Technical Architecture
Technical Architecture | WBARS
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Revision History ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Stakeholder Approvers ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Reviewers ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
PURPOSE.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
PROJECT SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................... 3
ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 4
APPLICATION ARCHITECTURE ............................................................................................................................. 5
CLOUD ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................................................................ 6
SERVER SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
SECURITY FEATURES ............................................................................................................................................ 7
AWS SECURITY ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
HARDWARE SIZING AND CAPACITY PLANNING ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
PERFORMANCE FACTORS ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
CLOUD INFRASTRUCTURE / RESOURCE UTILIZATION MONITORING................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
PLUG-IN ................................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Technical Architecture | WBARS
This document has been created to outline the current system design and architecture for Web Based Annual Reporting System by
Intellectyx. This product has been developed as a web-based annual reporting solution that includes the portals of multifamily, &
homeownership. The system allows on-site manager, property managers and owners to submit the occupant/loan details to their
funders on yearly basis.
Revision History
All suggestions, comments, and requests for changes to this document should be directed to the document owner.
Date of
Section Revised
Nature of Revision
Stakeholder Approvers
The following are the Stakeholder Approvers of this document.
Stakeholder Approvers
Date Approved
This section is used to track the people who review this document to verify its completion.
Representing Area
Lily Caroline
Technical Architecture | WBARS
The purpose of the document is to explain the current system design and technical architecture of WBARS which facilitates the
reporting submission with funders.
This document intends to help the reader determine how the system has been structured at the highest level.
Washington State public funders have implemented an online reporting system, WBARS, used by owners and managers to report data
from their affordable multifamily rental projects. Currently several major public funders have adopted the system and participation is
growing throughout Washington State. The public funders include Washington State Housing Finance Commission, State Department
of Commerce (Housing Trust Fund), City of Seattle, King County, Snohomish County, City of Tacoma, and City of Spokane. The system
satisfies program and contract reporting requirements and tracks most of the main components of project performance (operation
indicators, income, expense, status of reserves, tenancy, etc.)
The Web-Based Annual Reporting System (WBARS) is the way to submit a Combined Funder Annual Report (Table 1,2,3,4) along with
a Report Cover Sheet.
Report Cover Sheet General report information & and report overview text from contractors.
Table 1 Resident/Household details (move-in, cert dates, income, rent household size)
Table 2 & 3 Demographics, special need counts for the year.
Table 4, 4(a) & 4(b) Financial data for the calendar year (project income, expenses, reserves)
Each Report Table is submitted separately. A history of all submittals is tracked in the system and viewable on the Report Cover Sheet.
The levels of the Hierarchy are:
On-Site Managers (if applicable) - submit to the PROPERTY MANAGER
Property Managerssubmit to the CONTRACTOR/OWNER
Contractor/Ownerssubmit to the FUNDER.
The current system is implemented in a MERN stack-based system with support in handling real-time tasks like notifications,
application tracking, etc. The system is also extended with REST APIs for both backend and partner calls.
Tech Stack
An open-source web application library maintained by Facebook.
Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing application state. It is most used with
libraries such as React for building user interfaces.
Material UI
Material UI is a free and open-source front-end library for designing websites and web
applications. It contains React Component-based design templates for typography, forms,
buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional third party extensions.
Unlike many web frameworks, it concerns itself with front-end development only.
Technical Architecture | WBARS
A popular open-source JavaScript-based framework/platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript
V8 Engine.
D3.js is a JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers.
It makes use of the widely implemented SVG, HTML5, and CSS standards.
MongoDB is a free and open-source cross-platform document-oriented database program.
Classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON-like documents with schemas.
Webpack is an open-source JavaScript module bundler. Webpack takes modules with
dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.
Babel is a JavaScript compiler
It is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services,
which implement business capabilities.
Jest is a JavaScript testing framework designed to ensure correctness of any JavaScript codebase.
It allows you to write tests with an approachable, familiar and feature rich.
JavaScript Object Notations
Software Development Kit
User Interface
Universal Resource Locator
Application Program Interface
Model View Controller
It is a communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network, website,
Internet or URL
A computer networking model and set of communication protocols used on the internet and
similar computer networks, including the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet
Protocol (IP).
Amazon Web Services
Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment
Technical Architecture | WBARS
Below is a high-level overview of current application architecture.
The current architecture is designed for leveraging the following capabilities
Portability and reusability of code across channels
Versatility of changing the theme and look and feel of the application with minimal changes to the backend/architecture.
Clean separation between front end and backend technologies
Faster response time by maximizing the use of cache and minimizing the amount of the data transferred through the network.
Ease of replacement for each layer in the architecture as the technology changes
All request to the frontend is served from the Rest API Web Service.
React JS and Material UI is responsible for rendering the template/pages in the frontend.
The pages contain a dynamic transactional data (remote read) and static information that is rendered on the local.
Services acts as a client-side API responsible for accessing the API and feeding it to the store and in turns to the store again.
Store refresh the view for update the data while receiving data from the server.
Each component contains specific events and variables matched with the context of the component.
CSS is used to theme the UI Component. At the very high level a generic style guide is applied across the components, however
each individual component has its own stylesheet.
All CSS, UI Components and Service Module are cached in the browser cache for performance and optimization.
Technical Architecture | WBARS
As an asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime, Node has designed to build scalable network applications. Restify.js
Framework development is used because of its flexibility, simplicity, extensibility, and performance. The software is built with Server
side and with Restify.js and Node.js together, the application is built with APIs for single-page, multi-page, hybrid mobile and web
apps support. Mongoose has been used as a Mongo Driver with Restify.js
A three-tier architecture with AWS and Apache server in the front end is used with separating the application into three logical layers:
presentation, application logic, and data storage. Here's a breakdown of each tier along with how AWS services and Apache server
can be utilized:
Front-end layer The Front layer is constructed using ReactJS. This layer provides the interactive UI to the web portal, and it is
separated from the server layers, this separation will allow the application to have multiple interfaces (or views). The application state
is managed through Redux for ReactJS. Redux action delegates request/response processing to the service layer.
Technical Architecture | WBARS
API SERVER Layer - Modules in the assistance layer are answerable for business rationale, taking care of assignments, for example,
clients the board, information the executives, occasions dealing with, and so on, A module in the help layer processes the REST API
and solicitations the comparing administration in the help layer for managing the mentioned task.
MS SERVER Layer - The server layer is developed considering NODE JS and MONGODB is used as an information base. The server
additionally gets a sense of ownership by overseeing content, clients, and notices. The JWT (JSON Web Token) is dealt with the
verification and approval.
The above-mentioned instance types & architecture can handle multiple concurrent requests with security applied across multiple
levels around Data protection, Identity and Access management, Infrastructure Protection and Threat detection, continuous
The current platform features help to control data access, operations, and development within WBARS Profile. Key capabilities include:
Authorization: This is the most widely recognized situation for utilizing JWT. When the client is signed in, each resulting
solicitation will incorporate the JWT, permitting the client to get to courses, administrations, and assets that are allowed with
that token.
Information Exchange: JSON Web Tokens are used to safely communicating data between parties. Since JWTs can be marked
for instance, utilizing public/private key matches you should rest assured the senders are who they say they are.
Furthermore, as the mark is determined utilizing the header and the payload, you can likewise check that the substance hasn't
been altered. Authentication with accounts:
Access control with privilege sets: You define permissions that determine levels of access to your custom app. You can define
as many privileges sets as needed.
Data encryption on the Network: Its enabled with HTTPS connection to secure network transport between client and server
requests. The system offers the ability to add a layer of security to your data at rest in the cloud, providing scalable and
efficient encryption features.
Server monitoring and administration: Logging and Notification has been configured and enabled on the server side. We
receive the email notifications on any error that happens on the server.
Monitoring tools record performance statistics over time so that usage patterns can be identified. Monitoring agents record
selected metrics at set intervals and store the resulting data in a time-series format.
Nagios is the monitoring tool that has been utilizing to monitor the WBARS system the following metrics in the server
o Current Load
o Current Users
o MongoDB Connect
Technical Architecture | WBARS
o Root Partition
o Total Processes
o Memory Usage
o Rooy Partition
o Total Process
o Zombie process
o Total Process
o Website Status
o SSL Monitoring
Tracing records system events, such as an HTTP request from a client. In distributed tracing, details captured about the event
include the path of the request across multiple services/applications, along with metrics about the request such as latency at
each step of the way.
Data on the AWS platform is always encrypted in transit. The application has leveraged the built-in tools provided by AWS to create
an encrypted file system that encrypts all data (including documents) and metadata at rest using an industry-standard AES-256
encryption algorithm. An encrypted file system has designed to handle encryption and decryption automatically and transparently.
AWS’s secure network also has built-in mechanisms to protect against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. It isolates
networks, ensures the confidentiality of data, and actively works to combat DDoS attacks to ensure such attacks do not bring down
AWS services.
o CPU utilization
o Network in (bytes)
o Network out (bytes)
o Disk Read
o Disk Write
o CPU Credit Usage
In addition to taking advantage of the basic DDoS protections automatically enabled in the platform, we have utilized the built-in
service, AWS Shield which provides always-on detection and automatic inline mitigations that minimize application downtime and
latency. Using the AWS Shield Standard, we have defended our web application against the most common, frequently occurring
Technical Architecture | WBARS
network and transport layer DDoS attacks. The AWS Shield along with Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 provides
comprehensive protection against all known infrastructure (Layer 3 and 4) attacks.
Worldwide English.
The WBARS portal can support the following browsers with current versions and any high-level versions.
S. No
Browser Name
Safari 17.3 minimum
Chrome 121 minimum
Microsoft Edge 121
Firefox 122