June 7, 2023
A Comprehensive Job Aid Reviewing Key Functions and Features of
the Five9 Agent
The following materials are reflective of the Five9 platform as of the
date posted on the job aid. Any changes to the platform or procedures
after the date of creation will not be reflected. All screenshots and
procedures are subject to change.
Five9 Agent Overview 1
Training Together
The purpose of this guide is to give a comprehesive overview of the Five9 Agent
Desktop. Additional resources are provided through Five9 University, which can be
accessed through the “Support and Training > Five9 University > Online Training >
Supervisoroption from the Customer Portal.
Table of Contents
How to Log in to Five 9 ................................................................................................................. 2-3
How to Log in to the Five9 Agent Desktop Plus....................................................................................... 4-6
Agent Desktop Plus Dashboard ................................................................................................. 7-17
Agent Desktop Plus Initial Set up ............................................................................................................ 7-8
Agent Dashboard Overview ....................................................................................................................... 9
Ready/Not Ready States ................................................................................................... 10-11
Home, Call, Voicemail, Contacts, and My Activity Tabs .................................................... 12-14
Settings, Logging Out, Help, Messages, Calendar, and Address Book Action Buttons ..... 15-16
ACD Status, Connection Status, Microphone and Audio Volume ..........................................17
Handling Phone Calls ............................................................................................................... 18-36
How to Answer a Phone Call and Review Client Information ............................................................ 18-20
How to End and Disposition a Call ...................................................................................................... 21-23
How to Make an Outbound Call ......................................................................................................... 24-25
How to Make a Conference Call ......................................................................................................... 26-28
How to Leave a Conference Call ......................................................................................................... 29-31
How to Complete a Call Transfer ........................................................................................................ 32-34
How to Use the Address Book ............................................................................................................ 35-38
How to Log Out of Five9 ................................................................................................................39
Frequently Asked Questions .........................................................................................................40
Then and Now: Cisco Finesse to Five9 ..................................................................................................... 41
Five9 Agent Overview 2
Training Together
How to Log in to Five9
In this section we will review the steps for logging in to Five9.
Step 1: Use the link below to access the Five9 login page. You may use Google
Chrome or Microsoft Edge to access Five9.
Step 2: Once you access the link above, you will be brought to the Five9 login
page. Enter your username and password, then click “Log In.”
*Important Note: Your username will be your mass.gov email in all lower case. It
is case sensitive.
Five9 Agent Overview 3
Training Together
*Important Note: You will receive your login credentials for Five9 in an email. Your
username will be your mass.gov email (all lowercase) and you will be given a
temporary password. If this is your first-time logging into Five9, you will be asked
to create a new password and select 3 security questions.
Step 3: Once you click “Log In” you will see the Five9 Applications page. Once you
see this page, you have successfully logged into Five9.
Your Name
Your view may
differ depending
on what role you
Five9 Agent Overview 4
Training Together
How to Log in to the Five9 Agent Desktop Plus
In this section we will review the steps for logging in to the Five9 Agent Desktop
Plus. This is where you will go to receive and answer phone calls during the Phone
Step 1: Once you have logged in to Five9, select the “Agent option from the Five9
Applications Page.
Five9 Agent Overview 5
Training Together
Step 2: You will then see the Station Setup page, select “WebRTC” as your
Station Type and enter in your Station ID number. Then, click “Next.”
*Important Note: you will receive your Station ID number in an email. Each agent
will have their own Station ID number.
*Important Note: You may receive a pop up in your web browser asking to allow
this website to use the microphone, be sure to click Allow.”
Five9 Agent Overview 6
Training Together
Step 3: You will then hear a 3-tone beep and see the Station Check page. Once
your speaker and microphone are connected, you will see “Connection Successful”
at the top of the page. After, select “View My Dashboard”.
*Important Note: If you do not hear the 3-tone beep, check to make sure the
correct devices are selected. If any adjustments are made, click the “Restart
Station” button.
Step 4: You will then see the Agent Dashboard. You will automatically be placed in
a “Not Ready” status upon log in. Once you see this page, you have successfully
logged in to the Five9 Agent Desktop Plus.
Your Name
Your Name
Five9 Agent Overview 7
Training Together
Initial Setup for the Agent Desktop Plus
In this section we will review the first steps to take when setting up your Agent
Desktop Plus. You will only need to complete these steps one time, as the settings
will remain in effect moving forward.
Step 1: Once you have reached your Agent Desktop Plus Dashboard, select your
profile menu in the top right corner, then select “Settings”.
This is very important, please be sure to complete this initial set up when you
first log in to the Agent Desktop Plus.
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Managing Your Station > Configuring Station ‘Options’ > Setting Up Auto-Answer
Five9 Agent Overview 8
Training Together
Step 2: Within the settings page, select “Voice Channel” on the left side. In this
page, make sure to uncheck “Show Incoming Call Pop-Up” and make sure to
uncheck any of the Auto Answer settings.
Once complete, your page should look like the screenshot below. Select “Apply” to
save your updated settings. This completes your initial setup for the Agent
Desktop Plus.
Five9 Agent Overview 9
Training Together
Agent Dashboard Overview
In this section we will review some of the key features of the Agent Dashboard.
We will go into more detail regarding specific functions throughout this job aid.
1. Ready/Not Ready State Indicator
2. Home, Call, Voicemail, Contacts, and My Activity Tabs (Note: Only SAO staff
will have the Voicemail icon)
3. Account Profile Information, WebRTC Station ID number (this section will
show your basic profile information)
4. *My Skills (this section will show different types of Skills” or calls you are
assigned to)
5. Settings, Logging Out, Help, Messages, Calendar, and Address Book Action
6. ACD (Automatic Call Distributor) Status, Connection Status, Microphone and
Audio Volume
*Please see additional materials for the most up to date information regarding
Your Name
Five9 Agent Overview 10
Training Together
Agent Dashboard Overview - Ready / Not Ready States
In this section we will review the different Ready / Not Ready states and when
they should be used.
Ready (Voice, VM): Ready to receive an incoming call or a Voice Mail. (Note: Only
SAO staff will have the VM option)
Completing Call\Ticket: Not Ready, completing a work on a call
Consulting Supervisor: Not Ready, speaking with a supervisor for assistance.
Other: Not Ready, other reason not included in the list.
Outbound Calling: Not Ready, completing an outbound call to a client.
End of Shift: Not Ready, end of phone queue shift.
Break: Not Ready, taking a break.
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Managing Your Station > Configuring the User Status > Setting Ready and Not Ready States
Completing Call \Ticket
Consulting Supervisor
Outbound Calling
End of Shift
Five9 Agent Overview 11
Training Together
Additional Notes:
You can place yourself in a pending not ready status if you are working on a call
but will need additional time once it is dispositioned. This can be done by selecting
a “Not Ready” reason while in a “Ready” state.
This is what it will look like if you select a “Not Ready” status while still in a
“Ready” state. It will indicate that you have a “Pending State” next to your “Ready”
state. We will review when this may be helpful later in this job aid.
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Managing Your Station > Navigating the Agent Station > Agent Desktop Plus Interface
Five9 Agent Overview 12
Training Together
Agent Dashboard Overview - Home, Call, Voicemail, Contacts, and My
Activity Tabs
The Home tab will display your Agent Dashboard Home Page. This is the page
you will see whenever you log in.
The Call tab is where you will see any current call information. You can also place
outbound calls using this tab.
Your Name
Five9 Agent Overview 13
Training Together
The Voicemail tab will show any voicemails received. This feature will only be
available for the Senior Assistance Office.
The Contacts tab will show any of your saved contacts. You can complete calls to
a saved contact using this tab as well. This feature will not be used by the
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Managing Contacts > Adding and Retrieving Contacts > Looking up Contact Records
Five9 Agent Overview 14
Training Together
The My Activity tab will show your recent call history, as well as detailed
information such as start time, talk time, wrap time, and disposition reason.
*Important Note: You can use this tab if a call drops or get disconnected
prematurely. You can call them back by clicking on their Phone Number.
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Managing Your Station > Navigating the Agent Station > Identifying the Agent Tabs
Five9 Agent Overview 15
Training Together
Agent Dashboard Overview - Settings, Logging Out, Help, Messages,
Calendar, and Address Book Action Buttons
Selecting your profile menu will display the Agent Desktop Plus Settings as well
as the Log Out button.
The Help dropdown option will display additional resources such as the Agent
Guide, Keyboard Shortcuts, Echo Call, Voice Connectivity Test, and Change
Password options.
Five9 Agent Overview 16
Training Together
The Reminders button will allow you to set a new reminder or view any
reminders that have been scheduled.
The Messages button will allow you to send direct messages to any agent or
supervisor logged in to the Five9 system.
The Address Book button will show all Speed Dial Numbers like the Language
Line, Telephonic Signature Line
Staff should continue
using Outlook and
Teams for reminders as
this feature only works
when logged into
Staff should continue
using Teams and email
to communicate with
other staff as not all
staff will be logged into
Five9 Agent Overview 17
Training Together
Agent Dashboard Overview - ACD Status, Connection Status,
Microphone and Audio Volume
The ACD Status information panel will show your current skills, the total number
of calls in the queue, the number of callbacks in the queue, as well as the longest
wait time and additional details.
The checkmark indicates that you are connected as well as displaying the option to
restart your station if needed.
The volume and microphone icon will allow you to adjust your volume and
microphone settings.
Five9 Agent Overview 18
Training Together
How to Answer a Phone Call and Review Client
In this section we will review the steps for answering an inbound call and
reviewing client information.
Step 1: When you are in a Ready status, and you receive an inbound call, you will
be brought to the Call tab where you will be able to see the phone number of
the incoming call, the *inbound campaign type, and client information.
*Please see additional materials for the most up to date information regarding
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Working With Voice Calls > Receiving & Initiating Calls > Receiving an Inbound
Campaign Call
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 5555
Five9 Agent Overview 19
Training Together
Step 2: Click “Accept” to answer the phone call and connect with the client.
Step 3: Once you have connected with the client, you will see your media controls
which will allow you to place the client on hold, transfer the call, mute yourself,
create a conference call, as well as end the call.
Additional Note: When a
client is placed on hold,
they will hear hold music.
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 5555
Five9 Agent Overview 20
Training Together
Step 4: If it is a schedule interview call, or the client authenticated the
Interaction tab will show the clients first and last name, the Agency ID (which
is the clients Agency ID number), as well as the clients preferred language.
The disposition history will show recent calls the client has made and the
disposition reason for each previous call. It may be helpful to briefly review this
information to get an idea as to the reason the client may be calling.
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 5555
Name, Lastname
Five9 Agent Overview 21
Training Together
How to End and Disposition a Call
In this section we will review the steps for ending a call and selecting a disposition
Step 1: When you have finished assisting the client, best practice is to allow the
client to hang up first. You may also select “End Call” to end the call.
Important Note: If the client hangs up the call first, you will receive a pop up in the
bottom right corner of your dashboard stating the caller disconnected.
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 5555
Five9 Agent Overview 22
Training Together
Step 2: Once the call has ended, you will see that you are now in an “After Call
Work” status as well as a timer indicating how long you have been in this status.
*Important Note: There is NO COUNTDOWN TIMER between calls.
You will only receive another call once you have selected a
disposition reason.
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Working with Voice Calls > Dispositioning Calls > Hanging Up Calls
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 5555
Five9 Agent Overview 23
Training Together
Step 3: Once you have completed all of your work in BEACON and written a
narrative, you can select the disposition reason for the call that best applies.
Select “Set Disposition” to view the list of disposition reasons.
Step 4: Once you select the disposition reason, you will immediately receive
another phone call from the queue (unless you have put yourself into a not ready
status prior to setting a disposition reason).
Important Note: Make sure you are ready to assist your next client when you click
on a disposition reason. You will not receive another call until you select a
disposition reason.
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Working with Voice Calls > Dispositioning Calls > Setting Dispositions
Five9 Agent Overview 24
Training Together
How to Make an Outbound Call
In this section we will review the steps for calling a client back. *Reminder, Five9 is
only to be used during the phone queue. Outbound calls during the processing
queue should be placed using your state issued cell phone.
Step 1: First, place yourself in the Outbound Calling not ready status. Then,
select the Call tab from your agent dashboard.
Step 2: Next, enter the clients phone number or select the number from your
saved contact list, then select “Dial” to conduct the call.
Outbound Calling
Five9 Agent Overview 25
Training Together
Step 3: Once the call is placed, it will show as “Ringing” until the client answers.
Once the call is connected, you will have access to your media controls and
interaction tab, as well as the call history.
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Working with Voice Calls > Dispositioning Calls > Hanging Up Calls
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 5555
Outbound Calling
Five9 Agent Overview 26
Training Together
How to Make a Conference Call
In this section we will review the steps for making a conference call. Conference
calls can be used when adding a telephone interpreter to the line as well as adding
a supervisor to a call.
Step 1: Once you are on the phone with a client, you will have access to the
conference call option within your media controls. First, select the “Conference”
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Working with Voice Calls > Processing Active Calls > Setting Up a Conference Call
(555) 555- 5555
Five9 Agent Overview 27
Training Together
Step 2: Type in the phone number of the other party that you wish to conference
in or select from your contact list.
Step 3: There are 2 types of conference calls, Warm and Cold.”
A Warm Conference call will allow you to speak to the other party prior to
connecting the call together. This can be helpful if you wish to tell the other party
a little about the call before they speak with the client.
Recommended for calling another person, like the language line or a third-party contact.
Five9 Agent Overview 28
Training Together
A Cold Conference call will automatically connect the other party to your current
Step 4: If you select “Cold Conference”, click Complete Conference” to join the call
If you select Warm Conference, you will select “Initiate Conference” and speak
with the other party first. Once ready, you will need to select “Add Participant” to
finish adding them to the call.
Additional Note: You can use the
toggle hold button to switch back
and forth between your client on
the line and the other party until
the conference call is connected.
(555) 555- 5555
for the
Signature Line.
Five9 Agent Overview 29
Training Together
How to Leave a Conference Call
In this section we will review the steps to leave a conference call and allow the
other parties to remain connected with each other. This may happen if you
conference call in your supervisor and are no longer needed on the call.
Step 1: Below the media controls options, you will see a box that says
“Conference” and “Participants.” Under “Participants” you will see the option to
select “Leave Conference.” Click “Leave Conference.”
(555) 555- 5555
(555) 555- 1234
Five9 Agent Overview 30
Training Together
Step 2: Once you click “Leave Conference” you will need to select a disposition
reason. Select the reason that best applies.
*Important Note: Once you select a disposition reason, you will immediately receive
another incoming call if you have not put yourself in a not ready status. Be sure to
complete your work prior to leaving the conference call or place yourself in a pending
not ready state before leaving the conference call.
(555) 555- 1234
(555) 555- 5555
Five9 Agent Overview 31
Training Together
Additional Notes:
If you end the conference call, all parties will be disconnected. You will receive a
pop up asking to confirm that you would like to disconnect all conference
participants when you end a conference call.
If you would like to remove a participant from the conference call, select the
phone number under “Participants” and click “Remove.”
(555) 555- 1234
(555) 555- 5555
Five9 Agent Overview 32
Training Together
How to Complete a Call Transfer
In this section we will review the steps to transfer a call to another phone number.
Step 1: Within the media controls, you will see the option to complete a call
transfer. Select “Transfer.”
Five9 University Resource:
Agent Desktop Plus > Working with Voice Calls > Processing Active Calls > Transferring Calls
(555) 555- 5555
Five9 Agent Overview 33
Training Together
Step 2: There are 2 types of call transfers, “Warm” and “Cold.”
A “Warm Transfer will allow you to speak to the other party prior to transferring
the call. This can be helpful if you wish to tell the other party a little about the call
before they speak with the client.
A “Cold Transfer will automatically transfer your current call to the other party.
Step 3: If you select “Cold Transfer, type in the phone number of the other party
(or select from your contact list) and then click Complete Transfer to transfer the
call. The disposition will default to “Transferred to 3
Party.Choose the
disposition reason that best matches the reason for the call.
*Important Note: Transfer options will default to “Return Call to Me” if the
transferred call is not answered within 10 minutes.
Five9 Agent Overview 34
Training Together
If you select “Warm Transfer”, type in the phone number of the other party (or
select from your contact list) and then select “Initiate Transfer. You can speak
with the other party first and, once ready, you will need to select Complete
Transfer to finish transferring the call.
*Important Note: With both Warm and Cold Transfers, once you select “Complete
Transfer” you will immediately receive another incoming call if you have not put
yourself in a “Not Ready” status. Be sure to complete your work prior to transferring
the call or place yourself in a pending not ready state before transferring the call.
(555) 555- 1234
Five9 Agent Overview 35
Training Together
How to Use the Address Book
In this section we will review how to use the Address Book for Speed Dial and
Agent calling.
When you first log into the Five9 Agent Dashboard, you can select the Address
Book button from the top bar. This will show all agents within the system and a
pre-set Speed Dial list.
Select from “Agents” or “Speed Dial” using the drop-down menu in the Address
Book window.
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Five9 Agent Overview 36
Training Together
Speed Dials
Step 1: Select the Speed Dial option to view the list of Department set Speed Dial
Step 2: Select the Speed Dial contact you want to connect with and click “Call” as
highlighted in red above. A window with the Speed Dial information will pop up.
Click “Ok” to start the call.
Five9 Agent Overview 37
Training Together
Step 1: You can type in the search bar to search for a specific agent, or you can
use the options in the top right corner to sort agents by groups, roles, states, or by
Step 2: If you select an agent’s name, you will have the option to either call the
agent or send them an IM (Instant Message).
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Five9 Agent Overview 38
Training Together
If you select the “More” option, you can see additional information regarding the
agent, such as their email, role, and current state.
Agent calling should only be limited to agents who are logged in and ready to receive
the calls. For example, you can call a DV specialist or a supervisor to conference in.
Always message the agent on Teams or email before calling.
Firstname Lastname
Firstname Lastname
Firstname.Last[email protected]
Five9 Agent Overview 39
Training Together
How to Log out of Five9
In this section we will review how to log out of Five9.
Step 1: Select the drop-down option under you name in the top right corner.
Step 1: Select “Log Out.” You will receive a pop up asking you to confirm your log
out reason code, select the appropriate reason code then select “Confirm.” After
selecting Confirm, you will have successfully logged out and will be brought back
to the Five9 log in page.
Five9 University Resource:
Getting Started > Accessing the Five9 Agent Desktop Plus > Logging out of the Agent Desktop Plus
There are a limited number of phone queue spots. It is very important to log out any
time you end your shift or leave the phone queue, so as not to prevent others from
logging in when they are scheduled.
Five9 Agent Overview 40
Training Together
Frequently Asked Questions
In this section we will review some frequently asked questions and answers.
Q1: Is there really no countdown timer between calls? Cisco had a 3-minute
A1: Yes, there is NO COUNTDOWN TIMER between calls. You will only receive
another phone call once you have selected a disposition reason.
Q2: What happens if you do not answer an incoming call?
A2: If you do not answer an incoming call, the call will be put back into the queue
and you will automatically be changed into a “Not Ready – Forced” status.
Q3: When is the best time to use a cold conference call?
A3: When connecting with the telephonic signature line.
Q4: When is the best time to use a warm conference call?
A4: When connecting with your supervisor or a telephonic interpreter.
Q5: What if I am having connectivity issues?
A5: Please refer to our Five9 Technical Troubleshooting job aid for additional
information on how to troubleshoot tech issues.
Q6: Will I be using my work issued cell phone at all to access Five9?
A6: Five9 is a web-based system, you will answer calls using the Agent Dashboard.
You will not use your work issued cell phone to receive phone calls through Five9.
Q7: What happens if I don’t change my password timely?
A: If you do not change your password timely and it expires, if you set-up your
security questions you can click on the Forgot Password link, and you will receive
an email to reset your password. If you do not set-up your security questions or
don’t know them, you will have to have your SIS or Manager send in a ticket.
Q8: Will local offices still have the Switchboard phone?
A8: Yes, local offices will still have the Switchboard phone.
Five9 Agent Overview 41
Training Together
Then and Now: Cisco Finesse to Five9
In this section we will review some of the differences between Cisco Finesse and
Cisco Finesse
Web and phone based
program that requires
an internet connection
and a phone
Simple user interface
with minimal options
Only able to view client
agency ID number Or
Client Phone Number
Limited additional
3 minute countdown
timer begins once a call
has ended
You will automatically
receive another call
once the countdown
timer has ended
Cloud based contact
solution requiring only
your laptop and an
internet connection
Intuitive dashboard
design with easy to use
call controls
View client information
as well as interaction
Real time metrics such
as call queue length,
wait times, and average
handling time
No countdown timer
between calls
You will receive
another call only when
you select a disposition