RCC Career Services Letter of Interest 9/2021
How to Write a Good Statement of Interest
As part of the application process for certain positions, you may be asked to write a statement of interest/personal
statement. A statement of interest for an internship or project opportunity is normally around three paragraphs long
and should succinctly communicate your interest in the position. Your statement should demonstrate that you have
read and thoroughly understand what to expect during the potential opportunity. Ideally, the statement will address
(1) your interest in the field/industry/organization, (2) how the opportunity will help your career plans, and (3)
demonstrate that you have a clear understanding of and specific interest in the organization or company.
Before preparing your statement of interest, ask yourself…
Why am I interested in this position? What is it about the organization’s mission or the duties entailed in the job that are
drawing me to the position? Is it for example the opportunity to make an impact on alleviating poverty in the city of
Boston? Or the chance to use technology to make healthcare more effective, or the strong reputation that the
organization has within a particular industry?
What skills, expertise and other qualities is the organization seeking?
In many cases, this is spelled out pretty clearly in the position description. In other cases, you will need to give some
thought to what skills you think would be important to the company. What kinds of tasks would the job entail? What
kinds of skills would you need in order to effectively complete those tasks?
When writing your statement of interest answer the following questions:
1. What about your background, including your academic preparation and career interests, make you a good
match for this opportunity? Demonstrate the skills and strengths that you would bring to the organization if
you were hired.
2. How will this opportunity benefit your career?
Sample Statement of Interest
I am writing to express my interest in a summer internship with Cares Inc. as a project manager in Boston. I believe
that both my professional experience and academic qualifications would enable me to make a strong contribution to
Cares Inc. and the company’s efforts to strengthen Boston’s economic recovery and long-term poverty reduction
goals. The majority of my professional career has been in non-profits creating models to improve government
accountability and performance in the delivery of basic services. I am passionate about creating economic avenues
for families to rise above poverty. My work with NGOs has exposed me to the capacity challenges that accompany
real city-wide change and project management. My career plans include working for the city of Boston as an economic
growth and development project manager.
Through my studies at Roxbury Community College, I have gained a deeper understanding of both the conceptual
and practical issues relating to project management and civil service reform in urban areas. Classes on the politics
and psychology of public policy have strengthened my knowledge of the best practices. Quantitative courses in
statistics and policy evaluation have also provided me with the tools I need to conduct more rigorous project
management assessments of the impacts of city services.
In sum, an internship with Cares Inc. will afford me the opportunity both to contribute my experience and skills as
well as to deepen my own understanding of project management in public governance. I am also excited at the
prospect of joining one of the most prominent and progressive non-profits in New England. For these reasons I hope
you will look favorably upon my candidacy.