Mission Statement
To secure and deliver the retirement benets promised to our members.
Table of Contents
The benets in this booklet pertain to the Retirement Savings Plan (RSP). Traditional
Benet Package and Portable Benet Package guides are also available as separate
publications to explain the benets pertaining to those options.
Changes in the Law .................................................................................................. 1
Introduction............................................................................................................... 1
SURS Eligibility........................................................................................................... 1
SURS Plan Options.................................................................................................... 2
RSP Features ............................................................................................................. 3
Investment Options..................................................................................................4
Contributions .......................................................................................................... 10
Service Credit .......................................................................................................... 12
Qualifying for More Service Credit ....................................................................... 12
Disability Benets................................................................................................... 17
Benets Paid After Your Death .............................................................................20
When Benets Are Paid .........................................................................................21
Health Insurance.....................................................................................................27
Other Information ..................................................................................................29
Who to Contact .......................................................................................................31
About SURS .............................................................................................................32
SURSCovered Employers .....................................................................................33
SURS Location Map ................................................................................................34
This booklet is intended to serve only as a brief summary of the provisions of the
law governing the State Universities Retirement System. It should not be considered
a substitute for the provisions of the law, which are set forth in Articles 1, 15, and 20
of the “Illinois Pension Code.” The provisions of the law prevail over any statements,
errors, or omissions of this booklet.
Generally, changes in the retirement law are applicable only to persons who are contributing
members on or after the eective date of legislation. If you terminated your employment status
before the eective date of the legislation, the changes will not be applicable to you unless the
legislation specically provides for retroactive application.
The State Universities Retirement System of Illinois (SURS) provides retirement, disability, death
and survivors’ benets to eligible SURS participants and annuitants. SURS covers faculty and
support sta of Illinois public higher education including universities, colleges, Class I community
colleges, scientic surveys and other related agencies.
Your SURS-covered employer will determine your eligibility to participate in SURS. Generally, you
are eligible if your position requires you to work continuously for at least one academic term or
four months, whichever is less, and your employment is not temporary, intermittent, or irregular.
Your SURS participation ends on the date you retire or end your employment with a SURS-cov-
ered employer.
You are not eligible to be covered by SURS if any of the following apply:
You are a student regularly attending classes at a college or university that participates in
SURS and are employed on a part-time, temporary basis.
You were employed under the Comprehensive Employment Training Act on or after July 1,
You hold a J-1 or F-1 visa and have not yet established residency status.
You are currently receiving a retirement annuity from SURS or from funds contributed to
the RSP.
Part-time employment with a SURS-covered employer does not aect your eligibility to qualify
for benets.
New SURS members must choose one of three retirement plan options within the rst six
months of employment:
1. Traditional Pension Plan
2. Portable Pension Plan
3. Retirement Savings Plan
This guide focuses on the Retirement Savings Plan. A brief summary of the three plans is below.
Additional information about the three retirement options can be found at
This is the historical SURS dened benet retirement plan. Until 1998, it
was the only SURS plan available. It provides lifetime retirement benets
and provides for a survivor benet at no additional cost. However, the
separation refund feature is not as generous as the Portable Pension Plan.
This is also a dened benet retirement plan that has much in common
with the Traditional Pension Plan. It provides a more generous separation
refund if you leave the System. However, the provisions for survivor
benets require a reduction to the retirement and death benets.
This is a dened contribution plan that establishes an account in your
name into which your contributions and the employer (state of Illinois)
matching contributions are placed. You have the exibility to choose
where to invest your money within the SURS investment options and
when to make adjustments as your needs change. Both hands-o and
hands-on options are available.
Ready to enroll? Go to and then click the Member Website log
in button in the upper right-hand corner of the homepage. Then, click
Register and follow the prompts to select RSP as your SURS retirement
Total contributions to the RSP equal 15.6% of your earnings. You
contribute 8.0% of earnings and the state contributes 7.6%. Member
contributions are made automatically through convenient payroll
SURS is committed to oering high quality, diversied, cost-eective
investment options. RSP members have the option of investing in the
default investment option, SURS Lifetime Income Strategy, or creating
and managing their own portfolio of SURS core investment options.
When you are “vested” in your savings, it eectively means the money
is yours to keep. You are always 100% vested in the contributions you
make to your RSP account, as well as any earnings on them. You become
vested in state of Illinois contributions upon completion of ve years of
service with a SURS-covered employer.
Your beneciary or beneciaries will inherit your account in the event
of your death. You should consider identifying a beneciary when
you enroll in the plan and update the information if you experience a
life-changing event such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, or
a death in the family. You will have the option to name beneciaries
online during your initial plan choice. To name your beneciary at a later
time, or to update your beneciaries, log in to the Member Website at You may also call SURS at 800-275-7877 and request that the
Beneciary Designation form be mailed to you.
Withdrawals from the RSP are permitted when you end your
employment or retire. Please call SURS at 800-275-7877 to obtain more
information about withdrawals.
Now is a great time to schedule a condential consultation to discuss
your retirement planning goals. For condential consultations with a
SURS Dened Contribution Account Representative, call 800-613-9543 or
schedule online at
Within the RSP there are two dierent paths for retirement savings. Members can choose
the default investment option, SURS Lifetime Income Strategy (LIS) or create their port-
folio by selecting individual funds from SURS core fund lineup. It is important to keep
your goals for this retirement plan in mind when selecting your investments. Is your goal
for this plan to meet basic needs in retirement by receiving lifetime monthly income? Or,
maybe you have other sources of post-retirement income, and your goal for this plan is to
supplement your monthly income or save for a signicant retirement purchase? Another
important consideration is whether you will qualify for and participate in the retiree health
insurance program. In order to participate in the health insurance program after retire-
ment, you must be receiving lifetime income.
The SURS LIS is designed to help members meet their basic income needs in retirement. The LIS
is a carefully designed, professionally managed target date portfolio that automatically adjusts
its investment mix as you age. As you approach retirement, you have the option to start regular-
ly allocating a portion of your money to a Secure Income Portfolio that will provide guaranteed
monthly retirement income that you cannot outlive. Here’s how it works:
One of the most attractive features of the SURS LIS is that it allows you to maintain access to re-
tiree health benets (if eligible) without giving up access to your entire account balance. In other
words, you can convert a portion of your account balance at retirement to monthly lifetime in-
come and qualify for health benets. Both the money allocated to lifetime income (secured bal-
ance) and the non-secured account balance remain invested in the market. You retain complete
control over the non-secured portion of your account. Maintaining eligibility for health insurance
is discussed further on Page 27.
The SURS LIS is an investment option available to anyone in the Retirement Savings Plan. It is
designed to help members meet their basic retirement needs by securing guaranteed income.
However, if your goal for this plan is not to generate retirement income, the SURS LIS can be
used as a target date fund without the secure income feature. To deactivate the secure income
feature, access your RSP account at and set the Secure Income Level percentage to zero.
For more information regarding the SURS Lifetime Income Strategy, see the SURS LIS brochure
or the SURS LIS FAQs at
Step 1: From, click on Member Website button.
Step 2: Log in, and click on the View/Manage RSP Account.
Step 3: Click on SURS Lifetime Income Strategy.
Step 4: From the SURS LIS website, you can access the Income Estimator or Account
The SURS core fund lineup consists of 16 dierent investment options from best-in-class fund
managers and diverse asset classes. SURS reviews the investments on an ongoing basis.
You will choose among funds in the major asset classes
Should I invest in the core funds?
from conservative to aggressive investment risk. The funds’
investment objectives, strategies and potential risks and re-
Read more if you:
turns vary. The funds are named to describe their dierent
Have your retirement income
roles in a portfolio. For example, the SURS U.S. Core Bond
needs met elsewhere.
Index Fund invests primarily in U.S. bonds. This makes it eas-
Are able to monitor and
ier for you to choose a well-diversied investment mix based
rebalance your portfolio at least
on your objectives and asset allocation strategy. It is very im-
once a year.
portant for you to review the fund fact sheets to get the full
Want control to build your own
picture of the role of each fund and the associated fees. In
investment portfolio.
the notes section of each fact sheet the name of the under-
lying investment fund is provided. The fact sheets are pro-
vided in the Investment Options Guide. More detailed fund information, including a prospectus
for the specic fund, can be found by doing an online search of investment company websites.
The SURS Board of Trustees is responsible for the selection, retention, monitoring, and termina-
tion of the investment options, but considers recommendations from the Investment Commit-
tee. The Investment Committee has established a prudent process for reviewing and monitoring
the plan’s investment lineup to ensure it is compliant with the Dened Contribution Investment
Policy Statement. The Investment Committee works with an independent external consultant to
assist in its responsibilities, review the performance of the plan’s investment options and review
the administrative and operational elements.
To manage your account, visit the Retirement Savings Plan website at Log in through
the Member Website login button. Then, click View/Manage Your RSP Account.
The RSP website is easy to use and allows you to:
Make your initial SURS RSP investment selections.
Manage / change your fund allocations at any time.
Access the SURS LIS website where you can run income estimates or change account set-
View SURS RSP details, including access to real time statement (through previous day mar-
ket close).
Use interactive tools and calculators to help you set nancial goals.
You must rst choose the RSP as your SURS retirement plan by logging into your SURS
member account at Once you have chosen the RSP, you will be prompted to
select your investment allocations.
The SURS RSP website is hosted by Voya Financial who serves as the Plan’s
recordkeeper. Access to the RSP website is available through single sign on capability
through A separate username and password is not necessary. However, if you access
your RSP account through the Voya Mobile App, you will need a Personal Identication Number
(PIN) which is issued to new members by Voya. The PIN is also necessary to manage your ac-
count through the SURS Dened Contribution Contact Center at (800) 613-9543.
Step 1: Visit and click on the Member Website login button at the top of the page to log
in to your SURS member website.
Step 2: Select View/Manage Your RSP Account link. From the Account tab, click on Manage Invest-
ments. Or, you can also click on the Manage Investments button under the Investment Details
section of your RSP homepage.
If you prefer to make your selections via phone, you may also access your account by calling the
SURS Dened Contribution Contact Center toll free at 800-613-9543. You will need your Voya-is-
sued PIN to access your account by telephone.
Your RSP account will be credited with contributions that SURS receives on your behalf. Your
account will also be charged for any distributions or expenses and adjusted to reect the invest-
ment of your designated investment funds.
The RSP website provides 24/7 access to a real-time statement based on information as of mar-
ket close on the previous business day. In addition, you can generate an online statement for
a customized time period at any time. Generated statements can be printed or saved for your
personal records. To generate an online statement, click on the Account tab, and then select
Statement. In addition to online access, you will receive a quarterly unied statement from the
recordkeeper. Quarterly statements are mailed to the home address on le and made available
online. You should receive a notication in your Message Center notifying you that the online
quarterly statement is available. Quarterly statements are typically available about one month
after quarter end. If you prefer to “go green” and forgo the mailed version of the statement, click
on My Prole from your RSP homepage and select Paperless or Mail Options under the Commu-
nication Preferences heading.
Employment Ending?
Should you end your employment, SURS will inform the
If you are retirement
recordkeeper. Your unvested employer contributions and earnings/
eligible, forms
losses will be forfeited immediately. You will receive a letter from
are available
SURS advising you of your options as a non-contributing member.
If you are not retirement eligible (meeting age and vesting require-
rsp. If you are
ments) you must contact SURS if you would like to initiate a refund.
not retirement
If you are eligible for retirement, withdrawal forms are available at
eligible, contact After the original forms are returned to SURS, they
SURS if you would
will be used to coordinate your withdrawal instructions among the
like to initiate a refund.
investment providers.
Please refer to Page 31
for contact information.
You also have the option to leave your money in the account so it
can continue to earn investment returns until you are ready to retire
or take a distribution. Contributions can be left on le until you reach the Required Minimum
Distribution (RMD) age, which is as follows: born on or before 6/30/49, RMD age is 70 ½; born
between 7/1/49-12/31/50, RMD age is 72; born on or after 1/1/51, RMD age is 73. The RMD age is
scheduled to increase to age 75 for distributions after the year 2033.
If you end your employment and are later rehired, SURS will continue to use your current invest-
ment allocations unless you initiate a change. After you end employment, you can continue to
make investment allocation changes on the RSP website.
In the event of your death, the beneciaries on le at SURS will be contacted by SURS. A bene-
ciary designation form specic to the RSP must have been completed by you and be on le at
SURS. If there is not a beneciary designation form on le, your account balance will be payable
to your estate.
Because SURS is a contributory system, you must contribute a percentage of your earnings to
receive benets. Your contributions are equal to 8% of your gross earnings, including earnings
for overtime and summer sessions. Also, 8% will be deducted from any vacation payments you
may receive from your employer — if you are paid for unused vacation days when you terminate
employment. Police and reghters also contribute at the rate of 8%.
Full-time community college employees (except City Colleges of Chicago) pay an additional 0.5%
of earnings to fund a health insurance plan designed for community college retirees. This contri-
bution is forwarded to the Department of Central Management Services and is not part of your
SURS account.
Your employer is required to forward your contributions to SURS as soon as feasible. SURS then
transfers these contributions to the recordkeeper.
The RSP website allows you to monitor the contributions to your RSP account, including the
amount of the contribution and when these amounts were deposited. You will also be able to
see whether they are employee or employer contributions, and to which payroll they apply.
There will be a delay between the end of the payroll period and the date of the contribution de-
posit. This is due to the time it takes the employer to process the payroll information and remit
the contribution data and funds to SURS. This delay varies between employers according to their
payroll processing schedules, and ranges from ve to 30 days. Once the information and funds
reach SURS and their accuracy is veried, they are forwarded to your account within three to ve
business days.
All contributions to the Retirement Savings Plan are for the exclusive benet of RSP participants.
Because SURS participants are not eligible for Social Security coverage, no Social Security taxes
will be withheld from your earnings. However, if you began working for a SURS-covered employ-
er on or after April 1, 1986, Medicare contributions will be withheld from gross earnings. Current-
ly this contribution equals 1.45% of gross earnings.
The state of Illinois shares the cost of providing benets to SURS participants. These contribu-
tions equal 7.6% of your earnings. Currently, the entire 7.6% is invested in your retirement ac-
count. However, up to 1% of your earnings, as determined by the SURS Board of Trustees, can be
set aside to nance your SURS disability benets. An experience study is conducted every three
years for purposes of adjusting this rate.
The state will forward the employer contributions to SURS monthly. The money will be sent to
your investment service provider(s) along with your own contributions. The employer funds be-
gin with your rst full payroll period starting after SURS receives your election choosing the RSP.
State funds do not accumulate on your behalf prior to that time.
If you receive a lump-sum distribution from another employer’s qualied retirement plan, you
may deposit any or all of it to the RSP within 60 days of receipt, subject to the procedures estab-
lished by the SURS Board of Trustees. In general, you can roll over amounts into the RSP from:
1. A tax qualied retirement plan
2. A Traditional or Roth IRA
3. A 403(b) plan
4. A 457 plan
Rollover contributions will be allocated to and become part of your RSP account and will be fully
vested at all times. These rollover contributions are not accessible until you terminate your em-
ployment in the SURS system. You will not receive a state match on the rollover contributions. To
make a rollover contribution, you should print and complete the RSP Roll-in form found on the
SURS website.
Although service credit is important when calculat-
ing Traditional and Portable benet amounts, its
eect on RSP participants is mainly in determining
eligibility for benets. For example, your employ-
er contributions will be forfeited and sent back to
SURS if you have not reached ve years of service
credit upon ending your employment.
The period used to calculate service credit begins
Sept. 1 and ends Aug. 31. During this period, you
may receive no more than one year of service cred-
it. You can earn service credit for a fractional year
of service, as shown in the chart at right.
Length of
Service Credit
15 or more calendar
days in a month
1 month
1 or 2 months 1/4 year
3 to 5 months 1/2 year
6 to 7 months 3/4 year
8 to 12 months 1 year
The following sections explain how you may qualify for service credit in addition to your regular
SURS employment. These possibilities include deferred leaves of absence, disability leave, un-
used sick leave, prior service, military service, other public employment (OPE), Illinois reciprocal
system service and repayment of a refund. You must be currently employed by a SURS-covered
employer to purchase service credit, unless you are repaying a refund.
If you think you may qualify for additional service, contact SURS as early in your career as pos-
sible. SURS can help you determine how to verify any additional service for which you may be
eligible, and help you understand how this service may increase your retirement benet.
Leaves With Pay
If you are granted a leave of absence with pay, you are protected under SURS. To receive full
earnings credit, however, you must make the 8% employee contribution on any portion of your
salary that you are forfeiting during the leave.
When the leave expires, you must return to work at a percentage of time equal to or greater
than that immediately preceding the leave for at least eight consecutive months or a period of
time equal to the leave, whichever is less. If you do not fulll the return-from-leave requirement
you will not be allowed to make contributions.
You will receive service credit even if you do not make these contributions. However, if your leave
continues for more than three years and you do not make the leave contributions, your service
credit may be adjusted.
Leaves Without Pay
To receive service and earnings credit for an unpaid leave, you must pay the employee contri-
butions on the salary you are forfeiting during the leave. This payment may be made as a lump
sum later. Payment will require the payment of interest, which is compounded annually based
on the eective rates.
Service credit provided by the leave contributions may not exceed three years in any 10-year
period. When the leave expires, you must return to work at a percentage of time equal to or
greater than that immediately preceding the leave for at least eight consecutive months or a pe-
riod of time equal to the leave, whichever is less. SURS can calculate the cost for payment of the
deferred leave after you have fullled this requirement.
You continue to receive full protection during the rst 60 days of disability leave and while receiv-
ing disability or worker’s compensation benets, even though you do not make contributions.
When your retirement annuity is calculated, for the purpose of determining nal average earn-
ings, SURS will assume your earnings are equal to the basic compensation on the date the dis-
ability occurs or the average earnings during the 24 months immediately preceding the month in
which the disability occurs, whichever is greater. This applies only when retiring under the Illinois
Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act.
You will receive additional service credit for any unused and unpaid sick leave earned in accor-
dance with an employer’s generally applicable sick leave policy if your retirement annuity be-
gins within 60 days after you terminate your employment covered by SURS or one of the other
systems subject to the Illinois Retirement Systems
Reciprocal Act.
Your employer may pay you for a portion of your
unused sick leave when you end employment. If
so, you will receive additional service credit only for
any unpaid portion.
Any payment you receive from your employer for
sick leave is not earnings for retirement purposes
and will not increase your retirement benet.
However, if the sick leave payment has been col-
lectively bargained between the employer and the
recognized collective bargaining agent pursuant to the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act,
payment received during a period of up to two academic years for unused sick leave may be con-
sidered as earnings in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement, subject
to the 20% increase limitation in the nal average earnings. Any unused sick leave considered as
earnings in the nal average earnings shall not be taken into account in calculating service credit.
Full Work Days
20 - 59 days 1/4 year
60 - 119 days 1/2 year
120 - 179 days 3/4 year
180 or more days 1 year
Under this type of agreement, employer payment for unused sick leave received during any one
or two of the four nal average earnings (FAE) years would have the appropriate amount of SURS
contributions deducted and would be considered earnings for SURS purposes. This applies only
when retiring under the Illinois Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act.
You may purchase service credit for employment with an-
other SURS-covered employer. This employment must have
been at least 50% time and have been before you began
SURS participation. The payment of this service credit is
based on your full-time (or full-time equivalent) rate of pay
on the date you began SURS participation and the contribu-
tion rate that was in eect during your prior employment.
Your payment will also include interest. The interest is cal-
culated as follows:
6% compounding annually from the date you began
SURS participation through Aug. 31, 1982.
Beginning Sept. 1, 1982, the interest compounds annu-
ally based on the eective rates. Interest compounds
through the month in which the payment is made,
regardless of the day of the month the payment is re-
ceived (see Eective Interest Rate table at right).
Military Leave
If you take a leave of absence for active duty military ser-
vice that interrupts your SURS-covered employment, you
will receive up to ve years of service credit if both of the
following are true:
You enter military service immediately following a pe-
riod of employment with a SURS-covered employer.
You return to work with a SURS-covered employer
within one year of receiving an honorable discharge.
In accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment
and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), you may be eligible to make up any missing
SURS contribution during your active duty military service. For more information, visit
9/1/41 – 8/31/82 6.0%
9/1/82 – 8/31/88 8.0%
9/1/88 – 8/31/89 7.5%
9/1/89 – 8/31/96 8.0%
9/1/96 – 8/31/97 8.5%
9/1/97 – 8/31/98 9.0%
9/1/98 – 8/31/99 9.5%
9/1/99 – 8/31/00 10.0%
9/1/00 – 8/31/02 10.0%
9/1/02 – 8/31/03 9.0%
9/1/03 – 8/31/04 8.0%
9/1/04 – 6/30/05 8.0%
7/1/05 – 6/30/09 8.5%
7/1/09 – 6/30/10 8.0%
7/1/10 – 6/30/13 7.5%
7/1/13 – 6/30/17 7.0%
7/1/17 – 6/30/21 6.5%
7/1/21 – 6/30/22 6.0%
7/1/22 – 6/30/23 6.5%
7/1/23 – 6/30/24 6.5%
7/1/24 – 6/30/25 7.0%
Purchase of Military Service Credit
If your military service occurred before you began SURS participation, and if you were a SURS
participant on or before Sept. 1, 1974, you may be eligible to purchase active duty military ser-
vice under the provision of SURS Other Public Employment (see next section). If your military
service does not qualify as other public employment, you can purchase up to two years of ser-
vice credit for your active duty military service.
You will pay both employee and employer contributions for the service based on your full-time
(or full-time equivalent) rate of pay on the date you began SURS participation. Your payment will
also include interest compounded annually based on the eective rates. This military service
may be used to meet SURS minimum vesting requirements, but not to fulll the ve years of ser-
vice credit required to receive employer contributions.
To determine your eligibility for military service credit, submit a copy of your military separation
papers to SURS (in many cases this is federal form DD-214). If you do not have a copy of your
military separation papers, contact your local Veterans’ Aairs oce.
If you were employed by another public agency before your SURS participation began, your eligi-
bility to qualify for purchase of additional service credit depends in part on when you became a
SURS participant.
The payment required to purchase each year of service credit is 8% of your full-time (or full-time
equivalent) rate of pay on the date you began SURS participation. Your payment will also include
interest which, as with prior service, is calculated as follows:
6% compounding annually from the date you began SURS participation through Aug. 31,
Beginning Sept. 1, 1982, the interest compounds annually based on the eective rates. In-
terest compounds through the month in which the payment is made, regardless of the day
of the month the payment is received (see Eective Interest Rate table on Page 14).
You must contribute to SURS at least ve years following the public employment. The ve
years may include service with the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) or the Chicago Teach-
ers’ Pension Fund (CTPF).
Other public employment (OPE) must be with a public school, college, or university in the
U.S. If you began SURS participation on or before Sept. 1, 1974, you may also purchase em-
ployment with the U.S. government, a state government, a political subdivision of a state, or
any agency or instrumentality of the foregoing.
You may purchase up to 10 years of OPE, but not more than 2/3 of your direct SURS service
credit. This 10-year maximum includes any out-of-state employment purchased with TRS or
If you began SURS participation on or after Sept. 5, 1975, the OPE must be full time, except
under the following conditions:
If SURS participation terminated prior to Aug. 18, 1965, you are not eligible to purchase OPE.
If SURS participation terminated between Aug. 18, 1965, and June 30, 1967, the OPE must be
full time.
If you were a SURS member between July 1, 1967, and Sept. 4, 1975, the OPE must be at
least 50% time.
You cannot qualify for a retirement pension or other benet based on employer contribu-
tions from another retirement system (excluding Social Security) for the period of OPE you
wish to purchase with SURS.
Military service may be purchased as OPE if you began SURS participation on or before
Sept. 1, 1974.
OPE may not be used to meet SURS minimum vesting requirements.
SURS has reciprocity only with other Illinois public retirement systems in determining your eligi-
bility for, and amount of, SURS retirement and survivor benets. These other systems are:
Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund
County Employees’ Annuity and Benet Fund of Cook County
Forest Preserve District Employees’ Annuity and Benet Fund of Cook County
General Assembly Retirement System
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
Judges’ Retirement System of Illinois
Laborers’ Annuity and Benet Fund of Chicago
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Retirement Fund
Municipal Employees’ Annuity and Benet Fund of Chicago
Park Employees’ Annuity and Benet Fund of Chicago
State Employees’ Retirement System of Illinois
Teachers Retirement System
The Illinois Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act ensures that pension credits remain in the system
in which they are earned. You may not transfer your credits from one system to another. You
will be entitled to a retirement annuity from each system, and your survivor(s) will qualify for a
survivors annuity, if:
You have at least one year of credit in more than one of the retirement systems; and
Your combined service credits are equal to the longest minimum service requirement of any
of the systems in which you have credit.
How Your Benet Will Be Calculated Under Reciprocity
Each system will abide by its own law in calculating your retirement or survivor annuity. Your
salary from all systems will be used to determine your average earnings. Each system will apply
the benet formula in eect on the date you last ended employment with an employer covered
by the Reciprocal Act. Each system is responsible for calculating their proportionate share of the
reciprocal benet in accordance with applicable statutes and rules. As a member of the RSP, the
SURS portion of your reciprocal retirement benet will be calculated and paid by either Principal
Financial Group or Alliance Bernstein (SURS LIS), except in the case of a lump-sum.
If you wish to apply for benets under the Illinois Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act, you should
request an application from each employing system at least 90 days before your planned retire-
ment date. For more information, see the When Benets Are Paid section, starting on Page 21.
If you previously participated in SURS and accepted a separation refund, you may reinstate that
service credit if you again become a participating employee of SURS or another retirement sys-
tem covered by the Illinois Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act and continue as such for at least
two years subsequent to the date of the refund.
You may claim a disability benet if, after you have at least two years of service credit, you are
sick or injured and unable to work. If you become disabled due to an accident, however, there
is no minimum service credit required to claim a disability benet. Pregnancy and childbirth are
treated as a disability. The same rules apply.
If you qualify for disability payments, there is a 60-day waiting period before you are eligible to
receive a payment from SURS. During this 60-day period you may be eligible to receive sick pay
from your employer. Your benets will begin on the later of:
The date you have been disabled for 60 continuous calendar days, or
The date your salary or sick leave payments end.
You need not use vacation pay before receiving disability benets. However, if you think your dis-
ability is permanent, you may want to remain on full salary using vacation payments before your
disability benet begins. Your benet cannot begin more than 30 days before the date SURS re-
ceives your application, unless the SURS Board of Trustees determines there was good cause for
missing the ling deadline. If it has been determined that you are disabled, your payment will be
processed on the last working day of the month. Your payment will be prorated if you become
disabled after the rst of the month.
For example, if you become disabled Nov. 7, the benet would begin 60 days later on Jan. 6 as-
suming you were not eligible for sick leave or vacation pay beyond Jan. 6. Your benet will begin to
accrue Jan. 6 and will be a prorated benet for the period between Jan. 6 and Jan. 31. Future pay-
ments will also be mailed at the end of each month and will include a benet for the full month.
If you have returned to work for less than 30 calendar days and have another disability due to
the same cause, it will be considered a recurrence of the previous disability. In this case, you will
not be required to meet another 60-day waiting period before benets begin, but you will need
to le a new disability application.
If it appears you will be disabled for more than 60 days and your disability will extend beyond
the period you are eligible for sick pay, you should request that your employer initiate a disability
application on your behalf. The Application for Disability is a three-section application consisting
of an Employer section, an Employee section and a Physician section. The Employer section is
completed and submitted by the employer online. The Employee and Physician sections are pro-
vided to you by the employer.
When you and your employer have completed the required sections of the Disability Application,
you should see your physician. Your physician should review the Employer Section concerning
job requirements, complete the Attending Physician’s Initial Statement of Disability, and attach
any appropriate documentation. To avoid unnecessary delays, be sure all parts of the application
are completed according to the instructions. Incomplete applications will be returned to you. You
may also be required to see a special examining physician selected by SURS.
You must submit continuing evidence of your disability as often as required. When your physi-
cian determines you are able to return to work, you must notify SURS immediately. Your employ-
er will submit an Employer’s Report of Disability that contains information including the last day
you worked, the date your salary and sick leave payments will expire, and whether you will be
eligible for workers’ compensation or disability income insurance.
If you are a police ocer with a SURS-covered employer, you may be eligible for this benet. For
more information please call SURS.
The amount of your benet depends on how much you were earning when you became dis-
abled. You will receive the greater of:
50% of your basic compensation on the day you became disabled, or
50% of your average earnings for the 24 months prior to the date you became disabled.
Basic compensation is your normal contract salary; it does not include your earnings for summer
sessions or overtime. Your disability benet is considered income and is subject to federal in-
come taxes. Disability benets are not subject to Illinois state income taxes.
While receiving a disability benet, you may receive other income, such as workers’ compensa-
tion or disability income insurance. Your disability benet will be reduced for:
Workers’ compensation or occupational disease payments for an on-the-job accident or
occupational illness. Some exceptions apply.
Disability income insurance payments under a policy paid for in whole or in part by your
While you are disabled, your physician may allow you to return to work part time. Your payment
will be reduced by the amount you earn in excess of the amount of your disability benet. This
ensures that your combined earnings and disability benet do not exceed your earnings prior to
your disability.
Example: Assume you are receiving a disability benet of $800 a month. Through part-time em-
ployment you earn an additional $900 a month. Your disability benet would be reduced by $100,
so that your total monthly income is $1,600, or 100% of your earnings prior to your disability.
There is no reciprocity for disability benets between SURS and other systems covered by the
Illinois Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act. However, if you have service credit for employment in
either the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) or the State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS),
it will be considered in determining your eligibility for disability benets and how long they can
be paid.
In addition, if you were “involuntarily transferred” by law to SURS from another system covered
by the Reciprocal Act, your combined earnings and service are considered in determining your
eligibility for disability benets and how long they can be paid. You are considered to be involun-
tarily transferred if:
You were an employee of the transferring government unit on the date your employer was
transferred to coverage under SURS; or
You accepted employment with the employer within six months after the transfer date.
Your disability benet will continue until the earlier of the following:
You no longer meet the denition of disabled.
You refuse to submit to reasonable physical examinations.
You refuse to accept a position oered by your employer, even though your disability would
not preclude you from performing the duties of that position.
You have received 50% of your total earnings while a participant of SURS, TRS, or SERS.
Sept. 1 of the year following your 70th birthday. However, if you become disabled after age
65, you may receive a benet for up to ve years, assuming you continue to be disabled and
have not reached the maximum earnings amount described above.
You apply for retirement or refund, or you pass away.
If you are still disabled when your disability benet stops, you have three options:
1. Resign your position and apply for a refund of your account value.
2. Leave your contributions on deposit; the money continues to gain any investment growth
earned and can be withdrawn later or be paid to your beneciary if you die. Ultimately, it
must be paid by April 1 following the year you reach age 72
3. Apply for a retirement annuity to begin at age 62 if you have at least ve years, but less than
eight years of service. If you have eight or more years of service, you may begin receiving an
annuity as early as age 55.
You continue to earn service credit while on disability.
During the rst four months of your disability, contact your employer’s insurance oce for infor-
mation about medical premium payments. After you have been continuously disabled for four
months, MyBenets will bill you directly.
As a general rule, your designated beneciary is your surviving spouse or civil union partner. If
you are not married, or if your spouse consents to the designation of another beneciary, your
beneciary will be the person you designate to receive any lump-sum benets payable upon
your death. To designate, revoke or change your beneciary, you must le an RSP Beneciary
Designation form with SURS. You may designate both primary and contingent beneciaries. If
you are married, your spouse must consent to your designation of a dierent beneciary.
If your spouse had consented to your designation of a dierent beneciary, and the beneciary
dies before you or before receiving complete payment of your benets, your beneciary will be
your surviving spouse. If you do not designate a beneciary, your beneciary will be your surviv-
ing spouse. If you do not have a surviving spouse, your beneciary will be your estate.
If you pass away before retirement, a lump-sum death benet will be payable to your spouse,
civil union partner or alternate designated beneciary. A surviving spouse or civil union partner
may elect to use the lump-sum death benet to purchase an annuity contract through the an-
nuity provider, Principal Financial Group. If you do not have a spouse or civil union partner, your
designated beneciaries must receive the death benet in a lump sum.
It is important to note that the surviving spouse must be receiving lifetime income in order to
continue participation in the health insurance program (if eligible).
Lump-Sum Death Benet Amount
Active Members
If your death occurs while actively employed and before establishing one and a half years of
service credit, the death benet is the current value of employee accumulations.
If your death occurs while actively employed and after establishing one and a half
years of service credit, the death benet is the current value of employee and employer
Terminated Members
If your employment terminates prior to your death and you had established less than ve
years of service credit, the death benet is the current value of employee accumulations.
If your employment terminates prior to your death and you had established at least ve
years of service credit, the death benet is the current value of employee and employer
If your death occurs after you have retired, benets payable to your spouse, civil union partner
or designated beneciaries will be determined based on the form of distribution selected at the
time of your retirement.
Your vested plan benet becomes payable when you retire or when you terminate employment.
You cannot receive plan benets while actively employed by a SURS-covered employer. The plan
does not allow for “hardship withdrawals” or loans. If you are invested in the SURS LIS, partial
withdrawals are permitted after you have activated your benet.
Distributions Prior to Normal Retirement Age
Who to Contact
If you have at least ve years of service credit and you leave your
The process
job, you may choose one of the following options:
for initiating
a retirement
Take a lump-sum taxable distribution of your account.
starts with
Leave your account balance in the plan until you reach normal
SURS. Please
retirement age, assuming you have the required years of ser-
refer to Page 31 for
vice and wish to receive a lifetime monthly benet.
contact information.
Leave your account balance in the plan and take a lump-sum
distribution at a later date.
If you leave your vested account balance in the plan until you reach normal retirement age, your
benet will be paid as described below.
Distributions After Normal Retirement Age
In the Retirement Savings Plan, there are three dierent distribution options available at retire-
ment time. You can choose to receive guaranteed lifetime income from the SURS Lifetime In-
come Strategy (LIS) or
You qualify for lifetime monthly income:
a lifetime annuity. Both
of these income options
If you are at least age 55 and have eight or more years of service.
allow you to participate
If you are at least age 62 and have ve or more years of service.
in the retiree health in-
At any age when you achieve 30 years of service.
surance program if you
are eligible. In addition
At age 50 with at least 25 years of service as a police ocer or
to the lifetime income
reghter covered by SURS.
distribution options,
there is also a lump-sum option available for members who have other income sources in place
to meet basic retirement needs.
Lump Sum
Receive a total lump-sum payment of your account value (including the employer matching con-
tributions). Please note: if you choose to take a lump sum, you give up your right to retiree health
insurance oered through SURS. You do not have to elect your distribution type until you retire.
These options are reviewed in detail during preretirement counseling sessions. In order to main-
tain eligibility for retiree health insurance, you must be receiving lifetime monthly income.
The lifetime income options are explained in detail on the next few pages.
The SURS LIS oers a lifetime income option for RSP members. The SURS LIS is a exible income
solution that can be customized to t your retirement needs. For example, you can:
Convert 100% of your account balance to lifetime income with SURS LIS. With this option,
you will maintain eligibility for retiree health insurance, if you
are eligible.
What does it mean to
Convert a portion of your account balance to lifetime income
activate” my benet?
with SURS LIS. If at least 50% of the LIS balance is in the LIS
Secure Income Portfolio and converted to lifetime income
Activation = the
at retirement, you will maintain eligibility for retiree health
administrative process
insurance, if eligible. You will continue to have control over
of arranging for receipt
the remaining non-secured portion of your account. After
of your lifetime income
your retirement has been activated, the non-secured portion
(Guaranteed Income
can remain invested in the LIS non-secure portfolio, be trans-
Withdrawal Amount) at
ferred to any of the funds within the SURS core fund lineup or
retirement. To activate,
you must be terminated
taken as a partial lump-sum distribution as needed.
from employment and
The SURS LIS oers single-life and joint and survivor forms of in-
be at least 60 years of
come, depending on your marital status at retirement time:
age. You cannot take ad
hoc distributions from
If you are married, the normal form of income distribution
the LIS or make changes
in the Lifetime Income Strategy is a 100% joint and survivor
to your investments
benet. If you pass away, your survivor would continue to re-
until you have activated
ceive 100% of your monthly income for the rest of his/her life.
your benet.
You have the option of taking a single-life income option with
spousal consent.
If you are not married when you retire, you must take a single-life income option. If you
pass away, any existing account balance will be paid as a death benet to your named bene-
For more information on the SURS Lifetime Income Strategy, please see Page 5.
You may purchase a lifetime annuity with 100% of your account value at retirement. Taking a
lifetime monthly benet in the form of an annuity will maintain your eligibility for retiree health
insurance, if you meet eligibility requirements.
Normal Form of Payment
With a lifetime annuity, the normal form of payment is based on your marital status as of your
distribution date.
If you are single on your distribution date, you will receive a single life benet that provides
monthly payments for your life. This form of payment does not provide survivor benets.
If you are married, your benet will be in the form of a Joint & Survivor benet. This form
provides monthly payments for life for you, and after you die, your surviving spouse may
receive continued monthly payments for his/her life.
Optional Form of Payment
To choose an optional form of payment, you must le a written election with SURS during the
90-day election period before your distribution date. You may revoke any previous election for
an optional form of payment and reinstate the normal form of payment at any time during this
90-day period.
If you are married and wish to choose a form of payment that designates a beneciary other
than your surviving spouse, your spouse must consent to this in writing. Your spouse’s consent
must acknowledge your election and must be witnessed by a Notary Public. Spousal consent is
not required if:
You and your spouse are legally separated or you have been abandoned (within the mean-
ing of local law) and you have a court order to that eect;
You provide satisfactory proof that the spouse’s consent cannot be obtained because there
is no spouse, or your spouse cannot be located or due to some other approved circum-
Your spouse’s consent to one of the optional forms of payment described above is irrevocable.
Before your distribution date, you will receive a written explanation of all available forms of
payment, as well as your right to choose one of the plan’s optional forms of payment, and your
spouse’s rights.
Single-Life Annuity You receive monthly payments for life. This is an option for
married participants.
Single-Life Annuity with You receive monthly payments for life. If you die before the end
a Guaranteed Period
of your chosen guaranteed period of 10, 15, or 20 years, monthly
payments will continue to your designated beneciary until the
end of the guaranteed period.
50% or 100% Joint &
Survivor Annuity
You receive monthly payments for life, with continued monthly
payments equal to 50% or 100% of your monthly benet paid to
your designated beneciary for life.
50% or 100% Joint & As with the regular Joint & Survivor Annuity, you receive monthly
Survivor Annuity with a
payments for life. If you pass away within the chosen guarantee
Guaranteed Period
period (10, 15 or 20 years), the full monthly benet will continue
to be paid to your designated beneciary (or contingent
beneciary) through the end of the guarantee period. If your
originally designated beneciary is still living at the end of the
guarantee period, the joint and survivor benet of 50% or 100%
will be paid for the remainder of his or her life.
Hybrid Options
If you choose to invest in the Lifetime Income Strategy and receive LIS income in retirement, you
have some additional exibility.
For example, you can elect to convert a portion of your account balance to lifetime income from
the LIS Secure Income Portfolio and leave the remaining assets invested in the non-secure port-
folio. After you have activated your LIS income and have reached age 60, you will have control
over the remaining assets in the portfolio. You will have the option to leave your money invested
in the non-secure portfolio, or you can also move the assets into the core fund investments. You
can take ad-hoc distributions as needed. With this hybrid option, you must convert at least 50% of
your SURS LIS account balance to secure income in order to retain eligibility for health insurance.
You also have the option to convert at least 50% of your LIS account balance to lifetime income,
and purchase an annuity with 100% of the remaining assets in your account.
TIAA’s Lifetime Annuity Option
An annuity option with TIAA is available for members holding assets in the individually controlled
Group Annuity (GRA) contracts or in the TIAA Traditional fund. The TIAA annuity option is limited
to assets held in these specic accounts prior to transition to Voya in 2020. If you have assets in
these specic TIAA investments, please contact TIAA for additional information. Contact infor-
mation is on Page 31.
It is important to understand the dierences between the two income options oered in the
Retirement Savings Plan, the SURS LIS and a lifetime annuity.
Custom exible investment strategy that automatically adjusts as you age. Investments be-
come more conservative and begin to secure lifetime income as you near your target retire-
ment age.
Option to secure income over time protects against point-in-time risk
At retirement time, you receive lifetime monthly income (Guaranteed Income Withdrawal
Amount) based on the amount of money you have secured (or the amount you convert at
retirement time) in the LIS Secure Income Portfolio.
Lifetime Annuity
Account balance is converted to a lifetime monthly benet. The amount of income you
receive is based on your account balance and annuity payout rates on the day you retire.
You receive the determined amount each month as long as you live.
SURS Lifetime Income Strategy
(LIS) – Lifetime Monthly Income
Lifetime Annuity –
Principal Financial
Guaranteed Lifetime
Do I give up entire
account balance?
NO – can convert all or a portion
to income while maintaining
access to all or a portion of
account balance.
YES – must purchase annuity
with 100% of account balance.*
Will my monthly
benet increase?
POSSIBLY – with market gains
monthly benet has potential to
increase over time.
Are survivor benets
YES – 100% Joint and Survivor
option available to spouse only.
Monthly benet reduced to
provide benet.
YES – 50% or 100% Joint and
Survivor option available to
spouse or named survivor with
spouse consent. Monthly benet
reduced to provide benet.
Is there a death
benet? (lump sum)
YES – after member and joint &
survivor payments end due to
death, the market value, if any
remains, is paid to beneciary
NO – benet ends after member
and survivor pass away
If you do not take a distribution of your vested account when you leave your job, you will retain
all service credit earned. However, if you have less than ve years of service credit, any employer
(state) contributions in your account will be forfeited. If you are later reemployed by a SURS-cov-
ered employer, any employer (state) contributions you previously forfeited will be reinstated as
soon as practicable. The employer contributions that are reinstated include earnings accumulat-
ed while originally in the member’s account. There are no additional earnings/interest credited
for the period that these contributions were not in the member’s account.
If you do take a distribution of your vested account when you leave your job, and are later re-
employed by a SURS-covered employer or reciprocal system for at least two years, you may
restore your forfeited service and contributions if you remain reemployed and repay the amount
of your refund.
If you are reemployed after receiving a refund under the Traditional Benet Plan, you may repay
the amount of your distribution to the RSP and have your prior service restored after you have
remained reemployed for at least two years. This assumes you withdrew prior to the date the re-
tirement plan choice was available (in general, prior to April 1, 1998) and that, upon your return,
you chose the RSP as your permanent option.
To defer taxes on your refund, you may want to “roll over” or transfer your refund directly into
a Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or other qualifying 401(a), 403(b) or 457(b) plan
within 60 days of receiving it. If you do not make a direct transfer or roll over your refund, feder-
al law requires your investment service provider to withhold 20% and may require you to pay an
additional federal tax penalty of 10% if you are under the age of 59 1/2. Previously taxed contri-
butions can be rolled over. Consult your tax advisor if you have questions about rolling over your
Federal Income Taxes
Generally, most of your monthly benet will be taxable as ordinary income for federal income
tax purposes, beginning with the rst payment you receive. If you previously paid federal income
taxes on some contributions, such as those made before 1981, they will not be taxed again.
Instead these contributions will be prorated over your future monthly benet payments accord-
ing to Internal Revenue Service (IRS) procedures. IRS Form 1099-R, which you will receive each
January, shows the gross and taxable portions of your annuity and the amount of federal income
taxes withheld.
State of Illinois Income Taxes
Your retirement benet from SURS is not subject to Illinois income tax. However, SURS benets
may be taxable by other states. If you do not live in Illinois, or you plan to move after retirement,
check with your state’s Department of Revenue to nd out if your benet is taxable.
Certain SURS retirees and their survivors may qualify for health insurance benets through their
former employment. While no universal health coverage is oered to all retirees, SURS helps
administer the benets for some of these programs.
RSP members who are entitled to receive health insurance benets in retirement, and wish to do
so, must be receiving lifetime income and do the following at retirement:
1. If you have assets in the SURS Lifetime Income Strategy, convert at least 50% of your SURS
LIS account balance to secure income.
2. If you have assets in the core funds, annuitize 100% of those assets or move them to the
SURS LIS to be used in the SURS LIS calculation.
A combination of 1 and 2 is also permitted. You may convert at least 50% of your SURS LIS ac-
count balance to secure income and purchase an annuity with 100% of your assets that are
invested in the SURS core funds.
This information is discussed in detail during pre-retirement counseling.
Full-time active community college employees* pay 0.5% of gross earnings to help fund a health
plan for retirees of community colleges called the College Insurance Program (CIP). SURS acts as
agent in this regard by forwarding the 0.5% payment to Central Management Services (CMS), a
division of Illinois state government that oversees such benets.
SURS community college retirees may be eligible for the CIP if their employment was considered
to be full time and eligible for benets.
Enrollment for eligible community college retirees is part of the retirement process, and deci-
sions about participation may be made at retirement time. Any premiums for you or your depen-
dents will be billed to you. Details about this coverage may be obtained by visiting MyBenets.
*Note that employees of the City Colleges of Chicago do not participate in the CIP. If you retire
from the City Colleges of Chicago, contact their insurance oce for information about health
insurance benets available to you.
SURS retirees who have at least ve years of service with a SURS-covered university or state
agency are eligible to participate in the State of Illinois Group Insurance Program at the time of
retirement if they annuitize.
Once the initial ve-year eligibility requirement is met, additional qualied service years will help
decrease the premium cost to the member.
The following service qualies towards the insurance years used to determine the cost of health
insurance premiums:
Service earned in the course of employment with a SURS-covered employer, including com-
munity colleges.
Service credit purchased with SURS prior to retirement, including:
° Service prior to certication with SURS (prior service)
° Military service
° Repayment of a refund
° Other public employment
Service with the State Employees’ Retirement System of Illinois (SRS) if retiring under
the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act.
The state of Illinois contributes 5% of the premium cost for each year of qualied ser-
vice the retiree has attained.
For example, Richard retires through SURS with 12 years of qualied service. The state will pay
60% of his monthly health insurance premium (5% x 12 years of service). Richard will pay the
remaining 40%.
State insurance eligible members who retire with 20 or more years of qualied service will re-
ceive premium free health insurance. Members who were actively employed on July 7, 1997, may
also qualify for premium-free health insurance with less than 20 years of service under special
provisions of Public Act 91-395.
Premiums for eligible dependent coverage will be billed to the member. Should a dependent
become a survivor benet recipient when the member dies, the health insurance will transfer to
them as long as they continue to receive a monthly survivor benet. Survivor benet recipients
of retirees who had state insurance are eligible for state insurance at the same rate as the origi-
nal member.
Health insurance benets available to retirees under the State of Illinois Insurance Program and
College Insurance Program (CIP) are administered by the Department of Central Management
Services (CMS). Current benet details may be obtained by accessing MyBenets at MyBenets. If you have questions, please contact MyBenets service center toll free at 1-844-251-
1777 or TTY toll free at 1-844-251-1778.
SURS is the ocial Plan Sponsor of the RSP. In that capacity, SURS enrolls plan participants,
sends contributions to the recordkeeper, and performs other required duties. You must notify
SURS to change a beneciary designation or to change your address. You must also notify SURS
to elect a distribution method.
SURS has discretionary and nal authority to determine all questions concerning eligibility and
contributions to the plan, to make factual ndings, to interpret and construe all plan terms, and
to render decisions on disputes arising under the plan and all questions concerning plan admin-
All employee contributions will be forwarded to SURS prior to being forwarded to the invest-
ment service providers. The total contribution made on behalf of each plan participant, including
employer contributions, will be determined by SURS law. This determination by SURS is nal and
binding on all plan participants, as well as their beneciaries or contingent beneciaries, and any
other person claiming an interest in the plan.
SURS expects to continue this plan indenitely, but retains the right to amend, modify, or termi-
nate it. Employers may discontinue contributions under the plan. Although SURS retains the right
to amend this plan, no amendments can be made that would reduce your account balance.
If the plan is terminated, you will become 100% vested in all contributions and will have the right
to participate in the other retirement programs oered by SURS.
Your creditors generally may not attach, garnish, or otherwise interfere with your plan account.
Your interests in your account may not be sold, used as collateral for a loan, given away, or be
otherwise transferred until you are entitled to take a distribution. They are also protected from
seizure in bankruptcy and other court proceedings.
Under state law, SURS benets may not be paid to anyone other than the member, except to
an alternate payee named in a Qualied Illinois Domestic Relations Order (QILDRO). SURS can
accept QILDROs as of July 1, 1999. It is the member’s obligation to honor a divorce decree that
directs payments to an ex-spouse. You or your attorney may contact SURS two to three months
prior to a divorce court proceeding to receive the informational packet regarding QILDROs.
Once disability or retirement benets become payable to you, the court may issue a withholding
order directing SURS to pay the court clerk certain amounts to cover any delinquency in support
payments to your spouse or children.
If your claim for disability, retirement, or refund benets is denied, or if you disagree with the
amount of the benet, you or your attorney may le a petition for written appeal and a hearing
before the Claims Committee of the SURS Board of Trustees. You should also request a copy of
the Hearing Rule established by the board.
SURS will notify you of the trustees’ nal decision. If you are not satised with this decision, you
may le a petition with the Circuit Court of Champaign County, Ill., requesting that the court re-
view the trustees’ decision under the Illinois Administrative Review Law. You must le this peti-
tion within 35 days after the trustees’ decision has been served upon you.
With a SURS retirement counselor
Members who are within four years of retirement can schedule a private appointment with a
SURS retirement counselor. These meetings are 45 minutes in length and are specic to the
member’s personal SURS history. Retirement income distribution options, death and survivor
benets, insurance, and many other topics are reviewed. Members are limited to one counseling
session every 12 months.
These meetings are conducted at your institution, at the SURS oce, by telephone, or virtually
through Microsoft Teams. Log in to the SURS Member Website or call SURS to schedule an ap-
pointment. Retirement projection illustrations are provided during pre-retirement counseling
With your investment service provider(s)
Members at any point in their career may schedule an appointment for a condential consulta-
tion with a SURS Dened Contribution representative to discuss retirement planning goals and
receive guidance on investment options. To schedule an appointment, go to
Our employees are required to follow procedures with respect to maintaining the condentiality
of our members’ non-public personal information. Additionally, we maintain physical, electronic
and procedural safeguards to protect information. Information stored, processed, given to and
created by the State Universities Retirement System may be determined to be a matter of pub-
lic record and may be subject to the state of Illinois Freedom of Information Act (IL FOIA)(5 ILCS
SURS: 800-275-7877 OR SURS.ORG
Changes to address and other personal information.
Changes in designated beneciaries.
Initiating/coordinating withdrawals.
Guidance preparing for retirement.
Initiate retirement benet or distribution.
Access secure member account by clicking on Member Website button.
Pre-retirement counseling appointments can be made on Member Website.
Click on View/Manage My RSP Account. Monitor account, make investment allocation chang-
es, access Retirement Calculator and other tools.
From, click on Member Website button. Log in, and click on the View/Manage RSP
Account. Click on SURS Lifetime Income Strategy.
From the SURS LIS website, you can access the Income Estimator or Account Settings.
General questions regarding SURS RSP or SURS Deferred Compensation Plan.
Request retirement projections if you have assets in the SURS Lifetime Income Strategy.
Make investment allocation changes (you must have your PIN to make changes via telephone).
Questions about investment options or investment guidance.
Request retirement projections if you have assets in the SURS Lifetime Income Strategy.
To schedule an individual session with a SURS Dened Contribution representative, go to
Provider of monthly annuities
Annuity illustrations are provided by SURS counselors during pre-retirement counseling. To
request an additional illustration, please send a secure email by logging in to your SURS Mem-
ber Website. Annuity illustrations can only be generated one to two months into the future.
TIAA: 800-842-2776 OR TIAA.ORG
Provider of monthly annuities only available for members who had frozen assets with TIAA
prior to the September 2020 conversion.
Request illustrations for annuity options at retirement.
730 3rd Avenue, New York, NY 10017-3206
SURS oce is located at 1901 Fox Dr., Champaign, IL 61820. Oce hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Thursday hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
1901 Fox Drive
Champaign, IL 61820-7333
Please include your SURS Member ID or the last four digits of your Social Security number with
all correspondence.
Toll free: 800-275-7877
Direct: 217-378-8800
Fax: 217-378-9800
For the most up-to-date information about SURS, visit our website. Updates to this site ensure
timely communication of newly proposed legislation, recent newsletters, important information
about benets, various forms, and other topics pertaining to SURS members.
Register for the SURS Member Website to check on your summary of benets, view your employ-
ment history, view your earnings history, and update your personal information. To register, visit and click on Member Login in the top right. Follow registration instructions.
SURS publishes the Advocate to inform benet recipients about legislation, funding, insurance,
federal income tax withholding notication and other relevant information. This newsletter may
be viewed online at
Black Hawk College (Moline)
Carl Sandburg College (Galesburg)
Chicago State University
City Colleges of Chicago
College of DuPage (Glen Ellyn)
College of Lake County (Grayslake)
Danville Area Community College
Eastern Illinois University (Charleston)
Elgin Community College
Governors State University (University Park)
Heartland Community College (Normal)
Highland Community College (Freeport)
ILCS Section 15-107(c) Members (Springeld)
ILCS Section 15-107(l) Members (Springeld)
Illinois Board of Examiners (Naperville)
Illinois Board of Higher Education (Springeld)
Illinois Central College (Peoria)
Illinois Department of Innovation and
Technology (Springeld)
Illinois Community College Board (Springeld)
Illinois Community College Trustee Association
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges
Illinois Mathematics & Science Academy (Aurora)
Illinois State University (Normal)
Illinois Valley Community College (Oglesby)
John A Logan College (Carterville)
John Wood Community College (Quincy)
Joliet Junior College
Kankakee Community College
Kaskaskia College (Centralia)
Kishwaukee College (Malta)
Lake Land College (Mattoon)
Lewis & Clark Community College (Godfrey)
Lincoln Land Community College (Springeld)
McHenry County College (Crystal Lake)
Moraine Valley Community College (Palos Hills)
Morton College (Cicero)
Northeastern Illinois University (Chicago)
Northern Illinois University (DeKalb)
Northern Illinois University Foundation (DeKalb)
Oakton College (Des Plaines)
Parkland College (Champaign)
Prairie State College (Chicago Heights)
Rend Lake College (Ina)
Richland Community College (Decatur)
Rock Valley College (Rockford)
Sauk Valley College (Dixon)
Shawnee College (Ullin)
South Suburban College (South Holland)
Southeastern Illinois College (Harrisburg)
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale
Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Southwestern Illinois College (Belleville)
Spoon River College (Canton)
State Universities Civil Service System (Urbana)
State Universities Retirement System
Triton College (River Grove)
University of Illinois - Chicago
University of Illinois - Springeld
University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
University of Illinois Alumni Association (Urbana)
University of Illinois Foundation (Urbana)
Waubonsee Community College (Sugar Grove)
Western Illinois University (Macomb)
William Rainey Harper College (Palatine)
The State Universities Retirement System oce is located at 1901 Fox Drive, Champaign, IL.
Be sure to schedule an appointment if you plan to visit us.
St. Mary’s
State Universities Retirement System of Illinois
1901 Fox Drive
Champaign, IL 61820-7333
Revised January 2024
Printed by authority of the state of Illinois