FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Getting Results Guide
Version 8.41.00
Getting Results
Original Instructions
Important User Information
Read this document and the documents listed in the additional resources section about installation, configuration, and operation of this equipment before you install,
configure, operate, or maintain this product. Users are required to familiarize themselves with installation and wiring instructions in addition to requirements of all
applicable codes, laws, and standards.
Activities including installation, adjustments, putting into service, use, assembly, disassembly, and maintenance are required to be carried out by suitably trained
personnel in accordance with applicable code of practice.
If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular
installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.
Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations.
Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to personal
injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence.
Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.
These labels may also be on or inside the equipment to provide specific precautions.
Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous voltage may be present.
Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach dangerous
Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a motor control center, to alert people to potential Arc Flash. Arc Flash
will cause severe injury or death. Wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Follow ALL Regulatory requirements for safe work practices and for
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
The following icon may appear in the text of this document.
Identifies information that is useful and can help to make a process easier to do or easier to understand.
Rockwell Automation recognizes that some of the terms that are currently used in our industry and in this publication are not in alignment with the movement toward
inclusive language in technology. We are proactively collaborating with industry peers to find alternatives to such terms and making changes to our products and content.
Please excuse the use of such terms in our content while we implement these changes.
2 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Before you begin.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
Preparing the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server.....................................................................................................................................................................................................6
System requirements........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Network considerations....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
Server platform considerations.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................9
Confirming the Oce user account is valid...........................................................................................................................................................................................................9
Installing and configuring IIS..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Configuring an SSL certificate on the server computer..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Configuring prerequisites for the FactoryTalk Historian utility.......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Step 1: Installing the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server..................................................................................................................................................................................................12
Step 2: Activating the FactoryTalk license....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Initializing the license on FactoryTalk VantagePoint..........................................................................................................................................................................................20
User licenses............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Step 3: Configuring connectors..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................23
Connecting to data sources..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
VantagePoint simulator.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................24
Configuring FactoryTalk data sources................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Connecting to FactoryTalk data sources...............................................................................................................................................................................................................26
Step 4: Installing client applications.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................30
Upgrading FactoryTalk VantagePoint................................................................................................................................................................................................................................32
Uninstalling FactoryTalk VantagePoint............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
FactoryTalk VantagePoint features.......................................................................................................................................................................................................35
Portal....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
XY Plotter................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38
Excel Add-in........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Mobile....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Rockwell Automation, Inc. FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 3
FactoryTalk® VantagePoint® provides dashboards, trends, and reports that work with a broad range of real-time and historian data sources.
FactoryTalk VantagePoint consists of server and client components. The server has three components: the System Server, the Portal Server, and the Database Server (or
IncuityStore). The client components include the FactoryTalk VantagePoint Portal, Trend, XY Plotter, Manager, Excel Add-in, and the Mobile site.
Next steps
This guide gives you a quick introduction to the FactoryTalk VantagePoint functionality. The online help includes a tutorial to build a model of a Crayon Plant to help you
get more familiar with many of the features in FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
You can also use the online help for more information about:
XY Plotter
Excel add-in
Portal customization
Building your model
Managing security
Type System
Visit https://www.rockwellautomation.com for more information.
Legal Notices
Rockwell Automation publishes legal notices, such as privacy policies, license agreements, trademark disclosures, and other terms and conditions on the Legal Notices
page of the Rockwell Automation website.
Software and Cloud Services Agreement
Review and accept the Rockwell Automation Software and Cloud Services Agreement here.
Open Source Software Licenses
The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under one or more open source licenses.
You can view a full list of all open source software used in this product and their corresponding licenses by opening the oss_licenses.txt file located in your product's
OPENSOURCE folder on your hard drive. This file is divided into these sections:
Includes the name of the open source component, its version number, and the type of license.
Copyright Text
Includes the name of the open source component, its version number, and the copyright declaration.
Includes the name of the license, the list of open source components citing the license, and the terms of the license.
The default location of this file is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Rockwell\Help\<product name>\Release Notes\OPENSOURCE\oss_licenses.txt.
4 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
You may obtain Corresponding Source code for open source packages included in this product from their respective project web site(s). Alternatively, you may obtain
complete Corresponding Source code by contacting Rockwell Automation via the Contact form on the Rockwell Automation website: http://www.rockwellautomation.com/
global/about-us/contact/contact.page. Please include "Open Source" as part of the request text.
Rockwell Automation, Inc. FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 5
Chapter 1
Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Perform these steps to install FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
To install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
1. Prepare the server and any prerequisites. For more information, refer to Before you begin on page 6.
Install the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server on a suitably configured machine. For more information, refer to
Step 1: Installing the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server on page 12.
SQL Server must exist before installing the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server. You can use an
existing SQL Server installation, or the Standard Edition is available for FactoryTalk VantagePoint
users. The Standard Edition requires an additional licensing cost and is recommended for large
application deployment.
Complete the FactoryTalk Activation process. For more information, refer to Step 2: Activating the FactoryTalk
license on page 19.
Configure connectors to the data sources that you want to use with FactoryTalk VantagePoint. For more
information, refer to Step 3: Configuring connectors on page 23.
From a client machine, browse to http(s)://ServerMachineName/Incuity or http(s):// ServerMachineName/
VantagePointPortal and install the FactoryTalk VantagePoint Client Applications. For more information, refer
to Step 4: Installing client applications on page 30.
This guide will help you with your initial configuration of FactoryTalk VantagePoint. Detailed information about
FactoryTalk VantagePoint can be found in the online help, which is installed with the server.
Before you begin
This section contains the following parts:
Preparing the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server on page 6
Confirming the Oce user account is valid on page 9
Installing and configuring IIS on page 9
Configuring an SSL certificate on the server computer on page 10
Configuring prerequisites for the FactoryTalk Historian utility on page 11
Preparing the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server
Prepare the following things before installing FactoryTalk VantagePoint:
System requirements on page 6
Network considerations on page 9
Server platform considerations on page 9
System requirements
FactoryTalk VantagePoint works within the system requirements of all Rockwell Automation software products. For
the latest compatibility information, refer to the Product Compatibility and Download Center.
6 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Before installing, confirm that your system meets the following requirements.
System Server
Item Description
Operating System Windows Server®2019Standard
Windows Server 2019Datacenter
Windows Server 2022Standard
Windows Server 2022Datacenter
Note:The VantagePoint IIS Application Pools are set to 32-bit
mode only.
Software Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express (64-bit)
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard (64-bit)
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Express (64-bit)
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard (64-bit)
Microsoft Office 2016 (32-bit only)
Microsoft Office 2019 (32-bit only)
Microsoft Office 365 (32-bit only)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Microsoft Edge 95 or later (Internet Explorer mode)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8full version (included with
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 (added when installing and
configuring IIS)
Hardware 2.5 GHz
2 GB Hard Drive Space
4096 MB RAM
Full Client
Item Description
Operating Systems Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC
Windows 10 Enterprise 2021 LTSC
Windows 10 Enterprise
Windows 10 Professional
Windows 11 Enterprise
Windows 11 Professional
Windows Server 2019 Standard
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
Windows Server 2022 Standard
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
Note:Embedded versions are not supported.
Web Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Microsoft Edge 95 or later (Internet Explorer mode)
Rockwell Automation, Inc. FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 7
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Item Description
The Metro App for Internet Explorer 11 is not supported.
You can use VantagePoint Mobile on Google Chrome 91 or
later or Internet Explorer 11.
Software Microsoft Office 2016 (32-bit only)
Microsoft Office 2019 (32-bit only)
Microsoft Office 365 (32-bit)
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
Adobe Reader (for viewing Eventing/ReportSet reports)
Hardware 1.5 GHz
2 GB Hard Drive Space
1024 MB Ram
Browser Client
Item Description
Operating System Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC
Windows 10 Enterprise 2021 LTSC
Windows 10 Enterprise
Windows 10 Professional
Windows 11 Enterprise
Windows 11 Professional
Windows Server 2019 Standard
Windows Server 2019 Datacenter
Windows Server 2022 Standard
Windows Server 2022 Datacenter
Note:Embedded versions are not supported.
Web Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Microsoft Edge 95 or later (Internet Explorer mode)
The Metro App for Internet Explorer 11 is not supported.
You can use VantagePoint Mobile on Google Chrome 91 or
later or Internet Explorer 11.
Software Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
Adobe Reader (for viewing Eventing/ReportSet reports)
Hardware 1.5 GHz
2 GB Hard Drive Space
1024 MB Ram
Mobile Client
8 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Item Description
Supported Devices Android tablets and smartphones with OS 5.0 using Google
Apple iPad 4 or later or iPhone 5 or later with iOS 9.1 or 10.x
using Safari
Note:A tablet is required to use the Import and Configure
Web Browsers Google Chrome 91 or later
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
Microsoft Edge 95 or later
Note:The Metro App for Internet Explorer 11 is not supported
Network considerations
The FactoryTalk VantagePoint server should be installed on a server that:
Has network access to the plant data sources (Control systems, HMI systems, and historians) that FactoryTalk
VantagePoint will be configured to access data from.
Is accessible to the intended FactoryTalk VantagePoint users.
In environments where control networks have been separated from business networks, the server will require a
network card attached to each network.
Server platform considerations
The Windows server should be configured as an Application server and a member of the domain (if applicable to your
organization). If you are using a domain, we recommend that you must be signed into the server where you will be
installing FactoryTalk VantagePoint as a domain user that has local administrator rights on the server.
The Windows server, SQL Server, and Microsoft Oce should have all applicable service packs and updates installed
before the installation of the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server.
Confirming the Oce user account is valid
The FactoryTalk VantagePoint server requires Microsoft Oce to render reports created with the Excel Add-In, and
this copy of Excel must run under a valid Windows user account referred to in FactoryTalk VantagePoint as the
System/Oce user account. The account is required to enable running Excel in an automated fashion. The user
on this account must be a "real" Windows account user with normal user-level permissions. The Domain Name is
expected to be the same as the Domain Name for the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server. For more information, refer to
Modifying VantagePoint Server Accounts in the online help.
This copy of Excel must be launched at least once before users generate any Excel reports in the
Portal. The installer launches Excel during the installation process.
Installing and configuring IIS
To avoid interruptions during the installation process, make sure that the Internet Information Service (IIS) is installed
and configured as follows.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
If the roles are not installed, the following message displays when installing the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server.
To install and configure IIS on Windows Server
In Server Manager, select Dashboard > Add roles and features.
The Add Roles and Features Wizard page appears.
Complete the wizard. Make sure you select the following options on the specified pages:
Item Description
Installation Type tab Select Role-based or feature-based installation.
Server Selection tab Select Select a server from the server pool, and then select your
Server Roles tab Select Web Server (IIS), and then click Add Features in the dialog
box that opens.
Features tab Select the following:
Expand .NET Framework 3.5 Features, and then select the
.NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
Expand .NET Framework 4.8 Features (Installed), and then
select the ASP.NET 4.8 checkbox.
Role Services page Select the following:
Under Security, select the Windows Authentication
Under Application Development, select the following
Configuring an SSL certificate on the server computer
You can purchase a CA certificate or create a self-signed certificate on the server computer.
By default, non-administrative users cannot change the IIS configuration. The configuration should
not be changed as it creates a potential security risk.
To create the certificate on the server computermanually
Go to Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Under Connections, select the server name.
10 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
3. In the middle pane, double-click Server Certificates.
In the right pane, under Actions, select Create Certificate Request.
The Request Certificate wizard appears.
5. On the Distinguished Name Properties page, complete all the information, and then select Next.
The Cryptographic Service Provider Properties page appears.
Under Cryptographic service provider, select Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider.
Under Bit length, select 2048, and then select Next.
8. On the File Name page, specify the file name for the certificate request and the location where you want to
save it.
Select Finish.
Submit the certificate request:
Go to http://<servername>/CertSrv.
b. On the Welcome page, select Request a certificate.
c. On the Request a Certificate page, select advanced certificate request.
On the Submit a Certificate Request or Renewal Request page, copy the content of the file saved
before, and then paste it into the Saved Request box.
Select Submit.
The Certificate Pending page appears.
On the Domain Controller’s computer, go to Start > Server Manager.
Under AD CS, right-click the server name, and then select Certification Authority.
On the certsrv window, expand the Certification Authority node and the server name node, and then select
Pending Requests.
Right-click the listed pending request, and then select All Tasks > Issue.
On the certificate appliers computer, download the issued certificate:
Go to http://<servername>/CertSrv.
b. On the Welcome page, select View the status of a pending certificate request.
c. On the View the Status of a Pending Certificate Request page, select Saved-Request Certificate.
On the Certificate Issued page, select Download certificate, and then save it.
Go back to the Server Certificates feature in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Under Actions, select Complete Certificate Request.
The Specify Certificate Authority Response dialog box appears.
Select the certificate saved before, enter a name for it in the Friendly name box, and then select OK.
In the left pane, expand the server name node, and then select Sites > Default Web Site.
In the Actions panel on the right pane, under Edit Site, select Bindings.
In the Site Binding dialog box, select Add.
In the Add Site Binding dialog box, enter the following information.
Under Type, select https.
b. Under SSL certificate, select the certificate that you have requested.
c. Select OK.
Select Close.
Configuring prerequisites for the FactoryTalk Historian utility
If the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server successfully installs, a utility will attempt to locate and register a FactoryTalk
Historian server in the FactoryTalk Directory and create a connector for the Historian server. To run this utility,
Rockwell Automation, Inc. FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 11
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
you need the following additional prerequisites configured on the server where you will install the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint server:
The FactoryTalk Services Platform must be installed from the FactoryTalk VantagePoint installation package.
The FactoryTalk Historian SDKmust be installed from the FactoryTalk VantagePoint installation package.
The Windows Update service must be temporarily turned off so that it does not interfere with the automatic
configuration after the installation and computer restart.
The time must be set correctly on the computer. Otherwise, the FactoryTalk Historian SE server may not start
correctly and the configuration of the Historian environment will fail.
The remote computer hosting the FactoryTalk Directory must not have any Connections configuration related
to the computer where you will install the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server. You can check it inFactoryTalk
Administration Console. For more information, refer to the FactoryTalk Historian SE user documentation.
Step 1: Installing the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server
Perform these steps to install the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server.
Beginning in version 4.5, FactoryTalk VantagePoint includes an optional SQL CLR feature. This
feature is not installed by default and can only be installed using the Custom Setup option described
in Step 9. SQL CLR lets you query the FactoryTalk VantagePoint model using T-SQL commands, uses
SQL Server Reporting Services to author and publish reports to a report server, integrates Reporting
Services reports to the FactoryTalk VantagePoint model/Portal, integrates Reporting Services reports into
Composite reports, and launches Report Builder from the Portal. For more information, refer to SQL CLR in
the online help.
12 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
To install the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server
In the FactoryTalk VantagePoint installation package, double-click Setup.exe.
The FactoryTalk VantagePoint wizard appears.
Select Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint. The following screen appears, which allows you to install the
prerequisite software, FactoryTalk VantagePoint, and optional features.
Select Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 (if it is not installed), and complete the installation of the .NET
Framework, which is a prerequisite for installing FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
Select Install FactoryTalk Services Platform to install the common components used by the FactoryTalk
connector, and then complete the wizard.
FactoryTalk VantagePoint version 8.41.00 supports the FactoryTalk Services Platform version CPR 9 SR 9.0,
CPR 9 SR 10, CPR 9 SR 11, CPR 9 SR 12, CPR 9 SR 13,andCPR 9 SR 14.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
5. Select Install FactoryTalk Activation Manager, and install the following components, which are
prerequisites for installing FactoryTalk VantagePoint:
HASP USB dongle drivers (After clicking Continue, a dialog box prompts you to install these
FactoryTalk Diagnostics
FactoryTalk Activation Manager
Windows Firewall Configuration Utility
You do not need to restart your computer for this step.
FactoryTalk VantagePoint version 8.41.00 supports the FactoryTalk Activation Manager version5.01.00.
Select Install OPC Core Components to install the common components used by OPC connectors.
Select Install FactoryTalk Historian SDK to install the common components used by the FactoryTalk
Historian connector, and then complete the wizard.
If you install FactoryTalk VantagePoint version 8.41.00 on a computer without Historian
SDK previously installed, the installation of the newest version of Historian SDK is
If you install FactoryTalk VantagePoint version 8.41.00 on a computer with an earlier
version of Historian SDK installed, the installation of the newest version of Historian SDK is
If you install FactoryTalk VantagePoint version 8.41.00 on a computer with an earlier version
of both Historian SDK and FactoryTalk Historian SE installed, the installation of the newest
version of Historian SDK will fail. This is because the version conflicts with the built-in
Historian SDK in the earlier version of FactoryTalk Historian SE.
If you do not have a copy of Microsoft SQL Server installed, select Install SQL Server 2022 Express.
14 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
The FactoryTalk VantagePoint server requires a Microsoft SQL Server for the deployment of
the IncuityStore database. The IncuityStore database is where all items in the model are stored.
This copy of SQL Server can exist on the host machine of the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server, or
a different domain machine.
Complete the SQL Server installation.
9. Select Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint to install the product.
If you want to use HTTPS as the default protocol to transmit data, select Validate to enable this
function, which requires an SSL certificate and an HTTPS port (443). For more information, see
Configuring an SSL certificate on the server computer on page 10.
If you want to use HTTP to transmit data, clear the Secure communication with HTTPS checkbox, and
then select Next.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Review the following for additional information about this wizard:
Item Description
Choose the Setup Type page Select one of the following:
Express - Installs all features on the same
machine, including the FactoryTalk VantagePoint
server, IncuityStore database, and Portal.
Custom - Allows you to:
Specify the name of the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint Portal. You cannot use the
following non-alphanumeric characters in the
Portal name or it will not launch:
Install Client applications (required if using
Portal reports) and Sample content. Sample
content includes all the items created under
MyEnterprise.Samples v4. The simulators
created to support these itemsarealsopart
of the sample content. The Simulator
Connector type, however, will still exist as
a data source under System.Sources in
VantagePoint Manager.
Install ActiveX Trend support (ActiveX Trend
installation registers Trend and XY Plotter
ActiveX controls on the client machine,
enabling the controls to be used in ActiveX
Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint SQL CLR.
If selected, a VantagePointCLR database
that hosts the SQL CLR stored procedures
and functions is installed in SQL Server, SQL
CLR is enabled in SQL Server, and the Incuity
System User is added to the VantagePointCLR
database and the SQL Server Reporting
Services Admin/Users security group.
This feature lets you query the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint model using T-SQL commands,
uses SQL Server Reporting Services to author
and publish reports to a report server,
integrates Reporting Services reports to
the FactoryTalk VantagePoint model/Portal,
integrate Reporting Services reports into
Composite reports, and launch Report Builder
from the Portal.
16 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Item Description
You must install SQL Server Reporting Services
before installing SQL CLR.
SQL CLR can only be installed using the Custom
Setup option and is disabled by default.
Database Connection Information page Enter database connection information.
The user running the installer must be a local machine
administrator. To access the SQL Server database, this
user can use integrated security to the database server
if they have sys admin rights on the database server.
Otherwise, SQL Server credentials with sys admin rights
(such as "sa") must be specified.
The IncuityStore database credentials are used by the
FactoryTalk VantagePoint server to create and access
the IncuityStore SQL Server database, the IncuityHistory
database, and the IncuitySample database. The System
user is granted ownership of all three databases.
System/Office User page The FactoryTalk VantagePoint system needs a user
account to operate as it configures the three system
websites: the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server, Portal
server, and Office server. Usually, the server machine
belongs to a Domain with a normal username and
This user should be a normal Domain user with
only the most basic permissions.
This user should not be added to any other local
user groups such as PowerUser or Administrator.
The password for this user should never expire.
This account enables the Excel report-renderer to run.
The FactoryTalk VantagePoint server renders reports
published to the Portal by running an automated copy
of MS Office. This installation of Office must run with a
pre-existing, valid Windows username and password.
User-level permissions are adequate. The installer will
launch Excel to create the user profile (Office user).
Should you later decide that this user needs greater
permissions than those automatically created, you can
create an Office user with the necessary permissions,
and then change the Office user in Manager. See
Modifying Server Accounts in the online help for more
Rockwell Automation, Inc. FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 17
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Item Description
Note: If you select Local account:
All users added to the system must be added from
the system machine console. An administrator
cannot browse the server from a client machine to
add users.
If using the Incuity System user, you may not have
access to any ACD files for importing tags. We
recommend that you use a domain account if you
will need access to an ACD file.
At the end of this step, the Microsoft Excel window displays. To complete the installation:
If you install Microsoft Oce 2019 (32-bit), you must select Accept and start Excel.
If you install Microsoft Oce 365 (32-bit), you must sign into Microsoft, and then accept the
license agreement.
If you have configured the prerequisites for the FactoryTalk Historian Utility, when the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint installation is completed, the following appears:
This utility will locate and register a FactoryTalk Historian server in the FactoryTalk Directory and create
a connector for the Historian server. For more information, refer to Configuring prerequisites for the
FactoryTalk Historian utility on page 11.
When the FactoryTalk Historian Utility installation is completed, the Mobile site will automatically open. From
this site, you can:
Import FactoryTalk Historian tags and configure properties for them.
Create displays including gauges, trends, indicators, and so on, for public or private use.
You can access the Portal and other applications that are part of the FactoryTalk VantagePoint system
from the Start menu under Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software.
You can receive product and patch notifications by signing up for them on the
Customer Support website. For more information, refer to Knowledgebase Document
ID: PN27 - Subscribing to Product Safety Advisory (PSA) or Product Notice (PN)
You can install recommended components such as the OPC Core Components or
FactoryTalk Historian SDK later. However, to install them later, you must open the
command prompt on the target machine and execute the following command:
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Incuity\Download\IncuityManager.exe /
18 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Step 2: Activating the FactoryTalk license
For your FactoryTalk VantagePoint system to be operational, you must complete the FactoryTalk Activation Process.
If your FactoryTalk VantagePoint server has access to the Internet, you can complete the activation process via the
Activation Wizard that is accessed from FactoryTalk Activation Manager (Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software).
If using the Activation Wizard, FactoryTalk Activation Manager must be run on the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server.
If you do not have access to the Internet from the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server, you can complete the activation
process from a computer with access to the Internet via the website https://activate.rockwellautomation.com.
Refer to the FactoryTalk Activation online help or the Activate Rockwell Software Products booklet for additional
You will need the information on the license certificate to complete the process (Serial Number & Product Key).
FactoryTalk VantagePoint uses capacity-based licensing that requires FactoryTalk Activation Manager. FactoryTalk
Activation Manager is installed as part of the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server installation and runs on the same
server. When completing the activation process, the generated license files must be in the folder searched by the
activation server.
If you complete the activation process via the website (rather than use the Activation Wizard), you must copy the
downloaded license file (yyy.lic) to a folder that is being searched by the local activation server.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
The default folder is: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Rockwell Automation\Activations\.
Initializing the license on FactoryTalk VantagePoint
After you have completed FactoryTalk Activation, VantagePoint Manager is used to update FactoryTalk VantagePoint
with the licensing information from FactoryTalk Activation Manager. VantagePoint Manager is used to administer the
entire FactoryTalk VantagePoint system.
Initialization must be completed on the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server instead of running Manager
from a remote client.
To initialize the license
Open VantagePoint Manager on the server by selecting Start > All Programs > Rockwell Software >
Select Configuration > License Activation.
This menu item is only available in VantagePoint Manager when it is run on the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint server.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Click Reactivate on this dialog for FactoryTalk VantagePoint to request licenses from FactoryTalk Activation
Manager. If no valid FactoryTalk VantagePoint licenses are available from FactoryTalk Activation Manager, an
error message displays. Adding a license to FactoryTalk VantagePoint will cause the server to stop/restart
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
4. Using VantagePoint Manager, you can confirm what license is being used by FactoryTalk VantagePoint. Under
System, select the License node. You should see the license type specified as Permanent. If you are running
under a "Grace Period" license, the License type should display as "Grace Period".
When first installed, FactoryTalk VantagePoint will use a Grace Period License if the
FactoryTalk Activation has not been completed. The Grace Period License allows the system
to run for 7 days from the time of the initial installation. The expiration date of the Grace
Period License is displayed in Manager and in the Help > About dialog box on each of the
FactoryTalk VantagePoint applications.
A Grace Period License activates the following FactoryTalk VantagePoint functionality:
Feature Grace Period License
Number of Named Users 5
Number of Concurrent Users 0
Number of Historian Connectors 5
Number of Real time Connectors 5
Number of Database Connectors 5
FactoryTalk live Connectors Unlimited
FactoryTalk Historian Connectors Unlimited
FactoryTalk ProductionCentre Connectors Unlimited
Number of Calculation Tags Unlimited
Number of Incuity Tags Unlimited
Number of Storage Tags Unlimited
Report Plug-in Yes
Flash Plug-in Yes
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
FactoryTalk Activation Manager will not start if a valid FactoryTalk VantagePoint license is not
FactoryTalk Activation Manager runs as a service. After the activation process is completed,
you can close FactoryTalk Activation Manager.
The "reactivate" process from VantagePoint Manager must be completed each time you add
additional capacity to the system through FactoryTalk Activation.
Additional licenses for FactoryTalk VantagePoint can be purchased to:
Add additional Named and Concurrent User Licenses
Add Third-party Real-time Connector Instances
AddThird-partyHistorian Connector Instances
Add Database Connector Instances
User licenses
FactoryTalk VantagePoint supports both Named and Concurrent User Licenses. Named User Licenses are
automatically assigned to users as they connect to the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server. It is also possible for an
administrator to delete and add a named user manually.
If the FactoryTalk VantagePoint system detects a Concurrent User License, this license will be temporarily assigned to
users as available.
Step 3: Configuring connectors
Perform the following steps to configure connectors:
Connecting to data sources on page 24
VantagePoint simulator on page 24
Configuring FactoryTalk data sources on page 24
Connecting to FactoryTalk data sources on page 26
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Connecting to data sources
To view and analyze your manufacturing data, you must configure the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server to connect to
your production data sources. This configuration is done using VantagePoint Manager. (VantagePoint Manager is used
to manage the entire FactoryTalk VantagePoint system including the configuration of the model and security.)
To connect to a data source
Click the Manage link on the Portal home page to open Manager. You can also select Tools > Manager in the
Portal menu.
In the Model Browser, select the System > Sources nodes to list the available connector types.
Right-click the desired connector, select New > Item, and then complete the wizard.
Connectors can be configured to access data from:
FactoryTalk Live Data Sources (Logix controllers, PLC, SLC, and so on)
FactoryTalk Historian
FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix
FactoryTalk Metrics
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events History
Third-party Real-time Sources (through FactoryTalk Live Data-OPC DA connector)
Third-partyHistorian Sources (through OPC HDA, Industrial SQL Server, GE Proficy Historian, OSI PI)
Database Connectors (including SQL Server, Oracle, OLEDB, ODBC)
VantagePoint simulator
A simulator is installed with FactoryTalk VantagePoint so that you can begin learning the product before you have it
attached to your plant data sources. Several instances of the simulator are created during the installation. Additional
instances can be created by right-clicking the Simulator node (under the System > Sources node), and then
selecting Create Instance.
Configuring FactoryTalk data sources
FactoryTalk VantagePoint supports connection to FactoryTalk Live Data, FactoryTalk Historian, and FactoryTalk
Alarms and Events data sources. FactoryTalk data sources must be configured appropriately before referencing the
data in FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
The following flowchart illustrates how to configure FactoryTalk data sources such that the data can be referenced by
FactoryTalk VantagePoint. This example uses LinxNG Enterprise which is the recommended and preferred data server
for communicating with Rockwell Automation controllers (Control Logix, PLC-5, SLC-5, and so on). LinxNG Enterprise
installation files can be found in the Redist\LinxNG folder in the FactoryTalk VantagePoint installation package.
Conguring FactoryTalk Data Sources Flowchart
Item Description
Option 1 Using RSLinx Enterprise, create Device Shortcuts that link
directly to underlying control devices. Reference these data
items via the Device Shortcut in the VantagePoint Manager.
Use the VantagePoint Standalone FactoryTalk Historian
connector to reference data items from a FactoryTalk Historian.
Option 2 Create an application on one of the existing directories that
contains all Resources, PLCs, Historians, Alarms & Events, and
so on.
Set the Directory name in VantagePoint to join the existing
FactoryTalk Directory that contains the application created
(ControlLogix, PLC-5, SLC-5, ETC)
Install RSLinx Enterprise.
Using RSLinx Enterprise, create a Device Shortcut that
links directly to the underlying control devices.
Reference the data item via the Device Shortcut in
VantagePoint Manager.
FACTORYTALK HISTORIAN Use the VantagePoint Standalone FactoryTalk Historian
connector to reference data items from a FactoryTalk Historian.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
FactoryTalk VantagePoint does not support browsing the online folder of RSLinx Classic or
connectivity to a PI collective.
When using the FactoryTalk Historian connector, the following two conditions must be met:
Trust must exist between the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server and the machine hosting the
Historian before creating this connector.
The machine hosting the target Historian must be added to the PI-SDK on the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint server machine.
If your environment requires RSLinx Classic, consult the product documentation or contact
Rockwell Automation Technical Support at (440) 646-3434 for further assistance.
Connecting to FactoryTalk data sources
To make sure that FactoryTalk VantagePoint selects the correct FactoryTalk Directory, you must use the Specify
FactoryTalk Directory Location tool to change directories before creating a data source connection in FactoryTalk
VantagePoint. See the FactoryTalk Connector topic in the online help for more information.
The connectors available on your system are found under the System > Sources node.
To connect to FactoryTalk data sources
Right-click the type of connector that you would like to create an instance of, and then select New > Item. In
this example, FactoryTalk is selected.
The configuration wizard for each type of connector is different based on the requirements of the data
26 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
2. The first step in creating a FactoryTalk Connector is to confirm the FactoryTalk directory location for the
items you want to import. This name appears in the Directory host text box. If necessary, you may use the
FactoryTalk Directory Server Location Utility to achieve that FactoryTalk VantagePoint points to the correct
FactoryTalk Directory.
FactoryTalk VantagePoint requires a FactoryTalk User account to connect to the FactoryTalk Directory.
FactoryTalk VantagePoint can create a user for this purpose and automatically assign the necessary rights
within FactoryTalk Security to operate correctly. If you choose an existing FactoryTalk User account, that
user account must be a member of the FactoryTalk Administrators and FactoryTalk Historian Administrators
groups for FactoryTalk VantagePoint to operate.
Once the credentials have been verified, the new connector is created. In VantagePoint Manager, the
structure for the new connector has been created with the default name of the FactoryTalk Directory
machine name. Finishing at this point will leave the connector configured and you can import data later.
The FactoryTalk Import Wizard provides the following options for importing:
FactoryTalk Live Data Tags
FactoryTalk Historian Tags
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
FactoryTalk Alarms and Events Information
For this example, we will import Live Data.
When importing FactoryTalk Live Data tags, you can choose to import structures from a Logix controller as
VantagePoint Types or import controller tags as simple data items. When importing structures from a Logix
controller, the import wizard will search the associated controller oine file (.ACD file) and locate structures
that FactoryTalk VantagePoint can map to existing pre-defined types or create user types to map to the
selected User-Defined structures in the controller program. The advantage of importing these structure
definitions is for using them when building report templates and leveraging the context of the data within the
structures as a single entity. Refer to the FactoryTalk VantagePoint Online Help for additional information.
If you choose to import the FactoryTalk Live Data as simple data items, you will be able to create your
own Trends, Dashboards, and other reports that work with these items in FactoryTalk VantagePoint. These
"simple" items are not associated with any type of structures in FactoryTalk VantagePoint, but still can be
referenced as data elements in custom-built reports.
FactoryTalk VantagePoint makes it relatively easy to import simple tags from Logix controllers and other data
servers. These items are brought into the FactoryTalk VantagePoint model with a flat structure.
The first step is to browse the FactoryTalk Directory for the device items you want to import. Move the
selected item to the right pane and determine whether subfolders should be included.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
In this example, we have selected to import simple items associated with a Counter and a Timer.
You can specify a filtering condition to limit what is imported.
Click Finish to complete the import wizard.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
You have now successfully configured your FactoryTalk VantagePoint system to provide data from a Logix
Controller. You can find the items that you imported into FactoryTalk VantagePoint under the MyEnterprise >
FactoryTalk folder.
This view of the FactoryTalk VantagePoint model is available from each of the Applications. Notice the simple
data items that were imported with CIPCounter[0].
Step 4: Installing client applications
After the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server has been installed and the FactoryTalk Activation process completed,
everything can be done from a remote client, including connector configuration and building your model.
The client installation is required to install the Excel Add-in on your computer so you can create Excel-based content.
The installation also:
Establishes a "Full Trust" between the client computer and the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server (this is
required to use VantagePoint Manager to perform certain administration functions remotely)
Adds Start menu items for each of the FactoryTalk VantagePoint applications
Installs NScript
Depending on your network configuration, you may also experience the improved performance of the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint applications if the client is installed.
30 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
You must do the following:
FactoryTalk VantagePoint only supports clients in the Local Intranet Zone, so you must add
the Portal URL to this zone. To add the URL to the Local Intranet Zone: in Internet Explorer,
select Tools > Internet Options > Security tab > Local Intranet. Select Sites > Advanced
and then add the Portal URL.
You must install the .NET 4.8 (Extended) Framework on any computer where the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint client is installed. The .NET Framework 4.8 Client Profile is not supported.
To establish a successful connection between the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server and
client computers, you must enable port number 80 on the computer where the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint server is installed.
If you are using the Windows Firewall system, port 80 will be enabled during the installation
of the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server by creating a rule in the Windows Firewall.
If you are using additional firewall systems, you may have to create a rule that enables port
80 on the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server for each firewall systemmanually.
For more information, refer to the Knowledgebase Document ID: BF7490 - TCP/UDP Ports
Used by Rockwell Automation Products.
To install FactoryTalk VantagePoint clients
Click the Install link on the Portal's home page.
You can also select Tools > Install Clients from the Portal menu.
Click Next on the Installation Wizard page.
Select the installation type.
For a custom installation, select the features to install:
FactoryTalk VantagePoint for Office
Installs the Excel Add-In.
Enables the NScript scripting environment.
The scripting environment is useful to system integrators
and developers who will write code and reports directly
against the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
ActiveX Trend
Registers VantagePoint Trend and VantagePoint XY Plotter
ActiveX controls on the client machine enabling the
controls to be used in ActiveX containers.
Complete the wizard.
You can click the Install link later to modify, repair, or remove client installation options.
Upgrading FactoryTalk VantagePoint
You can upgrade from FactoryTalk VantagePoint version 6.10, 6.13, 7.00, 8.00, 8.10, 8.20, 8.30, 8.31, or 8.40 to 8.41. If
you have an earlier version of FactoryTalk VantagePoint, you must upgrade that version to FactoryTalk VantagePoint
version 6.10, 6.13, 7.00, 8.00, 8.10, 8.20, 8.30, 8.31, or 8.40 before upgrading to 8.41.
The VantagePoint CLR database will not be upgraded. It is dropped and a new database
is installed during the upgrade. If you add any customized functionality to the VantagePoint CLR
database, make sure you create scripts that will allow you to regenerate this functionality.
To upgrade FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Makesure that your FactoryTalk VantagePoint versions can be upgraded to this version. For more
information, see Knowledgebase Document ID: QA16165 - FactoryTalk VantagePoint Upgrade Path.
Make sure that the version of SQL Server with the IncuityStore database is supported. For more information
about the supported SQL Server versions, see the Microsoft SQL Server documentation and FactoryTalk
VantagePoint Release Notes.
Makesure that the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server computer has a supported 32-bitMicrosoft Oce
version. For more information about the supported Microsoft Oce versions, seethe Microsoft Oce
documentationand FactoryTalk VantagePoint Release Notes.
Double-click Setup.exe in the FactoryTalk VantagePoint installation package on the computer where
FactoryTalk VantagePoint is installed.
32 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
5. Select Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
Install any optional or required components on this page that must be updated before installing FactoryTalk
If a dialog box about Files in Use appears while installing the FactoryTalk Historian SDK, click
Ignore and continue the installation.
Select Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
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Chapter 1Install FactoryTalk VantagePoint
If the following dialog box about Excel running appears, you must end any hidden Excel
processes. To do so, open the Windows Task Manager, select the Processes tab, locate any
EXCEL.EXE processes, and then select End Process.
Once the installation is completed, the Mobile site launches.
Uninstalling FactoryTalk VantagePoint
Perform these steps to uninstall FactoryTalk VantagePoint.
To uninstall FactoryTalk VantagePoint
1. Open the Windows Control Panel, select Add/Remove Programs.
Select VantagePoint System Server, and then select Uninstall.
34 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 2
FactoryTalk VantagePoint features
FactoryTalk VantagePoint has the following features:
Portal on page 35
Trend on page 36
XY Plotter on page 38
Excel add-in on page 39
Manager on page 41
Mobile on page 41
The Portal is one of two locations where users can go to see what is in their FactoryTalk VantagePoint system. Users
can browse the Portal via the address: http(s)://servername/VantagePointPortal. The Portal has pre-configured
reports generated by the analytic tools, Trend, and XY Plotter, as well as pre-configured reports and dashboards.
The followingis the default Portal home page. It can be easily modified through a rich text editor that is built into the
Portal. If you have Portal Administrative rights, there will be a link to modify the home page.
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Chapter 2FactoryTalk VantagePoint features
You can browse the Portal content from the Reports menu. Some sample content based on the built-in simulator is
included. There are also components that can be used to build your own reports in the Report Library folder.
The data displayed in a report can be modified through the Parameters tab.
Trend is a client application that runs in a Web Browser and allows you to query data and plot it on a graphical
display. Trend relies on the FactoryTalk VantagePoint server to present data from multiple sources in an orderly
fashion, allowing you to navigate to specific data, and then plot that data.
Key features include:
Trend data over a historical time, a pre-set time, or in real-time.
Display and compare multiple tags concurrently independent of the data source of the tags.
Save traces as time periods, or Golden Batches, and use them to compare trends or traces over different
time periods.
36 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 2FactoryTalk VantagePoint features
Once you select a tag or multiple tags, you can manipulate the data in a graph in a variety of ways, including panning,
zooming, and scaling.
After a Trend has been published to the model, you can access the Trend through the Portal.
You can also view a version with limited functionality in Mobile.
Rockwell Automation, Inc. FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 37
Chapter 2FactoryTalk VantagePoint features
XY Plotter
XY Plotter is a client application that can run in a Web Browser and displays the relationship between two tags
selected from the model. It supports analyzing data from multiple "tag pairs" over a historical time, a pre-set time,
and in real-time.
Key features include:
Easily identify the boundaries that define "normal" or optimal conditions for a trace by employing user-
defined shapes.
Determine if a tag pair is outside of a defined boundary.
XY Plotter can be used as a desktop application and will "download on demand" from the FactoryTalk VantagePoint
server. Once you have added tags, you can manipulate the data in a variety of ways, including panning, zooming, and
After a plot has been published to the model, you can access it through the Portal.
38 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 2FactoryTalk VantagePoint features
You can also view a version with limited functionality in Mobile.
Excel Add-in
The Oce Excel Add-In will help you:
Create powerful reports that use data from anything in the FactoryTalk VantagePoint model.
Build content for the FactoryTalk VantagePoint Portal that is available to anyone in your organization with
access to a browser.
When working on a client machine, install the Oce Excel add-in. This can be done from a menu item on the
FactoryTalk VantagePoint Portal, and will add a VantagePoint tab in Excel.
Rockwell Automation, Inc. FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 39
Chapter 2FactoryTalk VantagePoint features
The Oce Excel Add-in provides a series of wizards for adding any of the data that is available from the FactoryTalk
VantagePoint model into Excel.
Reports and analyses created in Excel can be published on the FactoryTalk VantagePoint model. These reports are
available to other users through the Portal.
This is the same report shown in the previous screenshot when it is viewed from the Portal. From the Portal, a user
can open and update the report without needing anything more than a browser. Depending on how the report is
created in Excel, Parameters can be created allowing the same report to be used to analyze data for a different time
period, piece of equipment, process variable, and so on.
You can also view a version with read-only functionality in Mobile.
40 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Chapter 2FactoryTalk VantagePoint features
VantagePoint Manager is the tool used to configure and manage a FactoryTalk VantagePoint server. The targeted
audiences of this application are the people who will develop and maintain the FactoryTalk VantagePoint model, the
FactoryTalk VantagePoint server, and associated services, such as security management.
The Mobile site lets you access your manufacturing data in real time, and create actionable reports and displays in
your oce, out in the field, on the factory floor, or wherever you are.
You can use a phone to create trends and dashboards or to view reports from the Portal.
Rockwell Automation, Inc. FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 41
Chapter 2FactoryTalk VantagePoint features
On a tablet or desktop home page, you can import simple tags and controller data types to Historian servers,
configure tag properties, browse the model, and create displays.
Using the Create button, you can create complex displays using widgets.
You can also view Excel, SSRS, Trend, XY Plot reports, and Portal reports on supported devices.
42 FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024 Rockwell Automation, Inc.
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FTVNPT-GR001D-EN-E - January 2024
Supersedes Publication FTVNPT-GR001C-EN-E - November 2022
Copyright © 2024
, Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.