How can I fundraise on Facebook to benefit my personal campaign?
Once you have registered for your Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) fundraising event, you can
activate your Facebook Fundraiser by logging into your LLS fundraising page. There is a Facebook section
on your dashboard and you can directly link your LLS fundraising page to Facebook.
Do I need to have a Facebook account to fundraise on Facebook?
Yes. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you will be prompted to create an account when clicking on
the Facebook link.
Can I start a fundraiser directly on Facebook and link it to my LLS fundraising page?
In order to link Facebook donations to your LLS fundraising event, you must utilize the Facebook
integration process outlined on your LLS fundraising page to ensure that your page is properly linked. All
other fundraising activities that you create on Facebook will not be transferrable to your personal
When setting up my Facebook fundraiser, do I need to sign into my Facebook account?
No if you are not logged into Facebook prior to linking your fundraising page, you will be prompted to
log into Facebook when activating your Facebook Fundraiser.
There are a few things that need to be updated on my Facebook Fundraiser how should
I proceed?
If there are any issues with your Facebook Fundraiser, please do not delete the page as you will need to
re-activate a new Facebook Fundraiser from your LLS fundraising page. Please contact Facebook Support
for assistance with your Facebook Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/help/
I accidentally deleted my Facebook Fundraiser how do I activate a new page?
You can activate a new Facebook Fundraiser within your LLS fundraising page by visiting the Facebook
Fundraiser section. You will be prompted to de-activate your original Facebook Fundraiser page link and
can proceed with activating your new Facebook Fundraiser to accept donations that are linked to your
LLS account.
Does the money raised on Facebook benefit LLS?
Yes all funds raised on Facebook are transferred directly to LLS and are allocated to your fundraiser’s
personal campaign goal.
Does Facebook charge processing fees?
No Facebook does not charge processing fees on charitable donations.
Why is there a difference between the fundraising total on my LLS page and Facebook
Your LLS fundraising page represents the total funds you have raised for your event. Facebook is a great
method for bringing in more donations that will be credited to your LLS fundraising page. Your Facebook
Fundraiser will only display donations that were made on Facebook your LLS page will display all
donations that have been made to your campaign.
Can I remove my fundraising goal on my Facebook Fundraiser so visitors can only see
donations that have been made on Facebook?
Yes, you can change your fundraising goal to $0 on your Facebook Fundraiser so the progress line only
shows donations that have been made to you on Facebook. The fundraising goal from your LLS page will
be carried over to your Facebook Fundraiser when you activate it, but you can modify your goal as soon
as you log into Facebook.
Can I connect a fundraiser that I previously started on Facebook to my campaign?
No you must register for your preferred LLS fundraising event to receive an LLS fundraising page. Once
you set up your LLS page, you can follow the Facebook Fundraisers instructions to link your campaign to
Facebook. Any other fundraising activity on Facebook cannot be linked to your personal campaign.
Can I fundraise on Facebook for multiple LLS events?
Yes if you are participating in more than one event, each of your LLS fundraising pages can be linked to
Facebook Fundraisers. Each Facebook Fundraiser will be unique to a specific LLS event. Please note that
you can create up to 3 Facebook Fundraisers per day that are linked to LLS fundraising pages. If you are
participating in more than 3 active LLS events, please schedule your Facebook Fundraiser activations
across multiple days.
Will “my personal story” that I share on my LLS fundraising page show up on my
Facebook fundraising page?
Prior to activating your Facebook Fundraiser, you should add your personal story and update all copy on
your LLS fundraising page. Once your LLS page is updated, all copy from your page will be automatically
transferred to your Facebook Fundraiser. All future copy changes to your LLS page or Facebook
Fundraiser must be made on each platform and will not sync automatically.
Will the images that I added to my LLS page automatically appear on my Facebook page?
Images from your LLS page will not transfer to your Facebook page. You can personalize your Facebook
Fundraiser with any images that you would like to display by logging into your Facebook account.
How long will my Facebook Fundraiser be active?
Once your standard LLS Fundraising page stops accepting donations or is closed, the Facebook
fundraising page will be closed.
Why do my supporters appear as “Facebook Fundraiser”?
Facebook policy does not permit the display of donor names on the LLS fundraising pages, they will
display as “Facebook Fundraiser.”
Can I access Facebook donor information on my LLS fundraising page?
Facebook donor information can only be accessed on Facebook.
Can I accept matching gifts on my Facebook Fundraiser?
Facebook offers a donation matching service that can be activated through your Facebook Fundraiser
settings. All matching gifts that are linked to Facebook donations are processed on Facebook - LLS can
only process matching gifts for donations that are made to your LLS fundraising page. Please click this
link to learn more: https://www.facebook.com/help/309226349606424
How do I get a receipt for my donation?
You will receive a confirmation email that you have made a donation as a charitable contribution. This
confirmation will be sent to the email listed on your Facebook account.
I set up my Facebook Fundraiser and can't find the link on my LLS page. Where can I
locate my Facebook Fundraiser?
Once you complete the Facebook Fundraiser activation from your LLS fundraising page, you can log into
Facebook to access your Facebook Fundraiser. You can locate your Facebook Fundraiser in your
notifications area and on your profile page.
I tried to create my Facebook Fundraising page but when I select the “Continue with
Facebook” nothing happens?
Be sure to check your web browser to be sure pop-ups are not being blocked. You may see notification in
the address bar of your web browser to allow pop-ups.
I am raising money for my child and I want to make sure he gets credit and the donation
are credited to his classroom and his school?
Yes all funds raised on Facebook are transferred directly to LLS and will be allocated to your
fundraiser’s personal campaign, and the monies will be credited to the appropriate classroom and