Base your answers to questions 1 and 2 on the
diagram below, which shows the results of three
different physical tests, A, B, and C, that were
performed on a mineral.
A)using an electronic balance
B)using a graduated cylinder
C)observing how light reflects from the surface
of the mineral
D)observing what happens when acid is placed on
the mineral
1.The luster of this mineral could be determined by
2.Which mineral was tested?
A)age, density, and smoothness
B)cleavage, color, and abundance
C)hardness, cleavage, and crystal shape
D)chemical composition, size, and origin
3.Different arrangements of tetrahedra in the silicate
group of minerals result in differences in the minerals'
A)Most minerals crystallize at the same temperature.
B)Most felsic minerals usually crystallize before most mafic minerals.
C)Muscovite mica and quartz are the last minerals to crystallize as magma cools.
D)Biotite mica is the first mineral to crystallize as magma cools.
4.The diagram of Bowen's Reaction Series below indicates the relative temperatures at which specific
minerals crystallize as magma cools.
Which statement is best supported by Bowen's Reaction Series?
Base your answers to questions 5 through 8 on the
data table below.
A)finding the mass of a mineral sample
B)finding the density of a mineral sample
C)identifying a mineral sample
D)counting the number of cleavage surfaces of a
mineral sample
5.Moh's scale would be most useful for
A)resistance to breaking
B)resistance to scratching
C)specific heat
D)specific gravity
6.Moh's scale arranges minerals according to their
A)An iron nail contains fluorite.
B)A streak plate is composed of quartz.
C)Topaz is harder than a steel file.
D)Apatite is softer than a copper penny.
7.Which statement is best supported by the data shown?
8.The durable gemstones ruby and sapphire are valuable
due to their color and hardness. These gemstones
would most likely be located on Moh's scale at the
hardness level of
A)yellow to amber color
B)bubbling in hydrochloric acid
C)cleaves at 56° and 124°
D)hardness of 5 to 6
9.Which characteristic do samples of the mineral
pyroxene normally exhibit?
D)internal atomic structure
10.Scratching a mineral against a glass plate and
rubbing a mineral on a streak plate are helpful
procedures for determining a mineral’s
C)Potassium Feldspar
11.Which mineral bubbles when acid is placed on it?
12.Base your answer to the following question on the table below, which shows the characteristics of
four different mineral samples.
A)halite and quartzB)halite and gold
C)galena and quartzD)galena and gold
Which two mineral samples would be most difficult to distinguish from each other based on their
color, luster, and streak?
13.An unidentified mineral that is softer than calcite
exhibits a metallic luster and cubic cleavage. This
mineral most likely is
A)Observe the color of the mineral.
B)Place the mineral near a magnet.
C)Place a drop of acid on the mineral.
D)Measure the mass of the mineral.
14.What is the best way to determine if a mineral
sample is calcite or quartz?
A)scratching the mineral across a glass plate
B)squeezing the mineral with calibrated pliers
C)determining the density of the mineral
D)breaking the mineral with a hammer
15.The relative hardness of a mineral can best be tested
A)6 g/mLB)24 g/mLC)34 g/mLD)60 g/mL
16.The diagram below represents the mass and volume of a mineral sample being measured. These
measurements were used to determine the density of the mineral sample.
What is the density of this mineral sample?
17.Which property is most useful in mineral
18.Which mineral leaves a green-black powder when
rubbed against an unglazed porcelain plate?
Base your answers to questions 19 and 20 on the diagram below, which shows three minerals with
three different physical tests, A, B, and C, being performed on them.
A)rate of weathering of the minerals
B)identity of the minerals
C)environment where the minerals formed
D)geologic period when the minerals formed
19.The results of all three physical tests shown are most useful for determining the
A)A—cleavage; B—streak; C—hardness
B)A—cleavage; B—hardness; C—streak
C)A—streak; B—cleavage; C—hardness
D)A—streak; B—hardness; C—cleavage
20.Which sequence correctly matches each test, A, B, and C, with the mineral property tested?
21.Base your answer to the following question on the information below.
A student on a field trip in New York State collected a sample of metamorphic bedrock containing
bands of coarse-grained crystals of plagioclase feldspar, pyroxene, quartz, and mica.
Describe two physical properties of pyroxene.
A)calcite and halite
B)sulfur and fluorite
C)graphite and talc
D)pyrite and magnetite
22.A human fingernail has a hardness of approximately
2.5. Which two minerals are softer than a human
C)plagioclase feldspar
D)selenite gypsum
23.Which mineral would most likely become rounded at
the fastest rate when tumbled along
Base your answers to questions 24 and 25 on the diagram and table below.
24.If the volume of mineral sample A is 28 cubic centimeters, sample A is most likely
25.The original shape of mineral sample A was altered when it was hit with a rock hammer. Which
physical property caused the mineral to break as it did?
26.Which mineral will scratch fluorite, galena, and
27.Which diagram best shows the grain size of some
common sedimentary rocks?
28.A nonvesicular rock is made entirely of green
2-millimeter-diameter crystals that have a hardness
of 6.5 and show fracture, but notcleavage. The rock
is most likely
29.Scratching a mineral against a glass plate is a
method used for determining the mineral's
Base your answers to questions 30 and 31 on the data table below and on your knowledge of Earth
science. The table provides information about four minerals, A through D.
30.The diagram below represents a sample of mineral A.
Mineral A is most likely
A)talcB)selenite gypsum
31.Which mineral can scratch A, B, and C, but can not scratch D?
32.The diagram below shows four mineral samples, each having approximately the same mass.
If all four samples are placed together in a closed, dry container and shaken vigorously for 10
minutes, which mineral sample would experience the most abrasion?
33.The photograph below shows an outcrop where a
light-colored, igneous rock is cross cut by a
dark-colored, igneous rock.
This fine-grained, dark-colored, igneous rock is
most likely
34.Which mineral shows no cleavage, has a hardness of
7, and a composition of SiO
35.Which mineral is white or colorless, has a hardness
of 2.5, and splits with cubic cleavage?
36.Base your answer to the following question on
the passage and map below. The map shows the generalized landscape regions of Vermont.
Landscape Regions of Vermont
Most of Vermont's landscape regions consist of ancient, weathered mountains that were covered by
several ice sheets during the last ice age. When the ice melted, sand, cobbles, and boulders were
deposited throughout the state, Vermont is divided into six landscape regions.
(1) The Vermont Lowlands region has a mild climate, with Lake Champlain moderating its
(2) The Green Mountains run the length of Vermont and were formed over 400 million years ago.
Most of the bedrock is metamorphic and the region is known for its deposits of talc and asbestos.
(3) The Taconic Mountains extend into New York State. Slate and marble are commonly mined in
this region.
(4) The Valley of Vermont is a narrow valley between two mountain ranges. Most of the bedrock in
the region is limestone and marble.
(5) The Vermont Piedmont covers the largest area of the state. This region consists of rolling hills and
valleys. Granite mining is an important industry.
(6) The Northeast Highlands is a mountainous region composed of granite bedrock.
Some of the bedrock in the Green Mountains is actually green in color because of the presence of the
mineral chlorite. Which other mineral can cause rocks to appear green?
37.Which mineral has a metallic luster, a black streak,
and is an ore of iron?
A)plastic pipesB)window glass
C)drywall panelsD)iron nails
38.Which home-building material is made mostly from
the mineral gypsum?
39.Which common mineral fizzes when dilute
hydrochloric acid (HCl) is placed on it?
A)PyroxeneB)Biotite Mica
40.Which mineral has a hardness of 2.5 – 3 and makes a
good electrical insulator?
C)potassium feldspar
D)muscovite mica
41.Which mineral scratches dolomite and is scratched
by olivine?
A)cleavage and color
B)luster and color
C)hardness and streak
D)streak and cleavage
42.Which two properties are most useful in
distinguishing between galena and halite?
43.Halite has three cleavage directions at 90º to each
other. Which model best represents the shape of a
broken sample of halite?
44.The photograph below shows a piece of halite that
has been recently broken.
Which physical property of halite is demonstrated by
this pattern of breakage?
45.In which set are the rock drawings labeled with their
correct rock types?
46.Which mineral is commonly used as a food additive?
47.The diagram below shows the results of one test for
mineral identification.
Which mineral property is being tested?
D)Potassium Feldspar
48.Which mineral has a hardness of 6, and shows
Base your answers to questions 49 and 50 on map below, which shows areas where certain minerals
were mined in significant amounts during 1989.
49.The mineral wollastonite has a hardness of 4.5 to 5. Which New York State mineral could easily
scratch wollastonite?
A)making talcum powderB)vulcanizing rubber
C)polishing jewelryD)melting ice
50.What is a common use for the mineral that is mined at the southern end of the two largest Finger
51.What is the hardness of Sulfur?
A)identifying a mineral sample
B)finding the mass of a mineral sample
C)finding the density of a mineral sample
D)counting the number of cleavage surfaces of a
mineral sample
52.The data table below gives information on mineral
Moh's scale would be most useful for
53.Which mineral will scratch glass (hardness = 5.5),
but not pyrite?
C)GarnetD)Biotite Mica
54.Which mineral has a greater hardness?
A)1.8 g/cm
B)5.7 g/cm
C)6.1 g/cm
D)12.2 g/cm
55.What is the approximate density of a mineral with a
mass of 262.2 grams that displaces 46 cubic
centimeters of water?
56.Base your answer to the following question on Moh's
mineral hardness scale and on the chart below
showing the approximate hardness of some common
A)A fingernail will scratch calcite, but not quartz.
B)A fingernail will scratch quartz, but not calcite.
C)A piece of glass can be scratched by quartz,
but not by calcite.
D)A piece of glass can be scratched by calcite, but
not by quartz.
Which statement is best supported by this scale?
A)muscovite micaB)fluorite
57.The graph below shows the hardness of four
Which mineral is hard enough to scratch calcite but
is not hard enough to scratch amphibole?
58.One of the most abundant minerals in beach sand is
quartz. Which property of quartz could account for
its abundance?
A)the method by which they were formed
B)the type of rock in which they are found
C)the size of their crystals
D)their physical and chemical properties
59.Minerals are identified on the basis of
A)color, streak, and age
B)origin, exposure, and fracture
C)size, location, and luster
D)hardness, cleavage, and crystal shape
60.The internal atomic structure of a mineral most
likely determines the mineral's
Base your answers to questions 61 and 62 on the
photograph below. The photograph shows several
broken samples of the same colorless mineral.
61.Which mineral is most likely shown in the
62.Which physical property of this mineral is most
easily seen in the photograph?
A)limestone and marble
B)granite and dolostone
C)sandstone and quartzite
D)slate and conglomerate
63.Which two rocks are primarily composed of a
mineral that bubbles with acid?
64.Which mineral property is illustrated by the peeling
of muscovite mica into thin, flat sheets?
65.The data table below gives characteristics of the gemstone peridot.
Peridot is a form of the mineral
C)chemical composition
66.A student created the table below by classify six
minerals into two groups, A and B , based on a
single property.
Which property was used to classify' these minerals?
67.Which mineral is an ore of iron and has a
characteristic reddish brown streak?
68.The diagrams below represent fractured samples of
four minerals.
Which mineral property is best illustrated by the
A)rock saltB)rhyolite
69.Which rock type is most likely to be monomineralic?
A)sulfur and lead
B)sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen
C)oxygen, silicon, hydrogen, and magnesium
D)oxygen, silicon, aluminum, and iron
70.The table below shows some observed physical
properties of a mineral.
Based on these observations, the elements that make
up this mineral's composition are
A)Dolomite can scratch window glass, but can not
be scratched by a fingernail.
B)Dolomite can scratch window glass, but can not
be scratched by a steel nail.
C)Dolomite can scratch a copper penny, but
cannot be scratched by a fingernail.
D)Dolomite can scratch a copper penny, but
cannot be scratched by a steel nail.
71.The table below shows the hardness of four common
Which statement best describes the hardness of the
mineral dolomite?
Base your answers to questions 72 and 73 on
the data table below, which lists some properties of four minerals that are used as ores of zinc (Zn).
A)all four zinc minerals in the table
B)zincite, but not sphalerite, smithsonite, or willemite
C)zincite and sphalerite, but not smithsonite or willemite
D)zincite, sphalerite, and smithsonite, but not willemite
72.A mineral with a hardness of 5 would scratch
73.Which mineral belongs in the same mineral group as quartz and olivine?
A)These minerals have the same chemical and
physical properties.
B)These minerals have different chemical
properties, but they have similar physical
C)These minerals have different physical and
chemical properties, but they have identical
D)The physical and chemical properties of
these minerals determine how humans use
74.Which statement about the minerals plagioclase
feldspar, gypsum, biotite mica, and talc can best be
inferred from the chart?
A)A fingernail will scratch calcite but not
B)Calcite will be scratched by a copper penny.
C)The mineral apatite will scratch topaz.
D)A steel file has a hardness of about 7.5.
75.The diagram below shows the index minerals of
Mohs hardness scale compared with the hardness of
some common objects.
Which statement is best supported by the diagram?
A)a lubricant
B)an abrasive
C)a source of iron
D)a cementing material
76.The mineral graphite is often used as