Rev2 August 2022
An overview of DCMA’s contract property
administration requirements and analysis
PREFACE ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Summary of Changes. ............................................................................................................. .....3
Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 1: PROCESS ............................................................................................................... 6
1.0. Review New Contracts ........................................................................................................ 6
2.0. Accept Assignment of Contracts ......................................................................................... 8
3.0. Issue Contract Deficiency Report ...................................................................................... 10
4.0. Support Property Administration Delegations .................................................................. 10
5.0. Contract Property Administration Files ............................................................................. 13
6.0. Accept Assignment of New Contractors ........................................................................... 14
7.0. Schedule Property Management System Analysis ........................................................... 16
8.0. Plan Property Management System Analysis .................................................................... 19
9.0. Conduct Property Management System Analysis ............................................................ 23
10.0. Prepare Reports ................................................................................................................ 31
11.0. Update Contractor Property Administration System ...................................................... 33
12.0. Determine and Assign Contractor Future Performance Risk .......................................... 33
13.0. Issue Corrective Action Requests/Monitor Corrective Action ....................................... 36
14.0. Ensure Contractor Reporting of Property Loss .............................................................. 40
15.0. Evaluate Contractor Responsibility and Liability ........................................................... 41
16.0. Perform Property Administration Closeout .................................................................... 46
17.0. Special Considerations .................................................................................................... 47
ELEMENTS JOB AIDS ................................................................................................................ 52
PMSA Element 1 - Written Procedures ..................................................................................... 52
PMSA Element 2 - Contractor Self Assessment ....................................................................... 56
PMSA Element 3 - Acquisition ................................................................................................. 59
PMSA Element 4 - Receiving .................................................................................................... 63
PMSA Element 5 - Discrepancies Incident to Shipment .......................................................... 67
PMSA Element 6 - Identification .............................................................................................. 69
PMSA Element 7 - Records ....................................................................................................... 72
PMSA Element 8 - Receipt and Issue System ........................................................................... 77
PMSA Element 9 - Physical Inventory ...................................................................................... 79
PMSA Element 10 - Subcontractor Awards and Flow Down ................................................... 83
PMSA Element 11 - Subcontractor Reviews ............................................................................ 86
PMSA Element 12 - Reports ..................................................................................................... 88
PMSA Element 13 - Relief of Stewardship ............................................................................... 91
PMSA Element 14 - Utilization ................................................................................................. 94
PMSA Element 15 - Declaration of Excess............................................................................... 96
PMSA Element 16 - Consumption ............................................................................................ 99
PMSA Element 17 - Movement .............................................................................................. 102
PMSA Element 18 - Storage .................................................................................................... 104
PMSA Element 19 - Storage Commingling ............................................................................ 106
PMSA Element 20 - Maintenance ........................................................................................... 108
PMSA Element 21 - Disposal .................................................................................................. 111
PMSA Element 22 - Property Closeout ................................................................................... 114
GLOSSARY-ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................. G.1
Office of Primary Responsibility .............................. DCMA Government Contract Property Center
Original Publication ....................................................................... March 2020, Rev 1 October 2020
Releasability ................................................................................................ Cleared for public release
Approved by ............................. Robert E. Brown, Director, Government Contract Property Center
Robert E. Brown
Director, Government Contract Property
Digitally signed by BROWN.ROBERT.EDWARD.1097471858
Date: 2022.08.09 12:51:49 -04'00'
Purpose. This Guidebook provides a process summary to DCMA personnel for consistent
oversight of contractor property management systems, and is intended to promote consistency in
the methodology and analysis techniques employed by DCMA.
This Guidebook also provides detailed information to facilitate understanding and execution of a
property management system analysis (PMSA).
Unless otherwise noted, the responsible party for the processes identified herein is the cognizant
Property Administrator (PA) or Industrial Property Management Specialist (IPMS). Use of the
job position title PAis inclusive of the IPMS unless explicitly stated otherwise. The title
Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) is inclusive of Divisional Administrative Contracting
Officer (DACO) and Corporate Administrative Contracting Officer (CACO).
Summary of Changes. Revision 2 to this Guidebook includes various administrative edits, and
provides updated direction and clarification on the following topics:
Provides clarification that the presence of Government property qualifies as a high risk
condition for workload acceptance. As such, DCMA will accept contracts that are
considered mission work, regardless of the dollar value of the contract, if there is a
requirement for Government property.
Adds references to templates created since the last revision of this Guidebook.
Provides updated guidance regarding the level of detail expected in PMSA reports to the
ACO. These changes have eliminated the need for the Government Contract Property
Group PMSA Panel process.
Added processes designed to provide a clean audit trail for those transactions that are to
be tested under upcoming Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR)
Removed references to the Property Loss eTool, which has been decommissioned.
Provides an updated interpretation of the loss reporting requirement in cases where it is
unknown whether the contractor will be reimbursed for a Government property loss.
Removed some background information in order to streamline Chapter 2.
Provides additional clarification on the treatment of contract property that a contractor
sends to another corporate division.
Overview. Within DoD, when a contract contains DFARS 252.245-7003, “Contractor Property
Management System Administration,” DCMA has the authority to review the contractor’s
property system applying the criteria of DFARS 252.245-7003(c). DFARS 252.245-7003(c)
states, “The Contractor’s property management system shall be in accordance with paragraph (f)
of the contract clause at Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.245-1.” FAR 52.245-1(f) thus
imposes the criteria for a contractor property management system that provides for effective and
efficient management and control of Government property. The ACO, DACO, or CACO will
determine whether to approve or disapprove the contractor’s property management system based
on the results of a standard or limited PMSA conducted by the PA. (For purposes of this
Guidebook, “ACO” refers to the DCMA ACO, DACO, or CACO.)
System Access: The FAR 52.245-1 contract clause provides the Government the right to
access to the property and records needed to perform a PMSA. With respect to access to perform
a PMSA, FAR 52.245-1(g) “Systems analysis,” states:
(1) The Government shall have access to the Contractor’s premises and all Government
property, at reasonable times, for the purposes of reviewing, inspecting and evaluating
the Contractor’s property management plan(s), systems, procedures, records, and
supporting documentation that pertains to Government property. This access includes all
site locations and, with the Contractor’s consent, all subcontractor premises. (2) Records
of Government property shall be readily available to authorized Government personnel
and shall be appropriately safeguarded.
DCMA examines subsets of some of the outcomes listed within FAR 52.245-1(f) because there
are imbedded requirements that require separate populations of data and transactions for
effective and comprehensive testing. This Guidebook refers to each subset as a PMSA element.
There are 22 elements, and they are listed below. Additional guidance for each is located in
Chapter 2 of this Guidebook.
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)
FAR 52.245-1(b)(1)
FAR 52.245-1(b)(4)*
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(i)
FAR 52.216-7
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ii)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ii)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ii)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(iii)(A)
DFARS 252.211-7007
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(iii)(B)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(iv)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(v)(A)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(v)(B)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(vi)
DFARS 252.211-7007
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(vii)(B)
DFARS 252.245-7002
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A)
* Although this is not a criterion under DFARS 252.245-7003(c), during a PMSA the PA reviews
whether the contractor complies with this contractual requirement.
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(B)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ix)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(x)
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(x)
DFARS 252.245-7004
1.1. The PA will review each new contract consistent with the direction located in
DCMA-MAN 2501-01, Contract Receipt and Review, within 30 calendar days of receipt to
determine if the contract contains a contract property requirement as defined in DoDI 4161.02,
“Accountability and Management of Government Contract Property.” If Government property is
anticipated, PAs must accept assignment of property administration in accordance with
Paragraph 2.1 of this Guidebook.
1.2. Prior to acceptance of a contract for administration, the PA must ensure that the
contractor will need Government property to perform the contract. In many cases, this will be
clear (e.g., there is a GFP attachment, or the contract cannot be performed without the
acquisition of Government property), but in other situations the need for property oversight is
less clear.
1.2.1. Example. A FAR 16.601 time-and-materials contract for engineering or
support services is required to have the property clauses incorporated, based solely on the pricing
arrangement of the contract, but in many cases the contractor will only be billing for labor hours
and potentially travel. In cases where the clauses are required based on contract pricing
arrangement, but no property is anticipated, the PA must not accept the contract for
1.2.2. If there is any question of whether property is required for contract
performance, the PA is expected to contact the Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO) at the
buying office to determine whether property is anticipated. If the PCO is nonresponsive, the PA
should enlist the assistance of the cognizant ACO.
1.3. The PA must ensure contracts contain appropriate terms and conditions, including FAR
and DFARS clauses relevant to the Government property expected to be furnished or acquired.
Relevant contract clauses follow:
Mandatory clauses
o FAR 52.245-1, “Government Property” or its alternates. Note: only one version
of the clause may be included in a contract
o FAR 52.245-9, “Use and Charges”
o DFARS 252.211-7007, “Reporting of Government Furnished Property”
o DFARS 252.245-7001, “Tagging, Labeling and Marking of Government
Furnished Property”
o DFARS 252.245-7002, “Reporting Loss of Government Property”
o DFARS 252.245-7003, “Contractor Property Management System
o DFARS 252.245-7004, “Reporting, Reutilization, and Disposal”
Other clauses that may be applicable:
o FAR 52.251-1, “Government Supply Sources”
o FAR 52.245-2, “Government Property Installation Operation Services”
o DFARS 252.223-7002, “Safety Precautions for Ammunition and Explosives”
o DFARS 252.223-7007, “Safeguarding Sensitive Conventional Arms,
Ammunition, and Explosives”
o DFARS 252.228-7001, “Ground and Flight Risk”
o DFARS 252.242-7005, “Contractor Business Systems”
1.4. In reviewing new contracts, the PA must attend to:
1.4.1. Potentially inappropriate provision of Government-furnished property (GFP) or
contractor-acquired property (CAP) such as common office items or any Government
property listed as an exception at FAR 45.000(b), “Scope of part.”
1.4.2. Contracts where a deliverable end-item will be accepted at origin, and delivery to
a separate destination is not required, (Free on Board (F.o.b.) Origin). If a deliverable item is identified in the contract as FOB origin inspection
and delivery, sometimes referred to as shipped-in-place, the deliverable item could become
GFP, and be subject to FAR 52.245-1. If the PCO intends for the items to be GFP, then
52.245-1 and any associated clauses must be included or added to the contract, and the
property would need to be added to a contract. The PA will determine whether the Government has imposed a property
storage requirement on the contractor for items that have not been designated as GFP. The
PCO needs to ensure that the contract includes the appropriate terms and conditions relevant
to the type, scope, and duration of storage. The contract must include necessary funding
(requiring the contractor to store the property at no cost is not appropriate, even if the
contractor agrees to the arrangement), a clear statement identifying that the items are not
GFP, and an appropriate liability provision. The PA is expected to engage with the PCO to ensure that any items of
Government property that are FOB origin inspection, shipped-in-place are treated
appropriately by issuing a contract deficiency report (CDR) if needed. A CDR would be
required if FAR 52.245-1 and the associated clauses need to be added to the contract, or if
the contract imposes an unfunded storage requirement.
1.4.3. Period of performance dates, to plan for expeditious property disposition and
contract closeout.
1.4.4. Contracts with a place of performance that is overseas or in a combat theater for
specialized contractual and technical terms and conditions, country-to-country agreements,
host nation requirements, memorandums of agreement, and treaties. Refer to DFARS
Subpart 225.3, “Contracts Performed Outside the United States.”
1.4.5. GFP attachments. Refer to DFARS PGI 245.103-72, “Government furnished
property attachments to solicitations and awards.” Nonstandard attachments may require that
a CDR be issued. PAs are required to review all GFP attachments.
1.4.6. Nonstandard Government property contract clauses. Refer to 41 U.S.C. 1304(a),
Repetitive Nonstandard Contracts Clauses Discouraged.”
1.4.7. Contracts with place of performance on a military base or non-core work which is
typically not accepted for property administration. Refer to DFARS 242.202, “Assignment
of contract administration” and DCMA workload acceptance procedures.
1.4.8. An indication that sensitive property will be acquired or furnished.
1.4.9. Inclusion of DFARS clause 252.242-7004, “Material Management and
Accounting System” in the contract.
1.4.10. Section H special contract provisions related to property.
1.4.11. Disposition instructions included in the contract.
1.4.12. Special instructions in regards to Government property furnished for repair.
1.4.13. Property incidental to place of performance (e.g., desks, chairs, computers,
printers, etc.).
1.5. PAs will review and accept support delegations from DoD and Federal civilian agencies
(e.g., National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA)) in accordance with DCMA
workload acceptance procedures and signed agreements.
2.1. PAs must accept assignment of property administration for the following contract
types, instruments, and conditions, with the potential exception of contracts that are non-mission
work for DCMA:
Fixed-price contracts where property will be furnished to the contractor.
Fixed-price contracts with cost-reimbursable contract line items.
Contracts and purchase orders with property furnished for repair, maintenance,
overhaul, or modification. The exception based on unit acquisition cost for purchase
orders for repair detailed at FAR 45.107(d), is superseded by DFARS 245.107(1)(i)
for DoD contracts.
Cost-reimbursement and time-and-materials contracts (except when it is clear no
property will be furnished or acquired). PAs must verify whether CAP is anticipated
for contracts involving only engineering services, research, or study efforts. Engage
with the PCO to gain insight if the contract and statement of work are unclear
whether there is a need to acquire property to perform the contract.
Top-level base indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity contracts (IDIQs) where
property will be furnished or acquired.
Delivery and task orders awarded under IDIQ contracts where property will be
furnished or acquired, if the order appears in the PA’s workload for contract receipt
and review.
Delivery orders awarded under Basic Agreements and Basic Ordering Agreements
(FAR Subpart 16.7) or Blanket Purchase Agreements (FAR Subpart 13.3) where
property will be furnished or acquired. The Basic Agreements or Basic Ordering
Agreements are not standalone contracts and Government property may only be
issued to the order award level.
Letter contracts (FAR 16.603-2) are typically (though not always) awarded as cost-
reimbursement contracts, with specific terms and conditions, including pricing
arrangements, definitized at a later date.
Nonprocurement instruments (grants, cooperative agreements, and other transactions)
where property is involved, when DCMA is delegated administration.
2.2. For DCMA mission work, the presence of Government property on a contract meets
the risk threshold for the high value/high risk workload acceptance gate. PAs must not reject
contracts with Government property due to dollar thresholds. See DFARS 242.202,
“Assignment of contract administration,” and the Resource Page for DCMA MAN 4502-02,
“Workload Acceptance” for more information regarding mission vs. non-mission work for
2.3. If a PA believes that a contract is not mission work as described in DFARS 242.202
and the Resource Page for DCMA MAN 4502-02, “Workload Acceptance,” the PA will engage
with their CMO’s Workload Acceptance Liaison (WAL) to request that the contract be reviewed
for workload acceptance criteria.
2.4. If a PA is directly contacted by a buying command office with a request for property
only support for either mission or non-mission work, the PA will engage with their First Level
Supervisor and Regional Director. Regional Directors are the GCPG’s WALs.
2.5. PAs must use the Contract Property Administration System (CPAS) eTool, which is
tied to the Mechanization of Contract Administration Services (MOCAS) to identify and accept
assignment of property administration.
2.5.1. PAs will accept assignment by selecting a contract that meets the
conditions described in paragraph 2.1. of this Guidebook, on the CPAS contract
acceptance tab, updating the receipt date, and selecting “Accept” in the action field.
2.5.2. If a contract has erroneously been assigned for review, and property is not
anticipated, the PA will delete the MOCAS special provision code “E” through CPAS by
selecting the “Do Not Accept” option under the same CPAS contract acceptance tab.
2.6. PAs who determine that a contract without anticipated property had previously been
accepted will delete the special provision code “E” through MOCAS. Conversely, the PA will
add the special provision code “E” if a contract that had not previously been accepted is modified
to provide GFP. For MOCAS entry direction, see MOCAS Guides on DoD365.
2.7. Classified property. PAs must review the DD Form 254, “Department of Defense
Contract Security Classification Specification,if included in the contract, to determine if
classified property is involved. Refer any classified effort to DCMA Special Programs
(DCMAS) by elevating to the first level supervisor, who will further elevate to the Regional
Director for reassignment.
2.8. PAs will document their contract review actions using the automated Integrated
Workload Management System (IWMS) Contract Review Checklist Tool. PAs must ensure that
they indicate in the general comments section of the IWMS Contract Review Checklist if they
are not accepting a contract that includes the appropriate property clauses due to a lack of
anticipated Government property (as described in paragraphs 1.2 and 2.1).
2.9. PAs are expected to verify that contract acceptance actions taken in CPAS lead to
updates within MOCAS. PAs will do this by verifying that changes are processed by reviewing
MOCAS Submit History in CPAS after submitting an acceptance transaction in CPAS. Possible
reasons for a MOCAS submit failure include: scheduled updates where the system is down for
processing (nightly, monthly, and end-of-year), an expired MOCAS password, input of the
wrong MOCAS password into CPAS, incorrect geographic MOC selected for the CAGE code,
MOCAS account revocation (due to inactivity), and PA attempts to perform transactions within
CPAS while logged into MOCAS. If contract acceptance fails for one of the reasons above, the
PA is expected to correct the underlying issue, or await system availability, and resubmit the
3.1. PAs must issue CDRs via the CDR tool within the Procurement Integrated
Enterprise Environment (PIEE) suite of tools for contracts lacking appropriate clauses, standard
property attachments, or required terms and conditions. Refer to DFARS PGI 204.270-2(c),
“Contract Deficiency Reports.”
3.2. PAs will notify the PCO of the deficiency in writing if the use of the CDR tool is not
appropriate or available. Retain documentation of this notification to the PCO where use of the
CDR tool is not appropriate. If the CDR tool was temporarily not available, process the CDR in
the CDR tool when it becomes available. Document the date of original notification to the PCO
in the notes field when submitting the CDR in the tool.
4.1. PAs should be aware that there are a number of different business arrangements that
the PA may encounter when performing contract property administration. While some
contractors will have their entire operation in one facility, others will have alternate locations
under the same property management system. A contractor’s written procedures for the property
management system, and practices, may apply across a number of business units or divisions.
Those property management systems may therefore fall under the same contractor business
system, meaning a DACO or CACO will determine whether to approve the property
management system under DFARS 252.245-7003, “Contractor Property Management Systems
Administration,” and where included in contracts held by the contractor, whether to take
withholds as provided under DFARS 252.242-7005, “Contractor Business Systems.”
In other circumstances, contractors may have subcontracted to receive assistance in performing
the work required for their prime contract from a separate legal entity, which could be a
corporate division that is incorporated separately, and, for example, is registered as a different
business concern in the State where the business concern is incorporated and in the System for
Award Management (SAM). The prime contractor is responsible for performing oversight of its
Types of relationships that are eligible for DCMA support property administration, as further
defined below in the “Definitions”:
1) Alternate location
2) Subcontractor
3) Corporate divisions that are separate legal entities
4) Corporate divisions that are not separate legal entities
Alternate location- is a separate physical work site of the prime contractor. Since it is part of
the prime contractor's business and property system, alternate locations do not require contractor
consent for DCMA GCPG support delegations. The GP at alternate locations should be included
in all applicable PMSA populations for the prime. PAs should not perform a separate PMSA.
Subcontractor- means any supplier, distributor, vendor, or firm that furnishes supplies or
services or for a prime contractor or subcontractor. Subcontractors are separate business entities
from the prime contractor. The Government does not have privity of contract with the
subcontractor. As such, the prime contractor is responsible for providing oversight of the
subcontractor. DCMA support property administration should be only requested when in
alignment with FAR 42.202 (e)(2) and (f). DCMA support property administration requires
prime contractor consent and refusal should be elevated to the PA’s first level supervisor. If the
first level supervisor agrees, the issue should be elevated to the ACO for resolution.
Corporate divisions that are separate legal entities- require the prime contractor provide
oversight of the GP at those locations. GP at those locations would be subject to the PMSA
requirements for Subcontractor Control testing (i.e., appropriate flowdown and periodic
Corporate divisions that are not separate legal entities- are considered an extension of the
prime contractor and do not require contractor consent for DCMA support property delegations.
The GP accountable to the prime’s contracts at those locations should be included in all of their
applicable PMSA populations. PAs should not perform a separate PMSA.
4.1.1. In circumstances where a corporate division or business unit at an alternate
location is not a separate legal entity, the PA will ensure that the contractor is aware that any
noncompliances identified at the alternate location will be treated as noncompliances in the
prime contractor’s Property Management System. Accordingly, the prime contractor will be
responsible for implementing any required corrective actions for PMSA noncompliances at
alternate locations.
4.1.2. Any PMSA deficiencies or property business system disapproval will
apply to the prime contractor, and will require correction of any deficiencies at alternate
locations. Government contract property at a prime contractor’s alternate locations is part of the
contractor’s property management system, and should not be treated any differently than
property located at the main facility. Because of this, the PA will include all property and
transactions performed by the other location in the population for all applicable elements when
performing a PMSA.
4.1.3. The PA will ensure that the prime contractor includes all property provided
to, or acquired by, any other business units or divisions that are part of the same legal entity as
the contractor in its Contractor Self Assessment. Additional information to assist the PA in
determining whether another division is a separate legal entity is located in Subcontractor
Awards and Flow Down and Subcontractor Reviews in Chapter 2 of this Guidebook.
4.2. Prime contractor PAs will request DCMA support property administration
delegations within the Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program (PDREP) Delegation
application when surveillance is required at contractor alternate locations, to include other
divisions. Another DCMA PA in the local commuting area for the alternate location should
provide DCMA support property administration for the PMSA. Support delegations will be
issued to the first level supervisor that oversees the area that includes the alternate location,
unless a local PA is already assigned to the contractor, to allow the first level supervisor to
determine workload assignment. If there is no PA within local commuting distance, the
respective first level supervisors, and Regional Director(s) will coordinate to determine whether
an on-site review is required, and if so, whether it makes more sense for the prime PA or the
assigned support PA to travel.
4.3. The prime contractor’s PA must:
4.3.1. Ensure support delegation requests include a sufficient level of detail (e.g.,
types of property, scope of surveillance, duration, special or unique requirements, and presence
of sensitive property). The description of the scope of surveillance must clearly identify whether
the support property administration PA will be performing a one-time PMSA assist (for those
samples at the alternate location that will be incorporated into the prime PAs PMSA) or whether
the support property administration PA will incorporate the prime contractor’s population into
their PMSA population. Prime and support property administration PAs will coordinate at the
beginning of each fiscal year (FY) to ensure that each is aware of when the review will occur so
the results can be incorporated into the prime’s PMSA.
4.3.2. Ensure that they are only delegating oversight of those property elements
that the prime contractor does not retain to a support PA. If the prime contractor retains
oversight of elements of property administration (e.g., maintaining the stewardship records,
performing physical inventories) those elements will be tested by the PA for the prime contractor
as part of the overall populations for those elements. Samples that require on-site validation
(e.g., Records), would be delegated to a support PA as a one-time assist. Prime PAs will ensure
that prime contractors that elect to do this are only retaining oversight of elements that they can
directly control. For example, a prime contractor cannot retain oversight of storage at a
subcontractor’s facility.
4.3.3. Obtain prime contractor consent to support property administration when
property administration involves oversight and surveillance of a subcontractor using a
delegation. Prime contractor consent is not required for the contractor’s alternate locations.
Refer to FAR Subpart 45.5, “Support Government Property Administration.” If the prime
contractor does not consent, and the PA believes that support property administration is needed
in order to protect the Government’s interests, the PA will elevate their concerns to their first
level supervisor and Regional Director.
4.3.4. Accept the Business System Analysis Summary and Audit Report for a
PMSA performed at a subcontractor facility as an indication of the health of the subcontractor’s
property management system. Note that the performance of support property administration by
DCMA does not alleviate the prime contractor’s responsibility to manage its subcontractor.
4.3.5. Incorporate the supporting PA’s findings concerning the alternate location
in their PMSA.
4.4 Support PAs must accept or reject delegations within 10 calendar days of receipt of
the delegation request within the PDREP Delegation application. Rejections must be
coordinated with the supporting PA’s first level supervisor and include a written rationale, (e.g.,
workload, subcontractor location vs. alternate location that does not meet the requirements of
FAR 42.202(2)). If the prime and supporting PA disagree regarding the proper scope and
methodology of the proposed delegation, they will elevate the issue to their respective first level
supervisor and Regional Director for resolution.
4.5. Support PAs will perform the delegation in accordance with the agreement reached
with the prime PA, and will provide all required documentation to support the results reported to
the prime PA. The prime PA is responsible for loading any support documentation to the PMSA
file in CPAS. When there is a delegation for property located at a subcontractor that also holds
DoD prime contracts, that property will be included in the total populations used by the PA at the
subcontractor location to perform their regular PMSA. Copies of the Business System Analysis
Summary and Audit Report will be provided to the prime PA upon PMSA completion.
5.1. PAs will establish and maintain electronic files within the Integrated Workload
Management System (IWMS) or CPAS at the contractor Commercial and Government Entity
(CAGE) code level to retain documentation and results of various surveillance and oversight
activities by contractor site. Examples of files to be loaded in IWMS include:
Copies of audits and inspections performed by other Defense components (e.g.,
Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA), Defense Counterintelligence and Security
Agency (DCSA)).
Records of site visits and meetings with the contractor (other than those specific to
conducting a PMSA).
Relevant general correspondence and documentation not tied to a single contract.
Relevant documentation and correspondence directly related to a contract will be
loaded in the IWMS contract file, rather than the CAGE level file. This includes
outside audits and final property closeout letters from the contractor, indicating that
all property closeout actions have been completed and that there is no longer any
property accountable to a contract, as well as final inventory waivers as appropriate.
5.2. PAs must establish a PMSA File. PMSA files are required for each completed PMSA.
PAs will use CPAS to upload required documents. The following documentation is required to
be included, at a minimum, for each contractor:
PMSA notification letter.
Standard PMSA Data Call, populated by the contactor, for standard PMSAs.
Documentation supporting the performance of contract review and correspondence.
Risk assessments and PMSA plans, level of oversight determinations regarding
processes/elements waived or determined as not applicable.
Procedure review findings and correspondence.
ACO and PCO correspondence.
Audit Reports.
Business System Analysis Summary. Note that only final documents may be loaded.
Draft Audit Reports and Business System Analysis Summaries are not to be included
in the file.
Work papers (e.g., sampling plans, narratives, worksheets). Note that PAs are only
expected to upload a single example document for each type of supporting
documentation for compliant samples. All supporting documents for samples
identified as defects must be uploaded to support findings of noncompliance.
Internal memoranda (e.g., from ACOs, or from functional specialists).
3x22 chart detailing when each of the elements was last reviewed.
6.1. Within 10 calendar days of acceptance of property administration for a contract
awarded to a new contractor (one that has not previously had a property management system
with DCMA oversight), the PA must perform the actions described in the following paragraphs.
As a reminder, prior to contract acceptance the PA must ensure that the contractor will be
receiving Government property in order to perform the contract as described in paragraphs 1.2
and 2.1. Written procedures must not be requested from contractors that are unlikely to have a
property requirement. Accordingly, the PA must:
6.1.1. Recommend a post-award orientation conference to the ACO, if warranted,
including a rationale and suggested type and scope of the post-award orientation conference.
Post-award conferences may be appropriate for new contractors receiving Government property
for the first time, or for existing contractors who are awarded a new contract that is significantly
different from previous contracts in the type and scope of property management that will be
required (e.g., first cost-type contract, after only having GFP provided, or moving from R&D to
a production environment.)
6.1.2. Send a standard letter of introduction advising the new contractor of its
contractual responsibilities. The letter should also request that the contractor provide a copy of
its property management policies and procedures and names of appropriate points of contact.
PAs will allow the contractor 15 calendar days to provide written property management
procedures. If the contractor does not provide procedures within 15 calendar days, the PA must
notify the contractor in writing, advising that failure to provide acceptable procedures may
trigger contractual remedies. The PA may allow the contractor a maximum of 15 additional
calendar days to provide written property management procedures. PA will upload the letter of
introduction, and any subsequent communication to the contractor regarding failure to provide
procedures, to the PMSA tab in CPAS.
6.1.3. If the contractor fails to provide written property management procedures after a
total of 30 calendar days, the PA will: Document in a Business System Analysis Summary report that the
contractor failed to provide written property management procedures or otherwise demonstrate
that it has established and implemented property management plans, systems, and procedures as
required by FAR 52.245-1(f)(1), despite having been provided two opportunities to do so. Note
that a contractor’s statement that procedures are proprietary, does not satisfy the contractual
requirement to provide them to the PA. Forward the Business System Analysis Summary report to the ACO.
This becomes the basis for the ACO to make a business system determination as required by
DFARS 252.245-7003. Document the action in CPAS as a completed PMSA. Procedure reviews
will only be considered a completed PMSA for new contractors in situations where the
contractor has failed to provide procedures, or when the provided procedures are unacceptable as
written. If the contractor has received Government property, the reanalysis will include all
applicable elements, in addition to verification that the contractor has corrected or established
their written procedures.
6.1.4. Review the contractor’s property management policies and procedures, and notify
the contractor of acceptability within 25 calendar days of receipt using the standard procedure
review template letters.
CHAPTER 1 PROCESS Note that PAs must be cautious about using language that could be
confused with a system status determination. While a PA can determine whether a
contractor’s procedures are acceptable or unacceptable as written, the PA does not
approve or disapprove those procedures. PAs must factor in and adjust written procedure review timelines for
short delivery schedules or periods of performance. PAs must coordinate with the relevant functional specialist for input on
any portions of the contractor’s written procedures that impact more than one functional
area, (e.g., Plant Clearance for disposal or scrap procedures, or Safety for sensitive
6.1.5. If the contractor’s procedures are unacceptable as written, the PA must notify the
contractor in writing, advising that the procedures are unacceptable and that failure to provide
acceptable procedures may result in the Government’s pursuit of contractual remedies. The PA
may grant additional time, not to exceed 15 calendar days, for the contractor to resubmit. If
resubmitted procedures are still unacceptable, the PA will: Document the deficiency in a Business System Analysis Summary
report. Forward the Business System Analysis Summary and PMSA Audit
Report to the ACO. The only element that needs to be addressed in the Audit Report is Written
Procedures. This becomes the basis for the ACO to make a business system determination as
required by DFARS 252.245-7003.
7.1. PAs must complete an initial PMSA (standard or limited) no more than 12 months
after a new contractor first receives Government property. The initial PMSA should be
performed at least 90 days after the contractor receives property in order to ensure that there are
a sufficient number of transactions to test.
7.2. PAs will choose the one of the following as the appropriate PMSA type for all
contractors based on comprehensive analysis of factors and the associated risk:
7.2.1. Standard PMSA. A standard PMSA requires entrance and exit
conferences, detailed testing, and formal examination of contractor processes related to its
property management system. A standard PMSA may be conducted entirely on-site at a
contractor’s facility, or may be performed remotely for those elements that do not require visual
in-person verification of the property. The only elements that cannot be tested remotely are
Identification, Records, Storage Commingling, Storage, and potentially Utilization.
7.2.2. Limited PMSA. A limited PMSA permits less formal testing methods and
techniques and is appropriate only for low risk contractors. A limited PMSA will include a
review of contractor responses to questions covering each required element of a contractor’s
property management system, interviews with contractor personnel, and detailed on-site testing
of select processes, if necessary. A limited PMSA may be performed remotely or on-site. The
PA must consider risk level and quantity and value of property. If a limited PMSA reveals
deficiencies, the PA may visit the contractor to resolve issues or expand the scope of the review
by conducting a standard PMSA. A limited PMSA requires an exit briefing, which may be
conducted via telephone.
7.3. If sensitive property is involved, the PA must complete the initial PMSA within 6
months of receipt of the sensitive property. The initial PMSA should be performed at least 90
days after the contractor receives property in order to ensure that there are a sufficient number of
transactions to test. Additionally, the PA must conduct annual reviews of the elements of
Written Procedures, Receiving, Discrepancies Incident to Shipment, Records, Physical
Inventory, Declaration of Excess, Consumption, Storage, Storage Commingling, and Disposal
regardless of risk rating. Limited PMSAs are not appropriate for testing the contractor’s
management of sensitive property, as a limited review does not provide the level of oversight
needed to determine whether the contractor’s controls and processes are sufficient. A PA who
has a contractor with sensitive property that is otherwise low risk, could use a limited PMSA to
test all elements other than those that require a separate population for sensitive property. The
element of Records, Storage, and Storage Commingling for sensitive property must be tested on-
site, however the other elements may be tested remotely. See paragraph 17.2 of this Guidebook
for more detail on administration of sensitive property.
7.4. PAs must base all other PMSA schedules on the risk rating, and ensure that all
applicable 22 elements are reviewed at least once every 3 years, unless otherwise approved in
writing, on a case-by-case basis, by the cognizant Regional Director for low risk contractors:
7.4.1. High Risk. Perform a standard PMSA at least annually until such time as
the contractor improves to at least a moderate risk level and the PA determines that the status of
the contractor’s system justifies a reduced level of oversight. High risk contractors may have
some elements that are lower risk. Moderate risk elements must be reviewed at least once every
2 years. Low risk elements must be reviewed at least once every 3 years.
7.4.2. Moderate Risk. Perform a standard PMSA as frequently as conditions
warrant, but at least once every 2 years. Itinerant PAs will review all applicable elements once
every 2 years.
7.4.3. Low Risk. Perform a limited PMSA once every 3 years. Because all
elements must be reviewed at least once every 3 years regardless of risk, a PA may not waive
any applicable elements for a contractor on a triennial schedule.
7.4.4. PMSAs for contractors with NASA contracts are scheduled using the
following considerations. This direction applies to all new and existing NASA delegations
regardless of whether Section B: Special Considerations for Major Contractors is delegated.
CHAPTER 1 PROCESS When a contractor has both DoD contracts and NASA contracts,
and is rated low risk based on DCMA’s criteria, PMSAs will be scheduled once every three
years. When a contractor has only NASA contracts (no other DCMA
administered contracts), and no single contract has more than $1M of Government property
accountable to it, the contractor would be subject to a PMSA schedule frequency based on the
applied DCMA risk criteria. When a contractor has only NASA contracts (no other DCMA
administered contracts), and at least one of those contracts has more than $1M of Government
property accountable to it, DCMA will perform a PMSA every two years.
7.5. PAs must schedule PMSA due dates in CPAS using the following guidance;
7.5.1. The PA will review all assigned property system CAGE codes in the 4th
Quarter of the FY to determine which contractors will require a PMSA in the following FY.
Review the most recent 3x22 chart, detailing when each of the 22 elements was last reviewed.
All applicable elements must be reviewed at least once every 3 years, based on risk (high risk
elements must be reviewed annually, moderate risk every 2 years). PAs must also consider
whether a contractor’s property system includes other CAGE codes utilizing a single property
management system, at the same or alternate locations, in order to ensure that the PMSAs
performed are all inclusive, and to limit the amount of duplicate work performed.
7.5.2. The PA will create a schedule of PMSA due dates for the next FY no later
than September 5 for approval by the first level supervisor, ensuring distribution of workload
throughout the year. No PMSAs will be scheduled for completion in the month of September.
7.5.3. The PA will report all anticipated TDY requirements for the next FY to the
first level supervisor by September 5 along with the proposed schedule for planning purposes.
7.5.4. The PA will update the Contract Property Administration System (CPAS)
to reflect the schedule for the following FY by September 20 of each year to populate the FY
baseline. Once the baseline schedule is established, all schedule changes
must be approved by the first level supervisor with a copy to the Regional Director. Schedule
updates that result in a PMSA being performed less frequently than required by paragraph 7.4.
must be approved in writing by the cognizant GCPG Regional Director. Any schedule changes
that cross fiscal years must be approved in writing by the cognizant GCPG Regional Director. The PA will update CPM Record Notes upon approval of a
schedule change to indicate the date that the change was approved, and by whom. The PA will
also upload a copy of the written approval to the current PMSA tab.
CHAPTER 1 PROCESS The PMSA Schedule Date is used to document PMSAs that have
been rescheduled from the initial PMSA Due Date.
7.6. Resident PAs must schedule reviews of each applicable element in accordance with
the risk rating. Additional considerations that the PA must take account of in scheduling reviews
of property management elements include, but are not limited to:
7.6.1. Ensuring that all elements are reviewed at least once every three years,
with high risk elements reviewed at least annually, moderate risk elements reviewed at least once
every two years, and low risk elements reviewed at least every three years. Elements identified
as noncompliant in a previous PMSA must still be reviewed on the risk based schedule in order
to identify any new noncompliances, even if the contractor’s corrective actions are not yet
7.6.2. Reviewing sensitive property as required by paragraph 7.3. of this Guidebook.
7.6.3. Because CPAS is not configured to record when all 22 elements are
scheduled for review, resident PAs must document the month and year each element is scheduled
for review in a PMSA Plan, upload it to the current PMSA tab in CPAS, and annotate the PMSA
Record screen indicating which PMSA portfolio contains the PMSA schedule. The 3x22 chart
populated at the end of the last PMSA, along with a risk revalidation, will provide a clear
indication of which elements must be reviewed.
8.0. PLAN PMSA. The PMSA is a systematic, objective review and evaluation of a
contractor’s property management system to determine whether it provides effective and
efficient management and control of Government property in compliance with applicable
Government property clauses, and contractual provisions. The required frequency and type of
PMSA is determined by evaluating several factors.
8.1. PAs must plan each PMSA and reanalysis to ensure the analysis:
Addresses Government property accountable to all contracts administered by, or
delegated to, DCMA,
Includes all applicable elements of property management as determined by the
risk to the Government of each, and
Tests sufficient quantities of items or transactions to yield results that may be
generalized to the system as a whole.
8.2. PMSA planning reduces the risk that the PA’s findings or conclusions may be
inaccurate or incomplete as a result of factors such as insufficient or inappropriate evidence (e.g.,
incomplete populations, source documents that do not apply to the element being tested, etc.),
inadequate process (e.g., incorrect sample sizes, failing to go to second sample when required,
populations of non-like items, etc.), intentional omissions, or misleading information due to
misrepresentation or fraud (contractor-provided evidence that either does not support the
conclusion the PA is being asked to reach, or evidence that a contractor has intentionally
modified or fabricated).
8.3. The nature and extent of PMSA planning will vary from contractor to contractor.
Because of the great diversity of contractors, contracts, property management systems, etc., no
single PMSA planning process can be applied across the board for every PMSA. However, there
are certain minimal elements that are applicable to every contractor and that PAs will include in
planning each PMSA:
8.3.1. Contract Review and Reconciliation. The PA will: Review the contracts and all delegations administered by DCMA,
to which Government property is accountable, in order to define the scope of the PMSA. Ensure
that all contracts requiring oversight are assigned in CPAS, and that all accountable property is
included in the PMSA. The contract review will alert the PA to those contracts that are cost-
type, thus making it likely that acquisition of property might be applicable. If the contract
indicates that sensitive property will be furnished or acquired, the PA must review Written
Procedures, Receiving, Discrepancies Incident to Shipment, Records, Physical Inventory,
Declaration of Excess, Consumption, Storage, Storage Commingling, and Disposal annually and
use a 97% confidence level sampling plan to evaluate the contractor’s management of sensitive
property. The element of Records, Storage, and Storage Commingling for sensitive property
must be tested on-site; however the other elements may be tested remotely. Additional guidance
regarding sensitive property is located in paragraph 17.3 of this Guidebook. Verify that the list of contracts in CPAS is complete by comparing the
list with a report pulled from MOCAS that indicates “contracts-by-contractor” administered by
DCMA. PAs will annotate those reports to document their review. PAs will use MOCAS to
take assignment of any contracts with anticipated Government property that are not listed in
CPAS. If a contractor has multiple CAGE codes under a single property management system,
ensure that all contracts with Government property accountable to all applicable CAGE codes
are included. If the contractor has more than $100M of Government property
accountable to contracts administered by DCMA, the PA will also review all DoD contracts
issued to the contractor’s CAGE code that are not administered by DCMA to identify contracts
with Government property for inclusion in the population of all Government property when
testing the elements of Records and Physical Inventory. These actions are required in order to
comply with the DoD Memorandum, “Strengthening Oversight of Government Furnished
Property as Part of Property Management System Analyses” signed on December 16, 2019 by
Ellen M. Lord, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment. A copy of the
memo and associated implementation guidance can be found on the GCPG team page on the
DoD365 website. These DoD contracts can be found in the EDA application in PIEE. Request a list of contracts with accountable Government property
administered by DCMA from the contractor, and verify that the contractor’s list matches the
PA’s list. If the contractor has more than $100M of Government property accountable to
contracts administered by DCMA, the PA will also request a list of all DoD contracts with
accountable Government property that are not administered by DCMA, and verify that the list
matches the additional contracts identified in EDA. Note that PAs must not provide the
contractor with a list of contracts prior to receiving the contractor’s list. Requesting the
contractor’s list is necessary in order for DCMA to ensure that the contractor’s property
management system incorporates all contracts that it should. When gaps are identified, the PA
will review GFP lists and public vouchers to ensure that the contract listing is complete by
identifying furnished property, as well as property that was purchased by the contractor as a
direct item of cost under the contract. When reviewing cost vouchers, PAs must be aware that
contractors will not always break out equipment and material explicitly; rather contractor
acquired property will occasionally be labeled as an “other direct cost” or ODC.If the
voucher does not separate property from ODCs, the PA will request that the contractor explain
what their ODCs consist of. After reconciliation of contract lists, the PA will update CPAS as
8.3.2. Information Gathering. The PA will: Ensure the validity of the Government property population and sample
sizes, and that all applicable elements are reviewed, by requesting accurate and current data
relating to the quantity and value of each type of Government property in the contractor’s
possession. The PA will request that the contractor’s property management organization provide
the total line items and dollar values using the Standard PMSA Data Call template for standard
PMSAs, or the Limited Questionnaire for limited PMSAs. The PA will not request the
contractor to report the quantity and value of each type of Government property on a contract-
by-contract basis. The contractor is under no contractual requirement to do so. Therefore,
requesting this information may be construed as a constructive change to the contract, resulting
in increased cost to the Government. DCMA PAs do not have authority to make constructive
changes to contractual requirements. PAs can, however, request that the contractor identify
property classification and sensitivity, because that information is necessary for the selection of
samples in performance of the PMSA (e.g., separate samples for sensitive property, material only
for consumption). Request populations that encompass the maximum number of items or
transactions that share common traits. Population descriptions for each of the 22 PMSA
elements are included in chapter 2 of this Guidebook. The PA will ensure that population
requests are consistent with contractual requirements. PAs must also ask the contractor to report whether they have Military
Standard Requisitioning and Issuance Procedures (MILSTRIP) property, sensitive property,
Government property not accountable to a contract, and any other information relevant to the
performance of a PMSA. If the PA finds that a contractor has not received anticipated Government
property prior to the PMSA, the PA will perform the following actions: Obtain a statement, in writing, from the contractor that the
contractor has not yet acquired or received Government property.
CHAPTER 1 PROCESS Verify that statement by reviewing public vouchers via Wide
Area Work Flow (WAWF) to ensure no Government property was acquired. Email the PCO to verify that the contractor has not received any
Government-furnished property. If the PCO verifies this information verbally, rather than in
writing, document the conversation in a memorandum for the record. Review the GFP Position Report in the EDA application located
in PIEE for any GFP the contractor has already received. The PA will upload documentation demonstrating completion
of the tasks identified above in CPAS under the PMSA Record tab for the current fiscal year.
The PA will then populate the scheduled, results, and comments fields, will add a completed
date, and set the PMSA status field to “Closed.” Finally, the PA will create a new PMSA tab and
schedule the PMSA for the next fiscal year. If the PA finds that the contractor does not currently have Government
property on hand at the time of the scheduled PMSA, the PA will determine whether it has had
property in the past year and has at least one active contract with ongoing property requirements.
The PA should then consult with the contractor to determine if GP will be acquired/furnished
within the next 6 months. The PA should complete new risk assessment based upon the
information and discuss rescheduling the PMSA with their first level supervisor. If the first level
supervisor concurs with PMSA rescheduling, the rationale should be documented and submitted
to the cognizant Regional Director for approval. PMSA extensions must adhere to the frequency
intervals permitted by this Guidebook (i.e., nothing over 4 years will be permitted).
8.3.3. Identification of PMSA Elements for Review. The PA will: Ensure that each applicable element is reviewed at least once every three
years, based on risk. Triennial reviews are only appropriate for low risk elements. Additionally,
if any elements are identified as special focus areas by the Business Operations Center Director,
those must be included in the PMSA plan. A review of the 3x22 chart populated at the end of
the last PMSA will provide this information. If the 3x22 chart is missing, the PA is responsible
for reviewing previous PMSA records to determine when each of the elements was tested last,
and populating the chart for the file as part of the planning process. Review findings, noncompliances, and significant deficiencies cited in
prior PMSAs. The PA will focus on identifying repeated deficiencies, trends, or related
weaknesses. For a reanalysis, only the specific noncompliance within an element will
need to be tested, unless the reanalysis is for a new contractor that failed to provide acceptable
procedures, as described in paragraph Because the reanalysis tests the success of the
corrective action plan’s implementation, only transactions that occur after the corrective actions
are completed would be included in a reanalysis only population. If the reanalysis is performed
concurrently with a scheduled PMSA, and the element is due to be reviewed based on risk, a full
population will be reviewed and assessed. In this circumstance, the PA will consider only the
specific noncompliance from the previous PMSA in determining whether or not successful
corrections have been made. Any new noncompliances will be addressed under the current year
8.3.4. The PA must obtain input from the Plant Clearance Officer (PLCO). PLCOs
sometimes encounter situations in which the contractor fails to comply with disposal instructions
or is unable to submit accurate inventory schedules, and find there is little the PLCO can do to
compel compliance. Because this may mean that the contractor is not in compliance with FAR
52.245-1(f)(1)(x), PAs are expected to contact the PLCO assigned to the contractor and
determine whether there are any problems involving disposal, particularly those involving
contractor compliance. Memoranda, emails, or appropriate annotations on the team PMSA Plan
form (if any) may be used to document that the PA has obtained input from the PLCO.
8.3.5. At least 30 days before the PMSA is scheduled to begin, the PA will provide the
ACO with written notification that a PMSA will be performed and request any information that
may be applicable in evaluating the contractor’s property management system.
8.4. PAs must upload all planning files and support documents (e.g., evidence of contract
review, rationale for element selection, input from PLCO) in the PMSA Planning Documentation
folder in the appropriate PMSA Portfolio in CPAS. Resident PAs are expected to upload
planning documentation no later than October 10th of each year for the current fiscal year
PMSA. Itinerant PAs may upload at PMSA completion along with the rest of their PMSA
9.1. The PA must identify elements and populations for review and testing as described
9.1.1. Identify elements to review. Each applicable element below must be
reviewed/tested based on the documented risk rating using the methodologies described in
Chapter 2 of this Guidebook.
Adequacy of written procedures
Contractor self assessments
Discrepancies Incident to Shipment
Receipt and issue system (when approved)
Physical inventory
Subcontractor awards and flow down
Subcontractor reviews
Relief of Stewardship
Declaration of excess
Storage commingling
Property closeout
9.1.2. Identify the appropriate population/universe for sampling purposes as
described in chapter 2 of this Guidebook. PAs must ensure that populations are correctly
identified and complete in order to obtain accurate PMSA results. A population or universe is a compilation of records, requisitions,
property items, reports, or documents with common characteristics, encompassing the maximum
number possible within an element. Generally, each of the elements require separate populations, and
occasionally, a single element may require multiple populations. Only those documents, records, assets, or actions associated with
contracts that are administered by DCMA, or that have valid delegations in place, are included in
testing populations. For contractors with over $100M of Government contract property
accountable to contracts administered by DCMA, the Records and Physical Inventory
populations will include all contract property accountable to DoD contracts, regardless of
9.1.3. Since different confidence levels are used to test sensitive and non-
sensitive populations, the elements of Written Procedures, Receiving, Discrepancies Incident to
Shipment, Records, Physical Inventory, Declaration of Excess, Consumption, Storage, Storage
Commingling, and Disposal cannot be combined and must be tested separately. The PA must
use a 97% confidence level when testing sensitive property for those elements, and a 90%
confidence level for all other populations.
9.2. Establish Sampling Plan. The PA must:
9.2.1. Determine the appropriate sampling methodology for the element being
examined. Refer to chapter 2 of this Guidebook for procedures.
9.2.2. Use statistical sampling methods wherever possible for standard
PMSAs. Judgment and purposive sampling may be used when the situation warrants. The
PA will document and fully explain the rationale for using judgmental or purposive sampling
in the Audit Report. Judgment sampling is used for select areas, items or actions
based on the reviewer’s professional judgment. The PA will only use judgment sampling
when the population does not lend itself to statistical sampling because there are a restricted
number of items in the population with the targeted qualities being tested. Purposive sampling also uses professional judgment to select
sample areas, items or actions involving credible, known or suspected deficiencies.
Purposive sampling may include statistical sampling of a subset of a larger population.
9.2.3. Incomplete populations are those that do not include all items that share
common characteristics. While the PA may select an incomplete population as a purposive
sample in cases where there are known or suspected defects in a subset of a population,
results of that purposive sample cannot be generalized to the system as a whole. Because of
this, an analysis that includes a complete population for each element must be tested at least
once every three years, based on risk, to ensure that the DoD has an accurate assessment of
the health of the contractor's property management system.
9.2.4. For most population ranges, the double sampling plan requires the PA to
continue with a second sample if the number of defects is greater than zero but fewer than the
number required to reject the population as noncompliant to contractual requirements.
Reviewing a second sample under these circumstances is mandatory, not optional. A sample set
may have defects identified for multiple data elements; for example, while performing a Records
review, the PA might find that some samples are in the incorrect location, and others have the
incorrect quantity on record. The PA will only reject the population if the quantity of any one
type of defect meets or exceeds the rejection threshold. The PA must finish testing the first sample set even if the reject
defect level is reached before testing all samples. The PA does not need to test a second sample set if the required
defect level is reached upon completion of the first sample set. If the required defect level is
reached partway through the second sample, the PA may stop at that point.
9.2.5. If a second sample set is required by the DoD double sampling plan, but is
not selected and tested, the PA must document his or her rationale justifying this decision and
upload the documentation of the decision into the CPAS eTool. Failure to select and test a
second sample may invalidate the PMSA findings.
9.3. PAs will select an appropriate confidence level (see table 1 below):
9.3.1. A 97% confidence level, meaning 97% confidence of rejecting lots having
10% or more defects, should be used when a high degree of accuracy is required (e.g., when
testing record accuracy of sensitive property items as defined by FAR 45.101, and further
described in Table 61 of Volume 10 of DoD 4100.39-M as having a Control Item Inventory
Code (CIIC) for Sensitive Items. See paragraph 17.2.). A 97% confidence level is also used to
test the elements of Records and Physical Inventory for all Government property accountable to
contracts issued by DoD for those contractors with over $100M of Government property
administered by DCMA.
9.3.2. A 90% confidence level (90% confidence of rejecting lots having 10% or
more defects) is suitable in most cases.
9.4. PAs will draw the maximum number of transactions or attributes possible for any
9.4.1. When testing transactions (material requisitions, for example), the
population/universe must consist of the total number of transactions that occurred within the past
year (365 days), or the transactions that occurred subsequent to completion of the contractor’s
corrective actions for reanalysis.
9.4.2. When testing attributes, the PA must assure that the population universe
consists of the total number of items (e.g., storage areas, documents, records, or property items)
to be examined.
9.5. PAs will exercise judgment when furnishing pre-selected samples to the contractor
prior to arriving on-site. Although this reduces cost and time, the PA must ensure the integrity of
the PMSA and findings in order to accurately assess the health of the contractor’s property
management system. Under no circumstance will a PA provide the Records sample in advance
of arriving at a contractor’s facility to test that element. For large contractors with multiple
locations, it is acceptable to provide a redacted sample listing that does not provide enough
information to identify the sample item, but does indicate the building or room. This allows the
contractor to ensure that it has the appropriate support personnel available, without negatively
impacting the integrity of the PMSA.
9.6. PAs will allow enough time for contractors to provide support documentation for
samples, but not so much time that the contractor is able to perform an analysis and implement
remedial actions before the PA has an opportunity to review.
9.7. Perform Standard PMSA. If the PA determines that a standard PMSA is required
based on risk, the PA will notify the contractor in writing at least 30 calendar days prior to
starting the PMSA, and invite participation from contractor managerial personnel. If the
contractor requests, the PMSA can begin sooner than 30 days after the notification letter is sent,
(e.g., to accommodate workflow or personnel issues). The notification letter should identify the
scope of the review, identify the elements to be tested, incorporate the Standard PMSA Data Call
Template to request the appropriate populations for those elements with an expected submission
date, and identify the timeline for completion of the PMSA. Additionally, the PA will provide a
notification of the PMSA to the ACO at least 30 days prior to the PMSA and request any
information applicable to evaluating the contractor’s property management system.
9.7.1. PAs will conduct an entrance conference supported by a slide show
presentation. As part of the entrance conference, the PA will: Maintain a sign-in roster of attendees and minutes of discussion
held. If the entrance briefing is performed remotely, an email from the contractor listing
attendees is acceptable in place of a sign-in roster. Establish a mutual understanding with the contractor regarding
the audit processes and sampling procedures anticipated to be used. The PA will inform the
contractor that the Government reserves the right to adjust the audit and sampling as necessary. Discuss the status of outstanding Corrective Action Requests
(CARs), contractor proposed changes to its property management system, deficiencies identified
through contractor self-assessments/internal reviews, any related corrective actions undertaken
by the contractor, and inform the contractor of any issues or initiatives related to Government
CHAPTER 1 PROCESS Advise the contractor that daily out-briefs will be conducted to
summarize the efforts and findings of the day. If there are any deficiencies identified, the PA
will not indicate whether the deficiency meets the DFARS 252.245-7003 criteria for a
“significant deficiency,” since the ACO must make that determination. Upload entrance briefing documentation in CPAS. Resident PAs may hold a combined entrance and exit conference
in September of each year to summarize the findings of all reviews performed during the fiscal
year, and address the status of any outstanding deficiencies and corrective actions. This
conference will also identify the elements of property management that will be reviewed in the
upcoming fiscal year, inform the contractor of any issues or initiatives relating to Government
property, and provide the contractor the opportunity to discuss any issues related to Government
property. Additionally, the resident PA will hold exit conferences upon the completion of each
element to keep the contractor informed and provide timely feedback. PAs must not comment
on whether a deficiency is a “significant deficiency” nor offer an opinion on the property system
status, both of which determinations are exclusively within the authority of the warranted ACO.
9.7.2. PAs must execute and document the testing of elements in accordance with
the PMSA plan. PAs may modify the plan’s implementation as necessary, but are expected to
document the rationale behind any changes. The PA must maintain work papers with descriptive and
quantitative data that supports the contractual requirements under review. Note that “YES" or
''NO" answers are not descriptive and quantitative data. They are conclusions, which are not
acceptable without evidence. PAs will use the approved worksheets and associated guidance in
chapter 2, documenting the required data, but may add additional data, as applicable. The work papers must provide clear, factual evidence sufficient to
allow a third party to replicate the findings. The PA must upload all work papers and supporting
documentation in CPAS in the appropriate portfolio prior to submitting the Business System
Analysis Summary and Audit Report to the first level supervisor for review. Resident PAs will
upload documentation at the conclusion of the review of each element prior to submitting the
Business System Analysis Summary and Audit Report to the first level supervisor for review.
9.7.3. Analyze the Defects. The PA must: Analyze the defects from both a quantitative, (using established
statistical sampling tablesacceptance and rejection rates for set populations), and a qualitative
(impact and materiality) perspective. Statistical sampling requires that the double sampling plan
be followed completely in order to draw conclusions regarding the statistical significance of any
defects identified. A noncompliance is considered to be statistically significant if the number of
defects identified exceed the threshold identified in the double sampling plan to reject the
population. A noncompliance with the terms and conditions of the contract based on a
statistically significant number of defects in a sample is a deficiency that requires correction,
regardless of its impact and materiality. Noncompliances based on a statistically significant
number of defects require correction to the population, rather than to the selected samples only.
These noncompliances must be reported in the Business System Analysis Summary and Audit
Report. Review appropriate source and supporting documents pertaining
to each element. Ensure alignment of testing and sampling results with the
contractor’s written procedures.
9.7.4. Conduct an exit conference. Upon completion of the on-site PMSA, the
PA must utilize a slide show presentation to summarize the activities and daily out-briefs held
with contractor personnel, and: Invite contractor managerial personnel and the ACO to attend. Maintain a sign-in roster of attendees. Discuss findings, recommendations, and concerns identified
during the course of the PMSA, and any contractor actions taken to correct deficiencies. PAs
will ensure that any recommendations made could not be construed as constructive changes to a
contract. PAs must not comment on whether a deficiency is significant nor offer an opinion on a
determination of the property system status, both of which are solely within the authority of the
warranted ACO. Ensure that a written record of the activities of the exit conference
is established, and retained in the PMSA file.
9.8. Performance of a Limited PMSA. PAs must ensure that the level of review is
sufficient to determine the adequacy of the contractor’s property management system. If the PA
determines that a limited PMSA is appropriate based on risk, no formal entrance briefing is
required; however, the PA must:
9.8.1. Send the standard “Limited PMSA Questionnaire” to the contractor, which
covers questions for each applicable element of the contractor’s property management system.
Use of this standard questionnaire is mandatory. The questionnaire is located on the GCPG
Team page on the DoD365 website in the template library. PAs will ensure that they use the
current version of the questionnaire.
9.8.2. Conduct telephone interviews with contractor personnel to supplement the
contractor’s responses to the questionnaire. The PA must ensure that the level of review is
sufficient to determine the adequacy of the contractor’s property management system.
9.8.3. Verify results of the interviews by obtaining and assessing samples of
relevant documents and data, (e.g., purchase orders, receiving logs, and records for all applicable
property types). While statistical sampling is not required, the PA must view and assess the
compliance of documents that are representative of those produced by the contractor’s system.
9.8.4. Notify the contractor of potential findings as they are identified during the
PMSA. PAs must not comment on whether a deficiency is significant nor offer an opinion on a
determination of the property system status, both of which fall under the authority of the
warranted ACO.
9.8.5. Depending on the extent or potential significance of findings, PAs may
need to expand the scope of review to a standard PMSA. If expansion of the review is
contemplated, the PA must coordinate with their first level supervisor.
9.8.6. Analyze the defects. (refer to paragraph 9.7.3.)
9.8.7. Conduct an exit conference, which may be accomplished via telephone,
with relevant contractor personnel to discuss the findings, recommendations and concerns
identified during the course of the PMSA, and any contractor actions taken to correct
deficiencies. PAs will ensure that contractor managerial personnel and the ACO are invited to
the exit conference. PAs may not comment on whether a deficiency is significant nor offer an
opinion on a determination of the property system status, both of which are exclusively within
the authority of the warranted ACO.
9.8.8. Document the record. Establish a written record of the activities of the exit
conference and retain in the PMSA file.
10.1. PAs will prepare a PMSA Audit Report.
10.1.1. The PA must use the current Audit Report template located in the
template library within the GCPG Team page on DoD365 to describe:
The populations used to test each element reviewed
The size of the population
The type of sample reviewed
The size of the sample
The method used to select the sample
The confidence level used, if applicable
The quantitative and qualitative information obtained for elements with identified
The information provided by contractor personnel for elements with identified
10.1.2. PAs must document their analysis, thoroughly describe their findings
when noncompliances are identified, and indicate whether each element that was reviewed
complies with contract requirements. An explanation and written analysis is required to support
all of the PA’s determinations of noncompliances in the Audit Report, regardless of whether a
standard or limited PMSA was performed.
10.1.3. First level supervisors will review and sign all PMSA Audit Reports,
certifying that the report adequately describes the PMSA and its findings, that testing methods
were sufficient to analyze the effectiveness of the property management system, and support the
findings and conclusions. The PA must not send their Business System Analysis Summary or
Audit Report to the ACO until the PA’s supervisor has concurred with their conclusions.
10.1.4. Resident PAs will complete Audit Reports throughout the year as
elements are tested, and will provide them to the DACO or CACO along with the Business
System Analysis Summary within 30 days after review of the element is completed. Each Audit
Report will address only the results of the current elements reviewed in the body of the report.
The results of the reviews for elements that have been previously reviewed and reported within
in the fiscal year will only be addressed in the table of elements. The PA will create and
maintain a portfolio in CPAS that contains all Audit Reports and Business System Analysis
Summaries issued throughout the fiscal year.
10.2. Prepare a Business System Analysis Summary. The Business System Analysis
Summary is an internal DCMA document that is intended to assist the ACO in identifying
significant deficiencies in the contractor’s property management system in accordance with
DFARS 252.245-7003. The PA must not release the Business System Analysis Summary to
anyone other than the ACO, as this is a pre-decisional document providing technical advice.
Upon completion of a PMSA, and in addition to the Audit Report, the PA must:
10.2.1. Prepare a Business System Analysis Summary, using the Business
System Analysis Summary template located on the GCPG Team page on DoD365 in the
template library. The PA will assure the Business System Analysis Summary provides a clear
description of the elements the PA reviewed and detailed results, such that the ACO can use the
Business System Analysis Summary to determine the significance of any deficiencies.
10.2.2. PAs will forward the Business System Analysis Summary and Audit
Report to the ACO within 30 calendar days after an exit conference with the contractor for both
standard and limited PMSAs. Resident PAs will forward their reports to the ACO within 30
days of completion of each element review. The date the Business System Analysis Summary is sent to the
ACO is considered the PMSA completion date for CPAS. Further, the date on the Business
System Analysis Summary must match the date that the reports are provided to the ACO. The PA must load all documentation, including workpapers, into
CPAS before submitting the Audit Report and BSAS to the first level supervisor and prior to the
completion date. In no case is it permissible for a PA to backdate a PMSA completion date in
CPAS. This requirement to load documentation into CPAS applies for Resident PAs as elements
are completed throughout the year as well. CPAS should be current, containing all support
documentation prepared to date.
10.3. PAs must populate the 3x22 chart documenting when each of the 22 elements was
reviewed last, and upload the chart to the PMSA tab in CPAS. This chart must be loaded prior to
submission of the Audit Report and Business System Analysis Summary to the first level
10.3.1. Please note that the chart is designed to capture the last full review of
each element. Purposive or other reviews that only test a subset of the population do not
fully address the requirement to test each applicable element at least once every 3 years
(based on risk).
10.3.2. Example. If a PA only tested sensitive records, the records of all other
Government property still needs to be tested on the appropriate cycle based on risk (refer
to paragraph 12.5). If a partial review is performed, that must be clearly identified on the
3x22 chart.
12.1. The PA must determine and define any risk the contractor’s property management
system poses to the Government, and the level of that risk. PAs must focus on those risks
relating to Government property that the Government can influence. In cases where the PA does
not have the expertise or information to identify and evaluate particular risks, PAs must seek the
assistance of other functional specialists. At a minimum, for every contractor, PAs must
consider the risk that there will be shortcomings in the contractor’s property management system
that will materially affect the ability of DoD officials to rely upon information produced by the
system. To determine performance risk, the PA must:
12.1.1. Identify potential unfavorable future events (what could go wrong). PAs
may consider issues identified in previous PMSAs, the experience level of the contractor’s
workforce, the contractor’s location, and the nature of the business as factors that could result in
unfavorable future events.
12.1.2. Determine the likelihood of those events occurring. For example, the
likelihood of a hurricane hitting a coastal area is much greater than that of one hitting the
12.1.3. Estimate the consequence of those events (potential impact to the
Government if the event occurs). The amount, value, and nature of the property (e.g., sensitive,
hazardous, AA&E) are all relevant in assessing the consequence of the risk. The criticality of the
contract to which the property is accountable is among other relevant factors.
12.2. Assign risk rating. The PA must assign a risk rating after the PMSA’s completion
and no later than 10 calendar days after the ACO’s final determination regarding approval or
disapproval of the contractor’s property management system, or receipt of acceptable procedures
from a new contractor. If there is a disagreement between the PA and the first level supervisor
regarding the appropriate risk level to assign, the first level supervisor will elevate the
disagreement to the Regional Director for a final decision. When the property management
system contains sensitive property, the PA will perform an additional supplemental risk
assessment annually, addressing the sensitive Government property. If the risk has not changed
since the last PMSA, the PA can note that the risk is still accurate with no changes, and sign the
existing risk assessment with the new date to document the risk revalidation. In all cases, PAs
must ensure that their risk assessments document:
Risk level for the property management system.
Risk level for each of the applicable 22 property elements.
Risk level for elements tested separately for sensitive property will be
documented separately. Note that a contractor with sensitive property could have
an overall property management system that is low risk, with the exception of the
sensitive property.
The data or information supporting the identified risk level.
The known and projected impact on contract performance or on Government
property stewardship.
The estimated timeframe within which any projected impact may be realized.
12.2.1. High Risk. Factors that may indicate a rating of High risk is appropriate for a
property management system include one or more of the following:
Significant deficiencies identified.
Level III CAR(s) issued.
Disapproved property management system.
ACO has withdrawn assumption of risk.
Undocumented, inconsistent, or incomplete processes.
Pattern of questionable, incomplete, or non-existent procedures.
Data indicating the contractor’s potential inability to meet contractual
requirements (cost, schedule or performance issues).
Recurring excessive loss of Government property.
Dramatic increase in losses over previous years.
Unauthorized use or acquisition of Government property.
Investigations or findings of fraud, waste, and abuse.
Disallowance of acquisition costs.
Public safety or national security concerns.
Poor internal controls.
Pattern of non-responsiveness to requests for information.
Inventory balance discrepancies which cause schedule delays.
Value of accountable Government property exceeds $100M.
12.2.2. Moderate Risk. Factors that may indicate that a rating of Moderate risk is
appropriate for a property management system include the following:
Contractor’s lack of experience with furnished or acquired Government property
(new contractor), or procedures and a property management system that are not
fully developed.
New or changing conditions to a currently approved property management system
that pose a degree of uncertainty.
A previously high risk rating with all corrective actions completed but insufficient
implementation period to demonstrate low risk.
Deficiencies (other-than-significant deficiencies) as determined by the PA (level
II CAR issued) against 1 or more of the 22 property elements.
Established procedures that require testing or improvement.
Data indicating contractor’s potential inability to meet contractual requirements.
Increased losses of Government property over previous years.
Unresolved deficiencies.
Poor internal controls.
Value of accountable Government property: $25M - $99.9M.
12.2.3. Low Risk. Factors that may indicate that a rating of Low risk is
appropriate for a property management system include:
Compliant controls in all of the applicable property elements within the past 3
No incidents of excessive Government property loss, unauthorized use, or
inappropriate acquisitions.
Data indicating contractor’s ability to meet property-related contractual
Strong internal controls and continuous improvement focus.
No deficiencies or property CARs issued.
Value of accountable Government property: less than $25M.
12.3. Revalidation of risk. A revalidation is a limited, periodic check to ensure that the
most recently assigned risk rating is still valid. The PA will confirm the original risk level
determination or, if factors indicate a change, will conduct a new risk assessment and assign a
new risk level determination. The PA must revalidate assigned risk as often as conditions
warrant, but no less frequently than annually for all assigned contractors. The annual
revalidation must be performed at the beginning of the FY, and be completed no later than
October 30
, with the documentation uploaded into the next PMSA tab in CPAS.
12.4. The PA will upload risk assessment documentation and risk assessment completion
dates in CPAS. Risk assessments tied to the current PMSA will be loaded in the current PMSA
Tab. The PA will load risk revalidations and out-of-cycle risk assessments in the next scheduled
PMSA record Tab. Risk Assessments and revalidations will be documented using the template
located on the GCPG page in DoD365.
12.5. PMSA frequency will be based on risk assessments and the result of risk
revalidation (refer to paragraph 8.0). The PA may need to assess some elements more frequently
than others due to element-specific risk. Additionally, the PA may need to test sensitive property
on a different cycle than non-sensitive property if a contractor has a low or moderate overall
system risk. All high risk elements need to be assessed at least annually, moderate risk elements
at least every two years, and low risk elements at least every three years. Noncompliances
identified within a contractor’s property management system, even in situations where there is an
active corrective action plan for one or more elements, are not an acceptable reason for the PA to
delay performance of a PMSA that is due to be performed based on risk.
12.6. Occasionally, an element that had previously not been applicable will become
applicable: e.g., a contractor that had previously only had firm-fixed-price contracts is awarded
a cost-type contract for which they will be acquiring property; or a contractor that had previously
not had any subcontractor awards will need to award a subcontract with Government property.
In those circumstances, the PA may need to perform a PMSA earlier than originally planned, in
order to ensure that elements that had previously been identified as not applicable are tested
within a year of becoming applicable. The 3x22 chart must be used by PAs to ensure that all
elements are addressed.
ACTIONS. FAR 52.245-1(g)(3) states:
Should it be determined by the Government that the Contractor’s (or subcontractor’s)
property management practices are inadequate or not acceptable for the effective
management and control of Government property under this contract, or present an undue
risk to the Government, the Contractor shall prepare a corrective action plan when
requested by the Property Administrator and take all necessary corrective actions as
specified by the schedule within the corrective action plan.
Additional DoD contract clause requirements for corrective action plans for property
management system noncompliances are set out in DFARS 252.245-7003(e), which states:
If the Contractor receives the Contracting Officer’s final determination of significant
deficiencies, the Contractor shall, within 45 days of receipt of the final determination,
either correct the significant deficiencies or submit an acceptable corrective action plan
showing milestones and actions to eliminate the significant deficiencies.
PAs are required to follow the policy implementation in DCMA-MAN 2303-01, “Surveillance”
for both contractual noncompliances and business system noncompliances.
13.1. Contractual noncompliances can be discovered at any time, both during and outside
of the PMSA process. Only the ACO can determine a PMSA noncompliance to be a significant
deficiency (a level III or IV CAR). The PA, however, is responsible for issuing CARs to the
contractor for those noncompliances that do not meet the threshold of the definition of
significant’ (level I or II) once the ACO has made their determination.
13.2. If the PA receives notification of a suspected noncompliance from an outside
source, (e.g., other DCMA functional specialist, buying office, contractor CSA results), the PA
must first verify the existence of that noncompliance. Keep in mind that individuals not trained
in property administration may not be able to correctly identify a contractual noncompliance
related to property management. Additionally, not all noncompliances involving Government
property are related to the contractor’s property management system. PAs will provide
assistance to other functional specialist as necessary, but will only issue CARs for
noncompliances with FAR 52.245-1 and related contract property clauses.
13.3. Regardless of whether a noncompliance is discovered during a regularly scheduled
PMSA or at another time, the PA must include the details of the noncompliance in the Audit
Report and Business System Analysis Summary. PAs will draft a Level III CAR for the ACO to
accompany the reports if the ACO indicates that there are any deficiencies likely to be
considered significant. See DCMA-MAN 2303-01, which is referenced above, for DCMA
procedures to follow when issuing CARs. If the findings were discovered outside of a PMSA,
and the contractor was not scheduled to have a PMSA that year, the PA will generate a new tab
for the current fiscal year to document any newly-identified noncompliances.
13.3.1. PAs may issue a level I CAR only for deficiencies that are not potentially
significant and that the contractor corrected immediately, or that were fully corrected during the
PMSA. A PMSA may not be held open solely to allow the contractor additional time to correct
such a deficiency. If any additional corrective actions remain for the contractor to complete
when the PA performs the exit conference, the CAR issued to the contractor must be a level II or
higher. The PA must verify that any contractor corrective actions that are performed during the
PMSA are sufficient to correct the immediate deficiency, as well as prevent recurrence (e.g., the
contractor performed a physical inventory, and had the documentation to support the inventory;
however the contractor failed to provide the inventory report to the PA. As a corrective action,
the contractor provided the report of physical inventory results, and initiated an automated
reminder to do so in the future). For a deficiency identified based on a statistically significant
number of defects identified during statistical testing (i.e., the number of defects exceeded the
threshold to reject the lot based on population size), the corrective action must apply to the
population as a whole and may not be limited to the defective samples only. Generally, a
contractor will not be able to correct a statistically significant deficiency during the PMSA,
unless the contractor has a very small quantity of Government property. In all cases, the
corrective actions must be sufficient to not only correct the current defects, but to also to prevent
recurrence of the noncompliance.
13.3.2. PAs will issue Level II CARs only after the ACO has made a final
Property Business System determination that there are no potentially significant deficiencies. If
both potentially significant deficiencies and non-significant deficiencies are identified during the
property business system review, the PA will issue a Level II CAR for the non-significant
deficiencies after the ACO issues an initial determination letter. Resident PAs may coordinate
informally with the ACO to receive concurrence regarding potential significance for findings
reported on interim Business System Analysis Summaries.
13.3.3. PAs will issue a single CAR for all noncompliances of the same
significance. For example, if a contractor has one deficiency that was completely corrected
during the PMSA, six noncompliances determined by the ACO to be nonsignificant, and one
significant deficiency, the contractor would receive one level I CAR, one level II CAR
addressing each of the deficiencies identified, and one draft level III CAR.
13.3.4. PAs will reference any active CAR by including the associated CAR
number in the Notes field on the CPM screen in CPAS.
13.4. Review Contractor Corrective Action Plans.
13.4.1. PAs support ACOs in reviewing contractor corrective action plans
submitted in response to level III/IV CARs. PAs must monitor corrective actions as contractors
implement those corrective actions, and evaluate the effectiveness of the contractor’s corrective
action plan.
13.4.2. PAs review contractor corrective action plans for level II CARs in
accordance with the guidance in DCMA-MAN 2303-01, “Surveillance.” Proposed corrective
action plans that do not adequately address the noncompliance will be rejected, and the
contractor will be required to submit an updated plan. If the contractor’s proposed corrective
action plan implementation timeframe exceeds 90 calendar days, and the contractor is unable or
unwilling to shorten their correction timeframe, the PA will notify their first level supervisor
who will elevate the matter to the cognizant GCPG Regional Director for visibility. Timely
implementation of corrective actions, and testing of those corrections, is imperative to protect the
Government against unnecessary risk.
13.4.3. PAs will upload corrective action plans submitted by the contractor, as
well as documentation regarding CAP acceptability to the PDREP CAR application.
13.4.4. PAs will make monthly status updates for all outstanding CARs in the
PDREP CAR application.
13.4.5. PAs will pursue CAR escalation in accordance with the guidance in
DCMA-MAN 2303-01, “Surveillance” in circumstances where the contractor fails to submit an
adequate CAP, or fails to implement an acceptable corrective action plan.
13.5. All level II and higher CARs require testing by the PA to verify that the contractor
has effectively implemented any proposed corrective action plan, and that the implementation of
the plan is sufficient to both correct the immediate deficiency, and to prevent recurrences of the
same noncompliance. PAs must validate correction of Level I CARs before closing the CAR.
CARs may not be closed prior to testing by the PA to validate that the contractor has
successfully implemented the corrective action. Prior to closing a CAR, a PA must also seek
concurrence from the first level supervisor that the PA’s testing was sufficient to support such a
13.5.1. The extent of the PA’s reanalysis will vary based on the circumstances
and nature of the initial finding. The PA will use statistical testing in all cases where it would be
appropriate for testing the same element in a regularly scheduled PMSA. See chapter 2 of this
Guidebook for guidance on testing methodology.
13.5.2. In all cases, the PA must validate successful implementation of corrective
actions as soon as possible after the contractor reports that corrective actions have been fully
implemented. Validation of correction of deficiencies identified in CARs take precedence over
all other PA work duties. For transactional elements, the PA should only perform an
assessment after there are sufficient transactions to test. This will generally occur at least 90
calendar days, but no more than 120 calendar days, after the contractor reports that its corrective
action plan has been completed. Because the reanalysis tests the success of the corrective action
plan’s implementation, only transactions that occur after the corrective actions are completed
will be included in a reanalysis population, unless the reanalysis is performed concurrently with
a regularly scheduled PMSA. For those deficiencies identified in a level II CAR, the PA must
perform the reanalysis within 180 calendar days of issuance of the ACO’s final determination.
The PA will work with their first level supervisor to obtain written approval from the Regional
Director if there are circumstances that prevent a reanalysis from being performed within the
aforementioned timeframe. If it is unlikely that the contractor will have sufficient transactions to
support an assessment in a reasonable amount of time after completion of the contractor’s
corrective action (for example, the finding is in an element that is not currently applicable to the
contractor’s property management system), the PA may perform the verification based on
whether there is a reasonable expectation that the corrective actions taken would likely prevent
further deficiencies. If the element becomes applicable in the future, the PA must test the
element during the next scheduled PMSA. For elements that are not tested based on transactional data, the
PA must validate the success of the corrective actions as soon as possible upon notification from
the contractor that those corrective actions have been fully implemented. The PA must document validation of successful implementation
of corrective actions in an Audit Report and Business System Analysis Summary, and provide
them to the ACO upon completion, regardless of whether the initial finding of noncompliance
was discovered during a PMSA. The PA will load all files, to include work papers and other
support documentation, in CPAS under the associated reanalysis tab. If the ACO elects not to
send an updated notification letter after the completion of a reanalysis to a contractor with only
nonsignificant deficiencies, the PA will use the date that the CAR is closed as the results notified
date on the PMSA reanalysis tab in CPAS. The PA must notify the ACO if additional deficiencies or
unsatisfactory implementation of the contractor’s corrective action is identified. The PA will
document this determination in an Audit Report and Business System Analysis Summary, and
provide these business system reports to the ACO. All files, to include work papers and other
support documentation are to be loaded in CPAS under the associated reanalysis tab, and a
second reanalysis tab will be generated. If the contractor fails to successfully implement
corrective actions, the PA will pursue escalation of the CAR following the procedures set out in
DCMA Manual 2303-01, “Surveillance.”
13.6. If a contractor identifies a deficiency in the property management system during its
self assessment, and takes appropriate and effective corrective action, the PA will not issue a
CAR unless the PA later determines that the contractor’s corrective action is ineffective. That
said, a contractor may not use self-identification of a deficiency to circumvent the Contractor
Business System process. If the contractor fails to notify the PA of a deficiency until after the
contractor has received the PMSA notification letter, the PA will include that deficiency in their
Audit Report and Business System Analysis Summary.
13.7. PAs must document CARs using the CAR module in the Product Data Reporting
and Evaluation (PDREP) application, and are expected to upload all relevant documentation,
(e.g., the contractor’s root cause analysis and corrective action plan and written communication
regarding the acceptability of that corrective action plan), as attachments within the tool. When
documenting a CAR for a noncompliance that is not contract specific, the PA will enter the
prime contract with the largest dollar value in the “Contract Number” field, include the
statement, “See attached listing for additional contract numbers associated with this CAR” in the
“Executive Summary” field, and then upload a list of all contracts included in the PMSA as an
attachment to the CAR. If a contractor has fewer than 10 contracts with property administered
by DCMA, the PA may enter the contracts using the “Add Contract” feature, rather than
uploading a list. Additionally, PAs will provide status updates within the tool at least once every
30 days. PAs must not delete previously entered comments.
13.8. The PA will recommend that the ACO revoke the contractor’s limited risk of loss
in circumstances when the ACO has disapproved the contractor’s property management system,
using the template located on the GCPG page on the DoD365 website.
reporting includes losses of any kind, including damage and those property losses that occur
under contracts containing DFARS 252.228-7001, “Ground-and-Flight Risk Clause (GFRC).”
When the contract contains the GFRC and the Government Flight Representative (GFR) or
alternate has determined liability and provided the recommendation to the ACO, the PA must
ensure the Property Loss Function in the PIEE GFP Module is properly updated.
14.1. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the PA, contractors are required to
investigate, disclose, and report all incidents of Government property loss as soon as the facts are
14.1.1. The PA may determine that it is in the Government’s best interest to
allow for an alternate reporting schedule, and agree to contractor reporting on a regularly
scheduled basis, such as monthly or quarterly, except for losses involving sensitive property.
PAs may not approve contractor reporting of recognized losses less frequently than quarterly.
The PA must approve a contractor’s alternate reporting schedule (i.e., other than as soon as the
facts are known) in writing. The PA will ensure that the contractor clearly addresses the
circumstances, defining property and classes of property, subject to reporting on an alternate
schedule, in its property management procedures.
14.1.2. If the contractor is allowed to report the loss of low risk property on a less
frequent basis, the PA must closely track those losses to look for trends and to ensure that there
is no increase in the amount of property lost in excess of what would be anticipated if the losses
were not reported on an alternate schedule.
14.1.3. With the exception of normal and reasonable inventory adjustments, as
agreed to by the contractor and the PA in accordance with DFARS 252.245-7002 “Reporting
Loss of Government Property,” PAs may not excuse contractors from reporting property loss
regardless of the property value. Contractor reporting is required for all incidents of property
loss, to include those that may be considered workmanship damage (i.e., damage to Government
property that reduces the Government’s expected benefit, and does not fall under the category of
manufacturing defects). These losses must be reviewed by the PA so that the PA has visibility of
any trends. Additionally, adjudicating these losses ensures that the contractor is accurately
identifying root causes and mitigating potential future losses appropriately. When suspected
workmanship damage occurs to aircraft and DFARS 252.228-7001 is included in the contract,
the PA will consult with the GFR, the cognizant ACO, and their assigned legal counsel.
14.1.4. PAs must ensure that contractors provide the required information
prescribed at FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(vii)(B)(1) through (12) in the Property Loss Function in the
PIEE GFP Module, regardless of reporting frequency. Contractors must be able to support all
data included in property loss reports, to include acquisition value, repair cost, and any other
proposed intrinsic values that the contractor would like the PA to consider.
14.2. PAs must report all incidents of property loss:
14.2.1. To DCMA-DCS (Security Division) and Defense Counterintelligence and
Security Agency (DCSA) when Government property contains, or potentially contains, sensitive
or classified data.
14.2.2. To DCMA-DCS, DCSA, and the appropriate law enforcement agency,
when Government property contains arms, ammunition, or explosives.
15.1. The PA must evaluate property loss reports from the contractor upon receipt, and
within 10 days reject cases that do not:
15.1.1. Involve property that meets the FAR 52.245-1(a) definition of
Government property and the DFARS 252.245-7002 definition and reporting criteria for loss of
Government property.
15.1.2. Contain required information identified in FAR 52.245-1(f)(vii)(B)(1)
through (12), and source documents to support the data. Each line item of loss must be reflected.
It is not appropriate for a contractor to state that they have “1 Lot of various items,” because this
does not allow for IUID to be updated or for future updates to be made in the event that items are
later located.
15.2. Insufficient information in contractor property loss report. PAs must inform the
contractor in writing, clearly describing which information is insufficient, and provide the
contractor with a suspense for resubmittal. PAs will monitor the contractor’s response to ensure
the loss is correctly reported, and will follow up with the contractor if they do not meet the
timeframe identified in the rejection. Additionally, if the reported loss does not meet the
definition and reporting criteria for “loss of Government property,” as defined in FAR 45.101,
PAs must inform the contractor in writing of the reason for the rejection and have the contractor
withdraw the case.
15.3. Within 90 calendar days of receipt of an acceptable property loss report from the
contractor, the PA must:
15.3.1. Review the contract terms and conditions to determine whether the
contract specifies that the risk of loss is assumed by the Government or the contractor. If one or
more subcontractors contributed to or caused the loss, the PA will assess the extent of
subcontractor responsibility and liability. The PA will consider whether the loss occurred at the
subcontractor, and review the terms and conditions flowed down in the subcontract agreement
(e.g., if the prime contractor flowed down full risk of loss in the subcontract, the prime contractor
would be expected to enforce those terms and conditions, and secure reimbursement to be passed
on to the Government).
15.3.2. Evaluate the facts concerning any payment the contractor may receive or
be entitled to receive for the loss from a third party, including whether the loss is covered by
insurance or the contractor was (or expects to be) otherwise reimbursed. If the contractor
expects to be reimbursed, then the PA must ensure that the contractor pursues that
reimbursement. Potential Insurance Coverage Or Other Reimbursement.
Whether a loss is covered by insurance or whether the contractor will be otherwise reimbursed
may be in doubt for a considerable period of time. For example, an insurance claim may be in
dispute or the subject of litigation. In cases where the contractor is expected to receive
reimbursement, but that reimbursement has not yet been received, the PA should reject the loss
case until the contractor has either secured reimbursement or determined that there will be no
reimbursement. The PA will encourage the contractor to ensure that all facts regarding the loss,
to include the potential for reimbursement are known prior to submission of a formal loss report.
CHAPTER 1 PROCESS The Government does not have privity of contract with
subcontractors. Accordingly, the Government cannot hold a subcontractor liable for the loss of
Government property under the terms of the prime contract. All liability determinations are
made based on the terms and conditions of the prime contract. Regardless of whether the prime
has flowed down full or limited risk of loss to a subcontractor, the prime contractor, as part of its
contractual responsibility to assure its subcontracts are properly administered, is responsible for
investigating all losses, determining whether the subcontractor is liable, ensuring the
subcontractor takes appropriate corrective action and, if appropriate, requiring the subcontractor
to reimburse the prime for the loss. If the prime contractor fails to take timely, effective,
good faith efforts to enforce the liability provision in its subcontracts, the cognizant PA for the
prime contract will submit a Business System Analysis Summary (BSAS) and Audit Report to
the ACO identifying the deficiency as a failure to assure that subcontractors are properly
15.3.2..2. If the subcontract does not have any provision
addressing liability for loss, the cognizant prime contractor PA should seek the advice of
assigned legal counsel to determine whether the prime contractor has a reasonable expectation of
reimbursement from the subcontractor.
15.3.3. The PA will determine if property loss was caused by deficiencies in the
contractor’s property management system, (e.g., if the contractor is not screening for excess
property, and therefore has property on-hand that is not required for contract performance, and
regularly reports losses that do not require repair or replacement, those losses could be traced to
their failure to declare and dispose of excess property in a timely manner). If the loss stems from
issues in the contractor’s property management system, the PA will document the
noncompliance in accordance with paragraph 13 of this Guidebook.
15.3.4. If DFARS 252.228-7001, “Ground and Flight Risk,” is in the contract,
and the property loss occurred to an aircraft in the open (as defined in DFARS 252.228-7001),
the PA must forward the case to the GFR or alternate for adjudication. The GFR or alternate is
responsible for making a liability recommendation to ACO.
15.4. If the PA concludes, after application of the contract terms and conditions to the
facts, that the risk of loss is assumed by the Government, the PA must relieve the contractor of
responsibility and liability in writing, consistent with Certificate of Appointment authority, and
provide the ACO with a copy of that determination. PAs will note that relief of responsibility is
only appropriate in situations where the contractor is no longer in possession of the property. If
the property remains in the possession of the contractor, (i.e., damaged property, or residual
destroyed property), only relief of liability will be granted, as the contractor is responsible for
disposing of the property in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. An IPMS
does not have a Certificate of Appointment, and would therefore need to have a PA make the
liability determination to relieve a contractor for loss of Government property or make the
recommendation to the ACO that the contractor be held liable for the loss.
15.5. If the PA determines, based upon the criteria identified in FAR 52.245-1(h), that
the potential property loss was a risk imposed upon the contractor, the PA must recommend one
of the following alternatives to the ACO in writing using the Property Loss Liability
Recommendation Letter Template:
Hold the contractor fully or partially responsible and liable for the property’s unit
acquisition cost. If replacement is required, and the cost to replace the property
exceeds the unit acquisition cost, the PA will recommend the contractor be held
responsible for the higher liability amount;
Authorize the contractor to repair or replace the property;
Determine a form of consideration appropriate for the circumstances.
15.6. PAs will maintain data integrity within the Property Loss Function in the PIEE
GFP Module to document results of evaluations, analyses, investigations, recommendations and
ACO determinations. PAs will regularly upload relevant support documentation (emails,
memoranda, letters), and are responsible for entering status updates on a monthly basis until the
case is completed and closed. ACO and GFR status updates may be made directly within the
Property Loss Function in the PIEE GFP Module or via email. It is, however, ultimately the
PAs responsibility to ensure that all updates are documented in the Property Loss Function in
the PIEE GFP Module. For contractors that do not have a contractual requirement to use the
Property Loss Function in the PIEE GFP Module, the PA may need to enter the loss report on the
contractor’s behalf. PAs must not upload any sensitive or proprietary information to the
Property Loss Function in the PIEE GFP Module.
15.6.1. PAs must upload all relevant support documentation relating to the PL
case. Minimum documentation to be loaded includes the Property Loss MFR, the Property Loss
Checklist, a Property Loss Liability Recommendation Letter (if applicable), and any relevant
emails or documents provided by the contractor. All documentation must be completed and
loaded to the Property Loss Function in the PIEE GFP Module upon the PA’s determination to
either relieve the contractor of liability or recommend that the ACO hold the contractor liable.
The PA will enter the ACOs contact information in the PL case to ensure that the ACO receives
automated email notifications regarding status changes.
15.6.2. If the ACO concurs with the PA’s recommendation of liability, the PA
will also upload the demand letter and any evidence of restitution and close the loss case within
10 calendar days of receiving the documentation from the ACO in the Property Loss Function in
the PIEE GFP Module.
15.7. Acquisition Cost, Liability Value, Repair Cost, And Government And Contractor
Portions. Accurately reflecting the appropriate dollar values in the correct fields is imperative
for the Government Contract Property Group’s data integrity, and ability to produce useful and
reliable information for our customers. The liability value depends on the type of loss, and
whether the item needs to be replaced. If replacement is needed, this would be the cost to
replace; if the item is damaged and requires repair, this would be the repair cost.
15.7.1. In all cases, the contractor is expected to provide support for applicable
values. Acquisition cost must be documented using an invoice, receipt, purchase order, GFP list,
or similar documentation. Proposed repair costs need to be supported by the contractor.
Additionally, if the contractor believes that the intrinsic value of an item is less than the initial
acquisition cost, this position needs to be supported. If the contractor’s position is not
convincing, the PA need not accept it. PAs will keep in mind that the intrinsic value could be
greater than the acquisition cost, depending on the circumstances and current or future need. The
PA will use the appropriate intrinsic value as the liability value, and will include it with any
liability recommendations forwarded to the ACO.
15.7.2. The Government and contractor portions must add up to the liability value
for each item, and must be updated for each line item before relieving the contractor of
stewardship and/or responsibility, or recommending liability. The amount assessed field is
mandatory when recommending liability, and must equal the liability value. If an ACO
ultimately holds a contractor liable for a different amount than recommended, the PA must
update the amount assessed before closing the loss case.
15.9. The PA will determine whether a property loss was caused by deficiencies in the
contractor’s property management system. If that is the case, the PA will issue a CAR,
following the guidance in paragraph 13 of this Guidebook. Deficiencies in the contractor’s
system may have been previously documented, or they could be uncovered as a result of the
property loss investigation. For example, the PA must pay special attention to whether the
contractor regularly identifies losses of property that does not require repair or replacement.
This is an indicator of a potential weakness in the contractor’s Declaration of Excess process.
15.10. PAs will monitor and document the performance of contractor corrective actions
resulting from property loss cases, exercising good judgment in determining the nature and
extent of the appropriate review process. Infrequent losses of low value property may require
nothing more than a review of the contractor’s proposed corrective action to confirm it is
appropriate and adequate. Losses of high value property, recurring losses, and those indicative of
deficiencies in the contractor’s property management system will require more extensive reviews
and more formal documentation. Such reviews may also require the PA to make site visits. In
all cases, the PA will ensure that:
15.10.1. The corrective action taken or proposed is appropriate and adequate,
15.10.2. The contractor performs the corrective action, and
15.10.3. The corrective action was effective and will prevent recurrence.
15.11. The PA will not keep a property loss case open solely because corrective action
has not been completed if the PA has determined that the proposed corrective actions are likely
to be successful. If the proposed corrective actions are not expected to correct the conditions that
led to the loss, the PA will require the contractor to resubmit an acceptable corrective action.
15.12. The PA must ensure proper disposition is completed for any property that remains
after a liability determination has been made. Relief of liability and stewardship for damaged or
destroyed property does not change title to that property. If the contractor is not repairing the
property for further use under the contract, then the PA must ensure that the contractor reports
the property to the Plant Clearance Capability in the PIEE GFP Module.
15.13. Property Found After Relief is Granted. The contractor is required to report when
any GP that had previously been reported as lost is later found. The PA will re-open the loss
case, and update the item that was found with the found date, quantity found, and any change to
the intrinsic value of the loss case, if all items were not found upon receipt of such a report. The
PA will consult with the ACO and the ACO’s assigned legal counsel to determine a course of
action if property for which the contractor has been held liable is later found.
16.1. PAs will perform contract property closeout actions when contract performance is
complete, which generally aligns with the final delivery date, and after verification and
completion of:
Proper disposition of all accountable property by the contractor, including plant
clearance resolution;
Adjudication by the Government of any outstanding property loss cases;
Termination of Document Control Number, if applicable for contracts delegated from
other Government agencies;
Receipt and verification of final physical inventory results, unless waived in writing
by the PA;
Receipt of a property close out notification in writing from the contractor stating that
all closeout actions are complete, and that there is no residual property accountable to
the contract. PAs will upload the close out notification from the contractor in IWMS.
16.2. PAs must conduct MOCAS property administration closeout within 10 calendar
days of receipt of property closeout notification from the contractor via the CPAS eTool.
Clicking on the CPAS “Close Contract” icon within the “Contract History Page” on the
contractor’s main CPM screen will generate a MOCAS R9 “55” code, indicating property
administration is closed. PAs are expected to verify that contract closeout actions taken in CPAS
lead to updates within MOCAS. PAs can do this by verifying that changes are processed by
reviewing MOCAS Submit History in CPAS after submitting a closeout transaction in CPAS.
Possible reasons for a MOCAS submit failure include the following: scheduled updates where
the system is down for processing (nightly, monthly, and end-of-year), expired MOCAS
password, wrong MOCAS password input into CPAS, incorrect geographic MOC selected for
the CAGE code, MOCAS account revocation (due to inactivity), and PA attempts to perform
transactions within CPAS while logged into MOCAS. If contract closeout fails for one of the
reasons above, the PA is expected to correct the underlying issue, or await system availability,
and resubmit the transaction.
16.3. Prior to closing property administration in CPAS for a contractor’s property
management system, PAs will pull a MOCAS report to ensure that there are no DCMA
administered contracts with potential property administration requirements without an associated
55 remark. The 55 remark in MOCAS is used to indicate that all property closeout actions have
been completed on a contract. This ensures that there are no contracts that should have been
accepted for administration that still require oversight.
16.4. PAs will review their workload in CPAS at least monthly to identify contracts
nearing their final scheduled delivery and production completion dates. For those contracts that
have passed the final delivery date indicated in MOCAS, the PA will send the contractor a
request for status indicating the contract number or numbers, and referencing the closeout
requirements identified in FAR 52.245-1(j)(3). As a reminder, it is the contractor’s
responsibility to have a process in place to identify contracts nearing completion, and proactively
begin closeout actions in order to meet the closeout timeframes described within 52.245-1(j). If
a contractor is relying on the PA to tell the contractor when to initiate closeout actions, the
contractor’s property management system is not adequate to satisfy the requirements of FAR
16.5. If the contractor does not perform property closeout activities in accordance with
its procedures and within the timeframes identified in FAR 52.245-1(j)(3), the PA will issue a
CAR requiring correction regardless of whether the delays are identified during a PMSA, unless
the following exception applies:
16.5.1. If the PA identifies that a contractor is retaining property for more than 60
days past the contract’s final delivery date (or 30 days beyond when the property was identified
as excess to the needs of a contract), and that contractor is able to show that they have
proactively and regularly contacted the PCO to a request a transfer of property to another
contract, the PA will assist the contractor with getting resolution. Proactive and regular
communication means upon discovery, and at least once within the 30 days prior to identification
by the PA.
16.5.2. Upon the PA’s identification of contracts for which property closeout
actions are being delayed by lack of PCO response, the PA will elevate the issue to their First
Level Supervisor for further elevation to the cognizant Government Contract Property Group
Regional Director. The Regional Directors will then contact the buying commands to request
resolution. During this process, the PA will not request corrective actions from the contractor for
property closeout for any affected contract, unless other noncompliances exist. If the contractor
cannot perform property closeout activities within a reasonable amount of time after the FDD for
reasons outside of the contractor’s control that result in a need to retain the property for ongoing
work that must be performed under the contract, the PA will document the delay rationale in
CPAS CPM comments PAs will remove comments when the closeout status changes.
17.1. Grants and Other Agreements: Grants and other agreements will be administered
according to the terms and conditions included in those agreements, and the relevant regulations
referenced therein. The most common regulation for grants and other agreements is the DoD
Grant and Agreement Regulations (DoDGARs). Additional guidance is located in DCMA-MAN
2501-08, “Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Transactions.” PAs will document their
reviews in the same manner used for other PMSAs, utilizing the standard Business System
Analysis Summary and Audit Report templates, adjusting references as necessary.
17.2. Sensitive Property:
17.2.1. FAR clause 52.245-1(a) defines sensitive property as:
. . . property potentially dangerous to the public safety or security if stolen, lost,
misplaced, or that shall be subject to exceptional physical security, protection, control,
and accountability. Examples include weapons, ammunition, explosives, controlled
substances, radioactive materials, hazardous materials or waste, or precious metals.
17.2.2. Table 61 of Volume 10 of DoD 4100.39-M further designates sensitive
property by providing for the assignment of a Controlled Item Inventory Code (CIIC) to sensitive
items. If the Government property does not have a CIIC, as described below, it is not considered
sensitive for the purposes of property oversight, and the PA will not be include the property in
the sensitive populations when performing a PMSA. The item codes are as follows:
Highest Sensitivity (Category I) - Nonnuclear missiles and rockets in a ready-to-
fire configuration (for example, Hamlet, Redeye, Stinger, Dragon, LAW, and
Viper) and explosive rounds for nonnuclear missiles and rockets. This category
also applies in situations where the launcher (tube) and the explosive rounds,
though not in a ready-to-fire configuration, are jointly stored or transported.
High Sensitivity (Category II) - Arms, ammunition, and explosives.
Moderate Sensitivity (Category III) - Arms, ammunition, and explosives.
Low Sensitivity (Category IV) - Arms, ammunition, and explosives.
Highest Sensitivity (Category I) - Arms, ammunition, and explosives with a
physical security classification of Secret.
Highest Sensitivity (Category I) - Arms, ammunition, and explosives with a
physical security classification of Confidential.
High Sensitivity (Category II) - Arms, ammunition, and explosives with a
physical security classification of Confidential.
Category C - Moderate Sensitivity (Category III) and Low Sensitivity (Category
IV) - confidential arms, ammunition, and explosives.
Category Q - An item that is a drug or other substance determined by the
Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice, to be
designated Schedule Symbol III, IV, and V as defined in the Controlled Substance
Act of 1970. Other items requiring secure storage.
Category R - Precious metals, a drug or other controlled substance designated as a
Schedule I or II item in accordance with the Controlled Substance Act of 1970.
Other selected sensitive items requiring storage in a vault or safe.
Category $ - Identifies Nuclear Weapons Use Control (UC) Ground Equipment
which is CIIC unclassified but may require special controls. Use Control Ground
Equipment is described as recorders, verifiers, adapters, power supplies, cables,
programmers, monitors, controllers, code processors, power converters,
computers and data modules which perform a Nuclear Weapon Use Control
17.2.3. When a contract identifies sensitive property, or such property is reported
by the contractor, PAs will perform annual reviews of Written Procedures, Receiving,
Discrepancies Incident to Shipment, Records, Physical Inventory, Declaration of Excess,
Consumption, Storage, Storage Commingling, and Disposal. The reviews of Records, Storage,
and Storage Commingling must be performed on-site. All other reviews may be performed
17.2.4. PAs will conduct a standard PMSA no later than 6 months after sensitive
property is initially received by a contractor.
17.2.5. The on-site review requirement for sensitive property may be waived by
the cognizant Regional Property Director based on recommendation from the PA’s first level
supervisor. Any waiver must be in writing, and uploaded to the current PMSA tab in CPAS.
Waivers must be renewed each year. It is recommended, however, that PAs enlist the assistance
of other functional specialists to assist in the on-site portion of the review rather than request a
waiver, because the annual review requirement is based on the additional risk that sensitive
property poses.
17.3. Approving Receipt and Issue in Lieu of Formal Records (R&I): PAs have the
authority to allow a contractor to use an R&I system in place of formal property records for
Government material in accordance with FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(iii)(B). Contracts that include
DFARS 252.242-7004, “Material Management and Accounting System” (MMAS) cannot be
granted R&I approvals.
17.3.1. Prior to approving an R&I system, PAs will require that the contractor
provide written procedures that clearly identify how the contractor will document receipt,
issuance, and use of the material within its system. The procedures must also address how and
when material that was issued, but not used, will be identified and added to the contractor’s
formal records. As a reminder, if a contractor is purchasing material from a vendor that requires
minimum purchase quantities that exceed the quantity that the contractor requires, the procedures
must describe how the contractor will create a formal record and document the transaction. If
there are any limitations to the types of material that will be included in the R&I system, the
procedures must define those limitations as well. PAs will note that the R&I system requires
documentation of the actual use of the material in order to be acceptable.
17.3.2. The PA will ensure that the contractor’s procedures clearly identify how
the contractor defines immediate consumption. In order to qualify as immediate, the material
would need to be consumed in less time than it would take to create a formal record. In most
cases, this will be within 5 business days.
17.3.3. All approvals for R&I will be in writing, signed by a PA with a
Certificate of Appointment, and issued only on a contract-by-contract basis. Blanket approvals
are not allowed.
17.3.4. R&I is not appropriate for production environments, and therefore PAs
may not approve R&I requests for production contracts.
17.4. Waiving the Final Inventory Requirement: PAs have the authority to waive the
final inventory that contractors are required to perform upon contract completion or termination
in accordance with FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(iv).
17.4.1. PAs will require contractors who wish to have their final inventory
waived to make the waiver request in writing. The PA must only approve waivers in writing,
and the waiver approval must be signed by a PA with a Certificate of Appointment and the first
level supervisor documenting concurrence. PAs are expected to coordinate with the cognizant
PLCO prior to approving a waiver.
17.4.2. Waivers will only be considered for contractors that currently have
approved property management systems, with no outstanding findings of noncompliance in the
elements of Records or Physical Inventory. Additional considerations that PAs should take
account of in reviewing waivers include how recently the last physical inventory was performed,
overall property loss rates, and whether the property is being transferred to a follow-on contract.
Additionally, PAs will not waive final inventories of sensitive Government property.
17.5. Memorandums of Agreement (MOA): PAs will adhere to the terms and conditions
included in any duly signed MOA or direction from Office of the Secretary of Defense. All
active MOAs will be located on the DoD365 website and the Resource Page for DCMA-MAN
2301-01 “Contractor Business Systems.”
17.6. Contractor Scrap Procedures: PAs will coordinate with the PLCO when reviewing
contractor scrap procedures to ensure that the scrap disposal processes, methods, and practices
allow for effective, efficient, and proper disposition of scrap property. Those procedures must
describe how the contractor physically segregates scrap within its storage, along with
descriptions of any special safeguards for sensitive property. If the contractor commingles
commercial and Government scrap, the contractor’s procedures must describe how the proceeds
of scrap sales are divided. Additionally, the procedures must describe how the contractor will
select scrap vendors, and how the contractor will document the crediting of the proceeds of a
scrap sale (i.e., what documentation is provided to prove that payments have been applied
appropriately). PAs will also coordinate with the PLCO when testing the element of Disposal to
ensure that any concerns that the PLCO has related to disposal of scrap are addressed.
17.7. Rent-free Non-interference Use of Government Property: Occasionally, a PCO
will authorize a contractor to use special tooling, special test equipment, or equipment on a
Government contract other than the contract to which it is accountable on a rent-free non-
interference basis. This means that the owning contract always has first priority in the event that
both contracts have conflicting requirements. In these situations, PAs are expected to review the
use authorizations to determine whether responsibilities are clearly defined. For example, the
agreement should address how any required maintenance is handled and funded, as well as
address potential losses (e.g., if the property is damaged while being used on the contract it is not
accountable to, which contract covers repair costs). PAs will engage with the PCO in
circumstances where the rent-free non-interference use agreement is ambiguous.
17.8. Administration of NASA Contracts: PAs will perform property administration for
delegated NASA contracts with the terms and conditions of the delegation and the Business
Operations Center NASA Business Practice SOP. Additionally, the following conditions apply:
17.8.1. PAs will be aware that the DFARS does not apply to NASA contracts, as
NASA is not a DoD Agency.
17.8.2. PMSAs for NASA contractors with $1M or more in NASA owned
contract property will be performed at least once every 2 years, even if the contractor is
otherwise considered to be low risk.
17.8.3. Unless the contractor has only NASA contracts, the PA will not select
separate NASA only populations to test for any element other than Reports. For the element of
Reports, NASA 1018 forms are a separate population from DoD reports.
17.8.4. Upon completion of a PMSA that includes delegated NASA contracts, the
PA will upload a copy of the Audit Report to the NASA Electronic Submission System (NESS)
under the PMSA Documents tab, and add all requested information under the PMSA Summary
and Outcomes tabs. PAs will not provide the Business System Analysis Summary. PAs will not
generate a Business System Analysis Summary when the contractor has only NASA contracts, as
there is no DCMA ACO with cognizance over the acceptability of the property management
17.8.5. PAs will investigate and adjudicate losses of NASA owned Government
contract property accountable to delegated contracts, and relieve the contractor of stewardship
and liability if appropriate under the terms and conditions of the contract. All documentation, to
include the contractor’s relief request, any memorandums supporting the determination to relieve
the contractor, and a copy of the relief document, will be loaded into the NESS Contracts under
the Document tab within 90 days of receipt of an acceptable loss report from the contractor. If
the contractor should be held liable under the terms and conditions of the contract, the PA will
provide that recommendation in writing to the NASA Contracting Officer, with a copy to the
NASA Industrial Property Officer. Recommendations to hold the contractor liable will include
all documentation that the NASA Contracting Officer would need to make that determination,
and must also be provided within 90 days of receipt of an acceptable loss report from the
contractor. The PA will provide an interim/informal status of the investigation and adjudication
activities to the IPO by email on a monthly basis until complete.
17.9. Contractor Notifications of Need for Capital Rehabilitation or Replacement of
Government Property. PAs will forward any contractor requests for capital rehabilitation or
replacement of Government property to the assigned ACO.
When evaluating the following elements of property control, PAs will follow the 5
procedures and practices described below to perform testing. The PA will use workpapers to 6
document the analysis and provide support for all conclusions and findings. Files will include 7
worksheets for each element tested, samples of each type of documentation reviewed, and all 8
supporting documentation detailing any defects identified. 9
When sensitive property is involved, PAs will perform annual reviews of the elements of 11
Written Procedures, Receiving, Discrepancies Incident to Shipment, Records, Physical 12
Inventory, Declaration of Excess, Consumption, Storage, Storage Commingling, and Disposal as 13
they apply to sensitive items. The elements of Identification, Records, Storage Commingling, 14
Storage, and potentially Utilization must be tested on-site; all others may be tested remotely. 15
FAR 52.245-1 (f), Contractor plans and systems. 21
(1) Contractors shall establish and implement property management plans, systems, and 22
procedures at the contract, program, site, or entity level to enable the following outcomes: 23
FAR 52.245-1(b), Property management. 24
(1) … the Contractor shall initiate and maintain the processes, systems, procedures, 25
records, and methodologies necessary for effective and efficient control of Government 26
property. 27
Written procedures are the blueprint the contractor uses to establish its property 29
management system. In the procedures, the contractor identifies who will do what, when, how, 30
and possibly where to perform an action to control Government property. Contractor personnel 31
should be able to refer to the procedures for guidance and direction for all Government property 32
management tasks. In turn, the procedures provide PAs the criteria by which they will evaluate 33
contractors’ performance and compliance. 34
In order to be considered compliant, procedures must address all applicable contractual 36
requirements, including outcomes (i) through (x) at FAR 52.245-1(f)(1). General policy 37
statements or expressions of intent such as, “The company will comply with all contractual and 38
regulatory requirements regarding the acquisition of Government property” are not acceptable, as 39
this language does not provide direction to the contractor’s workforce describing how those 40
goals will be achieved. Specific directions for procedures for each element of property control 41
are addressed below under each Property Management System Analysis (PMSA) element. 42
Pursuant to FAR 52.245-1(b)(1), “The Contractor may employ customary commercial 43
practices, voluntary consensus standards, or industry-leading practices and standards that provide 44
effective and efficient Government property management that are necessary and appropriate for 45
the performance of this contract (except where inconsistent with law or regulation).” 46
While the Government Property Clause does not explicitly require a contractor’s 48
procedures to address timeframes for the performance of certain actions, FAR 52.245-1(b)(1) 49
does require the contractor to, “…initiate and maintain… methodologies necessary for effective 50
and efficient control of Government property.” When the timeliness of a particular action is 51
relevant or when the performance of an action has an impact on the maintenance of current 52
records, timeframes are essential for effective and efficient control of Government property. 53
Instead of requiring specific timeframes, the clause uses terms such as “promptly” and 55
“periodically. Contractors should not simply repeat those terms in their procedures, but specify 56
measurable timeframes to comply with the Government Property Clause. Rather than require the 57
same timeframe for all contractors, application of the Government Property Clause requires that 58
each contractor identify timeframes specific to its situation. The timeframes should be 59
reasonable and suitable for the contractor’s facility, the type of work performed, the 60
classification of property the contractor manages, while lending itself to testing. Reasonable and 61
appropriate timeframes will vary by contract performance requirements and the contractor’s 62
internal processes. 63
Objective, measurable timeframes ensure consistency in contractor performance and in 65
evaluation during a PMSA or a Contractor Self-Assessment. Timeframes provide guidance for 66
those responsible for performing the actions, and a standard for those evaluating that 67
performance. PAs will apply FAR 52.245-1 and other contract terms and conditions, and 68
evaluate whether minor, technical violations of a standard are evidence that Government 69
property is at increased risk, or that the contractor’s property management system is not 70
effectively and efficiently controlling Government property. 71
PAs will ensure that contractor procedures specify timeframes defined by the contractor, 73
for those actions for which timeliness is relevant, or when the performance of an action impacts 74
the accuracy of the records. For example, if a contractor fails to receive property in a timely 75
manner, its records will not be current or accurate, which could impact contract performance. 76
The PA will review the procedures to determine whether the proposed timeframes are reasonable 77
for the actions to be performed. Reasonable and appropriate timeframes will vary by 78
performance requirements; however, PAs are expected to keep in mind the requirement in FAR 79
52.245-1 that records enable a complete, current, auditable record of all transactions, and 80
consider whether the timeframes in the contractor’s written procedures adhere to that standard. 81
Generally, PAs should be looking for reasonable timeframes for the following activities: 83
o Receipt of Government property to include marking of the item as Government 85
owned and the establishment of records upon receipt, 86
o Posting transactions to the record, 87
o Performing maintenance actions, 88
o Reporting GFP into IUID, 89
o Performing, recording, and disclosing physical inventory results, 90
o Performance and completion of CSA actions, to include reporting results and 91
requesting and performing corrective actions, 92
o Posting of movement transactions, 93
o Recognition, investigation, disclosure, and reporting of loss of Government 94
property, including losses that occur at subcontractor or alternate site locations, 95
o Physically inventorying all property upon contract termination or completion, 96
o Identification, disclosure, reporting, and disposal of property that is excess to 97
contractual needs, 98
o Performing closeout actions and reporting contract property closeout to the PA, 99
o Performing reviews to determine the adequacy of subcontractors’ property 100
management systems, and 101
o Any other actions for which timeliness is relevant or which has an impact on the 102
timely updating of contractor records. 103
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine if the contractor’s written procedures: 106
Promote the outcomes at FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(i-x); 107
Address any other contractual requirements relating to Government property; 108
Provide for adequate control, use, preservation, protection, repair, and maintenance of 109
Government property; and 110
Effectively and efficiently control Government property. 111
POPULATION: Typically, the population is all of the contractor’s written property 113
management procedures. 114
The exceptions to this rule are for resident PAs and others who audit large property management 116
systems on a continuous basis over a year or more. Those PAs may choose to evaluate the 117
relevant provisions of the contractor’s procedures concurrent with the review of the related the 118
element. 119
Another exception is the annual review of the provisions in the written procedures that apply to 121
sensitive items. The population for such a review would be limited to those procedures. 122
Finally, when performing a reanalysis of written procedures, only those procedures identified as 124
being noncompliant would be reviewed. 125
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: The contractor’s written property management procedures. 127
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Contracts to which Government property is accountable and any 129
voluntary consensus standards that are incorporated by reference in the contractor’s procedures. 130
SAMPLING: Except as discussed above under “Population” PAs will review 100% of the 132
written procedures. If procedures are reviewed on a continual basis, PAs will review 100% of 133
the procedures at least once every three years. PAs will ensure that they are reviewing the most 134
current procedure. 135
Determine whether the contractor’s procedures describe the tasks to be performed in 138
sufficient detail so that the responsible contractor employee knows what to do and how to 139
do it. 140
Verify that the procedures establish reasonable timeframes for those actions for which 141
timeliness is relevant or when the performance of an action has an impact on the 142
timeliness of record updates needed enable complete, current, and auditable records. PAs 143
are expected to engage with the contractor any time that the procedural timeframes are 144
not sufficient to enable effective and efficient control of Government property, and 145
expose the Government to unreasonable risk. 146
A separate population of all procedures relating to the control of sensitive property that is 147
accountable to contracts administered by DCMA will be used for determining the 148
adequacy of written procedures for sensitive items. If the contractor does not maintain 149
separate procedures for managing sensitive property, ensure that adequate controls for 150
sensitive property are addressed in the overall written procedures. 151
When sensitive property is involved, PAs will perform annual reviews of the elements of 152
Written Procedures, Receiving, Discrepancies Incident to Shipment, Records, Physical 153
Inventories, Declaration of Excess, Consumption, Storage, Storage Commingling, and 154
Disposal as they apply to sensitive items. 155
Address whether the procedures describe the tasks to be performed in sufficient detail so 159
that the responsible employee knows what he or she has to do and how and when they are 160
to do it. 161
Report whether the contractor's procedures for sensitive property are specific and 162
detailed, particularly with regard to the receipt, protection, physical security, periodic 163
inventories, and the immediate reporting and thorough investigation of inventory 164
shortages or losses. Also, discuss whether the procedures are in sufficient detail to reflect 165
special, additional or increased safeguards relating to the acquisition, identification, 166
receipt, records, physical inventory, reports, storage, movement, consumption, utilization, 167
maintenance, subcontractor control, and disposition of sensitive property. 168
If the contractor has arms, ammunition, and explosives (AA&E) discuss whether the 169
procedures require that the contractor report the loss, theft, damage, or destruction of 170
AA&E immediately by telephone or personal contact to the cognizant DCMA-DCS 171
(Security Division) and Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) 172
Agent-In-Charge, the Federal Bureau of Investigation Office, Bureau of Alcohol, 173
Tobacco and Firearms, the local police, the PA, and other city and state officials as 174
appropriate. The procedures must require that any loss, theft, damage, or destruction of 175
AA&E be confirmed in writing as soon as possible. The PA will ensure that the 176
contractor has a process to report other sensitive item losses immediately by telephone or 177
personal contact to the PA and confirm them in writing as soon as possible. 178
FAR 52.245-1(b)(4)*, Property management: 182
The Contractor shall establish and maintain procedures necessary to assess its property 183
management system effectiveness and shall perform periodic internal reviews, 184
surveillances, self assessments, or audits. Significant findings or results of such reviews 185
and audits pertaining to Government property shall be made available to the Property 186
Administrator. 187
A self assessment process that discovers deficiencies, identifies the root causes, and 189
implements effective corrective action, indicates a healthy property management system. 190
Contractor self assessments typically fall under two constructs: 192
1. Formal/structured. Based on: 194
Generally Accepted Government Audit Standards, 195
DCMA’s traditional approach, 196
Maturity models—with appropriate process-oriented criteria, 197
Metrics and statistical process control techniques, or ISO process reviews. Note: 198
ISO audits, internal or external, do not fulfill this requirement, as they do not 199
typically address all of the process requirements set forth in the FAR clause, FAR 200
52.245-1, 201
International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Institute 202
of Internal Auditors), or 203
A combination of the above. 204
2. Informal 206
Less structured; less complex 207
Walk-throughs 208
Interviews or discussions with personnel 209
Double checking property records and documentation 210
Contractor self assessments may range from simple reviews or validations to highly 212
complex audits and assessments, depending on the complexity of the contractor’s property 213
management system. It is recognized that small business concerns typically will not have as 214
sophisticated, detailed, and extensive a self assessment program as large business contractors. 215
The PA must use good judgment to ensure that the program provides sufficient oversight of the 216
effectiveness of the contractor’s property management system without needlessly burdening the 217
contractor. If the CSA is not detailed enough to identify potential deficiencies within a 218
contractor’s property management system, then it is not compliant with the Government Property 219
FAR clause requirements. 220
If a contractor identifies a deficiency in the property management system during its self 223
assessment and takes appropriate and effective corrective action, the PA will not issue a CAR 224
unless the PA later determines that the contractor’s corrective action is ineffective. That said, a 225
contractor may not use self-identification of a deficiency to circumvent the Contractor Business 226
System process as described in DCMA-MAN 2301-01 “Contractor Business Systems.” If the 227
contractor fails to notify the PA of a deficiency until after the contractor has received the PMSA 228
notification letter, the PA will include that deficiency in the PA’s Audit Report and Business 229
System Analysis Summary. 230
* Although this is not a criterion under DFARS 252.245-7003(c), during a PMSA the PA reviews 232
whether the contractor complies with this contractual requirement. 233
The contractor’s self assessment program as set forth in the contractor’s property 237
management system should address each of the applicable Government Property FAR 52.245-1 238
clause mandated property management life-cycle processes. 239
The PA will determine whether the contractor’s written procedures adequately address: 240
o The review, surveillance, self assessment, or audit methodologies to be used (e.g., 241
Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS), Maturity Models, Metrics and 242
Statistical Process Control). 243
o The frequency of the review, surveillance, self assessment, or audit, and how that 244
frequency is determined (e.g., risk based). PAs must ensure that the frequency of 245
review of all applicable elements is sufficient to protect the interests of the 246
Government. Generally this would equate to a maximum interval of 3 years, 247
which aligns with the review frequency used by DCMA for low risk elements. 248
o Each of the 22 elements of property management that are applicable to the 249
contractor’s property management system. Note that the contractor is not 250
obligated to directly reference the 22 elements. The contractor may instead refer 251
to the 10 outcomes, or divide the required processes in another manner. 252
o The support documentation and audit evidence required. 253
o The requirement for the PA to be notified of significant findings or results of 254
reviews, surveillances, self assessments, or audits pertaining to Government 255
property, including the contractor’s definition of a significant finding or result. 256
o A clear definition of what the contractor considers to be a significant finding. 257
o The reporting requirements and timely distribution of audit and assessment 258
reports. 259
o The corrective action requirements. 260
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor maintains procedures and 261
performs periodic internal reviews, surveillances, self assessments, or audits that are sufficient 262
for the both the contractor and the PA to assess the effectiveness of the contractor’s property 263
management system. In accordance with FAR 52.245-1, the contractor must make significant 264
findings or results of such reviews and audits pertaining to Government property available to the 265
PA. 266
POPULATION: The last contractor self assessment performed for each applicable element. 268
This population is used in order to ensure that the contractor is testing all applicable elements in 269
accordance with its procedures. 270
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Self assessment report or other means used by the contractor to 272
document the findings and conclusions of its self assessment. 273
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Supporting documents for this element include: the contractor’s 275
workpapers, metrics data, and any other documentation used by the contractor in arriving at its 276
findings and conclusions. 277
SAMPLING: For both standard and limited PMSAs, PAs will thoroughly review the report or 279
other means used by the contractor to document its findings and conclusions. PAs will use 280
judgmental sampling to review the support documentation the contractor used in arriving at its 281
findings and conclusions. The purpose of the judgmental review is to ensure the contractor used 282
quantitative and qualitative information in evaluating its property management system, and 283
whether that information supports the contractor’s findings and conclusions. 284
When, and how frequently, the contractor performed reviews, surveillances, self 287
assessments, or audits of its property management system. 288
The method the contractor used to perform the reviews. 289
How the contractor documented the review, including the contractor’s report and the 290
documentation (e.g., workpapers) supporting the report. 291
The elements of property management reviewed. 292
Deficiencies identified and any corrective action taken. 293
Whether the contractor’s process is sufficient to identify significant findings or results, 294
and make them available to the PA. 295
Address whether the contractor performs self assessments of its property management 299
system at the time scheduled and in the manner described in its procedures. 300
Describe and analyze whether the self assessment was sufficient to assess the 301
effectiveness of the property management system. 302
Describe how and whether the contractor made any significant findings or results 303
available to the PA. 304
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(i) Acquisition of Property.The Contractor shall document that all property 311
was acquired consistent with its engineering, production planning, and property control 312
operations.” 313
The element of Acquisition applies to actions taken by the contractor to obtain 316
Government property. Broadly speaking, contractors may take such actions in two ways: 317
By acquiring property under cost-type, time-and-material, or fixed-price contracts with 319
cost reimbursement CLINS provided the contractor is entitled to be reimbursed for the 320
cost of the property as a direct item of cost. This is generally referred to as contractor-321
acquired property, or “CAP” 322
By acquiring Government-furnished property (GFP) via MILSTRIP. 323
Contractors may acquire property in several different ways: 325
The contractor may issue a purchase order to a supplier or vendor and purchase the 327
property. 328
Fabricating items in‐house. 329
Issuing items from contractor‐owned stores/stock and stockrooms for use on the 330
contract. 331
A credit-debit transaction transferring accountability from one contract to another. 332
Typically, when a contractor needs property to perform a contract, the contractor submits 334
a requisition to its purchasing department. If the contractor determines that acquiring the 335
requisitioned item is consistent with the contractor’s policy and procedures, the item is purchased 336
from vendors or suppliers by use of a purchase order. Alternatively, contractors may use 337
material transfer documents to transfer material from the contractor's own stock to Government 338
stock for use on the contract. Less frequently, contractors use petty cash vouchers or credit cards 339
for very small, infrequent purchases. The contractor’s purchasing system must include the 340
necessary controls to assure that quantities purchased are reasonable according to the contract 341
type and scope, that documentation is adequate and consistent, and that performance of 342
acquisition actions is timely. 343
PAs will review FAR Part 31 for regulations related to acceptable costs that may be 346
charged to a contract. This FAR part describes the requirements for allowability, allocability, 347
and reasonableness of charges. 348
Cost Accounting Standards are the set of rules regarding cost accounting for Government 350
contracts, and are promulgated by the Cost Accounting Standards Board. Certain contractors 351
and subcontractors are required to comply with Cost Accounting Standards. Contracts subject to 352
Cost Accounting Standards apply a requirement upon the contractor to disclose in writing, and 353
follow consistently, cost accounting practices. The Disclosure Statement is how the contractor 354
discloses its accounting practices to the Government, including how the contractor charges 355
specific types of costs. For example, like items, purchased for use in like manner, must be 356
charged in the same way. PAs must have access to, read, and understand contractors’ Disclosure 357
Statements to effectively evaluate contractors’ property management systems. 358
Contractors are ordinarily required to possess their own general-purpose equipment for 360
the performance of Government contracts. The Government may furnish equipment to 361
contractors only as specified as in FAR 45.102. Under cost-reimbursement type contracts, 362
contractors may only acquire equipment, where title vests in the Government, when that action 363
is consistent with their Cost Accounting Standards Disclosure Statement or Generally Accepted 364
Accounting Principles. See Cost Accounting Standards 402 and 404. This is an area where 365
PAs may request the assistance of the ACO and DCAA to ensure consistent application of the 366
FAR and Cost Accounting Standards rules. 367
While PAs are not expected to perform detailed reviews of contractors’ cost accounting 369
systems, they must be knowledgeable about the cost accounting principles discussed above. 370
When costs charged to Government contracts do not appear to be reasonable, allowable, and 371
allocable per the requirements in FAR Part 31, Cost Principles, the Allowable Cost and Payment 372
Clause at FAR 52.216-7, and the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), PAs must report potential 373
noncompliances or issues to the ACO. If costs for items appear to be unallowable, the PA will 374
notify the ACO administering the contract with a recommendation for cost disallowance. The 375
recommendation will include thorough documentation of the PA’s findings. If the PA 376
determines that a systemic problem exists, the PA must forward a recommendation to the ACO 377
and request a Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) review for possible impact to the 378
contractor Disclosure Statement as applicable. 379
The element of Acquisition does not apply to all Government property. GFP that is 381
“pushed” to the contractor through the contract is not subject to testing for the element of 382
Acquisition. For example, GFP that is included on a GFP attachment based on the PCO’s 383
determination to provide the property to the contractor would not fall under the element of 384
Acquisition. This example includes property transferred between contracts via modification. 385
Also, property contractors acquire in performance of fixed-price contracts for which they are not 386
entitled to be reimbursed as a direct item of cost belongs to the contractor, and is not subject to 387
testing for the element of Acquisition. 388
Only the PCO may authorize the contractor to requisition using MILSTRIP (i.e., pulled 390
GFP). The PA does not have the authority to issue such authorization. The authorization may be 391
granted in the contract or separately, by contract modification or authorization of the cognizant 392
PCO for the applicable contract. The PCO authorization may be limited as to time, type of 393
property, specifically identified items, or dollar value. 394
All contractors that have cost-type, time-and-material, or fixed-price contracts with cost 397
reimbursable CLINS, or contracts authorizing the contractor to requisition via MILSTRIP must 398
establish acquisition procedures as a part of their property management systems. Those 399
procedures will vary from contractor to contractor but the PA must ensure that the contractor’s 400
procedures address the following considerations to the extent that they are applicable: 401
How the contractor establishes that there is authority and a need for the property, and 402
how that need is documented (e.g., BOM, MRL, Tech drawings, R&D Proof of Concept). 403
The type of purchasing method used to order property, (e.g., purchase order). 404
How purchase orders are controlled and distributed, 405
Assurance that Credit-Debit system transfers of contractor-acquired material account for 406
all costs pertaining to such material, including general and administrative, and are 407
reallocated and transferred with the material. Additionally, assurance that the contractor 408
ensures that costs for such material are allowable on the contract to which transferred. 409
The documentation of the PCO’s consent where required (e.g., special terms and 410
conditions in the contract, purchases over the dollar threshold in Subcontract Clause, 411
FAR 52.244-2, or where there is no approved purchasing system). 412
How the contractor maintains MILSTRIP requisition documents. 413
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor is acquiring all property 415
consistent with its engineering, production planning, and property control operations; whether 416
the contractor acquires only the items and quantities authorized by the contract. 417
The population consists of all acquisitions of property for which the contractor is eligible 420
to be reimbursed as a direct item of cost that were initiated and received within the past 12 421
months. To review this population, PAs will have to review the procurement and purchase 422
orders, petty cash documents, or fabrication documents, as applicable. A separate population 423
consisting of any property the contractor ordered within the past 12 months via MILSTRIP is 424
required if the contractor has any MILSTRIP acquisition transactions. Property acquired using 425
MILSTRIP must be treated as a separate population and sample because there are unique 426
ordering requirements. 427
PAs may use the same population to test both the elements of Acquisition and Receiving 429
only in the infrequent event that all of the following conditions are met: 430
All items of Government property that were ordered during the timeframe under 432
review were also received during the period under review. 433
No items of Government property that were ordered outside of the period under 434
review were received. 435
No Government furnished property (GFP) was received during the period under 436
review. 437
If any of the above conditions are not met, separate populations for Acquisition and 439
Receiving are required. If a PA uses the same population for both Acquisition and Receiving, 440
the rationale must be documented in the Audit Report. 441
PAs will not review pushed GFP (GFP provided on the contract) under Acquisition, 443
because the Government has already determined a contractual need for the property. Note that 444
this GFP includes property transferred via PCO contract modification. 445
The PA will include only those acquisitions made by the contractor in the performance of 447
contracts administered by DCMA in the populations for review. 448
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Source documents include purchase orders, material requisitions 450
from contractor stores (debits/credits), fabrication orders, petty cash documents for property to 451
which the Government would have title, and MILSTRIP requisitions. 452
Support documents include contractor records, material requirements lists (MRL), bill of 455
material (BOM), statement of work (SOW), blueprints, drawings, technical orders (TO), proof of 456
concept for R&D, property management procedures, or other sources of the contractor’s 457
acquisition plans. 458
Different types of contractors will have different supporting documentation. For 460
example, a production contractor will likely have detailed drawings, MRLs, schematics, etc., 461
while a repair contractor may only be able to determine what items will be required after 462
assessing a damaged item to determine the extent of required repairs. Research and development 463
contractors may not have a formal listing of the property the contractor requires in order to 464
perform the contract, but should be able to provide a proof of concept or description of their 465
proposal. The contractor must be able to explain how items purchased support that proposal. 466
Additional resources to verify reasonableness of an acquisition include the contractor’s lead 467
scientist or technician, the buying activity’s program office, and DCMA Engineers or Industrial 468
Specialists. 469
SAMPLING: The element of Acquisition is tested statistically for standard PMSAs using the 471
contractor’s ordering documents. 472
The PA will use judgmental sampling to test Acquisition when performing a limited 474
PMSA. Support for all conclusions must include sample documentation provided by the 475
contractor. 476
PAs are expected to perform contract review during PMSA planning in order to identify all cost-479
type contracts that require the contractor to make purchases in order to successfully perform the 480
contract. If the contractor reports that it has not made acquisitions in performance of any 481
identified cost reimbursable contract, the PA will perform additional verification by reviewing 482
public vouchers filed in WAWF. The PA will access WAWF through the Procurement 483
Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE), and select “Admin by View Only” to view the most 484
recent voucher. The voucher will be reviewed to determine whether the contractor has directly 485
charged for tangible items of Government property. The contractor must categorize these 486
charges as for material, supplies, or equipment. In some cases, the contractor may include 487
property under the heading of Other Direct Costs (ODCs). Because ODCs would be considered 488
unallocable, the PA must elevate such contractor allocations to the ACO for review if suspected. 489
While this voucher review may not provide a one-to-one comparison, the review provides 490
information the PA will use to determine whether the population provided by the contractor is 491
reasonable. 492
PAs will also: 494
Determine whether the contractor screens existing stock prior to acquisition, and how 496
the contractor documents that screening. 497
Determine whether the contractor acquires supplies supported by the contract needs. 498
The quantity the contractor orders should not exceed the total quantity required for 499
contract performance minus the quantity received as of the order date. Potentially 500
excessive purchases may be explained by minimum buys, which are a vendor’s 501
requirement that orders must be for a minimum quantity. 502
For contractors subject to Cost Accounting Standards, the PA will ensure that 503
acquisitions are in accordance with the contractor’s Disclosure Statement. PAs can 504
obtain the Disclosure Statement from the contractor or from the cognizant ACO. 505
Ensure that there is PCO authority for all MILSTRIP acquisitions. 506
Discuss how the PA determined whether quantities acquired were supported by the 511
contract needs. 512
State whether there were any purchases in excess of documented need, and explain 513
whether they were justified and why. 514
Address whether acquisitions made by contractors subject to Cost Accounting Standards 515
were in accordance with the contractor’s Disclosure Statement. 516
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 522
(ii) Receipt of Government Property. “The Contractor shall receive Government property 524
and document the receipt, record the information necessary to meet the record 525
requirements of paragraph (f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (5) of this clause …” 526
The contractor’s receiving process may consist of a number of different steps: 529
Notification to receiving department of incoming assets. Contractors may provide an 531
electronic or paper copy of the originating purchase orders, MILSTRIP requisitions, and 532
other requisitioning data that reflect the items and quantities ordered and/or expected to 533
the receiving department. The receiving department uses those documents and data for 534
comparison with items physically received, as well as for proper posting to the 535
accounting records. 536
Physical delivery and initial inspection of the property. Upon delivery, a contractor 537
inspection ascertains that there is no obvious or visible damage and the quantity of 538
pallets, boxes or containers agrees with the transportation document. 539
Reconciliation of assets received. (Ref., “PMSA ELEMENT 5 - DISCREPANCIES 540
INCIDENT TO SHIPMENT” below if any discrepancies are noted based on physical 541
reconciliation of the actual assets with the documentation provided.) 542
Quality or technical acceptance inspection as required. Quality and technical inspections 543
are performed less frequently than in the past, with contractors more accustomed to 544
quality control built into an item through the supplier’s inspection processes, i.e., TQM, 545
ISO, Six Sigma, etc. 546
Distribution of property. Upon completion of any required quality inspection, acceptance 547
testing, and physical identification (Ref., “PMSA ELEMENT 6 - IDENTIFICATION” 548
below), the item is delivered to the appropriate storage area, stockroom, or released for 549
use as authorized by contract terms. 550
Distribution of documentation. At the same time the property is distributed, contractors 551
distribute the associated receiving notification. This distribution may be electronic or 552
manual. 553
Normally items that are fabricated in-house do not go through receiving. PAs must 554
ensure that contractors establish control over these in-house items and establish records in 555
accordance with FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(iii) and the contractor’s procedures. 556
The receiving process is the means by which the contractor assumes control or custody of 559
Government property. That includes recording the information necessary to meet the record 560
requirements of paragraph (f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (5) of FAR 52.245-1. In order to comply 561
with the contractual requirements to provide effective and efficient control of Government 562
property and to maintain current records of all transactions, it is essential that the contractor 563
receives Government property in a timely manner. For that reason, the PA must ensure that the 564
contractor’s procedures establish timeframes for the performance of receiving actions. 565
The timeframes will vary from contractor to contractor depending on the nature of the 567
business, the type and criticality of property involved, and other relevant factors. Individual 568
contractors may have different timeframes for different types of property, most notably sensitive 569
property. Precious metals, hazardous property and arms, ammunition and explosives may all 570
require different timeframes for the performance of receiving actions. PAs must ensure that the 571
contractor’s procedures define the timeframes and that they support the requirement to 572
effectively and efficiently control Government property, and the contractor has a process in place 573
sufficient to create records that are complete, current, and auditable. 574
PAs will ensure that the contractors’ procedures for receiving address the following, to 576
include timeframes, as applicable: 577
What the contractor’s receiving department does upon physical receipt of an item, the 579
type of inspection the contractor conducts to determine whether there is obvious or 580
visible damage, and whether the quantity of pallets, boxes or containers agrees with the 581
transportation document. 582
The title and form number of the receiving report, or other means the contractor uses to 583
document receipt. The contractor’s procedures should provide a timeframe for the form’s 584
completion and directions for its distribution. 585
How and when the contractor will establish records of the Government property. 586
Any special handling requirements regarding the receipt of sensitive property. 587
When quality or technical acceptance inspection is required. 588
How the property is to be distributed after receipt. 589
How property fabricated in-house will be inducted into the contractor’s property 590
management system. 591
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor received Government property, 593
documented the receipt, and recorded the information necessary to meet the record requirements 594
prescribed in FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (5). 595
All Government property accountable to contracts administered by, or delegated to, 598
DCMA that was received in the past 12 months. This includes any property that was fabricated 599
in-house, or otherwise should have documentation of receipt (e.g., usable property removed 600
during repair or overhaul, property received under a Receipt and Issue system) 601
PAs may use the same population to test both the elements of Acquisition and Receiving 603
only in the infrequent event that all of the following conditions are met: 604
All items of Government property that were ordered during the timeframe under review 606
were also received during the period under review. 607
No items of Government property the contractor ordered outside of the period under 608
review were received. 609
No GFP was received during the period under review. 610
If any of the above conditions are not met, separate populations for Acquisition and 612
Receiving are required. If a PA uses the same population for both Acquisition and Receiving, 613
the rationale must be documented in the Audit Report. 614
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: All receiving documents (e.g., packing lists, Government bills of 616
lading, in-house fabrication orders). Note that purchase orders are not receiving documents, and 617
are not used to evidence receipt. 618
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Receiving logs, contractor-generated receiving reports, and 620
property records. 621
SAMPLING: The element of Receiving is tested statistically for standard PMSAs. The sample 623
will consist of the contractor’s receiving documents. The PA may use judgment sampling of 624
receiving documentation for limited PMSAs. 625
Be cognizant that reusable containers shipped with Government property are Government 628
property as well. Because of this, the receipt of reusable shipping containers must be 629
documented, and a record must be established. Reusable containers are not always 630
separately identified on the shipping document. 631
Determine whether the property is promptly examined in accordance with the 632
contractor’s procedures upon arrival to determine whether the quantity received and 633
condition are consistent with the information on the shipping document. 634
Determine whether the receiving report is promptly prepared. Compare the date of the 635
receiving report, the date of delivery as reflected on the shipping document, and the 636
timeframe for completion of the receiving report in the contractor’s procedures. 637
Review the record for each item received to confirm that the records meet the 638
requirements of paragraph (f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (5) of FAR 52.245-1 and that the 639
records were established within the timeframe required by the procedures. 640
If quality or technical acceptance inspection is required, confirm that the contractor 641
performed inspection within the timeframes required by the procedures. 642
Confirm that the contractor distributes the property and receiving report as directed and 643
within the established timeframe specified by the procedures. 644
Determine whether property the contractor fabricated in-house was inducted into the 645
contractor’s property management system as required by the contractor’s procedures. 646
The PA will use a separate population of all sensitive Government property accountable 647
to contracts administered by DCMA received in the past 12 months to determine the 648
adequacy of the contractor’s process for receipt of sensitive items. 649
Sensitive items are tested as a separate population, using a double sampling plan that 650
identifies defects of 10% or more, if they exist, 97% of the time as described in 651
paragraphs and 17.2.3. of Chapter 1. 652
Address whether the contractor received the samples promptly, as defined in the 656
contractor’s procedures, and examined them upon arrival to determine whether the 657
quantity received and condition were consistent with the information on the shipping 658
document. 659
Discuss whether the receiving reports were prepared within the timeframe in the 660
contractor’s procedures. 661
Analyze the records associated with the samples received to confirm that the records 662
meet the requirements of paragraph (f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (5) of FAR 52.245-1, and 663
whether the documentation was established within the timeframe required by the 664
procedures. Excessive time between receipt of Government property and record creation 665
increases risk to the Government. 666
Indicate how the contractor documented receipt, and discuss whether it was as specified 667
in the contractor’s procedures. 668
Explain how property fabricated in-house was inducted into the contractor’s property 669
management system, and address whether the contractor complied with the directions in 670
its procedures. 671
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 676
(ii)The Contractor shall . . .manage any discrepancies incident to shipment. 678
(A) Government-furnished property. The Contractor shall furnish a written statement to 680
the Property Administrator containing all relevant facts, such as cause or condition and a 681
recommended course(s) of action, if overages, shortages, or damages and/or other 682
discrepancies are discovered upon receipt of Government-furnished property. 683
(B) Contractor-acquired property. The Contractor shall take all actions necessary to 684
adjust for overages, shortages, damage and/or other discrepancies discovered upon 685
receipt, in shipment of contractor acquired property from a vendor or supplier, so as to 686
ensure the proper allocability and allowability of associated costs. 687
Discrepancies include any differences (e.g., count or condition) between the items 690
documented to have been shipped and items actually received, including misdirected shipments, 691
overages, shortages, or damages discovered upon receipt of Government property. FAR 52.245-692
1 establishes separate and distinct requirements for managing discrepancies incident to shipment, 693
depending on whether the property is GFP or CAP. 694
When discrepancies are discovered upon receipt of GFP, FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ii) (A) 696
requires the contractor to furnish a written statement to the PA containing all relevant 697
facts, such as cause or condition, and a recommended course of action. 698
Note: The clause does not require the contractor to prepare an SF 361 “Transportation 700
Discrepancy Report” or SF 364 “Report of Discrepancy.” These reports are usually 701
prepared by a QAR, but in some cases it may fall to the PA to prepare them. 702
When the contractor discovers discrepancies upon receipt of contractor-acquired 704
property, the clause at FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ii)(B) requires the contractor to take all 705
actions necessary to adjust for overages, shortages, and damage so as to ensure the 706
proper allocability and allowability of associated costs. 707
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must address how the contractor 710
will manage discrepancies incident to shipment of both GFP and CAP. In addition, the 711
contractor’s procedures must provide direction about how the contractor will handle misdirected 712
shipments. 713
The procedures should, at a minimum, specify what facts and information the report 715
should contain, and the timeframe in which the report should be completed and forwarded. 716
Similarly, for discrepancies incident to the shipment of CAP, the contractor’s procedures 718
must describe how the necessary adjustments for overages, shortages, and damage will be made 719
so as to ensure the proper allocability and allowability of associated costs. Additionally, the 720
contractor’s procedures must establish a mechanism that will ensure appropriate action is taken 721
when such discrepancies are identified. The procedures also must establish a timeframe in which 722
the contractor will make adjustments. 723
For misdirected shipments, the contractor’s procedures must identify the actions that will 725
be performed to obtain disposition instructions, and immediately seek the disposition instructions 726
from the source from which the item was shipped. If the contractor is unable to obtain 727
disposition instructions, the contractor’s procedures should direct the responsible official to 728
contact the PA. The PA will ensure that the contractor has established and documented 729
timeframes for initiation of actions and adequate follow-up to ensure proper disposition. 730
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor adequately manages discrepancies 732
incident to shipment. 733
POPULATION: There are two populations that have different reporting requirements. If both 735
are applicable, they must be tested separately: 736
All discrepancies incident to the shipment of GFP in the past 12 months. 738
All discrepancies incident to the shipment of CAP in the past 12 months. 739
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: For GFP, all written statements from the contractor to the PA 741
regarding discrepancies discovered upon receipt of Government-furnished property. For CAP, 742
documentation of actions taken by the contractor to ensure the proper allocability and 743
allowability of associated costs resulting from discrepancies discovered upon receipt of property 744
from a vendor or supplier. 745
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: These will vary from contractor to contractor. Support documents 747
may include packing slips, DD 1149s, DD 1348s, receiving logs, and contractor generated 748
receiving reports. For GFP, they may also include SF 361 “Transportation Discrepancy Reports” 749
or SF 364 “Reports of Discrepancy. 750
SAMPLING: The element of Discrepancies Incident to Shipment is tested statistically for 752
standard PMSAs. The PA may use judgmental sampling to review documents that are 753
representative of the contractor’s handling of discrepant shipments for CAP and for GFP when 754
performing a limited PMSA. 755
Government prepared documentation such as an SF 361 “Transportation Discrepancy 758
Report” or an SF 364 “Report of Discrepancy” may be used as sources to identify a 759
population. PAs should not rely on these documents as the sole documentation sources 760
for a population. 761
Determine whether the contractor is reporting discrepancies in shipping documentation to 762
the PA (e.g., incomplete data, to include missing acquisition costs). Discrepancies with 763
shipping documentation can make it impossible for a contractor to create an accurate 764
record of Government property. 765
Compare the date of receipt of discrepant GFP with the date of the report to the PA to 766
determine if the contractor was timely in sending the report, as defined in the contractor’s 767
procedures. 768
Review the discrepancy report to determine whether it includes all relevant facts. 769
Trace the documentation of receipt of discrepant CAP to the appropriate accounting 770
records to determine whether the contractor made the necessary adjustments for overages, 771
shortages, and damages in the correct amounts. 772
The PA will separate populations of discrepancies as follows: 773
o All discrepancies incident to the shipment of sensitive GFP in the past 12 months, 774
and 775
o All discrepancies incident to the shipment of sensitive CAP in the past 12 months. 776
Each population will be used to determine whether the contractor adequately 778
managed discrepancies incident to shipment of sensitive property. 779
Sensitive items are tested as a separate population, using a double sampling plan that 781
identifies defects of 10% or more, if they exist, 97% of the time as described in 782
paragraphs and 17.2.3. of Chapter 1. 783
Describe when the contractor received the items of discrepant GFP, when the contractor 787
reported the discrepancies, and discuss whether the reporting was timely, accurate, and 788
complete. 789
For contractor-acquired property, detail the quantity of the overage or shortage, describe 790
the nature of the damage, and specify the nature of the adjustment. 791
A description of how the PA confirmed an adjustment was made for discrepant 792
contractor-acquired property, and whether the adjustment ensured the proper allocability 793
and allowability of associated costs. 794
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ii): “The Contractor shall…identify [property] as Government owned in a 800
manner appropriate to the type of property (e.g., stamp, tag, mark, or other identification)…” 801
In order to comply with FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ii), contractors must physically mark and 804
identify Government property indicating that it is Government owned during the receiving 805
process or upon fabrication. Proper identification ensures that Government property is 806
recognized as such and not mistaken for contractor or other customer owned property. It also 807
reduces the risk that Government property will be used for unauthorized purposes. 808
A marking may consist of, but is not limited to, barcodes, labels, engraving, etching, 810
painting, stamping, and tagging. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is generally not a 811
“marking” methodology unless used in concert with visible markings, as it does not provide a 812
form of physical identification. 813
Item Unique Identification (IUID) and valuation is the process of marking an item of 815
property with a system of data that discloses possession and ownership, and retains that 816
identification data as supporting evidence for internal Government finance, property, and 817
logistics management requirements. The IUID marking requirement applies to DoD contractors 818
through contract clause DFARS 252.211-7003. Contractor compliance with this requirement is 819
not a property management responsibility, and PAs should not test for compliance when 820
performing a PMSA. Note that this requirement is distinct from those requirements at DFARS 821
252.211-7007 that require the contractor to report GFP to the IUID registry or GFP Module 822
within PIEE. PAs provide oversight for compliance with DFARS 252.211-7007, but not for 823
compliance with DFARS 252.211-7003. 824
In general, contractors must physically mark all property that will not be consumed, or 826
otherwise lose its identity through incorporation into an end item or deliverable system, to 827
identify the property as Government property. For material, the marking identifying it as 828
Government property may be at the higher package level (bin, box, shelf, etc.). Contractors are 829
not required to physically mark material that is accountable under a Material Management 830
Accounting System (MMAS). 831
Some types of property may not lend itself to proper identification. Marking will either 833
damage the property or is impractical. If that is the case, the contractor may indicate 834
Government ownership at the higher storage or packaging level. If none of those methods is 835
appropriate, the contractor is expected to contact the PA for alternate instructions. 836
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must specify the method it will use 839
to mark each type of Government property. Compliant procedures specify a timeframe from 840
time of receipt or completion of fabrication in which the marking will be completed. The PA 841
will determine whether the timeframe for identification of Government property adequately 842
protects the Government from unnecessary risk. Note that property that is not identified 843
promptly is more likely to be diverted for unauthorized use or consumption, and may not be 844
managed in accordance with the contractor’s property management system if contractor 845
personnel are unaware that it is Government property. 846
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor physically identifies Government 848
property with an indication of Government ownership. 849
POPULATION: There are two potential populations for testing this element: all Government 851
property received within the past year, or all Government contract property administered by 852
DCMA (standard Receiving and Record populations, respectively). 853
Note: Because there are two potential populations, there are multiple worksheet options. 855
The Receiving and Records worksheets have Identification as an optional data element. 856
There is also a standalone Identification worksheet for use if neither of the other 857
outcomes is being tested. If the contractor has over $100M of Government property 858
accountable to contracts that are administered by DCMA, the Records population will 859
include all DoD contract property and be tested using a 97% confidence level. 860
Identification is tested at a 90% confidence level for standard PMSAs. In order to avoid 861
oversampling the PA may take a random sample of that larger 97% sample in order to 862
select the correct number of samples to test Identification at a 90% confidence level. For 863
example: If you have a population of 10,000 line items of Government property, the 864
Records sample would be 43 line items at 97%, but only 34 line items at 90%. The PA 865
may choose a random sample of 34 line items from the population of 43 Record samples 866
to test for Identification. 867
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Government Property, identification tags, labels, etchings, 869
markings, etc. 870
SAMPLING: The element of Identification is tested statistically for standard PMSAs. The PA 874
may use judgmental sampling, to include an example of identified Government property, for 875
limited PMSAs. 876
Using the Receiving population allows the PA only to generalize to property received in 879
the past year, rather than to determine compliance for identification of all Government 880
property. 881
Using the Receiving population, the PA will test the adequacy of the contractor’s recent 882
identification efforts. The PA may use this population if the PA has concerns about the 883
contractor’s recent performance of this process. This population will not allow the PA to 884
address whether items that have been in the contractor’s possession for many years have 885
lost or worn identification. Additionally, if the contractor is not on an annual schedule, 886
using this testing methodology would miss property received in years not covered by the 887
PMSA. 888
Using the Records population and corresponding sample allows the PA to generalize any 889
findings to all property. See the note under population for a description of how to use the 890
Records population when enhanced oversight of contractors with over $100M of DCMA 891
administered population is required. 892
Using the Records population may be more useful to ensure that property that has been in 893
the contractor’s possession over an extended period of time is still properly identified. 894
Regardless of which population is used, PAs must physically verify that all sampled 895
items have appropriate identification. A separate, additional physical verification of the 896
asset will be required if the PA uses the Receiving population. 897
The fact that the contactor’s records indicate that the Government has title to an item is 898
not the same as stamping, tagging, marking, or otherwise physically identifying the item 899
as Government owned. Taken alone, documentation of Government ownership in the 900
contractor’s records is therefore not compliant with this requirement. 901
PAs may consider alternating the use of Receiving and Records populations to test 902
Identification to ensure a broad coverage of this element. 903
Address whether all Government contract property is physically identified with an 907
indication of Government ownership. 908
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 914
(iii), Records of Government property. The Contractor shall create and maintain records 916
of all Government property accountable to the contract, including Government-furnished 917
and Contractor-acquired property. 918
(A) Property records shall enable a complete, current, auditable record of all transactions 919
and shall, unless otherwise approved by the Property Administrator, contain the 920
following: 921
(1) The name, part number and description, National Stock Number (if needed for 923
additional item identification tracking and/or disposition) and other data elements 924
as necessary and required in accordance with the terms and conditions of the 925
contract. 926
(2) Quantity received (or fabricated), issued, and balance-on-hand. 927
(3) Unit acquisition cost. 928
(4) Unique-item identifier or equivalent (if available and necessary for individual 929
item tracking). 930
(5) Unit of measure. 931
(6) Accountable contract number or equivalent code designation. 932
(7) Location. 933
(8) Disposition. 934
(9) Posting reference and date of transaction. 935
(10) Date placed in service (if required in accordance with the terms and 936
conditions of the contract). 937
DFARS 252.211-7007, Reporting of Government-furnished property. 939
In accordance with the Government property clause, the contractor must establish records 942
for all Government property. Those records must contain the data elements identified at FAR 943
52.245-1 (f)(1)(iii)(A)(1 thru 10), unless otherwise approved by the PA. If the PA approves the 944
exclusion of any of those data elements from the record, the PA must do so in writing, supported 945
by a Memorandum for Record (MFR), explaining the rationale for the decision. The PA’s first 946
level supervisor must sign the MFR, concurring with the PA’s determination. The PA will 947
upload the MFR to CPAS as an attachment to each FY tab under the Property Management 948
System Analyses (PMSA) Record in accordance with GCPG direction. 949
Once the contractor releases material to the shop floor, the items are typically considered 951
work-in-process (WIP). FAR 52.245-1 does not address how, or whether, the contactor is 952
required to track WIP on record. Accordingly, unless specifically required elsewhere in the 953
contract, tracking of WIP should be based upon the contractor’s established practices. 954
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must identify the format in which 957
the contractor will maintain records of Government property. The contractor’s procedures must 958
identify the contractor’s process to for establishing and maintaining the records, and reasonable 959
timeframes for establishing and updating records. Timeframes are required because FAR 960
52.245-1 requires the records to be complete, current, and auditable. 961
The procedures must address whether the contractor will track material once it is issued 963
from stores to WIP. If WIP is not tracked after issuance, the contractor’s procedures must 964
describe the safeguards in place to prevent and identify unreasonable consumption. WIP is not 965
to be used as a methodology to avoid creating and maintaining records of contract property. 966
Some contractors use a standard cost process (vs. actual cost) for contractor-acquired 968
property. If the contractor’s records will not reflect the actual cost by purchase order, batch, or 969
lot, the contractor’s procedures and cost Disclosure Statement must describe the methodology 970
the contractor will use to record the acquisition cost. 971
Special test equipment, sometimes abbreviated asSTE,” may consist of readily 973
removable general-purpose components. To ensure contractor control of those items is 974
maintained, records must clearly identify the general purpose components. Another reason for 975
identifying general purpose components is to assist in the disposal process, and the reporting and 976
screening requirements for potential reutilization. In addition to the complete unit of special test 977
equipment, the contractor’s records must clearly identify these general purpose items on 978
inventory disposal schedules in conjunction with plant clearance of special test equipment. 979
The contractor’s procedures must also address in-house fabricated property, if applicable, 981
and how that fabrication is properly documented to ensure that the tooling is incorporated within 982
the stewardship records. 983
Moreover, the contractor’s procedures must establish a process to document and post 985
location changes so that records may be maintained in a current status and property can be 986
located within a reasonable period of time, dependent upon the type of property, size of site, 987
frequency of movement, and sensitivity of the item. 988
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor creates and maintains records of 990
all Government property accountable to its contracts, and whether those records contain the data 991
elements required by 52.245-1(f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (10) and enable a complete, current, and 992
auditable record of all transactions. 993
POPULATION: All Government property accountable to contracts administered by, or 995
delegated to, DCMA. For contractors with more than $100M of Government property, the PA 996
will also test all Government contract property accountable to all DoD contracts, regardless of 997
administration. 998
If a contractor has at least $100M of Government property accountable to contracts administered 1000
by DCMA, and also has sensitive property, then at least two populations will need to be tested. 1001
Sensitive property administered by DCMA must always be tested separately from non-sensitive 1002
property. 1003
The Records population does not include material accountable under an approved receipt and 1005
issue system, as that is tested separately. With very few exceptions, the required data elements 1006
and other contractual requirements are identical for each type of property. Since populations are 1007
based upon common characteristics, PAs will not identify separate populations for different 1008
types of property unless one or more has different characteristics. The PA’s identification of 1009
different types of property as separate populations requires a written justification, and the 1010
concurrence of the PA’s first level supervisor. 1011
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: All Government property records accountable to contracts 1013
administered by DCMA. For contractors with more than $100M of Government property 1014
administered by DCMA, all Government property records for all DoD contracts, regardless of 1015
administration. 1016
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Supporting documents for this element include: invoices, contract 1018
modifications, purchase orders, stock records, receiving documents, fabrication work orders, 1019
requisition slips, issue documents, inventory adjustment references, property loss relief 1020
documentation, transfer documents, and shipping documents. 1021
For standard PMSAs, test the element of Records using statistical sampling. The PA will 1024
use judgmental sampling to request examples of records for both equipment and materials to 1025
review for completeness and compliance when performing a limited PMSA. Support for all 1026
conclusions must include sample documentation provided by the contractor. Physical 1027
verification of Records-to Property and Property-to-Records does not apply to limited PMSAs 1028
unless there are concerns or deficiencies that would indicate a need for a purposive review. 1029
PAs will review the element of Records annually and on-site for systems with more than 1031
$100M of Government property. When performing reviews for those systems, PAs will include 1032
all Government property accountable to DoD contracts in their population, regardless of whether 1033
DCMA administers those contracts. PAs will use the double sampling plan that provides a 97% 1034
confidence of rejecting lots having 10% or more defects. If the contractor also has sensitive 1035
property, this means that there will be two populations that are separately tested at a 97% 1036
confidence level. Sensitive property may not be combined with the greater population. 1037
PAs will perform two types of review: Records-to-Property and Property-to-Records. 1040
PAs will request a listing of all Government property accountable to contracts 1041
administered by DCMA that is currently on-hand, or listings of all DoD contract property 1042
with the same characteristics, as appropriate. PAs will select a statistical sample from that 1043
list and review the records of the items selected. 1044
The balance a contractor has on-hand, part number, description, and location are among 1045
the data elements required by 52.245-1(f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (10). To test the accuracy 1046
of those elements, PAs must perform a Records-to-Property review. A Records-to-1047
Property review involves a physical inspection of each item sampled to establish the 1048
accuracy of the balance on-hand and the location as reflected in the record. 1049
The data element Unit Acquisition Cost must be verified using the appropriate acquisition 1050
documentation (e.g., vendor invoice, GFP listing, contract modification, internal 1051
fabrication document) or the documentation supporting the contractor’s standard cost 1052
process as described in the contractor’s procedures. 1053
Verify all other required data elements using either physical inspection or review of 1054
source and supporting documentation. 1055
PAs will determine whether the contractor creates records for all items of Government 1056
property by randomly selecting items on the contractor’s floor and then confirming that a 1057
record exists for that item. This is called a “Property-to-Records” review. This review 1058
cannot be performed remotely. 1059
The sample size of the Property-to-Records review must be the same as the sample size 1060
used for the Records-to-Property review when using statistical sampling. PAs may not 1061
reduce the size of the Property-to-Records review to equal one half that of the Records-1062
to-Property review. An exception to this rule may be required if the amount of 1063
Government property on-hand is not sufficient to make up a Property-to-Records sample 1064
of the same size as the Records-to-Property sample. If an exception is made, PAs must 1065
document their reasoning in the Audit Report. 1066
It is essential that the Property-to-Records sample be random to ensure statistical validity. 1067
This means that PAs may not simply walk through the contractor’s facility and select 1068
items that catch the PA’s eye. That would be a judgment sample and its results would not 1069
be generalizable to the larger population. If the PA is unable to ensure randomness due 1070
to the set-up of the contractor’s facility, the PA must explain that in the Audit Report. 1071
One technique for selecting random samples for the Property-to-Records review is to 1072
identify a method for selecting samples before beginning the Records-to-Property review. 1073
For example: The PA may select the nearest item of Government property to the 1075
left or to the right of the sample item, and repeat that strategy as consistently as 1076
possible. The method should address as many contingencies as possible to ensure 1077
that the sample selected is random. Those samples are then compared to the 1078
contractor’s records to identify whether there is a record for all items. PAs will 1079
not review any other data elements during the Property-to-Record review. Doing 1080
so would subject the contractor to oversampling since all other data elements are 1081
reviewed during the Records-to-Property review. The sole purpose of a Property-1082
to-Records review is to test whether the contractor has established a record for the 1083
item sampled and to test the adequacy of the contractor’s locator system. 1084
Materials subject to an MMAS must be included in Records-to-Property testing. In 1086
an MMAS system, PAs may not be able to perform Property-to-Records testing, 1087
since the materials will likely be commingled. If a Property-to-Records review 1088
cannot be performed, the Audit Report must annotate that. 1089
When testing MMAS records, PAs must be aware that due to commingling, the 1090
quantities on-hand may not match the quantity on record. The PA only needs to 1091
ensure that there are at least as many items as are on record. Any quantity on-hand 1092
that exceeds the amount on the record could belong to other projects or to the 1093
contractor. 1094
A separate population of all sensitive items currently on-hand will be used for 1095
determining the adequacy of sensitive items records. A corresponding Property-to-1096
Records sample will also be tested. 1097
Sensitive items are tested as a separate population, using a double sampling plan that 1098
identifies defects of 10% or more, if they exist, 97% of the time as described in 1099
paragraphs and 17.2.3. of Chapter 1. 1100
Address whether the contractor’s records enable an auditable record of all 1104
transactions. To determine whether the records meet that requirement, the PA will 1105
examine the supporting documentation for the most recent transaction for each item 1106
sampled (e.g., receipt, movement, calibration, inventory, etc.), analyze whether the 1107
record posting accurately reflects the nature of the transaction, the date the 1108
transaction took place, and the quantity of property involved. 1109
The PA will determine whether the contractor posts transactions to the records within 1110
the timeframes identified in its procedures. PAs will do this by comparing the date 1111
of the transaction, as reflected in the supporting document with the date of the 1112
posting, and address their findings in the Audit Report. The PA will also report the 1113
results of the Records-to-Property review, specifically addressing whether the actual 1114
location of each item of property and the balance on-hand were the same as those 1115
reflected in the contractor’s record. If an asset is not found in the location on record, 1116
the PA will indicate in the Audit Report how long it took the contractor to find it. If 1117
the contractor is able to locate the item in a reasonably short amount of time (e.g., 1118
less than 48 hours), it may indicate a lower level of materiality for the defect, 1119
depending on the type of property and the scope of the property management system. 1120
The PA will establish whether the records are complete by confirming that they 1121
contain the data elements required by 52.245-1(f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (10). If any 1122
of the required data elements are missing, the PA will address whether the PA 1123
approved the omission in writing, or whether the data element was not applicable to 1124
that item. Note that there is no mandatory format for Government property records, 1125
nor is there a requirement for all of the data elements to be in one database. The 1126
determining factor is whether the records enable effective and efficient control of 1127
Government property and contain all of the required records data elements. 1128
Discuss whether records of Government property are safeguarded from tampering or 1129
destruction. The PA will also address whether the contractor’s ability to edit records 1130
limited to authorized personnel only, as described in the contractor’s procedures. 1131
PAs who are performing reviews of property management systems that have more 1132
than $100M in accountable Government property will ensure that the Audit Report 1133
identifies that the elements of Records and Physical Inventory include all DoD 1134
property, regardless of whether it is accountable to contracts administered by 1135
DCMA, and that the populations are tested at a 97% confidence level. 1136
REQUIREMENT: FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 1141
(iii)(B), Use of a Receipt and Issue System for Government Material. When approved by 1143
the Property Administrator, the Contractor may maintain, in lieu of formal property 1144
records, a file of appropriately cross-referenced documents evidencing receipt, issue, and 1145
use of material that is issued for immediate consumption. 1146
Use of an approved receipt and issue system relieves contractors of the record keeping 1149
requirements of 52.245-1 (f)(1)(iii). PAs may approve use of an R&I system only on a contract-1150
by-contract basis. Use of an R&I system by a contractor is limited to research and development, 1151
remediation, and other non-production efforts. The rationale for this restriction is that production 1152
environments typically require material requirements planning, etc., practices that do not align 1153
with an R&I process. 1154
Once receipt and issue is approved, material is received and moved directly to a work 1156
area and delivered to the user. The use of an R&I system is limited to material only. It is not 1157
applicable to equipment, special tooling, sometimes abbreviated as ST,” or special test 1158
equipment. 1159
Use of an R&I system is not applicable to sensitive material (as defined in FAR Part 45 1161
and 52.245-1) or material accounted for in an MMAS. 1162
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must clearly state that an R&I 1165
system will not be used unless there is written approval from the PA, and that such approval will 1166
be required for every contract for which it will be used. Further, the procedures must define 1167
what “immediate consumption” means. This may vary from contractor to contractor and even 1168
between contracts, depending on circumstances, but there must be a maximum timeframe 1169
established from date of receipt to consumption. PAs must ensure that the timeframe established 1170
does not subject the Government to undue risk and is consistent with efficient and effective 1171
control of Government property. 1172
For items that are not consumed within the timeframe, the contractor’s procedures must 1174
establish and describe a process such as a periodic review to ensure unused property is returned 1175
to the stock room, and that a record is established, in order to be acceptable. 1176
Additionally, the procedures must identify the documents that the contractor will 1178
maintain to evidence receipt, issue, and use of material. 1179
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor’s receipt and issue system is 1181
approved, whether there is a file of appropriately cross-referenced documents that evidence 1182
receipt, issue and use of the material, and whether the material is immediately consumed. 1183
POPULATION: All Government-owned property received within the preceding 12 months that 1185
is accounted for in an R&I system in place of formal accounting records. 1186
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Written approvals signed by the PA, receiving documents, issue 1188
documents, and documents evidencing use. 1189
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Supporting documents for this element include: invoices, contract 1191
modifications, purchase orders, bills of material, fabrication work orders, requisition slips, 1192
property loss relief letters, transfer documents, and shipping documents. 1193
SAMPLING: For standard PMSAs, test the element of Receipt and Issue by statistical 1195
sampling. PAs will request a listing of all Government-owned material that the contractor 1196
received within the preceding 12 months that is accounted for in an R&I system in place of 1197
formal property records. The PA will use judgmental sampling to review example 1198
documentation representative of the contractor’s R&I practices when performing a limited 1199
PMSA. The PA must support all conclusions with sample documentation detailing receipt, 1200
issuance, and use provided by the contractor. 1201
To determine whether the receipt and issue system is approved, review the written 1204
approval of the PA for each contract. 1205
To determine whether the records are complete and auditable, PAs will examine each 1206
R&I file to ensure the documentation evidences receipt, issue, and use, that they include 1207
an item description, part number, quantity, contract number or equivalent code 1208
designation, date of receipt, date of issue, and date of use, and description of use. 1209
Determine whether the contractor returned any property remaining after the timeframe 1210
for immediate consumption to the stockroom and established a record for it that complies 1211
with FAR 52.245-1 (f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (10). The PA will require the contractor to 1212
show record establishment for any items of material for which the contractor fails to 1213
clearly describe consumption (e.g., a prototype required 3 widgets, but the contractor 1214
issued 5 to the floor because it was unknown which widgets would work best. R&I 1215
documentation should show the 3 widgets used on the prototype, and the contractor 1216
would need to establish a record for the remaining 2 widgets). 1217
Describe the documents that evidence receipt, issue, and use of material, and address 1221
whether the documents include an item description, part number, quantity, contract 1222
number or equivalent code designation, date of receipt, date of issue, and date of use. 1223
While separate documents evidencing receipt, issue, and use are not required, the 1224
documentation for each of those actions must be sufficient to provide traceability of all 1225
quantities for each item from receipt through use. 1226
Discuss whether the records are current, whether the material has been consumed or, if 1227
still on-hand, whether it was received and issued within the timeframe established in the 1228
contractor’s procedures for immediate consumption. 1229
Address whether the contractor established a record compliant with 52.245-1230
1(f)(1)(iii)(A)(1) through (10) for all unused material. 1231
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 1237
(iv), Physical inventory. The Contractor shall periodically perform, record, and disclose 1239
physical inventory results. A final physical inventory shall be performed upon contract 1240
completion or termination. The Property Administrator may waive this final inventory 1241
requirement, depending on the circumstances (e.g., overall reliability of the Contractor’s 1242
system or the property is to be transferred to a follow-on contract). 1243
The purpose of the physical inventory is to ensure that the property is on-hand, at the 1246
location reflected in the record, and that the record balance is accurate. There are several 1247
physical inventory methodologies available to contractors, including the following examples: 1248
A “periodic inventory” is taken at predetermined intervals, usually accomplished in a 1249
short period of time, and performed on a wall-to-wall basis. The inventories may be 1250
semiannual, annual, biennial, and so forth, depending on the type, amount, value, and 1251
usage of Government property, and the established practices and reliability of the 1252
contractor's property management system. 1253
An “inventory by exception” is performed on a continuous basis with a fixed 1254
beginning and ending to the inventory cycle. This type of inventory uses move orders, 1255
calibration checks, and other situations where the items are "touched" by contractor 1256
personnel. The contractor must perform a periodic inventory for items not touched on 1257
an exception basis during the inventory period. 1258
A “cycle or cyclic inventory” is a technique where inventory is counted on a cyclic 1259
schedule rather than once a year. Cyclic counting systems require the counting of a 1260
certain number of items each prescribed period of time (e.g. weekly) with each item 1261
counted at a prescribed frequency. 1262
An “ABC inventory” stratifies the inventoried property either by criticality or dollar 1263
value, depending on the control requirements for each stratum. For example, those 1264
items with high dollar values are financially more critical than those with low dollar 1265
values and require more rigorous controls. Class A items, the most critical, are 1266
counted, for example, perhaps six times a year; class C items, the least critical, are 1267
counted less frequently. Consideration should also be given to other situations such as 1268
items that have a long lead time, items subject to pilferage, and critical or sensitive 1269
items. 1270
A “statistical sampling” inventory, if performed properly at the appropriate statistical 1271
risk level, will reduce costs, yet not increase the Government's risk significantly. In 1272
reviewing the contractor's use of a sampling-type inventory, the PA should examine the 1273
contractor's plan to ensure that it does not exceed the risk the Government is willing to 1274
accept, and that it provides for use of valid sampling techniques. If results from the 1275
sample inventory reveal that variances exceed a predetermined acceptable variance 1276
standard, the contractor must perform a complete inventory to identify and correct 1277
overall variances within the inventory control system. 1278
A final physical inventory, performed at contract completion or termination. This 1279
additional inventory identifies item condition and whether the property is required on a 1280
current or future contract in order to provide the PCOs and PLCOs information to 1281
support reutilization priorities and avoid unnecessary waste. This is tested under 1282
Contract Property Closeout. 1283
Inventorying all the line items (100 percent) of material is a very time consuming and 1285
seldom a cost effective method of checking for discrepancies within the contractor's 1286
property management system. Consequently, the following two alternative methods 1287
addressed above are commonly used in commercial practice: cyclic and sampling 1288
inventories. 1289
A combination of stratification and statistical sampling may be useful. For example, 1291
the contractor could perform a statistical sampling of low value items and a complete 1292
inventory of high value items. Criteria for segregating items is a matter of judgment and 1293
should be determined consistent with the contractor’s normal operations. The evaluation of 1294
the appropriateness of the method of inventory employed by the contractor should be based 1295
on the risk to the Government, the PA’s knowledge, and the PA’s confidence in the 1296
contractor's operation. If inventory methods can be cost-effective without requiring the 1297
Government to assume an unreasonable risk, they should be deemed compliant and adequate. 1298
Contractors may use current or emerging technologies such as electronic, optical, 1300
electro-magnetic, or similar identification systems, (e.g., bar codes and radio frequency 1301
identification), to facilitate the accomplishment and completion of inventories. 1302
In accordance with FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(iv), contractors are required to perform a 1304
physical inventory of all Government property, including Government property in the possession 1305
of their subcontractors, upon termination or completion of contracts. Depending on the 1306
circumstances, the PA may waive this requirement on a contract-by-contract basis. PAs will 1307
coordinate with the cognizant PLCO prior to approving a waiver. PAs will only consider 1308
waivers for contractors that currently have approved property management systems, with no 1309
outstanding findings of noncompliance in the elements of Records or Physical Inventory. 1310
Additional considerations include how recent the last physical inventory was, overall property 1311
loss rates, and whether the property will be transferred to a follow-on contract for the same 1312
contractor. Additionally, PAs will not waive final inventories of sensitive Government property. 1313
The PA must document any physical inventory waiver with a memorandum for record 1315
setting forth the rationale for the waiver. The memorandum must include the signed concurrence 1316
of the PAs first level supervisor and will be loaded in the IWMS contract file, as opposed to the 1317
CAGE code level file. 1318
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must identify the type or types of 1321
physical inventory that will be used, and provide specific directions for how inventories will be 1322
performed. 1323
To be compliant, the procedures must also identify how the inventory will be performed 1325
and describe the count slips, tally sheets, or other means that will be used to record it. The 1326
procedures must establish timeframes in which the results of the inventory will be reconciled and 1327
posted to the record. 1328
Regardless of the methodologies employed, in order to be compliant the contractor’s 1330
procedures must include a process for inventorying all Government property regardless of dollar 1331
value or risk level. 1332
OBJECTIVE: The PA is responsible for determining whether the contractor is scheduling and 1334
performing inventories in accordance with its written property procedures. The PA will also 1335
determine whether the frequency and methodology of those inventories is appropriate for the 1336
types and quantity of Government property in the contractor’s stewardship. 1337
POPULATION: All Government property accountable to contracts administered by, or 1339
delegated to, DCMA, and all Government contract property accountable to all DoD contracts, 1340
regardless of administration, for contractors with more than $100M of Government property 1341
administered by DCMA. 1342
If a contractor has at least $100M of Government property accountable to contracts administered 1344
by DCMA, and also has sensitive property, then at least two populations will need to be tested. 1345
Sensitive property must always be tested separately from non-sensitive property. 1346
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Contractor count sheets for manual inventories and scanner uploads 1348
for automated inventories (e.g., performed utilizing a barcode scanner or updates from an RFID 1349
system). Additionally, posting references and dates of transaction in the contractor’s records that 1350
document inventory by exception. 1351
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Inventory schedules, material adjustment records, loss reports, and 1353
the contractor’s property records. 1354
The element of Physical Inventory is tested statistically for standard PMSAs, and is based 1357
on a review of the documentation that the contractor uses to document that the contractor 1358
performs inventories periodically and in accordance with its procedures. PAs will review the 1359
element of Physical Inventory annually for systems with more than $100M of Government 1360
property accountable to contracts administered by DCMA. When performing reviews for those 1361
systems, PAs will include all Government property accountable to DoD contracts in their 1362
population, regardless of whether DCMA administers those contracts. PAs will use the double 1363
sampling plan that provides a 97% confidence of rejecting lots having 10% or more defects. The 1364
PA will use either the population of all Government property accountable to contracts 1365
administered by DCMA, or all Government property accountable to DoD contracts regardless of 1366
administration as appropriate, to ensure that all property is inventoried as scheduled, including 1367
items that are inventoried less frequently than annually. 1368
If the contractor also has sensitive property, this means that there will be two populations 1370
that are separately tested at a 97% confidence level. 1371
The PA will use judgmental sampling to review source and support documentation in 1373
order to test all portions of Physical Inventory when performing a limited PMSA. 1374
If the PA finds that the contractor does not have records of all Government property 1377
while testing the element of Records, the PA will determine whether gaps in records 1378
translates to a noncompliance in the element of Physical Inventory. PAs should consider 1379
that an item that is not on record is unlikely to be inventoried. Also, if the contractor 1380
does not have a record of an item, the contractor could not have posted the inventory to 1381
the record. 1382
Some larger contractors stratify material inventories and use a statistical sampling 1383
inventory for low dollar value, low risk materials. The PA must verify this methodology 1384
to be statistically valid during the review of written procedures. If a randomly selected 1385
sample falls under this methodology, and as such has not yet been inventoried, the PA 1386
will indicate that on the worksheet. If a statistically significant number of samples have 1387
not yet been inventoried in accordance with the contractor’s procedures, the PA may need 1388
to select a purposive sample of items that have been inventoried to provide insight into 1389
the contractor’s inventory processes. 1390
The PA will review accountable contracts to ensure that any special provisions related to 1391
inventory frequency or methodology are addressed in both the contractor’s procedures 1392
and implemented practices (e.g., many MDA and NASA contracts require annual 1393
inventories for all types of Government property). 1394
PAs must review reports of discrepancies to determine whether the discrepancies are 1395
indicative of systemic issues. For example, boxes of a lost materials (vs. individual 1396
items) from a single location, may point to pilferage as opposed to reasonable attrition. 1397
The PA will ensure that the contractor is accurately posting material inventory 1398
adjustments to the record within the timeframe described in its written procedures. 1399
The PA will determine whether the contractor reports inventory results, to include any 1400
discrepancies, to the PA within the timeframe described in the contractor’s written 1401
procedures. 1402
A separate population of all sensitive Government property accountable to contracts 1403
administered by DCMA will be used to test the adequacy of physical inventories of 1404
sensitive items. Sensitive items are tested as a separate population, using a double 1405
sampling plan that identifies defects of 10% or more, if they exist, 97% of the time as 1406
described in paragraphs and 17.2.3. of Chapter 1. 1407
Describe when the contractor performed the inventory. Discuss whether the contractor 1411
performed all inventories as scheduled. 1412
Describe the methodology that the contractor used to perform the inventory. 1413
Address when and how the contractor reconciled the results with the record, and whether 1414
the contractor reconciled the results with the record within the required timeframe. 1415
Discuss whether the contractor posted the results to the record and whether the posting 1416
was accomplished within the required timeframe. 1417
PAs who are performing reviews of property management systems that have more than 1418
$100M in accountable Government property will ensure that the Audit Report identifies 1419
that the elements of Records and Physical Inventory include all DoD property, regardless 1420
of whether it is accountable to contracts administered by DCMA, and that the populations 1421
are tested at a 97% confidence level. 1422
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 1428
(v)(A) Subcontractor Control. The Contractor shall award subcontracts that clearly 1430
identify items to be provided and the extent of any restrictions or limitations on their use. 1431
The Contractor shall ensure appropriate flow down of contract terms and conditions (e.g., 1432
extent of liability for loss of Government property). 1433
PAs must be aware of the distinction between subcontractors and a contractor’s alternate 1436
locations. Some contractors transfer Government property to other corporate divisions via 1437
interdivisional work orders, or agreements. Contractors use different names for these 1438
agreements. These agreements, however, are essentially work orders issued by the contractor to 1439
one of their other corporate divisions that has the required technical expertise or manufacturing 1440
capability to perform a particular task. PAs need to understand whether the other corporate 1441
division is an alternate location under the control of the prime contractor, or a separate legal 1442
entity. Awards, orders, or agreements with a separate legal entity should comply with 1443
requirements for awards to a subcontractor. In order to determine what the relationship between 1444
the prime contractor and the other corporate division is, the PA may use sources like the System 1445
for Award Management (SAM), or the contractor’s Disclosure Statements. If the PA has 1446
difficulty determining the relationship, the PA should seek guidance from the DACO or CACO 1447
administering the contract, and the DACO or CACO’s assigned legal counsel. See paragraph 4.1. 1448
in Chapter 1 of this guidebook for further discussion on this topic. 1449
While FAR 52.245-1 requires the appropriate flow down of contract terms and conditions 1451
to subcontractors, the prime contractor should not flow down FAR 52.245-1 verbatim. The 1452
clause addresses an agreement between the Government and the prime contractor. If contractors 1453
incorporate the FAR 52.245-1 Government Property Clause verbatim in their subcontracts, it 1454
may lead to confusion because the Government is not a party to the subcontract. In such 1455
instances contractors often have, as part of their terms and conditions, clarification that when the 1456
term “Government” is used it will be changed to reflect the contractor’s name to avoid 1457
confusion as to the relationship between the parties. 1458
The liability provision the prime contractor flows down depends upon the pricing 1460
arrangement of the prime contract and of the subcontract. Specifically, prime contractors should 1461
flow down the limited risk of loss in the following types of subcontracts for prime contracts with 1462
limited risk of loss: 1463
Cost-reimbursement contracts. 1465
Time-and-material contracts. 1466
Labor-hour contracts. 1467
Fixed-price contracts awarded on the basis of submission of certified cost or 1468
pricing data. 1469
Negotiated fixed-price contracts awarded on a basis other than submission of 1470
certified cost or pricing data (for DoD contracts only). 1471
Prime contractors should flow down the full risk of loss for any types of subcontracts 1473
other than those listed above. Prime contractors may also flow down full risk of loss in other 1474
circumstances, (i.e., situations that might lead a Government ACO to revoke the Government’s 1475
assumption of risk of loss for Government property.) 1476
The contract clause at DFARS 252.228-7001, Ground and Flight Risk requires a DoD 1478
prime contractor to incorporate the requirements of the clause in all subcontracts. That clause 1479
contains a number of exclusions to the Government’s assumption of risk. 1480
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must direct that subcontracts, or 1483
agreements with other corporate divisions where the corporate division is a separate legal entity, 1484
clearly identify all Government property to be provided. The PA should consider not just what 1485
the contractor calls an agreement (for example a “work order”), but determine whether the 1486
agreement constitutes a subcontract. Determining whether a subcontract has been awarded will 1487
require the PA to evaluate whether the other party is under the control of the contractor, which 1488
would mean not negotiating independently, or a separate legal entity acting in its own, 1489
independent best interest. Compliant procedures must also address how the contractor will flow 1490
down the terms and conditions of FAR 52.245-1 for effective and efficient control of 1491
Government property to the subcontract. The contractor may do this by incorporating a standard 1492
subcontract or purchase order form into the procedures by reference. 1493
The contractor’s procedures must also address the risk of loss the subcontractor will 1495
assume under each type of contract. 1496
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the prime contractor has awarded subcontracts 1498
that clearly identify property to be provided, and has ensured proper flow down of contract terms 1499
and conditions. The PA will also determine whether the contractor includes appropriate liability 1500
for risk of loss in flowing down contract terms and conditions to subcontractors. 1501
POPULATION: All subcontracts that have Government property accountable to prime 1503
contracts administered by DCMA. The population applies to subcontracts that are currently 1504
active or that have been closed in the past year. 1505
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Subcontracts to which Government property is accountable. 1507
SAMPLING: Test Subcontractor Awards and Flow Down statistically for standard PMSAs. 1509
The PA may use judgmental sampling for limited PMSAs to review a sample subcontract. 1510
Review each subcontract or purchase order sampled to determine: 1513
That subcontract instrument clearly identifies the Government property provided. 1514
That the prime contractor adequately flows down FAR 52.245-1 requirements and 1515
contract terms and conditions for effective and efficient control of Government 1516
property. 1517
That the prime contractor incorporates the appropriate risk of loss provision for the 1518
type of contract in subcontracts. 1519
Determine whether the contractor is readily able to identify subcontracts with 1520
accountable Government property. 1521
Describe how the prime contractor identifies the property provided under a subcontract. 1525
Address how the prime contractor flows down contract terms and conditions and whether 1526
they are sufficient to provide effective and efficient control of Government property for 1527
all of the 22 elements that are applicable to the subcontractor’s property management 1528
system. 1529
For the sampled subcontracts, indicate what type of award instrument the prime 1530
contractor used, whether and how the risk of loss is flowed down, and discuss the 1531
suitability of the risk of loss flowed down to the subcontractor in view of the type of 1532
contract. 1533
If the contractor is unable to identify which subcontracts have accountable Government 1534
property, address how, and whether, they are ensuring that those subcontracts are 1535
properly administered. 1536
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 1540
(v)(B), Subcontractor Control. The Contractor shall assure its subcontracts are properly 1542
administered and reviews are periodically performed to determine the adequacy of the 1543
subcontractor’s property management system. 1544
The type of review the contractor performs must be sufficient to determine whether the 1549
subcontractor’s property management system provides effective and efficient control of 1550
Government property. While the contractor is not obligated to use the methods and standards 1551
PAs use in performing PMSAs, the reviews should provide the Government a substantially 1552
similar confidence level regarding the adequacy of subcontractors’ property management 1553
systems. Depending on the size, complexity and risk of the subcontractor’s property 1554
management system, and on the nature of the property in the subcontractor’s possession, those 1555
reviews may be on-site, requiring entrance and exit conferences, and detailed tests and formal 1556
examination and evaluation of a subcontractor’s property management system. For lower risk 1557
subcontractors, the reviews the prime contractor performs may involve less formal testing 1558
methods and techniques. In any event, the reviews must be sufficient to ensure that 1559
subcontractors’ property management systems are adequately monitored and managed by the 1560
prime contractor in order to mitigate Government risk. 1561
Prime contractor documentation supporting the review should be sufficient to 1563
demonstrate that the prime contractor conducted an adequate review, including the tests 1564
performed, the information obtained, and the pertinent conclusions reached. 1565
Prime contractors may use risk or other standards to determine when and how to perform 1567
a review of their subcontractors, as long as those reviews are sufficient to assess the health of the 1568
subcontractor’s system, and are performed frequently enough to avoid exposing the Government 1569
to unreasonable risk. Generally reviews for low risk subcontractors would be performed at least 1570
once every 3 years, as that aligns with the maximum interval that DCMA considers acceptable 1571
for low risk prime contractors. 1572
If the prime contractor identifies a deficiency during a subcontractor review, the prime 1574
must ensure that the subcontractor accomplishes effective corrective actions in a timely manner. 1575
If a contractor chooses to use a limited review questionnaire, the questionnaire must 1577
require objective data and submission of sample documentation upon which a prime contractor 1578
finding may be based. Additionally, the answers the prime contractor requests must adequately 1579
address how the subcontractor manages Government property. The use by a prime contractor of 1580
survey questionnaires with only “Yes/No” answers would not meet this requirement for a 1581
number of reasons. In the absence of objective data and sample documentation, all conclusions 1582
are opinion-based, and do not satisfy the FAR 52.245-1 requirements. A subcontractor who is 1583
asked on a questionnaire whether they have compliant records, for example, is likely to respond 1584
in the affirmative, regardless of whether that statement is completely accurate. Conversely, if the 1585
questionnaire requested a sample record, the prime contractor would be able to verify whether 1586
that sample record was compliant. 1587
In order to be compliant, the procedures must fully describe the types of reviews the 1590
prime contractor will perform, the methodology, and the standards to be employed. The 1591
prime contractor’s procedures must also address how the contractor will determine what 1592
type of review to perform and how frequently the prime contractor’s reviews will be 1593
conducted. If the prime contractor uses risk or other standards to determine when and 1594
how to perform a review of subcontractors, the prime contractor’s procedures must 1595
explain the criteria used for the evaluation. Moreover, the prime contractor’s procedures 1596
must address how the prime contractor will document the reviews, detailing the type of 1597
support documentation that it will use. 1598
The procedures must establish the process the contractor will employ when its 1599
subcontractor reviews reveal deficiencies in order to be compliant with the requirement to 1600
initiate and maintain the processes, systems, procedures, records, and methodologies 1601
necessary for effective and efficient control of Government property, as described in 1602
FAR 52.245-1(b)(1). The process should ensure that subcontractors implement 1603
corrective actions that address the root cause of the deficiencies, that the corrective 1604
actions are accomplished in a timely manner, and that the subcontractor effectively 1605
corrects the shortcoming. 1606
OBJECTIVE: PAs will determine if prime contractors have sufficient control over their 1608
subcontractors and are performing periodic reviews to determine the adequacy of the 1609
subcontractor’s property management system. 1610
POPULATION: All of the contractor’s subcontractors that possessed Government property 1612
accountable to prime contracts administered by DCMA at any time within the past 12 months. 1613
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Reports or other documentation of reviews of subcontractors’ 1615
property management systems. 1616
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Prime contractor’s workpapers supporting reviews of 1618
subcontractors’ property management systems. 1619
SAMPLING: Test the element of Subcontractor Reviews statistically for standard PMSAs. The 1621
PA may use judgmental sampling for limited PMSAs. 1622
The PA will test to determine whether the prime contractor correctly and consistently 1625
applied a risk assessment or other methods to determine the type and frequency of 1626
subcontractor property management reviews. 1627
Examine each subcontractor review in the sample, and assess whether the prime 1628
contractor performed the review as scheduled, whether the review was sufficient to 1629
determine the adequacy of the subcontractor’s property management system, and whether 1630
the contractor documented the review with data upon which a valid finding may be 1631
based. Ensure that all applicable elements were included in the review. 1632
If a prime contractor elects to retain some elements of property administration rather than 1633
flowing them down to the subcontractor (e.g., the contractor elects to maintain records or 1634
perform inventories), the PA will ensure that the prime contractor is performing oversight 1635
of those elements that were not retained when reviewing this element. Retained elements 1636
of property administration will be tested by the PA as part of the overall populations for 1637
those elements. For example, if the prime contractor retains recordkeeping, the PA will 1638
include the records located at the subcontractor facility in the overall records population, 1639
and will request support property administration assistance to perform physical 1640
verification of those items if appropriate. 1641
Verify that subcontractor corrective actions addressed the root cause of identified 1642
deficiencies, that they were accomplished in a timely manner, and that the corrective 1643
actions effectively corrected the shortcoming. 1644
Describe the methods the prime contractor used to determine the type and frequency of 1648
subcontractor property reviews and address whether the prime contractor reviews were 1649
correctly applied. 1650
For subcontractor reviews discuss: 1651
o The method(s) the prime contractor used to perform the reviews. 1652
o Whether the prime contractor performed the reviews as scheduled. 1653
o Whether all applicable elements were addressed for all reviews. 1654
o Whether the prime contractor’s reviews were sufficient to determine the adequacy 1655
of the subcontractor’s property management system. 1656
o Whether the contractor documented the reviews with adequate data to support a 1657
determination of subcontractor system compliance. 1658
Address all deficiencies identified by the prime contractor and explain whether 1659
subcontractor corrective actions addressed the root cause of the deficiencies, were 1660
accomplished in a timely manner, and effectively corrected any deficiencies. 1661
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 1667
(vi). Reports. The Contractor shall have a process to create and provide reports of 1669
discrepancies, loss of Government property, physical inventory results, audits and self-1670
assessments, corrective actions, and other property-related reports as directed by the 1671
Contracting Officer. 1672
Among the reports the contractor may be required to submit are reports of discrepancies; 1675
loss; NASA Form 1018; physical inventory results; self assessments; corrective actions; IUID for 1676
GFP; Commercial Asset Visibility CAV reports; and other contractually required reports. 1677
PROCEDURES: In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must identify all 1679
required reports and the contractor’s method for compiling the necessary data. Furthermore, the 1680
contractor’s procedures must address requirements for submission of each report, including when 1681
the report is due, and to whom the report should be submitted. 1682
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor has a process to create and 1684
provide accurate and complete reports, and whether the contractor submits the reports within the 1685
required timeframe. 1686
POPULATION: PAs must review all contractually-required reports issued by the contractor 1688
within the preceding 12 months. Because each type of report has different characteristics and 1689
addresses different requirements, the PA must use separate populations for each type of report. 1690
For example, if a contractor is reporting receipt of GFP, CSA results, physical inventory results, 1691
and NASA 1018s, there would be separate populations and separate worksheets for each type of 1692
report. Reports of loss of Government property will be tested under the element of Relief of 1693
Stewardship Responsibility and Liability. 1694
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: The contractor’s property management procedures, NASA form 1696
1018, GFP attachments, physical inventory reports, reports of inventory adjustments, CSA 1697
reports, corrective action plans, reports required by Contract Data Requirements Lists (CDRLs), 1698
and other property related reports directed by the PCO or ACO. 1699
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Supporting documents for this element include: records of 1701
Government property, receiving documents, and any other sources of data for the reports. 1702
For standard PMSAs, PAs will test the element of Reports by using statistical sampling. 1705
PAs will review the contractor’s procedures and will request a listing of all contractually-1706
required reports issued within the preceding 12 months. PAs will select statistical samples from 1707
that list for each type of report, and review the reports selected. If PAs have concerns about 1708
whether the contractor submitted all required reports, the PA may select a purposive sample from 1709
all reports that should have been submitted within the preceding 12 months. 1710
PAs will test reports of GFP to the IUID Registry or GFP Module within PIEE by 1712
requesting a population of all GFP accountable to contracts administered by DCMA. The GFP 1713
must be accountable to a contract that includes DFARS clause 252.211-7007 “Reporting of 1714
Government-Furnished Property to the IUID Registry. Because this clause requires all property 1715
received after January 1, 2014, to be reported to the IUID Registry or GFP Module within PIEE 1716
(prior to that, only some categories of GFP were required to be reported to the registry), the PA 1717
must select a random sample of property on hand for which receipt should have been reported. 1718
When performing a limited PMSA, PAs will use judgmental sampling to test whether the 1720
reports are accurate and complete, and whether the contractor submitted the reports by the 1721
required date. PAs will request samples of each type of report to review for completeness and 1722
compliance. Support for all conclusions must include sample documentation provided by the 1723
contractor. 1724
PAs will review the contractor’s property management procedures to determine whether 1727
the contractor has a process to create and provide reports. 1728
To confirm that the reports are accurate, PAs will compare the reports to the sources of 1729
data and determine and assess how the contractor ensures the sources of data are accurate 1730
and complete. 1731
To determine whether the reports were submitted on time, PAs will compare the 1732
submission dates to the date the report was due, and whether the due date was established 1733
by contract or by the contractor’s procedures. 1734
Contractors are required to report the results of the physical inventory, including all 1735
inventory discrepancies (overages and shortages) to the Government PA. With the 1736
exception of normal and reasonable inventory adjustments, (i.e., losses of low-risk 1737
consumable material such as common hardware), as agreed to by the contractor and the 1738
PA, and clearly documented in the contractor’s written procedures, the contractor will 1739
treat all inventory shortages as losses, and must report shortages as such pursuant to FAR 1740
52.245-1(f)(1)(vii). 1741
Contractor inventory adjustments must also be reported to the PA. While these are not 1742
considered losses, the PA needs to have visibility to ensure that the contractor is 1743
identifying adjustments in accordance with the procedure described in the contactor’s 1744
written procedures. 1745
The PA will determine whether the contractor is reporting significant deficiencies 1746
identified during their CSA, as well as any other results in accordance with the 1747
contractor’s written procedures. 1748
The PA will determine whether the contractor is providing requested corrective action 1749
plans that adequately address root causes and corrective actions, in a timely manner. 1750
The PA will verify that all samples requiring IUID reporting have been reported to the 1751
IUID registry by validating that they are included in the contractor’s GFP listing in the 1752
GFP Module in PIEE. 1753
Discuss whether the contractor’s procedures establish an adequate process to create and 1757
provide property-related reports, and provide the rationale for your conclusion. 1758
For each type of report, address whether the reports were accurate and on time, and 1759
discuss how the PA arrived at all conclusions. 1760
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 1767
(vii), Relief of stewardship responsibility and liability. The Contractor shall have a 1769
process to enable the prompt recognition, investigation, disclosure and reporting of loss 1770
of Government property, including losses that occur at subcontractor or alternate site 1771
locations. 1772
(A) This process shall include the corrective actions necessary to prevent recurrence. 1773
(B) Unless otherwise directed by the Property Administrator, the Contractor shall 1774
investigate and report to the Government all incidents of property loss as soon as the 1775
facts become known. Such reports shall, at a minimum, contain the following 1776
information: 1777
(1) Date of incident (if known). 1778
(2) The data elements required under paragraph (f)(1)(iii)(A) of this clause. 1779
(3) Quantity. 1780
(4) Accountable contract number. 1781
(5) A statement indicating current or future need. 1782
(6) Unit acquisition cost, or if applicable, estimated sales proceeds, estimated 1783
repair or replacement costs. 1784
(7) All known interests in commingled material of which includes Government 1785
material. 1786
(8) Cause and corrective action taken or to be taken to prevent recurrence. 1787
(9) A statement that the Government will receive compensation covering the loss 1788
of Government property, in the event the Contractor was or will be reimbursed or 1789
compensated. 1790
(10) Copies of all supporting documentation. 1791
(11) Last known location. 1792
(12) A statement that the property did or did not contain sensitive, export 1793
controlled, hazardous, or toxic material, and that the appropriate agencies and 1794
authorities were notified. 1795
DFARS 252.245-7002(b), Reporting Loss of Government Property: 1797
(2) Unless otherwise provided for in this contract, the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) 1799
of this clause do not apply to normal and reasonable inventory adjustments, i.e., losses of 1800
low risk consumable material such as common hardware, as agreed to by the Contractor 1801
and the Government PA. Such losses are typically a product of normal process variation. 1802
The Contractor shall ensure that its property management system provides adequate 1803
management control measures, e.g., statistical process controls, as a means of managing 1804
such variation. 1805
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(vii)(B) grants the PA some discretion with regard to when 1808
contractors must report a property loss, providing, “Unless otherwise directed by the PA, 1809
the Contractor shall investigate and report to the Government all incidents of property 1810
loss as soon as the facts become known.” 1811
With the exception of reasonable inventory adjustments of material, PAs may not excuse 1812
contractors from reporting property losses, regardless of the value of the item. 1813
Otherwise, the contractor will not be relieved of stewardship for such items. 1814
As agreed to between the PA and contractor, and as documented in the contractor’s 1815
procedures, contractor reporting may be accomplished on a regular basis, no less 1816
frequently than quarterly. PAs may consider low risk property as a factor in determining 1817
whether to allow the contractor to report a loss later than “as soon as the facts become 1818
known.” The information required by FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(vii)(B)(1-12) is still required, 1819
notwithstanding the frequency of reporting. 1820
Ultimately, the most important consideration the PA will take account of in deciding 1821
whether to allow a contractor to report losses later than as soon as the facts become 1822
known must always be whether it is in the best interest of the Government to do so. 1823
Losses determined to be subject to the provisions of DFARS 252.228-7001, Ground and 1824
Flight Risk, are also subject to review under this element. 1825
Overconsumption of material, whether discovered during a consumption analysis or 1826
otherwise, is not a loss. If the PA determines that the contractor has overconsumed 1827
Government owned, contractor-acquired material, the PA will report this to the ACO for 1828
potential “Disallowance of the Reimbursement of Cost” in accordance with FAR subpart 1829
42.8. If the material that the contractor overconsumed was Government furnished, the 1830
PA will notify the ACO who may seek some form of consideration to compensate the 1831
Government. 1832
Some contractors use an indication in their records for “missing” property while they 1833
investigate to determine whether the property is really lost during inventory 1834
reconciliation. This process must be clearly defined in the contractor’s procedures, and 1835
must include a timeframe by which losses will be recognized if the property is not found 1836
after a reasonable search. These items should be included in the population. Limiting the 1837
population to only reported losses leads to the risk of overlooking losses the contractor 1838
identified but failed to report. Such items are particularly relevant when testing whether 1839
the contractor promptly investigates and discloses losses. 1840
Loss of sensitive property must always be reported as soon as the contractor identifies the 1841
potential loss. 1842
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must enable the following: 1845
o Prompt contractor recognition of property losses. 1846
o Prompt contractor investigation of property losses, including the root cause of the 1847
loss. 1848
o Prompt disclosure of property losses by internal notification of any loss to the 1849
responsible contractor property control organization and to the Government PA. 1850
o Prompt contractor reporting of property loss to the Government PA. 1851
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(vii)(B) requires the contractor toinvestigate and report to the 1852
Government all incidents of property loss as soon as the facts become known” unless 1853
otherwise directed by the PA. It is good practice for the contractor to disclose the loss by 1854
informally notifying the PA shortly after the contractors becomes aware of a loss, and 1855
PAs should encourage contractors to include that initial notification in their written 1856
procedures. 1857
“Prompt” must be defined in the contractor’s procedures as an objective measurable 1858
timeframe. 1859
The contractor’s procedures must address the contractor’s corrective action process, 1860
describing how the process identifies, develops, implements, tracks, and evaluates 1861
corrective actions to ensure similar losses do not occur in the future. 1862
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor has a process to enable the 1864
prompt recognition, investigation, disclosure, and reporting of loss of Government property, 1865
including the corrective actions necessary to prevent recurrence, whether the contractor 1866
investigated and reported to the Government all incidents of property loss as soon as the facts 1867
became known, and whether the reports, at a minimum, contained the information set forth at 1868
52.245-1(f)(1)(vii)(1-12). 1869
POPULATION: All losses of Government property accountable to contracts administered by 1871
DCMA within the preceding 12 months. 1872
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Property loss reports. 1874
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Supporting documents for this element include: records of 1876
Government property, acquisition documents (to support the data element of unit acquisition 1877
cost), police reports, insurance company reports and liability determinations, shipping, and any 1878
other sources of data for the reports. 1879
SAMPLING: For standard PMSAs, PAs will select a statistical sample from all contractor 1881
reports or other indications of loss of Government property in the Property Loss capability within 1882
the GFP Module application in PIEE submitted within the preceding 12 months. For limited 1883
PMSAs, PAs will perform a judgmental review by assessing the compliance of a loss report 1884
submitted within the preceding 12 months. 1885
PAs will review the contractor’s property management procedures to determine whether 1888
the contractor has a process to enable the prompt recognition, investigation, disclosure, and 1889
reporting of loss of Government property, including the corrective actions necessary to prevent 1890
recurrence. 1891
The PA will review each report to ensure that the report contains all the information 1893
required by FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(vii)(B)(1 through 12). 1894
For each item sampled: 1896
Compare the date the contractor recognized the loss with the dates the contractor began 1897
and completed its investigation to determine whether the contractor promptly investigated 1898
the loss. 1899
The PA will determine whether the contractor promptly internally disclosed a property 1900
loss by comparing the date the contractor recognized the loss with the date the contractor 1901
notified the responsible contractor property control organization of the loss. 1902
Compare the date the contractor recognized the loss with the date the contractor reported 1903
the loss, and these dates to the date the contractor submitted its report to the Government 1904
PA. The PA will consider this information to determine if the contractor promptly 1905
reported the property loss to the Government PA. 1906
Assess whether the contractor’s initial loss report was accurate and included all required 1907
data elements. If the loss report was rejected for re-work, assess whether the contractor 1908
has a pattern submitting loss reports with similar incomplete or inaccurate data. 1909
Discuss whether the contractor’s procedures establish a process to enable the prompt 1913
recognition, investigation, disclosure, and reporting of loss of Government property, 1914
including the corrective actions necessary to prevent recurrence. Address whether the 1915
contractor’s procedures adequately define “prompt” as an objective measurable 1916
timeframe. 1917
Evaluate whether the contractor’s recognition, investigation, disclosure and reporting of 1918
the sampled losses of Government property was prompt as defined in its procedures. 1919
For the samples, address whether the contractor’s initial report included all of the 1920
information required by FAR 52.245-1 (f)(1)(vii)(B)(1 through 12). 1921
If, for example, the contractor is allowed to report a loss on a regular basis, such as 1922
monthly or quarterly rather than “as soon as the facts become known,” address whether 1923
the contractor reported those losses in a timely manner, and whether there were trends 1924
indicating an undue increase in the amount of property loss or a deficiency in the 1925
contractor’s property management system. 1926
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A), Utilizing Government property:The Contractor shall utilize… 1932
Government Property only as authorized under this contract.” 1933
Generally, unless otherwise authorized by the contract, contractors may only use 1936
Government property in the performance of the contract to which the property is accountable. 1937
Use of such Government property for any other purpose, whether Government or commercial, is 1938
prohibited unless the contractor obtains written approval from the PCO with cognizance of the 1939
contract to which the property is accountable. 1940
There is no contractual requirement for the contractor to establish and maintain utilization 1942
records. However, if the contractor’s procedures provide for the establishment and maintenance 1943
of utilization records, the PA may identify incomplete, inaccurate, or nonexistent utilization 1944
records as non-compliances that require correction. Such issues taken alone, however, normally 1945
do not materially affect the ability of DoD officials to rely upon information produced by the 1946
system. 1947
PROCEDURES: In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must describe the 1949
process the contractor will use to ensure that it will use Government property only as authorized 1950
by contract. If the contractor will do this by establishing utilization records, the contractor’s 1951
procedures will fully describe the format of the records and the method of maintaining them. 1952
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor uses Government property only as 1954
authorized by the contract to which the property is accountable. 1955
POPULATION: All Government owned equipment, special tooling, and special test equipment 1957
accountable to contracts administered by DCMA. The element of Utilization does not apply to 1958
material. 1959
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Utilization documentation, to include utilization reviews, and 1961
written approvals from the PCO for use of property on work other than the contract to which the 1962
property is accountable. 1963
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Supporting documents for this element includes: records of 1965
Government property, and any other sources of data for utilization. 1966
For standard PMSAs, PAs will test the element of Utilization by selecting a statistical 1969
sample from all Government owned equipment, special tooling, and special test equipment that 1970
is accountable to contracts administered by DCMA. 1971
The PA will use judgmental sampling to test Utilization when performing a limited 1973
PMSA. PAs will request sample utilization support documentation. Support for all conclusions 1974
must include sample documentation provided by the contractor. 1975
The PA will review contractor utilization records, if they exist, for the items sampled, and 1978
compare the number of the contract to which the item is accountable to the contract 1979
number on which it was used. The PA will then determine whether the contractor is 1980
using the property only as authorized by the contract to which it is accountable, or as 1981
approved by the PCO. 1982
In the absence of utilization records or logs, PAs may use contractor utilization reviews 1983
as documentation that the contractor has a process to assess continued usage and future 1984
need for the property. 1985
It is also good practice for the PA to perform a physical review of each item sampled to 1986
ascertain the current use of the item. Depending on the contractor’s process, there may 1987
be a work or task order identifying the contract number associated with the task on which 1988
the contractor has used the property. PAs may also ask the employee using the item to 1989
identify the contract under which the property is being used. 1990
If any sampled item has been used other than on the contract to which it accountable, PAs 1991
will check for contractual authorization or the written consent of the PCO. 1992
Explain whether the contractor is using the property, and whether that use is as 1996
authorized by the contract to which the property is accountable. 1997
If there is unauthorized property use on other contracts, explain the nature of that 1998
property use, whether the contractor used the property to perform work on other 1999
Government contracts or commercial work, how much of the property was used, and if 2000
there are any facts concerning that unauthorized use the PA could not verify. 2001
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A), Utilizing Government property: “The Contractor shall promptly 2007
disclose and report Government property in its possession that is excess to contract 2008
Retention of unneeded Government property adds costs to the contract, exposes the 2012
Government to unnecessary risk of loss, and prevents effective reutilization of that property. 2013
Potential additional costs for retained property include costs to store the property, costs to 2014
maintain complete, current, and auditable property records, costs to perform and report periodic 2015
inventories, and costs to maintain the property in usable condition. 2016
FAR 52.245-1(j)(3) requires that excess property be submitted on an inventory disposal 2018
schedule no later than 30 days after the contractor determines the property to be excess, or 60 2019
days after completion of contract deliveries or performance. 2020
While the elements of Declaration of Excess, Disposal, and Property Closeout are related, 2022
the populations used to test each are different because PAs are assessing separate actions. When 2023
testing the element of Declaration of Excess, PAs are determining whether the contractor is 2024
effectively identifying excess property so that it can be reported as such. The PA is tasked with 2025
determining whether all property that should have been declared as excess has been declared as 2026
excess. 2027
When testing the element of Disposal, the PA is determining whether property that the 2029
contractor reported as excess, and submitted to plant clearance, was disposed of in a timely 2030
manner. Incorrectly using a Disposal population to test Declaration of Excess excludes all items 2031
that are excess to contract needs that the contractor may have failed to declare as excess, as well 2032
as all excess items for which the contractor was relieved of stewardship through other means 2033
(e.g., transferred to another contract, returned to the buying activity.) 2034
While the declaration and disposal of excess property are often required steps for a 2036
contractor performing property closeout, the element of Property Closeout covers other actions 2037
as well (i.e., final physical inventory performance, reporting, investigating, and securing closure 2038
of all loss cases, and reporting the contract property closeout to the PA.) Because of this, the 2039
population for the element of Property Closeout is contracts with a final delivery date that has 2040
past, or that have been fully performed. When testing Property Closeout, the PA is determining 2041
whether all closeout actions have been performed. 2042
PROCEDURES: In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must address how the 2044
contractor will promptly identify property that is excess to contractual requirements. Typically, 2045
identification of excess property will involve some type of review of property that the contractor 2046
is not currently using. The contractor will then need to determine whether to initiate a disposal 2047
action or to justify continued retention of the property that is not in current use. The contractor’s 2048
procedures must detail the methodology and frequency of such a review and describe how the 2049
review of excess property will be documented. The PA must ensure that the contractor’s 2050
intervals of review are frequent enough to allow for maximum reutilization and reduction of 2051
contact costs. 2052
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor promptly discloses and reports 2054
Government property in its possession that is excess to contract performance. 2055
POPULATION: All excess Government property in the contractor’s possession at any time in 2057
the past 12 months. Because it would be difficult to identify such property when performing a 2058
PMSA, the population should also include: 2059
All Government property accountable to contracts that are past their final delivery 2061
date. 2062
All Government property that has not had any usage transactions in the past 12 2063
months (or other length of time that may be appropriate for the contract). 2064
o For material, this would mean no issuance. 2065
o For special tooling, special test equipment, and equipment, this would 2066
mean no known usage. 2067
If the contractor does not have any property that is accountable to contracts past 2068
the contracts’ final delivery date, or that has not had any usage transactions in the 2069
past 12 months, then the PA will test a population of all Government contract 2070
property accountable to contracts administered by or delegated to DCMA that is 2071
on hand in order to ensure that the contractor is effectively identifying excess 2072
property. 2073
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Contractor records of Government property. 2076
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Bills of material, schematics, drawings, etc., letters or contract 2077
modifications from PCOs authorizing property retention. 2078
For standard PMSAs, the PA will test the element of Declaration of Excess by selecting a 2081
statistical sample from all Government owned property meeting the conditions identified above 2082
that was on hand within the preceding 12 months and accountable to contracts administered by 2083
DCMA. 2084
The PA will use judgmental sampling to test Declaration of Excess when performing a 2086
limited PMSA. PAs will request sample documentation of reviews to identify excess for the 2087
items sampled, if available. At a minimum, the PA will identify whether there is property 2088
accountable to contracts with final delivery dates that have transpired. The PA must support all 2089
conclusions with sample documentation provided by the contractor. 2090
Because the contractor is required to promptly disclose and report excess Government 2093
property, PAs will, to the extent they are able, address when each item became excess, 2094
when the contractor disclosed the property as excess, and when the contractor reported 2095
the Government property as excess. 2096
Sometimes the buying office, or someone from DCMA, will provide the contractor with 2097
written authorization to retain excess property. Such authorizations are inappropriate and 2098
are, in effect, unfunded storage agreements. However, PAs must be aware that 2099
contractors who receive written authorizations to retain excess property may be 2100
performing in accordance with direction from someone with apparent authority to modify 2101
the terms and conditions of the contract. The PA will engage with the ACO or PCO to 2102
ensure a warranted contracting officer is made aware of direction to the contractor to 2103
retain the property. 2104
Determine whether the contractor has documentation supporting retention on hand at the 2105
time of the PMSA. If a contractor has to ask the PCO for permission to retain excess 2106
property after the sample was selected, it means that the contractor retained property 2107
without proper authorization, and the PA will identify the noncompliance. 2108
A separate population of all excess sensitive Government property accountable to 2109
contracts administered by DCMA in the contractor’s possession for the past 12 months 2110
will be used to test the adequacy of declaration of excess of sensitive items. Because it 2111
would be difficult to identify such property when performing a PMSA, the population 2112
should also include: 2113
o All sensitive Government property accountable to contracts that are past the 2114
contracts’ final delivery date. 2115
o All sensitive Government property that has not had any usage transactions in the 2116
past 12 months (or other length of time that may be appropriate for the contract). 2117
For material, this would mean no issuance. 2118
For special tooling, special test equipment, and equipment, this would 2119
mean no usage. 2120
Sensitive items are tested as a separate population, using a double sampling plan that 2121
identifies defects of 10% or more, if they exist, 97% of the time as described in 2122
paragraphs and 17.2.3. of Chapter 1. 2123
Discuss whether the contractor disclosed and reported excess Government property 2127
promptly. The PA will measure the promptness of those two actions in relation to when 2128
the property became excess. 2129
Describe the process the contractor uses to identify and disclose excess property and 2130
indicate whether the contractor implemented that process as set forth in its procedures. 2131
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A), Utilizing Government property: “The Contractor 2137
shall…consume… Government Property only as authorized under this contract.” 2138
The FAR does not define the word “consumption.” For property management purposes, 2141
consumption is the process of incorporating material into a higher-level assembly or end item, or 2142
otherwise expending it in the performance of a contract. “Consumption” applies only to 2143
material. 2144
PAs will evaluate the adequacy of the contractor’s consumption of Government material 2146
by performing a consumption analysis, which is perhaps the most difficult and challenging 2147
aspect of a PMSA. Stated as simply as possible, a consumption analysis is a matter of tracing 2148
what became of Government material that came into the contractor’s possession, and 2149
determining whether the material is consumed consistent with contract requirements, with 2150
reasonable allowances for scrap and salvage. To perform this analysis, the PA will subtract the 2151
balance on-hand from the quantity of Government property the contractor received, and then 2152
determine what happened to the difference. That is, how much Government property was 2153
incorporated into the end item, how much is still in WIP, and how much was disposed of in 2154
accordance with the contractor’s scrap procedures. 2155
The adequacy and accuracy of the contractor’s records are critical to reflecting the 2157
quantities of property received, issued, and on-hand. 2158
When assessing the quantities of material required for contract performance, PAs must 2160
take into consideration the type of contract involved. Production contracts may clearly spell out 2161
consumption rates, including scrap. Alternatively, the information about consumption may be in 2162
the contractor’s material requirements lists, bills of materials, and master production schedules. 2163
Material requirements for research and development contracts may be vague and driven 2165
largely by an engineer's individual program requirements, interim engineering drawings, a proof 2166
of concept, or testing parameters. The PA may have to interview the engineer, scientist, or 2167
principal investigator who requisitioned material under the contract, soliciting information 2168
through an interview process as to the need for the material, the quantity needed, evidence of 2169
actual consumption (i.e., examining the item created where possible), and determining whether 2170
there is any excess property. The PA must take care to ensure that materials not consumed under 2171
the contract by the engineer or scientist or principal investigator are not stashed away in a desk 2172
drawer or cabinet, as opposed to the contractor returning the property to stores for proper 2173
management. The decision of whether the consumption was reasonable under the contract terms 2174
depends primarily on the PA’s judgment supported by sufficient investigation to reach a 2175
decision. PAs may use additional discussion with other DCMA functional specialists, such as 2176
Engineers and Industrial Specialists to confirm conclusions. 2177
For repair contracts, the contract frequently identifies material requirements in repair 2179
analysis documents. The PA needs to be aware that work that is out of scope of the contract may 2180
arise during the performance of the repair or overhaul. This out-of-scope work may require the 2181
acquisition of CAP material under a cost reimbursement contract line item number (CLIN). 2182
Overhaul and maintenance contracts may set forth consumption allowances in the terms and 2183
conditions. 2184
Cost-reimbursement type contracts or contracts with progress payments generally have a 2186
requirement for an MMAS. See DFARS 242.7200 for the prescription to use DFARS 252.242-2187
7004 for the specific contractor and Government requirements. The MMAS requires the use of 2188
an accounting system to manage the material. Material under the MMAS includes CAP under 2189
cost reimbursement contracts, progress payments inventory under fixed-price contracts with 2190
financing, as well as the contractor’s own material – all of which may be commingled. 2191
Contractors may credit and debit this material between contracts (Government and commercial) 2192
on a daily basis. Therefore, if the contractor has an MMAS, the PA must use extreme caution in 2193
ensuring to test only material of the CAP variety, ensure the CAP material is allocated to a 2194
specific Government contract, and trace that material as it is consumed. In some cases, CAP 2195
under an MMAS system may not be allocated to a DCMA-administered contract until it is 2196
needed for issuance. In these circumstances, the PA may need to work backward to perform a 2197
consumption review by selecting a deliverable end item, and determining what material was 2198
issued to create it. 2199
As a general rule, material consumption should be considered to be unreasonable when 2201
consumption exceeds amounts supported by bills of material, material requirements lists, or 2202
similar material planning documents (including reasonable mortality or attrition rates). 2203
Unreasonable consumption of Government materials is not considered loss of 2205
Government property under the risk-of-loss provisions. In cost reimbursement-type contracts 2206
where the PA identifies unreasonable consumption, the PA will forward the case to the ACO 2207
recommending cost disallowance action under the FAR Part 31 cost principles. In fixed-priced 2208
contracts where unreasonable consumption of GFM is found, the PA will forward the case to the 2209
ACO, and the ACO will determine whether or not consideration should be requested from the 2210
contractor. 2211
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures would need to describe how it will 2214
ensure that material is consumed only as authorized under the contract. This may entail the 2215
creation of specific consumption records. For a smaller R&D company, this may be as simple as 2216
maintaining a log book at the scientist’s workbench detailing what they have used, and how they 2217
have used it. In other cases, the contractor’s official property record data elements for 2218
disposition and posting reference and date of transaction may suffice. 2219
If the contractor’s procedures provide for the establishment and maintenance of 2221
consumption records above and beyond what is maintained within the contractor’s general 2222
property records, the PA will identify incomplete, inaccurate, or nonexistent consumption 2223
records as non-compliances that require correction. Because this would constitute a 2224
noncompliance with the contractor’s procedures, rather than a noncompliance with paragraph (f) 2225
of the property clause, the PA may not identify the issue as shortcoming in the property 2226
management system. 2227
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor consumes Government property 2229
only as authorized by the contract to which the property is accountable and whether that 2230
consumption is reasonable. 2231
POPULATION: All Government owned material accountable to contracts administered by, or 2233
delegated to, DCMA that was issued for use within the past 12 months. This includes material 2234
managed under an MMAS, and material for which the contractor has been granted R&I 2235
authorization, in addition to material with standard recordkeeping requirements. 2236
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Bills of material, material requirement lists, issue documents, 2238
contract statements of work (For R&D), proofs of concept (Also for R&D), repair evaluation 2239
documents, blueprints, etc. 2240
PAs will test the element of Consumption statistically for standard PMSAs using a 2243
sample selected from the contractor’s records. 2244
The PA will use judgmental sampling to test Consumption when performing a limited 2246
PMSA. The PA must support all conclusions with sample documentation provided by the 2247
contractor. 2248
The PA will test the adequacy of the contractor’s consumption practices for material 2251
through the assessment of material requirements and calculations of the actual 2252
consumption of material in the performance of contract requirements to ensure that 2253
material is consumed in reasonable quantities. 2254
For each sample item determine: 2255
o The quantity needed as evidenced by the material requirements list (MRL), bill of 2256
materials (BOM), or other supporting document. 2257
o The total quantity issued of each line item of material. 2258
o Any scrap for each line item of material. 2259
o Any loss for each line item of material. 2260
o The total quantity of higher-level assembly or end item delivered. 2261
The PA will select a separate population for sensitive material that is accountable to 2262
contracts administered by DCMA to determine the adequacy of consumption of those 2263
items. 2264
Sensitive items are tested using a double sampling plan that identifies defects of 10% or 2265
more, if they exist, 97% of the time. 2266
In the Audit Report, the PA will explain the consumption analysis, addressing the source 2270
used for each data element (e.g., the total quantity needed was computed by multiplying 2271
the quantity needed per end item as identified in the BOM by the total number of end 2272
items) for each item sampled, and will assess whether the consumption was reasonable 2273
and authorized under the contract terms and conditions. 2274
PAs will also describe the rationale used to determine whether the consumption of the 2275
selected samples was reasonable. 2276
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A), Utilizing Government property: “The Contractor shall…move… 2282
Government Property only as authorized under this contract.” 2283
Contractors are required to manage the movement of Government property to ensure the 2286
physical protection of the property. 2287
Contractors routinely transport property from receiving areas to storage facilities, to 2288
manufacturing areas, or other locations. The contractor may use a variety of processes to 2289
transport Government property. Movement may require the use of material handling 2290
equipment such as forklifts, cranes, hoists, positioning equipment, tugs, motor vehicles, 2291
and other equipment. 2292
In order to be considered compliant, the contractor’s procedures must establish processes 2295
to minimize or prevent possible damage to property. Where appropriate, the contractor’s 2296
procedures must also address controls for the proper operation of material handling equipment 2297
including roles and responsibilities of authorized operators. 2298
Compliant procedures must ensure that accurate location changes are promptly posted to 2300
the record any time Government property is moved unless that property is managed using the 2301
low risk practice methodology as described in the DCMA Low Risk Practice SOP. 2302
There are some contractors that do not create separate movement documentation for 2304
internal moves, and instead document those move solely by updating the location data element in 2305
the property record. A contractor that uses this methodology would need to clearly describe this 2306
process in the written procedures in order to be considered compliant. 2307
OBJECTIVE: The PA is responsible for determining whether the contractor performs 2309
movement of Government property under proper authority, whether appropriate support 2310
documentation is prepared and maintained, and that location changes are promptly recorded by 2311
the contractor. Additionally, the PA will determine whether the contractor adequately protects 2312
Government property during movement, and whether the contractor promptly reported any losses 2313
resulting from inadequate protection. 2314
The population consists of all moves of Government property, both internal and external 2317
to the contractor’s facility, performed within the past 12 months. 2318
For those contractors that do not use separate movement documentation for internal 2320
property moves, and instead update the location data element in the property record to document 2321
those moves, the PA will test property movement concurrently with Records, putting emphasis 2322
on location accuracy. In such a case, the PA will indicate in the Audit Report that the sample 2323
used to test Records will also be used to test Movement because the contractor cannot provide a 2324
separate property movement population. In the findings and observations section of the Audit 2325
Report, the PA will address location accuracy of the contractor’s records. Even if the contractor 2326
does not separately document internal property moves, external property moves would have 2327
shipping documentation that the PA can sample and test. If a contractor has both internal and 2328
external moves, but the contractor does not separately document internal property moves, the PA 2329
will identify a separate population and sample for those external movement transactions, and 2330
address them separately within the Audit Report. 2331
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Source documents include location change orders, move tickets, 2333
custodial transfer documents, maintenance work orders, issue slips, shipping tickets, DD1149s, 2334
DD1348s, Bills of Lading, and other similar documents. 2335
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Support documents include the contractor’s Government property 2337
records and other documents generated for the movement of property. 2338
The element of Movement is tested statistically by PAs for standard PMSAs using the 2341
contractor’s documentation. This documentation is used to verify that the contractor performs 2342
movement in accordance with the contractor’s procedures. 2343
The PA will use judgmental sampling to test Movement when performing a limited 2345
PMSA. Support for all conclusions must include sample documentation provided by the 2346
contractor. 2347
Determine whether movement is performed in accordance with the contractor’s written 2350
procedures. 2351
Determine whether the contractor is updating records of movement in accordance with 2352
the timeframes identified in the contractor’s written procedures. 2353
Determine whether there were any losses that occurred due to the contractor’s movement 2354
practices, and if so, whether those losses were reported to the PA. 2355
Determine and discuss whether the movement of the sampled items was performed under 2359
proper authority and whether appropriate support documentation was prepared and 2360
maintained. 2361
Address whether the contractor updated the Government property record to reflect the 2362
location change within the timeframes established in the procedures. 2363
Address whether there were any losses resulting from inadequate protection of property. 2364
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(viii)(A), Utilizing Government property: “The Contractor shall…store 2370
Government Property only as authorized under this contract.” 2371
Contractors are required to provide protection for Government property when it is in 2374
storage. That protection includes, but is not limited to, physical security, control of access, and 2375
storage and handling processes that minimize potential for breakage or damage from heat, 2376
humidity, static, or other causes. 2377
PAs must be aware of outside storage areas and will ensure the contractor applies proper 2379
protection to property while in outside storage. 2380
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must identify how Government 2384
property is stored when not in use. Compliant procedures will also address how the contractor 2385
will limit access to the property, as well as protect the property from unauthorized removal, 2386
pilferage, and theft. The procedures may also include direction for protection from water 2387
damage, insect and rodent infestation, or from deterioration because of dust, temperature, static 2388
electricity, and humidity, where applicable. 2389
Compliant procedures will also address any special protection needed for sensitive 2391
property such as arms, ammunition, and explosives, hazardous materials, shelf-life items, 2392
classified property, etc. 2393
OBJECTIVE: The PA is responsible for determining whether the contractor stores Government 2395
property appropriately to ensure adequate protection and preservation. This includes proper 2396
protection from unauthorized removal, pilferage, and theft; protection from water damage, insect 2397
and rodent infestation, or from deterioration because of dust, temperature, static electricity, and 2398
humidity, where applicable. 2399
POPULATION: All locations where Government property is stored when not in use. 2401
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: There are no source documents for this element. 2403
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Any approvals of special storage provided by buying offices 2405
and/or outside agencies (e.g., for AA&E or for classified storage). 2406
SAMPLING: Test the element of Storage judgmentally for both standard and limited PMSAs. 2408
Support for conclusions of storage adequacy when the PA has not performed a site visit consists 2409
of photographs provided by the contractor that show all of the locations where Government 2410
property is stored when not in use, and input from other DCMA functional specialists who make 2411
site visits (e.g., QARs, Safety, Plant Clearance). If the contractor has sensitive property, the PA 2412
must review all storage locations that house the sensitive property on-site. 2413
Determine whether Government property that is in storage is adequately protected against 2416
unauthorized removal, to include pilferage and theft. 2417
Review how the contractor controls access to stored property in order to ensure that only 2418
authorized employees have access. 2419
Where applicable, determine whether the contractor adequately protects property from 2420
damage caused by water, rodents and insects, dust, temperature changes, static electricity, 2421
humidity, and other applicable environmental factors. 2422
Determine whether the contractor effectively implements any special protections that 2423
may be required for sensitive, hazardous, or classified property. 2424
Assess whether contractor storage areas are neat, clean, and well-organized. 2425
Verify whether the contractor’s physical security for stored Government property is 2426
adequate for the type of property. 2427
If the contractor utilizes outside storage, determine whether the contractor uses a type of 2428
outdoor storage appropriate for the stored type of property, and that the contractor has put 2429
sufficient security measures in place. 2430
Ensure that the contractor’s storage areas for Government property awaiting plant 2431
clearance processing are appropriate for assuring the property's physical safety and 2432
preserving the property’s suitability for use. 2433
Describe whether the contractor’s processes protect Government property against 2437
unauthorized removal, describing the security measures employed, and assessing their 2438
appropriateness and effectiveness. 2439
State whether the contractor controls access to Government property that is not in use, 2440
and ensures that only authorized employees have access. 2441
Where protection from damage caused by water, rodents and insects, dust, temperature 2442
changes, static electricity, humidity, and other applicable environmental factors is 2443
applicable, detail the protection the contractor provides and indicate whether it is 2444
effective, providing the rationale for your conclusions. 2445
Describe any special protections the contractor uses as part of storage of sensitive, 2446
hazardous, or classified property, and indicate whether the contractor effectively 2447
implements the protections. 2448
Report whether storage areas are neat, clean, and well-organized. 2449
Describe any Government property located outside and address whether it is appropriate 2450
for that type of property to be stored outside, and whether the contractor has put sufficient 2451
security measures in place. 2452
Explain whether the contractor has appropriate protections for Government property 2453
awaiting plant clearance processing to assure the property's physical safety, and preserve 2454
the property’s suitability for use. 2455
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 2461
(viii)(B) Unless otherwise authorized in this contract or by the Property Administrator the 2463
Contractor shall not commingle Government material with material not owned by the 2464
Government. 2465
Commingling means the storage of Government materials with contractor materials in a 2468
single location, mixed so the property loses the identification of the property’s ownership. 2469
For example, if 100 washers with the same part number, 50 belonging to the Government 2470
and 50 contractor-owned, are stored in the same bin, and the contractor no longer 2471
separately identifies ownership of the washers, the contractor has commingled the 2472
washers. 2473
PAs must distinguish commingling from co-location of property. Co-location occurs 2474
when Government-owned material is stored in the same location with contractor-owned 2475
material, but the property does not lose its identity with regard to ownership due to the 2476
contractor’s identification, marking, and recording of the Government property. 2477
Contractors are permitted to co-locate Government material with contractor owned 2478
material. In the example above, if the contractor segregated the 50 washers owned by the 2479
Government and the 50 contractor-owned washers in separate bags, with each bag clearly 2480
identified and marked, one bag as Government property, and one as contractor-owned 2481
property, and stored the bags in the same bin, the property would be considered co-2482
located. 2483
While an MMAS allows commingling of Government-owned material with contractor 2484
material, contractors may not include Government-furnished material (GFM) in a MMAS 2485
except for production planning purposes (e.g., GFM is recorded in the same 2486
computerized database as MMAS materials, but is not available for transfers between 2487
contracts like the contractor acquired material in the MMAS system.) Contractors may 2488
not commingle GFM with contractor material in a MMAS. 2489
The issue with commingling is that property can lose its identity as Government property, 2490
thereby potentially affecting consumption rates, and increasing the potential for 2491
unauthorized use. 2492
The PA will ensure that the contractor’s procedures specifically state that the contractor 2495
will not commingle Government property with contractor property, without authorization. 2496
Compliant procedures will address any exception that stems from contract or PA authorization to 2497
commingle Government material with contractor material. 2498
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must provide sufficient detail to 2500
describe how the contractor will avoid unauthorized commingling of property. 2501
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor is commingling Government 2503
material with contractor material. If the contractor is commingling Government material with 2504
contractor material, the PA will determine whether the contract or PA authorized the 2505
commingling. 2506
POPULATION: All Government-owned material that is accountable to contracts administered 2508
by DCMA. 2509
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: There are no source documents for this element. 2511
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Any contractual provisions authorizing commingling or any 2513
approvals of commingling provided by the PA. 2514
The element of Storage Commingling is tested judgmentally for standard reviews, and is 2517
based on observations made by the PA while reviewing other elements, to include Records, 2518
Identification, and Storage. 2519
The PA will also use judgmental sampling when reviewing the contractor’s written 2521
responses for limited PMSAs. The PA may support conclusions of storage adequacy when the 2522
PA has not performed a site visit through the following: photographs provided by the contractor, 2523
evidence from the contractor or Government officials that material is appropriately identified, 2524
and feedback from other DCMA functional specialists who perform contractor site visits (e.g., 2525
QARs, Safety, and PLCO). 2526
PAs will review this element by visually inspecting those areas where Government 2529
material is stored. 2530
If the contractor is commingling materials, the PA will determine whether the contractor 2531
has the required authorization to do so. 2532
If the contractor is commingling property, and has authorization to do so, describe the 2533
nature of that authorization. Address whether the authorization is specific to a contract or 2534
group of contracts, and whether that authorization has any further limitations. 2535
Describe how the contractor addresses commingling, and any authorization to do so, 2536
within the contractor’s written procedures. If the contractor has authorization to 2537
commingle property, determine whether the contractor follows its procedures addressing 2538
the commingling. 2539
Describe whether judgmentally sampled items of property are stored by the contractor in 2543
sufficient detail to establish whether the property is segregated or commingled. 2544
If Government-owned material is commingled with contractor-owned material, the PA 2545
must address whether the contract or PA authorizes the commingling, and whether the 2546
materials is commingled as part of an MMAS. Any PA approvals will be specifically 2547
identified with an attached copy documenting the approval. PAs will identify any 2548
contractual provision authorizing commingling. 2549
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 2555
(ix), Maintenance. The Contractor shall properly maintain Government property. The 2557
Contractor's maintenance program shall enable the identification, disclosure, and 2558
performance of normal and routine preventative maintenance and repair. The Contractor 2559
shall disclose and report to the Property Administrator the need for replacement and/or 2560
capital rehabilitation. 2561
Preventative maintenance is any regularly scheduled inspection, calibration, and 2564
maintenance performed to sustain the property’s suitability for its intended use, and to 2565
detect and correct minor deficiencies before they result in damage to property. 2566
Preventative maintenance could include such tasks as lubrication, servicing, inspection, 2567
and normal parts replacement. These actions will prevent excessive property wear, 2568
malfunction, or deterioration, and ensure effective use of the property for its designated 2569
purpose. Maintenance may be performed at production and non-production facilities. 2570
Capital rehabilitation is any work the contractor performs or has another party perform 2571
outside of the normal maintenance obligation. If routine and preventative maintenance is 2572
not sufficient to sustain a property item’s suitability for the property’s intended use, the 2573
contractor should notify the PA promptly and request direction regarding repair or 2574
replacement, or other actions directed by the Government. Note that the performance of 2575
capital rehabilitation requires PCO or ACO authorization. 2576
Special contract terms and conditions may require a higher level of maintenance or 2577
special maintenance provisions. The PA will review contracts for any special provisions. 2578
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must describe the process for 2581
identifying Government property that requires maintenance. The contractor’s procedures must 2582
also explain how the contractor will document the results of its evaluation of property requiring 2583
routine preventative maintenance. 2584
The PA will determine whether the contractor’s maintenance procedures address how the 2586
contractor will ensure that Government property is returned to the Government in the same; or 2587
better condition, less normal wear and tear. Maintenance control processes addressed in the 2588
contractor’s written procedures may include but are not limited to: 2589
Planning maintenance and inspection. 2590
Scheduling work. 2591
Initiating work orders. 2592
Controlling maintenance performance. 2593
Ensuring field reporting (completed work orders returned noting work accomplished and 2594
providing remarks on equipment status). 2595
Work order status. 2596
Backlog. 2597
Records. Records will include complete historical data on each item of property; i.e., all 2598
maintenance efforts, cost, accumulative cost (parts and labor), and documentation of 2599
repetitive failures. 2600
Maintenance analysis. 2601
Reporting. 2602
The contractor's procedures must provide for the reporting, initiating, and performance of 2604
maintenance outside the scope of preventative maintenance, but within the contractor's normal 2605
maintenance obligation. The procedures should include instructions for the following: 2606
Disclosure and reporting of deficiencies by operational personnel. 2608
Disclosure of deficiencies identified through preventative maintenance or inspections. 2609
Initiating work orders with detailed assignment, guidance, and responsibilities. 2610
Recording work accomplished. 2611
The contractor’s procedures should address the requirement to disclose the need for 2613
capital rehabilitation, or any work that is outside of the normal maintenance obligation to the PA. 2614
OBJECTIVE: There are several objectives to achieve in testing the element of Maintenance: 2616
The PA will ensure the contractor identifies, discloses, and performs normal and routine 2617
preventative maintenance and repair. 2618
The PA will determine whether the contractor discloses and reports to the PA the need 2619
for replacement or capital rehabilitation. 2620
The population used to test whether the contractor performs normal and routine 2623
preventative maintenance and repair is all Government property accountable to contracts 2624
administered by DCMA that requires normal and routine preventative maintenance and 2625
repair. This population typically includes special tooling, special test equipment, and 2626
equipment but not material. 2627
To test whether the contractor discloses and reports to the PA the need for replacement or 2628
capital rehabilitation, the population is all Government property accountable to contracts 2629
administered by DCMA that required replacement or capital rehabilitation within the 2630
preceding 12 months. 2631
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Maintenance records and logs, calibration stickers, repair work 2632
orders, replacement purchase orders, and documentation of the need for normal and routine 2633
preventative maintenance. 2634
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Technical manuals, the contractor’s maintenance procedures, and 2636
contracts with special maintenance provisions. 2637
For standard PMSAs, PAs will test the element of Maintenance by selecting a statistical 2639
sample from the applicable populations identified above. 2640
The PA will use judgmental sampling to test Maintenance when performing a limited 2642
PMSA. PAs will request sample maintenance documents for the items sampled. Support for all 2643
conclusions must include sample documentation provided by the contractor. 2644
PAs should seek input from quality assurance representatives or engineers when 2647
questions arise about matters they may not have the technical expertise to adequately 2648
address. Examples of such matters may include whether an item should be scheduled for 2649
normal and routine preventative maintenance or whether the type of maintenance the 2650
contractor is performing is adequate. 2651
PAs may use the calibration records, stickers, etc., to support findings in the areas of 2652
maintenance of special test equipment. 2653
When addressing whether the contractor identifies and discloses the items that require 2657
normal and routine preventative maintenance and repair, the PA will discuss: 2658
o Whether the contractor identifies property that requires preventative maintenance 2659
and the nature of that maintenance. 2660
o Whether the contractor discloses the need for normal and routine preventative 2661
maintenance and repair. 2662
For the items sampled, the PA’s discussion about whether the contractor performs normal 2663
and routine preventative maintenance and repair will address: 2664
o The date the contractor performed maintenance or repair compared with the date 2665
it was scheduled to determine whether the contractor performed the maintenance 2666
as scheduled. 2667
o Whether the contractor documents the performance of normal and routine 2668
maintenance. 2669
For items that required capital rehabilitation or replacement, the PA will address whether 2670
the contractor notified the PA of that need, and whether the notification was in 2671
accordance with the timeframes in the contractor’s written procedures. 2672
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 2678
(x) Property closeout. The Contractor shall promptly perform and report to the Property 2680
Administrator contract property closeout, to include … disposing of items at the time 2681
they are determined to be excess to contractual needs. 2682
Because of the potential harm that some types of sensitive property may cause, the 2685
contract may include special direction for the disposal of sensitive property and other 2686
types of property that could cause harm during the disposal process. 2687
Except when otherwise provided for in a contract, contractors must dispose of contractor 2688
inventory only as authorized by the Plant Clearance Officer (PLCO). 2689
Contractors are required to remove and destroy any markings identifying the property as 2690
Government-owned property prior to its disposal if they are not returning the property to 2691
the Government. See FAR 52.245-1(j)(7)(i). 2692
Contractors will demilitarize Government property prior to shipment or disposal as 2693
directed by the PCO. See FAR 52.245-1(j)(7)(ii). 2694
Contractors will credit the net proceeds from the disposal of contractor inventory to the 2695
contract, or to the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts as directed by 2696
the PCO. See FAR 52.245-1(j)(8). 2697
Unless the PLCO determines otherwise, contractors are not required to identify or report 2698
production scrap on inventory disposal schedules, and may process and dispose of 2699
production scrap in accordance with its own internal scrap procedures. See FAR 52.245-2700
1(j)(3)(ii). 2701
Contractors will dispose of all other types of scrap in accordance with the terms and 2702
conditions of the contract or PLCO direction, as appropriate. 2703
While the elements of Declaration of Excess, Disposal, and Property Closeout are related, 2705
the populations used to test each are different because PAs are assessing separate actions. When 2706
testing the element of Declaration of Excess, PAs are determining whether the contractor is 2707
effectively identifying excess property so that it can be reported as such. The PA is tasked with 2708
determining whether all property that should have been declared as excess has been declared as 2709
excess. 2710
When testing the element of Disposal, the PA is determining whether property that was 2712
reported as excess, and submitted to plant clearance, was disposed of in a timely manner. 2713
Incorrectly using a Disposal population to test Declaration of Excess excludes all items that are 2714
excess to contract needs that contractor may have failed to declare as excess, as well as all excess 2715
items for which the contractor was relieved of stewardship through other means, (e.g., 2716
transferred to another contract, returned to the buying activity.) While the declaration and 2717
disposal of excess property are often required steps for a contractor performing property 2718
closeout, the element of Property Closeout covers other actions as well (i.e., final physical 2719
inventory performance, reporting, investigating, and securing closure of all loss cases, and 2720
reporting the contract property closeout to the PA.) Because of this, the population for the 2721
element of Property Closeout is the contracts that are past the contract’s final delivery date. 2722
When testing Property Closeout, the PA is determining whether all closeout actions have been 2723
performed. 2724
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must clearly state that, except when 2727
otherwise provided for in a contract, disposal of contractor inventory must be authorized 2728
by the PLCO. 2729
Compliant contractor procedures will establish a method to document and confirm that 2730
the contractor removed and destroyed any markings identifying the property as 2731
Government-owned prior to its disposal if property is not returned to the Government. 2732
Disposal of scrap in accordance with the contractor’s own internal scrap procedures 2733
applies only to production scrap. Those procedures will provide for crediting the net 2734
proceeds from the sale of scrap to an appropriate overhead account. See paragraph 17.6 2735
of this Guidebook for more information regarding contractor scrap procedures. 2736
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether the contractor promptly disposes of Government 2738
property at the time the contractor determines the property to be excess to contractual needs, in 2739
accordance with the terms of the contract. 2740
POPULATION: There are potentially several populations subject to review including: 2742
All Government-owned property accountable to contracts administered by DCMA that 2743
was in the contractor’s possession within the preceding 12 months for which there were 2744
disposition instructions. The population also includes any Government property for 2745
which the contractor had previously received disposal instructions, but has not yet carried 2746
out the instructions. 2747
All Government-owned production scrap accountable to contracts administered by 2748
DCMA that was disposed of by the contractor in accordance with its own internal scrap 2749
procedures within the preceding 12 months. 2750
All Government-owned property, including scrap, accountable to contracts administered 2751
by DCMA that the contractor was directed to sell within the preceding 12 months. 2752
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: All documentation of disposal actions including DD 1149 shipping 2754
documents, transfers between contracts, sales documents, and scrap tickets. 2755
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Disposal instructions from PLCOs, contracts, and any other 2757
sources of disposal instructions. 2758
For standard PMSAs, PAs will test the element of Disposal by selecting a statistical 2761
sample from the applicable populations identified above. 2762
The PA will use judgmental sampling to test Disposal when performing a limited PMSA. 2764
PAs will request sample disposal documents for the property items sampled. The PA must use 2765
sample documentation provided by the contractor to support all conclusions. 2766
When reviewing the element of disposal, PAs will contact the PLCO responsible for the 2769
contractor and request the PLCO’s input on the contractor’s execution of disposal 2770
instructions and any other disposal related issues. 2771
To determine whether the contractor disposed of the property under proper authority, the 2772
PA will review the disposition instructions for the sampled items. 2773
The PA will compare the date of the disposition instructions with the date of the disposal 2774
document to determine whether the contractor disposed of the sampled items promptly. 2775
The PA will determine whether each sample was submitted to the Plant Clearance 2776
Capability in the PIEE GFP Module within 30 days after identification of excess, 60 days 2777
after contract completion, or 120 days after contract termination (plus any authorized 2778
extensions.) To do this, the PA will compare the date that the item was determined to be 2779
excess (e.g., utilization review, end of contract, level of effort completion) with the date 2780
that it was submitted to the Plant Clearance Capability in the PIEE GFP Module. 2781
For each sale of property that the PA samples, the PA will review the documentation the 2782
contractor used to credit the Government with the proceeds from the sale. 2783
The PA will review the documentation for each item of scrap to ensure the contractor 2784
properly identified items as scrap in accordance with the contractor’s procedures and that 2785
the contractor properly credits the proceeds from the sale of the scrap to the Government. 2786
The PA will use separate populations for sensitive property that is accountable to 2787
contracts administered by DCMA to determine the adequacy of the contractor’s disposal 2788
of sensitive items. 2789
Sensitive items must be tested as a separate population, using a double sampling plan that 2790
identifies defects of 10% or more, if they exist, 97% of the time as described in 2791
paragraphs and 17.2.3. of Chapter 1. 2792
Analyze the promptness with which the contractor disposed of the sampled items. 2796
Address how the contractor credited the Government with the proceeds for the sale items 2797
sampled. 2798
Explain how the contractor determines whether an item is production scrap, whether that 2799
determination is verified by a Government representative, and how the Government is 2800
credited with any proceeds. 2801
Discuss whether the contractor removed and destroyed any markings identifying the 2802
property as U.S. Government-owned property prior to its disposal. 2803
Identify the cognizant PLCO by name and indicate the date the PA contacted the PLCO, 2804
and summarize the information obtained. 2805
Identify any of the sampled items that required demilitarization, describe how and when 2806
the contractor accomplished the demilitarization of the property, and identify the 2807
Government official who witnessed the demilitarization. 2808
FAR 52.245-1(f)(1): 2814
(x) Property closeout. The Contractor shall promptly perform and report to the Property 2816
Administrator contract property closeout, to include reporting, investigating and securing 2817
closure of all loss of Government property cases; physically inventorying all property 2818
upon termination or completion of this contract… 2819
Timely property closeout ensures that Government assets are available for use on other 2822
Government contracts and reduces the risk of loss, theft, damage or destruction. Furthermore, 2823
timely property closeout reduces Government expenses incurred in storing, inventorying, and 2824
maintaining excess Government property, as well as the expenses involved with administering an 2825
open contract. Contracts may not be closed for property or contract administration until all 2826
accountable Government property has been has been consumed, transferred, returned, shipped, 2827
or disposed of, and all loss cases have been adjudicated and closed. Additionally, before contract 2828
closeout, disposition actions for all items submitted to the Plant Clearance Capability in the PIEE 2829
GFP Module must have been carried out as directed by the PLCO. 2830
FAR 52.245-1(j)(3)(i) requires the contractor to submit residual property for plant 2832
clearance within 60 days after completion of contract deliveries or performance (generally 2833
aligning with the final delivery date), unless the PLCO approves an extension. Contractors 2834
frequently find it difficult to comply with that requirement if they wait until completion of 2835
contract deliveries or performance to initiate property closeout actions. 2836
If the contractor has written authorization from the PCO to retain excess Government 2838
property, the ACO cannot close out the accountable contract for property or contract 2839
administration. Contract closeout can only proceed once the Government property is properly 2840
transferred to a follow-on contract or otherwise disposed of in accordance with the contract or as 2841
authorized by the PLCO. 2842
While the elements of Declaration of Excess, Disposal, and Property Closeout are related, 2844
the populations used to test each are different because PAs are assessing separate actions. When 2845
testing the element of Declaration of Excess, PAs are determining whether the contractor is 2846
effectively identifying excess property so that it can be reported as such. The PA is tasked with 2847
determining whether all property that should have been declared as excess has been declared as 2848
excess. When testing the element of Disposal, the PA is determining whether property that was 2849
reported as excess, and submitted to plant clearance, was disposed of in a timely manner. 2850
Incorrectly using a Disposal population to test Declaration of Excess excludes all items that are 2851
excess to contract needs that contractor may have failed to declare as excess, as well as all excess 2852
items for which the contractor was relieved of stewardship through other means, (e.g., 2853
transferred to another contract, returned to the buying activity.) While the declaration and 2854
disposal of excess property are often required steps for a contractor performing property 2855
closeout, the element of Property Closeout covers other actions as well (i.e., final physical 2856
inventory performance, reporting, investigating, and securing closure of all loss cases, and 2857
reporting the contract property closeout to the PA.) Because of this, the population for the 2858
element of Property Closeout is the contracts that are past their FDD. When testing Property 2859
Closeout, the PA is determining whether all closeout actions have been performed. 2860
In order to be compliant, the contractor’s procedures must set out a method for 2863
identifying contracts approaching physical completion. The procedures must describe how the 2864
contractor will ensure that its property management organization is internally notified of the 2865
pending or actual completion of contracts, so that closeout actions can begin. 2866
The contractor’s procedures will establish a process for initiating and completing a final 2868
physical inventory of all property accountable to the contract. The contractor’s inventory 2869
procedures must establish timeframes in which the contractor will perform the inventory, 2870
reconcile the results, and post them to the record. 2871
The contractor’s procedures must describe a process to ensure reporting and investigation 2873
of all loss of Government property, and to secure closure of all pending cases of Government 2874
property loss. 2875
Additionally, the contractor’s procedures must establish a timeframe in which the 2877
contractor will report to the PA that the contractor no longer has any Government property 2878
accountable to the contract in its possession, and that no unresolved issues relating to 2879
Government property remain. 2880
While there is no standard format for reporting final property closeout, the contractor 2882
must notify the PA in writing, in accordance with FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(x). Additionally, the 2883
notification must explicitly state that there is no residual property accountable to the contract, 2884
and address the following: 2885
Date and results of the final physical inventory. 2887
That all Government property furnished or acquired under the contract has been 2888
consumed, transferred, returned, shipped, or disposed of only as authorized by the terms 2889
and conditions of the contract. 2890
That all inventory adjustments have been posted, and all loss cases have been adjudicated 2891
and closed. 2892
That disposition actions for all items submitted to the Plant Clearance Capability in the 2893
PIEE GFP Module have been carried out as directed by the PLCO. This includes any 2894
required demilitarization. 2895
That Government property records have been updated to reflect zero balances, and the 2896
disposition of each accountable item as required by 52.245-1(f)(1)(iii)(A)(8). 2897
OBJECTIVE: The PA will determine whether completed contracts are closed for property 2899
administration, and whether the contractor dispositions Government property with proper 2900
authority and within required timeframes. 2901
POPULATION: All contracts administered by DCMA that were physically complete at any 2903
time within the past year, including contracts that were physically completed in prior years if 2904
closeout actions were incomplete at any time during the past year. This will include all contracts 2905
that have passed the contract’s final delivery date. 2906
SOURCE DOCUMENTS: The contractor's report that closeout actions have been completed, 2908
as required by 52.245-1(f)(1)(x). 2909
SUPPORT DOCUMENTS: Inventory schedules, direction from the PLCO, shipping 2911
documents, transfer documents, modifications, and the final inventory report. Other documents 2912
related to relief of stewardship should be included, e.g., inventory adjustments, liability relief 2913
documentation, etc. 2914
PAs will test Contract Property Closeout statistically for standard PMSAs. PAs will 2917
request a listing of all contracts that were physically complete (i.e., past their final delivery date) 2918
at any time during the past 12 months, to include contracts that became physically complete in 2919
previous years if closeout actions are still pending at any time during the timeframe under 2920
review. The PA will then verify that the list is complete by comparing it to a listing of all 2921
contracts accountable to the contractor in MOCAS. 2922
The PA will use judgmental sampling to test Contract Property Closeout when 2924
performing a limited PMSA. PAs will request sample documentation to review for completeness 2925
and compliance. Support for all conclusions must include sample documentation provided by 2926
the contractor. 2927
Compare the final delivery date, or the date of completion of contract performance, with 2930
the dates the property management organization received notice of approaching 2931
completion of deliveries or contract performance. Consider the date of the contractor’s 2932
physical inventory, the date the contractor reported the inventory, investigated and 2933
secured closure of any losses, and reported final property closeout letter to the PA. 2934
Review the method the contractor used to perform the physical inventory, and the 2935
adequacy of the documentation. 2936
Determine the date that the contractor identified and reported all Government property 2937
still in its possession after final delivery or completion of performance to the PLCO 2938
within the Plant Clearance Capability in the PIEE GFP Module. 2939
PAs will verify that all sampled closeout actions are supported by the contractor. In order 2940
to be compliant, the contractor must be able to provide documentation showing the 2941
disposition of all property accountable to the contract. 2942
Review the final property closeout notification for adequacy and completeness. 2943
Regardless of testing methodology, if the contractor has contracts that are more than 60 2944
days past the final delivery date (or 120 days after termination) for which inventory 2945
disposal schedules have not been submitted, the PA will (1.) determine whether there 2946
have been any contract extensions issued, and (2.) determine whether the delay is caused 2947
by a pending property transfer request. 2948
If the contractor is able to show that it has proactively and regularly contacted the PCO to 2949
request a transfer of property to another contract, the PA will assist the contractor with 2950
getting resolution. Proactive and regular communication means upon discovery, and at 2951
least once within the 30 days prior to identification by the PA. If the contractor is unable 2952
to provide evidence of proactive and regular contact, the PA will identify the reporting 2953
delay as a noncompliance. 2954
Compare the applicable contract or order’s final delivery date with the date of completion 2958
of performance. Discuss whether the contractor was timely in taking the following 2959
actions based on the timeframes established in the contractors procedures and the 2960
requirements of FAR 52.245-1(j)(3)(i): 2961
o The contractor’s internal notification to its property management organization. 2962
o The contractor’s performance of physical inventory, reporting, investigation, and 2963
securing documentation showing completion of adjudication of any open property 2964
loss cases. 2965
o Reporting any remaining property to the Plant Clearance Capability in the PIEE 2966
GFP Module. 2967
o Reporting the final property closeout letter to the PA. 2968
If the contractor did not input all residual Government property into the Plant Clearance 2969
Capability in the PIEE GFP Module within 60 days after completion of contract deliveries 2970
or performance (or 120 days following contract termination), the PA will determine whether 2971
the contractor received approval for an extension from the PLCO. 2972
Analyze the adequacy of the physical inventory addressing the methodology and 2973
documentation. 2974
Address any losses of Government property the contractor failed to resolve prior to the 2975
final delivery date, or the date of completion of contract performance, and whether the 2976
contractor reported, investigated, and secured documentation showing completion of 2977
adjudication for the loss. 2978
Address whether the final property closeout notification is adequate and complete.2979
ACAT Acquisition Category
ACO Administrative Contracting Officer
BOM bill of material
CAGE Commercial and Government Entity
CAP contractor-acquired property
CAR corrective action request
CDR contract deficiency report
CO Contracting Officer
CPAS Contract Property Administration System
CRR contract receipt and review
CTR capital-type rehabilitation
DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency
DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DoDI Department of Defense Instruction
DSS Defense Security Service
EDA electronic document access
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FOB free-on-board
FY fiscal year
GCPG Government Contract Property Group
GFP Government-furnished property
GFR Government Flight Representative
GFRC Ground and Flight Risk Clause
GP Government property
HV/HR High Value/High Risk
IAW in accordance with
ILP industry-leading practices
IPMS Industrial Property Management Specialist
IWMS Integrated Workload Management System
MMAS Materials Management and Accounting System
MOCAS Mechanization of Contract Administration Services
NSN national stock number
PA Property Administrator
PDREP Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program
PGI Procurement, Guidance and Information
PIEE Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment
PIID procurement instrument identifier
PMSA Property Management System Analysis
SAT simplified acquisition threshold
SF Standard Form
ST special tooling
STE special test equipment