 
Ħ +43 677 6372 9851 | ć [email protected] | Ƣ April 28, 1990 | ģ enrico-lattuada.com |
a github.com/enrico-lattuada | ] linkedin.com/in/enricolattuada | ŵ scholar | Italian
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Vienna, Faculty of Physics   
Mar 2022 Present
• Contributed to the establishment of two laboratories within the group, specializing in Microscopy/Optics and Chemistry.
• Managed and conducted experimentalinvestigation of non‑equilibrium eects in sedimentation, measuring multiscale dynamics
of samples from microscopy videos with Fourier Trasformed image correlation analysis (Dierential Dynamic Microscopy).
• Boosted group eiciency by accelerating image analysis using GPU‑based Fast Fourier Transform, cutting down analysis time
from hours to seconds.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Physics 
   
Dec 2018 Feb 2022
• Engineered a blended scattering/imaging setup for spatially‑resolved dynamics measurement of colloidal samples through im‑
age correlation analysis (Photon Correlation Imaging).
• Developed DNA nanostar gels for biomedical applications and characterized their properties using advanced optical and mi‑
croscopy techniques.
PhD in Industrial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Polytechnic of Milan      Nov 2015 Oct 2018
MSc in Nuclear Engineering Polytechnic of Milan       Oct 2012 Apr 2015
BSc in Energy Engineering Polytechnic of Milan    Sep 2009 Sep 2012
Image processing, Optical and Confocal Microscopy, Advanced Optical Techniques, Statistical Analysis,
High‑Performance Computing, Test‑driven Development.
Programming Python (NumPy, Pandas, Scipy, Scikit‑Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn), C++, CUDA, CMake, Matlab, Git/GitHub.
Soware Windows/Linux/MacOS, Fiji/ImageJ, Blender, Fusion360, LabVIEW.
So Skills
Problem‑solving, Collaboration, Eective Communication, Creativity, Project Management, Adaptability, Continuous
Languages English (professional proficiency, FCE B2), Italian (mother tongue), German (basic proficiency, A1).
FastDDM (https://github.com/somexlab/fastddm) Sep 2022 Present
       
• Developed an open‑source Python/C++/CUDA library for the analysis of Dierential Dynamic Microscopy experiments, to measure
the multiscale dynamics of colloidal and biological samples from large microscopy image sequences.
• Created an accompanying tutorial to democratize the technique.
Certificates & Training
Machine Learning for Materials Hard and So Erwin Schrödinger Institute  11‑22 Jul 2022
Bombannes Summer School on Scattering Applied to So Condensed Matter   20‑28 Jun 2022
Google Advanced Data Analytics Coursera  4 Feb 2024
GitHub Fundamentals Administration basics and product features Microso Learn  11 May 2023
Lise Meitner postdoctoral fellowship      2022
Best poster        2018
Second best communication           2017
Other Activities
Co‑supervised and provided support to more than 20 international graduate and post‑graduate students.
Performed occasional teaching assistant duties (e.g., ‘Scientific Image Processing’ at the University of Vienna).
Contributed to international conferences with 10 talks and posters. Published 10 scientific articles in
well‑established, international journals, most of them (8) as first author.
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