Computer Security Division
Information Technology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930
U.S. Department of Commerce
Rebecca M. Blank, Acting Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Patrick D. Gallagher, Under Secretary for Standards and Technology and
Information Security Continuous
Monitoring (ISCM) for Federal Information
Systems and Organizations
Kelley Dempsey
Nirali Shah Chawla
Arnold Johnson
Ronald Johnston
Alicia Clay Jones
Angela Orebaugh
Matthew Scholl
Kevin Stine
NIST Special Publication 800-137
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal information Systems and Organizations
Reports on Computer Systems Technology
The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) promotes the U.S. economy and public welfare by providing technical
leadership for the nation’s measurement and standards infrastructure. ITL develops tests, test
methods, reference data, proof of concept implementations, and technical analyses to advance the
development and productive use of information technology. ITL’s responsibilities include the
development of management, administrative, technical, and physical standards and guidelines for
the cost-effective security and privacy of other than national security-related information in
federal information systems. The Special Publication 800-series reports on ITL’s research,
guidelines, and outreach efforts in information system security, and its collaborative activities
with industry, government, and academic organizations.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal information Systems and Organizations
PAGE iii
This publication has been developed by NIST to further its statutory responsibilities under the
Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), Public Law (P.L.) 107-347. NIST is
responsible for developing information security standards and guidelines, including minimum
requirements for federal information systems, but such standards and guidelines shall not apply to
national security systems without the express approval of appropriate federal officials exercising
policy authority over such systems. This guideline is consistent with the requirements of the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130, Section 8b(3), Securing Agency
Information Systems, as analyzed in Circular A-130, Appendix IV: Analysis of Key Sections.
Supplemental information is provided in Circular A-130, Appendix III.
Nothing in this publication should be taken to contradict the standards and guidelines made
mandatory and binding on federal agencies by the Secretary of Commerce under statutory
authority. Nor should these guidelines be interpreted as altering or superseding the existing
authorities of the Secretary of Commerce, Director of the OMB, or any other federal official.
This publication may be used by nongovernmental organizations on a voluntary basis and is not
subject to copyright in the United States. Attribution would, however, be appreciated by NIST.
NIST Special Publication 800-137, 80 pages
(September 2011)
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Attn: Computer Security Division, Information Technology Laboratory
100 Bureau Drive (Mail Stop 8930) Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8930
Electronic mail: 800-137comments@nist.gov
Certain commercial entities, equipment, or materials may be identified in this document in order to
describe an experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply
recommendation or endorsement by NIST, nor is it intended to imply that the entities, materials, or
equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
There may be references in this publication to other publications currently under development by NIST
in accordance with its assigned statutory responsibilities. The information in this publication, including
concepts and methodologies, may be used by federal agencies even before the completion of such
companion publications. Thus, until each publication is completed, current requirements, guidelines,
and procedures, where they exist, remain operative. For planning and transition purposes, federal
agencies may wish to closely follow the development of these new publications by NIST.
Organizations are encouraged to review all draft publications during public comment periods and
provide feedback to NIST. All NIST publications, other than the ones noted above, are available at
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal information Systems and Organizations
The authors, Kelley Dempsey, Arnold Johnson, Matthew Scholl and Kevin Stine of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Ronald Johnston of the Department of Defense
Chief Information Officer, Defense-wide Information Assurance Program (DOD-CIO, DIAP),
Alicia Clay Jones and Angela Orebaugh of Booz Allen Hamilton, and Nirali Shah Chawla of
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC), wish to thank their colleagues who reviewed drafts of this
document and contributed to its technical content. The authors would like to acknowledge their
colleagues for their keen and insightful assistance with technical issues throughout the
development of the document. And finally, the authors gratefully acknowledge and appreciate
the significant contributions from individuals and organizations in the public and private sectors
whose thoughtful and constructive comments improved the overall quality and usefulness of this
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal information Systems and Organizations
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................... 2
1.2 RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER PUBLICATIONS .................................................................. 2
1.3 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................. 3
1.4 TARGET AUDIENCE ................................................................................................ 3
1.5 ORGANIZATION OF THIS SPECIAL PUBLICATION .......................................................... 4
HAPTER TWO THE FUNDAMENTALS .............................................................................. 5
2.1 ORGANIZATION-WIDE VIEW OF ISCM......................................................................... 6
2.2 ONGOING SYSTEM AUTHORIZATIONS ..................................................................... 10
2.3 ROLE OF AUTOMATION IN ISCM.............................................................................. 12
2.4 ISCM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................... 13
HAPTER THREE THE PROCESS ................................................................................... 16
3.1 DEFINE ISCM STRATEGY ....................................................................................... 17
3.2 ESTABLISH AN ISCM PROGRAM.............................................................................. 24
3.3 IMPLEMENT AN ISCM PROGRAM ............................................................................. 30
3.4 ANALYZE DATA AND REPORT FINDINGS .................................................................. 31
3.5 RESPOND TO FINDINGS ........................................................................................ 33
APPENDIX A REFERENCES ........................................................................................... A-1
APPENDIX B GLOSSARY .............................................................................................. B-1
APPENDIX C ACRONYMS ............................................................................................. C-1
APPENDIX D TECHNOLOGIES FOR ENABLING ISCM ......................................................... D-1
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
n todays environment where many, if not all, of an organization’s mission-critical functions
are dependent upon information technology, the ability to manage this technology and to
assure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information is now also mission-critical. In
designing the enterprise architecture and corresponding security architecture, an organization
seeks to securely meet the IT infrastructure needs of its governance structure, missions, and core
business processes. Information security is a dynamic process that must be effectively and
proactively managed for an organization to identify and respond to new vulnerabilities, evolving
threats, and an organization’s constantly changing enterprise architecture and operational
The Risk Management Framework (RMF) developed by NIST,
describes a disciplined and
structured process that integrates information security and risk management activities into the
system development life cycle. Ongoing monitoring is a critical part of that risk management
process. In addition, an organization’s overall security architecture and accompanying security
program are monitored to ensure that organization-wide operations remain within an acceptable
level of risk, despite any changes that occur. Timely, relevant, and accurate information is vital,
particularly when resources are limited and agencies must prioritize their efforts.
Information security continuous monitoring (ISCM) is defined as maintaining
ongoing awareness of information security, vulnerabilities, and threats to support
organizational risk management decisions.
Any effort or process intended to support ongoing monitoring of information security across an
organization begins with leadership defining a comprehensive ISCM strategy encompassing
technology, processes, procedures, operating environments, and people. This strategy:
Is grounded in a clear understanding of organizational risk tolerance and helps officials set
priorities and manage risk consistently throughout the organization;
Includes metrics that provide meaningful indications of security status at all organizational
Ensures continued effectiveness of all security controls;
Verifies compliance with information security requirements derived from organizational
missions/business functions, federal legislation, directives, regulations, policies, and
Is informed by all organizational IT assets and helps to maintain visibility into the security of
the assets;
Ensures knowledge and control of changes to organizational systems and environments of
operation; and
Maintains awareness of threats and vulnerabilities.
See NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-37, as amended, Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to
Federal Information Systems: A Security Life Cycle Approach.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
PAGE vii
An ISCM program is established to collect information in accordance with preestablished
metrics, utilizing information readily available in part through implemented security controls.
Organizational officials collect and analyze the data regularly and as often as needed to manage
risk as appropriate for each organizational tier. This process involves the entire organization,
from senior leaders providing governance and strategic vision to individuals developing,
implementing, and operating individual systems in support of the organizations core missions
and business processes. Subsequently, determinations are made from an organizational
perspective on whether to conduct mitigation activities or to reject, transfer, or accept risk.
Organizations’ security architectures, operational security capabilities, and monitoring processes
will improve and mature over time to better respond to the dynamic threat and vulnerability
landscape. An organization’s ISCM strategy and program are routinely reviewed for relevance
and are revised as needed to increase visibility into assets and awareness of vulnerabilities. This
further enables data-driven control of the security of an organization’s information infrastructure,
and increase organizational resilience.
Organization-wide monitoring cannot be efficiently achieved through manual processes alone or
through automated processes alone. Where manual processes are used, the processes are
repeatable and verifiable to enable consistent implementation. Automated processes, including
the use of automated support tools (e.g., vulnerability scanning tools, network scanning devices),
can make the process of continuous monitoring more cost-effective, consistent, and efficient.
Many of the technical security controls defined in NIST Special Publication (SP) 80053,
Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, as
amended, are good candidates for monitoring using automated tools and techniques. Realtime
monitoring of implemented technical controls using automated tools can provide an organization
with a much more dynamic view of the effectiveness of those controls and the security posture of
the organization. It is important to recognize that with any comprehensive information security
program, all implemented security controls, including management and operational controls, must
be regularly assessed for effectiveness, even if the monitoring of such controls cannot be
automated or is not easily automated.
Organizations take the following steps to establish, implement, and maintain ISCM:
Define an ISCM strategy;
Establish an ISCM program;
Implement an ISCM program;
Analyze data and Report findings;
Respond to findings; and
Review and Update the ISCM strategy and program.
A robust ISCM program thus enables organizations to move from compliance-driven risk
management to data-driven risk management providing organizations with information necessary
to support risk response decisions, security status information, and ongoing insight into security
control effectiveness.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
nformation security continuous monitoring (ISCM) is defined as maintaining ongoing
awareness of information security, vulnerabilities, and threats to support organizational risk
management decisions.
This publication specifically addresses assessment and analysis of
security control effectiveness and of organizational security status in accordance with
organizational risk tolerance. Security control effectiveness is measured by correctness of
implementation and by how adequately the implemented controls meet organizational needs in
accordance with current risk tolerance (i.e., is the control implemented in accordance with the
security plan to address threats and is the security plan adequate).
Maintaining situational awareness of all systems across the organization;
Organizational security status
is determined using metrics established by the organization to best convey the security posture of
an organizations information and information systems, along with organizational resilience given
known threat information. This necessitates:
Maintaining an understanding of threats and threat activities;
Assessing all security controls;
Collecting, correlating, and analyzing security-related information;
Providing actionable communication of security status across all tiers of the organization;
Active management of risk by organizational officials.
Communication with all stakeholders is key in developing the strategy and implementing the
program. This document builds on the monitoring concepts introduced in NIST SP 800-37 Rev.
1, Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A
Security Life Cycle Approach. An ISCM program helps to ensure that deployed security controls
continue to be effective and that operations remain within stated organizational risk tolerances in
light of the inevitable changes that occur over time. In cases where security controls are
determined to be inadequate, ISCM programs facilitate prioritized security response actions based
on risk.
An ISCM strategy is meaningful only within the context of broader organizational needs,
objectives, or strategies, and as part of a broader risk management strategy, enabling timely
The terms “continuous” and “ongoing” in this context mean that security controls and organizational risks are
assessed and analyzed at a frequency sufficient to support risk-based security decisions to adequately protect
organization information. Data collection, no matter how frequent, is performed at discrete intervals.
NIST SP 800-53A, as amended, defines security control effectiveness as the extent to which the controls are
implemented correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired outcome with respect to meeting the
security requirements for the system.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
management, assessment, and response to emerging security issues. Information collected
through the ISCM program supports ongoing authorization decisions.
ISCM, a critical step in an organization’s Risk Management Framework (RMF), gives
organizational officials access to security-related information on demand, enabling timely risk
management decisions, including authorization decisions. Frequent updates to security plans,
security assessment reports, plans of action and milestones, hardware and software inventories,
and other system information are also supported. ISCM is most effective when automated
mechanisms are employed where possible for data collection and reporting. Effectiveness is
further enhanced when the output is formatted to provide information that is specific, measurable,
actionable, relevant, and timely. While this document encourages the use of automation, it is
recognized that many aspects of ISCM programs are not easily automated.
The concept of monitoring information system security has long been recognized as sound
management practice. In 1997, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-130,
Appendix III
The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) of 2002 further emphasized the
importance of continuously monitoring information system security by requiring agencies to
conduct assessments of security controls at a frequency appropriate to risk, but no less than
required agencies to review their information systems security controls and to
ensure that system changes do not have a significant impact on security, that security plans
remain effective, and that security controls continue to perform as intended.
Most recently, OMB issued memorandum M-11-33, FY 2011 Reporting Instructions for the
Federal Information Security Management Act and Agency Privacy Management.
Tools supporting automated monitoring of some aspects of information systems have become an
effective means for both data capture and data analysis. Ease of use, accessibility, and broad
applicability across products and across vendors help to ensure that monitoring tools can be
readily deployed in support of near real-time, risk-based decision making.
memorandum provides instructions for annual FISMA reporting and emphasizes monitoring the
security state of information systems on an ongoing basis with a frequency sufficient to make
ongoing, risk-based decisions.
NIST SP 800-39, Managing Information Security Risk: Organization, Mission, and Information
System View, describes three key organization-wide ISCM activities: monitoring for
effectiveness, monitoring for changes to systems and environments of operation, and monitoring
See OMB Memoranda M-11-33, Question #28, for information on ongoing authorization
OMB Circular A-130 is available at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars_a130_a130trans4.
OMB memorandum M-11-33 is available at
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
for compliance. NIST SP 800-37 describes monitoring security controls at the system level (RMF
Step 6) and also includes an organization-wide perspective, integration with the system
development life cycle (SDLC), and support for ongoing authorizations. The concepts presented
in NIST SP 800-39 and NIST SP 800-37 are expanded upon in order to provide guidelines
sufficient for developing an ISCM strategy and implementing an ISCM program.
The tiered approach herein mirrors that described in NIST SP 800-37 and NIST SP 800-39 where
Tier 1 is organization, Tier 2 is mission/business processes, and Tier 3 is information systems. In
NIST SP 800-39, these tiers are used to address risk management from varying organizational
perspectives. In this document, the tiers are used to address perspectives for ISCM for each tier.
Organization-wide, tier-specific ISCM policies, procedures, and responsibilities are included for
the organization, mission/business processes, and information systems tiers. Automation is
leveraged where possible, and manual (e.g., procedural) monitoring methodologies are
implemented where automation is not practical or possible.
The ISCM program will evolve over time as the program matures in general, additional tools and
resources become available, measurement and automation capabilities mature, and changes are
implemented to ensure continuous improvement in the organizational security posture and in the
organization’s security program. The monitoring strategy is regularly reviewed for relevance and
accuracy in reflecting organizational risk tolerances, correctness of measurements, applicability
of metrics, and effectiveness in supporting risk management decisions.
The purpose of this guideline is to assist organizations in the development of an ISCM strategy
and the implementation of an ISCM program that provides awareness of threats and
vulnerabilities, visibility into organizational assets, and the effectiveness of deployed security
controls. The ISCM strategy and program support ongoing assurance that planned and
implemented security controls are aligned with organizational risk tolerance, as well as the ability
to provide the information needed to respond to risk in a timely manner.
This publication serves individuals associated with the design, development, implementation,
operation, maintenance, and disposal of federal information systems, including:
Individuals with mission/business ownership responsibilities or fiduciary responsibilities
(e.g., heads of federal agencies, chief executive officers, chief financial officers);
Individuals with information system development and integration responsibilities (e.g.,
program managers, information technology product developers, information system
developers, information systems integrators, enterprise architects, information security
Individuals with information system and/or security management/oversight responsibilities
(e.g., senior leaders, risk executives, authorizing officials, chief information officers, senior
information security officers
At the agency level, this position is known as the Senior Agency Information Security Officer. Organizations may
also refer to this position as the Chief Information Security Officer.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Individuals with information system and security control assessment and monitoring
responsibilities (e.g., system evaluators, assessors/assessment teams, independent verification
and validation assessors, auditors, or information system owners); and
Individuals with information security implementation and operational responsibilities (e.g.,
information system owners, common control providers, information owners/stewards,
mission/business owners, information security architects, information system security
The remainder of this special publication is organized as follows:
Chapter 2 describes the fundamentals of ongoing monitoring of information security in
support of risk management;
Chapter 3 describes the process of ISCM, including implementation guidelines; and
Supporting appendices provide additional information regarding ISCM including: (A) general
references; (B) definitions and terms; (C) acronyms; and (D) descriptions of technologies for
enabling ISCM.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
his chapter describes the fundamental concepts associated with organization-wide
continuous monitoring of information security and the application of ISCM in support of
organizational risk management decisions (e.g., risk response decisions, ongoing system
authorization decisions, Plans of Action and Milestones (POA&M) resource and prioritization
decisions, etc.). In order to effectively address ever-increasing security challenges, a well-
designed ISCM strategy addresses monitoring and assessment of security controls for
effectiveness, and security status monitoring.
The process of implementing ISCM as described in Chapter Three is:
It also incorporates processes to assure that
response actions are taken in accordance with findings and organizational risk tolerances and to
assure that said responses have the intended effects.
Define the ISCM strategy;
Establish an ISCM program;
Implement the ISCM program;
Analyze and Report findings;
Respond to findings; and
Review and Update ISCM strategy and program.
ISCM strategies evolve in accordance with drivers for risk-based decision making and
requirements for information. These requirements may come from any tier in the organization.
Organizations implement ISCM based on requirements of those accountable and responsible for
maintaining ongoing control of organizational security posture to within organizational risk
tolerances. The implementation is standardized across the organization to the greatest extent
possible so as to minimize use of resources (e.g., funding for purchase of tools/applications, data
calls, organization-wide policies/procedures/templates, etc.) and to maximize leveragability of
security-related information. Upon analysis, the resulting information informs the discrete
processes used to manage the organization’s security posture and overall risk. ISCM helps to
provide situational awareness of the security status of the organizations systems based on
information collected from resources (e.g., people, processes, technology, environment) and the
capabilities in place to react as the situation changes.
Organizations implement processes to manage organizational security and metrics that provide insight into those
processes and hence into organizational security status. Some of those security processes will align with individual
security controls, and others will align with components or combinations of controls. Discussions of metrics can
be found in Section 3.2.1 and in NIST SP 800-55, Performance Measurement Guide for Information Security, as
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
ISCM is a tactic in a larger strategy of organization-wide risk management.
Security-related information pertaining to a system component inventory is used to determine
compliance with CM-8 Information System Component Inventory.
increase situational awareness through enhanced monitoring capabilities and subsequently
increase insight into and control of the processes used to manage organizational security.
Increased insight into and control of security processes in turn enhances situational awareness.
Therefore, the process of implementing ISCM is recursive. ISCM informs and is informed by
distinct organizational security processes and associated requirements for input and output of
security-related information. Consider the following example:
This example illustrates how data collected in assessing a security control is leveraged to
calculate a metric and provide input into various organizational processes. It further illustrates
that a problem, once detected, can trigger an assessment of one or more controls across an
organization, updates to relevant security-related information, modifications to the organizational
security program plan and security processes, and improved compliance to the security program
and applicable system security plan. The end result is improved organization-wide risk
management and continual improvement limited only by the speed with which the organization
can collect information and respond to findings.
The information is assessed
to determine whether or not the control is effective, (i.e., if the inventory is accurate). If found to
be inaccurate, an analysis to determine the root cause of the inaccuracy is initiated (e.g., perhaps a
process for connecting components to the network has been ignored or is out of date, asset
management tools are not operating as expected, or the organization is under attack). Based on
the analysis, responses are initiated as appropriate (e.g., responsible parties update inventory,
update relevant organizational processes, train employees, disconnect errant devices, etc.).
Additionally, security-related information pertaining to a system component inventory may be
used to support predefined metrics. More accurate system component inventories support
improved effectiveness of other security domains such as patch management and vulnerability
Maintaining an up-to-date view of information security risks across an organization is a complex,
multifaceted undertaking. It requires the involvement of the entire organization, from senior
leaders providing governance and strategic vision to individuals developing, implementing, and
operating individual information systems in support of the organization’s core missions and
business functions. Figure 2-1 illustrates a tiered approach to organization-wide ISCM in support
of risk management. Tier 1 governance, risk management goals, and organizational risk tolerance
drive the ISCM strategy. Organizational risk tolerance established by senior executives/leaders as
part of the risk executive (function)
ISCM is discussed within the larger context of organization-wide risk management in NIST SP 800-39.
influences ISCM policy, procedures, and implementation
activities across all tiers. Data collection primarily occurs at the information systems tier. Metrics
are designed to present information in a context that is meaningful for each tier. For example,
ISCM data collected at Tier 3 may be aggregated to provide security status or risk scores for a
single system, for a collection of systems, across a core business process, or for the entire
organization. Policies, procedures, and tools may be established at any tier; however, when
CM-8 is a security control from the Configuration Management family in NIST SP 800-53, Appendix F.
See Section 2.4 for a discussion of roles and responsibilities of the risk executive (function).
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
established at Tiers 1 or 2, they facilitate the consistent implementation of ISCM across the
organization and better support data reuse and judicious use of resources. Data collection,
analysis, and reporting are automated where possible.
Through the use of automation, it is
possible to monitor a greater number of security metrics with fewer resources, higher frequencies,
larger sample sizes,
Care must be taken in determining how best to use security-related information from individual information
systems in calculating organizational metrics for security and risk. Dashboards and metrics, designed to provide
organizational situational awareness of security and risk, can provide a false sense of security if used without
continued assurance of the relevance of the metrics.
and with greater consistency and reliability than is feasible using manual
processes. Organizations regularly review the ISCM strategy to ensure that metrics continue to be
relevant, meaningful, actionable, and supportive of risk management decisions made by
organizational officials at all tiers.
If an organization does not have the resources or infrastructure necessary to assess every relevant object within its
information infrastructure, sampling is an approach that may be useful in reducing the level of effort associated
with continuous monitoring. Additional information is provided in Section 3.1.4.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Figure 2-1. Organization-wide ISCM
An organization-wide approach to continuous monitoring of information and information system
security supports risk-related decision making at the organization level (Tier 1), the
mission/business processes level (Tier 2), and the information systems level (Tier 3).
Tier 1 risk management activities address high-level information security governance policy as it
relates to risk to the organization as a whole, to its core missions, and to its business functions. At
this tier, the criteria for ISCM are defined by the organization’s risk management strategy,
including how the organization plans to assess, respond to, and monitor risk, and the oversight
required to ensure that the risk management strategy is effective. Security controls, security status,
and other metrics defined and monitored by officials at this tier are designed to deliver information
necessary to make risk management decisions in support of governance. Tier 1 metrics are
developed for supporting governance decisions regarding the organization, its core missions, and
NIST Special Publication 800-39, as amended, provides guidelines on the holistic approach to risk management.
Risk Tolerance/
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
its business functions. Tier 1 metrics may be calculated based on security-related information from
common, hybrid, and system-specific security controls. The metrics and the frequency with which
they are monitored
and reported are determined by requirements to maintain operations within
organizational risk tolerances. As part of the overall governance structure established by the
organization, the Tier 1 risk management strategy and the associated monitoring requirements are
communicated throughout Tiers 2 and 3.
Organizational officials that are accountable for one or more missions or business processes are
also responsible for overseeing the associated risk management activities for those processes. The
Tier 2 criteria for continuous monitoring of information security are defined by how core
mission/business processes are prioritized with respect to the overall goals and objectives of the
organization, the types of information needed to successfully execute the stated mission/business
processes, and the organization-wide information security program strategy. Controls in the
Program Management (PM) family are an example of Tier 2 security controls. These controls
address the establishment and management of the organization’s information security program.
Tier 2 controls are deployed organization-wide and support all information systems. They may be
tracked at Tier 2 or Tier 1. The frequencies with which Tier 2 security controls are assessed and
security status and other metrics are monitored are determined in part by the objectives and
priorities of the mission or business process and measurement capabilities inherent in the
Security-related information may come from common, hybrid, and system-specific
controls. Metrics and dashboards can be useful at Tiers 1 and 2 in assessing, normalizing,
communicating, and correlating monitoring activities below the mission/business processes tier in a
meaningful manner.
ISCM activities at Tier 3 address risk management from an information system perspective. These
activities include ensuring that all system-level security controls (technical, operational, and
management controls) are implemented correctly, operate as intended, produce the desired
outcome with respect to meeting the security requirements for the system, and continue to be
effective over time. ISCM activities at Tier 3 also include assessing and monitoring hybrid and
common controls implemented at the system level. Security status reporting at this tier often
includes but is not limited to security alerts, security incidents, and identified threat activities.
The ISCM strategy for Tier 3 also ensures that security-related information supports the
monitoring requirements of other organizational tiers. Data feeds/assessment results from system-
level controls (system-specific, hybrid, or common), along with associated security status
reporting, support risk-based decisions at the organization and mission/business processes tiers.
Information is tailored for each tier and delivered in ways that inform risk-based decision making
at all tiers. Those resulting decisions impact the ISCM strategy applied at the information systems
Monitoring organizationally defined metrics is referred to as security status monitoring throughout this document.
ISCM metrics originating at the information systems tier can be used to assess, respond,
As an organizations technical and human capital capabilities mature, monitoring capabilities increase.
Threat activities include malicious activities observed on organizational networks or other anomalous activities
that are indicators of inappropriate actions. See NIST SP 800-30, as amended, for more information on threats.
A continuous monitoring strategy for an individual system may also include metrics related to its potential impact
on other systems.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
and monitor risk across the organization. The ongoing monitoring activities implemented at the
information systems tier provide security-related information to authorizing officials (AOs) in
support of ongoing system authorization decisions and to the risk executive (function) in support
of ongoing organizational risk management.
At Tier 3, RMF Step 6 Monitor activities and ISCM activities are closely aligned. The assessment
methods relevant for implemented security controls are the same whether the assessments are
being done solely in support of system authorization or in support of a broader, more
comprehensive continuous monitoring effort. Information systems tier officials and staff conduct
assessments and monitoring, and analyze results on an ongoing basis. The information is
leveraged at the organization, mission/business processes, and information systems tiers to
support risk management. Though frequency requirements differ, each tier receives the benefit of
security-related information that is current and applicable to affected processes. RMF Step 6
activities performed within the context of an ISCM program support information system risk
determination and acceptance, i.e., authorization (RMF Step 5) on an ongoing basis.
Initial authorization to operate is based on evidence available at one point in time, but systems
and environments of operation change. Ongoing assessment of security control effectiveness
supports a system’s security authorization over time in highly dynamic environments of operation
with changing threats, vulnerabilities, technologies, and missions/business processes. Through
ISCM, new threat or vulnerability information is evaluated as it becomes available, permitting
organizations to make adjustments to security requirements or individual controls as needed to
maintain authorization decisions. The process for obtaining system authorization, and more
generally, for managing information security and information system-related risk, is the RMF.
The RMF, illustrated in Figure 2-2, provides a disciplined and structured process that integrates
information system security and risk management activities into the SDLC. The monitoring step
(Step 6) of the RMF includes interactions between the three tiers as illustrated in the
organizational view of ISCM in Figure 2-1. Interaction between the tiers includes data from
system owners, common control providers, and authorizing officials on security control
assessments and ongoing authorization of system and common controls provided to the risk
executive (function).
System authorization to operate may be partially dependent on assessment/monitoring and ongoing security
authorization of common controls. NIST SP 800-37, as amended, provides information on security authorization
of common controls.
There is also dissemination of updated risk-related information such as
vulnerability and threat data and organizational risk tolerance from Tiers 1 and 2 to authorizing
officials and information system owners. When the RMF is applied within an organization that
has also implemented a robust ISCM strategy, organizational officials are provided with a view of
the organizational security posture and each system’s contribution to said posture on demand.
Roles and responsibilities of organizational officials within a continuous monitoring program are discussed in
Section 2.4. NIST SP 800-37, as amended, describes the interaction of the risk executive (function) in the context
of the RMF.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Figure 2-2. Risk Management Framework
The output of a strategically designed and well-managed organization-wide ISCM program can
be used to maintain a system’s authorization to operate and keep required system information and
data (i.e., System Security Plan together with Risk Assessment Report, Security Assessment
Report, and POA&M) up to date on an ongoing basis. Security management and reporting tools
may provide functionality to automate updates to key evidence needed for ongoing authorization
decisions. ISCM also facilitates risk-based decision making regarding the ongoing authorization
to operate information systems and security authorization for common controls by providing
evolving threat activity or vulnerability information on demand. A security control assessment
and risk determination process, otherwise static between authorizations, is thus transformed into a
dynamic process that supports timely risk response actions and cost-effective, ongoing
authorizations. Continuous monitoring of threats, vulnerabilities, and security control
effectiveness provides situational awareness for risk-based support of ongoing authorization
decisions. An appropriately designed ISCM strategy and program supports ongoing authorization
of type authorizations, as well as single, joint, and leveraged authorizations.
ISCM in support of ongoing assessment and authorization has the potential to be resource-
intensive and time-consuming. It is impractical to collect security-related information and assess
every aspect of every security control deployed across an organization at all times. A more
practical approach is to establish reasonable assessment frequencies for collecting security-related
information. The frequency of assessments should be sufficient to assure adequate security
commensurate with risk, as determined by system categorization and ISCM strategy
See NIS T SP 800-37, as amended, for a discussion of authorization types.
Architecture Description
Architecture Reference Models
Segment and Solution Architectures
Mission and Business Processes
Information System Boundaries
Organizational Inputs
Laws, Directives, Policy Guidance
Strategic Goals and Objectives
Priorities and Resource Availability
Supply Chain Considerations
Repeat as necessary
Step 6
Security Controls
Step 2
Security Controls
Step 3
Security Controls
Step 4
Security Controls
Step 5
Information System
Step 1
Information System
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
requirements. Sampling of information system security objects, rather than 100 percent
inspection, can also be an efficient and effective means of monitoring, particularly in cases where
monitoring is not automated. Important considerations in determining sample sizes and
monitoring frequencies are discussed in Chapter Three.
Monitoring frequencies (e.g., annually, quarterly, monthly, daily) are not static, and they are not
uniform across all metrics. Security control assessment and monitoring frequencies, for example,
are adjusted to support changes in organizational information systems or their environments of
operation, including emerging information on security threats and vulnerabilities. The priorities
for ISCM vary and are adjusted in response to security incidents, to identify problems with
security control implementations, or to evaluate changes to systems and system components that
are determined to have a significant impact on security. An ISCM strategy can deliver dynamic
updates of security-related data to support system authorizations conducted at any interval.
Section 3.2.2 includes a more complete discussion of factors to consider when determining
monitoring frequencies.
When possible, organizations look for automated solutions to lower costs, enhance efficiency,
and improve the reliability of monitoring security-related information. Security is implemented
through a combination of people, processes, and technology. The automation of information
security deals primarily with automating aspects of security that require little human interaction.
Automated tools are often able to recognize patterns and relationships that may escape the notice
of human analysts, especially when the analysis is performed on large volumes of data. This
includes items such as verifying technical settings on individual network endpoints or ensuring
that the software on a machine is up to date with organizational policy. Automation serves to
augment the security processes conducted by security professionals within an organization and
may reduce the amount of time a security professional must spend on doing redundant tasks,
thereby increasing the amount of time the trained professional may spend on tasks requiring
human cognition.
The ISCM strategy does not focus solely on the security-related information that is easy for an
organization to collect or easy to automate. When an ISCM program is first implemented, there
will likely be several aspects of the organization’s security program that are manually monitored.
Organizations’ monitoring capabilities will expand and mature over time. Metrics will evolve
with lessons learned and with increased insight into organizational security status and risk
tolerance. The focus of an ISCM strategy is to provide adequate information about security
control effectiveness and organizational security status allowing organizational officials to make
informed, timely security risk management decisions. Thus, implementation, effectiveness, and
adequacy of all security controls are monitored along with organizational security status.
When determining the extent to which the organization automates ISCM, organizations consider
potential efficiencies of process standardization that may be gained with automation, and the
potential value (or lack of value) of the automated security-related information from a risk
management perspective. Additionally, organizations consider intangibles such as the potential
value of personnel reassignment and more comprehensive situational awareness.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
While automation of IT security has the potential to significantly reduce the amount of time a
human must spend doing certain tasks, it is not possible to fully automate all of an organization's
information security program functions. The technologies discussed in Appendix D, for example,
still require human analysis for implementation and maintenance of the tools as well as
appropriate interpretation of findings. Similarly, these tools operate within the context of
processes designed, run, and maintained by humans. If individuals carry out their responsibilities
insecurely, then the effectiveness of the technologies is compromised, and the security of the
systems and the mission/business or organizational processes supported by those systems is put in
Automation makes security-related information readily available in an environment where
ongoing monitoring needs change. Therefore, during security control implementation (RMF Step
3), consideration is given to the capabilities inherent in available technology to support ISCM as
part of the criteria in determining how best to implement a given control.
Consideration is given to ISCM tools that:
Pull information from a variety of sources (i.e., assessment objects
Use open specifications such as the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP);
Offer interoperability with other products such as help desk, inventory management,
configuration management, and incident response solutions;
Support compliance with applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies,
regulations, standards, and guidelines;
Provide reporting with the ability to tailor output and drill down from high-level, aggregate
metrics to system-level metrics; and
Allow for data consolidation into Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools
and dashboard products.
Automation supports collecting more data more frequently and from a larger and more diverse
pool of technologies, people, processes, and environments. It can therefore make comprehensive,
ongoing control of information security practical and affordable. How effective the organization
is in utilizing the monitoring results (obtained in a manual or automated fashion) still depends
upon the organizational ISCM strategy, including validity and comprehensiveness of the metrics,
as well as the processes in place to analyze monitoring results and respond to findings.
Technologies for enabling automation of some ISCM tasks are discussed in greater detail in
Appendix D.
This section describes the roles and responsibilities of key participants involved in an
organization’s ISCM program.
Widely varying missions and organizational structures may lead to
differences in naming conventions for ISCM-related roles and how specific responsibilities are
allocated among organizational personnel (e.g., multiple individuals filling a single role or one
See NIST SP 800-53A, as amended, for information on assessment objects.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
individual filling multiple roles). Roles and responsibilities commonly associated with ISCM
Head of Agency. The agency head is likely to participate in the organization’s ISCM program
within the context of the risk executive (function).
Risk Executive (Function). The risk executive (function) oversees the organizations ISCM
strategy and program. The risk executive (function) reviews status reports from the ISCM process
as input to information security risk posture and risk tolerance decisions and provides input to
mission/business process and information systems tier entities on ISCM strategy and
requirements; promotes collaboration and cooperation among organizational entities; facilitates
sharing of security-related information; provides an organization-wide forum to consider all
sources of risk; and ensures that risk information is considered for continuous monitoring
Chief Information Officer (CIO). The CIO leads the organization’s ISCM program. The CIO
ensures that an effective ISCM program is established and implemented for the organization by
establishing expectations and requirements for the organization’s ISCM program; working
closely with authorizing officials to provide funding, personnel, and other resources to support
ISCM; and maintaining high-level communications and working group relationships among
organizational entities.
Senior Information Security Officer (SISO). The SISO establishes, implements, and maintains
the organization’s ISCM program; develops organizational program guidance (i.e.,
policies/procedures) for continuous monitoring of the security program and information systems;
develops configuration management guidance for the organization; consolidates and analyzes
POA&Ms to determine organizational security weaknesses and deficiencies; acquires or develops
and maintains automated tools to support ISCM and ongoing authorizations; provides training on
the organization’s ISCM program and process; and provides support to information
owners/information system owners and common control providers on how to implement ISCM
for their information systems.
Authorizing Official (AO). The AO assumes responsibility for ensuring the organization’s ISCM
program is applied with respect to a given information system. The AO ensures the security
posture of the information system is maintained, reviews security status reports and critical
security documents and determines if the risk to the organization from operation of the
information system remains acceptable. The AO also determines whether significant information
system changes require reauthorization actions and reauthorizes the information system when
Information System Owner (ISO)/Information Owner/Steward. The ISO establishes processes
and procedures in support of system-level implementation of the organization’s ISCM program.
This includes developing and documenting an ISCM strategy for the information system;
participating in the organizations configuration management process; establishing and
maintaining an inventory of components associated with the information system; conducting
security impact analyses on changes to the information system; conducting, or ensuring conduct
of, assessment of security controls according to the ISCM strategy; preparing and submitting
security status reports in accordance with organizational policy and procedures; conducting
remediation activities as necessary to maintain system authorization; revising the system-level
security control monitoring process as required; reviewing ISCM reports from common control
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
providers to verify that the common controls continue to provide adequate protection for the
information system; and updating critical security documents based on the results of ISCM.
Common Control Provider.
Information System Security Officer (ISSO). The ISSO supports the organization’s ISCM
program by assisting the ISO in completing ISCM responsibilities and by participating in the
configuration management process.
The common control provider establishes processes and procedures
in support of ongoing monitoring of common controls. The common control provider develops
and documents an ISCM strategy for assigned common controls; participates in the organization’s
configuration management process; establishes and maintains an inventory of components
associated with the common controls; conducts security impact analyses on changes that affect
the common controls; ensures security controls are assessed according to the ISCM strategy;
prepares and submits security status reports in accordance with organizational policy/procedures;
conducts remediation activities as necessary to maintain common control authorization;
updates/revises the common security control monitoring process as required; updates critical
security documents as changes occur; and distributes critical security documents to individual
information owners/information system owners, and other senior leaders in accordance with
organizational policy/procedures.
Security Control Assessor. The security control assessor provides input into the types of security-
related information gathered as part of ISCM and assesses information system or program
management security controls for the organization’s ISCM program. The security control assessor
develops a security assessment plan for each security control; submits the security assessment
plan for approval prior to conducting assessments; conducts assessments of security controls as
defined in the security assessment plan; updates the security assessment report as changes occur
during ISCM; and updates/revises the security assessment plan as needed.
Organizations may define other roles (e.g., information system administrator, ISCM program
manager) as needed to support the ISCM process.
Organizations may have multiple common control providers.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Defining an ISCM Strategy and Implementing an ISCM Program
his chapter describes the process for developing an ISCM strategy and implementing an
ISCM program including activities at the organization, mission/business process, and
information systems tiers. A well-designed ISCM strategy encompasses security control
assessment, security status monitoring, and security status reporting in support of timely risk-
based decision making throughout the organization. It also incorporates processes to assure that
response actions are taken. An organization’s strategy for action based on the data collected is as
important (if not more important) than collecting the data. The process for developing an ISCM
strategy and implementing an ISCM program is as follows:
Define an ISCM strategy based on risk tolerance that maintains clear visibility into assets,
awareness of vulnerabilities, up-to-date threat information, and mission/business impacts.
Establish an ISCM program determining metrics, status monitoring frequencies, control
assessment frequencies, and an ISCM technical architecture.
Implement an ISCM program and collect the security-related information required for
metrics, assessments, and reporting. Automate collection, analysis, and reporting of data
where possible.
Analyze the data collected and Report findings, determining the appropriate response. It may
be necessary to collect additional information to clarify or supplement existing monitoring
Respond to findings with technical, management, and operational mitigating activities or
acceptance, transference/sharing, or avoidance/rejection.
Review and Update the monitoring program, adjusting the ISCM strategy and maturing
measurement capabilities to increase visibility into assets and awareness of vulnerabilities,
further enable data-driven control of the security of an organization’s information
infrastructure, and increase organizational resilience.
This process is depicted below in Figure 3- 1.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Figure 3-1. ISCM Process
Risk tolerance, enterprise architecture, security architecture, security configurations, plans for
changes to the enterprise architecture, and available threat information provide data that is
fundamental to the execution of these steps and to ongoing management of information security-
related risks. Security-related information is analyzed for its relevance to organizational risk
management at all three tiers.
The balance of this chapter discusses the process of ISCM, providing detail on topics not covered
by existing guidelines and referencing existing guidelines where appropriate. Primary roles,
supporting roles, expected inputs, and expected outputs are given for each process step as a guide.
Roles and responsibilities will vary across organizations as will implementation-level details of
an ISCM program.
Effective ISCM begins with development of a strategy that addresses ISCM requirements and
activities at each organizational tier (organization, mission/business processes, and information
systems). Each tier monitors security metrics and assesses security control effectiveness with
established monitoring and assessment frequencies and status reports customized to support tier-
specific decision making. Policies, procedures, tools, and templates that are implemented from
Tiers 1 and 2, or that are managed in accordance with guidance from Tiers 1 and 2, best support
shared use of data within and across tiers. The lower tiers may require information in addition to
that required at higher tiers and hence develop tier-specific strategies that are consistent with
those at higher tiers and still sufficient to address local tier requirements for decision making.
Depending on the organization, there may be overlap in the tasks and activities conducted at each
The guidelines below, though not prescriptive, helps to ensure an organization-wide approach to
ISCM that best promotes standardized methodologies and consistent practices and hence
Maps to risk tolerance
Adapts to ongoing needs
Actively involves
Continuous Monitoring
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
maximizes efficiencies and leveragability of security-related data. As changes occur, the ISCM
strategy is reviewed for relevance, accuracy in reflecting organizational risk tolerances,
correctness of measurements, and applicability of metrics. An inherent part of any ISCM strategy
is the inclusion of criteria describing the conditions that trigger a review or update of the strategy,
in addition to the preestablished frequency audit. Likewise, the organization defines criteria and
procedures for updating the ISCM program based on the revised ISCM strategy
The risk executive (function) determines the overall organizational risk tolerance and risk
mitigation strategy at the organization tier.
When developed at Tiers 1 and/or 2, the following policies, procedures, and templates facilitate
organization-wide, standardized processes in support of the ISCM strategy:
The ISCM strategy is developed and implemented to
support risk management in accordance with organizational risk tolerance. While ISCM strategy,
policy, and procedures may be developed at any tier, typically, the organization-wide ISCM
strategy and associated policy are developed at the organization tier with general procedures for
implementation developed at the mission/business processes tier. If the organization-wide
strategy is developed at the mission/business processes tier, Tier 1officials review and approve
the strategy to ensure that organizational risk tolerance across all missions and business processes
has been appropriately considered. This information is communicated to staff at the
mission/business processes and information systems tiers and reflected in mission/business
processes and information systems tier strategy, policy, and procedures.
Policy that defines key metrics;
Policy for modifications to and maintenance of the monitoring strategy;
Policy and procedures for the assessment of security control effectiveness (common, hybrid,
and system-level controls);
Policy and procedures for security status monitoring;
Policy and procedures for security status reporting (on control effectiveness and status
Policy and procedures for assessing risks and gaining threat information and insights;
Policy and procedures for configuration management and security impact analysis;
Policy and procedures for implementation and use of organization-wide tools;
Policy and procedures for establishment of monitoring frequencies;
Policy and procedures for determining sample sizes and populations and for managing object
Procedures for determining security metrics and data sources;
See NIST SP 800-39, as amended, for a discussion of the risk executive (function) roles and responsibilities.
See NIST SP 800-128, as amended, for more information on security-focused configuration management.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Templates for assessing risks; and
Templates for security status reporting (on control effectiveness and status monitoring).
Policy, procedures, and templates necessarily address manual and automated monitoring
methodologies. Additionally at these tiers, organizations establish policy and procedures for
training of personnel with ISCM roles. This may include training on management and use of
automated tools (e.g., establishing baselines and tuning of measurements to provide accurate
monitoring of operational environments). It may also include training for recognition of and
appropriate response to triggers and alerts from metrics indicating risks beyond acceptable limits,
as well as training on internal or external reporting requirements. This training may be included in
existing role-based training requirements for those with significant security roles, or it may
consist of training specifically focused on implementation of the organization’s ISCM policy and
When implementing policies, procedures, and templates developed at higher tiers, lower tiers fill
in any gaps related to their tier-specific processes. Decisions and activities by Tier 1 and 2
officials may be constrained by things such as mission/business needs, limitations of the
infrastructure (including the human components), immutable governance policies, and external
Primary Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Chief Information Officer, Senior Information
Security Officer, Authorizing Officials
Supporting Roles: Information System Owner/Common Control Provider
Expected Input: Organizational risk assessment and current risk tolerance, current threat
information, organizational expectations and priorities, available tools from OMB lines of
business and/or third-party vendors
Expected Output: Updated information on organizational risk tolerance, organization-wide
ISCM strategy and associated policy, procedures, templates, tools
The system-level ISCM strategy is developed and implemented to support risk management, not
only at the information systems tier, but at all three tiers in accordance with system and
organizational risk tolerance. Although the strategy may be defined at Tiers 1 or 2, system-
specific policy and procedures for implementation may also be developed at Tier 3. System-level
security-related information includes assessment data pertaining to system-level security controls
and metrics data obtained from system-level security controls. System owners establish a system-
level strategy for ISCM by considering factors such as the system’s architecture and operational
environment, as well as organizational and mission-level requirements,
System-level ISCM addresses monitoring security controls for effectiveness (assessments),
monitoring for security status, and reporting findings. At a minimum, all security controls,
including common and hybrid controls implemented at the system level, are assessed for
policy, procedures, and
The ISCM strategy is designed, in part, to help ensure that compromises to the security architecture are managed
in a way to prevent or minimize impact on business and mission functions.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
effectiveness in accordance with the system security plan and the methods described in NIST SP
800-53A, as amended. System owners determine assessment frequencies of security controls
based on drivers from all three tiers. A full discussion of factors to consider when determining
assessment and monitoring frequencies can be found in Section 3.2.2. System-level security-
related information is used to determine security status at all three tiers. Use of system-level
security-related information in metrics for determining security status is addressed in Section
The ISCM strategy at the information systems tier also supports ongoing authorization. Ongoing
authorization implies recurring updates to the authorization decision information in accordance
with assessment and monitoring frequencies. Assessment results from monitoring common
controls implemented and managed at the organization or mission/business process tier may be
combined with information generated at the information systems tier in order to provide the
authorizing official (AO) with a complete set of independently-generated evidence.
Primary Roles: Information System Owner/Common Control Provider, Information System
Security Officer
evidence obtained from ISCM is, at a minimum, provided to AOs as often as required by
organizational policy.
Supporting Roles: Senior Information Security Officer, Authorizing Official, Security Control
Expected Input: Organizational risk tolerance information, organizational ISCM strategy, policy,
procedures, templates, system-specific threat information, and system information (e.g., System
Security Plan, Security Assessment Report, Plan of Action and Milestones, Security Assessment
Plan, System Risk Assessment, etc.
Expected Output: System-level ISCM strategy that complements the Tier 1 and 2 strategies and
the organizational security program and that provides security status information for all tiers and
real-time updates for ongoing system authorization decisions as directed by the organizational
ISCM strategy
Tiers 1 and 2 officials have responsibilities throughout the ISCM process, including, but not
limited to, the following:
Provide input to the development of the organizational ISCM strategy including
establishment of metrics, policy, and procedures, compiling and correlating Tier 3 data into
security-related information of use at Tiers 1 and 2, policies on assessment and monitoring
frequencies, and provisions for ensuring sufficient depth and coverage when sampling
methodologies are utilized [ISCM steps: Define, Establish, Implement].
See NIST SP 800-53, CA-2, Control Enhancement 1, for specific assessor independence requirements. Assessors
need only be independent of the operation of the system. They may be from within the organizational tier, the
mission/business tier, or from within some other independent entity internal or external to the organization.
Results of assessments done by system operators can be used if they have been validated by independent
This system information is an outcome of the RMF. Electronic standardized templates and document management
systems readily support frequent updates with data generated by continuous monitoring programs.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Review monitoring results (security-related information) to determine security status in
accordance with organizational policy and definitions [ISCM step: Analyze/Report].
Analyze potential security impact to organization and mission/business process functions
resulting from changes to information systems and their environments of operation, along
with the security impact to the enterprise architecture resulting from the addition or removal
of information systems [ISCM step: Analyze/Report].
Make a determination as to whether or not current risk is within organizational risk tolerance
levels [ISCM steps: Analyze/Report, Review/Update].
Take steps to respond to risk as needed (e.g., request new or revised metrics, additional or
revised assessments, modifications to existing common or PM security controls, or additional
controls) based on the results of ongoing monitoring activities and assessment of risk [ISCM
step: Respond].
Update relevant security documentation [ISCM step: Respond].
Review new or modified legislation, directives, policies, etc., for any changes to security
requirements [ISCM step: Review/Update].
Review monitoring results to determine if organizational plans and polices should be adjusted
or updated [ISCM step: Review/Update].
Review monitoring results to identify new information on vulnerabilities [ISCM step:
Review information on new or emerging threats as evidenced by threat activities present in
monitoring results, threat modeling (asset- and attack-based), classified and unclassified
threat briefs, USCERT reports, and other information available through trusted sources,
interagency sharing, and external government sources [ISCM step: Review/Update].
Tier 3 officials have responsibilities throughout the ISCM process including, but not limited to,
the following:
Provide input to the development and implementation of the organization-wide ISCM
strategy along with development and implementation of the system level ISCM strategy
[ISCM steps: Define, Establish, Implement; RMF Step: Select].
Support planning and implementation of security controls, the deployment of automation
tools, and how those tools interface with one another in support of the ISCM strategy [ISCM
step: Implement; RMF Step: Select].
Determine the security impact of changes to the information system and its environment of
operation, including changes associated with commissioning or decommissioning the system
[ISCM step: Analyze/Report; RMF Step: Monitor].
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Assess ongoing security control effectiveness [ISCM step: Implement; RMF Steps: Assess,
Take steps to respond to risk as needed (e.g., request additional or revised assessments,
modify existing security controls, implement additional security controls, accept risk, etc.)
based on the results of ongoing monitoring activities, assessment of risk, and outstanding
items in the plan of action and milestones [ISCM step: Respond; RMF Step: Monitor].
Provide ongoing input to the security plan, security assessment report, and plan of action and
milestones based on the results of the ISCM process [ISCM step: Respond; RMF Step: 6].
Report the security status of the information system including the data needed to inform Tiers
1 and 2 metrics [ISCM step: Analyze/Report; RMF Steps: Assess, Monitor].
Review the reported security status of the information system to determine whether the risk to
the system and the organization remains within organizational risk tolerances [ISCM step:
Analyze/Report; RMF Steps: Authorize, Monitor].
Organizations may find that collecting data from every object of every system within an
organization may be impractical or cost-prohibitive. Sampling is a methodology employable with
both manual and automated monitoring that may make ISCM more cost-effective. A risk with
sampling is that the sample population may fail to capture the variations in assessment outcomes
that would be obtained from an assessment of the full population. This could result in an
inaccurate view of security control effectiveness and organizational security status.
NIST SP 800-53A, as amended, describes how to achieve satisfactory coverage when
determining sample populations for the three named assessment methods: examine, interview,
and test. The guidelines in NIST SP 800-53A for basic, focused, and comprehensive testing
NIST 800-53A provides guidelines to help address the general issue of sampling and particularly
that of coverage. In selecting a sample population, the coverage attribute is satisfied through
consideration of three criteria:
addresses the need for a “representative sample of assessment objects” or a sufficiently large
sample of assessment objects.” Statistical tools can be used to help quantify sample size.
Types of objects - ensure sufficient diversity of types of assessment objects;
Number of each type - choseenough” objects of each type to provide confidence that
assessment of additional objects will result in consistent findings; and
Specific objects per type assessed - given all of the objects of relevance throughout the
organization that could be assessed, include enough” objects per type in the sample
population to sufficiently account for the known or anticipated variance in assessment
Prior to initial authorization, the system is not included in the organization’s continuous monitoring program. This
reference to RMF 4 is relevant after the system becomes operational, and is passing through Step 4 in support of
ongoing authorization.
See NIST SP 800-53A, as amended, Appendix D.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Sample measurements are summarized into a statistic (e.g., sample mean) and the observed value
compared with the allowable value as represented by organizational risk tolerance. Statistics
calculated using sampling can become less reliable predictors of the full population if the
population is not randomly selected and if the sample size (i.e., objects to be tested) is small.
described in the NIST Engineering Statistics Handbook, when deciding how many objects to
include in sample populations, the following are considered:
Desired information (what question will the measurements help answer);
Cost and practicality of making the assessment;
Information already known about the objects, organization, or operating environments;
Anticipated variability across the total population; and
Desired confidence in resulting statistics and conclusions drawn about the total population.
Ways to achieve “increased” or “further increased grounds for confidence that a control is
implemented correctly and operating as intended across the entire organization include asking
more targeted questions, increasing the types of objects assessed, and increasing the number of
each type of object assessed.
Organizations may also target specific objects for assessment in addition to the random sample,
using the above criteria. However, sampling methods other than random sampling are used with
care to avoid introducing bias. Automated data collection and analysis can reduce the need for
Primary Roles: Information System Owner, Common Control Provider, Information System
Security Officer, Security Control Assessor
Supporting Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Authorizing Official, Chief Information Officer,
Senior Information Security Officer
Expected Input: Organizational- and system-level policy and procedures on ISCM strategy,
metrics, and the Security Assessment Plan updated with assessment and monitoring frequencies
Expected Output: Security Assessment Plan documentation on acceptable sample sizes,
security-related information
The Central Limit Theorem is a key theorem that allows one to assume that a statistic (e.g., mean) calculated from
a random sample has a normal distribution (i.e., bell curve) regardless of the underlying distribution from which
individual samples are being taken. For small sample sizes (roughly less than 30), the normal distribution
assumption tends to be good only if the underlying distribution from which random samples are being taken is
close to normal.
For detailed information on selecting sample sizes, see
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Organizations establish a program to implement the ISCM strategy. The program is sufficient to
inform risk-based decisions and maintain operations within established risk tolerances. Goals
include detection of anomalies and changes in the organization’s environments of operation and
information systems, visibility into assets, awareness of vulnerabilities, knowledge of threats,
security control effectiveness, and security status including compliance. Metrics are designed and
frequencies determined to ensure that information needed to manage risk to within organizational
risk tolerances is available. Tools, technologies, and manual and/or automated methodologies are
implemented within the context of an architecture designed to deliver the required information in
the appropriate context and at the right frequencies.
Organizations determine metrics to be used to evaluate and control ongoing risk to the
organization. Metrics, which include all the security-related information from assessments and
monitoring produced by automated tools and manual procedures, are organized into meaningful
information to support decision making and reporting requirements. Metrics should be derived
from specific objectives that will maintain or improve security posture. Metrics are developed for
system-level data to make it meaningful in the context of mission/business or organizational risk
Metrics may use security-related information acquired at different frequencies and therefore with
varying data latencies. Metrics may be calculated from a combination of security status
monitoring, security control assessment data, and from data collected from one or more security
controls. Metrics may be determined at any tier or across an organization. Some examples of
metrics are the number and severity of vulnerabilities revealed and remediated, number of
unauthorized access attempts, configuration baseline information, contingency plan testing dates
and results, and number of employees who are current on awareness training requirements, risk
tolerance thresholds for organizations, and the risk score associated with a given system
As an example, a metric that an organization might use to monitor status of authorized and
unauthorized components on a network could rely on related metrics such as physical asset
locations, logical asset locations (subnets/Internet protocol (IP) addresses), media access control
(MAC) addresses, system association, and policies/procedures for network connectivity. The
metrics would be refreshed at various frequencies in accordance with the ISCM strategy. The
metrics might be computed hourly, daily, or weekly. Though logical asset information might
change daily, it is likely that policies and procedures for network connectivity will be reviewed or
revised no more than annually. These metrics are informative only and are not recommended
metrics. They are included to assist in explaining the concept of metrics as they are applied across
tiers. Organizations define their own metrics and associated monitoring frequencies. In order to
calculate metrics, associated controls and/or their objects are assessed and monitored with
frequencies consistent with the timing requirements expressed in the metric.
It should be noted that metrics are fundamentally flawed without assurance that all security
controls are implemented correctly. Metrics are defined or calculated in accordance with output
from the security architecture. Collecting metrics from a security architecture with security
controls that have not been assessed is equivalent to using a broken or uncalibrated scale. The
interpretation of metrics data presumes that controls directly and indirectly used in the metric
calculation are implemented and working as anticipated. If a metric indicates a problem, the root
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
cause could be any number of things. Without fundamental assurance of correct implementation
and continued effectiveness of security controls that are not associated with the metric, the root
cause analysis is going to be hampered, and the analysis may be inappropriately narrowed to a
predetermined list, overlooking the true problem. For detailed information on establishing
metrics, see NIST SP 800-55, as amended.
Primary Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Chief Information Officer, Senior Information
Security Officer
Supporting Roles: Authorizing Officials, Information System Owner/Common Control Provider
Expected Input: Organizational risk assessment, organizational risk tolerance, current threat
information, reporting requirements, current vulnerability information
Expected Output: Established metrics to convey security status and security control
effectiveness at all three tiers, and to give recipients/users of reports visibility into assets,
awareness of vulnerabilities, and knowledge of threats
Determining frequencies for security status monitoring and for security control assessments are
critical functions of the organization’s ISCM program. For some organizations, dashboards and
ongoing assessments are a shift away from the model of complete security control assessments
conducted at a distinct point in time. For this shift to be constructive and effective from security,
assurance, and resource use perspectives, organizations determine the frequencies with which
each security control or control element is assessed for effectiveness and the frequencies with
which each metric is monitored.
Security control effectiveness across a tier or throughout the organization can itself be taken as a
security metric and as such may have an associated status monitoring frequency. Though
monitoring and assessment frequencies are determined for each individual metric and control,
organizations use this data of different latencies to create a holistic view of the security of each
system as well as a view of the security of the enterprise architecture. As the monitoring program
matures, monitoring and assessment frequencies are important in the context of how the data is
used and the question When did the system receive authorization to operate? will become less
meaningful than How resilient is the system?
Considerations in Determining Assessment and Monitoring Frequencies.
Organizations take the following criteria into consideration when establishing monitoring
frequencies for metrics or assessment frequencies for security controls:
Security control volatility. Volatile security controls are assessed more frequently, whether
the objective is establishing security control effectiveness or supporting calculation of a
Security control volatility is a measure of how frequently a control is likely to change over time subsequent to its
Controls in the NIST SP 800-53 Configuration Management (CM) family are a
good example of volatile controls. Information system configurations typically experience
high rates of change. Unauthorized or unanalyzed changes in the system configuration often
render the system vulnerable to exploits. Therefore, corresponding controls such as CM-6,
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Configuration Settings, and CM-8, Information System Component Inventory, may require
more frequent assessment and monitoring, preferably using automated, SCAP-validated tools
that provide alerts and status on demand. Conversely, controls such as PS-2, Position
Categorization, or PS-3, Personnel Screening, (from the NIST SP 800-53 Personnel Security
family of controls) are not volatile in most organizational settings. They tend to remain static
over long periods and would therefore typically require less frequent assessment.
System categorizations/impact levels. In general, security controls implemented on systems
that are categorized as high-impact are monitored more frequently than controls implemented
on moderate-impact systems, which are in turn monitored more frequently than controls
implemented on low-impact systems.
Security controls or specific assessment objects providing critical functions. Security
controls or assessment objects that provide critical security functions (e.g., log management
server, firewalls) are candidates for more frequent monitoring. Additionally, individual
assessment objects that support critical security functions and/or are deemed critical to the
system (in accordance with the Business Impact Analysis
Security controls with identified weaknesses. Existing risks documented in security
assessment reports (SARs) are considered for more frequent monitoring to ensure that risks
stay within tolerance. Similarly, controls documented in the POA&M as having weaknesses
are monitored more frequently until remediation of the weakness is complete. Note that not
all weaknesses require the same level of monitoring. For example, weaknesses deemed in the
SAR to be of minor or low-impact risk to the system or organization are monitored less
frequently than a weakness with a higher-impact risk to the system or organization.
) or to the organization may be
candidates for more frequent monitoring.
Organizational risk tolerance.
Threat information. Organizations consider current credible threat information, including
known exploits and attack patterns,
Organizations with a low tolerance for risk (e.g.,
organizations that process, store, or transmit large amounts of proprietary and/or personally
identifiable information (PII), organizations with numerous high-impact systems,
organizations facing specific persistent threats) monitor more frequently than organizations
with a higher tolerance for risk (e.g., organizations with primarily low- and moderate-impact
systems that process, store, or transmit very little PII and/or proprietary information).
Vulnerability information.
when establishing monitoring frequencies. For instance,
if a specific attack is developed which exploits a vulnerability of an implemented technology,
temporary or permanent increases to the monitoring frequencies for related controls or
metrics may help provide protection from the threat.
System impact levels are in accordance with FIPS 199 and NIST SP 800-60.
Organizations consider current vulnerability information with
respect to information technology products when establishing monitoring frequencies. For
See NIST SP 800-34, as amended, Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems, May 2010.
See NIST SP 800-39, as amended, for more information on how to determine organizational risk tolerance.
Attack patterns describe common methods for exploiting software, based on in-depth analysis of specific real-
world attack examples. For more information, see the Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification
(CAPEC) site at http://capec.mitre.org/.
For current vulnerability information, see http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls and http://nvd.nist.gov/.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
instance, if a specific product manufacturer provides software patches monthly, an
organization might consider conducting vulnerability scans on that product at least that often.
Risk assessment results. Results from organizational and/or system-specific assessments of
risk (either formal or informal) are examined and taken into consideration when establishing
monitoring frequencies. For instance, if a system-specific risk assessment identifies potential
threats and vulnerabilities related to nonlocal maintenance (NIST SP 800-53, MA-4), the
organization considers more frequent monitoring of the records kept on nonlocal maintenance
and diagnostic activities. If a risk scoring scheme is in place at the organization, the risk
scores may be used as justification to increase or decrease the monitoring frequencies of
related controls.
Output of monitoring strategy reviews. Review and adjustment of the monitoring strategy
is covered in detail in Section 3.6.
Reporting requirements. Reporting requirements do not drive the ISCM strategy but may
play a role in the frequency of monitoring. For instance, if OMB policy requires quarterly
reports on the number of unauthorized components detected and corrective actions taken, the
organization would monitor the system for unauthorized components at least quarterly.
Organizations focus on obtaining the data required at the determined frequencies and deploy their
human and capitol resources accordingly. As automation capability or resources are added,
organizations may consider increasing affected monitoring frequencies. Similarly, if resource
availability decreases, the organization considers adjusting affected monitoring frequencies to
ensure that security-related information is appropriately analyzed while continuing to meet
organizational risk management requirements.
Many security controls in the NIST SP 800-53 catalog have multiple implementation
requirements along with control enhancements that may also have multiple implementation
requirements. It may be necessary to assess or monitor individual control requirements and/or
control enhancements within a given control with differing frequencies. For instance, the control
AC-2, Account Management, has ten separate requirements (a. through j.) within the base control
and four control enhancements [(1) through (4)]. The monitoring frequency may vary for each
requirement in accordance with the considerations discussed. For example, AC-2a involves the
identification of account types. For a typical information system, once the account types have
been identified and documented, they are not likely to change very often. For this reason, AC-2a
is a candidate for relatively infrequent assessment. AC-2h involves the deactivation of temporary
accounts and accounts of terminated or transferred users. Since personnel regularly come and go,
a typical organization would most likely assess AC-2h on a more frequent basis than AC-2a. AC-
2 (3) requires that the system automatically disable accounts after a specified time period of
inactivity. As an automated control and one with typically high volatility, AC-2 (3) is a candidate
for relatively frequent monitoring and also may serve to automate some of the base control
requirements so that they can be monitored more frequently in accordance with the organizational
ISCM strategy.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Organization and Mission/Business Processes Tiers.
At the mission/business processes tier, the organization establishes the minimum frequency with
which each security control or metric is to be assessed or monitored. Frequencies are established
across all organizational systems and common controls based on the criteria described above in
this section. Common, hybrid, and system-specific security controls are addressed by
organization and mission/business processes tier policy and procedures. Common controls are
often inherited by a large number of organizational systems. The aggregate criticality of such
controls may require more frequent assessments than would similar controls responsible for
protecting a single system. Additionally, determining the frequency for assessing common
controls includes the organizations determination of the trustworthiness of the common control
provider. Common controls that are process-related (e.g., procedures/templates, PM controls) do
not tend to be volatile and typically do not lend themselves well to automation. Still, the
organization considers the volatility of such controls as well as related threat information when
establishing assessment frequencies.
Primary Roles: Chief Information Officer, Senior Information Security Officer
Supporting Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Authorizing Officials, Common Control Provider,
Information System Owner
Expected Input: Organizational risk assessment, organizational risk tolerance, current threat
information, reporting requirements, current vulnerability information, output from monitoring
strategy reviews
Expected Output: Organization-wide policies and procedures, recommended frequencies with
which each security control and metric is assessed or monitored
Information Systems Tier.
At the information systems tier, system owners review the minimum monitoring/assessment
frequencies established by organization and/or mission/business processes tier policy and
determine if the minimum frequencies are adequate for a given information system. For some
information systems, it may be necessary to assess specific controls or metrics with greater
frequency than prescribed by the organization, again based on the criteria described above in this
section. System owners also consider identification of specific system components that may
require more frequent monitoring than other system components (e.g., public-facing servers,
boundary protection devices, components deemed critical in the Business Impact Analysis).
Primary Roles: Information System Owner, Information System Security Officer
Supporting Roles: Authorizing Official, Senior Information Security Officer, Information
Expected Input: Organizational strategy and procedures with minimum frequencies, current
threat information, reporting requirements, current vulnerability information, output from
monitoring strategy reviews, security assessment plans
Expected Output: Security assessment plans updated to reflect the frequency with which each
system-specific security control is assessed and metrics are monitored
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Event-Driven Assessments.
Events may occur that trigger the immediate need to assess security controls or verify security
status outside of requirements expressed in the ISCM strategy. This may require an assessment
that is unplanned, but of the type defined in the ISCM strategy or a customized assessment
tailored to address an emerging need (e.g., a change in planned assessment or monitoring
frequency). For example, if a Web application is added to a system, an existing ISCM process
that includes configuration management and control, SIA, developmental vulnerability scans,
etc., may be sufficient to assess controls implemented for the new Web application.
When defining criteria for event-driven assessments, organizations consider events such as
incidents, new threat information, significant changes to systems and operating environments,
new or additional mission responsibilities, and results of a security impact analysis (SIA) or
assessment of risk.
Depending on the significance of the event, an event-driven assessment may trigger one or more
system reauthorizations.
Primary Roles: Information System Owner/Common Control Provider, Authorizing Official,
Information System Security Officer
Supporting Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Senior Information Security Officer, Security
Control Assessor
Expected Input: Organizational risk assessment, organizational risk tolerance, current threat
information, current vulnerability information, organizational priorities and expectations
Expected Output: Documented criteria and thresholds for event-driven
assessments/authorizations (e.g., significant change procedures, policy and procedures on event-
driven authorizations)
Organizations determine how the information will be collected and delivered within and between
the tiers as well as external to the organization. The core requirements of an architecture
implemented to support ISCM are data collection, data storage, data analysis capabilities, and
retrieval and presentation (reporting) capabilities. Methodologies are standardized to facilitate
efficiencies, intra- and inter-tier information exchange, correlation, and other analysis.
Organizations use automated tools, technologies, and methodologies where appropriate to allow
for increased efficiencies and insight including those gained through collection, analysis and
dissemination of large volumes of data from diverse sources. The architecture and associated
policies and procedures are designed to minimize data calls and maximize data reuse.
An example of an architecture for ISCM can be found in Draft NISTIR 7756, CAESARS Framework Extension:
An Enterprise Continuous Monitoring Technical Reference Architecture (Draft).
feeds come from a heterogeneous mix of sources (e.g., authorization packages, training records,
system logs) and accommodate different stakeholder views. Interoperable data specifications
(e.g., SCAP, XML) enable data to be collected once and reused many times. Accountability for
different facets of the security posture may reside with different roles or functions within an
organization and hence require use of raw data in different metrics and contexts and at different
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
intervals (e.g., security assessment and authorization, user awareness and training, and access
control). Similarly, organizational missions and business functions have varied requirements for
reporting and various drivers for action (e.g., changes to risk tolerance; changes in operational
environments, including evolving threat activities; security architecture adjustments, security
status reporting).
ISCM is implemented in accordance with the strategy. Security-related information (data) is
collected as required for predefined metrics, security control assessments are conducted, and the
security-related information generated is reported in accordance with organizational policies and
procedures. All security control classes (management, operational, and technical) and types
(common, hybrid, and system-specific) are included in the organizational continuous monitoring
program. Every control is monitored for effectiveness, and every control is subject to use in
monitoring security status. Data sources include people, processes, technologies, the computing
environment, as well as any existing relevant security control assessment reports.
Collection, analysis, and reporting of data are automated where possible. Whether manual or
automated, the data collected is assembled for analysis and reported to the organizational officials
charged with correlating and analyzing it in ways that are relevant for risk management activities.
As indicated in the examples above, this may mean taking data from a variety of sources,
collected at various points in time, and combining it in ways that are meaningful for the official
receiving it at the time that it is requested. Part of the implementation stage of the continuous
monitoring process is effectively organizing and delivering ISCM data to stakeholders in
accordance with decision-making requirements. Tools and methodologies are chosen for the
organization-wide ISCM architecture, in order to help ensure that risk-based decisions are
informed by accurate, current security-related information.
Discrete security processes inform and are informed by ISCM data. Organizations also use ISCM
data to inform processes that are not primarily used to control information security risk. Similarly,
data from those processes can also be used to inform the ISCM program. Examples of processes
that inform and are informed by ISCM include, but are not limited to, patch management, asset
management, license management, configuration management, vulnerability management, and
system authorization.
As described in Chapter Two, the ISCM data output from one process may serve as input to many
Primary Roles: Information System Owner, Common Control Provider, Information System
Security Officer, Security Control Assessor
Supporting Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Authorizing Official, Chief Information Officer,
Senior Information Security Officer
Expected Input: Organizational- and system-level policies and procedures on ISCM strategy,
metrics, the Security Assessment Plan updated with assessment and monitoring frequencies, and
automation specifications
Expected Outputs: Security-related information
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Organizations develop procedures for analyzing and reporting assessment and monitoring results.
This includes the specific staff/roles to receive ISCM reports, the content and format of the
reports, the frequency of reports, and any tools to be used. Also included are requirements for
analyzing and reporting results of controls that are not easily automated. It may be necessary to
collect additional data to supplement or clarify security-related information under analysis or
provided in initial reports. System- and mission/business-level staff receives and provides reports
as required by organizational and mission/business-level policies and procedures.
Organizations analyze the security-related information resulting from ISCM. It may be necessary
to collect additional data to supplement or clarify security-related information under analysis. The
information to be analyzed is provided to organizational officials in a variety of ways, such as
recurring reports, automated reports, ad hoc reports, data feeds, and database views.
Security-related information resulting from ISCM is analyzed in the context of stated risk
tolerances, the potential impact that vulnerabilities may have on information systems,
mission/business processes, and organization as a whole, and the potential impact of mitigation
options. Even with real-time or near real-time organization-specific and system-specific security-
related information, evolving vulnerability and threat data is always considered during the
analysis. Organizational officials review the analyzed reports to determine whether to conduct
mitigation activities or to transfer, avoid/reject, or accept risk. In some cases, authorizing officials
may determine that accepting some specific risk is preferable to implementing a mitigating
response. The rationale for such determinations may include organizational risk tolerance,
negative impact to mission/business processes, or cost-effectiveness/return on investment of the
implementation. Resolution of risk and the rationale for the decision is recorded in accordance
with organizational policies and procedures.
Primary Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Chief Information Officer, Senior Information
Security Officer; Authorization Officials, Security Control Assessors
Supporting Roles: Information System Owners, Common Control Providers, System Security
Expected Input: Security-related information, organizational ISCM strategy, organizational risk
tolerance, reporting requirements
Expected Output: Analysis of security status information for all tiers; updated System Security
Plan, Security Assessment Report, and Plan of Action and Milestones; revised organizational risk
management decisions
3.4.2 R
Organizations report on assessments of all implemented security controls for effectiveness in
accordance with organizational requirements. Security-related information from assessments may
be conveyed in templates or spreadsheets or collected and reported in an automated fashion. At
the system level, security-related information from assessments directly supports ongoing
authorization decisions and plans of action and milestones creation and tracking. Some security
controls or elements of security controls, by definition, are security metrics (e.g., SI-4
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Information System Monitoring). Hence, assessing the effectiveness of these controls results in
monitoring the security status of the related metric.
Staff report assessment results in accordance with organizational policies and procedures.
Reporting on additional metrics and/or assessment results may be required by higher-level
organizations such as OMB. Organizations define security status reporting requirements in the
ISCM strategy. This includes the specific staff/roles to receive ISCM reports, the content and
format of the reports, the frequency of reports, and any tools to be used.
Tier 3 officials report on findings, document any system-level mitigations made, and/or provide
recommendations to officials at Tiers 1 and 2. Organizational officials at Tiers 1 and 2 review
Tier 3 findings to determine aggregate security status and the effectiveness and adequacy of all
controls in meeting mission/business and organizational information security requirements.
Information contained within a report will vary based on its recipient, frequency, purpose,
supported tool sets, and metrics used. For example, the risk executive (function) may receive a
general report on all systems annually and a detailed report on specific high-impact systems
quarterly. The reports provided to the CIO and SISO may contain more granular technical data on
all systems quarterly, and the AO may receive monthly comprehensive reports on the systems for
which s/he is responsible. The computer incident response team (CIRT) lead may receive
exception reports when alerts are generated, and network administrators may review dashboards
showing network activity that is updated every minute, with summary metrics that are updated
hourly or daily.
Organizations also define requirements for reporting results of controls, such as PM controls, that
are not easily automated. Organizations develop procedures for collecting and reporting
assessment and monitoring results, including results that are derived via manual methods, and for
managing and collecting information from POA&Ms to be used for frequency determination,
status reporting, and monitoring strategy revision.
Organizations may consider more frequent reports for specific controls with
more volatility or on controls for which there have been weaknesses or lack of compliance.
Primary Roles: System Owner, Common Control Provider, System Security Officer, Security
Control Assessor
Supporting Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Chief Information Officer, Chief Information
Security Officer, Authorizing Official
Expected Input: Security-related information (assessment results); organizational ISCM policies
and procedures; reporting requirements from the Authorizing Official, Chief Information Officer,
Chief Information Security Officer, and/or Risk Executive (Function)
Expected Output: Reports on assessment results as required by organizational ISCM policies
and procedures and by the Authorizing Official in support of ongoing authorization (or
Organizations develop procedures for reporting on security status monitoring. Security status data
is derived from monitoring the predefined metrics across the organization using output generated
Reporting frequencies noted here are for illustrative purposes only.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
by organization-wide tools (often implemented as common controls). The organization-wide tools
may be part of a specific system or systems, but the security-related information generated may
not be system-specific.
Primary Roles: System Owner, Common Control Provider, System Security Officer, Security
Control Assessor
Supporting Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Chief Information Officer, Chief Information
Security Officer, Authorizing Official
Expected Input: Security-related information (security status data); organizational
policies and procedures; reporting requirements from the Authorizing Official, Chief Information
Officer, Chief Information Security Officer, and/or Risk Executive (Function)
Expected Output: Reports on security status as required by organizational ISCM policies and
procedures and by the Authorizing Official in support of ongoing authorization (or re-
Security-related information obtained from monitoring is analyzed and met with appropriate
responses. Response to findings at all tiers may include risk mitigation, risk acceptance, risk
avoidance/rejection, or risk sharing/transfer, in accordance with organizational risk tolerance.
Responses are coordinated with appropriate security management activities such as the security-
focused configuration management program. At Tier 1, response to findings may result in
changes to security policies around organizational governance. Tier 1’s response may be
constrained by the mission/business needs and the limitations of the enterprise architecture
(including the human components), immutable governance policies, or other external drivers. At
Tier 2, response to findings may include requests for additional security-related information, new
or modified metrics, changes in mission/business processes, or Tier 3 reporting requirements,
and/or additions or modifications to common control implementations. The Tier 2 response may
be constrained by organizational governance policies and strategies as well as mission/business
goals and objectives and limitations of organizational resources and infrastructure. At Tier 3,
mitigation strategies have a direct and immediate impact on system-level risk and responses to
findings may include implementation of additional controls, modifications to previously
implemented controls, removal of systems authorization to operate, changes to the frequency of
monitoring, and/or additional or more detailed analysis of security-related information. System-
level mitigations are made within constraints set by Tier 1 and 2 policies, requirements, and
strategies, to ensure that organizational processes are not negatively affected.
Response strategies may be implemented over a period of time, documenting implementation
plans in the system’s Plan of Action and Milestones. As weaknesses are found, response actions
are evaluated and any mitigation actions are conducted immediately or are added to the POA&M.
Other key system documents are updated accordingly.
Security controls that are modified,
enhanced, or added as part of the response step of the continuous monitoring process are assessed
For a detailed description of risk responses, see NIST SP 800-39, as amended.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
to ensure that the new or revised controls are effective in their implementations.
Going forward,
new or revised controls are included in the overall continuous monitoring strategy
Primary Roles: System Owner, Common Control Provider, System Security Officer
Supporting Roles: Authorizing Official, Senior Information Security Officer, Information
Expected Input: Reports on security status, reports on assessment results (e.g., Security
Assessment Reports), organizational- and system-level risk assessments, Security Assessment
Plans, System Security Plans, organizational procedures and templates
Expected Output: Decisions on risk responses, updated system security information (e.g.,
System Security Plans, POA&Ms, Security Assessment Reports), updated security status reports
ISCM strategies and programs are not static. Security control assessments, security status metrics,
and monitoring and assessment frequencies change in accordance with the needs of the
organization. The continuous monitoring strategy is reviewed to ensure that it sufficiently
supports the organization in operating within acceptable risk tolerance levels, that metrics remain
relevant, and that data is current and complete. The strategy review also identifies ways to
improve organizational insight into security posture, effectively supports informed risk
management decision making/ongoing authorizations, and improves the organization’s ability to
respond to known and emerging threats.
The organization establishes a procedure for reviewing and modifying all aspects of the ISCM
strategy, including relevance of the overall strategy, accuracy in reflecting organizational risk
tolerance, accuracy/correctness of measurements, and applicability of metrics, reporting
requirements, and monitoring and assessment frequencies. If any of the data collected is not
required for reporting purposes or found to be not useful in maintaining or improving the
organization’s security posture, then the organization considers saving resources by discontinuing
that particular collection. Factors precipitating changes in the monitoring strategy may include,
but are not limited to:
Changes to core missions or business processes;
Significant changes in the enterprise architecture (including addition or removal of systems);
Changes in organizational risk tolerance;
Changes in threat information;
Changes in vulnerability information;
Changes within information systems (including changes in categorization/impact level);
Increase/decrease in POA&Ms related to specific controls;
Changes to security controls are made after being fully tested, vetted, and reviewed in a test environment.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Trend analyses of status reporting output;
New federal laws or regulations; and/or
Changes to reporting requirements.
Officials examine consolidated POA&M information to determine if there are common
weaknesses/deficiencies among the organization’s information systems and propose or request
solutions. The aggregate POA&M information is used to allocate risk mitigation resources
organization-wide and to make adjustments to the monitoring strategy. Similarly, status reports
and metrics are analyzed to determine if there are any security trends that suggest changes to the
monitoring strategy may be necessary. For instance, if weekly assessments of component
inventories over a six-month period indicate that very few changes are being made in a given
week and changes that were made are accurately reflected in the inventories, the organization
may wish to reduce the frequency of monitoring component inventories to biweekly or monthly.
Conversely, if biweekly audit record analyses over a six-month period indicate increases in
anomalous events, the organization may wish to increase the frequency of audit record reviews to
An organization’s ISCM strategy also changes as the organization’s security program(s) and
monitoring capabilities mature. In a fully mature program, security-related information collection
and analysis are accomplished using standardized methods across the organization, as an integral
part of mission and business processes, and automated to the fullest extent possible. In this case,
the security program is mature enough to ensure that sufficient processes and procedures
effectively secure the enterprise architecture in accordance with organizational risk tolerances,
and to collect, correlate, analyze, and report on relevant security metrics.
ISCM is a recursive process in the sense that the monitoring strategy is continually refined as the
steps of the process repeat. Further, the organization-wide application of ISCM is accomplished
through smaller or more narrowly focused instances of the similar efforts at the mission/business
processes and systems tiers. In other words, the output of ISCM at Tier 3 is input to the
implementation of the ISCM programs at Tiers 1 and 2. Working from the top of the pyramid in
Figure 2-1 (Tier 1) to its bottom (Tier 3), upper-tier monitoring strategies set the parameters for
lower-tier monitoring programs, and observations made at the lower tiers may result in changes to
upper-tier monitoring strategies. The ISCM program itself must be monitored so that it can
evolve with changes in organizational missions and objectives, operational environments, and
Primary Roles: Senior Information Security Officer, Authorizing Official, Information System
Owner/Common Control Provider
Supporting Roles: Risk Executive (Function), Chief Information Officer, Information System
Security Officer
Expected Input: Trend analyses from existing monitoring; organizational risk tolerance
information; information on new laws, regulations, reporting requirements; current threat and
vulnerability information; other organizational information as required, updates to automation
See NIST SP 800-55, as amended, for more information on security metrics.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Expected Output: Revised ISCM strategy or a brief documented report noting review details and
that modifications to the strategy were not necessary (in accordance with the established review
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
1. E-Government Act [includes FISMA] (P.L. 107-347), December 2002.
1. Office of Management and Budget, Circular A-130, Appendix III, Transmittal
Memorandum #4, Management of Federal Information Resources, November 2000.
Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-02-01, Guidance for Preparing and
Submitting Security Plans of Action and Milestones, October 2001.
Cyber Security Research and Development Act of 2002.
1. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-12, An
Introduction to Computer Security: The NIST Handbook, October 1995.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-34, Revision 1,
Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems, May 2010.
3. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-37, Revision 1,
Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A
Security Life Cycle Approach, February 2010.
4. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-39, Managing
Information Security Risk: Organization, Mission, and Information System View, March
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-40, Version 2,
Creating a Patch and Vulnerability Management Program, November 2005.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53, Revision 3,
Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations,
August 2009.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53A, Guide for
Assessing the Security Controls in Federal Information Systems and Organizations:
Building Effective Security Assessment Plans, June 2010.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-55, Revision 1,
Performance Measurement Guide for Information Security, July 2008.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-92, Guide to
Computer Log Management, September 2006.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-126, Revision 1,
The Technical Specification for the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP): SCAP
Version 1.1,February 2011.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
11. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-128, Guide for
Security-Focused Configuration Management of Information Systems, August 2011.
National Institute of Standards and Technology Interagency Report 7756, DRAFT,
CAESARS Framework Extension: an Enterprise Continuous Monitoring Technical
Reference Architecture, February 2011.
1. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), http://cve.mitre.org/about/index.html.
2. Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS), http://www.first.org/cvss/.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
This appendix provides definitions for security terminology used within Special Publication 800-
137. The terms in the glossary are consistent with the terms used in the suite of FISMA-related
security standards and guidelines developed by NIST. Unless otherwise stated, all terms used in
this publication are also consistent with the definitions contained in the CNSS Instruction 4009,
National Information Assurance Glossary.
[NISTIR 7298]
An assessment object that includes specific protection-related
pursuits or actions supporting an information system that involve
people (e.g., conducting system backup operations, monitoring
network traffic).
Adequate Security
[OMB Circular A-130,
Appendix III]
Security commensurate with the risk and the magnitude of harm
resulting from the loss, misuse, or unauthorized access to or
modification of information. This includes assuring that systems
and applications used by the agency operate effectively and
provide appropriate confidentiality, integrity, and availability,
through the use of cost-effective management, personnel,
operational, and technical controls.
Advanced Persistent
[NIST SP 800-39]
An adversary with sophisticated levels of expertise and
significant resources, allowing it through the use of multiple
different attack vectors (e.g., cyber, physical, and deception) to
generate opportunities to achieve its objectives, which are
typically to establish and extend footholds within the information
technology infrastructure of organizations for purposes of
continually exfiltrating information and/or to undermine or
impede critical aspects of a mission, program, or organization, or
place itself in a position to do so in the future; moreover, the
advanced persistent threat pursues its objectives repeatedly over
an extended period of time, adapting to a defender’s efforts to
resist it, and with determination to maintain the level of
interaction needed to execute its objectives.
Agency See Executive Agency.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
[NISTIR 7298]
The process an organization employs to determine whether
security controls are defined as system-specific, hybrid, or
The process an organization employs to assign security controls
to specific information system components responsible for
providing a particular security capability (e.g., router, server,
remote sensor).
[NISTIR 7298]
A software program hosted by an information system.
Assessment See Security Control Assessment.
Assessment Findings
[NISTIR 7298]
Assessment results produced by the application of an assessment
procedure to a security control or control enhancement to achieve
an assessment objective; the execution of a determination
statement within an assessment procedure by an assessor that
results in either a satisfied or other than satisfied condition.
Assessment Method
[NISTIR 7298]
One of three types of actions (examine, interview, test) taken by
assessors in obtaining evidence during an assessment.
Assessment Object
[NISTIR 7298]
The item (specifications, mechanisms, activities, individuals)
upon which an assessment method is applied during an
Assessment Objective
[NISTIR 7298]
A set of determination statements that expresses the desired
outcome for the assessment of a security control or control
Assessment Procedure
[NISTIR 7298]
A set of assessment objectives
and an associated set of assessment
methods and assessment objects.
Assessor See Security Control Assessor.
[NISTIR 7298]
The grounds for confidence that the set of intended security
controls in an information system are effective in their
Assurance Case
[NISTIR 7298]
A structured set of arguments and a body of evidence showing
that an information system satisfies specific claims with respect
to a given quality attribute.
[FIPS 200]
Verifying the identity of a user, process, or device, often as a
prerequisite to allowing access to resources in an information
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
[CNSSI 4009]
The property of being genuine and being able to be verified and
trusted; confidence in the validity of a transmission, a message, or
message originator. See Authentication.
(to operate)
[CNSSI 4009]
The official management decision given by a senior
organizational official to authorize operation of an information
system and to explicitly accept the risk to organizational
operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation),
organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, and the
Nation based on the implementation of an agreed-upon set of
security controls.
Authorization Boundary
[NIST SP 800-37]
All components of an information system to be authorized for
operation by an authorizing official and excludes separately
authorized systems, to which the information system is
Authorizing Official (AO)
[CNSSI 4009]
A senior (federal) official or executive with the authority to
formally assume responsibility for operating an information
system at an acceptable level of risk to organizational operations
(including mission, functions, image, or reputation),
organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, and the
[44 U.S.C., Sec. 3542]
Ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information.
Categorization See Security Categorization.
Chief Information Officer
[PL 104-106, Sec. 5125(b)]
Agency official responsible for:
1) Providing advice and other assistance to the head of the
executive agency and other senior management personnel of the
agency to ensure that information technology is acquired and
information resources are managed in a manner that is consistent
with laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, regulations, and
priorities established by the head of the agency;
2) Developing, maintaining, and facilitating the implementation
of a sound and integrated information technology architecture for
the agency; and
3) Promoting the effective and efficient design and operation of
all major information resources management processes for the
agency, including improvements to work processes of the agency.
Chief Information Security
See Senior Agency Information Security Officer.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Common Control
[CNSSI 4009]
A security control that is inherited by one or more organizational
information systems. See Security Control Inheritance.
Common Control Provider
[NISTIR 7298]
An organizational official responsible for the development,
implementation, assessment, and monitoring of common controls
(i.e., security controls inherited by information systems).
Compensating Security
[NISTIR 7298]
The management, operational, and technical controls (i.e.,
safeguards or countermeasures) employed by an organization in
lieu of the recommended controls in the low, moderate, or high
baselines described in NIST Special Publication 800-53, that
provide equivalent or comparable protection for an information
Comprehensive Testing
[NISTIR 7298]
A test methodology that assumes explicit and substantial
knowledge of the internal structure and implementation detail of
the assessment object. Also known as white box testing.
Computer Incident
Response Team (CIRT)
[CNSSI 4009]
Group of individuals usually consisting of Security Analysts
organized to develop, recommend, and coordinate immediate
mitigation actions for containment, eradication, and recovery
resulting from computer security incidents. Also called a
Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) or a CIRC
(Computer Incident Response Center, Computer Incident
Response Capability, or Cyber Incident Response Team).
[44 U.S.C., Sec. 3542]
Preserving authorized restrictions on information access and
disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and
proprietary information.
Configuration Control (or
[CNSSI 4009]
Process for controlling modifications to hardware, firmware,
software, and documentation to protect the information system
against improper modifications before, during, and after system
Continuous Monitoring Maintaining ongoing awareness to support organizational risk
See Information Security Continuous Monitoring, Risk
Monitoring, and Status Monitoring.
Controlled Interface
[CNSSI 4009]
A boundary with a set of mechanisms that enforces the security
policies and controls the flow of information between
interconnected information systems.
[CNSSI 4009]
Actions, devices, procedures, techniques, or other measures that
reduce the vulnerability of an information system. Synonymous
with security controls and safeguards.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
[NISTIR 7298]
An attribute associated with an assessment method that addresses
the scope or breadth of the assessment objects included in the
assessment (e.g., types of objects to be assessed and the number
of objects to be assessed by type). The values for the coverage
attribute, hierarchically from less coverage to more coverage, are
basic, focused, and comprehensive.
Data Loss The exposure of proprietary, sensitive, or classified information
through either data theft or data leakage.
[NISTIR 7298]
An attribute associated with an assessment method that addresses
the rigor and level of detail associated with the application of the
method. The values for the depth attribute, hierarchically from
less depth to more depth, are basic, focused, and comprehensive.
[CNSSI 4009]
An environment or context that includes a set of system resources
and a set of system entities that have the right to access the
resources as defined by a common security policy, security
model, or security architecture. See Security Domain.
Environment of Operation
[NISTIR 7298]
The physical surroundings in which an information system
processes, stores, and transmits information.
[NISTIR 7298]
A type of assessment method that is characterized by the process
of checking, inspecting, reviewing, observing, studying, or
analyzing one or more assessment objects to facilitate
understanding, achieve clarification, or obtain evidence, the
results of which are used to support the determination of security
control effectiveness over time.
Executive Agency
[41 U.S.C., Sec. 403]
An executive department specified in 5 U.S.C., Sec. 101; a
military department specified in 5 U.S.C., Sec. 102; an
independent establishment as defined in 5 U.S.C., Sec. 104(1);
and a wholly owned Government corporation fully subject to the
provisions of 31 U.S.C., Chapter 91.
Expected Output Any data collected from monitoring and assessments as part of
the ISCM strategy.
Federal Agency See Executive Agency.
Federal Information
[40 U.S.C., Sec. 11331]
An information system used or operated by an executive agency,
by a contractor of an executive agency, or by another
organization on behalf of an executive agency.
High-Impact System
[FIPS 200]
An information system in which at least one security objective
(confidentiality, integrity, or availability) is assigned a FIPS 199
potential impact value of high.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Hybrid Security Control
[CNSSI 4009]
A security control that is implemented in an information system
in part as a common control and in part as a system-specific
See Common Control and System-Specific Security Control.
[FIPS 200]
An occurrence that actually or potentially jeopardizes the
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of an information system
or the information the system processes, stores, or transmits or
that constitutes a violation or imminent threat of violation of
security policies, security procedures, or acceptable use policies.
[NISTIR 7298]
An assessment object that includes people applying
specifications, mechanisms, or activities.
[FIPS 199]
An instance of an information type.
Information Owner
[CNSSI 4009]
Official with statutory or operational authority for specified
information and responsibility for establishing the controls for its
generation, collection, processing, dissemination, and disposal.
Information Resources
[44 U.S.C., Sec. 3502]
Information and related resources, such as personnel, equipment,
funds, and information technology.
Information Security
[44 U.S.C., Sec. 3542]
The protection of information and information systems from
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or
destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and
Information Security
[NISTIR 7298]
Individual, group, or organization responsible for ensuring that
the information security requirements necessary to protect the
organization’s core missions and business processes are
adequately addressed in all aspects of enterprise architecture
including reference models, segment and solution architectures,
and the resulting information systems supporting those missions
and business processes.
Information Security
Continuous Monitoring
Maintaining ongoing awareness of information security,
vulnerabilities, and threats to support organizational risk
management decisions.
[Note: The terms continuous” andongoing” in this context
mean that security controls and organizational risks are assessed
and analyzed at a frequency sufficient to support risk-based
security decisions to adequately protect organization
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Information Security
Continuous Monitoring
(ISCM) Program
A program established to collect information in accordance with
preestablished metrics, utilizing information readily available in
part through implemented security controls.
Information Security
Continuous Monitoring
(ISCM) Process
A process to:
Define an ISCM strategy;
Establish an ISCM program;
Implement an ISCM program;
Analyze data and Report findings;
Respond to findings; and
Review and Update the ISCM strategy and program.
Information Security
Program Plan
[NISTIR 7298]
Formal document that provides an overview of the security
requirements for an organization-wide information security
program and describes the program management controls and
common controls in place or planned for meeting those
Information Security Risk
[NIST SP 800-39]
The risk to organizational operations (including mission,
functions, image, reputation), organizational assets, individuals,
other organizations, and the Nation due to the potential for
unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or
destruction of information and /or information systems. See Risk.
Information System
[44 U.S.C., Sec. 3502]
A discrete set of information resources organized for the
collection, processing, maintenance, use, sharing, dissemination,
or disposition of information.
Information System
See Authorization Boundary.
Information System Owner
(or Program Manager)
[NISTIR 7298]
Official responsible for the overall procurement, development,
integration, modification, or operation and maintenance of an
information system.
Information System
Security Engineer
[CNSSI 4009]
Individual assigned responsibility for conducting information
system security engineering activities.
Information System
Security Engineering
[CNSSI 4009]
Process that captures and refines information security
requirements and ensures that their integration into information
technology component products and information systems through
purposeful security design or configuration.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Information System-
related Security Risks
Risks that arise through the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or
availability of information or information systems and consider
impacts to the organization (including assets, mission, functions,
image, or reputation), individuals, other organizations, and the
Nation. See Risk.
Information System
Security Officer (ISSO)
[CNSSI 4009]
Individual with assigned responsibility for maintaining the
appropriate operational security posture for an information
system or program.
Information Technology
[40 U.S.C., Sec. 1401]
Any equipment or interconnected system or subsystem of
equipment that is used in the automatic acquisition, storage,
manipulation, management, movement, control, display,
switching, interchange, transmission, or reception of data or
information by the executive agency. For purposes of the
preceding sentence, equipment is used by an executive agency if
the equipment is used by the executive agency directly or is used
by a contractor under a contract with the executive agency which:
(i) requires the use of such equipment; or (ii) requires the use, to a
significant extent, of such equipment in the performance of a
service or the furnishing of a product. The term information
technology includes computers, ancillary equipment, software,
firmware, and similar procedures, services (including support
services), and related resources.
Information Type
[FIPS 199]
A specific category of information (e.g., privacy, medical,
proprietary, financial, investigative, contractor sensitive, security
management) defined by an organization or in some instances, by
a specific law, Executive Order, directive, policy, or regulation.
[44 U.S.C., Sec. 3542]
Guarding against improper information modification or
destruction, and includes ensuring information non-repudiation
and authenticity.
[NISTIR 7298]
A type of assessment method that is characterized by the process
of conducting discussions with individuals or groups within an
organization to facilitate understanding, achieve clarification, or
lead to the location of evidence, the results of which are used to
support the determination of security control effectiveness over
Intrusion Detection and
Prevention System (IDPS)
[NISTIR 7298]
Software that automates the process of monitoring the events
occurring in a computer system or network and analyzing them
for signs of possible incidents and attempting to stop detected
possible incidents.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
[NISTIR 7298]
A program that is inserted into a system, usually covertly, with
the intent of compromising the confidentiality, integrity, or
availability of the victim’s data, applications, or operating system
or of otherwise annoying or disrupting the victim.
Management Controls
[FIPS 200]
The security controls (i.e., safeguards or countermeasures) for an
information system that focus on the management of risk and the
management of information system security.
[NISTIR 7298]
An assessment object that includes specific protection-related
items (e.g., hardware, software, or firmware) employed within or
at the boundary of an information system.
[NISTIR 7298]
Tools designed to facilitate decision making and improve
performance and accountability through collection, analysis, and
reporting of relevant performance-related data.
National Security System
[44 U.S.C., Sec. 3542]
Any information system (including any telecommunications
system) used or operated by an agency or by a contractor of an
agency, or other organization on behalf of an agency(i) the
function, operation, or use of which involves intelligence
activities; involves cryptologic activities related to national
security; involves command and control of military forces;
involves equipment that is an integral part of a weapon or
weapons system; or is critical to the direct fulfillment of military
or intelligence missions (excluding a system that is to be used for
routine administrative and business applications, for example,
payroll, finance, logistics, and personnel management
applications); or (ii) is protected at all times by procedures
established for information that have been specifically authorized
under criteria established by an Executive Order or an Act of
Congress to be kept classified in the interest of national defense
or foreign policy.
Operational Controls
[FIPS 200]
The security controls (i.e., safeguards or countermeasures) for an
nformation system that are primarily implemented and executed
by people (as opposed to systems).
[FIPS 200, Adapted]
An entity of any size, complexity, or positioning within an
organizational structure (e.g.,
a federal agency, or, as appropriate,
any of its operational elements).
Information Security
Continuous Monitoring
Ongoing monitoring sufficient to ensure and assure effectiveness
of security controls related to systems, networks, and cyberspace,
by assessing security control implementation and organizational
security status in accordance with organizational risk tolerance
and within a reporting structure designed to make real-time, data-
driven risk management decisions.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Patch Management
[CNSSI 4009]
The systematic notification, identification, deployment,
installation, and verification of operating system and application
software code revisions. These revisions are known as patches,
hot fixes, and service packs.
Penetration Testing
[NISTIR 7298]
A test methodology in which assessors, using all available
documentation (e.g., system design, source code, manuals) and
working under specific constraints, attempt to circumvent the
security features of an information system.
Plan of Action &
Milestones (POA&M)
[OMB Memorandum 02-01]
A document that identifies tasks needing to be accomplished. It
details resou
rces required to accomplish the elements of the plan,
any milestones in meeting the tasks, and scheduled completion
dates for the milestones.
Potential Impact
[FIPS 199]
The loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be
expected to have: (i) a limited adverse effect (FIPS 199 low); (ii)
a serious adverse effect (FIPS 199 moderate); or (iii) a severe or
catastrophic adverse effect (FIPS 199 high) on organizational
operations, organizational assets, or individuals.
[CNSSI 4009]
The recordings (automated and/or manual) of evidence of
activities performed or results achieved (e.g., forms, reports, test
results), which serve as a basis for verifying that the organization
and the information system are performing as intended. Also used
to refer to units of related data fields (i.e., groups of data fields
that can be accessed by a program and that contain the complete
set of information on particular items).
[NIST SP 800-39, Adapted]
The ability to continue to: (i) operate under adverse conditions or
stress, even if in a degraded or debilitated stat
e, while maintaining
essential operational capabilities; and (ii) recover to an effective
operational posture in a time frame consistent with mission needs.
[FIPS 200, Adapted]
A measure of the extent to which an entity is threatened by a
potential circumstance or event, and typically a function of: (i)
the adverse impacts that would arise if the circumstance or event
occurs; and (ii) the likelihood of occurrence.
[Note: Information system-related security risks are those risks
that arise from the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability
of information or information systems and reflect the potential
adverse impacts to organizational operations (including mission,
functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets,
individuals, other organizations, and the Nation. Adverse impacts
to the Nation include, for example, compromises to information
systems that support critical infrastructure applications or are
paramount to government continuity of operations as defined by
the Department of Homeland Security.]
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Risk Assessment
[CNSSI 4009]
The process of identifying risks to organizational operations
(including mission, functions, image, reputation), organizational
assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation, resulting
from the operation of an information system. Part of risk
management, incorporates threat and vulnerability analyses, and
considers mitigations provided by security controls planned or in
place. Synonymous with risk analysis.
Risk Executive (Function)
[CNSSI 4009]
An individual or group within an organization that helps to ensure
that: (i) security risk-related considerations for individual
information systems, to include the authorization decisions, are
viewed from an organization-wide perspective with regard to the
overall strategic goals and objectives of the organization in
carrying out its missions and business functions; and (ii)
managing information system-related security risks is consistent
across the organization, reflects organizational risk tolerance, and
is considered along with organizational risks affecting
mission/business success.
Risk Management
[FIPS 200, Adapted]
The program and supporting processes to manage information
security risk to organizational operations (including mission,
functions, image, reputation), organizational assets, individuals,
other organizations, and the Nation, and includes: (i) establishing
the context for risk-related activities; (ii) assessing risk; (iii)
responding to risk once determined; and (iv) monitoring risk over
Risk Monitoring Maintaining ongoing awareness of an organization’s risk
environment, risk management program, and associated activities
to support risk decisions.
Risk Response
[NIST SP 800-39]
Accepting, avoiding, mitigating, sharing, or transferring risk to
organizational operations (mission, functions, image, or
reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other
organizations, and the Nation.
Risk Tolerance
[NISTIR 7298]
The level of risk an entity is willing to assume in order to achieve
a potential desired result.
[CNSSI 4009]
Protective measures prescribed to meet the security requirements
(i.e., confidentiality, integrity, and availability) specified for an
information system. Safeguards may include security features,
management constraints, personnel security, and security of
physical structures, areas, and devices. Synonymous with security
controls and countermeasures.
Security Authorization See Authorization.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Security Automation
An information security area that includes a grouping of tools,
technologies, and data.
Security Categorization
[CNSSI 1253, FIPS 199]
The process of determining the security category for information
or an information system. Security categorization methodologies
are described in CNSS Instruction 1253 for national security
systems and in FIPS 199 for other than national security systems.
Security Control
[CNSSI 4009, Adapted]
The testing and/or evaluation of the management, operational,
and technical security controls in an information system to
determine the extent to which the controls are implemented
correctly, operating as intended, and producing the desired
outcome with respect to meeting the security requirements for the
Security Control Assessor
[NISTIR 7298]
The individual, group, or organization responsible for conducting
a security control assessment.
Security Control Baseline
[FIPS 200, Adapted]
One of the sets of minimum security controls defined for federal
information systems in NIST Special Publication 800-53 and
CNSS Instruction 1253.
Security Control
The measure of correctness of implementation (i.e., how
consistently the control implementation complies with the
security plan) and how well the security plan meets
organizational needs in accordance with current risk tolerance.
Security Control
[CNSSI 4009]
A situation in which an information system or application
receives protection from security controls (or portions of security
controls) that are developed, implemented, assessed, authorized,
and monitored by entities other than those responsible for the
system or application; entities either internal or external to the
organization where the system or application resides. See
Common Control.
Security Controls
[FIPS 199]
The management, operational, and technical controls (i.e.,
safeguards or countermeasures) prescribed for an information
system to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
the system and its information.
Security Domain
[CNSSI 4009]
A domain that implements a security policy and is administered
by a single authority.
Security Impact Analysis
[NIST SP 800-53]
The analysis conducted by an organizational official to determine
the extent to which changes to the information system have
affected the security state of the system.
Security Incident See Incident.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Security Management
[NIST SP 800-128]
A tool that consolidates and communicates information relevant
to the organizational security posture in near real-time to security
management stakeholders.
Security Objective
[FIPS 199]
Confidentiality, integrity, or availability.
Security Plan
[NISTIR 7298]
Formal document that provides an overview of the security
requirements for an information system or an information security
program and describes the security controls in place or planned
for meeting those requirements. See System Security Plan or
Information Security Program Plan.
Security Policy
[CNSSI 4009]
A set of criteria for the provision of security services.
Security Posture
[CNSSI 4009]
The security status of an organizations networks, information,
and systems based on IA resources (e.g., people, hardware,
software, policies) and capabilities in place to manage the defense
of the organization and to react as the situation changes.
Security Requirements
[FIPS 200]
Requirements levied on an information system that are derived
from applicable laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies,
standards, instructions, regulations, procedures, or organizational
mission/business case needs to ensure the confidentiality,
integrity, and availability of the information being processed,
stored, or transmitted.
Security Status See Security Posture.
Senior (Agency)
Information Security
Officer (SISO)
[44 U.S.C., Sec. 3544]
Official responsible for carrying out the Chief Information
Officer responsibilities under the Federal Information Security
Management Act (FISMA) and serving as the Chief Information
Officer’s primary liaison to the agencys authorizing officials,
information system owners, and information system security
[Note: Organizations subordinate to federal agencies may use the
term Senior Information Security Officer or Chief Information
Security Officer to denote individuals filling positions with
similar responsibilities to Senior Agency Information Security
Senior Information
Security Officer
See Senior Agency Information Security Officer.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
[NISTIR 7298]
An assessment object that includes document-
based artifacts (e.g.,
policies, procedures, plans, system security requirements,
functional specifications, and architectural designs) associated
with an information system.
Status Monitoring Monitoring the information security metrics defined by the
organization in the information security
ISCM strategy.
[NISTIR 7298]
A major subdivision of an information system consisting of
information, information technology, and personnel that performs
one or more specific functions.
System See Information System.
System Development Life
Cycle (SDLC)
[CNSSI 4009]
The scope of activities associated with a system, encompassing
the system’s initiation, development and acquisition,
implementation, operation and maintenance, and ultimately its
System Development Life
Cycle (SDLC)
[CNSSI 4009, Adapted]
The scope of activities associated with a system, encompassing
the system’s initiation, development and acquisition,
implementation, operation and maintenance, and ultimately its
disposal that instigates another system initiation.
System Security Plan
[FIPS 200]
Formal document that provides an overview of the security
requirements for an information system and describes the security
controls in place or planned for meeting those requirements.
System-Specific Security
[CNSSI 4009]
A security control for an information system that has not been
designated as a common security control or the portion of a
hybrid control that is to be implemented within an information
[CNSSI 4009]
The process by which a security control baseline is modified
based on: (i) the application of scoping guidance; (ii) the
specification of compensating security controls, if needed; and
(iii) the specification of organization-defined parameters in the
security controls via explicit assignment and selection statements.
Technical Controls
[FIPS 200]
The security controls (i.e., safeguards or countermeasures) for an
nformation system that are primarily implemented and executed
by the information system through mechanisms contained in the
hardware, software, or firmware components of the system.
[NISTIR 7298]
A type of assessment method that is characterized by the process
of exercising one or more assessment objects under specified
conditions to compare actual with expected behavior, the results
of which are used to support the determination of security control
effectiveness over time.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
[CNSSI 4009, Adapted]
Any circums
tance or event with the potential to adversely impact
organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, or
reputation), organizational assets, individuals, other
organizations, or the Nation through an information system via
unauthorized access, destruction, disclosure, modification of
information, and/or denial of service.
Threat Information
[CNSSI 4009, Adapted]
Analytical insights into trends, technologies, or tactics of an
adversarial nature affecting information systems security.
Threat Source
[FIPS 200]
The intent and method targeted at the intentional exploitation of a
vulnerability or a situation and method that may accidentally
trigger a vulnerability. Synonymous with threat agent.
[CNSSI 4009]
Weakness in an information system, system security procedures,
internal controls, or implementation that could be exploited or
triggered by a threat source.
Vulnerability Assessment
[CNSSI 4009]
Formal description and evaluation of the vulnerabilities in an
information system.
White Box Testing See Comprehensive Testing.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
AO Authorizing Official
CAPEC Common Attack Pattern Enumeration & Classification
CIO Chief Information Officer
CIRT Computer Incident Response Team
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System
CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
CWE Common Weakness Enumeration
CWSS Common Weakness Scoring System
DLP Data Loss Prevention
FDCC Federal Desktop Core Configuration
FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002
IDPS Intrusion Detection and Prevention System
ISCM Information Security Continuous Monitoring
ISO Information System Owner
ISSO Information System Security Officer
IT Information Technology
NCP National Checklist Program
NVD National Vulnerability Database
OCIL Open Checklist Interactive Language
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OVAL Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language
PII Personally Identifiable Information
PM Program Management
POA&M Plan Of Action & Milestones
RMF Risk Management Framework
SAR Security Assessment Report
SCAP Security Content Automation Protocol
SDLC System Development Life Cycle
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
SIA Security Impact Analysis
SIEM Security Information and Event Management
SISO Senior Information Security Officer
SP Special Publication
SwAAP Software Assurance Automation Protocol
USGCB United States Government Configuration Baseline
XCCDF eXtensible Configuration Checklist Description Format
XML Extensible Markup Language
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
rganizations can make more effective use of their security budgets by implementing
technologies to automate many of the ISCM activities in support of organizational risk
management policy and strategy, operational security, internal and external compliance,
reporting, and documentation needs. Organizations may choose to follow a reference architecture,
such as NIST CAESARS Framework Extension, to implement ISCM technologies.
Ongoing assessments of security control effectiveness;
There are a
variety of tools and technologies available that an organization can use to efficiently and
effectively gather, aggregate, analyze, and report data ranging from continuously monitoring the
security status of its enterprise architecture and operating environment(s) down to components of
individual information systems. These tools and technologies can enable and assist automated
monitoring in support of a variety of organizational processes including but not limited to:
Reporting of security status at the appropriate level of granularity to personnel with security
Management of risk and verification and assessment of mitigation activities;
Assurance of compliance with high-level internal and external requirements; and
Analysis of the security impact of changes to the operational environment.
The tools and technologies discussed in this appendix leverage the strategies, policies, and roles
and responsibilities of the overall
ISCM program, and can assist organizations in their efforts to
automate the implementation, assessment, and monitoring of many NIST SP 800-53 security
controls. Though these tools and technologies lend themselves primarily to the continuous
monitoring of technical security controls that can be automated, they can provide evidence, in an
automated manner, to support the existence and effectiveness of nontechnical security controls or
parts of technical security controls that cannot be easily automated. Automation is achieved
through a variety of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) and government off-the-shelf (GOTS)
products, built-in operating system capabilities, and custom tools and scripting that use
standardized automation specifications.
It is important to understand and appreciate the need to assess the effectiveness of all security
controls, particularly nontechnical security controls, periodically. Data collected from automated
tools may not provide feedback on the existence and the effectiveness of nontechnical security
controls. It may be possible in some cases to make certain inferences about the effectiveness of
nontechnical security controls based on data collected from automated tools. While it may not be
possible to use automated tools and technologies to monitor adherence to policies and procedures,
it may be possible to monitor associated security objectives in an automated fashion.
For more information, please refer to DRAFT NISTIR 7756, as amended, CAESARS Framework Extension: An
Enterprise Continuous Monitoring Technical Reference Architecture.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
The Open Checklist Interactive Language (OCIL), discussed in Section D.3.1, may be used to
partially automate certain controls that require human interaction and can be verified in a question
and answer type format. For example, it may be possible to create an automated questionnaire to
gather information related to annual security awareness training.
The validity of the security-related information collected continuously or on demand from
automated tools assumes the continued effectiveness of the underlying management and
operational security controls. As such, the value of automated tools and technologies, including
those that perform direct data gathering and aggregation and analysis of data, is dependent upon
the operational processes supporting their use. For organizations to realize the operational
security benefits and for the tools and technologies to provide an accurate security status,
knowledgeable staff should select, implement, operate, and maintain these tools and technologies,
as well as all underlying security controls, interpret the monitoring data obtained, and select and
implement appropriate remediation.
This appendix discusses the role of tools and technologies in automating many ISCM activities. It
discusses common tools, technologies, and open specifications used to collect, analyze, and
meaningfully represent data in support of continuous monitoring of an organization’s security
posture, including providing visibility into the information assets, awareness of threats and
vulnerabilities, and status of security control effectiveness. Examples of security controls that can
be automated using the various technologies are included. This is not an exhaustive set of
examples. New products and technologies continue to reach the market. Controls commonly
automated but that do not appear as examples associated with the technologies named below
include those where automation is achieved through capabilities built into operating systems,
custom tools and scripts, or a combination of several tools and capabilities.
Data gathering technologies are those that provide the capability to observe, detect, prevent, or
log known security threats and vulnerabilities, and/or remediate or manage various aspects of
security controls implemented to address those threats and vulnerabilities. These technologies are
primarily implemented at the information systems level (Tier 3). However, they can be
configured to support an organization’s ongoing security monitoring needs up through
mission/business processes and information security governance metrics. Implementing a tool
across an organization allows systems within that organization to inherit and leverage said
A security automation domain is an information security area that includes a grouping of tools,
technologies, and data. Data within the domains is captured, correlated, analyzed, and reported to
present the security status of the organization that is represented by the domains monitored.
Security automation provides standardized specifications that enable the interoperability and flow
of data between these domains. Monitoring capabilities are achieved through the use of a variety
of tools and techniques. The granularity of the information collected is determined by the
organization, based on its monitoring objectives and the capability of the enterprise architecture
to support such activities.
Examples of such controls that lend themselves to fu ll or partial automation through security engineering or the
use of proprietary/third party software and log management tools include account management, security training
records, incident reporting, and physical access control.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
This section describes the tools and technologies within eleven security automation domains that
support continuous monitoring:
Vulnerability Management;
Patch Management;
Event Management;
Incident Management;
Malware Detection;
Asset Management;
Configuration Management;
Network Management;
License Management;
Information Management; and
Software Assurance.
The domains are pictured in Figure D-1.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Figure D-1. Security Automation Domains
A vulnerability is a software flaw that introduces a potential security exposure. The number of
vulnerabilities discovered and patches developed to address those vulnerabilities continues to
grow, making manual patching of systems and system components an increasingly difficult task.
To the extent possible, organizations should identify, report, and remediate vulnerabilities in a
coordinated, organization-wide manner using automated vulnerability and patch management
tools and technologies.
Vulnerability scanners are commonly used in organizations to identify known vulnerabilities on
hosts and networks and on commonly used operating systems and applications. These scanning
tools can proactively identify vulnerabilities, provide a fast and easy way to measure exposure,
identify out-of-date software versions, validate compliance with an organizational security policy,
and generate alerts and reports about identified vulnerabilities.
Patch management tools scan for vulnerabilities on systems and system components participating
in an organization’s patching solution, provide information regarding needed patches and other
software updates on affected devices, and allow an administrator to decide on the patching
implementation process. Patch management tools and utilities are available from various vendors
to assist in the automated identification, distribution, and reporting of software patches. It is
critical to understand the impact of patches before applying and to deploy them within the context
of a defined patch management policy, providing assurance that systems will not lose critical
functionality due to an unintended side effect of a patch. In some cases where a patch cannot be
deployed, other compensating security controls may be necessary.
The implementation and effective use of vulnerability assessment and patch management
For more information, please refer to NIST SP 800-40, as amended, Creating a Patch and Vulnerability
can assist organizations in automating the implementation, assessment, and
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
continuous monitoring of several NIST SP 800-53 security controls including SI-2, Flaw
Remediation; CA-2, Security Assessments; CA-7, Continuous Monitoring; CM-3, Configuration
Change Control; IR-4, Incident Handling; IR-5, Incident Monitoring; MA-2, Controlled
Maintenance; RA-5, Vulnerability Scanning; SA-11, Developer Security Testing; and SI-11,
Error Handling. Vulnerability assessment and patch management technologies may also provide
supporting data to assist organizations in responding to higher-level reporting requirements in the
areas of configuration and vulnerability management.
Event management involves monitoring and responding to as necessary, observable occurrences
in a network or system. A variety of tools and technologies exist to monitor events, such as
intrusion detection systems and logging mechanisms. Some tools may detect events based on
known attack signatures, while others detect anomalies in behavior or performance that could
indicate an attack. Certain events may signal that an incident has occurred, which is a violation or
imminent threat of violation of computer security policies, acceptable use policies, or standard
computer security practices. Incident management tools may assist in detecting, responding to,
and limiting the consequences of a malicious cyber attack against an organization.
A log is a record of the events occurring within an organization’s systems and networks. Logs are
composed of log entries; each entry contains information related to a specific event that has
occurred within a system or system component. Many logs within an organization contain records
related to computer security. These computer security logs can be generated by many sources,
including security software such as malware protection software, firewalls, and intrusion
detection and prevention systems, operating systems on servers, workstations, networking
equipment, and applications.
The number, volume, and variety of security logs have increased greatly, which has created the
need for information system security log management the process of generating, transmitting,
storing, analyzing, and disposing of security log data. Log management
is essential for ensuring
that security records are stored in sufficient detail for an appropriate period of time. Logs are a
key resource when performing auditing and forensic analysis, supporting internal investigations,
establishing baselines, and identifying operational trends and long-term problems. Routine log
analysis is beneficial for identifying security incidents, policy violations, fraudulent activity, and
operational problems, and as such, supports an ISCM capability.
The implementation and effective use of logging and log management tools and technologies can
assist organizations in automating the implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of
several NIST SP 800-53 security controls including AU-2, Auditable Events; AU-3, Content of
Audit Records; AU-4, Audit Storage Capacity; AU-5, Response to Audit Processing Failures;
AU-6, Audit Review, Analysis, and Reporting; AU-7, Audit Reduction and Report Generation;
AU-8, Time Stamps; AU-12, Audit Generation; CA-2, Security Assessments; CA-7, Continuous
Monitoring; IR-5, Incident Monitoring; RA-3, Risk Assessment; and SI-4, Information system
Intrusion detection is the process of monitoring the events occurring in a computer system or
network and analyzing them for signs of possible incidents, which are violations or imminent
Management Program.
For more information, please refer to NIST SP 800-92, Guide to Computer Security Log Management.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
threats of violation of computer security policies, acceptable use policies, or standard security
practices. Intrusion prevention is the process of performing intrusion detection and attempting to
stop possible incidents as they are detected. Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPSs)
IDPSs typically are used to record information related to observed events, notify security
administrators of important observed events, and automatically generate reports, with remediation
actions performed manually after human review of the report. Many IDPSs can also be
configured to respond to a detected threat using a variety of techniques, including changing
security configurations or blocking the attack.
are focused primarily on identifying possible incidents, logging information about them,
attempting to stop them, and reporting them to security administrators for further analysis and
Within the context of an ISCM program, IDPSs can be used to supply evidence of the
effectiveness of security controls (e.g., policies, procedures, and other implemented technical
controls), document existing threats, and deter unauthorized use of information systems. The
implementation and effective use of IDPSs can also assist organizations in automating the
implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of several NIST SP 800-53 security
controls including AC-4, Information Flow Enforcement; AC-17, Remote Access; AC-18,
Wireless Access; AU-2, Auditable Events; AU-6, Audit Review, Analysis, and Reporting; AU-
12, Audit Generation; AU-13, Monitoring for Information Disclosure; CA-2, Security
Assessments; CA-7, Continuous Monitoring; IR-5, Incident Monitoring; RA-3, Risk Assessment;
SC-7, Boundary Protection; SI-3, Malicious Code Protection; SI-4, Information System
Monitoring; and SI-7, Software and Information Integrity. IDPSs may also provide supporting
data to assist organizations in meeting US-CERT incident reporting requirements and in
responding to OMB and agency CIO reporting requirements in the areas of system and
connections inventory, security incident management, boundary protections, and configuration
Malware detection
Malware detection mechanisms can be configured to perform periodic scans of information
systems, as well as real-time scans of files from external sources as the files are downloaded,
opened, or executed in accordance with organizational security policy. Malware detection
mechanisms can frequently take a predetermined action in response to malicious code detection.
provides the ability to identify and report on the presence of viruses, Trojan
horses, spyware, or other malicious code on or destined for a target system. Organizations
typically employ malware detection mechanisms at information system entry and exit points (e.g.,
firewalls, email servers, Web servers, proxy servers, remote access servers) and at endpoint
devices (e.g., workstations, servers, mobile computing devices) on the network to detect and
remove malicious code transported by electronic mail, electronic mail attachments, Web accesses,
removable media or other means, or inserted through the exploitation of information system
For more information, please refer to NIST SP 800-94, as amended, Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention
Systems (IDPS).
For more information, please refer to NIST SP 800-83, as amended, Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
In addition to malware detection, a variety of technologies and methods exist to limit or eliminate
the effects of malicious code attacks. Used in conjunction with configuration management and
control procedures and strong software integrity controls, malware detection mechanisms can be
even more effective in preventing execution of unauthorized code. Additional risk mitigation
measures, such as secure coding practices, trusted procurement processes, and regular monitoring
of secure configurations, can help to ensure that unauthorized functions are not performed.
The implementation and effective use of malware detection technologies can assist organizations
in automating the implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of several NIST SP
800-53 security controls, including CA-2, Security Assessments; CA-7, Continuous Monitoring;
IR-5, Incident Monitoring; RA-3, Risk Assessment; SA-12, Supply Chain Protection; SA-13,
Trustworthiness; SI-3, Malicious Code Protection; SI-4, Information System Monitoring; SI-7,
Software and Information Integrity; and SI-8, Spam Protection. Malware detection technologies
may also provide supporting data to assist organizations in meeting US-CERT incident reporting
requirements and in responding to OMB and agency CIO reporting requirements related to
incident management, remote access, and boundary protections.
Asset management tools help maintain inventory of software and hardware within the
organization. This can be accomplished via a combination of system configuration, network
management, and license management tools, or with a special-purpose tool. Asset management
software tracks the life cycle of an organization’s assets and provides tools such as remote
management of assets and various automated management functions.
The implementation and effective use of asset management technologies can assist organizations
in automating the implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of several NIST SP
800-53 security controls including CA-7, Continuous Monitoring; CM-2, Baseline Configuration;
CM-3, Configuration Change Control; CM-4, Security Impact Analysis; CM-8, Information
System Component Inventory; and SA-10, Developer Configuration Management.
Configuration management tools allow administrators to configure settings, monitor changes to
settings, collect setting status, and restore settings as needed. Managing the numerous
configurations found within information systems and network components has become almost
impossible using manual methods. Automated solutions may lower the cost of configuration
management efforts while enhancing efficiency and improving reliability.
System configuration scanning tools provide the automated capability to audit and assess a target
system to determine its compliance with a defined secure baseline configuration. A user may
confirm compliance with, and identify deviations from, checklists appropriate for relevant
operating systems and/or applications.
If an information system or system component is unknowingly out of synchronization with the
approved secure configurations as defined by the organizations baseline configurations and the
System Security Plan, organization officials and system owners may have a false sense of
security. An opportunity to take actions that would otherwise limit vulnerabilities and help protect
the organization from attack would subsequently be missed. Monitoring activities offer the
organization better visibility into the state of security for its information systems, as defined by
the security metrics being monitored.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Identity and account configuration management tools allow an organization to manage
identification credentials, access control, authorization, and privileges. Identity management
systems may also enable and monitor physical access control based on identification credentials.
Identity and account configuration management tools often have the ability to automate tasks
such as account password resets and other account maintenance activities. These systems also
monitor and report on activities such as unsuccessful login attempts, account lockouts, and
resource access.
There are a wide variety of configuration management tools available to support an
organization’s needs. When selecting a configuration management tool, organizations should
consider tools that can pull information from a variety of sources and components. Organizations
should choose tools that are based on open specifications such as SCAP; that support
organization-wide interoperability, assessment, and reporting; that provide the ability to tailor and
customize output; and that allow for data consolidation into SIEM tools and management
The implementation and effective use of configuration management technologies can assist
organizations in automating the implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of
several NIST SP 800-53 security controls including AC-2, Account Management; AC-3, Access
Enforcement; AC-5, Separation of Duties; AC-7, Unsuccessful Login Attempts; AC-9, Previous
Logon (Access) Notification; AC-10, Concurrent Session Control; AC-11, Session Lock; AC-19,
Access Control for Mobile Devices; AC-20, Use of External Information Systems; AC-22,
Publicly Accessible Content; CA-2, Security Assessments; CA-7, Continuous Monitoring; CM-2,
Baseline Configuration; CM-3, Configuration Change Control; CM-5, Access Restrictions for
Change; CM-6, Configuration Settings; CM-7, Least Functionality; IA-2, Identification and
Authentication (Organizational Users); IA-3, Device Identification and Authentication; IA-4,
Identifier Management; IA-5, Authenticator Management; IA-8, Identification and Authentication
(Non-Organizational Users); IR-5, Incident Monitoring; MA-5, Maintenance Personnel; PE-3,
Physical Access Control; RA-3, Risk Assessment; SA-7, User Installed Software; SA-10,
Developer Configuration Management; and SI-2, Flaw Remediation. Organization-wide security
configuration management and engineering technologies may also provide supporting data to
assist organizations in responding to higher-level compliance reporting requirements in the areas
of configuration and asset management.
Network configuration management tools include host discovery, inventory, change control,
performance monitoring, and other network device management capabilities. Some network
configuration management tools automate device configuration and validate device compliance
against pre-configured policies. Network management tools may be able to discover unauthorized
hardware and software on the network, such as a rogue wireless access point.
The implementation and effective use of network management technologies can assist
organizations in automating the implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of
several NIST SP 800-53 security controls including AC-4, Information Flow Enforcement; AC-
17, Remote Access; AC-18, Wireless Access; CA-7, Continuous Monitoring; CM-2, Baseline
Configuration; CM-3, Configuration Change Control; CM-4, Security Impact Analysis; CM-6,
Configuration Settings; CM-8, Information System Component Inventory; SC-2, Application
Partitioning; SC-5, Denial of Service Protection; SC-7, Boundary Protection; SC-10, Network
Disconnect; SC-32, Information System Partitioning; and SI-4, Information System Monitoring.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Similar to systems and network devices, software and applications are also a relevant data source
for ISCM. Software asset and licensing information may be centrally managed by a software
asset management tool to track license compliance, monitor usage status, and manage the
software asset life cycle. License management tools offer a variety of features to automate
inventory, utilization monitoring and restrictions, deployment, and patches for software and
The implementation and effective use of license management technologies can assist
organizations in automating the implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of
several NIST SP 800-53 security controls including CA-7, Continuous Monitoring; CM-8,
Information System Component Inventory; and SA-6, Software Usage Restrictions.
There are vast quantities of digital information stored across the myriad of systems, network
devices, databases, and other assets within an organization. Managing the location and transfer of
information is essential to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data.
Data loss is the exposure of proprietary, sensitive, or classified information through either data
theft or data leakage. Data theft occurs when data is intentionally stolen or exposed, as in cases of
espionage or employee disgruntlement. Data leakage is the inadvertent exposure of data, as in the
case of a lost or stolen laptop, an employee storing files using an Internet storage application, or
an employee saving files on a USB drive to take home.
An effective data loss prevention (DLP) strategy includes data inventory and classification; data
metric collection; policy development for data creation, use, storage, transmission, and disposal;
and tools to monitor data at rest, in use, and in transit. There are a variety of tools available for
DLP. Typical network and security tools such as network analysis software, application firewalls,
and intrusion detection and prevention systems can be used to monitor data and its contents as it
is transmitted. Specially purposed DLP software also exists with features such as port and
endpoint control, disk and file encryption, and database transaction monitoring. These tools may
be specialized network traffic monitors or software agents installed on desktops, laptops, and
servers. DLP tools have built-in detection and mitigation measures such as alerting via email,
logging activities, and blocking transmissions.
The implementation and effective use of DLP technologies can assist organizations in automating
the implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of several NIST SP 800-53 security
controls including AC-4, Information Flow Enforcement; AC-17, Remote Access; CA-3,
Information System Connections; CA-7, Continuous Monitoring; CM-7, Least Functionality; SC-
9, Transmission Confidentiality; and SI-12, Information Output Handling and Retention.
The NIST Software Assurance Metrics and Tool Evaluation (SAMATE) project defines software
assurance as the “planned and systematic set of activities that ensures that software processes and
products conform to requirements, standards, and procedures from NASA Software Assurance
Guidebook and Standard to help achieve:
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Trustworthiness No exploitable vulnerabilities exist, either of malicious or unintentional
Predictable Execution Justifiable confidence that software, when executed, functions as
There are several automation specifications that can assist with continuous monitoring of
software assurance, including the emerging Software Assurance Automation Protocol (SwAAP)
that is being developed to measure and enumerate software weaknesses and assurance cases.
SwAAP uses a variety of automation specifications such as the Common Weakness Enumeration
(CWE), which is a dictionary of weaknesses that can lead to exploitable vulnerabilities (i.e.,
CVEs) and the Common Weakness Scoring System (CWSS) for assigning risk scores to
weaknesses. SwAAP also uses the Common Attack Pattern Enumeration & Classification
(CAPEC), which is a publicly available catalog of attack patterns with a comprehensive schema
and classification taxonomy, to provide descriptions of common methods for exploiting software
and the Malware Attribute Enumeration & Characterization (MAEC), which provides a
standardized language for encoding and communicating information about malware based upon
attributes such as behaviors, artifacts, and attack patterns.
There are a number of software assurance tools and technologies that are now incorporating many
of these automation specifications to provide software security throughout the software
development life cycle. The implementation and effective use of software assurance technologies
can assist organizations in automating the implementation, assessment, and continuous
monitoring of several NIST SP 800-53 security controls including CA-7, Continuous Monitoring;
SA-4, Acquisitions; SA-8, Security Engineering Principles; SA-11, Developer Security Testing;
SA-12, Supply Chain Protection; SA-13, Trustworthiness; SA-14, Critical Information System
Components; and SI-13, Predictable Failure Prevention.
Aggregation and analysis technologies are those that have the capability to collect raw data from
one or more security controls or other direct data gathering technologies and correlate, analyze,
and represent the raw data in a way that provides a more meaningful perspective on the
effectiveness of security control implementation across part or all of an organization than would
data from any single technology.
This section discusses common types of aggregation and analysis technologies and their role in
supporting an ISCM capability. They include SIEM and management dashboards.
To enhance the ability to identify inappropriate or unusual activity, organizations may integrate
the analysis of vulnerability scanning information, performance data, network monitoring, and
system audit record (log) information through the use of SIEM tools. SIEM tools are a type of
centralized logging software that can facilitate aggregation and consolidation of logs from
multiple information system components. SIEM tools can also facilitate audit record correlation
and analysis. The correlation of audit record information with vulnerability scanning information
is important in determining the veracity of the vulnerability scans and correlating attack detection
events with scanning results.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
SIEM products usually include support for many types of audit record sources, such as operating
systems, application servers (e.g., Web servers, email servers), and security software, and may
even include support for physical security control devices such as badge readers. An SIEM server
analyzes the data from all the different audit record sources, correlates events among the audit
record entries, identifies and prioritizes significant events, and can be configured to initiate
responses to events.
For each supported audit record source type, SIEM products typically can be configured to
provide functionality for categorization of the most important audit record fields (e.g., the value
in field 12 of application XYZs logs signifies the source IP address) which can significantly
improve the normalization, analysis, and correlation of audit record data. The SIEM software can
also perform event reduction by disregarding those data fields that are not significant to
information system security, potentially reducing the SIEM software’s network bandwidth and
data storage usage.
The implementation and effective use of SIEM technologies can assist organizations in
automating the implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of several NIST SP 800-
53 security controls including AC-5, Separation of Duties; AU-2, Auditable Events; AU-6, Audit
Review, Analysis, and Reporting; AU-7, Audit Reduction and Report Generation; CA-2, Security
Assessments; CA-7, Continuous Monitoring; IR-5, Incident Monitoring; PE-6, Monitoring
Physical Access; RA-3, Risk Assessment; RA-5, Vulnerability Scanning; and SI-4, Information
System Monitoring.
A security management dashboard (or security information management console) consolidates
and communicates information relevant to the organizational security status in near real-time to
security management stakeholders. Personnel with responsibility for information security range
from a technical system administrator, to the SISO, to the risk executive (function). The security
management dashboard presents information in a meaningful and easily understandable format
that can be customized to provide information appropriate to those with specific roles and
responsibilities within the organization.
To maximize the benefits of management dashboards, it is important to obtain acceptance and
support from upper-level management, define useful and quantifiable organization-specific
performance metrics that are based on information security policies and procedures, and ensure
the availability of meaningful performance data.
The implementation and effective use of management dashboards can assist organizations in
automating the implementation, assessment, and continuous monitoring of several NIST SP 800-
53 security controls including AC-5, Separation of Duties; CA-6, Security Authorization, CA-7,
Continuous Monitoring; PM-6, Information Security Measures of Performance; PM-9, Risk
Management Strategy; RA-3, Risk Assessment; and SI-4, Information System Monitoring.
Managing the security of systems throughout an organization is challenging for several reasons.
Most organizations have many systems to patch and configure securely, with numerous pieces of
software (operating systems and applications) to be secured on each system. Organizations need
to conduct continuous monitoring of the security configuration of each system and be able to
determine the security posture of systems and the organization at any given time. Organizations
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
may also need to demonstrate compliance with security requirements expressed in legislation,
regulation, and policy. All of these tasks are extremely time-consuming and error-prone because
there has been no standardized, automated way of performing them. Another problem for
organizations is the lack of interoperability across security tools; for example, the use of
proprietary names for vulnerabilities or platforms creates inconsistencies in reports from multiple
tools, which can cause delays in security assessment, decision making, and vulnerability
remediation. Organizations need standardized, automated approaches to overcoming these
Automation is an efficient way to enable ISCM within and across domains to capture, correlate,
analyze, and report the overall security status of the organization. Automation specifications and
standardized formats enable the interoperability and flow of data between these domains. Just
about every security tool provides some sort of automated capability as part of its functionality,
including importing and exporting data and performing other pre-configured, unassisted
operations. Some of these automated capabilities rely on proprietary methods and protocols,
while others use standardized specifications and methods. When using a tool that automatically
configures devices or changes settings, the new configurations are first tested in a test
environment. Some examples of security automation activities include:
Scanning for vulnerabilities and automatically applying the appropriate patches;
Automatically enabling security configurations based on a checklist of security settings;
Scanning for compliance against a pre-configured checklist of security settings; and
Collecting security metrics from tools and reporting them to a management console in a
standardized format.
These are just a few of the many security activities that can be automated. The tools and
technologies discussed in this publication leverage a variety of supporting protocols,
specifications, and resources to provide the standardization and interoperability necessary to
enable ISCM.
The automation specification movement is a community-driven effort to standardize the format
and nomenclature for communicating security and IT related information. These data exchange
standards create the foundation for automating activities across disparate vendor tool sets, as well
as interoperability across domain boundaries. The most mature and widely used set of
specifications is the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP), which is used to standardize
the communication of software flaws and security configurations. This section discusses how
SCAP, the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), and security configuration checklists are used
to represent and communicate data in a standardized format for performing security automation
capabilities and their roles in supporting an ISCM program.
SCAP is a suite of specifications
For more information, please refer to NIST DRAFT SP 800-126, as amended, The Technical Specification for the
Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP): SCAP Version 1.1.
that standardizes the format and nomenclature by which
security software products communicate security flaw and security configuration information.
SCAP is a multipurpose protocol that supports automated vulnerability and patch checking,
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
security control compliance activities, and security measurement. Goals for the development of
SCAP include standardizing system security management, promoting interoperability of security
products, and fostering the use of standard expressions of security content. SCAP can be used for
maintaining the security of organizational systems, such as automatically verifying the
installation of patches, checking system security configuration settings, and examining systems
for signs of compromise.
What Can Be Automated With SCAP
There are many readily available tools that can be used to automate ISCM activities using SCAP.
The SCAP Product Validation Program
The SCAP validation program validates two types of vulnerability and patch scanners:
authenticated and unauthenticated. Authenticated vulnerability and patch scanners provide the
capability to scan a target system using target system logon privileges, to locate and identify the
presence of known vulnerabilities, and evaluate the software patch status to determine the
ongoing security status of the system based on an organization’s defined patch policy.
Unauthenticated vulnerability scanners provide the capability to determine the presence of known
vulnerabilities by evaluating the target system over the network without authenticated access.
SCAP-enabled vulnerability scanners can be configured to scan connected systems at regular
intervals, thus providing a quantitative and repeatable measurement and scoring of software flaws
across systems. The use of SCAP-validated vulnerability scanners enables interoperability among
vulnerability scanners and reporting tools to provide consistent detection and reporting of these
flaws and supports comprehensive remediation capabilities.
is designed to test the ability of products to use the
features and functionality available through SCAP and its component standards.
While patching and vulnerability monitoring and remediation can often appear an overwhelming
task, consistent mitigation of system software vulnerabilities can be achieved through a tested and
integrated patching process. A mature patch and vulnerability management program that
embraces security automation technologies will help the organization to be more proactive than
reactive with regard to maintaining appropriate levels of security for their systems.
Vulnerability assessment and patch management technologies focus primarily on testing for the
presence of known vulnerabilities in common operating systems and applications. For custom
software and applications and in discovering unknown, unreported or unintentional vulnerabilities
in commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products, vulnerability assessment and analysis may require
the use of additional, more specialized techniques and approaches, such as Web-based application
scanners, source code reviews, and source code analyzers. These tools, coupled with security
control assessment methodologies such as red team exercises and penetration testing, provide
additional means for vulnerability identification.
The SCAP Validation Program evaluates the capabilities of configuration scanners that can audit
and assess a target system to determine its compliance with a defined secure baseline
configuration. Examples of secure baseline configurations include the Federal Desktop Core
For more information on the SCAP Validation Program, please refer to http://scap.nist.gov/validation/.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Configuration (FDCC)
and profiles created under the United States Government Configuration
Baseline (USGCB)
How to Implement SCAP
To implement SCAP for ISCM, SCAP-validated
To automate continuous monitoring of known software vulnerabilities, SCAP-expressed
checklists and SCAP-validated tools can be used to assess the software assets installed and derive
a mitigation strategy for known vulnerabilities based on risk severity. By performing regularly
scheduled scans of the enterprise architecture with the latest available SCAP-expressed security-
related information, a security officer and/or system administrator can attain on-demand
situational awareness of the security of their networked systems in terms of configuration settings
and mitigation of known software vulnerabilities.
tools and SCAP-expressed checklists are used
to automate secure configuration management and produce assessment evidence for many NIST
SP 800-53 security controls. SCAP-expressed checklists can be customized as appropriate to
meet specific organizational requirements. SCAP-expressed checklists can also map individual
system security configuration settings to their corresponding security requirements. For example,
mappings are available between Windows XP secure baseline configurations and the security
controls in NIST SP 800-53. These mappings can help demonstrate that the implemented settings
provide adequate security and adhere to requirements. The mappings are embedded in SCAP-
expressed checklists which allow SCAP-validated tools to generate assessment and compliance
evidence automatically. This can provide a substantial savings in effort and cost of configuration
management. If SCAP-validated tools are not available or are not currently deployed within an
organization, organizations should consider implementing SCAP-expressed checklists for their
secure baseline configurations in order to be well-positioned when SCAP-validated tools become
available and/or are deployed.
Partially Automated Controls
The implementation, assessment, and monitoring of some security controls may not be automated
by existing tools; however, they may be partially automated using the Open Checklist Interactive
Language (OCIL). OCIL defines a framework for expressing a set of questions to be presented to
a user and corresponding procedures to interpret responses to these questions. OCIL may be used
in conjunction with other SCAP specifications such as eXtensible Configuration Checklist
Description Format (XCCDF) to help handle cases where lower-level checking languages such as
Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language (OVAL) are unable to automate a particular check.
OCIL provides a standardized approach to express and evaluate manual security checks. For
example, a system user may be asked, “Do you have a safe to store documents?” The OCIL
specification provides the ability to define questions, define possible answers to a question from
which the user can choose, define actions to be taken resulting from a users answer, and
enumerate the result set. One of the benefits of OCIL is that the answers can be returned in a
standardized format, allowing statistical analysis and other calculations to be performed in an
automated manner.
For more information on the FDCC, please refer to http://fdcc.nist.gov.
For more information on the USGCB, please refer to http://usgcb.nist.gov.
For more information on SCAP-validated products, please refer to http://nvd.nist.gov/scapproducts.cfm.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
NIST provides the two data repositories, the NVD and security configuration checklists, to
support both automated and manual ISCM efforts.
National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
The NVD is the U.S. government repository of standards-based vulnerability management data
represented using the SCAP specifications. This data enables automation of vulnerability
management, security measurement, and compliance. The NVD includes security checklists,
security-related software flaws, misconfigurations, product names, and impact metrics.
The content in the NVD is dynamic; for example, vulnerabilities are updated with new
information such as patch content, checklists are updated, and new checklists are added. As
information becomes available in the NVD, systems are rescanned to reassess risk and mitigate
any new vulnerabilities. To facilitate a standardized distribution of the data, vulnerability content
in the form of XML data feeds is available and updated at two-hour intervals. Organizations can
leverage this standardized data for ISCM automation by configuring scheduled scans of systems
and evaluating changes that may have occurred and any associated security risks from the
Security Configuration Checklists
The Cyber Security Research and Development Act of 2002
tasked NIST to “develop, and
revise as necessary, a checklist setting forth settings and option selections that minimize the
security risks associated with each computer hardware or software system that is, or is likely to
become widely used within the Federal Government. The National Checklist Program (NCP)
A security configuration checklist, sometimes referred to as a lockdown guide, hardening guide,
or benchmark configuration, is essentially a document that contains instructions or procedures for
configuring an information technology (IT) product to a baseline level of security. Checklists can
be developed not only by IT vendors, but also by consortia, academia, and industry, federal
agencies and other governmental organizations, and others in the public and private sectors.
the U.S. government repository of publicly available security checklists. The use of such
checklists within the context of an overarching information security program can markedly
reduce the vulnerability exposure of an organization.
The NCP provides checklists both in prose format and in SCAP-expressed format. The SCAP-
expressed checklists allow SCAP-validated tools to process the checklists and scan systems
automatically. A subset of checklists also provides embedded Common Configuration
Enumerations (CCEs) mapped to the NIST SP 800-53 security controls that allow for checklist
results to be returned in the context of NIST SP 800-53 control requirements. A checklist might
include any of the following:
Configuration files that automatically set various security settings (e.g., executables, security
templates that modify settings, scripts);
The Cyber Security Research and Development Act of 2002 is available at
For more information on the NCP, see http://web.nvd.nist.gov/view/ncp/repository.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
Documentation (e.g., text file) that guides the checklist user to manually configure software;
Documents that explain the recommended methods to securely install and configure a device;
Policy documents that set forth guidelines for such activities as auditing, authentication
security (e.g., passwords), and perimeter security.
Not all instructions in a security configuration checklist are for security settings. Checklists can
also include administrative practices for an IT product that go hand in hand with improvements to
the product's security. Often, successful attacks on systems are the direct result of poor
administrative practices such as not changing default passwords or failure to apply new patches.
A checklist comparison can also be performed as part of auditing and continuous monitoring of
deployed systems security, to ensure that the baseline configurations are maintained. It is not
normally sufficient to configure a computer once and assume that the settings will be maintained;
settings may change as software is installed, upgraded, and patched, or as computers are
connected and disconnected from domains. Users might also alter security settings, such as in the
case of a user who feels that a locking screen saver is inconvenient and hence turns the feature
Organizations can use the technologies, specifications, and reference data sources discussed in
Appendix D in an integrated manner to architect an ISCM technical implementation that
maximizes the use of security-related information and promotes consistency in the planning and
implementation of ISCM. Where possible, this ISCM technical implementation automates the
collection, aggregation and analysis, and reporting and presentation of data that is necessary to
support organization-defined metrics.
However, organizations face significant challenges in integrating these technologies to enable
ISCM. Organizations typically use a diverse set of security products from multiple vendors. Thus
it is necessary to extract security-related information (ideally in the form of raw system state data)
from these tools and to normalize that data so that it is comparable (at tier 3 level and at tiers 2
and 1).
A tier 3 capability is created to enable querying and reporting on the data aggregated from
tiple tools covering multiple ISCM security automation domains. Since there are often many
local tier 3 repositories covering different parts of a large enterprise, the tier 3 ISCM repositories
regularly report data to tier 2 repositories, likely following a hierarchical architecture. The tier 2
repositories in turn report data to tier 1 repositories that may report data to even higher level
users. As this data is passed up the ISCM hierarchy, it is abstracted since it is not usually possible
or advisable to replicate all low level security-related information at all tiers in the hierarchy.
Higher tier users query the lower level tiers to retrieve data. One challenge is the need for a
technical mechanism to allow a higher tier query to be passed to lower tier ISCM instances for
fulfillment. Another challenge is that in conducting query fulfillment, the lower tier ISCM
instances may need to perform analysis of raw data to generate the results. These results may be
findings (comparison of raw data against policy) or scores (numerical evaluation of a set of
findings) and so a mechanism in the query by which to convey the desired analysis that is to be
performed is needed. Ideally, if the requested data is not available at tier 3, then the tier 3 ISCM
instance tasks its diverse security tools to collect the requested data.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
These challenges can be met through the use of a reference model that describes the types of tools
needed, their relationships, and their required roles in fulfilling ISCM functionality. The model
either leverages or provides interface specifications that enable integration of these tools in order
for an organization to compose an ISCM technical implementation. The model also provides
specifications for each tool type so that the tools perform their roles appropriately in
implementing organization wide ISCM.
One example of an ISCM reference model that promotes this consistent integration is the
CAESARS Framework Extension, described in NIST Interagency Report (NISTIR) 7756,
CAESARS Framework Extension: An Enterprise Continuous Monitoring Technical Reference
Architecture (Draft). NISTIR 7756 provides a foundation for a continuous monitoring reference
model that aims to enable organizations to aggregate collected data from across a diverse set of
security tools, analyze that data, perform scoring, enable user queries, and provide overall
situational awareness.
The model is based on a set of high level workflow that describe necessary data movement within
an ISCM technical implementation. These workflow are realized through the models subsystem
specifications (i.e., requirements for types of tools) and interface specifications for tool
communication. One ability to leverage the model is dependent in part on the available
infrastructure and the maturity of the organization’s measurement program.
In the model, data is collected (for predefined metrics or in response to a user query) to include
those related to security control implementation and effectiveness. The types of data sources
include people, processes, technologies, and the computing environment, (including security
control assessment results). A variety of methods, both automated and manual, can be used to
collect data. Organizations consider utilizing standards-based methods within tools for
performing data collection to reduce integration costs, to enable interoperability of diverse tools
and technologies, and to enable data to be collected once and reused many times. Data generated
by humans can be collected using mechanisms that use automation and that leverage standardized
methods. Collection methodologies are standardized and automated where possible to enable
intra- and inter-tier information exchange, correlation and analysis.
The functional
capabilities of an architecture implemented to support ISCM include data collection, storage,
querying, analysis, retrieval, propagation to higher tiers, and presentation.
Collected data is tagged with metadata when stored in ways that maximize reuse of collected
data. Data is normalized for purposes of aggregation, correlation, and consistent use in metrics.
Care is taken to store data that has been normalized or otherwise processed with its relevant
attributes so as to minimize the possibility of contamination of one metric by cleansing
algorithms used in support of another.
The model enables an ISCM infrastructure that has retrieval, analysis, and presentation
capabilities sufficient to support reporting and risk-based decision making at all tiers. Metrics are
calculated in accordance with the ISCM strategy and the established program. All security-related
information is presented to those with ISCM roles and responsibilities as well as other
stakeholders including consumers of monitoring information who use it to control operations
within organizational risk tolerances in accordance with ISCM strategy (e.g., individuals
See NIST SP 800-55, as amended, for more information on measurement programs.
Special Publication 800-137 Information Security Continuous Monitoring for
Federal Information Systems and Organizations
responsible for patch management, security control assessment, security awareness and training).
Data presentation is flexible enough to satisfy diverse data display needs across all tiers.
Figure D-2 provides a high-level view of an ISCM implementation that depicts a sample flow of
security-related information from source data collection, through aggregation and analysis, to
reporting of data to users at all tiers. The ISCM data needs of users vary by tier. For example,
system administrators at Tier 3 may be interested in technical details to support system-level
actions (e.g. configuration changes), whereas management officials at Tier 1 may be more
interested in aggregated data to enable organization-wide decision making (e.g. changes in
security policies, an increase in resources for security awareness programs, or modifications to
the security architecture). Careful design of ISCM capabilities provides each user with the data
content in the format they need and with the frequency of data collection they require to make
effective decisions. More detailed information on ISCM reference models is available in NIST
Interagency Report 7756.
Figure D-2. Sample ISCM Implementation