Homeowner Assistance and Reimbursement Programs (HARP)
Things to Know
Texas General Land Office • recovery.texas.gov • 1.844.893.8937
Homeowner Assistance and Reimbursement Programs (HARP)
HARP has several layers of oversight, including federal, state, county, and city, each with its own set of regulations that must
be followed. Intake of applications and supporting documents is a process with several steps and phases. As applicants move
forward in the process, they will likely need to provide additional and/or updated information or documentation. If that information
is not provided, the application cannot move forward.
Only the applicant’s primary residence on the date of the disaster is eligible for assistance. If multiple properties are owned by
the applicant/co-applicant, a notarized written statement must be provided arming principle residency of the damaged unit and
explaining ownership of the other properties.
GLO estimates the cost of repairs that were completed or need to be completed based on the cost of industry standard materials.
Applicants may not be reimbursed for above-grade items in their homes. Likewise, GLO may not replace the same type of material
that was previously in the home. For example, travertine countertops or wood oors may be priced at the cost of laminate
countertops and ooring for reimbursement purposes or may be replaced with these materials.
Texas Senate Bill 812, passed by the 86th legislature, limits the amount that a taxing authority can increase values on homes that
sustained substantial damage during a severe weather event. Contact your local appraisal district to determine how this may affect
your property taxes after repairs are complete.
Under HARP, homeowners must stay in their homes for a one-year (reimbursement) or three-year (repair/reconstruction)
affordability period. During that time, homeowners can add onto the home or make alterations, but should be mindful of whether
those alterations will void any builder’s warranty.
Applicants that are in a oodplain and are not elevated to federally required elevation levels must be elevated before assistance
can be provided. This can result in an offer of reconstruction assistance when needed. Due to federal requirements, assistance can
never be approved for homes that remain within a oodway.
If an applicant has an income level that exceeds 120% of the Area Median Family Income (AMFI) limit and the property is in a
oodplain, they must provide proof of ood insurance and income documentation dated at the time of the storm.
If the applicant cannot prove they spent all their disaster funds on eligible repairs, a duplication of benets may exist, and the
applicant may need to use their own funds to cover a portion of the assistance costs.
If home repairs were made by the applicant before the application was submitted, receipts may be requested, and the applicant
may be asked to provide a Homeowner Self Certication of Home Repairs form to substantiate repaired items. Sweat equity is not
reimbursable and will not reduce any amounts determined to duplicate other sources of funds.
GLO only reimburses, repairs, or replaces items on the main home and not additional structures, such as sheds, fences, pools, or
Applicants should be aware of the following, in addition to what’s stated in our Overview and Program Checklist. Applicants have
a right to appeal GLO determinations. Extenuating circumstances will be considered as part of the appeals process.
HARP Program Overview
HARP Document Checklist
Homeowner Assistance and Reimbursement Programs (HARP)
Things to Know
Texas General Land Office • recovery.texas.gov • 1.844.893.8937
Per federal requirements, estimates to repair the home will include damage done by the storm in addition to any costs to bring the home
up to code.
GLO can only approve Homeowner Association (HOA) related costs if the bylaws of the HOA clearly require any items that exceed
federally eligible construction standards, such as brick siding, garages, sidewalks, and landscaping requirements.
Household composition determines the size of a reconstructed home. Applicants cannot add household members on their application
unless they live with the applicant and the home is their primary residence.
HARP - Homeowner Reimbursement Program
Reimbursement will not be approved if the applicant cannot resolve amounts that are determined to duplicate other disaster assistance
funds including insurance.
If reimbursement is offered and the applicant has an SBA loan, the SBA loan must be repaid before the applicant can be reimbursed for
their own out-of-pocket expenses.
Homeowners requesting reimbursement in conjunction with repair/reconstruction assistance will not receive reimbursement funds
until construction activities are complete.
Reimbursement funds must be drawn down from the federal government after approval. Homeowners should expect it may take t three
months or more after approval before the funds are deposited in their account, even if the applicant is not participating in HAP.
If applicant is requesting Small Business Administration (SBA) loan repayment, and the household income is greater than 120% of the
area median family income (AMFI), HUD must grant a hardship exception request for reimbursement to be approved. The HARP team will
help the applicant with this request.
Homes will be rebuilt within the footprint of the original structure. Changing the location of the home is only permissible if site
restrictions require the movement of the home. One example would be a home located in a oodway on a property where the home can
be moved to another portion of the property that is not in the oodway. Another example would be lot restrictions that require the home
to be rebuilt in an alternate location.
GLO may offer reconstruction if the estimated cost to repair the home, which includes items needed to comply with code requirements,
are between $52,000 and $65,000. Applicants will have the right to appeal this decision. All homes that exceed $65,000 in estimated
repair costs will be offered reconstruction. Exceptions are made for historic properties or for applicants that meet certain exceptions
outlined in the 2018/2019 State of Texas Housing Guidelines.
HARP - Homeowner Assistance Program