As many of you may know, SAB’s Summer Course can be a entry point to the Schools year-round training program. Below we
are answering common quetions about how the Summer Course relates to SAB’s Winter Term.
Please note that some of the details and processes described in this FAQ are subject to change depending upon adjustments to the pro-
gram that may occur as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
What is the relationship between the
Summer Course and Winter Term?
While the five-week Summer Course is designed
to be an enriching, short-term training experi-
ence for all students who attend, it is also a very
important component of the School’s mission
to enroll and train promising young dancers for
professional careers in ballet. As soon as Sum-
mer Course classes commence, SABs faculty
begin to closely assess summer students’ poten-
tial for year-round training at SAB. Historically,
a large percentage of the School’s intermediate
and advanced Winter Term students have been
recruited through the Summer Course. Most
students who enroll in the Winter Term after
attending the Summer Course remain at SAB for
the duration of their pre-professional training.
The Winter Term begins in early September and
ends in mid-June.
Who is invited to Winter Term?
In general, the faculty consider all students who
are a minimum of 14 years old and entering the
9th grade as candidates for SAB’s Winter Term
residential program. Twelve and thirteen-year-
old summer students may also be considered
for the Winter Term if they are from the local
area and able to continue living at home while
training at SAB. There is no standard amount
of “Summer Course experience” that qualifies a
student for Winter Term eligibility. All students
who meet the age/grade criteria are considered
for the Winter Term, whether they are attending
their first SAB Summer Course or perhaps have
been to several Summer Courses. In any given
year, 10 to 15 percent of enrolled summer stu-
dents may be invited to join SAB as Winter Term
students. The number invited year-to-year varies
as a result of annual variations in the number of
open spaces in SAB’s Residence Hall.
Do parents/students need to notify SAB
that they would like to be considered for
Winter Term?
As explained above, all students who meet the
age/schooling criteria are considered. A formal
request or application is not needed.
When are students invited to Winter
The faculty evaluates students for the duration
of the Summer Course. While some students
will receive an invitation to the Winter Term early
in the Summer Course, others might be invited
towards the end. Often the decision to invite a
student to Winter Term becomes clear only after
the faculty have spent many hours in summer
classes with that student. In general, Winter
Term invitations usually begin during the third
week of Summer Course.
Where do Winter Term students live?
SAB operates a fully-supervised on-site Resi-
dence Hall for approximately 64 winter students.
Summer students who are invited to enroll for
Winter Term will be told at the time of the invita-
tion if they are also being offered a space in the
Residence Hall.
Is financial aid available for Winter Term
and how is it determined?
Yes, assistance is available for families who
demonstrate financial need. SAB also may
supplement academic scholarships awarded by
Professional Childrens School (PCS). All parents
of students interested in financial aid must
submit an application to TADS, an independent
financial assessment company that evaluates
financial need using detailed information pro-
vided by a student’s family. A TADS application
remains valid for one year and is transferable
among other educational institutions that also
use the service (e.g. only one TADS application
needs to be submitted for use by both SAB and
When should I apply for financial aid for
Winter Term?
While SAB cannot make the determination of
who will be invited to the Winter Term until
Summer Course has started, anyone considering
the prospect of year-round training can take
the step of applying for financial aid this spring.
Once we have made the final decision regarding
the format of this year’s Summer Course, fami-
lies will be invited to submit a financial aid ap-
plication through TADs. Doing so in advance of
the start of the program, will allow SAB to make
a financial aid offer simultaneous with a Winter
Term invitation, providing parents with crucial
information they may need in order to make a
decision about their child’s future training plans.
Parents who do not submit a TADS application
until SAB has extended a Winter Term invitation
may wait up to two weeks for the financial as-
sessment to be completed. (A list of documents
you can prepare in advance of submitting your
financial aid application is included in the final
What are the academic options for Win-
ter Term students?
All students attending SAB must also be pur-
suing an academic diploma (unless they have
already graduated from high school). The School
of American Ballet has formal relationships
with two local schools: Professional Performing
Arts School (PPAS) and Professional Childrens
School (PCS).
The Professional Performing Arts School (PPAS)
is a NYC Public School located on West 48th
Street, in the heart of New York City’s theater
district. It is the mission of the school to devel-
op, refine, and showcase students in dance, dra-
ma, and vocal music while also providing them
with a rigorous, meaningful academic curricu-
lum. In addition to their partnership with SAB,
PPAS works with The Ailey School, Waterwell,
Rosies Theater Kids and The National Chorale.
For more information, visit PPAS’s website.
Professional Childrens School (PCS) is located
on West 60th Street, just south of Lincoln
Center. PCS is a fully accredited, independent
private school enrolling 200 students in grades
6-12. PCS has been providing college preparatory
education to young people pursuing challenging
career goals since 1914. Todays students include
ballet, jazz, and hip hop dancers, musicians,
athletes, actors and entrepreneurs. The cost of
tuition for 2019-20 was $46,900. Need-based fi-
nancial aid is available from both PCS and SAB.
For more information about the school, visit the
PCS website.
What are the options for students who
are currently home-schooled?
Students who have already been participating
in online, virtual or home school programs are
generally able to continue their education in
this manner upon entering SAB. We ask that
families of such students discuss their aca-
demic plans with a Student Life staff member
upon being invited to the Winter Term. SAB will
collect information about the student’s current
schooling and provide information on the re-
sources SAB makes available to home/virtual/
online-schooled students.
What happens when a student is asked
to attend the Winter Term?
Parents of selected students will receive a
phone call from SAB. Once parents have indi-
cated interest in further exploring Winter Term
training for their child, they will be provided
with a billing statement outlining the costs of
training, and if they have already completed
a TADS application, the financial aid award
(if any) will be indicated on the statement. If
you have not already applied for aid, you must
do so at this time. Note that it can take up to
two weeks from the application to determine
whether aid will be awarded. If housing in SABs
Residence Hall has been offered to your child,
you must contact a Student Life staff member
to discuss any questions or concerns you might
have in addition to practical details related
to living in the dorm, roommate requests and
move-in procedures. You will also discuss your
child’s academic options and take any immedi-
ate steps needed to enroll in a new academic
What steps can I take now to prepare
for the possibility of being invited to the
Winter Term?
Keeping in mind that an invitation to Win-
ter Term is not guaranteed regardless of any
advance plans a student’s family might make,
those who are strongly interested in the possi-
bility of training at SAB during the Winter Term
can take some proactive steps now.
1. You can prepare the following materials for
a submitting a financial aid application:
Federal income tax and payroll information
(i.e. W2, recent pay stubs, federal tax form
1040, 1099, etc.)
Utility bills
Rent or mortgage payment information
Debt information (e.g. credit card debt,
loans, medical bills)
Later this spring, SAB will provide directions
for submitting a financial aid application to
interested families. Note: if you have already
submitted a TADS application for the 2020-21
school year for another educational institution,
you do not need to reapply.
2. To prepare for the possibility of transition-
ing to a new academic school, families are
encouraged to collect high school tran-
scripts and letters of recommendation from
their current school, and assemble copies of
the student’s birth certificate and immunization
3. Parents escorting their children to New York
for the start of the Summer Course should
consider attending a special academic ori-
entation meeting at SAB currently scheduled
for Monday, June 29, at 10:00 a.m. This
meeting will provide interested families with
more detailed information about the academic
options available to SAB students. Note that
this meeting is optional.
4. Those interested in submitting applications
for Professional Childrens School’s 2020-21
term (which PCS will accept now from pro-
spective SAB students on a provisional basis)
can contact the PCS Director of Admissions at
212-582-3166. Note that PCS will also accept
applications later this summer after SAB’s
Winter Term invitations have been made.
Typically, PCS hosts a tour and info session for
families during the Summer Course. If it can be
arranged, more information about such a tour
will be forthcoming.