5225 03 00 E X PI RA T IO N A ND REN EW AL S 5225 8600 FEES
Subpart 1. Timing. Licenses for engineers and pilots, unless revoked, are
valid for a period o f one year from the date o f issuance, with privilege o f renewal
without exam ination upon application to the Department o f Labor and Industry,
Boiler Inspection D ivision, and payment o f a renewal fee within ten calendar
days o f the expiration date. The renewal license must b e given a consecutive issue
number and the same monthly date as the original issue. An application for
renewal may not be presented before 30 days preceding the expiration date o f the
license. Engineers who fail to renew their licenses before the ten day grace period
has expired are subject to subparts 2 and 3.
Subp. 2. Renewal application within one year of expiration. A license that
expired within one year o f application for renewal m ay be renewed without an
exam ination on filing an application for renewal, accompanied by the expired
renewal fee required in part 5225.8600.
Subp. 3. Renewal application beyond one year of expiration. A license that
expired more than one year before the date o f application for renewal may be
renewed by filing an application for renewal, accom panied by the fee required by
part 5225.8600, subpart 2, item C, and passing the examination required by part
Statutory Authority: M S s 16A.128; 183.44; 183.545; 326.46 to 326.50
History: 12 SR 1148
5225.8600 FEES.
[For tex t o f subpart 1, see M .R. 1987]
Subp. 2. Engineer licenses.
A. The fees for a new boiler operating engineer license, application, and
examination are as follows:
(1) chief engineer, $50;
(2) first class engineer, $30;
(3) second class engineer, $25;
(4) special engineer, $20;
(5) hobby engineer, $50; and
(6) pilot, $30.
B. The fees for license renewal under part 5225.0300 are as follows:
(1) ch ief engineer, $25;
(2) first class engineer, $20;
(3) second class engineer, $15;
(4) special engineer, $10; and
(5) pilot, $10.
C. The fees for expired renewals under part 5225.0300, subpart 2, are
as follows:
(1) ch ief engineer, $50;
(2) first class engineer, $30;
Copyright © 1988 Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.
99 BOILERS A N D POW ER BO ATS 5225.8600
(3) second class engineer, $25;
(4) special engineer, $20; and
(5) pilot, $30.
D . The fee for replacement o f a lost license o f any class is $ 15.
Subp. 3. Boiler and pressure vessel inspection. The fees for the annual
inspections o f boilers and the biennial inspections o f pressure vessels under
Minnesota Statutes, section 183.545, subdivision 3, are as follows:
A. boiler inaccessible for internal inspection, $30;
B. boiler accessible for internal inspection, $45;
C. boiler internal inspection over 2,000 square feet, $60;
D . boiler internal inspection over 4,000 square feet, $75;
E. boiler internal inspection over 10,000 square feet, $100;
F. boiler requiring internal inspection up to one-half day, $170;
G. pressure vessel for internal inspection, $30; and
H. pressure vessel inaccessible for internal inspection, $20.
Subp. 4. Shop inspections. The fees for shop inspections under M innesota
Statutes, section 183.545, subdivision 3, are as follows:
A. inspection o f tw o hours or less, $90; supervisor, $115;
B. one-half day, four hours or less, $170; supervisor, $220;
C. eight hours or less, $300; supervisor, $350; and .
D . each hour over eight hours, per hour, $50; supervisor, $75.
Subp. 5. Inspectors. The fees for inspector’s examinations, certificates, and
endorsements under Minnesota Statutes, section 183.545, subdivisions 6, 7, and
8, are as follows:
A. national board inspector’s exam, $75;
B. endorsement, $30;
C. Minnesota certificate o f competency, original, $30; and
D . M innesota certificate o f competency, renewal, $20.
Subp. 6. Exemption certificates. The fee for an exemption certificate under
Minnesota Statutes, section 183.57, subdivision 2, is $ 10 for each object inspected.
Subp. 7. Vessel inspections. The fees for vessel inspections under M innesota
Statutes, section 183.545, subdivision 1, are as follows:
A. boat under 30 feet, $50;
B. boat from 30 to no more than 40 feet, $60;
C. boat over 40 to no more than 50 feet, $70; and
D . boat over 50 feet, $80.
Subp. 8. Hobby boilers. The inspection fee for hobby boilers or traction
boilers, n ot previously certified in M innesota is $75. The inspection fee for an
inspection o f a hobby or traction boiler is $45.
Statutory Authority: M S s 16A.128; 183.44; 183.545; 326.46 to 326.50
History: 12 SR 1148
Copyright © 1988 Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved.