Plan highlights
Learn more about the State of Illinois Deferred Compensaon Plan
Having a State of Illinois Deferred Compensaon Plan account may help provide a more secure nancial
future. You receive quality investment opons, access to a local rerement plan counselor, call center support,
and planning tools that can help you beer prepare for rerement.
What is a secon 457(b) deferred compensaon program?
A number of voluntary rerement programs are dened in the Internal
Revenue Code (IRC). These include secon 457(b) programs, commonly
called 457 deferred compensaon programs. Deferred compensaon
programs allow eligible employees to save and invest before-tax and
Roth (aer-tax) dollars through voluntary paycheck contribuons,
supplemenng any exisng rerement/pension benets.
Who is eligible to parcipate?
The Plan is a voluntary rerement savings program for all State
of Illinois employees. If you are a new State of Illinois employee
and a member of the State Employees’ Rerement System (SERS),
the General Assembly Rerement System (GARS), or the Judges’
Rerement System (JRS), you will be automacally enrolled in the
Plan. If you are not a member of SERS, GRS, or JRS, you will not be
automacally enrolled in the Plan; however, you may enroll at any me.
What do I need to know about automac enrollment?
If you are automacally enrolled, 3% of your before-tax pay will be
deducted from your paycheck. You will receive addional details related
to automac enrollment directly from Empower. You may review your
account details and make changes to your account by logging in to or calling the Empower Customer Care Center
at 833-969-ILDC (833-969-4532).
Contribung to your Plan
Choose before-tax or Roth contribuons
When is my
When you take
a distribuon
When you make
the contribuon
Is my taxable
income lowered?
are taken
before your
taxable income
is calculated
No, contribuons are
made aer you pay
taxes on your income
Are potenal
earnings on my
taxed when I take
a distribuon?
are subject
to ordinary
income tax
No, as long as the
distribuon occurs
aer age 59½, death,
or disability and no
earlier than ve
years aer your rst
Roth contribuon
What are the advantages of before-tax savings?
With tax-deferred savings, you pay no income taxes on any
contribuons or their potenal earnings unl you withdraw the
money. This further enhances the benet of compounding —
generang returns on money that you would have paid in taxes
if those taxes had not been deferred. Any earnings are reinvested
in your account, where they have the potenal for connued
growth because they are not reduced by taxes each year.
What are the advantages of Roth savings?
Roth contribuons are made with aer-tax dollars. Roth contribuons
reduce your take-home pay because you pay taxes on any earnings
immediately rather than deferring those taxes unl you take a
distribuon. Therefore, your contribuons and any earnings are not
taxed upon distribuon. This can be benecial if you expect to be in a
higher tax bracket during rerement than in your working years.
Can I convert before-tax money into Roth savings?
The Plan allows in-plan Roth conversions, meaning you may elect to
convert all or a poron of your before-tax account balance into Roth
aer-tax dollars at any me. If you have quesons, please speak with a
tax advisor prior to making any decisions.
How much can I contribute?
You may contribute as lile as $10 or 1% of your gross pay per pay
period. The State of Illinois allows you to select either a at dollar
amount or a percentage of your pay. The maximum amount you can
elect to contribute is 75% of your pay, subject to annual IRS limits.
Visit to nd the latest contribuon limits.
The Plan provides parcipants with a choice of investment opons,
recognizing that people have dierent levels of desire, experience, and
comfort with invesng. The Plan’s investment opons are discussed
below and on Please keep in mind that you
decide how to invest your Plan account, and neither the Plan nor the
State of Illinois is responsible for your decisions or any losses that
may occur.
Age-based investment
Here is what you get with a Target Rerement Fund:
An age-based investment strategy designed to help you
maximize your savings over the course of your working years.
Diversicaon across dierent asset classes through a single
investment path
Connuous rebalancing and performance monitoring
Fund management through rerement that automacally
adjusts to a more conservave risk level as you get older
The date in the name of the Target Rerement Fund is the assumed
date of rerement. The asset allocaon becomes more conservave
as the fund nears the target rerement date; however, the principal
value of the fund is never guaranteed. Asset allocaon and balanced
investment opons and models are subject to the risks of their
underlying investments.
Please note that if you are automacally enrolled in the Plan,
contribuons inially invested in the Auto-Enrollment Stable Return
Fund, and all future contribuons, will be transferred and invested in
the Target Rerement Fund with the year closest to when you’ll turn
age 65.
Which Target Rerement Fund is right for you?
You don’t have to choose the fund that matches the year you’ll turn
age 65 or your expected rerement year. Once you review that fund’s
mix of stocks and bonds, you can choose a fund with a later target
date if you’d prefer a more aggressive investment mix. Likewise, if you
prefer a more conservave mix, you can choose a fund with an earlier
target date. Or you may choose a fund with the year in which you
intend to rere.
Age-based investment opons automacally adjust the mix
of stocks, bonds, cash, and other investments over me.
Instead of choosing and managing a mix of several funds,
you can simply invest in the Target Rerement Fund closest
to the year you expect to rere or withdraw your money.
To help reach the rerement desnaon you desire, you can
build your own investment strategy. The Plan oers core fund
choices to help meet your needs for today and for tomorrow.
Target Rerement 2065 Fund Target Rerement 2060 Fund
Target Rerement 2055 Fund Target Rerement 2050 Fund
Target Rerement 2045 Fund Target Rerement 2040 Fund
Target Rerement 2035 Fund Target Rerement 2030 Fund
Target Rerement 2025 Fund Target Rerement 2020 Fund
Target Rerement Income Fund
Asset allocaon, diversicaon, and/or rebalancing do not ensure a prot
or protect against loss.
Build your own porolio
Review your investments on a regular basis to ensure they sll align
with your goals, your comfort level with risk, and when you plan
to rere.
Can I combine assets from my other rerement plans into my
before-tax Plan account?
Yes. By rolling your other rerement savings accounts (401(k), 403(b),
457(b), IRA, etc.) into your Plan account, you can simplify your life in
the following ways:
Save me by only having to use one website.
Reduce cluer with one statement.
Enjoy the convenience of having a diversied porolio in
one place.
Know your beneciary(ies) have the ease of one account
upon payout.
Consider all your opons and their features and fees before moving
money between accounts.
Please note: All non-457 plan assets transferred into the Plan remain
subject to an early withdrawal penalty that does not apply to 457
plan assets. In addion, 457 plan assets transferred into another plan
(IRA, 401(k), 403(b), etc.) may become subject to the early withdrawal
penalty when distributed from the new, non-457 plan. Consider all
your opons and their features and fees before moving money
between accounts.
For more informaon and/or to begin the rollover process, contact
the Empower Customer Care Center at 833-969-ILDC (833-969-4532).
Can I combine assets from my other rerement plans into my
Roth account?
Yes. You may transfer a prior employer-sponsored Roth account
into your Roth account. However, per Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) regulaons, you are not allowed to transfer Roth IRAs into
your Roth account.
What are my distribuon opons?
When you are eligible for a distribuon, you may:
Leave the value of your account in the Plan unl a future date.
Receive periodic payments, a lump-sum payment, or a paral
lump-sum payment, and change this payment type at any me.
Roll over or transfer your funds to another eligible plan.
When can I withdraw the money from my before-tax account?
Your before-tax money may be withdrawn:
30 days aer separaon from employment for any reason.
If you experience an unforeseeable emergency within the
Plan guidelines.
If you are sll working at age 59½ and want to take an
in-service distribuon.
Upon death (your designated beneciary(ies) will receive
your benets).
If you have $5,000 or less in your account and have not taken a
distribuon or contributed to the Plan in the last two years, you
may take your balance as a lump sum.
Withdrawals from money rolled into the Plan are allowed at any me.
When can I withdraw the money from my Roth account on a
tax-free basis?
Your Roth distribuons are free from income taxes and penales if
you withdraw your Roth contribuons and earnings aer holding the
account for at least ve years and meet one of the following criteria:
You are at least age 59½.
You become disabled.
You experience an unforeseeable emergency within the
Plan guidelines.
Upon death (aer which your beneciary(ies) will take
the withdrawal).
A qualied distribuon is tax-free if you have reached age 59½, are
totally disabled, or upon your death and at least ve years have passed
since your rst Roth contribuon. If your distribuon is not qualied,
the earnings poron of your withdrawal will be taxable. These rules
apply to Roth distribuons only from employer-sponsored rerement
plans. Addional Plan distribuon rules apply.
Are distribuons from the Plan required?
Yes, required minimum distribuons (RMDs) from rerement programs
are mandatory at a certain age. As of January 1, 2023, the IRS generally
requires you to start taking required minimum distribuons (RMDs) at
age 73. (If you turned 72 in 2022 and delayed your rst-me RMD unl
April 1, 2023, you must take your 2022 RMD by April 1, 2023, and your
2023 RMD by December 31, 2023.)
What qualies as an unforeseeable emergency?
If you need to request a distribuon due to an unforeseeable
emergency, call the Empower Customer Care Center at 833-969-ILDC
(833-969-4532) for requirements and necessary documentaon
and forms.
Non-US Company Stocks Fund Passive Non-US Stocks
US Small/Mid Company
Stocks Fund
Passive US Small and
Mid Company Stocks
US Large Company Stocks Fund
Passive US Large
Company Stocks
Bond Fund
Passive Investment
Grade Bonds
Stable Return Fund Acve Capital Preservaon
1 Diversicaon and rebalancing do not ensure a prot or protect against loss.
2 Funds rolled into a governmental 457 plan from another type of plan or account may sll be subject to the 10% early withdrawal penalty if taken before age 59½.
3 Withdrawals may be subject to income tax.
4 Earnings on Roth contribuons will be taxed unless withdrawals are a qualied distribuon as dened by the IRS.
Securies, when presented, are oered and/or distributed by Empower Financial Services, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. EFSI is an aliate of Empower Rerement,
LLC; Empower Funds, Inc.; and registered investment adviser Empower Advisory Group, LLC. This material is for informaonal purposes only and is not intended to
provide investment, legal or tax recommendaons or advice.
Empower refers to the products and services oered by Empower Annuity Insurance Company of America and its subsidiaries, including Prudenal Rerement
Insurance and Annuity Company and Empower Rerement, LLC. This material is for informaonal purposes only and is not intended to provide investment, legal or tax
recommendaons or advice.
“EMPOWER” and all associated logos and product names are trademarks of Empower Annuity Insurance Company of America.
Apple and App Store are trademarks of Apple, Inc. Google Play is a trademark of Google LLC.
©2023 Empower Annuity Insurance Company of America. All rights reserved. 100209-01-FLY-WF-2125160-0423 RO2648616-0423
What happens to my money upon my death?
Your designated beneciary(ies) will receive the remaining value of
your account, if any. Your beneciary(ies) should contact Empower
to provide a cered copy of the death cercate. Your beneciary
may contact the Empower Customer Care Center to discuss the
available distribuon opons and apply for a distribuon. If no
beneciary designaon is on le, your estate will be your beneciary.
To elect or update your beneciary(ies), log in to,
navigate to I want to…, and select View/edit beneciary.
Does the State of Illinois Deferred Compensaon Plan oer loans?
Yes, the Plan allows you to borrow the lesser of $50,000 or 50% of
your total account balance. The minimum loan amount is $1,000, and
you have up to ve years to repay your loan. There is a $75 originaon
fee for each loan, which is deducted from the loan proceeds, plus a
quarterly fee of $6.25. Loan payments are made through payroll as
aer-tax deducons.
To learn more, log in to your account at,
click Account, then Request a Loan to nd out how much you can
borrow and to calculate the costs of taking a loan. You may also call
the Customer Care Center at 833-969-ILDC (833-969-4532) for
more informaon.
What administrave fees will I pay?
Your administrave fee is determined by your account balance. If you
have a balance greater than $6,701, you will pay an administrave
fee of $16.75 per quarter. If your account balance is $6,700 or below,
you will pay an administrave fee of 0.25% of your account balance
per quarter.
Are there any other fees I should know about?
Yes, there are investment management fees (also known as expense
raos) that vary by investment opon. These fees are deducted by
each investment opon’s management company (not by the Plan)
before the daily price or performance is calculated. Expense rao
fees are used to pay for securies trading in the underlying funds and
other management expenses. You can nd the Plan’s investment opon
expense raos on the website at For more
informaon, please refer to the fund’s prospectus.
There is also a $25 disbursement fee on all distribuons except for
required minimum distribuons and periodic payments.
Enroll in the Plan today!
Online: Visit and click on Register,
then I do not have a PIN. Follow the prompts to verify your
informaon and enroll.
Phone: Contact the Empower Customer Care Center at
833-969-ILDC (833-969-4532) for assistance.
Mobile app: If you choose to enroll from your mobile phone
or tablet, download the Empower app. Search for “Empower”
in the App Store® from Apple® or on Google Play™. Click on
Register to begin.
Set up a meeng: Contact your local rerement
plan counselor to discuss plan details and learn
more at ildcp.empowermy
or scan the QR code.