We assess your web
Train you to fix
No other training providers did this
before and we are the first! Prior to the
training, ZEBRAGUARD | Scan
security engineers will conduct a web
provide a security analysis report on
Hands-on Session
You will learn and improve your
technical skills to test and secure web
You will have the opportunity to focus
trainer based on the challenges you face
in the security analysis report on your
Real-world Scenario Lab
by applying it in real-world scenarios set
in InfoRisk 360° security lab.
Beyond IT Security Training. We Train Dierently
You will be able to understand and
Mastering Web Security
You will be able to master advanced
techniques to secure and conduct
Powered by:
You will get a clear understanding on
the security and the hidden risks of your
Understanding Your
and beyond.
WEB Application Hacking and Defense
What Makes This Training So Dierent?
Actual training
How will
you learn?
What is
How will
it benefit
Security Assessment with
Analysis Report
- Enable you to understand and communicate the web
- Sharpen up your technical skills and learn to fix the
threats and possible exploits
- Enable you to tackle real-life scenarios and apply new
skills to the job with ease
HTTP Basics
Content Security Policy
Mastering Burp Suite
HTML5 Security
SSL Security
Web service Security
Learning Outcomes:
Course Outline:
4 Days
Beyond IT Security Training. We Train Dierently
WEB Application Hacking and Defense