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Clerk’s Instructions
for Uploading and Filing
Evidentiary Exhibits for Trial
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Instructions for Filing Evidentiary Exhibits for Trial in CM/ECF
Pursuant to Local Rule 9070‐1
Click here to review Local Rule 9070‐1 before filing exhibits.
Preparation of Exhibits .................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3
Internet Browsers ........................................................................................................................ 3
Exhibit Register .............................................................................................................................4
Format of Exhibits. ....................................................................................................................... 4
Filing Exhibits in CM/ECF ................................................................................................................. 4
Program Hyperlink Location ........................................................................................................ 4
Step 1: Case Number ................................................................................................................... 5
Step 2: Select a Party ................................................................................................................... 5
Step 3: Identify the Related Docket Entry ................................................................................... 5
Step 4: Exhibit Description. .......................................................................................................... 6
Step 5: Upload Exhibit Register ................................................................................................... 6
Step 6: Upload Exhibits ................................................................................................................ 6
Step 7: Submit Exhibits ................................................................................................................ 7
Sample Final Docket Entry ................................................................................................................ 7
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Preparation of Exhibits
For a party NOT represented by counsel (a “pro se” party), evidentiary exhibits must be
submitted by sending them to the Clerk of Court by electronic mail to:
[email protected]. Each exhibit must be a separate, sequentially numbered file
saved in Portable Document Format (PDF) and labeled with the party’s name and exhibit
number (e.g., Debtor’s Exhibit 1). Local Form Exhibit Register must also be submitted. Each PDF
file shall not exceed 50MB in size. Once received in the electronic mailbox, the Clerk will upload
the exhibits in CM/ECF. This will constitute the pro se party’s exchange of exhibits with
represented parties.
For parties who ARE represented by counsel, the following procedures outline the process for
electronically uploading and filing Evidentiary Exhibits with the Court. Click here to review Local
Rule 9070‐1. Upon completion, CM/ECF will display the filed exhibits in list format with the
Exhibit Register at the top, followed by the numerically sorted list exhibits.
NOTE: To file only the exhibit register (or amended exhibit register) without exhibits, do not continue.
Select Bankruptcy (or Adversary)>Other>Exhibit Register/List [without exhibits].
Internet Browser
Ensure that updated versions (or newer) of the following browsers are used.
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
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Exhibit Register
Local Form Exhibit Register shall be electronically filed as a separate Portable Document Format (PDF) file
that lists each exhibit in numerical order along with a brief description of the exhibit. No markings should
be made in the following columns: “Admitted,” “Refused,” or “Not Introduced,” as these are reserved for
court use only.
Format of Exhibits
Each exhibit shall be electronically stored as a separate PDF file. Each PDF file shall not exceed 50MB in size
and shall have a unique identification name and number (e.g., Debtor’s Exhibit 1, Plaintiff’s Exhibit 1). All
exhibits shall be numerically identified. Exhibits marked alphabetically (e.g., Plaintiff’s Exhibit A), will not
be accepted. Also, exhibit numbers entered into the CM/ECF upload program MUST match their
corresponding PDF document.
NOTE: In order for this program to work properly, all exhibits to be uploaded must be stored in the same
file folder on the computer or shared network drive.
Filing Exhibits in CM/ECF
Program Hyperlink Location
To access the exhibit program in CM/ECF, select the hyperlink located under either the Bankruptcy or
Adversary menus.
A data input screen will display and collect the following information: case number, party filer, description
of exhibits, Exhibit Register, and exhibits to be uploaded. An example of the entry screen is displayed
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Step 1: Case Number
Enter a case number, then press the <Enter> key twice. The party selection list will display.
Step 2: Select a Party
Choose the party who is filing the exhibits.
Step 3: Identify the Related Docket Entry
This step applies only when exhibits are filed in a main bankruptcy case and is not applicable to adversary
Click the Show List button. A screen will display all the docket entries in the case. Select the docket entry
that corresponds to the trial/evidentiary hearing in which the exhibits are related (e.g., Motion to Use Cash
Collateral, Objection to Claim), then click Continue.
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Step 4: Exhibit Description
Provide a brief description of the exhibits (e.g., Plaintiff’s Exhibits, Defendant’s Exhibits,
Debtor’s Exhibits, Creditor’s Exhibits.
Step 5: Upload Exhibit Register
Click the Browse… button to search for and upload the Exhibit Register.
NOTE: To file only the exhibit register (or amended exhibit register) without exhibits, do
not continue. Select Bankruptcy (or Adversary)>Other>Exhibit Register/List [without
Step 6: Upload Exhibits
Click the Browse… button to search for and upload one or more PDF exhibits. In order to
upload multiple exhibits in one filing transaction, ALL exhibits must be stored in the same
file folder on your computer or shared network drive. Multiple exhibits may be selected for
upload using the Ctrl or Shift key method.
NOTE: Do not select the Exhibit Register, as it was already uploaded in step 5.
When all PDF exhibits files have been selected for upload, a list will display the Exhibit
name, Size, and Exhibit number. Notice, including the exhibit number in the PDF name, will
automatically populate the exhibit number into the Exhibit Number field. If the name of the
exhibit does not contain a number, the number will need to be manually entered.
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NOTE: An alert message will display if the document being uploaded is not in PDF format
or is larger than 50MB. Convert the document or resize it to comply with upload
Step 7 Submit Exhibits
Click the Submit Exhibits button located at the bottom of the screen.
The exhibit submission will be validated prior to filing. Examples of validation failures
include a duplicate exhibit number or a field missing data. Corrections must be completed
before proceeding.
NOTE: Please be patient after selecting the Submit Exhibits button. The process may take
several minutes depending on the number and size of exhibits being uploaded. The
submission is complete when a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) displays. DO NOT logout of
CM/ECF or close your browser or navigate away from this page before receiving the Notice
of Electronic Filing or the process will terminate, resulting in the exhibits not being
uploaded in CM/ECF.
Sample Final Docket Entry:
(5 pgs; 5 docs)
Proposed Exhibits ranging from 1 to 4. 5 documents attached
filed by Attorney John Smith on behalf of Creditor XYZ.
Plaintiff’s Exhibits (related document(s) 5 ).
[rev. 2/22/23]