Accounts Receivable
Applications, 2023
Market Insights, Competitive Evaluation, and Vendor Rankings
June 2023
Supply Chain Management, Procurement and Retail
Copyright 2023 © Quadrant Knowledge Solutions Private Limited
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Executive Overview ..........................................................................................................3
Market Dynamics and Overview .....................................................................................4
Competitive Landscape and Analysis ............................................................................8
Key Competitive Factors and Technology Differentiators ........................................ 12
SPARK Matrix™: Strategic Performance Assessment and Ranking ...................... 17
Vendors Prole ............................................................................................................... 21
Research Methodologies .............................................................................................. 25
Copyright 2023 © Quadrant Knowledge Solutions Private Limited
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This research service includes a detailed
analysis of global Accounts Receivable
Applications platform market dynamics,
major trends, vendor landscape, and
competitive positioning analysis. The
study provides competition analysis and
ranking of the leading Accounts Receivable
Applications vendors in the form of SPARK
Matrix. This research provides strategic
information for technology vendors to better
understand the market supporting their
growth strategies and for users to evaluate
different vendors capabilities, competitive
differentiation, and its market position.
Executive OverviewExecutive Overview
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Accounts receivable application (ARA) is a software tool used by businesses to
manage and track their incoming payments. ARA helps in automating tasks such as
invoice generation, and payment collection as well as providing real-time visibility
into the status of outstanding invoices. Also, accounts receivable applications are
essential tools for businesses to manage their cash flow, maintain good customer
relationships, and ensure accurate nancial reporting.
Accounts Receivable Applications (ARA) are essential in all types of enterprises.
By tracking and managing overdue bills, payments, and client interactions, AR
applications assist organizations in managing their cash flow. The market for
accounts receivable applications has risen signicantly over the years, and this
growth is anticipated to continue into the foreseeable future. Increased acceptance
of cloud-based software and demand for automation, digitalization, and the rise of
e-commerce and digital payment systems are driving the industry.
The desire for automation is a signicant market driver for accounts receivable
applications. Account Receivable Application assists rms in streamlining their
nancial procedures, minimizing errors, reducing churn risk, and enhancing
productivity. Accounts receivable applications are designed to help businesses
manage their invoices, payments, and customer relationships. They typically
include features such as invoice creation, payment processing, payment
reminders, and reporting. Some applications also offer advanced features such
as automated payment reconciliation, integrations with payment systems and
accounting software, and analytics. Also, accounts receivable applications are
essential tools for businesses to manage their cash flow, maintain good customer
relationships, and ensure accurate nancial reporting. By using these applications,
businesses can streamline their invoicing and payment processes, reduce the risk
of cash flow problems, and make better-informed decisions about their nances.
In recent years, there has been a shift towards AR applications hosted in the
cloud. Cloud-based solutions allow organizations to access their data from any
location and at any time. In addition, they offer greater security features, automatic
upgrades, and scalability. It is anticipated that this tendency will continue as more
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rms use cloud-based solutions. The rise of e-commerce and digital payment
methods also contributes to the expansion of the market for accounts receivables
apps. Businesses want software that can keep up with the volume and complexity
of online transactions as the number of online transactions increases. More crucial
are accounts receivable applications that can interact with numerous payment
methods and provide real-time status updates.
Moreover, each geography has its regulatory compliance regarding billing and
collections. Accounts receivable applications consider local and global compliances
and send out invoices, communications, and collection updates to the customers
accordingly. The application also provides a user-friendly interface for customers
so they can easily access details of their proles, generate invoices, and check
the details of the plan they are enrolled for, such as outstanding balances and
issue dates. This self-service capability reduces the customers’ dependency on
the organization and allows customers to receive information and make payments
as per their choice.
Some of the major account receivable application capabilities includes:
Invoice Processing and Management: A Accounts receivable
applications streamline the process of generating, sending, and
tracking invoices. These applications automate tasks such as invoice
creation, delivery, and payment reminders. They also provide features
for managing invoice disputes and adjustments, allowing businesses
to efciently handle billing discrepancies and ensure timely payment.
Credit Risk Management: Accounts receivable applications help
businesses assess the creditworthiness of their customers. These
applications analyze various factors such as credit scores, payment
histories, and nancial data to evaluate the risk associated with
extending credit. They provide insights and tools for setting credit
limits, monitoring credit exposure, and identifying high-risk customers,
enabling businesses to make informed decisions about credit terms
and minimize the risk of non-payment.
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Dispute and Collection Management: Accounts receivable
applications assist in managing and resolving disputes related to
invoices and payments. They provide a centralized platform for
tracking and documenting disputes, communication with customers,
and managing the resolution process. These applications automate
collections workflows, including sending automated reminders,
generating collection letters, and escalating unpaid invoices. They
help businesses streamline the collection process, improve cash
flow, and minimize the impact of unpaid invoices on their nancial
Cash Management: Accounts receivable applications help
businesses efciently manage their cash inflows. These applications
provide real-time visibility into outstanding invoices and payment
statuses, allowing businesses to forecast and plan their cash flow
effectively. They automate the reconciliation process by matching
payments received with corresponding invoices, reducing manual
effort and errors. Accounts receivable applications also integrate
with accounting systems and banking platforms to streamline cash
application and ensure accurate nancial reporting.
Dashboard and Analytics: Accounts receivable applications offer
comprehensive dashboards and analytics capabilities. They provide
visual representations of key performance indicators (KPIs) such
as aging of receivables, average days sales outstanding (DSO),
and collection efciency. These applications generate reports
and insights on customer payment trends, overdue accounts, and
collection performance. Businesses can leverage this data to identify
bottlenecks, optimize collection strategies, and make data-driven
decisions to improve overall accounts receivable management. The
dashboards and analytics in these applications provide a holistic view
of receivables, empowering businesses to track performance and
drive continuous improvement.
Customization: Customization of applications increases customer
satisfaction to a higher level. Different businesses have different billing
and invoicing processes, and the ability to customize an accounts
receivable application ensures that the software can accommodate
these varying needs. Customization features may include the ability
to set up unique payment terms, apply discounts or fees, and
create customized reports. Additionally, customization can improve
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the user experience and make it easier for businesses to manage
their accounts receivable processes. With customizable elds and
templates, businesses can quickly generate invoices, track payments,
and manage customer accounts.
Data Security: In a data-driven world, data security is of utmost
importance. Account receivable applications can provide robust
security measures to protect sensitive nancial information. These
applications contain sensitive nancial information, including customer
data, payment information, and transaction details. With the rise of
cyber threats and data breaches, it is crucial for businesses to ensure
that their accounts receivable data is secure. A data security system
in accounts receivable applications can prevent unauthorized access,
safeguard sensitive information, and protect against data breaches.
To achieve this, accounts receivable applications use various security
measures, such as encryption, authentication protocols, and access
controls. By implementing these measures, businesses can ensure
that their accounts receivable data is protected, and their customers’
sensitive information is secure.
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For Citation, [email protected]
Competitive Landscape Competitive Landscape
and Analysisand Analysis
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions recently conducted a study on the major accounts
receivable applications vendors and evaluated them based on their products,
market presence, and customer value proposition. The evaluation was done
through primary research, expert interviews, analysis of use cases, and internal
analysis of the overall market. The study included an analysis of 19 key vendors,
such as Aptic,, Billtrust, BlackLine, BlueSnap, Cforia, Doxee, Emagia,
Esker, Exela, HighRadius, Invoiced, Lockstep, Sage, Serrala, Sidetrade, Tesorio,
VersaPay, and Quadient.
HighRadius, Billtrust, Esker, Blackline, Quadient, Sidetrade, and BlueSnap
emerged as the top performers and technology leaders in the global accounts
receivable applications market. These companies were recognized as leaders
due to their ability to develop and deploy dedicated frameworks designed as per
the specic use cases or for adaptability with reference to change in the market.
They were also working on improving their product offerings by adopting the
latest trends such as a unied platform to provide AR, AP, and treasury, adopting
ML for recognizing debtors, and new offerings such as buy now pay later (BNPL).
HighRadius and Billtrust received the highest overall ratings across the
performance parameters of technology excellence and customer impact.
HighRadius is known for its RadiusOne A/R suite, which combines machine and
human work to simplify status updating and tracking processes. The company’s
platform offers automation and optimization of critical A/R functions, including
collections agency data exchange and streamlining cash application. With a focus
on technology excellence and customer impact, HighRadius delivers innovative
solutions to enhance accounts receivable management.
Billtrust offers comprehensive solutions to automate invoice delivery, payment
processing, and cash application. The company’s strategic advantage lies in
its range of services, including managed services, professional consulting,
and implementation support. By accelerating cash flow and providing a unied
platform, Billtrust empowers businesses with improved visibility, simplied tech
stack, and enhanced payment reception capabilities.
Sidetrade leverages AI and proprietary solutions like Sidetrade Payment
Intelligence (SPi) and Sidetrade Disputes Intelligence (SDi). Their AI integration
helps to analyze customer spending patterns and streamline processes such as
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prediction analysis, text classication, and predictive analytics, offering valuable
insights for effective accounts receivable management.
BlackLine focuses on implementing decision intelligence and a unied platform for
nancial applications. With a strong emphasis on simplifying business intelligence
and enabling streamlined nancial processes, BlackLine empowers organizations
to enhance their accounts receivable operations and achieve greater efciency
and accuracy.
Quadient offers YayPay, a solution that leverages advanced technologies like
machine learning for identifying at-risk invoices and customers, predicting bad
debt, and providing forecasting solutions. Quadient’s offering also includes
seamless integration with ERP systems for efcient invoice processing and
customer communication.
Esker differentiates itself through its global presence and least-cost routing
capability. By enabling customers to offer transactions at local postal rates, Esker
optimizes costs. Additionally, Esker leverages its expertise in document automation
to provide seamless and efcient accounts receivable management solutions.
BlueSnap focuses on strengthening workflow offerings. Their solution emphasizes
streamlining accounting workflows by connecting email communication
with accounting systems. With features like automated reminders, vendor
communications, and key metric visualization, BlueSnap empowers businesses
to enhance efciency and optimize their accounts receivable processes.
Sage,, Exela, Serrala, Versapay, Emagia, BlueSnap, Lockstep, Doxee,
Cforia, and Aptic are positioned amongst the strong contenders in the accounts
receivable applications market after thoroughly considering their product offerings,
market presence, and impact of their solutions & services on end users.
Sage offers Sage Intacct, a comprehensive platform that automates and
streamlines various accounts receivable processes. With features such as
invoicing, receivables management, reporting, and collections, Sage Intacct
enables businesses to automate tasks, improve communication, and track
payments for effective accounts receivable management. offers a unied platform that simplies the entire accounts receivable
process. With a focus on creating, sending, tracking, and accelerating payment
receipts, enables businesses to improve visibility, streamline their tech
stack, and expedite cash flow for enhanced accounts receivable management.
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Exela is known for its champion challenger program that offers contractual
partnerships for managing account assignments. The company emphasizes a
unied platform approach, facilitating seamless integration of various nancial
applications which enables efcient and comprehensive accounts receivable
Serrala stands out in the accounts receivable applications market with its “Digital
Ofce of the CFO,” which optimizes and automates nancial processes and
payments. Offering an in-house SaaS solution without third-party applications,
Serrala differentiates itself by ensuring data capturing is seamless and providing a
comprehensive suite of solutions for effective accounts receivable management.
VersaPay offers personalized and customized invoice solutions to enhance
customer experience. Leveraging machine learning, VersaPay automates payment
matching, ensuring accurate and efcient accounts receivable management.
With its focus on delivering improved customer satisfaction, VersaPay empowers
businesses to optimize their payment collection processes.
Emagia offers innovative solutions for optimizing nancial processes. Their
platform leverages emerging technologies like AI and automation to streamline
receivables management, credit and collections, and cash application. Emagia
empowers businesses to enhance their accounts receivable operations and
improve overall nancial efciency.
BlueSnap’s focuses on strengthening its workflow offerings rather than
identication offerings, which is a common trend in the accounts receivable
applications market. Its solution simplies the payment process for merchants,
enabling them to accept payments from customers globally through a single
integration. BlueSnap’s platform supports a range of payment methods, including
credit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. Its streamlined workflow enables
businesses to manage accounts receivable, automate invoice processing, and
track payments more efciently.
Doxee delivers solutions that optimize nancial processes and document
management. Their platform leverages advanced technologies such as AI and
automation to streamline invoice generation, document delivery, and payment
processing. Doxee empowers businesses to enhance their accounts receivable
operations and improve overall nancial efciency.
Lockstep specializes in streamlining accounting workflows. Their innovative
solution, Lockstep Inbox, seamlessly integrates email communication with
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accounting systems. This integration enhances efciency by automating reminders,
prioritizing customers, facilitating vendor communications, and providing valuable
visualizations of key accounting metrics. Lockstep optimizes accounts receivable
processes for businesses.
Aptic offers a platform that supports asset-based nance solutions like factoring,
debt collection, and lending. Their solution extends the platforms capabilities
to cater to specic nancial needs, providing businesses with comprehensive
tools for effective accounts receivable management and nancing operations.
Cforia offers Cforia Autonomy, a comprehensive solution that optimizes nancial
transactions at every stage. With visibility across currencies, languages,
businesses, and ERPs, Cforia empowers businesses to streamline and optimize
their accounts receivable processes. Their solution provides valuable insights for
effective nancial transaction management.
Invoiced is positioned as an aspirant in the accounts receivable application
market after thoroughly considering its product offerings, market presence,
and the impact of its solutions & services on end users. Invoiced, a prominent
player in accounts receivable applications, offers comprehensive solutions for
efcient invoicing and payment management. Their cloud-based platform enables
businesses to automate invoice generation, track payments, and provide flexible
payment options to customers. Invoiced empowers organizations to streamline
their accounts receivable processes, accelerate cash flow, and enhance customer
payment experiences.
The increased demand for digital transformation across various industries and the
need for streamlining nancial processes is expected to drive the growth of the
accounts receivable applications market. Additionally, the growing trend of AI, ML,
and NLP in accounts receivable applications is expected to fuel market growth as
it offers better accuracy, faster processing, and reduced errors. The competitive
landscape of the accounts receivable applications market is highly fragmented,
with vendors offering a wide range of solutions and services. Additionally,
partnerships, collaborations, and mergers & acquisitions are expected to be key
strategies adopted by vendors to strengthen their market position.
In conclusion, the global accounts receivable applications market is highly
competitive, with many strong players offering a range of innovative solutions.
To succeed in this market, vendors need to continually innovate and adapt to
evolving customer needs, leveraging advanced technologies such as machine
learning, articial intelligence, and automation to provide differentiated solutions.
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Key Competitive Factors and
Technology Dierentiators
While most accounts receivable application vendors provide comprehensive
functionalities to support various use cases, their technology and customer value
proposition may differ based on the customer size, industry vertical, geographical
markets, and organization-specic requirements. Some of the key competitive
factors and technology differentiators for an account receivable application
Integration, Interoperability & Scalability: The Organizations
work on various legacy enterprise software. Each platform/software
should be interconnected, as each software/platform has its unique
linkages and data sources. Accounts receivable application vendors
need to provide seamless integration with all the existing enterprise
software and remove the overlapping of information as an accounts
receivable cycle requires information from various system software
related to customer history, last communication, and customer prole.
In addition, the platform should ideally come with an open or no- code
API to ease the integration process and its operational value to nance,
accounting, collection, and other teams involved. Users should analyze
vendors based on their capability to offer a robust and flexible platform
structure, which could be scaled up based on the business requirement
and growth rate, highlighting the importance of scalability.
Maturity of Cloud Architecture: Many organizations are choosing
cloud-based deployment due to the evolution of digital and security
technologies, increasing penetration of internet and mobile devices
throughout the globe, and increased big data ingestion. Organizations
are required to manage multiple private clouds, public clouds, and
SaaS platforms to enable applications to run on the most appropriate
platform with an optimized customer experience. Users often prefer a
cloud-native architecture to gain advanced agility, flexibility, scalability,
and performance compared to traditional architecture applications.
Users should evaluate the vendor’s cloud architecture, along with its
ability to support a multi-cloud strategy, to improve the overall customer
ownership experience.
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The Sophistication of Real-time Analytics: Organizations’ nancial
health is dependent on a positive cash flow. Account receivable
vendors provide real-time analytics, updates, and prediction by using
various AI and ML algorithms. Organizations can use these real-time
insights to form operational, tactical, and strategic decisions. Users
should evaluate vendors based on their capability to provide strong
insights and predictions on the defaults and payment health of the
customers along with real-time remittance data in minute details. Users
should also look for vendors that provide a user- friendly dashboard
with a holistic view of the company’s cash flow and predict cash flow &
defaults, which has the capacity to be drill down deep into a particular
area of interest or a customer’s prole.
Self-Service Portal: With digitalizing, customers are no longer
dependent on companies to provide them with minute details. Instead,
they are expecting organizations to provide them with user- friendly
portals through which they can update their prole, make payments,
and download invoices and documents. Hence, accounts receivable
vendors are providing self-service portals and are focusing on increasing
the customer experience through various articial intelligence and
machine learning capabilities to keep up with the customers’ growing
needs & expectations. Users are advised to evaluate vendors based
on their ability to provide interactive UI and UX and various payment
Customer Connections: Customer connections can help to develop
strong relationships between companies and their customers.
Organizations should look for vendors who can offer features such
as automated reminders, personalized communications, and self-
service portals, accounts receivable applications which can provide
customers with a seamless and convenient experience, improving their
satisfaction and loyalty. Additionally, customer connection features
can help companies anticipate and address potential payment issues
before they become problems, reducing the risk of delinquencies or
disputes. Companies that prioritize customer connection can standout
form their competitors by demonstrating a commitment to customer
service and building long-term relationships with their clients.
Strong Partner Ecosystem: Organizations should evaluate vendors
on the lines of the strong partner ecosystem they offer which makes
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accounts receivable applications more efcient, as it can provide
customers with access to a wide range of complementary products
and services. By partnering with other organizations in the nancial
technology space, accounts receivable applications can offer features
such as payment processing, credit scoring, and data analytics that can
help customers optimize their nancial operations. Additionally, a strong
partner ecosystem can provide customers with access to experts in
specic areas, such as compliance or data security, helping them stay
up to date on industry best practices and regulations. Organizations
that have a robust partner ecosystem for their accounts receivable
applications can differentiate themselves by offering a comprehensive
solution that meets the unique needs of their customers.
Multilingual & Multicurrency Support: An organization that has
a global presence should look for vendors who offer Multilingual
and Multicurrency support. With these features, companies can
communicate with customers in their preferred language and currency,
which can help improve customer relationships and reduce errors in
payment processing. Additionally, these features can help streamline
the invoicing and payment process, reducing the risk of payment delays
or errors due to currency conversion issues. Companies that can offer
these capabilities in their accounts receivable applications are better
positioned to operate effectively in a global marketplace, maintain
strong customer relationships, and maximize cash flow.
User-Friendly Interface: A user-friendly interface can help streamline
processes and improve user productivity. With a well-designed
interface, users can easily access the information they need, perform
tasks efciently, and quickly resolve issues. This can help reduce
errors, improve communication with customers, and ultimately improve
cash flow. Additionally, a user-friendly interface can reduce the learning
curve for new users, improving adoption rates and reducing the need
for extensive training. Primarily, organizations should look for vendors
that prioritize user experience in their accounts receivable applications
that can differentiate themselves by offering a solution that is both
effective and easy to use, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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Dynamic Terms Discounting: Dynamic term discounting is a feature
that can serve as a signicant boost for businesses seeking to improve
their nancial management and customer relationships. By offering
customers discounts on their invoices based on the time remaining
until the due date, businesses can incentivize prompt payment, reduce
the risk of delinquent accounts, and improve cash flow. Accounts
receivable applications with dynamic term discounting can also
provide businesses with a competitive advantage by offering a flexible
payment option that enhances customer satisfaction and strengthens
relationships. By leveraging this innovative feature, businesses can set
themselves apart from competitors, drive revenue growth, and achieve
long-term success.
Maturity of AI & ML: Articial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)
are increasingly mature technologies that are being used to enhance
accounts receivable applications. With AI and ML, organizations can
more effectively manage their receivables, reduce delinquencies, and
improve cash flow. AI and ML can help identify patterns and trends in
customer payment behavior, flag high-risk accounts, and automate the
collections process. These technologies can also provide insights into
the effectiveness of credit and collection policies and help identify areas
for improvement. Therefore, it is suggested that organizations look for
vendors offering AI and ML in their accounts receivable application to
enhance their AR processes.
Digital & Legal Document Archiving: Digital and legal document
archiving can help organizations comply with regulatory requirements
and maintain accurate records of nancial transactions. With digital
archiving, organizations can store and access invoices, receipts, and
other nancial documents securely and centrally, reducing the risk
of loss or damage. Legal document archiving feature can also help
companies meet legal requirements for document retention. Therefore,
organizations should look for vendors who offer digital & legal document
archiving features that help organizations to operate more efciently,
reduce the risk of compliance issues, and maintain accurate records of
their nancial transactions over time.
Tool For Enterprise-Class Data Management: Tools for enterprise
data class management can help organizations organize and manage
their nancial data more effectively. With features such as data
classication, indexing, and search, accounts receivable applications
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can provide users with easy access to the information they need to make
informed decisions. Additionally, enterprise data class management
tools can help companies identify patterns and trends in their nancial
data, improving their ability to forecast cash flow and manage risks.
By offering these features, accounts receivable applications can
differentiate themselves by providing a comprehensive solution that
helps organizations manage their nancial operations more effectively
and efciently.
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SPARK Matrix™: Strategic
Performance Assessment and Ranking
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions’ SPARK Matrix provides a snapshot of the market
positioning of the key market participants. SPARK Matrix provides a visual
representation of market participants and provides strategic insights on how
each supplier ranks related to their competitors, concerning various performance
parameters based on the category of technology excellence and customer
impact. Quadrant’s Competitive Landscape Analysis is a useful planning guide
for strategic decision makings, such as nding M&A prospects, partnership,
geographical expansion, portfolio expansion, and similar others.
Each market participants are analyzed against several parameters of Technology
Excellence and Customer Impact. In each of the parameters (see charts), an
index is assigned to each supplier from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest). These ratings
are designated to each market participant based on the research ndings. Based
on the individual participant ratings, X and Y coordinate values are calculated.
These coordinates are nally used to make SPARK Matrix.
Evaluation Criteria: Technology Excellence
The sophistication of Technology: The ability to provide
comprehensive functional capabilities and product features,
technology innovations, product/platform architecture, and such
Competitive Differentiation Strategy: The ability to differentiate
from competitors through functional capabilities and/or innovations
and/or GTM strategy, customer value proposition, and such others.
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Application Diversity: The ability to demonstrate product deployment
for a range of industry verticals and/or multiple use cases.
Scalability: The ability to demonstrate that the solution supports
enterprise-grade scalability along with customer case examples.
Integration & Interoperability: The ability to offer a product and
technology solution that supports integration with multiple best-of-
breed technologies, provides prebuilt out-of-the-box integrations,
and open API support and services.
Vision & Roadmap: Evaluation of the vendor’s product strategy and
roadmap with the analysis of key planned enhancements to offer
superior products/technology and improve the customer ownership
Evaluation Criteria: Customer Impact
Product Strategy & Performance: Evaluation of multiple aspects
of product strategy and performance in terms of product availability,
price to performance ratio, excellence in GTM strategy, and other
product-specic parameters.
Market Presence: The ability to demonstrate revenue, client base,
and market growth along with a presence in various geographical
regions and industry verticals.
Proven Record: Evaluation of the existing client base from SMB, mid-
market and large enterprise segment, growth rate, and analysis of the
customer case studies.
Ease of Deployment & Use: The ability to provide superior
deployment experience to clients supporting flexible deployment
or demonstrate superior purchase, implementation, and usage
experience. Additionally, vendors’ products are analyzed to offer
user-friendly UI and ownership experience.
Customer Service Excellence: The ability to demonstrate vendors
capability to provide a range of professional services from consulting,
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training, and support. Additionally, the company’s service partner
strategy or system integration capability across geographical regions
is also considered.
Unique Value Proposition: The ability to demonstrate unique
differentiators driven by ongoing industry trends, industry
convergence, technology innovation, and such others.
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Figure: 2023 SPARK Matrix™
(Strategic Performance Assessment and Ranking)
Accounts Receivable Applications Market
SPARK Matrix™: Accounts Receivable
Applications Q2, 2023.
Strategic Performance Assessment and Ranking
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Following are the proles of the accounts receivable
applications vendors with a global impact. The
following vendor proles are written based on the
information provided by the vendor’s executives as
part of the research process. Quadrant research
team has also referred to the company’s website,
whitepapers, blogs, and other sources for writing
the prole. A detailed vendor prole and analysis
of all the vendors, along with various competitive
scenarios, are available as a custom research
deliverable to our clients. Users are advised to
directly speak to respective vendors for a more
comprehensive understanding of their technology
capabilities. Users are advised to consult Quadrant
Knowledge Solutions before making any purchase
decisions, regarding know your customer
technology and vendor selection based on research
ndings included in this research service.
Vendor ProlesVendor Proles
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Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, USA, Billtrust
is a nancial service provider that specializes in cloud-based software and
integrated payment processing. The company provides automated order-to-
cash solutions that meet diverse buyer requirements and speed cash application
through tailored invoice delivery, secure multi-channel payment enablement, and
intelligent matching and payment posting. In July 2020, Billtrust acquired Credit2B,
a provider of data & intelligence regarding credit & accounts receivable. The
acquisition enhanced Billtrust’s ability to offer credit risk and collections analytics
to its customers by leveraging the capabilities of Credit2B. Billtrust’s Account
Receivable Application (ARA) capabilities include electronic invoicing and billing,
credit risk management, cash application, payments, collection management, and
business payments network..
Analyst Perspective
Following is the analysis of Billtrust’s capabilities in the global Accounts Receivable
Application (ARA) market:
Billtrust offers an ARA that enables organizations to streamline
invoicing, payment processing, and collection workflow. Billtrusts
cloud-based AR platform accelerates order-to-cash cycles using
nancial expertise and automation, resulting in greater operational
efciency. The platform is also designed to integrate with various
accounting and ERP systems.
The electronic invoicing and billing capability of Billtrust enables
organizations to send automatic e-invoices to customers across
the globe using multiple channels. It maintains compliance with
government mandates by standardizing e-invoices globally. Billtrust’s
ARA credit management capability allows organizations to monitor
credit risk changes and conduct frequent portfolio analyses to check
& alert in case of major credit events.
Billtrust’s ARA provides cash application capability to accelerate
digital payments through integration with multiple customer accounts’
payable portals. It also helps retrieve decoupled ACH remittances
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For Citation, [email protected]
to resolve possible disputes. Digital payments are monitored with
a digital lockbox, a capability within cash applications that captures
and standardizes decoupled remittance data and helps improve
cash flow. Billtrust ARA collections management capability provides
organizations with cash forecasting through AI that helps to identify
when a customer will pay an invoice based on past payment activity
and predict cash flow and possible resolution plan to clear outstanding
Billtrust ARA provides a fully brandable payment portal which
minimizes fraud. It provides flexibility for customers to pay through the
preferred channels. Billtrust ARA business payment network saves
fees that are wasted while paying with a credit card and captures
insights from customers’ invoices. It automates acceptance policies
such as inclusion lists and payment within terms, thus removing the
required manual inquiries.
The company’s key differentiators include its scalability and Advanced
AI integration. Billtrust’s ARA is highly scalable, making it suitable for
businesses of all sizes. AI-integrated accounts receivable application
provides valuable insights into customers, which is benecial for
future decisions when solving complex transactions.
Some of the top use cases of Billtrust’s ARA offering consist of an
increase in the number of electronic card transactions, automatic
routing of transactions, decrease in the card processing rates,
reduction in reconciliation time, customized solution with cross-
border payment, and an all-in-one payment platform for credit’s
multiple payment needs.
In terms of geographical presence, Billtrust has a presence in North
America and Europe. The company holds a strong customer base
across various verticals, such as transportation, heavy machinery
& equipment, manufacturing, technology, legal, stafng, business &
professional services, and medical & equipment supplies.
Billtrust encounters various market dynamics and competition
that are prevalent in the industry. The emergence of vendors with
innovative technology solutions, as well as niche vendors catering to
specic segments of the account receivable market, has intensied
the competitive landscape. These competitors have successfully
gained a notable market share, particularly among large enterprise
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For Citation, [email protected]
organizations, and have become attractive targets for mergers and
Nonetheless, Billtrust remains well-positioned to navigate these
challenges and maintain its global market share. The company’s
extensive range of features, bolstered by impressive customer
testimonials, underscores its commitment to delivering exceptional
value to its clients. With a compelling value proposition, Billtrust has
the potential not only to retain its existing customer base but also to
expand its market presence.
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For Citation, [email protected]
Research Methodologies
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions uses a comprehensive approach to conduct global
market outlook research for various technologies. Quadrant’s research approach
provides our analysts with the most effective framework to identify market and
technology trends and helps in formulating meaningful growth strategies for our
clients. All the sections of our research report are prepared with a considerable
amount of time and thought process before moving on to the next step. Following
is the brief description of the major sections of our research methodologies.
Secondary Research
Following are the major sources of information for conducting secondary research:
Quadrant’s Internal Database
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions maintains a proprietary database in several
technology marketplaces. This database provides our analyst with an adequate
foundation to kick- start the research project. This database includes information
from the following sources:
Annual reports and other nancial reports
Industry participant lists
Published secondary data on companies and their products
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Database of market sizes and forecast data for different market
Major market and technology trends
Literature Research
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions leverages on several magazine subscriptions
and other publications that cover a wide range of subjects related to technology
research. We also use the extensive library of directories and Journals on various
technology domains. Our analysts use blog posts, whitepapers, case studies,
and other literature published by major technology vendors, online experts, and
industry news publications.
Inputs from Industry Participants
Quadrant analysts collect relevant documents such as whitepaper, brochures,
case studies, price lists, datasheet, and other reports from all major industry
Primary Research
Quadrant analysts use a two-step process for conducting primary research that
helps us in capturing meaningful and most accurate market information. Below is
the two-step process of our primary research:
Market Estimation: Based on the top-down and bottom-up approach, our analyst
analyses all industry participants to estimate their business in the technology
market for various market segments. We also seek information and verication of
client business performance as part of our primary research interviews or through
a detailed market questionnaire. The Quadrant research team conducts a detailed
analysis of the comments and inputs provided by the industry participants.
Client Interview: Quadrant analyst team conducts a detailed telephonic
interview of all major industry participants to get their perspectives of the current
and future market dynamics. Our analyst also gets their rst-hand experience
with the vendor’s product demo to understand their technology capabilities, user
experience, product features, and other aspects. Based on the requirements,
Quadrant analysts interview with more than one person from each of the market
participants to verify the accuracy of the information provided. We typically engage
with client personnel in one of the following functions:
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Strategic Marketing Management
Product Management
Product Planning
Planning & Strategy
Feedback from Channel Partners and End Users
Quadrant research team research with various sales channel partners, including
distributors, system integrators, and consultants to understand the detailed
perspective of the market. Our analysts also get feedback from end-users from
multiple industries and geographical regions to understand key issues, technology
trends, and supplier capabilities in the technology market.
Data Analysis:
Market Forecast & Competition Analysis
Quadrant’s analysts’ team gathers all the necessary information from secondary
research and primary research to a computer database. These databases are then
analyzed, veried, and cross-tabulated in numerous ways to get the right picture
of the overall market and its segments. After analyzing all the market data, industry
trends, market trends, technology trends, and key issues, we prepare preliminary
market forecasts. This preliminary market forecast is tested against several market
scenarios, economic most accurate forecast scenario for the overall market and
its segments.
In addition to market forecasts, our team conducts a detailed review of industry
participants to prepare competitive landscape and market positioning analysis for
the overall market as well as for various market segments.
SPARK Matrix:
Strategic Performance Assessment and Ranking
Quadrant Knowledge Solutions’ SPARK Matrix provides a snapshot of the market
positioning of the key market participants. SPARK Matrix representation provides
a visual representation of market participants and provides strategic insights on
how each supplier ranks in comparison to their competitors, concerning various
performance parameters based on the category of technology excellence and
customer impact.
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For Citation, [email protected]
Final Report Preparation
After nalization of market analysis and forecasts, our analyst prepares necessary
graphs, charts, and table to get further insights and preparation of the nal
research report. Our nal research report includes information including market
forecast; competitive analysis; major market & technology trends; market drivers;
vendor proles, and such others.
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For Citation, [email protected]
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