(Wholly Owned by Govt. of India)
Individuals/Joint/Sole Proprietorship A/C
To Date:
The Branch Manager
Indian Bank, ……………………………… Branch
CIF No (9 Digits) :
I, Mr/ Ms. ____________________________________(“USER”), S/o D/o, W/o ________________________________________ wish to apply
for the following services from INDIAN BANK. (Please Tick whichever is required)
Occupation: Date of Birth:
Internet Banking
Phone Banking
Mobile Banking
(Unique Mobile No. mandatory)
Address Off. : _________________________________________________ Res:_______________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
PIN CODE: _____________
_________________ PIN CODE: _____________
Fax No. : ______________( if FAX statement Required) PAN No:______________________ *Mobile No:_______________________________
Name of the cellular service provider: City/Town:
E-mail Address : ___________________________@_______________________
The following accounts maintained in your branch/other branches of your Bank, may please be linked under the IndiaNetBank service.
S.No Branch Name Account Number (s) Account Type
Mode of
Operations E or
S/ A or S / Joint
For availing the internet facility
I note to maintain minimum balance stipulated. I am agreeable to pay charges as fixed by the Bank. I also note that if primary account designated by me is
closed, I will have to forego the Internet Banking facility.
I authorise Indian Bank to debit my account No. ________________ at __________________branch towards the related charges ( OR ) I
enclose cheque /draft no for Rs. Payable to Indian Bank a/c IndiaNetBank towards charges.
In case of JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDERS: I am authorised to avail the Internet services individually in respect of accounts held in joint names, for which I enclose
the mandate from the other account holder(s)
I have read, understood and I agree to abide by the terms and conditions governing Internet Banking services. Once my request for IndiaNetBank account
is accepted and my user ID is activated by the bank, all my linked accounts (including any new accounts that may be opened with my customer ID subsequent to
the issue of IndiaNetBank account User ID and password) will be covered under the rules governed under IndiaNetBank account from time to time.
Date : __________________ SIGNATURE ________________________________
1. Please mention the CIF No (9 digits).
2. The CIF No (9 digits) of the user will be the user –id for the Internet Banking Services.
3. * Mobile No is compulsory in case of customer is availing Mobile Banking
P.C. No. 36
(Wholly Owned by Govt. of India)
For office use only
The request of Customer _______________________________________ (NAME) for the services requested may be enabled.
Signature of the Branch Manager.
CUSTOMER NO IS : ___________________________________
1) The mode of operations for all his declared accounts have been verified and found Correct.
2) Signatures of Joint holders have been verified and found Correct
3) The users have been enabled for
Internet Banking
Phone Banking
Mobile Banking (Unique Mobile No. mandatory)
4) The user has been informed that only after acknowledgement of PIN MAILER, his/her account can be activated.
5) The user has been informed to acknowledge the receipt of Pin mailer to CDC Directly by Mail or Through Branch.
INFORMED TO CDC on ____________________(DATE)
RECORD FORMED PART OF THE FILE _________________________________( FILENAME)
System Administrator)
CIF No (9 Digits):
Dear Sir,
Savings Bank/Current Account/Term Deposit Account No…………………held in the joint names of Mr/Ms ___________________________ and
Mr/Ms____________________________ at _____________________ branch.
I/We hereby authorise Mr/Ms__________________________(Name of the applicant for Indian Bank Internet services) to avail the Indian Bank Internet Services in
respect of the above account . I/We have read and understood the rules, terms and conditions for availing the Indian Bank Internet Services. I/We undertake to
ratify and confirm all and whatever Mr/Ms_______________________does or causes to do through Indian Bank Internet Services.
This authority shall continue to be in force until I/any one of us revoke(s) this mandate by a notice in writing delivered to you.
Yours faithfully,
1………………………………………(Name in Block Letters)…………………………………
2…………………………………….. (Name in Block Letters)…………………………………….
(Signatures of Joint a/c holder/s)
(Wholly Owned by Govt. of India)
Unless the context indicates otherwise:
BANK refers to INDIAN BANK, wholly owned by Government of India and having its registered office at 66, Rajaji Salai, Chennai - 600 001, India. The term
includes the successors and assigns of the INDIAN BANK.
INDIANETBANK is the trade name of BANK’s Internet Banking Service through the Internet.
USER refers to a customer of the BANK authorised to use Indian Bank’s Internet Service.
ACCOUNT refers to the User’s Savings and/ or Current Account and/ or any other type of account so designated by the Bank to be eligible account(s) for
operations through the use of Internet Service of Indian Bank.
One of these accounts will be designated as Primary Account. All other accounts (if any) of the USER will be called Secondary Account(s). The USER should be
either the account holder and sole signatory or authorised to act alone when there is more than one signatory. An account in the name of a minor or in which
the minor is a joint account holder, is not eligible to avail the INDIANETBANK Services
TERMS refer to Terms and Conditions for use of Internet service as specified in this document. These TERMS form the contract between the USER and the
BANK. By applying for and accessing the service the USER acknowledges and accepts these TERMS. These TERMS will be in addition to and not in derogation
of the terms and conditions relating to any account of the customer.
2. Application for INDIANETBANK Service
The BANK may offer to select customers at its discretion.The BANK will advise from time to time the Internet software such as Browsers which are required for
using. There will be no obligation on the BANK to support all the versions of this Internet software.
The BANK shall endeavor to provide to the USER, services such as
a. enquiry about the balance in his account(s),
b. details about transactions,
c. Statement of Account,
d. Request for issue of cheque-books and
e. such other facilities as the BANK may decide to provide from time to time. These facilities shall be offered at the discretion of the BANK. The Bank may also
make additions/ deletions to the services offered through at its sole discretion. The availability/ non-availability of a particular service shall be advised through
e-mail, Web page of the BANK or written communication.
The BANK shall take reasonable care to ensure the security of and prevent unauthorised access to the SERVICE using technology reasonably available to the
The USER shall not use or permit to use or any related service for any illegal or improper purposes.
4. Joint Accounts.
In case of joint accounts only if the mode of operation is indicated as ‘either or survivor’ or ‘ anyone or survivor’ the IndiaNetBank Services are available. For these
joint accounts one User-ID will be issued to one of the joint account holders. The other joint account holder(s) shall expressly agree with this arrangement and
give their consent on the application form for use by that authorised person. In case any of the joint account holder(s) gives "stop payment” instructions in respect
of operations through the use of IndiaNetBank Service in writing, on any of the accounts held jointly by them, the SERVICE will be discontinued for the USER.
5. Access to the IndiaNetBank service.
Bank will allot USER-ID and a secret password in the first instance. The USER is advised to change the password assigned by the BANK on accessing for the first
time. As a safety measure the USER shall change the password as frequently thereafter as possible.
In addition to User-ID and Password the BANK may, at its discretion, advise the USER to adopt such other means of authentication including but not limited to
digital certification and/ or smart cards.
The USER shall not attempt or permit others to attempt accessing the account information stored in the computers of the BANK through any means other than the
Bank’s INDIANETBANK service.
6. Password
The USER shall
A. choose a password which shall be at least 6 characters long and shall consist of a mix of alphabets, numbers and special characters. This shall not relate to
any readily accessible personal data such as the USER’s name, address, telephone number, driver licence etc. or easily guessable combination of letters
and numbers.
B. not record the User-ID and password in a written or electronic form and commit them to memory and
C. keep the User-ID and password totally confidential and not reveal the password to any third party.
D. not let any unauthorised person have access to his computer or leave the computer unattended whilst accessing .
E. take all care so that his USER ID and password are not used by any other person.
If the USER forgets the User-ID or password, he can request for change of the password by sending a written request to the BANK. The selection of a new
password and/ or the replacement of User-ID shall not be construed as the commencement of a new contract.
7. Minimum Balance and Charges
The Bank may, at its discretion, stipulate at any time for maintaining certain minimum balance or levy any charges for availing the INDIANETBANK services of the
Bank. The USER shall maintain, at all times, such minimum balance in account(s). The BANK may, at its discretion, levy penal charges for non-maintenance of
the minimum balance. In addition to the minimum balance stipulation the Bank may levy service charges for use of which will be advised to the USER at the time
of opening the account. These charges may be published on the Web site of the BANK. Any change in the stipulations shall be notified on the BANK’s Web site 15
days in advance of the changes taking effect. The USER authorises the BANK to recover all charges related to as determined by the BANK from time to time by
debiting one of USER’s accounts.
The BANK may withdraw the facility, without giving any notice to the USER and/ or without incurring any liability or responsibility whatsoever by reason of such
(Wholly Owned by Govt. of India)
8. Authority to the Bank
The BANK shall have no obligation to verify the authenticity of any transaction received from the USER through or purporting to have been sent by the USER via
other than by means of verification of the User-ID and the password.
The display or printed output that is produced by the USER at the time of operation through Bank’s Internet access shall not be construed as the BANK's record.
The BANK’s own records of transactions maintained through computer systems or otherwise shall be accepted as conclusive and binding for all purposes unless
any discrepancy is pointed out within a week from the date of sending the periodical statement to the USER or the updation of the passbook.
All transactions arising from the use of , to operate a joint account, shall be binding on all the joint account holders, jointly and severally.
9. Accuracy of Information
The USER is responsible for the correctness of information supplied to the BANK through the use of IndiaNetBank or through any other means such as electronic
mail or written communication. The BANK accepts no liability for the consequences arising out of erroneous information supplied by the USER. If the USER
suspects that there is an error in the information supplied to the BANK by him, he shall advise the BANK as soon as possible. The BANK will endeavour to correct
the error wherever possible on a ‘best efforts’ basis.
If the USER notices an error in the account information supplied to him through IndiaNetBank or by the use of any of the services, he shall advise the BANK as
soon as possible. The BANK will endeavour to correct the error promptly.
10. Liability of the USER and the BANK
If the USER has complied with the TERMS and advises the BANK in writing under acknowledgement immediately after he suspects that his User-Id or password is
known to another person and/ or notices an unauthorised transaction in his account, he shall not be liable for losses arising out of the unauthorised transactions
occurring in the accounts after the receipt of such advice by the BANK.
The USER shall be liable for any loss from unauthorised transactions in the accounts if he has breached the TERMS or contributed or caused the loss by
negligent actions
The BANK shall not be liable for any unauthorised transactions occurring which can be attributed to the fraudulent or negligent conduct of the USER.
The BANK shall in no circumstances be held liable to the USER if access is not available in the desired manner for reasons including but not limited to natural
calamity, floods, fire and other natural disasters, legal restraints, faults in the telecommunication network or Internet or network failure, software or hardware error
or any other reason beyond the control of the BANK. Under no circumstances shall the BANK be liable for any damages whatsoever whether such damages are
direct, indirect, incidental, consequential and irrespective of whether any claim is based on loss of revenue, investment, production, goodwill, profit, interruption of
business or any other loss of any character or nature whatsoever and whether sustained by the USER or any other person.
11. Indemnity
The USER shall indemnify and hold the BANK harmless against any loss suffered by the BANK, its customers or a third party or any claim or action brought by a
third party which is in any way the result of the improper use of IndiaNetBank by the USER.
The USER agrees that the BANK or its contractors may hold and process his PERSONAL INFORMATION on computer or otherwise in connection with services
as well as for statistical analysis and credit scoring. The USER also agrees that the BANK may disclose, in strict confidence, to other institutions, such PERSONAL
INFORMATION as may be reasonably necessary for reasons inclusive of, but not limited to, the following:
for participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network
in compliance with a legal directive
for credit rating by recognised credit scoring agencies
for fraud prevention purposes
13.BANK's Lien
To the extent of all outstanding dues, whatsoever, arising as a result of the using IndiaNetBank Service extended to and/ or used by the USER, the BANK shall
have the right of set-off and lien, irrespective of any other lien or charge, present as well as future on the deposits held in the USER’s Primary Account and/ or
Secondary Account(s) or in any other account, whether in single name or joint name(s),
14. Proprietary Rights
The USER shall not attempt to modify, translate, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the software underlying or create any derivative product based on
the software.
The USER acknowledges that the software underlying the IndiaNetBank SERVICE as well as other Internet related software which are required for accessing are
the legal property of the respective vendors. The permission given by the BANK to access will not convey any proprietary or ownership rights in the above
15. Change of Terms and Conditions
The BANK has the absolute discretion to amend or supplement any of the TERMS at any time and will endeavour to give prior notice of fifteen days for such
changes wherever feasible except for changes to interest rates and/ or other variations that are subject to market changes. The BANK may introduce new services
within IndiaNetBank from time to time. The existence and availability of the new functions will be notified to the USER as and when they become available. The
changed terms and conditions applicable to the new IndiaNetBank services shall be communicated to the USER. By using these new services, the USER agrees
to be bound by the terms and conditions applicable.
16. Non-Transferability
The IndiaNetBank service shall be used only by the USER and it is not transferable under any circumstances.
17. Termination of service
The IndiaNetBank service can be terminated on the following grounds.
Request by the USER by giving a written notice of at least 15 days to the BANK.
The BANK may withdraw the facility anytime provided the USER is given reasonable notice under the circumstances.
The BANK may suspend or terminate facilities without prior notice if the USER has breached these terms and conditions or the BANK learns of the death,
bankruptcy or lack of legal capacity of the USER .
(Wholly Owned by Govt. of India)
If the service is withdrawn by the BANK for a reason other than the breach of the terms and conditions by the USER, the BANK’s liability shall be restricted to
the prorata return of the annual charges, if any, recovered from the USER for the period in question.
The closure of all accounts of the USER will automatically terminate the Service.
18. Notices
Notices under these Terms and Conditions may be given by the BANK and the USER:
electronically to the mail box of either party. Such notices will be regarded as being in writing
in writing by delivering them by hand or by sending them by post to the last address given by the USER and in the case of the BANK to the address mentioned
in the heading above. The bank shall in no way be held responsible for any non receipt of the same.
In addition, the BANK may also publish notices of general nature which are applicable to all USERS of IndiaNetBank on its web site. Such notices will have the
same effect as a notice served individually to each USER.
19. Governing Law
These terms and conditions and/ or the operations in the accounts of the USER maintained by the BANK and/ or the use of the services provided through
IndiaNetBank shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of India and no other nation. The USER and the BANK agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of
the Courts located in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India as regards any claims or matters arising under these terms and conditions.
The BANK accepts no liability whatsoever, direct or indirect, for non-compliance with the laws of any country other than the Republic of India. The mere fact that
the service can be accessed through Internet by a USER in a country other than India shall not be interpreted to imply that the laws of the said country govern
these terms and conditions and/ or the operations in the accounts of the USER and/ or the use of .
20. General
The clause headings in this agreement are only for convenience and do not affect the meaning of the relative clause.The USER shall not assign this agreement to
anybody else. The BANK may sub-contract and employ agents to carry out any of its obligations under this contract.