Setting up a project for Video or Animation
Create a new document. You can do
this by selecting “create new...” from the
launch window, navigating to File>New,
or using the “cmd + N” shortcut.
All three will launch the “New Document”
Look for the “lm and video” tab located on
the top right. From this tab navigate to the
preset “HDTV 1080p - 1920 x 1080 px @ 72dpi”
This preset represents the industry standard for
most media projects. Double check to make sure your
settings match these shown here.
Note: There will be blue guide layers on your document. There are to indicate the “TV Safe” zone.
TV Safe is the area of the screen visible during TV broadcast. As we move towards more digital
formats such as online streaming, it becomes less relevant, however, it is good to use the guides if
you are considering broadcasting your project. They are transparenent and will not be visible in the
nal export.
Make sure your “Timeline” window is open if you plan on animating or using video footage. You can
navigate to this window through the menu bar by selecting “Window> Timeline”
To add new blank video layers, select “Layer>Video Layer> New Blank Video Layer”
Blank video layers are used for animating and painting. If you wish to load preexisting footage,
select “Layer> Video Layer > New Video Layer > New Video Layer from File...” This will launch a
naviation window through which you will locate your le.
Set the frame rate of your timeline. To do this, look for the “hamburger” icon in the top right of the
timeline window. This is highlighted in red below. Select “set timeline frame rate...” The standated
frame rate for video is 29.97 fps. The standard frame rate for animation is 24fps. These frame rates
are suggestions rather than rules and can vary depending on the needs of different projects.