Datacomp Appraisal Services 2600 5 Mile Rd NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525 ( 800 ) 365-1415
( 800 ) 841-8062
( 800 ) 365-1415
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Name : Comp Appraisal NADA Appraisal
Home Inspection Only
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Comparable Appraisal with Comp PhotosAddress :
City / State / Zip :
Home Address Information
Address Where Home is Currently Sited
Street / Lot #:
Street / Lot #:
Community :
Community :
Is this Home to be Moved? Yes No
City : State : Zip : Private Property Retailer Lot
Address Where Home is Being Moved to ( ll this in only if home is being moved )
City : State : Zip : County :
Make :
Model :
Selling Price ( No Tax ) $ :
Renance Balance :Serial # :
Year / Size :
Home Sale Information
AM Phone : PM Phone :Owner :
AM Phone : PM Phone :Occupant :
AM Phone : PM Phone :Buyer Name :
AM Phone : PM Phone :Retailer :
Ask For :Key at Retailer Sales Oce
Home Information
Special Instructions
Contact Information
Sale Listing Renance Insurance
Appraisal Request Form