Milpitas, CA |+1 (669) 236-9023 | [email protected]
Certificates: Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer, Google Analytics IQ, Google Ads Search
Technical Skills: Python · SQL · Azure · GCP · AWS · Databricks · PyTorch · Swift · PySpark · Langchain
Data Analyst/Engineer Consultant (Kin + Carta) Dec 2021Present
Integrated DALL-E and GPT-4 into a novel marketing platform, enabling clients to explore past campaign performance
via natural language conversations and generate tailored marketing content, covering the full marketing lifecycle.
Developed a GPT-4V data pipeline to extract ad image metadata, boosting campaign data quality and insight depth.
Engineered SQL data structures to serve as foundational data sources for Power BI dashboards enabling executive-level
insights into client dynamics, scheduling efficiency, and sales performance for a veterinary association.
Spearheaded global pricing strategies, formulating recommendations that could generate upwards of $60M+ revenue.
Built a CI/CD framework within Databricks, facilitating cross-functional code sharing and laying the foundation for
future development of in-house libraries.
Data Science Research Assistant | Money in Politics (NYU Stern School of Business) Sept 2019 Feb 2020
Made ETL pipelines using SQL to analyze 16.4 million rows of political contribution data from the DIME database
Visualized relationships in Tableau between contributor demographics and political contributions from 1979 to 2014
Data Engineer Intern (Botfactory) June 2019 Aug 2019
Utilized Odoo’s ORM API to automate SQL queries to pull, store, and manipulate inventory & manufacturing data
Garnered a 3x increase in manufacturing efficiency by visualizing data in a dynamic front end manufacturing scheduler
Data Analyst Intern (Peblio) June 2019 Aug 2019
Communicated concrete recommendations that led to a 20% increased use of unpopular site features by creating
click-level KPI trackers & dashboards on Google Analytics to monitor student and teacher preferences
Developed long term customer acquisition and retention strategies by analyzing daily customer conversion and spend
trends in Google Analytics to identify potential untapped customer targets and acquisition channels
Web App (Bet.Net) May 2020 October 2020
Built out scalable backend and frontend for platform where users can make and track bets with each other for any
imaginable event; deployed to the web with continuous delivery pipeline on Heroku
Fully featured user content lifecycle process set up using backend development tools such as Flask and PostgreSQL
Interactive Visualizer (RoboSimP) Feb 2020 May 2020
Developed an interactive tool to visualize how a robo-trading algorithm can inform long and short stock positions
Machine Learning Researcher (Undergraduate Research) Sept 2019 Feb 2020
Leveraged machine learning tools to match web-scraped biographical data for more than 90,000 US scientists and their
parents with census records to analyze the influence of immigration on career outcomes and invention
Predictive Customer Behavior Modeling (HSBC Hackathon) Apr 2019 May 2019
Used Pandas and NumPy to transform unstructured customer data (both categorical and numerical features) regarding
personal transactions, and then Pytorch to predict the binary probability of a new customer buying an HSBC product
New York University, Leonard N. Stern School of Business New York, NY
Bachelor of Science in Business and Political Economy May 2021
Relevant Coursework: Econometrics, Machine Learning, Regression & Multivariate Data Analysis
Study Abroad: London, UK (Fall 2018) & Shanghai, CN (Spring 2019)
Video Editing (Davinci) · Graphic Design (Photoshop) · Interdisciplinary Research · Smart Contract Dev. · Agentic AI