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Digital Cookie is where your Girl Scout will manage her online sales. We know you have questions; here are
the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:
When does my Girl Scout send her emails to her customers/when can she share her link?
Girl Scouts (their parent/caregiver) may receive an email from Digital Cookie on January 16, 2024 – either a
system generated email that is sent to those who participated the previous season
from their Troop
Cookie Chair (TCC) (either via Digital Cookie or sent directly). The email includes a link to Digital Cookie where
the Girl Scout and her parent/caregiver will
select Login (returning participants) or Create An Account
(new participants) to start setting up their Digital Cookie Storefront.
What if I did not receive the email?
There may be a variety of reasons why you did not receive the email:
1. Check your spam or junk folder to see if the email is in that folder (for those using Gmail, check the
Promotions folder).
2. If you do not find the email in junk/spam (or promotions), log in to your MyGS account to check which
email address you used to register (or re-register) your Girl Scout.
a. Is it correct, or is there a typo? If you do not have an option to update it, contact our Customer
Care department at 213-213-0123 or to get it corrected in MyGS.
b. Did you enter one email address, but were checking a different account looking for the email?
The address in MyGS is what we used when we uploaded your Girl Scout into Digital Cookie. If
you want to update the email address for the future, but do not have an option to update it,
contact our Customer Care department at 213-213-0123 or
3. If there are no issues with your email address, another possibility is that the troop leader (and/or troop
treasurer) has not turned in required “paperwork,” (Troop Cookie Chair Agreement, ACH
Authorization and/or Year End Troop Financials Report). If this is the case, the girls in the troop were
not added to Digital Cookie and no email was sent. Once the troop has met compliance by submitting
all required paperwork,” the girls will be added to Digital Cookie.
, if the troop has met their requirements, you do not need the email to get started! You can go to or visit directly.
What if I don’t see my Girl Scout’s troop number and/or her name?
Girl Scouts who were registered as of the end of December were uploaded into Digital Cookie. If your Girl
Scout registered after that date, she was not added to Digital Cookie. Although we are doing periodic uploads
of newly registered Girl Scouts, there will be days in between when a parent/caregiver may not find their Girl
requently Asked Questions about
Digital Cookie
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There are also occasions where a Girl Scout was in one troop before our upload but transferred to another
troop after the upload. But don’t fret! The system allows you to add your Girl Scout’s name and continue
through the set-up steps.
Once the Girl Scout has completed setting up her storefront, the parent/caregiver will receive an email about
their Girl Scout’s membership needing to be validated. This just means we need to confirm which troop your
Girl Scout belongs to and/or confirm that she is currently registered. Once that happens, the caregiver will get
a follow-up email saying that this process has been completed and her Digital Cookie emails to contacts are
now being sent.
How do I approve or decline a Girl Delivery order? Can I turn off Girl Delivery?
In Digital Cookie, there aren’t approveordeclineoptions. If you receive a Girl Delivery order from
someone you cannot deliver to (out-of-state, for example), you need to reach out to M2’s Customer Service at
1-800-372-8520. Only the parent/caregiver or customer can request to cancel an order.
You can, however, limit the options the customer has available. When you and your Girl Scout are sending
emails out through Digital Cookie, simply uncheck the box labeled “Girl Delivery” next to that recipient prior
to sending emails. Any customer that is unchecked will only have the option to have their items shipped or to
order Cookies for the Community (donated).
Please be aware that when a Girl Scout shares her Digital Cookie link publicly (Facebook, Twitter, text, etc.),
the Girl Delivery option will be presented to any customer using that link to place an order.
Starting in 2024, parents/caregivers and Girl Scouts will have the option to turn off varieties for Girl Delivery
(becomes available February 9). Should your Girl Scout be out of one or more varieties, now that item/those
items can be turned off until she has a new supply.