International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications
Volume 13-Issue 03, 30 - 35, 2024, ISSN:- 2319 - 7560
DOI:10.7753/IJSEA1303.1007 30
Evaluative Comparison of ASGI Web Servers: A
Systematic Review
Anton Novikau
Head of Mobile Development
Talaera, 28 Liberty Street, 6th Floor
New York, USA
Abstract: This paper aims to research major ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) server implementations, including
Uvicorn, Daphne, and Hypercorn, and provide a comprehensive comparison. Utilizing a methodology that incorporates both
quantitative performance metrics and qualitative feature analysis, this study offers a thorough evaluation of these servers in the context
of modern asynchronous web applications.
In this study, performance metrics such as request handling capacity (RPS) and resource consumption (specifically, RAM
consumption) are carefully measured under controlled conditions to identify the most efficient ASGI implementations. Additionally,
we examine the features provided by each ASGI server implementation, covering critical aspects such as protocol support, scalability
options, and an overview of license restrictions.
As a result, this study compares the strengths and limitations of each ASGI implementation. Most importantly, it provides valuable
insights for developers and system architects in selecting the most suitable ASGI server for their specific needs.
Keywords: Python, Software, Network, ASGI, Web server, Web server performance, Concurrent request handling, Scalability in web
servers, Asynchronous web technologies
1.1 What is an application server in
An application server, specifically in the context of Python
web development, is a type of software that provides an
environment where web applications can be executed. They
are responsible for handling the low-level details of client
request processing. The application server serves as a bridge
between the user's client (or browser) and the backend logic of
a web application. Tasks managed by these application
servers include managing incoming connections, executing
application code, providing an effective way of handling
connections, scaling, and ensuring security.
Application servers are necessary due to their ability to
simplify and manage the complex interactions in client-server
systems. They allow developers to focus on building the core
functionality of their applications without worrying about the
underlying network protocol implementation details.
In the Python ecosystem, there are two major protocols for
such servers: WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) and
ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface). WSGI is an
older protocol designed for synchronous Python web
applications, while ASGI was created for asynchronous
applications, allowing them to handle long-lived connections
like WebSockets or HTTP polling more efficiently. The
choice between these protocols and their corresponding
implementations is determined by the application's specific
needs, whether it requires handling real-time data, the
expected traffic load, and the nature of the tasks it performs.
1.2 History of ASGI
ASGI, the Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface,
represents a significant advancement in Python’s web
development capabilities, especially in the context of building
asynchronous web servers. It provides a solution to the
limitations of the Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI), an
older Python standard established in 2003 [1]. WSGI, built on
a traditional synchronous request-response model, cannot
effectively handle communications outside this format. For
example, implementing HTTP long-polling, or any technique
requiring long-lived connections, poses challenges (though
not insurmountable) due to the complexities and limitations of
Python’s multithreading system. Furthermore, WSGI is
incompatible with WebSockets, a popular protocol for
asynchronous message exchanges between clients and servers.
ASGI was developed considering these limitations and
addresses them. The introduction of new asynchronous
features in CPython version 3.5 [2] made the approach used
by ASGI feasible. ASGI’s design enables a more flexible
communication paradigm, allowing servers and clients to
exchange information asynchronously once a connection is
established [3].
ASGI servers are gaining more traction within the Python
community. Modern frameworks, such as Starlette, LiteStar,
and Django, have been developed with ASGI in mind or have
recently integrated support for it.
1.3 Overview of ASGI & Comparison
with WSGI
The Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI) by itself
is just a specification that could be implemented by protocol
servers/application servers. These implementations are
utilized by the applications. The server is responsible for
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications
Volume 13-Issue 03, 30 - 35, 2024, ISSN:- 2319 - 7560
DOI:10.7753/IJSEA1303.1007 31
managing low-level implementation work with sockets,
generating connections, and connection-specific events. For
each connection, the server calls the application once - after
that, the application takes care of the connection’s event
messages as they happen and produces events back when
While the general design is similar to WSGI, it has a very
distinct attribute - ASGI applications are asynchronous
callables. While WSGI only allows an application to receive a
single input stream and return a single result before finishing
connection, ASGI lets applications receive and send
asynchronous event messages as long as the connection is
The protocol server specifies the following interface for client
applications (such as web frameworks): it’s a coroutine
callable (a Python object that implements the __call__
method) that takes three arguments:
'scope' - a dictionary that contains connection scope
information. It’s guaranteed to contain a 'type' key that defines
the connection protocol. It could be 'http', 'websocket', or any
other [4].
'receive' - an awaitable callable, it yields new information
(event) when it becomes available. It could be an HTTP body
or a new WebSocket message sent by the client.
'send' - an awaitable callable, that takes an event as an
argument. Event content is defined by the protocol, it could be
an HTTP response body or WebSocket message.
An important part of ASGI is its compatibility with WSGI.
ASGI servers can host WSGI-based applications by wrapping
them through a translation layer that converts ASGI interface
into WSGI and back.
1.4 WSGI Limitations
While Python is widely used in web development, it has a
limitation that dramatically limits its potential performance -
the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). The GIL is a part of
CPython's memory management mechanic, it’s a global mutex
that doesn’t allow native threads to execute Python bytecode
simultaneously. CPython is the most popular implementation
of a Python interpreter, directly supported by the Python
foundation. This lock was put in place because CPython's
memory management is not thread-safe. Since GIL prevents
bytecode from running simultaneously in multiple threads on
multiple CPU cores it can lead to performance bottlenecks in
multi-threaded applications, undermining the potential
benefits of parallelism on multi-core processors.
Outside of Python, the most popular design option for web
servers to run multiple requests simultaneously is by having
multiple workers, where most commonly, workers are native
threads that run simultaneously in the same memory space
and allow web servers to handle requests concurrently without
major impact caused by need in interprocess
communication[8]. Another weak spot of WSGI is that its
design is not suited for non-blocking IO calls. While many
WSGI web servers utilize non-blocking IO internally (see
uWSGI), generally, WSGI design prohibits applications from
yielding control to the web server while they await for non-
blocking operations to finish. Thus, it is usually impossible to
handle other requests in the same worker while the application
waits for non-blocking API calls to complete. It could be
mitigated by using Gevent, which patches IO calls and
replaces them with non-blocking versions. It comes with a
cost, since Gevent can’t patch all of the IO calls, especially
made in unsupported packages, additionally, not many WSGI
servers support Gevent. With the GIL in place and given
WSGI's constraints, the most popular option to support
running multiple requests simultaneously is to run web servers
with multiple processes, which is significantly more resource-
expensive than running them using threads.
ASGI solves this issue by utilizing Python coroutines and
allowing its implementations & applications to take advantage
of advanced features such as non-blocking IO. By using a
non-blocking API, web servers can handle hundreds or
thousands of simultaneous connections/requests, which is
challenging for WSGI-based applications. The very design of
ASGI forces developers to utilize coroutines.
1.5 Objective
Currently there are many implementations of ASGI protocol
servers, 3 most popular (according to their rating on are:
uvicorn - the most widely used ASGI web server, currently
supports only the HTTP/1.1 and WebSockets protocols[5].
daphne - is one of the first ASGI implementations. It was
developed for the Django project, specifically for Django
hypercorn - ASGI web server, that supports HTTP/1, HTTP/2
and WebSockets (over HTTP/1 and HTTP/2) protocols.
Each web server evaluated in this research fully supports the
ASGI protocol and offers integration capabilities with ASGI
web applications. Presently, there exists an absence of
definitive guidance for developers regarding the selection
among these distinct ASGI implementations. This study is
designed to methodically investigate the differences among
the three principal ASGI serversfocusing on a
comprehensive evaluation employing quantitative
performance metrics alongside qualitative feature analysis.
The aim is to equip software engineers, software architects,
and solution architects with definitive guidelines delineating
the advantages and limitations inherent in each option. By
elucidating the strengths and weaknesses of each server, this
study intends to aid in the selection of the most suitable server
for specific applications, thereby enhancing the efficiency,
reliability, and overall user experience in web application
The topic of measuring software performance, and
specifically web servers, is well studied. For example,
Radhakrishnan and John [9] researched a difference between
serving static and dynamic data by web servers in a controlled
environment. In their 2011 work, Abbas and Kumar study the
performance of Web Servers as perceived by clients. They
focused on 2 scenarios: when there is no data flow between
Web Server and client, and when there is a data flow from
web server to client [10].
Ehrlich, Hariharan, Reeser and Mei (2001) proposed an end-
to-end performance model for Web-servers in distributing
computing and predictions produced by the model matched
the performance measured in the test environment.
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications
Volume 13-Issue 03, 30 - 35, 2024, ISSN:- 2319 - 7560
DOI:10.7753/IJSEA1303.1007 32
Additionally, Kunda, Chihana and Sinyinda managed to
compare popular web servers, including Apache, Nginx and
IIS. They came to the conclusion that Nginx outperforms most
web servers in many metrics, including CPU utilization,
response time and memory usage. [11]
It’s worth mentioning that this study should be viewed in the
context of development using Python language. There are
multiple valuable researches that focus on performance issues
in Python, such as work by Ziogas, Schneider, Ben-Nun,
Calotoiu, Matteis, Licht, Lavarini and Hoefler. They present a
workflow, that both keeps Python’s high productivity and
achieves portable performance across different
One of the critical criteria for web server ranking is their
performance rating. Performance depends on many attributes,
most importantly on the implementation details of the web
servers in question. A performance comparison will be
performed by creating an ASGI-compatible application with a
set of endpoints. Some of these endpoints will behave
similarly to a regular HTTP-based application, including
making asynchronous calls to the database, authenticating
users, and generating a JSON response to be returned by the
web server.
Figure. 1 Test endpoint that authenticates user, utilizes database and
returns JSON response
There are also two endpoints that return a static plain text
response. One of them returns a response with a body size of
22 bytes, and the other returns a response with a body size of
430 kb. Both endpoints are useful for comparing the "clean"
performance of the web servers one not influenced by
possible side effects of having a DB connection and how
well these servers can act as static servers.
Testing will be conducted using a performance load testing
tool called "locust," configured to run 6 worker processes that
perform simultaneous calls to the defined endpoints. The
target metrics for testing include requests per second (RPS)
and memory consumption. The requests per second metric is
provided by locust, while memory consumption is tracked
using a Python script that collects the memory footprint of all
the processes belonging to the web server. Choosing requests
per second (RPS) and memory consumption as the primary
metrics for comparing ASGI implementations is grounded in
their direct relevance to web server performance and
scalability in real-world applications.
RPS is a direct indicator of a server's ability to manage
incoming traffic. High RPS values suggest that the server can
handle a larger number of simultaneous requests, making it
suitable for high-traffic applications. From the end-users
perspective, high RPS often means faster response times,
which leads to better user experience.
Memory consumption measures how much RAM a server
uses under various loads. It’s crucial to make sure that
memory is used efficiently, as it’s a major factor in
maintaining system stability and ensuring that applications
can run without exhausting memory resources.
All tests were performed on a MacBook Pro 2019 with a 2.6
GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7 CPU and 16 GB RAM. Versions of
software used in these tests are: Hypercorn - 0.16.0, Uvicorn -
0.27.0.post1 and daphne - 4.0.0.
Regarding the different worker classes supported by
Hypercorn, separate tests have been performed, and the
default configuration of Hypercorn (running with asyncio)
shows the same results as uvloop-based workers and much
better results than trio-based workers.
The comparative analysis of supported protocols and built-in
scalability is a critical factor in the evaluation of ASGI server
implementations, often surpassing raw performance metrics in
importance. The reason for this prioritization originates from
the fact that the ability of a server to support a wide range of
protocols, such as HTTP/2 and WebSocket can be pivotal for
the development and deployment of modern, real-time web
applications. These protocols facilitate efficient, bi-directional
communication between clients and servers, enabling the
creation of highly interactive and responsive user experiences.
Furthermore, built-in scalability mechanisms, including the
support for multiple workers and the ability to seamlessly
integrate with load balancers, are essential for applications
that must scale in response to varying load. Such mechanisms
ensure that an application can maintain high performance and
availability, even under significant traffic by distributing the
load across multiple instances or processes. Given above, this
work includes comparison of supported protocols and
scalability mechanics.
Another important metric discussed in this study is license
limitations of each ASGI server. License can define when
usage of the project is allowed or prohibited, therefore an
analysis and comparison of licenses is included.
4.1 Comparing static endpoints
In order to test the case when a server serves static data, two
endpoints were implemented. The GET /api/longbody‖
endpoint returns a plain text body of 430 kilobytes in size, and
the ―GET /api/shortbody‖ endpoint returns a plain text body
of 22 bytes in size. This configuration allows us to test ASGI
implementations in different scenarios.
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications
Volume 13-Issue 03, 30 - 35, 2024, ISSN:- 2319 - 7560
DOI:10.7753/IJSEA1303.1007 33
Table 1. ASGI servers performance metrics for “GET
/api/longbody” endpoint
Requests per
Memory (RSS)
Table 2. ASGI servers performance metrics for “GET
/api/longbody” endpoint
Requests per
Memory (RSS)
From the data presented in these tables, it's clear that the
performance of the servers degrades when returning larger
response bodies, although this does not significantly impact
memory consumption.
In scenarios involving the serving of short responses, Uvicorn
distinguishes itself by outperforming its closest competitor by
36% in terms of the number of requests served per second.
Hypercorn and Daphne exhibit comparable performance when
managing small data loads, yet there is a twofold difference in
their request handling capabilities when dealing with larger
data volumes. Regarding memory usage, Uvicorn consistently
shows the lowest memory consumption in both scenarios,
whereas Daphne and Hypercorn demonstrate similar levels of
memory utilization.
4.2 Comparing close-to-real-life
Table 2. ASGI servers performance metrics during test
imitating close-to-real-life flow
Requests per
Memory (RSS)
Figure. 2 Test endpoint that authenticates user, utilizes database and
returns JSON response
Upon a detailed analysis of the performance metrics, it is clear
that Uvicorn, Daphne, and Hypercorn display remarkably
similar performance profiles when subjected to tests that
closely mimic real-world conditions. Although Uvicorn is
approximately 20% faster than both Hypercorn and Daphne,
this advantage, when converted into absolute numbers, seems
to be relatively minor.
Further review reveals Uvicorn has demonstrated significantly
lower memory consumption in all of the tested scenarios.This
efficiency in resource usage can be particularly advantageous
in environments where memory resources are limited or when
running multiple applications simultaneously, offering
potential cost savings and enhanced application scalability.
Along with exceptional performance, memory usage profile of
Uvicorn only contributes to its performance excellence and
makes it a compelling choice for developers seeking an
optimal balance between speed and resource management in
their ASGI applications.
4.3 Comparing supported protocols
While Uvicorn shows exceptional performance, it has a very
limited number of supported protocols. At this moment
Uvicorn only supports HTTP 1.1 and Websockets.
On the other hand, Daphne is capable of handling HTTP,
HTTP2, and WebSocket protocols. Daphne's support for
HTTP2 makes it distinct from Uvicorn - HTTP2 improves
performance of web applications by using TCP connections
more efficiently. This makes Daphne better at support of
modern web development practices. Daphne is also a part of
the Django ecosystem, which is a great advantage for
developers planning to use that framework due to its native
integration with Django tools.
Compared to its competitors, Hypercorn has the broadest
protocol support, which includes HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and
WebSocket. It’s also worth highlighting that Hypercorn
supports QUIC - an emerging standard designed by Google
with the purpose of making the web faster by reducing
connection establishment time and improving congestion
control[13]. Additionally, Hypercorn boasts support for
HTTP/3 through plugins, which allows it to provide better
performance in high-latency networks, such as mobile
networks.[14]. This makes Hypercorn a solid choice for
projects that prioritize long life-time, since it’s already
prepared to handle next-generation internet protocols.
International Journal of Science and Engineering Applications
Volume 13-Issue 03, 30 - 35, 2024, ISSN:- 2319 - 7560
DOI:10.7753/IJSEA1303.1007 34
4.4 Licenses
Project license is a very important metric, since it defines
when and how a project could actually be used. Uvicorn and
Daphne are licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. This
BSD license is known for its permissiveness, it allows almost
unrestricted freedom to use, modify and distribute licensed
software. It only requires that all copies of the licensed
software include the original copyright notice and a list of
conditions. BSD-3-Clause also prohibits the use of the names
of the project authors and contributors to promote products
created using this software without prior written
permission[6].This makes Uvicorn & Daphne attractive
options for both commercial and open-source projects,
offering flexibility for developers and protection for
Hypercorn follows the MIT license - another highly
permissive free software license. Just like the BSD license,
the MIT license allows the software to be used, copied,
modified, published, distributed, and/or sold freely. The only
significant condition of the MIT license is that all copies of
the software must include the original copyright notice and
permission notice[7]. The simplicity and permissiveness of
the MIT license encourages the widespread use of Hypercorn
in both open-source and proprietary projects, facilitating
innovation and collaboration.By comparing all three ASGI-
implementations, it’s safe to conclude that there’s no major
difference between them in terms of licensing and each of
them could be used safely and freely in applications.
4.5 Comparing scalability options
In other programming languages, most of the web servers are
scaled by running more OS threads, but because of CPython’s
multithreading constraint, this is not a viable option. ASGI’s
design promotes web server implementations to use
asynchronous I/O operations, which allows handling multiple
connections concurrently in a single thread. Given this, if the
server doesn’t handle the workload, we’re left with process-
based scaling through the utilization of worker processes.
Uvicorn and Hypercorn both provide built-in support for
worker processes, which allows developers to spread the
workload across multiple CPU cores and achieve near-linear
scalability, limited mostly by the number of CPU cores
In contrast, Daphne does not include this multi-worker
support as a native feature. It may appear as a limitation;
however, there’s still a way to scale the Daphne web server.
By utilizing a load balancer - a software distributing network
requests among multiple nodes - Daphne could handle
requests simultaneously in separate processes. It requires
additional setup, which is unnecessary for Uvicorn and
Hypercorn, but it also introduces the potential for advanced
traffic management strategies.
To conclude, Uvicorn and Hypercorn both provide built-in
options to scale servers using worker processes, while Daphne
doesn’t, although it’s not impossible to scale Daphne too.
In conclusion, this article offers a comprehensive analysis of
ASGI server implementations. Daphne, Hypercorn, and
Uvicorn were evaluated in terms of performance, supported
protocols, and scalability options. Performance evaluation was
conducted through a detailed study of their performance in
various real-life scenarios, including serving static data and
simulating real-life API endpoints that perform database
queries for each incoming request.
It was demonstrated that Uvicorn has superior performance,
low resource consumption, and provides a scaling mechanism,
which makes it a great choice for high-load scenarios,
although it lacks protocol support.
Hypercorn and Daphne, while demonstrating similar
performance metrics, have significant differences in other
dimensions. Hypercorn comes with support for advanced
protocols like QUIC, which makes it a superior option by this
criterion. While its overall performance is similar to
Daphne’s, Hypercorn offers support for scaling by spawning
additional worker processes, which puts it at an advantage
over Daphne.
Daphne itself is a great choice for Django projects - it was
created primarily to be an application server for Django,
specifically for Django Channels. It has excellent
compatibility with Django and provides integration with the
Django CLI.
In terms of licenses, no significant differences were found
between these three ASGI implementations.
Developers should choose ASGI servers for their projects
based on the specific needs of the projects. This study
provides a great explanation of the capabilities and limitations
of each ASGI server, which should guide software engineers
in their search for the most suitable solution.
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