This form was approved by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health on January 30, 2008 and updated in Feb. 2024 Feb. 2024
Instrucons for Minnesota Standard Consent
Form to Release Health Informaon
Important: Please read all instrucons and informaon before compleng and signing the form.
An incomplete form might not be accepted. Please follow the direcons carefully. If you have any quesons about the release of
your health informaon or this form, please contact the organizaon you will list in secon 3.
This standard form was developed by the Minnesota Department of Health as required by the Minnesota Health Records Act
of 2007, Minnesota Statutes, secon 144.292, subdivision 8. The form must be accepted by a Minnesota provider as a legally
enforceable request under the Minnesota Health Records Act. If completed properly, this form must be accepted by the health
care organizaon(s), specic health care facility(ies), or specic professional(s) idened in secon 3.
A fee may be charged for the release of the health informaon.
The following are instrucons for each secon. Please type or print as clearly and completely as possible.
Include your full and complete name. If you have a sux
aer your last name (Sr., Jr., III), please provide it in the “last
name” blank with your last name. If you used a previous
name(s), please include that informaon. If you know your
medical record or paent idencaon number, please
include that informaon. All these items are used to idenfy
your health informaon and to make certain that only your
informaon is sent.
If there are quesons about how this form was lled out, this
secon gives the organizaon that will provide the health
informaon permission to speak to the person listed in this
secon. Compleng this secon is oponal.
In this secon, state who is sending your health informaon.
Please be as specic as possible. If you want to limit what
is sent, you can name a specic facility, for example Main
Street Clinic. Or name a specic professional, for example
chiropractor John Jones. Please use the specic lines.
Providing locaon informaon may help make your request
more clear. Please print “All my health care providers” in this
secon if you want health informaon from all of your health
care providers to be released.
Indicate where you would like the requested health
informaon sent. It is best to provide a complete mailing
address as not everyone will fax health informaon. A place
has been provided to indicate a deadline for providing the
health informaon. Providing a date is oponal.
5 Indicate what health informaon you want sent. If you want
to limit the health informaon that is sent to a parcular
date(s) or year(s), indicate that on the line provided.
For your protecon, it is recommended that you inial
instead of check the requested categories of health
informaon. This helps prevent others from changing your
EXAMPLE: All health informaon
If you select all health informaon, this will include any
informaon about you related to mental health evaluaon
and treatment, concerns about drug and/or alcohol use, HIV/
AIDS tesng and treatment, sexually transmied diseases and
genec informaon.
Important: There are certain types of health informaon that
require special consent by law.
Chemical dependency program informaon comes from
a program or provider that specically assesses and treats
alcohol or drug addicons and receives federal funding. This
type of health informaon is dierent from notes about a
conversaon with your physician or therapist about alcohol
or drug use. To have this type of health informaon sent,
mark or inial on the line at the boom of page 1.
Psychotherapy notes are kept by your psychiatrist,
psychologist or other mental health professional in a
separate ling system in their oce and not with your
other health informaon. For the release of psychotherapy
notes, you must complete a separate form nong only that
category. You must also name the professional who will
release the psychotherapy notes in secon 3.
Health informaon includes both wrien and oral
informaon. If you do not want to give permission for
persons in secon 3 to talk with persons in secon 4 about
your health informaon, you need to indicate that in this
Please indicate the reason for releasing the health
informaon. If you indicate markeng, please contact
the organizaon in secon 4 to determine if payment or
compensaon is involved. If payment or compensaon to the
organizaon is involved, indicate the amount.
This consent will expire one year from the date of your
signature, unless you indicate a dierent date or event.
Examples of an event are: “60 days aer I leave the hospital,”
or “once the health informaon is sent.”
Please sign and date this form. If you are a legally authorized
representave of the paent, please sign, date and indicate
your relaonship to the paent. You may be asked to provide
documents showing that you are the paent or the paents
legally authorized representave.
This form was approved by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health on January 30, 2008 and updated in August 2015 Feb. 2024
Minnesota Standard Consent Form to Release Health Informaon
First name Middle name Last name
Paent Informaon
Paent date of birth Previous name(s)
Home address
City State
Zip code
Dayme phone Email address (oponal)
Medical Record/paent ID number (oponal)
Contact for informaon about how this form was lled out (oponal)
First name
I give permission for the organizaon(s) listed in secon 3 permission to talk to
Last name about how this form was completed.
This person can be reached at: Dayme phone Email address (oponal)
I am requesng health informaon be released from at least one of the following:
Organizaon(s) name
Specic health care facility or locaon(s)
Specic health care professionals name(s)
I am requesng that health informaon be sent to:
Organizaon(s) name
First name Last nameAnd/or person:
Mailing address
City State Zip code
Phone (oponal) Fax (oponal)
Informaon needed by (date)
Informaon to be released
IMPORTANT: indicate only the informaon that you are authorizing to be released.
Specic dates/years of treatment
All health informaon (see descripon in instrucons for what is included)
OR to only release specic porons of your health informaon, indicate the categories to be released:
Laboratory report
Emergency room report
Surgical report
Other informaon or instrucons
Mental health
Discharge summary
Progress notes
Care plan
HIV/AIDS tesng
Radiology report
Radiology image(s)
Photographs, video, digital or other images
Billing records
The following informaon requires special consent by law. Even if you indicate all health informaon, you must
specically request the following informaon in order for it to be released:
Chemical dependency program (see denion in instrucons)
Psychotherapy notes (this consent cannot be combined with any other; see instrucons)
This form was approved by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Health on January 30, 2008 and updated in Feb. 2024 Feb. 2024
Minnesota Standard Consent Form to Release Health Informaon
Health informaon includes wrien and oral informaon
By indicang any of the categories in secon 5, you are giving permission for wrien informaon to be released and for a
person in secon 3 to talk to a person in secon 4 about your health informaon.
If you do not want to give your permission for a person in secon 3 to talk to a person in secon 4 about your health
informaon, indicate that here (check mark or inials)
Reasons for releasing informaon
Insurance applicaon
Appeal denial of Social Security Disability income or benets
Markeng purposes (payment or compensaon involved?
Sale (payment or compensaon to enty maintaining the informaon?
Other (please explain)
Paents request
Review paents current care
Treatment/connued care
NO YES, amount )
I understand that by signing this form, I am requesng that the health informaon specied in Secon 5 be sent to the
third party named in secon 4.
I may stop this consent at any me by wring to the organizaon(s), facility(ies) and/or professional(s) named in secon 3.
If the organizaon, facility or professional named in secon 3 has already released health informaon based on my
consent, my request to stop will not work for that health informaon.
I understand that when the health informaon specied in secon 5 is sent to the third party named in secon 4, the
informaon could be re-disclosed by the third party that receives it and may no longer be protected by federal or state
privacy laws.
I understand that if the organizaon named in secon 4 is a health care provider they will not condion treatment,
payment, enrollment or eligibility for benets on whether I sign the consent form.
If I choose not to sign this form and the organizaon named in secon 4 is an insurance company, my failure to sign will
not impact my treatment; I may not be able to get new or dierent insurance; and/or I may not be able to get insurance
payment for my care.
This consent will end one year from the date the form is signed unless I indicate an earlier date or event here:
Or specic event
Paents signature
OR legally authorized representave’s signature
Representave’s relaonship to paent (parent, guardian, etc.)
The Genec Informaon Nondiscriminaon Act of 2008 (GINA) prohibits employers and other
enes covered by GINA Title II from requesng genec informaon of any individual or
family member of the individual, except as specically allowed by this law.