Account No.
Branch Code
Branch ..........................................................................................................................................................
Customer ID
Debit Card Application Form
SB/CD Type:
Mahila Delight
Youth Plus
CA Smart
CA Premium
Others,Please Specify ...................................................................
Regd.Oce, SIB House, T.B Road
Mission Quarters, Thrissur, 680001, Kerala
A. Applicant Details
G. For Oce Use
Applicant Name
Mode of operation of Account:
Others,Please Specify ...........................
Either or Survivor
Communication Address (Residential/Business)
Mobile /Phone .......................................................................................................
Email ID......................................................................................................................
Permanent Address (Residential/Business)
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Name to be printed on card
[Max 20 Characters]
B. Type of Request
Card Damaged
Last 5 Digit of expiring card
Month & Year of Expiry
Card Lost
Reason for Reissuance
Card Reissuance
New Card Request
Account Number
C. Preferred Usage Option & PIN Type
Domestic Only
D. Existing Debit Card Variant [For Use of Existing Debit Card Holders Only]
Card Type :
Card Variant :
E. Address for Dispatching the Debit Card
Signature of the Applicant
Signature of Applicant
Place :................................................
Date :................................................
Card Variant :
Card Type :
Card Variant Applied in the Customer Account as per account eligibility :
Signature of Branch head (Sign Code.............................)Signature of Ocer (Sign Code...................................)
Any other information :
Paper PIN
Green PIN
Usage Option
PIN Type
1. I / We have read and understood the features, rules, terms and conditions applicable to the Debit Card variant and I/We hereby agree to be bound by the
same and changes, if any, as and when revised by the Bank at its discretion.
2. I / We have read and understood the Schedule of Charges applicable to Debit Cards as provided in the website
3. I / We hereby agree to debit my / our above mentioned Account for the charges/fees for issuing a new Debit Card at the applicable rates.
4. I / We hereby agree and arm that the Bank can contact me/us over telephone/SMS/E-Mail or any other mode of communication as registered with the Bank.
F. Declaration
M M / Y Y
Reissuance on Card Expiry
Please note that seperate form is required for “Main & Add-on-Card” CIN:L65191KL1929PLC001017 Toll Free 18001029408, 18004251809
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Terms and conditions governing the issue and usage of SIB’s Debit Cards
Terms & Conditions for Debit Cards
These Terms and Conditions apply to and regulate the issuance and
usage of debit cards oered by The South Indian Bank Ltd. to account
holder and/or any person authorised by the accountholder, when
there are more than one signatory to an Account.
These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) shall be in addition to any
other terms as stipulated by The South Indian Bank Ltd. from time to
The words and phrases included in this document have the meaning
set opposite them unless the context indicates otherwise:
1. “Card” or “Debit Card”, refers to The South Indian Bank Ltd.
MasterCard / Visa / RuPay Debit Card issued by The South Indian Bank
Ltd. to an account holder.
2. “Bank” means The South Indian Bank Ltd, a banking company
Incorporated in India under the Companies Act 1956 and having its
registered oce at SIB house, T.B. Road, Mission Quarters, Thrissur -
680 001 and all its branch oces and includes its successors and
3. "Cardholder" refers to the accountholder of The South Indian Bank
4. “Account(s)”, refers to the Cardholder's Savings or Current Accounts
that have been designated by The South Indian Bank Ltd. to the
eligible account(s) for the valid operation of the Debit Card. The
Cardholder should be either the account holder, or sole signatory or
authorised to act alone, when there is more than one accountholder /
5. “Transaction” means any instruction given by a cardholder to the
Bank using the Card directly or indirectly to eect action on the
account. (Examples of transactions can be retail purchases, cash
withdrawals, cash / cheque deposits, etc.).
6. "ATM"/ "Participating ATMs" means any Automated Teller Machine,
whether in India or overseas, whether of The South Indian Bank Ltd. or
a specied Shared Network like VISA/MasterCard/RuPay, at which,
amongst other things, the Cardholder can use his Card to access his
funds in his Account, held with The South Indian Bank Ltd.
7. “PIN” means the Personal Identication Number (required to access
ATMs) allocated to the Cardholder by The South Indian Bank Ltd.,
chosen by him from time to time.
8. “Account Statement” means a periodic Statement of Account sent
by The South Indian Bank Ltd. to a Cardholder, setting out the
transactions carried out by the Cardholder(s) during the given period,
and the balance on that account. It may also include any other
information that The South Indian Bank Ltd. may deem t to include.
9. "Merchant Establishment" shall mean such physical and/or virtual
establishments, wherever located, which honor a VISA / MasterCard /
RuPay and shall include, among others, stores, shops, restaurants,
hotels and airlines cash advance points including ATMs and mail order
advertisers (whether retailers, distributors or manufacturers).
10. "Merchant" means any person who owns or manages or operates a
Merchant Establishment.
11. “EDC” or “Electronic Data Capture”, refers to electronic
Point-of-Sale swipe terminals, whether in India or overseas, whether of
The South Indian Bank Ltd. or any other bank on the shared network
like VISA/MasterCard/RuPay, that permit the debiting of the
account(s) for purchase transactions from merchant establishments.
12. “MasterCard / Visa / RuPay” means a trademark owned by and
normally associated with MasterCard / Visa / RuPay International.
13. “MasterCard / Visa / RuPay ATM Network” means ATMs that honour
the Debit Card and that display the MasterCard / Visa / RuPay symbols.
14. “Terms” refer to the terms and conditions for issuance and usage of
the card as more particularly stated hereinafter.
15. Use of terms “you”, “your”, “him” “he” or similar pronouns shall
where the content so admit, mean the Cardholder and reference to
masculine gender would include the feminine gender.
• The Terms form the contract between the Cardholder and The South
Indian Bank Ltd.. the Cardholder shall be deemed to have
unconditionally agreed to and accepted the Terms by signing the
Card application form, or acknowledging receipt of the Card in
writing, or by signing on the reverse of the Card, or by performing a
transaction with the Card or by activation through ATM or after 15
days have elapsed since the Card was dispatched to his address on
record. The Terms will be in addition to and not in derogation of the
terms and conditions relating to the Account of the Cardholder. The
Cardholders availing of any services / facilities including but not
limited to enquiry on transactions, Statement details through The
South Indian Bank Ltd. Customer Care Center, The South Indian Bank
Ltd. internet banking and/or any other channels, shall at all times
continue to be bound by the terms and conditions stipulated by South
Indian Bank Ltd. from time to time for such services / facilities.
• The issue and usage of card shall be subject to the Reserve Bank of
India (“RBI”) regulations, Exchange Control regulations of the RBI,
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (“the Act”) all the rules and
regulations framed under the Act and as serviced from time to time
and any other corresponding enactment in force from time to time.
• In the event of noncompliance by Cardholder with the same, the
Cardholder shall be liable for action under the Foreign Exchange
Management Act, 1999 and such other laws of the land.
• The card may be used by Cardholders going abroad within the
foreign exchange entitlements as stipulated by RBI from time to time,
for all bonade personal expenses, for personal use, provided the total
exchange drawn during the trip abroad, does not exceed the
entitlement. The cardholder shall also endorse his passport for
availing Foreign Exchange under Basic Travel Quota (BTQ). The
entitlement of exchange should be ascertained (prior to the trip) from
the authorised dealer branches of the Bank. The card cannot be used
for eecting remittances for which the release of exchange is not
permissible under the present regulations.
• The reimbursement of expenses incurred by Bhutanese Nationals on
their International Debit Card abroad, should be exclusively out of
inward remittance to their accounts in India.
• The card can be used in India and abroad but cannot be used in
Nepal and Bhutan for withdrawal of foreign currency;
•The card shall be acceptable only for transactions as permitted by
the Bank from time to time in India and abroad at the Participating
ATMs, Online sites and POS terminals. The Bank reserves the right to
change the transaction set without any notice to the cardholder.
•The card is the property of the Bank and must be returned to an
authorized person of the Bank without demur on request.
The period within which the cardholder's account would normally
be debited and period applicable with respect to cheque issue
request will be as determined by bank from time to time.
• The Cardholder shall at all times ensure that the Card is kept at a
safe place and shall under no circumstances whatsoever allow the
Card to be used by any other individual.
• The Cardholder will sign the Card immediately upon receipt. The
Cardholder must change the PIN assigned by The South Indian Bank
Ltd. after the rst usage and choose another PIN as a safety measure
for secured usage of the Card. The PIN should never be disclosed to
any person including the sta of the Bank as well as other Banks
whose ATMs are termed as Participating ATMs, ocials of
MasterCard/VISA/RuPay terminals at Merchant Establishments or
written down in any form under any circumstances whatsoever. Any
such disclosure or inadequate protection of the condentiality of
the PIN is entirely at the cardholder’s risk.
• The Cardholder will be responsible for all facilities granted by The
South Indian Bank Ltd. and for all related charges and shall act in
good faith in relation to all dealings with the Card and The South
Indian Bank Ltd.
• The South Indian Bank Ltd. reserves the right to change the types of
Transactions supported by the Card subject to a notice being given
to the Cardholder. The Cardholder shall notify The South Indian
Bank Ltd. immediately of any error or irregularity in maintaining the
Account/ Card by The South Indian Bank Ltd. Ltd. at Bank's 24-Hour
Customer Care Centres or by way of written communication or by
fax to his branch of The South Indian Bank Ltd. or such other mode
as may be acceptable to The South Indian Bank Ltd.
• The cardholder agrees that he will be allowed to withdraw/pur-
chase only a certain amount of cash per calendar day as announced
from time to time irrespective of the credit balance in the accounts.
• The cardholder agrees not to attempt to withdraw /purchase using
the card unless sucient funds are available in the account. The
onus of ensuring adequate account balance is entirely on him. In the
event of account getting overdrawn, he will have to rectify the
account balance position immediately with charges, penal interest
levied by the Bank from time to time.
• When requested by the Bank, the cardholder shall provide any
information records or certicates relating to any matters in relation
to his card account.
• International Debit Cards can be used only for permissible current
account transactions under the Foreign Exchange Management Act
(FEMA), 1999 (and/or any other applicable laws) and the item-wise
limits as mentioned in the Schedules to the Government of India
Notication No.G.S.R. 381(E) dated May 3, 2000, as amended from
time to time, are equally applicable to payments made through use
of these Cards.
• International Debit Cards can be used on Internet for any purpose
for which exchange can be purchased from an authorized dealer in
India. International Debit Cards cannot be used on internet for
purchase of prohibited items like lottery tickets, banned or
proscribed magazines, participation in sweepstakes, and payment
for call-back services, remittance in any form towards overseas forex
trading, margin calls to overseas exchanges/overseas counterparty,
trading in foreign exchange in domestic/overseas markets etc. or
any illegal activities; no withdrawal of foreign exchange is permitted
for such items /activities. The Cardholder is under an obligation not
to countermand an order/ Transaction which he/she has conducted
with the Card.
• Loss or theft of the card must be reported to any of the branches of
the Bank by the cardholder in writing along with a copy of a First
Information Report (F.I.R) lodged with the local police. Pending
obtention of FIR, the card holder may also fax or submit his written
intimation of loss or theft to the issuing branch/24 hour Toll Free
centre (+91 9446475458). The cardholder will be liable for all the
transactions until the card is hot-listed by the Bank. The Bank will
upon adequate verication hotlist/cancel the card following the
receipt of such intimation and recover charges for hot listing as
applicable from time to time from the cardholders account.
• Issue of replacement card for lost/stolen card will be made by the
Bank at its sole discretion upon payment of prescribed charge.
Without prejudice to the foregoing the Bank shall be under no
Liability whatsoever to the Cardholder in respect of any loss or
damage arising directly or indirectly out of
• Refusal by any ATMs/ Merchant Establishment , or other member
bank to honour or accept a Card
• Eecting transaction instruction other than by a Cardholder or
misuse of card due to the cardholders negligence, mistake,
dishonesty, misconduct, fraud or handing over the card to
unauthorized person.
• Non functioning of the ATMs/Merchant Establishment and Other
Shared Payment Network System like VISA/MasterCard/RuPay or
Banks network due to machine, mechanical errors/failures or any
other reasons beyond the control of the bank.
• The exercise by the Bank of its right to demand and procure the
surrender of the card by itself or by any person or computer terminal
prior to the expiry date exposed on its face.
• The exercise by the Bank of its right to terminate any Card.
• Any mis-statement, mis-representation, error or omission in any
details disclosed by the Bank.
• Transaction fees for cash withdrawals / balance inquiry and / or
other related charges wherever applicable, will be debited to the
account at the time of posting the cash withdrawal / balance inquiry
or as the case may be.
• All transactions in foreign currency will be billed and recorded to
Cardholder's Bank Account statement in Indian Rupees. I/We hereby
authorise The South Indian Bank Ltd. and MasterCard / Visa / RuPay
to convert the charges incurred in the foreign currency into the
Indian Rupee equivalent thereof, at such rates as Bank / MasterCard
/ Visa / RuPay may from time to time designate. The exchange rate
used for all foreign currency
transactions decided by the Bank will be binding on the cardholder.
• The Charges / Fees applicable on the usage of the Debit Card may
be revised / changed by The South Indian Bank Ltd. from time to
time, with prior information to the Cardholder(s). Notice/Informa-
tion put up on the Bank's Branch Notice Board/ATM counters/Web-
site/E-mailers to customers' registered E-mail ID/SMS will be treated
as adequate and complete notice for this purpose.
• The Banks’ right of set-o and lien shall extend to all outstanding
dues whatsoever arising as a result of the card services extended to
and/ or used by the Cardholder.
• If there is no sucient balance in the account to set o the amount
due to The South Indian Bank Ltd., a lien will be marked for net
amount and any subsequent credit to the account will be rst set o
towards the amount due to The South Indian Bank Ltd.
• The cardholder may discontinue this facility any time by a written
notice to the Bank accompanied by the return of the card cut
diagonally into two pieces. The cardholder will be responsible for all
Transactions undertaken using the card, card facilities availed,
charges etc. notwithstanding the termination of this agreement.
• The Bank shall be entitled to discontinue this facility with
immediate eect at any time on account of non fullment of terms
and conditions by the cardholder, by cancelling the card with or
without assigning any reason whatsoever by its convenient mode of
communication and shall be deemed to have been received by the
Cardholder upon posting to the Cardholders’ address in India, last
notied in writing to the Bank.
• The bank reserves the right to disclose customer information to
any court of competent jurisdiction, quasi judicial authorities, law
enforcement agencies and any other wing of Central Government
or state Government or such other agencies directed by RBI from
time to time.
• Unless specically opted out each Card Holder’s usage of Card at
POS terminals will enable Card Holder to accrue reward points
(subject to existence of any reward point accumulation scheme
declared by The South Indian Bank Ltd from time to time). For the
Card Holder to redeem, reward points, if any, accrued in his account
with any scheme partner of The South Indian Bank Ltd, the Bank
requires to share Card Holders details with scheme partners. Card
Holder unconditionally authorise The South Indian Bank Ltd to
share Card Holder’s details with scheme partners as required by The
South Indian Bank Ltd.
• These terms and conditions will be in addition to and not in
derogation of the terms and conditions relating to any accounts of
the customer and forms a contract between the Bank and the
• The cardholder shall be deemed to have unconditionally agreed to
have accepted the terms and conditions by signing the card
application form and/or acknowledging the receipt of the card in
writing and/or signing the card on the reverse and/or performing a
transaction with the card or after 15 days have elapsed since the
date the card was dispatched to his recorded address on account at
the time of issue / renewal/ replacement of the card.
• The Bank reserves the right to revise policies, features and benets
oered on the card and alter these terms and conditions from time
to time and may notify the card holder any such alterations in any
manner it thinks appropriate. The cardholder will be bound by such
• The cardholder agrees that any dispute in relation to issue and
usage of the card or whatsoever matter connected to it will be
settled by the arbitration as per the rules of Indian Arbitration and
Conciliation Act 1996. Further that the MD & CEO of The South
Indian Bank Ltd. or any other person nominated by him will be the
sole arbitrator and that the place of arbitration will be Thrissur,
These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) shall be in addition to any
other terms as stipulated by The South Indian Bank Ltd. Ltd. from
time to time.
The terms and conditions mentioned hereinabove, the usage and
operation of the card shall be governed by the laws of India and all
disputes shall be support to the exclusive jurisdiction of Courts in
Thrissur. I / We understand that upon issue of the SIB Debit Card to
me/us, the ordinary ATM cards linked to my/ our account will be