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1.a. What is eNavFit?
The eNavFit interface is a technology bridge between NAVFIT98A and the Navy’s future
performance appraisal application. Despite being an interim change, eNavFit boasts
many benefits for the Navy and its Sailors, including electronic routing and submission,
digital signature, user-end policy validation, and PII/CUI reduction for FITREPS and
Evaluations. It is located in BUPERS Online (BOL), under “eNavFit Program”.
1.b. When is eNavFit being released to the Fleet?
eNavFit is live for the entire Navy. Navy Personnel Command (NPC) deployed eNavFit to
the Reserve Component on 27 Dec 2021, and to the Active component on 15 Feb 2022.
1.c. What is the biggest difference between NAVFIT98 and eNavFit?
The eNavFit interface is accessed via web browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari
only) on Bupers online (BOL). The program uses electronic validations, which will reduce
the need for manual validation by PERS-32 personnel. This will increase their efficiency
in processing reports to a member’s Official Military Personnel File (OMPF). In addition
to improving back-end efficiency, eNavFit offers electronic routing, electronic
submission to OMPF, end-user real-time input field validations that will reduce or
eliminate common error rejections, and PII/CUI reductions conforming to DoD policies.
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1.d. Is NAVFIT98 going away? When will it sunset?
NAVFIT98A is targeted for sunset on 31 Dec 2022. Until then, NPC will continue to
accept reports generated via NAVFIT98A. While not mandatory, maximum adoption of
eNavFit is HIGHLY encouraged NOW to ease the transition. eNavFit enables Sailors to
electronically route and digitally sign performance evaluations with submissions to the
Sailor's OMPF in days and offers three capabilities: connected, intermittent, or
disconnected per NAVADMIN 004/22.
1.e. Will reports still be accepted that are generated via NAVFIT98?
Yes, you can still use NAVFIT98 and submit NAVFIT98-generated reports to NPC until
the NAVFIT98 sunset, planned for 31 Dec 2022, although eNavFit is highly encouraged.
NAVFIT98A-produced reports submitted to PERS after sunset will not be accepted.
1.f. Overall, what are the features of eNavFit?
The eNavFit interface contains the following options:
Start Appraisal (Start a FITREP or EVAL)
Start Summary Group
Manage Appraisal (View/Edit/Sign reports you have access to)
Manage Summary Group (View/Edit/Submit Summary Groups)
Upcoming Queue (Review a list of items you have action on)
eNavFit also provides tool-tips, which are question mark icons that appear next to
individual input fields and provide policy summaries in text blocks.
1.g. How can I find a service member in eNavFit?
The eNavFit interface uses the DOD ID (best option) or email address of service
members to locate personnel information. All members are reminded to keep their BOL
information current and to use official email addresses in BOL for the best result when
locating members in eNavFit. BOL is updated every Saturday evening, so any updates
will not appear in real time.
1.h. Will eNavFit work offline?
Yes! The eNavFit interface has been designed for three operational environments: online
(fully connected), intermittent (low-bandwidth, periods of disconnect), and disconnected
(no connectivity). Online capability is only available using Google Chrome, Mozilla
Firefox, and Apple Safari browsers. eNavFit will not work properly in Microsoft Edge or
Internet Explorer.
Offline capability is provided using an Adobe .PDF form of the appraisal and summary
letter. Blank forms can be downloaded prior to disconnection or forwarded via email by
another user.
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1.i. What does intermittent connectivity mean?
Intermittent connectivity implies limited internet connectivity and/or limited bandwidth.
Connection speeds may be slow and limit online use resulting in periods of
disconnection. eNavFit will allow users to save and download their summary group as an
Adobe PDF document, termed the “appraisal manager”, which can be worked offline
until connection to the internet stabilizes. The user then uploads the .PDF back into the
eNavFit interface for continued processing.
1.j. What happens if my Desktop or Laptop device is automatically disconnected,
does eNavFit automatically save my data?
No. The eNavFit interface does not have an automatic save function. Users are highly
recommended to save early and often.
2.a. What browser should I use for eNavFit?
Google Chrome is recommended for eNavFit. However, the interface is compatible with
any HTML 5-compliant internet browser, including Firefox and Apple Safari. eNavFit
NOT compatible with Internet Explorer, and as of 15 Jun 2022, is not compatible
with MS Edge. Use Chrome, Firefox, or Safari web browsers.
There are no eNavFit mobile applications in development; users must use a desktop or
laptop to access eNavFit.
2.b. How do I access eNavFit?
Log into BUPERS Online (BOL) using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari and
select theeNavFit Program link.
After selecting “eNavfit Program”, you will be routed to the Navy Personnel Command
Document Services Workspace. You can then select “eNavFit” as an option on the left-
hand column, and start work on your Summary Group/ appraisal.
2.c. Does the eNavFit interface time out? / Why am I receiving an error message
when moving to the next screen?
BOL has an inactivity timer of 15 minutes. The eNavFit interface opens additional
browser windows, and BOL does not view activity in these additional windows as activity
in BOL. Users may receive an error code when attempting to save. Users should
completely log out of BOL and log back in to complete their actions. Users are highly
recommended to save early and often.
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3.a. Where can I find training material/more info on eNavFit?
Per NAVADMIN 004/22, performance evaluation training materials (including the
eNavFit User Guide, video tutorials, and best practices) can be found via Navy Personnel
Command (NPC) at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-Management/Performance-
3.b. Are there references to assist me with eNavFit?
eNavFit provides tool-tips to assist users in providing consistent, policy-driven inputs.
However, users are highly encouraged to be well-versed in BUPERSINT 1610.10
(Series) policy. Users should also reference the eNavFit User Guide. Lastly, users are
highly encouraged to review the eNavFit website for the latest information and training
support materials, at https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Career-
3.c. How do I join the eNavFit Training Team (eTT) on Flank Speed Teams?
While logged into Flank Speed Teams, click on the "Teams" icon on the left, then "Join
or create a team" in the bottom left corner. Next, enter the code mkxap2m (all
lowercase) in the space provided and click "Join Team".
4.a. Do I have to acknowledge my role as a Reporting Senior?
Yes, acknowledging the Reporting Senior Role is required prior to entering summary
group information or performance appraisal information. Steps to complete this action
can be found on Module 3 on the MyNavy HR public website,
*Note: acknowledgement of a Reporting Senior CANNOT be delegated (e.g., a Trusted
Agent cannot acknowledge for a Reporting Senior) this will cause a system error.
4.b. Can any Reporting Seniors (including one in a Joint Service Command) have
access to eNavFit?
Yes. Non-uniformed Navy Reporting Seniors will need a BUPERS Online (BOL) account
created. BOL helpdesk can be reached at BUPERS07_IT_EOC.FCT@navy.mil, or at 1-800-
951-NAVY (6289) to obtain a new BOL account. Be sure to state eNavFit access
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required in the comments/remarks of the System Authorization Access Request (SAAR)
4.c. After a Reporting Senior acknowledges their role, what happens if you need to
change this field to use a different member as the Reporting Senior?
Reporting Senior information can be modified at the summary group level through the
“Manage Summary Group” menu. If a member’s appraisal needs to be assigned to a
different Reporting Senior, that can be done at the appraisal level through the “Manage
Appraisal” menu.
4.d. Can a Reporting Senior acknowledge their role as a Reporting Senior for more
than one Unit Identification Code (UIC)?
Yes, Reporting Seniors can acknowledge their role as a Reporting Senior for multiple
UICs, as long as they are legally authorized to serve in that capacity.
4.e. Can a Reporting Senior assign more than one Trusted Agent?
Yes, there are no limitations to the number of Trusted Agents that can be assigned.
4.f. Can a Trusted Agent sign appraisals on behalf of a Reporting Senior? Can a
Reporting Senior delegate appraisal signing authority?
No, Trusted Agents can manage all aspects of a Summary Group, with the exception of
signing appraisals. Reporting Senior signing authority cannot be delegated.
4.g. What to do When I Receive a “Reporting Senior Not Found” Error?
When an RS acknowledges, a key step may have been missed clicking on the blue
“Submit” button after acknowledgement. Without doing that, the system does not
update with the new RS information. Also, it is best to search via DOD ID.
Similarly, after sharing your queue with your TA, you must select “Start Process” at the
top of the screen within NPC Document Services.
4.h. How can I confirm I am a Trusted Agent; who my Trusted Agents are?
When logged into eNavFit, select the “Preferences” cog wheel at the top, then the
“queues” tab. From there, you can see who has shared their queue with you, who you’ve
shared your queue with, and manage both (add, remove, or request).
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5.a. What is an appraisal?
In eNavFit, FITREPS and Evaluations are referred to as “appraisals.
5.b. Can I check the status of my appraisal?
A member or reviewer will not have visibility of their report status throughout the entire
workflow process; however, users can see the status of appraisals that they have access
to in their “Upcoming Queuemenu. Only the Reporting Senior and their Trusted Agent
can check the status of reports at any time during the workflow process.
5.c. How can I obtain a copy of my appraisal?
Users will have the opportunity to view/print/save their appraisal from eNavFit once all
members have applied their signatures, from the “Manage Appraisal” menu. Appraisals
are downloaded as .PDFs.
5.d. Can I attach documents to a member’s appraisal on eNavFit?
No. However, adding attachments (supplemental information) is a potential future
enhancement to the eNavFit interface.
5.e. Can I access my FITREP/EVAL history within eNavFit?
Users will have access to appraisals that are submitted via eNavFit. However, members
are highly recommended to review their OMPF regularly to ensure it contains correct
5.f. How can a member submit a statement to a FITREP/EVAL in eNavFit?
Best practice is to click “I intend to submit a statement” in block 46. The policy is the
same as it currently is with NAVFIT98A. Users are encouraged to reference Chapter 17 of
BUPERSINST 1610.10F for information on making a statement.
5.g. If needed, can I download a blank copy of the NAVPERS form to complete a
FITREP/EVAL manually?
Yes. Users may download a blank or pre-populated NAVPERS 16XX form through the
“Start Appraisal” menu option. This form converts to an EVAL, CHIEFEVAL, or a FITREP
and contains policy validation. Printed forms must be wet signed in blue or black and
mailed to NPC.
5.h. What happens when I upload an offline form?
When a user uploads an offline form into the eNavFit interface, all user inputs will be
copied into the online document. A user can then resume their work from the point they
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left off in the offline PDF document. Offline forms cannot be printed, scanned and
uploaded back into eNavFit. Printing removes all compatible background metadata.
Ensure both the status of the appraisal and the online summary group match.
5.i. When I open a downloaded Adobe PDF eNavFit form, it says unreadable - what
should I do?
Downloaded forms must be opened in Adobe Reader DC or Adobe Acrobat. Some
computers will have the browser version of Adobe as a default, so be sure to open
eNavFit forms with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat. You may have to click “enable all
features” in order for the document to view properly.
5.j. How to ensure Appraisal comments are presentable in eNavFit?
Though the remarks input field should match the rendered report, best practice is to
preview each document in PDF format (via “view report”) so that the comment section
can be reviewed how it will look when printed/ submitted to NPC. Additionally, have
reviewer[s] look over your work to ensure all spelling and grammatical errors are
addressed and wording flows smoothly.
5.k. How Should I Address Reports that cannot be signed by Raters, Senior Raters,
or Members?
If any of the signatories cannot sign a report, aside from the Reporting Senior
(mandatory), the reporting senior or trusted agent can apply “Alternate Signatures”
(toggle next to each signature) and select a reason from the drop-down menu. Ensure
not to leave the reason blank, as this is required by policy.
5.l. The Mid-Term Counseling signature block is grayed out what can I do?
As per the most recent update to the BUPERSINST 1610.10 (Series), mid-term counseling
signatures are no longer required. “Member Signature” on page two of the appraisals
represents acknowledgement of the entire report.
5.m. How do I process an O6-to-O6 report requiring a Flag endorsement?
O6’s reporting on other O6’s can submit summary groups via eNavFit. PERS-32 will
“hold” these summary groups until the Flag endorsement is received. Best practice is to
include a copy of the report with the Flag endorsement. Refer to the BUPERSINST
1610.10 (Series) for formatting and submission requirements.
5.n. In Not Observed (NOB) Reports, why does Block 47. Retention" default to
While BUPERSINST 1610.10F mandates leaving the promotion recommendation
summary blank, in eNavFit, block 47 in NOB reports automatically defaults to
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"Recommended." If necessary, users may change the promotion recommendation from
the default of "Recommended." However, when "Not Recommended" is selected,
eNavFit will trigger an Adverse Report, requiring an administrative letter.
6.a. How can I send a report back to a previous reviewer for editing or review?
eNavFit allows reviewers at the appraisal level to return or forward appraisals back and
forth using the “Previous Reviewer” and “Next Reviewerbuttons. Best practice is to
leave comments under Reviewer Comments” to communicate amongst reviewers. Note
that reviewer comments will be deleted once the summary group status is changed to
6.b. Is it possible to correct a grammatical or spelling error after routing my
Grammatical or spelling errors may only be corrected when a report is not in a sign
status. eNavFit will show a red line below misspellings at the time of entry. If a spelling
or grammar error needs to be corrected, the appraisal can be routed to or from other
reviewers to be modified, as long as it is in a route status. The Reporting Senior or
Trusted Agent can also modify a report that is not in a sign status.
6.c. What if I upload a NAVPERS form and receive an error that it is not valid?
The eNavFit interface will only accept documents with proper eNavFit tags (e.g., forms
that have been created from eNavFit and downloaded, but not printed). Documents
uploaded without these tags will result in an on-screen error notification.
6.d. Can I retract an appraisal that has been submitted to Navy Personnel
Command (NPC)?
eNavFit has two statuses when submitting an appraisal to NPC: “Submitting” and
“Submitted.” Summary groups in a “Submitting” status can be retracted by shifting the
summary group to an earlier status (from e.g. “Complete” to Signed”). All summary
groups in a “Submitted” status have been received by NPC and cannot be modified
without an administrative change letter per BUPERSINST 1610.10 (Series).
6.e. How does a member sign their FITREP/EVAL online in eNavFit?
For online reports: Once the report has been placed in a “Sign” status, members should
apply an electronic signature to their appraisals in the “Manage Appraisal” task menu.
For offline reports: Members will apply a digital signature via the Adobe form Sign
certification, which then must be uploaded back into the interface.
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Note that reports must be signed one way (online) or the other (offline). Signature types
cannot be mixed within a summary group.
6.f. Once an appraisal is signed, can it be uploaded into eNavFit for electronic
Yes. Only digitally signed appraisals will be accepted for upload into the eNavFit
interface. All manually signed, wet-signature documents will be rejected from upload. A
digitally signed offline document is viewed the same as an online signed document by
the eNavFit interface.
Note that if signing offline, all reports must be signed offline. Signature types cannot be
6.g. Why does my Summary Group status change to “Reviewed” when I select
If there are no reviewers assigned to an appraisal in a summary group, the “Route”
status will automatically update to “Reviewed”. If there are reviewers, once all reviewers
complete their reviews, the summary group will then automatically update to
7.a. Does the eNavFit interface automatically detect adverse trait grades?
Yes, eNavFit identifies appraisals as an adverse report under the following conditions:
When an input of 1.0 for a performance trait is entered
When 2.0 or below in “Equal Opportunity” or “Character” performance traits is
Promotion Recommendation of “Significant Problems”
7.b. Can you submit an incomplete Appraisal (FITREP/EVAL/CHIEFEVAL)?
No. The eNavFit interface will not allow a summary group or appraisal to enter “Sign”
status if there are field errors. Field errors will be highlighted red with an error
7.c. Can eNavFit flag Appraisal date gaps within a specific member’s record?
No, eNavFit will not identify date gaps between a member’s reports.
7.d. In eNavFit, what does the option “Validate Form” do?
The “Validate Form” button runs a series of validation checks to ensure inputs conform
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to policy. Fields with proper inputs will display a green status bar next to them. Fields
with errors will display a red status bar next to them and an error notification.
7.e. Can eNavFit recognize adverse Appraisals?
Yes, eNavFit will automatically flag inputs meeting the adverse criteria as stated within
the current policy. It will not evaluate inputs within the comments section (blocks 41 &
43), but if an adverse report, it must be addressed in the comments section.
8.a. What are summary groups? How should I consider this when using Summary
Groups in eNavFit?
Enlisted summary groups (SGs) generally consist of all members in the same pay grade
(regardless of rating) and same promotion status, who receive the same type of report
from the same reporting senior (RS) on the same ending date.
Officer SGs are similar but are further subdivided by competitive category (unrestricted
line officers, limited duty officers, each designator within the restricted line, and each
designator within the Staff Corps).
When entering inputs in eNavFit, the system will automatically calculate the SG average
and traits averages.
BEST PRACTICE for online operations is for the RS or trusted agent to create the
summary and add all members of the SG. This will create “shells” of the appraisals for
the members to access and provide input while the summary group is in an active
status. Ensure members do not create an additional appraisal via “Start Appraisal,” as
this may cause an error.
Further, all members must use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari. Any
users who access a report with Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer will cause the entire
summary group to be re-created.
8.b. Does the Administrative Officer need to receive all FITREPS/EVALS for a
summary group to be routed to the Reporting Senior?
If the reports are being completed online from the “Manage Summary Group” menu,
the Reporting Senior can view all appraisals in a summary group at any time. Local
command policy will dictate the internal process of reviewing.
If the reports are being completed in a disconnected environment, they may be routed
to the Reporting Senior via email or paper copy.
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8.c. How should I keep record copies of Summary Groups in eNavFit?
Best practice would be to maintain your eNavFit appraisal copies as downloaded
documents outside of eNavFit, as per current policy in the BUPERSINST 1610.10 (Series).
8.d. Why Does My Summary Group Say “Submitting” and Not “Submitted”?
There are several reasons that a Summary Group may be in a “Submitting” status.
Dozens of Pay and Personnel systems are updated based off of the summary group. If
the program encounters any errors, it sends the Summary Group to Quality Control,
which is done manually, and takes time. Also, anytime BOL downtime (planned or
unplanned) will affect processing time. If your Summary Group is stuck in a “Submitting”
status for an extended period of time, please contact MNCC.
8.e. What to do if My Submitted Reports Were Rejected?
All rejected reports from eNavFit are manually processed and cannot be re-submitted
through eNavFit. However, the downloadable forms can be used and digitally signed,
then mailed or sent to the PERS-32 reject email: P32REJECTS@NAVY.MIL.