Step by Step Instructions
1. Download the template above. This template does NOT include a seam allowance. Please note that
100 percent fabric ties are strong recommended as elastic ties are breaking down in the
laundering process.
2. Cut out the template size you will be making - you may wish to add the seam allowance to your
template before cutting out the template you chose.
3. For the size Medium template, if using a ¼ inch seam allowance, cut 2 pieces of 100% tightly woven
cotton fabric 12 inches by 7.5 inches, and one piece of cotton T-shirt jersey knit fabric 12 by 7.5
inches. (if you wish to upcycle a cotton jersey T-shirt, please launder it before sewing).
***Depending on your desired seam allowance, the fabrics may need to be cut larger.
4. Layer the 2 woven cotton fabrics, right side up, one on top of the other.
5. Fold the 2 woven cotton fabrics in half.
6. Place the fold part of the template along the woven cotton fabric folds.
NOTE: The top and bottom edges of the template will NOT be on the fabric fold, and this is correct.
7. Use a marking tool to mark the top and bottom edges of the template that do not meet/come off
the fabric folds. If using a creasing tool, such as a hera marker, press hard enough to transfer this
mark to both fabrics. If using a pattern tracing wheel or draw line, this will need to be done in 2
steps to transfer this line to both fabrics. NOTE: It is NOT critical that these lines be "exact".
8. Allowing for your seam allowance, cut around the 3 sides of the template that are NOT on the
fabric fold.
9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 for the one piece of cotton T-shirt jersey knit fabric.
10. Now we are ready to go to the sewing machine. As a quilter, I am accustomed to sewing with a 1/4-
inch seam allowance. As such, I left a 1/4-inch seam allowance around my template and will be
sewing with a 1/4-inch seam.
11. With the right sides together (RST), sew directly ON the marked lines for each of the 2 woven
cotton pieces and for the 1 cotton T-shirt jersey knit fabric
12. Each fabric will have 2 sewn lines stitched away from the fold...leaving a seam allowance, trim off
the tips.
*this will create a "tent" in the mask, allowing for the chin and nose. As an RN, I specifically created this
mask design to prevent the needle punctures/holes that would align with one’s nostrils/nares and
mouth if there were a center seam.
13. Hem one short side of the cotton T-shirt jersey knit fabric by folding over the raw edge 1/2- inch,
twice and sew to create a hem for the filter pocket.
14. Sandwich the layers of the face mask inner woven cotton layer right side up, cotton t-shirt jersey
knit pocket layer right side down, outer woven cotton fabric layer with its right side facing the right
side of the T-shirt fabric, align the "tent" seams, pin if that feels more controlled and comfortable
and take this to your sewing machine.
15. Using your seam allowance, sew the top (long) edges together.
Repeat this for the bottom edges. This leaves the sides (short) edges unsewn and open.
16. Invert the mask by pulling it right side out>>>you will want the hemmed pocket and cotton woven
fabrics to be right sides out. This is a little tricky, you layered and sewed it correctly, just flip it
around a time or two, it's correct, you'll see!
17. On the right and left sides of the mask, turn under the seam allowance and press, then press the
edges of the mask to settle the seams and make crisp edges.
18. Cut 4 fabric ties that are approximately 14-22 inches long.
**Next, you will topstitch around the edge of the mask to do three things...1. secure the ties in place,
2. Close both the right and left open sides of the mask, 3. Secure all three layers of the mask to give the
mask a completed finish.
19. Slip the ends of the ties into the corner openings. Pin, wonder clip and baste in place.
20. Topstitch around the edge of the entire mask, making sure to back stitch at the points where the
ties are inserted into the mask to help securely fasten at these stress points.
21. You've made one contoured mask/face shield with a pocket for a HEPA filter!
***If you would like to add a nose guard for an additional snug fit:
1. Cut a piece of 20-22 gauge wire 4 inches long.
2. Curl both ends to avoid poking the wearer or through the mask.
3. Align the wire to the bridge of the nose on the face mask, and place a pin to mark these 2 points.
4. Sew a perpendicular line of stitching approximately 1/2 inch long.
5. With your needle in the down position, pivot the face mask and sew a parallel line of stitching that
is approximately 4 inches long, or until you reach your marked pin point. have 2 choices
a. With your needle down, lift the presser foot and holding the nose guard wire, slide your hand
through the cotton T-shirt jersey knit pocket and guide the wire nose guard into the channel. It
takes a little finesse and bit of patience, once it's in the channel you can use a pencil or knitting
needle to nudge it along. When it's seated in the channel, pivot the mask, lower the presser
foot and stitch the channel closed.
b. Take the mask out from under the sewing machine, slide the wire nose guard into position,
and then return the mask to the sewing machine and stitch the channel closed.