § 3, 2008; 1189 § 2, 2006; 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.030
15.030.010 Zone District Boundary Interpretation
15,030.020 Zone District Land Use Interpretation
15.030.030 Combining Uses
15.030.040 General Plan Consistency Interpretation
15.030.010 Zone District Boundary Interpretation
Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of any district shown on the zoning maps, the following
rules shall apply:
A. Where such boundaries are indicated as approximately following street and alley lines, such lines shall
be construed to follow the center of the street or alley or along the lot line if the lot line is not also a
street boundary;
B. Where a public street or alley is officially vacated or abandoned, the regulations applicable to the
property to which it reverts shall apply to such vacated or abandoned street or alley;
C. For property described by a district boundary, the locations of such boundaries, unless indicated by
dimensions, shall be determined by use of the scale appearing on the map;
D. In all other cases where any uncertainty exists, the planning commission shall determine the location of
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.030.020 Zone District Land Use Interpretation
Where a proposed land use is not specifically listed by the applicable zone district within which the
property proposed for the use is located, the director may determine that the use is a permitted use, or the
use is permitted if a use permit is first secured, if the following findings are made:
A. The proposed unlisted use is similar in character and impact to a listed use; and
B. The proposed use will be treated in the same manner as the listed use including determining where it is
allowed, what permits are required, and what standards affect its establishment.
C. The decision of the director may be appealed to the planning commission in accordance with Section
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.030.030 Combining Uses
More than one permitted use may be permitted on one lot in any zone district, provided there is no
conflict between the uses, and further provided that the applicable zone requirements and county
development standards are met. Each use must meet the lot area requirements without using the lot area
requirements of another use. For lots for which a use permit has been approved, the only uses allowed are
those specifically described by the use permit. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.030.040 General Plan Consistency Interpretation
Where any regulations specified in this title and any portion of any element of the general plan appear
to be in conflict, the planning director may make a determination as to the intent of the general plan as it
relates to that particular section of this title. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.040
15.040.010 Purpose
15.040.020 Notice of Hearing
15.040.030 Hearing Procedure
15.040.040 Planning Commission
15.040.050 Board of Supervisors
15.040.060 Time Limitation
15.040.010 Purpose
This chapter provides procedures for public hearings required by the Unified Development Code of
Glenn County. In the event a public hearing is required, advance notice of the hearing shall be given and the
hearing conducted in compliance with this chapter and applicable State Law. (Ord. 1268 § 2, 2018; Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
15.040.020 Notice of Hearing
When State Law or this Title require a noticed public hearing before a decision on a permit may be
rendered by the appropriate authority, or for any other matter which may require a public hearing, notice
shall be provided as required by this section and state law.
A. Notice of the hearing shall be given pursuant to California Government Code Section 65090. If the
proposed project affects the permitted uses of real property, notice shall also be given pursuant to
Government Code Section 65091.
B. In addition to the notification required under subsection A., notification to real property owners
required by Government Code Section 65091 shall be extended to 1,000 feet from the exterior
boundary of the subject property and shall notify at least ten properties. When less than ten properties
are found within 1,000 feet of the subject properties exterior boundary, the notification distance shall be
extended in 100 foot increments of the exterior boundary, until at least ten properties are notified. The
cost for notification shall be borne by the applicant of the proposed project. (Ord. 1268 § 2, 2018; Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
15.040.030 Hearing Procedures
After an applicant has provided all information required to render a decision on a proposed project as
determined by the director, a public hearing, if required, shall be scheduled before the appropriate hearing
body at the next regularly scheduled meeting date provided that all notification periods required by state law
have been met.
A. A hearing shall be held at the date, time and place for which notice was given unless the required
quorum of hearing boding members is not present.
B. Any hearing may be continued from time to time without further notice; provided that the chair of the
hearing body announces the date, time, and place to which the hearing will be continued before the
adjournment or recess of the hearing. (Ord. 1268 § 2, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.040.040 Planning Commission
Following a public hearing held by the planning commission on any matter on which it will make a
recommendation, the director shall submit a written report including a summary of the hearing, findings and
recommendations to the board of supervisors within thirty (30) calendar days after completion of said
hearing. (Ord. 1268 § 2, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.040.050 Board of Supervisors
A. Upon receipt of the recommendations of the planning commission, the board of supervisors shall hold a
public hearing after giving notice in the manner specified in Government Code sections 65090 &
65091; provided, however, that if the planning commission has recommended against the approval of
such request, the board of supervisors shall not be required to take any further action unless an appeal is
filed with the clerk of the board of supervisors within five calendar days after the decision of the
planning commission.
B. Within sixty calendar days from the date of receipt of the planning commission’s report, the board of
supervisors may approve, modify or disapprove the proposed request. Any modification shall be
referred back to the planning commission for a report.
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C. Upon receipt of the recommendation of the planning commission, the board of supervisors shall hold a
public hearing after giving notice in the manner specified in Government Code sections 65090 &
65091. The board of supervisors may approve, modify or disapprove the recommendations of the
planning commission; provided, that any modification of the amendment not previously considered by
the planning commission during its hearing, shall first be referred to the planning commission for report
and recommendations, but the planning commission shall not be required to hold a public hearing
thereon. Planning commission shall review the modification and shall report its recommendations back
to the board of supervisors not more than forty calendar days after the referral by the board. (Ord. 1268
§ 2, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.040.060 Time Limitation
Any judicial proceeding or action to attack, review, set aside, void or annul any decision of matters
listed in this title which are subject to judicial review (other than those listed in Government Code Section
65009 and 65860, and Public Resources Code Section 21167) or concerning any of the proceedings, acts or
determinations taken, done or made prior to such decision or to determine the reasonableness, legality or
validity of any conditions attached thereto, or concerning the general plan or any specific plan, or any
amendment to, interpretation of, deletion from, addition to, or application of the general plan or specific
plan, or to compel action as to any of these matters, or to seek relief from inaction on any of these matters,
shall not be maintained by any person unless such action or proceeding is commenced and service of
summons effected within 90 days after the date of such decision, act or determination, or, in the case of
inaction, within 90 days after the date on which the act sought to be compelled should have been performed.
Thereafter, all persons are barred from any such action or proceeding or any defense of invalidity or
unreasonableness of such decisions or of such proceedings, acts or determinations. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
(Ord. 1268 § 2, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
Chapter 15.050
15.050.010 Action by Director
15.050.020 Action by the Planning Commission
15.050.030 Automatic Appeals
15.050.040 Appeal of Application Completeness
15.050.010 Action by Director
A. For proposes of this chapter, aggrieved person or persons shall mean the following:
1. Any person affected by a decision of the director or planning commission.
2. Anyone who, in person or through a representative explicitly identified as such, appeared at a
public hearing in connection with the decision being appealed, or who otherwise informed the county in
writing of the nature of his/her concerns before the hearing.
B. Any aggrieved person or persons adversely affected by any decision of the director may, within ten (10)
calendar days after the action of the director, file a notice of appeal in writing to the planning
commission. Said notice of appeal shall be accompanied by a filing fee and shall include the following
1. The name, address, and telephone number of the person requesting the appeal;
2. The decision being appealed, any applicable project number, or some other means of identification
and the date of the decision. The appellant shall be specific as to whether he is appealing the entire
decision, a specific term or condition, or an environmental document (e.g., approval of a negative
declaration, issuance of an exemption, adequacy of an environmental impact report);
3. If a specific term or condition is appealed, it shall be set forth with clarity. The specific error
claimed to have been made and the basis upon which the appellant claims there was an error shall also
be stated;
4. A detailed statement of the factual and/or legal grounds upon which the appeal is being taken.
5. Appellant’s interest in the action. The appellant shall state whether he/she is the applicant or an
aggrieved party;
6. The specific relief sought.
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C. Upon the filing of an appeal, the planning commission shall review the matter within thirty (30)
calendar days from the date of filing the appeal.
D. The planning commission shall consider the record and such additional relevant evidence as may be
offered. It shall be the responsibility of the appellant to provide the planning commission with the
relevant portions of the record. The planning commission may affirm, reverse or modify, in whole or in
part, the order, requirement, decision, recommendation, interpretation or ruling appealed from, or make
and substitute such other or additional decision or determination as it may find warranted under the law
and facts.
E. The decision of the planning commission as a result of the review shall be made by motion recorded in
minutes and shall forthwith transmit a copy of the minute order to the appellant and the applicant. (Ord.
1268 §3, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.050.020 Action by the Planning Commission
A. Within the limitations set forth in this subdivision, any aggrieved person or entity adversely affected by
a formal action of the planning commission, may appeal such action by filing a written notice thereof
with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors within ten (10) calendar days after the action of the planning
commission; provided that the issue being appealed was raised during the planning commission
B. The notice of appeal shall be accompanied by an appeal fee and shall include the information required
by Section 15.050.010 A.
C. Applicants that appeal shall be limited to raising issues that were placed before the planning
commission. Other persons or entities that appeal shall be limited to raising issues that such person or
entity specifically raised, either orally or in writing, at the planning commission hearing.
D. It shall be the burden of the appellant to show by convincing evidence that the decision or conclusion of
the planning commission is contrary to law, or that such decision is not supported by substantial
E. Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of filing the appeal, the clerk of the board shall schedule
the date for the hearing. The hearing shall be held within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of
filing the appeal. Notice of hearing shall be given as required by Chapter 15.040. The board of
supervisors may continue such hearing for one additional meeting, to be held within fifteen (15) days,
any further continuances shall be with the consent of the appellant.
F. The board of supervisors shall consider the record of the planning commission and such additional
relevant evidence as may be offered. It shall be the responsibility of the appellant to provide the board
of supervisors with the relevant portions of the record. The board of supervisors may affirm, reverse or
modify, in whole or in part, the order, requirement, decision, recommendation, interpretation, or ruling
appealed from, or make and substitute such other or additional decision or determination as it may find
warranted under the laws and facts.
G. The decision of the board as a result of the hearing shall be made by a motion recorded in the minutes
and the board shall forthwith transmit a copy of the minute order thereof to the appellant and the
(Ord. 1268 §3, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.050.030 Automatic Appeals
A. Automatic Appeals. If a ballot of the members of the planning commission results in a tie vote, or if the
planning commission is unable to take action because of legal disqualification or abstentions, the matter
shall be deemed to be automatically denied at the first hearing at which the application is considered
and is unable to be acted upon; and be appealed to the board of supervisors for public hearing.
Automatic appeals pursuant to this section shall not be subject to filing fees as provided for in Section
15.050.020 of this chapter.
B. Continuations. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, if a ballot of the members of the planning
commission results in a tie vote, or if a majority vote is not reached and no action results, the planning
commission may decide to continue the matter for further consideration.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.050.040 Appeal of Application Completeness
Appeals from a determination by the director that an application is incomplete pursuant to Section
15.090.050 shall be permitted only to the planning commission whose decision shall be final. (Ord. 1183 §
2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.060
15.060.010 Nonconforming Uses
15.060.020 Nonconforming Uses and Property
15.060.010 Nonconforming Uses
A. Use of Land. Any lawful use of land existing at the time of the adoption of this title or any zoning
ordinance or amendment thereto may be continued, although such use does not conform to the
regulation specified in such enactment title for the zone in which such land is located. A conditional use
permit shall first be obtained for any enlargement or expansion.
B. Use of Building. Any lawful use of a building existing at the time of the adoption of any zoning
ordinance, may be continued, although such use does not conform to the regulations specified for the
zone in which such building is located. Except residential uses, a conditional use permit shall first be
obtained for any enlargement or expansion of such non-conforming use by 21% or more. An
administrative permit shall first be obtained for any enlargement or expansion of non-conforming uses
of 20% or less in size or area. However, except as otherwise provided by law, nothing in this Title shall
prevent the restoring to a safe condition of any part of a building or structure declared unsafe by proper
C. Reconstruction of Nonconforming Building. A nonconforming building or structure damaged or
destroyed by fire, explosion, earthquake or other act, may be restored only if made to conform to all
regulations, other than use restrictions, specified by this title; provided, that such building may be
restored to a total floor area not exceeding that of the former building.
D. Abandonment. If the actual operation of a nonconforming use ceases for a continuous period of six
months, the nonconforming use shall be considered abandoned unless the legal owner can establish
valid proof to the contrary; then, without further action by the planning commission, the use of such
land or building shall be subject to all the regulations specified by this title.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.060.020 Nonconforming Uses and Property
A. Except as otherwise provided in this title, a lot having an area, frontage, width or depth less than the
minimum prescribed for the zone in which the lot is located, as depicted on a subdivision map duly
approved and recorded prior to the adoption of this title, may be used for any use permitted in the zone,
but shall be subject to all other standards for the zone in which the lot is located.
B. Lot Line Adjustments for nonconforming parcels
Any lot having an area, frontage, width or depth less than the minimum prescribed for the zone in
which the lot is located, as depicted on a subdivision map duly approved and recorded prior to the
adoption of this title, may be adjusted with another lot provided that the number of nonconforming lots
is not increased. A reduction in size of a nonconforming parcel shall be allowed provided that said
reduction meets the following:
1. The nonconforming lot area is not decreased by more than twenty percent (20%) in size.
2. The lot line adjustment will allow conformance with setback requirements for the zoning district.
3. The applicant is able to provide documentation showing that all lots involved were legally created.
(Ord. 1268 § 4, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.070
15.070.010 Security Agreement and Bond
15.070.020 Bond for Completion of the Improvements
15.070.030 Bond and Release
15.070.040 Development Agreements
15.070.10 Security Agreement and Bond
If any improvements required by this title have not been completed prior to approval of the final map,
the applicant shall, prior to acceptance of the map by the county, enter into an agreement with the county
agreeing to have the improvements completed within the time specified in the agreement. The agreement
shall contain a clause guaranteeing the workmanship and materials provided in all improvements for a
twelve-month period after acceptance of the improvements by the board of supervisors. The agreement may
provide for an extension of time under specified conditions. The agreement may also provide for the
termination thereof upon a reversion to acreage or revocation of all or part of the subdivision. (Ord. 1183 §
2, 2006)
15.070.20 Bond for Completion of the Improvements
To assure that the improvements required by this title are satisfactorily completed, adequate
improvement security shall be furnished by the applicant for the cost of constructing the improvements
according to the plans and specifications in a sum or amount equal to the estimate approved by the director.
Partial release of the improvement security may be made in accordance with the provisions of the
Subdivision Map Act. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.070.030 Bond and Release
The improvement security shall be released by the director upon acceptance of the work or upon
revocation or reversion to acreage of the subdivision and abandonment of all roads and easements, except
that security in the amount specified by the director to guarantee workmanship and materials shall remain in
full force and effect for one year after acceptance of the improvements. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.070.040 Development Agreements
A. Purpose and authority
1. The lack of certainty in the approval of larger or phased development projects can result in a waste
of resources, escalate the cost of housing and other development to the consumer, and discourage
investment in and commitment to comprehensive planning which would make maximum efficient
utilization of resources at the least economic cost to the public, due to potential changes in
development regulations, rules and planning ordinances.
2. The provisions of this Chapter will provide assurance to applicants for development projects that
upon approval of a project, the applicant may proceed with the project in accordance with the
policies, rules and regulations, and subject to conditions of approval in effect at the time of
approval. Development agreements entered into pursuant to this Article will strengthen the public
planning process, encourage private participation in comprehensive planning, and reduce the
economic costs of development.
3. Development agreements may also include provisions whereby applicants are reimbursed over
time for financing public facilities and improvements installed in excess of those needed to serve
the applicant’s development project.
4. These regulations are adopted for the purposes authorized and under the authority of the California
Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5.
B. Applications
1. The director shall prescribe the form for each application, notice and document provided for or
required by these regulations for the preparation and implementation of development agreements.
2. The director may require an applicant to submit such pertinent information and supporting data as
he considers necessary to process the application.
3. The application shall be accompanied by a fee(s) in an amount to be set by the Board of
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4. The applicant shall present to the director, the written consent to the development agreement of all
parties having any record title interest in the real property which is the subject of the development
C. Qualification as an applicant. Only a qualified applicant may file an application to enter into a
development agreement. A qualified applicant is a person who has legal or equitable interest in the real
property which is the subject of the development agreement. Applicant includes authorized agent. The
director may require an applicant to submit proof of his or her interest in the real property and of the
authority of the agent to act for the applicant.
D. Form of agreement. Applications shall be accompanied by a proposed development agreement
prepared by the applicant. This requirement may be met by submittal of a development agreement
consistent with the standard form of development agreements prepared by the planning authority that
may include a specific proposal for changes in or additions to the language of the standard form.
E. Review of application. The director shall review the application and may reject it if it is incomplete for
processing. If he find that the application is complete, he shall accept it for filing. The Director shall
review the application and determine the additional requirements necessary to complete the agreement.
After receiving the required information, he shall prepare a staff report and recommendation and shall
state whether or not the agreement proposed or in an amended form would be consistent with the
general plan and any applicable specific or community plan.
F. Public hearings and notice
1. Public hearings shall be held on any application for a Development Agreement and subject to the
same proceedings as provided for rezoning applications.
2. Notice of the hearing shall be given as provided for rezoning applications.
3. When a Development Agreement is for a project requiring a General Plan Amendment, Specific or
community plan amendment, rezoning, Conditional Use Permit or any subdivision approval,
consideration of the development agreement shall be concurrent with or subsequent to
consideration of any of the entitlement identified above.
G. Recommendation by the Planning Commission
1. After the hearing by the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission shall make its
recommendation in writing to the Board of Supervisors. The recommendation shall include the
Planning Commission’s determination whether or not the development agreement proposed:
a. Is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs specified in the
general plan and any applicable specific plan or community plan;
b. Is compatible with the uses authorized in, and the regulations prescribed for, the zoning district
in which the real property is located;
c. Is in conformity with public convenience, general welfare and good land use practice;
d. Will be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare;
e. Will adversely affect the orderly development of property or the preservation of property
2. The recommendation of the Planning Commission shall include the reasons for the
H. Decision by the Board of Supervisors
1. After the Board of Supervisors completes its public hearing, it may accept, modify or disapprove
the recommendation of the Planning Commission.
2. The Board of Supervisors shall not be required to enter into any such development agreement and
it may not do so unless it finds that the provisions of the agreement are consistent with the general
plan and any applicable specific or community plan.
3. If the Board of Supervisors approves the development agreement, it shall do so by the adoption of
an ordinance.
4. After the ordinance approving the development agreement takes effect, the County may enter into
the agreement.
I. Amendment or cancellation. Either party may propose an amendment to or cancellation in whole or in
part of the development agreement previously entered into. The procedure for proposing and adoption
of an amendment to or cancellation in whole or in part of the development agreement shall be the same
as the procedure for entering into an agreement. However, where the Board of Supervisors initiates the
proposed amendment to or cancellation of the development agreement, it shall first give at least thirty
(30) days notice to the applicant of its intention to initiate such proceedings in advance of the public
hearing by the Planning Commission.
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J. Recordation of development agreement
1. The applicant shall present the written consent to the development agreement of all parties having
any record title interest in the real property which is the subject of the development agreement prior
to recordation of the agreement.
2. Within ten (10) days after the Board of Supervisors enters into the development agreement, the
County Clerk shall have the agreement recorded with the County Recorder. The Agreement shall
describe the land subject thereto.
3. If the parties to the agreement or their successors in interest amend or cancel the agreement, or if
the Board of Supervisors terminates or modifies the agreement for failure of the applicant to
comply in good faith with the terms or conditions of the agreement the County Clerk shall have
notice of such action recorded with the County Recorder.
K. Periodic review
1. Time for and initiation of review:
a. The Planning Commission shall review the development agreement every twelve (12) months
from the date the agreement is entered into.
b. The time for review may be modified by affirmative vote of at least three (3) members of the
Planning Commission.
2. Notice of periodic review: The director shall begin the review proceeding by giving notice that the
County intends to undertake a periodic review of the development agreement to the property owner
or successor in interest. He shall give the notice at least thirty (30) days in advance of the time at
which the matter will be considered by the Planning Commission.
3. Public hearing by Planning Commission: The Planning Commission shall conduct a public hearing
at which time the property owner or successor in interest must demonstrate good faith compliance
with the terms of the agreement.
4. Findings upon public hearing: The Planning Commission shall determine upon the basis of
substantial evidence whether or not the applicant has, for the period under review, complied in
good faith with the terms and conditions of the agreement.
5. Procedure upon findings: If the Planning Commission determines on the basis of substantial
evidence that the property owner has complied in good faith with the terms and conditions of the
agreement during the period under review, the review for that period is concluded.
6. If the Planning Commission finds and determines on the basis of substantial evidence that the
property owner has not complied in good faith with the terms and conditions of the agreement
during the period under review, the Planning Commission may initiate proceedings to modify or
terminate the agreement.
7. The property owner may appeal a Planning Commission decision to the Board of Supervisors
pursuant to the appeal procedure in the Section 15.050.020 of this Code.
L. Modification or termination
1. If upon a finding, the Planning Commission determines to proceed with modification or
termination of the agreement, the director shall transmit to the Board of Supervisors all pertinent
materials concerning the periodic review and a staff report setting forth the reasons for the decision
by the Planning Commission.
2. Upon receipt of the Staff Report pursuant to paragraph A. above, the Board of Supervisors shall
hold a public hearing on the matter scheduled and noticed as required in the appeal procedure set
forth in Chapter 15.050 of this code.
3. At the time and place set for the hearing on modification or termination, the property owner shall
be given an opportunity to be heard. The Board of Supervisors may refer the matter back to the
Planning Commission for further proceedings or for report and recommendation. The Board of
Supervisors may impose those conditions to the action it takes as it considers necessary to protect
the interests of the County. The decision of the Board of Supervisors is final.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.080
15.080.010 General Prohibitions
15.080.020 Permit Authority Limitation
15.080.030 Enforcement
15.080.040 Recovery of Costs
15.080.010 General Prohibitions
A. No person shall use any real property in violation of the regulations of this title applicable to the
property. The erection, construction, alteration, enlargement, conversion, movement, maintenance,
establishment or operation of any building, structure, facility, premises or use contrary to the provisions
of this title is unlawful and a violation of this code.
B. Except as otherwise provided by law:
1. No building, structure or facility shall be erected or placed, and no existing structure shall be
moved, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any land, building or premises be used, designated
or intended to be used for any purpose, or in any manner other than is included among the uses
listed in this title as permitted in the district in which such land, building or premises is located.
2. No building, structure or facility shall be erected, reconstructed or structurally altered to exceed the
height limit designated in this title for the district in which such building, structure or facility is
3. No building, structure or facility shall be erected, nor shall any existing building be altered,
enlarged or rebuilt, nor shall any required open space be encroached upon or reduced in any except
in conformity to the yard, building site and building location regulations specified in this title for
the district in which such building, structure or facility or open space is located.
4. No yard or other open space provided around any building, structure or facility for the purpose of
complying with the provisions of this code shall be considered as providing a yard or open space
for any other building, structure or facility and no yard or other open space on one building site
shall be considered as providing a year or open space for a building, structure or facility on any
other building site.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.080.020 Permit Authority Limitation
A. All county officers, departments and employees vested with the duty or authority to issue permits,
licenses or other entitlement shall do so subject to the requirements of this title. No permit, license or
other entitlement shall be issued or approved for any purpose or in any manner which conflicts with the
provisions of this title. Any permit, license or other entitlement issued or approved in conflict with any
provision of this title is null and void as of the date of issuance or approval.
B. No county officer, department or employee vested with the duty or authority to issue or approve
permits, licenses or other entitlement shall do so when there is an outstanding zoning violation for
which a citation has been issued pursuant to this title involving the premises to which the pending
application pertains. The authority to deny shall apply whether the applicant was the occupant or owner
of record at the time of such violation or whether the applicant is either the current occupant or owner
of record or a purchaser of the property pursuant to a contract of sale, with or without actual or
constructive knowledge of the violation at the time he or she acquired his or her interest in such real
C. Upon notification of a refusal to issue order prepared by an enforcement officer that such a violation
exists, all departments, commissions and employees shall refuse to issue permits, licenses or
entitlements involving the premises except those necessary to abate such violation. The refusal to issue
order shall be rescinded when the department, commission or employee has been notified by the
enforcing officer that all required work to abate the violation has been completed and has been
approved by the affected department.
D. The director of the affected department may waive the provisions of this section if the director
determines that health or safety hazards will result from the refusal to issue order.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.080.030 Enforcement
A. It shall be the duty of the director to enforce the provisions of this title. All departments, officials and
public employees of the county vested with the duty or authority to issue permits shall conform to the
provisions of this title and shall not willfully issue any permit or license for use, construction or purpose
in conflict with the provisions of this title; and any such permit or license issued in conflict with the
provisions of this title shall be null and void.
B. It shall be the duty of the director to enforce Articles No. 1 and No. 2 of Chapter 7 of the State
Subdivision Map Act, except Section 66499.32 (a) and (b).
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.080.040 Recovery Of Costs
A. Purpose and intent. This chapter establishes procedures for the recovery of administrative costs,
including staff time expended on the enforcement of the provisions of this title. The intent of this
chapter is to recoup administrative costs reasonably related to enforcement.
B. Records. The department shall maintain records of all administrative costs, incurred by responsible
county employees, associated with the processing of violations and enforcement of this title and shall
recover such costs from the property owner as provided in this chapter. Staff time shall be calculated at
an hourly rate as established and revised from time to time by the board of supervisors.
C. Notice. Upon investigation and a determination that a violation of any of the provisions of this title is
found to exist, the director, or any person within the department authorized by the director, shall notify
the record owner, or any person having possession or control of the subject property, by mail of the
existence of the violation, the department’s intent to charge the property owner for all administrative
costs associated with enforcement, and of the owner’s right to a hearing on the objections thereto. The
notice shall be in substantially the following form:
The Glenn County planning authority has determined that conditions exist at the property at which violate
Section of the County Code, to wit:
(description of violation)
Notice is hereby given that at the conclusion of this case you will receive a summary of administrative costs
associated with the processing of this violation, at an hourly rate as established and adjusted from time to
time by the Board of Supervisors. The hourly rate presently in effect is per hour of staff time.
You will have the right to object to these charges by filing a Request for Hearing with the Planning
Commission within ten (10) days of service of the summary of charges, pursuant to Section 15.080.040.
D. Summary of costs
1. At the conclusion of the case, the director shall send a summary of costs associated with
enforcement to the owner and/or person having possession or control of the subject property
by certified mail. Said summary shall include a notice in substantially the following form:
If you object to these charges you must file a Request for Hearing on the enclosed form within ten
(10) days of the date of this notice.
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2. In the event that (a) no request for hearing is timely filed or, (b) after a hearing the planning
commission affirms the validity of the costs, the property owner or person in control and
possession shall be liable to the county in the amount stated in the summary or any lesser amount
as determined by the planning commission. These costs shall be recoverable in a civil action in the
name of the county, in any court of competent jurisdiction within the county.
3. Any property owner, or other person having possession and control thereof, who receives a
summary of costs under this section shall have the right to a hearing before the planning
commission on his or her objections to the proposed costs in accordance with the procedures set
forth in this section.
4. A request for hearing shall be filed with the planning commission within ten days of the service by
mail of the department’s summary of costs, on a form provided by the department.
5. Within thirty days of the filing of the request, and on ten-days written notice to the owner, the
planning commission shall hold a hearing on the owner’s objections, and determine the validity
6. In determining the validity of the costs, the planning commission shall consider whether the total
costs are reasonable in the circumstances of the case. Factors to be considered include, but are not
limited to, the following: Whether the present owner created the violation; whether there is a
present ability to correct the violation; whether the owner moved promptly to correct the violation;
the degree of cooperation provided by the owner; whether reasonable minds can differ as to
whether a violation exists.
7. The planning commission’s decision shall be appealable to the board of supervisors pursuant to
Section 15.050.020 of this title.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.090
15.090.010 Application and Fees
15.090.020 Filing and Processing
15.090.030 Information Required
15.090.040 Waiver of Statements or Reports
15.090.050 Final Date of Filing
15.090.060 Refund of Fees
15.090.070 Reapplication for Denied Permits
15.090.080 Denial Without Prejudice
15.090.090 Reapplication for Amendment of Permits
15.090.100 Expiration
15.090.110 Revocation/Modification
15.090.010 Application and Fees
A. Any owner or appointed representative may submit to the planning authority in writing on a form
prescribed by the planning authority. Said application shall be accompanied by a fee set by resolution
adopted by the board of supervisors.
B. The planning authority staff shall examine the application and all accompanying data and the tentative
maps and shall accept them for processing only if all the requirements of chapter 15.09 have been met.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.090.020 Filing and Processing
A. The tentative map of the proposed subdivision shall be clearly and legibly drawn on sheets eighteen by
twenty-six inches or twenty-four by thirty-six inches, using an engineer’s scale in all cases.
B. The applicant shall submit the following items with the application:
1. A completely filled out and signed application form;
2. A completely filled out environmental information form;
3. A title report issued within three months prior to the date of submission of the application and any
necessary deeds evidencing current record title. If a deed shows a corporation as the owner, a copy
of a resolution from the corporation authorizing the application shall also be submitted;
4. One reproducible (sepia or mylar) copy of the tentative map plus fifteen blueprints in the case of a
tentative parcel map or twenty-five blueprints in the case of a tentative final map;
5. Filing fees;
6. Written verification from the Glenn County Health Department stating that each proposed parcel is
suitable for on-site sewage disposal (or meets the provisions of Section 15.660.040 (C).)
7. A vesting tentative map shall be filed in the same form and have the same contents, accompanying
data and reports and shall be processed in the same manner as set forth elsewhere in this code for a
tentative map except as hereinafter provided.
C. At the time a vesting tentative map is filed the applicant shall also supply the following information:
1. Height, size and location of buildings;
2. Sewer, water, storm drain and road details sufficient for plan checking and approval;
3. Information on the uses to which the building will be put;
4. Detailed grading plans;
5. Geological studies;
6. Flood control information as required by the department of public works and the building
7. Architectural plans sufficient for plan checking and approval;
8. Soil test and design information sufficient for on-site sewage disposal system permit application
and approval;
9. Any other studies deemed required by the County.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.090.030 Information Required
A. The following information shall be shown on each tentative map:
1. Name and address of record owner or owners of the property to be subdivided, and their signed
statement of consent to the preparation of the map;
2. Name and address of person or persons proposing the subdivision;
3. Name and address of the person who prepared the tentative map;
4. A site location sketch indicating the location of the property to be divided in relation to the
surrounding area or region;
5. Date of preparation, current assessor’s parcel number, north arrow and scale;
6. Boundaries of proposed subdivision, showing all contiguous lands of owner;
7. The location and configuration of all existing and proposed waste disposal systems and water
supplies located on the parcel or adjacent parcels as might affect the design of the land division,
together with their dimensions;
8. Lines indicating the direction of the slope of the land and the approximate percent of grade,
including all drainage features. Areas subject to inundation or overflow shall be so indicated;
9. The name, location and width of all existing interior, abutting and proposed streets and easements
and width of existing pavement;
10. Approximate layout and approximate dimensions of each lot and the total area for each lot. Each
lot shall be separately identified by number or letter or other appropriate designation;
11. The dimensions and location of any existing structures, trees or group of trees on the property;
12. The location, identification and description of known or found survey monuments on or adjacent to
the sites;
13. Proposed approximate radii of all curves and approximate slopes of streets;
14. A statement of improvements to be made, including a sketch showing designed widths and street
15. Indication of adjacent recorded subdivisions and known proposed subdivisions, lot lines, or any
other development which will affect or be affected by this development;
16. Identify on the tentative map all adjacent road and street right-of-way widths and widths of existing
17. If it is impossible or impractical to place any of the above information upon the tentative map, such
matter or information shall be submitted with the tentative map; provided, however, that all
information necessary to provide a clear description of the proposed subdivision shall be on the
face of the tentative map.
B. The following documents shall be submitted with each tentative map which requires a final map:
1. A copy of any condition or any restrictive reservations or covenants, existing or proposed;
2. A preliminary geologic and soil report based upon adequate test borings or excavations; and
3. A statement by a registered engineer or competent hydrologist as to flooding characteristics. This
statement shall identify the areas subject to inundation, and the depth, velocities and duration of
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.090.040 Waiver of Statements or Reports
A. The public works director may, on the basis of the statements of preliminary geologic and soil reports
provided for in Section 15.090.030, require a soil investigation by a registered civil engineer of any or
all lots; or he may, on the basis of such reports or statements or based on knowledge of the quality of
soils on the site, waive the requirement for a preliminary geologic and soil report and/or soil
investigation. The public works director may also waive the requirement for a statement of flooding
characteristics when, based on available knowledge of flooding characteristics, he determines that no
such report or investigation is necessary.
B. An exception request may be filed, in writing, by the applicant requesting that the director examine the
application and all accompanying data and the tentative maps, in place of the planning authority staff,
as required in Section 15.090.010. Such an exception request shall be filed with the application. No
action on the application shall be taken by the planning authority staff until the director has reviewed
the application for completeness.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.090.050 Final Date of Filing
The application shall be deemed finally filed and completed only if the items set forth in Sections
15.090.020 and 15.090.030 have been submitted. The director shall consider and determine whether an
application is complete within thirty days after the application has been submitted by the applicant.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.090.060 Refund of Fees
All refund requests shall be made in writing. The following refund schedule shall be applied to all
A. A one hundred percent refund of the filing fees shall be made if the applicant requests withdrawal of the
application within five working days after the application was submitted;
B. A seventy-five percent refund of the filing fees shall be made if the applicant requests withdrawal of the
application within ten working days after the application was submitted;
C. A fifty percent refund of the filing fees shall be made if the applicant requests withdrawal of an
application which has not been advertised for public hearing;
D. No refund of the filing fees shall be made if the applicant requests withdrawal of an application that has
been advertised for public hearing.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.090.070 Reapplication for Denied Permits
No reapplication for a Conditional Use Permit, Variance Permit, Zone Change, General Plan
Amendment, Tentative Parcel Map, Tentative Subdivision Map or Specific Plan of Development which has
been denied shall be filed or accepted by the planning authority earlier than one (1) year after the date of
such denial; unless specific authority to do so has been granted by the Board of Supervisors or the Planning
Commission. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.090.080 Denial Without Prejudice
A. The Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors may deny without prejudice any Conditional Use
Permit, Variance Permit, Zone Change, General Plan Amendment, Tentative Parcel Map, Tentative
Subdivision Map or Specific Plan of Development application provided that no substantial progress has
been made by the applicant within a six (6) month period after either of the following has been
1. A project has been deemed incomplete for certain specified reasons; or
2. An environmental review determination has been made requiring additional environmental
documentation and/or an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).
B. A “denial without prejudice” shall authorize the reapplication for a permit without meeting the one (1)
year period specified in Section 15.090.070.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.090.090 Reapplication for Amendment of Permits
Any permit pursuant to this Title may be amended by the granting of a new permit of the same type and
following the same procedure for adoption of the original permit, except as specifically provided for in this
Title. Amendments to permits may include extensions of expiration periods, and changes in uses, structures,
and conditions previously approved; however any change in conditions must be approved by the Reviewing
Authority that originally adopted such conditions. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.090.100 Expiration
A. An approved conditional use permit expires one (1) year from the date of granting unless substantial
physical construction and/or use of the property in reliance on the permit has commenced prior to its
expiration. An approved conditional use permit may be extended by the director for an additional sixty
(60) calendar days provided that the applicant/owner submits a written request for extension to the
director at least twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the expiration date. Only one (1) extension shall
be allowed for each permit. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the director may appeal as
provided in Chapter 15.050.
Any active Conditional Use Permit for a use that has not been active for five (5) consecutive years is
void unless a longer inactive time period is specifically allowed by the Conditions of Approval for the
Conditional Use Permit.
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B. The approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map shall expire at the end of the same time
period and shall be subject to the same extensions, established by this code for the expiration of
approval or conditional approval of a tentative subdivision map.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.090.110 Revocation/Modification
A. Whenever in the opinion of the director the conditions of any conditional use permit issued have not
been complied with, the director shall give the property owner and lessee of the subject property a ten
(10) calendar days written notice to comply.
B. If, at the end of the ten (10) calendar day period, the property owner and lessee still fail to comply with
the conditions of approval of the permit, the director shall immediately set a hearing before the
Planning Commission to determine why the permit should not be revoked/modified. Notice of the
hearing shall only be mailed to the property owner and lessee of the subject property involved ten (10)
calendar days prior to the hearing. The notice shall state the violations and shall request appearance of
the owner and lessee at the time and place specified for the hearing to show cause why the permit
should not be revoked or modified. At the conclusion of the hearing, if the Planning Commission
determines that any condition of the conditional use permit has not been complied with, the Planning
Commission shall have the right to revoke or modify the permit. Such revocation or modification shall
be subject to the right of appeal in the same manner as set forth in Chapter 15.050.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.100
Chapter 15.110
15.110.010 Department Established Official - Duties
15.110.020 Department State Code Enforcement
15.110.030 Permit Application - Contents
15.110.040 Application Review in Flood Hazard Areas
15.110.050 Certificate Required
15.110.060 Fees Required
15.110.070 Frontage Improvements
15.110.080 Inspection
15.110.090 Expiration
15.110.100 Revocation
15.110.110 Denial or Revocation Request for hearing
15.110.120 Denial or Revocation Appeal
15.110.130 Transfer
15.110.140 Temporary Living Quarters
15.110.150 Prohibitions
15.110.160 Building Valuation
15.110.170 Factory-Built Housing and Mobile Homes
15.110.180 Factory-Built Housing and Mobilehomes
15.110.190 Accessory Buildings
15.110.010 Department establishedOfficialDuties
There is in county government a building department under the supervision and direction of a building
official who is charged with the administration and enforcement of this title and the codes incorporated by
reference into this title. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.020 DepartmentState Code Enforcement
Every law, rule and regulation included or referred to in the State Housing Law, Part 1.5 (commencing
with Section 17910), the Mobilehomes Park Act, Part 2.1 (commencing with Section 18200) and Chapter 2
(Earthquake Protection) (commencing with Section 19100), Part 3 of Division 13 of the Health and Safety
Code of the State of California shall be enforced by the building department within the unincorporated area
of the county. However, this title does not constitute assumption by the county of enforcement responsibility
for the Mobilehome Parks Act pursuant to Section 18300 of the Health and Safety Code. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.110.030 Permit Application - Contents
Any person desiring to erect, construct, reconstruct, move, enlarge, convert, alter, repair or demolish
any apartment, house, manufactured or mobilehome on a foundation, hotel, dwelling or other building shall
file with the building department an application on a form provided by the building department for a permit.
The application shall include the following:
A. The name of the property owner desiring to obtain a building permit;
B. The name of the contractor to perform work;
C. The residence and business mailing addresses of the owner and the contractor;
D. The legal description of the property on which the work is to be performed, the street address of the
property, including the name of the street and the street number, or the name of the road or highway
nearest the property;
E. The kind and character of the building or structure and the purposes for which it is to be used, or the
reason it is to be moved or demolished;
F. The number of stories;
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G. A complete description of the work for which a building permit is being obtained;
H. The number of square feet of floor space in the building or structure;
I. The estimated cost of the work; and
J. Plans, diagrams, computations, specifications, and other pertinent information the building official may
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.040 ApplicationReview in Flood Hazard Areas
A. The building official shall review all building permit applications for major repairs within the
floodplain area having special flood hazards to determine that the proposed repairs include the
1. Use of construction materials and utility equipment that are resistant to flood damage; and
2. Use of construction methods and practices that will minimize flood damage.
B. The building official shall review all building permit applications for new construction or substantial
improvements within the floodplain area having special flood hazards to assure that the proposed
construction, including prefabricated and mobilehomes, include the following:
1. Protection against flood damage;
2. Design, or modification, and anchoring to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the
3. Use of construction materials and utility equipment that are resistant to flood damage; and
4. Use of construction methods and practices that will minimize flood damage.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.050 Certificate Required
The application shall be accompanied by the certificate required by Section 3800 of the Labor Code of
the State of California. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.060 Fees Required
The application shall also be accompanied by such permit fees as may from time to time be fixed by the
board of supervisors. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.070 Frontage Improvements
A. For every building permit issued for work which will result in any one of the following improvements
the construction of frontage improvements is required prior to the final building inspection and issuance
of the Certificate of Occupancy:
1. Construction or conversion which will cause increased vehicular traffic entering or leaving a public
street or road as determined by the Public Works Director;
2. Construction of a driveway approach where no such approach existed previously;
3. Conversion of a residential building to commercial, industrial, or agricultural use as defined in the
building codes;
4. Conversion of an agricultural building to residential, commercial or industrial use as defined in the
building codes;
5. An increase in the gross conditioned floor area of any building of more than twenty-five percent
(25%) of the previous conditioned floor area as determined by the Building Inspector;
B. Frontage improvements will be determined by the Public Works Director for each building permit
issued and may include, but are not limited to, the construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalk, pedestrian or
bicycle ways, matching pavement, parkway strips, street lighting, drainage, driveway approaches, and
gravel or paved shoulders.
C. The character and extent of frontage improvements required by County Ordinance or conditions of an
entitlement as a condition of any building permit will be determined by the proposed use of the building
to be constructed, expanded, converted or improved, and the classification of the road or street as,
stated in Title 15 of the Glenn County Code, on which the proposed construction, expansion,
conversion or improvement is located;
D. For parcels of five acres or more in size, where only a portion of the property is being developed, an
exception to the frontage improvement requirement may be granted by the Director of Public Works for
the undeveloped portion of the property with the following provisions:
1. The applicant must request the specific exception in writing and explain the reasons for the request;
E. The Public Works Director may issue an exception in writing provided that adequate bonding and a
processing fee equal to 10% of the required improvement cost is received; and that the work required
will be completed within 180 days from the date of granting the exception;
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F. Where exceptional difficulties exist, as determined by the Public Works Director, the frontage
improvement requirement may be deferred for a specified length of time by the Public Works Director
with the following provisions:
1. The applicant must request the specific frontage improvement deferred agreement in writing and
explain the reasons for the request;
G. The Public Works Director may issue a frontage improvement deferred agreement in writing provided
that adequate bonding and a processing fee equal to 10% of the required improvement cost is received;
and that the work required will be completed within 180 days from the date of granting the frontage
improvement deferred agreement;
H. Frontage improvements are not required for replacement of a building by a building of like use and
I. Frontage improvements shall be constructed in accordance with Standard Drawings prepared by the
Director of Public Works and adopted from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors as
part of Title 15 of the Glenn County Code;
J. Appeals: In the event that an applicant is dissatisfied with the frontage improvements required, the
applicant may appeal the decision of the Public Works Director in writing to the Planning Commission
by filing an appeal with the planning authority and paying the required fee adopted by the Board of
K. Action by Planning Commission: The Planning Commission shall follow the appeal procedure outlined
in Section 15.050.020 of the Glenn County Code.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.080 Inspection
Upon the filing of an application, submittal of plans, and permit issuance, as specified in this chapter,
the building official shall determine whether the proposed construction, erection, alteration, repair, removal
or conversion is in conformity and compliance with this title and any code incorporated by reference within
or enforced pursuant to the title. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.090 Expiration
Every permit issued under the provisions of any code adopted by this title expires by limitation and
becomes null and void if the work authorized by a permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date
of issuance, or if the work is abandoned or suspended at any time after work is commenced for a period of
180 days. Before such abandoned or suspended work can be recommenced, a new permit application and a
full permit fee must be paid for a new permit. The chief building official is authorized to grant, in writing,
one extension of time, for a period of no more than 180 days. The extension shall be requested in writing by
the permittee and justifiable cause demonstrated. (Ord. 1199 § 1, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.100 Revocation
If, after inspection, the building official determines that the work of construction is not being done in
compliance with all the terms and conditions of the permit as issued, and all applicable laws, rules and
regulations, the building official shall revoke the permit after giving the owner five days’ written notice of
intention to do so. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.110 Denial or RevocationRequest for hearing
Upon the denial of any application for a permit under this chapter or upon the revocation of any permit
under Section 15.110.100, the applicant or person whose permit has been revoked may, within 10 days after
the denial of such application or the revocation of such permit, request a hearing before the building official,
who shall hear all facts and testimony he deems pertinent relative to the denial of such application or the
revocation of such permit. The building official shall not be limited by the technical rules of evidence. The
hearing before the building official shall be held within 20 days of the filing of the request for hearing or at
such other time as may be stipulated by and between the building official, the building inspector and the
party requesting such hearing. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.120 Denial or RevocationAppeal
Any interested party may appeal the decision of the building official by filing a written notice of appeal
with the county clerk within five days after the decision. Such appeal shall be heard by the board, who may
affirm, amend or reverse the order or take such other action as may be deemed appropriate. Such appeal
shall be heard by the board within 20 days after the filing of the notice of appeal or at such later time as may
be stipulated to by the parties and the board. The clerk shall give written notice of the time and place of the
hearing to all parties not less than five days prior to the hearing. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.110.130 Transfer
Any unexpired permit issued under the provisions of any code adopted by this chapter may be
transferred by the original permittee to another person, firm, or corporation due to change in ownership or
contractor after payment of a transfer fee to the building inspection department. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.140 Temporary Living Quarters
When a building permit has been issued for construction of a new single-family dwelling the building
official may permit the use of a travel trailer, recreational vehicle, factory-built home, manufactured home,
or mobilehome (hereinafter mobilehome) for temporary living quarters during construction provided the
following standards are met:
A. The building official has determined that all applicable standards and regulations for mobilehome
installations as promulgated by the Department of Housing and Community Development of the State
of California have been complied with;
B. Prior to and during such use an adequate supply of drinking water, approved by the health department,
shall be available for the occupants and for fire protection on the premises or immediately adjacent
C. Prior to and during such use the immediate area around and under the mobilehome shall be kept clean,
well-drained and free of construction debris, litter and flammable materials;
D. Prior to and during such use the exterior and exposed parts of the mobilehome shall be kept painted and
in good repair;
E. Prior to such use all the supply connections for plumbing, gas, electricity, sewage, and structural
installations related thereto shall be installed to the satisfaction of the building official and the health
department and shall be in conformance with applicable provisions of the Mobile Homes Parks Act;
F. The undercarriage and wheels shall not be removed from the mobilehome. The mobilehome shall be
disconnected from all utilities and services and removed from the site, or stored onsite when such
storage is permitted by the zoning regulations applicable to the site, prior to issuance of the certificate
of occupancy for the dwelling being constructed.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.150 Prohibitions
It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, alter, repair, move, remove,
improve, convert, or demolish, equip, use, occupy, or maintain any building or structure; or to make any
installation, alteration, or repair, or to cause, permit, or suffer the same to be done, of any electrical wiring
or devices, appliances, or equipment; or to install, alter, or repair any plumbing or drainage systems or
facilities; or to alter, reconstruct or repair any heating, ventilating, comfort cooling or refrigeration systems
or equipment; or to store, handle or use hazardous substances, materials and devices, or to maintain fire and
explosion hazards or conditions hazardous to life or property in the use or occupancy of buildings or
premises in the unincorporated areas of the county, or to cause the same to be done contrary to or in
violation of any of the provisions of this title, or any code incorporated by reference within or enforced
pursuant to the title. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.160 Building Valuation
For the purpose of determining permit fees under the codes adopted wherein the same relate to building
valuations, the chief building official shall establish a cost per square foot on buildings using the “Building
Valuation Data” section in the March/April 2002 issue of the “Building Standards” journal, as prepared and
published by the International Conference of Building Officials. The fees shall be increased annually in
January according to the rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) as
published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and rounded up to the nearest dollar,
to meet the inflationary cost associated with labor and materials, and to substantially achieve total cost
recovery of the services provided. (Ord. 1199 § 2, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.170 Factory-built Housing and Mobile Homes
For the purpose of determining permit fees for installation of factory-built or manufactured homes or
mobilehomes on a foundation, the applicant shall furnish to the building official a copy of the
“Manufactured Home Purchase Order and Federal Disclosure Statement” for the unit, or if purchased from a
private party, a written bill of sale for the unit. One-half (1/2) of the total sale price amount (including
accessory costs) plus the full cost of the foundation will be used in computing the total valuation. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.110.180 Factory-Built Housing and Mobilehomes
The fees published in Title 25, Mobilehome Parks Act, California Code of Regulations, shall apply
when determining permit fees for installation of factory-built or manufactured homes or mobilehomes
without foundation. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.110.190 Accessory Buildings
If a property owner constructs any buildings or other structures that are accessory to a factory-built or
manufactured home or a mobilehome, the property owner shall secure a permit from the building
department. The fee for the permit shall be as specified in the appropriate code adopted in Chapter 15.110.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.120
15.120.010 Encroachment Permit Required
15.120.020 Permit Conditions and Cost of Supervision
15.120.030 Security to Guarantee Performance
15.120.040 Blanket Permits
15.120.010 Encroachment Permit Required
It is unlawful to do any of the following acts in any county road right-of-way without first obtaining an
encroachment permit from the road commissioner:
A. Mane an opening or excavation for any purpose in any county roadway.
B. Place, change or renew any encroachment in any county roadway.
C. Place or display in, under or over any county roadway any kind of advertising sign or device.
D. Plant, remove, cut, cut down, injure or destroy any tree, shrub, plant or flower growing within any
county roadway.
Any person who does any of the acts specified in this section without the authority of a permit is guilty
of a misdemeanor and is liable to the county for all expenses and damages caused thereby.
(Ord. 1212 § 2, 2009; 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.120.020 Permit Conditions and Cost of Supervision
The road commissioner may establish any permit conditions deemed necessary for the protection of the
highway and may supervise any work done under the provisions of such permit. The permittee shall pay the
reasonable cost of such supervision to the road commissioner. Such supervision costs shall be determined
by the Board of Supervisors. No costs for supervision shall be charged to any public corporation except as
provided by Government Code Section 6103.6. (Ord. 1212 § 2, 2009)
15.120.030 Security to Guarantee Performance
The road commissioner may require the applicant to provide a bond or adequate surety in such amount
as the road commissioner deems sufficient to guarantee its proper compliance with the conditions of the
permit, but no bond nor adequate surety shall be required of a public agency or public utility unless that
public agency or public utility has failed to comply with provisions of a previous permit. (Ord. 1212 § 2,
15.120.040 Blanket Permits
Any public agency or public utility having lawful authority to occupy a county roadway is entitled to a
blanket permit, issued annually, for the installation of its service connections and for maintenance of its
facilities in the county highway. Such blanket permit may be revoked if the permittee fails to comply with
permit provisions. Any such revoked permit may be re-issued only upon the condition that the agency or
utility provide a bond in such amount as the road commissioner deems appropriate to guarantee proper
compliance with the permit. (Ord. 1212 § 2, 2009)
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Chapter 15.130
15.130.010 Site Plan Review Permit
15.130.020 Applicability
15.130.030 Application
15.130.040 Public Hearing and Notice
15.130.050 Findings Required for Approval
15.130.060 Permit Issuance and Appeal Period
15.130.010 Site Plan Review Permit
Site plan review permits, revocable, and conditional may be issued for any of the uses or purposes for
which said permits are required or permitted by the terms of this Title. The director may impose such
conditions as he/she deems necessary to secure the purposes of this Title, Code, or other County standards,
and may require tangible guarantees or evidence that such conditions are being, or will be, complied with.
Site plan review shall include, but not be limited to, a review of the following: Traffic and circulation,
building arrangement, setbacks, walls and fences, noise emissions and control measures, off-street parking,
grading, drainage, landscaping, lighting, signs, public services and utilities, development and performance
standards and the interrelationships of these elements. The site plan review permit is a ministerial permit.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.130.020 Applicability
A. A site plan review permit shall be required as follows:
1. Any use, structure or sign requiring a site plan review as specifically provided in the applicable
zoning district regulations of this Title.
2. Any use requiring a site plan review as specifically required by the director, Planning Commission
or Board of Supervisors as a condition of approval of any permit.
B. The director shall waive the submission of or the requirement for a site plan review permit if the
Director finds that:
1. All the purposes of development review have been fulfilled by the approval of any other permit
required by this Title; or
2. The project involves only interior alterations not materially changing the character of the use of the
property; or
3. The project involves only minor exterior alterations not materially changing the character of the
use of the property; or
4. The use is proposed in an existing building and is listed as a permitted use in the zoning district in
which it is located; or
5. The use is a single family residence as the principle or primary use as listed as a permitted use in
the zoning district in which it is located.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.130.030 Application
The site plan review permit application shall be accompanied by any applicable fee in an amount to be
set by the Board of Supervisors, and plans showing the details of the proposed use to be made of the land or
building, and any other pertinent information required by the planning authority staff as provided in Chapter
15.130. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.130.040 Public hearing and notice
A. No public hearing is required. However, public comment may be accepted and reviewed by the
B. The Approving Authority for site plan review permits is the director.
C. The director may cause notice to be given on any application as provided in Section 65091 of the
Government Code.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.130.050 Findings Required for Approval
The Approving Authority shall only approve or conditionally approve a site plan review permit if all of
the following findings are made:
A. That the proposed use is an allowed use in the district where located.
B. That the site for the project is adequate in size, shape, location, and physical characteristics to
accommodate the type of use and level of development proposed.
C. That there are adequate public or private services, including but not limited to fire protection, water
supply, and sewage disposal. (as well as storm drainage)
D. That the project is in conformance with the applicable provisions and policies of this Title, the Glenn
County General Plan and any approved zoning or land use study or plan.
E. That the streets, highways and pedestrian facilities are reasonably adequate to safely accommodate the
specific proposed use.
F. That no violation of the Glenn County Code currently exists on the property, unless the purpose of the
permit is to correct the violation, or the permit relates to a portion of the property which is sufficiently
separate and apart from the portion of the property in violation so as not to be affected by the violation
from a public health, safety or general welfare basis.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.130.060 Permit Issuance and Appeal Period:
A. Upon completion of review of a site plan review permit the Director shall either:
1. Make such findings as are required by Section 15.130.050 and approve the application; or
2. Notify the applicant of those changes and modifications required for approval of the application; or
3. Deny the application if the Director finds that:
a. The application cannot be conditioned by adequate requirements to insure compliance with
applicable regulations, or
b. The application cannot reasonably be modified to conform to the applicable regulations.
B. Site plan review permits shall be effective upon issuance, unless within ten (10) calendar days of a
decision by the Director, the decision is appealed as provided for in Section 15.050.010. In case an
appeal is filed, the site plan review permit shall not have any force or effect until a decision is made by
the Approving Authority on such appeal.
C. Site plan review permits shall not have any force or effect until the permittee acknowledges receipt
thereof and has agreed in writing to each and every term and condition thereof.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.140
15.140.010 Requirements
15.140.020 Approval of Lot Line Adjustments
15.140.030 Application Requirements
15.140.040 Documents to be Recorded
15.140.010 Requirements
A parcel map shall be prepared and submitted for processing, approval and recording for all lot line
adjustments not meeting the requirements of Section 66412(d) of the Government Code. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.140.020 Approval of Lot Line Adjustments
A. For lot line adjustments described in Section 66412(d) of the Government Code, the director shall
review the application for conformity with local zoning and building ordinances.
B. The director shall not approve any lot line adjustment unless all of the following findings are made:
1. That the lot line adjustment will not result in the abandonment of any street or utility easement of
record, provided, however, that if the lot line adjustment results in the transfer of property from one
owner to another owner, the deed to the subsequent owner shall expressly reserve any street or
utility easement of record;
2. That the lot line adjustment will not result in the elimination or reduction in size of the access to
any resulting parcel, or that the application is accompanied by new easements to provide access
which meet all the requirements of this title regarding access to parcels in the location and of the
size as those proposed to be created; and
3. That the lot line adjustment conforms to all local zoning and building ordinances.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.140.030 Application Requirements
For lot line adjustments described in Section 66412(d) of the Government Code, the following items
shall be submitted by the applicant for approval by the director:
A. Completed application form with the required attachments and the appropriate application fees as
adopted by the board of supervisors;
B. Tentative lot line adjustment map showing existing and proposed lot or parcel lines and the dimensions
and locations of any existing buildings, wells and on-site sewage systems and their distances from the
proposed property lines. The map shall be of the size and form necessary to clearly show the existing
and proposed lot or parcel lines to the director. The map shall show the proposed parcel sizes after
C. Copies of the deeds for the existing parcels or lots; and
D. Preliminary title report, issued within the last ninety days.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.140.040 Documents to be Recorded
A. After approval by the director, the lot line adjustment shall not become valid until a deed with a
description prepared by a licensed land surveyor or a registered civil engineer (licensed to practice land
surveying) describing the land to be transferred or the entire parcel after the lot line adjustment is
recorded. The description shall contain a basis of bearings, if applicable, and a note describing the
purpose of the deed. The note shall include a statement describing how the parcels are being changed,
adjusted or modified and that no additional parcels are being created by this deed. The description shall
be approved by the county surveyor prior to recording.
B. When required by Section 8762 of the Land Surveyor’s Act, a Record of Survey Map shall be prepared
and recorded.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.150
15.150.010 Requirements
15.150.010 Requirements
A. A certificate of compliance may be requested and issued only as provided in Section 66499.35 of the
Subdivision Map Act and as provided in this title.
B. The determination necessary for the issuance of a certificate of compliance shall be made by the
director. The application for a certificate of compliance shall be accompanied by a fee established by
the board of supervisors. In addition, the applicant shall pay the cost of recording the certificate.
C. A recorded final map or parcel map shall constitute a certificate of compliance with respect to the
parcels of real property described therein.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.160
15.160.010 Reversion to Acreage
15.160.010 Reversion to Acreage
A reversion to acreage of land previously subdivided and consisting of four or less contiguous parcels
under the same ownership may be accomplished by the filing of a parcel map by the owners thereof and the
approval of the parcel map by the planning commission pursuant to Section 66499.20-1/4 of the
Government Code. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.170
15.170.010 Merger of Parcels
15.170.010 Merger of Parcels
A. Two or more contiguous parcels or units of land may be merged by the planning commission when the
standards and requirements of Section 66451.11 of the Government Code are met. The procedure for
such mergers shall be that procedure set forth in Sections 66451.12 through 66451.21, inclusive, of the
Government Code.
B. Pursuant to Section 66499.20-3/4 of the Government Code, two or more contiguous parcels under
common ownership may be merged by the owner thereof without reverting to acreage. Such merger
shall be accomplished by the recordation of an instrument evidencing the merger.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
Chapter 15.175
15.175.010 Purpose
15.175.020 Standards
15.175.010 Purpose
This section establishes the procedures for the permitting of second dwellings in Glenn County. (Ord.
1263 § 2, 2017)
15.175.020 Standards
A. A proposed second dwelling shall be permitted only after an application has been filed with the
planning authority.
B. All proposed second dwellings shall meet the standards in Chapter 15.590.
C. After a determination by the Planning Director that the proposed second dwelling meets all applicable
standards, the application shall be approved.
(Ord. 1263 § 2, 2017)
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Chapter 15.180
15.180.010 Administrative Permit
15.180.020 Review by Director
15.180.010 Administrative Permit
The director may grant an administrative permit for the uses listed in Division 3: Development
Districts. All administrative permits are to be processed as set forth in Sections 15.180.020. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.180.020 Review by Director
The director shall review the application, but in no case shall the review period exceed thirty (30)
calendar days from the date of submittal. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.190
15.190.010 Minor Amendment
15.190.010 Minor Amendment.
The director or his or her designated representative may grant an amendment to a previously approved
conditional use permit one time provided that:
A. The amendment will not result in an increase of more than ten percent (10%) of the existing facility or
use covered by the use permit; and
B. Any extension of time will not exceed two years unless provided for otherwise in the original use
permit; and
C. Applicant/operator has complied with all the conditions of approval of the approved conditional use
permit; and
D. No significant public controversy was generated during the initial hearing; and
E. Applicant/operator has submitted an application for amendment with an application fee set by
resolution adopted by the board of supervisors.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.200
15.200.010 Authority
15.200.010 Authority
A. All parcel maps are to be processed as set forth in this chapter. The director may approve a parcel map
after notice and hearing as provided in Chapter 15.040 and after making findings as required in section
B. After the conditional approval of the tentative parcel map and prior to the expiration of the map, the
applicant may cause the real property to be surveyed and a parcel map prepared in accordance with the
conditionally approved parcel tentative map. The parcel map shall conform to the conditionally
approved tentative map and shall contain all required certificates which have been signed and, where
necessary, acknowledged before it may be accepted for filing. Three copies of the map and three sets of
the improvement plans, in a form and containing such information as required by the public works
director and the Subdivision Map Act, shall be tendered along with a deposit to cover the estimated cost
of checking the improvement plans and a map checking fee.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.210
15.210.010 Authority
15.210.010 Authority
After the conditional approval of the tentative map and prior to the expiration of the map, the applicant
may cause the real property to be surveyed and a final map prepared in accordance with the conditionally
approved tentative map. The final map shall conform to the conditionally approved tentative map and shall
contain all required certificates which have been signed and, where necessary, acknowledged before it may
be accepted for filing. Three copies of the map and three sets of the improvements plans, in a form and
containing such information as required by the public works director and the Subdivision Map Act, shall be
tendered to the public works director along with a deposit to cover the estimated cost of checking the
improvement plans and final map. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.220
15.220.010 Conditional Use Permit
15.220.020 Findings
15.220.030 Major Amendment to Conditional Use Permit
15.220.010 Conditional Use Permit
All conditional use permits are to be processed as set forth in this chapter. The planning commission
may grant a conditional use permit for the uses listed in Division3: Development Districts after notice and
hearing as provided in Chapter 15.040 and after making findings as required in section 15.220.020. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
15.220.020 Findings
The approving authority, prior to recommending approval of a development permit shall find as
A. That the proposed use at the particular location is necessary or desirable in providing a service or
facility which will contribute to the general well-being of the public;
B. That such use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health,
safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the vicinity, or injurious to property or
improvements in the vicinity;
C. That the site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate said use and to
accommodate all of the yards, setbacks, walls or fences, and other features required herein or by the
planning commission;
D. Except in the case of the expansion of a nonconforming use, that the granting of the permit will not
adversely affect the general plan or any area plan of the county.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.220.030 Major Amendment to Conditional Use Permit
A duly approved conditional use permit may be amended or extended provided the change does not
qualify for a minor amendment as defined in section 15.190. All major amendments are to be processed as
set forth in Section 15.220.010. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.230
15.230.010 Findings
15.230.010 Findings
No tentative map, for either a final map or a parcel map, shall be approved unless the following
findings are made:
A. That the proposed map or the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the
applicable general and specific plans and this title;
B. That the site is physically suitable for the type of development, or for the density of development
C. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements will not cause substantial
environmental damage or substantially injure fish or wildlife or their habitat, and, if applicable, that
such subdivision and improvements provide reasonable public access to public resources as required by
Article 3.5 of the Subdivision Map Act;
D. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not cause substantial public health
E. That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements is not in conflict with easements
acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision;
F. That the discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into a sewer system would not result in the
violation of existing requirements prescribed by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board;
G. That the property is not, or will not become, unhealthful or unfit for human habitation or occupancy if
developed as proposed;
H. That the property is not hazardous for development or habitation because of flooding or inundation,
adverse soil or geologic conditions, close proximity to an airport, excessive steepness, difficult access,
wildfire hazard or other conditions adverse to the public health, safety or general welfare.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.240
15.240.010 Purpose and Intent
15.240.020 Vesting on Approval of Vesting Tentative Map
15.240.030 Development Inconsistent with Zoning Conditional Approval
15.240.040 Applications Inconsistent with Current Policies
15.240.010 Purpose and Intent
It is the purpose of this ordinance to establish procedures necessary for the implementation of the
vesting tentative map statute, and to supplement the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and the Land
Division Ordinance. Except as otherwise set forth in the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of the land
division ordinance shall apply to the Vesting Tentative Map Ordinance.
To accomplish this purpose, the regulations outlined in this ordinance are determined to be necessary for the
preservation of the public health, safety, and general welfare, and for the promotion of orderly growth and
development. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.240.020 Vesting on Approval of Vesting Tentative Map
A. The approval or conditional approval of a vesting tentative map shall confer a vested right to proceed
with the development described in the application in substantial compliance with the ordinances,
policies, and standards described in Government Code Section 66474.2.
However, if Section 66474.2 of the Government Code is repealed, the approval or conditional approval
of a vesting tentative map shall confer a vested right to proceed with the development described in the
application in substantial compliance with the ordinances, policies, and standards in effect at the time
the vesting tentative map is approved or conditionally approved.
B. Notwithstanding subsection (A), a permit approval extension or entitlement may be made conditional or
denied if any of the following are determined:
1. A failure to do so would place the residents of the subdivision or the immediate community, or
both, in a condition dangerous to their health or safety, or both;
2. The condition or denial is required in order to comply with state or federal Law.
C. The rights referred to in this section shall expire if a final map is not approved prior to the expiration of
the vesting tentative map as provided in this chapter. If the final map is approved and recorded, these
rights shall last for the following periods of time:
1. An initial time period of two years except where several final maps are recorded on various phases
of a project covered by a single vesting tentative map; this initial time period shall be one year and
a new one year period shall begin for each phase when the final map for that phase is recorded;
2. The initial time set forth above shall be automatically extended by any time period used for
processing a complete application for a grading permit or for design or architectural review, if such
processing exceeds thirty days, from the date a complete application is filed;
3. A applicant may apply to the planning commission for a one year extension any time before the
initial time period set forth expires. If the extension is denied, the applicant may appeal that denial
to the board of supervisors within ten days as allowed by Title 15;
4. If the applicant has obtained a building permit and substantial work has been done thereafter in
reliance on those permits during the periods of time specified in subdivisions (1) through (3), the
rights referred to herein shall continue until the expiration of that permit or any extension of that
D. Fees charged for building permits or land use permits filed subsequent to the approval of a vesting
tentative map shall be as required at the time the subsequent permit applications are filed. Application
contents shall be as required by ordinance requirements in effect at the time the subsequent application
is filed.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.240.030 Development Inconsistent With ZoningConditional Approval
A. Whenever a applicant files a vesting tentative map for a subdivision whose intended development is
inconsistent with the zoning ordinance in existence at the time, the inconsistency shall be noted on the
map by the applicant. The county may deny such a vesting tentative map or approve it conditioned on
the applicant, or his or her designee, obtaining the necessary change in the zoning ordinance to
eliminate the inconsistency. If the change in the zoning ordinance or a variance from the zoning
ordinance is obtained, the approved or conditionally approved vesting tentative map shall,
notwithstanding Section 15.240.020, confer the vested right to proceed with the development in
substantial compliance with the change in the zoning ordinance and the map, as approved.
B. The rights conferred by this section shall be for the time period set forth in Section 15.240.020.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.240.040 Applications Inconsistent with Current Policies
Notwithstanding any provision of this ordinance, a property owner or his or her designee may seek
approvals of permits for development which depart from the ordinances, policies and standards described in
Section 15.240.020 and 15.240.030, and local agencies may grant these approvals or issue these permits to
the extent that the departures are authorized under applicable law. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.250
15.250.010 Sites Allocated for Public Purposes
15.250.020 Compliance with Conditions
15.250.030 Failure to Record Approved Maps
15.250.040 Extension of Time
15.250.010 Sites Allocated for Public Purposes
The Planning Commission may require for subdivisions requiring a Final Map that sites necessary for
public purposes be provided or reserved, or that fees for such purposes be paid as follows:
A. Public schools, elementary and secondary, as provided by State Law;
B. Water, sewer, solid waste disposal, drainage and flood control facility sites and easements as required
to properly serve individual subdivisions, and to conform to area plan;
C. Public sites for fire stations, libraries and other public uses and services as may be negotiated by public
agencies and the applicant.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.250.020 Compliance with Conditions
Following approval of a tentative map, the applicant shall proceed to fulfill all conditions of such
approval, and shall cause to be prepared and submitted to the Public Works Director and the Department of
Public Health the plans, specifications and other information related subdivision improvements in
accordance with the land divisions standards provided for in this Title. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.250.030 Failure to Record Approved Maps
All approved or conditionally approved tentative maps shall expire 24 months after such approval or
conditional approval. If the applicant fails to submit for processing and recording an approved parcel map or
final map before the expiration of the tentative map, the tentative map shall be null and void. If a parcel map
or final map is not filed for recording prior to the expiration of the tentative map, a new tentative map shall
be required to be submitted, processed and approved. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.250.040 Extension of Time
Upon written application received by the Director within 24 months after the conditional approval of
the tentative map, the Director may extend the time in which the map expires for an additional period not to
exceed three years. If the Director denies approval of an extension, the applicant may appeal such denial in
writing to the Planning Commission as provided in Chapter 15.050. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.260
15.260.010 Requirements
15.260.020 Findings by the Planning Commission
15.260.010 Requirements
A division into parcels, each of one hundred sixty acres (or one-quarter section) or more and each with
approved access, shall not require any processing by the county, other than approval of a tentative parcel
map. The planning commission shall approve the means of providing access and shall assure that violation
of zoning, health or other laws, regulations or standards shall not result from any such divisions. No parcel
map shall be required. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.260.020 Findings by the Planning Commission
In approving the tentative map for a minor division and waiving the requirement for a parcel map, the
planning commission shall find that the proposed division of land complies with requirements of area,
improvement and design, flood water drainage control, appropriate improved public roads, sanitary disposal
facilities, water supply availability, environmental protection and other requirements of the Subdivision
Map Act and this title. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.270
15.270.010 Variances
15.270.020 Findings
15.270.010 Variances
Variances may be granted in order to prevent unnecessary hardships that would result from a strict or
literal interpretation and enforcement of certain regulations prescribed by this title. A practical difficulty or
unnecessary hardship may result from the size, shape or dimensions of a site or the location of existing
structures thereon, from geographic, topographic or other physical conditions on the site or in the immediate
vicinity. A variance shall not be granted to permit a use not permitted in the zone by this title. All variances
are to be processed as set forth in chapter 15.040. and may be granted by the planning commission after
making findings as required in section 15.270.020. . (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.270.020 Findings
Approval or conditional approval of a variance shall be granted only when the planning commission
makes the following findings:
A. Due to special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or
surroundings, the strict application of this title deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other
property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification;
B. The adjustment authorized by the variance shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent
with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which such property is situated.
The planning commission shall impose such conditions as will assure continued compliance with this
C. The variance does not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the
zone regulation governing the parcel of real property.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.280
15.280.010 Deviations Application
15.280.020 Findings Action by the Planning Commission
15.280.010 Deviations Application
Application for any waiver shall be made by a verified petition of the applicant filed with the director,
stating fully the grounds of the application and facts relied upon by the petitioner. Such petition shall be
filed with the tentative map. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.280.020 Findings Action by the Planning Commission
Upon receipt of the director’s recommendation, the planning commission shall approve the waiver
request if and only if the following findings are made and supported by substantial evidence in the record:
A. That there are special circumstances or conditions of size and shape affecting the property;
B. That the granting of the waiver will not adversely affect the adopted general plan or specific plan;
C. That the granting of the waiver will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other
property in the territory in which the property is situated;
D. In the case of improvements, that the proposed improvements cannot or will not function properly due
to the lack of complementary facilities but that the subdivision is nonetheless an effective workable
design, as modified; and
E. In the case of improvements, that the topographic conditions would obstruct the functioning or
installation of such improvements but that the subdivision is nonetheless an effective workable design,
as modified.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.290
15.290.010 Title Amendment
15.290.020 Zoning Map Amendment
15.290.010 Title Amendment
A. Any provisions of this title other than the zoning maps may be amended whenever the board of
supervisors deems that the amendment will be in the best interest of the public. Such amendments may
be initiated by:
1. The board of supervisors upon its own motion; or
2. The planning commission and/or the director.
B. Such amendments are to be processed as set forth in Sections 15.040.010 through 15.040.040.
C. Within forty calendar days of initiation of the procedure to amend this title, the planning commission
shall conduct a public meeting to review and to consider the amendments. At the conclusion of the
review, the planning commission shall adopt recommendations on the proposed amendment by
resolution and together with its recommendations, report findings a summary of hearings to the board
of supervisors.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.290.020 Zoning Map Amendment
A. Boundaries of any zoning maps established by this title may be amended whenever public necessity,
convenience and general welfare require. Such amendments may be initiated by:
1. A verified application of one or more owners of property affected by the proposed amendment;
2. Resolution of intention by the board of supervisors;
3. Resolution of intention by the planning commission.
B. Such amendments are to be processed as set forth in Sections 15.040.010 through 15.040.040.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.300
15.300.010 Establishment of Zones
15.300.020 Zone Maps
15.300.010 Establishment of Zones
In order to classify, regulate, restrict and separate the use of land, buildings and structures and to
regulate and to limit the type, height and bulk of buildings and structures in the various zones and to
regulate the areas of yards and other open areas abutting and between buildings and structures and to
regulate the density of population, the unincorporated areas of the county are divided into the following
TPZ Timberland Preserve Zone
RZ Recreation Zone
FA Foothill Agricultural/Forestry Zone
AP Agricultural Preserve Zone
FS Farmland Security Zone
AE Exclusive Agricultural Zone
RE-NW Rural Residential Estate Zone - North Willows
RE Rural Residential Estate Zone
R-1 Single-family Residential Zone
R-M Multiple Residential Zone
LC Local Commercial Zone
C Commercial Zone
CC Community Commercial Zone
SC Service Commercial Zone
HVC Highway Visitor Commercial Zone
M Industrial Zone
MP Industrial Park Zone
PDR Planned Development Residential Zone
PDC Planned Development Commercial Zone
FP Floodplain Zone
AV Airport Zone
AVH Airport Hazard Zone
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.300.020 Zone Maps
A. A series of maps, known as “zone maps,” shall be utilized to show the designations and boundaries of
each zone district in the unincorporated portion of the county, and shall show base date as the director
deems useful or the board of supervisors directs. The maps shall be maintained by the planning
B. A series of maps, known as “special zone maps,” may be utilized to show certain districts or areas in
more detail or in a difference arrangement than shown on the zone maps. The maps shall be maintained
by the planning authority.
C. The director shall revise these maps to show amendments to the zoning plan, including changes in
designations, rezoning of property and clarification of district boundaries made pursuant to section
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.310
15.310.010 Purpose
15.310.020 Permitted Uses
15.310.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.310.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.310.050 Site Area
15.310.060 Maximum Building Height
15.310.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15,319,979 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.310.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is intended to be applied in the mountainous and hilly areas of the county in
which recreation may become the desirable predominant use, in which light agriculture and forestry will be
the secondary uses, and in which protection of the watershed lands and sources of water supply from fire,
pollution, erosion and other detrimental effects is essential to the general welfare. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.310.020 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the RZ zone:
A. One single-family dwelling or mobilehome for each one hundred sixty acres, private farm buildings and
accessory buildings and uses (refer to mobilehome standards);
B. Home occupations if a permit is secured pursuant to Chapter 15.780;
C. Crop and tree farming, grazing, animal husbandry, dairies, nurseries and greenhouses for the
propagation of plants;
D. Riding clubs, golf courses and country clubs;
E. Parks and recreation facilities for day use only (excluding recreational vehicle and trailer parks and
amusement parks);
F. Food and beverage service and concession facilities (excluding restaurants);
G. Recreation offices, headquarters, maintenance facilities and workshops;
H. Stands for the purpose of displaying and selling agricultural, floricultural or farming products which are
grown or produced on the premises; provided, that there shall be no more than one stand per lot or
parcel of land. The ground coverage of the stand shall not exceed three hundred square feet, and it shall
be set back from the street or highway right-of-way a distance of at least twenty feet. Such stand must
be of good frame construction.
I. One second dwelling subject to Chapter 15.175.
(Ord. 1263 § 4, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.310.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if a conditional use permit has first been
A. Amusement parks;
B. Campgrounds and recreational vehicle parks;
C. Boat sales;
D. Restaurants;
E. Planned mobilehome parks;
F. Motels;
G. Sporting good stores, and other similar retail and service establishments necessary to serve the public in
recreation areas;
H. Sawmills;
I. Commercial cattle and hog feed lots, fruit and vegetable packing and processing plants, wineries,
veterinary hospitals and kennels, airports, extraction of natural materials, cemeteries;
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J. Public utility buildings and public service or utility uses (transmission and distribution lines excepted),
including but not limited to, reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, telephone exchanges, power
stations, transformer stations, service yards and parking lots;
K. Commercial storage (storage for resale) of inflammable fluid or gas fuels in a quantity greater than five
hundred gallons in any container less than two and one-half feet below the surface of the ground.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.310.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if an administrative permit has first been
A. Natural gas wells.
(Ord. 1263 § 5, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.310.050 Site Area
The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land in this zone shall be one hundred forty-four (144) acres.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.310.060 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height in the RZ zone shall be:
A. Thirty-five feet for residential structures;
B. Fifty feet for commercial and agricultural buildings or structures;
C. Exceptions: Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns, pole buildings, electronic towers, antennas and similar
structures or necessary mechanical appurtenances may exceed fifty feet in height.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.310.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
A. The distance between any accessory building and a dwelling unit shall conform to Uniform Building
and Fire Codes.
B. All stables, barns, sheds, shelters, paddocks, riding stables, and exercise yards for animals shall be
located not less than one hundred feet from all property and street right-of-way lines.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.310.080 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. The minimum front yard shall be thirty feet. Measurement shall start at the edge of the
existing county right-of-way as shown on the adopted Glenn County Circulation Plan.
B. Side Yards. The minimum side yards shall be twenty-five feet.
C. Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.320
15.320.010 Purpose
15.320.020 Permitted Uses
15.320.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.320.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.320.050 Site Area
15.320.060 Maximum Building Height
15.320.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15.320.080 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.320.090 Site Plan Review
15.320.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is established for the following purposes:
A. To provide areas for extensive agricultural activities;
B. To protect the timber and forest lands economically suitable for logging.
((Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008)
15.320.020 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the FA zone:
A. One single-family dwelling or mobilehome for each one hundred sixty acres, private farm buildings,
accessory buildings, and uses. (refer to mobilehome standards);
B. Home occupations if a permit is secured pursuant to Chapter 15.780;
C. Growing and harvesting forest products;
D. Logging and sawmill operations and accessory buildings and uses;
E. Growing and harvesting of any agricultural crop or product;
F. The use of implements of husbandry, including aircraft when used in the growing of crops or raising of
animals, except as may be regulated by other laws or regulations;
G. Game preserves and hunting clubs, private or public, but shall not include permanent facilities such as
hotels, motels, restaurants, club houses;
H. Agricultural service establishments primarily engaged in performing agricultural animal husbandry
services or horticultural services to farmers;
I. Temporary landing of aircraft engaged in agricultural uses;
J. Livestock farming, including the raising, feeding, maintaining and breeding of horses, cattle, sheep,
goats and similar livestock;
K. Accessory buildings or structures required for the storage of any crops, products, equipment or uses
lawfully permitted or produced on the premises;
L. The keeping of fowl and animals shall conform to all other provisions of law governing same. No pen,
coop, stable, barn or corral used for fowl and animals shall be kept or maintained within fifty feet of
any dwelling or other building used for human habitation, or within one hundred feet of the front lot
line of the lot upon which it is located, or within twenty-five feet of the street side of a corner lot, or
within one hundred feet of any parcel of land used for a public park, school or similar institution;
M. Stands for the purpose of displaying and selling agricultural, floricultural or farming products which are
grown or produced on the premises, provided that there shall be not more than one stand per lot or
parcel of land. The ground coverage of the stand shall not exceed three hundred square feet and it shall
be set back from the street or highway right-of-way a distance of at least twenty feet. Such stand must
be of good frame construction;
N. Windmills, tank houses, buildings or shelters for farm equipment and machinery, water wells, water
reservoirs and storage tanks.
O. One second dwelling subject to Chapter 15.175.
(Ord. 1263 § 6, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.320.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted in the FA zone only if a conditional use permit has
first been secured:
A. Commercial storage and handling of agricultural chemicals;
B. Farm labor camps and structures for transient labor;
C. Commercial hog and pig farming;
D. Animal sales yards;
E. Commercial stables, riding academies;
F. Public and private nonprofit nursery schools, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and
G. Churches, public playgrounds and parks;
H. Sales and services to farmers or farm-related activities;
I. Government buildings and properties;
J. Kennels, animal hospitals and veterinarian’s offices;
K. Public utility buildings and public service or utility uses (transmission and distribution lines excepted),
including but not limited to reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, telephone exchanges, power
stations, transformer stations, service yards and parking lots;
L. Cemeteries, crematories and mausoleums;
M. Commercial storage (storage for resale) of inflammable fluid or gas fuels in a quantity greater than five
hundred gallons in any container less than two and one-half feet below the surface of the ground;
N. New confined animal facilities;
O. Confined animal facility expansion.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.320.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if an administrative permit has first been
A. Natural gas wells;
B. Agricultural Homestay Establishment.
(Ord. 1263 § 7, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.320.050 Site Area
The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land in the FA zone shall be one hundred forty-four (144)
acres. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.320.060 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height in the FA zone shall be:
A. Thirty-five feet for residential structures;
B. Fifty feet for agricultural buildings or structures;
C. Exceptions. Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns, pole buildings, electronic towers, antennas and similar
structures of necessary mechanical appurtenances may exceed fifty feet in height.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.320.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
A. The distance between any accessory building and a dwelling unit shall conform to Uniform Building
and Fire Codes.
B. All stables, barns, sheds, shelters, paddocks, riding stables and exercise yards for animals shall be
located not less than one hundred feet from all property and street right-of-way lines.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.320.080 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. The minimum front yard shall be thirty feet. The measurement shall start at the edge of
the existing county right-of-way as shown on the adopted Glenn County Circulation Plan.
B. Side Yards. The minimum side yards shall be twenty-five feet.
C. Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.320.090 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.330
15.330.010 Purpose
15.330.020 Sub-Zone and Lot Area
15.330.030 Permitted Uses
15.330.040 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.330.050 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.330.060 Maximum Building Height
15.330.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15.330.080 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.330.090 Site Plan Review
15.330.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is established for the following purposes:
A. To preserve the maximum amount of the limited supply of agricultural land which is necessary in the
conservation of the County’s economic resources and vital for a healthy agricultural economy of the
B. To eliminate the encroachment of land uses which are incompatible with the agricultural use of land;
C. To prevent the unnecessary conversion of agricultural land to urban uses;
D. To provide areas for both intensive and extensive agricultural activities.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.330.020 Sub-Zone and Lot Area
The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land for each of the “AE” combining zones shall be as
indicated below:
A. Combining Zone: AE-20
Minimum Parcel Size: 17 acres
Combining Zone: AE-40
Minimum Parcel Size: 36 acres
Combining Zone: AE-80
Minimum Parcel Size: 72 acres
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.330.030 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the “AE” zone provided that the performance
standards in Division 4, Part 1 are met:
A. One single-family dwelling or mobile home per each parcel of land;
B. In addition to the residence allowed under paragraph (A) above for each parcel of land, one additional
residence or mobile home for each forty (40) acres in “AE-20” and eighty (80) acres in “AE-40”;
C. Any use listed within this section which exceeds any development or performance standard required by
this zoning code shall require a conditional use permit;
D. Growing and harvesting of any agricultural crop or product;
E. The use of implements of husbandry including aircraft when used in the growing of crops or raising of
animals, except as may be regulated by other laws or regulations;
F. Game preserves and hunting clubs, private or public, but shall not include permanent facilities such s
hotels, motels, restaurants, club houses;
G. Agricultural service establishments primarily engaged in performing agricultural animal husbandry
services or horticultural services to farmers;
H. Temporary landing of aircraft engaged in agricultural uses;
I. Livestock farming, including the raising, feeding, maintaining and breeding of horses, cattle, sheep,
goats, and similar livestock;
J. Agricultural processing plants and facilities, such as hulling operations, greenhouses, wineries, silos,
dehydrators, canneries and similar agricultural uses not exceeding the standards in Division 5, Chapter
K. Accessory buildings such as garages, carports, lath houses, gardening sheds, recreation rooms and
similar structures which are customarily used in conjunction with and incidental to a principal use or
L. Home occupations if a permit is secured pursuant to Chapter 15.780;
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M. Storage of materials used for the construction of a building, including the contractor’s temporary office,
provided that such use is on the building site or immediately adjacent thereto and provided further that
such use shall be permitted only during the construction period and the 30 days thereafter;
N. Accessory buildings or structures required for the storage of any crops, products, equipment or uses
lawfully permitted or produced on the premises;
O. The keeping of fowl and animals shall conform to all other provisions of law governing same. No pen,
coop, stable, barn or corral used for fowl and animals shall be kept or maintained within fifty (50) feet
of any dwelling or other building used for human habitation, or within one hundred (100) feet of the
front lot line of the lot upon which it is located, or within twenty-five (25) feet of the street side of a
corner lot, or within one hundred (100) feet of any parcel of land used for a public park, school or
similar institution;
P. Stands for the purpose of displaying and selling agricultural, floricultural or farming products which are
grown or produced on the premises, provided that there shall be not more than one stand per lot or
parcel of land. The ground coverage of the stand shall not exceed 300 square feet and it shall be set
back from the street or highway right-of-way a distance of at least 20 feet. Such stand must be of good
frame construction;
Q. Windmills, tank houses, buildings or shelters for farm equipment and machinery, water wells, water
reservoirs and storage tanks;
R. Seasonal Farm worker Housing which meets the Seasonal Farm worker Housing Standards as set forth
in Chapter 15.800 and approved for such use pursuant to Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations.
Seasonal Farm worker Housing shall also conform to such public health, building, and fire safety
criteria as may be established by resolution or ordinance of the Board of Supervisors.
S. One second dwelling subject to Chapter 15.175.
(Ord. 1263 § 8, 2017; Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.330.040 Uses Permitted With A Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted in the “AE” zone only if a conditional use permit
has first been secured:
A. Licensed storage and handling of agricultural chemicals;
B. Fertilizer manufacturing or processing for resale;
C. Farm labor camps and structures for transient labor;
D. Hog and pig farming on parcels less than forty acres or on parcels contiguous to a Residential or
Commercial Zone;
E. Animal sales yards;
F. Stables, riding academies with (1) more than one boarding horse per acre or (2) more than forty
boarding horses dedicated for such use, regardless of the size of the parcel;
G. Aqua culture with an aggregate pond larger than one acre in size;
H. Agricultural processing plants and facilities, such as hulling operations, greenhouses, wineries, silos,
dehydrators, canneries and similar agricultural uses exceeding the standards in Division 5, Chapter 740;
I. Animal processing plants, rendering plants;
J. Public and private non-profit nursery schools, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and
K. Churches, public playgrounds and parks;
L. Sales and services to farmers or farm-related activities;
M. Power generation meeting Chapter 15.860;
N. Kennels, animal hospitals and veterinarian’s offices;
O. Public utility buildings and public service or utility uses (transmission and distribution lines excepted),
including but not limited to reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, telephone exchanges, power
stations, transformer stations, service yards and parking lots;
P. Storage (storage for resale) of inflammable fluid or gas fuels in a quantity greater than five hundred
gallons in any container less than two and one-half feet below the surface of the ground;
Q. Injection wells;
R. Public dumping and disposal areas;
S. Mining and related processing activities;
T. Hunting clubs and facilities including spaces for recreational vehicles, horse racing establishments, golf
courses, sporting clay courses, rodeos, spectator events and other similar uses;
U. Air strips and / or airports;
V. Home occupation not in residential dwelling for parcels smaller than 10 acres in size;
W. Cattle and hog feed yards and animal sales yards on parcels less than 80 acres and within ½ mile of any
residential or commercial zoning district;
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X. Confined animal facility;
Y. Agricultural products and equipment manufacturing establishments, such as farm equipment
manufacturing, irrigation equipment and products manufacturing, and similar manufacturing of
equipment or products used primarily by agriculture.
(Ord. 1256 § 2, 2016; Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.330.050 Uses Permitted With an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if an administrative permit has first been
A. Natural gas wells;
B. Home occupation not in residential dwelling for parcels of at least 10 acres or more in size;
C. Agricultural Homestay Establishment.
(Ord. 1263 § 9, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.330.060 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height in the “AE” zone shall be:
A. Thirty-five (35) feet for residential structures;
B. Fifty (50) feet for agricultural buildings or structures;
C. Exceptions. Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns, pole buildings, electronic towers, antennas and similar
structures or necessary mechanical appurtenances may exceed fifty (50) feet in height, provided they do
not exceed the airport height restrictions.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.330.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
A. The distance between any accessory building and a dwelling unit shall conform to Uniform Building
and Fire Codes.
B. All stables, barns, sheds, shelters, paddocks, riding stables and exercise yards for animals shall be
located not less than one hundred (100) feet from all property and street right-of-way side lines.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.330.080 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard: The minimum front yard shall be thirty (30) feet. The measurement shall start at the edge
of the existing “County Right-of-Way” as shown on the adopted Glenn County Circulation Plan, or the
existing right-or-way for the road along the front of or through the property.
B. Side Yards: The minimum side yards shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
C. Rear Yard: The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.330.090 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.340
15.340.010 Purpose
15.340.020 Permitted Uses
15.340.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.340.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.340.050 Lot Area
15.340.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.340.070 Maximum Building Height
15.340.080 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15.340.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is established for the following purposes:
A. To use as a buffer zone between agricultural land and urbanized development;
B. To provide areas where soils are suitable for limited agricultural and livestock activity;
C. To allow low-density residential development.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.340.020 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the “AT” zone:
A. One single-family dwelling or mobilehome per parcel of land (refer to mobilehome standards);
B. Growing and harvesting of any agricultural crop or product;
C. Growing and harvesting of field-crops, grain and hay crops, and the growing of grass for pasture and
D. Fish farming operations for the raising and harvesting of fish as a crop, but not including fishing clubs
or fishing for the general public on a commercial basis;
E. Agricultural service establishments primarily engaged in performing agricultural animal husbandry
services or horticultural services to farmers;
F. Accessory buildings such as garages, carports, lath houses, greenhouses, gardening sheds, recreation
rooms and similar structures which are customarily used in conjunction with and incidental to a
principal use or structure;
G. Home occupations, if a permit is secured pursuant to Chapter 15.780 of this title;
H. Storage of materials used for the construction of a building, including the contractor’s temporary office;
provided that such use is on the building site or immediately adjacent thereto, and provided further that
such use shall be permitted only during the construction period and the thirty days thereafter;
I. Accessory buildings or structures required for the storage of any crops, products, equipment or uses
lawfully permitted or produced on the premises;
J. The keeping of fowl and animals shall conform to all other provisions of law governing same. No pen,
coop, stable, barn or corral used for fowl and animals shall be kept or maintained within fifty feet of
any dwelling, or other building used for human habitation, or within one hundred feet of any parcel of
land used for a public park, school or similar institution;
K. Stands for the purpose of displaying and selling agricultural, floricultural or farming products which are
grown or produced on the premises; provided that there shall be no more than one stand per lot or
parcel of land. The ground coverage of the stand shall not exceed three hundred square feet, and it shall
be set back from the street or highway right-of-way a distance of at least twenty feet. Such stand must
be of good frame construction;
L. Windmills, silos, tank houses, buildings or shelters for farm equipment and machinery, water wells,
water reservoirs and storage tanks.
M. One second residence subject to Chpater 15.175.
(Ord. 1263 § 10, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.340.030 Uses Permitted With a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted in the “AT” zone only if a conditional use permit
has first been secured:
A. Commercial stables, riding academies;
B. Public and private nonprofit nursery schools, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and
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C. Churches and religious institutions, private clubs and lodges, public playgrounds and parks and private
or public golf courses;
D. Sales and services to farmers or farm-related activities;
E. Government buildings and properties;
F. Animal hospitals and veterinarian’s offices;
G. Public utility buildings and public service or utility uses (transmission and distribution lines excepted),
including but not limited to reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, telephone exchanges, power
stations, transformer stations, service yards and parking lots;
H. Cemeteries, crematories and mausoleums;
I. Natural gas wells;
J. Injection wells providing ten acres parcel size for each injection well;
K. Home occupation not in residential dwelling for parcels smaller than 10 acres in size.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.340.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if an administrative permit has first been
A. Home occupation not in residential dwelling for parcels of at least 10 acres or more in size.
(Ord. 1263 § 11, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.340.050 Lot Area
A. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be 8.5 acres.
B. Each lot or parcel of land shall abut a public street for a minimum of sixty feet; the minimum width
shall be one hundred twenty feet.
C. Lots which are less than ten acres in size shall conform to a 3:1 length to width ratio.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.340.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. The minimum front yard shall be thirty feet.
B. Side Yard, corner Lots. On corner lots, the side yard which is not used as front yard shall not be less
than fifteen feet in width.
C. Side Yard, Accessory Buildings. The side yard of any accessory building that exceeds one thousand
square feet shall be the same as that required for the main building. Any accessory building less than
one thousand square feet shall have a minimum of five feet side yard and rear yard.
D. Side Yard, Interior. The minimum side yards of interior lots shall be fifteen feet.
E. Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.340.070 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height in the “AT” zone shall be:
A. Thirty-five feet for residential structures;
B. Fifty feet for agricultural buildings or structures and twenty feet at the ridge for accessory building with
five feet side yard or rear yard;
C. Exception. Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns, pole buildings, electronic towers, antennas and similar
structures of necessary mechanical appurtenances may exceed fifty feet in height; provided they do not
exceed the airport height restrictions.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.340.080 Minimum Distance Between Structures
The distance between any accessory building and a dwelling unit shall conform to Uniform Building
and Fire Codes.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.350
15.350.010 Purpose
15.350.020 Permitted Uses
15.350.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.350.040 Uses Permitted with a Administrative Permit
15.350.050 Sub-Zone and Lot Area
15.350.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.350.070 Maximum Building Height
15.350.080 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15.350.090 Walls and Fences
15.350.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is established for the following purposes:
A. To provide for residential development within a range of densities compatible with a rural character and
B. To allow residential uses in areas where agriculture is clearly a secondary use;
C. To use as a buffer zone between agricultural land and urbanized development;
D. To provide areas for hobby farms.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.350.020 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the RE zone:
A. One single-family dwelling or mobilehome per parcel of land (refer to mobilehome standards);
B. In addition to the residence allowed under subsection A above for each parcel of land, one additional
residence or mobilehome for each five acres;
C. Growing and harvesting of any agricultural crop or product;
D. Growing and harvesting of field crops, grain and hay crops, and the growing of grass for pasture and
E. Fish farming operations for the raising and harvesting of fish as a crop, but not including fishing clubs
or fishing for the general public on a commercial basis;
F. Agricultural service establishments primarily engaged in performing agricultural animal husbandry
services or horticultural services to farmers;
G. Accessory buildings such as garages, carports, lath houses, greenhouses, gardening sheds, recreation
rooms and similar structures which are customarily used in conjunction with and incidental to a
principal use or structure;
H. Home occupations if a permit is secured pursuant to Chapter 15.780;
I. Storage of materials used for the construction of a building, including the contractor’s temporary office;
provided, that such use is on the building site or immediately adjacent thereto, and provided further that
such use shall be permitted only during the construction period and the thirty days thereafter;
J. Accessory buildings or structures required for the storage of any crops, products, equipment or uses
lawfully permitted or produced on the premises;
K. The keeping of fowl and animals shall conform to all other provisions of law governing same. No pen,
coop, stable, barn or corral used for fowl and animals shall be kept or maintained within fifty feet of
any dwelling or other building used for human habitation, or within one hundred feet of any parcel of
land used for a public park, school or similar institution;
L. Stands for the purpose of displaying and selling agricultural, floricultural or farming products which are
grown or produced on the premises, provided that there shall be not more than one stand per lot or
parcel of land. The ground coverage of the stand shall not exceed three hundred square feet, and it shall
be set back from the street or highway right-of-way a distance of at least twenty feet. Such stand must
be of good frame construction;
M. Windmills, silos, tank houses, buildings or shelters for farm equipment and machinery, water wells,
water reservoirs and storage tanks.
N. One second dwelling subject to Chapter 15.175.
(Ord. 1263 § 12, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.350.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted in the RE zone only if a conditional use permit has
first been secured:
A. Commercial stables, riding academies;
B. Public and private nonprofit nursery schools, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and
C. Churches and religious institutions, private clubs and lodges, public playgrounds and parks, private or
public golf courses;
D. Sales and services to farmers or farm-related activities;
E. Government buildings and properties;
F. Animal hospitals and veterinarian’s offices;
G. Public utility buildings and public service or utility uses, (transmission and distribution lines excepted),
including but not limited to reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, telephone exchanges, power
stations, transformer stations, service yards and parking lots;
H. Cemeteries, crematories and mausoleums;
I. Planned mobilehome parks;
J. Natural gas wells;
K. Injection wells providing ten acres parcel size for each injection well;
L. Home occupation not in residential dwelling for parcels smaller than 10 acres in size.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.350.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if an administrative permit has first been
A. Administrator collector’s permit subject to standards in Section 15.770.
B. Home occupation not in residential dwelling for parcels of at least 10 acres in size.
(Ord. 1263 § 13, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.350.050 Sub-Zone and Lot Area
A. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land for each of the RE sub-zones shall be as indicated below
except in a planned unit development project:
Sub-Zone: RE-1
Minimum Parcel Size: 40,000 square feet
Sub-Zone: RE-2
Minimum Parcel Size: 1.7 acres
Sub-Zone: RE-5
Minimum Parcel Size: 4.25 acres
Sub-Zone: RE-10
Minimum Parcel Size: 8.5 acres
B. Each lot or parcel of land shall abut a public street for a minimum of sixty feet; the minimum width
shall be one hundred twenty feet.
C. Lots which are less than ten acres in size shall conform to a 3:1 length to width ratio.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.350.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. The minimum front yard shall be thirty feet.
B. Side Yard, corner Lots. On corner lots, the side yard which is not used as front yard shall not be less
than fifteen feet in width.
C. Side Yard, Interior. The minimum side yards of interior lots shall be fifteen feet.
D. Side Yard, Accessory Buildings. The side yard of any accessory building that exceed one thousand
square feet shall be the same as that required for the main building. Any accessory building less than
one thousand square feet shall have a minimum of five feet side yard and rear yard.
E. Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.350.070 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height in the RE zone shall be:
A. Thirty-five feet for residential structures;
B. Fifty feet for agricultural buildings or structures. Twenty feet at the ridge for accessory building with
five feet side yard or rear yard;
C. Exception. Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns, pole buildings, electronic towers, antennas and similar
structures of necessary mechanical appurtenances may exceed fifty feet in height; provided, they do not
exceed the airport height restrictions.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.350.080 Minimum Distance between Structures
The distance between any accessory building and a dwelling unit shall conform to Uniform Building
and Fire Codes. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.350.090 Walls and Fences
Fences, walls and hedges not exceeding six feet in height shall be permitted, except that in a required
front yard, or side yard on a corner lot, a fence, wall or hedge shall not exceed three feet in height. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.360
15.360.010 Purpose
15.360.020 Permitted Uses
15.360.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.360.040 Uses Permitted with a Administrative Permit
15.360.050 Lot Area
15.360.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.360.070 Maximum Building Height
15.360.080 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15.360.090 Walls and Fences
15.360.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is established for the following purposes:
A. To provide for residential development within a range of densities compatible with a rural character and
B. To allow residential uses in areas where agriculture is clearly a secondary use;
C. To use as a buffer zone between agricultural land and urbanized development;
D. To provide areas for hobby farms.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.360.020 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the RE-NW zone:
A. One single-family dwelling or mobilehome, accessory buildings and uses, and home occupations per
each parcel of land;
B. Crop and tree fanning, nurseries and greenhouses for the propagation of plants;
C. Private stables; provided, such stables shall not be closer than twenty-five feet to any street or property
D. Publicly owned parks and playgrounds and public schools and buildings when placed in conformance
with the general plan;
E. Locations of underground utility installations, and of aboveground utility installations for local service;
except that locations for substations, generating plants, and gas holders must be approved by the
planning commission prior to construction, and the route of any proposed transmission line must be
discussed in detail with the planning commission prior to acquisition;
F. Animal husbandry and livestock farming subject to the following requirements:
1. For each horse or head of cattle over one year of age there must be twenty thousand square feet, or
2. For each head of swine over twelve weeks of age there must be forty thousand square feet, or
3. For each head of sheep or goats there must be ten thousand square feet, and
4. Poultry and rabbit farming not to exceed fifty chickens or fifty rabbits per forty thousand square
G. Major and minor auto repair of vehicles which are not owned or operated by occupants of the property.
If such repair causes a nuisance or visual blight in the neighborhood, a conditional use permit shall be
H. One second dwelling subject to Chapter 15.175.
(Ord. 1263 § 14, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.360.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted in the RE-NW zone only if a conditional use permit
has first been secured:
A. Publicly owned parks and playgrounds and public schools and buildings, except as noted in Section
B. Sanitariums, rest homes, hospitals, churches, private schools, day care centers;
C. Golf courses and country clubs;
D. Kennels;
E. Natural gas wells;
F. Planned mobilehome parks with a maximum of two units per acre or forty thousand square feet;
G. Home occupation not in residential dwelling for parcels smaller than 10 acres in size.
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(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.360.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if an administrative permit has first been
A. The permit shall be posted in the planning authority for ten (10) days prior to issuing the permit.
B. Home occupation not in residential dwelling for parcels of at least 10 acres or more in size.
(Ord. 1263 § 15, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.360.050 Lot Area
A. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be forty thousand square feet.
B. Each lot or parcel of land shall abut a public street for a minimum of sixty feet; the minimum width
shall be one hundred twenty feet.
C. Lots which are less than ten acres in size shall conform to a 3:1 length to width ratio.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.360.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. The minimum front yard shall be thirty feet.
B. Side Yard Corner Lots. On corner lots, the side yard which is not used as front yard shall not be less
than fifteen feet in width.
C. Side Yard, Interior. The minimum side yards of interior lots shall be fifteen feet.
D. Side Yard, Accessory Buildings. The side yard of any accessory building that exceed one thousand
square feet shall be the same as that required for the main building. Any accessory building less than
one thousand square feet shall have a minimum of five feet side yard and rear yard.
E. Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.360.070 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height shall be:
A. Thirty-five feet for residential structures;
B. Fifty feet for agricultural buildings or structures. Twenty feet at the ridge for accessory building with
five feet side yard or rear yard;
C. Exception. Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns, pole buildings, electronic towers, antennas and similar
structures of necessary mechanical appurtenances may exceed fifty feet in height; provided they do not
exceed the airport height restrictions.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.360.080 Minimum Distance Between Structures
The distance between any accessory building and a dwelling unit shall conform to Uniform Building
and Fire Codes. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.360.090 Walls and Fences
Fences, walls and hedges not exceeding six feet in height shall be permitted, except that in a required
front yard, or side yard on a corner lot, a fence, wall or hedge shall not exceed three feet in height. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.370
15.370.010 Purpose
15.370.020 Placement
15.370.030 Permitted Uses
15.370.040 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.370.050 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.370.060 Site Area and Configuration
15.370.070 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.370.080 Maximum Building Height
15.370.090 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15.370.100 Walls and Fences
15.370.110 Maximum Lot Coverage
15.370.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is established for the following purposes:
A. To provide living area within an area where development is limited to low density concentrations of
single-family dwellings;
B. To promote and encourage a suitable environment for family life;
C. To provide space for community facilities needed to complement urban residential areas and for
institutions which require a residential environment;
D. To minimize traffic congestion and to avoid an overload of utilities designed to service only low
density residential use.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.370.020 Placement
The placement of the R-1, single-family residential zone is to be limited to the unincorporated areas of
the county which have sanitary sewer systems and/or a piped water system, or which is located within an
established service area of a governmental district or utility company which can offer such services. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
15.370.030 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures are permitted in the “R-1” zone:
A. One single-family dwelling or mobilehome per parcel of land;
B. Accessory buildings such as garages, carports, lath houses, greenhouses, gardening sheds, recreation
rooms and similar structures which are customarily used in conjunction with and incidental to a
principal use or structure;
C. One home occupation per dwelling unit, if a permit is secured pursuant to Chapter 15.780;
D. Storage of materials used for the construction of a building, including the contractor’s temporary office,
provided that such use is on the building site or immediately adjacent thereto, and provided further that
such shall be permitted only during the construction period and 30 days thereafter;
E. Major and minor auto repair of vehicles which are not owned or operated by occupants of the property.
If such repair causes a nuisance of visual blight in the neighborhood, a conditional use permit shall be
F. One hobby kennel when accessory to a permitted principal use and not used for commercial purposes.
No more that one hobby kennel is permitted per parcel of land;
G. One second dwelling subject to Chapter 15.175.
(Ord. 1263 § 16, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.370.040 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures are permitted in the “R-1” zone only if a conditional use permit has
first been secured:
A. Public and private non-profit nursery schools, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and
B. Churches and religious institutions, private clubs and lodges, public playgrounds and parks, private or
public golf courses;
C. Government buildings and properties;
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D. Public utility buildings and public service or utility uses (transmission and distribution lines excepted),
including but not limited to reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, telephone exchanges, power
stations, transformer stations, service yards and parking lots;
E. Kennel when accessory to a permitted principal use. No more than one kennel may be permitted parcel
of land.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.370.050 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures are permitted only if an administrative permit has first been secured:
A. Collection of five or fewer antique or hobby accumulation vehicles, subject to the requirements of
chapter 15.770;
B. One commercial hobby kennel when accessory to a principal permitted use. No more than one hobby
kennel, commercial or otherwise, is permitted per lot.
(Ord. 1263 § 17, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.370.060 Site Area and Configuration
A. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be five thousand square feet net if served by public
sewer and public water facilities.
B. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be twenty thousand square feet net if served by
either a public sewer or a public water facility.
C. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be forty thousand square feet net if served with a
septic tank and a wall.
D. The minimum lot width and public street frontage of any lot or parcel of land shall be fifty feet
providing the lot width ratio is met.
E. Lots which are less than ten acres in size shall conform to a 3:1 length to width ratio.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.370.070 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. The minimum front yard shall be twenty feet.
B. Side Yard, Corner Lots. On corner lots, the side yard which is contiguous to the street shall not be less
than ten feet in width, except that a garage or carport having an entrance fronting on the street shall be
set back at least twenty feet from the street property line.
C. Side Yard, Interior. The minimum side yard of interior lots shall be five feet.
D. Side Yard, Driveway. When used for access to a parking facility, a side yard shall be wide enough for a
ten foot wide unobstructed driveway. The handle portion of a panhandle lot shall be considered as a
side yard driveway. A side yard driveway shall be paved the entire length and width with cement or
asphaltic concrete.
E. Side Yard, Accessory Buildings. The side yard of any accessory building shall be the same as that
required-for the main building.
F. Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five feet.
G. Rear Yard, Accessory Buildings. An accessory building shall be located not less than five feet from the
rear property line.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.370.080 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height in the R-1 zone shall be:
A. Thirty feet for any residential structures;
B. Fifteen feet for any accessory structures.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.370.090 Minimum Distance Between Structures
The distance between any accessory building and dwelling unit shall conform to Uniform Building and
Fire Codes. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.370.100 Walls and fences
Fences, walls and hedges not exceeding six feet in height shall be permitted, except that in a required
front yard or side yard on a corner lot, a fence, wall or hedge shall not exceed three feet in height. A fence or
wall may be allowed to a height of four feet provided that the additional one foot height is not of a solid
material. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.370.110 Maximum Lot Coverage
The maximum lot coverage shall be 40% of the total lot area. For areas where slopes are greater
than 30%, lot coverage shall not exceed 30%. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008)
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Chapter 15.380
15.380.010 Purpose
15.380.020 Placement
15.380.030 Permitted Uses
15.380.040 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.380.050 Site Area and Configuration
15.380.060 Minimum Building Site Area
15.380.070 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.380.080 Maximum Building Height
15.380.090 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15.380.100 Walls and Fences
15.380.110 Maximum Lot Coverage
15.380.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is established for the following purposes:
A. To provide areas where all utilities are available for multiple residential development;
B. To ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling unit;
C. To promote the most desirable use of land and direction of building development in accord with the
general plan.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.380.020 Placement
The placement of the R-M zone is to be limited to the unincorporated areas of the county which have
sanitary sewer systems and a piped water system, or which are located within an established service area of
a governmental district or utility company which can offer such services. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.380.030 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the R-M zone:
A. Single-family detached dwellings;
B. Multifamily dwellings and apartments;
C. Accessory buildings such as garages, carports, lath houses, greenhouses, gardening sheds, recreation
rooms and similar structures which are customarily used in conjunction with and incidental to a
principal use of structure;
D. Home occupation if a permit is secured pursuant to Chapter 15.780;
E. Storage of materials used for the construction of a building, including the contractor’s temporary office;
provided, that such use is on the building site or immediately adjacent thereto; and provided further,
that such use shall be permitted only during the construction period and the thirty days thereafter;
F. One second dwelling subject to Chapter 15.175.
(Ord. 1263 § 18, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.380.040 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if a conditional use permit has first been
A. Boardinghouses and rooming-houses;
B. Planned mobilehome parks;
C. Convalescent hospitals;
D. Rest homes;
E. Public and private nonprofit nursery schools, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and
F. Churches and religious institutions, private clubs and lodges, public playgrounds and parks, private or
public golf courses;
G. Government buildings and properties;
H. Public utility buildings and public service or utility uses (transmission and distribution lines excepted),
including but not limited to reservoirs, storage tanks, pumping stations, telephone exchanges, power
stations, transformer stations, service yards and parking lots.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.380.050 Site Area and Configuration
A. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be five thousand square feet net if served by public
sewer and public water facilities except in a planned unit development project.
B. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be twenty thousand square feet net if served by
either a public sewer or a public water facility except in a planned unit development project.
C. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be forty thousand square feet net if served with a
septic tank and a well except in a planned unit development project.
D. The minimum lot width and public street frontage of any lot or parcel of land shall be fifty feet
provided the lot width ratio is met, except in a planned unit development project.
E. Lots which are less than ten acres in size shall conform to a 3:1 length to width ratio.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.380.060 Minimum Building Site Area
No lot or parcel of land shall be improved or developed to have more than one dwelling unit per the
square footage shown below:
A. Two thousand square feet if served by public sewer and water facilities or as specified by the county
health department;
B. One thousand five hundred square feet within a planned unit development project.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.380.070 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. The minimum front yard shall be twenty feet.
B. Side Yard, Corner Lot. On corner lots, the side yard which is contiguous to the street shall not be less
than ten feet in width, except that a garage or carport having an entrance fronting on the street shall be
set back at least twenty feet from the street property line.
C. Side Yard, Interior. The minimum side yard shall be five feet.
D. Side Yard, Accessory Buildings. The side yard of any accessory building shall be the same as that
required for the main building.
E. Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty feet.
F. Rear Yard, Accessory Buildings. An accessory building shall be located not less than five feet from the
rear property line.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.380.080 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height in the R-M zone shall be:
A. Fifty-five feet for any structures;
B. Fifteen feet for any accessory structures.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.380.090 Minimum Distance Between Structures
The distance between any accessory building and a dwelling unit shall conform to Uniform Building
and Fire Codes. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.380.100 Walls and Fences
A. Walls or fences shall be required for all conditional uses. The size and materials shall be determined by the
planning commission in conformance with the character of the neighborhood in which the use is to be
B. A solid wall or fence not less than six feet in height shall be built and maintained on the side of property
which abuts a low density residential zone, commercial zone or industrial zone; provided, that such a
fence has not already been provided by the adjacent property. This provision shall be met before a
certificate of occupancy permit may be issued for such use by the building official.
C. Within a required front yard, or side yard on a corner lot, a fence, wall or hedge shall not exceed three
feet in height. A fence or wall within said area may be allowed to a height of four feet provided that the
additional one foot height is not of a solid material.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.380.110 Maximum Lot Coverage
The maximum lot coverage shall be 40% of the total lot area for a single story structure, 35% for a two
story structure, and 30% for a three story structure. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008)
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Chapter 15.390
15.390.010 Purpose
15.390.020 Uses Permitted
15.390.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.390.040 Uses Permitted with a Administrative Permit
15.390.050 Minimum Lot Size
15.390.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
15.390.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
15.390.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
15.390.090 Minimum Yards
15.390.100 Maximum Height
15.390.110 Site Plan Review
15.390.010 Purpose
The purpose of this district is to establish centers for small, localized retail and service businesses
which provide goods and services to surrounding residential development. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.020 Uses Permitted
When conducted within a completely enclosed building, and when open to the public between the hours
of six a.m. and ten p.m., the following local commercial uses are permitted:
A. Retail sales of food, dry good, pharmaceuticals, flowers, bait and tackle, art and craft supplies and
studios, books and magazines;
B. Personal services such as barber and beauty shops, laundromats and cleaners, health clubs or dance
C. Minor repair services such as jewelry, shoe and small appliance repair shops;
D. Food services such as cafes, coffee shops, and delicatessens, including outdoor dining areas;
E. Professional services such as tax consultants, real estate sales and law offices;
F. Medical services such as nurse practitioner, general practitioner and dentist offices;
G. Other local commercial uses when of similar character to those uses listed above;
H. Commercial and residential accessory uses and accessory structures;
I. Public buildings, public utility substations.
(Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses shall be permitted only after obtaining a conditional use permit:
A. Uses permitted in Section 15.390.020 when operating other than between the hours of six a.m. to ten
p.m., or with outdoor storage, sales or display;
B. Uses which do not meet the performance criteria listed in Division 4, Part 1 performance standards;
C. Retail fuel sales;
D. Bars when not exceeding two thousand five hundred square feet of gross floor area and when not
including amplified voice or music;
E. Retail plant nurseries, including outdoor storage, sales or display exceeding five percent of the gross
floor area;
F. Game rooms/amusement arcades.
(Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses shall be permitted only after obtaining an administrative permit:
A. An administrative permit for one (1) residential dwelling unit per parcel of land used and occupied
exclusively by the proprietor who owns and operates the business on the site, or by an employee who is
employed specifically as a caretaker or watchman for the business on the site.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.050 Minimum Lot Size
Net lot size shall be not less than the following:
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A. Lots with public water and sewer Eight thousand square feet;
B. Lots with well and public sewer, or public water and septic system: Twenty thousand square feet;
C. Lots with well and septic system: Forty thousand square feet.
On-site sewage disposal systems are subject to approval of the county health department.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
The minimum average lot width shall be as follows:
A. Interior lots: Eighty feet;
B. Corner lots: One hundred feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
The maximum length to width ratio shall be three to one. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
The maximum lot coverage shall be as follows:
A. Lots with only one-story buildings: Forty percent.
B. Lots with a multi-story building: Thirty-five percent.
(Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.090 Minimum Yards
Yards shall be no less than the following:
A. Front Yard: Twenty feet from lot line, or forty-five feet from centerline of roadway, whichever is
greater. Yards abutting streets are front yards;
B. Rear yard: None, or ten feet from lot line when contiguous to any residential district;
C. Side yard: None, or ten feet from lot line when contiguous to any residential district;
D. Accessory structures: The above yards shall apply.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.100 Maximum Height
Structures shall not exceed the following heights:
A. Principal structures: Two stories or thirty feet maximum, whichever is less;
B. Accessory structures: Twenty feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.390.110 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
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Chapter 15.400
15.400.010 Purpose
15.400.020 Uses Permitted
15.400.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.400.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.400.050 Minimum Lot Size
15.400.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
15.400.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
15.400.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
15.400.090 Minimum Yards
15.400.100 Maximum Height
15.400.110 Site Plan Review
15.400.010 Purpose
The purpose of the community commercial district is to provide a full range of commercial retail and
service establishments to communities. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.020 Uses Permitted
When conducted within a completely enclosed building, when open to the public between the hours of
six a.m. and twelve midnight, and when without drive-through facilities:
A. Retail sales of food, appliances, paint, hardware, auto parts, drugs, liquor, new and used clothing,
furniture, carpet, flowers, books, art and antiques;
B. Personal services such as barber and beauty shops, tailors, laundromats and cleaners, dance and art
studios, photocopying centers, photography studios and dog grooming;
C. Repair services such as appliance, radio, television, shoe and jewelry repair shops;
D. Food services such as restaurants, cafes and delicatessens, with on-site and off-site sale of beer, wine
and liquor including outdoor dining areas;
E. Banking, finance, loans, law, real estate or general administrative services, including drive-through
F. Professional offices and services such as dispatching, blueprinting, duplicating, printing, drafting,
engineering, surveying, planning and architectural services;
G. Health care services such as doctor or dental offices, medical clinics and small animal veterinary
H. Entertainment such as indoor theaters, bowling alleys, pool halls, game rooms and amusement
enterprises and recreational facilities such as health clubs, spas, saunas and hot tub establishments;
I. Other community commercial uses when of similar character to those uses listed above;
J. Commercial and residential accessory uses and accessory structures including six or less
games/amusement devices and two or less pool tables occupying less than twenty-five percent of the
net floor area;
K. Public buildings, public utility substations;
L. Agricultural related services when of similar character to those uses listed above.
(Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses shall be permitted only after obtaining a use permit:
A. Uses permitted in Section 15.400.020 with outdoor storage, sales or display when operating other than
between the hours of six a.m. and twelve midnight, or when including drive-through facilities;
B. Uses which do not meet the performance criteria listed in Division 4, Part 1, Performance Standards;
C. Hotels and Motels;
D. Retail plant nurseries, including outdoor storage, sales or display;
E. Used appliance stores, secondhand stores and thrift stores;
F. Bars, taverns or cocktail lounges;
G. Retail fuel sales, minor auto repair and mechanical auto washes;
H. Major auto repair when conducted within a completely enclosed building, but not including body and
fender shops and paint shops;
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I. Farm or building supply stores, home improvement centers when outdoor storage, sales or display is
limited to fifteen percent of gross floor area;
J. Funeral homes, health care facilities;
K. Retail sales of new and used automobiles including incidental minor or major repair services, including
outdoor storage, sales and display;
L. Rental or leasing of autos, trucks, trailers, boats or recreational vehicles, including outdoor storage,
sales and display;
M. Commercial parking lots, taxicab companies, including outdoor storage;
N. Nonprofit animal shelters;
O. Church or private school;
P. Natural gas well;
Q. Agricultural related services when of similar character to those listed above.
(Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses shall be permitted only after obtaining an administrative permit:
A. An administrative permit for one (1) residential dwelling unit per parcel of land used and occupied
exclusively by the proprietor who owns and operates the business on the site, or by an employee who is
employed specifically as a caretaker or watchman for the business on the site.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.050 Minimum Lot Size
Net lot sizes shall be no less than the following:
A. Lots with public water and sewer: Eight thousand square feet;
B. Lots with well and public sewer, or public water and septic system: Twenty thousand square feet;
C. Lots with well and septic system: Forty thousand square feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
The minimum average lot width shall be as follows:
A. Interior Lots: Eighty feet;
B. Corner Lots: One hundred feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
Maximum length to width ratio shall not exceed three to one. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
The maximum lot-coverage shall be fifty percent. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.090 Minimum Yards
Yards shall be no less than the following:
A. Front Yard: None, except when frontage in a block is partially in an R district, in which case the
frontage shall be the same as required in such R districts. Yards abutting streets are front yards;
B. Rear Yard: None, or ten feet from the lot line when contiguous to any residential district;
C. Side Yard: None, or ten feet from the lot line when contiguous to any residential district;
D. Accessory Structures: The above yards shall apply.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.100 Maximum Height
Structures shall not exceed the following heights:
A. Principal Structures: Thirty five feet;
B. Accessory Structures: Twenty feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.400.110 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
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Glenn County Code
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Chapter 15.410
15.410.010 Purpose
15.410.020 Permitted Uses
15.410.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.410.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.410.050 Site Area and Configuration
15.410.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.4150.070 Maximum Building Height
15.410.080 Walls and Fences
15.410.090 Site Plan Review
15.410.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is established for the following purposes:
A. To promote the most desirable use of land and direction of building development in accordance with
the general plan;
B. To strengthen the economic base of the county and to protect the county’s tax revenues;
C. To protect both retail development and nearby residences against congestion, particularly in areas
where the established pattern is predominantly residential but includes local retail uses by regulating the
intensity of local retail development.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.410.020 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the C zone:
A. Retail trade establishments similar to the following;
1. General merchandise stores
2. Food stores
3. Apparel stores
4. Drugstores
5. Liquor stores
6. Eating and drinking places
7. Automotive supplies
8. Automobile dealers (new and used) located not closer than five hundred feet to a R-1 zone
9. Mobilehome sales
10. Automotive service stations, repair garages and tire sales (excluding painting and body work)
providing repair is conducted within a building. Such uses shall not be located closer than five
hundred feet to a R-1 zone unless a conditional use permit is granted by the planning commission
11. Pawnbrokers and second-hand dealers; provided that the business is completely enclosed within a
building and that no material shall be kept outside the building for storage, advertising or any other
B. Wholesale trade establishments excluding warehouses, when conducted solely within a building;
C. Financial insurance and real estate establishments;
D. Service establishments similar to the following:
1. Personal services, barber-shops, beauty shops, laundries, dry cleaners, shoe repair
2. Business services
3. Professional services
4. General offices including government offices
5. Legal services
6. Medical and health services
7. Hotels and motels;
E. Underground public utility facilities;
F. Public utility transmission and distribution lines.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.410.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if a conditional use permit has first been
A. Churches and religious institutions;
B. Automotive paint and body shops;
C. Ambulance service;
D. Animal hospital without outdoor kennels;
E. Bottled gas sale and related storage;
F. Cabinet shop;
G. Hospital, acute care;
H. Household moving and storage service;
I. Ministorage warehouses;
J. Pest control service;
K. Building supplies store and yard, contractor yard;
L. Bus depot;
M. Equipment sales and rental involving outdoor storage;
N. Drive-in theater;
O. Public and private nursery schools, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and colleges;
P. Private clubs and lodges and fraternal organizations;
Q. Public playground and parks;
R. Private or public golf courses;
S. Public utility facilities, accessory structures, and service yards;
T. Truck service station, including truck terminal;
U. Planned mobilehome park and R.V. park;
V. Injection wells;
W. Commercial storage (storage for resale) of inflammable fluid or gas fuels in a quantity greater than five
hundred gallons in any container less than two and one-half feet below the surface of the ground;
X. Billiard parlor, pool hall;
Y. Any facility that has on-site sale of alcoholic beverages.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.410.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
A. An annual administrative permit for one mobilehome per parcel of land used and occupied exclusively
by the proprietor who owns and operates a business, or by an employee who is employed specifically as
a caretaker or watchman (refer to mobilehome standards).
B. Natural gas wells.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.410.050 Site Area and Configuration
A. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be six thousand square feet net if served by public
sewer and public water facilities except in a planned unit development project.
B. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be twenty thousand square feet if served by either a
public sewer or a public water facility except in a planned unit development project.
C. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be one acre net if served with a septic tank and a
well except in a planned unit development.
D. The minimum lot width and public street frontage of any lot or parcel shall be sixty feet provided the lot
width ratio is met, except in a planned unit development project.
E. Lots which are less than ten acres in size shall conform to a 3:1 length to width ratio.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.410.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. No front yard shall be required, except where the frontage in a block is partially in a
residential district, in which case the front yard shall be the same as required in such residential district.
Where a public street does not provide for a sidewalk within the right-of-way, a ten foot setback shall
be provided.
B. Side Yard. No side yard shall be required, except where the side yard of a lot abuts the side of a lot in a
residential district, in which case the side yard shall be not less than fifteen feet.
C. Rear Yard. No rear yard shall be required, except where the rear of a lot abuts a residential district, in
which case the rear yard shall be not less than twenty feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.410.070 Maximum Building Height
No building or structure in this zone shall exceed seventy-five feet in height, except as otherwise
permitted with a conditional use permit. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.410.080 Walls and Fences
A. Walls or fences shall be required for all conditional uses. The size and materials shall be determined by
the planning commission in conformance with the character of the neighborhood in which the use is to
be situated.
B. A solid wall or fence not less than six feet in height shall be built and maintained on those sides of
property which abuts a residential zone; provided, that such a fence has not already been provided by
the adjacent property. This provision shall be met before a certificate of occupancy permit may be
issued for such use by the building official.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.410.090 Site plan review.
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
Glenn County Code
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Chapter 15.420
15.420.010 Purpose
15.420.020 Uses Permitted
15.420.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.420.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.420.050 Minimum Lot Size
15.420.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
15.420.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
15.420.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
15.420.090 Minimum Yards
15.420.100 Maximum Heights
15.420.110 Site Plan Review
15.420.010 Purpose
The purpose of the service commercial district is to provide areas suitable for heavy retail and service
commercial uses which do not specialize in pedestrian traffic and are more appropriately located away from
the central business district of communities within the county. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.020 Uses Permitted
When conducted within a completely enclosed building, when outdoor storage does not exceed fifty
percent of the gross floor area per use and when within a completely screened area on the same lot, the
following service commercial uses are permitted:
A. Retail sales of large and bulky household items such as appliances, carpet and floor covering, furniture,
fireplaces or woodstoves;
B. Installation of auto parts and accessories such as tire or battery stores, muffler shops and tune-up shops,
including incidental retail sales of auto parts and accessories;
C. Commercial trade services with or without incidental retail sales such as cleaning and dyeing agencies
and plants, bottling works, funeral homes, cabinet and carpentry shops, blacksmith, welding and
machine shops, furniture repair and upholstery shops;
D. Construction-related sales and services such as building supply stores with incidental lumber storage
yards, general and specialty contractors offices, electrical, plumbing and heating shops, and light
equipment rental shops;
E. Warehouses and mini-storage;
F. Sales and services to the agricultural sector such as farm supply stores, farm implement sales and
service shops, agricultural supply cooperatives and commercial irrigation services;
G. Professional construction support services such as blue-printing, duplicating, printing, drafting,
engineering, surveying, planning or architecture services;
H. Laundry, janitorial or facility maintenance services;
I. Other service commercial uses when of similar character to those listed above;
J. Commercial and residential accessory uses and accessory structures;
K. Public buildings, public utility substations.
(Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses shall be permitted only after obtaining a conditional use permit. The following
service commercial uses are permitted when conducted within a completely enclosed building (excepting
auto sales):
A. Uses permitted in Section 15.420.020 when outdoor storage does exceed fifty percent of the gross floor
area per use or when not contained within a completely screened area;
B. Uses which do not meet the performance criteria listed in Division 4, Part 1, Performance Standards;
C. Businesses providing retail sales of new or used automobiles with incidental minor and major repair
D. Open-air retail sales of boats, recreational vehicles, mobilehomes, modular homes, factory-built homes,
swimming pools, storage tanks, satellite dish antennas and other large and bulky items;
E. Rental or leasing of trucks, trailers and recreational vehicles;
F. Automobile, truck and vehicle service and repair shops and garages providing minor and major repairs,
body work and painting;
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G. Commercial parking lots, taxicab companies, including outdoor storage;
H. Contractors’ heavy equipment storage yards or heavy equipment rental yards;
I. Fuel tank farms, wholesale fuel sales or distributors, including natural gas or propane distributors or
J. Natural gas wells.
(Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses shall be permitted only after obtaining an administrative permit:
A. An administrative permit for one (1) residential dwelling unit per parcel of land used and occupied
exclusively by the proprietor who owns and operates the business on the site, or by an employee who is
employed specifically as a caretaker or watchman for the business on the site.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.050 Minimum Lot Size
Net lot sizes shall be no less than the following:
A. Lots with public water and sewer: Twelve thousand five hundred square feet;
B. Lots with well and public sewer, or public water and septic system: Twenty thousand square feet;
C. Lots with well and septic system: Forty thousand square feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
The minimum average lot width shall be as follows:
A. Interior lots: One hundred feet;
B. Corner lots: One hundred twenty feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
Maximum length to width ratio shall not exceed three to one. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
The maximum lot coverage shall be seventy-five percent. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.090 Minimum Yards
Yards shall be no less than the following:
A. Front Yard: Ten feet from lot line, or thirty-five feet from the centerline of a roadway, whichever is
greater. Yards abutting streets are front yards;
B. Rear Yard: None, or five feet from the lot line when contiguous to any residential district;
C. Side Yard: None, or twenty-five feet from the lot line when contiguous to any residential district;
D. Accessory structures: The above yards shall apply.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.100 Maximum Heights
Structures shall not exceed the following heights:
A. Principal Structures: Thirty-five feet;
B. Accessory Structures: Twenty feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.420.110 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
Chapter 15.430
15.430.010 Purpose
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15.430.020 Uses Permitted
15.430.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.430.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.430.050 Minimum Lot Size
15.430.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
15.430.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
15.430.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
15.430.090 Minimum Yards
15.430.100 Maximum Height
15.430.110 Site Plan Review
15.430.010 Purpose
The purpose of this district is to provide for the location of the facilities and services needed by the
traveling public along the county’s major collectors, at intersections with state highways and where they can
be reached conveniently and safely and to provide for tourist recreational development in areas of unique
scenic and recreational value, while providing for maximum conservation of the resources of the parcel.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.430.020 Uses Permitted
When serving the needs of the traveling public, when conducted within a completely enclosed building,
the following highway commercial uses are permitted:
A. Food services such as restaurants, cafes, coffee shops and delicatessens, including drive-in, or drive-
through fast food services, including outdoor dining areas;
B. Bus stations;
C. Real estate sales offices;
D. Retail sales of groceries, beer and wine sold but not consumed on the premises, sporting goods, bait and
tackle, souvenirs, antiques and curios;
E. Other highway commercial uses when of a similar character to those listed above;
F. Hotels, motels, recreational vehicles parks and public or private campgrounds when not exceeding
fifteen units;
G. Commercial and residential accessory uses and accessory structures including piers, boat docks, boat
storage, tennis courts, swimming pools, riding and hiking facilities and laundry facilities, for private use
of the hotel or motel guests, or restaurant patrons only;
H. Novelty and gift shops, beauty and barber shops, sporting goods and apparel shops, game room,
arcades, laundromats open to the public and bait and tackle shops when incidental to a hotel, motel,
campground, RV park or tune share condominium when not exceeding a use area of five hundred
square feet.
(Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.430.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses shall be permitted only after obtaining a conditional use permit:
A. Uses permitted in Section 15.430.020 with outdoor storage, sales, or display;
B. Uses which do not meet the performance criteria listed in Division 4, Part 1, Performance Standards;
C. Fruit and produce stands exceeding four hundred square feet in size;
D. Park-and-ride facilities;
E. Hotels, motels, recreational vehicle parks and public or private campgrounds when exceeding fifteen
F. Caretaker’s quarters, employee housing or dormitories incidental to a hotel or motel of at least sixteen
G. Retail fuel sales, minor auto repair and mechanical auto washes;
H. Recreational vehicle parks, public and private campgrounds;
I. Truck stops or auto truck service stations and incidental minor auto/truck repair;
J. Bars, taverns or cocktail lounges with or without live entertainment, off-sale liquor;
K. Time share condominiums, including conversion of residential uses into time share or resort units.
(Ord. 1253 § 2, 2015; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.430.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
A. An administrative permit for one residential dwelling unit per parcel of land used and occupied
exclusively by the proprietor who owns and operates the business on the site, or by an employee who is
employed specifically as a caretaker or a watchman for the business on the site.
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(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.430.050 Minimum Lot Size
Net lot sizes shall be no less than the following:
A. Lots with public water and sewer: Eight thousand square feet;
B. Lots with well and public sewer, or public water and septic: Twenty thousand square feet;
C. Lots with well and septic system: Forty thousand square feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.430.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
The minimum average lot width shall be as follows:
A. Interior lots: Eighty feet;
B. Corner lots: One hundred feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.430.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
The maximum length to width ratio shall not exceed three to one. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.430.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
The maximum lot coverage shall be fifty percent. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.430.090 Minimum Yards
Yards shall be no less, than the following:
A. Front yard: Twenty feet from the lot line, or forty-five feet from centerline of roadway, whichever is
greater. Yards abutting streets are front yards;
B. Rear yard: Twenty feet from the lot line;
C. Side yard: Five feet from the lot line;
D. Accessory structures: The above yards shall apply.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.430.100 Maximum Height
Structures shall not exceed two stories or thirty feet maximum, which ever is less. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.430.110 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
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Chapter 15.440
15.440.010 Purpose
15.440.020 Permitted Uses
15.440.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.440.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.440.050 Site Area and Configuration
15.440.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.440.070 Maximum Building Height
15.440.080 Walls and Fences
15.440.090 Site Plan Review
15.440.010 Purpose
This zoning classification is established for the following purposes:
A. To reserve appropriately located areas for industrial plants and related activities;
B. To protect areas appropriate for industrial use from intrusion by residential dwellings and other
conflicting uses;
C. To protect residential and commercial properties and nuisance-free, nonhazardous industrial uses from
noise, odor, dust, dirt, smoke, vibration, heat, glare, fire, explosion, noxious fumes, radiation and other
hazards and objectionable influence incidental to certain industrial uses;
D. To promote the most desirable use of land and development in accordance with the general plan of
Glenn County.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.440.020 Permitted Uses
A. The following manufacturing, fabricating, processing and related necessary product storage uses and
associated structures shall be permitted in M” zone. Product storage shall only be permitted on the
parcel upon which the manufacturing, fabricating or processing takes place:
1. Apparel and finished products made from fabric and similar materials;
2. Food and beverages including ice, dry ice and cold storage;
3. Furniture, fixtures and cabinets;
4. Instruments, optics, photographic equipment and supplies;
5. Jewelry, silverware and metal ware;
6. Leather and leather products;
7. Lumber and wood products including mobilehome, modular home and prefabricated structures;
8. Machinery including electrical, electronic and communications;
9. Metal products;
10. Miscellaneous goods and supplies including but not limited to musical instruments, toys and
games, sporting and athletic goods and artists’ materials;
11. Commercial storage (storage for resale) of inflammable fluid or gas fuels.
B. The following nonmanufacturing uses and associated structures shall be permitted in the “M” zone:
1. Ambulance service;
2. Automotive and other machinery repair, service and storage, when conducted within a building or
enclosed within a solid wall or fence meeting the requirements of and approved pursuant to
Chapter 15.750 of this title;
3. Building construction and special trade contractor’s shops and service yards, when conducted
within a building or enclosed within a solid wall or fence meeting the requirements of and
approved pursuant to Chapter 15.750 of this title;
4. Building material sales yard when conducted within a building or enclosed within a solid wall or
fence meeting the requirements of and approved pursuant to Chapter 15.750 of this title;
5. Exterminating and pest control service;
6. Granaries;
7. Hatcheries;
8. Parcel delivery service;
9. Public utility trans-mission/distribution lines;
10. Oil and gas well service and supply;
11. Research laboratories;
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12. Transportation facilities and terminals;
13. Warehousing;
14. When conducted within a building; Entertainment Facilities (assembly hall, bowling alley, skating
rink), Sports Facilities (fitness center, gymnasium, swimming pool), Studios (art, dancing, music),
and Trade Schools (commercial, mechanical, technical).
(Ord. 1231 § 2, 2012; 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.440.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
A. The following manufacturing, fabricating, processing and storage uses and associated structures shall
be permitted in this zone only if a conditional use permit has first been secured:
1. Animal slaughtering;
2. Bone distillation;
3. Chemicals including but not limited to basic chemicals, cleaning agents, cosmetics, explosives,
fertilizers, gases, medicinal and botanical products, paints, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, plastics and
synthetic fibers;
4. Metal smelting and refining;
5. Ordnance;
6. Paper, pulp mills and paper products;
7. Petroleum refining including paving and roofing materials;
8. Rubber products;
9. Concrete and asphalt mixing plants;
10. Stone, clay, glass and concrete products;
11. Textiles.
B. The following nonmanufacturing uses and associated structures shall be permitted in this zone only if a
conditional use permit has first been secured:
1. Animal stock yards, feed lots and dairies;
2. Dumping, disposal, incineration and reduction of garbage, dead animals and refuse;
3. Junk yards, automobile dismantling, automobile wrecking yards, building materials wrecking
yards, storage and bailing of scraps, paper, rags, sacks and scrap metal;
4. Power generation facilities meeting Chapter 15.860;
5. Injection wells;
6. Planned mobilehome parks.
(Ord. 1256 § 2, 2016; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.440.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if an administrative permit has first been
A. An annual administrative permit for one mobilehome per parcel of land used and occupied exclusively
by the proprietor who owns and operates a business, or by an employee who is employed specifically as
a caretaker or watchman (refer to mobilehome standards);
B. Natural gas wells.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.440.050 Site Area and Configuration
A. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be ten thousand square feet net if served by public
sewer and public water facilities except in a planned unit development project.
B. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be twenty thousand square feet net if served by
either a public sewer or a public water facility except in a planned unit development project.
C. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be as indicated below, except in a planned unit
development project, if served with a septic tank and a well:
Sub-Zone: M-1
Minimum Parcel Size:1 acre
Sub-Zone: M-5
Minimum Parcel Size:5 acres
D. The minimum lot width and public street frontage of any lot or parcel of land shall be sixty feet;
providing, the lot width ratio is met, except in a planned unit development project.
E. Lots which are less than ten acres in size shall conform to a 3:1 length to width ratio.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.440.060 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. No front yard shall be required, except where the frontage in a block is partially in a
residential district, in which case the front yard shall be the same as required in such residential district.
B. Side Yard: No side yard shall be required, except that a 25 foot setback with a solid wall, solid fence,
or landscaping, shall be required where a parcel occurs within a block lying partly within a residential
district. Each Site Plan Review shall be evaluated on a project-specific basis.
C. Rear Yard: No rear yard shall be required, except where the rear of a lot abuts a residential district, in
which case the rear yard shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet with a solid wall, solid fence, or
landscaping. Each Site Plan Review shall be evaluated on a project-specific basis.
D. The wall, fence, and/or landscaping shall be continuously maintained. This provision shall be met
before a Certificate of Occupancy Permit may be issued for such use by the building official.
E. Any expansions of existing facilities are exempt from this Chapter 15.440, unless recommended by the
Director and approved by the Planning Commission. Each Site Plan Review for any expansion of an
existing facility shall be evaluated on a project-specific basis.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.440.070 Maximum Building Height
No building or structure in this zone shall exceed seventy-five feet in height, except as otherwise
permitted with a conditional use permit. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.440.080 Walls and Fences
A. A solid wall, solid fence, or landscaping shall be required for all conditional uses. The size and
materials shall be determined by the Planning Commission in conformance with the character of the
neighborhood in which the use is to be situated.
B. The provisions of Chapter 15.750 shall be adhered to for junkyards, automobile dismantling,
automobile wrecking yards, storage and bailing of scraps, paper, rags, sacks, scrap metal and
C. The provisions of Chapter 15.750 of this title shall be adhered to for junkyards, automobile dismantling,
automobile wrecking yards, storage and bailing of scraps, paper, rags, sacks and scrap metal.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.440.090 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
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Chapter 15.450
15.450.010 Purpose and Authority
15.450.020 List of Criteria
15.450.030 Terms
15.450.040 Placement
15.450.050 Permitted Uses
15.450.060 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.450.070 Site Area
15.450.080 Other Requirements
15.450.010 Purpose and Authority
This chapter is adopted pursuant to the mandate and authority of the Z’Berg-Warren-Keene-Collier
Forest Taxation Reform Act of 1976 and, more particularly, Section 51113 of the Government Code of the
state of California, a part of said Act. The purpose of the timberland preserve zone is to provide a zone in
the county in which the highest and best use of the land is the growing and harvesting of timber. Lands so
zoned will be subject to all of the provisions of the Z’Berg-Warren-Keene-Collier Forest Taxation Reform
Act of 1976. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.450.020 List of Criteria
Pursuant to Section 51113 (c) and (d) of the Government Code the criteria for parcels of land to be
considered for zoning as timberland under the provisions of Section 51113 of the Government Code are set
and declared to be the following:
A. A map shall be prepared showing the legal description of the assessor’s parcel number of the property
desired to be zoned;
B. A plan for forest management must be prepared or approved as to content, for the property by a
registered professional forester. Such plan shall provide for the eventual harvest of timber within a
reasonable period of time, as determined by the preparer of the plan;
C. The parcel shall currently meet the timber stocking standards as set forth in Section 4561 of the Public
Resources Code and the forest practice rules adopted by the State Board of Forestry for the district in
which the parcel is located, or the owner must sign an agreement with the board to meet such stocking
standards and forest practice rules by the fifth anniversary of the signing of such agreement. If the
parcel is subsequently zoned as timberland preserve under subdivision (a) of Section 51112 of the
Government Code, then failure to meet such stocking standards and forest practice rules within this
time period provides the board with a ground for rezoning of the parcel pursuant to Section 51121;
D. The land area concerned and described on said map shall be in the ownership of one person, as defined
in Section 38106 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and shall be comprised of single or contiguous
parcels of no less than one hundred sixty acres;
E. The land shall be of “Site III” Site Quality Class, as said term is defined and used pursuant to said Act.
Land shall be deemed to be Site III land if the average quality of the land is Site III. “Average,” for the
purposes of this subsection means that for every acre of land which is Site IV or Site V quality, there
must be at least one acre, respectively, of Site II or Site I land to balance the lesser quality land to create
an exact Site III or better numerical average as to quality of acres to be included.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.450.030 Terms
For the purposes of this chapter, the terms or words used herein shall be as defined in Chapter 6.7
(commencing with Section 51100) of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code. (Ord. 1183 §
2, 2006)
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15.450.040 Placement
The zoning of land in the timberland preserve zone is to be limited to those parcels within the county
A. Meet all of the requirements for inclusion in “List A” as defined in Section 51110 of the Government
Code; or
B. Meet all of the requirements for inclusion in “List B” as defined in Section 51110.1 of the Government
Code; or
C. Meet the criteria for parcels of land to be considered for zoning as timberland under the provisions of
Section 51113 of the Government Code. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.450.050 Permitted Uses
The following principal uses and structures which meet the definition of “compatible use” as defined in
subdivision (b) of Section 51100 of the Government Code and no others are permitted in timberland
preserve zone:
A. Management for watershed;
B. Management for fish and wildlife habitat or hunting and fishing;
C. A use integrally related to the growing and harvesting of forest products, including but not limited to
roads, log landings and log storage areas;
D. The erection, construction, alteration or maintenance of gas, electric, water or communication
transmission facilities;
E. Grazing;
F. One single-family dwelling or mobilehome for each TPZ contract (refer to mobilehome standards);
G. Buildings and structures which are incidental and accessory to permitted uses, and which are in
conformity with uses or forest service practices. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.450.060 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted in the TPZ zone only if a conditional use permit
has first been secured:
A. Sawmills, shingle mills, and other forest products processing operations utilizing power equipment;
B. Subsurface exploration for, and extraction of, mineral resources, including oil, gas and other
hydrocarbon substances, and also including geothermal energy production;
C. Commercial storage (storage for resale) of inflammable fluid or gas fuels in a quantity greater than five
hundred gallons in any container less than two and one-half feet below the surface of the ground.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.450.070 Site Area
Parcels used as timberland preserve may not be divided into parcels containing less than one hundred
fifty-five (155) acres unless they meet the requirements established by Section 51119.5 of the Government
Code. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.450.080 Other Requirements
A. Any rezoning, immediate rezoning or removal from a zone of any parcels zoned timberland preserve
zone shall conform to the requirements of Articles 3 - 5, inclusive, (commencing with Section 51121)
of Chapter 6.7, Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code.
B. All actions not specifically addressed in this chapter must comply with the requirements of Chapter 6.7
(commencing with Section 51100) of Part 1 of Division 1 of Title 5 of the Government Code.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.460
15.460.010 Purpose
15.460.020 Permitted Uses
15.460.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.460.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.460.050 Site Area
15.460.060 Maximum Building Height
15.460.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15.460.080 Minimum Yard Requirements
15.460.090 Site Plan Review
15.460.010 Purpose
The agricultural preserve zone is to be applied to lands which are covered by a California Land
Conservation Act (Williamson Act) contract with the county for the following purposes:
A. To preserve the maximum amount of the limited supply of agricultural land which is necessary in the
conservation of the county’s economic resources and vital for a healthy agricultural economy of the
B. To protect the general welfare of the agricultural community for encroachments of unrelated
agricultural uses which, by their nature, would be injurious to the physical and economic well-being of
the agricultural community.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.460.020 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the AP zone:
A. One single-family dwelling for each parcel of land;
B. Second dwelling per each parcel of land subject to Chapter 15.175 providing that such dwelling may
only be occupied by relatives of the owner or by employees who work on the property;
C. Accessory buildings such as garages, carports, greenhouses, gardening sheds, recreation rooms, storage
of petroleum products for the use of persons residing on the property and any other structures that are
customarily used in conjunction with and incidental to a principal use or structure;
D. Home occupations as defined in Chapter 15.780;
E. Growing and harvesting of fruit and nut trees, vines, vegetables, horticultural specialties and timber;
F. Growing and harvesting of field crops, grain and hay crops, and the growing of grass for pasture and
G. Livestock farming, including the raising, feeding, maintaining and breeding of horses, cattle, sheep,
goats and similar livestock;
H. Operation of apiaries and dairies;
I. Curing, processing, packaging, packing, storage and shipping of agricultural products; however, those
particular operations, uses and structures which create smoke, fumes, dust, odor and other hazards may
be permitted only if a conditional use permit is first secured;
J. Accessory buildings or structures required for the storage of any crops, products, equipment or uses
lawfully permitted or produced on the premises. Structures such as barns, stables, coops, tank houses,
storage tanks, wind machines, windmills, silos and other farm buildings;
K. Game preserves and hunting clubs, private or public, but shall not include permanent facilities such as
hotels, motels, restaurants, club houses;
L. Agricultural service establishments primarily engaged in performing agricultural animal husbandry
services or horticultural services to farms;
M. Temporary landing of aircraft engaged in agricultural uses;
N. Dehydrators but not for the general public on a commercial basis;
O. Stands for the purpose of displaying and selling agricultural, floricultural or farming products which are
grown or produced on the premises; provided, that there shall not be more than one stand per parcel of
land. The stand shall be set back from the street or highway right-of-way a distance of at least twenty
feet. Such stand must be of good frame construction;
P. Seasonal farmworker housing which meets the Seasonal Farmworker Housing Standards as set forth in
Chapter 15.800 and approved for such use pursuant to Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations.
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Seasonal farmworker housing shall also conform to such public health, building, and fire safety criteria
as may be established by resolution or ordinance of the board of supervisors.
(Ord. 1263 § 19, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.460.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted in the AP zone only if a conditional use permit has
first been secured:
A. Irrigation and flood control facilities, public utility and public service structures including electric
transmission and distribution substations, gas regulator stations, communications equipment buildings,
public service pumping stations and reservoirs over fifty acre-feet or over twenty-five feet high;
B. Agricultural labor camps;
C. Injection wells;
D. Confined animal facility;
E. Mining which meets the requirements of Government Code Sections 51238.1 or 51238.2.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.460.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if an administrative permit has first been
A. Natural gas wells;
B. Home occupation not in residential dwelling for parcels of at least 10 acres or more in size;
C. Agricultural Homestay Establishment.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.460.050 Site Area
A. For prime land, the minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be thirty-six (36) acres or one
quarter of one quarter section.
B. For nonprime land, the minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be one hundred forty-four (144)
acres or one quarter section.
C. Variance for parcel size shall not be permitted.
D. The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land for each of the “AP” zones shall be as shown below:
AP-40 - Minimum Parcel Size 36 acres
AP-80 - Minimum Parcel Size 72 acres
AP-160 - Minimum Parcel Size 144 acres
E. Non-contiguous parcels with a farmed area between 10 and 36 acres may be allowed if:
1. Parcel is in the same ownership as qualifying parcels but is not contiguous to the qualifying parcel,
2. The contract contains a provision not allowing the non-contiguous parcel to be separated from the
ownership of the qualifying parcels.
3. The contract contains a provision not allowing construction of any residential use on the qualifying
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.460.060 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height in the AP zone shall be:
A. Thirty-five feet for residential structures;
B. Fifty feet for agricultural buildings or structures;
C. Exceptions. Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns, pole buildings, electronic towers, antennas and similar
structures of necessary mechanical appurtenances may exceed fifty feet in height; provided, they do not
exceed the airport height restrictions. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.460.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
A. The distance between any accessory building and a dwelling unit shall conform to Uniform Building
and Fire Codes.
B. All pens, coops, stables, barns, corrals or other structures housing livestock or poultry shall be located
not less than one hundred feet from all structures used for human habitation.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.460.080 Minimum Yard Requirements
A. Front Yard. The minimum front yard shall be thirty feet. The measurement shall start at the edge of the
existing county right-of-way as shown on the adopted Glenn County Circulation Plan.
B. Side Yards. The minimum side yards shall be twenty-five feet.
C. Rear Yard. The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.460.090 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
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Chapter 15.470
15.470.010 Purpose
15.470.020 Permitted Uses
15.470.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.470.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
15.470.050 Site Area
15.470.060 Maximum Building Height
15.470.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
15.470.080 Minimum Yard Requirement
15.470.090 Site Plan Review
15.470.010 Purpose
The Farmland Security Zone is to be applied to lands which are covered by a Farmland Security Zone
Contract as allowed by the California Land Conservation Act (as amended) for the following purposes:
A. To preserve the maximum amount of the limited supply of agricultural land which is vital for the
healthy agricultural economy of the County;
B. To protect the general welfare of the agricultural community from encroachments of unrelated
agricultural uses which, by their nature, would be injurious to the physical and economic well-being of
the agricultural community;
C. To provide a unique zoning district for the Farmland Security Zone to meet the requirements of the
State Law and the landowners under Farmland Security Zone Contracts.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.470.020 Permitted Uses
The following uses and structures shall be permitted in the “FS” Zone:
A. One single-family dwelling for each parcel of land;
B. Second dwelling subject to Chapter 15.175 providing that such second dwelling may only be occupied
by relatives of the owner or by employees who work on the property;
C. Accessory buildings to the single-family residence such as garages, carports, greenhouses, gardening
sheds, recreation rooms and other structures which are customarily used in conjunction with a single-
family residence;
D. Home Occupations as defined in Chapter 15.780;
E. Growing and harvesting of fruit and nut trees, vines, vegetables, horticultural specialties and timber;
F. Growing and harvesting of field crops, grain and hay crops, and the growing of grass for pasture and
G. Livestock farming, including the raising, feeding, maintaining and breeding of horses, cattle, sheep,
goats and similar livestock;
H. Operation of apiaries and dairies. (Refer to dairy standards);
I. Curing processing, packaging, packing, storage and shipping of agricultural products;
J. Accessory buildings or structures required for the storage of any crops, products, equipment or uses
lawfully permitted or produced on the premises. Structures such as barns, stables, coops, tank houses,
storage tanks, wind machines, windmills, silos, and other farm buildings;
K. Game preserves and hunting clubs, that do not include permanent facilities or buildings;
L. Temporary landing of aircraft engaged in agricultural uses;
M. Seasonal Farmworker Housing which meets the Seasonal Farmworker Housing Standards as set forth in
Chapter 15.800 and approved for such use pursuant to Title 25 of the California Code of Regulations.
(Ord. 1263 § 20, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.470.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted in the “FS” zone only if a conditional use permit
has first been secured:
A. Irrigation and flood control facilities; public utility and public service structures including electric
transmission and distribution sub-stations, gas regulator stations, communications equipment buildings,
public service pumping stations and reservoirs over 50 acre feet or over twenty-five (25) feet high;
B. Agricultural labor camps;
C. Injection wells;
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D. Confined animal facility.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.470.040 Uses Permitted with an Administrative Permit
The following uses and structures may be permitted only if an administrative permit has first been
A. Natural gas wells;
B. Agricultural Homestay Establishment.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.470.050 Site Area
The minimum area of any lot or parcel of land shall be seventy-two (72) acres or one-half of a quarter
section. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.470.060 Maximum Building Height
The maximum building height in the “FS” zone shall be:
A. Thirty-five feet for residential structures;
B. Fifty feet for agricultural buildings or structures;
C. Exceptions: Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns, pole buildings, electronic towers, antennas and similar
structures of necessary mechanical appurtenances may exceed fifty feet in height, provided they do not
exceed the airport height restriction.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.470.070 Minimum Distance Between Structures
A. The distance between any accessory building and a dwelling unit shall be determined by the Building
Inspection Department.
B. All pens, coops, stables, barns, corrals or other structures housing livestock or poultry shall be located
not less than 100 feet from all structures used for human habitation.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.470.080 Minimum Yard Requirement
A. Front Yard: The minimum front yard shall be thirty (30) feet. The measurement shall start at the edge
of the existing “County Right-of-Way” as shown on the adopted Glenn County Circulation Plan.
B. Side Yards: The minimum side yards shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
C. Rear Yard: The minimum rear yard shall be twenty-five (25) feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.470.090 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
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Chapter 15.480
15.480.010 Purpose
15.480.020 Applicability
15.480.030 Plans Required
15.480.040 Uses Permitted
15.480.050 Uses Permitted by General and Specific Plans of Development
15.480.060 Application Procedure for Rezoning and the General Plan of Development
15.480.070 Phasing of Development
15.480.080 Open Space
15.480.090 Traffic Circulation
15.480.100 Streets
15.480.110 Lapse of Approval
15.480.120 Resubmittal Following Expiration
15.480.010 Purpose
The intent and purpose of the PDR district are as follows:
A. To provide a means for encouraging creative and innovative developments that are environmentally
pleasing through the application of imaginative land planning techniques not permitted within other
residential zones with fixed standards;
B. To assure conformance of the project with the county general plan with respect to use, density, open
space, circulation, public facilities and the preservation of natural features;
C. To maximize public and private open space areas including, but not limited to the following: scenic
easements, historical areas, scenic areas, active and passive recreational areas, pedestrian ways,
equestrian and hiking trails, plazas, environmentally sensitive areas and distinct spatial separations
between pedestrian and vehicular areas;
D. To provide for an orderly and cohesive growth and physical development pattern and the efficient
delivery of county or community services;
E. To encourage the design of all residential planned developments to be compatible with both existing
and potential land uses, including a proper functional relationship with such adjacent areas;
F. To encourage the optimal use of land to provide a full range of dwelling unit types, sites, rents and sales
G. To assess the residential development’s impacts on public and private support services through the
submittal of cost/revenue analyses;
H. To promote an equitable distribution of public facilities by encouraging developers to provide
educational recreation, water and wastewater, fire protection and other public services in order to avoid
the overcrowding of existing facilities used by established residents and provide for a balance of
community services;
I. To provide the county and developer with alternative standards in return for increased amenities to
serve the inhabitants of the development and surrounding areas.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.020 Applicability
Applications for PDR zoning shall be for a parcel or contiguous parcels of five acres or more. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.030 Plans Required
A. A rezoning application to PDR shall be accompanied by a general plan of development for the entire
parcel(s) unless the rezoning is publicly initiated and implements language included in an approved
general or community plan.
B. A conditional use permit for specific plan of development shall be required for the portion of the
parcel(s) to be developed.
C. General plans and conditional use permits for specific plans of development shall be approved prior to
any development.
D. Ministerial permits such as grading, building and health department permits shall not be issued prior to
approval of a conditional use permit for specific plan of development.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.480.040 Uses Permitted
Notwithstanding Section 15.480.030, the following uses are permitted in any PDR district provided that
such uses are not inconsistent with an approved general or specific plan of development:
A. One single-family dwelling or mobilehome;
B. Crop and tree farming and animal husbandry;
C. Agricultural and residential accessory uses and accessory structures, including barns and stables;
D. One foster or small family home, family care home, or small family care home not to exceed six
persons in addition to the resident family;
E. One second dwelling subject to Chapter 15.175.
(Ord. 1263 § 21, 2017; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.050 Uses Permitted by General and Specific Plans of Development
The following uses shall be permitted by general and specific plans for development in the PDR
A. All those uses permitted in the residential districts and private storage facilities for exclusive use by the
residents of the development;
B. For projects with a minimum of one hundred dwelling units, all those uses permitted in the local
commercial district. The gross lot area of the LC uses shall not exceed eighty square feet per dwelling
C. For projects with a minimum of fifty acres and two hundred dwelling units, all those resort commercial
uses permitted in the highway and visitor commercial district;
D. Recreation facilities including, but not limited to, tennis courts, golf courses, swimming pools,
equestrian trails, fitness trails, boat docks, marinas, playgrounds and parks;
E. Community facilities such as day care centers, meeting rooms and clubhouses for use by residents of
the development;
F. Temporary model home complexes and real estate sales offices only for the limited purpose of
conducting sales or rental of lots or units within the PDR district.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.060 Application Procedure for Rezoning and the General Plan of Development
A. Preapplication meeting(s). Prior to preparation of the application for rezoning and the general plan of
development, the applicant shall attend a preapplication meeting(s) with the planning authority staff.
Purposes to be served by the preapplication meeting include the following:
1. To explain the purpose of the planned development residential district;
2. To review the project’s consistency with the county general plan;
3. To review the county code requirements;
4. To provide a review of the applicant’s conceptual design and development objectives.
B. Application. Application shall be made on forms provided by the planning authority and accompanied
by all fees, information and supplemental plans required by the district or the subdivision ordinance. No
applications shall be accepted until the applicant has complied with subsection A of this section.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.070 Phasing of Development
PDR may be phased if phasing is approved as part of the general plan of development. Specific plans of
development and tentative final map proposals shall conform to the phasing of the approved general plan of
development. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.080 Open Space
All developments proposed under the PDR district shall include open space for active and passive use
by the residents of the development. The amount to be provided shall be determined as follows:
A. Each single-family dwelling on each lot in a subdivision shall have a minimum of one thousand square
feet of usable open space. If a dwelling is on a lot contiguous to permanent open space available to and
usable by adjacent owners or the public, the area of required usable open space may be reduced by not
more than twenty-five percent.
B. All townhouse ownership units with a density of seven units per net acre or less shall have a minimum
private open space of three hundred square feet per unit with a minimum dimension of fifteen feet and
with direct access to the unit. Townhouse ownership units in excess of the density set forth in this
subsection shall have private yard areas as required by the approved specific plan of development.
C. All apartment units shall have a minimum private open space or balcony area of one hundred square
feet per unit and a minimum dimension of seven feet with direct access to the unit.
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D. Common Open Space. Each planned residential development shall contain one or more large areas of
land permanently reserved primarily for the leisure and recreational use of all the development’s
residents and owned and maintained in common by them. Common open space shall be integrated
throughout the development and easily accessible to all the residents.
E. Common open space may include the following:
1. Land area of the site not covered by buildings, parking structures or accessory structures;
2. Land which is accessible and available to all occupants of dwelling units for whose use the space is
intended unless such land is in a category listed below;
3. Commonly owned recreational structures and facilities including but not limited to clubhouses,
tennis courts, swimming pools, golf courses and trails.
F. Common open space shall not include the following:
1. Areas reserved for private open space;
2. Proposed street rights-of-way;
3. Open parking or recreational vehicle (RV) storage areas, driveways and sidewalks for dwellings;
4. Areas reserved for school buildings, not including playground areas open to the public;
5. Commercial areas including buildings, accessory buildings, parking and loading facilities for such
commercial areas;
6. Flood control and drainage channels improved with cement, riprap, or having a cross-section slope
exceeding twenty percent;
7. Areas with cross-slope in excess of thirty percent;
8. Unsuitable land as determined by the planning commission.
G. The planning commission may determine that up to one-half of any body of water, natural watercourse
and slopes over thirty percent grade may be included as common open space. In making this
determination, the commission shall be guided by the following factors:
1. The extent of these areas in relation to the area of the planned development; and
2. The degree to which these areas contribute to the quality, livability and amenity of the planned
H. Public Open Space. As an alternative, or in addition to, common open space required in subsection (B)
of this section, each planned residential development may propose one or more parcels of land which
would be permanently dedicated in fee to the county or other public or private agency. Such areas will
be for the use of the development’s residents in addition to the use by all county residents or for the
protection of environmentally sensitive areas.
I. Required amount. The county shall specify the required amount of public and or common open space in
a planned residential development at the time of approval of the general plan of development, but in no
case shall the total amount of public and or common open space be less than thirty-five percent of the
parcel. Determination of the appropriate amount of public and/or common open space shall be based on
consideration of the factors listed below:
1. The degree to which these areas contribute to the quality, livability and amenity of the planned
2. The need to protect public use areas historically used by the public such as trails or beaches;
3. The avoidance of siting of structures in hazardous areas or on steep slopes;
4. The protection of environmentally sensitive habitat areas and archaeological sites;
5. Protection of scenic areas of the site.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.090 Traffic Circulation
A. Internal Access. All residential planned development proposals shall ensure that internal circulation
systems are properly designed to serve the different types of proposed land uses, accommodate
expected traffic flows, provide adequate emergency access to all buildings and structures, and provide
for safe and convenient pedestrian access, whether the project is partially or fully implemented. In
addition, the following access requirements shall apply:
1. At least two different routes of entrance and exit for emergency vehicles shall be provided where
streets are longer than eight hundred feet;
2. Cul-de-sacs shall be limited to one thousand feet in length and shall be terminated by a turnaround
not less than eighty feet in diameter.
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B. External Access. The planning commission shall review development applications to ensure that
projected traffic increases resulting from the project, when partially and fully implemented, will not
significantly impact connecting streets, roads and existing and proposed land uses outside the project
perimeter. The applicant shall propose measures acceptable to the county to reduce significant impacts
to existing road networks or land uses outside the development itself.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.100 Streets
A. All public internal streets, roads and driveways serving the development shall be designed and
constructed to county road improvement and design standards.
B. The use of private streets within planned residential developments shall be permitted upon approval by
the planning commission.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.110 Lapse of Approval
A. A general plan of development shall expire two years after its date of approval unless an application has
been filed with the planning authority for a specific plan of development prior to expiration, or a time
extension has been approved prior to the date of general plan of development expiration. The planning
commission may, upon good cause shown, grant a time extension for one year.
B. A conditional use permit for a specific plan of development shall expire five years after approval
unless, prior to the expiration date, substantial physical construction has been completed on the
development or a time extension has been approved. The planning commission or board of supervisors
may, upon good cause shown, grant a time extension for one year.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.480.120 Resubmittal Following Expiration
After a general plan or conditional use permit for specific plan of development expires, a new general
plan or conditional use permit for a specific plan of development application and fee must be submitted for
reconsideration. The new application shall be subject to the same procedures and approval as the original
application. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.490
15.490.010 Purpose
15.490.020 Applicability
15.490.030 Plans Required
15.490.040 Uses Permitted
15.490.050 Uses Permitted by General and Specific Plans of Development
15.490.060 Application Procedure for Rezoning and the General Plan of Development
15.490.070 Application Procedure for the Specific Plan of Development
15.490.080 Phasing
15.490.090 Minimum Yards
15.490.100 Open Space
15.490.110 Traffic Circulation
15.490.120 Streets
15.490.130 Signs
15.490.140 Lapse of Approval
15.490.150 Resubmittal Following Expiration
15.490.010 Purpose
The intent and purposes of the PDC district are as follows:
A. To provide a means for encouraging creative and innovative commercial or industrial developments
that are environmentally pleasing through the application of imaginative land planning techniques not
permitted within other zones with fixed standards;
B. To provide for an orderly and cohesive growth, physical development pattern and the efficient delivery
of county or community service;
C. To assure conformance of the project with the county general plan with respect to use, intensity,
circulation, public facilities and the preservation of natural features;
D. To encourage the design of commercial planned developments for compatibility with both existing and
potential land uses, including a proper functional relationship with such adjacent areas;
E. To promote an equitable distribution of public facilities.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.020 Applicability
Applications for PDC zoning shall be for a parcel or contiguous parcels totaling one acre or more.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.030 Plans Required
A. A rezoning application to PDC shall be accompanied by a general plan of development for the entire
parcel(s) unless the rezoning is publicly initiated and implements language included in an approved
specific, general or community plan.
B. A conditional use permit for a specific plan of development shall be required for the portion of the
parcel(s) to be developed.
C. General plans and conditional use permits for plans of development shall be approved prior to any
D. Ministerial permits such as grading, building and health department permits shall not be issued prior to
approval of a conditional use permit for a specific plan of development.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.040 Uses Permitted
The following uses are permitted in any PDC district provided that such uses are not inconsistent with
an approved general or specific plan of development:
A. Crop and tree farming;
B. Agricultural and residential accessory uses and accessory structures.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.490.050 Uses Permitted by General and Specific Plans of Development;
The following uses shall be permitted by general and specific plans of development in the PDC district:
A. All those uses permitted or conditionally permitted in the commercial and industrial districts;
B. Day care centers, gymnasiums and health care facilities;
C. Recreation facilities including, but not limited to, tennis courts, fitness trails, swimming pools, boat
docks, marinas, playgrounds and parks.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.060 Application Procedure for Rezoning and the General Plan of Development
A. Preapplications Meeting(s). Prior to preparation of the application for rezoning and the general plan of
development the applicant shall attend a preapplication meeting(s) with the planning authority staff.
Purposes to be served include:
1. To explain the purpose of the planned development commercial district;
2. To review the project’s consistency with the county general plan,
3. To review the county code requirements;
4. To provide a review of the applicant’s conceptual design and development objectives.
B. Application. Application shall be made on forms provided by the planning authority and accompanied
by all fees, information and supplemental plans required by this chapter. No applications shall be
accepted until the applicant has complied with subsection (A) of this section.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.070 Application Procedure for the Specific Plan of Development
A. Preapplication Meeting(s). Applicants for a conditional use permit for a specific plan of development
shall attend a preapplication meeting(s) with the planning authority staff. The following shall be
reviewed at the preapplication meeting:
1. Consistency of the specific plan of development with the approved general plan of development;
2. Review of the development standards applicable to the project.
B. Application. Application shall be made on forms provided by the planning authority and accompanied
by all fees, information and supplemental plans required by this district or the subdivision ordinance.
No applications shall be accepted until the applicant has complied with subsection (A) of this section.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.080. Phasing
PDC’s may be phased if phasing is approved as part of the general plan of development. Specific plans
of development and tentative and final map proposals shall conform to the phasing of the approved general
plan of development. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.090 Minimum Yards
Net yards shall be no less than the following:
A. Front Yard. Twenty feet from front lot line, or forty-five feet from centerline of roadway, whichever is
greater. Yards abutting streets are front yards.
B. Rear Yard. Twenty feet from rear lot line, except as provided below:
1. Where the rear lot line of a lot abuts a residential zone, the minimum rear yard setback shall be
fifty feet. Not less than ten feet abutting the rear lot line shall be landscaped and permanently
maintained. A six-foot-high solid masonry wall shall be required ten feet from the rear lot line.
C. Side Yard. Ten feet from side lot lines, except as provided below:
1. Where the side lot line of a lot abuts a residential zone, the minimum side yard setback shall be
fifty feet. Not less than ten feet abutting the side lot line shall be landscaped and permanently
maintained. A six-foot masonry wall shall also be required ten feet from the side lot line and shall
not exceed three feet in height when extending into any required front yard.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.100 Open Space
All developments proposed under the PDC district may include a proportionate amount of open space
for active and passive use by the occupants of the development, whether they are merchants, employees or
the general public. The amount to be provided shall be determined as follows:
A. Common Open Space. Each planned commercial development may contain one or more large areas of
land permanently reserved primarily for the leisure and recreational use of all the development’s
occupants or public and owned and maintained in common by the occupants.
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B. Common open space may include:
1. Land area of the site not covered by buildings, parking structures or accessory structures;
2. Land which is accessible and available to all occupants of structures for whose use the space is
intended unless such land is in a category listed below;
3. Commonly owned recreational structures and facilities including, but not limited to, gymnasiums,
tennis courts, swimming pools, picnic areas and parks.
C. Public Open Space. As an alternative, or in addition to, common open space in subsection (B) of this
section, each planned commercial development may propose one or more parcels of land which would
be permanently dedicated in fee to the county or other public or private agency. Such areas will be for
the use of the development’s occupants in addition to the use by all county residents or for the
protection of environmentally sensitive areas.
D. Required Open Space. The county may require public and/or common space in a planned commercial
development at the time of approval of the general plan of development.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.110 Traffic Circulation
A. Internal Access. All commercial planned development proposals shall ensure that internal circulation
systems are properly designed to serve the different types of proposed land uses, accommodate
expected traffic flows, provide adequate emergency access to all buildings and structures, and provide
for safe and convenient pedestrian access, whether the project is partially or fully implemented. In
addition, the following access requirements shall apply:
1. At least two different routes of entrance and exit for emergency vehicles shall be provided where
streets are longer than eight hundred feet;
2. Cul-de-sacs shall be limited to one thousand feet in length and shall be terminated by a turnaround
not less than eighty feet in diameter.
B. External Access. The planning commission shall review development applications to ensure that
projected traffic increases resulting from the project, when partially and fully implemented, will not
significantly impact connecting streets, roads and existing and proposed land uses outside the project
perimeter. The applicant shall propose measures acceptable to the county to reduce significant impacts
to existing road networks or land uses outside the development itself.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.120 Streets
A. All internal streets, roads and drives serving the development shall be designed and constructed to
county road improvement and design standards.
B. The use of private streets within planned commercial developments may be permitted.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.130 Signs
A. Signs shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter 15.620.
B. There shall be a common theme to the signing of the development. The theme should include some
identifiable common element or elements such as dimension, construction material, color scheme,
lighting or lettering style. All signs in the development shall be integral components of the common
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.490.140 Lapse of Approval
A. A general plan of development shall expire two years after its date of approval unless an application has
been filed with the planning authority for a conditional use permit for specific plan of development
prior to plan expiration, or a time extension has been approved prior to the date of the general plan of
development expiration. The planning commission may, upon good cause shown, grant a time
extension for one year.
B. The conditional use permit for a specific plan of development shall expire five years after approval
unless, prior to the expiration date, substantial physical construction has been completed on the
development or a time extension has been approved. The planning commission or board of supervisors
may, upon good cause shown, grant a time extension for one year.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.490.150 Resubmittal Following Expiration
After a general plan or a conditional use permit for a specific plan of development expires, a new
general plan or conditional use permit for a specific plan of development application and fee must be
submitted for reconsideration. The new application shall be subject to the same procedures and approval as
the original application. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.500
15.500.010 Purpose
15.500.020 Required Permit
15.500.030 Development Standards
15.500.010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to promote the available housing opportunities for the present and future
residents of Glenn County by the establishment of policies and development standards for the planned
mobilehome parks. The development standards for the planned mobilehome parks will further encourage the
creation of stable, attractive, residential environments within the individual mobilehome parks. (Ord. 1183
§ 2, 2006)
15.500.020 Required Permit
Planned mobilehome parks may be permitted in the RZ, RM, RE, RE-NW, C and M zones only if a
conditional use permit has first been secured. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.500.030 Development Standards
A. Mobilehome Site Requirements. Each mobilehome site shall be plainly marked and numbered for
identification and shall meet all requirements of this chapter.
1. Mobilehome Site Area. Each mobilehome site in a mobile home park shall have a minimum of
three thousand square feet in area.
2. Mobilehome Site Width. Each mobilehome site shall have a width of thirty feet plus the width of
the mobilehome, unless it can be shown that adequate space for a patio, parking, and side yard(s)
will be assured, despite a site of lesser width.
3. Front Yard. Each mobilehome site shall have a front yard of not less than five feet. The front yard
so required shall not be used for vehicle parking, except such paved a portion thereof as is devoted
to driveway use.
4. Side Yard, corner Lot. On corner sites, the side yard adjoining the mobilehome park street shall not
be less than five feet.
5. Side Yards, Interior. Each mobilehome site shall have a side yard on each side of not less than five
6. Side Yard, Driveway. When used for access to a parking facility, a side yard shall be wide enough
for a ten foot wide unobstructed driveway. All such side yard driveways shall be paved with
concrete or asphaltic concrete except in the RZ zone.
7. Rear Yard. Each mobilehome site shall have a rear yard of not less than five feet in depth.
8. Projection Into Yard. The following structures may be erected or projected into any required yard.
a. Eaves, stairways and awnings not to exceed one foot;
b. Landscape elements including trees, shrubs, and other plants, except hedges; provided, that
such landscape feature does not hinder the movement of the mobilehome in or out of its space;
c. Mobilehome hitches;
d. Necessary appurtenances for utility services.
9. Distance Between Mobilehomes or Accessory Structures. No portion of a mobilehome or attached
accessory structure shall be closer than ten feet to another mobilehome or attached accessory
10. Mobilehome Site Coverage. The mobilehome and accessory structures shall not cover more than
seventy-five percent of the mobilehome site.
B. Population Density. Not more than one single-family mobilehome may be placed on a mobilehome site.
C. Off-street parking.
1. Each mobilehome site shall have a paved space (except in RZ zone) suitable for providing
automobile shelter with space for at least two automobiles for each mobilehome (tandem parking is
2. Recreation and laundry areas shall have sufficient parking facilities to accommodate one
automobile for every ten mobilehome sites.
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D. Signs.
1. Each mobilehome park shall have a bulletin board for listing each mobilehome site and the name of
the occupant thereof. The bulletin board shall be located outside the office and it shall be lighted at
2. Adequate signs and markings indicating directions, parking areas, recreation areas and street names
shall be established and maintained in the mobilehome park. Such signs shall not exceed six square
feet in area.
3. Signs or name plates not exceeding two square feet in area and displaying only the name and
address of one occupant of the mobilehome may be erected at each mobilehome site.
4. Signs which identify or advertise the mobilehome park may be erected if approved by the planning
commission concurrently with its action on the conditional use permit for the mobilehome park.
Such signs must be located on the premises and shall not be more than one hundred twenty square
feet in area. They shall not be animated or illuminated except by indirect, nonflashing light.
E. Landscaping. The following landscaping provisions shall apply to all mobilehome parks:
1. All open areas except driveways, parking area, walkways, utility areas, improved decks, patios or
porches shall be maintained with landscaping as hereinbefore defined.
2. The trees shall be planted along street frontage as may be required by the planning commission.
F. Walls and Fences. Walls and fences on individual mobilehome sites shall not exceed two feet in height.
Walls or fences shall be erected around the perimeter of each mobilehome park as required by the
planning commission. The height, construction, and type of material for such perimeter walls shall be
as specified by the planning commission in the conditional use permit.
G. Mobilehome Park Streets. Mobilehome park streets shall be provided in such a pattern as to provide
convenient traffic circulation within the mobilehome park. On-street parking is not permitted. They
shall be built to the following standards (except in the RZ zone):
1. All mobilehome park streets shall have a width of not less than thirty feet including curbs.
2. There shall be concrete roll curbs on each side of the streets.
3. The mobilehome park streets shall be paved. Detailed plans shall be submitted to the public works
director for review and approval.
H. Park and Recreation Areas. A central recreational area shall be established in each mobilehome park
created pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The size of such area shall be at least two hundred
square feet per mobilehome site. The recreation area may contain community club houses, swimming
pools, shuffleboard courts and similar facilities. The planning commission may permit decentralization
of the recreation facilities in accordance with principles of good planning provided that the total
recreation area meets the above stated minimum size.
I. Mobilehome Park Office. Every mobilehome park shall include a permanent building for office use.
Such building may include a single-family dwelling for the exclusive use of the owner or manager.
J. Laundry Rooms. Every mobilehome park shall have one or more laundry rooms. Laundry drying lines
shall not be permitted on any mobilehome site.
K. Mail Boxes Provided. Each mobilehome site shall be equipped with a receptacle for mail deliveries in
accordance with the standards prescribed by the local postmaster.
L. Telephones. The mobilehome park shall contain at least one public telephone for the use of the park
M. Storage Areas. Areas used for the storage of travel trailers, boats and other such items may be
established in a mobilehome park; provided, they are adequately screened from public view.
N. Utilities. Except in the RZ zone, all utility distribution facilities serving individual mobilehome sites
shall be placed underground. The owner is responsible for complying with the requirements of this
subsection and he shall make the necessary arrangements with each of the serving utilities for the
installation of such facilities. Transformers, terminal boxes, meter cabinets, pedestals, concealed ducts
and other necessary appurtenant structures may be placed above ground. Water and sewer distribution
facilities shall be installed in conformance with specifications of the utility engineer.
O. Transient Mobilehome Sites. Sites reserved for transient mobilehomes shall be so designated on the
plans submitted with the application for the mobilehome park conditional use permit. The site, yard and
property development standards of this part shall fully apply to sites reserved for transient
P. Sales of Mobilehomes at Mobilehome Parks.
1. Operation Subject to Conditional Use Permit. The operation of a business or occupation, either full
or part time, for the purpose of mobilehome sales, shall be allowed on the premises of any legally
established mobilehome park, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit.
2. Conditions. Such conditional use permits shall be subject to any conditions imposed by the county.
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3. Restrictions. In no event shall the holder of the conditional use permit or any other person maintain
or allow to be maintained on the mobilehome park premises for display any mobilehome either
assembled or disassembled which is not installed on the site and connected to all utilities sufficient
to be legally adequate for immediate occupancy. The maximum number of unoccupied
mobilehomes so installed for display shall not exceed three units at any one time.
4. Other Requirements. This section does not affect any other requirements of any agency, board,
commission, council or entity at whatever level for any other permit, authorization or approval.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.510
15.510.010 Purpose
15.510.020 Applicability
15.510.030 Uses Permitted
15.510.040 Uses Permitted Subject to First obtaining a Conditional Use Permit
15.510.050 Minimum Lot Size
15.510.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
15.510.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
15.510.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
15.510.090 Minimum Yards
15.510.100 Maximum Height
15.510.110 Additional Performance Standards
15.510.120 Site Plan Review
15.510.010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to provide areas for a wide range of heavy commercial, light
manufacturing uses, research facilities, and administrative offices clustered within business parks with well-
designed buildings and attractively landscaped areas. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.020 Applicability
This district shall apply to designated areas of the County identified in the Glenn County General Plan
which are or are likely to be served by public water and sewer systems. Parcels or lots shall front on County
maintained roadways as designated on the Circulation Element of the Glenn County General Plan. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.030 Uses Permitted
The following heavy commercial and manufacturing uses are permitted when conducted within a
completely enclosed building; when not obnoxious or offensive because of noise, dust, odor, smoke,
vibration, danger to life and property; and when outdoor storage of finished products or materials does not
exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the net lot area and when stored within an area completely screened from
adjacent County road rights-ofway and adjacent properties:
A. Retail sales of large and bulky household items such as appliances, carpet and floor covering, fabric,
machinery, furniture, and fireplaces or wood stoves; not including new and used auto sales;
B. Commercial trade services including incidental retail sales such as cleaning and dyeing agencies and
plants, bottling works, cabinet and carpentry shops; blacksmith, welding and machine shops; furniture
repair and upholstery shops; not including minor or major auto repair;
C. Construction related sales and services such as hardware stores; general and specialty contractors
offices; electrical, plumbing, and heating shops; and light equipment rental shops;
D. Commercial warehouses and wholesale warehouses, not including mini-storage or aircraft hangers;
E. Light manufacturing, assembly, packaging, or processing of the following materials, including
incidental retail sales of finished products at the point of manufacture; and when not including any use
which incorporates processes involving the pulverization of clays, use of kilns fired by fuels other than
electricity or gas, or the refining or rendering of oils or fats:
1. High technology products such as electrical instruments, computers, optical equipment and similar
uses, including research and development.
2. Grains, vegetables, fruit or other farm products.
3. Wood, paper, or paper products, not including lumber and paper mills.
4. Fabrics, textiles, and similar materials.
5. Leather and leather products.
6. Metals and alloys, not including steel mills.
7. Plastic and fiberglass.
F. Administrative and general business offices and facilities when compatible with uses permitted in this
G. Professional construction support services such as blueprinting, duplicating, printing, drafting,
engineering, surveying, planning, or architectural services;
H. Research, development, and testing laboratories and facilities;
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I. Any other heavy commercial or light industrial use, building, or structure which is of similar character
and not materially different from those enumerated herein;
J. Food services such as cafes and diners open to the public;
K. Laundry, janitorial or facility maintenance services;
L. Industrial and commercial accessory uses and accessory structures;
M. Recycling centers when conducted within a completely enclosed building;
N. Energy production facilities. Public and private utilities and facilities.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.040 Uses Permitted Subject to First Obtaining a Conditional Use Permit
The following heavy commercial and manufacturing uses are permitted when conducted within a
completely enclosed building; and when not exceeding fifteen percent (15%) of the total area of the lot for
outdoor storage of finished products or materials within a completely screened by a site obscuring fence or
masonry wall from adjacent properties and County road rights-of-way on the same lot:
A. Uses permitted in Section 15.510.030 when obnoxious or offensive because of noise, dust, odor, smoke,
vibration, or danger to life and property as determined by the planning authority;
B. Uses permitted in Section 15.510.030 when not in compliance with the Performance Standards set forth
in Division 4, Part 1 of the Glenn County Unified Development Code;
C. Home improvement centers;
D. Tractor, boat, and airplane manufacturing and repair, not including minor or major auto repair.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.050 Minimum Lot Size
Forty thousand (40,000) square feet. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.060 Minimum Average Lot Width
A. Interior lots: One hundred (100) feet.
B. Corner lots: One hundred twenty-five (125) feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.070 Maximum Length to Width Ratio
Three to One (3:1). (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.080 Maximum Lot Coverage
Seventy-five percent (75%). (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.090 Minimum Yards
A. Front yard: Twenty feet (20’) from the lot line; or forty- five feet (45’) from the centerline of the
roadway, whichever is greater.
B. Rear yard: Twenty feet (20’); except as provided below:
Where the rear lot line of a site abuts a residential zoning district, the minimum rear yard setback shall
be fifty feet (50’). Where the rear lot line abuts a residential zoning district the owner shall construct, on
the rear lot line, a six-foot high solid masonry wall or solid wood fence. The masonry wall or solid
wood fence shall be continuously maintained.
C. Side yard: Ten feet (10’); except as provided below:
Where the side lot line of a site abuts a residential zoning district, the minimum side yard setback shall
be fifty feet (50’). Where the side lot line abuts a residential zoning district the owner shall construct,
on the side lot line, a six-foot high solid masonry wall or solid wood fence which shall not exceed three
(3) feet in height when extending into any required front yard. The masonry wall or solid wood fence
shall be continuously maintained.
D. Accessory structures: The above setbacks shall apply.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.100 Maximum Height
Twenty feet (20’); for each foot of setback in excess of all required setback lines, an additional height
of six inches (6”) shall be permitted, but the total height shall not exceed forty-five feet (45’), provided that
additional height may be permitted subject to first securing a conditional use permit in each case. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.510.110 Additional Performance Standards
The following requirements shall apply in addition to performance standards provided for in Division 4,
Part 1, Performance Standards of the Glenn County Code.
A. Public safety: All proposed development shall comply with the following public safety requirements
beyond those required elsewhere:
1. An emergency access way to the rear portion of the lot shall be provided where deemed necessary
or where required by the standards of the applicable local fire protection district.
2. Adequate lighting of parking lots and buildings shall be provided.
3. Clearly marked street numbers with lighting for night visibility shall be provided.
B. Required landscaping shall not totally shield a security officer’s view of doors, windows, or entrance
C. Development shall not occur until community sewer and water systems are available to serve the site;
D. The following additional design criteria shall apply:
1. Facades of buildings shall be decorative and architecturally pleasing. At a minimum, all buildings
shall be designed so that exterior walls look like wood or masonry regardless of their composition.
All roofing materials shall be designed to look like composition roofing, tile, shakes, shingles, or
tar and gravel, or consist of architectural metal roof sheathing with factory applied color coatings;
2. Colors, materials, and finishes are to be coordinated on all exterior elevations of the buildings to
achieve a total continuity of design that is visually pleasing and harmonious with adjacent
3. All roof-mounted mechanical equipment and/or duct work, which projects vertically more than one
and one-half feet (1 ½’) above roof or roof parapet and visible from an adjoining street is to be
screened by an enclosure which is detailed consistent with the building. Where total screening of
roof-mounted mechanical equipment and/or duct work which projects one and one-half feet (1 ½’)
or more above the roof or roof parapet is not practical, as determined by the Glenn County
Building Inspector, the projections shall be painted consistent with the color scheme of the
4. No mechanical equipment except for emergency equipment and air conditioning equipment is to be
exposed on the wall surface of a building. Such mechanical equipment shall be screened by an
enclosure which is designed to be consistent with the building;
5. Plans for cyclone blowers, bag houses, tanks, etc., shall be reviewed at the time of site plan review
to determine design integration with buildings and adjacent areas. Such equipment shall be painted
to blend with or complement the surface to which attached, if visible;
6. All gutters, down spouts, vents, louvers, exposed flashing and overhead doors, shall be painted to
blend with or complement the surface to which attached;
7. For development that is adjacent to any Scenic Highway as designated in the Glenn County
General Plan, the following standards shall also apply:
a. Outdoor storage of materials and equipment shall not face the scenic highway;
b. Overhead doors, garages, or loading zones shall be placed facing away from view of the scenic
8. Not less than twenty (20) feet of landscaping shall be provided and permanently maintained in any
required front yard.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.510.120 Site Plan Review
Prior to or concurrent with the application for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the
agency a complete site plan and all necessary supporting documentation for review by the agency to ensure
compliance with all the requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
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Chapter 15.520
15.520.010 Purpose
15.520.020 Applicability
15.520.030 Plans Required
15.520.040 Uses Permitted
15.520.050 Uses Permitted by General and Specific Plans of Development
15.520.060 Application Procedure for Rezoning and the General Plan of Development
15.520.070 Application Procedure for the Specific Plan of Development
15.520.080 Minimum Yards
15.520.090 Open Space
15.520.100 Traffic Circulation
15.520.110 Streets
15.520.120 Signs
15.520.130 Lapse of Approval
15.520.140 Resubmittal Following Expiration
15.520.010 Purpose
The intent and purposes of the RPM district are as follows:
A. To provide a means for encouraging creative and innovative recreation or motorsport developments
that are environmentally pleasing through the application of imaginative land planning techniques
not permitted within other zones with fixed standards;
B. To provide for an orderly and cohesive growth, physical development pattern and the efficient
delivery of county or community service;
C. To assure conformance of the project with the county general plan with respect to use, intensity,
circulation, public facilities and the preservation of natural features;
D. To encourage the design of planned developments for compatibility with both existing and potential
land uses, including a proper functional relationship with such adjacent areas;
E. To promote an equitable distribution of public facilities.
F. To promote economic development and the expansion of recreational opportunities.
G. To protect recreational and motorsport activities from encroachment by incompatible development such
as residential development.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.020 Applicability
Applications for RPM zoning shall be for a parcel or contiguous parcels totaling one hundred, sixty
(160) acres or more. (Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.030 Plans Required
A. A rezoning application to RPM shall be accompanied by a general plan of development for the entire
parcel(s) unless the rezoning is publicly initiated and implements language included in an approved
specific, general or community plan.
B. A conditional use permit for a specific plan of development shall be required for the portion of the
parcel(s) to be developed.
C. General plans and conditional use permits for plans of development shall be approved prior to any
D. Ministerial permits such as grading, building and health department permits shall not be issued prior to
approval of a conditional use permit for a specific plan of development.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.040 Uses Permitted
The following uses are permitted in any RPM district provided that such uses are not inconsistent with
an approved general or specific plan of development:
A. Growing and harvesting of any agricultural crop or product;
B. Livestock farming, including the raising, feeding, maintaining and breeding of horses, cattle, sheep,
goats and similar livestock;
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C. Game preserves and hunting clubs, private or public, but shall not include permanent facilities such as
hotels, motels, restaurants, club houses;
D. Accessory buildings or structures required for the storage of any crops, products, equipment or uses
lawfully permitted or produced on the premises.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.050 Uses Permitted by General and Specific Plans of Development
The following uses may be permitted by general and specific plans of development in the RPM district:
A. Motorsport activities and facilities included, but not limited to, automobile racing, motorcycle racing,
garages, storage, stands, viewing and judging areas, support facilities, and parking areas.
B. Recreation facilities including, but not limited to, tennis courts, fitness trails, swimming pools, boat
docks, marinas, playgrounds and parks.
C. All those uses permitted or conditionally permitted in the commercial and industrial districts compatible
with recreational activities and motorsports.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.060 Application Procedure for Rezoning and the General Plan of Development
A. Preapplications Meeting(s). Prior to preparation of the application for rezoning and the general plan of
development the applicant shall attend a preapplication meeting(s) with the planning authority staff.
Purposes to be served include:
1. To explain the purpose of the planned development commercial district;
2. To review the project’s consistency with the county general plan,
3. To review the county code requirements;
4. To provide a review of the applicant’s conceptual design and development objectives.
B. Application. Application shall be made on forms provided by the planning authority and accompanied
by all fees, information and supplemental plans required by this chapter. No applications shall be
accepted until the applicant has complied with subsection (A) of this section.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.070 Application Procedure for the Specific Plan of Development
A. Preapplication Meeting(s). Applicants for a conditional use permit for a specific plan of development
shall attend a preapplication meeting(s) with the planning authority staff. The following shall be
reviewed at the preapplication meeting:
1. Consistency of the specific plan of development with the approved general plan of development;
2. Review of the development standards applicable to the project.
B. Application. Application shall be made on forms provided by the planning authority and accompanied
by all fees, information and supplemental plans required by this district or the subdivision ordinance.
No applications shall be accepted until the applicant has complied with subsection (A) of this section.
C. Phasing. RPM projects may be phased if phasing is approved as part of the general plan of
development. Specific plans of development and tentative and final map proposals shall conform to the
phasing of the approved general plan of development.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.080 Minimum Yards
Net yards shall be no less than the following:
A. Front Yard. Twenty feet from front lot line, or forty-five feet from centerline of roadway, whichever is
greater. Yards abutting streets are front yards.
B. Rear Yard. Twenty feet from rear lot line, except as provided below:
1. Where the rear lot line of a lot abuts a residential zone, the minimum rear yard setback shall be one
thousand (1000) feet. Not less than twenty (20) feet abutting the rear lot line shall be landscaped
and permanently maintained. Such rear yard may be satisfied by maintenance of a agricultural
preservation zone, farmland security zone or other non-residential zoning designation between the
RPM district and the residential district.
2. Where the rear lot line of a lot abuts an agricultural preservation zone or a farmland security zone
shall be three hundred (300) feet. Not less than twenty (20) feet abutting the rear lot line shall be
landscaped and permanently maintained.
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C. Side Yard. Ten feet from side lot lines, except as provided below:
1. Where the side lot line of a lot abuts a residential zone, the minimum side yard setback shall be
one-thousand (1000) feet. Not less than ten feet abutting the side lot line shall be landscaped and
permanently maintained. Such side yard may be satisfied by maintenance of a agricultural
preservation zone, farmland security zone or other non-residential zoning designation between the
RPM district and the residential district.
2. Where the side lot line of a lot abuts an agricultural preservation zone or a farmland security zone
shall be three hundred (300) feet. Not less than twenty (20) feet abutting the rear lot line shall be
landscaped and permanently maintained.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.090 Open Space
All developments proposed under the RPM district may include a proportionate amount of open space
for active and passive use by the occupants of the development, whether they are merchants, employees or
the general public. The amount to be provided shall be determined as follows:
A. Common Open Space. Each planned development may contain one or more large areas of land
permanently reserved primarily for the leisure and recreational use of all the development’s occupants
or public and owned and maintained in common by the occupants.
B. Common open space may include:
1. Land area of the site not covered by buildings, parking structures or accessory structures;
2. Land which is accessible and available to all occupants of structures for whose use the space is
intended unless such land is in a category listed below;
3. Commonly owned recreational structures and facilities including, but not limited to, gymnasiums,
tennis courts, swimming pools, picnic areas and parks.
C. Public Open Space. As an alternative, or in addition to, common open space in subsection (B) of this
section, each planned development may propose one or more parcels of land which would be
permanently dedicated in fee to the county or other public or private agency. Such areas will be for the
use of the development’s occupants in addition to the use by all county residents or for the protection of
environmentally sensitive areas.
D. Required Open Space. The county may require public and/or common space in a planned development
at the time of approval of the general plan of development.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.100 Traffic Circulation
A. Internal Access. All recreation and planned motorsport development proposals shall ensure that internal
circulation systems are properly designed to serve the different types of proposed land uses,
accommodate expected traffic flows, provide adequate emergency access to all buildings and structures,
and provide for safe and convenient pedestrian access, whether the project is partially or fully
implemented. In addition, the following access requirements shall apply:
1. At least two different routes of entrance and exit for emergency vehicles shall be provided where
streets are longer than eight hundred feet;
2. All internal circulation systems shall meet the requirements of Chapter 15.640 Road Standards
B. External Access. The planning commission shall review development applications to ensure that
projected traffic increases resulting from the project, when partially and fully implemented, will not
significantly impact connecting streets, roads and existing and proposed land uses outside the project
perimeter. The applicant shall propose measures acceptable to the county to reduce significant impacts
to existing road networks or land uses outside the development itself.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.110 Streets
A. All internal streets, roads and drives serving the development shall be designed and constructed to
county road improvement and design standards.
B. The use of private streets within planned developments may be permitted.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
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15.520.120 Signs
A. Signs shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter 15.620 Sign Standards
B. There shall be a common theme to the signing of the development. The theme should include some
identifiable common element or elements such as dimension, construction material, color scheme,
lighting or lettering style. All signs in the development shall be integral components of the common
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.130 Lapse of Approval
A. A general plan of development shall expire two years after its date of approval unless an application has
been filed with the planning authority for a conditional use permit for specific plan of development
prior to plan expiration, or a time extension has been approved prior to the date of the general plan of
development expiration. The planning commission may, upon good cause shown, grant a time
extension for one year.
B. The conditional use permit for a specific plan of development shall expire five years after approval
unless, prior to the expiration date, substantial physical construction has been completed on the
development or a time extension has been approved. The planning commission or board of supervisors
may, upon good cause shown, grant a time extension for one year.
(Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
15.520.140 Resubmittal Following Expiration
After a general plan or a conditional use permit for a specific plan of development expires, a new
general plan or conditional use permit for a specific plan of development application and fee must be
submitted for reconsideration. The new application shall be subject to the same procedures and approval as
the original application. (Ord. 1189 § 3, 2006)
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Chapter 15.530
15.530.010 Purpose
15.530.020 Permitted Uses
15.530.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
15.530.040 Maximum Building Height
15.530.050 Site Plan Review
15.530.060 County Airport Rules and Regulations
15.530.010 Purpose
This chapter shall be applied to properties used, or planned to be used, as airports and where special
regulations are necessary for the protection of life and property. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.530.020 Permitted Uses
The following-uses and structures shall be permitted in the AV zone:
A. Paved runways, taxiways, landing strips and aprons;
B. Aircraft storage, service and repair hangars;
C. Aircraft fueling facilities;
D. Passenger and freight terminal facilities;
E. Lighting, radio and radar facilities;
F. Accessory structures and facilities, including aircraft and aviation accessory sales.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.530.030 Uses Permitted with a Conditional Use Permit
Uses permitted in the M (industrial) zone; this does not include conditionally permitted uses in the M
(industrial) zone.
A. Commercial uses which are dependent upon the airport for their existence or commercial uses which
are related to the traveling public, including highway, community and service commercial uses, but not
including any commercial use such as minor or major auto repair or commercial use not conducted
entirely within an enclosed building.
B. Those uses which have overhead public utility transmission and distribution facilities are not permitted.
C. Wash racks, rinsing and/or mixing facilities for agricultural chemicals and/or fertilizers prior to or
following aerial application.
D. Non-airport related public facilities.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.530.040 Maximum Building Height
No building or structure in this zone shall exceed thirty-five feet, except as otherwise permitted with a
conditional use permit. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.530.050 Site Plan Review
Before applying for a building permit, the applicant shall submit to the planning authority a complete
site plan and all other documents necessary for review by the director to ensure compliance with all the
requirements of the Glenn County Code. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.530.060 County Airport Rules and Regulations
A. Financial responsibility - Any owner of an aircraft habitually situated at the airport shall be financially
responsible. Any such owner shall, upon request, furnish the sponsor with evidence of financial
responsibility. The minimum financial responsibility required pursuant to this section shall be as
1. Property damage, fifty thousand dollars;
2. Bodily injury or death, excluding occupants of aircraft, one person, fifty thousand dollars;
3. Bodily injury or death, excluding occupants of aircraft, two or more persons, one hundred thousand
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B. Evidence of financial responsibility - Acceptable evidence of financial responsibility shall consist of a
certificate of insurance or a bond issued by an insurance company duly authorized to transact business
in the state.
C. Effect of noncompliance - If the owner of an aircraft habitually situated at the airport fails or refuses to
furnish the sponsor with the required evidence of financial responsibility when so requested, the owner
shall thereafter be prohibited from basing any aircraft which he may own at the airport until such time
as he complies with the provisions of this chapter.
D. Business activities - No person shall use the airport in any manner whatsoever for any commercial,
profit, gainful, or revenue producing purpose, including, without limitation, flight instruction or
mechanical work, without written approval of the sponsor. No person shall distribute, post or display
any commercial or noncommercial signs, circulars, handbills or advertisements on the airport without
the consent of the airport manager. No person shall solicit funds for any purpose on the airport.
E. Airport manager - The operation of the airport shall be under the direction of the sponsor who shall
designate an airport manager who shall have the initial responsibility for all airport business and
F. Rules and regulations - The sponsor shall have the power to adopt, amend and repeal rules and
regulations for the operation and maintenance of the airport. Such rules and regulations may include a
schedule of fees for the use of the airport.
G. Compliance with laws and regulations - No person shall operate or maintain any aircraft at the airport
except in strict conformity with all ordinances, rules and regulations of the sponsor, and the regulations
of the Federal Aviation Agency and all other applicable laws. All operators of aircraft are responsible
for complete knowledge of all laws, rules and regulations relating to the operation of aircraft.
H. Assumption of liability - The privileges of using the airport and its facilities shall be conditioned upon
the assumption of full responsibility, liability and risk by the user thereof. The sponsor, its agents and
employees shall not be liable for loss, damage or injury to persons or property arising out of any
accident of any nature whatsoever, or from any cause whatsoever, including, but not limited to, fire,
theft, vandalism, wind, flood, earthquake, collision, or act of God.
I. Charges for parking aircraft - Charges for parking aircraft shall be subject to periodic review and
revision. Daily rates shall apply to all aircraft parked overnight. Aircraft owned and operated by the
federal government are exempt from the payment of daily rates.
J. Lease fee policy at the county airports - After the first year of a Lease and each ensuing year of the
lease, the monthly rent shall be set in the following manner; the Consumer Price Index for all urban
consumers for the San Francisco-Oakland Metropolitan Area published by the United States
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (“Index”), shall be reviewed annually to determine if
there has been an increase in the Index;
1. If the Index has increased during the previous year, the monthly rent payable during the next year
shall be set by calculating the increase by multiplying the monthly rent by a fraction, the numerator
of which is the Index at the end of the prior year and the denominator of which is the Index at the
beginning of the prior year;
2. As soon as the monthly rent for that year is set, Lessor shall give Lessee notice of the amount of
monthly rent for that year;
3. If the Index is discontinued or revised during the year, such other government index or
computation with which it is replaced shall be used in order to obtain substantially the same result
as would be obtained if the Index had not been discontinued or revised.
K. Payment of parking and airport use charges - Payment for monthly reserved space and airport use
charges is due and payable in advance for each calendar month. Charges for commencing or
terminating the use of parking space other than on the first of the calendar month shall be prorated for
that month. Payment of the daily aircraft parking charges shall be made prior to the departure of aircraft
unless credit arrangements have been approved by the airport manager.
L. Sale of aviation fuel, oil and lubricants - The sale of aviation fuel, oil and lubricants shall be on a
concession basis between the sponsor and fixed base operators. Fuel flowage fees shall be paid by
concessionaires to the sponsor at rates established in the fixed base operator contracts.
M. Animals - No person shall enter the aircraft ground movement area with any animals. Dogs and other
animals may be permitted in other areas of the airport and in the aircraft tiedown area only if restrained
by leash or confined in such a manner as to be under control.
N. Damage to airport - Any person causing damage to the airport or any airport property shall be
responsible for the cost of repair or replacement. All damage shall be promptly reported to the airport
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O. Damage to aircraft - Witnesses to and participants in any accident causing damage to aircraft in the
airport area shall promptly make a full report of such accident to the airport manager or his or her
representative. Aircraft operators, owners or their agents shall be responsible for and shall cooperate
and assist in, the prompt removal of damaged aircraft, parts, property or debris resulting from any
accident; provided, however, that the airport manager or officials of the Federal Aviation Agency may
prohibit the movement or removal of any damaged aircraft or property.
P. Cleanliness - All persons using the airport shall place all rubbish, garbage or other debris in appropriate
Q. Automobiles - All persons using the airport shall operate automobiles and/or trucks in accordance with
the following rules:
1. Vehicles shall be parked within designated parking areas only;
2. Vehicles shall not be operated beyond roads and parking area limits without prior consent of the
airport manager;
3. No common carrier, vehicle for hire shall load or unload passengers or stand at the airport in any
place other than in the area designated by the airport manager;
4. Vehicles shall not be operated on the apron except by persons assigned to duty there or others
authorized by the airport manager;
5. No person shall operate any vehicle in any of the landing areas unless authorized to do so by the
airport manager, and then only in the manner prescribed;
6. Vehicle speed shall be limited to fifteen miles an hour within the airport parking areas;
7. The airport manager shall have authority to move vehicles parked in improper locations and the
owners of such vehicles shall be responsible for the payment of any towing charges necessitated
R. Firearms - No person except peace officers, authorized federal, state and local employees, or members
of the armed forces of the United States on official duty shall carry any firearms or explosives on the
airport without prior permission of the airport manager. No person shall hunt, conduct target practice or
discharge firearms on the airport.
S. Aircraft operating rules - No aeronautical activity shall be conducted at the airport except in
conformance with current federal air regulations. In addition, the following rules shall apply:
1. No aircraft shall be parked in any area not designated for such purpose by the airport manager
without prior consent of the airport manager. Parked aircraft shall have parking brakes set, wheels
firmly blocked to prevent movement and/or shall be firmly secured to the ground by ropes or other
appropriate means;
2. Low flying within the confine of the traffic pattern, except in emergencies or when necessary to
climb to the designated pattern altitude or descend to a landing, is prohibited;
3. No aircraft shall take off or land except in conformance with the approved traffic pattern,
emergency landings excepted;
4. Aircraft shall not cross or enter upon any runway until the pilot has stopped and assured by visual
inspection that there is no danger of collision with any person or object;
5. Taxiing in and out of hangars is specifically prohibited;
6. Unusual performance test of aircraft on or from airport premises will be done only with the express
approval of the airport manager and only in the manner and area designated by the airport manager;
7. All aircraft shall land and take off only on designated usable runways unless specifically authorized
by the airport manager to use other areas of the airport. All takeoffs shall commence at the
beginning of the runway or area authorized for use;
8. No persons shall land or take off from the airport unless the aircraft is equipped with properly
functioning brakes or other positive means to insure adequate ground control;
9. Formation flying is prohibited in the traffic pattern on takeoff or landing;
10. Aircraft shall be halted and all engines stopped at a minimum of twenty-five feet before entering
any hangar or building;
11. No aircraft shall remain on the landing or take-off area for the purpose of instructing students
between flights;
12. No aircraft engine shall be started or run up in any hangar or when the aircraft is tailed toward
hangar doors, or positioned in such a manner to constitute a danger to persons or property. Engine
run ups and tests shall not be performed in areas or at such times as may be restricted by the airport
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13. No engine affixed to an aircraft shall be started or operated unless a competent aircraft operator is
in the aircraft attending to the controls and the parking brakes are set or the wheels properly
blocked to prevent movement;
14. Aircraft shall be taxied, at all times at a safe and reasonable speed, in the control of a competent
aircraft operator. Except as may be specifically directed otherwise, all aircraft operators shall taxi
at their own discretion;
15. No passenger or freight shall be loaded or unloaded from any aircraft unless and until all engines
on the aircraft have come to a complete stop;
16. Operators of aircraft shall close, and keep closed, gates which lead to any ramp at all times except
when necessary for the loading and unloading of aircraft;
17. Spectators shall not be permitted on any ramp without approval of the airport manager, his or her
representative, or one of the fixed base operators;
18. Instructions from an authorized control tower shall take precedence over any of the preceding
19. The airport manager may regulate touch-and-go landings whenever traffic volume is such that
regulation is necessary for the safe and orderly operation of the airport;
20. The airport manager may refuse clearance or delay any flights or other operations at the airport
when, in his or her discretion, he or she deems such action necessary in the interest of safety.
T. Fire safety rules - All persons using the airport shall comply with the following fire safety rules:
1. No person shall store or operate passenger automobiles or trucks within the hangars. Power
operated industrial trucks and tractors used within hangars shall be of a type approved by the fire
2. No person shall store or stock material or equipment so as to constitute a fire hazard;
3. No person shall store or place any flammable liquids, solids, gases, signal flares or similar
hazardous materials within any hangar or buildings except in areas or rooms specifically approved
by the fire chief. The storage of flammable liquids within buildings shall be under permit issued by
the fire chief. Such storage shall be in approved containers bearing the label of the Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc., (five gallon maximum container);
4. All tenants of buildings shall provide metal containers, approved by the fire chief, equipped with
self-closing covers for the storage of oily wastes, rags and similar combustible materials. All such
wastes shall be removed by the tenant daily;
5. All tenants of buildings shall maintain the floors of hangars, hangar ramps, and adjacent areas free
and clear of oil, grease, and other flammable materials;
6. No person shall use flammable substances for cleaning floors of hangars or other buildings;
7. The cleaning of aircraft engines or other parts using solvents shall be limited in scope and only
nonflammable or high flash point (one hundred degrees Fahrenheit or greater) solvents shall be
used. Drip and collecting pans shall be used during any cleaning process;
8. No person shall dispose of gasoline, oil, solvent or other flammable waste products in any drain,
manhole, open ditch, or other airport areas;
9. Painting and doping of aircraft with flammable fluids shall be conducted only in areas or in
buildings approved by the fire chief;
10. No person shall smoke any cigarette, cigar or pipe, or strike any match or kindle, or any flame
whatever within fifty feet of any aircraft while being fueled, or within fifty feet from fuel islands or
any flammable liquid container, or within any hangar or aircraft workshop located upon the airport,
except as approved by the fire chief. Smoking may be permitted within areas designated by the fire
11. Cutting, welding, and spray painting operations shall be conducted only within areas or buildings
approved by the fire chief;
12. All electrical wiring, fixtures and appliances shall be installed and maintained in accordance with
approved local codes and ordinances;
13. Each fixed base operator shall institute training programs for employees in the use of portable fire
extinguisher equipment and methods of evacuating or relocating occupants of the premises in case
of fire or other emergency;
14. Portable fire extinguisher shall be provided and installed by the fixed base operators as directed by
the fire chief as to number, type and location;
15. Portable fire extinguisher shall not be moved from designated locations for any reason other than
as a precaution against an immediate hazard or to be recharged;
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16. Access to all fire extinguishing equipment shall be kept free and unobstructed at all times. Portable
fire extinguisher shall be inspected periodically by the fire chief;
17. Fire prevention inspection shall be made by the fire chief and fire drills shall be held at his or her
18. Every person who becomes aware of any fire or smoldering combustion or any unwarranted
insidious nature which is not confined within equipment designated for fire or which is any hazard
to the premises shall report said fire or smoldering combustion without delay to the local fire
19. All persons shall comply with all fire safety regulations established by the local governmental
entity having jurisdiction for fire protection at the airport.
U. Pesticides and fertilizers
1. Except as otherwise set forth in this section, the mixing and loading of pesticides and fertilizers and
the washing and rinsing of all equipment used in the mixing, loading and application of pesticides
and fertilizers is hereby prohibited upon any airport belonging to the County of Glenn;
2. Exceptions. Subdivision 1 of this section shall not apply to the following:
a. The washing and rinsing of the interior and exterior of all aircraft and related equipment used
the application of pesticides and fertilizers upon Regional Water Quality Control Board
approved washpad and collection facilities.
b. The mixing and loading of pesticides and fertilizers performed in accordance with the rules
and regulations adopted by Resolution by the Glenn County Board of Supervisors.
3. The pesticide and/or fertilizer applicator and owner shall be deemed responsible for any adverse
environmental or health consequences or damages established by a court of appropriate jurisdiction
to have originated from the activities of said applicator, whether or not California Regional Water
Quality Control Board approved washpad and collection facilities are employed in the applicator’s
mixing, loading, washing and/or rinsing activity;
4. Any person, whether principal, agent, employee or otherwise, who knowingly or willfully violates
any of the provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be
punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars and not more than six months in the
county jail. In addition, violation of any of the provisions of this Section shall be cause for
immediate revocation and/or termination of rights to load and mix on any county airport property.
If the applicator is deemed responsible for any environmental degradation as defined in
Subdivision C, above, the applicator shall be responsible for mitigating this environmental
degradation. For purposes of this Section, each incident shall be considered a separate violation and
shall be ordained as such without consideration or jeopardy to any other violation and shall provide
its own penalty and mitigation remedy. The applicator shall develop a mitigation plan including
remedial efforts in conjunction with the appropriate State and Federal agencies. The applicator
shall use due diligence in carrying out this mitigation plan;
V. Exclusion from airport - Every person who violates or refuses to comply with any provision of this
chapter or any rule adopted pursuant to this chapter may be removed or ejected from the airport by or
under the authority of the airport manager and may be deprived of future use of the airport and its
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.540
15.540.010 Authorization and Purpose
15.540.020 Findings of Fact
15.540.030 Methods of Reducing Flood Losses
15.540.040 Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard
15.540.050 Lands to Which this Chapter Applies
15.540.060 Compliance
15.540.070 Establishment of Development Permit
15.540.080 Designation of Flood Plain Administrator
15.540.090 Duties and Responsibilities of Flood Plain Administrator
15.540.100 Standards of Construction
15.540.110 Standards for Utilities
15.540.120 Standards for Subdivisions
15.540.130 Standards for Manufactured Homes
15.540.140 Standards for Recreational Vehicles
15.540.150 Permit Exceptions Agricultural Buildings Placement, Construction
15.540.160 Floodway Encroachments
15.540.170 Appeals
15.540.180 Variances
15.540.190 Variance Appeals
15.540.200 Conditions for Variances
15.540.210 Application and Interpretation
15.540.010 Authorization and Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to promote and protect. This chapter is adopted pursuant to Section 7 of
Article XI of the California Constitution and supplemental authority contained in state statutes. The purpose
of this chapter is to promote and protect the public health, safety, and general welfare by providing a
definite plan of development standards to guide, control and regulate growth in areas subject to flooding and
to minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by provisions designed to:
A. Protect human life and health;
B. Minimize expenditures of public money for costly flood control projects;
C. Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the
expense of the general public;
D. Minimize prolonged business interruptions;
E. Minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains; electric, telephone and
sewer lines; and streets and bridges located in areas of special flood hazard;
F. Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of areas of special
flood hazard so as to minimize future blighted areas caused by flood damage;
G. Provide for notice to potential buyers that property is in an area of special flood hazard; and
H. Provide that those who occupy or use areas of special flood hazard assume responsibility for their
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.020 Findings of Fact
A. Flood hazard areas exist in Glenn County and are characterized by periodic inundation which may
result in loss of life and property, create health and safety hazards, disrupt commerce and governmental
services, cause extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impair the tax
base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare of persons residing,
working or visiting in the county.
B. These flood losses are caused by uses that are inadequately elevated, flood-proofed, or protected from
flood damage. The cumulative effect of obstructions in areas of special flood hazards which increase
flood heights and velocities also contribute to the flood loss.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.540.030 Methods of Reducing Flood Losses
To accomplish its purposes, this chapter establishes methods and provisions to:
A. Restrict or prohibit uses which are dangerous to health, safety, and property due to water or erosion
hazards, or which result in damaging increases in erosion or in flood heights or velocities;
B. Require that uses vulnerable to floods, including facilities which serve such uses, be protected against
flood damage at the time of initial construction;
C. Control the alteration of natural flood plains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers, which
help accommodate or channel flood waters;
D. Control filling, grading, dredging, and other development which may increase flood damage; and
E. Prevent or regulate the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert flood waters or
which may increase flood hazards in other areas.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.040 Basis for Establishing the Areas of Special Flood Hazard
A. The areas of special flood hazard identified by the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) of the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the Flood Insurance Study for the County of
Glenn effective June 5, 1997 (FIS) and accompanying Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) and Flood
Boundary and Floodway Maps (FBFMS) effective September 3, 1980, and all subsequent amendments
and/or revisions, are hereby adopted by reference, declared to be a part of this chapter, and designated
as special zone maps pursuant to this section.
B. This FIS and attendant mapping is the minimum area of applicability of this chapter and may be
supplemented by studies for other areas which allow implementation of this chapter and which are
recommended to the Board of Supervisors by the flood plain administrator. The study, FIRMS, and
FBFMs are on file at the planning authority.
(Ord. 1211 § 3, 2009; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.050 Lands to Which this Chapter Applies
This chapter shall apply to all areas of special flood hazards within the jurisdiction of Glenn County.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.060 Compliance
No structure or land shall hereafter be constructed, located, extended, converted, or altered without full
compliance with the term of this chapter and other applicable regulations. Violation of the requirements
(including violations of conditions and safeguards established in connection with conditions) shall constitute
a misdemeanor. Nothing herein shall prevent the county from taking such lawful action as is necessary to
prevent or remedy any violation. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.070 Establishment of Development Permit
A development permit shall be obtained before any construction or other development begins within
any area of special flood hazard established in Section 15.540.040. Application for a development permit
shall be made on forms furnished by the flood plain administrator and may include, but not be limited to:
plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevation of the area in
question; existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, drainage facilities; and the location of the
foregoing. Specifically, the following information is required:
A. For new structures and substantial improvements, provide detailed site plan with spot elevations of
ground adjacent to proposed footprint of structure and all supporting building systems, well, septic
system; and
B. Foundation design detail; and
C. Proposed elevation in relation to mean sea level, of the lowest floor (including basement) of all
structures; in Zone AO, elevation of highest adjacent grade and proposed elevation of lowest floor of all
structures; or proposed elevation in relation to mean sea level to which any nonresidential structure will
be floodproofed, if required in Section 15.540.100.C.2; and
D. All appropriate certifications listed in Section 15.540.090.D; and
E. Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of proposed
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.540.080 Designation of Flood Plain Administrator
The building official is hereby appointed to administer, implement, and enforce this chapter by granting
or denying development permits in accord with its provisions. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.090 Duties and Responsibilities of Flood Plain Administrator
The duties and responsibilities of the flood plain administrator include, but are not limited to the
A. Permit Review. Review all development permits to determine that:
1. All permit requirements of this chapter have been satisfied;
2. All other required state and federal permits have been obtained;
3. The site is reasonably safe from flooding; and
4. The proposed development does not adversely affect the carrying capacity of areas where base
flood elevations have been determined but a floodway has not been designated. For purposes of
this ordinance, “adversely affects” means that the cumulative effect of the proposed development,
when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will increase the water surface
elevation of the base flood more than one foot at any point.
B. Review and Use of Any Other Base Flood Data. When base flood elevation data has not been provided
in accordance with Section 15.540.040, the flood plain administrator shall obtain, review, and
reasonably utilize any base flood elevation and floodway data available from a federal or state agency,
or other source, in order to administer this chapter. Any such information shall be submitted to the
Board of Supervisors for adoption.
C. Notification of Other Agencies. If alteration or relocation of a watercourse is proposed:
1. Notify adjacent communities and the California Department of Water Resources prior to alteration
or relocation;
2. Submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Insurance Administration, Federal Emergency
Management Agency;
3. Assure that the flood-carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion of the affected
watercourse is maintained; and
4. Base Flood Elevation changes due to physical alterations:
a. Within 6 months of information becoming available or project completion, whichever comes
first, the flood plain administrator shall submit or assure that the applicant submits technical or
scientific data to FEMA for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR).
b. All LOMR`s for flood control projects are approved prior to the issuance of building permits.
Building Permits must not be issued based on Conditional Letters of Map Revision
(CLOMR`s). Approved CLOMR`s allow construction of the proposed flood control project
and land preparation as specified in the “start of construction” definition.
Such submissions are necessary so that upon confirmation of those physical changes affecting flooding
conditions, risk premium rates and floodplain management requirements are based on current data.
D. Documentation of Flood Plain Development. Obtain and maintain for public inspection, and make
available as needed, the following:
1. Certification required by Section 15.540.100.C.1 (lowest floor elevations);
2. Certification required by Section 15.540.100.C.2 (elevation or floodproofing of nonresidential
3. Certification required by Sections 15.540.100.C.3 (wet floodproofing standard);
4. Certification of elevation required by Section 15.540.120.B (subdivision standards); and
5. Certification required by Section 15.540.160.A (floodway encroachments).
E. Map Determinations. Make interpretations where needed, as to the exact location of the boundaries of
the areas of special flood hazard, for example, where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped
boundary and actual field conditions. The person contesting the location of the boundary shall be given
a reasonable opportunity to appeal the interpretation as provided in Section 15.540.160.
F. Remedial Action. Take action to remedy violations of this chapter as specified in Section 15.540.060.
(Ord. 1252 § 2, 2014; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.100 Standards of Construction
In all areas of special flood hazards the following standards apply:
A. Anchoring.
1. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be adequately anchored to prevent
flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and
hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy.
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2. All manufactured homes shall meet the anchoring standards of Section 15.540.130.
B. Construction materials and methods. All new construction and substantial improvements shall be
constructed as follows:
1. With materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage;
2. Using methods and practices that minimize flood damage;
3. With electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning equipment and other service
facilities that are designed and/or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating
within the components during conditions of flooding; and
4. If within zones AH or AO, so that there are adequate drainage paths around structures on slopes to
guide flood waters around and away from proposed structures.
C. Elevation and floodproofing.
1. All residential construction, new or substantial improvements, shall have the lowest floor,
including basement:
a. In an AO zone, elevated above the highest adjacent grade to a height equal to or exceeding the
depth number specified in feet on the FIRM, or elevated at least two feet above the highest
adjacent grade if no depth number is specified.
b. In an A zone, elevated to or above the base flood elevation, as determined by the county.
c. In all other zones, elevated to or above the base flood elevation.
Upon the completion of the structure, the elevation of the lowest floor including basement shall be
certified by a registered professional engineer or surveyor, and verified by the community building
inspector to be properly elevated. Such certification and verification shall be provided to the flood plain
2. Nonresidential construction, new or substantial improvement, shall either be elevated to conform
with paragraph C.1 or, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities:
a. Be floodproofed below the elevation recommended under paragraph C.1 so that the structure is
watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water;
b. Have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and
effects of buoyancy; and
c. Be certified by a registered civil engineer or architect that the standards of this paragraph C.2
are satisfied. Such certification shall be provided to the flood plain administrator.
3. All new construction and substantial improvements with fully enclosed areas below the lowest
floor (excluding basements) that are usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or
storage, and which are subject to flooding, shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic
flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwater. Designs for meeting
this requirement must meet or exceed the following minimum criteria:
a. Be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect; or
b. Have a minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for
every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding. The bottom of all openings shall be no
higher than one foot above grade. Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves or
other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of
4. Manufactured homes shall also meet the standards set forth in Section 15.540.130.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.110 Standards for Utilities
A. All new and replacement water supply and sanitary sewage systems shall be designed to minimize or
1. Infiltration of flood waters into the systems; and
2. Discharge from the systems into flood waters.
B. On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid impairment to them, or contamination from
them during flooding.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.120 Standards for Subdivisions
A. All preliminary subdivision proposals shall identify the flood hazard area and the elevation of the base
B. All subdivision plans will provide the elevation of each proposed structure and pad. If the site is filled
above the base flood elevation, the lowest floor and pad elevations shall be certified by a registered
civil engineer or surveyor and provided to the flood plain administrator.
C. All subdivision proposals shall be consistent with the need to minimize flood damage.
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D. All subdivision proposals shall have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and
water systems located and constructed to minimize flood damage.
E. All subdivisions shall provide adequate drainage to reduce exposure to flood hazards.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.130 Standards for Manufactured Homes
A. All manufactured homes that are placed or substantially improved, within Zones Al-30, AH, and AE on
the community’s Flood Insurance Rate Map, on sites located:
1. Outside of a manufactured home park or subdivision;
2. In a new manufactured home park or subdivision;
3. In an expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision; or
4. In an existing manufactured home park or subdivision on a site upon which a manufactured home
has incurred “substantial damage” as the result of a flood, shall be elevated on a permanent
foundation, such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is elevated to or above the base
flood elevation and be securely fastened to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist
flotation, collapse and lateral movement.
B. All manufactured homes to be placed or substantially improved on sites in an existing manufactured
home park or subdivision within Zones Al-30, AH, and AE on the Flood Insurance Rate Map that are
not subject to the provisions of subsection A, above, will be securely fastened to an adequately
anchored foundation system to resist flotation collapse, and lateral movement, and be elevated so that
either the:
1. Lowest floor of the manufactured home is at or above the base flood elevation; or
2. Manufactured home chassis is supported by reinforced piers or other foundation elements of at
least equivalent strength that are no less than 36 inches in height above grade.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.140 Standards for Recreational Vehicles
Every recreational vehicle placed on sites within Zones Al-30, AH, and AE on the community’s Flood
Insurance Rate Map will either:
A. Be on the site for fewer than 180 consecutive days, be fully licensed and ready for highway use, (i.e., is
on its wheels or jacking system), be attached to the site only by quick disconnect type utilities and
security devices, and have no permanently attached additions; or
B. Meet the permit requirements of Section 15.540.070 of this chapter and the elevation and anchoring
requirements for manufactured homes in Section 15.54.130.A.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.150 Permit ExceptionsAgricultural BuildingsPlacement, Construction
All agricultural buildings or structures not requiring a permit under Chapter 15.720 and within Zones A,
AO, A1-A30, AE, A99 and AH shall be placed and constructed so as to:
A. Not be appreciably damaged by flooding;
B. Offer minimum resistance to flood flows;
C. Resist flotation;
D. Resist hydrostatic forces in accordance with wet floodproofing standards as specified in the Federal
Emergency Management Agency’s 1993 Technical Bulletin; and
E. Meet required setback distances.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.160 Floodway Encroachments
A. Located within areas of special flood hazard established in Section 15.540.060 are areas designated as
floodways. Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which
carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential, the following provisions apply.
B. Encroachments, including fill, new construction, substantial improvement, and other new development
are prohibited unless certification by a registered civil engineer is provided demonstrating that
encroachments shall not result in any increase in the base flood elevation during the occurrence of the
base flood discharge.
C. If subsection A is satisfied, all new construction, substantial improvement, and other proposed new
development shall comply with all other applicable flood hazard reduction provisions of Sections
15.540.100 through 15.540.140.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.540.170 Appeals
The Board of Supervisors shall hear and decide appeals when it is alleged there is an error in any
requirement, decision, or determination made by the flood plain administrator in the enforcement or
administration of this chapter. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.180 Variances
A. The variance criteria set forth in this section are based on the general principle of zoning law that
variances pertain to a piece of property and are not personal in nature. A variance may be granted for a
parcel of property with physical characteristics so unusual that complying with the requirements of this
chapter would create an exceptional hardship to the applicant or the surrounding property owners. The
characteristics must be unique to the property and not be shared by adjacent parcels. The unique
characteristic must pertain to the land itself, not to the structure, its inhabitants, or the property owners.
B. The need to protect the county’s citizens from flooding is so compelling, and the implications of the
cost of insuring a structure built below flood level are so serious, that variances from the flood elevation
or from other requirements in this chapter are intended to be rare. The long term goal of preventing and
reducing flood loss and damage can only be met if variances are strictly limited. Therefore, the variance
guidelines provided in this chapter are more detailed and contain multiple provisions that must be met
before a variance can be properly granted. The criteria are designed to screen out those situations in
which alternatives other than a variance are more appropriate.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.190 Variance Appeals
A. In passing upon requests for variances, the Board of Supervisors shall consider all technical
evaluations, all relevant factors, standards specified in other sections of this chapter, and the:
1. Danger that materials may be swept onto other lands to the injury of others;
2. Danger of life and property due to flooding or erosion damage;
3. Susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such
damage on the existing individual owner and future owners of the property;
4. Importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community;
5. Necessity to the facility of a waterfront location, where applicable;
6. Availability of alternative locations for the proposed use which are not subject to flooding or
erosion damage;
7. Compatibility of the proposed use with existing and anticipated development;
8. Relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan and flood plain management program
for that area;
9. Safety of access to the property in time of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles;
10. Expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise, and sediment transport of the flood waters
expected at the site; and
11. Costs of providing governmental services during and after flood conditions, including maintenance
and repair of public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water system, and
streets and bridges.
B. Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be given written notice over the signature of the
building official that:
1. The issuance of a variance to construct a structure below the base flood level will result in
increased premium rates for flood insurance up to amounts as high as $25 for $100 of insurance
coverage; and
2. Such construction below the base flood level increases risks to life and property. A copy of the
notice shall be recorded by the flood plain administrator in the Office of the Glenn County
Recorder in such a manner that it appears in the chain of title of the affected parcel of land.
C. The flood plain administrator will maintain a record of all variance actions, including justification for
their issuance, and report such variances issued in its biennial report to the Federal Insurance
Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.200 Conditions for Variances
A Generally, variances may be issued for new construction, substantial improvement, and other proposed
new development to be erected on a lot of one-half acre or less in size contiguous to and surrounded by
lots with existing structures constructed below the base flood level, providing that the procedures of
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Sections 15.540.070 through 15.540.150 of this chapter have been fully considered. As the lot size
increases beyond one-half acre, the technical justification required for issuing the variance increases.
B. Variances may be issued for the repair or rehabilitation of “historic structures” upon a determination
that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure’s continued designation as an
historic structure and the variance is the minimum necessary to preserve the historic character and
design of the structure.
C. Variances shall not be issued within any mapped regulatory floodway if any increase in flood levels
during the base flood discharge would result.
D. Variances shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the “minimum necessary”
considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. “Minimum necessary” means to afford relief with a
minimum of deviation from the requirements of this chapter. For example, in the case of variances to an
elevation requirement, this means the Board of Supervisors need not grant permission for the applicant
to build at grade, or even to whatever elevation the applicant proposes, but only to that elevation which
the Board of Supervisors believes will both provide relief and preserve the integrity of the local chapter.
E. Variances shall only be issued upon the following grounds:
1. Showing of good and sufficient cause;
2. Determination that failure to grant the variance will result in exceptional hardship to the applicant;
3. Determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional
threats to public safety, or extraordinary public expense, create a nuisance, cause fraud or
victimization of the public, or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances.
Circumstances supporting a request for a variance must be exceptional, unusual, and peculiar to the
property involved. Mere economic or financial hardship alone is not exceptional. Inconvenience,
aesthetic considerations, physical handicaps, personal preferences, or the disapproval of one’s
neighbors likewise cannot, as a rule, qualify as an exceptional hardship. All of these problems can be
resolved through other means without granting a variance, even if the alternative is more expensive, or
requires the property owner to build elsewhere or put the parcel to a different use than originally
F. Variances may be issued for new construction, substantial improvement, and other proposed new
development necessary for the conduct of a functionally dependent use provided that the provisions of
subsections A through E are satisfied and that the structure or other development is protected by
methods that minimize flood damages during the base flood and does not result in additional threats to
public safety and does not create a public nuisance.
G. Upon consideration of the factors of Section 15.540.180.A and the purposes of this chapter, the Board
of Supervisors may attach such conditions to the granting of variances as it deems necessary to further
the purposes of this chapter.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.540.210 Application and Interpretation
A. This chapter is not intended to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed
restrictions. However, if this chapter and another ordinance, easement, covenant, or deed restriction
conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail.
B. In the interpretation and application of this chapter all provisions shall be:
1. Considered as minimum requirements;
2. Liberally construed in favor of the governing body; and
3. Deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under state statutes.
C. The degree of flood protection required by this chapter is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes
and is based on scientific and engineering considerations. Larger floods can and will occur. Flood
heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. This chapter does not imply that land outside
the areas of special flood hazards or that uses permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or
flood damages. This chapter shall not create liability on the part Glenn County, any officer or employee
thereof, the State of California, or the Federal Insurance Administration, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, for any flood damages that result from reliance on this chapter or any
administrative decision made under this chapter.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.550
15.550.010 Purpose
15.550.020 Necessity
15.550.030 Zones
15.550.040 Height Limitations
15.550.050 Use Restrictions
15.550.060 Nonconforming Uses
15.550.070 Variances
15.550.080 Conflicting Regulations
15.550.010 Purpose
Pursuant to the authority conferred by the Government Code of the state of California, and in
conformance with the standards of the Federal Aviation Administration, this chapter is adopted for the
purpose of promoting and safeguarding the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of the
county by preventing the creation, establishment or maintenance of airport hazards, thereby protecting the
lives and property of the users of the Glenn County airports (Willows and Orland) and of the occupants of
the land in the vicinity of the airports, and preventing the destruction and impaired use of the airports and
the public investment therein. The AVH zone is a zone which may be combined with any other zone in this
title. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.550.020 Necessity
The creation and establishment of an airport hazard is a public nuisance and an injury to the areas
served by the airports. It is necessary, in the interest of the public health and safety and the general welfare,
that the creation or establishment of airport hazards be prevented. To the maximum extent legally possible,
prevention of such hazards should be accomplished by the exercise of the police power without
compensation. It is further declared that both the prevention of airport hazards and the elimination, removal,
alteration, mitigation or marking and lighting of existing airport hazards are public purposes for which the
county raises and expends public funds and acquires lands, interests in lands, or easements over lands.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.550.030 Zones
In order to carry out the purposes of this chapter, all land within the boundaries of an airport and other
lands in the vicinity of the airport are divided into runway approach zones, transitional zones, horizontal
zones and conical zones. The zones underlie the approach, transitional, horizontal, and conical surfaces
defined in FAR 77.25, boundaries of which are shown on the airport zoning maps. The approach airport
zoning maps shall be kept on file in the office of the county clerk, and such zoning maps along with all
amendments thereto are made a part of this chapter. Amendments to such maps shall be entered on the
official zoning maps which shall be maintained current at all times. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.550.040 Height Limitations
A. Willows Airport. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no structure or tree shall be erected,
altered, maintained or allowed to grow in any zone created by this chapter to a height in excess of the
applicable height limit established herein for each such zone. For purposes of determining these
heights, the U.S. Coast and Geodetic (based) Survey has established the official elevation reference of
the Willows Airport to be one hundred thirty-eight feet and all height limits shall be based on that
elevation as follows
1. Horizontal zone, one hundred fifty feet;
2. Conical zone, one hundred fifty feet at the inner perimeter increasing uniformly at a slope of 20:1
(one foot vertically for each twenty feet horizontally) to the outer perimeter;
3. Approach Zones. For runways 16-34 and 13-31 as designated on the Willows Airport Zoning
Map, the height shall not exceed that permitted by an approach slope of 34:1 and 20:1 respectively
and in no event shall the height exceed one hundred fifty feet;
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4. Transition Zones. The height of objects shall not be such as to penetrate a transitional surface
commencing at the side of the primary surface and sloping upward and outward at a slope of 7:1
(one foot vertically for each seven feet horizontally) and extending to a height of two hundred fifty
feet above the airport elevation. The same restriction shall apply beginning at the sides of, and at
the same elevation as, the approach surface and extending to where the slope intersects the conical
B. Orland Airport. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no structure or tree shall be erected,
altered, maintained or allowed to grow to a height in excess of the applicable height limits established
as shown on the Orland Airport zoning map, For purposes of determining these heights, the U.S. Coast
and Geodetic (based) Survey has established the official elevation reference of the Orland Airport to be
two hundred ten feet, and all height limits shall be based on that elevation.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.550.050 Use Restrictions
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, no use may be made of land (or water) within any
zone and height limitations established by this chapter which will:
A. Create electrical interference with navigational signals or radio communications between the airport
and aircraft;
B. Make it difficult for pilots to distinguish between airport lights and other lights;
C. Result in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport;
D. Impair visibility of the airport; or
E. Otherwise in any way create a hazard or endanger the landing, takeoff, or maneuvering of aircraft using
or intending to use the airport.
F. The use restrictions imposed by subsection A of this section shall not be applied so as to prevent any
present or future agricultural use or practice so long as the agricultural use or practice does not cause a
permanent penetration of the height limitations set forth in Section 15.550.040.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.550.060 Nonconforming Uses
A. The regulations prescribed in this chapter shall not be construed to require the removal, lowering or
otherwise changing or altering of any structure or tree not conforming to the regulations as of the
effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter nor otherwise interfere with the continuation of a
nonconforming use. Nothing contained in this chapter shall require any change in the construction,
alteration, or intended use of any structure, the construction or alteration of which was begun prior to
the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, and which is diligently prosecuted.
B. Notwithstanding the foregoing ban on retroactivity, the owner of any existing nonconforming structure
or tree is required to permit the installation, operation and maintenance thereon of such markers,
markings or lights as shall be deemed necessary by the airport manager to indicate to pilots of aircraft
in the vicinity of the airport the presence of such hazards. Such markers and lights shall be installed,
operated, and maintained at the expense of the county.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.550.070 Variances
Any person desiring to erect any structure or increase the height of any structure or permit the growth
of any tree or otherwise use the property in a manner contrary to the regulations adopted under this chapter
may apply to the planning authority for a variance application. Such variances shall be allowed where a
literal application or enforcement of the regulations would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary
hardship and the relief would not be contrary to the public interest, but do substantial justice and be in
accordance with the spirit of the regulations and this chapter. No variance shall be granted for a use or
activity which is not authorized by the county zoning regulations which applies to the property. Any
variance may be allowed subject to reasonable conditions that the planning commission may deem
necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. In granting any variance under this chapter, the planning
commission may, if it deems such action advisable to effectuate the purposes of this chapter and reasonable
in the circumstances, so condition such variance as to require the owner of the structure or tree in question
to permit the county, at the owner’s expense, to install, operate and maintain thereon such markers and
lights as may be necessary to indicate to pilots the presence of an airport hazard. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.550.080 Conflicting Regulations
Where there exists a conflict between any of the regulations or limitations prescribed in this chapter and
any other regulations applicable to the same area, whether the conflict is with respect to the height of
structures or trees, the use of land, or any other matter, the more stringent limitation or requirement shall
govern and prevail. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.560
15.560.010 Purpose
15.560.020 Compliance Procedures
15.560.030 Exceptions
15.560.040 Air Quality
15.560.050 Electromagnetic Interference
15.560.060 Erosion Control
15.560.070 Fire and Explosion Hazards
15.560.080 Glare and Heat
15.560.090 Liquid, Solid and Hazardous Wastes
15.560.100 Noise
15.560.110 Open and Outdoor Storage, Sales and Display
15.560.120 Radioactivity
15.560.130 Vibrations
15.560.140 Commercial Coach
15.560.150 Restrooms
15.560.160 Storage of Accumulation Vehicles
15.560.010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to establish performance standards or their functional equivalent to
promote compatibility among various uses of land; protect and enhance the rural-agricultural character of
the county; protect the health, safety or welfare of the community; and control noise, dust, odor, smoke,
vibration, danger to life and property, or similar causes likely to create a public nuisance.
All uses permitted in this title shall comply with all applicable performance standards of the base zoning
district as set forth herein, except as provided in Division 4. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.020 Compliance Procedures
A. The director may require pertinent information demonstrating that the proposed use will comply with
all applicable performance standards prior to issuance of any ministerial or discretionary approval. This
information may consist of a report prepared by a qualified technical consultant(s).
B. When technical information is required, accurate and representative measurements shall be made
according to accepted engineering or scientific practice. Measurements shall be made at the exterior lot
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.030 Exceptions
A. Uses which are not in compliance with all applicable performance standards at the time of zoning
clearance shall require a conditional use permit.
B. The following agricultural uses are exempt from the provisions of Sections 15.560.100 F, 15.560.100
H, 15.560.100 I, 15.560.100 J and 15.560.100 L: livestock grazing, crop and tree farming, animal
husbandry, apiaries and aviaries.
C. The performance standards contained in the following subsections are the required minimum. They
shall not be construed as preventing the review authority, as part of any discretionary approval, to
require more restrictive standards as deemed necessary.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.560.040 Air Quality
All uses shall comply with applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations regarding
contaminants and pollutants. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, emissions of suspended
particles, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, odors, toxic or obnoxious gases and fumes.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.050 Electromagnetic Interference
Devices which generate electromagnetic interference shall be so operated as not to cause interference
with any activity carried on beyond the boundary line of the property upon which the device is located.
Public utilities shall comply with all applicable state and federal regulations. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.060 Erosion Control
The following erosion control standards shall apply to all development projects in commercial or
industrial zoning districts:
A. The smallest area practical of land shall be exposed at any one time during development;
B. When land is exposed during development, the exposure shall be kept to the shortest practical period of
C. Natural features such as trees, groves, natural terrain, waterways and other similar resources shall be
preserved where feasible;
D. Temporary vegetation and/or mulching shall be used to protect critical areas exposed during
E. The permanent final vegetation and structures shall be installed as soon as practical in the development;
F. Wherever feasible the development shall be fitted to the topography and soils to create the least erosion
G. Provisions shall be made to effectively accommodate the increased runoff caused by changed soil and
surface conditions during and after development;
H. Sediment basins (debris basins, desalting basins, or silt traps) shall be installed and maintained to
remove sediment from runoff waters from land undergoing development where needed.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.070 Fire and Explosion Hazards
All uses involving the use or storage of combustible, explosive, caustic or otherwise hazardous
materials shall comply with all applicable local, state and federal safety standards and shall be provided with
adequate safety devices against the hazard of fire and explosion, and adequate fire-fighting and fire
suppression equipment. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.080 Glare and Heat
A. All exterior lighting accessory to any use shall be hooded, shielded or opaque. No unobstructed beam of
light shall be directed beyond any exterior lot line. Buildings and structures under construction are
exempt from this provision.
B. No use shall generate heat so that increased ambient air temperature or radiant heat is measurable at any
exterior lot line.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.090 Liquid, Solid and Hazardous Wastes
A. All uses are prohibited from discharging liquid, solid, toxic or hazardous wastes onto or into the ground
and into streams, lakes or rivers. Discharge into a public or private waste disposal system in compliance
with applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations is permitted.
B. Wastes detrimental to a public sewer system or a sewage treatment plant shall not be discharged to a
public sewer system unless they have been pretreated to the degree required by the authority having
jurisdiction over the sewerage system.
C. The handling and storage of hazardous materials the discharge of hazardous materials into the air and
water and disposal of hazardous waste in connection with all uses shall be in conformance with all
applicable local, state and federal regulations.
D. All burning of waste materials accessory to any use shall be in compliance with the county air pollution
control district rules and regulations.
E. The disposal or dumping of solid wastes accessory to any use including, but not limited to, slag, paper
and fiber wastes or other industrial wastes shall be in compliance with applicable local, state and federal
laws and regulations.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.560.100 Noise
A. Maximum sound emissions for any use shall not exceed equivalent sound pressure levels in decibels,
A-weighted scale, for any one hour as stipulated in Table B. These maximums are applicable beyond
any property lines of the property containing the noise. (Note: Equivalent sound pressure level (Leq) is
a measure of the sound level for any one hour. It is the energy average of all the various sounds emitted
from the source during the hour. A-weighted scale is used to adjust sound measurements to simulate the
sensitivity of the human ear.)
Table B Maximum One-hour Equivalent Sound Pressure Levels (A-Weighted - dBA)
Receiving Property Zoning District
Time of Day:
7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
10:00 - 7:00 a.m.
*NOTE: The residential category also includes all resource zoning districts.
B. In the event the receiving property or receptor is a dwelling, hospital, school, library or nursing home,
even though it may be other wise zoned for commercial or industrial and related uses, maximum one-
hour equivalent sound pressure received shall be as indicated in Table C.
Table C Maximum One-hour Equivalent Sound Pressure Levels (A-Weighted - dBA)
Time of Day:
7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
10:00 - 7:00 a.m.
C. Noises of Short Duration. For noises of short duration or impulsive character, such as hammering,
maximum one-hour sound pressure levels permitted beyond the property of origin shall be seven
decibels less than those listed in Table C.
D. Noises of Unusual Periodic Character. For noises of unusual periodic character, such as humming,
screeching and pure tones, the median octave band sound pressure levels as indicated in Table D shall
not be exceeded beyond the property of origin when the receiving property is zoned residential or is
occupied by a dwelling, hospital, school, library, or nursing home.
Table D Medial Octave Band Sound Pressure Levels Octave Band Center
Frequency, Hz:
7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.:
10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.:
E. Additional Allowance. When the receiving property is zoned commercial or industrial and is not a
dwelling, hospital, school, library or nursing home, an additional sound decibel emission above the
pressure levels specified in Table D above shall be permitted as indicated in Table E.
Table E Additional Allowance
Receiving Property Zone:
Additional Decibels Allowed:
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F. Exemptions. Local noise standards set forth in this section do not apply to the following situations and
sources of noise provided standard, reasonable practices are being followed:
1. Emergency equipment operated on an irregular or unscheduled basis;
2. Warning devices operated continuously for no more than five minutes;
3. Bells, chimes or carillons;
4. Nonelectronically amplified sounds at sporting, amusement and entertainment events;
5. Construction site sounds between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.;
6. Lawn and plant care machinery fitted with correctly functioning sound suppression equipment and
operated between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.;
7. Aircraft when subject to federal or state regulations;
8. Agricultural equipment when operated on property zoned for agricultural activities.
G. Exceptions. Upon written application from the owner or operator of an industrial or commercial noise
source, the director or planning commission, as part of a use permit approval, may conditionally
authorize exceptions to local noise emission standards in the following situations:
1. Infrequent noise;
2. Noise levels at or anywhere beyond the property lines of the property of origin when exceeded by
an exempt noise, as listed in subsection (E) of this section, in the same location;
3. If after applying best available control technology (BACT), a use existing prior to the effective date
of the ordinance codified in this chapter, is unable to conform to the standards established by this
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.110 Open and Outdoor Storage, Sales and Display
A. General. Outdoor storage in any district shall be maintained in an orderly manner and shall not create a
fire, safety, health or sanitary hazard.
B. Standards for Uses Permitted in the Agricultural and Residential Zoning Districts:
1. Except for farm products, supplies or equipment when incidental to a working farm or ranch,
construction materials during authorized construction, or firewood, outdoor storage of materials,
including but not limited to junk, construction materials, scrap metal, wood, petroleum-based
materials or products, paper products, waste or trash materials on parcels of one acre or less shall
not exceed an aggregate area of one hundred square feet per lot, or on parcels larger than one acre,
but less than five acres, four hundred square feet of aggregate area and on parcels of five acres or
more an aggregate area of six hundred square feet in the TPX, RE, and agricultural district. This
performance standard does not prohibit the enclosed storage of similar materials in a building of up
to two thousand square feet in area.
2. Except for farm supplies and products, firewood, boats and farm equipment, open or outdoor
storage shall be limited to a height of six feet.
3. Except for farm products, supplies, or equipment, construction materials during authorized
construction or firewood for personal consumption on the premises, outdoor storage shall be
completely screened from public view from all exterior property lines and any public roadway
within one-half mile of the open storage area by the use of sight-obscuring fences, hedges or other
measures determined to be effective by the director. Securely fastened tarps may be utilized for
screening of open storage areas of one hundred square feet or less.
a. On parcels of five acres or more, open storage areas shall not be maintained closer than
seventy-five feet from any property line;
b. On parcels of less than five acres, open storage areas when not completely enclosed by solid
fencing shall have a minimum setback from any property line of a distance of not less than
twenty percent of the lot width;
4. There shall be no outdoor storage in any required yard in the case of interior lot, or required street-
side setback area in the case of corner lot, or in an area three-feet-wide along one side lot line; and
there shall be no outdoor storage in any front yard in any RE, RE-NW, R1 or RM district.
5. In addition of the outdoor storage permitted in subsection (B)(1) of this section, the open and
outdoor storage of accumulation vehicles shall be limited to the following:
a. The open storage of one accumulation vehicle per lot in an R1 or RM district;
b. The open storage of two accumulation vehicles per lot in any RE, RE-NW or TPZ district;
c. The indoor or outdoor storage of accumulation vehicles, subject to first obtaining an
administrative collector’s permit or conditional use permit for a collector’s use of
accumulation vehicles pursuant to Section 15.77 in a residential district.
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C. Standards for Uses Permitted in Any Commercial and Manufacturing District.
1. No outdoor storage of materials or equipment shall be permitted in the following areas: required
front yards, off-street parking and loading areas, driveways, landscaped areas or street right-of-
2. Open and outdoor storage and operation yards (work areas) of an interior lot shall be confined to
the area to the rear of a line which is the extension of the front wall of the principal building and
shall be screened from view from any street by appropriate walls, fencing, earthen mounds or
landscaping as approved in the required landscaping plan. Storage or operation yards on a corner or
through lot shall be subject to approval of the director.
3. Open and outdoor storage of materials or products, except for trucks and other vehicles necessary
for the operation, shall not exceed a height of eight feet.
4. Open and outdoor storage shall be located so as not to constitute a hazard to adjacent buildings or
property and shall not exceed six feet in height when within ten feet of side or rear property lines.
5. Exterior trash and storage areas, service yards and electrical utility boxes shall be screened from
view of all nearby streets and adjacent structures in a manner that is compatible with the building
design. Smaller areas near the building shall be screened with a wall of the same construction as
the building wall. Larger areas shall be screened by a solid six foot-high fence. Chain-link fencing
shall be permitted only when accompanied by heavy landscaping which will grow to screen the
fence in three years. Provisions for adequate vehicular access to and from trash, garbage or refuse
areas shall be provided.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.120 Radioactivity
No radiation of any kind shall be emitted in quantities which is dangerous to humans. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.560.130 Vibrations
No use shall generate ground vibration which is perceptible without instruments beyond the lot line.
Ground vibration caused by motor vehicles, aircraft, temporary construction work or agricultural equipment
are exempt from these standards. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.140 Commercial Coach
Mobilehomes shall only be permitted as permanent offices in the industrial zoning districts provided
that the standards of Chapter 15.590 are met. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.150 Restrooms
A. Restrooms open for public use shall be provided by all retail sales, entertainment or open to public
recreational uses when gross building floor area exceeds three thousand square feet in area per use, and
for all attended retail fuel sales uses.
B. Restrooms shall meet the occupant load factors, accessibility and plumbing facilities regulations of the
Uniform Plumbing and Building Code as amended.
C. The availability and/or location of restrooms shall be noticed by signing when restroom facilities are
not readily visible to the public.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.560.160 Storage of Accumulation Vehicles
As provided in this section the storage of not more than two accumulation vehicles may be allowed per
parcel of land in a residential zoning district provided the following standards are met:
A. The parcel size is twenty thousand square feet or larger, for the first vehicle and that twenty thousand
additional square feet is provided for the second vehicle;
B. Accumulation vehicles are the legal property of the same person/family who resides in the on-site
dwelling, as evidenced by a certificate of ownership issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles;
C. Accumulation vehicles shall not be stored in any required yard area;
D. Accumulation vehicles shall be completely screened and hot visible from any public right-of-way or
adjacent property;
E. Accumulation vehicles shall be allowed in the R-1 single-family residential district upon securing a
conditional use permit. In all cases accumulation vehicles shall be placed behind screening not visible from
public right-of-way or adjacent properties;
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F. An administrative collector’s permit shall be obtained for parcels having three to five accumulation
vehicles and a conditional use permit for more than six accumulation vehicles provided the requirements of
Chapter 15.220 are met. (Ord 1200 § 3, 2008)
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Chapter 15.570
15.570.010 General
15.570.020 Standards
15.570.030 Plan Required
15.570.040 Final Inspection
15.570.050 Bonding Required
15.570.010 General
All undeveloped land areas shall be maintained in permanent vegetative cover, or alternatively be
landscaped with a combination of materials to control runoff. All yards shall be landscaped such that there
shall be no accumulation of silt, mud or standing water causing unsightly or hazardous conditions, either
within the yard or on adjacent properties, public roads or sidewalks. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.570.020 Standards
Standards for Uses Permitted in the R-M, Commercial and Industrial Zoning Districts. The following
recommended landscaping standards shall be required unless an alternative landscaping plan is approved or
waived by the review authority which meets the intent of this chapter.
A. Minimum required landscaping per parcel: All development shall include an area or areas of the parcel
for landscaping to serve as a visual screen and/or provide an increased aesthetic environment; except
where street frontages are occupied by existing development;
B. The front of the lot shall be landscaped with a minimum of a ten-foot wide planted area, starting at the
edge of the county road right-of-way, unless curb, gutter and sidewalk are provided, in which case a
five-foot wide planted area shall be adequate. However, landscaping shall not obstruct traffic or reduce
sight distance at any driveway or intersection, unless because of the location or design of existing
development, or appropriate site planning would make adherence to this standard result in development
inconsistent with the purposes of subsection A. In such case, an alternative landscape plan may be
approved by the review authority. The landscaping may be interrupted by building entrances or exits
and driveways;
C. When abutting any residential district side yard:
1. The side of the lot shall be landscaped with a minimum of a five-foot wide planted area but not so
as to obstruct traffic or reduce sight distance at any driveway or inter-section; or
2. A six-foot-high wooden fence or masonry wall shall be constructed at the side lot line(s), but shall
not exceed three feet in height within any required front yard.
D. When abutting any residential district rear yard:
1. The rear of the lot shall be landscaped with a minimum of a five-foot-wide planted area when
abutting any residential use or district; or
2. A six-foot high wooden fence or masonry wall shall be constructed at the rear lot line.
E. Where a parking lot contains five or more spaces and is visible from a street, not less than five percent
of the parking lot, excluding the area of the landscaped strip, required by subsection A of this section
shall be landscaped. Such landscaping shall be distributed through the parking lot and shall not be
concentrated in any one area. Landscaping shall be computed on the basis of the total amount of
parking and driveways provided (except spaces provided for enclosed vehicle storage areas);
F. For landscaping required for parking lots in subsection E of this section, protective measures including,
but not limited to, concrete curbing, railroad ties or decorative rock shall border all landscaped areas;
G. Existing or indigenous plant materials that meet the requirements of this section maybe counted as
contributing to the total landscaping required when located within the proposed use area;
H. Minimum plant size: Unless otherwise specifically indicated elsewhere all plant materials shall meet the
following minimum standards as indicated in Table A:
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Table A Minimum Plant Size
Plant Material Type:
Planting in Areas Abutting
Residential Property or Street:
All Other
Canopy Tree
Single stem
2 ½ inch caliper
1 ½ inch
Multiple stem
10 feet (height)
6 feet
Understory tree
1 ½ inch caliper
4 feet
Evergreen tree
5 feet (height)
3 feet
5 gallon container
1 gal.
5 gallon container
1 gal.
(Note: plant sizes for indigenous species may be reduced upon approval of the Director).
I. Irrigation required: All landscaping shall be provided with a drip irrigation system or in-ground
sprinkler system. If all plant materials are indigenous or drought-resistant, a temporary or portable
irrigation system may be provided.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.570.030 Plan Required
A landscape plan, either as an overlay of the proposed site plan or a separate drawing, shall be
submitted to the planning authority for review and approval by the director. The following information shall
be included in the plan:
A. The location of all landscaped areas with the proposed shrubs, trees and other plant materials clearly
labeled with information on size, type and spacing;
B. The location of existing trees and shrubs, including any riparian vegetation, large oak trees, etc., and
indicating those existing trees, shrubs or other indigenous species that are to be included as part of the
landscape plan;
C. A description and layout of the proposed irrigation system;
D. Any additional information or materials required by the director.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.570.040 Final Inspection:
No use shall commence nor occupancy permit issued (building finaled) until:
A. The landscape plan has been implemented and approved as required herein; or
B. The applicant has entered into an agreement and posted bonding as required in section 15.570.050 of
this section for that portion or portion(s) of the landscaping plan determined incomplete.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.570.050 Bonding Required:
A. Where the department determines that the applicant has failed to implement an approved landscape plan
according to the provisions of section 15.570.030, the applicant shall be required to enter into an
improvement/maintenance agreement with the county planning authority and provide financial
assurance for completion of the required landscaping within one year. The financial assurance may take
the form of a certificate of deposit, letter of credit, bond or other financial assurance acceptable to the
B. Such financial assurance shall be set at one hundred fifty percent of the costs necessary to cover all
landscape improvements as indicated on the approved landscape plan; and
C. Such agreement shall provide for maintenance of plantings utilizing acceptable horticultural practices,
and for replanting of new material where a required planting has not survived the first year after
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.580
15.580.010 Findings and Policy
15.580.020 Nuisance
15.580.030 Disclosure
15.580.040 Binding Arbitration Procedures
15.580.050 Agricultural Statement of Acknowledgment
15.580.060 Agricultural Grievance Committee
15.580.010 Findings and Policy
A. It is the declared policy of this county to enhance and encourage agricultural operations within the
county. It is the further intent of this county to provide to the residents of this county proper notification
of the county’s recognition and support through this chapter of those persons and/or entitiesrights to
B. Where nonagricultural land uses extend into agricultural areas or exist side by side, agricultural
operations are frequently the subject of nuisance complaints and are forced to cease or curtail
operations. Such actions discourage investments in farm improvements to the detriment of adjacent
agricultural uses and the economic viability of the county’s agricultural industry as a whole. It is the
purpose and intent of this chapter to reduce the loss to the county of its agricultural resources by
limiting the circumstances under which agricultural operations may be considered a nuisance. This
chapter is not to be construed as in any way modifying or abridging state law as set out in the California
Civil Code, Health and Safety Code, Fish and Game Code, Food and Agricultural Code, Division 7 of
the Water Code, or any other applicable provision of state law relative to nuisances, rather it is only to
be utilized in the interpretation and enforcement of the provisions of this code and county regulations.
C. An additional purpose of this chapter is to promote a good neighbor policy between agricultural and
nonagricultural property owners by advising purchasers and users of property adjacent to or near
agricultural operations of the inherent potential problems associated with such purchases or residence,
including but not limited to the noises, odors, dust and chemicals, smoke and hours of operation that
may accompany agricultural operations and be prepared to accept attendant conditions as the natural
result of living in or near rural areas.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.580.020 Nuisance
No agricultural activity, operation or facility or appurtenances thereof, conducted or maintained for
commercial purposes, and in a manner consistent with proper accepted customs and standards and with all
present or future chapters of this code, as established and followed by similar agricultural operations, shall
be or become a nuisance, public or private, pursuant to this code, if it was not a nuisance when it began.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.580.030 Disclosure
The following statement shall be signed and recorded at the time and in the manner required by
subsection B of this section:
A. “If your real property is adjacent to property used for agricultural operations or included within an area
zoned for agricultural purposes, you may be subject to inconveniences or discomforts arising from such
operations, including but not limited to noise, odors, fumes, dust, the operation of machinery of any
kind during any twenty-four-hour period (including aircraft), the storage and disposal of manure and the
application and spraying or otherwise of chemical fertilizers, soil amendments and pesticides.
B. Glenn County has determined that the use of real property for agricultural operations is a high priority
and favored use to the county and will not consider to be a nuisance those inconveniences or
discomforts arising from agricultural operations if such operations are consistent with accepted customs
and standards.”
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C. The statement set forth in subsection A of this section shall be used under the following circumstances
and in the following manners:
1. Upon transfer of real property by sale, exchange, installment land sale contract, lease with an option
to purchase, or other option to purchase, or ground lease coupled with improvements with dwelling
units, the transferor shall require that the agricultural statement of acknowledgment for residential
development in the form set forth in Section 15.580.040 of this chapter be signed by the purchaser
and recorded in the county recorder’s office in conjunction with the deed conveying the real
2. Upon the issuance of a discretionary development permit including but not limited to subdivision
maps and use permits, for use on or adjacent to lands zoned for agricultural operations. The
discretionary development permit shall include a condition that the owners of the property and the
party seeking the discretionary permit shall be required to sign an agricultural statement of
acknowledgment for residential development in the form set forth in Section 15.580.040 of this
chapter which form shall then be recorded in the county recorder’s office.
D. Resolution of disputes
E. Should any controversy arise regarding any inconveniences or discomforts occasioned by agricultural
operations, including but not limited to noises, odors, fumes, smoke, dust, traffic, the operation of
machinery of any kind during any twenty-four-hour period (including aircraft), the storage and disposal
of manure and the application by spraying or otherwise of chemical fertilizers, soil amendments and
pesticides, the parties may submit the controversy to the agricultural grievance committee as set forth
below in an attempt to resolve the matter prior to the filing of any court action:
1. Any controversy between the parties shall be submitted to the agricultural grievance committee as
established in Section 15.580.060 of this chapter within thirty days of the date of the occurrence of
the particular activity giving rise to the controversy or of the date a party became aware of the
2. The county recognizes the value and importance of full discussion and complete presentation and
agreement concerning all pertinent facts in order to eliminate any misunderstandings;
3. The controversy shall be presented to the committee by written request of one of the parties within
the time limits specified. The request shall be delivered to the committee at the office of the Glenn
County agricultural commission in Willows. Thereafter the committee may investigate the facts of
the controversy, but must, within thirty days, hold a meeting to consider the merits of the matter
and within twenty days of the meeting must render a written decision to the parties. At the time of
the meeting both parties shall have an opportunity to present what each considers to be pertinent
4. The decision of the committee shall not be binding. If, however, one of the parties is not satisfied
with the committee decision, upon agreement of both parties, the matter may be submitted to
binding arbitration according to the procedures set forth in subsection E of this section.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.580.040 Binding Arbitration Procedures
The controversy between the parties shall be submitted to arbitration upon the written agreement of
both parties and any decision resulting therefrom shall be binding upon both parties.
The parties shall each appoint one person to hear and determine the dispute. If these two arbitrators cannot
agree, then the two arbitrators shall choose a third impartial arbitrator who shall make the decision. The cost
of the arbitration shall be borne by the losing party or in such proportions as the arbitrators shall decide.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.580.050 Agricultural Statement of Acknowledgment
Section 15.580.030 of this chapter requires this acknowledgment to be recorded prior to issuance of a
building permit, transfer of real property by sale, exchange, installment land sale contract, lease with an
option to purchase or other option to purchase, or ground lease coupled with improvements with dwelling
units, the issuance of a discretionary permit including but not limited to subdivision permits and use
permits, for use on or adjacent to lands zoned for agricultural operations.
“If your real property is adjacent to property used for agricultural operations or included
within an area zoned for agricultural purposes, you may be subject to inconveniences or
discomforts arising from such operations, including but not limited to noise, odors, fumes,
dust, the operation of machinery of any kind during any 24-hour period (including aircraft),
the storage and disposal of manure and the application by spraying or otherwise of
chemical fertilizers, soil amendments and pesticides. Glenn County has determined that the
use of real property for agricultural operations is a high priority and favored use to the
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county and will not consider to be a nuisance those inconveniences or discomforts arising
from agricultural operations, if such operations are consistent with accepted customs and
Date: _____________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
State of____________)
) SS.
County of_________)
On this the _______ day of ______________, before me, the undersigned Notary Public,
personally appeared __________
known to me. ___________Provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the
person(s) whose name(s) ________________ subscribed to the within instrument and
acknowledged that _______________ executed the same for the purposes therein contained.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.
Notary Public
Present A.P. No.______________”
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.580.060 Agricultural Grievance Committee
A. Creation. There is created in the county an agricultural grievance committee.
B. Composition. The county agricultural grievance committee to consist of five members, not officials of
the county, shall be appointed by the board of supervisors, selected as follows:
1. One representative of the orchard and vineyard industry;
2. One representative of the dairy industry;
3. One representative of the field crops industry;
4. One representative of other agricultural interests (for example, implement or chemical dealer);
5. One representative of the Glenn economic development committee or the Glenn County chamber
of commerce.
C. Ex Officio Members. The Glenn County farm advisor and agricultural commissioner shall serve as ex
officio members.
D. When Legally Constituted. The county agricultural grievance committee shall be legally constituted and
have jurisdiction to proceed to act upon the appointment of the members thereof as hereinabove stated
and evidenced by an order of the board of supervisors duly entered upon the minutes of such board.
E. TermsAppointments, Vacancies. The terms of office of each member shall be four years and until the
first appointment and qualification of his or her successor. A vacancy is filled only for the unexpired
term. All vacancies on the committee shall be immediately reported to the board of supervisors by the
committee chairman.
F. Regular Meetings. There shall be at least one regular meeting of the committee per calendar year and
such additional meetings as needed. Additional meetings of the committee may be called by any two
members of the committee.
G. Members Compensation Traveling Expense. All members of the committee shall serve without
compensation. The members of the committee shall receive their actual and necessary traveling
expenses to and from the place of meeting of the committee and while traveling in connection with the
business of the committee.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.590
15.590.010 Applicability
15.590.020 Standards
15.590.030 Commercial Coach
15.590.040 Temporary Use
15.590.050 Exceptions
15.590.060 Permit Issuance
15.590.010 Applicability
A. All single-family dwellings, mobilehomes, modular homes and temporary dwellings shall meet the
minimum residential construction standards set forth in this Chapter.
B. All farm labor quarters in the TPZ, RZ, AP and AE zones shall meet all the standards of this chapter
with the exception of the permanent foundation requirement. Farm labor quarters must be elusively
occupied by an employee who is employed specifically as a farm laborer for the owner of the farm
where the mobilehome is placed. No farm labor quarters shall be rented to anyone other than a farm
laborer employed exclusively by that farm upon which the farm labor quarters is placed. An affidavit
stipulating that the farm labor quarters shall be occupied by a farm laborer exclusively employed by
that farm shall be required prior to issuance of an administrative permit.
C. Minimum Residential Construction Standards may be amended upon first securing a conditional use
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.590.020 Standards
A. All single-family dwelling units permitted under the zones established under Chapter 15.300 shall meet
the following:
1. All units shall be attached to a permanent foundation, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section
2. An efficiency dwelling unit, as defined in Section 17958.1 of the California Health and Safety
Code, shall be allowed provided that it meets all requirements of the building code.
3. Mobile homes shall be certified under the National Manufactured Home Construction and Safety
Standards Act of 1974 and be at least constructed after 1979. Manufactured homes, as defined in
Section 18007 of the California Health and Safety Code shall be allowed provided they meet the
requirements of this chapter. All mobile homes shall install skirting prior to the final inspection by
the building division.
4. All units shall be designed so that exterior walls are framed with a minimum of two inch by four
inch (nominal) studs.
B. All second dwelling units shall meet the following:
1. All units shall meet the requirements of paragraph (A) of this subdivision.
2. Attached second units shall have their own entrance separate from the primary dwelling. An
entrance common area which then provides access to each individual dwelling unit shall be
3. The requirements of Chapter 15.610 shall be waived in the event that there is insufficient space to
park one vehicle in addition to the parking required for the primary dwelling.
4. In accordance with California Government Code Sections 65852.2 (a)(1)(B)(i) and 68582.2(c), no
maximum size is imposed on second dwellings provided that it does not exceed lot coverage
C. Travel trailers, recreational vehicles, or other similar vehicles capable of travel on public roadways
shall not be allowed as a dwelling.
(Ord. 1263 § 22, 2017; Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.590.030 Commercial Coach
One commercial coach meeting the standards in Section 15.590.020 may be used as an office,
appurtenant to and accessory to, and in conjunction with, the operation of an allowed or permitted business
in a commercial, industrial or agricultural zone. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.590.040 Temporary Use
A. One mobilehome, commercial coach, trailer or recreational vehicle may be permitted, with approval by
the planning authority and a building permit issued by the building department, as a temporary office or
residence, after obtaining a building permit for the construction of a permanent building for the same
use on the same lot. Such use shall be limited to twelve months from the date of issuance of the
building permit and shall automatically terminate upon the expiration or voidance of the building
B. The building department may renew such special permit for an additional period of six months, if
substantial progress has been made in the construction of the permanent building and it is reasonable
and probable that the permanent building will be completed within such additional period. The
occupancy of any and all mobilehomes, commercial coach, trailers or recreational vehicles so permitted
shall cease upon the expiration or voidance of such permit or any extension thereof.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.590.050 Exceptions
A. Travel Trailers and mobile homes not meeting the above standards located in mobile home or
manufactured hoousing parks or trailer parks subject to the applicable provisions of the Health and
Safety Code of the State of California, or in any public camping ground.
B. Mobilehomes that meet all of the applicable requirements of section 15.590.020, except for the
requirement that the mobile home be 1980 model year or newer, may be permitted in the Agricultural
zone, provided that an inspection by the Building Inspector confirms compliance with all other
requirements in this Chapter..
C. Mobilehomes placed on an individual lot in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances at the time
of installation may remain at the existing location. The permitted use of such mobilehome shall run
with the land and shall be transferable to subsequent purchasers. If such mobilehome is moved within
the county it must be installed in conformance with this chapter.
(Ord. 1263 § 23, 2017; Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.590.060 Permit Issuance
All conditional use permits or annual administrative permits required for the placement of commercial
coaches, travel trailers, mobilehomes or manufactured housing shall only be applied for by and issued to the
owner of the land upon which it is proposed to be placed. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.600
15.600.010 Purpose
15.600.020 Implementation
15.600.030 Application
15.600.040 Additional Incentives
15.600.050 Requirements for Participation
15.600.010 Purpose
As required by California Government Code Section 65915, this chapter is intended to establish
policies which facilitate the development of affordable housing to serve a variety of economic needs within
the County. In order to encourage the provision for lower- and very low-income housing, the County shall
provide to developers/property ownerswho agree to meet the requirements which are established by this
chaptera density bonus and additional incentives if it is found that it is necessary for affordability, or
provide other incentives of equivalent financial value. The regulations set forth in this chapter shall apply
Countywide. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.600.020 Implementation
A. In accordance with Government Code Section 65915, the Board of Supervisors shall grant either of the
1. A density bonus and an additional concession or incentive, unless determined unnecessary for
affordability; or
2. Provide an incentive of equivalent financial value. The increase in density must be at least twenty-
five percent (25%) over the maximum density authorized by the County General Plan;
B. In order to qualify for this bonus, a housing project must consist of five or more dwelling units and
meet one or more of the following criteria;
1. At least twenty (20) percent of the total units allowed by the maximum permitted density are
designated for lower-income households as defined in Section 50079.5 of the Health and Safety
Code; or
2. At least ten (10) percent of the total units allowed by the maximum permitted density are
designated for very low-income households as defined in Section 50105 of the Health and Safety
Code; or
3. At least fifty (50) percent of the total units allowed by the maximum permitted density are
designated for senior citizens.
C. To be eligible for a density bonus, the developer/property owner must sign a binding agreement with
the County which sets forth the conditions and guidelines to be met in the implementation of the
Density Bonus Law requirements.
D. The agreement will also establish specific compliance standards and remedies available to the County
upon failure by the developer/property owner to make units accessible to intended households.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.600.030 Application
In order to apply for a density bonus, the developer/property owner shall submit to the County a written
proposal for a project pursuant to this chapter. If appropriate, the application shall be submitted in
conjunction with a subdivision application or use permit application. Otherwise, the application shall be
submitted prior to application for a building permit. The proposal shall specify the number, type location,
size of housing units, and a construction schedule.
A. The written proposal shall consist of adequate information to determine the project cost per unit of the
proposed development. This will include, but not be limited to, capital costs, equity investment, debt
service, projected revenues, operating expenses, or other information requested by the County.
B. The County shall, process a completed written proposal along with the appropriate development
application and shall notify the developer/property owner in writing of whether it shall:
1. Grant a density bonus; and
2. Grant additional concessions or incentives; or find that additional incentives are not necessary for
affordability; or
3. Provide other incentives of equal financial value.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.600.040 Additional Incentives
The County may grant additional concessions or incentives to the developer/property owner if it is
found that the project with the proposed lower-income units would not be feasible without said incentives.
Such concessions could include:
A. A modification of development standards pertaining to building height, open space, lot-size
requirements, street access, off-street parking, landscaping, fencing, or off-site improvements.
B. Approval of mixed-use zoning within the housing development, such as allowing nonresidential use
along with residential. Such allowance shall only be permitted if it is consistent with the County
General Plan.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.600.050 Requirements for Participation
In order for a developer/property owner to participate in the program and be eligible for the incentives,
the following requirements must be met:
A. The developer/property owner shall set aside each month, at the completion of the project, the number
of units which are designated for lower- or very low-income households. A unit will be counted toward
meeting the set-aside requirement if it is either vacant or occupied by a lower- or very low-income
tenant or a senior citizen.
B. The target units must be compatible in floor plan, furnishings, and exterior design to nondesignated
units. Further, the target units must be reasonably dispersed throughout the development.
C. The time period of availability to the intended population shall be: with additional incentive, thirty (30)
years; without additional incentive, ten (10) years.
D. The maximum allowable rents to comply with the law are determined by a formula designed by the
State Department of Housing and Community Development based on the area medium income.
E. Houses for sale must be affordable to lower- or very low-income households as defined by income
limits established by the State Department of Housing and Community Development.
F. The developer/property owner must provide to the planning authority staff a yearly accounting of the
total units occupied, the total units vacant, the total units occupied by lower- or very low-income
households, and the total by which the units set aside fell short of the required number of units (default
G. Findings for approval.
H. In addition to the findings required for the approval of discretionary land use permits support of a
density bonus by the director and the approval of the bonus by the applicable approval body shall also
require the following special findings:
1. The project will not be a hazard or nuisance to the community at large or establish a use or
development inconsistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan or applicable community
2. The number of dwellings approved by the land use permit can be accommodated by existing and
planned infrastructure capacities.
3. Adequate evidence exists to indicate that the development of the property in compliance with the
permit will result in the provision of affordable housing in a manner consistent with the purpose
and intent of the Glenn County Code.
4. If the County does not grant at least one financial concession or incentive as defined in California
Government Code Section 65915 in addition to the density bonus, that the additional concession or
incentive is not necessary in order to provide for affordable housing costs as defined in the
California Health and Safety Code, Section 50052.5 or for rents for the targeted units to be set as
specified in California Government Code Section 65915(C).
5. There are sufficient provisions to guarantee that units will remain affordable in the future.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.610
15.610.010 Purpose
15.610.020 Parking Space Requirements
15.610.030 Standards of Off-Street Parking Facilities
15.610.040 Landscaping
15.610.050 Driveway Widths
15.610.010 Purpose
A. In order to prevent traffic congestion, off-street parking facilities shall be provided incidental to any
new building or structure and major alterations and enlargements of existing uses. Off-street parking
spaces or areas required shall be in proportion to the need for such facilities created by the particular
type of land use. Off-street parking facilities shall also be laid out in such a manner that the facilities
will protect the public safety and insulate surrounding land uses from their impact.
B. All uses permitted in this title shall comply with all applicable standards of this chapter as set forth
herein, except as provided in Division 4.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.610.020 Parking Space Requirements
Off-street parking space shall be provided in connection with the erection or change of use of any
building or structure as follows:
A. Residential.
1. Each lot or parcel of land shall have on the same lot or parcel, space suitable for providing off-
street parking for at least two automobiles for each dwelling unit. Such parking facilities shall be
conveniently accessible and located at the place where the erection of structures is permitted;
2. Roominghouses, boardinghouses and private lodges shall provide at least one parking space for
each bedroom;
3. Hotels and motels shall provide one space for each room. There shall also be one parking space for
each two employees per shift regularly employed by the establishment or any independent business
located within the motel or hotel;
4. Residential care facilities shall provide at least two parking spaces.
B. Medical Offices, Clinics, Hospitals and Other Facilities.
1. Dental and medical clinics and offices, one parking space for each two hundred square feet of gross
floor area, or four parking spaces for each doctor, whichever is greater;
2. Hospitals, one parking space for each bed;
3. Veterinary hospitals and offices, one parking space for each two hundred fifty square feet of gross
floor area;
4. Convalescent hospitals, fifteen parking spaces for every four beds.
C. Educational Facilities.
1. Kindergarten and nursery schools, one parking space for each employee plus one parking space for
each ten children;
2. Elementary and junior high schools; one parking space for each employee plus two parking spaces
for each classroom;
3. High schools, one parking space for each employee plus seven parking spaces for each classroom;
4. Colleges, business and professional schools and colleges, trade schools, one parking space for each
employee plus ten parking spaces for each classroom;
5. Trade schools, one space for every sixty square feet of classroom plus one space for every twenty-
five square feet of other floor area.
D. Places of Public Assembly. For auditoriums, community centers, theaters, churches, libraries,
museums, stadiums, clubs and funeral chapels, one parking space for every five permanent seats or one
parking space for every thirty square feet of gross floor area, whichever is less.
E. Recreational Facilities.
1. Bowling alleys, four parking spaces for each alley plus one parking space for each one hundred
square feet of gross floor area used for restaurant and/or cocktail lounges;
2. Billiard and/or pool parlor, two parking spaces for each table;
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3. Dancehalls, one parking space for each thirty-five square feet of dance floor area, plus one parking
space for each five fixed seats or for each thirty-five square feet of seating area where there are not
fixed seats.
F. Commercial and Industrial Facilities.
1. Banks and other financial institutions, one parking space for each two hundred fifty square feet of
gross floor area;
2. General retail stores, except as otherwise specified, one parking space for each three hundred
square feet of gross floor area;
3. Offices including all public and professional offices, except as otherwise specified, one parking
space for each two hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area, with a minimum of four parking
4. Commercial service establishments, repair shops, wholesale establishments and retail stores which
handle only bulky merchandise such as furniture, household appliances, motor vehicles, farm
implements and machinery, one parking space for each five hundred square feet of gross floor area;
5. Automobile dealerships, one parking space for each two employees during the time of maximum
employment, plus one parking space for each two thousand square feet of lot and building area
used for the display or storage of automobiles;
6. Self-service laundries and dry cleaners, one parking space for each three washing machines;
7. Automobile repair shops, one parking space for each four hundred square feet of gross floor area;
8. Barbershops, beauty shops, two parking spaces for each barber or beautician, with a minimum of
four spaces;
9. Restaurants, cafes, soda fountains and similar establishments, one parking space for each one
hundred square feet of gross floor area;
10. Manufacturing plants and other industrial uses, one parking space for each five hundred square feet
of floor area;
11. Warehousing, one space for each one thousand square feet of floor area;
12. Retail food market, one parking space for each five hundred square feet of gross floor area;
13. Nurseries, retail, one parking space for each one thousand five hundred square feet of site. area,
plus one loading space for each acre of site area;
14. Shopping centers (major), one parking space for each two hundred square feet of gross floor area;
15. Open uses, commercial and industrial uses conducted primarily outside of buildings, one parking
space for each employee on the maximum shift, plus additional parking spaces prescribed by the
16. Transportation terminal facilities, one parking space for each two employees plus additional
parking spaces prescribed by the director;
17. For a use not specified in this section, the same number of off-street parking spaces shall be
provided as are required for the most similar specified use.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.610.030 Standards of Off-Street Parking Facilities
A. Surfacing and marking.
1. The parking area shall be maintained in good condition at all times and shall be surfaced in a
manner to be consistent with the type and level of use so as to provide safe and convenient use in
accordance with the following guidelines:
a. Parking areas used the year around shall be surfaced with asphaltic concrete or its equivalent,
except that low intensive uses may be surfaced with gravel or its equivalent;
b. Parking areas used only periodically shall be surfaced with gravel or its equivalent, except
under special circumstances when directed by the public works director;
2. Parking spaces, entrances, exits and circulation directions shall be marked and shall remain
discernible at all times.
B. Stall Size. Each parking space shall be not less than eighteen feet in length and nine feet in width,
exclusive of driveways, ramps and columns, for medium and large automobiles and not less than
sixteen feet in length and eight feet in width for subcompact and compact automobiles.
C. Compact Cars. For any development, a maximum of forty percent of all parking provided may be
compact car parking. Such spaces shall be signed or otherwise designated for smaller compact cars.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.610.040 Landscaping.
A. For parking lots abutting public roads, a minimum five-foot landscape planter shall be installed abutting
the right-of-way, except where driveways are installed;
B. In addition to the street side planter required in subsection (A), an additional five percent of all parking
lot areas shall be landscaped;
C. All landscape areas shall be planted and continuously maintained by the owner. A minimum of one tree
shall be planted for each twenty parking spaces;
D. Grading and Drainage. The grading and drainage of all parking areas shall conform to the requirements
of the public works director.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.610.050 Driveway Widths.
A. The minimum width of a driveway for two-way traffic shall be eighteen feet;
B. The minimum width of any driveway shall be ten feet;
C. Exception. Any parking lot or parking lot addition designed to serve ten or less vehicles shall be exempt
from the paving and landscaping requirement.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.620
15.620.010 Purpose
15.620.020 General Sign Provisions
15.620.030 Exempt Signs
15.620.040 Prohibited Signs and Sign Materials
15.620.050 Directional Signs
15.620.060 Permitted Appurtenant Signs and Sign Area
15.620.070 Off-Premises Advertising Structures
15.620.080 Sign Maintenance Requirement
15.620.010 Purpose
The purpose of the regulations and provisions of this chapter shall be to insure the stability and
safeguarding of property values, to preserve and improve the appearance of the county as a place to live and
work, to encourage sound signing practices as an aid to business and for providing information to the public,
to reduce hazards and confusion to motorists and pedestrians, and to promote the public health, safety and
general welfare. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.620.020 General Sign Provisions
A. No persons shall erect any sign regulated by this chapter without first obtaining the written consent of
the property owner(s) upon which such sign is located and filing such written consent with the planning
B. Appurtenant signs for uses requiring conditional use permit approval are permitted subject to first
securing a conditional use permit.
C. No permit for any sign shall be issued and no sign shall be constructed or maintained which has less
horizontal or vertical clearance from communication lines and energized electrical power lines than that
prescribed by the laws of the state of California or rules and regulations duly promulgated by agencies
D. All signs regulated by this chapter shall be located outside of county streets and road rights-of-way,
except for variances granted by the planning commission.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.620.030 Exempt Signs
The following signs are exempt from the provisions of this chapter, and the square footage of such
signs shall not be included in the total square footage of signs permitted for any site use:
A. Agricultural Signs. Two signs with a total aggregate area not exceeding thirty-two square feet for each
lot or parcel, identifying and advertising agricultural products produced on the premises;
B. Construction Signs. Two signs up to a combined total of thirty-two square feet not exceeding a height
of eight feet, identifying parties involved in construction on the premises and future activity for which
the construction is intended. Such signing shall not include the advertisement of any product. Such
signs shall be removed within fourteen days following completion of construction;
C. Directory Signs. Wall-mounted building directory signs for pedestrian use, listing the tenants or
occupants of a building: provided, that such directories do not exceed twenty square feet on any single
building wall, nor a height of eight feet;
D. Hazard Signs. Signs warning of construction, excavation or similar hazards so long as the hazard exists;
E. Internal Signs. Signs not intended to be viewed from public streets and not visible from public streets or
adjacent properties, such as signs in interior areas of shopping centers, commercial buildings and
structures, ball parks, stadiums and similar uses of a recreational or entertainment nature;
F. Miscellaneous Information Signs. Miscellaneous permanent information signs in nonresidential
categories, with an aggregate area not to exceed four square feet at each public entrance nor twelve
square feet total, indicating address, hours and days of operation, whether a business is open or closed,
credit card information and emergency address and telephone numbers;
G. Official Flags. Official federal, state or local government flags, emblems and historical markers;
H. Official Signs. Official federal, state or local government traffic, directional and informational signs
and notices issued by any court, person or officer in performance of a public duty;
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I. Political Signs. Temporary political signs not exceeding four square feet total for each property in
residential categories and sixteen square feet total for each property in nonresidential categories;
provided, that campaign signs shall not be posted more than sixty days preceding the election, and shall
be removed within fourteen days following the election;
J. Prohibition Signs. “No Trespassing,” “No Parking” and similar warning signs;
K. Reader Board. Reader boards for community charitable or religious organizations; provided, such signs
do not exceed an area of twenty square feet per face and are not illuminated;
L. Real Estate Signs:
1. For Sale Signs. Temporary signs indicating the property on which the sign is located is for sale,
rent or lease. Only one signs is permitted to face each street adjacent to the property. Such signs
may be a maximum of four square feet or less on property in residential categories and thirty-two
square feet or less in nonresidential categories;
2. Model Homes. Temporary signs, banners and decorations attracting attention to a model home and
sales office within a new subdivision; provided, that the aggregate area of such signing shall not
exceed thirty-two square feet;
3. Open House. Temporary signs or banners attracting attention to an open house, with signing having
a maximum aggregate area of thirty-two square feet, which shall be in place a maximum of seven
M. Residential Identification Signs. The following residential identification signs are allowed without
permit approval:
1. Individual residence identification signs, including but not limited to, names of occupants and
home occupations, limited to a total aggregate area of two square feet;
2. One permanent identification sign with a maximum area of twenty square feet for each lot or
parcel, identifying apartment projects, subdivision names, etc.; provided, such signing is approved
as part of a subdivision map or land use permit for the project.
N. Safety and Directional Signing. Parking lot and other private traffic directional signs, each not
exceeding five square feet in area. Such signs shall be limited to guidance of pedestrian or vehicular
traffic within the premises on which they are located, and shall not display any logo or name of a
product, establishment, service, or any other advertising;
O. Temporary Sales and Events. Banners, signs or decorative materials in conjunction with an event or
grand opening. Such banners, signs and decorative materials shall not be posted more than thirty days
preceding the event, are to be removed within seven days following the event, and shall be limited to a
maximum aggregate area of one hundred square feet per site;
P. Window Signs. Temporary window signs constructed of paper, cloth or similar expendable material;
provided, the total area of such signs shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the window area.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.620.040 Prohibited Signs and Sign Materials
The following signs and sign materials are prohibited in all zones:
A. Any sign which simulates or imitates in size, color, lettering or design any traffic, sign or signal, or
which makes uses of words, symbols or characters in such a manner to interfere with, mislead or
confuse pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
B. Any sign containing statements, words or characters of an obscene, indecent or immoral character such
as will offend public morals or decency;
C. Signs consisting of any moving, rotating (exceeding eight rpm), flashing or otherwise animated light or
component, except for time and temperature displays and barber poles;
D. Signs emitting sounds or designed to emit sounds;
E. Any sign or sign structure identifying a use or activity that has not occupied the site for a period greater
than six months.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.620.050 Directional Signs
Directional signs shall be permitted in all zones subject to the following development standards:
A. The overall dimensions of any directional sign shall not exceed two feet in height and six feet in width;
B. The height of any directional sign shall not exceed six feet, which is the vertical distance measured
from the finished grade at the point directly beneath the sign of the highest point of the sign or portions
of structure that supports that sign;
C. The advertisement shall be limited to designate the name of the business, the principal product or
service and the location of the business;
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D. The colors and materials of the sign shall be in harmony with the natural features of the area in which
the sign is to be located;
E. All directional signs must be located on private property and must be placed on or in the ground. The
person submitting the directional sign to the planning authority for approval shall submit evidence that
the owner or other person in control or possession of the property upon which the sign is situated has
consented to the placing of the sign;
F. A maximum of three signs shall be permitted for any one business or service and not more than two
such signs shall be permitted along any county select-arterial road or state highway route as identified
on the official Glenn county road system map on file in the department of public works;
G. Plans for all directional signs shall be submitted to the director for approval prior to the installation of
the sign. Said plans must show the location of the proposed sign and the advertising copy to be placed
on the sign;
H. Upon completion of the installation of the sign or signs, applicant shall complete the application for
certificate of zoning compliance (required by the Outdoor Advertising Act, state of California)
available at the planning authority. A small photograph of the sign shall be filed at that time.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.620.060 Permitted Appurtenant Signs and Sign Area
A. One sign identifying a building by name and address shall be permitted for all multifamily residential
developments. Such sign shall be a monument sign or mounted flat against a wall of the building and
not projecting above the cornice or roof line of the building. Such sign shall not exceed thirty-two
square feet in area and shall not be illuminated except by indirect lighting.
B. Signs identifying places of public assembly shall be permitted providing that the overall area of such
signs does not exceed one hundred square feet. Such signs shall be monument signs or mounted flat
against a wall of the building and not projecting above the cornice or roof line of the building. Such
signs shall not be illuminated except by indirect lighting.
C. Signs identifying a permitted or conditionally permitted commercial or industrial establishment shall be
permitted subject to the following development standards:
1. The maximum total aggregate sign area for a commercial establishment shall be one square foot
per foot of building site frontage occupied by the business, to a maximum of two hundred fifty
square feet;
2. The maximum total aggregate sign area for an industrial establishment shall be two square feet per
foot of building site frontage occupied by the business, to a maximum of five hundred square feet;
3. Signs may be erected in the form of a monument sign, wall sign or freestanding pole sign;
4. All wall signs shall be mounted flat against the wall of the building and not projecting above the
cornice or roofline of the building;
5. All freestanding pole signs shall not exceed fifty feet in height;
6. Lighting of signs shall be arranged so as not to produce a glare on other properties in the vicinity
and the source of light shall not be visible from adjacent property or a public street.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.620.070 Off-Premises Advertising Structures
Off-premises advertising structures may be permitted in the RZ, AE, AP C, and M zones only if a
conditional use permit has first been secured. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.620.080 Sign Maintenance Requirement
All signs are to be properly maintained in a safe and legible condition at all times. In the event that a
use having signing is discontinued for a period exceeding six months, all signs identifying the use and
associated structures are to be removed from the site, or in the case of painted signs, painted out. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.630
15.630.010 Purpose
15.630.020 Finding and Declarations of the Board of Supervisors
15.630.030 Refuse Disposal
15.630.040 Other Requirements
15.630.010 Purpose
The purpose of the land division standards set forth in Division 4, Part 2, is as follows:
A. To identify land division classifications, which will be based on density, land use, topography and
B. To establish required standards of design, construction, and facility development for these land division
C. To establish operational procedures for the preparation of plans, tentative maps, lot line adjustments,
parcel maps, and final maps and provide the necessary fee schedules;
D. All land divisions will be viewed with the goal of preserving the environment, agricultural land and
pursuits, open space and wild lands;
E. These land division standards shall implement the objectives established for the development of Glenn
County in conformance with its general plan, the specific elements thereof, and the zoning plan.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.630.020 Findings and Declarations of the Board of Supervisors
A. The regulations, standards and procedures provided herein are the minimum necessary to promote and
protect the public health, safety, general welfare, and they may be made more restrictive if the planning
commission finds that action is necessary to protect the public interest, to insure sound planning
standards, or on the advise of the public works director, to insure sound engineering standards.
B. The board of supervisors hereby declares that the following lands are not suitable for land division for
the purposes of residential or industrial development:
1. Land subject to inundation;
2. Land zoned designated floodway (DF) or land in a flood- plain combining district (:FP);
3. Land without physical vehicular access to a city, county, state or federal maintained road;
4. Land zoned for agricultural use;
5. Airport glide or flight path areas;
6. Land close to city boundary.
C. Prior to the division for the purpose of development of any lands within the adopted sphere of influence
of an incorporated city, the county planning authority staff shall notify the city of such proposed
development, requesting comments with regard to the development of sewage systems, water systems,
streets, and other public facilities. Such comments from the city shall be considered prior to the
approval of the proposed land division.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.630.030 Refuse Disposal
When a subdivision is within the boundaries of a refuse collection franchised area, the applicant shall
obtain a letter from the franchised operator stating that he has been notified to begin collection of refuse or
shall provide an acceptable alternative refuse disposal plan to be approved by the public works director.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.630.040 Other Requirements
A. The director, planning commission or board of supervisors may require that an applicant provide such
documents, including but not limited to, deeds, dedications, grants, restrictions, easements and rights-
of-way, as it deems necessary to effect a sound and proper plan of land division.
B. The planning commission may require the installation of appropriate and necessary public utility
facilities, including underground installation of power, telephone and other utilities when it finds such
installations reasonable and economically feasible, compatible with adopted utility undergrounding
plans, required by other regulations or necessary for conformity with area characteristics and standards.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.640
15.640.010 Improvements and Dedications of Rights-of-Way
15.640.020 Road Systems Required Within Subdivision
15.640.030 Connection to Dedicated and Improved Street
15.640.040 Widening and Improvement of Existing Streets
15.640.050 Optional Design and Improvement Standards
15.640.060 Channelized Intersections
15.640.070 Public Streets and Roads
15.640.080 Private Streets and Roads
15.640.090 Street Extensions
15.640.100 Intersection Spacing
15.640.110 Intersection Corner Roundings
15.640.120 Typical Road Intersections
15.640.130 Horizontal Alignment
15.640.140 Design Speed
15.640.150 Grades of Streets and Highways
15.640.160 Road Surfacing and Structural Section
15.640.170 Side Slope Treatment
15.640.180 Concrete Curbs
15.640.190 Sidewalks
15.640.200 Utilities
15.640.210 Road Names
15.640.010 Improvements and Dedications of Rights-of-Way
A. The planning commission shall require as a condition of the approval of all land division, including lot
line adjustments for which a parcel map is required, that the applicant or land divider make an
irrevocable offer of dedication to the county and to the public, such rights-of-way for public streets,
roads, and easements, and construct and install at his or her expense such improvements, including off-
site and on-site rights-of-way, as are required by these standards or as deemed necessary by the
planning commission. All such improvements shall be constructed in accordance with these standards,
shall be governed by the State of California Department of Transportation’s latest edition of the
Standard Specifications and Standard Plans.
B. If a parcel of land to be divided or subdivided includes a portion of the right-of-way necessary for a
public freeway or parkway, and the board of supervisors determines the boundaries of the right-of-way,
the applicant shall either make an irrevocable offer of dedication or withhold from the subdivision all
the area included in said right-of-way.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.020 Road Systems Required Within Subdivision
A. All parcels within a subdivision shall be required to have either an approved access or other acceptable
access to an improved public road. Whenever private road construction or improvements are required,
the improvements will not be accepted by the county for maintenance.
B. Any subdivision street which is the primary access to any school, or other traffic generator, shall meet
or exceed the requirements for a collector street, as provided in this chapter.
C. All road or street easements within a subdivision, whether required by these standards or by the
planning commission shall be shown on the parcel map or final map as “public easements for ingress
and egress and for public utilities.” Private roads, however, may be “exclusive easements for egress and
ingress for public utilities.”
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.640.030 Connection to Dedicated and Improved Street
When public streets are required within a subdivision, the street shall connect to an improved road in
the county-maintained road system, an improved state highway or an improved city street. Where an off-site
connection is necessary to provide access to such road or highway, the applicant shall acquire the right-of-
way and construct the improvements pursuant to conditions established by the planning commission and
Section 66462.5 of the Subdivision Map Act. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.040 Widening and Improvement of Existing Streets
A. If a portion or all of a parcel as shown on the latest county equalized assessment roll abuts an existing
county road and such parcel is being divided, the applicant shall make an irrevocable offer of dedication
of sufficient right-of-way to enable the abutting section of road to be constructed to the standards set
forth in this chapter. The applicant shall improve the following sections of the abutting road to comply
with these standards and the standard drawings and typical cross-sections adopted by the board of
1. Those sections of any existing county road which abut a parcel containing less than four and one
quarter net acres within the subdivision;
2. Those sections of any existing county road which abut the subdivision if the land is zoned
industrial or commercial;
3. Those sections of any county road which abut the subdivision if the planning commission
determines that such improvements are necessary, as a result of increased density, to protect the
health, safety and welfare of the public.
B. Such improvements shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. If the parcel abuts both sides of the county road, the improvements shall be made to the full width
of the road. If such parcel abuts one side only, the improvements shall be made to the abutting one-
half width of the road except as hereinafter provided;
2. If the grade of the existing roadway is such that the new pavement can join the existing pavement
and not vary from the approved cross-slope shown in the drawings by two percent for the length of
the improvement, the improvement shall consist of reconstructing the abutting one-half width or, if
it is deemed structurally adequate by the public works director, widening the existing pavement. If
the existing paved surface is such that due to its shape, the pavement cannot join within the above
limits of cross-slope and/or if it is desired by the developer or required by the public works director
to change the grade of the existing roadway, the entire roadway shall be reconstructed. The public
works director may grant an exception to the cross-slope requirement set forth above if in his or her
opinion it will not create ponding, drainage problems, or a safety hazard;
3. If land abutting existing substandard streets or roads is being subdivided and ingress and egress to
the lots within the subdivision is not required from the street or road, the applicant shall dedicate
additional right-of-way and dedicate reserve strips of land to control access from the lots;
4. If the only access to land being subdivided is an existing substandard street or road system, and it is
expected that this substandard street or road will carry principally vehicular traffic generated by the
proposed subdivision, the planning commission may determine that the applicant shall pay the cost
of or enter into an agreement to pay the cost of acquisition of off-site right-of-way pursuant to
Section 66462.5 of the Subdivision Map Act;
5. At the time the improvements are to be made, the applicant may request the public works director
to require the applicant to defer the construction of such improvements by agreement in lieu of
requiring the immediate construction thereof. The public works director may require deferment of
the construction requirements only if he or she finds one or more of the following to be true:
a. The improvements will not be beneficial or in the best interest of the county at the time the
improvements are to be made;
b. The improvements will cause safety hazards if constructed at the time required by the planning
commission. For purposes of this paragraph transitions are deemed not to be safety hazards;
c. The specific terrain, run-off, and/or other conditions in the area require deferment of the
The public works director shall make a written determination, within twenty days after submission
of a written request by the applicant, as to whether the construction of improvements shall be
deferred. The public works director may require plans in sufficient detail to enable him or her to
make that determination. Any such decision may be appealed to the board of supervisors by
submitting a notice of such appeal and the appropriate fee to the clerk of the board of supervisors
within ten days after a copy of the written determination is mailed to the applicant;
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6. At any time after entering into a deferred improvement agreement, a applicant or his or her
successor in interest may request cancellation of the agreement by paying to the county a sum of
money equal to not more than the estimated cost of making the improvements. The developer’s
engineer shall provide the estimate subject to the approval of the public works director. The board
of supervisors shall adopt by resolution a schedule of costs for such cancellations.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.050 Optional Design and Improvement Standards
The planning commission may approve an exception from these standards based on a modified design
if the resulting subdivision would be a substantial improvement over that which could have been developed
by following these standards. A request for an exception from these standards shall accompany the tentative
map, together with the substantiating evidence that such exception will improve the subdivision. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.060 Channelized Intersections
A. The applicant shall improve, with channelized intersections, that is, one with lanes marked with paint or
physical dividers, on county roads where any of the following conditions exist:
1. The street intersects at a point of restricted sight distance which requires a reduction in the normal
driving speed on the major street or highway;
2. The intersecting street serves more than one hundred lots as sole access;
3. It is anticipated that the street will generate traffic in excess of one thousand vehicles per day.
B. The channelized intersection shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of the California
Department of Transportation, Highway Design Manual, and the following width of turning lanes
County Road Type:
Intersection Type:
Turning Lane Width:
2 lane street
12 feet
2 lane street
16 feet
4 lane street
14 feet
4 lane divided street
22 feet
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.070 Public Streets and Roads
The construction of off-site and on-site streets, roads, and other improvements required by these
standards shall conform to the typical cross-sections adopted by the board of supervisors for the land
division classification assigned. All roads and streets required to be constructed and dedications therefore
shall be one of the following as indicated:
A. Major Divided Street or Road. This street is so designated on a general or specific plan adopted by the
board of supervisors. This classification shall also include any street which by reason of its through
route characteristics, now carries or is expected to carry within twenty years more than ten thousand
vehicles per day or any street which is expected to handle one thousand five hundred turning
movements per day such as a street providing access to a shopping center. The right-of-way shall be at
least one hundred ten feet in width. The improved roadbed, including median strip, shall be at least
ninety feet in width. Where a circulation element of the general plan has been adopted by the board of
supervisors for this major county street, the applicant shall construct, in accordance with these
standards, any required curbs and gutters and forty-four feet of surfacing, consisting of two twenty-two-
foot strips of pavement; one along each exterior edge of the roadbed. In the event a subdivision creates
a four-lane traffic demand on the major divided street, the applicant shall construct the street in its
entirety and/or complete any portion not previously constructed.
B. Major Street. This street is so designated by the circulation element of the general plan adopted by the
board of supervisors, but shall also include any street which by reason of its route characteristics is
expected to carry within twenty years more than five thousand but less than fifteen thousand vehicles
per day.
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C. Major streets shall be designed and improved by the applicant to provide a four-lane highway with
parking lanes as follows:
1. Right-of-way shall be eighty-four feet in width, minimum;
2. Surfaced roadbed shall be sixty-four feet in width, minimum;
3. Where a master plan of streets and highways has been adopted by the board of supervisors for this
major street, the applicant shall construct, in accordance with adopted standards, any required curbs
and gutters and forty-four feet of surfacing consisting of two twenty-two-foot strips of pavement,
one along each exterior edge of the roadbed. In the event a subdivision creates a four-lane traffic
demand, the applicant shall construct the street in its entirety or complete any portion not
previously constructed.
D. Collector Street or Road. This street classification is expected to collect or carry vehicular traffic
generated from up to four hundred tributary dwelling units through a subdivision having two or more
entrances, or constitutes the principal entrance to a residential subdivision of two hundred dwelling
units that is not expected to serve in the future as a major street. Where access is relinquished along an
appreciable length of street frontage and where an emergency parking lane is provided, the number of
tributary dwelling units may be increased thirty percent. The structural section shall be increased
appropriately. Collector streets shall be designed and improved by the developer to provide a two-lane
street with parking lanes (except for estate, rural, and agricultural developments in which case parking
lanes are not required) as follows:
1. Minimum right-of-way shall be sixty feet in width;
2. Design speed shall be not less than thirty-five miles per hour;
3. The minimum centerline radius shall be three hundred fifty feet;
4. The minimum safe stopping sight distance shall be two hundred fifty feet for standard street
E. Local Street or Road. This street classification is abutted by residential lots, is to provide access to not
more than one hundred tributary dwelling units and is not intended to serve, now or in the future, as a
major street or collector street. Local streets shall be designed and improved by the developer to
provide a two-lane street and parking lanes (except for estate, rural, and agricultural developments in
which case parking lanes are not required) as follows:
1. Right-of-way shall be not less than sixty feet in width;
2. Local streets which are to be extended and whose temporary terminus cannot be seen shall have a
turning circle paved to a radius of at least forty feet with defensible easement of uniform sidewalk
3. The design speed shall be not less than thirty miles per hour;
4. The minimum centerline radius shall be two hundred fifty feet;
5. The minimum safe stopping sight distance shall be two hundred feet.
F. Cul-de-sac Street or Road. This street classification is a dead-end street which is to provide access to a
limited number of abutting dwelling units and which cannot be extended to serve a greater number of
dwelling units. No cul-de-sac street constructed for dedication to Glenn County shall be longer than
five hundred feet in length. Cul-de-sac streets shall be designed and improved by the applicant to
provide a two-lane street and parking lanes (except for estate, rural, and agricultural developments in
which case parking lanes are not required) as follows:
1. Minimum right-of-way shall be sixty feet in width;
2. Turning circle shall have not less than sixty-foot property line radius except for urban
developments where a fifty-foot radius will be acceptable;
3. Turning circle shall be paved to a radius of not less than forty feet;
4. The minimum design speed shall be twenty-five miles per hour;
5. The minimum centerline radius shall be one hundred seventy-five feet;
6. The minimum safe stopping sight distance shall be fifty feet;
G. Industrial Street. This street classification is to provide access to abutting industrial lots. In these streets:
1. Right-of-way shall be not less than sixty feet in width;
2. Surfaced roadbed shall be not less than forty-four feet in width;
3. A turning circle shall be provided for dead-end or cul-de-sac industrial streets which provide access
to a limited frontage where due to physical conditions such street cannot be expected to be
extended. The turning circle shall have a minimum of sixty feet property line radius, and forty-four
feet curb radius;
4. In cases where an industrial street collects traffic from intersecting industrial streets or commercial
streets, or where such street provides access to property which has an area of more than forty acres
and is zoned for industrial or commercial purposes, the right-of-way shall be increased by not less
than twenty-four feet and surface roadbed shall be increased by not less than twenty feet;
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5. The minimum design speed for determining safe stopping sight distance and minimum curve radius
shall be thirty-five miles per hour.
H. Frontage Road. This street classification is auxiliary to and located adjacent to a freeway, major
highway, railroad or arterial street. A frontage road provides service to abutting property and adjacent
areas where access to the adjacent major route is restricted. A frontage road may be of any street
classification. The following requirements are for frontage roads:
1. Right-of-way width for the frontage road shall equal the right-of-way width for a standard street of
the same classification, less ten feet, but in no event shall it be less than a total of fifty feet in
2. Surfaced roadbed shall be equal to the improved width for a standard street of the same
classification, less six feet for parking lanes, but in no event shall it be less than a total of thirty feet
in width.
I. Alleys. Alleys shall be permitted only along the rear of lots zoned for commercial or multiple dwelling
use or the rear of lots fronting on major streets when said streets are divided by a median barrier. The
following criteria apply:
1. Right-of-way shall be not less than twenty feet in width;
2. No intersecting alleys shall be permitted;
3. Surfaced roadbed shall be the full width of the right-of-way, except at intersections with streets
where standard returns shall be constructed.
J. Split-level Street. This type of street shall have the same geometrics of design, improvements and
capacity as those provided in a normal street of the same classification, but with each direction of traffic
constructed at different elevations separated by a median. A split-level street may be designed and
improved by the applicant on approval of the public works director as follows:
1. A split-level street shall provide for the same margins, parking lanes, traveled way and turning-lane
area required for a normal street of the same classification. In addition, a shoulder at least two feet
in width along the median of the lower roadway, and a strip at least four feet in width along the
median edge of the upper roadway shall be provided. In this strip, the concrete curb or approved
type barrier, shall be installed in those locations where they are required for the safe use of the
street. A guard rail shall be provided on the median side of the upper roadway when the difference
in street level elevation exceeds ten feet or when retaining walls are provided.
2. An additional right-of-way width for the cut or fill slope shall be provided if required. The total
width of the dedicated right-of-way shall not be less than the sum of the improvement widths, slope
requirements and margins.
3. Grade at intersections shall not exceed two percent cross slope within the area bounded by the curb
line or traveled way.
4. Pedestrian walkways shall be provided at approximately the mid-block points for blocks in excess
of five hundred feet or at not greater than five hundred feet spacing.
K. One-way Loop Road. A one-way loop road is a road which is designed for traffic in one direction only,
which serves less than thirty lots, which lies in difficult side-hill development on slopes exceeding
fifteen percent and which serves a useful purpose to the development of “view” lots or other interesting
lots which could not otherwise be developed by the use of other roads. The minimum right-of-way
width is fifty feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.080 Private Streets and Roads
A. Private streets and roads may be permitted in subdivisions provided that they meet the minimum
standards set forth in the typical cross sections for private roads for each zone as may be adopted by the
board of supervisors by resolution.
B. An admonishment in substantially the following form shall be shown on the face of the final map or
parcel map and included in deeds prior to recording for subdivisions in which lots or parcels are served
by a private road:
Lots or parcels 1, 2, 3, etc....are served by a private road. Maintenance of said road
is not the responsibility of Glenn County. Owners of said lots or parcels are hereby
advised that they and/or others are solely responsible for maintenance of this road.
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C. The board of supervisors may refuse to accept any offer of dedication until such time as it is determined
that the portion of the street or road dedicated serves a public purpose or the portion of the street or road
no longer lies within property under one ownership and does not continue through such ownership or
end touching property of another. The county will refuse to accept any private road until such time as
the road has been constructed in accordance with current county road standards for the zone in which
the road is located.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.090 Street Extensions
The alignment of street extensions shall connect with existing streets by continuation of the centerlines
or by adjustments by curves and shall be in general conformity with plans that the director determines to be
the most advantageous development of the area in which the subdivision lies. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.100 Intersection Spacing
The location of streets shall be such that intersections are spaced not less than two hundred feet apart on
secondary streets and five hundred feet apart on major streets. All streets shall be required to intersect one
another at an angle as near to a right angle as is practicable in each case. “Tee” type intersections are
preferred except at arterial intersections. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.110 Intersection Corner Roundings
On all street, road and highway intersections, the property line at each block corner shall be rounded
with a curve having a radius of not less than twenty feet. In any case, a greater curve radius may be required
if streets or alleys intersect other than at right angles. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.120 Typical Road Intersections
All other specifications for intersections shall be as shown on the standard drawings adopted by the
board of supervisors. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.130 Horizontal Alignment
The centerline curve radius of all streets and highways shall conform to acceptable engineering
standards of design as shown in the latest edition of the California Department of Transportation Highway
Design Manual. Generally, horizontal curves shall be as long as practical. The use of compound curves and
double reversing curves shall be held to a minimum. As far as practical, one hundred-foot tangents shall be
provided between all curves on residential streets, with longer tangents of not less than safe stopping sight
distance on major streets. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.140 Design Speed
All subdivision streets shall be designed to provide safe stopping sight distance, horizontal curve radii,
and vertical curves for not less than the following speed shown for that particular street section and in
accordance with the California Department of Transportation Design Manual, except for stop streets.
Combinations of changes in grade and curve alignment shall be designed with greater than the minimum
design as far as practical. The following shall apply:
Street or Road Section:
Design Speed:
All Others
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.150 Grades of Streets and Highways
A. No street or highway shall have a grade of more than eight percent except where, because of
topographical conditions or other exceptional conditions, the public works director may determine that
a grade up to fifteen percent maximum may be allowed. No gutter grade shall be less than 0.3 percent
where underground storm drainage systems are required. All others shall be not less than 0.2 percent
unless approved by the public works director.
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B. The grade within the intersection of streets shall not exceed four percent in the area bounded by the
curb returns, except that the street anticipated to handle the major movement of traffic may exceed four
percent but shall not be greater than the grade approaching the intersection. The grade of the turn
around bulb at the end of cul-de-sac streets shall not exceed eight percent.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.160 Road Surfacing and Structural Section
A. Structural sections of all streets and roads shall be designed based on R-values determined by California
Test Method No. 301 of the soil within the roadway and in accordance with Section 600 of the
Highway Design Manual.
B. R-value tests for structural pavement design shall be taken within the soil to be used for the subgrade or
at the designated source of selected material. A soil inventory consisting of location and R-value tests
of various soils to be used within the designed structural section shall be provided unless the plans
specify that the thickness of the elements of structural pavement shall be determined by R-value tests to
be performed after rough subgrade is completed. The locations and number of samples of soil taken for
R-value tests on rough subgrade shall be determined by the public works director.
C. Upon request of the applicant, the public works director may assign the structural section or R-value to
be used for design in areas of consistent soils, provided that adequate information is available as to the
properties of such soil.
D. The traffic index may be determined by using the Highway Design Manual together with a traffic study
of the area contributing truck traffic loads to such streets. If ultimate street development pattern is not
known and streets can be extended, the traffic index shall be as follows:
1. Cul-de-sac and loop streets shall be a minimum of 4.5;
2. Local streets shall be a minimum of 5.0;
3. Residential collector streets shall be a minimum of 5.5;
4. Major or primary collector streets shall be a minimum of 6.0;
5. Farm to market roads in agricultural zoned areas shall be a minimum of 7.0;
6. Commercial roads shall be a minimum of 8.0;
7. County highways shall be a minimum of 9.0;
8. The above traffic indexes shall be increased to reflect commercial and industrial truck traffic
E. The minimum structural thickness of all new roads and streets or those roads and streets to be
reconstructed shall be as shown on the standard drawings adopted by the board of supervisors unless
otherwise approved by the public works director.
F. Where asphalt concrete (AC) is used it shall be type B one-half maximum (medium). Class 2 Aggregate
Base (AB) and Class 1 Imported Aggregate Subbase (ASB) shall be used in street construction except
that select material may be used in place of Class 2 Aggregate Base and Class A Imported Aggregate
Sub-base provided the following requirements are met:
1. The R-value of select material in place shall determine the thickness of asphaltic concrete in
accordance with the Pavement Design Chart” shown in the Highway Design Manual, with the
addition of ten percent as a safety factor. The minimum thickness of asphaltic concrete shall be
0.20 foot;
2. The sand equivalent shall exceed twenty-five;
3. Ten percent or 0.17 foot, whichever is greatest, shall be added to the thickness determined for
select material as a safety factor;
4. The top 0.34 foot of select material shall be screened to remove oversized aggregate larger than 2
5. The particle interlock shall provide a firm working table.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.170 Side Slope Treatment
A. Improvements. The applicant shall improve side slopes for functional effectiveness, and pleasing
appearance. Planting of vegetation may be required to prevent erosion.
B. Cut and fill. Cut slopes for subdivision streets shall be one and one-half to one and fill slopes shall be
two to one. Flatter slopes shall be used in soils susceptible to erosion. Steeper cut slopes will be
considered in special situations, such as in solid material, if approved by the public works director. Cut
slopes steeper than one to one that are higher than ten feet will be considered only if submitted with a
report from an engineering firm based on an analysis of soil borings or excavations determining that
such cut bank will be stable and not lead to structural defects to dwellings constructed on adjacent lots.
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C. Catch Point. In light grading where the normal slopes catch in a distance less than ten feet from the
hinge point, a uniform catch point is to be used to provide flatter slopes. Transition slopes shall be
provided between adjacent cuts and fills. Such slopes shall intersect the ground at a catch point ten feet
from the hinge point.
D. Slope Roundings. The tip of all slopes shall be rounded. Where material cut is solid rock, only the layer
of earth overlaying the rock shall be rounded.
E. Slope Benches. Width and vertical spacing shall be established from adequate soils investigation.
Benches may be used in unstable material and to intercept and store loose material resulting from minor
slides. Sufficient width shall be provided for maintenance and drainage control.
F. Special Slope Treatment. When it is desirable to retain certain natural features such as trees or natural
banks within the side slope, the size, location and elevation shall be shown on the improvement plans.
Cut and fill slopes shall be designed to retain such features. Retaining walls may be required.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.180 Concrete Curbs
Vertical concrete curb or roll-type concrete curb and gutter shall be constructed by the applicant in
accordance with the specifications set forth in the standard drawings adopted by the board of supervisors on
all streets where any abutting lots have an area of twenty thousand square feet or less or a frontage of less
than one hundred five feet and on all streets in areas zoned for commercial, industrial, or multiple residential
uses. They may also be required by the director if the streets are located within one-half mile of any
incorporated city. They may be constructed on any street on which the applicant elects to construct such
curbs and gutters. The construction of concrete curb and gutter may be deferred by the public works director
pursuant to the procedure set forth in subsection (B) (5) of Section 15.640.040. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.190 Sidewalks
Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed by the applicant in accordance with the specifications set forth
in the standard drawings adopted by the board of supervisors in areas zoned for commercial or multiple
residential uses and in areas zoned for single-family or two-family residential use where any of the lots
contain ten thousand square feet or less. They may be required by the director if the sidewalks are to be
located within one-half mile of any incorporated city. Sidewalks may be constructed on any other street at
the option of the applicant. The construction of sidewalks may be deferred by the public works director
pursuant to the procedures set forth in subsection (B) (5) of Section 15.640.040. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.200 Utilities
A. The location of utilities within subdivision street rights-of-way, either above ground or below ground,
shall be in accordance with the specifications set forth in the standard drawings adopted by the board of
supervisors unless an alternative location is approved by the public works director. Utilities shall be
underground wherever practical.
B. The minimum depth of underground conduits, with the exception of appurtenances designed for surface
loads such as manholes, valve boxes, and electrical vaults, shall be thirty inches. Where location of
electrical cables for power, community television, and telephone are located under portland cement
concrete sidewalks, a minimum depth of eighteen inches may be permitted.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.640.210 Road Names
Roads which are extensions of or are determined to be in future alignment with existing named roads
shall bear the name of the existing road. Naming of new subdivision roads shall be subject to the approval of
the planning commission and shall not duplicate or be similar to any other road in the county.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.650
15.650.010 General Requirement
15.650.020 Easements
15.650.030 Drainage Systems
15.650.040 Channels
15.650.050 Discharge of Water from Subdivisions
15.650.060 Valley Gutters
15.650.070 Deviations
15.650.010 General Requirement
All subdivisions shall be protected from flood hazard and inundation by storm waters originating
without and within the proposed subdivision. The design and construction of drainage facilities shall be
such that water courses traversing the subdivision and water emanating from within the subdivision will be
carried through and off the subdivision without injury to improvements, residential sites, or adjacent
properties. Drainage waters shall not be discharged onto existing county rights-of-way except in manner
approved by the public works director. All proposed subdivisions, whether or not they front on existing
county rights-of-way, shall meet the minimum requirements of this chapter. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.650.020 Easements
A. Drainage facilities shall be located in a dedicated public street, road or lane, or within a public drainage
easement. Necessary dedications shall be accomplished on the parcel or final map or by grant deed. The
county shall not accept the maintenance of drainage facilities which are not located in a public right-of-
way. Dual use of easements shall not be approved unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of
the public works director that dual use will not be conflicting.
B. The minimum width of any drainage easement for a closed conduit system shall be twelve feet and the
minimum width for any open conduit system shall be twenty feet. For any conduit exceeding thirty
inches in diameter, with more than one manhole or more than one turning structure, a twelve-foot width
service road shall be improved and dedicated.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.650.030 Drainage Systems
A. Drainage systems and all bridges shall be designed to pass a one hundred-year frequency flood without
damage to the structure or adjacent property, except that drainage systems draining an area smaller than
one square mile may be designed for ten-year frequency floods if ponding due to the one hundred-year
flood will not cause damage.
B. Drainage systems under driveway entrances shall be adequate to carry the design flow but shall not
have less than a twelve-inch inside diameter. The minimum slope shall be one percent where practical.
Drainage systems crossing streets shall be of a size adequate to carry the design flow but shall not have
less than a fifteen inch inside diameter for concrete and an eighteen-inch inside diameter for C.M.P.
Drainage systems for use outside the public right-of-way may be of any approved type and strength to
meet field conditions, but shall not have less than a twelve-inch diameter. All pipe in the right-of-way
shall be designed to standard H-20 live load and shall have a design life of twenty-five years.
C. Debris control, location and slope of culverts, entrances and endwalls, shall be in accordance with the
recommendations of “California Culvert Practice.”
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.650.040 Channels
A. All open ditches having a top width of ten feet or more shall be designed in an easement wide enough
to allow motor vehicles on one side of the open ditch. The access shall be at least ten feet wide. This
requirement may be waived by the public works director when, in his or her opinion, access will not be
needed for future maintenance and when, in the opinion of the health officer, access is not needed for
mosquito control.
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B. New unlined drainage facilities or relocated natural drains may not be installed closer than fifty feet to
existing or proposed leach lines. The gradient for earth ditches shall not exceed 4 percent nor be less
than 0.1 percent. Earth ditches shall not be permitted if water therein could reach erosive velocities. The
gradient for lined or paved ditches and gutters shall be not less than 0.20 percent, unless specific written
approval is granted by the public works director.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.650.050 Discharge of Water from Subdivisions
Whenever water is discharged from a subdivision where the method of discharge or the quantity has
been changed, a “Drainage Release”, approved by the county counsel, shall be filed with the public works
director prior to approval of the construction plans. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.650.060 Valley Gutters
Valley gutters, where feasible, are preferred for driveways and may be used for local streets where it
can be shown that underground conduits cannot feasibly or reasonably be installed. Valley gutters will not
be permitted across major or collector roads, except at intersections. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.650.070 Deviations
Alternative methods of analysis and solution of drainage problems may be used in lieu of the
requirements of this chapter when, based upon accepted engineering principles, they achieve the results of
Section 15.650.010. Such deviations of the requirements herein may be accomplished only upon the consent
of the public works director without complying with the provisions of Chapter 15.280. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
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Chapter 15.660
15.660.010 Public or Community Sewage Disposal System
15.660.020 Requirements for Public or Community System
15.660.030 Standards for Public or Community System
15.660.040 Site Suitability
15.660.050 Testing and Reporting
15.660.060 Alternative Sewage Disposal Systems
15.660.010 Public or Community Sewage Disposal System
A. Proposed development on lots less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet shall be required to have a
public or community sewage disposal system.
B. Proposed development on lots larger than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet shall be required to
have a public or community sewage disposal system if no public or community water system is
available and site conditions do not allow for individual on-site sewage disposal systems. Site
conditions include factors such as soil permeability, topography, depth to ground water and other
physical characteristics.
C. When a subdivision is located within a reasonable distance of an existing, operating and available
sewage system, and it is practical and feasible to connect with and be served by the system, the
applicant shall be required to request annexation to that system. If the public entity is unable to service
the subdivision with sewers, septic tanks and drain fields will be allowed if soil and other conditions are
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.660.020 Requirements for Public or Community System
When a applicant proposes to develop a community sewer system with treatment and disposal facilities,
the applicant shall do the following:
A. Provide a public entity with powers to levy taxes adequate to maintain and operate the system;
B. Meet the requirements of the California State Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board;
C. a general plan for the sewage collection and disposal system to the County along with his or her
tentative map application;
D. Submit, after approval of the general plan, complete plans and specifications for the sewage collection
and disposal system to the health officer and the public works director. The complete plans and
specifications shall be approved by the public works director prior to commencement of work.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.660.030 Standards for Public or Community System
A. All subdivisions having sewage collection systems shall be constructed to the standards required by the
district which serves the subdivision.
B. All other subdivisions shall meet the requirements established by the health officer and shall be in
conformance with all current health and safety standards.
C. All sewage systems shall meet the requirements of all other Glenn County codes and standards.
D. Except as otherwise required, sewer mains within a subdivision to be serviced by a public or
community sewer system shall be a minimum of six inches in diameter and shall be of either vitrified
clay, cast iron, or other material approved by the public works director. The joints shall be either bell
and spigot or an approved rubber seal type packing. Manholes shall be a minimum of forty-eight inches
in diameter and shall be of precast concrete. All service laterals shall comply with the Uniform
Plumbing Code, latest edition, and shall have a minimum slope of one-eighth inch per foot to the trunk
E. The applicant shall meet the specifications set forth in the standard drawings adopted by the board of
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.660.040 Site Suitability
A. The applicant must demonstrate that each proposed parcel contains an adequate usable area for a
sewage disposal system and replacement area as required by regulations duly adopted by the board of
supervisors. Parcels with an existing sewage disposal system that is functioning satisfactorily must
demonstrate adequate replacement area only.
B. Soil testing to show site suitability shall conform to regulations duly adopted by the board of
supervisors. A lesser or greater number of tests shall be required if requested in writing by the health
C. Lots zoned for agricultural or TPZ uses that will not generate liquid wastes or do not require the regular
presence of workers or employees are not subject to the disposal area or testing requirements of the
above portions of this section.
D. Each of the parcels described in subsection C shall be identified with this statement: “This parcel is not
approved for any use that will generate liquid wastes. No permit to dispose of sewage or other liquid
waste generated by the use of this property will be issued until the applicant has complied with the
applicable provisions of Chapter 7.10 of the Glenn County Code.” This statement shall be referenced on
the recorded map and recorded concurrently with the recorded map. Where no map is recorded the
statement shall be recorded with the certificate of compliance.
E. Land not suitable for on-site sewage disposal systems.
F. Portions of a lot in the following classifications are not to be considered as usable area for the
development of standard septic tank and drainfield facilities:
1. Gravel bars of very pervious material adjacent to a body of water;
2. Land subject to flooding more often than once every ten years;
3. Land steeper than thirty percent grade;
4. Areas occupied by structures or to be occupied by proposed structures and areas within eight feet
of such structures. For purposes of single-family residential lots on which there are no existing
structures, this area shall be assumed to be four thousand square feet;
5. Areas that do not comply with the minimum separation distances and design criteria established by
regulation of the board of supervisors.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.660.050 Testing and Reporting
A. Soil testing and site evaluation must be completed by a qualified individual as defined in Section
7.10.020 of the code.
B. Report information shall include such additional information required by regulation of the board of
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.660.060 Alternative Sewage Disposal Systems
Where lots are approved based on alternative sewage disposal systems the applicant shall:
A. Submit a site-specific design for each parcel utilizing an alternative sewage disposal. The design must
meet all requirements of the sewage disposal regulations adopted by the county board of supervisors.
B. Record concurrently with and referenced on the recorded map, a separate instrument identifying each
parcel that is approved on the basis of an alternative sewage disposal system and the following
“An alternative sewage disposal system has been designed for this parcel and is on file with
the Glenn County Health Department. Any changes in the approved alternative sewage
disposal system design must be approved in writing by the health officer.”
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.670
15.670.010 When Required
15.670.020 Data Required
15.670.030 Design
15.670.040 Distribution System
15.670.050 Spacing of Valves
15.670.060 Water Storage
15.670.070 Standards for Separation of Water and Sewer Lines
15.670.080 Disinfection of Water System
15.670.090 Fire Hydrants
15.670.010 When Required
An applicant shall be required, as a condition of approval of a final map to provide a public or
community water system if the development is within the urban development classification. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.670.020 Data Required
When an applicant proposes to develop a public or community water system, he or she shall provide the
following documentation together with his tentative map application:
A. If the subdivision is to be supplied from a stream, spring, or other surface water, sufficient data shall be
submitted to demonstrate that water in adequate quantity and quality is available and that rights of use
of water have been obtained or are obtainable. If ground water is to be the source for the subdivision,
sufficient data shall be provided to demonstrate that ground water in adequate quantity and quality is
available. Also, it shall be demonstrated, if possible, that the proposed use of ground water will not
adversely affect other users of ground water in the area;
B. The applicant shall submit a sample of the proposed water source to a laboratory approved by the State
Department of Public Health, Division of Laboratories, for a primary and secondary maximum
constituent levels for drinking water standards analysis pursuant to Chapter 15 (commencing with
Section 66401) of Division 4 of Title 22 of the California Administrative Code, and the results of the
analysis shall be forwarded to the health department by the laboratory;
C. A general plan of the distribution system;
D. A general plan of the source, treatment and storage works showing the location, function, and capacity
of each component;
E. The parcels on which source, treatment and storage works are proposed shall be specifically delineated;
F. A plan for the continuing operation and maintenance of the system;
G. Complete plans and specifications for the water system shall be submitted to the health officer and the
public works director, after approval of the general plan. The complete plans and specifications shall be
approved by the public works director prior to the commencement of work.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.670.030 Design
A. In the case of a subdivision included in, or annexing to, an existing approved and operating water
district or community services district, the applicant shall install the water system and appurtenances in
conformance with standards established by the district and the State of California. The applicant shall
furnish a letter from the district certifying that the improvement design is to district standards prior to
approval of construction. The applicant shall provide a letter from the water purveyor agreeing to
unconditionally and without exception provide domestic water to each lot in the proposed subdivision.
B. If the subdivision is to be developed on the basis of a public or community water system, the plans,
specifications and construction shall conform to the “Standards of Minimum Requirements for Safe
Practice in the Production and Delivery of Water for Safe Practice of the American Water Works
C. A permit from the health officer or the California State Health Department to serve water shall be
obtained as provided in Section 4011 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California.
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D. Water which is not obtained from a natural source free from pollution, shall not be delivered for
domestic use unless it is adequately treated and disinfected to insure compliance with Sections 3 and 4
of the United States Public Health Service Drinking Water Standards and California Public Utilities
Commission General Order No. 103.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.670.040 Distribution System
The supply mains, arteries, and secondary feeders shall extend throughout the system. These shall be of
sufficient size, considering their length, and character of the sections served, to deliver fire flow and
consumption demands to all areas served. They shall be properly spaced and looped. No pipe less than six
inches in diameter shall be used for fire service and 6 inch pipes shall be limited to a length of not over six
hundred feet unless looped, except that in mountain rural subdivisions four-inch pipe may be allowed in
place of six-inch pipe. In commercial, industrial, or urban subdivisions, zoned for R-3, or high density
building, pipe sizes shall be not less than eight inches and interconnected within every six hundred feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.670.050 Spacing of Valves
The distribution system shall be equipped with a sufficient number of valves so located that no single
accident, breakage, or repair to the pipe system will necessitate the shut-down of an artery or a length of
pipe greater than one thousand six hundred feet.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.670.060 Water Storage
The system shall provide sufficient water storage to assure the required minimum duration fire flow for
two hours with the single most serious interruption to power lines, water mains and hydrants.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.670.070 Standards for Separation of Water and Sewer Lines
The following requirements shall be met for the separation of water and sewer lines:
A. Water lines shall be laid in separate trenches as far from nearby sewer lines as possible;
B. Water lines shall be laid at a higher elevation than nearby sewer lines;
C. When pipelines cross, the bottom of the water line shall be at least twelve inches above the top of the
sewer pipe;
D. Steel casings or tunnels for the passage of water and sewer lines under railroad tracks, highways or
other structures shall be specially designed to eliminate any hazard of contamination to the water
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.670.080 Disinfection of Water System
A. The completed water system shall be disinfected and water samples taken as specified in the American
Water Works Association for Disinfecting Water Mains - (AWWA 9601-68).
B. Individual wells for land subdivisions.
C. For proposed land divisions, reasonable proof of water supply may be required at the discretion of the
health officer.
D. If the land division is in an area not deemed marginal for water supply or quality by the health officer, a
signed statement by a registered civil engineer or engineering geologist, registered in the state, which
states at least the following will be required:
“Based upon my experience and knowledge of this area, it is my opinion that individual
wells with an adequate supply of potable water that meets the California Domestic
Water Quality and Monitoring Regulations can be developed on each parcel.”
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.670.090 Fire Hydrants
Fire hydrants, when required, shall meet the following conditions:
A. A fire flow minimum of two thousand five hundred gallons per minute is required for a duration period
of ten hours in commercial and industrial areas of the county;
B. A fire flow of one thousand five hundred gallons per minute is required for a duration period of 6 hours
in urban subdivision which are zoned R-M or closely built upon residential areas in which churches,
schools and other similar structures would be interspersed;
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C. A fire flow of one thousand five hundred gallons per minute is required for a duration of four hours in
urban residential subdivisions in which a water system is required;
D. A fire flow of one thousand five hundred gallons per minute is required for a duration period of four
hours in rural and estate subdivisions that are served from a public water agency, district, or
municipality or private water system;
E. Static water pressures shall be such as to deliver the required fire flows at a flowing or residual pressure
of twenty pounds per square inch over and above the normal consumption demands of the system. In no
case shall the fire hydrant spacing be more than five hundred feet from hydrant to hydrant, or more than
two hundred fifty feet from fire hydrant to the center of any lot, except in rural subdivisions where the
fire authority shall determine the minimum spacing;
F. Standard dry barrel, breakaway-type fire hydrants with one 4-1/2 inch National Standard nozzle and
two 2-1/2 inch National Standard nozzles shall be required for all urban subdivisions;
G. Standard wharf-type fire hydrants not less than four inches in size, with 2-1/2 inch National Standard
outlet connection shall be allowed for all estate, rural and agriculture developments and above
subdivisions, where a water system is required;
H. Freezing precautions that would be adequate (in the judgment of the fire authority) for protection of the
system shall be taken;
I. Fire hydrant systems shall be constructed in accordance with standard details approved by the public
works director and the appropriate fire protection district.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.680
15.680.010 Map Form
15.680.020 Certificates
15.680.030 Accuracy
15.680.040 Basis of Bearing
15.680.050 Monuments
15.680.060 Checking by Public Works Director
15.680.070 Filing with the Public Works Director
15.680.080 Form and Contents
15.680.090 Filing and Action
15.680.100 Checking by Public Works Director
15.680.110 Requirements Prior to Final Map Approval
15.680.120 Form and Contents
15.680.130 Filing and Action
15.680.010 Map Form
All final and parcel maps shall comply with the following:
A. When the map proper consists of more than one sheet, exclusive of the certificate sheet, a key map
showing the relation of the sheets and a vicinity map shall be placed on sheet two.
B. Boundary lines of all political subdivisions crossing or bounding the subdivision shall be clearly
designated and referenced.
C. Each lot shall be shown in complete form on its respective sheet.
D. Dimensions of lots shall be given as total dimensions, corner to corner, and shall be shown in feet and
hundredths of a foot. No ditto marks shall be used. Lots shall show acreage to the nearest hundredth.
E. The total area of the property within the boundary of the subdivision shall be shown.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.020 Certificates
Unless otherwise established by law, the board of supervisors may establish, by resolution, standard
language and wording for all certificates, acknowledgments, dedications and other statements which may
appear on maps. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.030 Accuracy
All closures (lots, blocks, streets, or subdivision boundaries) on a parcel map or final map shall be
within 0.01 feet. All surveys shall have an accuracy of 1:10000. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.040 Basis of Bearing
The basis of bearing shall be taken from a line between two monuments. The bearing shall be obtained
from either a filed map or record of survey, an astronomical observation, the California coordinate system, a
filed state highway map, or the county surveyor’s records. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.050 Monuments
A. The exterior boundary of the land being subdivided shall be monumented before the final map or parcel
map is recorded. For final maps iron pipe monuments shall be placed at all exterior boundary corners
and at intervals of not over one thousand feet should the boundary corners exceed this distance. These
iron pipe monuments shall be two-inch I.D. iron pipes twenty-four inches long, or longer plugged and
tagged with brass, aluminum or plastic stamped with the R.E. or L.S. number of the person responsible
for the survey. Standard pipe monuments as shown in the standard drawings may be required in place
of the above monuments at corner locations to be determined by the county surveyor.
B. Iron pipe monuments shall be set at all corner angle points and curve points. These pipe monuments
shall be three-fourths-inch I.D. iron pipe eighteen inches long or longer, plugged and tagged with brass,
aluminum or plastic stamped with the R.E. or L.S. number of the person responsible for the survey. All
iron pipe monuments shall be set to finish grade or at a maximum of two inches below finish grade.
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C. A minimum of two standard centerline monuments as shown in the standard drawings shall be placed in
each subdivision of fifty lots or less at locations which are visible to each other. Where subdivision
streets are curvilinear, an additional two standard centerline monuments for each subdivision of fifty
lots or less may be required. A minimum of two additional standard centerline monuments shall be
required for each additional fifty lots. Subdivisions having curb, gutter and sidewalks may, in lieu of the
standard centerline monuments required, reference the centerline points with lead and tag placed in the
top of curb using a minimum of four tie points. The tie points and distances shall be shown on the final
map. In any case, the locations, type and number of monuments shall be approved by the county
D. A concrete nail two and one-half inches in length with a two-inch metal shiner shall be placed in the
centerline of the completed pavement at all street intersections and at the end and beginning of all
curves and at intervals of not to exceed one thousand feet.
E. When it is impossible to set the monuments described above, other suitable monuments may be
approved by the county surveyor.
F. The front lot corners for all lots fronting on a public street or highway shall be set along the right of
way line. These monuments shall be iron pipe monuments and shall be shown on the final map or
parcel map.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.060 Checking by Public Works Director
After the parcel map and improvement plans have been checked and all corrections required by the
public works director have been made by the applicant, the applicant shall submit the parcel map for
recording pursuant to Section 15.680.070. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.070 Filing With the Public Works Director
The applicant shall submit to the public works director in complete and approvable form, the following:
A. Three legible prints of the parcel map (ten legible prints shall be required upon request of the public
works director), the original tracing, and two reproducible copies acceptable to the county recorder;
B. Original and one reproducible mylar of the improvement plans, if required, along with the fees for plan
check, map review , and field inspection;
C. Traverse sheets showing closures and computation of all distances, angles, and courses shown on the
parcel map, ties to existing and proposed monuments, and adjacent subdivisions, street centerlines, and
highway stations. The traverse of the exterior boundaries of the tract and of lots and blocks shall close
within a limit of error of one in five thousand;
D. All deeds, offers of dedication and easement agreements for sites, streets, and other purposes as were
required in the action of approval of the tentative map, and any required bonds and agreement forms.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.080 Form and Contents
A parcel map shall be based on a field survey made in conformity with Section 66448 of the
Subdivision Map Act by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor, and shall comply with all
provisions of this chapter, the Subdivision Map Act and other provisions of law. The parcel map shall
conform to the requirements of Section 66445 of the Subdivision Map Act, Chapter 15.680 hereof and all of
the following provisions:
A. It shall be clearly and legibly drawn in black water proof India ink upon good quality tracing cloth or
other material approved by the county recorder;
B. The size of each sheet shall be eighteen by twenty-six inches. A marginal line shall be drawn
completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The scale of the map shall
be one inch equals one hundred feet, or otherwise large enough to show all details clearly, and enough
sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The particular number of the sheet and the total number of
sheets comprising the parcel map shall be stated on each of the sheets. The exterior boundary of the
land included within the subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated;
C. The parcel map shall show all data as is necessary to fully conform with the approved tentative map and
any conditions to such approval and references to all deeds or offers of dedications for sites, streets,
easements and other such purposes as were required in the action of approval of the tentative map;
D. The parcel map shall show precise distances and bearings, ties to corners and points of record and
references thereto, sources of map and survey data, and other details as may be required by the public
works director. Each lot and parcel shall be numbered, or otherwise identified;
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E. A certificate signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the real property
subdivided, consenting to the preparation and recordation of the parcel map in accordance with the
requirements of the Subdivision Map Act. For parcel maps which create four or less lots, and no
dedications are offered, the owner’s certificate need only contain the signatures of the fee owners of the
surface rights to the property shown on the map. The names and the nature of the respective interests of
all other parties having record title interest shall be stated on the map;
F. The parcel map shall show the location of each parcel and its relation to surrounding surveys. The
location of any remainder of the original parcel shall be shown, but if the public works director permits,
it need not be shown as a matter of survey but only by reference to the existing record boundaries of
such remainder if such remainder has a gross area of five acres or more.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.090 Filing and Action
The parcel map, together with the necessary fees, and supporting data, shall be filed with the public
works director for checking. If the parcel map is found to be in substantial conformity with the approved
tentative map and the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this title, the director shall, within twenty
working days after filing, so certify the map and present the map to the county recorder for filing unless
action of the board of supervisors is required.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.100 Checking by Public Works Director
After the final map and improvement plans have been checked and all corrections required by the
public works director have been made by the applicant, the applicant shall construct the required subdivision
improvements prior to submitting the final map for recording, or in the alternative, submit, fully executed by
the applicant a subdivision agreement with the appropriate bonding or security along with the final map to
be recorded. Approval of the agreement by the board of supervisors shall be a condition precedent to
approval of the final map.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.110 Requirements Prior to Final Map Approval
At least thirty working days prior to the date of the meeting of the board of supervisors at which
approval of the final map is desired, the applicant shall submit to the public works director in complete and
approvable form, the following:
A. Ten legible prints of the final map, together with the original tracing and two reproducible copies
acceptable to the county recorder;
B. Original and one reproducible mylar copy of the subdivision improvement plans, along with the fees for
the plan check, map review, and field inspection;
C. Traverse sheets showing closures and computation of all distances, angles, and courses shown on the
final map, ties to existing and proposed monuments, and adjacent subdivisions, street corners, and
highway stations. The traverse of the exterior boundaries of the tract and of lots and blocks shall close
within a limit of error of one in five thousand;
D. An instrument restricting vehicular traffic over the sidelines of any road or highway, when and if the
same is required;
E. Improvement bonds, subdivision agreements and such other documents as are required by this title;
F. Design calculations as required by the land division standards or the public works director.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.120 Form and Contents
The final map shall conform to the requirements of Section 66434 of the Subdivision Map Act, Chapter
15.680 of this title and all of the following provisions:
A. It shall be clearly and legibly drawn in black waterproof India ink upon good tracing cloth or other
material approved by the county recorder, and shall include certificates as required by the Subdivision
Map Act and this title;
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B. The size of each sheet shall be eighteen by twenty-six inches. A marginal line shall be drawn
completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The particular number of
the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map, the tract number, title, or other designation
shall be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown. The
tract designation, all drawings, affidavits, acknowledgments, endorsements, offers, and acceptances of
dedications, and notarial seals shall be within said marginal lines. The first sheet of the map shall
contain all affidavits, acknowledgments, endorsements, offers, and acceptances of dedications and
notarial certificates, and no signed certificates shall appear on any other sheet of the map, nor shall any
portion of the map appear on the sheet containing the certificates. The scale of the final map should be
one inch equals one hundred feet or one inch equals fifty feet unless otherwise permitted by the public
works director but in any case the map shall show clearly all the details of the subdivision;
C. The title sheet of the final map shall contain the tract number and designation and such other descriptive
matter as may be necessary. Below the tract designation shall appear a subtitle consisting of a general
description of all property being subdivided by reference to recorded deeds or to maps which have been
previously recorded or by reference to a United States survey. References to tracts and subdivisions in
the description shall be worded identically with the original records and references to book and page of
record shall be complete. The basis of bearing for the survey shall be clearly noted;
D. The final map shall particularly define and designate all lots or parcels with all dimensions, boundaries,
and courses clearly shown and defined, whether or not such parcels are reserved for private purposes or
are offered for dedication for any purpose. No ditto marks shall be used. Parcels offered for dedication
but not accepted shall be designated by letter;
E. The final map shall show clearly what stakes, monuments, or other evidences were found on the ground
to determine the boundaries of the tract. The adjoining corners of all adjoining subdivisions shall be
identified by lot and block number, track designation, and place of record, or by section, township, and
range, or other proper designation;
F. The final map shall show all information, data, and monuments necessary to locate and retrace any and
all exterior boundary lines, and lot and block lines. It shall also show bearings, distances of straight
lines and radii, central angle and arc length for all curves and such information as may be necessary to
determine the location of the centers of curves, bearings and tangent distances and radii, central angle
and arc lengths of all lots. Where streets intersect on curves, centerline lengths, radii and deltas, and
centerline intersection points shall be shown;
G. Wherever the public works director has established the center of a street or alley, the data shall be
shown on the final map, indicating all monuments found and making reference to a field book or map.
If the points were reset by ties, the fact shall be stated;
H. The final map shall show the line of extreme high water if the subdivision is adjacent to a stream,
channel, or subject to periodic inundation;
I. The boundary of the tract shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated;
J. Lots shall be numbered consecutively throughout the subdivision, with no omissions or duplications;
K. The total width of all road rights-of-way shall be shown, as well as the widths of rights-of-way for flood
control or drainage channels, and any other rights-of-way;
L. The final map shall show all easements of record and easements to be recorded. If any easement is not
definitely located of record, a statement of such easement shall appear on the title sheet. Easements for
storm drains, sewers, public utilities and other purposes shall be clearly defined. Distances and bearings
on the sidelines of lots which are cut by an easement shall be so shown that the final map will indicate
clearly the actual length of the lot lines. The width of the easement and if known or determined
necessary the lengths and bearings of the lines thereof and sufficient ties thereto to definitely locate the
easement with respect to the subdivision shall be shown;
M. In order to avoid duplication, names to be used for new streets shall be subject to approval by the
planning commission. If any designations are numbers, they shall be spelled out completely, using
hyphens in such forms as “Twenty-third Street.” The words “Avenue”, “Boulevard”, “Place”, etc., shall
be spelled out in full. Names of newly dedicated portions of streets shall be shown in or arrowed to the
dedicated portion.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.680.130 Filing and Action
A. If the public works director determines that the final map is in substantial conformity with the approved
tentative map, the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and this title, the public works director and
the director shall so certify on the final map and, within fourteen working days after submission or
resubmission, shall file such map, together with any other materials pertinent thereto, with the clerk of
the board of supervisors for presentation to the board.
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B. If the public works director determines that the final map does not substantially conform to the
provisions of this title, the Subdivision Map Act or the approved tentative map, he shall, within fourteen
working days from the date of submission of the final map for approval, advise the applicant of the
changes or additions which shall be made for such purpose and shall afford the applicant an opportunity
to make such changes or additions.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.690
15.690.010 Barriers and Lights
15.690.020 Removal of Surplus Materials
15.690.030 Diligence in Work Required Notice Ordering Diligence
15.690.040 Cost of Restoration
15.690.050 Supervision
15.690.060 Maps of Pipes and Other Appliances
15.690.070 Special Act Work Expected
15.690.080 Work and Replacement
15.690.090 Bond in Lieu of Deposit
15.690.100 Gas and Water Pipe Laying
15.690.010 Barriers and Lights
It is unlawful for any person making any excavation in any public street or public place, not to maintain
safe crossings for vehicle traffic at all street intersections, or not to provide free access to all fire hydrants
and water gates, and not to maintain all gutters free and unobstructed, or not to place and maintain barriers
at each end of such excavation and at such places as may be necessary along the excavation to prevent
accidents, or also not to place and maintain lights at each end of such excavation and at distances of not
more than fifty feet along the line thereof, from sunset each day to sunrise of the next day, until such
excavation is entirely refilled.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.690.020 Removal of Surplus Materials
All surplus materials removed under the provisions of this chapter shall, if required by him or her, be
delivered to such points as the road commissioner shall direct.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.690.030 Diligence in Work RequiredNotice Ordering Diligence
After excavating is commenced, the work of making and refilling the same shall be prosecuted with due
diligence and so as not to obstruct the street or other public place or travel thereon more than is necessary
therefore. If the work is not so prosecuted or if the work of refilling does not, in the judgment of the road
commissioner, comply with the terms of this chapter, the road commissioner shall notify the person, firm, or
corporation named in the permit that the work is not being prosecuted with due diligence or that the refilling
of such excavation has not been properly done, and shall require such person within five days after the
service of such notice to proceed with the diligent prosecution of such work. Such notice shall be in writing
or printed. If such notice is not complied with, the road commissioner shall do such work as may be
necessary to refill the excavation and to restore the street or other public place, or part thereof excavated, to
as good a condition as the same was in before such excavation was made, the cost of same to be paid by the
party to whom the permit was given or deducted from the cash deposited or collected from the bond given.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.690.040 Cost of Restoration
The county shall pay the cost of restoration, out of the money deposited as required by Section
15.120.010. If in lieu of cash deposits a general deposit bond has been filed as provided in Section
15.690.090, an action at law shall be commenced and prosecuted in the name of the county upon the bond
for the recovery of such damages as may have accrued to the county, by reason of the failure to fulfill the
conditions thereof. The cash deposits shall be retained by the commissioner for a period of one year from
the completion of the replacement, and at that time on demand the deposits, less the deductions made
pursuant to this chapter, if any, shall be returned to the person, firm or corporation making the same or to his
or her heirs or assigns. (Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.690.050 Supervision
All excavations, refilling of excavations and repairing of street surfaces, pursuant to the provisions of
this chapter shall be made under the supervision and direction of the road commissioner. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
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15.690.060 Maps of Pipes and Other Appliances
It is the duty of every person, firm or corporation owning, using or controlling an interest in pipes,
conduits, ducts or tunnels under the surface of any public street, alley, sidewalk or other public place in the
county for supplying or conveying gas, electricity, water, steam, ammonia, oil, or similar substances in, to
or from the county, or to or from its inhabitants or for any other purpose, within ninety days after May 2,
1955, to file in the office of the road commissioner a map or a set of maps, each drawn to a scale or not less
than two hundred feet to one inch, which map or set of maps shall show in detail the exact location, size,
description and date of installation, if known, of all mains, laterals, services and service pipes, manholes,
transformers or other appliances installed beneath the surface of the public streets, alleys, sidewalks, or
other public places in the county belonging to, used by or under the control of such person, firm or
corporation, and to file within fifteen days after the first day of January of each and every year, a corrected
map, or set of maps, each drawn to a scale of not less than two hundred feet to one inch, showing the
complete installation of all such pipes and other appliances made during the previous year. Each such map
shall be accompanied by an affidavit endorsed thereon subscribed and sworn to by such person or by the
president or secretary of such corporation to the effect that the same correctly exhibits the details required
by this chapter to be shown thereon. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.690.070 Special Act Work Excepted
This chapter shall not apply to any persons, firm or corporation doing work under contract awarded by
the board or to work performed under any special act of the legislature of the state of California. (Ord. 1183
§ 2, 2006)
15.690.080 Work and Replacement
All materials taken up or removed in pursuance of this chapter shall be replaced in accordance with the
specifications for the concreting, macadamizing, graveling or other improving of the street, as the same was
at the time it was torn up, loosened or disturbed, and when pipes are laid the filling of trenches shall be
thoroughly tamped and wet down. The surface dressing shall be rolled or tamped so as to leave no ridge in
the paved street. The person or company so removing the surface dressing shall at any time within one year
after replacing the same on demand of the road commissioner, repeat the work of refitting the concreting or
macadamizing and do all filling that may be necessary to raise any sunken part of the street above the pipes
to the proper grade. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.690.090 Bond in Lieu of Deposit
Any person, firm or corporation, intending to make excavations in public highways or other public
places in the county may execute and deliver to the road commissioner a general bond payable to the
county, in the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, with two good and sufficient sureties, which bond shall
be used for the same purpose as special deposits provided for in Section 15.120.010. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.690.100 Gas and Water Pipe Laying
All water, electric and gas pipes and conduits, gas pipes and other pipes to be laid in the county shall be
laid in conformity with this chapter and the lines determined by the road commissioner. (Ord. 1183 § 2,
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Chapter 15.700
15.700.010 Necessity of Regulations
15.700.020 Leveling Permit Required
15.700.030 Drainage Changes
15.700.040 Permit Application Form and Contents
15.700.050 Application - Maps
15.700.060 Application and Plans - Review
15.700.070 Application Restrictions
15.700.080 Issuance
15.700.090 Refusal Appeal - Hearing
15.700.010 Necessity of Regulations
The board of supervisors finds that certain regulations governing the leveling of land, the obstruction of
natural drainage, and the control of irrigation and drainage water resulting therefrom are necessary from the
protection of roads, highways and other public properties and improvements. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.700.020 Leveling - Permit required
A. No person, firm or corporation shall hereafter level, cause to be leveled, or commence land leveling
operations upon any land area in one ownership of a total of five or more acres, for farming,
agricultural or horticultural purposes unless or until a permit has first been secured for such operation
from the county director of public works as hereinafter provided.
B. This chapter shall not apply to land which has previously been leveled, land planed or laser planed
unless there is to be a change in the water flow patterns onto, through or from the parcel.
C. This chapter shall not apply to activities for which a permit and a reclamation plan is required pursuant
to Chapter 15.810 of this code.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.700.030 Drainage Changes
No person, firm, or corporation shall move, excavate, remove, dredge, pile, stockpile or otherwise
change an existing course of any channel or waterway or to increase or accelerate the flow of any water onto
a public road or highway unless and until a permit has first been secured for such operation from the county
director of public works, as hereinafter provided. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.700.040 Permit - Application - Form and Contents
The application for a permit shall be in writing upon a form furnished by the county, signed by the
applicant and filed with the county director of public works and shall be accompanied by such of the
following as may be required by the county director of public works:
A. Plans, profiles, maps and other data as may be required to show the present conditions and proposed
B. When land leveling is involved, it shall include a plat of existing topography with a one-foot contour
interval, showing existing drainage and watercourses, adjacent roads, highways, ditches, bridges,
culverts and such other data as may be required by the county director of public works;
C. A map showing the proposed finished leveled area indicating finished elevations, irrigation water
source, and drainage features as called for herein, may be shown on the same map called for in
subsection B of this section;
D. Such filing fee as is established by resolution of the board of supervisors.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.700.050 Application - Maps
Maps and other drawings shall be drafted to a scale which will clearly set forth the intended work and
shall be legibly drawn and shall be subject to the approval of the county director of public works. (Ord.
1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.700.060 Application and Plans - Review
The application and plans shall be reviewed by the county director of public works to determine
whether the proposed work will jeopardize public property or improvements but in no event shall the review
relieve the applicant from any responsibility for damages caused to any person or property resulting from
the work authorized under the permit. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.700.070 Application - Restrictions
No application will be considered unless it provides that where existing watercourses are proposed to be
changed in size, grade, capacity, location or otherwise, the proposed new or altered channel shall in all cases
be at least equal in capacity to the original existing watercourse and shall result in drainage water resuming
its existing course, upon leaving the area where the work is proposed. When deemed necessary by the
county director of public works, the applicant shall submit verification by a registered civil engineer that the
requirements of this section will be met. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.700.080 Issuance
The county director of public works shall, within a reasonable time, not to exceed fifteen days, after the
filing of an application and plans, issue a permit subject to such conditions as appear necessary, or shall
deny the permit, stating the reasons therefore in writing. In no event shall the issuance of a permit create any
liability for the county or relieve the permittee from any responsibility for damages caused to any person or
property. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.700.090 Refusal Appeal - Hearing
In the event of refusal by the county director of public works to grant a permit, or in the event of the
issuance of a conditional permit, the terms of which are not satisfactory to the applicant, the applicant may
apply to the board for a review of the action taken by the county director of public works. Such application
to the board shall be in writing, and shall be filed with the clerk of the board, who shall set the matter for
hearing within fifteen days after the receipt of the notice and shall immediately notify the county director of
public works of the request for review. The board shall, within fifteen days after hearing the matter
presented by the applicant, approve, conditionally approve or reject the application for a permit. The
determination of the board shall be final. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.710
15.710.010 Purpose
15.710.020 System Description
15.710.030 System Maps
15.710.040 Administration
15.710.050 Assignment of Address Numbers
15.710.060 Display of Address Numbers
15.710.070 Violation an Infraction
15.710.080 Appeals
15.710.090 Validity
15.710.010 Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a county-wide comprehensive address numbering system for
the unincorporated areas of Glenn County. The system will enable emergency vehicles from fire, sheriff,
and ambulance services to respond more quickly to calls and facilitate utility, postal, and other delivery
services as well. Such an address numbering system is deemed to be in the public interest and necessary to
protect the public health, general welfare and safety of the citizens of Glenn County. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.710.020 System Description
The Glenn County Master Address Numbering System shall consist of index lines corresponding to the
township section lines within Glenn County. The Grid reference numbers shall range from zero to five
thousand in the north-south direction and from zero to more than nine thousand in the east-west direction.
The point of origin shall be at the intersection of the township line between T.17N. and T.18N. and the
southerly prolongation of the section line between sections 11 and 12 of T.22N. R.10W M.D.B.&M. One
thousand numbers shall be allocated sequentially for each six sectional increments to the east and north from
the point of origin. The south and west sides of all roadways shall have odd address numbers and the north
and east sides of all roadways shall have even address numbers. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.710.030 System Maps
The Glenn County Master Address Numbering System shall initially be delineated on a set of the
Assessor’s Parcel Maps. These maps shall show the grid index system and the assigned address numbers.
The addresses shall also be recorded on the Assessor’s Master Property Index adjacent to their
corresponding Assessor’s Parcel Numbers. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.710.040 Administration
Initial implementation of The Glenn County Master Address Numbering System shall be under the
direction of the Public Works Director and supersedes any system used prior to its implementation. After
the initial addresses are assigned by the Public Works Department, the system will then be maintained by
the planning authority. The planning authority will be responsible for assigning all new addresses and for
making any necessary changes in the system. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.710.050 Assignment of Address Numbers
A. Addresses shall be determined and assigned to all single family dwellings, duplex residences,
properties, and business establishments and shall be issued to property owners and occupants without
charge in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. A record of all numbers assigned pursuant to
this chapter shall be maintained by the planning authority and open for inspection by the public during
business hours.
B. An address number for a particular location shall be assigned to the principal access based on the
incremental distance between index grid lines.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.710.060 Display of Address Numbers
A. Within six months after receipt of the address number, the owner of the property or building shall have
the number displayed upon the building or land. The display of the number shall be in such a manner as
to be visible from the roadway upon which the building or land fronts. Any old or obsolete number not
in accordance with the system shall be removed or obscured from public view.
B. In areas where buildings or properties front upon roadways where mail delivery is provided, the number
shall be displayed upon the mailbox or receptacle designed for receipt of mail.
C. In areas where buildings or properties are not clearly visible from the roadway and where mail delivery
is not provided, the address shall be displayed on a four inch by four inch post, a metal stake or a
suitable equivalent and elevated at least three feet for clear visibility from the roadway.
D. Residence or building address numbers shall be conspicuous to ensure positive identification and placed
at front doors, on lamp posts, near garage doors, at driveway entrances or other areas of similar
proximity and visibility.
E. All address numbers shall be a minimum of three inch letter height and three eighths inch stroke size
with reflective finish and/or a color contrasting with the surface placed.
F. As a condition of approval for new construction, the assigned building address shall be posted in
accordance with the minimum standards set by this chapter.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.710.070 Violation an Infraction
Any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal, agent, employee or otherwise failing to comply
with the provisions of Section 15.710.060 shall be guilty of an infraction. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.710.080 Appeals
Any individual whose property is affected by the implementation of this chapter and who is dissatisfied
with the implementation as it applies to his/her property may submit a written request, and fees pursuant to
section 15.050.010, to the director for hearing by the Planning Commission. Such requests must be received
by the director or post-marked no later than fifteen days after receiving notice of the Public Works
Director’s or the director’s action. The director shall set the matter for a hearing before the Planning
Commission within thirty days after receipt of the appeal by the appellant. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.710.090 Validity
If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter is held by a court of competent
jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this chapter. The Board of
Supervisors hereby declares that it would pass this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause
and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or
phrases may be declared invalid. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
Glenn County Code
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Chapter 15.720
15.720.010 California Building Code Adopted
15.720.020 California Energy Code Adopted
15.720.030 California Mechanical Code Adopted
15.720.040 Uniform Housing Code Adopted
15.720.050 California Plumbing Code Adopted
15.720.060 Use of CPVC Plastic Piping Authorized
15.720.070 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Adopted
15.720.080 California Fire Code Adopted
15.720.090 California Electrical Code Adopted
15.720.100 California Public Pools Code Adopted
17.720.120 California Referenced Standards Code Adopted
15.720.130 California Administrative Code Adopted
15.720.133 California Residential Code Adopted
15.720.135 California Green Building Standards Code Adopted
15.720.140 Definitions
15.720.150 Modifications
15.720.160 Conflicts
15.720.010 California Building Code Adopted
A. The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 2 also known as the California Building Code,
including appendix C-Group U-Agricultural Buildings and Appendix I Patio Covers, copies of which
are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter by reference; are
declared to be the building code for the county; and shall apply to the unincorporated areas of the
county. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.720.020 California Energy Code Adopted
The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 6 also known as the California Energy Code,
copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter by
reference; and are declared to be the energy efficiency standards for the county; and shall apply to the
unincorporated areas of the county. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 4, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.720.030 California Mechanical Code Adopted
The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 4 also known as the California Mechanical
Code, copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter
by reference; are declared to be the mechanical code for the county; and shall apply to the unincorporated
areas of the county. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247; 2013; Ord. 1199 § 5, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006),
15.720.040 Uniform Housing Code Adopted
The 1997 Uniform Housing Code, copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted
and incorporated into this chapter by reference; are declared to be the housing code for the county; and shall
apply to the unincorporated areas of the county. (Ord. 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 6, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.720.050 California Plumbing Code Adopted
The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 5 also known as the California Plumbing Code,
copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter by
reference; and shall apply to and are declared to be the plumbing code for the unincorporated areas of the
county. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 7, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.720.060 Use of CPVC Plastic Piping Authorized
Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) plastic piping is an approved alternate material for use in
plumbing systems to which the Uniform Plumbing Code applies, including all potable water systems, when
the building official has personal knowledge or is furnished adequate information by or on behalf of the
owner of a building site that corrosive conditions exist in the water supply for the site or in the soil through
which water supply piping for the site will pass and that such conditions may destroy conventional metal
piping that would otherwise be used for the water supply. The following requirements apply to all potable
water systems in which CPVC plastic piping is used:
A. The piping shall be listed as an approved material in, and installed in accordance with, the 1994 edition
of the Uniform Plumbing Code.
(Ord. 1247, 2013; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.720.070 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Adopted
The 1997 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, copies of which are on file as
required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter by reference; are declared to be the
code for the abatement of dangerous buildings code for the unincorporated areas of the county.
(Ord. 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 8, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.720.080 California Fire Code Adopted
A. The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 9 also known as the California Fire Code, copies
of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter by
reference; are declared to be the fire code for the county; and shall apply to the unincorporated areas of
the county. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 9, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.720.090 California Electrical Code Adopted
The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 3 also known as the California Electrical Code,
copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter by
reference; are declared to be the electrical code for the county; and shall apply to the unincorporated areas of
the county. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 10, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.720.100 California Public Pools Code Adopted
The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24 Part #2 also known as the California Building Code,
copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter by
reference; are declared to be the swimming pool code for the county; and shall apply to the unincorporated
areas of the county. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 11, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.720.120 California Referenced Standards Code Adopted
The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 12 also known as the California Referenced
Standards Code, copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into
this chapter by reference; are declared to be the referenced standards code for the county; and shall apply to
the unincorporated areas of the county. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 12, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2,
15.720.130 California Administrative Code Adopted
The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 1 also known as the California Administrative
Code, copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter
by reference; are declared to be the administrative code and shall apply to the unincorporated areas of the
county. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 13, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.720.133 California Residential Code Adopted
The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 2.5 also known as the California Residential
Code, copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into this chapter
by reference; are declared to be the residential building code for the county and shall apply to the
unincorporated areas of the County. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013)
15.720.135 California Green Building Standards Code Adopted
The 2016 California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part 11 also known as the California Green Building
Standards Code, copies of which are on file as required by law, are hereby adopted and incorporated into
this chapter by reference; are declared to be the green building standards code for the county and shall apply
to the unincorporated areas of the County. (Ord. 1260, 2017; 1247, 2013)
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15.720.140 Definitions
The following names or terms have the following meaning or usage whenever used in this title or in any
of the codes incorporated by reference in to this title:
A. “Administrative authority” means the building official of the county.
B. “Assistants” means the duly appointed assistants to the building official.
C. “Board of appeals” means the Board of Supervisors of the county.
D. “Building department” means the building inspection division of the county.
E. “Building official” means the building official of the county.
F. “Bureau of fire prevention” means the fire department of any concerned or affected city or fire
protection district located within the county.
G. “Chief electrical inspector” means the building official of the county.
H. “Chief of the bureau of fire prevention”, “Chief of the fire department” or “Fire Marshal” means the
chief of the fire department of any concerned or affected city or fire protection district located within
the county.
I. “City” means the county when referring to a political entity, or the unincorporated area of the county
when referring to an area.
J. “City clerk” means county clerk.
K. “City council” means the Board of Supervisors.
L. “Corporation counsel” means the district attorney or the county counsel of the county.
M. “Housing Act” means the State Housing Act (Section 17910, et seq., of the Health and Safety Code of
the State of California).
N. “Legislative body of the local agency” means the Board of Supervisors.
O. “Mayor” means the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors.
P. Municipality” means the county.
Q. “Police department” means the sheriff’s department.
(Ord. 1247, 2013; Ord. 1199 § 14, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.720.150 Modifications
The board may modify the application of any of the provisions of a code incorporated by reference into
this chapter upon application in writing by a permittee or applicant, or a duly authorized agent of either,
when there are practical difficulties in carrying out the strict letter of the code, provided that the spirit of the
code is observed, public safety secured, and substantial justice done. Economic hardship or cost of
compliance with any provision of this title or any code incorporated by reference into this title is not, by
itself, a sufficient ground for such a modification. The particulars of such modifications when granted or
allowed and the decision of the board thereon shall be entered upon the minutes of a regular or special
meeting of the board, and a copy of the minute order shall be furnished to the applicant or permittee by the
clerk. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.720.160 Interpretation - Conflicts
If any provision, part or portion of any of the codes incorporated by reference into this title are
inconsistent or in conflict with an express provision or the meaning or intent of this title, then the latter shall
prevail and be given effect to the exclusion of the former to the extent required to obviate such
inconsistency or conflict. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Glenn County Code
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Chapter 15.730
15.730.010 Regulation of Location
15.730.020 Waiver of Location Provisions
15.730.010 Regulation of Location
In those land use zones where the adult entertainment” businesses regulated by this chapter would
otherwise be permitted uses, such businesses shall be permitted only upon the securing of a use permit. It
shall be unlawful to establish any such “adult entertainment” business if the location is:
A. Within five hundred feet of any area zoned for residential use; or
B. Within one thousand feet of any other “adult entertainment” business; or
C. Within one thousand feet of any public or private school, park, playground, public building, church, any
noncommercial establishment operated by a bona fide religious organization or any establishment likely
to be used by minors.
The “establishment” of any “adult entertainment” business shall include the opening of such a business
as a new business, the relocation of such business, or the conversion of an existing business location to any
“adult entertainment” business use.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.730.020 Waiver of Locational Provisions
Any property owner or his or her authorized agent may apply to the planning commission for a waiver
of any locational provisions contained in this chapter. The planning commission, after a hearing, may waive
any locational provision, if all of the following findings are made:
A. The proposed use will not be contrary to the public interest or injurious to nearby properties, and that
the spirit and intent of this chapter will be observed; and
B. The proposed use will not enlarge or encourage the development of a “skid row” area; and
C. The establishment of an additional regulated use in the area will not be contrary to any program of
neighborhood conservation;
D. All applicable regulations of the codes and ordinances of the county will be observed.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
Chapter 15.740
15.740.010 Standards
15.740.010 Standards
A. An agricultural processing operation shall be located a minimum of at least five hundred feet from any
residence located on an adjacent parcel.
B. No hazardous materials other than for incidental use shall be used for the operation.
C. An agricultural processing operation shall be set back at least one hundred feet from the county or state
road right-of-way.
D. All agricultural processing facility development shall require an encroachment permit from the county
public works department. Driveways shall be paved according to county standards.
E. All parking and loading shall remain on-site and not in county or state road right-of-way.
F. A use permit shall be required for an agricultural processing operation if the county air pollution control
officer determines that the potential exists for smoke, light, dust, glare or odor beyond the property line;
or if the county sanitarian determines that the potential exists for flies, vermin or other health hazards to
cross the property line.
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G. A use permit shall be required for an agricultural processing facility if noise levels exceed sixty-five
dBA at the property line between seven a.m. and ten p.m. and/or noise levels exceed sixty dBA between
ten p.m. and seven a.m.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.750
15.750.010 Purpose
15.750.020 Fencing of Premises
15.750.030 Premises to be Kept Clean
15.750.010 Purpose
When lawfully permitted, automobile wrecking yards and junkyards shall comply with the standards
and regulations set forth in this chapter. Any requirements set forth in this chapter are in addition to and not
inclusive of or in derogation of any other regulations and standards that apply to such activities. (Ord. 1183
§ 2, 2006)
15.750.020 Fencing of Premises
A. If any business or establishment referred to in Section 15.750.010 of this chapter is located in whole or
in part in a yard, enclosure, lot or open area, the premises shall be completely surrounded and enclosed
by a wall, fence or barrier and so constructed as to be a continuous sight barrier, except for necessary
openings. All junk such as rags, sacks, bottles, cans, papers and metal and all other articles including
automobile parts shall be kept and stored behind the wall, fence or barrier. The wall, fence or barrier
shall be continuously kept and maintained in the condition required by this section.
The wall, fence or barrier shall extend above the ground for at least six feet and shall be
constructed of chain-link type fencing with slats or other sight obstructions, or of an alternate type of
wall, fence or barrier using standard materials and construction methods of a type approved by the
planning commission. All fences shall be continuously maintained.
Any and all necessary openings in the fence, wall or barrier shall be provided with suitable gates or
doors constructed of the same material and in the same manner of construction as is authorized by this
chapter as suitable and sufficient for a fence, wall or barrier under this section. No opening shall in any
single instance exceed twenty-four feet in width. The gate or door shall be kept closed at all times
except when in actual use for the purpose of ingress or egress.
Public street or road frontage sides shall be a minimum of eight feet above the ground and of
continuous single construction design, using standard materials and construction methods to assure a
continuous sight barrier of uniform height, material and type of construction.
B. It is unlawful for any person to permit any business or establishment referred to and described in this
chapter to be established, conducted, carried on, or maintained unless the premises has been enclosed
by wall, fence or barrier in the manner prescribed in this section and continuously maintained in such
condition. Each day’s violation of the requirements declared and established by this provision is and
constitutes a separate and distinct violation and offense.
C. Fences must conform to the county setback requirements.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.750.030 Premises to be Kept Clean
If any business or establishment referred to in Section 15.750.010 of this chapter is located in whole or
in part in a yard, enclosure, lot or open area, the premises and area shall be kept clean and free from rubbish
and similar loose material that might service as a harborage for rats, mice or other rodents, and all loose
metal or parts or accessories of automobiles, and all other material kept, stored or accumulated in such place
shall be neatly and carefully piled in a manner as to minimize and prevent as far as possible the harboring of
rodents and shall be suitably protected from water and the elements so that there can be no accumulation of
water in any article or thing located on the premises.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.760
15.760.010 Permit Requirements
15.760.010 Permit Requirements
Bed and breakfast establishments may be permitted in the RZ, FA, AP, AE, RE and R-1 zones provided
the following requirements are met:
A. An administrative permit is obtained from the planning authority for establishments located in zones in
which a minimum of five acres per parcel are allowed;
B. A conditional use permit is obtained from the planning commission for establishments located in zones
allowing parcel sizes of less than five acres;
C. Not more than one bed and breakfast establishment shall be permitted on each parcel of land;
D. An owner or operator of the establishment shall reside within the establishment;
E. One detached or attached sign with a maximum allowable sign area of twelve square feet is permitted;
F. A minimum of one parking space per guestroom shall be provided;
G. Proper permits are obtained from the Glenn County health department prior to occupancy.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.770
15.770.010 Permit Requirements
15.770.010 Permit Requirements
An administrative permit for the collection of a specified number of antique or hobby accumulation
vehicles provided the following standards are met:
A. An administrative collector’s use shall be a residential accessory use in the “RE” zoning district;
B. All outdoor storage shall be completely screened to a height of six feet by a solid wood or masonry
fence when not completely enclosed in a building. All fences and/or buildings shall be continuously
C. There shall be no outdoor storage in any required yard area;
D. Storage shall only occur in those areas shown on the approved plot plan;
E. All requirements of the fire marshal shall be met. The property shall be kept in a weed-free condition;
F. A conditional use permit shall be required for automobile collectors of six or more accumulation
G. A use permit shall be required for collectors of antique or hobby accumulation vehicles on parcels
smaller than two acres or when the standards of an administrative collector’s permit cannot be met;
H. In all cases, the administrative collector permit shall not be issued or held for the purposes of
conducting a business.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.780
15.780.010 Purpose
15.780.020 Permit Requirements
15.780.010 Purpose
A. The purpose of these regulations is to establish development standards and limitations for the operation
and maintenance of home occupations in Glenn County. Home Occupations shall mean any use
customarily conducted entirely within a building or screened from public view and carried on by the
owners and occupants of the residence thereof.
B. This use shall be incidental and secondary to the residential use and does not change the character
thereof or shall not adversely affect the uses permitted in the same zone of which it is a part, but would
require a conditional use permit.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.780.020 Permit Requirements
Home occupations may be permitted in the “RZ”, “FA”, “AP”, “AE”, “AT”, “RE”, “RE-NW”, “R1”
and “RM” zones providing the following standards are being met:
A. A Home Occupation Permit Application shall be submitted to the planning authority;
B. No person other than members of the family residing on the premises shall be engaged in such
occupation when it is located in a Residential Zone. A maximum of two employees may be employed
when the use is located in an agricultural zone;
C. Not more than twenty-five (25%) of the floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used in the conduct of
the home occupation;
D. A Conditional Use Permit shall be required for home occupations on parcels less than ten acres in size
when the use will be located in a building other than the primary residential structure;
E. An Administrative Permit and a Site Plan Review shall be obtained from the planning authority for
home occupations on parcels of ten acres or more in size when the use will be located in a building
other than the primary residential structure;
F. The home occupation may be conducted in a detached accessory building;
G. In no way shall the appearance of the structure be so altered or the conduct of the occupation within the
structure be such that the structure may be reasonably recognized as serving a nonresidential use;
H. No equipment or process shall be used in such home occupation which creates noise, vibration, glare,
fumes, odors, or electrical interference detectable to the normal senses off the lot if the occupation is
conducted in a single family residence or outside the dwelling unit if conducted in other than a single
family residence. In the case of electrical interference, no equipment or process shall be used which
creates a visual or audible interference in any radio or television receivers off the premises, or causes
fluctuations in the line voltage off the premises;
I. The home occupation shall not generate pedestrian or vehicular traffic in excess of that customarily
associated with the zone in which the use is located;
J. All maintenance or service vehicles and equipment, or any vehicle bearing any advertisement related to
the home occupation or any other similar vehicle shall be garaged or stored entirely within a building or
structure. Such vehicle shall not have more than two axles;
K. There shall be no use of utilities or community facilities beyond that normal to the use of the property
for residential or agricultural purposes as defined in the zone;
L. There shall be complete conformity with fire, building, plumbing, electrical and health codes and to all
federal, state and County laws or ordinances;
M. The sale of merchandise on the subject lot shall be directly related to and incidental to the home
occupation. Retail sales of products not produced or processed on the premises shall be prohibited;
N. All equipment and materials storage areas adjacent or in any residential zone shall be screened by walls,
fences, or landscaping to a height of at least six (6) feet;
O. Hours of operation shall be limited so as not to interfere with the character of the neighborhood and
shall be set by the director. Hours of operation in a Residential Zone shall be between 8:00 A.M. and
5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday. Hours of operation in an Agricultural Zone shall be between 7:00
A.M. and 7:00 P.M. seven days per week;
P. One on-site sign is permitted advertising the home occupation, not to exceed two (2) square feet in total
aggregate area. No lighted signs are allowed;
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Q. Only those buildings or parking areas as specifically approved may be utilized in the conduct of the
home occupation;
R. A minimum of one (1) parking space shall be provided for any home occupation requiring customers to
visit the site in addition of the parking requirements of the principal residence;
S. The applicant for a home occupation shall submit evidence that the proposed operation meets the
requirements of the Glenn County Health Department at the time the application is submitted to the
planning authority;
T. The director, or his or her representative, shall have the right to inspect the premises at any time in
order to insure compliance with this Code and with the Conditions of Approval;
U. The home occupation shall conform with the development standards in the applicable zoning district
and all other requirements of the Glenn County Code and State and Federal Laws;
V. All uses shall be enclosed within a building or completely screened from public view;
W. The building for the home occupation and the residential dwelling, together, shall not exceed the
maximum lot coverage allowed in the General Plan for the land use designation;
X. The number of customers coming to a home occupation shall be limited to five (5) per day;
Y. That no home occupation permit shall be issued for automobile, truck, or heavy equipment repair. This
type of business as determined by the director shall be permitted only in the individual zoning districts
where it is allowed;
Z. Owners of home occupations are notified that if the business grows and cannot meet the requirements
of this code section in the future they may have to apply for a Conditional Use Permit for the business
or may have to relocate the business to a zone where it is permitted depending on the regulations of the
individual zoning district.
(Ord. 1269 § 10, 2018; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Chapter 15.790
15.790.010 Standards
15.790.010 Standards
Notwithstanding any other provision of the County Code new construction for a livestock operation
shall meet the following minimum setbacks from all county road and/or state highway rights-of-way:
A. Milk barns: 45 feet from edge of right-of-way.
B. Holding pens, housing barns, manure ponds and animal confinement areas: one hundred feet from edge
of right-of-way.
C. Confined animal and manure handling facilities for livestock operations shall be located at least five
hundred feet from any residential zoning district and five hundred feet from any school or high
occupancy structures on neighboring parcels in any zoning district.
D. The use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials shall meet all county, state, and federal
E. An encroachment permit shall be required from the Glenn County Public Works Department prior to
any work in a county road right-of-way. An encroachment permit shall be required from Caltrans prior
to any work in a state highway right-of-way.
F. The construction and operation of a livestock operation shall conform to all applicable state and county
codes including but not limited to the following:
G. A building permit shall be secured from the Glenn County Building Department prior to any
construction at the site.
H. The Glenn County Health Department shall approve the location and design of all wells and on-site
sewage disposal systems.
I. A land leveling permit shall be applied for and received from the Glenn County Public Works
Department prior to the grading of any land, where the grading exceeds five (5) acres in size and will
result in cuts or fills of greater than two (2) feet, a redirection of runoff from the site onto a county road
or a change in the entrance or exit of runoff from the parcel. A grading and drainage plan shall
accompany all land leveling permit applications and any inquiries as to the applicability of this section
to the proposed project.
J. All trash, discarded materials, animal remains shall be screened from adjacent properties and county
and/or state rights-of-way and shall be disposed of according to the applicable codes.
K. Disposal of manure shall meet State of California Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control
Board Standards. Verification of submission of an application for a waste discharge permit is required;
final State approval of plans will be a condition for issuance of a building permit.
L. Best management practices shall be applied to the animal confinement, manure ponds, holding and
animal housing pens to prevent a nuisance caused by fly and/or mosquito breeding, dust and/or odors.
M. Farm labor quarters consisting of one mobile home or residence meeting the requirements of Section
15.590 of the Glenn County code shall be permitted upon first securing an administrative permit.
N. Farm labor camps (consisting of mobile homes and/or conventional homes) shall be permitted upon
first securing a conditional use permit in the “FA” (Foothill Agriculture). “AP” (Agricultural Preserve),
and “AE” (Exclusive Agricultural) zoning districts. Mobile home parks and farm labor camps
consisting of mobile homes shall also meet requirements of the State Department of Housing and
Community Development Division of Codes and Standards.
O. A conditional use permit shall be required for dairies that exceed one (1) cow per 20,000 square feet of
area in the “RE” (Rural Residential Estate) zoning district. Dairies in the “RE” district exceeding 30
cows shall be required to obtain a conditional use permit.
P. Reactivation of existing livestock operation or dairy facilities shall be permitted in accordance with
these performance standards.
Q. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for a new livestock operation or dairy, the applicant shall enter
into an agreement with the County of Glenn to improve the existing county maintained road from the
main entrance of the livestock operation or dairy to the nearest county road having a paved surface at
least 24 feet wide, in accordance with Standard Drawing No. RS 6, except that a double chip seal shall
be allowed instead of asphalt concrete. The maximum length of roadway improved as a result of this
paragraph shall not exceed one (1) mile. The cost of any improvements required as a result of this
paragraph shall be borne equally by both the dairy and the County. The Public Works Director may
grant a waiver to the requirements of this paragraph upon receiving a written request from the applicant.
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R. Livestock operations or dairies shall conform to all applicable County, State and Federal codes and
requirements including but not limited to Chapter 20.08 of the Glenn County Code, Water Well Drilling
Permits and Standards, and the State of California Central Valley Regional Water Quality control
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.795
15.795.010 Purpose
15.795.020 Permit Required
15.795.030 Application and Fees
15.795.040 Coordination and Documentation
15.795.050 Public Outreach
15.795.060 Review Criteria
15.795.010 Purpose
A. The purpose of the regulations and provisions of this chapter shall be to provide the County with the
maximum control, consistent with such other laws, over major electrical transmission and distribution
projects and to insure that new transmission line construction is minimized, that new lines are
efficiently located when needed, that all feasible alternatives have been exhausted, and that all impacts
of the project are disclosed.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Division 3, all major electrical transmission and distribution projects
shall comply with this chapter.
(Ord. 1221 § 2, 2010)
15.795.020 Permit Required
All major electrical transmission and distribution projects are required to secure a conditional use
permit in accordance with Chapter 15.220 except that the board of supervisors shall be the approving
(Ord. 1221 § 2, 2010)
15.795.030 Application and Fees
A. Applications for a conditional use permit shall be filed as required by Chapter 15.090. In addition to
this information, the applicant shall also include the following:
1. A description of a reasonable range of alternatives to the proposed project, including alternatives
that use or expand existing rights-of-way; and
2. All application materials (maps, site plans, etc.) necessary to illustrate the proposed location of the
proposed facilities and all alternative locations; and
3. A photo simulation of the proposed project and each alternative from at least six locations along its
route in the County. Additional locations shall be provided if the Director deems necessary to
illustrate the scope of the project. Each location shall include simulated views of project facilities
from four directions (north, south, east, and west) and;
4. A narrative explanation of the route of the proposed project and each alternative, together with a
discussion of any alternative locations and project alternatives considered by the applicant but not
formally included for County consideration; and
5. For the proposed project and each alternative, all of the following:
a. Estimated cost, including construction, land acquisition, and other development costs;
b. A description of the type of vegetation and soils that would be removed or impacted by
c. A map showing the number, types, uses, and distances of buildings, public and private
airports, dedicated open space, and parklands located within a 2,000 foot wide corridor of
project infrastructure;
d. An analysis of the audible noise and lighting impacts of the proposal, together with any other
studies reasonably necessary for the County to perform its duties as a lead or responsible
agency in connection with the environmental review of the project; and
e. An analysis of the potential adverse human health effects of the project on those present in
residential areas, schools, licensed day-care facilities, playgrounds, and other developed areas
in reasonable proximity to the project. The analysis shall use the best available scientific
information at the time it is conducted.
f. An analysis of potential economic impacts on agriculture and related support industries. The
Director may also require an analysis of potential economic impacts on other relevant matters.
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B. In addition to the application fee required by Section 15.090.010, the project applicant shall reimburse
all County costs associated with reviewing the application which are not covered by the prescribed fee.
In the event that the County is required to review a proposed transmission corridor zone pursuant to
California Government Code Section 25334 or other provisions of law, such costs shall also be
reimbursed by the project applicant.
(Ord. 1221 § 2, 2010)
15.795.040 Coordination and Documentation
Included with the filed application for a use permit in connection with a major electrical transmission
and distribution project, the applicant shall provide the County with copies of all applications for state,
federal, and other permits and licenses in connection with the proposed project. Promptly following the
issuance of any state or federal permits or licenses, biological opinions, records of decision, memoranda of
understanding, exemptions, variances, or similar authorizations or approvals related to the proposed project,
the applicant shall provide copies of those documents to the County.
(Ord. 1221 § 2, 2010)
15.795.050 Public Outreach
For all major electrical transmission and distribution projects that traverse a significant portion of the
County, and whose impacts are not likely to be isolated to a small geographic area, the Director may require
the applicant to present the application to interested members of the public at one or more public meetings
to be arranged by the applicant. Such meetings shall be in addition to any hearings on the permit application
held by the planning commission and the board of supervisors. The Director and the applicant shall, if
requested by the Director, develop a mutually acceptable public outreach program that includes such
meeting(s) and any similar public outreach efforts to be undertaken by the applicant.
(Ord. 1221 § 2, 2010)
15.795.060 Review Criteria
A conditional use permit for such projects may only be approved if all of the following findings are
made based on substantial evidence in the record in addition to those required by Section 15.220.020:
A. The proposed project is consistent with any applicable policies in the General Plan and any
applicable specific plan(s).
B. There is a demonstrated need for the proposed project;
C. To the greatest feasible (as that term is defined in Public Utilities Code Section 12808.5) extent, the
project utilizes existing infrastructure and rights-of-way or, alternatively, expands existing rights-
of-way, in that order of preference;
D. There are no feasible alternatives that are superior to the proposed project, taking into
consideration and balancing the considerations set forth in this Section;
E. The proposed project would not have adverse human health effects, particularly with respect to
individuals present in residential areas, schools, licensed day-care facilities, playgrounds, and other
developed areas in reasonable proximity to the project;
F. To the greatest feasible extent, the proposed project does not have a significant adverse effect on
the environment, agriculture, existing land uses and activities, areas with significant scenic
qualities, or other relevant considerations of public health, safety, or welfare;
G. To the greatest feasible extent, the proposed project avoids lands preserved by the County for
public park purposes;
H. To the greatest feasible extent, the proposed project avoids lands preserved by a conservation
easement or similar deed restriction for agricultural, habitat, or other purposes. The board of
supervisors may waive this requirement if the applicant provides documentation that the project
does not conflict with the conservation easement or deed restriction, or that the conservation
easement or deed restriction was provided as mitigation for the impacts of a prior development
project. However, it shall only be amended or extinguished if adequate substitute mitigation is
provided by the applicant;
I. The proposed project complies with all laws, regulations, and rules regarding airport safety
conditions and similar matters, and will not require a significant change in the operations of a
public or private airport in the County, create an undue hazard for aircraft, or substantially hinder
aerial spraying operations;
J. To the greatest feasible extent, operations of the proposed project would not create conditions that
unduly reduce or interfere with public or private television, radio, telemetry, or other
electromagnetic communications signals; and
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K. The applicant has agreed to conduct all roadwork and other site development work in compliance
with all laws, regulations, and rules relating to dust control, air quality, erosion, and sediment
control, as well as any permits issued pursuant thereto.
(Ord. 1221 § 2, 2010)
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Chapter 15.797
15.797.010 Purpose
15.797.020 Prohibited Uses
15.797.030 Exemptions
15.797.040 Nuisance
15.797.050 Enforcement
15.797.010 Purpose
It is the intent and purpose of this Chapter to implement State law by providing a means for regulating the
cultivation, selling, distributing, dispensing, manufacturing or testing of marijuana in a manner consistent
with State law and which balances the health, safety, and welfare of the residents and businesses within the
unincorporated territory of the County of Glenn. This Chapter is intended to be consistent with California’s
medical marijuana laws and the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, and represents an exercise of the local
authority retained by the County of Glenn under those laws.
(Ord. 1261 § 6 & 7, 2017; Ord. 1233 § 2, 2012)
15.797.020 Prohibited Uses
A. Subject only to the exemptions in this ordinance and to the fullest extent allowed by state law, the
following uses are prohibited in all zoning districts of the County:
1. The cultivation of marijuana.
2. The delivery of marijuana.
3. The establishment or operation of a location, facility, or business, that sells, distributes, dispenses,
manufacturers, or tests marijuana.
4. The establishment, development, construction, maintenance, operation, or enlargement of any
marijuana dispensary or retailer for medical or non-medical purposes or any collective and/or
cooperative, as these terms are defined herein.
(Ord. 1261 § 8 & 9, 2017; Ord. 1233 § 2, 2012)
15.797.030 Exemptions
A. Six or fewer marijuana plants may be cultivated indoors at a residence if all of the following conditions
are met:
1. The residence, and all lighting, plumbing, and electrical components used for cultivation, must
comply with all applicable zoning, building, electrical, and plumbing codes and permitting
2. All living marijuana plants, and all marijuana in excess of 28.5 grams produced by those plants,
must be kept in a locked room and may not be visible from an adjacent property, right-of-way,
street, sidewalk, or other place accessible to the public.
3. The residence must be lawfully occupied. If the residence is not owner-occupied, written
permission from the owner of the residence must be obtained before marijuana may be cultivated.
4. No marijuana plants may be cultivated outdoors.
5. The marijuana plants, and all marijuana produced by the plants, shall be for the personal use of the
cultivator only, and not for sale, provided that such marijuana and marijuana plants may be given
away to persons 21 years of age or older without any compensation whatsoever in accordance with
Health and Safety Code section 11362.1, subdivision (a)(2)
B. It is not a violation of this ordinance for any person employed by a licensed marijuana delivery service
to travel on a public road within the unincorporated area of the County for the purposes of delivering
marijuana to persons located in a city or county where the delivery of marijuana is not prohibited.
C. Section 15.797.020 shall not apply to the following marijuana cultivation until December 1, 2017:
1. Marijuana cultivation commenced in full compliance with the provisions of Chapter 15.797 of the
Glenn County Code as it read on the day prior to the adoption of this Ordinance. Marijuana
cultivation described in this subdivision shall be required to comply with all provisions of Section
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15.020.020(M)(6) and Chapter 15.797 of the Glenn County Code as those provisions read on the
day prior to the adoption of this Ordinance until November 30, 2017.
(Ord. 1261 § 10 & 11, 2017; Ord. 1233 § 2, 2012)
15.797.040 Nuisance
Any violation of any provision of this chapter shall be, and is hereby declared, a public nuisance and may be
abated by the Glenn County Sheriff as such.
(Ord. 1233 § 2, 2012)
15.797.050 Enforcement
The County Sheriff may, at his/her discretion, abate any violation of this Chapter by the prosecution of a
civil action, including an action for injunctive relief. The remedy of injunctive relief may take the form of a
court order, enforceable through civil contempt proceedings, prohibiting the maintenance of the violation of
this Chapter or requiring compliance with other terms. No provision of this chapter shall be deemed a
defense or immunity to any action brought against any person.
(Ord. 1233 § 2, 2012)
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Chapter 15.800
15.800.010 Standards
15.800.010 Standards
A. Seasonal farmworker housing shall be located on parcels of forty (40) acres or more in size zones “AP”
(Agricultural Preserve) or “AE” (Exclusive Agricultural) and having an “Agriculture Intensive” or
“Agriculture General” land use designation. Such parcels shall be owned by the applicant. Seasonal
farmworker housing proposed for parcels smaller than the forty (40) acres in size shall require a
conditional use permit.
B. Seasonal farmworker housing shall be located on parcels having direct access to a County or State
maintained road.
C. Seasonal farmworker housing and support structures shall be set back a minimum of sixty (60) feet
from the center line of any roadway, 60 feet from any other property line, 40 feet from any other
structure, and 40 feet from watering troughs, feed troughs, and accessory buildings. Seasonal
farmworker housing and support structures shall also be set back 75 feet from barns, pens, or similar
quarters of livestock or poultry. Seasonal farmworker housing and support structures shall be set back a
minimum of 500 feet from any confined animal and manure handling facilities for dairy operations.
D. Seasonal farmworker housing shall have off-street parking provided at a ratio of one (1) space per four
(4) persons housed.
E. Seasonal farmworker housing may be either a one (1) or two (2) story structure.
F. Seasonal farmworker housing shall be occupied no more than 180 days in any calendar year.
Farmworker housing which is proposed to be occupied more than 180 days per year shall require a
Conditional Use Permit.
G. Seasonal farmworker housing having accommodations for at least six (6) persons may have a single
caretaker unit (per parcel) occupied year-round provided that the caretaker unit meets the requirements
of Chapter 15.590 Minimum Residential Construction Standards.
H. Seasonal farmworker housing shall not be located within any designated floodway.
I. Seasonal farmworker housing shall meet the requirements of Chapter 15.540 Flood Damage
J. Seasonal farmworker housing shall be maintained in such a manner so as not to constitute a zoning
violation or a health and safety hazard.
K. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for seasonal farmworker housing, the applicant shall place on
file with the planning authority an affidavit that the seasonal farmworker housing will be used to house
persons employed for agricultural purposes. Further, a covenant shall be recorded, in a form satisfactory
to the County Counsel, acknowledging and agreeing that in the event the housing units are proposed to
be converted to another use, the entire facility shall be brought into compliance with the provisions of
this code and State Laws in effect at the time of conversion; or the housing units and all accessory
structures shall be removed.
L. Seasonal farmworker housing shall house no more than fifty (50) persons at any time. Housing of more
than fifty (50) persons at a single site shall require a conditional use permit.
M. Once a building permit has been issued for a seasonal farmworker housing facility there shall be no
additional building permits issued for seasonal farmworker housing within a three (3) mile radius of the
approved site. If a seasonal farmworker housing facility is proposed within three (3) miles of an
approved site a conditional use permit shall be required.
N. Within thirty days of the annual closure of the seasonal farmworker housing, the owner shall file a
report to the planning authority showing the number of days that the site was open and the number of
persons housed.
O. There shall be no more than one (1) seasonal farmworker housing facility per parcel of land.
P. The buildings used for the seasonal farmworker housing facility shall be located in a cluster with no
building more than one hundred feet (100’) from another building in the facility.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.810
15.810.010 Authority and Purpose
15.810.020 Vested Mining Operations
15.810.030 Permit Required
15.810.040 Reclamation Plan Standards
15.810.050 Activities Excepted
15.810.060 Designated Areas and State Policy
15.810.070 Relation to Other Provisions of Law
15.810.080 Submittal of Application
15.810.090 Contents of Application
15.810.100 Filing of Application
15.810.110 Public Hearing
15.810.120 Appeal of Planning Commission Action
15.810.130 Appeal from Action of the Board of Supervisors
15.810.140 Minor Modifications to Reclamation Plans
15.810.150 Idle Mines
15.810.160 Financial Assurances
15.810.170 Annual Reports and Inspection
15.810.180 State Review
15.810.190 Transferability
15.810.200 Permit Revocation
15.810.010 Authority and Purpose
The Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975, Public Resources Code Section 2710 et seq.,
(SMARA), authorizes and directs local agencies to adopt ordinances establishing procedures for the review
and approval of reclamation plans and the issuance of permits to conduct surface mining operations. The
purpose of this chapter is to implement and supplement SMARA, and to that end the Board of Supervisors
finds and declares that:
A. The extraction of minerals is essential to the continued economic well-being of Glenn County and to
the needs of the society, and that the reclamation of mined lands is necessary to prevent or minimize
adverse effects on the environment and to protect the public health and safety.
B. The reclamation of mined lands as provided in this chapter will permit the continued mining of
minerals and will provide for the protection and subsequent beneficial use of the mined and reclaimed
C. Surface mining takes place in diverse areas where the geologic, topographic, climatic, biological, and
social conditions are significantly different and that reclamation operations and the specifications
therefore may vary accordingly.
D. It is the intent of the Board of Supervisors to create and maintain an effective and comprehensive
surface mining and reclamation policy with regulation of surface mining operations so as to achieve the
E. Adverse environmental effects are prevented or minimized and that mined lands are reclaimed to a
usable condition which is readily adaptable for alternative land uses.
F. Production and conservation of minerals are encouraged, while giving consideration to values relating
to recreation, watershed, wildlife, range and forage, and aesthetic enjoyment.
G. Residual hazards to the public health and safety are eliminated.
H. Surface mining operations that comply with applicable ordinances and policies are recognized and
I. This chapter shall be reviewed and revised as necessary to promote consistency with state policy, as
expressed in SMARA.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.810.020 Vested Mining Operations
A. No person who has obtained a vested right to conduct surface mining operations prior to January 1,
1976, shall be required to secure a use permit pursuant to this chapter as long as the vested right
continues and as long as no substantial changes are made in the operation except in accordance with
this chapter. A person shall be deemed to have vested rights if, prior to January 1, 1976, he or she has,
in good faith and in reliance upon a permit or other authorization, if the permit or other authorization
was required, diligently commenced surface mining operations and incurred substantial liabilities for
work and materials necessary therefore. Expenses incurred in obtaining the enactment of an ordinance
in relation to a particular operation or the issuance of a permit shall not be deemed liabilities for work
or materials.
The reclamation plan required to be filed under subdivision (b) of Public Resource Code Section
2770 shall apply to operations conducted after January 1, 1976. Nothing in this chapter shall be
construed as requiring the filing of a reclamation plan for, or the reclamation of, mined lands for surface
mining operations conducted prior to January 1, 1976.
B. Any person with an existing surface mining operation who has vested rights pursuant to Public
Resources Code Section 2776 and who does not have an approved reclamation plan shall submit a
reclamation plan to the county. If a reclamation plan application was not on file by March 31, 1988, the
continuation of the surface mining operation is prohibited until a reclamation plan is submitted to the
county. For purposes of this chapter, reclamation plans may consist of all or the appropriate sections of
any plans or written agreements previously approved by the county or another agency, together with
any additional documents needed to substantially meet the requirements of Public Resources Code
Sections 2772 and 2773 and the county surface mining ordinance, provided that all documents which
together were proposed to serve as the reclamation plan are submitted for approval to the county in
accordance with this chapter.
C. If a person with vested rights continues surface mining in the same area subsequent to January 1, 1976,
he or she shall obtain an approval of a reclamation plan covering the mined lands disturbed by such
subsequent surface mining. Where an overlap exists (in the horizontal and/or vertical sense) between
pre- and post-SMARA mining, the reclamation plan shall call for reclamation proportional to that
disturbance caused by the mining after the effective date of the SMARA.
D. Any area where surface mining operations have taken place subsequent to January 1, 1976, shall be
subject to the requirements for reclamation, even if that area was originally disturbed prior to January 1,
E. An operator may request a determination of vested rights for a surface mining operation by submitting
an application to the county on a form provided by the director. In addition to the information required
by the application form, the application shall include the following information:
1. An aerial photograph of the site taken prior to January 1, 1976, if available, showing the area for
which a vested rights determination is requested.
2. A site map showing the boundary line and acreage of the area for which vested rights are claimed.
3. Copies of any permits or other authorizations for the subject surface mining operation.
4. Other documentation to establish that the surface mining operations were diligently commenced
and substantial liabilities for work and materials necessary therefore were incurred prior to January
1, 1976.
F. Vested rights shall be determined by the director based on information presented by the operator to
substantiate the vested right. The director shall evaluate the information presented by the operator and
shall inform the operator in writing of his or her determination. Such determination may occur in
consultation with the planning commission. The decision of the director shall include an approved map
or plan showing the extent of vested rights. No public notice is required for this determination.
G. Prior to acknowledging a vested right, the director shall make the finding that the subject surface
mining operation conforms to the standard for vested rights set forth in Public Resources Code Section
H. The decision of the director shall be appealable to the planning commission. An appeal of the director’s
decision shall be filed in the planning authority within 10 days of the date of the director’s
determination. The decision of the planning commission shall be appealable to the board of supervisors.
An appeal of the planning commission’s decision shall be filed with the clerk of the board of
supervisors. Appeals shall be filed within 10 calendar days of the dates of the respective decision.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.810.030 Permit Required
No person shall conduct a surface mining operation, or substantially change an existing or previously
approved operation, or expand a surface mining operation beyond the boundaries of any area in which
vested rights to mine exist, without first obtaining a conditional use permit from the county for such a
surface mining operation. The reclamation plan required by SMARA and this chapter shall be included in
each such use permit, and the right to conduct surface mining operations pursuant to the permit is contingent
upon the prior filing with the county of adequate financial assurances to secure the completion of the
reclamation plan. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.040 Reclamation Plan Standards
Each reclamation plan shall:
A. Include measures specified by the county to implement state policy on grading, backfilling, resoiling,
revegetation, soil compaction, other reclamation requirements, and measures for soil erosion control,
water quality and watershed control, waste disposal, and flood control;
B. Be applicable to a specific piece of property or properties, shall be based upon the character of the
surrounding area and such characteristics of the property as type of overburden, soil stability,
topography, geology, climate, stream characteristics, and principal mineral commodities, and shall
establish site-specific criteria for evaluating compliance with the approved reclamation plan, including
topography, revegetation, and sediment and erosion control;
C. Be subject to the reclamation performance standards in 14 CCR § 3700 through 3713. These standards
shall apply to each mining operation, but only to the extent that they are consistent with the planned or
actual subsequent use or uses of the mining site;
D. Include any additional performance standards developed either in review of individual projects, as
warranted, or through the formulation and adoption of countywide performance standards.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.050 Activities Excepted
The provisions of this chapter do not apply to any activities excepted from the application of SMARA
pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 2714. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.060 Designated Areas and State Policy
Areas of regional significance” and “areas of statewide significance,” as may be designated by the State
Mining and Geology Board, and “state policy” and related regulations as may be adopted by the State
Mining and Geology Board, shall be recognized in the administration of this chapter per provisions of the
act. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.070 Relation to Other Provisions of Law
Surface mining and related operations regulated by this chapter shall be subject to zoning regulations
and other applicable provisions of law. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.080 Submittal of Application
Application for a conditional use permit for surface mining and approval of a reclamation plan shall be
submitted by, or with the written approval of, the landowner, on forms provided by the director. The
reclamation plan shall constitute a part of the permit application, and shall include both operations and
reclamation proposals. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.090 Contents of Application
The application shall include the following information and documents, except as may otherwise be
determined by the TAC:
A. Names and addresses of the landowners, the holder of mineral rights, the operator, and any persons
designated as their agents for the service or process;
B. A signed statement that the person submitting the application accepts responsibility for conducting the
operations and reclaiming the mined lands in accordance with the permit and plan as approved, and that
all owners of possessory interest in the land have been notified of the application and proposals therein.
The statement shall also include:
1. The proposed dates for the initiation and termination of the mining operation; and
2. The anticipated type and quantity of minerals to be mined, and the maximum depth of mining.
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C. Site location, description, including maps, plans and descriptive statements to show:
1. Legal description of lands in application; and
2. A map showing boundaries, topographic details, and the general geology of the total area; detailed
geology of the proposed surface mining area; location and identification of all streams, roads,
railroads, utility facilities, and dwellings and other structures on or adjacent to the permit site; and
names and addresses of owners of adjoining lands and of mineral rights thereon.
D. Operations plan, including maps, plans, and descriptive statements to show:
1. The type of mining to be employed, and a schedule showing locations and dates for the start and
completion of mining on segments of the total mining area, and when reclamation may be
anticipated to be started on each of such segments; and
2. A description of the proposed operation, including seasons, days and hours of operations; access
and trucking route and the number and timing of daily truck trips; measures for control of noise,
dust, erosion, flooding and water pollution, proposed fencing, screening, landscaping, etc.
E. Reclamation plan, to be a plan applicable to the particular property, and based upon the character of the
surrounding area and on reclamation site characteristics such as type of overburden, soil stability,
topography, geology, climate, stream characteristics, and principal mineral commodities. The plan shall
1. A description of the manner in which reclamation, adequate for the proposed use or potential uses,
will be accomplished, and including the manner in which contaminants will be controlled, and
mining waste will be disposed of; the manner in which rehabilitation of affected stream channels
and banks, and drainage ways, will be accomplished to minimize erosion and sedimentation;
proposals for backfilling, grading, bank sloping, resoiling, revegetation, soil compaction and
stabilization, and other reclamation measures; and
2. A description of the proposed use or potential uses of the land after reclamation, and an assessment
of the effect of the reclamation plan on future mining in the area;
3. Other information which the commission may find necessary in particular cases including the
amount and type of financial assurances proposed;
4. A statement that the person submitting the plan accepts responsibility for reclaiming the mined
lands in accordance with the reclamation plan.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.100 Filing of Application
A. When all required information related to the application has been submitted to the director together with
the fees as adopted by the board of supervisors and checked and found acceptable, the director shall
accept the application as being properly filed.
B. The director shall then notify the Department of Conservation of the filing, and shall furnish the
department with copies of the application, plan and other related documents, and the director may
request that the department furnish technical assistance in its review of the reclamation plan.
C. The fees required for determinations under this chapter shall be as adopted by the board of supervisors
in the county book of administrative policies and procedures.
D. Whenever surface mining operations are proposed in the one-hundred-year floodplain for any stream,
as shown in Zone A of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps issued by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, and within one mile, upstream or downstream, of any state highway bridge, the planning
authority upon receiving the application for the issuance or renewal of a permit to conduct the surface
mining operations shall notify the Department of Transportation that the application has been received.
The Department of Transportation shall have a period of not more than forty-five days to review and
comment on the proposed surface mining operations with respect to any potential damage to the state
highway bridge from the proposed surface mining operations. The planning commission shall not issue
or renew the permit until the Department of Transportation has submitted its comments or until forty-
five days from the date the application for the permit was submitted, whichever occurs first.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.110 Public Hearing
A. The application for the conditional use permit shall be processed and approved, conditionally approved,
or denied according to the processes prescribed in Chapter 15.220, Conditional Use Permit, of this
B. The decision on a conditional use permit may be appealed according to the process prescribed in
Chapter 15.050, Appeals, of this code.
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C. Prior to approving a reclamation plan, the approving body shall find that:
1. The project has been reviewed pursuant to CEQA and the county’s environmental review
guidelines, all adverse impacts related to the reclamation plan have been mitigated by the plan or
the recommended conditions of approval, and the appropriate environmental determination has
been adopted;
2. The reclamation plan complies with the requirements of SMARA, specifically Public Resources
Code Sections 2772 and 2773, and the Reclamation Standards specified in California Code of
Regulations, Title 14, Division 2, Chapter 8, Subchapter 1, Article 9, Sections 3700 through 3713;
3. The reclamation plan has been forwarded to the Department of Conservation pursuant to Section
4. The reclamation plan complies with the purpose, intent, and requirements of Chapter 15.810,
Surface Mining and Reclamation, of the Glenn County Code;
5. The proposed goal of reclamation is consistent with the general plan policies and the zone district
for the area.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.120 Appeal of Planning Commission Action
A. Any aggrieved person or entity adversely affected by a formal action under the “Surface Mining and
Reclamation Act” (SMARA) of the Glenn County Planning Commission, may appeal such action by
filing a written notice thereof with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors within ten (10) calendar days
after the action of the Planning Commission.
B. Within thirty calendar days from the date of filing the appeal, the Clerk of the Board shall schedule the
date for the hearing.
C. The hearing shall be held within sixty calendar days from the date of filing the appeal. Notice of
hearing shall be given as required by the California Government Code. The Board of Supervisors may
continue such hearing for one additional meeting, to be held within thirty days, any further
continuances shall be with the consent of the appellant.
D. The Board of Supervisors shall hear the matter de novo (a new hearing):
1. The written documents relied on by the Planning Commission to take the action and the minutes of
the hearing(s) before the Planning Commission shall be a part of the Board’s record at the appeal
hearing on the matter.
2. As part of the hearing do novo the Board shall hear such additional relevant evidence as may be
E. Appeal Hearing Procedure and Order of Presentation
1. Staff Reports(s)
2. Open the Public Hearing on the matter.
a. Appellant’s Presentation.
b. Respondent’s Presentation.
c. Additional Public Testimony in favor of the appeal.
d. Additional Public Testimony opposed to the appeal.
e. Respondent’s Rebuttal (if any).
f. Appellant’s Rebuttal (if any).
g. Close the Public Hearing.
3. Discussion of the matter by the Board of Supervisors.
F. Decision of the Board of Supervisors. Affirm, reverse or modify, in whole of in part, the order,
requirement, decision, recommendation, interpretation, or ruling of the Planning Commission appealed
from, or make and substitute such other or additional decision(s) or determination(s) as it may find
warranted under the laws and facts as follows:
1. Ask the staff to prepare written finding for the Board to adopt at the next regularly scheduled
Board meeting setting forth the reasons for their decision sustaining, reversing or modifying the
decision for the Planning Commission; or
2. May adopt a motion as a result of the hearing which is recorded in the minutes and may incorporate
by reference all or part of the proposed findings in the staff report which the Board relied on to
reach their decision; and the Clerk of the Board shall transmit a copy of the decision to the
appellant and the applicant, if different than the appellant.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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15.810.130 Appeal from Action of the Board of Supervisors
Within ten days of the board of supervisors actions on an appeal related to a site in an area of statewide
or regional significance, an aggrieved person may file a written appeal with the State Mining and Geology
Board, as provided in the act. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.140 Minor Modifications to Reclamation Plans
A. Minor modifications to reclamation plans may be approved by the director without public notice or
consultation with the Department of Conservation. A minor modification to a reclamation plan may be
approved only if it meets the following standards:
1. To allow the minor recontouring of final topography effecting no more than ten percent of the site,
provided that slope stability is maintained and substantiated;
2. To allow minor modification or addition of site access including new on-site roads and
encroachments directly from the site to a public road, but not including new off-site roads;
3. To allow a minor substitution in the reclamation plan such as a substitution in the type and/or
number of plant species, minor change in topsoil treatment, etc., provided it does not substantially
alter the intended end-use described in the approved reclamation plan;
4. To allow minor technological or administrative changes in methods used to achieve reclamation;
5. To allow measures to be taken which will ensure or maintain public safety (e.g. fences, gates,
signs, or hazard removal), provided such measures do not substantially alter the intended end-use
described in the approved reclamation plan;
6. To allow minor modifications to a previously approved phasing plan;
7. To allow compliance with the requirements of other public agencies, provided the requirements are
not inconsistent with the approved conditional use permit;
8. A minor modification shall not include changing the end use of the land.
B. Applications for a minor modification shall be made on a checklist form provided by and filed with the
planning authority.
C. Prior to approval of a minor modification, the director shall make the following written findings which
shall include the reasons for the findings:
1. The minor modification is consistent with the approved conditional use permit and does not
represent a significant change to the approved reclamation plan for the subject surface mining
2. The minor modification is not subject to CEQA.
D. The director shall approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove an application for a minor
modification within 45 days of accepting the application as complete, and give notice by mail of the
decision, including any conditions of approval, to the applicant.
E. The decision of the director regarding a minor modification of a conditional use permit shall be
appealable to the planning commission within 5 calendar days of said decision. The decision of the
planning commission regarding the appeal shall be appealable to the board of supervisors within 5
calendar days of said decision.
F. Within 30 days of final action, the director shall send a copy of an approved minor modification to the
Department of Conservation.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.150 Idle Mines
A. Within 90 days of a surface mining operation becoming idle, the operator shall submit to the
department of planning authority for review and approval, an interim management plan. The review and
approval of an interim management plan shall not be considered a project within the meaning of the
California Environmental Quality Act.
B. The approved interim management plan shall be considered an amendment to the surface mining
operation’s approved reclamation plan, for purposes of this chapter. The interim management plan shall
provide measures the operator will implement to maintain the site in compliance with this chapter,
including, but not limited to, all permit conditions.
C. Prior to county approval, interim management plans shall be submitted for review to the Department of
Conservation for a 45-day review period.
D. The director may approve an interim management plan without a public notice or public hearing if the
director determines that the interim management plan does not require significant changes to the
reclamation plan. The decision of the director shall be appealable to the planning commission within
five calendar days of the decision. The decision of the planning commission shall be appealable to the
board of supervisors within five calendar days of the decision.
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E. The interim management plan may remain in effect for a period not to exceed five years, at which time
the director shall do one of the following:
1. Renew the interim management plan for another period not to exceed five years, if the director
finds that the surface mining operator has complied fully with the interim management plan;
2. Require the surface mining operator to commence reclamation in accordance with its approved
reclamation plan.
F. In any event, financial assurances required shall remain in effect during the period the surface mining
operation is idle. If the surface mining operation is still idle after expiration of its interim management
plan, the surface mining operation shall commence reclamation in accordance with its approved
reclamation plan.
G. Within 60 days of the receipt of the interim management plan or a longer period mutually agreed upon
by the county and the operator, the county shall review and approve the plan in accordance with this
chapter and so notify the operator in writing of any deficiencies in the plan. The operator shall have
thirty days, or a longer period mutually agreed upon by the operator and the county, to submit a revised
plan. The operator shall have 30 days, or a longer period mutually agreed upon by the operator and the
county, to submit a revised plan.
H. The director shall approve or deny approval of the revised interim management plan within 60 days of
receipt. If the director denies approval of the revised interim management plan, the operator may appeal
the action to the planning commission which shall schedule a public hearing to be held within 45 days
of the filing of the appeal or any longer period mutually agreed upon by the operator and the planning
commission. The action of the planning commission may be appealed to the board of supervisors within
10 days of said action.
I. Unless review of an interim management plan is pending before the director, or an appeal is pending
before the planning commission, a surface mining operation which remains idle for over one year after
becoming idle as defined in this chapter without obtaining approval of an interim management plan
shall be considered abandoned and the operator shall commence and complete reclamation in
accordance with the approved reclamation plan.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.160 Financial Assurances
A. Financial assurances are required to secure performance of the reclamation plan approved for each
surface mining operation to which this chapter applies and shall be sufficient to perform reclamation of
lands remaining disturbed. Financial assurances determined to substantially meet these requirements
shall be approved by the county for purposes of this chapter. Except as specified in Public Resources
Code Section 2770(e) or (i), unless the operator has filed on or before January 1, 1994, an appeal
pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 2770(e) with regard to non-approval of financial assurances,
and that appeal is pending before the State Mining and Geology Board, the continuation of the surface
mining operation is prohibited until financial assurances for reclamation are approved by the county.
B. The county shall require financial assurances of each surface mining operation to ensure reclamation is
performed in accordance with the surface mining operation’s approved reclamation plan, as follows:
1. Financial assurances may take the form of surety bonds, irrevocable letters of credit, trust funds, or
other forms of financial assurances specified by the State Mining and Geology Board pursuant to
Public Resources Code Section 2773.1(e), which the county reasonably determines are adequate to
perform reclamation in accordance with the surface mining operation’s approved reclamation plan.
2. The financial assurances shall remain in effect for the duration of the surface mining operation and
any additional period until reclamation is completed.
3. The amount of financial assurances required of a surface mining operation for any one year shall be
adjusted annually to account for new lands disturbed by surface mining operations, inflation, and
reclamation of lands accomplished in accordance with the approved reclamation plan.
4. The financial assurances shall be made payable to the county and the Department of Conservation.
Financial assurances that were approved by the county prior to January 1, 1993, and were made
payable to the State Geologist shall be considered payable to the Department of Conservation for
purposes of this chapter. However, if a surface mining operation has received approval of its
financial assurances from a public agency other than the county, the county shall deem those
financial assurances adequate for purposes of this section, or shall credit them toward fulfillment of
the financial assurances required by this section, if they are made payable to the public agency, the
county, and the Department of Conservation and otherwise meet the requirements of this section.
In any event, if the county and one or more public agencies exercise jurisdiction over a surface
mining operation, the total amount of financial assurances required by the county and the public
agencies for any one year shall not exceed that amount which is necessary to perform reclamation
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of lands remaining disturbed. For purposes of this paragraph, a “public agency” may include a
federal agency.
5. Estimates for financial assurances shall include descriptions of the tasks to be performed,
identification of equipment, labor and materials requirements, definition of units costs, total cost
per task, total direct cost of reclamation, and administrative costs including costs of supervision,
profit and overhead, contingencies and mobilization. Additional required information may include
a site plan showing the present limits of the disturbed area to be reclaimed, and other information
necessary to verify the estimate. In projecting the costs of financial assurances, it shall be assumed
without prejudice or insinuation that the surface mining operation could be abandoned by the
operator and, consequently, that the county or state may need to contract with a third-party
commercial company for reclamation of the site.
C. Financial assurances determined not to substantially meet the requirements of Public Resources Code
Section 2773.1 shall be returned to the operator within 60 days. The operator has 60 days to revise the
financial assurances to address identified deficiencies, at which time the revised financial assurances
shall be returned to the county for review and approval.
D. Prior to county approval, financial assurances shall be forwarded to the Department of Conservation
pursuant to Section 15.810.180.
E. The decision to approve financial assurance estimates and mechanisms shall be made by the director.
The financial assurance estimates shall be based on an approved reclamation plan. No public notice or
public hearing is required. The decision to approve financial assurance estimates and mechanisms is not
subject to CEQA. The director’s decision is appealable to the Planning Commission within 10 calendar
days of the decision. The decision of the planning commission is appealable to the Board of Supervisors
within 10 calendar days of the decision.
F. Financial assurances shall no longer be required of a surface mining operation, and shall be released,
upon written notification by the county, which shall be forwarded to the operator and the Director of the
Department of Conservation, that reclamation has been completed in accordance with the approved
reclamation plan. If a mining operation is sold or ownership is transferred to another person, the
existing financial assurances shall remain in force and shall not be released by the county until new
financial assurances are secured from the new owner and have been approved by the county in
accordance with Section 2770.
G. If the county, following a public hearing, determines that the operator is financially incapable of
performing reclamation in accordance with its approved reclamation plan, or has abandoned its surface
mining operation without commencing reclamation, the director shall do all of the following:
1. Notify the operator by personal service or certified mail that the county intends to take appropriate
action to forfeit the financial assurances and specify the reasons for so doing.
2. Allow the operator 60 days to commence or cause the commencement of reclamation in
accordance with its approved reclamation plan and require that reclamation be completed within
the time limits specified in the approved reclamation plan or some other time period mutually
agreed upon by the county and the operator.
3. Proceed to take appropriate action to require forfeiture of the financial assurances if the operator
does not substantially comply with paragraph 2, above.
4. Use the proceeds from the forfeited financial assurances to conduct and complete reclamation in
accordance with the approved reclamation plan. In no event shall the financial assurances be used
for any other purpose. The operator is responsible for the costs of conducting and completing
reclamation in accordance with the approved reclamation plan which are in excess of the proceeds
from the forfeited financial assurances.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.170 Annual Reports and Inspection
A. As a condition of approval of the permit and reclamation plan, a schedule for annual inspections of the
site shall be established to evaluate continuing compliance with the permit and reclamation plan.
B. The planning authority shall conduct an inspection of a surface mining operation within six months of
receipt by the planning authority of the surface mining operation’s report submitted pursuant to this
chapter, solely to determine whether the surface mining operation is in compliance with this chapter. In
no event shall the planning authority inspect a surface mining operation less than once in any calendar
C. All inspections shall be conducted using a form developed by the Department of Conservation and
approved by the State Mining and Geology Board. The operator shall be solely responsible for the
reasonable cost of the inspection.
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D. The planning authority shall notify the Department of Conservation within thirty days of completion of
the inspection that the inspection has been conducted. The notice shall contain a statement regarding the
surface mine’s compliance with this chapter, shall include a copy of the completed inspection form, and
shall specify which aspects of the surface mining operation, if any, are inconsistent with this chapter.
E. If the surface mining operation has an appeal pending in the case of a surface mining operator with
vested rights, a review of existing financial assurances pending, or an appeal pending, the notice shall
so indicate.
F. The planning authority shall forward to the operator a copy of the notice and any supporting
documentation, including, without limitation, any inspection report prepared by the geologist, civil
engineer, landscape architect, or forester.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.180 State Review
A. Prior to approving a surface mining operation’s use permits, financial assurances, including existing
financial assurances reviewed by the county pursuant to subdivision (C) of Public Resources Code
Section 2770, the county shall submit the plan, assurances, or amendments to the Director of the
Department of Conservation for review.
B. The Director of the Department of Conservation shall have 30 days to prepare written comments for use
permits and amendments and 45 days for review of financial assurances and amendments, if the
Director of the Department of Conservation so chooses. The county shall evaluate written comments
received from the Director of the Department of Conservation during the comment period. The county
shall prepare a written response describing the disposition of the major issues raised. In particular, when
the county’s position is at variance with the recommendations and objections raised in the Director of
the Department of Conservation’s comments, the written response shall address, in detail, why specific
comments and suggestions were not accepted. Copies of any written comments received and responses
prepared by the county shall be forwarded to the operator.
C. The county shall notify the Director of the Department of Conservation of the filing of an application
for a permit to conduct surface mining operations within 30 days of such an application being filed with
the county. By July 1 of each year, the county shall submit to the Director of the Department of
Conservation for each active or idle mining operation a copy of any permit or reclamation plan
amendments, as applicable, or a statement that there have been no changes during the previous year.
Failure to file with the Director of the Department of Conservation the information required under this
section shall be cause for action under Public Resources Code Section 2774.4.
D. Whenever a permit application proposes surface mining operations in the 100-year flood plain for any
stream, as shown in Zone A of Flood Insurance Rate Maps issued by the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, and within one mile, upstream or downstream, of any state highway bridge, the
county shall notify the Department of Transportation that the application has been received. The
Department of Transportation shall have a period of not more that 45 days to review and comment on
the proposed surface mining operations with respect to any potential damage to the state highway
bridge from the proposed surface mining operations. The county shall not issue or renew the permit
until the Department of Transportation has submitted its comments or until 45 days from the date the
application for the permit was submitted, whichever occurs first.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.190 Transferability
A. Whenever one operator succeeds to the interest of another in any uncompleted surface mining operation
by sale, assignment, transfer, conveyance, exchange, or other means, the successor shall be bound by
the provisions of the approved reclamation plan and the provisions of this chapter.
B. Financial assurances provided by the operator’s successor to the county and the Department of
Conservation shall have been approved, and the financial assurance mechanism shall be in place prior
to the continuation of surface mining operations.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.810.200 Permit Revocation
Following a hearing held pursuant to Chapter 15.040, the commission may revoke a permit on a finding
of noncompliance with any term or condition of the permit, this chapter or SMARA. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.820
15.820.010 Application for a Vendor’s Permit
15.820.020 Standards for Vendor Permits
15.820.030 Where Allowed
15.820.010 Application for a Vendor’s Permit
A. Applications for a vendor’s permit shall be accompanied by photos or renderings of sales structures to
be used, and shall be submitted to the planning authority.
B. The application shall specify all locations where sales are proposed.
C. The application shall be accompanied by an itinerant business permit, if applicable, for proposed use
issued by the County.
D. An application involving the sale of any prepared food, seafood, snack bars, pre-packaged food,
approved unpacked food, or similar food item for retail sale, or distribution at no cost, shall be
accompanied by a food service or food facility permit issued by the Glenn County Health Department
pursuant to the requirements of the California Retail Food Facilities Law.
E. Vendor permits may be issued for the retail sale of items such as flowers, balloons, souvenirs, news
publications, and food items such as hot dogs, sandwiches, candy, ice cream and similar items.
F. The vendor shall post the permit in a conspicuous space for the immediate inspection by the Sheriff or
other officer of the county.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.820.020 Standards for Vendor Permits
A. Only one (1) vendor permit may be permitted per lot.
B. Hours of operation shall be limited to the hours between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. daily.
C. Only two (2) carts, push carts, stands, trailers, kiosks or similar sales structures not exceeding one
hundred sixty (160) square feet in area shall be used in conjunction with a vendor’s permit.
D. A vendor’s permit shall only be valid for sixty (60) days.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.820.30 Where Allowed
Vendor permits shall only be granted for the Commercial, Industrial, Service Commercial, Local
Commercial, Highway Commercial, Planned Development Commercial and Planned Development
Residential Zoning Districts. No vendor permits shall be required for nonprofit organizations or for sales of
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
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Chapter 15.830
15.830.010 Purpose and Findings
15.830.020 Conditional Use Permit
15.830.030 Permit Requirement of Applicant
15.830.040 Permit Term
15.830.050 Fees
15.830.060 Conditions of Permit
15.830.070 Suspension of Permit
15.830.080 Liability and Mitigation
15.830.010 Purpose and Findings
The board of supervisors finds that the protection of surface and subsurface water within the county is
of major concern to the citizens of the county for the protection of their health, welfare and safety. Injecting
produced saltwater into deep injection zones poses the possibility of affecting water quality in overlying
aquifers in the affected hydrogeological basin. The board further finds that the following standards are
necessary for the protection of the waters within the county. It is the purpose of this chapter to develop
regulations to establish a land use permitting process for the operation of Class II injection wells and to
enable the county to administer an inspection and monitoring program of injected produced salt water.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.830.020 Conditional Use Permit
A conditional use permit shall be required prior to construction of any aboveground facilities at a site
intended for use as a Class II injection well. The conditional use permit may be granted if the project
complies with all provisions of this chapter. The conditional use permit will authorize construction of
aboveground facilities and injection of produced salt water in compliance with county, state and federal
laws. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.830.030 Permit Requirement of Applicant
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any injection well within the county of Glenn except as
provided in this chapter.
B. No Class II injection well in the county of Glenn may commence operation after the effective date of
the ordinance codified in this chapter without first complying with the following minimum
1. The applicant shall fully comply with all of the requirements of CEQA;
2. The applicant shall provide the planning authority with proof of fiscal responsibility either by
establishing a net worth of more than two hundred fifty million dollars or by filing a certificate of
insurance in the amount of one million dollars. Said insurance coverage shall be maintained for the
term of the permit;
3. The applicant shall provide the planning authority with a copy of any and all permits which
authorize injection of produced salt water from all authorities having jurisdiction including the
State of California, Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources
4. If the permit is for the drilling of a new Class II injection well or the conversion of an existing well
to a Class II injection well, tests which may be required by the DOGGR to demonstrate the
integrity of the well including, but not limited to, spinner surveys and injectivity tests shall be
performed by the applicant and at applicant’s expense. The testing program shall be in accordance
with requirements of the DOGGR to ensure that the injected produced salt water is confined to the
intended zone or zones and that underground sources of drinking water are not being endangered;
5. The results of the tests shall be submitted by the applicant to the planning authority for review prior
to the commencement of long term injection. Long term injection operations under the permit shall
not commence until approval for injection is obtained, in writing, from the DOGGR assuring the
integrity of the Class II injection well;
6. The planning authority shall be provided with the opportunity and access to witness all such
7. The applicant shall submit to the planning authority the name and address of the companies that
will be hauling or trucking the produced salt water. No other haulers may be used;
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8. Any Class II injection well permitted for operation by the DOGGR on the effective date of the
ordinance codified in this chapter, although such operation does not conform to the provisions
thereof, may be continued; provided, however, that such Class II injection wells may be operated
for a period not longer than five years from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this
chapter unless compliance with this chapter is obtained. If any such Class II injection well is idle,
as defined by the DOGGR, for a period of two years, subsequent use of the Class II injection well
shall be brought into conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1200 § 3, 2008; Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.830.040 Permit Term
The term of any use permit granted under the provisions of this chapter shall not exceed five years. The
use permit may be extended by the planning commission upon written request for such extension at least
sixty days prior to the expiration date of the use permit. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.830.050 Fees
In order to enforce the provisions of this chapter, the board of supervisors authorizes the following fee
A. The applicant shall be responsible for any and all costs which may be incurred by the county as a result
of the inspection and monitoring program;
B. The applicant shall pay a five hundred dollar annual administrative permit fee to the planning authority
for each Class II injection well permitted hereunder;
C. The applicant shall also be required to maintain a two thousand dollar deposit per Class II injection well
with the planning authority to pay for additional inspection and monitoring which may be required by
the county. At the direction of the planning authority, the applicant shall tender such additional monies
as may be necessary to maintain a balance of not less than five hundred dollars on deposit.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.830.060 Conditions of Permit
The planning commission shall impose such of the following conditions on the conditional use permit
as it deems necessary for the protection of the environment and the health, safety and welfare of the people
of the county:
A. The Class II injection well and the site shall be used solely for injection and holding of produced salt
water, condensate holding tanks and necessary additives. Injection or dumping into the Class II
injection well or holding at the site of any other substance, waste or chemical is strictly prohibited.
B. Hauling of produced salt water shall be conducted during six a.m. to nine p.m. except under emergency
situations. The applicant shall notify the planning authority in writing within five calendar days after
beginning any emergency hauling.
C. The applicant shall submit reports (DOG Form 110B) to the planning authority at a frequency not to
exceed monthly. A report shall also be submitted providing the following information:
1. Hauling company
2. Destination
3. Origin of the produced salt water
4. Composition of the produced salt water
D. Injection may occur twenty-four hours a day. Injection operations shall be conducted through a tamper-
proof pressure recorder or similar metering device approved by the planning authority. Reports from
said recorder or similar metering device shall be submitted to the planning authority at a frequency not
to exceed monthly.
E. Annual mechanical integrity tests and any and all tests required by the CDOG necessary to maintain the
integrity of the Class II injection well shall be conducted at applicant’s expense and the planning
authority shall be provided with the opportunity and access to witness all such tests. The testing
program is to be performed in accordance with the requirements of the CDOG. Tests results shall be
submitted by the applicant to the planning authority.
F. The planning authority may at any time require the extraction of representative samples of injected
produced salt water for testing from the storage tanks, the well and/or lines upstream from the injection
pumps and downstream of the filters. These samples shall be analyzed by a state-certified laboratory at
the expense of the applicant. Produced salt water may be sampled and analyzed at a frequency not to
exceed quarterly to yield data representative of the characteristics of the injected produced salt water.
G. The planning authority or a designated representative thereof shall be granted twenty-four hour access
to all Class II injection well sites. Said access shall be accompanied by the applicant’s employee or
designated representative with at least four hours advance notice.
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H. Any costs to the county which result from the inspection and monitoring programs required in this
section shall be home by the county through fees collected from the applicant, as described in Section
I. Only Class II injection wells may be permitted under this chapter.
J. Under emergency conditions, an exception to this chapter may be granted by the director at the request
of the applicant. Such request shall be submitted in writing with detailed justification. Such exception
shall not exceed one hundred twenty days.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.830.070 Suspension of Permit
If any condition(s) of this chapter or of the use permit has not been complied with, the county shall
have the authority to suspend the permit and all conditions of operation until such time as the applicant
provides evidence that the conditions are being met. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
15.830.080 Liability and Mitigation
The permittee and property owner are legally liable for all environmental damage, including but not
limited to health hazards, resulting from the construction, operation, use and maintenance of any Class II
injection well and related facilities. If such damage occurs, the county, in addition to pursuing all other
remedies available to it, may summarily require the permittee and property owner to develop and implement
with due diligence a mitigation plan, including requirements of state and federal agencies, to remedy all of
such damage. Implementation of the plan will be required regardless of whether the county also revokes the
permit. (Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Chapter 15.840
15.840.010 Standards
15.840.010 Standards
Administrative permits may be approved and issued for the drilling of natural gas wells provided the
following standards are being met:
A. The proposed location of the gas well is at least five hundred feet from the nearest residential dwelling
B. The proposed location of the gas well is at least one hundred twenty feet from a county road right-of-
C. That if the proposed location of the gas well is within a flood hazard area as designated on the flood
hazard maps of Glenn County, or within a designated floodway or special floodplain combining zone,
the rules, regulations and restrictions of the zones shall be conditions of approval;
D. The fire protection regulations of the affected fire district shall be complied with;
E. The drilling mud shall be disposed of at an approved disposal site;
F. The necessary permits shall be secured from all affected federal, state and local agencies;
G. That the applicant shall enter into a road maintenance agreement with the Glenn county road
H. Conversion of this gas well to an injection well may be permitted with a conditional use permit.
I. Installation of a gas well compressor shall require an additional administrative permit approved by the
director in the agricultural zones and a conditional use permit approved by the planning commission in
the residential zones.
(Ord. 1183 § 2, 2006)
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Chapter 15.850
15.850.010 Standards
15.850.010 Standards
Collocation of wireless communication facilities shall only require a building permit and not a
conditional use permit or amendment of an existing conditional use permit when the project fulfills the
following requirements:
A. The original wireless communication facilities for which the collocation is proposed has received an
approved conditional use permit and an environmental document was adopted (EIR, negative
declaration or mitigated negative declaration).
B. The collocation facilities are required to be located on or within 10 feet of the original facilities but not
outside the existing compound area. In the event that the compound area must be enlarged, a Site Plan
Review shall be required for the proposed collocation.
C. The collocation facilities shall not extend the height of the existing pole structure or exceed the height
of the existing tower or pole structure.
D. The collocation facilities shall be enclosed within a six-foot high fence.
E. The ground equipment shall not exceed the height of existing structures or the height prescribed by the
existing permit.
F. The collocation antennas and/or dishes shall not exceed the girth of the original wireless equipment.
G. The total area of the collocation equipment and the original wireless facilities shall not exceed the
maximum lot coverage of the individual zoning classification.
H. The collocation facilities shall meet the setback requirements of the individual zoning classification.
I. The collocation facilities shall be subject to the mitigation measures and conditions of approval for the
original wireless communication facilities.
(Org. 1200 § 3, 2008)
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
Chapter 15.860
15.860.010 Purpose
15.860.020 Definitions
15.860.030 Standards
15.860.010 Purpose
This purpose of this chapter is to facilitate the construction, installation and operation of power
generation facilities in Glenn County in conformance with Section 15.010.020 of this Title. (Ord. 1256 § 2,
15.830.020 Conditional Use Permit
As used in this Chapter:
A. “Practicable” shall mean available and capable of being done after taking into consideration cost,
existing technology, and logistics in light of the overall project purposes.
B. “Uses Allowed” means one of the following:
1. Accessory Use a power generation facility designed to serve on-site needs or a use that is related
to the Primary Use of the property.
2. Direct Use a power generation facility designed and installed to provide on-site energy demand
for any legally established use of the property.
3. Primary Use a power generation facility that uses over 50% of a lot and is devoted to power
generation for offsite use.
4. Secondary Use a power generation facility that is not the Primary Use of the property and
occupies less than 50% of the lot area. This type of use would be considered conjunctive.
(Ord. 1256 § 2, 2016)
15.830.030 Permit Requirement of Applicant
The following standards have been established to facilitate the location of power generation facilities
delineating the permitting necessary for each different class identified. All other standards set forth by this
Title remain applicable.
A. Permits Required
The table below shows the permit required for the different types of power generation facilities allowed
under this Chapter. This table should be used in conjunction with the subparagraphs that follow in this
section to identify permitting requirements. In all cases, there may be additional permits required by
other governmental agencies other than the County and it is the permit applicant’s responsibility to
comply with said permits. Evidence of compliance may be required for permit issuance.
Uses Allowed
Direct Use
(Roof Mounted
or Ground
Mounted up to ½
Accessory Use
(15% of lot size up
to 5 acres
whichever is less)
Secondary Use
Land Use/Zoning District
Williamson Act
1, R-M, MHP, PDR
Glenn County Code
September 27, 2018
B. Permitted Uses (P)
Direct Use power generation facilities may require the application for a Site Plan review depending
on the requirements of the individual zoning district. Also, ground mounted facilities are subject to
the lot coverage standards of each zoning district which may not allow for ½ an acre of lot
coverage. Facilities that generate noise, dust, heat, or glare may not meet established performance
standards which will require an applicant to secure a conditional use permit.
C. Administrative Permit (ADM)
See Chapter 15.180
D. Site Plan Review (SPR)
See Chapter 15.130.
E. Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
Secondary Use and Primary Use power generation facilities shall require an applicant to first
secure a conditional use permit in accordance with Chapter 15.220 and the applicable zoning
district. Issuance of said permit is subject to the following:
1. Secondary Uses on Agriculture (AE and FA) zoning districts and Williamson Act contracted
land shall be subject to California Government Code, Section 51238.1.
2. Proposed power generation projects in Agriculture zoning districts and Williamson Act
contracted lands, as defined in Section 15.860.030(A), shall be subject to the following
a. Land designated as Prime Farmland, Farmland of Statewide Importance and Unique
Farmland under the most recent California Department of Conservation, Division of Land
Resource Protection, Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP) shall be
avoided. When a proposed power generation use includes these lands as designated under
the FMMP in Agriculture zoning districts or Williamson Act contracted lands specified
under Section 15.860.030(A), mitigation shall be required to secure replacement land of
equal or greater farming potential at a ratio of 1:1. Said mitigation may be accomplished
on the same lot.
b. Proposals for Secondary Use facility shall clearly demonstrate that the power generation
use is subordinate to, practicable, and compatible with the primary agricultural use.
3. Williamson Act contracted lands may qualify for placement into a solar-use easement pursuant
to California Government Code Section 51190 et seq. Any land owner who desires to take
such action shall also secure a conditional use permit in addition to all other required
procedures and permits.
F. Not Permitted (NP)
Zoning districts where power generation activities of any level of the uses allowed where such
activities are not compatible, are prohibited by law, impracticable, or are detrimental to uses
permitted under a particular zoning district are not permitted. There are no conditions under which
a power generation facility is allowed.
G. General Requirements
1. All power generation uses shall be subject to the requirements of the zoning district in which
they are located.
2. All power generation uses allowed in an Agriculture or Williamson Act zoning district, as
defined by Section 15.860.030(A), shall comply with Chapter 15.580 of this Title.
3. For all off-site facilities where a power generation use is located on more than one Lot, there
shall be a proper easement agreement or other approved method for notification of all
impacted parties.
4. When a power generation use will be located near a residence on an adjacent Lot, one of the
following measures shall be used to preserve site aesthetics:
a. A setback of at least 60 feet shall be required for solar panels, 150 feet for enclosed
buildings, and 200 feet for wind turbines.
b. Visual screening shall be installed for any power generation use located on or mounted to
the ground to the maximum extent practicable. In all respects, the power generation use
shall meet the requirements of Chapter 15.560 of this Title. Vegetative screens shall
employ native species which are resistant to drought. (Ord. 1256 § 2, 2016)