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64 Writing Inspirations Fundex Cards
Help! The Advice Column 1
Write a letter to an advice columnist like Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby). Ask for advice.
This is your problem. Describe it clearly.
You want to study visual arts, but your parents want you to study engineering.
They refuse to listen to your side of the argument. They say, "No engineering,
no money!"
Dear Addy,
Help! The Advice Column 2
Write a letter to an advice columnist like Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abby). Ask for advice.
This is your problem. Describe it clearly.
You share an apartment with a roommate. You go to bed early. Your roommate
goes to bed late. Youre a light sleeper. Every night youre awakened by phone calls
for your roommate. You don’t know what to do. You’re tired. You need help.
Dear Addy,
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Writing Inspirations Fundex Cards 87
Look It Up and Write It Up 9
Do you like mythology?
Write about a mythological character. Look up information in an encyclopedia or on the
internet. Describe the character and their strengths and weaknesses.
Write an essay of about 150 words.
1. Write a famous story from mythology
in your own words.
2. Invent a story about the character
you have done research on.
Look It Up and Write It Up 10
Do you like science?
Write about a scientist you admire.
Look up information in an encyclopedia or on
the internet. Describe their achievements and
their life story.
Write a biography of about 150 words.
1. Write about a discovery or invention and
describe its importance.
2. Write about your favorite science and
why you like it.
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Writing Inspirations Fundex Cards 77
Summarizing Interviews and Surveys 1
Interview a classmate.
Speak with a classmate for about 10 minutes. Take notes.
The write down ve things you learned about your classmate.
Your classmate should write about you.
After you have each written your interview summaries,
show them to each other and comment on them.
Summarizing Interviews and Surveys 2
Interview a teacher.
First write down 10 questions that you would like to ask.
Take notes during the interview and then write your teacher’s responses to
your questions.
Several of you can interview your teacher
at the same time. Write your questions
independently, and then take turns asking
them. Write down only your teacher’s
responses to your own questions.
Writing Inspirations Fundex Cards 43
Write a Conversation 11
Getting to Know You
You've met someone. You are attracted to them.
You decide to do something fun together.
You want to get to know each other.
Bring up a topic and share
information or feelings about it.
Suggested topics:
1. family 2. interests 3. ____ (you choose)
Write your conversation.
Suggested number of lines: 20.
Read your conversation aloud with a partner.
Practice saying each other’s conversations.
Perform your conversations for your classmates.
Write a Conversation 12
This Isn't What I Ordered
You’re at a restaurant. You place an order, but
everything goes wrong. The service is poor. The food,
when it comes, isn’t what you ordered. It’s poorly
prepared. You don’t have any silverware. The waiter
comes by and asks, “Is everything O.K.?”
Write your response to the waiter and
the waiter’s replies to your complaints.
Suggested number of lines: 15-20.
Find a partner and practice saying your conversation
and your partner’s, if they have one.
Perform your conversations live or record
and play them for your classmates.
Photocopyable Copyright © 2008 by Arlene Marcus
Photocopyable Copyright © 2008 by Arlene Marcus
14 Writing Inspirations Fundex Cards
Write a Paragraph about This Picture 11
Write a paragraph to describe what happened in this picture.
Here are some words
you can use:
You can begin with this sentence: A robber pointed his gun at Max.
Write a Paragraph about This Picture 12
Write a paragraph to describe what happened in this picture.
Here are some words
you can use:
pulled over
speed limit
You can begin with this sentence: Max was driving too fast.
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24 Writing Inspirations Fundex Cards
Write a Story about This Photo 16
Pick one of the following:
1. We're all so proud of you.
2. A champion at ____________.
3. My favorite athlete.
4. Playing on a team.
5. How I won ____________.
6. Imagine you will receive an award
this evening. Write an accceptance
7. How important are awards? Write
your opinion.
8. Write about the attitude toward
awards in your own culture.
Write a Story about This Photo 15
Pick one of the following:
1. What is the boy in this picture feeling?
What has happened? How do you know?
2. It hurts to lose. Write about a personal
3. Different cultures expect different behavior
from losers. What is expected of a good loser
in North America? Is this true of all North
Americans? Is this different in your native
4. Leo Durocher, a famous baseball player,
he mean? Write a story based on it.
5. Write a story based on the saying "It's not
whether you win or lose, but how you play
the game."
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Writing Inspirations Fundex Cards 35
Write a Story with These Words 7
Write a story using the following words:
baseball soccer
play watch
1. Make your story funny or silly.
2. Make your story scary or mysterious.
OR 3. Write a newspaper article with information on who, what, when, where, and why.
4. Write a conversation between two people.
5. Write an email to a friend.
6. Write an informal letter to a friend.
7. Write a poem.
8. Read your story aloud.
Note: Use any form of the words. For example, play/playing/player
Write a Story with These Words 8
Write a story using the following words:
interview questions
experience benets
1. Make your story funny or silly.
2. Make your story scary or mysterious.
OR 3. Write a newspaper article with information on who, what, when, where, and why.
4. Write a conversation between two people.
5. Write an email to a friend.
6. Write an informal letter to a friend.
7. Write a poem.
8. Summarize something you have recently read about.
9. Read your story aloud.
Note: Use any form of the words. For example, interview/interviewer
Photocopyable Copyright © 2008 by Arlene Marcus
2 Writing Inspirations Fundex Cards
Write Sentences about This Picture 3
Write 5 sentences about traveling by airplane.
For example: Two men are traveling by airplane.
sit forward
next to
Write Sentences about This Picture 4
Write 5 sentences about Jenny and her horse.
For example: Jenny is taking her horse for a walk.