The National Workforce Registry
Alliance works directly with ECE
professional registries and has
partnered with the Council for
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Welcome to the latest edition of News for Now! We hope all is well with
This edition of News for Now includes:
Information about CDA Transcript Recognition
Information about our newest newsletter - Training Spotlight
A reminder to keep your profile information up to date
As always, if you have any questions, please contact us.
Best regards,
The MiRegistry Team
CDA Transcript Recognition
Professional Recognition to roll out
an application and approval process
for CDA transcript recognition. We
are very excited to announce that
MiRegistry has received CDA
transcript recognition approval at
the highest tier with the gold
CDA transcript recognition is identified with a gold seal which is now
located on all individual MiRegistry Learning Records. Approved training
on the MiRegistry Learning Record will be accepted by the Council for
Professional Recognition as official documentation to accompany any
CDA application or renewal.
Introducing the Training Spotlight
We are excited to roll out this new newsletter to keep YOU up to date on
new training developed by the state of Michigan and their partner
agencies. It also has helpful tips you can use to find the trainings you
need to move forward on your career development journey.
Haven't received this newsletter? Visit the News and Events page on the
MiRegistry site for links to past newsletters, news, and updates from the
MiRegistry team!
Reminder: Keep Your Profile
Information Updated
In addition to providing direct customer service, MiRegistry serves as a
data clearinghouse, with the responsibility of providing a database to
store user information, collecting and verifying data, and reporting out on
data to assist policymakers in developing resources, spearheading
initiatives, and making funding decisions that directly impact the
It is incredibly important that the data (employment, credential, and wage
information) in your profile is current so that when all the voices and
experiences of MiRegistry users are collectively reported upon, we are
providing the most accurate information to decision makers.
MiRegistry Facebook Page
Don't forget to like MiRegistry on Facebook! The MiRegistry Facebook
page features updates on our organization and is another great resource
for MiRegistry members!
We have also started a Quick Tip series on the MiRegistry Facebook
page to help members with frequently asked questions or common
issues that may arise when browsing your profile. These posts are
typically shared on Fridays.
Like us on Facebook today!
By the Numbers
Since first launching in 2018, MiRegistry has seen rapid growth. We
proudly support you and everyone in the Early Childhood and Out of
School Time Workforce.
The following information reflects MiRegistry data from May 15, 2024.
The number of membership applications that
MiRegistry processed in 2024.
Ready to become a member or renew your membership?
Learn more about taking the next step!
The number of MiRegistry approved trainers.
Interested in sharing what you know?
Learn how you can become an approved trainer!
8 755
Unsubscribe | Update Preferences
P: 833-386-9238 | F: 888-825-9995
2908 Marketplace Drive, Suite 103
Fitchburg, WI 53719
The number of MiRegistry organization profiles.
Are you a director or administrator and don't have an organization profile?
See what you've been missing and set up your profile today!
Materials for MiRegistry were developed in part with federal funds awarded to the Michigan
Department of Education. The Michigan Department of Education is an equal opportunity provider.