Tosa Skills
Google Sheets
to Tosa Skills Framework
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Introduction to Tosa Skills Framework ............................................... 1
TOSA® (TEST ON SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS) ................................................................................................................. 2
TOSA SKILLS FRAMEWORK OBJECTIVE .......................................................................................................................... 2
UNIQUE TOSA SCORING ............................................................................................................................................ 2
GOOGLE SHEETS DOMAINS AND SUBDOMAINS ............................................................................................................... 3
ABOUT THE GOOGLE SHEETS CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................. 3
Level 1 Beginner User ........................................................................ 5
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Level 2 Basic User ............................................................................. 7
ENVIRONMENT AND METHODS .................................................................................................................................. 8
FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
FORMATTING .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
DATA MANIPULATION .............................................................................................................................................. 8
OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Level 3 Productive User ................................................................... 10
ENVIRONMENT AND METHODS ................................................................................................................................ 11
FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
FORMATTING ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
DATA MANIPULATION ............................................................................................................................................ 12
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
Level 4 - Advanced User ..................................................................... 14
ENVIRONMENT AND METHODS ................................................................................................................................ 15
FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
FORMATTING ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
DATA MANIPULATION ............................................................................................................................................ 16
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
Level 5 Expert User .......................................................................... 18
ENVIRONMENT AND METHODS ................................................................................................................................ 19
FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 19
FORMATTING ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
DATA MANIPULATION ............................................................................................................................................ 20
OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
to Tosa Skills Framework
For Tosa Assessment and Certification
to Tosa Skills Framework
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Tosa® (Test on Software Applications)
Tosa assessments and certifications will determine and validate a candidate’s proficiency
and skill level in software applications used in a professional environment. Tosa
assessments and certifications are designed to validate individuals’ digital skills (students,
trainees, employees, or jobseekers) in supporting their employment, professional or
academic objectives.
Tosa assessments and certifications employ the Adaptive Testing methodology, which
creates a personalized testing experience adapted to a candidate’s skill level for a selected
software application. The score is based on the Item Response Theory using a 3-parameter
logistic model, like the GMAT scoring method. Adaptive-based testing selects questions that
challenge candidates to the limit of their knowledge and abilities.
Tosa Skills Framework Objective
This Tosa framework provides an overview of the subject areas being assessed during the
Tosa Assessments and Certification exams. Tosa validates candidate proficiency in the
most popular Google professional software programs using a score on a scale from 0-1000
for the Certification, and a score divided into five levels, from “Beginner” to “Expert”, for the
The objective of this document is to present an overview of the technical skills associated
with each of the four main Google Sheets domains within each proficiency level. This
information will also support educators and trainers in tailoring their training program to
achieve desired proficiency levels.
Unique Tosa Scoring
The Tosa assessments and certifications are based on a unique score, divided into five levels.
ranging from 1 to 1000 for the certification.
divided into five levels, from Beginner to Expert, for assessment.
Tosa® levels
Certification status & documents issued
Certification earned - diploma & Credly
digital badge issued
Certification earned - diploma & Credly
digital badge issued
Certification earned - diploma & Credly
digital badge issued
Certification earned diploma issued
Certification failed - certificate of
completion issued
to Tosa Skills Framework
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Google Sheets domains and subdomains
Knowing the software environment and using the main
Using editing tools
Organizing spreadsheets/worksheets/tables
Handling formulas
Using calculation functions in formulas
Identifying and inserting database calculation functions
Applying and handling conditional formatting
Creating, and editing digital formats
Formatting data in a spreadsheet (formulas, texts, and
Creating and handling graphs
Creating and editing pivot tables
Using data management features
About the Google Sheets certification
The Tosa Google Sheets Certification relies on a database of more than 250 questions. It is
composed of 35 questions and lasts 1 hour. The algorithm adapts to each answer of the
candidates to adjust the difficulty level of the questions until they reach the exact definition of
the candidates’ level by calculating the limit of their high skills.
Since the test is adaptive, the series of questions that each candidate gets is unique for each
test. This uniqueness allows for a more accurate evaluation of the candidate's level. It also
limits cheating and the memorization of questions on different passages.
Our platform allows individuals to take the certification in class, in an approved testing center,
or remotely via our integrated asynchronous online proctoring solutions.
Our remote proctoring solutions provide added flexibility for both the administrator and the
candidate, allowing the certification exam to be taken anywhere, at any time. The candidate
only needs an internet connection and a computer equipped with a working webcam and
Candidates receive a numeric score out of 1000 points associated to a proficiency level on a
five-level scale. Candidates who score between 1 and 350 points don't earn the certification.
They will not receive a diploma but a certificate of completion. Candidates who score 351
points or above earn the certification. They will receive a diploma by email within five (5)
to Tosa Skills Framework
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business days. If candidates score 551 points or above, they will also be eligible to a Credly
digital badge. There is no requirement to be eligible to take the exam, but our
recommendations to be well prepared on exam day are:
- Take at least one Tosa Google Sheets adaptive assessment to estimate your level
and get familiar with the test format
- Use free practice tests on our website for training
- Follow e-learning or training courses (average duration per level is between 10 and
15 hours per certification so around 150 hours total)
Tosa certification diplomas are valid for three years from the date of issue as skill levels evolve
or decline over time, depending on the use of the software. New software and software
versions are released every year, and skills must be updated. We cannot legitimately certify a
digital skills level for more than three years. Limiting the certification validity reinforces the need
for life-long learning and professional development.
Tosa certifications can be retaken when it is expired. Earners willing to improve their score and
level can also retake the exam at any time.
Level 1 Beginner User
Between 1 and 350 points
Level 1 Beginner User
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The Beginner Proficiency is set for a score from 1 to 350, which is the lowest Tosa score
category. Achievement of the Beginner score defines little or limited knowledge of the Sheets
application, including the application’s basic functions and features, highlighting the inability
to use the application in a professional environment.
Skills Assessed
Environment/ Methods
Open a spreadsheet
Set a print area of the spreadsheet
Identify the interface tabs
Enter a simple formula in a cell
Enter a time in a cell
Recognize the ERROR symbol
Format table text with bold and italics
Format a table with borders
Apply, define, and modify a cell
Data Manipulation
Perform a simple sort
Filter data
Insert a simple graphic object
Level 2 Basic User
Between 351 and 550 points
Level 2 Basic User
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Environment and Methods
Candidates demonstrate a basic knowledge of the Sheets environment; they can open the
spreadsheet work through columns and rows and are familiar with the options available on
the interface ribbon.
Candidates can modify a spreadsheet and the Sheets environment. They can copy a file with
a new name, set a print area, and change columns width and rows height. They can insert
rows, columns, and cells, and can perform cut-and-paste operations.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, a sales profile
to consult and modify follow-up tables or sales action plans.
Candidates can perform simple calculations, including entering formulas.
The Basic-User candidates can perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division within a spreadsheet and insert a time or sum in a cell.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, a sales profile
to master basic formulas (simple calculations, concatenation, percentages, etc.) to create a
simple sales table.
Formatting in Sheets at the Basic level mobilizes skills to use the most appropriate style to
represent spreadsheet data according to the categories of users and their specific needs. At
this level, candidates can choose and implement a style adapted, using the formatting
specific to Sheets, to facilitate the reading of the information.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, a sales profile
to organize its spreadsheet as a customer management tool by putting its data in table form,
using sorting and filtering (simple and advanced), and exploiting tools such as "Subtotal".
Data Manipulation
The Basic-User candidates are expected to be able to represent a data series via a simple
chart, create a data series and insert a simple graph, to highlight a series of data.
Sorting data
Prior to the acquisition of the skills of the Basic level, the candidate will have
mastered the skills of the Beginner level.
Level 2 Basic User
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The Basic-User candidates can sort worksheet data and recognize and read a pivot table
and perform auto-sorting.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, a sales profile
to manage data to extract, sort, and classify customer data, to draw up graphs to monitor
and/or track sales.
Skills Assessed
Identify rows and column names
Identify what are spreadsheets and sheets
Set a print area
Change rows and columns’ heights and width
Copy/Paste in different situations
Calculations and formulas:
Identify calculation priorities
Apply the MAX and MIN functions
Apply the OR, IF, and SUMIF functions
Determine the impact of deleting a row or column
Master the format cells: color, font, bolding, and
Use different styles
Use the Format Painter tool
Data Manipulation
Create a chart in a worksheet
Position a chart within a worksheet
Sorting data:
Recognize and read a pivot table
Perform auto-sorting: sort in ascending/descending
Level 3 Productive User
Between 551 and 725 points
Level 3 Productive User
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Environment and Methods
Productive-Users can manipulate a large data range (more than 12 rows or columns), can
use the shortcut keys to select and move the range, and are also familiar with the fill handle.
They can also duplicate a worksheet.
Candidates can export a file in PDF format or other various print options, (printing of all or
part of a worksheet). Selecting a print format (A4, Letter, etc.) and inserting a header or
footer are demonstrated capabilities.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, an accounting
profile to establish and organize documents (closing of accounts, audits) but also to be able
to share them regardless of the size of the documents.
Productive-Users have good knowledge of Sheets calculation methods and can distinguish
and use absolute and relative references in formulas.
They can also copy or move a cell containing a formula and know how to use text in a
The Productive-Users candidates are competent with formula writing rules and can easily
create long formulas containing several mathematical operators and referring to multiple
cells, recognizing simple statistical functions such as (SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN) and
can use them easily.
They use FILTER and ARRAY FORMULA functions.
Business application: in a professional context, skills in the use of formulas (sum, average,
percentage, ratio, calculation with dates...) allow, for example, an accountant profile to
calculate the provision for paid vacations, establish a depreciation table, or update a
Prior to the acquisition of the skills of the Productive level, the candidate will have
mastered the skills of the Basic level.
Level 3 Productive User
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Cell formatting
Productive-Users validate a strong ability to easily manipulate the principal cell content
formats (text, scientific, standard, percentage, currency, date) and use a numeric separator,
merge cells, change the alignment of a cell’s contents and copy formatting.
The candidates demonstrate a good knowledge and ability with conditional formatting and
can apply specific formatting to high and low cell values, including spell-checking a
spreadsheet and applying suggested corrections.
Creating and formatting a table
The Productive-Users candidates can create a table from a data range and apply a table
Inserting graphic objects
The candidates can insert and move graphic objects such as pictures and shapes.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills enable an accountant to format a
table and present figures to prepare a report and a dashboard from an accounting balance.
They can manage the display of databases: Freeze panes, Split, New window...
Data Manipulation
Chart formatting
Productive-Users can format a chart, enlarge, or shrink it, change the colors of a represented
data series, insert a title or legend, or edit data labels.
Pivot tables
Although not pivot table experts, the Productive-User candidates understand the utility and
purpose of such tables and can recognize and analyze the data.
The Productive-User candidate can find, replace, and select data.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow an accountant to use
subtotals, sorting, filters, and logical functions such as IF, AND, OR, to organize their tables.
The accountant can also build a database and highlight the significant facts of the annual
accounts thanks to the creation of graphs and dynamic tables.
Level 3 Productive User
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Skills assessed
Customize Ribbon tabs
Use keyboard shortcuts
Establish a working group
Paste and transpose values
Paste formats
Save a document in PDF format
Master the printing options
Insert Headers and Footers
Copy or move a formula
Use text in a formula
Create long formulas with several mathematical operators
Use simple statistical functions: SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN
Use the FILTER function
Use the ARRAY FORMULA function in conjunction with other basic
Merge cells
Master conditional formatting
Use the spell checker
Center text across several columns
Insert images
Insert graphic objects
Find, replace, and select data
Use advanced filters
Insert and modify chart titles and legends
Insert a chart’s data series
Print a chart
Recognize a pivot table
Analyze data in a pivot table
Filter table data
Level 4 - Advanced User
Between 726 and 875 points
Level 4 - Advanced User
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Environment and Methods
Backstage view, file formats, file protection
The Advanced-User candidates have advanced knowledge of the File tab. They can also
demonstrate the ability to protect a worksheet or spreadsheet.
Task automation
The Advanced-User candidates can automate some Sheets tasks, recording and running a
simple macro.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, a logistics
manager to adapt the display of tables to his needs according to their size. They can also
use macros to automate certain tasks.
The Advanced-User candidates master all types of calculations, even the most advanced,
demonstrating the ability to use multi-sheet and multi-spreadsheet formulas with ease. They
can also competently use Name Manager to manage the names of cell ranges.
The Advanced-User candidates have advanced knowledge of formulas and functions.
They use the date functions (TODAY, DAY, MONTH, WEEKDAY, etc.), time functions, and
text functions.
They master the three IMPORT functions: RANGE, HTML, and XML.
They use the QUERY() function.
Database calculations
The Advanced-User candidates are highly competent in displaying subtotals in a list or data
range (SUBTOTAL). They are also familiar with the SUMPRODUCT function and create
array formulas.
Business application: in a professional context, the use of complex formulas (QUERY)
allows, for example, a logistics manager to control stocks and analyze sales.
Prior to the acquisition of the skills of the Advanced level, the candidate will have
mastered the skills of the Productive level.
Level 4 - Advanced User
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Formatting and page layout
The Advanced-User candidates master formatting and page layout tools, configuring
advanced conditional formatting. They efficiently use spreadsheet themes, margin changes,
and the orientation of a worksheet, manage page breaks, and insert footers and headers.
Graphic objects
The Advanced-User candidates can insert and manage graphic objects, pictures, shapes, or
screenshots. They have a good knowledge of how to format graphic objects (color, shape,
indentation, fill), modify shapes, and reorganize objects.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, a logistics
manager to use Sheets formatting tools to monitor the consumption of specific customer
markets, convert the data in his tables into graphs, or monitor the invoices of service
Data Manipulation
Extended tables and database
The Advanced-User candidates can manage large tables and databases, use advanced
sort/filter functions, and can perform multi-criteria / customized sorting, and use complex
filters to extract data. They also display a strong competence in defining table style options
(header row, total row, striped rows, columns, first column, last column).
Chart analysis
The Advanced-User candidates are familiar with advanced chart tools and the full range of
chart templates including advanced charts. They can perform advanced editing of charts,
such as overlaying charts and changing axis units, using a secondary axis incorporating the
use of trend lines.
Pivot table creation and analysis
The Advanced-User candidates master the analysis and creation of pivot tables, generating
pivot tables from a database, manipulating various data sets, updating pivot table data, and
formatting pivot tables.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, a logistics
manager to anticipate future consumption, transmit supply needs to the purchasing manager,
and manage stocks.
Level 4 - Advanced User
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Skills assessed
Protect a sheet or range
Master the Navigation pane
Customize the interface
Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
Download/export with the correct type of extension
Restore a version of the document
Recognize file formats
Run recorded macros
Use multi-sheet and multi-spreadsheet formulas
Use data, time, and text functions
Generate random numbers
Rank values
Use 3 regular IMPORT functions (RANGE, HTML, XML)
Use custom arrays within other functions
Use the QUERY function
Apply conditional formatting with a formula
Insert symbols/ special characters
Apply advanced manipulation of graphic objects
Manage page breaks
Insert a screenshot
Arrange objects
Complete multi-criteria and custom sorts
Master data consolidation
Use slicers
Use complex filters to extract data
Create, manage, and format a pivot table
Select, copy, move and delete the pivot table
Remove duplicates
Level 5 Expert User
Between 876 and 1000 points
Level 5 Expert User
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Environment and Methods
Customization and automation of the Excel environment
The Expert-User candidates possess complete mastery of the Sheets environment: all tabs
and their associated functions. They are familiar with all Sheets views and can link
Expert-Users can customize the Sheets environment. They are familiar with the various
printing options such as printing in color or printing several pages on a single sheet. They
can also create complex macros.
Candidates master the Sheets functions associated with the exchange, protection, and
review of data. They can import external data, view the connections to external data, and can
update data as well as export and share it.
They fully understand all the options for protecting spreadsheets protecting cells,
sheets/spreadsheets, and allow or disallow modifications to a spreadsheet. They display
expert competency in inserting, deleting, and managing comments.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, a financial
analyst to perfectly organize their files and their contents to be able to modify them and keep
them in the appropriate format.
At this level, the candidate can train on the software.
Calculation methods
The Expert-User candidates have comprehensive knowledge of calculation methods using
the advanced Name Manager Options and formula auditing features such as Error Checking.
Writing and decoding advanced formulas
The Expert-User candidates display expert competency in Sheets formulas displaying
application knowledge with array functions such as (INDEX, MATCH, OFFSET, etc.),
information functions (ISNA, ISNUMBER, ISBLANK, etc.), financial functions (PMT, NPER,
RATE, etc.) and advanced date functions (NETWORKDAYS, WORKDAY, DATEDIF, etc.).
They possess expert knowledge of the function library and can browse the library for new
Business application: in a professional context, the use of specific complex formulas (INDEX,
EQUIV, VPM, NPM, DATEDIF, etc.) allows, for example, a financial analyst to analyze
company balance sheets, to perform comparative analyses of data or to establish in-depth
studies in the event of a takeover or sale.
Prior to the acquisition of the skills of the Expert level, the candidate will have mastered
the skills of the Advanced level.
Level 5 Expert User
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At this level, the candidate can train on the software.
Editing and formatting
The Expert-User candidates master all the spreadsheet formatting and editing tools and are
thoroughly familiar with the numerous cell formats. They can Group and Ungroup data and
insert subtotals show or hide data elements, insert hyperlinks in a worksheet, and can also
create custom lists.
Business application: in a professional context, mastering the formatting tools on Sheets
allows, for example, a financial analyst profile to interpret the value of the company or to
analyze the company's balance sheets, as well as to collect financial and economic information
and format it.
At this level, the candidate can train on the software.
Data Manipulation
Calculation analysis and simulation
The Expert-User candidates master advanced data analysis tools such as data conversion
and AutoFill. They can use the Remove Duplicates and Data Validation.
Pivot tables
The Expert-User candidates master the creation and analysis of pivot tables, displaying a
thorough knowledge of pivot table tools and options, and can manipulate all types of data.
They can show totals and subtotals, use summary functions, and are also thoroughly familiar
with pivot table formatting, generating pivot tables, and the various ways to update pivot
tables data.
Graphic analysis of data
The Expert-User candidates possess expert knowledge of chart types and know how best to
present them including competent chart formatting and editing. They can easily edit data
sources, manage chart axes and data labels, and can create complex charts, and insert and
customize Sparklines.
Business application: in a professional context, these skills allow, for example, a financial
analyst to present data in the form of pivot tables or graphs. They can choose the appropriate
graph according to the nature of the data to be exploited.
At this level, the candidate can train on the software.
Level 5 Expert User
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Skills assessed
Open, and create a complex macro
Handle and execute a complex macro
Import data
Actualize external data
Export and share data
Use worksheet calculation functions
Use calculation options
Master complex array functions (INDEX, MATCH, OFFSET)
Master information functions (ISNA, ISNUMBER, ISBLANK, etc.)
Master financial functions (PMT, NPR, RATE, etc.)
Manage special paste and formats
Manage ranges in a spreadsheet
Manage hyperlinks
Master data
Use and manage all options of a pivot table
Master totals, subtotals, and various calculations
Insert and customize Sparklines
Create complex charts Use totals and subtotals in pivot tables