Please note, due to space limitations, this sample does not include target initiation dates(s), deadline(s) or person(s) responsible.
An action plan is a document that outlines specific steps that
need to be completed in order for an individual or a group to
accomplish identified outcomes. Action plans include the
following information:
Outcome what change do you want to see?
Goal(s), objective(s), and action steps
Person responsible
Evaluation Criteria for Success
Develop an action plan
Identify your specific goal based on your outcome
Identify specific objectives related to goal
Develop specific action steps to help you meet your goal
Identify resources that already exist or that are needed
Develop specific timelines for each action step
Identify person responsible for each action step
Identify criteria for success
Each action plan should be achievable in one year.
Developing an Action Plan
Process and Evaluation Tools
Purpose with Passion
Example Action Plan Goal, Objective and Action Steps
GOAL: Each workgroup for the state CSPD will have atleast one family member.
OBJECTIVE: Recruit interested family partners to participate on state CSPD workgroups.
Develop an orientation for onboarding members to the state CSPD
Develop a list of family organizations to recruit family members, including diverse
families (age of child, experience in EI/ECSE, leadership experience, etc.)
Develop a recruitment flyer that explains the role, commitment and expectations
Research available funding to support family’s participation and develop a
mechanism to administer funds
Set a date for the orientation, conduct the orientation
Develop a role description for the family member that includes responsibilities,
commitment and expectations
Evaluate family interest, knowledge and availability to participate for one year.
Confirm commitment, if interested assign workgroup, share contact information
with chair of workgroup
Develop a mechanism for ongoing support for family team members
Process for Developing an Action Plan
Create an action plan
Materials: Time: 60-75 minutes
Action plan template
Action planning checklist & evaluation
Identify your outcome
Develop action plan using SMART
Evaluate the action plan using the
checklist and revise as necessary
Share draft action plan; continue to
Action Plan: developing a plan
1. Identify your outcome (15 mins.)
What change do you want to see?
What do you want to do? Be specific.
How will the goal of your action plan assure you
accomplish your desired outcome?
Does the outcome fit with the needs of your community? Is
someone else already doing it? Any lessons learned from
past efforts (reduces duplication, assures need)?
2. Develop an action plan (20 mins.)
To start, draft one goal, one to three objectives per goal,
and four to ten action steps per objective (be specific).
Be sure to use SMART goals; specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant, and time bound.
Assign a target initiation date, deadline, and person
responsible for each action step.
This is where you bring in additional people to assist
you to complete your plan.
An action plan must be achievable in one year.
3. Evaluate the action plan using the checklist and revise as
necessary (15 mins.)
Using the action plan checklist, and the rubric to evaluate
your action plan; identify areas for revision and list future
Action plan can be updated as needed, remember your goal
is to write an action plan that can be completed within one
4. Revise draft action plan (15-20 mins.)
Revise the action plan as necessary based on the
evaluation checklist and the rubric for evaluating an action
The future considerations will assist you as you move
forward with your plan.
If you have time, ask someone else to review your plan and
offer feedback for revisions.
Goals Objectives Action Steps
Specific goals and objectives are well defined and clear
on what needs to be accomplished.
Measurable goals and objectives enable you to
evaluate whether or not the goal was achieved.
Attainable goals are realistic about what is possible
given the availability of resources, knowledge, and
Relevant goals are important to you and will make an
impact on achieving your larger outcome.
Time-Bound goals and objectives lock actions into a
specific timeframe for completion.
Starting with the outcome in mind, developing SMART goals will help you
develop an action plan that leads to success.
Purpose with Passion
Action plan checklist
Use this checklist to evaluate the action plan. Check the box if the
action plan meets the criteria.
The goal(s) in the action plan are achievable in one year.
Each goal has one or more objectives.
Each objective has four or more action steps.
Responsibility is assigned to a specific individual for each
action step outlined in the action plan.
A target initiation date is set for each action step in the
action plan.
A deadline date is set for each action step in the action
Each action step is measurable.
This is a product of the Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC) and was made possible by Cooperative Agreement #H325B170008 which
is funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. However, those contents do not necessarily
represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Directions: Place a check in the interactive box to evaluate the quality of your action plan and list any future
Future Considerations
Goal(s): The goal(s) in the plan is clear and
achievable in one year.
Objectives: Objectives in the plan are directly
related to a goal (e.g. alignment of personnel
Activities: Activities in the plan are directly related
to an objective (e.g. survey IHE programs)
Sequence: Each objective and activity are logically
sequenced for achievement of a goal
Criteria: Each objective and activity include clear
and measurable criteria for achievement
Timelines for Completion: Each objective and
activity include a measurable timeline for
milestones, data collection, completion and
Resources Needed: Each objective and activity
include a description and list of resources
needed for meeting criteria, timelines and
Person(s) Responsible: Each objective and activity
include a designated person or group who will
be responsible for completing the objective
and/or the activity
Progress Monitoring: Each objective and activity
includes a schedule for progress monitoring of
benchmarks and outputs to facilitate the
revision of the action plan (as necessary)
Evaluation: Each goal(s) on the action plan will
have a data collection schedule to document,
measure, and analyze all outputs and
ECPC Rubric
Evaluating an Action Plan
Purpose with Passion
This is a product of the Early Childhood Personnel Center (ECPC) and was made possible by Cooperative Agreement #H325B170008 which is funded by the U.S.
Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education,
and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Date of
Criteria for
Objective 1.1
Activity 1.1.1.
Activity 1.1.2.
Objective 1.2.
Activity 1.2.1.
Activity 1.2.2.
Objective 2.1.
Activity 2.1.1
Activity 2.1.2
Objective 2.2.
Activity 2.2.1
Activity 2.2.2
Purpose with Passion