Wheaton Public Library - Excel Pivot Tables 2021
Microsoft Excel 2021 - Pivot Tables
What is a Pivot Table?
A Pivot Table is an interactive way to quickly summarize large amounts of data. Some of the capabilities of a
Pivot Table include:
Organizing large amounts of data in many user-friendly ways
Summarizing data by categories and subcategories
Expanding and collapsing levels of data to focus your results
Moving rows to columns or columns to rows (or “pivoting”) to see different summaries of the source data
Filtering, sorting, and grouping the most useful and interesting subset of data
Presenting concise, attractive, and annotated online or printed reports
Setting Up a Pivot Table Do’s and Don’ts
DO organize your source data in columns with unique headings
DON’T leave empty rows or columns (empty cells are ok)
DO have consistent data watch for abbreviations (N. instead of North) and typos
Creating a Pivot Table
Go to Insert Pivot Table. Double-check to make sure the correct range
of data is selected, then click OK.
You can import data from an external source, such as a database or
separate spreadsheet file.
The Pivot Table can be placed in the same Sheet as the data, or in a
separate Sheet
o New Worksheet creates a new sheet where the Pivot Table will
be located.
o Existing Worksheet choose the cell reference (e.g. F6) where the
Pivot Table should start.
Wheaton Public Library - Excel Pivot Tables 2021
Arranging Your Pivot Table
In a Pivot Table, a field is a category of data, such as name, total sales,
branch, etc. It is identical to the Heading or first row of your source data.
In the Pivot Table Field List, select Fields to add to the Table in one of four
areas, Filters, Column Labels, Row Labels, and Values.
o Use the checkbox to the left of the field name.
Text based fields will be added to the Row area
Number based fields will be added to the Values area
o To move a field to a different area, click and drag.
o You can also drag the Field to an area, or drag a second copy of a
field. This helps when you need the data displayed in two different
ways (e.g. a Value and a percent of a value)
Keep in mind, moving the Fields to different areas can result in different
Formatting Add visual elements to your Pivot Table
Go to PivotTable Tools Design Pivot Table Styles, and hover over a preset Style to preview how your
Pivot Table changes.
Use the Pivot Table Style Options check boxes to add or remove Row/Column Headers and Banding
Renaming Pivot Table Components
o Excel generally provides names for the Pivot Table title, column headings, etc. This can be
changed by going to PivotTable Tools Analyze Pivot Table Pivot Table Name
o Fields can be renamed as well. First click on the heading you need to rename, and then go to
Pivot Table Tools Analyze Active Field.
Data arranged by Columns
Data arranged by Rows
Wheaton Public Library - Excel Pivot Tables 2021
Expanding/Collapsing and Grouping
A Pivot Table with a lot of data to summarize may get overwhelming on the
screen. Use Expand or Collapse to limit the amount of data visible at one
o Next to each Row Label is a plus or minus sign. Click the plus sign to Or,
Go to PivotTable Tools AnalyzeActive FieldExpand Field/Collapse
Grouping Allows you to select multiple items and then view them together (e.g. Science Fiction and
Fantasy could be grouped together, or you could divide the year into quarters by grouping months)
o Select the items.
o Go to PivotTable Tools Analyze Group Group Selection
Field Settings and Calculations
Summarizing Values choose the way data is tabulated.
Go to PivotTable Tools Analyze Active Field Field Settings Summarize Values By Tab, or Right-
click the heading of any data field, then select Summarize Values By
o Sum adds the data in a column or field (e.g. the total sales of the East Branch)
o Count counts the number of items (e.g. the number of Nonfiction titles)
o Average, Max(imum), Min(imum), Product (multiplies)
Show Values As create running totals or percentages of your data
Go to PivotTable Tools Analyze Active Field Field Settings Show Values As Tab, or Right-click the
heading of any data field, then select Show Values As.
No Calculation
Displays the value that is entered in the field.
% of Grand Total
Displays values as a percentage of the grand total of all the values or data points in the report.
% of Column Total
Displays all the values in each column or series as a percentage of the total for the column
or series
% of Row Total
Displays the value in each row or category as a percentage of the total for the row or
% Of
Displays values as a percentage of the value of the Base item in the Base field.
% of Parent Row Total
Calculates values as follows: (value for the item) / (value for the parent item on rows)
% of Parent Column Total
Calculates values as follows: (value for the item) / (value for the parent item on columns)
% of Parent Total
Calculates values as follows:
(value for the item) / (value for the parent item of the selected Base field)
Difference From
Displays values as the difference from the value of the Base item in the Base field.
% Difference From
Displays values as the percentage difference from the value of the Base item in the Base
Running Total in
Displays the value for successive items in the Base field as a running total.
% Running Total in
Calculates the value as a percentage for successive items in the Base field that are
displayed as a running total.
Wheaton Public Library - Excel Pivot Tables 2021
Rank Smallest to Largest
Displays the rank of selected values in a specific field, listing the smallest item in the field as 1,
and each larger value with a higher rank value.
Rank Largest to Smallest
Displays the rank of selected values in a specific field, listing the largest item in the field as 1,
and each smaller value with a higher rank value.
Calculates values as follows: ((value in cell) x (Grand Total of Grand Totals)) / ((Grand Row
Total) x (Grand Column Total))
Fields, Items & Sets create a formula in the Pivot Table
that did not exist in the original data.
Go to Pivot Table Tools Analyze Calculations
Fields, Items & Sets Calculated Field
Assign a Name to the new field
Formula any recognized Excel formula is
acceptable, but you must type it in the formula field
(e.g. sum).
Choose the Field or Fields that need to be
calculated, then click Insert Field.
Sorting and Filtering
Sorting - Alphabetically or numerically sort any column in the Pivot
From the Row Headings/Labels cell, click the pull-down menu,
then select Sort A to Z/Sort Smallest to Largest or Sort Z to
A/Sort Largest to Smallest
You can sort individual items in the column, or you can sort SubTotals.
Filtering allows you to view or hide elements of the Pivot Table
Filter by Field List
In the Field List, move your mouse to the far right and click on the arrow.
Individual Items check or uncheck individual items in a list. Check Select
All to toggle between all or none selected.
Label Filters used mostly to filter by text (e.g. all authors beginning with
Value Filters used mostly to filter numbers (e.g. any values between 50 and
Fields that have a filter show a funnel on the right side of the Field List
To remove the filter, click on the funnel, then click Clear Filter
Wheaton Public Library - Excel Pivot Tables 2021
Filter by Report adds additional data fields to the Pivot Table in the form of a filter
Drag fields to the Report Filter area
The field appears at the top of the Pivot Table. Use the pull-down arrow to select individual items to filter.
To remove the filter, click on the Report Filter at the top of the Pivot Table, and select
Slicer displays the contents of a field for easier or multiple filtering
Go to PivotTable Tools Analyze Filter Insert Slicer
Select one or more categories. The slicer displays in a box near the Pivot Table.
Go to Slicer Tools Options for additional formatting and display options
Charts - Go to Pivot Table Tools Analyze Tools Pivot Chart
Choose a Chart Style and then click OK
o NOTE: the following styles are NOT available from a Pivot Table: XY (Scatter), Stock, TreeMap,
Sunburst, Histogram, Box & Whisker, and Waterfall.
Charts can be changed automatically by adding or removing fields, changing the order of data fields,
or creating filters.
Chart Options
Analyze make the Chart simpler or more
complicated by collapsing or expanding by fields.
Also allows you to insert slicers and perform
Design Change Chart type, switch row/column,
change Chart styles (color schemes)
Format change the background color, the size,
and the formatting of the Chart
Microsoft. (2020). Overview of PivotTable and PivotChart reports. Retrieved February 14, 2020, from Microsoft Office:
Microsoft. (2020).Show different calculations in PivotTable value fields. Retrieved February 14, 2020, from Microsoft Office: