Presidents Message
his is perhaps the most exciting academic year ever on Hofstra’s campus,
as we prepare to host the third and nal presidential debate of the 2008
election season on October 15, and again present Educate ’08, our
unprecedented series of lectures, conferences, exhibitions and events focused
on the presidency, history, politics and social issues. For the fall Educate ’08
series, we host nationally known gures such as Robert Rubin and Paul O’Neill,
George Stephanopoulos, Dee Dee Myers and Ari Fleischer, Mario Cuomo and
the Council on Foreign Relations’ Richard Haass, and many other scholars,
journalists and policymakers. The Center for Civic Engagement presents its
sixth Day of Dialogue, with nearly 50 sessions on critical issues of the day for
Democracy in Performance, a live performance featuring actors portraying
historic gures.
Many of our academic departments and centers, such as the Peter S. Kalikow
Center for the Study of the American Presidency, the National Center for
Suburban Studies, and Hofstra Entertainment, will also present events with a
presidential theme. The Hofstra Cultural Center’s popular Joseph G. Astman
International Concert Series features All American Music, while the Hofstra
Cultural Center joins the Hofstra University Museum in presenting a reunion of
the directors of Hofstra’s series of renowned presidential conferences for On the
Record: A Hofstra Presidential Conference Retrospective.
In addition to our exciting political series, the Hofstra Cultural Center and
the academic departments continue to present a variety of lectures, concerts,
dramatic performances and events that will engage and delight the entire Hofstra
and surrounding communities. The Institute for the Development of Education
in the Advanced Sciences continues its commitment to the public discussion of
science with events such as Galileo’s Muse – An Evening of Music and Physics,
while the Italian-American Lecture Series considers Politics, Italian Style:
The Hofstra Cultural Center hosts a series of excellent scholarly conferences
this fall, leading up to The Greatest: From Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali.
This November conference will be accompanied by several events, including
the Drama Department’s presentation of The Great White Hope and the Hofstra
Museum’s Art Talk lecture Float Like a Buttery: Muhammad Ali as African-
American Icon.
The Drama Department’s fall performance schedule features favorites such as
Footloose, while showcasing artistic works such as Electricidad, a resonant
updating of Sophocles’ Electra by MacArthur “Genius” Award winner Luis
Alfaro. The Hofstra Music Department, as always, has a full schedule of opera,
orchestra and musical performances.
It is an extraordinary year here at Hofstra University, and our faculty and
administration have been hard at work to ensure that 2008 is a year that our
community will never forget. I look forward to seeing you at these outstanding
Stuart Rabinowitz
Hofstra Cultural Center
he Hofstra Cultural Center is an internationally renowned
organization that includes a conference and symposium component,
lecture series, concert series, and music program. In addition,
proceedings of its conferences and symposia are published. The activities
of the Hofstra Cultural Center augment the offerings of the academic
departments of the University. It plans and coordinates conferences and
symposia in the elds of humanities, business, law, and the sciences to
promote the University as an international arena of scholarly thought and
to foster Long Island as a cultural entity.
The conference and symposium component develops educational
programs related to the cultural and interdisciplinary experience of
Hofstra students, faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as community
members and national and international scholars. The Hofstra Cultural
Center has sponsored more than 130 conferences and symposia and
has won international recognition for its presidential conference series.
Conferences, lectures, theater performances and concerts are open to
members of the Hofstra family and the community at large.
For further information, call the Hofstra Cultural Center at
(516) 463-5669 or visit hofstra.edu/culture.
Natalie Datlof Athelene A. Collins
Executive Director Senior Associate Director
Deborah S. Lom Carol D. Mallison
Assistant Director Conference Coordinator
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
On October 15, Hofstra University will host the third and
nal presidential debate of the 2008 election season. This
debate, focused on foreign policy, will be televised live
around the world.
Leading up to the debate, and up to the 2008 election,
Hofstra is proud to host Educate ’08, an unprecedented
series of lectures, conferences, artistic performances and
exhibitions, town hall meetings, and interactive forums
focused on the issues, history and politics of presidential
elections. Educate ’08 provides our students, faculty,
and the entire surrounding community with access to the
newsmakers, scholars and policymakers who have unique
insight and knowledge of the American political system.
Many of our programs and events are free and open to the
public, and we encourage you to join us for what will be
a fascinating series of events. Hofstra hosted more than
30 Educate ’08 events in spring 2008, including lectures
and presentations by Mary Matalin and James Carville,
General (Ret.) Barry McCarey, William Kristol and Maureen
Dowd, Charlie Cook, and many other scholars, historians,
journalists and policymakers.
For information on the programs related to the election and
politics scheduled so far, look for the Educate ’08 logo in
this calendar, or visit hofstra.edu/educate08. Educate ’08
is supported by the Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of
the American Presidency and the John D. Miller Fund at the
Long Island Community Foundation.
Conferences, Symposia
and Workshops
Alison Stone, senior lecturer at Lancaster University, UK, is the keynote speaker. She is
the author of Petried Intelligence: Nature in Hegel’s Philosophy (SUNY Press, 2004)
and Luce Irigaray and the Philosophy of Sexual Difference (Cambridge Press, 2006).
Dates: Friday and Saturday, September 12 and 13
Admission: For registration information, please visit
Doug Hesse, professor of English at the University of Denver, is the keynote speaker. He
is the author of Who Speaks for Writing? Ownership, Stewardship, Expertise, Ethics.
Dates: Thursday-Saturday, October 16-18
Admission: Fee
Related Event:
Theater: The Write Stu
Dates/Time: Thursday and Friday, October 16 and 17, 8 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
For additional information, please see pages 20 and 21.
ST CENTURY, PART :
Dates: Thursday and Friday, October 23 and 24
Admission: Fee
Related Event:
Lecture: Order Out of Chaos:
How Molecules Can Organize Themselves
Keynote speaker: John A. Pojman, Department of Chemistry
Louisiana State University
Date/Time: Thursday, October 23, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Dates: Thursday and Friday, November 13 and 14
Admission: Fee
Related Events:
The Great White Hope
Dates/Time: Thursday, November 13 and 20, 8 p.m.
Friday, November 14 and 21, 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 15 and 22, 8 p.m.
Sunday, November 16 and 23, 2 p.m.
Location: Black Box Theater
New Academic Building, South Campus
Fightin’ Words
Dates/Time: Thursday, Friday and Saturday
November 13, 14 and 15, 8 p.m.
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
Hofstra University Museum Exhibition:
The Greatest of All Time: Muhammad Ali
Sunday, September 21-Tuesday, December 2
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
Art Talk Series: Float Like a Buery:
Muhammad Ali as African-American Icon
A lecture by Dr. Joseph McLaren, Professor of English, Hofstra University
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 11, 4 p.m.
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
For additional information, please see pages 19, 21, 27 and
30, respectively.
For information on the above conferences and symposia, please call the
Hofstra Cultural Center at (516) 463-5669 or visit hofstra.edu/culture.
in cooperation with the
International Poetry Symposium
Dates: Thursday and Friday, October 30 and 31
Admission: Fee
Related Event:
Theater: “I Am Going to Speak …”
Date/Time: Thursday, October 30, 8 p.m.
Location: Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
For additional information, please see page 21.
For more information on this symposium, please call
Professor Miguel-Angel Zapata at (516) 463-7466.
in cooperation with the
Third Annual LGBT Symposium
The facility with which gays and lesbians move between pop cultural icons and
emblematic iconography often attests to the oft-touted camp sensitivity of the “LGBT
world.” Do “icon” and “iconography” cohabitate in the queer world? How important
is this symbolism to our culture?
Dates/Time: Friday and Saturday, November 7 and 8, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Admission: Fee
For more information on this symposium, please call
Professor David A. Powell at (516) 463-5485 or visit hofstra.edu/lgbt.
and the
With the devastating collapse of the private mortgage market, public debate has focused
on mitigating the crises for homeowners who now face delinquency and foreclosure, and
on bolstering the nancial sector. There has been far less discussion about the long-range
social and economic implications of the crisis. Hofstra University’s National Center for
Suburban Studies and the Department of Sociology have organized a one-day conference
that will consider the opportunities for the transformation of housing policy in the United
Date/Time: Saturday, November 22, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor
South Campus
Admission: Fee
For more information, please call the
National Center for Suburban Studies at (516) 463-9770.
Current Policies and Best Practices
This conference will focus on educating students with autism in general and in special
education settings. Current information will be provided on a variety of the research-
based strategies to facilitate best outcomes for individuals with Autism Spectrum
Disorder (ASD).
Date/Time: Friday, September 26, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center
North Campus
Fee: $115
$100 per person for teams of three or more (preregistration required)
How to Build the Master Schedule I
Designed to teach secondary-level staff how to build a master schedule.
Date/Time: Friday, October 10, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center
North Campus
Fee: $115
$100 per person for teams of three or more (preregistration required)
How to Build the Master Schedule II
Something new! Apply what you have learned! This optional follow-up morning
workshop will be “hands-on,” with simulated data provided for participants to build a
mock master schedule from start to nish.
Date/Time: Monday, October 20, 9 a.m.-noon
Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center
North Campus
Fee: $60 (preregistration required)
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
Students Helping Students
co-sponsored by
Students in grades 7 and 8 will have an opportunity to discuss issues facing young
people, issues not usually covered in the classroom, but inextricably linked to academic
success. The institute is designed to provide a forum for student voices to be heard and
for action plans to be developed that will promote access and equity for all students.
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 28, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center
North Campus
Fee: $35 (preregistration required)
Reaching All Children: Possibilities and Challenges in Implementing
This conference will provide information to Long Island general and special education
educators as well as administrators on skills and strategies that are particularly effective
in addressing at-risk learners. The goal of the program is not only to share information
about RTI, but to offer sessions that enable educators to apply strategies and ideas in
ways that are meaningful for their particular classrooms, schools and districts.
Date/Time: Monday, November 17, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center
North Campus
Fee: $115
$100 per person for teams of three or more (preregistration required)
AIDS Education/Prevention Conference
co-sponsored by the
Hofstra University has sponsored the Heart BEATS Conference since 2001. Teen peer
educators plan workshops on HIV and health-related issues affecting young people. Free
HIV screening is available to the University community.
Date/Time: Friday, November 21, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center
North Campus
Admission: Free (preregistration required)
th Annual Conference
Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth, Inc. (LIGALY) offers youth, K-12 and university
staff and administrators, youth counselors, and health care professionals the opportunity
to learn about the broad range of issues affecting GLBT youth.
Date/Time: Tuesday, December 2, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.
Location: Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center
North Campus
Admission: $75
$35 college student with ID
$30 high school student with ID
(preregistration required)
Secondary New Teachers Network
The network is designed to support secondary school teachers in their rst few years
in the classroom.
Date/Time: Saturday, December 6, 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Location: Hagedorn Hall, South Campus
Admission: Free (preregistration required)
Legal Clinic: Current Issues
co-sponsored by
An annual conference on major legal topics, designed for superintendents, assistant
superintendents, principals, and department chairpersons in middle and high schools.
Date/Time: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Location: 246 East Library Wing
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus
Fee: $115
$100 per person for teams of three or more (preregistration required)
For more information on these conferences/workshops or to register, please contact
Barbara Calvo in the Ofce of Professional Development at (516) 463-5750 or
IDEAS provides a focus on cutting-edge issues in science and technology for the general
public, local public and private school teachers and administrators, and college educators.
It seeks to create public visibility and enhanced understanding of advances in science and
technology. Note: Registration is not required for the free science lectures.
Galileos Muse — An Evening of Music and Physics
Using spirited and lively music from the late Renaissance (including rarely heard
compositions by Galileo’s father and brother), along with engaging narrative, this
performance re-enacts Galileo’s inspiring creative process as he combined music and
physics in an experiment that led him to formulate the Law of Falling Bodies.
Performers: Benjamin Wolff, cello and narrator;
Dongmyung Ahn, violin; Vita Wallace, violin;
Andrew Rutherford, lute; Charles Weaver, theorbo
Date/Time: Thursday, October 2, 7:30-9 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Order Out of Chaos:
How Molecules Can Organize Themselves
This lecture explores the amazing behavior of many simple chemical systems. For
example, demonstrations of oscillating reactions and traveling fronts will be presented, as
well as how unusual spatial patterns can spontaneously arise in a petri dish with standard
lab chemicals. The speaker concludes by considering how the study of such
self-organization is also of practical use to polymer science.
Speaker: John A. Pojman, Department of Chemistry
Louisiana State University
Date/Time: Thursday, October 23, 7:30-9 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
An Evening of “Crime and Wine”*
with Michael Baden, M.D.
Enjoy a glass of wine, sample some desserts, and listen to Michael Baden discuss his
experiences as a forensic pathologist. He has overseen cases ranging from the death of
John Belushi to the examination of the remains of Tsar Nicholas II and has served
as an expert witness in countless criminal cases, including the trials of Claus von Bulow
and O.J. Simpson. Dr. Baden is the host of the pioneering television series Autopsy,
which helped to inaugurate the forensic science craze.
Speaker: Michael Baden, M.D., Chief Forensic Pathologist
New York State Police Department
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 29, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Location: Hofstra University Club
David S. Mack Hall, North Campus
Admission: $50 donation per person (reservations required)
For more information or to reserve your place, please call IDEAS at (516) 463-5792.
*Proceeds from this event benet science education scholarships.
Microbial Chitchat: Silent Conversations That Move the World
Within the last decade, it has become clear that micro-organisms engage in cell-to-cell
communication. Surprisingly, some of these signals are antibiotic-like in nature, while
others stimulate the production of antimicrobial compounds by bacteria. This has
contributed to the development of the hypothesis that in nature, antibiotics are used as a
means of communication. The possibility that interference with molecular signaling may
be a new approach in the development of therapeutic agents will also be discussed.
Speaker: Joanne Willey, Department of Biology
Hofstra University
Date/Time: Thursday, October 30, 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Admission: Free
The Apollo Moon Landings: America’s Greatest Triumph or
Historys Greatest Hoax? You Decide!
Did our astronauts really walk on the moon, or was it all an elaborate 30 billion dollar
conspiracy to dupe the American public? In a fair and balanced application of scientic
methodology, Dr. Stephen Lawrence will present the competing evidence and then
discuss the best ways to critically judge between them. Dr. Lawrence will report; you
will decide!
Speaker: Stephen Lawrence, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Hofstra University
Date/Time: Thursday, November 20, 7:30-9 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Admission: Free
Contemporary Topics in Science — Part I
This course offers participants the opportunity to attend IDEAS lectures with a study
group of citizen-scientists seeking to better understand the lecture topics within the
framework of organizing science principles. Participants analyze the lecture topics
according to unifying concepts.
Speaker: Jacqueline Grennon Brooks, Department of Curriculum and Teaching
Hofstra University
Dates/Time: Thursday, September 25 and December 4, 7:30-9:15 p.m.
Location: Hagedorn Hall, South Campus
Fee: $50* (does not include cost of graduate credit)
*Can be taken for 8 hours toward professional development credit or one semester
hour of Hofstra University graduate credit.
Professional Development Day for Teachers of Science
IDEAS is offering a special day for science teachers of all levels to learn about
cutting-edge issues in their own areas of science. The day will include a keynote talk by
Janice Koch. Break-out sessions will be held for elementary science teachers and for
teachers of earth science, chemistry, biology, and physics.
Speaker: Janice Koch, Department of Curriculum and Teaching
Hofstra University
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 4, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Location: Hofstra University Club
David S. Mack Hall, North Campus
Fee: $50* (includes lunch)
*Can be taken for 6 hours toward professional development credit.
Name That Rock III — Petrography of Rocks
This workshop will focus on the microscopic examination of rocks, using petrographic
thin section analysis.
Speaker: Charles Merguerian, Department of Geology
Hofstra University
Date/Time: Saturday, January 10, 2009, 8:30 a.m-5 p.m.
Location: Gittleson Hall, South Campus
Fee: $95* (does not include cost of graduate credit)
*Can be taken for 8 hours toward professional development credit or one semester
hour of Hofstra University geology graduate credit.
Ancient Mountains, Primordial Seas:
A New York State Field Geology Workshop
This weekend eld excursion will investigate the geologic history revealed in the
natural features of southeastern New York. Everything seen on this trip will be related
to the tables and charts of the Regents Earth Science Reference Tables, focusing on the
landscape regions and history of mountain building in New York state.
Speakers: J Bret Bennington and Gail Bennington
Department of Geology
Hofstra University
Dates/Time: Depart campus Saturday, October 25, 7:30 a.m.
Return to campus, Sunday, October 26, 6 p.m.
Fee: $300* (includes lodging and transportation, but does not include cost of
graduate credit)
*Can be taken for 16 hours toward professional development credit or two semester
hours of Hofstra University geology graduate credit.
Visit hofstra.edu/IDEAS to download a registration form for any of these events, or
call (516) 463-5792 for more information. Workshop registration is accepted on a
rst-come, rst-served basis and must be accompanied by payment.
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
Date/Time: Monday, September 8, 3 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse
South Campus
Admission: Free
A panel discussion including former U.S. Treasury Secretaries
Robert Rubin and Paul O’Neill.
Moderator: Floyd Norris, Chief Financial Correspondent
The New York Times and The International Herald Tribune
Date/Time: Tuesday, September 9, 2-3:30 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse
South Campus
Admission: Free
featuring Shashi Tharoor
A lecture given by Shashi Tharoor, former under-secretary-general of the
United Nations and renowned author.
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 10, 3 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Admission: Free
George Stephanopoulos is the chief correspondent for ABC News and the anchor of
ABC’s Sunday morning program This Week with George Stephanopoulos.
Date/Time: Monday, September 15, 2 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse
South Campus
Admission: Free
featuring Lou Dobbs Tonight panelists
Michael Goodwin, Edward Rollins and Robert Zimmerman
Date/Time: Tuesday, September 16, 12:45 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Admission: Free
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 28, 3 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Admission: Free
For more information, please call the Ofce of University Relations at
(516) 463-6818 or visit hofstra.edu/educate08.
and the
A round-table moderated by Hofstra Provost Herman A. Berliner and featuring Hofstra
presidential conference directors discussing their experiences organizing the innovative
and widely acclaimed Hofstra conferences.
FDR: The Man, The Myth, The Era
Director: Herbert D. Rosenbaum, Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Harry S. Truman: The Man From Independence
Director: William F. Levantrosser, Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Dwight D. Eisenhower: Soldier, President, Statesman
Director: Eric J. Schmertz, Professor Emeritus of Law
Director: Paul F. Harper, Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Lyndon Baines Johnson: A Texan in Washington
Co-Directors: Robert C. Vogt, former Dean
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Bernard J. Firestone, Dean
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Co-Directors: Leon Friedman, Professor of Law
Professor Emeritus William F. Levantrosser
Gerald R. Ford: Restoring the Presidency
Director: Dean Bernard J. Firestone
Jimmy Carter: Keeping the Faith
Director: Professor Emeritus Herbert D. Rosenbaum
Ronald Reagan: The Fortieth President
Director: Professor Emeritus Eric J. Schmertz
Director: Professor Emeritus William F. Levantrosser
Director: Professor Emeritus Eric J. Schmertz
Date/Time: Thursday, September 18, 4-6 p.m.
Location: Rochelle and Irwin A. Lowenfeld Conference and Exhibition Hall
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 10th Floor, South Campus
Admission: Free
For more information on the round-table, please call the Hofstra Cultural Center at
(516) 463-5669 or visit hofstra.edu/educate08.
Related Events:
Hofstra University Museum Exhibitions:
The Presidents — 1933-2001:
A History of Presidential Conferences
at Hofstra University
Monday, September 8-Sunday, October 26
Location: Rochelle and Irwin A. Lowenfeld Conference and Exhibition Hall
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 10th Floor, South Campus
Monday, September 8-Monday, December 8
Location: David Filderman Gallery
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, Ninth Floor, South Campus
Admission: Free
Please call the Hofstra University Museum at (516) 463-5672 for more information
on the exhibitions.
and the
A round-table with American foreign policy experts: Nancy Soderberg, former U.S.
ambassador to the United Nations; Dr. Jay M. Parker, visiting associate professor,
Department of Government at Georgetown University; and Peter Beinart, senior fellow
for U.S. foreign policy, Council on Foreign Relations.
Date/Time: Tuesday, September 23, 12:45-2:10 p.m.
Location: 246 East Library Wing
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus
Admission: Free
A conversation with former New York Governor Mario Cuomo and
President of the Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haass.
Date/Time: Thursday, October 2, 12:45-2:10 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse
South Campus
Admission: Free
Mr. Cohen is the author of Live From the Campaign Trail: The Greatest Presidential
Campaign Speeches of the Twentieth Century and How They Shaped Modern America.
He was a speechwriter for the State Department in the Clinton administration.
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 7, 12:45-2:10 p.m.
Location: 246 East Library Wing
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus
Admission: Free
For more information, please call the Hofstra Cultural Center at (516) 463-5669 or
visit hofstra.edu/educate08.
and the
This is a multi-perspective, one-day event with sessions on public issues facing the
nation. Designed specically to help Hofstra students become informed voters and
encourage dialogue, our sixth Day of Dialogue will be open to the public this year
as part of Hofstra’s Educate ’08 initiative. The conference will feature more than 15
separate events covering both domestic and foreign policy questions. Featured foreign
policy events include returning soldiers’ views of the Iraq war, a panel on U.S. policy on
Iran, panels on how the United States is viewed by other nations and a guided dialogue
about the Israeli/Palestinian issue. Domestic policy events will tackle issues such as
the economy and energy policy, race and gender politics, and the role of religion in the
presidential election, and will feature Heritage or Hate, a documentary lm by Hofstra’s
own Dr. Gregory Smith on differing views on the meaning of the Confederate ag.
Archivist of the United States Dr. Allen Weinstein will speak during Common Hour
(11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m.).
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 24, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus
Admission: Free and open to the public
and the
at the  Presidential Debate
A day that brings to life pivotal moments in American democracy through historical
performance. The Hofstra campus will host more than two dozen actors portraying the
famous and not-so-famous Americans whose commitment to democracy shaped all our
lives. Featured is a “conversation” between Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass on
the slavery question and the rights of African Americans, among other living moments
in history, including the letters of Abigail and John Adams, the humor of journalist Will
Rogers, the poetry of Walt Whitman, President Kennedy’s inaugural address and Robert
Frost’s inauguration poetry, women’s rights from Susan B. Anthony, and America’s rst
woman presidential candidate, Victoria Woodhull, to Bella Abzug, Shirley Chisholm
and Patsy Takemoto Mink, all of whom ran for president in 1972. More than 14 events
featuring period-costumed actors – many who are professional scholar/actors – will
take place in four “revival tents” as we relive our unique history on a truly historic day.
Shows will run in one-hour segments, and each will involve several vignettes of historical
importance. Many of the performers will be available for in-character questions and
answers ON BOTH OCTOBER 14 AND 15.
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 14, 10:45 a.m.-3 p.m.
Admission: Free and open to the public
For more information, please visit hofstra.edu/educate08.
and the
The First Presidential Debate with Diana Carlin
Watching the Debates: What Goes on Behind and
in Front of the Cameras
Diana Carlin served on the advisory board for the Commission on Presidential Debates
from 1987 until 2000. In 1996, using a grant from the Ford Foundation, she developed
the DebateWatch program. Ms. Carlin is the author of the upcoming book The Third
Agenda in U.S. Presidential Debates, 1996-2004.
Speaker: Diana Carlin, University of Kansas
Date/Time: Friday, September 26, 8 p.m.
What to Look for in a Presidential Debate*
Date/Time: Thursday, October 2, 8 p.m.
The Second Presidential Debate
What to Look for in a Presidential Debate*
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 7, 8 p.m.
*Hofstra faculty will provide advice and guidance about how to watch and interpret a
presidential debate. Large-screen viewing of the debates at 9 p.m. will be followed by
panel discussions.
Location: Student Center Theater
Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus
DebateWatch events are FREE and open to the public. For more information,
please visit hofstra.edu/educate08.
Has Europe Solved the Problem of War?
Speaker: David Green, Associate Professor of Political Science
Hofstra University
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 11, 11:15a.m.-12:45p.m.
Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus
Admission: Free
For more information, please call Ofce of the Provost at (516) 463-5400.
in cooperation with the
and the
War and the  Elections
Body of War
A documentary lm directed by Phil Donahue and Ellen Spiro.
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 10, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus
Media and War
Speaker: Amy Goodman
Co-host of Democracy Now and award-winning investigative journalist
Date/Time: Thursday, September 18, 4:30-5:45 p.m.
Location: Rochelle and Irwin A. Lowenfeld Conference and Exhibition Hall
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 10th Floor, South Campus
The Question of Iran
Speaker: Hamid Dabashi, Professor of Iranian Studies and Comparative Literature
Columbia University
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 8, 11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus
All lectures are FREE.
For more information, please call the Department of Economics at (516) 463-5595 or
visit Hofstra.edu/educate08.
Politics, Italian Style: 
Speaker: Stanislao Pugliese, Professor of History
Hofstra Cultural Center Fellow
Hofstra University
Italian Fascism and America
Date/Time: Tuesday, September 16, 8 p.m.
Postwar Italy and America
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 7, 8 p.m.
Contemporary Italy and America
Date/Time: Tuesday, October 28, 8 p.m.
Location for all lectures:
West Plaza Room
Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus
Admission: Free
For more information, please call the Hofstra Cultural Center at (516) 463-5669,
Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Mr. Alam speaks about the experience of a gay Muslim living in the United States.
Date/Time: Monday, September 22, 6-8 p.m.
Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus
Admission: Free
For more information, please call Professor David A. Powell at (516) 463-5485 or
visit hofstra.edu/lgbt.
presents the
The Archaeological Institute of America is dedicated to the protection of the world’s
cultural heritage through the encouragement and support of archaeological research and
publication. A nonprot cultural and educational organization, the AIA is the oldest and
largest archaeological institution in the United States. The Long Island Society’s monthly
lectures offer members and the public an opportunity to learn the latest developments
from archaeologists and related professionals who are developing this knowledge.
The Dawn of Chocolate
Early use of chocolate among the Maya of Central America
Speaker: Dr. John Henderson, Department of Anthropology
Cornell University
Date/Time: Sunday, September 14, 2-3:30 p.m.
Excavating the ruins of one of the cities destroyed by the eruption of
Mount Vesuvius in 79 A.D.
Speaker: Dr. Lindley Vann, Department of Architecture
University of Maryland
Date/Time: Sunday, October 26, 2-3:30 p.m.
Culture, behavior, morphology and genetics
AIA Speaker: Dr. Daniel Shawn Adler, Department of Anthropology
University of Connecticut
Date/Time: Sunday, November 16, 2-3:30 p.m.
AIA members study group presentation
Speakers: Dr. Beverly Goodman, Aida Nema, Bunny Holland
Moderator: John Cummings
Date/Time: Sunday, December 14, 2-3:30 p.m.
The Art and Meaning of Ancient Egyptian Jewelry
Archaeological evidence illustrates how jewelry exemplies the nest Egyptian art
Speaker: Dr. Claire Lindgren, Department of Fine Arts
Hofstra University
Date/Time: Sunday, January 18, 2009, 2-3:30 p.m.
The Tekta
Burnu Shipwreck: Shedding New Light on Classical Ionia
Underwater excavations off the Aegean coast of Turkey reveal the remains of a small
Greek merchant ship that sank between 440 and 425 B.C.
AIA Speaker: Dr. Deborah Carlson, Department of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
Date/Time: Sunday, February 8, 2009, 2-3:30 p.m.
New Light on the Period of the Maccabees:
The largest tel site in Israel’s Upper Galilee provides evidence of political and social
interactions between Jews, Phoenicians, and Greeks in second century B.C.E. Palestine.
AIA Speaker: Dr. Andrea Berlin, Morse-Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of
Archaeology, Department of Classical and Near Eastern Studies
University of Minnesota
Date/Time: Sunday, March 15, 2009, 2-3:30 p.m.
Ancient Chinese Bronzes: Art and Ritual
A history of Chinese bronzes (ritual vessels, weapons and horse ttings) spanning the
second to rst millennium B.C.
Speaker: Dr. Jason Sun, Associate Curator, Department of Asian Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Date/Time: Sunday, April 19, 2009, 2:-3:30 p.m.
These AIA/LIS lectures are held at Hofstra University, Breslin Hall, Room 106,
South Campus, and are free.
For information on the above lectures, please call Bunny Holland, program chair, at
(516) 796-7261 or Jesse Taub, vice president for activities, at (631) 420-1564.
Joan and Donald E. Axinn
in cooperation with
Speaker: Dr. Allen Weinstein
National Archivist of the United States
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 24, 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m
Location: 246 East Library Wing
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, South Campus
Admission: Free
Related Event:
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 24, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus
For more information, please see page 13.
For more information, please contact Georgina Martorella at (516) 463-4980 or
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
Monday, September 15-Saturday, November 15
An exhibition of photos, documents, ephemera and publications related to
U.S. presidents.
Dates: Monday, September 15-Saturday, November 15
Location: Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library
Main Level and Ground Level Display Cases
Time: Main Level Hours: Library Hours of Operation
Ground Level: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Admission: Free
For more information, please call Geri Solomon at (516) 463-6407.
Hofstra Law School
Speaker: To be announced.
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 12, 11:10 a.m.
Location: Hofstra Law School, South Campus
Admission: Free
For information, please call Dawn Marzella at (516) 463-6889.
Theater and Dance
by Luis Alfaro
directed by Peter Sander
MacArthur “Genius” Award winner Luis Alfaro has fashioned a comic, intense and
resonant updating of Sophocles’ Electra. Transplanting the Greek drama to the Los
Angeles barrio, Alfaro draws from his own personal experiences and his gift as a poet to
depict the members of a Chicano family striving desperately to live fullled lives in the
shadow of their gang-dominated heritage. Electricidad was the winner of a prestigious
production grant from The Kennedy Center Fund for New American Plays.
“A vibrant, vital and thoroughly unforgettable myth for the modern age”
Los Angeles Entertainment
Dates/Time: Friday, October 3 and 10, 8 p.m.
Saturday, October 4 and 11, 8 p.m.
Sunday, October 5 and 12, 2 p.m.
Thursday, October 9, 8 p.m.
Location: Black Box Theater
New Academic Building, South Campus
Tickets: $10 general admission
$8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning September 16.
Electricidad Symposium
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 24, 11:30 a.m.
Location: Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater, South Campus
Admission: Free
stage adaption by Dean Pitchford and Walter Bobbie
special guest director/choreographer: Brett Smock
music by Tom Snow
lyrics by Dean Pitchford
additional music by Eric Carmen, Sammy Hagar, Kenny Loggins, and Jim Steinman
Based on the 1984 hit lm, Footloose tells the story of a city boy’s move to a rural town
that has banned dancing. Struggling to t in, he dances his way into the hearts of his
classmates. When the high school graduating class wants to have a senior prom, he must
win over the rest of the townspeople as well. Footloose will leave you dancing in the
aisles with its energetic music and vibrant staging.
Dates/Time: Friday, October 24 and 31, 8 p.m.
Saturday, October 25 and November 1, 8 p.m.
Sunday, October 26 and November 2, 2 p.m.
Thursday, October 30, 8 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse
South Campus
Tickets: $15 general admission
$12 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning October 7.
Footloose Symposium
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 15, 11:30 a.m.
Location: Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater
South Campus
Admission: Free
The Great White Hope
by Howard Sackler
directed by Royston Coppenger
The Great White tells the ctionalized story of Jack Johnson (called “Jack Jefferson” in
the play) who, in 1908, became the rst African-American heavyweight champion of the
world. As white America searches high and low for a champion capable of reclaiming
the title, Jefferson mounts a doomed battle against the forces of institutionalized racism.
Dates/Time: Thursday, November 13 and 20, 8 p.m.
Friday, November 14 and 21, 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 15 and 22, 8 p.m.
Sunday, November 16 and 23, 2 p.m.
Location: Black Box Theater
New Academic Building, South Campus
Tickets: $10 general admission
$8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning October 28.
The Great White Hope Symposium
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 5, 11:30 a.m.
Location: Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater
South Campus
Admission: Free
Presented in conjunction with the Hofstra Cultural Center conference
For additional information, please see page 4.
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
Fall Faculty Dance Concert
Exciting premieres and reconstructions of classic pieces by Hofstra faculty
choreographers and special guest artists.
Dates/Time: Thursday, November 20, 8 p.m.
Friday, November 21, 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 22, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Sunday, November 23, 2 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus
Tickets: $12 general admission
$10 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning November 24.
Fall Faculty Dance Concert Symposium
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 12, 11:30 a.m.
Location: Dance Studio, 209 Dempster Hall, South Campus
Admission: Free
For tickets and information, please call the John Cranford Adams Playhouse
Box Ofce at (516) 463-6644, M-F, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
Hofstra Entertainment
America’s award-winning musical!
music and lyrics by Sherman Edwards
book by Peter Stone
based on a concept by Sherman Edwards
directed by Sal Salerno
musical direction by William W. Williams
A sparkling re-creation of those momentous days when John Adams, Benjamin Franklin
and Thomas Jefferson, along with members of the Second Continental Congress, argued
about, voted on and signed the Declaration of Independence.
“… a most striking, most gripping musical. I recommend it without reservation”
— Clive Barnes
Dates/Time: Friday, September 12, 19, 26, 8 p.m.
Saturday, September 13, 20, 27, 8 p.m.
Sunday, September 14, 21, 28, 2 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus
Tickets: $30
$28 senior citizen (over 65)
$15 matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
$10 child under 12
$10 Hofstra faculty/staff with current HofstraCard (two-ticket maximum)
One free ticket for student with current HofstraCard
Tickets on sale now.
The Write Stu
conceived and directed by Bob Spiotto
musical direction by John Farrell
Featuring a cast of thousands! (ok, not that many …)
An imaginative and highly entertaining evening of “plays on words,” including several
short comedies by David Ives, selections from the Book of Sequels, Politically Correct
Bedtime Stories, Fractured Jewish Fairy Tales, ShrinkLits and some other “stuff” from
the pens of Abbott and Costello, George Carlin, the Marx Brothers, Woody Allen, and
Allan Sherman, among others.
Dates/Time: Thursday and Friday, October 16 and 17, 8 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets: $16
$13 senior citizen (over 65)
$10 matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning September 30.
Presented in conjunction with the Hofstra Cultural Center conference
For additional information, please see page 4.
“I Am Going to Speak …”
A Performance Inspired by the Poetry of Cesar Vallejo
conceived and performed by Bob Spiotto
Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the death of Peruvian poet, novelist and
playwright Cesar Vallejo. Weaving many of Cesar Vallejo’s more than 300 poems
together, Mr. Spiotto creates a unique performance tapestry of words, emotions and
images. Considered to be one of the most important voices in 20th-century Latin
American poetry, Cesar Vallejo combined the force of his passionate voice with intense
social commitment.
Date/Time: Thursday, October 30, 8 p.m.
Location: Emily and Jerry Spiegel Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets: $17
$14 senior citizen (over 65)
$10 matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning October 14.
Presented in conjunction with the Hofstra Cultural Center conference I AM GOING
TO SPEAK ABOUT HOPE: International Poetry Symposium Celebrating the Work
of Cesar Vallejo (1892-1938). For additional information, please see page 5.
Fightin’ Words
conceived and directed by Bob Spiotto
Performed “in the ring” and surrounded by the Hofstra University Museum’s photo
exhibition The Greatest of All Time: Muhammad Ali, this performance consists of
boxing poetry-in-performance, as well as many boxing stories, quotes and anecdotes.
This knock-out performance packs a solid punch with works by Joyce Carol Oates,
Richard Ford, Homer, George Plimpton, William Hazlitt, Maya Angelou, Langston
Hughes, O. Henry, Robert Benchley, Gene Tunney, Rod Serling, Norman Mailer,
Red Smith, and Muhammad Ali, among others.
Date/Time: Thursday, Friday and Saturday
November 13, 14 and 15, 8 p.m.
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
Tickets: $15
$12 senior citizen (over 65)
$10 matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning October 28.
(Tickets are not available online.)
Presented in conjunction with the Hofstra Cultural Center conference
For additional information, please see page 4.
Political Notes — A Politically Correct Musical Review
conceived and directed by Bob Spiotto
musical direction by John Farrell
Choreographed by Amy Dolan Fletcher
Musical selections include songs from Fiorello, The Will Rogers Follies,
Mr. President, Annie, Merrily We Roll Along, Let ’Em Eat Cake, Barnum,
Finian’s Rainbow, Miss Saigon, Pins and Needles, Face the Music, 1776,
Assassins, Li’l Abner, Louisiana Purchase, Evita, Of Thee I Sing, Pacic
Overtures, Strike Up the Band, and Camelot, not to mention some Gilbert and
Sullivan, a little School House Rock, and maybe a movie tune or two!
Dates/Time: Friday, January 9, 16, 23, 2009, 8 p.m.
Saturday, January 10, 17, 24, 2009, 8 p.m.
Sunday, January 11, 18, 25, 2009, 2 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets: $25
$23 senior citizen (over 65)
$15 matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
$10 child under 12
$10 with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard (two-ticket maximum)
Tickets on sale beginning December 9.
For tickets and information, please call the John Cranford Adams Playhouse
Box Ofce at (516) 463-6644, M-F, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m., or order tickets online at
Politics and Protest
Oscar Brand, legendary folksinger, composer and lyricist
Torrie Lloyd-Masters, guest vocalist; John Foley, guitar; Jordan Brand, bass
Join us on the musical campaign trail and enjoy some of the most humorous and telling
campaign and election songs ever composed (or decomposed for that matter!). You’ll
delight to the songs and their musical history. Selections include “Follow Washington,”
“I’m Just Wild About Harry,” “This Land Is Your Land,” and “Don’t Stop Thinking
About Tomorrow,” as well as original songs from Oscar Brand’s political musicals
How to Steal an Election and Fun and Games.
Oscar Brand is one of the foremost American folksingers, writers and interpreters of the
folk music genre. Over the course of his more than 60-year career, he has released more
than 90 albums and received numerous awards.
Date/Time: Sunday, October 5, 2 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
On the Stump
Jeff Newell’s New Trad Octet
Jeff Newell, saxophone; John Bailey, trumpet; Nate Mayland, trombone;
Marcus Rojas, tuba; David Phelps, guitar; Tricia Woods, piano;
Tom Hubbard, bass; Brian Woodruff, drums
Combining the instrumentation of a New Orleans brass band and an electric R&B group,
this free-wheeling ensemble combines its infectious rhythm and joyful humor to celebrate
the richness and eccentricities of musical politics. Travel with us from Washington to
Clinton with some John Philip Sousa and a few topical issue songs along the way.
Date/Time: Sunday, November 2, 2 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Made in America
A Musical Tribute to the Land of Opportunity
Betsyann Faiella, vocals; Ted Firth, piano; Fred Fudrucker, bass
America’s spirit of individualism, its diversity and humor are expressed through the
words and music of an eclectic mix of composers and lyricists. Made in America
showcases the music of Cole Porter, Randy Newman, Oscar Hammerstein,
Stephen Sondheim, Harold Arlen, Bruce Springsteen, Sammy Cahn and Julie Gold,
among others.
Date/Time: Sunday, December 7, 2 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets: $18
$15 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student
$10 child under 12
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning September 9.
Programs/artists are subject to change.
Doors open 20 minutes prior to performance.
Late arrivals will be seated at the discretion of management.
For tickets and information, please call the John Cranford Adams Playhouse
Box Ofce at (516) 463-6644, M-F, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
in cooperation with the
Treasures of Sephardic Song
The Gerard Edery Ensemble
Date/Time: Sunday, November 23, 1 p.m.
Location: Student Center Theater
Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus
Tickets: $16
$14 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student
$10 child under 12
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning Friday, November 4.
For tickets and information, please call the John Cranford Adams Playhouse
Box Ofce at (516) 463-6644, M-F, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
presents the
A varied program featuring the faculty of the Department of Music. Proceeds from this
concert will benet a local school district.
Date/Time: Friday, October 3, 8 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets: $15 general admission
$12 senior citizen (over 65), Hofstra student with current HofstraCard, or
matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
Tickets on sale beginning September 16.
American Chamber Ensemble
Blanche Abram and Naomi Drucker, co-directors
Performers include Chris Finckel, violoncello; Marilyn Sherman Lehman, piano;
Lois Martin, viola; and Eriko Sato, violin.
A program of works by Elie Siegmeister (former Hofstra professor) and Elliot Carter
to celebrate their 100th birthdays, as well as premiere performances of works by Long
Island composers.
Date/Time: Sunday, October 12, 3 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets: $15 general admission
$12 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning September 23.
Hofstra String Quartet
Featuring Alexander Sharpe, violin; Matthew Lehmann, violin; Todd Lowe, viola; and
Benjamin Wolff, violoncello.
Featuring Haydn’s String Quartet Op. 64 no. 6, Puccini’s “Crisantemi” and Schubert’s
String Quartet in D Minor: “Death and the Maiden.”
Date/Time: Sunday, November 9, 3 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets: $15 general admission
$12 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning October 21.
Hofstra Collegium Musicum
William E. Hettrick, director
“Ye Shall Have a Song”
A program of early music.
With Tammy Hensrud, soprano, and Matthew Korauss, bass.
Date/Time: Saturday, November 15, 8 p.m.
Location: First Presbyterian Church
182 First Street, Mineola, NY
Tickets: $10 general admission
$8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning October 28.
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
Hofstra Chorale and Chamber Singers
David Fryling, director
A program of selected works for a cappella choir.
Date/Time: Wednesday, November 19, 8 p.m.
Location: Cathedral of the Incarnation
Cathedral Avenue, Garden City, NY
Tickets: Available only through the Cathedral of the Incarnation ofce;
please call (516) 746-2955 for information.
$15 general admission
$5 matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
Children under 13 are admitted free.
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Hofstra Opera Theater
Isabel Milenski, artistic director
David Ramael, musical director
Featuring scenes from our most beloved operas.
Date/Time: Sunday, November 16, 3 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets: $10 general admission
$8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning October 28.
Hofstra Jazz Ensemble
David Lalama, director
The annual Peter B. Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund Concert,
with guest artist Alejandro Aviles, saxophone.
Date/Time: Sunday, November 23, 7 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets: $10 general admission
$8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning November 4.
Hofstra Symphony Orchestra
David Ramael, musical director
Featuring Chandler Carters Orchestral Suite from “Forbidden Fruit,” Antonin Dvorak’s
“New World Symphony,” and Chinese orchestral works led by guest conductor
Jiang Liu.
Date/Time: Saturday, December 6, 8 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus
Tickets: $10 general admission
$8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning November 18.
Hofstra Chorus and String Orchestra
Cindy L. Bell and David Ramael, directors
Date/Time: Tuesday, December 9, 8 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus
Tickets: $10 general admission
$8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning November 25.
Hofstra Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band
Peter Loel Boonshaft, director
A program of traditional and contemporary works for wind band.
Date/Time: Saturday, December 13, 8 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse
South Campus
Tickets: $10 general admission
$8 senior citizen (over 65) or matriculated non-Hofstra student with ID
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Tickets on sale beginning November 25.
Unless otherwise indicated, for tickets and information, please call the
John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Ofce at (516) 463-6644, M-F, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
The Department of Music has many other student recitals scheduled for the
fall 2008 semester. For more information, please call the Hofstra Music Department
at (516) 463-5490.
and the
Sikh Music Performances
These concerts commemorate the tercentennial installation of the Adi Granth as the Guru
Sahib in 1708 – marking the transformation of Sikh scripture into the personhood of a
guru. Two world-renowned exponents of Sikh Kirtan and Gurmat Sangeet will perform
to mark this important milestone in the Sikh community’s growth and development.
Bhai Baldeep Singh, vocalist, percussionist and string player; founder of
Anad Conservatory, an institute of Sikh aesthetics and culture.
Date/Time: Thursday, September 25, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Location: Student Center Theater
Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus
Admission: Free (donations are welcome)
Gurnam Singh, Chair of Sikh Music
Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India
Date/Time: Tuesday, December 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Location: Student Center Theater
Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus
Admission: Free (donations are welcome)
Related Events:
Hofstra University Continuing Education Courses:
For additional information, please see page 32.
For more information, please call the Department of Religion at (516) 463-5612.
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
The “Reel” Ireland Film Series
A series of Irish lms followed by discussion.
Films: To be announced.
Dates/Time: Thursday, September 25 and Tuesday, October 21, 5-8 p.m.
Wednesday, November 19, 5-8 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Admission: Free
For further information, please call Professor Leandra Reilly at (516) 463-5424 or
Professor Greg Maney at (516) 463-6182.
Hofstra University Museum
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
The Greatest of All Time: Muhammad Ali
Sunday, September 21-Tuesday, December 2
The photographs in this distinctive original exhibition curated by Hava Gurevich and
organized by art2art Circulating Exhibitions capture Ali’s life, including his boxing
career, family life, humanitarian work and Olympic events. Photographers include Annie
Liebovitz, Gordon Parks, Steve Shapiro, Thomas Hoepker, Sonia Katchian, and Art Shay.
Opening Reception/Educator Open House
Featuring interpretive dances by Hofstra University students
under the direction of Dyanne Harvey-Salaam; with
Senior Dance Accompanist Arthur Solari
Date/Time: Tuesday, September 23, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
Admission: Free (refreshments served)
Gallery Hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 1-5 p.m.
Closed Mondays and holiday weekends.
Related Event:
Hofstra Cultural Center Conference:
The Greatest: From Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali
Dates: Thursday and Friday, November 13 and 14
For additional information, please see page 4.
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, Ninth Floor, South Campus
The Presidents — 1933-2001:
A History of Presidential Conferences
at Hofstra University
Monday, September 8-Monday, December 8
The presidential conference series at Hofstra University began in 1982 with FDR: The
Man, The Myth, The Era, and the series has continued to examine American presidents
of the 20th century, most recently with William Jefferson Clinton: The “New Democrat”
From Hope. Photographs, documents and memorabilia from the conferences will be
exhibited, as well as Hofstra University Museum Collection artworks reecting the eras
and decades of the presidencies.
Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 1-5 p.m.
Closed holiday weekends.
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 10th Floor, South Campus
The Presidents — 1933-2001:
A History of Presidential Conferences
at Hofstra University
Monday, September 8-Sunday, October 26
The exhibition in this gallery will focus on archival photographs of Hofstra’s presidential
conferences, featuring international guest speakers and other prominent participants.
Related Event:
On the Record: A Hofstra Presidential
Conference Retrospective
Date: Thursday, September 18, 4-6 p.m.
For additional information, please see page 12.
Sacred to the Memory: Photographs by Robert Reinhardt
Friday, November 7, 2008-Friday, February 6, 2009
Robert Reinhardt’s photographs explore the “sacred ground” in cemeteries in Scotland,
where each site possesses a unique slice of history, culture, religion, art and architecture.
Once carefully manicured, nature is now rapidly reclaiming the cemeteries.
Gallery Hours: Monday/Wednesday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Tuesday, 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 1-5 p.m.
Closed holiday weekends.
Related Event:
Queer Iconography:
Third Annual LGBT Symposium
Dates: Friday and Saturday, November 7 and 8
For additional information, please see page 5.
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
Join us for the debut of our new collaborative performance series with Hofstra’s
Department of Music, where our art on view comes alive through music.
Eight Decades of American Music:
A Retrospective
The performance will include works by American composers Elliot Carter,
Leonard Bernstein, George Gershwin, Elie Siegmeister, and Jonathan Russ.
Marilyn Lehman, piano; Karen Lehman, soprano; Naomi Drucker, clarinet
Date/Time: Sunday, September 14, 3 p.m.
Location: Rochelle and Irwin A. Lowenfeld Conference and Exhibition Hall
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, 10th Floor, South Campus
Admission: $ 5 general public
$ 3 senior citizen (over 65)
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Fall Garden Tour and Gallery Talk
Join Fred Soviero, director of grounds and landscaping at Hofstra, as he highlights
the beautiful plantings, ora and fauna found in the University’s nationally recognized
arboretum. During the tour, museum professional staff will be on hand to shed light on
the Hofstra University Museum’s public art collection, one of the largest in the New York
metropolitan area and sited throughout Hofstra’s beautiful campus. The tour will include
a stop at Henry Moore’s bronze sculpture titled Upright Motive No. 9.
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 17, 3 p.m.
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery (meet for tour)
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
Admission: $ 5 general public
$ 3 senior citizen (over 65)
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Hofstra University Museum members admitted free
in collaboration with the
presents a
Moore in America at the New York Botanical Garden
Henry Moore, an artist whose work is featured in the Hofstra University Museum’s
public art collection, is one of the world’s best known and beloved 20th-century
sculptors. Experience the largest outdoor exhibition of his sculptures ever presented in a
single venue in America. The exhibition features 20 major pieces positioned throughout
the garden’s 250 acres and among its 50 gardens and plant collections.
Date/Time: Friday, October 24, 8:45 a.m.
Location: Departing from/returning to Hofstra USA Parking Field, North Campus
Fee: $110 general public
$100 Hofstra University faculty/staff with current HofstraCard or
Hofstra University Museum members
$20 for matriculated Hofstra students with HofstraCard
For more information on this excursion or to register, please call the
Hofstra University Museum at (516) 463-5672.
Frederick Douglass Circle Dedication and Reception
Join Hofstra University President Stuart Rabinowitz to celebrate the installation of artist
Vinnie Bagwell’s sculpture titled Frederick Douglass Circle. This magnicent outdoor
sculpture cast in bronze commemorates one of the most prominent gures in African-
American and U.S. history, who was a steadfast believer in the equality of all people.
Vinnie Bagwell was commissioned to create this piece after her proposal won the national
Person of Color Sculpture Competition in 2007, sponsored by Hofstra University. The
Frederick Douglass Circle will expand the scope and diversity of the University’s
outdoor sculpture collection and reafrm Hofstra’s commitment to a diverse campus
Frederick Douglass Circle Dedication
Date/Time: Wednesday, October 29, 11 a.m.
Location: Monroe Hall Lecture Center Courtyard
California Avenue, South Campus
Frederick Douglass Circle Reception
Date: Wednesday, October 29
Time: Following Dedication
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
Admission: Free (refreshments will be served)
This series is designed to stimulate dialogue and discussion. Thought-provoking dialogue
and cutting-edge issues related to the contemporary world of art and society will be the
focus of each Art Talk.
Float Like a Buery: Muhammad Ali as African-American Icon
Dr. Joseph McLaren, professor of English, Hofstra University, will discuss how the
legendary Muhammad Ali was not only a boxing champion, but also an icon, whose
signicance within the African-American community was especially important in
the 1960s.
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 11, 4 p.m.
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
Admission: $ 5 general public
$ 3 senior citizen (over 65)
One free ticket with current faculty/staff/student HofstraCard
Hofstra University Museum members admitted free
Related Events:
Hofstra Cultural Center Conference:
The Greatest: From Cassius Clay to Muhammad Ali
Dates: Thursday and Friday, November 13 and 14
The Great White Hope
Dates/Time: Thursday, November 13 and 20, 8 p.m.
Friday, November 14 and 21, 8 p.m.
Saturday, November 15 and 22, 8 p.m.
Sunday, November 16 and 23, 2 p.m.
Location: Black Box Theater
New Academic Building, South Campus
Fightin’ Words
Dates/Time: Thursday, Friday and Saturday
November 13, 14 and 15, 8 p.m.
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
For additional information, please see pages 4, 19 and 21, respectively.
sponsored by
Celebrate Art at
Join the Hofstra University Museum staff for a fun-lled day of art-making activities that
celebrate the visual arts. Our current exhibitions will be on view, and we invite you to
drop by the Museum booth to participate in art projects the whole family can enjoy.
Date/Time: Sunday, September 21, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Memorial Quad (outdoors)
South Campus
Admission: Free
Patricia Shih and Trio
Ms. Shih is a socially conscious folk singer with a very special voice. She performs
extensively for audiences of all ages, appearing on TV and radio, in clubs, concerts,
schools, libraries, major music festivals, and touring internationally. She has appeared
in concert with such luminaries as Pete Seeger, Bonnie Rait, Richie Havens, David
Bromberg, Tom Chapin, Livingston Taylor, Odetta, Billy Bragg, Janis Ian, and Peter
Yarrow, among others.
Date/Time: Saturday, October 11, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Location: Emily Lowe Gallery
Behind Emily Lowe Hall, South Campus
Admission: Free
For more information on any Hofstra University Museum exhibition or to register
for a program, please call (516) 463-5672 (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.)
or visit hofstra.edu/museum.
Hofstra University
Continuing Education
Personal Trainer Information Session/Presentation
Turn your passion for health and tness into a career. Attend this helpful introduction to
the exciting world of personal training.
Date/Time: Saturday, September 13, 10:30 a.m.-noon
Location: To be announced.
Admission: Free
Women Over 50 in Transition: The Path to Change
in cooperation with
Life often signals us that it is time to move on – sometimes subtly, sometimes more
directly. A change in one’s life situation can be brought on by death or divorce, letting go
of a dream, or a new career direction that is imposed, as in layoffs, or self-initiated, as
retirement beckons. Change forces us to leave our comfort zones as we explore life’s
challenges and possibilities. How we perceive this nuanced and mysterious time
determines how we proceed through it. In this dynamic interactive workshop, led
by Andrea Gould, Ph.D., you will explore the life transition on your own horizon and
learn how to graciously rise to its challenge.
Date/Time: Saturday, November 1, 1:30-4:30 p.m.
Location: University College Hall, North Campus
Admission: $99
$89 The Transition Network members
For more information or to register, please call (516) 463-7200 or visit ce.hofstra.edu.
Bhai Baldeep Singh, a 13th-generation Sikh Kirtan exponent (vocalist, percussionist and
string player) teaches this one-credit course, which consists of ve lectures and a concert.
The course focuses on communicating various aspects of the Sikh musical tradition as
delineated in the Sikh Scripture of Guru Granth Sahib. Bhai Baldeep Singh is also an
instrument maker, lecturer and archivist. He is the founder of Anad Conservatory, an
institute of Sikh aesthetics and culture.
Instructor: Bhai Baldeep Singh (Delhi, India)
Dates: Thursdays, September 11, 18, 25, October 2
Tuesdays, September 16, 23
Time: 6:30-8:35 p.m.
Admission: $199 non-credit students/general public
$845 for one semester hour of Hofstra University undergraduate credit
This one-credit course, taught by Dr. Gurnam Singh, includes ve lectures and a
concert. The course focuses on communicating various aspects of the Sikh musical
tradition as delineated in the Sikh Scripture of Guru Granth Sahib. Dr. Gurnam Singh is
a performer of Gurmat Sangeet and the author of a series of inuential books and articles.
He has two decades of teaching and research experience.
Instructor: Gurnam Singh, Chair of Sikh Music
Punjabi University
Patiala, Punjab, India
Dates: Tuesdays, November 18, 25, December 2, 9
Thursdays, November 20, December 4
Time: 6:30-8:35 p.m.
Admission: $199 non-credit students/general public
$845 for one semester hour of Hofstra University undergraduate credit
Related Events:
Traditional Sikh Kirtan
Date/Time: Thursday, September 25, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, December 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Location: Student Center Theater
Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center, North Campus
For additional information, please see page 26.
The free public concerts on September 25 and December 9 are sponsored by the
Bindra Chair in Sikh Studies, the Hakam Singh Endowment for a Chair in Sikh
Music, Department of Religion, and Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
For more information and to register, please call the Department of Religion at
(516) 463-5612 or Hofstra University Continuing Education at (516) 463-7200.
Special Events
The following events represent fall 2008 highlights. For a full schedule, please contact
the Ofce for Development and Alumni Affairs.
A benet performance of the award-winning musical.
Date/Time: Friday, September 12, 8 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse, South Campus
Admission: $100
Cocktail Reception begins at 6:30 p.m., Roosevelt Hall Quad, South Campus
Date/Time: Friday, September 19, 6:30 p.m.
Location: Garden City Hotel, Garden City, NY
Admission: $150
Cheer on the Hofstra Pride football team as it competes against the University of
Rhode Island. Join fellow Hofstra fans at the tent and tailgating. Watch as the
Homecoming king and queen are crowned, and enjoy the post-game party. This year’s
Homecoming theme is Great Moments in American History.
Parade of Floats
Date/Time: Saturday, September 20, 11 a.m.
Location: Parade begins on North Campus
Admission: Free
Hofstra Pride Football vs. University of Rhode Island
Date/Time: Saturday, September 20, 1 p.m.
Location: James M. Shuart Stadium, South Campus
Admission Fee
Date/Time: Monday, December 15, 6-8 p.m.
Location: Club 101, 101 Park Avenue, New York, NY
Admission: Fee
For more information on these events, tickets, or to R.S.V.P., please call the
Ofce for Development and Alumni Affairs at (516) 463-6636.
 “Great Writers, Great Readings Series
Writer: Ann Beattie, author of Chilly Scenes of Winter, Love Always,
Picturing Will and The Doctors House
Date/Time: Monday, September 15, 7 p.m.
Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus
Writer: Molly Peacock, author of ve books of poetry, including
Cornucopia: New & Selected Poems
Date/Time: Tuesday, November 18, 7 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Admission to all lectures is FREE.
For more information, please call Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at
(516) 463-5410.
A fun-lled day for the entire family, featuring crafts, food, music and more.
Date/Time: Sunday, September 21, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: South Campus, Outdoors
Tickets: $3 suggested donation
Children under 12 are admitted free.
All net proceeds benet the Hofstra University Scholarship Fund.
For more information, please call the Festival Hotline at (516) 463-6582.
Spring 2009 Events
BJ Crosby, Tony-Award winning actress and vocalist
Date/Time: Sunday, February 15, 2 p.m.
Location: Monroe Lecture Center Theater
California Avenue, South Campus
Tickets on sale beginning January 27, 2009.
For tickets and information, please call the John Cranford Adams Playhouse
Box Ofce at (516) 463-6644, M-F, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
What happened to Sacajawea after the Lewis and Clark expedition?
Speaker: Alfred Jay Bollet, M.D.
Former Clinical Professor of Medicine
Yale University School of Medicine
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 18, 8 p.m.
Location: Leo A. Guthart Cultural Center Theater
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library, First Floor, South Campus
Admission: Free
Date/Time: Sunday, March 15, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Location: Physical Fitness Center, North Campus
Tickets: $3 suggested donation
Children under 12 are admitted free.
Date/Time: Sunday, May 3
Location: South Campus, Outdoors
Tickets: $3 suggested donation
Children under 12 are admitted free.
All net proceeds benet the Hofstra University Scholarship Fund.
For more information, please call the Festival Hotline at (516) 463-6582.
Dates: Thursday-Saturday, March 12-14
Dates: Friday and Saturday, April 24 and 25
For more information, please call the Hofstra Cultural Center at (516) 463-5669 or
visit hofstra.edu/culture.
Isabel Milenski, artistic director
David Ramael, musical director
L’Incoronazione di Poppea
by Claudio Monteverdi
Dates/Time: Friday and Saturday, January 30 and 31, 8 p.m.
Sunday, February 1, 3 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse
South Campus
Tickets on sale beginning January 13, 2009.
The Magic Flute
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Fully staged production sung in English, with a 30-piece orchestra.
Dates/Time: Friday, May 15, 8 p.m.
Saturday, May 16, 2 p.m.
Location: John Cranford Adams Playhouse
South Campus
Tickets on sale beginning April 14, 2009.
For tickets and information please call the John Cranford Adams Playhouse
Box Ofce at (516) 463-6644, M-F, 11 a.m.-3:45 p.m.
To receive a detailed schedule of events and subscription information, please complete and mail
the information request card at the back of this brochure or contact the corresponding department
for details on each event.
Department of Drama and Dance .............................................. (516) 463-5454
Department of English............................................................... (516) 463-5470
Department of Music ................................................................. (516) 463-5490
Department of Religion ............................................................. (516) 463-5612
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ........................... (516) 463-5410
Hofstra Cultural Center ............................................................. (516) 463-5669
Hofstra Law School ................................................................... (516) 463-5854
Hofstra University Continuing Education ................................. (516) 463-7200
Hofstra University Museum ...................................................... (516) 463-5672
Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library ............................................ (516) 463-5962
John Cranford Adams Playhouse Box Ofce ............................ (516) 463-6644
National Center for Suburban Studies ....................................... (516) 463-9770
Ofce for Development and Alumni Affairs ............................. (516) 463-6636
Ofce of the Provost and Senior Vice President
for Academic Affairs .............................................................. (516) 463-5400
School of Education and Allied Human Services
IDEAS ................................................................................ (516) 463-5792
Ofce of Professional Development .................................. (516) 463-5750