In the last decade, the execution of experiments and sur-
veys via the World-Wide Web has become an established
method (see Birnbaum, 2001, 2004a, 2004b; Kraut et al.,
2004). Several reviews have concluded that the quality
of data achieved in online studies can be comparable to,
and sometimes better than, that obtained by more tradi-
tional methods involving a lab, paper questionnaires, or
telephone interviews (Birnbaum, 2001; Krantz & Dalal,
2000; McGraw, Tew, & Williams, 2000).
There are other advantages of Web research. On the
Web, people can be tested at any time and place, labora-
tory rooms or physically present experimenters are not
necessary (so experimenter effects remain constant), and
automated data handling reduces both the labor and error
of data coding and entry (Birnbaum & Reips, 2005; Göritz
& Schumacher, 2000). In addition, the Web method al-
lows one to collect large samples inexpensively, which
makes it possible to draw clear conclusions and to check
their generality to different subsamples tested (Birnbaum,
1999; Reips, 2002).
An example of an HTML Web form is given in Birn-
baum (2000). Such an HTML page can be placed on a
server, where the participant can view it and fill in answers
by typing in information and clicking on choices. When
the participant is finished, he or she can then click on a
button to send the data. Birnbaum’s (2000) surveyWiz and
factorWiz are freely available programs that make it easy
to create HTML forms for simple surveys and within-
subjects factorial experiments. Reips and Neuhaus (2002)
have developed WEXTOR, which is useful for generat-
ing Web experiments that utilize (for instance) between-
subjects factorial designs with multiple pages for different
Sending Data From an HTML Form
There are three methods of receiving data that have been
collected through an HTML form. The first method is to
use the “get” method and extract the form input from the
server log files (see Birnbaum & Reips, 2005).
A second
method is to have the form data e-mailed to the researcher.
This can be done by means of the HTML form’s action
attribute—for example,
form action“”
method“post” enctype“text/plain”.
However, some systems refuse such an action attribute
if, for example, no e-mail client is set up (as might be
the case for, e.g., computers in a public library). More-
over, some browsers issue a more or less draconian alert,
which the participant has to confirm for the data to be
e-mailed. Most problematic for large efforts, though, is
the fact that each submission generates its own e-mail,
so data need to be extracted from thousands of individual
e-mails and merged into one data file. Thus, whereas the
e-mail method might be useful during testing of a form
703 Copyright 2005 Psychonomic Society, Inc.
This work was supported by a University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
postdoctoral scholarship (HWP) and by National Science Foundation
Grants SES-9986436 and BCS-0129453. Correspondence concerning this
article should be addressed to A. S. Göritz, Organizational and Social
Psychology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Lange Gasse 20, 90403
Nuremberg, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]).
Generic HTML Form Processor:
A versatile PHP script to save Web-collected data
into a MySQL database
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany
California State University, Fullerton, California
The customizable PHP script Generic HTML Form Processor is intended to assist researchers and
students in quickly setting up surveys and experiments that can be administered via the Web. This
script relieves researchers from the burdens of writing new CGI scripts and building databases for
each Web study. Generic HTML Form Processor processes any syntactically correct HTML form input
and saves it into a dynamically created open-source database. We describe five modes for usage of the
script that allow increasing functionality but require increasing levels of knowledge of PHP and Web
servers: The first two modes require no previous knowledge, and the fifth requires PHP programming
expertise. Use of Generic HTML Form Processor is free for academic purposes, and its Web address
Behavior Research Methods
2005, 37 (4), 703-710
or for small efforts like obtaining RSVPs to a party, the
method is not practical for large research projects.
The third method is to use server-side CGI (“common
gateway interface”) scripts to process and save the form
data. In this case, the action attribute of a Web form sends
the form’s data to a CGI script that is located on a Web server
(Schmidt, 1997, 2000). An example of such an attribute is
form action“”
Thus, use of CGI requires the researcher to have access to
a CGI-enabled directory on a Web server.
There are several benefits of using a CGI script: First,
the CGI can process the data and save them in a file for-
mat ready for analysis. Order bias can be eliminated by
presenting items and alternative answers in random order,
and the CGI can reorganize the data. Also, skip patterns
can be incorporated into questionnaires. In addition, par-
ticipants’ input can be validated in real time; for example,
data errors can be detected and respondents pointed to
omitted items (Göritz & Schumacher, 2000).
CGI scripts can be written in any language that a given
server can execute, such as ASP (“active server pages”),
Perl (“practical extraction and report language”), or PHP
(“hypertext preprocessor”). PHP is an increasingly popu-
lar scripting language (see As
with Perl, PHP interpreters are open-source, free, and
available for many different platforms. One can check the
availability of PHP for one’s own platform and download a
suitable installation package from the Downloads section
of the PHP home at
Run Your Own Server With
Apache, PHP, and MySQL
There are many advantages to running your own server
(Birnbaum & Reips, 2005; Schmidt, Hoffman, & Mac-
Donald, 1997). You can configure the most common Web
servers to work with PHP. You can install PHP on a server
by following the installation instructions that come with
the downloaded package. In most cases, PHP is installed
on the same server where the HTML forms reside, but it
can also be installed on any other server where the data are
to be saved. Apache is a powerful, widespread, and flex-
ible open-source Web server. Apache’s Web server comes
already installed in new Macintosh computers, as are Perl
and PHP, and is freely available for PCs and almost any
other platform from
There are two options for how a PHP script can store
the data from the HTML form. One simple method is to
have the script save the form data into a text file that is
located on the server. For example, this might be a comma
separated values (CSV) file. After all data have been col-
lected, the file can be read into a spreadsheet or statistical
However, if participants’ input at some stage of the
research needs to be used dynamically to determine the
next question, or if the questionnaire consists of more than
one HTML form, it is advisable to have one’s PHP script
save the form data into a database. The advantage of the
database is that it can store information about the partici-
pant, make computations on those data, and dynamically
respond to the participant’s behavior. Using a database
allows the server to keep track of a participant who may
perform many tasks over a period of time.
Servers can use various database applications, includ-
ing Oracle, MS Access, and MySQL. We recommend
MySQL because it is an open-source, free, compact, fast,
reliable, robust, and multiuser database server that com-
piles on many platforms. Its home page is www.mysql
.com. MySQL databases can easily be administered with
the free tool MySQL Control Center (now succeeded by
MySQL Administrator), which can also be downloaded
The installation and configuration details of the PHP
interpreter, Apache, MySQL, and MySQL Control Center
are beyond the scope of this article. However, plenty of rel-
evant information can be found on the Web. For example,
there is an introductory tutorial on PHP, Apache, MySQL,
and MySQL Control Center by the first author, which can
be downloaded from Moreover, with
precompiled binaries available, installation has nowadays
become fairly easy. Less experienced users might want
to install an automatically configuring all-in-one bundle
containing Apache, MySQL, and PHP. Searching the Web
will locate many sites from which such a bundle can be
To sum up, a powerful way of collecting data from
HTML forms is to have the data sent to a CGI script, which
processes the input and writes the processed data into a da-
tabase. The most cost-effective way of accomplishing this
is to use free, open-source software. We recommend the
combination of an Apache server to host your Web site,
PHP for CGI scripting, and MySQL for the database.
A Generic HTML Form Processor in PHP
A versatile PHP script called Generic HTML Form Pro-
cessor has been developed that processes any syntactically
correct input from HTML forms. It is available, along
with sample HTML forms, from
The script creates “on the fly” a MySQL database con-
taining one data table. In the table, the script dynamically
sets up columns for all submitted HTML input fields and
saves the data in the previously created columns. Thus,
this script relieves researchers of the burdens of writing a
CGI script and building a database to store their data for
each new project. To run a survey or experiment, research-
ers merely have to complete the relatively simple task of
creating HTML forms that fit their needs. There are many
commercial and noncommercial HTML editors available
that can assist the researcher with this task. For example,
one of the two free programs surveyWiz and factorWiz
(Birnbaum, 2000) might be used. The following versions
have been written to automatically include the proper link
to the script described in this article:
Besides the basic functionalities of creating a database
and saving the form input into this database, Generic
HTML Form Processor can point respondents to omit-
ted questions in the HTML form. Also, the researcher can
choose whether the HTML input will be written into the
database in chronological or alphanumeric order. More-
over, the wording of feedback messages to participants
(e.g., the text to be displayed upon omission of an item or
the thank-you message that appears after submission of
the questionnaire) can be customized. To enable the iden-
tification of multiple submissions (i.e., most likely sub-
missions from the same IP address within a short period of
time) and of nonserious participants (e.g., those who filled
out the questionnaire too fast or too slowly), the date, IP
address, and browser information are logged, along with
the submission time stamps of each questionnaire page.
The script supports both one-page and multipage ques-
tionnaires. Researchers with access to a PHP-enabled Web
server with MySQL can use Generic HTML Form Proces-
sor on their own server at no cost. They are also free to
further customize the script. Researchers without access
to a server can use Generic HTML Form Processor and a
MySQL database on a dedicated server at the first author’s
As a result of this spectrum of possible usage, we will
now describe five modes of use that require different lev-
els of knowledge of PHP and server issues.
1. The easiest mode for using Generic HTML Form Pro-
cessor is with one-page HTML questionnaires designed to
save data on a server at the first author’s university. For
this purpose, no knowledge of PHP and Web servers is re-
quired. The only preparation necessary is to set the action
attribute of your HTML form to the URL (Internet ad-
dress) of Generic HTML Form Processor. The HTML file
itself can reside on any server. Let us look at an example
HTML form called sample.htm. It contains most of the
existing HTML input field types (see Figure 1).
The HTML code of sample.htm can be found in List-
ing 1. Note the action attribute in the form tag
form method“post” action“http://www.goeritz
which is printed in bold in Listing 1.
To use the script on our server, leave this line (the action
attribute) as it is. If you would like to have the order of
items or alternative answers in your HTML form random-
ized or rotated, you can use Birnbaum’s (2000) factor-
Wiz or include a special JavaScript program (Birnbaum
& Wakcher, 2002).
To obtain your study data from our server, call up the
display script display_generic.php by typing the URL in your
Figure 1. Browser view of example one-page HTML form sample.htm.
browser and hitting return. Next, read the instructions on
this page and enter the URL of your HTML survey in the
appropriate box. When you press the button, all data sets
belonging to your study are output either as Excel files or
in tab-delimited format. Once you have fetched your data,
you can clean from them your own test runs as well as
any multiple submissions. For more information on data
analysis and filtering of multiple submissions, see Birn-
baum (2001).
Please note that 3-month-old records are automatically
deleted from this public database. Thus, make sure to re-
trieve your data in time. Furthermore, researchers intend-
ing to collect sensitive data (which should by no means
be accessible to strangers) should use a script on their
own server (see Modes 3–5 described below). Moreover,
because of the public nature of this database, only up to
1,000 records and 70 unique HTML input fields per study
are saved. If you plan a study larger than that, you are
requested to use the script on your own server.
2. The second mode consists of using Generic HTML
Form Processor with a multipage HTML questionnaire
on the server at the first author’s university. This also re-
quires no knowledge of PHP or server issues. However,
you would have to make a few more changes in your
HTML forms, as follows: First, as in the previous mode,
you need to set the action attribute of each of the HTML
forms to the URL of Generic HTML Form Processor. Sec-
ond, to tell the script which HTML page it needs to call
up after processing the previous page, one extra line of
HTML code must be inserted within the form tags. This
line defines the hidden variable next_page and its value,
which is the location of the next HTML page. An example
is shown below in which sample2.htm is in the same Web
folder as Generic HTML Form Processor:
input type“hidden” name“next_page”
Alternatively, if the next page were called “page_two.html,
this line would read
input type“hidden” name“next_page”
If the next survey page were located on another server or
not within the same directory as the first page, the value
should be set to the absolute URL of the second page—for
input type“hidden” name“next_page”
Let us inspect an example survey that consists of three
HTML pages. The first page is sample1.htm (see the
source code in Listing 2 and the browser view in Figure 2),
the second is sample2.htm, and the third is sample3.htm.
To track individual participants across the pages of a
multipage survey, a unique identifier needs to be passed
from page to page. This is automatically accomplished by
extracting an identifier for each participant (called op56)
from the database and appending it to the query string
of the next survey page—for example,
The other transmitted variable, nr93, tells Generic
HTML Form Processor which page of a multipage survey
it is dealing with. With the help of JavaScript, these two
variables are extracted from the query string and inserted
into the HTML form as hidden variables. Therefore, for
each page of a multipage survey except the first, a Java-
Script snippet (see the bold print in the sample2.htm
source code in Listing 3) needs to be pasted within the
form tags.
Figure 3 depicts the browser view of the HTML file
On the third page of our multipage study, sample3.htm,
the researcher again needs to paste the JavaScript snippet
between the form tags, but inclusion of the hidden vari-
able next_page is no longer necessary, because sample3
.htm is the last page of the survey (see the source code in
Listing 4).
Figure 4 depicts the browser view of the HTML file
Again, the script creates a MySQL database called
“generic” with results table “generic.” Because now there
are three HTML pages, the names and submission time
stamps of pages 2 and 3 are recorded as well (see Fig-
ure 5). Retrieval of the survey data follows the same pro-
cedure described for the one-page case.
For implementing skip patterns in your survey, there
are three options. The first method requires only HTML
and is illustrated at the following URL:
brmic/gender.htm. Both other methods use JavaScript.
First, the skip pattern might be included within the same
page of a survey (e.g., by having JavaScript display an ad-
ditional item or response option if a particular answer has
been selected prior to that). For example, if a respondent
indicated having had a particular experience, an additional
item could come up that would ask the respondent to de-
Figure 2. Browser view of example HTML form sample1.htm.
scribe this experience in more detail. The third option (and
the second requiring JavaScript) would be to display any
contingent material on a consecutive page. As an example,
look at the source code of the HTML file sample1a.htm
in Listing 5. This is a modified version of sample1.htm,
with the bold text added. If in sample1a.htm a participant
indicated that she was female, she would be directed to
the interposed page sampleextra.htm instead of directly
to the page sample2.htm (not shown here, but you can see
this example as well as others in action at www.goeritz
The same method can also be used for randomization of
survey pages. For this purpose, a JavaScript snippet could
draw an element of an array at random. The next page dis-
played would be contingent on the element selected.
3. The third mode involves using Generic HTML Form
Processor with a one-page HTML questionnaire on an ac-
cessible server with PHP and MySQL. First, download
Generic HTML Form Processor from
brmic and extract it onto your server in a suitable directory.
To customize the script’s behavior, follow the guidelines
in the script. Alter the action attribute in your HTML form
to the location of the script on your server—for example,
form method“post” action“http://My.domain
The first time the HTML form is submitted, the script
creates a MySQL database called “generic” with a results
table also called “generic.” Data may be retrieved from
your MySQL database either by running a
SELECT syntax
command or with the help of a graphical administration
tool such as MySQL Control Center.
Note that for the script to function properly, the re-
searcher needs
AT E privileges for MySQL. If the researcher wishes to use
a public server, he or she might not have some of these
privileges, because it is a security hazard to allocate global
ALTER privileges to any user (in this case the researcher).
There are three ways of dealing with this: (1) The re-
searcher may ask the server administrator to create a
minimal MySQL database with one table in it (this should
take less than 1 min) and to allocate the relevant privileges
only for the single table within this database. There is no
security risk involved in that. (2) Since the
ALTER privi-
leges are needed only once—namely, to define all possible
columns in the MySQL database—the researcher may ask
the server administrator to grant him or her
ALTER privi-
leges for 10 min only. In this interval, the researcher can
fill out all input fields on all pages of the questionnaire
with practice data and submit it.
(3) The researcher can
set up his or her own server and grant him- or herself the
needed privileges for this step.
4. The fourth mode involves using Generic HTML
Form Processor with a multipage HTML questionnaire on
a server to which you have access. First, put the script on
your server and, if desired, customize it. You will need to
alter your HTML forms as described above for Mode 2.
5. Finally, you are free to further customize Generic
HTML Form Processor to your particular needs—for
example, by implementing a more sophisticated input
validation. Learning PHP will allow you to completely
customize your study.
In summary, our versatile PHP script Generic HTML
Form Processor can assist researchers and students in
quickly setting up surveys and experiments that can be ad-
ministered via the Web. The script accomplishes the CGI
Figure 3. Browser view of example HTML form sample2.htm.
Figure 4. Browser view of example HTML form sample3.htm.
scripting for coding and storing Web-collected data in a
database. The strengths of Generic HTML Form Proces-
sor are its universality and simplicity of use. It processes
any data input from an HTML form and saves it into a
dynamically created open-source database. The script
also allows the processing and recording of the data to be
further customized. Researchers with access to a PHP-
enabled Web server with MySQL can use Generic HTML
Form Processor on their own server, and researchers with-
out access to a server can use the script and a database on
our server. Use of the script is free for noncommercial
academic purposes.
Birnbaum, M. H. (1999). Testing critical properties of decision making
on the Internet. Psychological Science, 10, 399-407.
Birnbaum, M. H. (2000). SurveyWiz and factorWiz: JavaScript Web
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Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 32, 339-346.
Birnbaum, M. H. (2001). Introduction to behavioral research on the
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Birnbaum, M. H. (2004a). Human research and data collection via the
Internet. Annual Review of Psychology, 55, 803-832.
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ducting social psychology research via the Internet. In C. Sansone,
C. C. Morf, & A. T. Panter (Eds.), The Sage handbook of methods in
social psychology (pp. 359-382). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Birnbaum, M. H., & Reips, U.-D. (2005). Behavioral research and data
collection via the Internet. In R. W. Proctor & K.-P. L. Vu (Eds.), The
handbook of human factors in Web design (pp. 471-492). Mahwah,
NJ: Erlbaum.
Birnbaum, M. H., & Wakcher, S. V. (2002). Web-based experiments
controlled by JavaScript: An example from probability learning. Be-
havior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 34, 189-199.
Göritz, A. S., & Schumacher, J. (2000). The WWW as a research
medium: An illustrative survey on paranormal belief. Perceptual &
Motor Skills, 90, 1195-1206.
Krantz, J. H., & Dalal, R. S. (2000). Validity of Web-based psycho-
logical research. In M. H. Birnbaum (Ed.), Psychological experiments
on the Internet (pp. 35-60). San Diego: Academic Press.
Kraut, R., Olson, J., Banaji, M., Bruckman, A., Cohen, J., &
Couper, M. (2004). Psychological research online: Report of Board
of Scientific Affairs’ Advisory Group on the Conduct of Research on
the Internet. American Psychologist, 59, 105-117.
McGraw, K. O., Tew, M. D., & Williams, J. E. (2000). The integrity
of Web-delivered experiments: Can you trust the data? Psychological
Science, 11, 502-506.
Reips, U.-D. (2002). Internet-based psychological experimenting: Five
dos and five don’ts. Social Science Computer Review, 20, 241-249.
Reips, U.-D., & Neuhaus, C. (2002). WEXTOR: A Web-based tool for
generating and visualizing experimental designs and procedures. Be-
havior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 34, 234-240.
Schmidt, W. C. (1997). World-Wide Web survey research: Benefits,
potential problems, and solutions. Behavior Research Methods, In-
struments, & Computers, 29, 274-279.
Schmidt, W. C. (2000). The ser
ver-side of psychology Web experi-
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Schmidt, W. C., Hoffman, R., & MacDonald, J. (1997). Operate your
own World-Wide Web server. Behavior Research Methods, Instru-
ments, & Computers, 29, 189-193.
1. For example, the form tag might appear as follows:
form method“get” action“
where the action directs the user to a “thank you” page for the study.
For more information on this method, see Birnbaum and Reips
2. JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. That is, it runs in
the participant’s browser. Details on JavaScript programming are be-
yond the scope of this article, but more information can be found at In addition, there are plenty
of free JavaScript snippets for this purpose available for download
on the World-Wide Web.
3. If a participant altered bits of the query string in “opt56
XY&nr93XY” by hand, he or she could not access other partici-
pants’ data and the functioning of the script would in no way be
impaired, because the JavaScript snippet in the called-up page ex-
tracts information from the query string before a participant could
interfere with it.
If a respondent in a multipage study had JavaScript disabled, a new
record would be added to the database for each page instead of the
respondent’s entire session being written in one line. With the help of
the data that supplement each record (i.e., URL of the survey page,
date, time, IP address, and browser), a researcher could then recon-
struct these sessions after data collection was over. That is, he or she
could manually merge different lines for the same person into one
line. Most of the (somewhat varying) statistics on JavaScript support
indicate that 1%–10% of Web users have JavaScript disabled.
4. This procedure would have to be repeated for each new survey
project, because the HTML input fields used will likely differ from
one project to another.
Figure 5. Sample table with results from a three-page survey.
Please answer the following questions:brbr
form method“post” action“”
How old are you?input type“text” name“age” size“2” maxlength“3”
brbrWhat is your sex?br
input type“radio” name“sex” value“1”femalebr
input type“radio” name“sex” value“2”male
brbrWhat is the highest level of education you have completed?br
select name“education”
option value“0” selectedChoose from this list
option value“1”Less than 12 years
option value“2”Graduated High School (12 y
ears education)
option value“3”Some College (13-15 years education)
option value“4”Graduated from College (Bachelor’s degree)
option value“5”Master’s degree
option value“6”Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., etc.)
/selectbrbrEnter your comments here:br
textarea name“comment” cols“21” rows“4”/textareabrbr
input type“submit” value“Submit Questionnaire”
htmlheadtitleSurvey Page 1/title/headbody
Please answer the following questions:brbr
form method“post” action“”
input type“hidden” name“next_page” value“sample2.htm”
How old are you?input type“text” name“age” size“2” maxlength“3”
brbrWhat is your sex?br
input type“radio” name“sex” value“1”femalebr
input type“radio” name“sex” value“2”malebrbr
input type“submit” value“Go to next page”
htmlheadtitleSurvey Page 2/title/headbodybr
form method“post” action“”
input type“hidden” name“next_page” value“sample3.htm”
script language“JavaScript” type“text/javascript”
var nvqs.split(‘&’);
var urlnew Object();
for(i0; inv.length; iⴙⴙ)
url[nv[i].substring(0,eq).toLowerCase()]unescape(nv[i].substring(eq1)); }
document.write(‘input type“hidden” name“identification” value“‘url[“op56”]’”
input type“hidden” name“counter” value“‘url[“nr93”]’”’);
What is the highest level of education you have completed?br
select name“education”
option v
“0” selectedChoose from this list
option value“1”Less than 12 years
option value“2”Graduated High School (12 years education)
option value“3”Some College (13-15 years education)
option value“4”Graduated from College (Bachelor’s degree)
option value“5”Master’s degree
option value“6”Doctoral Degree (Ph.D., M.D., J.D., etc.)
input type“submit” value“Go to last page”
htmlheadtitleSurvey Page 3/title/headbody
form method“post” action“”
script language“JavaScript” type“text/javascript”
var nvqs.split(‘&’);
var urlnew Object();
for(i0; inv.length; i)
url[nv[i].substring(0,eq).toLowerCase()]unescape(nv[i].substring(eq1)); }
document.write(‘input type“hidden” name“identification” value“‘url[“op56”]’”
input type“hidden” name“counter” value“‘url[“nr93”]’”’);
Enter your comments here:br
textarea name“comment” cols“21” rows“4”/textareabrbr
input type“submit” v
“Submit questionnaire”brbr
htmlheadtitleSurvey Page 1/title
script language“JavaScript” type“text/javascript”
function branch1()
function branch2()
bodyPlease answer the following questions:brbr
form name“form1” method“post” action“”
input type“hidden” name“next_page” value“sample2.htm”
How old are you?input type“text” name“age” size“2” maxlength“3”
brbrWhat is your sex?br
input type“radio” name“sex” value“1” onClick“branch1()”femalebr
input type“radio” name“sex” value“2” onClick“br
brbrinput type“submit” value“Go to next page”
(Manuscript received May 28, 2004;
revision accepted for publication January 5, 2005.)