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Social Awareness
Lesson Title: Advice Column, Part 1
Grade Level: Middle School
Project and Purpose
Students analyze advice column letters and advice responses as basis for writing their own letters. They
will then select a letter that is not their own and write an advice response.
Essential Question
What is the benet of writing an anonymous letter to a columnist for advice? Explain your answer.
Note: This is part 1 of a two-part lesson. Students should be familiar with letter writing.
Copies or slides of advice column examples (provided)
2-3 Large chart papers with title “Letter Topics” posted in different areas of the room
Post-it notes and writing tools
Paper or computers with writing programs and access to printers
1. Ask students if they have ever read or heard about advice columns. Explain that historically, advice
columns were found in newspapers. People would write in with their problems and the columnist
would do some research and respond. The most famous advice columnists have been Abigail Van
Buren of “Dear Abby,” Ann Landers of “Dear Ann Landers,” Judith Martin of “Miss Manners,” and
George W. Crane of “The Worry Clinic.” In England, newspapers had “agony columns,” and people
would write to “Agony Aunts” or “Agony Uncles” about their personal despair or love loss. Now advice
columns appear on the Internet and are targeted to specic groups, including young people.
2. Show the examples of Dear Abby and Dr. Web and ask students to make observations about what the
letters and responses have in common.
a. Students should notice that the letters usually:
Identify the writer’s age and sometimes gender
Identify the problem
Usually use a pseudonym for the person who is causing the problem or just refer to them as “a
boy” or “a girl;” they never use real names
Tell a brief story to illustrate the problem
Ask for specic advice
Use a signature that is either anonymous or just a rst name and an age; sometimes the
problem that is being expressed is used to create anonymous and/or clever signatures
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b. Students should notice the advice letters usually:
• Restate the problem
• Offer a personal connection
• Analyze the problem, including identifying what is going right and what is going wrong with the
situation the writer described
• Give some research or context to the problem
• Oer one or two pieces of positive advice
3. Ask students to think about problems or challenges or issues that kids their age have every day.
Give or ask for several examples. These might include: dealing with people who are mean, wanting
a boyfriend/girlfriend, wanting to break up with a boyfriend/girlfriend, too much homework, not
understanding schoolwork, etc.
4. Distribute 2-3 Post-it notes to each student and tell them to write one problem with a few details on
it, but not to use specic names. In other words, if they want to talk about the person who constantly
teases them in the lunchroom, then write, “This one person always teases me in the lunchroom by
calling me Four-eyes.” If they want to talk about a specic boy/girlfriend, then write “There is a boy/
girl who likes my boy/girlfriend and always irts with them when I’m there.” These will be the basis for
a full letter to an advice column, but they don’t have to write the entire letter on the Post-it, only the
kernel of the problem. If students struggle with writing anything personal, ask them to write about an
issue they have observed in the school, their neighborhood, or in their community that concerns them.
This process should take no longer than ve minutes.
5. Have students post their concerns Post-it notes on the Letter Topic charts and read the notes aloud
OR have students peruse the charts in small groups.
6. Ask students to select one of the Post-it notes that is not their own from the chart. They will “ush out”
the ideas and write a “Dear...” letter to an advice columnist that follows the format of the examples.
7. Have students write the letter and collect them for the next session.
Ask students to discuss: What is the benet of writing an anonymous letter to a columnist for advice?
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Advice Column Examples
Example from Dear Abby
Dear Abby,
I’m a 12-year-old girl. My friend
“Bailey” and I both like the
same boy but didn’t want him
to come between us. We made
a pact that we wouldn’t ask him
Bailey can be selsh, and
I know she’d say yes if he
asked her. When I told her
my friendship with her meant
more to me than the boy, she
laughed and said that meant
she’d get him. I’m not sure what
to do. I have liked him longer
than she has, and I think he
likes me back. He knows me
much better at least.
If he asks me, should I say yes
and risk my friend getting hurt,
even though I know she’d say
yes in my place?
— A Reader in Missouri
Dear Reader in Missouri,
When you told Bailey your
friendship with her meant more
than the boy, her response
showed that your friendship is
less important to her than he
is, and the pact means nothing
to her. If the boy likes you,
he will probably ask you out
to do something. If he does
— and your parents agree —
you should accept. I say this
because I don’t think Bailey is a
true friend at all.
— Abby
Examples from Dr. Web
Example #1
Hi. I am extremely shy and
extremely quiet. Every one
will be in their groups talking
and I will be there by myself
and it sucks. I wanna be more
outgoing but the thing about
me is that if I don’t have
anything meaningful to say,
then don’t expect me to say
anything at all. I don’t wanna
change who I am, but I wanna
make more friends and get
closer to students in my class.
Can you tell me how to?
— Jay, 13
Dear Jay,
As someone who used to
be a shy introvert myself, I
completely understand where
you are coming from. You
don’t have to change who you
are to make more friends, but
you do have to show others
that you want to get to know
them better. Ask questions
since most people like those
who demonstrate an interest
in them. And express your
opinion when a topic comes up
that’s of interest to you. During
a group project, maybe you
could discuss a topic you know
well or have gured out a way
to help the group—something
that will be appreciated. I also
recommend asking a parent to
put you in a social skills group
for teens, a safe environment
for practicing these skills and
meeting other kids going
through similar struggles.
— Kim
Examples from Dr. Web
Example #2
My school was in the news
recently. It had to with school
safety, but now people in my
school are saying that now
our school is going to get
attacked. At rst I didn’t care.
Then I found out some people
had not come to school that
day because of it. That made
me a little scared. Now I am a
little worried. My parents tell
me everything is ne. I am still
worried. When I try to talk to
people about it for reassurance
they always say it is true. I really
just don’t know what to think.
Any advice?
— Smile, 11
Dear Smile,
I understand your fear since,
in recent years, there have
been many attacks in school
buildings. And with so much
news coverage, it’s easy to
become convinced that your
school will be next. However,
school is generally a very
safe place, and whatever led
to your school being written
about in the news, the situation
most likely has already been
taken care of. Your parents
are right to reassure you
that “everything is ne.” But
sometimes, taking action is
a way to reduce anxiety. You
might get together with other
students, and perhaps a group
of parents and teachers, to
discuss additional safety
measures that can be taken at
your school, and become part
of the solution.
— Dr. M.